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Lcd Projection Tv Hd-tv Operating Instructions




2-593-962-11 (3) LCD Projection HD-TV Operating TV instructions WEGA © 2005 Sony Corporation ENGINE_M f ! _ i i ¸ i The model i and serial numbers are located at the rear of the TV, below the Sony logo, on the sticker, and also on the TV box (white label). Record these numbers in the spaces provided below. Refer to them whenever upon your Sony dealer regarding Model you call this product. No. Serial No. If, after reading additional the following questions related instructions, please call one of the following Customers in the continental Direct Response 1-800-222-SONY Center you have to the use of your Sony _")TV, numbers. United States contact the at: (7669) or visit Customers Center in Canada 1-877-899-SONY k,,_r contact the Customer Relations at: (7669) visit J To reduce the risk of fire or electric Thi`` eqinpnlent shock, do not expose this appratus to rain or moisture. the hnnt-, [l,t,, been _f the FCC Rtlle_ The_e ted',Oll,tble pt,lteutlt_ll iestdelltla[ tn',talhttlt>n illltl tudL,tte CiLII lIlstalled Cdll_e hal lllfll[ Till,, tllele fel ple_,elke _, ' _ , t>f umn,,ul,tted ',_.ithtn tile pmdut't", ",tl[-fLclent ',hock ple_,eLlt'e t>f htet,ttlue llllp,_Lt,tllt ",p[d',hlLl_-_ and not filled d I i',k, _, electric ``hock. tile blude', do to tile can _2,tllle',. _. Ith x Ol.lI pltqet'tlOll [-Ullt'tlon-, L`` left on T\: the ``t'leell ]tl``eited to ptexent pelllldllent[} _.dtt.lllLl_2 ``tdtltln llllpllnted tile ",dllle te',ult ``ettlll_2. b_ tile bll2htne,,,, plO_Zldlll XO/lI the t_lltt_ tile Itl_Ztl`` ,lllt, I the TV ,lle llt_t t.OXeled ,uld MIIlIIdL _(" ``Cleell XAdlldntx The',e I',et.,tu,,e tile eqUll-_lllent into different fltllll plodikt _, Colltlu``t tllff} pattern ,tllt-I t_f t'. pc', tit- llllpllnt`` the\ ,Ill outlet oil ,t CllClllt tile _et.e_xet i`` ted tile dedlel ot all expetLent.ed tadlt_/TV fi_t help ,tle t.dUtLtlned Ilh_dlflCdttOll`` th,tt \tlld t.ll,tLl_es ,ILl} llt_t e\ple,,,,l Ctltlld Illdlllld[ _,LII t_utlet ,tie tile onlx t_ne ul``ert tile plltg fldh de,tlel tll 3 apptoxed \Olll Ill _Adlldllt\ 'Au', x__tll _ 15 1 19 of tile FCC xolt ate t.,Ll',met. ULlphLg tile TV nnnledLttel b 3 quahfied tln,Lble contdt.t tt_ xt_ltl 3 dnd h,t\e Lt ``etx ice pel``t+llllel I',et-,_le ,_peLutlnff LtftLltheL If 3 tltl "_.LIIn, It I',e tN ll_ztile TV fi _L``exel ul ddX ``. dl``ct>nllet.t the po_el Nexet by pullln_Z tile plug _t``elt- pull t_ll tile cold 'IlllpOltdtlt Till`` telex IMOLIiet.ei\ el plOXLde', dL``pld} t_t-telex LMOL1 If into tile outlet, If un 3 liquid ,It ``olld oblect ``tlotlld [-d[[ tll``lde tile t.hecked I_e llllpllLlt tll,tt tt> ",_.tllctl For det,ul`` t.,_tlt.elnlllff ``,fret.,, m,ulce dlltelllld`` tile eqtllplllent OpeLute tile TV ,,nh ,,n ]21} V X(" Tile pluff L``de,,igned, fi>l ``ufet 3 pin pa,,e,,, t. fit illttl of llll-,[i-,e clo``ed t.,_pt_.nlll_ role, II1_ Lecelx pm_. el outlet I',l,tde Colltlllllt_tl``l} ,2,111C,IIl``e tile ``t.leell tile tt> tlX tt_ ,if the f, dlox_ LLlg Tile TV ``llt_tild I',e in``t,tlled nedl ,in edM[X act.e_,``lble of tLllle ,It ,Lhl'2h inld_2e t.dll lelOc,tte lllng the el Yoll o[itlet dllt-[ Illt_n-lllt_x fOl h_ll'2 peLLod`` I'q lglltlle_, _,tll ,2tlntld``t b} t)ne Ol lllt)le ('Olltlect ot Ol tlthel [f ,t [l\ed b.,, tul milled tl``et i`` ellCOtlhtffed till. tile I-,etx,.een ",uch ,r, x ,t',e',. let.eptdt.le keep ,tt lm_ ``etttll_2`` doe,, to htt-ho t_l telex lMt_n ill tet.hnlc_,ul al'_phdnt'e ed to dnppul_z ct>Lnpute_``. ILl`` ',_.lll Rot tile ``epdldtlt_L1 tile IIMllg TV It. utl_ illtel[-elellde ILlt.led``e ('otl``ll[t ekpOMile When It" Llt_t If tilL', eqlttpnletlt RetlLlellt till`` be full_ ip, e,, t C_ IllllllllL1 thdt ttl``t,t[[utIon interference t. _ inllet, ILl tile riot ti``e till`` polauzed t.Old, dnd Ill ,l _2eneiate',. _[- ,triLl x_ Ith hquld',. ille,l_,ille on the upp,u,ttu`` phl_z 'd. lth ,Ill ektenMoL1 unle',', be exptr, Lltl oblect', -,h,tll be placed To plexent dCt't_lllpdL13 ILl_ tile tile Iedel\ } ln,,tlUCtltln,, ICIII_2 h t Ldab llltelfelellt.e tlltetfetellCe ,tllt.l. 15 ide ma.k be of tt_ ,tlefft the t_peL,ttlllff i ,,el\ ql,l[[ _, _,,dt,t_ze'" that t, _ C, Hl',tlttlte l-, ltltellded nldlLltelldnee apput,ttu-, ellt. h_xtlle tL',et tt> tile to pet``on', TILL', ``3 ml',,d The "'tl,tllget,_tt llld_L1 ltllde elet'ttlC i tt_ ,tlet't the eLlt.e l', llO ffUdhtLltee off cottet't enetff3 to piox to the ILI',tLtlCtLoLI_,, Illd_ ,,_.lilt. 11,2dn I'.e detel equlplllent L_ Llltellded equlpnlellt x_ ith tl> Pdlt ,lie de_l_ned i11 dt.t.tllt-Llllt.e lllteL Cdtl``e hdtLnful ',.'. llll',ol lunlt`` ,tg,Llll,,t hdllll[-ll[ t>t.CUl tll d p,[dl teCel-_ttotl. dex lt.e. pui-,uant t,tdLt_ fleqllenc.,, dlld tl,,ed Ho_AeXel, Tht', tea, ted ,tlld [-Otilld tt_ t.,nnplx fi_l ,t C[,e, _, B di,_;itul Sdfet\ plec,ltltltln``. Ill``ttllt.tlt_ll``'" ``ee t_ll pu_e 3 Tile TV qlotLM I',e ILl``t,tlled Lledl ,LLI edM[X dCt.eS_,lble pm_. el outlet T,, pLexent mteLnul he,tt buildup, _,entllutl, _tl, _penLll_Z _, do llOt blot.k tile D_ not m,t,dl plaue ' tile TV m a h_,t ,,_ hlllllld ,ublect lt4l ,ltll h> exue_me dll,t pl,lue. ill llleu Ill ,1 Ill h,llllu,d Ill Axold ,_peldtlng _5 CI the TV at tempehtttue dueutl.', XXdllll lllOlll [oudthlll. Ill If tile ¢1_[Ol Ill till, Cd'e. plea,e fi_>nl ,t uold h> a tenlpelatllle tile be_.t tllllllll_2 pluttlle, illllmllldtlon Oil Till, TV tncotp,,t,tte'. to let the [)e[lllltl_lll ,Cleell tile dlleuted II dmx ,lit Ilfd See pdge iefleutlXe 12 & 13 fol mole infi_nn,m,_n on the Till, dlgltdl tell,, l,l_>n 1, edp,tl_le of lecelx lnEzall,tl_g I",d,lC. dl_ltd[ b,t',lu ,lIlul dlgltdl piemltlm cdl",le telex ],l_ll b_ ,uch leg_,teled thtdenlaik, dlleut cllnlleutllln t)pehth)l hi L, ieqlllled thgltal l'tlO_Zldlllllllllg ull_21tdl u,tble ,el,, d udble ,_ ,telll tl) Sllloot[lel [ke the f,,ll,_xx]ng S_ll 5 apphanuel,l ,Ill thtdemalk, Till', lllOle lue _, *,tlt_'ll d _, x ldetl-Oll-dellldlld, tell,, ,h,)uhl l,htll udll d[,o ,,Olll inchtulex Ioedl d cdble QAM plO_-_Idlllllllll_ X ,llb,ulll'_tlon hi tlf plO_-_ldlllllllll_ plO_hmllllln,_ ,el,, lue plox Ill _ dnul _ "l'2ndl OIIl plOX . el . opehtt_l XX[lluh dl_zital cable ,el, lee hi ,t depellul, oil tile ]tied b,, ,,_tu cable t} pe meet, ,i, ST\R I11 hd" cletel the ENERGY P,utnei. lllllled ST\R' t[ldt S_>n5 thl, pl __dllc guldehne, fol ene_g.x e ffiu lenu.', ENER(;'_ ST\R' ('al'qe(" kRD 'r_ ], ,t ], ,t U S leg],teled ,ff ('able mdlk Tele,, ],ion Lab,_i ah _Ile``. hlc TltlSllllOtllld tiadenl,nk teu[llhtlog} [Dt_ 2 XT. _,ofSRS SRS dlld k,tb,, I`` lllCtllpOldted tile i _1: ,.,, nll'.id die lnc TiuSuu_und XT iinulel lluenxe MODEL lhtthtll [llllll SRS Lab',. onl.,, xxlth tile NO: NO. -Sel,, lee'" See page 76 fi_l lepl,tuement dled , ,Ill ENERG5 II pI II dth C_llp, dlld _e'.ult m p,_,.,.d',le inllll} APPLIANCE See page 4 undel ldel t, in,t,tl_]ht,, eul c,tb[e ',el, lue plm lulel kXdl[dblht.', of digit,t[ cdble telex I,l_n LLC U,e xxith _tllei TV STAND SONY TV STAND MODEL SU-GWI2 t',_\ ulemtldllldtol alh)xx ,,_)tI t,) leCel,,e un,cidnlbled telex Non S_ll) d u,tble plt _iZl,till guide dllk[ d,tta-enhanu Ill[-Olllld[IOll of KDF-E6OA20 pted x leXX ell¢l_ telex l,l_ll ,el,, lue`` llldX leuluue tile tr, e ,_t-a ,et-top Fol L]_.ell,nlg KDF-E55A20 Celtdlll ddxdllCed dllul intehtutlxe _pel,th _i", enhanced _f HDMI BN SONY plO_-_ldlllllllll__ \ _,eculltX Cdld pro,, lded cable 1",,, x t)ui [lltel[-due t techn,d,_g 5 HDMI. tile HDMI h_go dlld Hk_-'hMultmleuha [ntel[-dCe ,t_e thtdenldik', _I cau,e Idlll_2 H@l- I\[llltlllleuhd _HDMI [)efmlthm f, dl,_xxmg TV STkND plllX tl ,tIe nldtelld[ lll',tdlldtll_n pltl_l,llllllllll_ ,}lllb, WEG k. Gland WE(i k. WEG k G kTE. Stead), S,,untl. [)]glt,tl Re,tilt.', Cle,tt],_n. ('meMiit]lln. Pl,tx StatlOll. dlld tile die U S rM It 1, ,lln[l_Z[lt ll_zhtlll_ undei Tht, TVfBIlll t, m,mt,f, tuttued tuMet llcetl',e [)_l[b,, Ld',,qdtOlle', tile TV ¢elllll_Z Ol hi ¢mel tile xx lllkhlxx, tllscreen cursor. To select an item, press " ................................................................ To be used only v,'ill'_your connected external equipment that supports this function. (This button does not operate for the TV.) Press Io acess Ihe following through Ihe WEGA GATE menu: Watch TV (see pages 54 and 55) Select channels from the Favorite Channels you stored (see page 54) View signals from external equipment such as DVD, VCR and others /see page 55). Adjust or euslomize TV seltings (see Using Ihe Seltings on page 56 Ihrough 74). Press to scan through ehalmels. To scan quickly through channels, press and hold down either CH button. Press to select the function of connecled componenls. For details, see "lJsing Other Equipment wilh Your Remote Conlrol" on page 46. Press to select the function of c(n'lnecled componenls. For details, see "Using Other Equipment with Your Remote Control" on page 46. 43 The remote control is preset to operate Sony brand video equipment. DVR 772 DVD!VCR 601 (Sony Dream System) SAT/Cable 801 (Sony Satellite Receiver) Follow tile steps below to program your TV's remote control to operate the other video equipment. Find the three-digit code for your equipment from the Manufacturer .' Codes" listed on page 45. If more than one code number is listed, try entering fiom the code listed first. Press and hold the _, _ or _ ,. button you want to program on the remote control and press the __ button simultaneously. The selected button (DVR, DVD/VCR or SAT/CABLE) will flash. Enter the three-digit manufacturer's code number using the (_) - (_) buttons while the button is lit. If code is not entered within 10 seconds, you must perform the step 1 again. Press @ button. When programmed conectly, the selected twice, and when not, it flashes five times. button will flash To check if the code works Aim your TV's remote control at the equipment, and press the green button. If the equipment turns on and off, the programming is completed. not, try the next code listed. If J_ If no code is input within the abovespecified time, or an invalid or incorrect code number is input, the remote control automatically goes back to the previous setting. /_ In some cases, you may not be able to program your remote control to operate other equipment. In such cases, usethe equipment's own remote control. _",3Removing the batteries or using dead batteries may cause the programmed codes to be lost and revert back to the factory setting. Reprogramming the codes may be necessary. 44 _.grt/!Tb'N'/!7"/_ ['_;l'g/_ Cmlon 3!_)9,308 332 _.grt/!Tb'N'/!7"/_ r_al'g_ Scutt 312. 313. 321. 335. 323, 324, 325. 326 Sony General Electric 751 755 Cilizeu Hitachi JVC 758 756 Curtis Mathes 304, 338, 309 Daewoo 341, 312, 309 Magn'_ox Mitsubishi 757 761 DBX Dilnensia 314, 336, 337 304 Pauaslmic 753 Philip,, Pioneer RCA/PROSCAN 757 752. 778 755 Fisher 318, 341 330, 335 Smnsung Toshiba 758 754 Funai General Electric 338 329. 304, 309 £i_ £ii............................... 1%Vi_; ......................................... _i 3_ 346.............. _u;i_ig,...................... Zcuilh 'Trot Sharp c211_ig .............................. _i_5_i _ ................................ Guldslar 332 Hi{:,ci_i............. 36625iiL3o5;_i3g Instant Replay JC Penney Sony 765 paua_,uuic ,v/. ,: JVC Kenwoud LG Souy 767 Broks;ouic ,v,_,: JVC 775 paua_,uuic --- Smnsung Toshiba Zcui/h 77A. 773 'vt._ Sony 772. 770.771 | Sony DAV) Sony 001. 602. 603.6t)4 764 Admiral (M. Ward) Aiwa _ Audio Dynamic Broksonic 327 338. 344 314. 337 319, 317 309. 314, 314. 346. 314. 332 305. 336. 336. 347 336. 304. 330. 337 337. 345. 332. 337 LXI (SEARS) 332. 305. 330. 335. 338 Magnavox Mar:mtz Maria 308, 309_ 310 314. 336. 337 332 Memurex Minolta 309. 335 305, 304 Milsubishi/MGA Multitech NEC 6iyii>i_....... 5{i936s .... Optimus Oriun 327 317 p:,,ii{;iiiii_,.... __iis36913661367 Pentax 305, 304 Philco 308, 309 Philips Pioneer 308, 309, 310 308 Quasar RCA/PROSCAN Sm_sui 308. 31)9. 31)6 304. 305. 308. 309. 311.312.313.310. 329 309. 330. 328. 335_ 324. 338 314 S:l!ns_t!ng Sanyu 322" 3! 3:321 330. 335 _b'J"t/!Tb'N/!7"/_ ['_;l'gYd 301.3(P S0!!Y............................................ _-,- 303_..... 309. 31)8 Realistic Signature 20(X) (M. Ward) SV20(X) Syl'_:!}nia.... Symphonic Tashiro 327. 328 338. 327 338 3!!8, 31.)9,338, 31!)...... 338 332 Va!un_ .............................................. _i_ 336, 337 Teac 314, 336, 338, 337 Technics 31.)9.308 Wards 327. 328. 335. 331. 332 "_-:d_iii_, 3i_i336336337 Zenith 331 i _b"/'t/!Tb"NOT"/_ fqUgYd Suny Hamliu/Regal Jerrold/ General Inst./ Motorola 230 222, 223, 225,226 201. 202. 204. 205. 207, 208, Oak 227. 228. 229 224, 203. 206. 218. 222 p,,fii_;;iii_ ............ _i912262_i ....... 323, 324, 325, 326 Pioneer Scientific Atlaula 211. 214. 215 209. 210. 211 325, 338, 321 314. 336. 337 Tocom 216.217 Zenith 212. 213 i iiii Sony 801 Disi_Neiwiirk..... Si{_ ...................................... Echostar 810 General Eleclric Hitachi 81)2 81)5 n"ghe_...................... s!)4 Milsubishi 809 Panasonic 803 Philips RCA/PROSCAN Tushiba 811 802, 808 806, 807 ......................... Smnsung 812 : If an Aiwa VCR does nut work even Ihuugh yuu euler the code fur Aiwa. enter the cude fur Suny iuslead. 45 To operate other connected equipment with your TV, first turn to page 44 and program connected the necessary code. For operating video equipment, press repeatedly until you see the video input on the screen for your equipment. Remote control operation tips are provided below. Operating a Cable Box Activate the remote control to SAT/CABLE Select a channel 0-9, ENT operate the cable box (FUNCTION) Change channels Turn on/off POWER Back to previous channel JUMP Activate tile remote control to SAT/CABLE Display channel number DISPLAY operate the satellite receiver (FUNCTION) Display SAT Guide ................................ GUIDE ................................................ Turn on/off POWER Display SAT Menu MENU Select a channel 0-9, ENT Move highlight (cursor) It, I_ I, ,*, Change channels ...... Back to previous channel CH +/JUMP Select item @ Fast forward I_ ............ CH +l- Operating a Satellite Receiver Operating a VCR Acti'_.ate tile remote control to DVD/VCR operate the VCR (FUNCTION) Turn on/off POWER Change channels CH +/- Record • Play 12> Stop • Rewind the tape n (press again to resmne Pause normal playback) Search the picture forward or backward _ or _ playback during (release to resume normal playback) Operating a DVD Player or DVD Changer Activate tile remote control to DVDNCR operate the DVD (FUNCTION) Step through different tracks of the disc _ _ Turn on/off Step through different I_1_| to step forward or POWER If yon havea DVD changer, ..................................................................................... chapters of the disc to skip disk Select a track directly to filst forward to filst reverse |'_l_l to step backward 0-9, ENT Play 12> Display the disc menu MENU Stop • Display the Top menu TOP MENU Pause II (press again to resume normal playback) 46 Operate the DVD menu or t1" 'I" I, ,_, _,_-) Operating Activate operate a 5.1ch the remote DVD AV System control to the DVD Turn on/off Select other equipment connected (Sony DVDNCR (FUNCTION) Play D> Stop ...... • ................. POWER Pause II F1 Search to the DAV F2 Display the Top menu TOP Display the disc menu MENU a DVD/VCR the picture Combo Move highlight MENU (cursor) @ VOL+/-, POWER backward If you have a DVD/VCR combo Replay Select the DVD F1 Advance Select the VCR F2 Move highlight compouent, II Display the Top menu TOP Display the disc menu MENU D:> Stop • Operating Activate operate MENU forward or _ during " (cursor) (DVD) Record (VCR) Cbaiige chaniieis t, i, I, ,_ @ • iVCRi CH +/_ or 6"91 ENT (using Adjust or _ playback and select Play MUTING Unit Turn on/off to during i' i, I, ,_ Vohnne Search the picture control or _ Master Pause tile remote the DVD/VCR _ Select item (FUNCTION) operate or playback DVD/VCR Activate forward backward Skip a disc Operating DAV) tracking (VCR) tuner) CH +1- (during playback) tape an AV Receiver the remote control the AV Receiver to DVD/VCR (FUNCTION) Turn ou/off POWER Select other equipment connected to the AV Receiver F1 47 This TV comes with convenient pressing Using the GUIDE Button features that can be accessed directly by their buttons on your remote control. This TV is equipped to show program information if it is available from tile station. The Program Guide lets you review prograln information, and select both analog and digital channels. ii ;i ¸ i i !il Tune your TV to a channel Press appeal by using tile , C), and buttons. on the TV's remote control. The Prograln Guide will with the currently selected program showing in the background. Channelnumber, callletters,etc. Programtitleand description, program duration,time remaining,rating information, closed-caption availability,etc. Selectable channellist. Z_ Program information in the guide is provided by the broadcasters. As a result, it may sometimes include only the channel number, without a program title or description. 48 The Program Guide allows you to select the channels from a drop down list. The Guide also provides information about the cunent program being shown on each channel. /_ Subchannels are additional channels of programming broadcast simultaneously. For example,channel 4 might include three subchannels (4.1,4.2, 4.3) that are showing programs at the same time. The Prograln the currently (When available) (When available) Options menu allows tuned channel. you to customize the program settings on Each program has a main video stream (the video that you see when the channel is first tuned), and may have alternate video streams. This option allows yon to switch among these alternate video streams. Each program has a main audio stream (the audio you hear when the channel is first tuned). This option allows you to switch among these alternate audio strealns (e.g., for different langnages). 49 Using the WIDE Button Wide screen mode lets you watch 4:3 normal screen modes (16:9 aspect ratio). 4:3 Original source (Standard definition) broadcasts in several 16:9 Original source (High definition) WIDE When the TV receives a 720p or 1080i signal that is in 4:3 aspect ratio picture with a black bar at each side, Full returns the picture to its original size. /_ When the TV receives a 720p 0r 10801 signal, Normal cannot be selected. Changing the wide screen mude 4:3 Original suurce StaJldN-dde_'inifion 16:9 Original source High definition You can also access the settings from the Screen menu. For details, see page 62. Wide Zoom Nurmali This mode is nol available FuH Zourll 50 wide Using the FREEZE Button Tile button allows you to telnporarily capture a program's picture. You can use this feature to write down information such as phone numbers, recipes, etc. FREEZE FREEZE To cancel Using the JUMP Button Tile channel JUMP for normal viewing, press again. button allows you to jump back and forth between and the last channel that was selected. the cunTent JUMP 5t A push of a button on your remote control provides a whole new experience of TV viewing. It enables you to perform a variety of tasks intuitively with a control panel on the screen rather than using complicated remote control button presses. When you press the _ watching TV, selecting signals or adjusting Press _ button, you can select from basic TV function: fiom Favorite Channels, viewing external equipment or adjusting TV settings. on tile remote. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_::i control panel appears. Press l,/,l, to lliglllight tile item. Press @ to select. Press G_ 52 to exit. The WEGA (;ATE screen gives you access to the lk_llowing items: The Favorites feature up to 16 favorite lets you select channels programs that you specify. from a list of For details, see page 54. Favorites The Cable channel Program feature takes you to the most recently on the cable input. Banner and Chanuel When viewed tuned to the channel, number the will be displayed. Cable The Antenna feature takes you to the most recently viewed channel on the antenna input. When tuned to the channel, the .................................................................... Program Banner and Channel number will be displayed. Antenna The External connected Inputs feature a label to the equipment. External Inputs .................. lets you select equipment that is to your TV. such as a DVD player. You can assign For details, see page 55. The Seiiings feature iets you adjust the Video Audio Screen, Channel, Parental Control, Setup and Applications menus. For details, see page 55. Settings 53 Using Favorites in WEGA GATE The Favorites feature lets you select programs fi'oln a list of up to 16 favorite channels that you specify, You can create a list using the Add to Favorites option, 1 Select Favorites The Favorite from the WEGA Channels list appears, GATE control panel and press _). Make your selection. iiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _!_!_!_!_ii!i iii{iii_iii_i!ii!iiiiiii_iiii_ii_i_i!iiii_iii!ii!iiiii!iiiiiii_i!ii!iii_i_iiii_iii !!,!iiiii!i Press t/'_, to highlight the desired channel and press @. • To add the current channel to the list of Favorite Add to Favorites and press @. Channels, highlight • When the Favorite Channel list is full, select Edit Favorites to remove a channel from the list or go to the Channel settings and select Favorites Channels then edit the channel. Using Cable in WEGA GATE The Cable feature takes you to the most recently viewed channel on the cable input. When tuned to the channel, the Program Banner and Channel number will be displayed. Select Cable from the WEGA GATE control panel and press @. 54 Using Antenna in WEGA GATE The Antenna feature takes you to the most recently viewed channel on the antenna input. When tuned to the channel, the Program Banner and Channel number will be displayed. Select Antenna _ from the WEGA GATE control panel and press @. If you have not completed the initial channel setup (see page 64) both Cableand Antennawill tune to the lowest channel number. To run Auto Program see page 64. Using External Inputs in WEGA GATE The External Inputs feature lets you view from a selected external input connected to your TV. You can assign a label or skip over unused inputs by selecting Edit Video Labels. Input label assignment can also be done by going to Setup settings and select Label Video Inputs (see page 70). 1 Select External Tile External 2 Inputs fiom the WEGA GATE control panel and press Inputs list appears. Press _/_, to highlight the desired Make your selection. external input and press @. _iiiiiiiiii_iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll_ Using Settings in WEGA GATE The Settings feature lets you enter to the menu screen where most of advanced settings and adjustments are performed (see page 56). 55 i ¸ i Video !i ! !iii_i i ¸¸ _ ii ill i _i_i_? ili _ _ Picture _ ii _ Mode (page _!_iiii i _il i I iii_ii ilii DRC Mode 58) Reset (page 58) DRC Picture Advanced (page 58) Brightness Color _ _i_ (page 59) Palette (page 59) Video (page 59) (page 58) (page 58) Hue (page 58) Color Temp. (page Sharpness (page Noise Reduction Audio Sound 58) 58) (page 59) Mode (page 60) MTS (page 61 ) Treble Speaker Midrange (page 60) Bass (page 60) Balance Steady Sound (page 60) Volume Offset (page 60) Wide Game Mode (page 62) Picture 4:3 Default 56 Audio AN (page 60) Effect (page 60) Screen BBE (page 61) Reset (page 60) (page 60) (page 62) (page 63) Display Area (page 63) Vertical Center (page 63) Vertical Size (page 63) _ (page 61) Out (page 61 ) Sync (page 61 ) Channel Favorite Channels (page 64) Auto Program (page 64) Digital Channels (page 64) Show/Hide Channels (page 64) Label Channels (page 65) Parental Lock Parental Lock (page 66) Change Password (page 67) Select Country (page 67) Setup Caption Vision (page 70) Info Banner (page 70) Label Video Inputs (page 70) Language (page 71 ) Menu Color (page 71) Power Saving (page 71 ) Image Shift (page 71) High Altitude (page? 1) CineMotion (page 71) Applications Clock/Timers Diagnostics CableCARD (page 73) (page 74) (page 74) 57 _i _i _ ..... 1. Press _i i _ _ iiii _ii i_,i_i _ i. ....... 2. Select .............. 3. Highlight ...................... 4. Press to select ............... To highlight Press @ an option to confirm To exit the Video, Selecting Options @ and to change settings, press It, 4 I. *. the selection. press _. Video Tile Video settings include tile following options: Select for enhanced To quickly change and easily from one to picture contrast and sharpness. Select for standard picture for home entertainment. settings. Customized picture Select to display with minimum _iewing enhancements. a picture Recommended %ucanaitei{he another, use PICTURE on the remote control. .... etc.) for each PictureModeand each videoinput. /,_ Youmayset upa PictureMode(Vivid,Standard, Custom) independentlyfor each Videoinput (Video]-Vide06, includingthe Antennainput).Your Picture Modesettings are automaticallysaved after each selection.This allows you to customize the Picture Modesetting for eachtype of signal source. Select OK to reset all settings al:ld adjnstments to tile default setting for each (Vivid, Standard, Cl.lStoln) (except for the options grayed out). Adjust to increase picture contrast and deepen picture contrast and soften the color. ..... White intensity ag{jus'tnwnt Adjnst to brighten or darken Adjust to increase or decrease color intensity. Adjnst to increase or decrease the green tones. Choose the pictnre. from three color temperatures: ........................ Seiec{ {o gi',;e {he ; i{i{e color; a bi{ie iinil .............................................. Select to give the wlaite colors a neutral tint. gi_ze the white colors 58 the color or decrease a red tint. ............ Adjust to sharpen or soften the picture. Select to reduce connected the noise level of signal equipment from and froln the VHF/UHF jack. Select to turn off Creates a high-resolution picture with 4 x density, high quality sources (i.e., DVD player, satellite receiver). Recommended for moving for pictures. Z_ DRC Mode is not availablewhen using the Freezefeature; also not availablewhen watching 480p, 720p or 1080i sources. .... Allows you to customize the level of detail (Reality) and smoothness (Clarity) for up to three input sources. FOr example, you can create one Custom setting to optimize your cable input's picture, and create another to optimize your DVD player's picture. You can switch among the three Custom settings. O Press the arrow buttons to highlight then press @). The DRC palette Custom Press@ appears. to exit Re_aNty[ Clarity (1) ¢ Press the arrow the marker along the Reality detailed. buttons to adjust axis, the picture As you move the • the Clarity the position (O). As you move the • axis, the picture To save the setting, of higher becomes more to the right along becomes smoother. press @. feature; also not availablewhen watching 480p, 720p or 1080i sources. Select Gamma Available in to choose among the options: (High/Medium/Low/Off), Clear White (On/ Off), Color Corrector (High/Low/Off). "Cu.s'tom Select Black Corrector Picture Moth," give the picture strong contrast lesser coutrast (Low/Off). to enhance the black colors to (High/Medium) or $9 _i _i _ _ _ 1. Press '_i i i_i_ i__ _i__ iiI ,i i_, _ _ i_ ........ 2. Select ................. 3. Highlight ........................ 4.Press to select ................ To highlight Press @ an option to confirm To exit the Audio, Selecting Options © and to change settings, press tl, 4 I. *. the selection. press _. A udio Tile Audio settings include tile following options: Select to enhance Suitable treble for spoken and bass. dialogue. Flat setting. Select OK to reset all settings t%r each options .... and adjustments (Dynamic, grayed Standard, to the default Custom) (except setting for the out). Adjust to increase or decrease higher-pitched Adjust Bass. to increase or decrease the sounds Adjust to increase or decrease lower-pitched Adjnst to emphasize sounds. between left or right speaker the Treble and sounds. balance. ................. ..................................................................................... Select to stabilize the vohnne across all progralns and commercials. Select to turn off attempts to create the same surround effect produced by a multichannel system using the left and right speakers. 60 Adjust :..... to increase or decrease (TV or video inpnt) relative . the sound level of the current input to other inputs. Select for surround sonnd (for stereo programs only). Acids a surround-like Normal effect to mono programs. stereo or mono reception. Select to give sound more impact for phase effects in speakers. by compensating Select for normal reception. Select for stereo Et!joy s'tereo, broadcast stereo or mono reception biling*¢aland Select to automatically mono programs programs signal a program switch to second when a signal is present, Select for mono during when viewing in stereo. is received. the TV remains reception. weak stereo audio (If no SAP in Stereo (Use to reduce mode.) noise broadcasts.) /-a MTS is available only for analog programs. .......................... ........ Select to turn on the TV speakers. Select to turn off the TV speakers TV's sound system only through and listen to the your external audio speakers. _,_ The MUTINGbutton on your remote control becomes nonfunctional when the Speakeris set to Off. This option can be set only when the optionis . The TV's speakers qfvohune output ad/_¢s'tments controlled by the TV's remote control. The TV's speakers off and the andio output are tnrned set to Eas'y control from your audio system are turned off, but the audio can still be of the TV is fixed. Use your audio receiver's volume control settings) to adjust through Use this option the volume (and other your audio system. to make adjustments video synchronization to audio and when you have external equipment connected to DIGITAL AUDIO (OPTICAL)OUT of the TV. Select Off (factory default setting) or 3 to adjust connected to make no adjustments. Select 1, 2 so that the video and audio from your external equipment are synchronized. 6t 1. Press ........ 2. Select ............... 3. Highlight 4.Press ....................... to select ................ To highlight Press @ an option to confirm To exit the Screen. Selecting Options @ and to change settings, press tl, 4 I. *. the selection. press Screen _. Tile Screen settings include tile following options: iS unavailable Freeze while (page 51 ). in Select a screen Select to enlarge the 4:3 picture, screen, the original keeping mode to us'e ibr possible. 4.'3 solu'ces. Select to return the 4:3 pictnre size and aspect _ to fill the 16:9 image as much as to its original ratio. Normal is not availablewhen watching 720p or 1080i sources. Select to enlarge the 4:3 pictnre horizontally only, to fill the wide screen. Select to proportionally 720p sources. will vertically the screen. _a Tochange from one enlarge 1080i and For 480p and 480i sources, stretch the image to fill setting to another, use WIDE button on the remote control (see page 50). Allows you to move the position the window. (This feature from any connected picture to be adjnsted. of the picture also allows equipment.) Select 62 and the picture while watching The TV stores the position for each input. Press _, or * and press correction between +5 and-5. /'_ Not available in 720p or 1080i. left and right in you to adjust @ the in memory to choose a mode when sources are in If is set to anything but, the setting changes only for the current channel. When you change channels Select the chSault _creen mode to usejbr 4:3 sources, ...... : (or inputs), Select to enlarge the 4:3 picture, screen, keeping possible. the original Select to return the 4:3 picture mode. Select to enlarge to fill the 16:9 image as much as the 4:3 picture to normal horizontally is automatically only, to fill the wide screen. replaced Select to enlarge the 4:3 picture horizontally and vertically to an equal aspect ratio that fills the wide screen. retain with the setting. To the current setting channels as and inputs are changed, to . set Select to continue using the current screen mode setting when the channel or input is changed. Select to return to the default Display Area. Select or to keep the edge of the picture out of screen. Allows you to move the position of the picture ZI up and down in the window. (Available and modes.) Press ,1, or ,I, and press @ to choose correction between +5 and -5. Allows you to adjust picture. (Available the vertical only in a size of the only in and lnodes.) Press tl, or ,I, and press @ to choose correction between +5 and -5. a 63 1. Press ........ 2. Select ............... 2................. ;/ 3. Highlight 4,Press ....................... to select ................ To highlight Press @ To exit the an option to confirm Channel, Selecting Options @ and to change settings, press tl, 4 I, *. the selection. press Channel _. Tile Channel settings include tile following options: Lets you set up a list of your favorite "Using Favorites in WEGA GATE" Select to add digital Automatically Channels that you set to Hidden can only be accessed with the buttons. sets up the channel channels. For details, see on page 54. channels. list on the TV for all receivable channels for the current CABLE). Select to start the Auto Program. input (VHF/UHF or ¢'-_AutoProgram maytake upto 20 to 50 minutes to complete. A progress bar will display the approximate progress of the Auto Program and Digital Channels/ Add sequences. Allows you to show or hide channels that appear Guide (page 48) and when you use the surf. Channels Program that are set to Hidden do not appear Guide or when you use the Press tl, or tf, to highlight or hide. To move between in tile Prograln buttons to channel in the buttons. the channel that you want to show the M_tior and Digital snbchannel lists, press I, or *. To change a channel's setting To show or hide more channels, 64 to or repeat ,press steps 1 and 2. /',_ If you select to hide or show a major digital channel, all the sub-channels are automatically hidden or shown. To show or hide an individual subchannel within a digital channel, you must individually select that subchannel to show or hide. /',_ If you hide all sub-channels of a major digital channel, that digital channel is automatically set to Hidden. Allows you to assign channel numbers. labels (such as station call letters) to Press tl, or !),to scroll through the channel press @ to select the channel assign a label. number Press tl, or 4 to scroll through the label characters (A-Z, the highlighted character. 9, etc.). Then press @ Repeat to add characters to select numbers. Then that you want to 0- to the label. Press (, to return to the Channel to exit the menus. menn, or press i i 65 1. Press ........ 2. Select .............. 3. Highlight 4.Press ....................... to select ................ To highlight Press @ an option to confirm To exit the Parental @ and to change settings, press t_ 4 I. *. the selection. Lock, press _. /,_ You need your password for any future access into the ParentalLock menu. If you lose your password, see "Lost password" on page 83. Selecting Parental Lock Options Tile Parental Lock settings include tile following Turn Parental Turn ratings on/qff cmd select a rating system blocked options: Lock off. No programs from viewing. Maximum ratings permitted US: TV-Y, TV-G, G Canada: C, G, TV-Y Maximum ratings permitted US: TV-PG, PG Canada: are: C8+, PG, 8 ans+, TV-PG Maximum ratings pennitted US: TV-14, PG-13 Canada: are: are: 14+, 13 ans+, TV-14 Select to set ratings manually. US: See page 68 for details. Canada: 66 See page 69 for details. are J If you are not familiar with the Parental Guideline rating system, you should select , , or to help simplify the rating selection. To set more restrictive ratings, select . For descriptions of , and ratings, see page 66. Select to change your password. Select to use Canadian ratings (see page 69). Set to when in tile Parent menu, [n the Parent menu. use the anow • and press _ Enter a new four-digit Confirm password the new password Press buttons to highlight to select it. using the by entering buttons. it again. to exit the menu screen, ZI Viewing Blocked Programs You can view a blocked Press program by entering when tuned to a blocked the password. program. Enter your password using the buttons. Parental Lock will be canceled temporarily until you turn your TV off. (Continued) 67 Selecting Custom Rating Options To ensure maximum blocking capability, the age-based ratings should be blocked. i If you selected U.S.A. as the country of residence on page 67, the Custom Rating page menu includes the following options. (If you selected Canada, see 69.) All children and general audiences. Parental guidance suggested. Parental guidance for children Restricted viewing, parental for children under 17. under guidance 13. is suggested No one 17 and under. Block Fogra,,,s by their rating, eontent or both Aii children. ....... Directed to children age 7 and older. ................................................................................................................... General audience. Parental guidance suggested. Parents strongly cautioned. Mature audience only. Content-Based Options Fantasy violence. Suggestive dialog. Strong language. .............................................................................................................. Sexual sitnations. Violence. If you select , be aware that the following programs may be blocked: news, sports, weather, emergency broadcasts, political programs, public service announcements, and religious programs. 68 Block programs Allows programs without a rating. and movies ormovies thatare Blocks all programs broadcas't a rating without without a rating. that are broadcast and movies that are broadcast _a Thecontentratingswill increasedependingon the levelof the age-basedrating. Forexample,a programwith a TV-PG V (Violence)ratingmaycontain moderateviolence,whilea TV-14 V (Violence)ratingmaycontainmoreintense violence. If you selected Rating menu Canada includes as the country the following of residence options. on page (If you selected 67. the Custom U.S.A., see page 68.) All children. Children 8 years and older. General programming. Parental guidance. Viewers 14 and older. Adult programming. General programming. Not recommended for ages under 8. Not recommended for ages under 13. Not recommended for ages under 16. Programming See "" restricted to adults. " on page 68 for details. 69 1. Press ........ 2. Select .............. 3. Highlight 4.Press to select ................ To highlight Press @ ....................... an option to confirm To exit the Setup, Selecting Setup Options Q and to change settings, press tl, 4 I, *. the selection. press _. The Setup settings include Allows the following options: you to select from four closed programs that are broadcast caption with closed Caption Vision Caption Allows modes (for captioning). is turned on. Vision is turned off. you to set basic and advanced Caption Vision options. "Programming See Caption Vision" on page 72. Setto or. remaining service). Select On to display and other Also displays button Allows .... information the program name, (if the broadcaster when the channel is changed or the is pressed. you to label the audio/video equipment connected to the TV so you can identify • When in this menu: Press tl_ or I!,to highlight press @ to select it. Use the arrow buttons you have them when using an input to label, then to scroll through the labels. Press @ to select the equipment you connected each of the input jacks on the back of your TV. Select connected 70 time offers this if you do not have any equipment to a particular input. to i¸ i__ _ _iil i i ¸ ill _i _ _ _ii i_i /-_ If you select Skip, your TVskips the selected connection when you press TV/VlDEO. Select to display choice: Enables all on-screen you to select menus in your langnage a specific color for the on-screen of menus. Select to view picture benefit of w,ithout the Select to view picture with reduced poser consumption. The picture becomes darker, but also enhances black level. Corrects the image on your TV. Before adjusting After (Factory adjusting setting) corrects double Automatically images. Select a level from images Select higher. Select detecting the to use the TV at an altitude Select fihn content process. Moving looking. Select the screen display and applying picture altitude. automatically a reverse will appear will disabling the pictnre. of 5.000 feet (1,500 m) or to use the TV at normal to optimize 1-4 to align the and improve clearer 3-2 pulldown and more natural the detection. (Continued) 71 Programming Caption Vision If you selected can change the option the following Allows under (see page 70), you settings: you to select basic anMog (EIA-608) Displays effects a printed version of a program. closed caption of the dialog (Should options. or sound be set to for most programs.) Displays either Allows you to select advanced options. Select Allows digital from the available you to set digital or (digital closed EIA-708 Allows you to make additional caption options. Allows 72 network/station information half or the whole screen presented using (if available). (EIA-708) closed caption options. captioning to (digital EIA-608) for digital (EIA-708) closed ,. settings you to customize the following settings: 1. Press ........ 2. Select ............... 3. Highlight 4.Press ........................ to select ................ @ To highlight an option and to change settings, press i. 4 <. *. Press @ to confirm the selection. To exit the Applications, press _. ZI Selecting Appfications Options Tile Applications settings include tile following options: Select to set the clock and to prograln your TV to turn on and off at two scheduled viewing times. Allows you to select the alnount of time(, , , OF ) that you want the TV to remain on before shutting oft" automatically. .... You can use the Timers to prograln the TV to turn on and oft" and tune to a specific channel at two scheduled viewing times. and cannot be set until you set the Press i. or !_ to highlight timer, press ,_. or /',_ To go directly to programming Timer . To set the 1 or 2, press @ instead of pressing .. (Continued) 73 Press tF or 4 to highlight one of the following options, then press @. Select to set the Timer by day, tilne, duration, and channel. Select to turn offthe previous settings Timer. (Your are saved.) If you selected ..... in step 2, press i. and 4 to set the day(s), duration, @ hour, lninute, or press * to confirm and channel each setting setting. Press I. to go back to the previous Press An LED on the Timer has been set. Yon can set the current Press Press setting. to exit the menu screen. the front panel will light, indicating number. and move to the next time. @ to select Press tF and tf, to set the current time (clay, hour, minute, and AM/PM). Press @ (or press *) to confirm each setting and move to the next setting. Press I. to go back the previous Press :7 ..... Dispiay setting. : usefld in providing repair ...... to exit the menu screen. ciiagnostics information information technician or person. This list _¢f seiecigieCabieCARr)options on your cable service 74 abo_lt the TV. This can be to an authorized provider. wiiiw,ry,depenciing..... This chapter includes the following topics: Contacting Sony 75 Reph_cing the Lamp 76 Troubleshooting 80 Specifications 84 Optional Accessories Index 85 87 If. after reading these operating instructions, you have additional questions related to the use of your Sony television, please call our Customer Information Services Center. For US residents: 1-800-222-SONY (7669) or visit: For Canadian residents: 1-877-899-SONY (7669) or visit: http://www.sonystyle.caAv/ Before calling Sony customer support, please write down the model and serial numbers of your TV. You'll find this information on the fiont cover of this manual. "/5 The projection lamp, which illuminates If the screen becomes the picture, has a limited dark, the color looks unusual, on the front of the TV flashes, (not supplied). life. or the LAMP indicator it is time to replace the lamp with a new one Electric appliances can cause fire or high temperature, or death. Be sure to follow the instructions below. resulting in injury Use a Sony XL-2200 replacement lamp (not supplied) Use of any other lamp may damage the TV. Do not remove the lamp for any purpose so may cause injury or fire. for replacement. other than replacement. Doing Do not put flammable materials and metal objects inside the lamp receptacle of the TV after removing the lamp. Doing so may cause fire or electrical shock. Do not touch the lamp receptable once the lamp has been removed. When the lamp eventually burns out, you may hear a noticeable sound. This is normal and it is inherent to this type of lamp. pop In rare instances, the bulb may pop inside the lamp unit, but the lamp unit is designed to contain all of broken glass pieces inside the lamp unit. The lamps contain mercury, for proper disposal of the used lamps follow and observe the local ordinances. See page 79. How to Replace the Lamp Turn off the power on the main unit. W_dt several minutes, then unplug the power cord. (The cooling fan will continue to operate for about two minutes after turning the power off.) W_dt at least 30 minutes after unplugging the power cord to allow the lamp to cool down before replacing it. To avoid being burned, do not touch the lamp receptable once the lamp has been removed. Take the new lamp out of the box. Do not touch the glass portion of the new lamp. !_ Do not shake the lamp. Vibration can damagethe lamp or shorten its life. /_ Avoid touching the front glass of a new lamp or the glass of the lamp receptacle.This may reduce picture quality or lamp life. 76 Loosen tile screws on tile rear side panel. Remove the fiont panel. Pull out the lalnp. Loosen the right screw on the cover with a coin or similar object. Remove the screw froln the lamp cover. Pull down the cover toward you. Unscrew the lamp and pull out the lamp horizontally. (Continued) 77 /_ The lamp is very hot immediately after use. Never touch the glass portion of the lamp or the surrounding parts. /_ After it has cooled, place the used lamp into the empty box of the replacement lamp. Never put the used lamp into a plastic bag. Place the new lamp into its place, then tighten the screw. Mount the new lamp securely. Failure to mount correctly fire or the screen to go dark. may cause a Push the cover back on. Make sure that the hole on the cover aligns with the hole on the unit. Reattach the lamp cover by tightening the screw. /_ If the lamp cover screw is inserted incorrectly, the lamp may not operate properly. In such a case, remove the screw, insert it correctly and then tighten the screw completely (see"indicators" on page 11). /_ If the lamp cover is not reattachedsecurely,the self-diagnostic function may be triggered and the POWERindicator flashes three times (seepage 11). Reattach 78 the front panel securely. Tightly screw tile side panel in its place. \ /_ Consult your Sony dealer for a Sony XL-2200 replacement lamp. /_ Takegreat care when replacingthe lamp or plugging in/unplugging the connecting cords. Rough handling may cause the TV to fall, damaging the TV,the TV stand and/or the floor. i i For customers in the United States: This product contains mercury. Disposal of this product may be regulated sold in the United States. For disposal or recycling information, please contact your local authorities or the Electronics Industries Alliance ( Do not leave the used lamp near flammable of children. materials if or within the reach Do not pour water onto the used lamp or put any object inside the lamp. Doing so may cause the lamp to burst. I For replacement lamp information visit: U.S. residents: I I Canadian residents: 79 Remote Remote Control control does not The batteries operate Check could be weak. the orientation Replace the batteries. of the batteries. Press once, and the TV indicator inadvertently pressed control to SAT or CABLE Make sure this unit's lights up. You may have , which power cord is connected securely change the remote channels with control If you are using the TV to change and the TV indicator device to change switched first press channels, your TV from the channel If you are using another for that device. channels, lights. once, lights up. If you are using another inadvertently the remote to the wall outlet. Locate the unit at least 3-4 feet away from fluorescent Cannot changes mode. device to change For example, be sure you have not 3 or 4 setting. channels, be sure to press if you are using your cable be sure to press box to change channels, once, and the SAT/CABLE indicator lights up. Remote control operate non-Sony does not video If you replaced equipment equipment There the batteries to the remote recently, the code numbers for the video may need to be reset. may be more than one code for the equipment that you are attempting is a possibility cannot to operate. There Sony TV remote. CableCARD Problems equipment be operated original remote by your control. Device using CableCARD device or CableCARD services Check that the CableCARD The CableCARD you can receive 25-26. Check device digital the be useful in providing Contact 80 that some non-Sony You may need to use the equipment's device is inserted must be activated cable TV services. and information yonr cable TV provider. properly (see pages 25-26). by your local cable TV provider See the activation menu options to an authorized instructions before on pages (see page 74). (This can technician or repair person.) Video No picture (screen not lit), no sound If your TV does not turn on, and a red light keeps flashing, service. Call your local Sony Service your TV may need Center. Make sure the power cord is plugged in. Press on the front of the TV. Press to cycle through Try another channel; Dark, poor or no picture Adjust (screen Adjnst the Check the antenna/cable lit), good sound No color/dark picture/color is the ........ Adjust option the the connected it could be station video sources• trouble• in the Video menu (see page 58). option in the Video menu (see page 58). connections• option in the Video menu isee page 58 i. not correct Only snow and noise appear on the screen Dotted lines or stripes Check the antenna/cable connections• Try another channel; it could be station Press to change the input mode (see page 42). Adjust the antenna• Move the TV away from noise sources Double images Using a highly directional Set the box" on screen images appear You have selected and bottom at the top of the screen option to Some wide-screen programs or a cable may solve the problem. value. The default to select closed that came select (See instead ratios that are greater releases)• with black bands at the top and bottom check the documentation .If (see page 71). set the captioning, in aspect with theatrical is to menu and no text is available. To turn off this feature, are fihned setting the best value l¥om in the Setup selections.) common such as cars, neon signs, or hair-dryers. antenna , select . If you were trying (this is especially programs with a text option page 70 to reset Setup Black bands appear outdoor to an appropriate doubled "Black trouble. of than 16:9 Your TV will show these of the screen. with your DVD (or contact For more details, your program provider). Certain programs other digital on DVD or sources display loss of detail, especially fast-motion The compression a during or clark scenes TV's screen used by certain to display dots, pixelations) less detail to appear digital broadcasts than usual, on your screen. to show very fine detail, and is normal programs. Adjust optimize the picture while viewing artifacts (small This is due to your TV's and ability the reality/clarity and DVDs may cause or cause for certain in the DRC Palette menu digitally your blocks or large screen recorded (see page 59) to these sources. 81 Auto Good picture, no sound Press so that Make sure the option Make sure the Audio noise option problems infrared headphones) than infrared equipment cordless from the screen is set to in the Audio is set to Communication cordless disappears or may occur (see page 61 ). if infrared communication is used near the TV. Please headphones. other than infrared headphones, Cannot gain enough vohune of the infrared Increase the volume communication press volume. Sound The TV's audio might be set to seems weak or once, insufficient already Cannot raise the volume external on speakers and the TV indicator or Then the TV's , switch (which setting may reduce to set to If background noise stereo broadcasts). If the option order to output the sound to your audio system) option control. , when it might be better set to the sound remote lights up and adjust menu (see page 61 ), set the to and closer together. In the Audio during weak transceiver or move the transmitter equipment (e.g., other communication move the infrared of the cable box using the cable box's when using a cable box equipment use headphones Also, if you use infrared cordless away from the TV until the noise is eliminated, receiver (see page 42). menu (see page 61). is set to and the option is set to use your audio receiver (see page 61 ). Or, to use the TV remote control, (in to adjust set the to To turn on the TV speakers, set the option to (see page 61). Channels Cannot receive (UHF) when using an antenna upper channels Press to select the VHF/UHF Use presently Cannot receive any channels in the TV's Use when using cable TV receive or select in the TV's Some digital not being cable channels displayed are Certain in TV memory cable companies channels. The digital page 64). 82 memory Check menu to add receivable that are not channels that are not input (see page 42). menu to add receivable TV channels that are (see page 64). have limitations with your cable company cable channel channels (see page 64). in the Channel not presently menu to add receivable (see page 64). to select the CABLE Use channels memory in the Channel presently Press Cannot input (see page 42). in the Channel may be set to on the broadcast of digital cable for more int_rmation. in the Channel settings menu (see General How to restore the TV to factory settings Tnrn on the TV. While holding clown the tl. button on the remote control, press the button on the TV. (The TV will turn iteself off, then back on again.) Release tl. button. WARNING: The Factory Reset will clear all of your customized settings including setting. How to restore Video settings to factory settings Select How to restore Audio settings to factory settings Press Cannot cycle through the other video equipment connected to the TV Be sure the Cannot operate Menu If a menu option appears in gray, this indicates that the menu option is not avail able. Lost password In the password screen (see page 66), enter the following master password: The master password clears your previous password; it cannot be used to temporarily unblock channels. The LED will remain lit even when the TV is turned oft'. To rest the timer or TIMER is set menu option while in the Video menu (see page 58). menu option while in the Audio menu (see page 60). option is not set to (see page 70). . cancel the timer, see page 73. If the LED (red) blinks continuously, this may indicate the TV needs service. Digital cable box does not work If you are connecting a VCR and digital cable box using a splitter, as described on page .34, you must use a special bi-directional splitter that is designed to work with your digital cable box. Contact your cable provider for details. Cannot record digital channels to VCR Only analog channels can be recorded to your VCR. The replacement lamp does not light up The screw of the lamp cover may be slanted. Take out the screw, insert it straight into the screw hole, and then tighten it completely (see page 76 for both KDF-E55A20 and KDF-E60A20). TV cabinet creaks When the TV is in use, there is a natural rise in temperature, causing the cabinet to expand or contract and may be accompanied by a slight creaking noise. This is not a malflmction. 83 Projection System 3 LCD Panels, 1 lens projection LCD Panel 0.87 inch TFT LCD Projection ............................. Lens High 0erfor_l_ancel Antenna 75 ohm external Lamp 132W, XL-2200 Television System terminal terrestrial) QAM on cable Screen Size measured Channel Coverage diagonally) inches KDF-E60A20:60 inches (analog) 1- 125 Terrestrial 2-69 (digital) Number 8VSB 07 2000 2-69 Cable TV (analog) Cable TV (digital) Power ................................................. Requirements pixels) TV Standard ATSC compliant ANSI/SCTE KDF-E55A20:55 Terrestrial clots ( 1,042,168 for VHF/UHF American ATSC (8VSB (Pictnre 3.28 million i;{rge cii;{_i{e{er i{ybrid iei_s F214.............................................................................. NTSC Visible system panel Approx. 1- 135 i20V, 60 Hz ............................................................................................................................................ of lnputs/Outputs HDMI Video .................................................................. i6s6i;726p;a86p;as6i ............................... IN Audio %;o chani{ei iinear PCM 441 i and 4AKHz 16, 20 and 24 bit Video (IN) 3 total (1 on t¥ont panel) 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms unbalanced, S Video (IN) 3 total ( 1 on front panel) Y: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms unbalanced, sync negative sync negative C: 0.286 Vp-p (Burst signal), Audio (IN) Component 6 total (1 on front panel) Video Input 2 (YP_PR) 500 mVrms (100% hnpedance: 47 kilohms 75 ohms modulation) Y: 1.0 Vp-p, 75 ohms unbalanced, sync negative Pm 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms Pm 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms AUDIO (VAR/FIX) OUT 1 500 mVnns at the maximnnl volume setting (Variable) 500 mVrms hnpedance /'_ (Fixed) (output): 2 kilohms AUDIO OUT jacks are operable only when the TV's Speaker is set to Off. RF Inputs Digital Optical (PCM/Dolby Digital) CableCARD Slot Speaker 84 Audio 2 Output Output 1 PCMCIA Optical Type I/II 12 W (L), 12 W (R) Rectangular ( 1) 5! Power Consumption In Use 265 W In Standby Less than 15 W Dilnensions ..................................................... (W x H x D) KDF[E-@A26i i57 3/; x 37 i/4 x i9 ;/i ]nchesi KDF-E60A20:(62 Mass x 39 5/s x 20 _/2 inches) KDF-E55A20:92.5 lb (46.1 kg) Accessories Remote Control RM-YD002 AA (R6) Batteries Design il_i_i x 1,005 x 518 nnn) lb (42 kg) KDF-E60A20:101.5 Supplied (1,574 and specifications Non-metric weights 2 supplied are subject and measures to change for remote without control notice. are approximate. HDMI cable Component S VIDEO video cable cable A/V cable Audio Optical cable cable TV Stand: SU-GWI2 Lamp: XL-2200 85 Adding channels 64 to the channel list Adjusting audio, Steady Sound 60 Advanced Video 59 Alternate Audio 49 Altemate Video 49 ANT button 42 Applications Menu 73 Audio Menu 60 Audio receiver, connecting Color, adjusting 58 Connecting Audio receiver 39 Cable box 33 Camcorder or PlayStation 38 DVD player 36 VCR 32--35 Digit;d subchannels 49 DISPLAY button 42 JUMP button 42, 51 Label Channels 30, 65 video inputs 70 Lalnp, replacing 76--79 Display unit controls 14 Display, turning off 42 DVD 5.1Channel using with remote control 47 39 Audio setting 56 Bilingu_d audio 61 Brightness, adjusting 58 DVD player using with remote control 46 with A/V connectors, connecting 37 with component video connectors, connecting 36 Cable ENT button 42 Balance. adjusting 60 Bass, adjusting 60 Batteries, inserting in remote 41 with VCR, connecting 32 Cable box connecting with VCR 33 cable box using with remote control 46 CableCARD TM Device 25 Camcorder, connecting Caption Vision 79 Channel Menu 64 Inst_dlation of the projection TV 19-39 38 Setup 70 Mode Custom 58 Standard 58 Vivid 58 MTS/SAP 43, 61 MUTING button 42 Noise Reduction 59 Favorite Channel setting up 64 Features 8 FREEZE button 43, 51 FUNCTION button 42 Parental control, described 9 Parental Lock Settings 66 Password, changing 67 PICTURE button 42 Picture contrast, adjusting 58 POWER LED indicator 14 Game Picture 62 Channel setting 57 Channel Show Hide 64 Channels GUIDE button 42, 48 Guide menu 49 Auto Program 64 creating labels 65 setting up 30 Clock/Timers 73 closed caption modes 70 Color temperature, adjusting MENU button 43 Menus Parent 66 Screen 62 Hue, adjusting 58 58 problems, troubleshooting 80-83 Program Guide 48 Program Options menu 49 Ratings setting 68 viewing blocked programs 67 Inputs, labeling 70 (Continued) 87 Rein panel controls and connections 16 Remote control inserting batteries 41 programming 44--45 Removing channels fiom the channel list 64 Satellite Receiver 23 satellite receiver, using with remote control 46 Screen Menu 62 Screen setting 58 setting up channels 30 Settings Application 57 Audio 58 Channel 57 Parental Lock 57 Screen 56 Setup 57 Video 56 Setup menu 70 Setup setting 57 Sharpness, adjusting 58 Specifications 84-85 Steady Sound adjusting 60 Sunound sound 60, 61 Timer set current 74 TIMER indicator 11, 14 Timer setting 73 Treble, adjusting 80, 82 troubleshooting 80-83 TV FUNCTION button 42 TV POWER button 43 TV/VIDEO button 43 VCR using with remote control 46 with cable box, connecting 33 with cable, connecting 32 Video inputs, labeling 70 Video Modes, selecting 58 88 Video setting 58 VOL +/- button 42 WEGA GATE 43, 52-55 WIDE button 43, 50 2593962113 http ://www. sony. net/ Printed in U,S,A,