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Jd501 Manual




JD501 Single-Channel Joulemeter Digitizer JD501 Single-Channel Joulemeter Digitizer Reference Guide JD501 Reference Guide Revised September 2001 Published by Molectron Detector, Incorporated 7470 SW Bridgeport Road Portland, OR 97224 Phone: 800.366.4340 or 503.620.9069 Fax: 503.620.8964 © 2001 by Molectron Detector, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any form or by any means without permission of the publisher. Document Number: QD-19.14 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information ................................................................................................ 1 Description ................................................................................................................................. 1 Firmware .................................................................................................................................... 1 Safety Information ..................................................................................................................... 2 Features ..................................................................................................................... 3 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................. 3 Power In Connector ............................................................................................................... 3 RS-232 Connector ................................................................................................................. 4 IEEE-488 Connector .............................................................................................................. 4 Analog Out Connector ............................................................................................................ 4 Sync Out Connector ............................................................................................................... 4 Front Panel ................................................................................................................................. 5 Trig In Connector ................................................................................................................... 5 Reset ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Power LED ............................................................................................................................ 5 Signal In Connector ................................................................................................................ 5 Configuration Switches ........................................................................................................... 6 Communication Switches ........................................................................................................ 7 Example Switch Settings ........................................................................................................... 9 Command Language Structure ............................................................................... 11 Analog Settings .......................................................................................................................... 11 Output Control ........................................................................................................................... 12 Output Data Structure ............................................................................................................... 15 12-Bit Data Structure (2 Consecutive Bytes) ........................................................................... 16 8-Bit Data Structure (1 Byte) .................................................................................................. 16 Time Stamp Structure (3 Consecutive Bytes) ........................................................................... 17 Status Response Structure (2 Consecutive Bytes) .................................................................... 17 Raw Data Structure (10 Consecutive Bytes) ............................................................................ 18 Version Number Response Structure (3 Consecutive Bytes) .................................................... 20 JD501APS Application Program ............................................................................ 21 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 21 Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................................... 21 Starting the Program .................................................................................................................. 21 Real-Time Display of Data - Live Mode ................................................................................. 22 Key Presses in Live Mode ........................................................................................................ 23 Modifying the Data Windows ................................................................................................... 24 Clearing and Zooming ................................................................................................................ 24 User Commands Through the Menu System ........................................................................... 25 Top Bar - File Menu ............................................................................................................... 26 File > Analyze File .................................................................................................................. 27 Top Bar - Display Menu ......................................................................................................... 31 Top Bar - Control Menu ......................................................................................................... 34 Top Bar - Setup Menu ............................................................................................................ 35 Maintenance, Service, & Calibration .................................................................... 37 Instrument Calibration and Service .......................................................................................... 37 Specifications ............................................................................................................ 39 Appendix A - Command Byte Interpretations ....................................................... 41 Appendix B - Sample Program ............................................................................... 47 Appendix C - Declaration of Conformity ............................................................... 49 General Information GENERAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Molectron JD501 is a single-channel Joulemeter digitizer which can read any Molectron joulemeter probe and transmit pulse energy data at up to 450 Hz via GPIB, or 600 Hz via RS-232. It is a peak-reading voltmeter with automatic baseline drift compensation. The JD501 does not have a visible display, nor can the settings be changed from the front panel during operation. Initial setting are selected at power up with DIP switches. Readings from the JD501 must be acquired either from the Analog Out connector on the back panel, or through one of the digital communication ports (RS-232 or GPIB). The analog output provides a 0-2 VDC signal, with a unity gain on the 2-volt range, e.g., if a 1.20 volt peak is read on the 2-volt scale, the analog output will be at 1.20 volts. The analog out has a gain of 0.1, 10, 100, and 1000 on the 20 V, 200 mV, 20 mV, and 2 mV ranges, respectively. The JD501 gives readings in absolute volts only, so the conversion to joules based on the probe responsivity must done in the software of the host computer or by some other means. FIRMWARE JD501 firmware Version 2.12—internal to the JD501 unit—adds several new features, including a three-byte Time Stamp. This new version requires the latest JD501APS Version 1.0 (the released version shipped with this unit). It also requires updating any PC-based software that you have developed to take advantage of the new data format. Earlier versions of JD501APS software (IBM PC program) were pre-release versions issued for the convenience of customers that don’t have in-house programming capability. JD501APS Version 1.0 works with JD501 Version 2.12 firmware (the EPROM chip inside the JD501 unit). Pre-release JD501APS software (dated before 12-20-93) works only with JD501 firmware Version 2.02 or lower. To verify which version of JD501APS program you have, check the date of the JD501.EXE file on your hard drive or floppy disk. If the date is before 12-20-93, the JD501APS is pre-release. JD501 Reference Guide 1 General Information SAFETY INFORMATION Review this safety information carefully to avoid personal injury, and to prevent damage to this instrument or any instrument connected to it. There are no user-serviceable parts in the JD501. For service, please refer to the Maintenance, Service, & Calibration chapter, later in this guide. This guide uses two terms to describe hazardous conditions: Warning and Caution. Warning indicates serious injury or death may occur. Caution indicates possible damage to equipment. • Use only the power cord specified for the instrument. The grounding conductor of the cord must be connected to earth ground. • Do not operate the instrument if its panels are removed or any of the interior circuitry is exposed. • Do not operate the instrument in wet or damp conditions, or in an explosive atmosphere. • • • • • 2 Operate the instrument only within the specified voltage range. Do not apply a voltage outside the specified range of the input connections. Use only the fuse type and rating specified for the instrument. Provide proper instrument ventilation, particularly near the ventilation slots in the back. Do not operate the instrument if there are suspected failures. Refer damaged units to qualified Molectron service personnel. JD501 Reference Guide Features FEATURES REAR PANEL Rear Panel POWER IN CONNECTOR The polarized 5-pin Power In connector mates with the DC cable from the JD501 power supply. JD501 Reference Guide 3 Features RS-232 CONNECTOR The DB9S RS-232 connector mates with a standard IBM AT-compatible 9-pin serial communication cable according to the following connections: 1 = DCD 2 = Rx 3 = Tx 4 = DTR 5 = GND 6 = DSR 7 = RTS 8 = CTS 9 = RI Use straight-through connections, not a null modem cable. Hardware handshaking is not implemented. DSR is jumpered to DTR, and CTS is jumpered to RTS inside the JD501. IEEE-488 CONNECTOR The IEEE-488 Connector mates with a standard GPIB cable. ANALOG OUT CONNECTOR The Analog Out BNC provides 0 to 2 VDC output into loads ≥ 600 W. The signal represents the input pulse amplitude. The Analog Out is updated for each pyroelectric pulse and has a throughput delay of ≤ 300 µs after the peak of the input signal. SYNC OUT CONNECTOR The Sync Out BNC allows other devices to be triggered synchronously from a JD501. The Sync Out provides a TTL-compatible rising edge 50 to 200 µs after the internal trigger event. The sync pulse duration varies depending on the probe waveform risetime. The Sync Out can be enabled or disabled under software control. 4 JD501 Reference Guide Features FRONT PANEL Front panel TRIG IN CONNECTOR The external Trigger Input BNC receives a TTL-compatible trigger signal from a source other than the pyroelectric probe, such as a trigger output from a pulsed laser. It is optically isolated and operates on a rising edge. RESET Immediately resets the JD501. POWER LED The Power LED indicates that the JD501 is powered up. SIGNAL IN CONNECTOR The Signal In BNC connects to a pyroelectric laser energy probe. The probe input impedence is permanently set to 1 MΩ. Note: When using J3-, J3S-, or J4-type probes, connect the Molectron-supplied 50 Ω terminator (Molectron part # 2102-0090) between the probe and the input connector. Probes that require a 1 MΩ impedance (most other probe types), do not require the 50 Ω terminator. Instead, connect the probe directly to the input connector. JD501 Reference Guide 5 Features CONFIGURATION SWITCHES Configuration Switches During operation, the settings of the instrument may be changed only by commands sent through a communication port. However, when the instrument is powered up, the DIP switches on the front panel are read to select the initial instrument settings. By default, data sending is “On” at power-up. This allows using a “dumb” terminal or other passive receiving system to acquire data from the JD501 without sending any commands. The initial settings can be controlled with the front panel DIP switches as shown in the following tables: Gain Code (Config Switches 1, 2 and 3) #1 Off On Off On Off On Off On #2 Off Off On On Off Off On On #3 Off Off Off Off On On On On = = = = = = = = 2 mV range 2 mV range 20 V range 2 V range 200 mV range 20 mV range 2 mV range 2 mV range Note: The 20 V range has 1/10 the sensitivity of the 2 V scale. However, pulses greater than 10 V will not be accurately read. Probe Speed (Config Switch 4) Off On = Fast (J3, J3S, J25HR, J50HR) = Slow (J25, J50, J4, J9LP ) Probe Termination (Config Switch 5) Off On 6 = 50 W (J3, J3S, J4) = 1 MW (J25, J50, J25HR, J50HR) JD501 Reference Guide Features Trigger Selection (Config Switch 6) Off On = External = Internal With internal trigger selected, the JD501 will take a reading whenever a pulse appears at the input with a magnitude of at least 5% of the current full scale. For external triggering, the JD501 will take a reading following a positive going TTL level edge on the Trig In BNC. An external trigger must not occur after the laser pulse hits the probe, but may be issued up to 250 µs before the pulse. Note: If the external trigger is too soon before the laser pulse, “dropouts” (sporadic near-zero readings) can result. Data Width (Config Switch 7) Off On = 12 bits = 8 bits This switch sets the resolution of the transmitted data. Each 12-bit data transmission requires 2 bytes, while 8-bit data requires 1 byte. Long Pulse (Config Switch 8) On Off = Long mode = Normal Special probes for laser pulses of 1 ms or longer require the Long Pulse mode for improved accuracy. COMMUNICATION SWITCHES Baud Rate/GPIB Device Number (Comm Switches 1, 2, 3, and 4) The function of Comm switches 1, 2, 3, and 4 depends on whether the JD501 has an enabled RS-232 port, or an enabled GPIB port. For information about selecting a port, refer to “Port Select (Comm Switches 5 and 6),” later in this section. JD501 Reference Guide 7 Features If the GPIB is selected, these switches are used to select the GPIB address: #1 Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off On #2 Off Off On On Off Off On On Off Off On On Off Off On On #3 Off Off Off Off On On On On Off Off Off Off On On On On #4 Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On On On On On On On On Addr =0 =1 =2 =3 =4 =5 =6 =7 =8 =9 = 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 If the serial port is active, switch 4 is ignored and switches 1, 2 and 3 select the baud rate. #1 Off On Off On Off On Off On #2 Off Off On On Off Off On On #3 Off Off Off Off On On On On = = = = = = = = 300 baud 1200 baud 2400 baud 4800 baud 9600 baud 19,200 baud 19,200 baud 19,200 baud Only the baud rate is adjustable for the RS-232 port. The other parameters are: parity = None stop bits = 1 data bits = 8 Port Select (Comm Switches 5 and 6) #5 Off On Off On #6 Off Off On On = no ports active = RS-232 serial port active = GPIB active = invalid The “no ports active” case can be used only if the analog output signal is of interest. To reduce overhead loading on the processor, only one communication port (GPIB or RS-232) at a time is allowed to be active. 8 JD501 Reference Guide Features Analog Output Enable (Comm Switch 7) Off On = Analog Output disabled = Analog Output enabled To achieve maximum rep rate performance, Analog Output should be disabled if not needed. Note: Config Switch 8 is not used. EXAMPLE SWITCH SETTINGS To set the JD501 for a J25 probe (slow, 1 MΩ), 200 mV range using the GPIB on address 7 with 12bit data and external triggering, use these settings: Config Comm Off On Off On On On On Off On Off Off On Off Off — — where “—” indicates the setting is immaterial. To set the JD501 for a J3-09 probe (fast, 50 Ω), 20 mV range using RS-232 at 4800 baud, 8-bit data, and internal triggering, with analog output enabled: Config Comm On On Off On On Off Off — Off On On Off On On — — where “—” indicates the setting is immaterial. JD501 Reference Guide 9 Features 10 JD501 Reference Guide Command Language Structure COMMAND LANGUAGE STRUCTURE The JD501 uses a single byte with a bit-mapped structure for all commands. No message terminator is used, so each command is processed immediately. The commands fall into two categories: analog data acquisition settings, and output control. The most significant bit in the command byte selects whether the other seven bits are interpreted as analog settings (bit 7 = 0) or output control (bit 7 = 1). The bit mapped structure of the analog setting commands is shown first. Note: All the analog functions are set simultaneously. Changing just one parameter is usually done using bitwise logical operations on a control byte that your application sends to the JD501. For a list of the effects of any of the 256 possible command bytes, refer to Appendix A, Command Byte Interpretations. ANALOG SETTINGS 7 =0 6 5 data trigger width source Bits 0-2: gain code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 3 probe term probe speed 2 1 0 ------- gain code ------- = (4 x bit 2) + (2 x bit 1) + bit 0 = ignored = 2 mV = 20 mV = 200 mV =2V = 20 V = ignored = ignored Values of 0, 6, or 7 cause the entire command to be ignored. Note: The 20 V range actually will not read pulses greater than 10 V. However full scale for that range is referred to as 20 V because the gain is 1/10 the 2 V range. Bit 3: probe speed 0 = Slow 1 = Fast Set bit 3 to fast for chrome coated probes and slow for black painted probes. JD501 Reference Guide 11 Command Language Structure Bit 4: probe termination 0 = 1 MΩ 1 = 50 Ω Set bit 4 to 1 MΩ for passive probes and 50 Ω for powered probes (J3 and J4 only). Bit 5: trigger source 0 = Internal 1 = External Bit 6: data width 0 = 8 bits 1 = 12 bits OUTPUT CONTROL Bit 7: must = 0 to achieve analog setting 7 6 =1 5 4 ------- not used ------- 3 2 1 0 ----------- control code ----------- Bits 0-3: control code = (8 x bit 3)+(4 x bit 2)+(2 x bit 1)+(bit 0) 0 = Send Status Useful for initializing a program interfacing the JD501. Two bytes are issued: the first is a hexadecimal FE to distinguish the status reply from the data stream (FE can never appear as a data byte since that would be overrange, and overrange is signaled with FF), and the second byte is identical to the analog setting command byte which would produce the current instrument settings. The settings may be found by logically processing the bit structure of the status byte, or by referring to Appendix A, Command Byte Interpretations. 1 = Time Stamp On Send timing data. A two-byte time tag is transmitted with each reading, giving the trigger time in milliseconds. Time readings cannot be sent without pulse voltage data, i.e., turning Sender Off stops Time Stamp data as well. 2 = Time Stamp Off Stop including timing data with readings. 12 JD501 Reference Guide Command Language Structure 3 = Sender On Send reading on every pulse, including the time tag, if the Time Stamp is also on. In GPIB mode, the JD501 sends all pulses that occur while it is addressed to talk. In RS-232 mode, data is always transmitted; this could overflow the serial buffer on your computer unless you issue Sender Off before your program stops reading the serial port. If the pulse rep rate and number of bytes per pulse exceed the baud rate limitations, some pulses may be skipped. In that case the missed pulse bit will be set in the next reading (if 12-bit data is active). At 9600 baud, slightly over a millisecond per byte is required, so 12-bit data can be transmitted at almost 500 Hz. With time stamp added, this drops to about 250 Hz. 4 = Sender Off Stop sending readings. In GPIB mode, it is not necessary to turn Sender Off when your application is not taking readings. Triggers which occur while the JD501 is not addressed to talk will be discarded, with the most recent trigger data always being placed in the buffer for the Query command. In RS232 mode the data is always immediately transmitted. However, because there is no hardware or software flow control for RS-232, the serial buffer on your PC may overflow unless Sender Off is issued when your application is not taking readings. 5 = ARM Instruct the JD501 to send the next reading and then stop processing triggers. If Analog Out is on, then the Analog Out connector holds the level corresponding to the next pulse (even when more pulses follow). The JD501 holds the level until Sender On, Sender Off, or Arm is issued to cause updating. If Sender is on, it will be turned off by Arm. The Arm command causes a trigger inhibit state after the first trigger following the Arm command. To restore the JD501 to normal triggering, you must issue either the Sender On or Sender Off commands. In RS-232 mode, the reading is transmitted immediately after the first trigger following the Arm command. In GPIB mode, the JD501 acquires the first pulse after the Arm command, and then waits until it is addressed to talk. At that time it transmits the reading and then waits for the next command (not processing triggers). While the JD501 is waiting to be addressed to talk in GPIB mode after an Arm command and trigger have occurred, the JD501 is unable to respond to any commands until the data is sent. However, if an Arm command has been sent but no trigger has occurred, new commands are processed normally. The Arm command permits multiple JD501s on a GPIB network to be simultaneously set to acquire a single pulse, after which their readings can be obtained one at a time. When all readings are obtained, the Arm command is again broadcast to the JD501s to continue data acquisition. There is about a four millisecond overhead to address talkers and listeners on the GPIB, so with two JD501s there is a limit of about 80 Hz for data acquisition (4 ms for the Arm command, 4 ms to read each JD501). However, valid data can still be obtained with pulsed sources up to 200 Hz JD501 Reference Guide 13 Command Language Structure (pulses occurring during the read operations before the next Arm is issued will not be processed). At rep rates above 200 Hz, timing variations between the asynchronous JD501s allow a few percent possibility of acquiring different pulses. A programming example of using the Arm command to take two-channel pulse readings is given in Appendix B, Sample Program. 6 = Query Send the most recent previous reading. In the case of RS-232, this is sent immediately. For GPIB, the JD501 waits (i.e., stops processing pulses) to be addressed to talk, and then sends the reading. If Sender is on, then Query will turn it off. Query does not affect the trigger inhibit resulting from a prior Arm command. After a Query in GPIB mode, the JD501 does not process further commands until it is addressed to talk and has sent the data. 7 = Sync On Activate the Sync BNC connector to issue a pulse each time the JD501 is triggered. The pulse width is variable and typically ranges from 50 to 200 µs. 8 = Sync Off Stop issuing Sync Out pulses, and slightly reduces processor overhead. 9 = Analog On Updates the Analog Out connector with each pulse acquisition, except that the Arm command causes a reading to be held. 10 = Analog Off Stop updating the analog out connector with pulse readings and slightly reduces processor overhead. 11 = Raw Data Mode On Start sending data in Raw Data mode. This mode is normally not needed but provides a useful function while using slow probes at faster rep rates. 12 = Raw Data Mode Off Stop sending data in Raw Data mode. 13 = Long Pulse Mode On Start processing pulses in Long Pulse mode. 14 = Long Pulse Mode Off Stop processing pulses in Long Pulse mode. 14 JD501 Reference Guide Command Language Structure 15 = Send Version Number Send three-byte version number. OUTPUT DATA STRUCTURE Depending on the settings (8- or 12-bit data, time stamp on or off, status request, raw data mode and version number request), there are seven possible structures for the messages transmitted by the JD501: 1 8-BIT DATA, TIME STAMP OFF data_byte 2 12-BIT DATA, TIME STAMP OFF data_byte_hi data_byte_lo 3 12-BIT DATA, TIME STAMP OFF data_byte_hi data_byte_lo 4 12-BIT DATA, TIME STAMP ON data_byte_hi data_byte_lo time_stamp_hi time_stamp_hi time_stamp_lo 5 STATUS REQUEST status_STX status_byte 6 RAW DATA MODE base_time_1_lo base_time_1_hi/base_line_1_hi base_line_1_lo base_time_2_lo base_time_2_hi/base_line_2_hi base_line_2_lo trigger_time_lo trigger_time_mid trigger_time_hi/peak_voltage_hi peak_voltage_lo JD501 Reference Guide 15 Command Language Structure 7 VERSION NUMBER REQUEST data_byte_hi data_byte_mid data_byte_lo 12-BIT DATA STRUCTURE (2 CONSECUTIVE BYTES) data_byte_hi 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------------- data high 8 bits ------------------------data_byte_lo 7 6 5 ------- range ------- 4 skip 3 2 1 0 ------ data low 4 bits -------- reading = (16 x data_byte_hi) + (data_byte_lo AND 0Fh) If the skip bit is set, then one or more previous pulses were not transmitted. Note that Bit four is ANDed to zero on the low data byte so that a skip indication does not erroneously add 16 counts to the reading. Allowed values: FFFF (hex) = overrange 2000 (dec) = 100% of Full Scale 0 - 2399 (dec) = valid data (20% overrange accepted) 8-BIT DATA STRUCTURE (1 BYTE) data_byte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -------------------------------- data 8 bits -------------------------------Allowed values: FF (hex) reading 2000 (dec) 16 = overrange = 16 x data_byte = 100% of Full scale JD501 Reference Guide Command Language Structure TIME STAMP STRUCTURE (3 CONSECUTIVE BYTES) time_stamp_hi 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------- time stamp high 8 bits -----------------------time_stamp_mid 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------ time stamp middle 8 bits ----------------------time_stamp_lo 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------ time stamp low 8 bits -----------------------time tag = trigger time in increments of 1.0851µs. Clock starts at 0 when Time Stamp On is issued and rolls over at 18.20495708 seconds. time tag = (time_stamp_hi x 65,536) + (time_stamp_mid x 256) + time_stamp_lo STATUS RESPONSE STRUCTURE (2 CONSECUTIVE BYTES) The first byte is always hexadecimal FE. The first byte of a data message can never have this value, so it uniquely identifies a status query response. status_STX = FE status_byte 7 skip bit 6 5 4 data trigger probe width source term Bits 0-2: gain code 1 2 3 4 5 JD501 Reference Guide 3 probe speed 2 1 0 ------- gain code ------- = (4 x bit 2) + (2 x bit 1) + bit 0 = (status_byte AND &H07) = 2 mV = 20 mV = 200 mV =2V = 20 V 17 Command Language Structure Bit 3: Probe Speed 0 1 = SLOW = FAST Bit 4: Probe Termination 0 = 1 MW 1 = 50 W Bit 5: Trigger Source 0 1 = INTERNAL = EXTERNAL Bit 6: Data Width 0 1 Bit 7: Skip Bit 0 1 = 8 bits = 12 bits = not set = set If the skip bit is set, then one or more pulses were not transmitted since the most recent transmission. Ignoring Bit 7, the status byte format corresponds to the first 128 command bytes listed in Appendix A. RAW DATA STRUCTURE (10 CONSECUTIVE BYTES) Byte 1: base_time_1_lo 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------- base time 1 bits 0-7 ------------------------Byte 2: base_time_1_hi/base_line_1_hi 7 6 5 4 ---- base time 1 bits 8-11 ---- 3 2 1 0 ---- base line 1 bits 8-11 ---- Byte 3: base_line_1_lo 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -------------------------- base line 1 bits 0-7 --------------------------- 18 JD501 Reference Guide Command Language Structure Byte 4: base_time_2_lo 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------ base time 2 bits 0-7 ------------------------Byte 5: base_time_2_hi/base_line_2_hi 7 6 5 4 3 ---- base time 2 bits 8-11 ---- 2 1 0 ---- base line 2 bits 8-11 ---- Byte 6: base_line_2_lo 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -------------------------- base line 2 bits 0-7 -------------------------Byte 7: trigger_time_lo 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------- trigger time bits 0-7 ------------------------Byte 8: trigger_time_mid 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------- trigger time bits 8-11 ------------------------Byte 9: trigger_time_hi/peak_voltage_hi 7 6 5 4 --- trigger time bits 16-19 --- 3 2 1 0 --- peak voltage bits 8-11 --- Byte 10: base_line_2_lo 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------------------------- peak voltage bits 0-7 ------------------------The Raw Data On command 8B hex causes the JD501 to send two base line readings: one peak reading then a Time Stamp. The Raw Data Off command 8C hex causes the JD501 to return to normal operation. JD501 Reference Guide 19 Command Language Structure When Raw Data Mode is activated, the Sender On, Sender Off, Time Stamp On, and Time Stamp Off commands are ignored. For each trigger event, the JD501 will transmit 10 bytes over the RS-232 link. The first three bytes contain 12 bits giving the time of the base line sample taken prior to the most recent base line sample before the trigger, and 12 bits of voltage data for the base line level itself. The next three bytes specify the time and voltage of the base line sample taken just before the trigger. The last four bytes give the trigger (20 bits) and the peak voltage reading (12 bits). One bit of time data equals 1.0851 µs (12 divided by the 11.059 MHz clock frequency). Note: The peak voltage is the raw value measured of the ADC, as opposed to the normal mode where the JD501 automatically subtracts the base line level. VERSION NUMBER RESPONSE STRUCTURE (3 CONSECUTIVE BYTES) Byte 1: data_byte_hi 7 6 5 4 -------- always zero -------- 3 2 1 0 ---- version number ones ---- Byte 2: data_byte_mid 7 6 5 4 --------- always zero --------- 3 2 1 0 --- version number tenths --- Byte 3: data_byte_lo 7 6 5 -------- always zero -------- 4 3 2 1 0 -- version number hundreths -- The version number command 8F hex causes the JD501 to send three bytes to represent a version number formatted X.XX. Only the lower four bits of each byte are used to represent decimal 0 to 9. version number = data_byte_hi + (data_byte_mid / 10) + (data_byte_lo / 100) Example response from JD501 firmware version 2.10: data_byte_hi = 2 data_byte_mid = 1 data_byte_lo = 0 20 JD501 Reference Guide Maintenance, Service, & Calibration MAINTENANCE, SERVICE, & CALIBRATION INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND SERVICE When returned to Molectron for annual recalibration and servicing, Molectron probes and instruments include a parts and labor warranty for the life of the product. Like all test equipment, it is vital that these probes and instruments be maintained at the highest level and precision of calibration. The Molectron calibration process is certified ISO9002 and fully ANSI Z540 compliant, assuring every customer of the highest possible quality and the most formally defined process. Probes are calibrated against NIST traceable working standard probes which are, in turn, calibrated against NIST calibrated golden standard probes. These working and golden standards are maintained with the utmost care, recalibrated annually, and verified even more regularly. We maintain multiple NIST calibrated standards at many laser wavelengths to support the growing calibration needs of our customers. Finally, we work directly with NIST in Boulder, Colorado, in the development of future calibration wavelength capabilities. Optical calibration is a core competency at Molectron and we strive to continually improve our methods, precision, and repeatability. Molectron has increased its floor space to 20,000 square feet. Our Metrology department has expanded into this space with the addition of several new laser laboratories. We have a new state-ofthe-art DUV lab for calibrating exposure/dose detectors, a new high-power Nd:YAG laser for industrial applications, and facilities for ruby and erbium lasers to calibrate medical sensors. Additionally, most of the calibrations are performed with highly automated systems, thus reducing the possibility of human error to nearly zero. Strict quality inspections during many stages of calibration and testing assure a precise and accurate instrument that is NIST traceable and CE marked. Molectron is fully committed to providing accurate and low-uncertainty calibrations for all our energy measurement products. We are an industry leader in calibration services and have dedicated ourselves to maintaining this lead in the future. To prepare a JD501 for shipment to Molectron: 1. Contact Molectron Customer Service for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. • Domestic: 800.366.4340 • International: 503.620.9069 2. Attach a tag to the instrument that includes the name and address of the owner, the person to contact, the serial number, and the RMA number you received from Molectron Customer Service. JD501 Reference Guide 21 Maintenance, Service, & Calibration 3. Wrap the JD501 with polyethylene sheeting or equivalent material. 4. If the original packing material and carton are not available, obtain a corrugated cardboard shipping carton with inside dimensions that are at least 6 in (15 cm) taller, wider, and deeper than the JD501. The shipping carton must be constructed of cardboard with a minimum 375 lbs (170 kg) test strength. Cushion the instrument in the shipping carton with packing material or urethane foam on all sides between the carton and the instrument. Allow 3 in (7.5 cm) on all sides, top, and bottom. 5. Seal the shipping carton with shipping tape or an industrial stapler. 6. Ship the instrument to the following address: Molectron Detector, Inc. 7470 SW Bridgeport Rd. Portland, OR 97224 Attn: RMA # (add the RMA number you received from Molectron Customer Service) 22 JD501 Reference Guide Specifications SPECIFICATIONS Calibration Interval: One year Ranges: • Full-scale voltage (50 Ω or 1 MΩ input impedance) 2 mV to 20 V • Full-scale joules: 0.2 pJ to 2 µJ (J3S probes) 2 µJ to 20 mJ (J3/J4 probes) 2 mJ to 20 J (J25/J50 probes) Noise Equivalent Voltage (NEV): 50 µV typical Maximum Rep Rate: 500 pps Linearity: <1% Digital Resolution: 8- or 11-bit (user-selectable) Input Impedance: 1 MΩ Accuracy: ±1% Power Output: ±12 V Internal Trigger: 5% of full scale External Trigger Input: TTL compatible Optically coupled Rising edge trigger Sync Output: TTL compatible 50 to 200 µs after internal trigger event Pulse width dependant on pyroelectric probe signal waveform Analog Output: 0 to 2 VDC 100 Ω output impedance capable of driving loads ≥ 600 W RS-232 Baud Rates: 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 19,200 Power Requirements: 120 VAC/0.25 A Dimensions: 7.3 x 1.5 x 9.5-inch metal enclosure JD501 Reference Guide 23 Specifications 24 JD501 Reference Guide Appendix A - Command Byte Interpretations APPENDIX A - COMMAND BYTE INTERPRETATIONS Command Dec Hex 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 A 11 B 12 C 13 D 14 E 15 F 16 10 17 11 18 12 19 13 20 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 1A 27 1B 28 1C 29 1D 30 1E 31 1F 32 20 33 21 34 22 35 23 36 24 37 25 38 26 39 27 40 28 41 29 42 2A 43 2B 44 2C 45 2D 46 2E 47 2F 48 30 49 31 50 32 JD501 Reference Guide Range ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV Data Width Trigger Source Probe Te r m Probe Speed 8 8 8 8 8 bits bits bits bits bits internal internal internal internal internal 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ slow slow slow slow slow 8 8 8 8 8 bits bits bits bits bits internal internal internal internal internal 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ fast fast fast fast fast 8 8 8 8 8 bits bits bits bits bits internal internal internal internal internal 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω slow slow slow slow slow 8 8 8 8 8 bits bits bits bits bits internal internal internal internal internal 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω fast fast fast fast fast 8 8 8 8 8 bits bits bits bits bits external external external external external 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ slow slow slow slow slow 8 8 8 8 8 bits bits bits bits bits external external external external external 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ fast fast fast fast fast 8 bits 8 bits external external 50 Ω 50 Ω slow slow 25 Appendix A - Command Byte Interpretations Command Dec Hex 51 33 52 34 53 35 54 36 55 37 56 38 57 39 58 3A 59 3B 60 3C 61 3D 62 3E 63 3F 64 40 65 41 66 42 67 43 68 44 69 45 70 46 71 47 72 48 73 49 74 4A 75 4B 76 4C 77 4D 78 4E 79 4F 80 50 81 51 82 52 83 53 84 54 85 55 86 56 87 57 88 58 89 59 90 5A 91 5B 92 5C 93 5D 94 5E 95 5F 96 60 97 61 98 62 99 63 100 64 101 65 102 66 103 67 104 68 105 69 106 6A 107 6B 108 6C 109 6D 26 Range 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V Data Width 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits Trigger Source external external external Probe Te r m 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω Probe Speed slow slow slow 8 8 8 8 8 external external external external external 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω fast fast fast fast fast 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits internal internal internal internal internal 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ slow slow slow slow slow 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits internal internal internal internal internal 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ fast fast fast fast fast 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits internal internal internal internal internal 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω slow slow slow slow slow 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits internal internal internal internal internal 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω fast fast fast fast fast 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits external external external external external 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ slow slow slow slow slow 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits external external external external external 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ 1 MΩ fast fast fast fast fast bits bits bits bits bits JD501 Reference Guide Appendix A - Command Byte Interpretations Command Dec Hex 110 6E 111 6F 112 70 113 71 114 72 115 73 116 74 117 75 118 76 119 77 120 78 121 79 122 7A 123 7B 124 7C 125 7D 126 7E 127 7F Range ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored ignored 2 mV 20 mV 200 mV 2V 20 V ignored ignored Data Width Trigger Source Probe Te r m Probe Speed 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits external external external external external 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω slow slow slow slow slow 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits 12bits external external external external external 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω fast fast fast fast fast Output Selection Command Command Dec Hex 128 80 129 81 130 82 131 83 132 84 133 85 134 86 135 87 136 88 137 89 138 8A 139 8B 140 8C 141 8D 142 8E 143 8F 144 90 145 91 146 92 147 93 148 94 149 95 150 96 151 97 152 98 153 99 154 9A 155 9B 156 9C 157 9D 158 9E 159 9F 160 A0 161 A1 162 A2 JD501 Reference Guide Function Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off Raw Data Mode On Raw Data Mode Off Long Pulse Mode On Long Pulse Mode Off Send Version Number Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off 27 Appendix A - Command Byte Interpretations Command Dec Hex 163 A3 164 A4 165 A5 166 A6 167 A7 168 A8 169 A9 170 AA 171 AB 172 AC 173 AD 174 AE 175 AF 176 B0 177 B1 178 B2 179 B3 180 B4 181 B5 182 B6 183 B7 184 B8 185 B9 186 BA 187 BB 188 BC 189 BD 190 BE 191 BF 192 C0 193 C1 194 C2 195 C3 196 C4 197 C5 198 C6 199 C7 200 C8 201 C9 202 CA 203 CB 204 CC 205 CD 206 CE 207 CF 208 D0 209 D1 210 D2 211 D3 212 D4 213 D5 214 D6 215 D7 216 D8 217 D9 218 DA 219 DB 220 DC 221 DD 28 Function Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off ignored ignored ignored JD501 Reference Guide Appendix A - Command Byte Interpretations Command Dec Hex 222 DE 223 DF 224 E0 225 E1 226 E2 227 E3 228 E4 229 E5 230 E6 231 E7 232 E8 233 E9 234 EA 235 EB 236 EC 237 ED 238 EE 239 EF 240 F0 241 F1 242 F2 243 F3 244 F4 245 F5 246 F6 247 F7 248 F8 249 F9 250 FA 251 FB 252 FC 253 FD 254 FE 255 FF JD501 Reference Guide Function ignored ignored Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored Send Status Timestamp On Timestamp Off Sender On Sender Off Arm Query Sync On Sync Off Analog On Analog Off ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored 29 Appendix A - Command Byte Interpretations 30 JD501 Reference Guide Appendix B - Sample Program APPENDIX B - SAMPLE PROGRAM ‘— Sample program showing the use of the ARM command ‘— on the Molectron JD501 to achieve multichannel data ‘— acquisition on the GPIB. Note that “Low Level” calls ‘— are used to broadcast the ARM command simultaneously ‘— to multiple JD501’s, while “High Level” calls are used ‘— read data from individual units. High level calls generally ‘— have only one listener addressed, so low level commands are ‘— used to send the ARM command byte to multiple JD501’s on ‘— different GPIB addresses in a single transaction. ‘— Program written in TurboBasic using the National Instruments ‘— PC-II card with drivers for TurboBasic. $include “c:\tb\tbdecl.bas” ‘ Drivers for TurboBasic interface CLS ‘ clear screen dim buff1$(1000),buff2$(1000) ‘buffers for data ‘—open GPIB board and JD501’s on address 4 and 5 BDNAME$=”gpib0" call ibfind(BDNAME$,gpib0%) DEVNAME$=”DEV5" call ibfind(DEVNAME$,dev5%) DEVNAME$=”DEV4" call ibfind(DEVNAME$,dev4%) wrt$=chr$(&H88) ‘ disable sync to reduce overhead call ibwrt(dev4%,wrt$) call ibwrt(dev5%,wrt$) cmd$=”?_@$%” ‘ address device 4 and 5 to listen, board to talk call ibcmd(gpib0%,cmd$) wrt$=chr$(&H85) ‘ send ARM command call ibwrt(gpib0%,wrt$) ‘ to both JD501’s cmd$=”?_” ‘ unlisten, untalk call ibcmd(gpib0%,wrt$) rd$=space$(2) ‘ allocate 2 bytes for recieved data StartRead: call ibrd(dev4%,RD$) ‘ get data from JD501 on 4 if ibcnt%>0 then ‘if 4 responded, get data from 5 rd4$=rd$ rd$=space$(2) print “.”; ‘show activity on screen call ibrd(dev5%,rd$) ‘get data from JD501 on 5 rd5$=rd$ rd$=space$(2) JD501 Reference Guide 31 Appendix B - Sample Program count%=count%+1 buff1$(count%)=rd4$ buff2$(count%)=rd5$ if count%=500 then ‘ print data on screen after 500 pulses cls for m%=0 to 9 ‘ the “for” loops simply help locate 1,1 ‘ to present the data on the for k%=0 to 9 ‘ screen in a legible format print “” for l%=0 to 4 B2%=asc(MID$(buff1$(50*m%+5*k%+l%+1),2,1)) B1%=asc(MID$(buff1$(50*m%+5*k%+l%+1),1,1)) ‘ MID$ is used to get the first and second bytes individually ‘ out of the 2 character string obtained with ibrd. ‘ ASC translated the character from MID$ into an integer (byte) ‘ value print “(“;(b2% and &H0F)+b1%*16;” “; ‘- print reading B2a%=asc(MID$(buff2$(50*m%+5*k%+l%+1),2,1)) B3a%=asc(MID$(buff2$(50*m%+5*k%+l%+1),1,1)) print (b2a% and &H0F)+b3a%*16;”)”; next l% next k% flush$=inkey$ : while not instat : wend ‘ keypress for next next m% ‘ screen of data end end if ‘ print on screen end if ‘ ibcnt% > 0 A$=inkey$ if A$ <> “” then end ‘ keypress to terminate early cmd$=”?_@$%” ‘ address device 4 and 5 to listen, board to talk call ibcmd(gpib0%,cmd$) wrt$=chr$(&H85) ‘ send ARM command again call ibwrt(gpib0%,wrt$) cmd$=”?_” ‘ untalk, unlisten call ibcmd(gpib0%,cmd$) goto StartRead ‘ repeat the read operations $include “c:\tb\tbsubs.bas” ‘ drivers for TurboBasic Interface 32 JD501 Reference Guide