ABOUT STUDER GROUP Studer Group © has helped over 850 healthcare organizations in the
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U.S. and beyond achieve and sustain exceptional clinical, operational
point, we hardwire processes that get organizations aligned,
and financial outcomes. As these organizations face ever-greater
accountable and agile so they can execute proven tactics quickly,
quality demands, such as HCAHPS, core measures, preventable
consistently, and in the right sequence...and sustain the results over
readmissions, hospital-acquired conditions, and more, they engage us
time. We also help them foster better integration with physicians and
to help them create cultures of execution and accountability.
other service providers in order to create a smooth continuum of patient-centered care.
STUDER GROUP SPEAKING DIVISION: WORKING TOGETHER TO ACCELERATE RESULTS & CREATE ALIGNMENT Studer Group’s speakers and authors are eager to bring our 80 years
Our speakers are results-driven performance experts who spend a
of combined experience to your organization. Providing on-site training
significant amount of time working closely with leaders. They have up-
for your leaders is a fast and economical way to bring your entire team
to-the-minute knowledge of what’s going on in our changing industry
up-to-speed on the industry’s hottest topics.
and see firsthand the best practices that move outcomes. They are
Our speakers are excited to share up-to-the-minute knowledge from their work in more than 850 healthcare organizations across America and beyond. They will fully customize their presentations to meet your needs, regardless of the topic, size of the group or purpose for the training. From Physician retreats to Leadership Development Institutes (LDIs) to Senior Leader meetings, our speakers will share best practices and updates on the latest topics.
directly involved in crafting the solutions to some of our most pressing problems; including financial challenges, patient safety & quality, pay for performance and more.
BIOGRAPHY Dr. Kosowsky is a nationally recognized expert clinician and lecturer who serves as Vice Chair and Clinical Director of Emergency Medicine at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston. A former Fulbright Scholar and a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Medical School, he currently holds an appointment as Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kosowsky has been a physician coach with Studer Group since 2013. He and his
team at Brigham & Women’s have done pioneering work in redesigning the delivery
Harvard Medical School
of emergency medicine services, and their success has been featured in The Boston Globe and in US News and World Report. Dr. Kosowsky leads a national course on emergency department design for healthcare and design professionals sponsored jointly by Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Dr. Kosowsky is the author of dozens of journal articles and textbook chapters and has given over one hundred invited presentations at hospitals and medical schools around the country and internationally. He is the co-author of a widely acclaimed book on patient advocacy: When Doctors Don’t Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests. Dr. Kosowsky lives in the town of Sharon, MA, with his wife, Devorah, and their three sons, Harry, Jake, and Judah.
Harvard College
SPEAKING TOPICS WHEN DOCTORS DON’T LISTEN: WHY THE PATIENT-DOCTOR RELATIONSHIP MATTERS TODAY MORE THAN EVER Doctors, other healthcare providers Healthcare executives Patient advocacy and patient-interest groups Length: 60 minutes Diagnosis, once the cornerstone of medicine, is fast becoming a lost art, with grave consequences. The traditional diagnostic method, with its emphasis on doctors listening carefully to their patients, is being replaced by “cookbook medicine,” where patients are reduced to a “chief complaint” and physicians rely on well-mapped decision pathways that end up stripping medicine not only of its efficacy, but also its humanity. As anyone who has recently engaged with the healthcare system can attest, the bewildering battery of tests required for various “work-ups” and “rule-outs” is a poor substitute for understanding what’s wrong. Combining medical narrative with trenchant analysis, Dr. Kosowsky gives voice to what a growing number of healthcare experts have come to believe: that the way medicine is taught and practiced is in urgent need of change, and that now, more than ever, is the time to address it. Will require individual providers and their patients to partner with one another using tools and techniques that have been proven to improve patient outcomes and experience. OBJECTIVES: Articulate the problems with an approach to diagnosis that relies increasingly on technology and algorithms at the expense of listening to patients Describe the changing healthcare environment that will require providers to more effectively engage with patients and their families Offer concrete steps that providers can use to improve their listening skills and partner with their patients to improve outcomes and patient experience
OPTIMIZING PATIENT FLOW IN YOUR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT: HOW TO SUPERCHARGE THE “FRONT END” TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES & PATIENT EXPERIENCE Emergency Department Leadership, Hospital Leadership, Front-line staff and providers Length: 60 minutes The emergency department is the front-end of the inpatient experience, but in many hospitals, traditional processes lead to needless redundancies, serial processing, and frequent bottlenecks. Because these practices affect virtually every patient and because you only get one chance to make a good first impression, improvements to the front-end have the potential to be enormously impactful to overall patient experience in the emergency department. Using real-world examples and drawing on principles from queuing theory and lean, Dr. Kosowsky explains how replacing traditional front-end processes with best practices such as rapid assessment, immediate bedding, and bedside registration can reduce throughput times, resulting in better quality and improved patient satisfaction. Particular emphasis is placed on strategies for successful change management such as gaining buy-in from front-line staff. OBJECTIVES: Develop an appreciation of the challenges built into traditional front-end models of patient flow Offer examples of best-practices that have been proven to reduce front-end wait times and improve overall patient experience Describe a team-based, patient-centered approach to implementing successful change management
SPEAKING TOPICS ENGAGING PHYSICIANS IN THE PATIENT EXPERIENCE: THE COMPELLING CASE FOR CHANGE Doctors, other healthcare providers Healthcare executives Patient advocacy and patient-interest groups Length: 60 minutes In today’s healthcare environment, it is no longer good enough for doctors to be good clinicians in isolation. Whether from the standpoint of quality, payments, risk management, or career sustainability, physicians must embrace the brave new world of “CAHPS” in order to survive and to come out ahead. In this one-hour presentation, Dr. Kosowsky provides the evidence behind these outcome measures, dispels common myths about patient experience, and offers real-world guidance for clinicians to use on a day-to-day basis during their patient encounters. OBJECTIVES: Demonstrate the links between patient experience, increased reimbursement, decreased liability risk and improved clinical outcomes Describe the concepts of CG-CAHPS, H-CAHPS and ED-CAHPS and their connection to the patient experience Enumerate specific behaviors and practices that have been demonstrated to result in improved patient experience
WHAT ORGANIZATIONS SAY ABOUT JOSH: “Dr. Kosowsky speaks with the expertise and authority of a world-class academic but with the legitimacy and groundedness of a practicing ‘ER doc’ working ‘in the trenches’. I left his talk with concrete take-aways that have brought me to a new level of confidence in my practice.”
DR. KOSOWSKY HAS SPOKEN AT THE FOLLOWING CONFERENCES: Society for Healthcare Consumer Advocacy Annual Meeting (St. Louis, MO) What’s Right in Healthcare (Nashville, TN) The Road to Right Care, Lown Institute (San Diego, CA) Cost and Quality Academy, Healthcare Business Insights (Orlando, FL) Massachusetts Hospital Association Lean Network (Boston, MA) Massachusetts Medical Society, Annual Men’s Health Symposium (Waltham, MA) Quality, Safety and Process Improvement: Building a High Performing Organization (Boston, MA) The World Congress 12th Annual Leadership Summit on Patient Flow and Safety Optimization (Chicago, IL)\ 8th Annual Conference on Optimizing Hospital Flow, Orlando, FL (Orlando, FL) 6th Annual Hospital Bed Management & Patient Flow Conference (Melbourne, Australia) Patient Flow Summit (Las Vegas, NV) Performance Improvement Learning and Networking Forum (Boston, MA) American College of Emergency Physicians, Annual Meeting (Boston, MA) Design Meets Process: The Emergency Department for the Future (Boston, MA) Clinical Decision Making in Emergency Medicine: An Evidence-Based Conference (Ponte Vedra, FL) Emergency Medicine into the 21st Century (Boston, MA) Rocky Mountain Winter Conference on Emergency Medicine (Copper Mountain, CO) International Emergency Department Leadership Institute (Boston, MA) Western States Winter Conference on Emergency Medicine (Park City, UT) Emergency Medicine: Update on Current Practice (Boston, MA)
CONTACT US If you would like more information on hosting one of our nationally recognized speakers at your organization, contact Genevieve Kurpuis at 850.898.3860 or
[email protected]
350 West Cedar Street, Suite 300 Pensacola, Florida 32502 850.439.5839