LEGAL NOTICE CMR SERVICES Upper Arlington City Schools seeks qualifications from companies experienced with the construction manager at risk (CMR) delivery method for phased improvements to Tremont Elementary School. The Project is not part of an OSFC program. Legat & Kingscott is the design professional for the Project. CMR services will begin immediately upon selection. Request the RFQ for CMR services, which includes additional information, required qualifications, submittal format, and overview of the steps included in the selection process, from Chris Potts, Director of Business Services (614.487.5007;
[email protected]). CMR qualifications and basis for the evaluation of qualifications are: (1) competence to perform the required management services as indicated by the technical training, education, and general experience of the CMR’s personnel, especially the technical training, education, and experience of the CMR’s employees assigned to the project (CMR’s project manager and on-site superintendent are expected to have a minimum of 10 years practical experience on construction projects); (2) ability in terms of workload and the availability of qualified personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the required management services competently and expeditiously, and experience working on similar types of projects; (3) past performance as reflected by the evaluation of previous clients with respect to factors such as control of costs, quality of work, dispute resolution, administration of contracts, and ability to meet deadlines; (4) financial responsibility including evidence of the capability to provide surety bonds in the form prescribed by OAC 153:1-3-01(A); (5) history of performance with meeting goals of diversity and inclusion programs required by a public authority or by applicable law, and compliance with applicable affirmative action programs; and (6) other qualifications consistent with the scope and needs of the project, including, but not limited to, knowledge of the local area and working relationships with local subcontractors and suppliers. Submit qualifications to Chris Potts, Director of Business Services, Upper Arlington City Schools, 1950 Mallway, Upper Arlington OH 43221, plainly marked on the outside CMR SERVICES, until 4 pm local time, July 20, 2015 and will be opened and evaluated shortly thereafter. Notice will be given to the short-listed firms with information about the pricing and technical proposals for CMR services, as well as a GMP for Phase 1 work, to be provided. The District, through its duly authorized officials, reserves the right to reject any, part of any, or all submittals and to waive informality in any submittal.