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Jokkmokk Municipality


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    July 2018
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Jokkmokk municipality General fishing rules above the cultivation limit on state land managed by the County Administrative Board in Norrbotten: • A fishing permit is required and can be purchased either online ( or from local retailers (listed below). • There’s a daily limit on the number of salmonid fish you can keep. Catch limit (trout and grayling): 5 fish in total, e.g. 2 trout and 3 grayling. • If you want to keep your catch, salmonid fish must be of a certain size (minimum length): - Grayling (35 cm) - Trout (35 cm) - Salmon (50 cm) Captured fish are measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail. • It is forbidden to use live bait (worms, insect larvae, crustaceans, fish etc.) in streams and rivers. If there are exceptions it is stated in your fishing permit. These rules have been enforced to protect juvenile salmonids (grayling, trout, and salmon). • To ensure the subsistence of viable populations, trout fishing is not allowed in streams and rivers during spawning, i.e. from the 1st of September until the 14th of October. If you catch a trout by accident you must release it even if it is within the size limits or injured. • Grayling fishing is forbidden between the 10th of May and the 10th of June in three municipalities (Arjeplog, Jokkmokk, and Gällivare), and between the 15th of May and 15th of June in the municipality of Kiruna. Restrictions are enforced to protect the grayling during spawning. If you catch a grayling by accident you must release it even if it is within the size limits or injured. • To protect fish populations from overexploitation, ice fishing is forbidden in all rivers apart from Piteälven, Kalixälven and Torneälven. Ice fishing is also prohibited in streams and lake-like (wide and slow-flowing) segments of rivers other than Piteälven, Kalixälven and Torneälven. • It is forbidden to confine fish or to restrict their movements in order to keep them alive until consumption or until bigger fish are caught. Please remember that you alone are responsible for making informed decisions. Before you go fishing make sure that you understand all local rules and restrictions. Further restrictions 1 can also be enforced by the County Administrative Board. If you have any questions about current fishing rules please contact: David Bell Vatten- och fiskeenheten (Water and Fish Management Unit) Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län (County Administrative Board in Norrbotten) 971 86 Luleå Telephone: +46 102 255 416 E-mail: [email protected] Fishing permits and costs • • • • 1 day: 70 SEK 3 days: 125 SEK 7 days: 220 SEK 1 year: 440 SEK + 125 SEK per family member Children under the age of 16 are not required to buy a fishing permit. 2 Map in Swedish (available online: → Fiskekortsbilagor med kartor → Jokkmokk) 3 Map legend in English (In Swedish: Teckenförklaring) 4 Additional information associated with the map (English translation) Nature reserves Nature reserves are open to the public. In fact, fishing grounds are often part of nature reserves in alpine regions of Norrbotten. Here you are free to go fishing with a standard fishing permit, but you are also safe in assuming that future generations will continue to enjoy these pristine forests and unspoiled waters. To learn more about nature protection in Norrbotten, please visit our website: Tourist Information Centres will also be able to provide folders with extensive information. Special permits provided by the County Administrative Board in Norrbotten The County Administrative Board will sometimes administer special fishing permits to allow limited fishing in restricted areas. This year there are two such areas in the municipality of Jokkmokk: 1. Sitoätno, and 2. Skielta. To apply for a permit please contact the County Administrative Board before April 30. Adress: Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, 971 86 Luleå Telephone: +46 102 255 000 Website: Areas with additional restrictions or more detailed rules 1. Laitaure. Ice fishing only. Fishing is allowed during two time periods: Jan 1-May 15 and Oct 1-Dec 31. 2. Sitojaure. Ice fishing only. Fishing is allowed during two time periods: Jan 1-May 5 and Oct 1-Dec 31. 3. Lillseletströmmarna. Very sensitive area. Additional permit required besides the regular fishing license. Information and free permits are provided by Destination Jokkmokk in Jokkmokk. 5 4. Padjelanta Hiking Trail, Padjelanta National Park. Fishing permits are valid up to 1 km from the trail on both sides. Bag limit: max. two salmonids (trout and/or arctic charr) per angler and day. Please note that other rules are enforced along the eastern shore of Vuojaätno downstream Kutjaure. 5. Saltoluokta – Pielnenjarka. Fishing is not allowed from boats. 6. Aluokta. Fishing is not allowed from boats. 7. Porjusbäcken. Live baits are allowed. No size restrictions. 8. Pakkobäcken. Live baits are allowed. No size restrictions. 9. Boat engines must be switched off during fishing. 10. Boat engines must be switched off during fishing. Fishing forbidden 1. Sårkåjaure. 2. Rautojaure. 3. Stipok. 4. From Sitojaure to the inlet of Vuoiturjåkko. 5. All areas within the national parks (Sarek, Padjelanta, and Stora Sjöfallet) apart from Padjelanta Hiking Trail and sections of Pietsaure, Vuojaätno and Kårtejaure. 6. Suobbat p 660. 7. Parkasjaure, Tåresjaure. 8. Lastakjaureh. 9. Rautare close to Rutåive (2 lakes). 10. Kaltisjokka, Luossajokka, and Tjeugaljokka. 11. Sitoätno from Kuortesluppal to Sitojaure. 12. Sitoätno from the riverbend above the rapids between Alep Manak and Vare Hårås and down to the bridge. 13. Pärlälven from the outlet of Karatj and 150 meters downstream the confluence with Alep Uttjajåkkå. 6 Local retailers (companies that sell fishing permits) Name Abisko Turiststation STF AB Abisko Mackåmat AB Bäverholms Stugby & Båttrafik Johansson Fjällstugor Sundqvist Rolf Turistservice Thorfves Stugby & Handelsbod Arjeplog´s Turistbyrå GK´s Fiske Heli i Arjeplog/Miekak Fiskecamp OKQ8 Norrbotten Lapplandssport AB OKQ8 Norrbotten Silverhyttan AB Lapland Resort AB: Hotell Fjället Björkliden Vandrarhem STF Låktajåkko Fjällstation Riksgränsen Vandrarhem STF Hotell Riksgränsen HB Langas Camp Boden Turism Ek. för. Camp Gauto Wennströms Kiosk & Stugby Eriksson Center Team Sportia Gällivare Norrsport HB Gällivare Turisbyrå Lainiovuoma Jakt & Fiske* Badjelánnda Laponia Turism Jokkmokks Jakt & Fiske Jokkmokks Turistbyrå Team Sportia/Handelshuset Jäckvik Service AB Mats Eliasson Jaktia Kiruna Kallax Flyg/Kiruna Flyg AB Kiruna Jakt&Fiske Kiruna Lappland Ek.för. OKQ8 Norrbotten Vildmarkshörnan AB Location Abisko Abisko Adolfström Adolfström Adolfström Adolfström Arjeplog Arjeplog Arjeplog Arjeplog Arvidsjaur Arvidsjaur Ballastviken Telephone +46 980 402 00 +46 980 669 34 +46 961 230 18 +46 961 230 40 +46 961 230 16 +46 961 230 41 +46 961 145 20 +46 961 100 89 +46 961 612 40 +46 961 102 35 +46 960 104 33 +46 960 103 06 +46 961 615 59 Björkliden Björkliden Låktatjåkko Riksgränsen Riksgränsen Björkudden Boden Gautosjö Gautosjö Gällivare Gällivare Gällivare Idivuoma Jokkmokk Jokkmokk Jokkmokk Jokkmokk Jäckvik Karesuando Kiruna Kiruna Kiruna Kiruna Kiruna Kiruna +46 980 641 00 +46 980 641 00 +46 980 641 00 +46 980 641 00 +46 980 641 00 +46 973 410 15 +46 921 342 830 +46 961 280 30 +46 961 280 40 +46 970 669 66 +46 970 555 44 +46 970 166 60 +46 981 230 63 +46 702 813 003 +46 971 122 00 +46 971 222 50 +46 971 120 30 +46 961 210 50 +46 70 359 09 82 +46 980 211 88 +46 980 202 50 +46 980 106 29 +46 980 188 80 +46 980 123 05 +46 980 822 15 7 Kvikkjokks Turistservice Br. Sundström AB Wildmarks & Fiskeshopen Mavas stugby/Evenström Moskosels Camping Fritid & Vildmarksliv i Norr AB Camp Polcirkeln AB Fiskflyg Laponia Livs STF Ritsem Sandvikens Fjällgård AB Dyrlinds Snabbköp&Bensin HB Stora Sjöfallets Fjäll AB Tjuonajokk Vildmarkscamp Andersson Hilding Vuoggatjålme Björn Helamb Johansson Jan&Eva Årrenjarka Fjällby AB Gårdings Järnaffär Inge Rankvist Blinds Bensin&Kiosk Kvikkjokk Laisvall Luleå Mavas Moskosel Piteå Polcirkeln Porjus Porjus Ritsem Sandviken Skaulo Stora Sjöfallet Tjuonajokk Tjärnberg Vuoggatjålme Vuonatjviken Årrenjarka Älvsbyn Örnvik Övre Soppero +46 971 210 36 +46 961 200 44 +46 920 100 52 +46 961 450 38 +46 960 302 00 +46 911 342 03 +46 961 615 64 +46 973 102 46 +46 973 100 80 +46 973 420 30 +46 961 610 89 +46 970 500 66 +46 973 400 70 +46 970 136 30 +46 961 615 35 +46 961 107 15 +46 961 430 31 +46 971 230 18 +46 929 557 50 +46 961 450 20 +46 981 300 42 * Fishing permits for Råstojaure only 8