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Catalogue 67-002 Monthly L Catalogue 67-002 Mensuel L Security transactions with non-residents Operations av des non-residents sur des valeurs mobilières October 1984 Octobre 1984 I I 14 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada JAM 11 1985 L1Rj V Data In Many Forms Des données sous plusieurs formes Statistics Canada disseminates data in a variety of forms. In addition to publications, both standard and special tabulations are offered on computer print-outs, microfiche and microfilm, and magnetic tapes. Maps and other geographic reference materials are available for some types of data. Direct access to aggregated information is possible through CANSIM, Statistics Canada's machinereadable data base and retrieval system. Statistique Canada diffuse les donnees sous formes diverses. Outre les publications, des totalisations habituelles et spéciale sont offertes sur imprimés d'ordinateur, sur microfiches ct microfilms et sur bandes magnétiques. 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I Statistics Canada Ralance of Payments international and Financial [C JnIUlhU C) iv,icn Security transactions with non-residents October 1984 Statistique Canada Balance des paiements Division de leconomie internationale Inincrere Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobilières Octobre 1984 p 0 Published under the authority of the Minister of Supply and Services Canada Publication autorisee par Ia ministre des Approvisionnements at Services Canada Statistics Canada should be credited when reproducing or quoting any part of this document Reproduction ou citation autorisèe sous reserve dindication do Ia source: Statistique Canada C) Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1985 C) Ministre des Approvisionnernents at Services Canada 1985 January 1985 3-1200-503 Janvier 1985 3-1200-503 Price: Canada, $2.75. $27.50 a year Other Countries. $3.30, $33.00 a year Prix: Canada, $2.75. $27.50 par annèe Autres pays. $3.30. $33.00 par wines Catalogue 67-002, Vol. 50, No. 10 Catalogue 67-002, vol. 50. n° 10 ISSN 0702-6587 ISSN 0702-6587 Ottawa Ottawa Symbols The following standard symbols are used in Statistics Canada publications: figures not available. • figures not appropriate or not applicable. Signes conventionnels Les signes conventionnels suivants sont employes uniformément dans les publications de Statistique Canada: nombres indisponibles. nayant pas lieu de figurer. - nil or zero. - nèant ou zero. -- amount too small to be expressed. -- nombres infimes. p preliminary figures. p nombres provisoires. revised figures. x confidential to meet secrecy requirements of the Statistics Act. • new series not strictly comparable with earlier years. NOTE I r nombres rectiflés. x confidentiel en vertu des dispositions de Ia Loi sur Ia statistique relatives au secret. série nouvelle ne pouvant être comparée directement a celles des années antérieures. NOTA Data contained in tables of this publication La somme des donnees des tableaux peut ne pas corresmay not add due to rounding. pondre aux totaux en raison de larrondissement. I Table of Contents Table des matières Page Summary, October 1984 Table 5 Résumé, octobre 1984 Page 5 Tableau 1. Transactions in Outstanding Canadian Securities with Non-residents 1. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs 6 mobilières canadiennes en circulation 6 2. Transactions in Outstanding Foreign Securities with Non-residents 2. Operations avec des non-residents sur des 8 valeurs mobilières ètrangères en circulation 8 3. Transactions in Outstanding Securities with Non-residents - October 1984 valeurs 3. Operations avec des non-residents sur des 10 mobilières en circulation - octobre 1984 10 4. Transactions in Outstanding Securities with Non-residents - Year-to-date October 31, 1984 4. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobilières en circulation - Depuis le 12 debut de l'année - 31 octobre 1984 12 5. Transactions in Outstanding Canadian Bonds and Debentures and Common and Preferred Stocks with Non-residents 5. Operations avec des non-residents sur des obligations canadiennes des actions 14 ordinaires et privilègiées en circulation 14 6 Transactions in Canadian Securities with rJ)n- residents - Outstanding, New Issues, R tirements 6. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobilières canadiennes, - En circulation, 16 nouvelles emissions, remboursements 16 7. Produit de Ia vente do nouvelles emissions de valeurs mobiliéres canadiennes aux non 18 residents. solon Ia devise de paiement 18 8. New Issues of Canadian Bonds Sold to Non-residents canadiennes 8. Nouvelles emissions d'obligations 18 vendues aux non-residents 18 9. Transactions in Selected Canadian Shortterm Money Market Instruments du 9. Operations sur certains effets de commerce 20 20 marché monétaire a court terme au Canada 22 22 10. Certaines statistiques du marché des capitaux I.T.DCS of New Issues of Canadian Securities Sold to Non-residents, by Currency of Payment 10. Selected Capital Market Statistics Figure - 1 International Transactions in Outstanding Canadian and Foreign Securities Operations internatlonales sur valeurs mobilières canadiennes et étrangères en circulation $ millions 5°C $ millions 4,00 .005 3,00 1.000 2,00 .000 1.00 90 80 .000 00 300 00 70 60 00 50 00 40 too 30 300 2.00 .000 1,00 90 ,000 80 800 90c 70 701) 60 600 50 500 40 400 30 J J 1982 1983 J 1984 0 300 Stock Prices indexes - Indices des cours en bourse Index -- Indice Index Indice 300 280 280 260 260 - 240 en dollars canadiens 220 220 I 200 - 200 180 180 160 U -Inde "compose SOOThe Standard and Poor's 160 140 - - indice Composite 300' de Ia Bourse de Toronto 120 100 Toronto Stock Exchange "Composite 300" I J 1982 J 1983 J 1984 I I D 100 ( Summary - October 1984 to uriprececiented levels in October 1984, producing a net capital intlow of $639 million, the largest on record. The bulk of the activity remained in Government of Canada issues. European and Japanese investors acounted for some 700/6 of the total net inflow with the balance being widespread geographically. Japanese investors were net buyers of primarily long-term, high coupon bonds in the current month, while other nonresident investment was in various coupons and maturities. Gross purchases of Canadian bonds by nonresidents in the current month rose by some 50 0/6 bringing the gross value of trading activity to $1.9 billion. fRésume - octobre 1984 lion a augmente pour atteindre un nouveau sommet err octobie 1984, se traduisant par une entrée nette en capitaux de $639 millions. Ia somme Ia plus importante jamais enregistree. L'activité a surtout porte sur les emissions du gouvernementdu Canada. Les placements européens et japonais ont représenté quelque 70% de l'entrée nette totale; les 30 9/6 qui restent ont été répartis entre les autres placements étrangers. Au cours du mois, les investisseurs japonais ont surtout effectué des achats nets dobligations a long terme a coupons portant un intérét élevè, ators que les autres non-residents ont fait des placements dans des emissions portant des intéréts et des échéances divers. Les achats bruts dobligations canadiennes par des non-residents ont augmente denviron 50% et Ia valeur brute des échanges a ainsi atteint $1.9 milliard. Trading with non-residents in outstanding Canadian equities produced no net change in the level of foreign holdings in October, compared with a net investment of $59 million in September. Le commerce des actions canadiennes en circulation avec les non-residents na produit aucun changement net des avoirs étrangers, alors quil y avait eu un placement net de $59 millions en septembre. Residents of Canada increased their holdings of outstanding foreign securities in October producing a net capital outflow of $336 million against a net inflow of $27 million in September. The net outflow in the current month reflects an increase in foreign bonds of $305 million and foreign equities of $31 million. The gross value of resident trading activity on foreign markets rose to a record $7.5 billion, largely representing investments (Jnjtr'rl Stnts rtnvprnmpnt bonri Par ailleurs, les residents canadiens ont accru leurs avoirs de valeurs mobilières étrangères en circulation, ce qui a donné une sortie nette de capitaux de $366 millions, alors quen septembre il y avait eu une entrée nette de $27 millions. En octobre, Ia sortie nette traduit des augmentations de $305 millions pour les obligations étrangeres et de $31 millions pour les actions Otrangeres. La valeur brute des èchanges des residents sur les marches étrangers, principalement sous Ia forme de placements .n obligations du gouvernement des Etats-Unis, a atteint le I ocord de $7.5 milliards. 6 TABLE 1. Transactions in Outstanding Canadian Securities with Non-residents All non-residents Residents of the Tous lea non-residents Period United States Residents of the Residents des Etats-Unis Residents du Royaume-Uni United Kingdom Sales to Purchases Net Sales to Purchases Net Sales to Purchases Net from sales( +) from safes( +) from sales( +) Ventes Achats Ventes Ventes Achats Ventes Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) nettes(+) nettes(+) No millions of dollars - millions de dollars 1 1982 2 1983 7546 8,170 - 624 2927 3,680 - 753 1.370 1,577 - 207 10,286 10,013 + 273 4,415 4,780 - 365 2,074 2,237 -. 163 1982: 3 I 4 II 5 Ill 6 IV 1,511 1,573 1,979 2,483 1,389 1,506 2,477 2,797 + 122 + 67 - 498 - 314 550 622 708 1,047 648 717 1,069 1.047 - 297 - 95 -361 +1 262 274 343 491 209 +52 310 -36 433 -90 625 -134 1983: 7 I 8 II 9 III 10 IV 2,497 2.747 2,784 2,258 2,608 2,532 2.485 2,388 - 111 + 215 + 299 -130 985 1,199 1,236 995 1.170 1,198 1,159 1,254 -185 +1 +77 - 259 485 528 582 480 579 -94 544 -16 584 -2 530 -51 1984: 11 I 12 Il 13 III 14 IV 3,176 2.769 3,606 2.785 2,113 2,763 + 391 + 657 + 843 1,527 1,295 1,552 1,585 1,243 1,366 - 59 +52 + 186 616 545 764 565 449 * 643 + 121 15 January 16 February 17 March 18 April 19 May 20 June 21 July 22 August 23 September 24 October 25 November 26 December 883 729 801 714 1,066 863 763 856 999 737 710 759 886 718 878 758 829 830 738 798 877 787 772 782 -2 + 10 - 76 -44 + 236 * 33 + 26 + 59 + 122 - 50 -63 - 24 378 277 292 289 475 362 339 380 428 343 301 305 408 351 359 365' 358 392 363 391 370 405 412 394 - 31 - 74 - 67 - 76 + 116 -29 -23 - 11 +58 - 62 - 111 - 89 164 133 165 148 186 187 156 193 198 163 156 156 176 -11 158 -25 229 -64 160 -11 186 -1 193 -6 207 -51 161 +32 202 -3 192 -28 190 -35 145 + 12 996 886 1,195 792 948 971 954 1,280 1,336 1,771 923 944 856 523 811 723 734 1.014 987 1,131 + 73 - 58 + 340 + 269 + 137 + 249 + 220 + 266 + 348 + 640 451 414 573 354 408 482 431 591 515 588 531 579 422 325 479 394 399 504 453 449 -80 - 165 + 150 + 30 - 71 +88 + 32 + 87 + 62 + 139 211 204 193 173 175 191 152 281 317 360 198 +13 179 +25 180 +13 94 +79 161 +14 184 +7 158 -7 257 +25 216 +98 329 -4 lO iI!1Zl 27 January 28 February 29 March 30 April 31 May 32 June 33 July 34 August 35 September 36 October 37 November 38 December Note: Quarterly totals may include amounts related to transactions not allocable to a )arlicular ma I -7- TABLEAU 1. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobilières canadiennes an circulation Residents of Continental Europe Residents of Japan All other non-residents F lesidents d'Europe continentale Residents du Japon Tous los autres non-residents Période Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sates( +) Ventes Aehats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) millions of dollars 1,164 975 + 188 1,620 1,531 + 89 - millions do dollars 1,481 1,506 1.385 728 - 25 + 657 604 432 792 737 + 173 1982 + 55 1983 2 240 253 260 411 151 180 273 372 + 89 + 74 - 14 + 39 374 273 480 354 123 + 251 142 + 130 648 -168 593 - 239 85 152 188' 179 59 158 54 161 1982 + 27 I - 6 II + 134 Itt + 18 IV 3 4 5 6 428 428 417 348 416 419 397 300 + 12 +9 +20 + 48 383 392 323 266 198 +185 237 + 155 138 +184 154 +133 216 200 226 149 245 134 207 150 1983: -291 + 66 II + 19 III - I IV 7 8 9 10 IS 17 370 266 354 + 74 + 181 + 272 346 314 455 120 +226 68 +245 207 + 24.8 243 168 209' 144 86 192 1984: ± 98 I ± 82 II + 17 III IV 11 12 13 14 '6 1983 131 144 131 126 160 118 132 118 127 Ill 103 133 128 123 108 116 151 127 104 125 148 101 91 108 +2 + 20 + 24 + 10 +9 -g +29 -7 - 21 + 10 + 12 + 25 143 108 132 105 152 136 90 100 133 57 110 119 50 ±92 44 +65 104 +28 82 +23 74 +77 81 +55 38 +52 59 +40 41 +92 37 +21 32 +79 86 +33 123 42 77 36 60 37 26 62 116 53 47 49 68 67 80 46 94 60 46 66 112 62 39 45 - 55 Janvier + 24 Fèvrier + 3 Mars + 10 Avril + 34 Mai + 23 Juin + 20 Juillet + 4 AoOt - 4 Septembre + 10 Octobre - 8 Novembre - 5 D4cemlxe 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1984 144 103 197 115 178 154 163 213 244 336 126 106 138 65 94 108 69 132 147 183 Nota ' + 18 -3 + 59 + 50 +84 + 47 +94 + 81 + 97 + 154 122 77 146 103 123 87 136 161 158 312 11 38 70 16 47 5 20 91 97 82 + 111 +39 +76 +87 +76 +82 +116 ±70 +62 +231 67 87 87 46 64 57 72 34 57 42 45 22 30 33 88 31 72 88 101 174 1,1 ('Lu + 10 Janvier + 46 Fèvrier + 42 Mars + 24 Avril + 33 Mai + 25 Juin - 16 Juillet + 3 AoUt + 29 Septembre ± 86 Oclobre Novembre Dècembce .1 (((Lu 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 -8TABLE 2. Transactions in Outstanding Foreign Securities with Nonresidents All non-residents Residents of the United States Tous lea non-ritsidents Residents des Etats-Unis a Residents of United Kingd Residents du Royaume-Unu Period Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Venles Achats Ventes netles(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes+) Ventes Achats Ventes netles(+) millions of dollars - millions 1 2 1982 1983 do dollars 5,683 6214 - 530 5,373 5,841 - 468 108 82 + 26 10,502 11,718 - 1,216 9,783 10,963 - 1.180 238 276 - 37 1982 3 4 5 Ill 6 'IV 1,186 1.074 1.346 2.077 1,209 1,175 1,446 2,384 - 23 - 101 -100 - 307 1,090 1,012 1.281 1.990 1.105 1,111 1,366 2.258 - 16 -99 -86 - 268 30 23 21 34 21 15 20 25 +9 +8 1983 7 8 II 9 Ill 10 IV 2.323 2.357 2,799 3.023 2,678 2,827 2,824 3,388 - 355 - 470 - 25 -366 2,091 2,172 2.639 2.882 2,429 2,650 2,661 3.222 - 339 - 479 23 - 340 141 39 34 25 134 48 39 55 +7 -9 -5 - 31 3,266 3,544 4,461 3,691 3.604 4,677 - 425 - 60 - 216 3,053 3,368 4,145 3.506 3.416 4,327 - 453 -48 - 182 60 46 133 50 78 160 +9 1984 11 12 II 13 Ill 14 IV n iIi;Ic] 15 January 16 February 17 March 18 Ail 19 May 20 June 21 July 22 August 23 September 24 October 25 November 26 December - 71 673 744 - 72 14 15 719 790 - 82 67 74 -7 -90 552 634 645 735 + 14 -156 56 42 - 159 733 889 818 977 - 116 +3 - 128 14 11 611 727 551 679 -98 11 22 - 11 -100 816 914 873 973 +2 -196 12 10 - 195 698 893 759 954 - 24 10 12 - 16 651 674 729 713 1,010 -63 902 963 - 61 6 7 -2 947 -7 18 +84 11 + 71 971 887 1007 936 -4 -88 10 13 - 89 868 956 926 1,015 - 18 1,191 -80 8 26 1.111 1,244 - 89 1.155 14 -8 879 - 75 804 6 -88 927 839 iIi 27 January 28 February 29 March 30 April 31 May 32 June 33 July 34 August 35 September 36 October 37 November 38 December No - 147 28 14 + 14 - 113 817 964 899 1,012 +2 - 98 19 17 -96 950 1,049 1.013 1,108 -4 -163 18 21 1,311 1,148 1.388 - 169 1,219 -5 + 330 11 16 + 348 975 645 1.036 688 - 20 - 262 15 35 - 290 1,200 1,462 1.244 1,534 - 10 -100 19 29 -105 1,140 1.240 1.209 1,315 - 62 31 38 -7 - 72 1.198 1.260 1.273 1,345 1.854 1,986 - 131 1,719 1,877 - 158 51 50 +1 -20 + 78 50 71 + 27 1,150 1,072 1.254 1,227 -8 57 65 3.748 -296 3.452 3,941 - 336 3.605 a -9TABLEAU 2. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobilières etrangères an circulation Residents of ;onthental Europe Residents of Japan All othe non-residents ROsidents dEurope continentale Residents du Japon bus les autres non-residents °èriode Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes( +) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes( +) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes( +) 87 122 164 161 - 35 + 3 millions of dollars - millions de dollars 86 136 - 51 239 190 + 49 30 33 78 128 - 3 - 50 121 15 -4 -7 - 35 2 7 10 6 10 +1 55 53 46 37 - 10 + 28 + 12 + 16 13 22 19 24 14 34 41 38 48 ' 35 49 +33 + 12 + 28 31 39 58 40 22 59 35 20 14 16 43 21 21 51 45 81 58 55 1 -7 - 12 - 22 - 15 -9 + 17 1982 1983 2 19 18 24 27 24 26 31 40 1982 -51 - 9 II - B Ill - 13 IV 3 4 5 6 35 43 49 37 47 41 37 36 1983: - 12 I + 1 II + 13 III + 1 IV 7 8 9 10 41 44 48 47 52 82 1984: -61 -34111 IV ii 12 13 14 1983 16 12 16 28 25 27 30 13 8 25 20 8 18 -2 11 +1 6 2 22 13 22 17 17 16 12 20 9 7 -7 + 15 +3 + 10 + 13 -3 -3 +5 11 + 11 +1 6 7 6 7 9 7 9 2 5 5 3 9 4 20 19 12 7 10 10 17 +1 10 B -2 -2 -3 +3 - 11 - 12 -2 -6 Ii 11 12 13 15 14 15 17 15 13 -4 - 10 11 21 15 12 14 7 13 13 15 8 10 14 ± 2 Janvier - Fevrier - 9 Mars - 2 Avril + 3 Mai - Juin + 8 Juillet + 4 AoUt + 2 Seplembre - 2 Octobre + 2 Novembre + 3 Decembe 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1984: 30 18 31 26 6 14 23 34 20 32 11 12 + 19 8 +3 12 13 11 +4 17 +1 15 10 14 18 + 13 5 21 - 16 18 18 +4 7 + 19 10 6 14 13 15 -8 7 8 16 15 14 +1 22 + 13 14 23 B 10 8 + 16 10 10 29 +7 13 + 21 19 32 24 22 29 -9 16 24 -8 18 31 - 23 46 51 18 55 -5 22 - 1 Janvier - 4 Fèvrier - Mars + 1 Avril + I Mal - 9 Juin - 19 Juillet - 3 AoUt - 13 Septembre - 4 Octobe Novembre Decembre Nota: Les Otaus trimes riels peuvent comprene es montanls se rappollail là des oper ions qui ne ont pas propres a un mois donnB 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 10 TA BLE 3. Transactions in Outstanding Securities with Non-residents Oc tober 1984 All non-residents Residents of the United States Residents of the United Kingdom Tous les non-residents Residents des Etats-Unis Residents du Royaume-Uni Type of issue Sales to Ventes Purchases from Achats Net Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) sales( +) No. millions of do lars millions de dollars Grand total, CanadIan and foreign securIties 5,376 5,072 + 304 4,040 4,197 - 157 417 395 + 22 2 Canadian securities, total 1,771 1,131 + 640 588 449 + 139 360 329 - 30 3 Bonds 4 Common and preferred stock 1,286 485 647 484 + 639 + 1 275 313 179 270 + 96 + 43 308 52 236 94 + 72 - 42 5 Foreign securitlea, total 3,605 3,941 - 336 3,452 3,748 - 296 57 65 - B 2,870 3,175 - 306 2,834 627 654 - 27 605 3,122 609 - 289 -4 3 4 6 +1 11 89 89 19 23 -4 2 8 8 +3 -7 51 50 +1 2 -2 United States issues: 6 Bonds 7 Common and pefeaed stock Other foreign issues: 8 Bonds 9 Common and preferred stock Analysis of bonds and debentures: Canadian issues: Government of Canada: 762 41 217 46 + 545 -5 176 9 91 11 +85 -2 112 18 24 +87 27 -9 12 Direct 13 Enterprises 118 203 106 125 + 12 + 78 40 15 51 4 -11 +10 39 72 39 72 - 14 Municipal 15 Corporations 12 149 19 135 -6 + 15 35 4 18 -4 + 17 6 62 7 -1 66 -4 2.803 3.067 - 264 10 Direct 11 Enterprises Provincial: United States issues: 16 Government 17 flt-r 2.830 3.104 - 274 a -11 TABLEAU 3. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobilières an circulation Octobre 1984 I Residents of Continental Europe Residents ol Japan All other non-residents Residents dEurope corilinentale Residents du Japon Tous lea autres non-residents Genre dOnission Sales to Purchases from Net sajes( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) miIons of dollars - niilhons de dollars 368 237 + 83 Total general, valeurs mobilléres canadionnes at etrongeres. 336 183 + 86 Valeurs canadiennes, total 2 258 78 105 77 + 87 Obligations Actions ordmaires at privilégiOes 3 4 32 55 -4 Valours étrangéres. total 5 Emissions des Etats-Unis: 4 27 +2 Obligations +3 Actions ordinaires at privilegiees 6 7 Autres 8missions Otrangères: 27 27 -3 Obions -5 Actions odinaires at prMOes 8 9 Analyse des obligations Emissions canadiennes: Administration fédérsie: 152 3 17 5 + 81 Otrectes +5 Entreprises ID 11 Acbninistrations provinciales: 17 37 10 26 +1 -1 Directes Entreprises 7 43 6 41 -2 Municipalites +2 SoclétOs 12 13 14 15 Emissions des Etats-Unis +1 0 Gouvernement 16 Aulres 17 - 12 - TABLE 4. Transactions in Outstanding Securities with Non-residents Year-to-date - October 31, 1984 All non-residents Residents of the United States Residents of the United Kingdom Tous les non-residents Residents des Etats-linis Residents du Royaume-Uni Type of issue Sales to Purchases from Net sales(+) Sales to Purchases from Net sales(+) Sales to Purchases from Net saleS(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) millions of dollars - millions do dollars 1 Grand total, Canadian and foreign securities 26,197 24,704 + 1,493 18,980 19,641 - 661 2,582 2,341 + 240 2 Canadian securities, total 11,322 8,791 + 2,531 4,962 4,644 + 319 2,286 1,987 + 298 3 Bonds 4 Common and preferred stock 6,937 4,385 4.222 4.569 - 2,715 - 184 2,044 2.918 1.773 2.870 -4- 271 + 48 1.680 606 1,222 766 + 458 - 160 ForeIgn securities, total 14,875 15,913 - 1,038 14.018 14,998 - 980 296 354 - 58 7,315 7.124 8,147 7,231 - 833 - 108 289 148 315 219 -26 -72 177 205 32 40 -9 - 28 - 16 14 15 25 40 4,066 200 2,040 + 2.026 222 -22 -4. 455 1,247 1,031 + 216 759 304 - 11 67 83 - 16 90 101 683 1,082 666 +17 642 +440 277 344 - 67 215 220 -5 + 42 179 180' -2 317 275 5 United States issues: 6 Bonds 7 Common and preferred Stock 34 65 7.988 - 862 6,835 6,929: -94 70 69 7.127 I Other foreign issues: 8 Bonds 9 Common and preferred stock Analysis of bonds and debentures: Canadian issues: Government of Canada: 10 11 Direct Enterprises Provincial: 12 Direct 13 Enterprises 14 Municipal 15 Corporations 66 840 591 + 247 - 14 5 9 -5 16 30 - 10 + 144 269 125 282 291 United States issues: 16 Government 17 Other 7,006 308 7.769L 378 70 7.693 - 818 9 8 6,875 44 57 251 295 I - 13 - TABLEAU 4. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobillères en circulation Depuis le debut do I'année - 31 octobre, 1984 Residents of Continental Europe Residents of Japan All other non-residents ROsidents cfEurope continentale Residents du Japon Tous les autres non-residents Sanre dOmisslon Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Sales to Purchases from Net sales( +) Ventes Achats Ventes netles(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) 713 millions of dollars - millions cia dollars + 231 Total general. valeurS mobIllOres 2,091 1,360 + 730 1,600 649 + 952 944 1,854 1,173 + 680 1,427 477 + 950 794 510 + 284 Valeure canadlennes, total 2 1,162 692 431 742 + 730 - 50 1,421 6 464 12 + 956 - 6 631 164 331 179 + 300 Obligations - 15 Actions ordinaires at pruvilOgiees 3 4 237 187 -4 50 174 172 2 151 203 1 canadlannes at Otrangere,. - 52 Valeurs OtrangOres. total 5 Emissions des Etats-Unis: 47 3 112 +43 -7 63 8 +8 +5 86 2 78 5 +8 -3 22 111 14 116 + 8 Obligations - 5 Actions ordinaires at 6 7 privilOgiOes Autres Omissions OtrangOres: 71 14 +1 85 89 -4 8 10 6 67 + 2 Obligations - 58 Actions ordinaires at privilOgiOes 8 9 Analyse des o4llgatlons Emissions canennes: AdiThnislration fOdOrale: 637 17 113 18 + 523 895 12 357 + 539 + 12 527 14 234 21 + 293 Directes - 7 Entreprises 10 11 Administrations provinciales: 71 150 61 84 + 10 + 66 89 412 32 255 16 140 + 16 + 115 12 76 + 61 + 336 30 25 12 27 2 -f 11 -2 2 33 2 34 28 + 18 Directes - 2 Entreprises - 1 MunicipalitOs - 1 SociOtOs 12 13 14 15 Emissions des Etats-linis: 41 6 2 2 + 40 +4 70 15 65 13 +5 +3 11 11 2 12 + 9 Gouvernement - 1 Autres 16 17 - 14 - TABLE 5. Transactions in Outstanding Canadian Bonds and Debentures and Common and Preferred Stocks with Non-residents Bonds and debentures Obligations Period All non-residents Residents of the United States Tous les non-residents Residents des Etats-Unis Sales to Purchases from Net sales(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) Net Sales to Purchases from sales(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes(+) 10. millions of dollars - millions de dollars 1 2 1982 1983 4,624 5,242 4,742 4,707 - 117 + 535 937 1.529 1.384 1.653 - 447 3 4 5 6 1982: I II III IV 909 971 1,311 1.434 567 867 1,525 1,782 + + - 342 103 214 348 158 174 261 343 241 291 410 - 83 - 117 - 150 - 98 7 B 9 10 1983: I II III IV 1,230 1,463 1.416 1.133 1,239 1,232 1,164 1,072 - 8 + 231 + 252 + 61 268 430 471 360 412 501 462 478 11 I 1,722 1.595 2,335 1,203 900 1,472 + 519 + 694 + 863 655 471 594 427 573 394 336 485 412 575 439 341 531 383 351 393 438 295 484 381 366 426 341 386 422 400 342 322 - 45 + 42 + 1 + 31 + 210 + 13 + 67 + 109 - 16 + 9 + 71 73 73 121 125 164 107 104 150 152 139 104 115 118 132 134 177 146 164 147 206 155 112 535 460 719 458 564 659 693 777 852 1.286 405 383 407 185 398 304 387 511 563 647 + 130 + 77 + 312 + 274 + 167 + 255 + 306 + 266 + 289 + 639 205 161 286 129 148 185 248 212 184 275 211 198 182 88 197 131 173 203 197 179 1984: 12 II 13 III 14 IV 644 441 324 - 143 71 + 9 ± 44 + 70 1983: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 January February March April May June July August September October November December 454 168 111 - 95 - 38 + 3 7 + 30 - 70 - 42 - 14 + 4 - 67 - 52 + 3 1984: 27 January 28 February 29 March 30 April 31 May 32 June 33 July 34 August 35 September 36 October 37 November 38December Note: Quarterly total s may include amounts related to transactions not allocable to a particular month - 6 - 37 + 103 + 41 - 49 + 53 + 75 + 9 14 - 15 TABLEAU S. Operations avec des non-residents sur des obligations canadiennes des actions ordinaires et privlleglees en circulation ommon and preferred stocks Achons ordinaires 81 pcivilèées All non-residents Iaesidents of the United States Thus les non-residents Residents des Etats-tinis Sales Purchases Net to from sales(+) Ventes Achats Ventes nettes( +) Sales Purchases to from Venles Achals Periode Net sales( 4) Ventes nettes( +) millions of dollars - millions de dollars 1 2,921 5.044 3,428 5,306 - 507 - 262 602 603 668 1,049 822 639 952 1,015 -220 -36 - 284 +34 392 448 447 704 606 426 658 605 - 214 + 22 - 212 + 99 1982: I II III IV 3 4 5 6 1,267 1.2114 1 368 1,369 1,300 1.321 1,316 -103 - 16 + 48 - 191 717 769 765 635 758 697 697 776 -41 + 72 + 69 - 140 1983: I II III IV 7 8 9 10 1.582 1,212 1,291 - 128 -38 -20 872 824 909 992 816 793 - 120 + 9 + 116 1984: I II Ill Iv 11 12 13 14 S 1.271 1,990 2.886 2,296 2,927 -3061982 -41 1983 2 1983: 490 392 316 302 490 425 422 403 468 354 358 366 448 424 394 377 464 404 397 411 455 388 431 460 + 42 - 32 - 77 - 76 + 27 + 21 + 26 -8 + 13 -34 - 72 -94 305 204 171 164 311 255 235 230 277 205 197 191 - 57 -136 + 28 -5 -30 -7 -86 247 253 287 226 260 297 183 379 332 313 240 240 241 233 225 215 217 227 223 200 256 283 + 65 - 36 - 70 - 69 + 86 + 41 + 19 + 3 + 54 + 5 - 59 - 92 Janvier Fèvrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet AoCit Septenre Octobre Novembre DOcembre 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1984: 461 425 477 334 383 412 260 503 483 48 ID 518 561 449 338 413 419 346 503 424 484 + 59 +1 320 381 240 237 282 262 226 301 256 270 Note: Les tolaux trintestriels peuvent comprendre des n ntants se rapportar I 6 des operations - 74 Janvier - 128 Fèvrier + 47 Mars - 11 Avril -21 34 43 78 76 43 + + + + Maj Juin Juillet AoOt Septemtxe Octobre Novembre Décembre ui ne sont pea propres a un mois donne 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 - 16 - TABLE 6. Transactions in Canadian Securities with Non-residents Outstanding, New Issues, Retirements( 1 1983 Type 01 issue I It Year III IV Annés No. millions of dollars - milhons de dollars Trade in outstanding securities Commerce de valeurs mobillères an circulation Bonds and debentures: Federal government: I Direct 2 Enterprises + 72 -4- 2 + 215 + 21 + 133 - 3 + 14 - 55 + 435 - 36 - 63 + 4 - 20 + 29 + 10 + 105 + 26 + 74 - 47 + 213 5 Municipal government (including institutions) + 7 + 13 + 12 + 27 + 58 6 Corporations (excluding government enterprises) - 30 - 29 - 5 - 24 - 87 - 8 + 231 + 252 + 61 + 535 Provincial government: 3 Direct 4 Enterprises 7 Sub-total, bonds and debentures 8 Common and preferred stocks - 103 - 16 + 48 - 191 - 262 9 Total - 111 + 215 + 299 - 130 + 273 New issues - Nouvelies emissions Bonds and debentures: Federal government: 10 Direct II Enterprises 12 13 Provincial government: Direct Enterprises 14 Municipal government (including institutions) 15 Corporations (excluding government enterprises) 16 Sub-total, bonds and debentures 17 Common and preferred stocks 18 Total + 144 + 567 + 145 + 336 + 189 + 75 + 766 + 92 + + 1,0uY + 843 + 787 + 1061 + 379 + 115 + 778 + 669 + 666 + 2688 + 2,610 + 40 + 150 - + 143 + 333 + 264 + 582 + 163 + 594 + 1603 + 2,645 + 2,652 + 1,320 + 2,931 + 9,548 + 229 + 145 + 464 + 341 + 1.180 ± 2,874 + 2,797 + 1,784 + 3,272 + 10,728 Retirements - Remboursements Bonds and debentures Federal government: 19 Direct 20 Enterprises - 211 - 108 - 684 - 163 - 87 - 155 .- 635 - 1 - 1,617 - 428 Provincial government: 21 Direct 22 Enterprises - 208 - 328 - 184 - 141 - 197 - 175 - 256 - 168 - 845 - 812 23 Municipal government (including institutions) - 122 - 71 - 38 - 69 - 300 24 Corporations (excluding government enterprises) - 477 - 279 - 137 - 148 - 1.041 - 1,454 - 1,522 - 790 - 1,277 - 5,042 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 6 1,455 - 1,523 - 791 - 1,280 - 5,049 25 Sub-total, bonds and debentures 26 Common and preferred stocks 27 Total (1) A more comprehensive presentation and analysis on Canada s capital movemenl n i: in I ncr' rn 'arm .', vrr-i 'nil ,:hrr Est,mates of the Canadian Balance of International Payments (Catalogue 67-001 S S - 17 - TABLEAU 6. Operations avec des non-residents sur des valeurs mobiliêres canadiennes Ln circulation, nouvelles emissions, remboursernents(1) 1984 Genre d'èmission Year lv Annèe millions of dollars - millions do dollars Trade In outstanding securities Commerce do velours mobiliérea on circulation Obhgations: +325 -13 +384 +6 +772 -10 Administration tédèraie: Directes Entreprises 2 Administrations provinciaies: Directes Entreprises 3 4 +48 +110 +11 +147 -53 +105 + 15 + 12 -14 +34 +134 +63 +519 +694 +863 -128 -38 -20 +391 +657 +843 Municipalites (y compris institutions) Sociètits (saul los entreprises publiques) Total partlel. obligations Actions ordinaires of pnvilOgièes Total 5 6 7 8 9 New issues - Nouvelles emissions Obhgations: - 102 368 + 596 + 130 + 145 + 196 Administration lédOrale: Directes Entreprises 10 11 + 421 +769 + 1,011 +249 + 552 +488 Administrations provinciales: Directes Entreprises 12 13 +359 +40 +204 Municipalités (y compris institutions) +225 +618 +358 Societes (saul + 2,243 + 2,644 + 1,943 +118 +183 +76 + 2,361 + 2,827 + 2,019 los entreprises pubiiques) Total partlel, obligations Actions orciinaires at privilegiees Total 14 15 16 17 18 Retirements - Rembouraements Obligations: - 328 - 318 - 527 - 128 - 196 - 205 Administration teditrale: Directes Entreprises 19 20 - 277 - 157 - 193 - 101 - 213 - 438 Administrations provinciales: Directes Entreprises 21 22 - 83 - 49 - 54 - 193 - 258 - 165 - 1.355 - 1,255 - 1,211 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 1358 - 1,257 - 1,273 Municipalités (y compris institutions) 23 SociOtOs (saul los entreprises publlques) 24 Total partlel. obligations 25 Actions ordmaires at privilOglOes 26 Totsl 27 On trouverS one presentation et une analyse plus complete des moitvernents de Captai:x a lonq terme eta coLirl terme do Canada dans a publu-aSon F.0nWroos 100 ft 110/sn. 10 11 I .0,15:1 ,l1h1d,&1/Or' dos p,'/l//I?ts ,otr'usjt,c'riatjx Catalogue 67001 - 18 TABLE 7. Proceeds of New Issues of Canadian Securities Sold to Non-residents, - by Currency of Payment Between Canada and all non-residents Entre le Canada at tous las non-residents Type of issue 1983 1984 Year II Ill IV I II Ill IV Année No. Year AnnOe millions of dollars - millions cia dollars Payable In Canadian dollera: Bonds and debentures. Federal government: 1 Direct 2 Enterprises 3 4 Provincial government: Direct Enterprises 5 Municipal government (including institutions) 6 Corporations (excluding government enterprises) 7 Sub-total, bonds and debentures 8 Common and preferred stocks 9 Total 144 50 145 189 75 150 196 - 628 125 102 - - - 145 50 69 7 8 2 52 117 137 6 265 132 9 2 75 92 104 110 138 - 92 - 51 143 78 40 84 134 102 134 454 137 90 105 354 380 535 477 1,747 328 493 652 51 29 59 195 334 101 85 27 405 409 594 672 2,081 429 577 679 - - Payable In foreign currency: Bonds and debentures 10 11 Federal government: Direct Enterprises 517 336 - 616 92 616 944 368 400 130 146 12 13 Provincial government: Direct Enterprises 774 780 1,053 377 63 661 533 660 2,423 2,478 411 768 936 157 449 378 14 Municipal government (including institutions) 40 58 - 92 191 281 - 66 15 Corporations (excluding government enterprises) 180 448 61 460 1,149 88 528 253 2,290 2,272 785 2,454 7,801 1,916 2,151 1,292 178 2,469 116 2,388 405 1,190 146 2,600 846 17 99 48 8.647 1,933 2,250 1,340 16 Sub-total, bonds and debentures 17 Common and preferred stocks 18 Total - - - TABLE 8. New Issues of Canadian Bonds Sold to Non-residents Transactions with all non-residents Operations avec bus - non-residents 1984 1983 Item las I Ii Ill 365 2,999 434 2.361 552 2,506 412 2,090 1,685 3,364 2,795 3,057 2.502 II Ill IV 75 1,611 IV ______________________________________ ________ ____________________________ millions of dollars millions do dollars No . - 1 Undelivered balance at beginning of period 2 Offerings of current period(1) 223 2.522 3 Sub-total Dedoct new issues recorded in current quarter. 2,745 98 2,630 2,727 from offerings of current period from offerings of prior periods 2,449 196 2,580 73 1,245 75 2,566 365 1.810 433 2,161 483 1,534 409 6 Sub-total, new issues 7 Undelivered balance at end of period(2) 2,645 2,652 75 1,320 2,931 2,243 2,644 1,943 434 552 412 556 4 5 - (i) Includes domestic issues sold to non-residents r ,. 1:s -,-, hs . ..........I - 98 •.p'5ii 16. 0 - 19 TABLEAU 7. Produit de Ia vente de nouvelles emissions de valeurs mobilières canadiennes aux non-residents, selon Ia devise de paiement Between Canada and the United States Entre le Canada of los Etats-Unis 1984 1983 Gene d'Omission Year II Ill IV I II Ill rv AnnOe Year AnnOe millions of dollars - millions de dollars Payables on dollars canadians: Obligations; 16 26 7 20 68 3 30 - - - - - - - 1 2 - 1 - 3 2 5 4 - 1 - - Administration fOdOrale: Directes Entreprises 2 I 1 Administrations provinciales: Direcies Entreprises 3 4 27 - 2 - - - - - - MunicipalltOs (y conris institutions) 5 2 13 4 12 5 6 5 SocilitOs (saul los entreprises publices) 26 89 10 38 34 Total partial, obligations 6 7 18 70 42 31 7 Actions ordinaires of pnvulOgiees 8 44 160 52 69 41 Total 9 - 2 18 3 32 6 24 12 34 43 48 Payables on devises atrangOres: Obligations: - - - - - - 122 - 226 - - 347 - - - 332 367 533 6 328 246 312 1,118 1,006 280 1 320 33 328 32 - - - - - - 60 223 61 127 471 - - 13 881 395 685 2,942 281 352 373 178 981 116 302 59 655 17 95 48 1,059 1,097 697 744 3,597 298 448 422 - - Administration fOdOrale Directes Entreprises Administrations provinciales; Directes Entreprises - 10 11 12 13 Municipatiles (y conxis Institutions) 14 SociOtOs (saul los eritreprises pubuiques) 15 Total partial, obligations 16 Actions ordinaires of privileees Total 17 18 TABLEAU 8. Nouvelles emissions d'obligations canadiennes vendues aux non-residents Transactions with United States residents - Operations avec lea residents des Etats-Unis 1984 ___________ OOtajl 1983 Ilj ii - 25 899 1,013 924 1,038 IV I millions of dollars - millions do dollars Ill 25 - 383 711 610 408 711 610 II Ill 319 71 408 Reste a livrer en dlitiut de periode Emissions do Ia pOriode courante(1) 2 390 408 Total partial 3 Nouvelles Omissions enre9strOes au cows du trimestre dOduites: - dos Omissions do Ia periode courante - des Omissions do pOriodes antOrieures 4 5 - 383 711 291 25 - - 71 320 408 - 899 1.013 408 711 291 391 408 319 - - 899 1,013 - 25 25 - - IV Comprond es OfflIsslons rinadienneS vefldurrs ,iux nor- reslflenls En ra,sun tIunIu,rliuir Lies ours lu chrrruu ft rr;sle u Ii,rer flu seru pus erlil - Li Li Total partial, nouvelles emissions Reste a livrer en tin do periode(2) sCrnrfle 3_s poster des-, is 6 7 - 20 - TABLE 9. Transactions in Selected Canadian Short-term Money Market lnstruments('fl AU nori-res4dents Thus las non-rèsioenl:. Transactions - Operations Item 1983 1984 Nonresident holdings Sept. 30 1984 Year Year Avoirs des IIIIV I II Ill IV non. Année AnnOe residents au 30 Sept. 1984 millions of dollars - millions de dollars Government of Canada treasury bills: I 2 Sales Purchases(2) 3 Net 2,274 1.910 2,456 2.313 4,217 3,887 3,249 3,089 12,196 11,199 + 364 + 143 + 330 + 160 + 997 431 418 683 533 574 632 719 648 2,407 2.232 697 731 591 513 736 631 + 13 + 150 - 58 + 71 + 176 34 + 78 + 105 Finance company paper: 7 Sales 8 Purchases(2) 561 553 844 733 505 451 336 372 2,245 2,108 513 604 502 440 379 451 9 Net + 8 + 111 + 54 - 36 + 137 - 91 + 62 - 71 648 736 572 546 1,248 493 873 829 3,340 2,605 832 529 617 715 648 826 - 88 + 25 + 755 + 44 + 736 + 303 - 97 - 178 48 42 46 50 18 5 97 38 209 136 48 115 28 27 102 67 + 6 - 4 + 13 + 58 + 74 - 66 + 2 + 35 40 40 65 70 12 40 42 11 159 161 16 40 20 17 58 40 - - 6 - 28 + 31 - 2 - 24 + 3 + 17 736 815 682 667 1,278 538 1,012 878 3,708 2,901 896 684 666 759 808 933 - 82 + 15 + 740 + 134 + 807 + 213 . 93 - 126 4,001 3.699 4,665 4,246 6,574 5,508 5,316 4,987 20,557 18,440 5,091 4,661 6,048 4,645 6,488 5,965 Commercial paper:(3) 4 Sales 5 Purchases(2) 6 Net 2.985 2,642 4,288 2,933 4,566 3,950 + 342 + 1355 + 616 4,523 501 S Other Canadian short-term paper: Other government (including government enterprises): 10 Sales 11 Purchases(2) 12 Net 13 14 Banks: Sales Purchases(2) 15 Net 16 17 Other financial corporations. Sales Purchases(2) 18 Net Total, other short-term paper: 19 Sales 20 Purchases(2) 21 Net Total: 22 Sales 23 Purchases(2) 24 Net + 302 1 + 419 + 1,066 1 + 328 + 2,116 1 + 430 + 1,403 1 + 524 1.741 44 32 1,817 1 (1) A more comprehensive presentation and analysis on Canada's capital movements in both long and short-term forms will be found in the publication Estimates of the Canadian Balance of International Payments (Catalogue 67-001) Including maturities. (2) Including bankers acceptances. (3) 7.116 - Quart: S - 21 TABLEAU 9. Operations sur certains effets du commerce du marché monétaire a court terme au Canada(1) Residents of the United States Residents des Etats-Unis Transactions - Operations 1983 No resident hoklings Detail Sept. 30 1984 1984 Year Ill IV AnnOe Tw . Year Avoirs des non Annee residents au 30 sept. 1984 I millions of dollars - millions de dollars 739 684 614 568 2.456 2.239 1,863 1,805 5.672 5.297 901 823 1,421 655 1.310 1,356 + 54 + 46 + 217 + 58 + 375 + 77 + 766 - 46 421 395 604 530 469 504 518 433 2,013 1,862 566 613 547 424 716 606 + 26 + 74 - 34 + 85 + 151 - 47 + 122 + 109 561 47 944 733 505 450 336 372 2.245 2.101 513 604 502 440 379 451 • , + 111 + 54 - 36 + 143 - 91 + 62 - 71 626 664 543 522 1,219 473 826 779 3,214 2,438 800 498 579 681 605 788 - 39 + 21 + 747 + 47 + 776 + 302 - 102 - 183 44 40 44 48 8 3 82 29 179 120 48 100 27 27 102 66 +5 -4 +5 +53 +59 -51 - +36 33 39 64 66 8 32 41 10 146 147 15 38 19 17 57 39 - 6 - 2 - 24 31 - - 22 + 2 + 18 703 743 651 636 1,236 508 949 817 3,539 2.704 864 635 625 724 764 893 - 40 + 15 + 728 + 132 + 835 + 228 - 99 - 128 2,423 2,369 2.713 2.467 4,666 3,701 3,666 3,427 13,469 11,964 2,843 2,676 3,095 2,243 3,169 3,306 + 55 + 246 + 965 + 239 + 1,505 + 168 + 852 - 136 + Sit) On trouvera une prlisentation et une anatyse plus complete des mouvements de capitaux 2) 3) Bons do trBsor clii Gouvernement do Canada: Ventes Achats(2) 1.408 Net 494 275 3 Effets do commerce canadiens(3): Ventes Achats(2) 4 5 Net 6 Effets des soci4tlis do I inancement: Ventes Achats(2) 7 8 Net 9 Autre papec canadian a court terme: Autres administrations publiques (y compris los entreprises publiques): Ventes Achals(2) 1,713 Net 44 32 10 11 12 Banques. Ventes Achats(2) 13 14 Net is Autres sociètès do financement: Ventes Achats(2) 16 17 Net 18 Total. autre papier Ventes Achats(2) a court terme: 1,789 Net Total: Ventes Achats(2) 3,966 Net a long terme at a court terme dii Canada dons Ia publication - frimest,ielles de Ia balance canadienne des pajements internationaux (Catalogue 67-001). V conxis amortissement. V compris las acceplatioris bancaires. 1 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 Estimations - 22 TABLE 10. Selected Capital Market Statistics Selected capital market yields Stock prices Cerlains rendements clu marché Cours des actions des Long-term United States Canada Long terme Etats-Unis Toronto Stock Exchange Composite 300 1975 = 1000 Standard and Poor's Composite 500 1941-43=10 Canadian industrials average (1) Government of Canada average (2) United States government average (3) lndice composite 300 de Ia Bourse de Toronto 1975=1,000 Indice composite 500 de Standard and Poor's 1941-43=10 Moyenne des valeurs industrielles canadiennes (1) Moyenne du gouvernement du Canada (2) Moyenne clu gouverneme4lt des Etats-Unis (3) 1982: January February March April May June July August September October November December 1,786.91 1,671.34 1587.83 1,548.17 1,523.68 1,366.80 1,411.90 1,613.32 1,602.02 1,774.04 1,838.31 1,958.08 120.40 113.11 119.96 116.44 111.68 109.61 107.09 119.51 120.42 133.71 138.54 140.64 17.03 16.80 16.70 16.52 16.37 17.73 17.22 1545 14.39 13.38 12.83 12.47 15.94 15.01 15.06 14.75 14.72 16.03 15.62 13,96 13.48 12.63 12.18 11,69 13.73 13.63 12.98 12.84 12.67 13.32 12 1983: January February March April May June July August September October November 24 December 2,031.47 2.090,37 2,156.06 2,340.81 2,420.65 2,446.97 2,477.62 2.483,09 2,499.58 2,361.08 2.54089 2,552.35 145.30 148.06 152.96 164.42 162.39 168.11 162.56 164.40 166.07 163.55 166.40 164.98 12.67 12.11 12.00 11.65 11.56 11.80 12.18 12.51 11.95 11.97 11.91 12.21 12.28 11.80 11.70 11.18 11.30 11.56 12,03 12.34 11.76 11.73 11.80 12.02 10.37 10.60 10.34 10.19 1021 10.64 11.10 11.42 11.26 11.21 11.32 11,44 2,468.88 2.419,83 2,382.10 2.323,34 2,229.75 2,220.94 2,139.99 2,388.81 2.392,65 2.35326 163.41 157.06 159.18 160.05 150.55 153.18 150.66 166.68 166.10 166.09 12.24 12.71 13.33 13.68 14.30 14.18 13.86 13.23 13.07 12.62 11,92 12.40 13.06 13.31 13.93 13.81 13.41 12.89 12.63 12.18 11.29 11.44 11.90 12.17 12.89 13.00 12.82 12.23 11.97 11.66 Period No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1984: January February March April May June July August September October November December (1) (2) (3) Last business day. Weighted mid-term bond index based on to bonds covering 510 15 year spectrum. McLeoci. Young. Weir and Company Limited. Mid-market closing prices for last Wednesday of direct issues due or callable in 10 years or more. Daily average for last week of issues due or callable in 10 years or more. United States Federal Reserve Bulletin (4) (5) (6) (7) Last Wednesday. Last Wednesday. Adjusted to 365-day true yield basis from 360-day basis Average of rates at Thursday tender following the last Wednesday. Average of rates at Monday tender nearest last Wednesday. Acusted to 36 i? Expressed as annual yield. Last Wednesday. (8) Source; Bank of Canada except as indicated. IV till.? Villi hvsi, lrC.r?i it.i,l'J.ii.'t 1 i. 12 11 10 10 10 S ' - 23 TABLEAU 10. Certaines statistiques du marché des capitaux Selected capital market ields laiflS Forward premium( +) or discounl(-) United-States dollar in Canada 90-days (8) rendements du marchO des capitaux -Short-term Court terme Treasury bills 90-days Finance company paper 90-days Commercial paper 90-days Effets des sociOtOs do financement 0 90 (ours Effets do commerce a 90 jours Canadian (4) United States (5) Canadian (6) United States (7) Canada (4) Etats-Unis (5) Canada (6) Etats-Unis (7) DOport( +) ou reporl(-) terme do dollar Etats-Unis 0 90 jours au Canada (8) a Boris do trOsor a 90 jours Eurodollars (4) POnode No (1) (2) (3) 1490 15.00 16.15 15.50 15.60 17.05 15.65 1420 1330 1 45 0.95 '025 14.27 14.13 15.20 14.49 13.68 15.22 12.22 9.29 10.33 9.19 8.76 8.84 14.34 14.58 14.86 14.98 15.18 16.33 15.25 13.70 12.73 11.21 10.72 9.80 1402 13.01 13.14 1305 1199 13.18 11.00 8.60 8.07 8.31 8.22 8.51 14.94 15.06 15.44 15.00 14,44 15.89 13.25 10.63 11.56 10.25 9.63 9.38 0.24 0.40 0.96 0.79 1.34 1.32 2.73 3.81 1.78 1.82 1.32 1.25 1982: Janvier FOvrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet AoUt Septerribre Octobre Novembre DOcembre 10.05 9 50 930 9.30 9.35 930 935 9.35 9.30 9.30 9.50 915 8.52 8.48 9.27 8.60 8.81 8.34 8.22 9.00 9.63 8.81 922 9.35 9.40 9.90 958 9.23 9.17 912 9.25 9.17 9.24 9.32 9.24 9.24 9.48 9.71 8.76 9.44 948 9.64 9.05 8.98 9.23 9.38 9.38 9.00 9.63 906 9.31 9.81 10.06 10.31 9.56 9.69 9.88 10.13 1.21 0.63 036 026 0.26 0.56 0.69 072 030 033 033 0.39 1983' Janvier FOvrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet AoUt Septembre Octotxe Novembre DOcembre 9.80 985 10.60 10.75 11.50 12.10 12.95 12.25 12.15 11.60 9.53 978 10.39 1059 10.99 1163 11.60 11.67 11.13 9.91 9.73 9.82 1053 10.59 11.29 12.11 12.73 1213 1202 11.42 9.25 9.93 1003 10.02 10.22 10.16 1072 11.04 1069 9.74 9.88 10.19 10.75 11.00 1181 12.19 11.88 1200 11.50 1006 9.44 8.44 - - - 0.00 023 0.16 0.25 0.25 006 0.80 0.31 0.08 1.51 1984: Janvier Fevrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet AoUt Septembre Oclobre Novembre DOcembre 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2€ 27 2€ 2 3C 31 3 32 34 35 3€ Dernier jour ouvrable du mois. Lindice pondOre des obligations a moyen terme base sur 40 obligations Ochitances comprises entre 5 at 15 ens. McLeod, Young, We.r and Company Limited. Prix do cloture do marchO pour to dernier mercredi du rnois des Omissions directes venant 0 OchOance ou remboursables dens 10 ans ou plus. Moyenne quotidienne do Is semaine prOcOdente des Omissions venant 0 Ochèance ou remboursables clans 10 ans ou plus. United States Federal Reserve Bulletin. 4 Dernier mercredi do rnois. Darner mercredi do mois. Ajustement sur Ia base dun rendement rOel do 365 jours a partir dun escampte do 360 jours. Moyenne des offres le jeudi suivant to cornier mercredi du mois. Moyenne des offres to lundi suivant immOdiatement le dernier mercredi do mois. A4ustement sur Ia base dun rendement rOot do 365 jours do 360 (ours. di Aendement annuet. Dernier mercredi do mois. Source: Banque do Canada. saut indication contraire. a partir dun escompte S 0 0 1 lit Fi! III I I 111111111 II STATISTICS CANADA IJBRARY BIBLIOTHEQUF STATISTIQUE CANADA 1010511883 Canada I.' I