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Ip-802 Ip-1602 - Austin Hughes




Combo DB-15 KVM Combo DB-15 IP KVM Benefits IP-802 IP-1602 Combo DB-15 KVM with either 8 or 16 ports in 1U IP remote access across the world wide web Cascade switches up to 8 levels & Mix switches between Cat6 & Combo DB-15 KVM Support resolution up to 1920 x 1080 SUN 1152 x 900 resolution compatible Mix PS/2, USB & SUN with Multi-Platform switch capability Cost efficient remote server management between national / global sites Switch Features & Options Loca IP-802 e Cascade IP-1602 Ordering Information Console Local Remote 1 0 1 8-port 16-port IP-802 IP-1602 KVM Specification KVM Port of ports: Regulatory Safety: 8 or 16 : Connector: Connectivity: Environmental Local Console Operating temperature : 0 Graphic Connector: Storage temperature : : Input device: Up to 1920 x 1080 / 1920 x 1200 mouse 2 x USB type for to 55°C degree -20 to 60°C degree Operating humidity : non-condensing Storage humidity : non-condensing : IP Remote Console : Connector: User management: Shoc : 15-user 1 x active user 10G tion : tion (11ms duration) 5 500Hz 1G DHCP / BOOTP / DNS Security: Product Information Up to 1600 x 1200 Expansion: Up to 128 servers Dimension (W x D x H) : v Compatibility Packing Information : Dimension (W x D x H) : Gross OS Support : Power Input: Option DC: Consumption: g / g / 5 cascade 12 DC input 19W t: g / 8 g / 9 KVM port connection USB Servers CE - 6 / 10 / 15 Combo KVM cable support PS/2 or USB server DB-15 Combo KVM port CE-6 / CE-10 / CE-15 Ŷ Ŷ 6 / 10 / 15 ft Combo KVM cable Support PS/2 or USB server CE - 6 / 10 / 15 Combo KVM cable support PS/2 or USB server PS/2 Servers USB Servers IP & Local console connection IP Console Resolution Support Local USB console Inter net Network device hub or router CAT 5 / 6 cable max. 100m Copyright 2016 Austin Hughes Electronics Ltd. All rights reserved. PS-CV-751-IPKVM-Q116V1 Frequency ( Hz ) 1600 x 1200 60 1280 x 1024 60 1280 x 960 60 1152 x 864 75 1024 x 768 60 / 70 / 75 KVM Cascade Ŷ Ŷ &DVFDGH XS WR  OHYHOV  VHUYHUV &DVFDGLQJ PXOWLSOH .90 ZLWK &%& FDVFDGH FDEOH Master KVM Cascade To console VGA port CV-S801 Slave KVM level 2 Slave KVM CV-S801 level 3 Up to Level 8 Cascaded KVMs from level 2 to 8 must be the models of CV-S801 / CV-S1601. When multiple combo DB-15 KVMs cascade together, the master KVM at level 1 will take all control of other slave KVM switches (e.g. level 2 to 8). CBC-6 Ŷ IW &RPER .90 FDVFDGH FDEOH For detailed product specifications and options, please download the user manual from the link below : 7KHFRPSDQ\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPRGLI\SURGXFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQVZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFHDQGDVVXPHVQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\HUURU ZKLFKPD\DSSHDULQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ$OOEUDQGQDPHVORJRDQGUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVDUHSURSHUWLHVRIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUV Combo DB-15 2-console KVM Combo DB-15 2-console KVM Benefits CV-802 CV-1602 Combo DB-15 KVM with either 8 or 16 ports in 1U Remote access up to 150 meters Cascade switches up to 8 levels & Mix switches between Cat6 & Combo DB-15 KVM Support resolution up to 1920 x 1080 SUN 1152 x 900 resolution compatible Mix PS/2, USB & SUN with Multi-Platform switch capability Cost efficient remote server management between user & equipment rooms within the building Switch Features & Options Multi lingual on screen display menu Advanced user profiles and configurable OSD hot key combinations DC power options : 12V / 24V / 48V / 110 ~ 125V Local Console Remote CV-802 Cascade CV-1602 Ordering Information Console Local Remote 1 1 0 8-port 16-port CV-802 CV-1602 KVM Specification KVM Port Number of ports: 8 or 16 Regulatory Safety: Connector: DB-15 combo connector Environment: Connectivity: Combo 4-in-1 KVM cable, up to 6, 10 & 15 feet Environmental Local Console Operating temperature : 0 Graphic Connector: 1 x DB-15 VGA Storage temperature : Resolution: Input device: Up to 1920 x 1080 / 1920 x 1200 2 x USB type A for keyboard & mouse Operating humidity : 20~90%, non-condensing Storage humidity : 5 ~90%, non-condensing Operating altitude : 16,000 ft Remote Console cUL, FCC & CE certified RoHS2 & REACH compliant to 55°C degree -20 to 60°C degree Non-operating altitude : 40,000 ft Connector: 1 x DB 15-pin, VGA Shock : 10G acceleration (11ms duration) Resolution: Up to 1600 x 1200 Vibration : 5~500Hz 1G RMS random vibration Input device: 2 x USB type A for keyboard & mouse Remote I/O: RJ45 via Cat5 / Cat5e / Cat6 cable up to 150m Compensation: Auto adjust for cable length Expansion: Up to 128 servers by 8-level cascade Product Information Dimension (W x D x H) : 443 x 171 x 44 mm / 17.4 x 6.7 x 1.73 inch Net weight : Compatibility Hardware : OS Support : 2.3 kg / 5.1 lb ( CV-802 ) 2.5 kg / 5.5 lb ( CV-1602 ) Packing Information HP / IBM / Dell PC, Server and Blade Server SUN / Mac Windows / Linux / Unix / Mac OS Dimension (W x D x H) : 500 x 400 x 90 mm / 19.7 x 15.7 x 3.5 inch Gross weight : Power Input: Auto sensing 100 to 240VAC, 50 / 60 Hz Option DC: 12V / 24V / 48V / 110 ~ 125V DC input Consumption: Max. 13W he company reserves the right to modify product speci cations without prior notice and assumes no responsibility for any error which may appear in this publication. All brand names, logo and registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners. 3.8 kg / 8.4 lb ( CV-802 ) 4.1 kg / 9 lb ( CV-1602 ) KVM port connection USB Servers CE - 6 / 10 / 15 Combo KVM cable support PS/2 or USB server DB-15 Combo KVM port CE-6 / CE-10 / CE-15 Ŷ Ŷ 6 / 10 / 15 ft Combo KVM cable Support PS/2 or USB server CE - 6 / 10 / 15 Combo KVM cable support PS/2 or USB server PS/2 Servers USB Servers Remote & Local console connection Remote Console Resolution Support Local USB console Remote Cat6 Console Receiver Remote USB console CAT 5 / 6 cable max. 150m Copyright 2016 Austin Hughes Electronics Ltd. All rights reserved. PS-CV-751-2KVM-Q116V1 Frequency ( Hz ) 1600 x 1200 60 1440 x 900 60 1280 x 1024 60 1280 x 960 60 1152 x 864 75 1024 x 768 60 / 70 / 75 KVM Cascade Ŷ&DVFDGHXSWROHYHOVVHUYHUV Ŷ&DVFDGLQJPXOWLSOH.90ZLWK&%&FDVFDGHFDEOH Master KVM Cascade To console VGA port CV-S801 Slave KVM level 2 Slave KVM CV-S801 level 3 Up to Level 8 Cascaded KVMs from level 2 to 8 must be the models of CV-S801 / CV-S1601. When multiple combo DB-15 KVMs cascade together, the master KVM at level 1 will take all control of other slave KVM switches (e.g. level 2 to 8). CBC-6 Ŷ IW&RPER.90FDVFDGHFDEOH For detailed product specifications and options, please download the user manual from the link below : 7KHFRPSDQ\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPRGLI\SURGXFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQVZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFHDQGDVVXPHVQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\HUURU ZKLFKPD\DSSHDULQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ$OOEUDQGQDPHVORJRDQGUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVDUHSURSHUWLHVRIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUV Combo DB-15 KVM Combo DB-15 KVM Benefits CV-S801 CV-S1601 Combo DB-15 KVM with either 8 or 16 ports in 1U Cascade switches up to 8 levels & Mix switches between Cat6 & Combo DB-15 KVM Mix PS/2, USB & SUN with Multi-Platform switch capability Support resolution up to 1920 x 1080 SUN 1152 x 900 resolution compatible Hot pluggable, no software or drivers required Easy & quick installation Switch Features & Options Multi lingual on screen display menu Advanced user profiles and configurable OSD hot key combinations DC power options : 12V / 24V / 48V / 110 ~ 125V Local Console Power CV-S801 Cascade CV-S1601 Ordering Information Console Local Remote 1 0 0 8-port 16-port CV-S801 CV-S1601 KVM Specification KVM Port Number of ports: 8 or 16 Connector: DB-15 combo connector Connectivity: Combo 4-in-1 KVM cable, up to 6, 10 & 15 feet Graphic Connector: 1 x DB-15 VGA Resolution: Input device: Up to 1920 x 1080 / 1920 x 1200 2 x USB type A for keyboard & mouse Management Hotkey combination: English, France, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Japanese Scroll-lock, Cap-lock, Num-lock, Alt, Ctrl & Win Security: PC Selection: Front button, OSD menu & hotkey Expansion: Up to 128 servers by 8-level cascade Compatibility OS Support : RoHS2 & REACH compliant Environmental Storage temperature : to 55°C degree -20 to 60°C degree Operating humidity : 20~90%, non-condensing Storage humidity : 5 ~90%, non-condensing Operating altitude : 16,000 ft Non-operating altitude : 40,000 ft Shock : 10G acceleration (11ms duration) Vibration : 5~500Hz 1G RMS random vibration Product Information port access Hardware : cUL, FCC & CE certified Environment: Operating temperature : 0 Local Console Multilingual OSD: Regulatory Safety: Dimension (W x D x H) : 443 x 171 x 44 mm / 17.4 x 6.7 x 1.73 inch Net weight : 2.4 kg / 5.3 lb ( CV-S801 ) 2.6 kg / 5.7 lb ( CV-S1601 ) Packing Information HP / IBM / Dell PC, Server and Blade Server SUN / Mac Windows / Linux / Unix / Mac OS Dimension (W x D x H) : 500 x 400 x 90 mm / 19.7 x 15.7 x 3.5 inch Gross weight : Power Input: Auto sensing 100 to 240VAC, 50 / 60 Hz Option DC: 12V / 24V / 48V / 110 ~ 125V DC input Consumption: Max. 11W which may appear in this publication. All brand names, logo and registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners. 3.9 kg / 8.6 lb ( CV-S801 ) 4.2 kg / 9.2 lb ( CV-S1601 ) KVM port connection USB Servers CE - 6 / 10 / 15 Combo KVM cable support PS/2 or USB server DB-15 Combo KVM port CE-6 / CE-10 / CE-15 Ŷ Ŷ 6 / 10 / 15 ft Combo KVM cable Support PS/2 or USB server CE - 6 / 10 / 15 Combo KVM cable support PS/2 or USB server PS/2 Servers USB Servers For detailed product specifications and options, please download the user manual from the link below : KVM Cascade Ŷ Ŷ Cascade up to 8 levels, 128 servers Cascading multiple KVM with CBC-6 cascade cable. Master KVM Cascade To console VGA port CV-S801 Slave KVM level 2 Slave KVM CV-S801 level 3 Up to Level 8 Cascaded KVMs from level 2 to 8 must be the models of CV-S801 / CV-S1601. When multiple combo DB-15 KVMs cascade together, the master KVM at level 1 will take all control of other slave KVM switches (e.g. level 2 to 8). CBC-6 Ŷ 6ft Combo KVM cascade cable Copyright 2016 Austin Hughes Electronics Ltd. All rights reserved. PS-CV-751-SKVM-Q116V1