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L 53mbc




T-1 3/4 (5mm) SOLID STATE LAMP ATTENTION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES Features lLOW POWER CONSUMPTION. lPOPULAR T-1 3/4 DIAMETER PACKAGE. lRELIABLE AND RUGGED. lLONG LIFE - SOLID STATE RELIABILITY. L-53MBC BLUE Description The Blue source color devices are made with GaN on SiC Light Emitting Diode. Static electricity and surge damage the LEDS. It is recommended to use a wrist band or anti-electrostatic glove when handling the LEDs. All devices, equipment and machinery must be electrically grounded. Package Dimensions Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3. Lead spacing is measured where the lead emerge package. 4. Specifications are subject to change without notice. SPEC NO: DSAA5610 APPROVED: J. Lu REV NO: V.3 CHECKED: Allen Liu DATE: MAY/09/2003 DRAWN: K.ZHANG PAGE: 1 OF 3 Selection Guide P ar t N o . D ic e L-53MB C Iv (m c d ) @ 20 m A L en s Ty p e B LUE (GaN) WATE R C LE A R Mi n . Ty p . 50 150 V i ew i n g An g le 2θ1/2 16° Note: 1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value. Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25°°C Sy m b o l P ar am et er U n its Tes t C o n d i t i o n s λpeak P eak Wavelength B lue 430 nm IF =20mA D omi nate Wavelength B lue 466 nm IF =20mA ∆λ1/2 S pectral Li ne Half-wi dth B lue 60 nm IF =20mA C C apaci tance B lue 100 pF V F= 0 V ; f = 1 M H z VF Forward Voltage B lue 3.8 4.5 V IF =20mA IR Reverse C urrent B lue 10 uA V R = 5V λD D ev i c e Ty p . Ma x . Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°°C P ar am et er B lu e U n its P ower di ssi pati on 105 mW P eak Forward C urrent [1] 150 mA D C Forward C urrent 30 Reverse Voltage 5 -40°C To +85°C Operati ng / S torage Temperature Lead S older Temperature [2] Notes: 1. 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width. 2. 2mm below package base. SPEC NO: DSAA5610 APPROVED: J. Lu mA REV NO: V.3 CHECKED: Allen Liu V 260°C For 5 S econds DATE: MAY/09/2003 DRAWN: K.ZHANG PAGE: 2 OF 3 Blue SPEC NO: DSAA5610 APPROVED: J. Lu L-53MBC REV NO: V.3 CHECKED: Allen Liu DATE: MAY/09/2003 DRAWN: K.ZHANG PAGE: 3 OF 3