Catalogue 61-203 Annual
Federal government enterprise finance 1983
I '0' Statistics Canada Statistique Canada
Catalogue 61 .203 Annuel
Les finances des entreprises publiques fédérales 1983
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Statistics Canada
Statistique Canada
Public Institutions Division Enterprises, Fiscal Arrangements and Economic Analysis Section
Division des institutions publiques Section des entreprises, des accords fiscaux et de l'analyse economique
Federal government enterprise finance
Les finances des entreprises publiques fédérales
Income and expenditure, assets, liabilities and net worth
Revenus et dépenses, actif, passif et valeur nette
Fiscal year ended nearest to December 31
Exercise cbs be plus près du 31 décembre
Published under the authority of the Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Publication autorisée par le ministre des Approvisionnernents et Services Canada
Statistics Canada should be credited when reproducing or quoting any part of this document
Reproduction ou citation autorisèe sous rOserve dindication de Ia source: Statistique Canada
C) Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1985
C Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada 1985
January 1985 4-2102-533
Janvier 1985 4-2102-533
Price: Canada, $6.65 Other Countries, $7.95
Prix: Canada, $6.65 Autres pays, $7.95
Catalogue 61-203
Catalogue 61-203
ISSN 0575-8505
ISSN 0575-8505
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This publication was prepared under the direction of:
Cette publication a dtd rdige sous le direction de:
Dr. Marvin Blauer, Director, Public Institutions Division
• Dr. Marvin Blotter, director, Division des institutions publiques
Murray P4I1veen, Assistant. Director
• Murray I*I1veen, director adjoint
Laurie Vincent, Chief, Enterprises and Fiscal Arrangements Section
• Laurie Vincent, chef, section des entreprises at accords fiscaux
Waneta Featherstone, Financial Analyst, Enterprises and Fiscal Arrangements Sect ior
• Waneta Featherstone, analyste financier, Section des entreprises et accords
The System of Government Financial Management Statistics
Le system statistique de gestion des finances publiques
Government Enterprises in the Financial Management System
Les entreprises publiques et le système de la gestion financière
Evolution of Government Enterprise Activities
Evolution des activités des entreprises publiques
Comparablity with Other Statistical Frameworks
Comparabilité avec d'autres classifications statistiques
Coverage, Sources and Methods
Univers observes, sources et mêthodes
Review of the Year 1983 Coverage Income and Expenditure Net Profit Lhappropriated Surplus Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth Assets Liabilities Net Worth
10 10 10 12 13 14 14 16 18
1. Income and Expenditure, by Industry Division, for the Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 2. Analysis of Unappropriated Surplus Transactions (Net), by Industry Division, for Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 3. Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth, by Industry Division, as at Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 4. Transfers from Federal Government Taken Into Income and Surplus Accounts for Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 5. Comparative Combined Statement of Income, Expenditure and Net Profit or Loss for Fiscal Years Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 and 1982 6. Coriarative Combined Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth as at Fiscal Year Ends Nearest to December 31, 1983 and 1982 7. Components of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth as a Percentage of the Total as at Fiscal Year Ends Nearest to December 31, 1983 and 1982
Revue de Pann4e 1983 Univers observe Revenus et dêpenses Bnêuice net Bénêfice non rêparti Actif, passif et valeur nette Actif Passif Valeur nette
10 10 10 12 13 14 14 16 18
1. Revenus et dépenses par divisions d'industries, exercice cbs le plus près du 31 décembre 1983 2. Ana1yse des transactions nettes au compte des benefices non-repartis, par divisions d'industries, exercice cbs le plus près du 31 decembre 1983 3. Actif, passif et valeur nette, par divisions d'industries, exercice cbs le plus près du 31 dêcembre 1983
22 24
4. Transferts de l'administration federale figurant aux comptes des revenus et des benefices non-repartis, exercice cbs le plus près du 31 decernbre 1983 5. stat comparat.if des revenus, de d4penses et de benefices nets ou pertes nettes des exercices cbs le plus près du 31 dêcembre 1983 et 1982
6. 9tat cornparatif de l'actif, du passif et de la valeur nette a la fin des exercices cbs le plus près du 31 décembre 1983 et 1982 7. Elêments de l'actif, do passif et de la valeur nette exprimes en pourcentage du total a la fin des exercices cbs le plus près du 31 dêcembre 1983 et 1982
Page Appendix
A. List of Federal Government Enterprises, 1983 33
A. Liste des entreprises publiques fêdêrales, 1983
B. Financial Classification and Terminology
B. Classification et termiriologie financière 55
Income and Expenditure 56 Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth 59
56 Revenis et dêpenses 59 Actif, passif et valeur riette
Publications of the Public Institutions Publications de la Division des institutions 63 publiques Division
INTRODUCT ION This publication presents financial statistics of government enterprises for 1983 and as such indicates the extent and the profitability of government activity in the business sector of the economy. It complements the publication Federal Government Finance, Catalogue 68-211. Together they provide financial data on the Federal government's sttistica1 universe.
Cette publication présent.e la stat istique financière des entreprises publiques fêdêrales pour 1983. Par consquent, elle fait ressortir l'importance et la rentabilité de l'activitê de l'tat dans le secteur des entreprises dons l'êconomie. Elle vient completer la publication intitulêe Los finances publiques fdêrales, no 68-211 au catalogue. Ensemble, ces publications fournissent des données financières sur l'univers statistique de l'administration fédêrale.
The System of Government Financial Management Statistics
Le système statist ique de gest ion des finances pubi iques
The System of Government Financial Management Statistics, or FMS as it is popularly termed, is designed to permit the compilation for all governments and their agencies of financial statistics and related information, e.g., data on n.snbers of employees, payrolls, etc. Statistics produced in conformity with FMS are consistent over time, comparable between governments at the sane level and compatible between levels of government. The system has been developed over the past half-century by Statistics Canada in co-operation with officials of the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments and with others from the academic and business sectors. Over the years FMS has changed to reflect the developments which have occurred both in the activities of the governments which form its st.ject matter and in the needs of the users of government financial statistics. A full description of the concepts underlying the system and of the classifications embodied in its framework is contained in the Statistics Canada publication The System of (Catalogue 68-507, 1984).
Le système statistique de gestion des finances publiques, communement appel4 le SGF, est un ensemble statistique concu de facon b englober los op4rations financières et connexes, par exempie los donnees sur i'emploi, la rnumération, etc., de l'ensemble des administrations publiques. Les statistiques etablies selon le SGF mont coherentes d'une année h l' et propres b des comparaisons entre administrations de même palier et compatibles avec les divers ordres d'administrations publiques. Le système a êtê mis au point au cours des cinquante derni'eres annees par Statistique Canada avec la collaboration do fonctionnaires fédéraux, provinciaux, territoriaux et municipaux ainsi quo los représentants du milieu academique et du monde des affaires. On a modifié le SGF au fil des ans pour tenir compte de l'êvolution tant des activités des administrations publiques, qui constituent son domaine sp6cialis4, quo des besoins des utilisateurs des stotistiques sur les finances publiques. La publication de statistique Canada intitulêe Le système stat istique de gest ion des finances publiques (n° 68-507 au catalogue, 1984) contient une description complete des concepts sur lesquels repose le système, de memo quo des classifications qui le caractérisent.
Governments and their agencies usually report on their financial activities annually in considerable detail; in many cases they also report at more frequent intervals in silnmary form. In addition, they may forecast their revenues and expenditures for the current year in budgets which reflect the format of the annual reports though again in less detail. The annual reports are concerned primarily with stewardship. They demonstrate that the elected and appointed officials have acted as required by law in the acquisition and disbursement of monies and the custodianship of assets for which they are responsible. Such reports, therefore, reflect the organization and accounting practices of the government, or agency
En règle generale, les administrations publiques et leurs organismes soumettent chaque année un compte rendu fort dêtaillé de leurs activitês financières; ii arrive souvent même qu'ils rendent des comptes, sous forme de sommaires, des intervalles plus rapprochés. Ils peuvent aussi etablir les previsions de leurs recettes et depenses de ].'annêe courante dans le cadre de budgets qui, bien que moms detailles, s'apparentent aux rapports annuels. Ceux-ci s'inspirent essentiellement d'une conception fiduciaire de la comptabilité. Ils établissent que los reprêsentant.s élus et nommês oni agi conformement aux dispositions de la loi relativement b l'acquisition et la sortie d'argent et a Ia garde des biens qui leur sont confiés. Ainsi, les rapports annuels traduisent la st.ructure et les pratiques
Government Financial Management Statistics
concerned. However, there is little uniformity among governments in either of these areas except at the local government level where similar entities within a single province or territory are required to use standard accounting systems and reports. Even here these systems and reports may differ significantly from those prescribed for other local governments in the same province or territory or from those of similar entities elsewhere.
cornptables des administrations publiques et de leurs organismes. Toutefois, les systèmes et les rapports de gestion financière varient dune administration publique l'autre, sauf au niveau local, oi lea responsables dlus ou nomnis sont tenus par la province ou le territoire dutiliser des pratiques comptables et des rapports de même type. 11 arrive aussi que dans les localits d'une même province ou d'un même territoire, ou dams des localités semblables situêes ailleurs, ces systèmes et rapports different considrablement de l'une N l'autre.
Meaningful analysis of the financial and related activities of governments, therefore, has as a prerequisite the recasting of their reported data into a common framework. To this end the Financial Management System replaces the administrative type of government financial reports by a framework which describes the expenditures and employment data of governments in a standardized fr &nework.
Par cons4quent, avant de pouvoir effectuer une analyse valable des activits financières et connexes des administrations publiques et de leurs organismes, ii faut réorganiser les donnêes se rapportant a ces activités en une structure commune. A cette fin, le Système de gestion financière remplace les dtats financiers de type administratif des administrations publiques et de leurs organismes par une classification qui présente lea données relatives aux dépenses et l'emploi suivant un système normalisé.
The Financial Management System uses a number of concepts, the most important being:
Le Système de gestion financière utilise un certain nombre de concepts, dont les plus importants sont lea suivants:
1. Goverrinent consists of those bodies constitutionally designated as gayerments - the federal and provincial governments - together with other governments created by them - the terntonal governments, municipalities, other entities enowered to levy taxes and all other entities created or acquired by these governments and owned by them. (Ownership, however determined, must exceed 50% by government.)
1. L'Administration publique se compose des organismes designés cornme administrations publiques dans la Constitution, c'est-a-dire les administrations fdêrale et provinciales, ainsi que les autres paliers qu'elles ont crêês (les administrations territoniales et municipales et les autres entitês autorisêes prélever des taxes) et tout autre organe cnéê et acquis par ces administrations publiques et leur appartenant. (Une administration publique doit dêtenir plus de 50% des droits de propri4t, peu importe Ia façon dont sa part eat détermine.)
2. Universes. Government is divided into two universes.
2. Univers. Lea administrations publiques se divisent en deux univers.
(a) The General Government Universe comprises the central core of ministries and departments together with other bodies which FMS terms Special Funds. These are the boards, agencies, commissions and similar organizations created, or acquired, and owned by governments to provide services which differ in character, cost elements and sources of finance from those provided by the other sectors of the economy. For FMS purposes this universe has three levels - federal, provincial/territorial and local.
a) L'univers de l'administration publique gnérale comprend la plupart des services et des ministères ainsi que d'autres organes appels fonds spêciaux par le SGF. Ii s'agit des coriseils, des organismes, des commissions et d'organes semblables crês ou acquis par lea administrations publiques, et leur appartenant, en vue d'offrir des services dont Ia nature, lea 416ments de coOt et les sources de financement different de ceux offerts par d'autres secteurs de l'êconomie. Aux fins du SGF, cet univers comporte trois paliers, a savoir les administrations publiques fédérale, provinciales/territoriales et locales.
(b) The Government Enterprise Universe consists of those organizations, established or acquired and owned
b) L'univers des entreprises publiques se compose des organismes crêês ou acquis par une administration publique, et lui
)y government, which sell goods ind/or services on the open market nd which derive their principal revenues from such sales and/or other of their own sources. This universe has the same three levels as its general government counterpart.
appartenant, qui vendent des biens et (ou) des services sur le marché libre et qui tirent la majeure partie de leurs recettes de ces ventes et (ou) d'autres sources propres. Cet univers renforme les trois mêmes paliers qui l'univers de l'administration publique.
3. Consolidation is also a basic concept of IMS. In the general government universe the system considers the federal ministries and departments together with all their special funds as a statistical unit. This also applies to each province and territory. At the local level consolidation for publication purposes is carried a stage further and all local governments and their special funds are aggregated into consolidated units for each province and territory.
3. La consolidation constitue aussi un concept fondamental du SGV. Dans l'univers de l'administration publique g4n4rale, le systeme considre les services et ministères fédéraux ainsi que tous leurs fonds sp4ciaux comme une unite statistique. Ce concept s'applique egalement h chaque province et territoire. Au niveau des localités, la consolidation eat elargie b des fins de publications: toutes lea administrations publiques locales et leurs fonds spêciaux sormt group4s en unites, pour chaque province et territoire.
Government enterprise Statistics are produced for each level of government with separate statistical series for the major divisions in the Standard Industrial Classification System.
Pour chaque palier d'administration publique, on etablit des statistiques portant sur les entreprises publiques, et pour les principales divisions de la Classification type des industries, on produit des series de données distinctes.
4. Accounting. Generally speaking, FMS statistics for the general government universe are produced in accordance with the modified cash system of accounting. This system records transactions on a cash basis, i.e., wi-men the related monies are received or disbursed. At the end of an accounting period, however, major transactions which have been completed except for the receipt or disbursemermt of money are accrued as receivables or payables. In addition, all transactions are deemed to be current in nature. In the government enterprise universe data FMS follows generally accepted accounting principles established by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants for profit oriented business enterprises. 5.
Classification Fraeworks (a) General Government tküverse
(i) Revenue is classified by source, i.e, amounts derived from own sources and transfers from other governments. Own source revenues are identified by their derivation - from taxes (including levies for health and social insurance), from natural resources, from privileges, licences and permits, from sales, from investments and from other own
Couitabilité. En qênêral, le SGF êtablit lea statistiques portant sur l'univers de administration publique generale conformement b la comptabilite de caisse modifiee. Cette méthode permet d'inscrire les operations selon une comptabilité de caisse, c'est--dire lorsque l'argent est reçu ou depense. Cependant, b la fin dune pêriode comptable, lea principales operations qui ont êtê menees terse, sauf pour l'entree ou la sortie d'argent, sont inscrites comrne produits h recevoir ou charges è payer. Par surcroIt, toutes lea operations sont considerees comine courantes de nature.
En ce qui concerne la production de données sur l'univers des entreprises publiques, le SGF suit les principes comptables gênéralement reconnus de l'lnstitut canadien des comptables agréês relativement aux ermtreprises 6 but lucratif. 5. Structures de classification a) Univers de l'administration publique g&ier ale (i) Lea recettes sont classifiees selon leurs sources, c'est-è-dire lea recettes qu'une administration publique tire de sea sources propres et celles qu'elle reçoit d'autres administrations publiques sous forme de transferts. Lee recettes de sources propres proviennent d'impositions (y compris lea cotisations aux regimes d'assurance-nmaladie et d'assurance sociale), de ressources naturelles, de privileges, licenses et permis, de ventes, d'investissements et
sources. Transfers are identified by transferor and are further divided into general and specific purpose transfers. In all cases the principal components of each main classification are identified.
d'autres sources propres. Les tranoferts, classifis selon le cédant, sont de deux sortes: les transferts des fins qénérales et les transferts 'a des fins particulières. Dans tous les cas, les principales composantes de chaque grande classification sont prcises.
(ii) Expenditure is classified by function, i.e., the purpose for which the outlay is made or the service which it provides. Eighteen functions are identified and most of these are divided into a number of sub-functions to provide additional detail.
(ii)Les dépenses sont classifis selon la fonction, c'est-'a-dire selon l'objet de la dêpense ou le service offert. On relève 18 fonctions dont la plupart se divisent en un certain nombre de sous-fonctions plus detaillees.
(iii)Assets and Liabilities use generally accepted accounting classifications; however, only financial assets and liabilities are identified since all expenditure is deemed to be current including purchases of fixed assets. (Proceeds of fixed asset disposal are classified as current revenue.) Sub-classifications emphasize intergovernmental relationships.
(iii)L'actif et le passif sont calculés au moyen de méthodes comptables generalement reconnues. Toutefois, seuls l'actif et le passif financiers sont déterminês, vu que toutes les dépenses sont considêrêes comme courantes, y compris l'acquisition d'immobilisations. (Le produit de la cession d'immobilisations est considere au même Litre que les recettes courantes.) Les sous-classi ficat ions font ressortir les rapports entre administrations publiques.
Government Enterprise t.kiiverse. The classifications for all series follow closely those used by the enterprises and equate generally with the recommendations of C.I.C.A. for profit oriented enterprises. Additional details or relations with parent governments are provided in the sub-classifications.
b) Univers des entreprises publiques. Les classifications de toutes les series s'apparentent 'a celles retenues par les eritreprises et sont gênêraleinent conformes aux recominandations de l'Institut canadien des comptables agrees pour ce qui est des entreprises b but lucratif. Les sous-classifications contiennent plus de données sur les administrations publiques parentes el etablissent mieux les rapports entre celles-c i.
Government Enterprises in the Finacia1 Management System
Les entreprises publiques et le système de la gestion finaicière
This publication contains data in respect of that part of the federal government universe which is defined as government enterprises.
L.a présente publication contient des donnees relatives au secteur de l'administration federale désign4 per l'expression "entreprises publiques".
Government enterprises are agencies engaged primarily in operations of a commercial or industrial nature, which either compete actively with similar operations in the private sector or monopolize activities that would otherwise be carried out in the private sector.
Le système a pour but de presenter des données sur les entreprises publiques dont l'activite principale est l'exploitation de services cornerciaux ou industriels qui font concurrence 'a des etablissements semblables du secteur privé ou monopolisent des activites qui, autrement, seraient exploitêes par le secteur prive.
These activities are usually carried out by a Crown corporation or special agency with specific powers and subject to varying degrees of financial control by the government, and of public accountability. Enterprises included in this report are for the
Ces activites sont generalement le fait d'une societe d'Ftat ou d'un organisme special dote de pouvoirs particuliers, soumis, 'a des degrés divers, 'a un contrôle financier de la part de l'admiriistration publique et devant rendre des comptes è la population. Les entreprises prises
most part Crown corporations, as listed in Schedules "C" and "D" of the Financial Administration Act, however, a number of other government-owned or controlled enterprises are also included. A list of federal government enterprises can be found in the Appendix A of this report.
en compte dans le present rapport sont pour la plupart des societe d'Etat; A quelques exceptions près, elles sont enumerees daris les annexes "C" et "D" de la Loi sur i'administration financière. [lies englobent en outre certaines sociétea que l'Etat possède ou contrôle. Lke hate des entreprises publiques fédérales Se trouve a l'annexe A du present rapport.
Evolution of Government Enterprise Activities
Evolution des activits des entreprises publiies
Historically, the commercial and industrial activities of the federal government were basically service industry oriented. They were carried out by Crown corporations, wholly-owned by the government, which had been established to meet a particular need.
Jusqu'a rêcemment, les activitês commerciales et industrielles de l'administration fêdêrale êtaient essentiellement axees sur les services. Elles etaient le fait des societes d'Etat, appartenant entièrement a l'administration publique, et crs pour rêpondre a un besoin part iculier.
The diversified activities of government enterprises now include the exploration and production of oil and gas, the refining of a full range of oil products, and the search for alternative sources of energy as well as building and servicing aircraft, manufacturing computer data entry equipment and the marketing and selling of these products.
Les activitês diversifiees des entreprises publiques comprennent maintenant l'exploration et production de p4trole et de gaz naturel, production d'une gamme de produits raffinés, recherche de nouvelles sources d'énergie ainsi que la construction et la reparation d'aeronefs, fabrication d'appareils d'entrée des données pour ordinateurs et la mise en marche et la vente de ses produits.
Corçarability with Other Statistical Frneworks
Con arjj1 jte avec d'autres classifications statist iques
inounts shown as net profit or loss before provision for income tax (Table 1, Expenditure item 25) do not agree with those currently incorporated as government enterprise profit or loss in National Accounts. The reasons for this are differences in universe, concept and timing.
lea montants qui font ressortir les bénêIices nets ou pertes nettes avant la provision pour impôts sur le revenu (tableau 1, poste 25 des dépenses) ne concordent pas avec les bênêfices ou pertes de l'annee en cours de ha cornptabilité nationaie. Ces ecarts s'expliquent par les differences d'univers, de concepts et d'exercise.
Coverage, Sources and I4thods
tkivers observes, sources et méthodes
The sources of data included in this report are the Public Accounts of Canada, annual financial reports of the enterprises concerned, and supplementary data obtained on request from the enterprises. Data are recast in accordance with financial management framework.
Les donnes sont tirées des Coniptes publics do Canada, des rapports financiers onnuels publies par les entreprises concern4es et des renseignement supplementaires fournis sur demande par ces entreprises. Les donnees sont reqroupées conformement aux concepts de la gestion financire.
In order to facilitate comparison with similar industries of the private sector, government enterprises are classified by their principal activities and grouped by industry division according to the Standard Industrial Classification, 1980 (Catalogue 12- 5 01E) manual.
Pour faciliter les comparaisons avec les industries semblables du secteur prive, nous avons classê les entreprises publiques d'après leur principale activité et nous les avons groupês par divisions d'industries selon la Classification type des industries, 1980 (n° 12-501E au catalogue).
REVUE DE L'At'tE 1983
Univers observe
This year's publication reflects the significant changes in coverage which occurred during the year 1983.
L'édition de cette annêe inclut les principaux changements survenus dans l'univers observe en 1983.
Incoiie and Expenditure
Revenus et dépenses
The total income of the Federal Government Enterprises rose by $916 million (4.3%) to reach a total of $22,389 million for the year. Income from the sales of goods and services which accounted for 76.1% of the total revenue grew by $663 million (4.0%) to reach a total of $17,035 million. Subsidy payments received from the Federal Government increased by $299 million (19.7%) to reach a total of $1,816 million while investment income of the enterprises expanded by $98 million (3.4%) to reach a total of $2,937 million. An offsetting decrease occurred in other income which declined $144 million (-19.3%) to a total of $601 million.
Le total des revenus des entreprises publiques fêdérales a augmenté de $916 millions (4.3%), et a atteint $22,389 millions pour I'ensemble de l'année. Les revenus tires des biens et services vendus, qui reprêsent.ent. 76.1% des revenus totaux, ont connu une hausse de $663 millions (4.0%) et sont passes b $17,035 millions. Les subvent ions versêes par le gouvernement fédéral ont cru de $299 millions (19.7%) pour se chiffrer a $1,816 millions, tandis que le revenu de placements a grimpé de $98 millions (3.4%) pour s'elever & $2,937 millions. Les autres revenus ont subi une baisse compensatrice de $144 millions (-19.3%), et ont tombé a $601 millions.
Of the $17,035 million total revenue derived from the sales of goods and services, $6,995 million (41.1%) was earned by enterprises classified under Transportation and Storage industries, $4,018 million (23.6%) under Wholesale Trade industries and $4,124 million (24.2%) under the Mines, Quarries and Oil Well industries. In terms of growth over the previous year, Communications industries expanded by $52 million to reach a total of $381 million (15.9%), Mines, Quarries and Oil Well industries grew by $795 million to reach a total of $4,124 million (23.9%) and the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate grew by $53 million to reach a total of $175 millLon (44.0%). A major decrease was registered in the Manufacturing industries which was down $442 million to the total of $1,258 million (-26.0%).
Du total des revenus tires des biens et services vendus ($17,035 millions), Ia part revenant aux industries du groupe des transports et de l'entreposage se chiffre a $6,995 millions (41.1%), celle du secteur du commerce de gros, $4,018 millions (23.6%) et celle du groupe des mines, des carrières et des puits de pétrole, a $4,124 millions (24.2%). Comparativement h l'an dernier, le revenu du secteur des communications a progressé de $52 millions pour atteindre $381 millions (15.9%), celui des mines, des carrières et des puits de pet role a augmenté de $795 millions pour s'élever a $4,124 millions (23.9%) et celui du groupe des iritermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières a cru de $53 millions pour totaliser $175 millions (44.00%). Le revenu du groupe des industries manufacturières a subi une baisse considerable de $442 millions pour chuter a $1,258 millions (-26.0%).
Of the $2,937 million total revenue earned from Investment income, enterprises engaged in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate activities received $2,752 million (93.7%) which increased by 4.0% over the previous year. Tremendous growth was evident for the enterprises in the Wholesale Trade industries escalating 192.7% while major decreases in growth occurred in Manufacturing industries down 36.9%, Transportation and Storage down 15.9 10' and Communications down 15.4%.
La part du revenu de placements total ($2,937 millions) qu'a touchée le groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières s'êlève a $2,752 millions (93.7%), soiL une augmentation de 4.0% par rapport l'année précédente. line croissance remarquable a pu être observée chez les entreprises du secteur du commerce de gros, gui ont cru de 192.7%, tandis que des baisses importantes ont touché les industries manufacturières (36.9%), le groupe des transports et de l'entreposage (15.9%) et le secteur des communications (15.4%).
Of the $1,816 million total Subsidy payments received from the Federal Government, enterprises classified under the Transportation and Storage industries were the recipients of $912 million (50.2%),
Sur Ia somme totale des subventions versées par le gouvernement fédéral ($1,816 millions), les industries du groupe des transports et de l'entreposage en ont obtenu $912 millions (50.2%), celles du secteur des communications,
11 Lommunications industries $815 (44.9%) and rinance, Insurance and Real Estate $89 million (4.9%). In respect of the increase in subsidies received over the previous year, Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries expanded by 31.9%, while Transportation and Storage grew by 29.3% and Communications increased by 9.6%.
$815 millions (44.9%) et celles des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires inwnobilières, $89 millions (4.9%). Par rapport l'an dernier, les subventions accordes au groupe des intermêdiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires irnmobilières ont enregistré une hausse de 31.9%, celles du groupe des transports et de l'entreposage, une augmentation de 29.3% et celles du secteur des communications, un accroissement de 9.6%.
Total expenditures declined by $124 million (-0.6%) for the year dropping to a total of $21,712 million with the significant decrease occurring in the Manufacturing industries which dropped $1,556 million (-46.3%) to a total of $1,804 million. Growth occurred in the Mines, Quarries and Oil Well industries up $691 million (21.7%) to reach a total of $3,883 million, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate rose by $366 million (13.7%) to attain a total of $3,032 million, Transportation and Storage grew by $174 million (2.2%) to reach a total of $8,127 million, Communications gained $131 million (13.3%) to reach a total of $1,123 million which offset the major decrease.
Le total des dépenses a diminué de $124 millions (-0.6%) pendant l'anne pour chuter $21,712 millions, tine baisse considrable de $1,556 millions (-46.3%) a été observée dans les industries manufacturires, ce qui a port6 le total a $1,804 millions. [a croissance du secteur des mines, des carrires et des puits de pêtrole a éLê de $691 millions (21.7%), ce qui a fait passer le total 6 $3,883 millions. Pour le groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilires, la croissance a êtê de $366 millions (13.7%) totalisant $3,032 millions, pour le groupe des transports et de l'entreposage, elle a 46 de $174 millions (2.2%), totalisant $8,127 millions, et pour le secteur des communications, elle a étê de $131 millions (13.3%), totalisant $1,123 millions, ce qui a permis de compenser la baisse importante mentionnêe ci-dessus.
The total cost of sales of goods and services (78.6% of the total expenditures) comprised of salaries, wages, materials and other purchases grew by $488 million (2.9%) to reach a total of $17,068 million. Significant growth was evident in a majority of the industries - Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells up by $581 million (22.6%) to a total of $3,149 million, Communications up $117 million (12.6%) to a total of $1,046 million, Finance, Insurance and Real Estate up $257 million (77.9%) to a total of $587 million, with the remaining industries experiencing smaller increases with the exception of Manufacturing industries which experienced a considerable drop of $663 million (-33.8%) to a total of $1,297 million.
Le prix de revient total des biens et services vendus (78.6% du total des d4penses), qui se compose des salaires, des traitements, des matêriaux et autres achats, a augmenté de $488 millions (2.9%) pour atteindre $17,068 millions. tine croissance importante a êté observée dans la plupart des industries: le groupe des mines, des carrières et des puits de pétrole a cru de $581 millions (22.6%) pour s'élever $3,149 millions, le secteur des communications s'est accru de $117 millions (12.6%) pour se chiffrer 6 $1,046 millions, le groupe des intermêdiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières a augmenté de $257 millions (77.9%) pour totaliser $87 millions. Les autres industries ant enregistré des hausses mains considérables, sauf les industries manufacLurires qui ont connu une baisse importante de $663 millions (-33.8%) pour tomber a $1,297 millions.
Debt charges of $2,630 million which increased by $65 million (2.5%), grants in lieu of taxes $12 million, up $4 million (47.5%), provision for depreciation and depletion $910 million, up $106 million (13.1%) and other expenses $1,093 million down $787 million (-41.8%) accounted for the remaining expenditure components of 12.1%, 0.1%, 4.2% and 5.0% respectively.
I.e service de la dette, s'élevant a $2,630 millions, soit une hausse de $65 millions (2.5 0%), les subventions en remplarement de taxes, totalisant $12 millions, soit une augmentation de $4 millions (47.5%), les provisions pour amortissesent accumulé et épuisement de $910 millions, c'est-a-dire une hausse de $106 millions (13.1%) et les autres dépenses s'établissant b $1 9 093 millions, è la suite d'une baisse de $787 millions (-41.8%), représentent respectivement 12.1%, 0.1% 9 4.2% et 5.0% des autres dépenses.
Of the total debt charges of $2,630 million, $2,282 million was paid as interest to the Federal Government, $333 million of interest owing to others and $15 million as
Sur le montant du service de Is dette, soit $2,630 millions, le montant de $2,282 millions té verse en intêrêts au gouvernement fédéral, celui de $333 millions représentait l'intérêt
12 other debt charges. Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries paid 76.3% of the total debt charges, Transportation and Storage 13.7% and Manufacturing industries 7.9% accounting for the remainder.
payable b d'autres et celui de $15 millions a dt6 affecté a d'autres services de Ia dette. Le groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobili'eres a assume 76.3% du total du service de la dette, le groupe des transports et de l'entreposage, 13.7% et les industries rnanufacturi'eres, 7.9%.
The total asount $2,615 million claimed as interest expense in debt charges excludes the anount of $15 million as interest capitalized during the construction of facilities. Enterprises engaged in Transportation and Storage industries reported $10 million as interest capitalized while Electric Power industries reported $5 million.
I.e montant total de $2,615 millions déduit au titre des frais d'intérêts imput.ables au service de Ia dette ne comprend pas le montant de $15 millions verse en intérêts capitalisés pendant la construction dinstallations. Les entreprises du groupe des transports el de l'entreposage ont dêclaré $10 millions en intérêts capital isés tandis que les entreprises du secteur de Pénergie 4lectrique ont déclaré $5 millions.
Net Profit
Btcnefice net
Federal Government Enterprises had a net profit from operations before income tax of $677 million up $1,040 million from 1982 (286.4%). The profits realized in the current year are attributable to the enterprises engaged in the Transportation and Storage industries which advanced $468 million (129.8%) to a total of $107 million, Manufacturing which decreased its loss by 1,099 million (67.2%) to finish at $-536 million, Mining, Ihiarrying and Oil Wells which expanded $104 million (54.2%) to a total of $296 million offset by the losses suffered in the current year for Cominunications which were lowered by $14 million (-11.8%) to a total of 107 million, Electric Power which weakened $2 million (-19.2%) to a total of $6 million, Wholesale Trade abated $175 million (-30.9%) to a total of $391 million, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate decreased $440 million (-58.0%) to a total of $319 million and Services remaining constant at a loss of $14 million.
Los entreprises publiques f&iéra]es ont. enregistré un bénéfice net d'exploitat ion avant impôt sur le revenu de $677 millions, soit une augmentation de $1,040 millions par rapport 1982 (286.4%). Los profits réalisés au cours de l'exercice proviennent du secteur des transports et do l'entreposage, qui a progressé de $468 millions (129.8%) pour atteindre $107 millions, du groupe des industries manufacturires, dont les pertes ont reculé do $1,099 millions (67.2%), s'établissant 'a $-36 millions, ainsi que du secteur des mines, des carri'eres et des puits do pétrole dont les bénéfices se sont accrus do $104 millions (54.2%), so soldant. a $296 millions. Ces bénéfices ant été contrebalancés par les pertes que le secteur des communications a subies au cours do l'exercice, qui ont été ranenées au total de $107 millions soit une reduction de $14 millions (-11.8%), par les pertes du groupe do l'énergie êlectrique qui se sont repliées de $2 millions (-19.2%) se chiffrant h un total do $6 millions, cellos du commerce do gros qui ant baissé de $175 millions (-30.9%), s'établissant a $391 millions, cellos des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et dea affaires imobilières qui ont diminuê de $440 millions (-58.0%) pour se fixer 'a $319 millions. Les résultats du secteur des services, qui a inscrit une porte do $14 millions, sont restés stables.
Corporate income taxes increased $94 million (35.8%) to a total of $356 million. Improved results in the Manufacturing industries up $10 million, Mining and Oil up $61 million, Finance, Insurance and Real Estate up $28 million and Transportation and Storage up $4 million offset by a decrease of $9 million in Communications contributed to the increase in this component.
L'impôt sur le revenu des corporations a progressé do $94 millions (35.8%) pour attoindre $356 millions. L'aaêlioration des r6su1tats du groupe des industries manufacturi'eres, du secteur des mines, des carriëres et des puits de pétrole, du groupe des intormédiairos financiers, des assurances et des affaires iminobilières et du secleur des transports et do l'entreposage, qui so sont accrus respectivement do $10 millions, de $61 millions, de $28 millions et do $4 millions, ont contribué 'a cette hausse, laquelle a étê contrebalancée par la baisse de $9 millions enregistrée par le secteur des communications.
13 Net profits after taxes increased $946 million (151.3%) to attain a total of $321 million. Of this $321 million in total, $105 nillion can be attributed to Transportation and Storage, Communications $69 million, Electric Power $6 million, Wholesale Trade $391 million, Mining and Oil $47 million, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate $262 million offset by losses incurred by the Manufacturing industries of $545 million and Services $14 million.
Lea bénéfices nets aprs impôt ont grimpé de $946 millions (151.3%) pour atteindre $321 millions. Sur ce total, $105 millions reviennent au secteur des transports et de l'entreposage, $69 millions, au secteur des communications, $6 millions, 'a l'énergie 6lectrique, $391 millions, au commerce de gras, $47 millions, aux mines, carrires et puits de ptrole, $262 millions, aux intermédiaires financiers, assurances et affaires immobilières. Ces bénéfices ant 6t6 contrebalancs par lea pertes de $545 millions et de $14 millions qu'ont sies respectivement les industries manufacturi'ares et le secteur des services.
Unappropriated Surplus
B&if ice non rêparti
Table 2 provides the changes occurring in the unappropriated surplus account. The combined government enterprise deficit balance of $1,700 million for the year decreased by $1,425 million which is a considerable drop from the revised deficit balance of $274 million for the previous year. This decrease was largely due to the remitted profits of the enterprises amounting to $1,255 million and other adjustments of $657 million. The Federal Government was the recipient of $688 mill ion while others received $566 million and Federal Government Enterprises received $1 million.
Le tableau 2 dêcrit l'évolution du bénêfice non rparti. (e dficit combine des entreprises publiques de $1,700 millions pour l'année a baissê de $1,425 millions, ce qui repr4sente une chute considerable par rapport au deficit révisé de $274 millions enregistre l'ari dernier. Cette baisse s'explique par les benefices verses des entreprises qui s'élvent 'a $1,255 millions et les autres corrections totalisant $657 millions. I. 'administration federale a recu $688 millions tandis que les autres ant reçu $566 millions et les entreprises publiques fêdérales, $1 million.
Enterprises classified under the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries remitted $638 million to the Federal Government namely, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation $47 million and the Exchange Fund Account $591 million, while the Canadian National Railway System classified under Transportation and Storage industries remitted $42 million, and the Royal Canada Mint classified under the Manufacturing Industries remitted $8 million.
Certaines entreprises du groupe des intermediaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilires ont verse $638 millions 'a l'administration federale, notarninent 'a la Société canadienne d'hypothques et de logement ($47 millions) et au compte du Fonds des changes ($5 9 1 millions). Lea Chemins de fer nationaux, qui font partie du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage, ant verse $42 millions et la Monnaie royale canadienne, du groupe des industries manufacturières, a verse $8 millions.
Under the Transportation and Storage industries Nordair accounted for the $1 million paid to its parent Air Canada, while under the Wholesale Trade Industries Canadian Wheat Board was responsible for the $566 million paid to producers which is categorized as others.
La compagnie Nordair du serteur des transports et de l'entreposage a payê $1 million 'a son entreprise mere, Air Canada, et. Ia Commission canadienne du blé du secteur du commerce de gros a payé $566 millions aux producteurs, ce qui est considéré comme des benefices verses 'a d'autres.
The adjustment of $657 million can be attributed mainly to Canada Deposit Insurance of the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries which recorded a general provision for a loss of $650 million. This provision reflects an estimate of the current consolidated deficits of the eight failing trust and mortgage loan companies who received loans from the corporation. The residual adjustments of $7 million are recorded in the accounts of the St. lawrence Seaway placed under the Transportation and Storage Industries $2 million; Canadian Wheat Board classified to Wholesale Trade Industries $1 million; and Petro Canada which is a component of the Mines, Quarries and Oil Well Industries $4 million.
La correction de $657 millions s'explique surtout par les résultats de la Société d'assurance-dépôts du Canada du groupe des internCdiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobili'eres qui a inscrit une provision générale pour une perte de $650 millions. Cette provision représente une estimation des deficits consolidés courants des huit rompagnies de fiducie et de prêts hypothécaires en faillite imminente qui ont recu des prêts de la societe. [es autres corrections, qui totalisent $7 millions, ant été passees aux comptes de la Voie maritime du SaintLaurent du groupe des transports et de l'entreposage ($2 millions), de la Coninission canadienne du blé du secteur du commerce de gros ($1 million) et de Petro Canada du groupe des mines, des carrieres et des puits de pétrole ($4 millions).
14 The offsetting increases were the result of: recoveries of losses of $154 million received by the enterprises from the Federal Government which are itemized in Table 4; net income of $321 million; profits realized on the disposal or sale of fixed assets of $9 million - Transportation and Storage industries $18 million, Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries $8 million offset by losses of $1 million for the Communications industries and $16 million for the Mining, Quarrying and Oil Well industries; and transfers of $2 million from appropriated surplus for the Wholesale Trade industries.
Les auginentations compensatrices s'expliquent par les sommes recues de l'administration fédérale au titre du recouvrement des pertes totalisant $154 millions (tel qu'elles sont spécifiêes au tableau 4), le revenu net des entreprises, qui atteignait $321 millions, le produit net de la cession et de la vente d'immobilisations ($9 millions) ainsi que par les résultats du groupe des transports et de l'entreposage ($18 millions) et du secteur des intermêdiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires imobilières ($8 millions). Ces profits ont êté compensés par les pertes de $1 million du secteur des communications et de $16 millions du groupe des mines, des carrières et des puits de ptrole ainsi que des transferts de $2 millions en provenance de l'excêdent affecté du secteur du commerce de gros.
Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth
Actif, passif et valeur nette
Tables 3 and 4 display assets, liabilities and net worth of federal government enterprises at fiscal year end nearest to December 31, 1983 by industry and grand total. Table 6 portrays the total change that took place during the current year.
Les tableaux 3 et 4 indiquent l'actif, le passif et la valeur nette des entreprises publiques fédérales b la fin de l'exercice cbs le plus près iu 31 décembre 1983, selon les branches d'activités et le grand total. Le tableau 6 illustre lvolution globale au cours de l'exercice financier.
Act if
Total assets increased in value by $4,669 million (8.9%) during the year to reach a total of $56,979 million. This expansion was mainly due to significant growth in net fixed assets which grew by $1,570 million (9.1%) to reach a total of $18,841 million, securities which expanded by $1,902 million (13.8%) to reach a total of $15,704 million and advances which escalated $1,122 million (12.6%) to attain a total of $10,035 million. The remaining asset components experienced growth as well - cash was up $49 million (2.4%) totalling $2,059 million, accrued revenue and prepaid expenses gained $113 million (12.9%) to a total of $991 million, inventories expanded $29 million (0.9%) to att.ain a total of $3,441 million, deferred charges rose $79 million (32.9%) to reach $319 million offset by decreases in receivables down $59 million (-1.3%) to come to $4,361 million and other assets down $136 million (-10.0%) to hit $1,228 million.
L'actif total a augment6 de $4,669 millions (8.9%) au cours de l'exercice pour atteindre $ 5 6,979 millions. Cette progression s'explique surtout par la croissance importante observée dans le secteur des immobilisations non amorties, qui a cru de $1,570 millions (9.1%), s'tablissant b $18,841 millions, dans celui des titres qui a affiché une hausse de $1,902 millions (13.8%) pour totaliser $15,704 millions et dans celui des avances qui ont grirnp de $1,122 millions (12.6%) pour se fixer a $10,035 millions. Les autres êlments de l'actif ont aussi augmenté - l'encaisse a progress de $49 millions (2.4%) pour atteindre $2,059 millions, les revenus courus et les frais payês davance, de $113 millions (12.9%) pour totaliser $991 millions, les stocks, de $29 millions (0.9%) pour s'lever $3,441 millions, les frais différês, de $79 millions (32.9%) pour stablir b $319 millions. Ces augmentations ont été contrebalancées par des baisses de $59 millions (-1.3%) des dbiteurs, qui ont chute b $4,361 millions, et de $136 millions (-10.0%) des autres elements de l'actif qui ont plonge a $1,228 millions.
Of the total net fixed assets of federal government enterprises valued at $18,841 million, those of Transportation and Storage industries accounted for $9,157 million (48.6%) while Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells accounted for $6,248 million (33.2%). OF a total increase of $1,569 million, $668 million pertained to Transportation and
De toutes les immobilisations non amorties des a entreprises publiques federales, s'êlevant $18,841 millions, celles du groupe des transports et de l'entreposage représentent $9,157 millions (48.6%) et celles du secteur des mines, des carrières et des puits de pêtrole, $6,248 millions (33.2%). L'augmentation totale de $1,569 millions découle des hausses de $668 millions, $633
15 E;Lorage industries, $633 million to Mining, Uuarrying and Oil Wells and $131 million to Manufacturing industries.
millions et $131 millions enregistrées respectivement par le groupe des transports et de l'entreposage, le secteur des mines, des carrieres et des puits de pétrole et les industries manufacturières.
The securities category which expanded by $1,902 million (13.8%) can be attributed to the growth of $1,721 million (13.3%) in the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries and growth of $89 million (23.5%) in the Transportation and Storage industries. The remaining industries experienced increases in this area as well - Communications rose $35 million (97.4%), Manufacturing gained $40 million (24.4%), Mining, .iarrying and Oil Wells expanded $17 million (5.8%).
Is catégorie des titres a progressé de $1,902 millions (13.8%) en raison de la croissance de $1,721 millions (13.3%) du groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières et de la hausse de $89 millions (23.5%) du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage. Les autres industries ant aussi connu des augmentations dans ce domaine: communications, $35 millions (97.4%), industries manufacturières, $40 millions (24.4%), mines, carri'eres et puits de pétrole, $17 millions (5.8%).
Total investments in mortgages of $11,861 million which accounts for 75.5% of the total securities grew by $336 million (2.9%). This increase can be solely attributed to the enterprises engaged in the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries.
La valeur des placements hypothécaires ($11,861 millions), qui représente 755% du total des Litres, s'est accrue de $336 millions (2.9%). Cette hausse s'explique entièrement par les rêsultats du groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires imobilières.
Foreign Securities &nounting to $2,460 million which accounts for 15.7% of the total securities experienced growth as well, up $1,466 million (147.6%). The enterprises classified in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries are responsible for this increase.
Les titres l'tranger, totalisant $2,460 millions, soit 15.7% du total des Litres, ont progressé de $1,466 millions (147.6%). Cette hausse est entiBrement attribuable aux entreprises du groupe des interrnédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires iminobilières.
The remaining investment securities shares (3.7% of total securities), bonds (1.71'0 of total securities) and treasury bills (3.0% of total securities) are small in terms of volume, however, significant changes occurred in these investments. Total treasury bills increased by $62 million (1 5 .1%) mainly due to the (31.3%) increase in Transportation and Storage industries and (100.0%) increase in Communications industries. Despite the decrease of $33 million (-10.8%) in total bonds, mainly due to the significant decrease of $63 million for enterprises of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries investing in federal government bonds, an increase of $25 million was noted for enterprises engaged in Transportation and Storage industries investing in provincial government bonds. Total shares of $585 million grew by $133 million (29.5%) with increases of $18 million (23.3%) for Transportation and Storage industries, $39 million (24.3%) for Manufacturing industries and $76 million (36.7%) for Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells.
Même si le volume des autres valeurs de placements - actions (3.7% du total des titres), obligations (1.7% du total des Litres) et bans du Trésor (3.0% du total des titres) - est petit, d'importants changements ont été observes dans cet êlément de l'actif. La valeur des bans du Trêsor a augmenté de $62 millions (15.1%) surtout en raison des hausses enregistrées par le groupe des transports et de l'entreposage (31.3%) et le secteur des communications (100.0%). Malgré la baisse de $33 millions (-10.8%) observée dans le total des obligations, causée surtout par la diminution importante de $63 millions qu'ont connue les entreprises du groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires inwnobilières qui se procurent des obligations de l'administration fédérale, une hausse de $25 millions a êté inscrite par les entreprises du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage qui achètent des obligations des administrations provinciales. La valeur des actions, s'élevant $585 millions, a augmenté de $113 millions (29.5%), ce qui comprend une hausse de $18 millions (23.3%) enregistrée par le secteur des transports et de l'entreposage, une de $39 millions (24.3%) par les industries manufacturieres et une de $76 millions (36.7%) par le secteur des mines, des carrières et des puits de pétrole.
Of the mount of $10,035 million advanced by Federal Government Enterprises at the 1983 year end, $21 million was due from the
Sur is valeur des avances consent ies par les entreprises publiques fédêrales ($10,035 millions) b la fin de l'exercice de 1983, $21
Federal Government, $1,124 million from local governments, $256 million from Federal Government Enterprises and the largest amount, $8,634 million was due from others. The advances of $8,634 million made by the enterprises to others can be attributed to the Transportation and Storage industries which constitute $30 million, expanding $13 million (78.4%), Finance, Insurance and Real Estate $8,601 million increasing $1,252 million (17.0%) offset by the decrease in Services to remain at $3 million.
millions avaient été consentis ]administration publique, $1,124 millions, aux administrations locales, $26 millions, 'a des entreprises publiques fédérales et la plus grande partie, $8,634 millions, d'autres. Ces avances de $8,634 millions consenties par les entreprises 'a d'autres sont constit.uées du montant de $30 millions attribué au secteur des transports et de l'ent.reposage, soit une hausse de $13 millions (78.4%) et du montant de $8,601 millions, soit une augmentation de $1,252 millions (17.0%) attribuê au groupe des intermédisires financiers, des assurances et des affaires inimobilières. Ces gains ont été compensés par la baisse qu'ont enregistrée les services gouvernementaux et sont $3 millions. donc demeurés
Liabilities of the federal government enterprises (Table 3) expanded by $4,635 million (10.7%) to attain $47,804 million. Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries demonstrated the largest expansion with growth of $3,862 million (15.3%) to reach the total of $29,145; while Wholesale Trade industries increased by $366 million (10.3%) with a total of $3,940 million, Transportation and Storage industries followed with an increase of $205 million (3.2%) to total $6,676 million. The remaining industries experienced growth as well Manufacturing with an increment of $111 million (4.2%) reached $2,740 million, Communications up $49 million (11.8%) hit $462 million, Electric Power grew $13 million (5.2%) to arrive at $261 million, Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells gained $18 million (0.4%) to total $4,229 million and Services jtinped $11 million (3.2%) to reach a total of $351 million.
Le passif des entreprises publiques fédérales (tableau 3) a augmenté de $4,635 millions (10.7%) pour atteindre $47,804 millions. La croissance Ta plus iniportante a été observée chez le groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières qui a progressé de $3,862 $29,145 millions (15.3%) pour se chiffrer millions tandis que le secteur du commerce de gros a affiché une hausse de $366 millions (10.3%) pour totaliser $3,940 millions et le groupe des transports et l'entreposage a grimpé $6,676 de $205 millions (3.2%) pour sêtablir millions. Les autres industries ont aussi augmenté - les industries manufacturières de $111 millions (4.2%) pour atteindre $2,740 millions, le secteur des communications de $49 millions $462 millions, le secteur (11.8%) pour s'élever de lénergie électrique de $13 millions (5.2%) $261 millions, lea mines, les pour se fixer carri'eres et les puits de pétrole de $18 millions $4,229 millions et les (0.4%) pour passer services gotivernernentaux de $11 millions (3.2%) pour totaliser $351 millions.
/mounts due consisting primarily of advances, bonds and debentures, other securities and bank overdrafts which constitute approximately 74.6% of the total liabilities grew by $3,456 million (10.7%) to a total of $35,678 million. Of the total of $26,597 million in advances, $20,714 million was due to the Federal Government, $19 million to Provincial Governments $295 million to Federal Government Enterprises, $3,607 million to chartered banks and $1,962 million to others. Enterprises engaged in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate activities received an increase of $1,814 million (10.2%) loans and advances from the in Federal Government while enterprises engaged in the Wholesale Trade received an increase of $2 million (0.1%) from chartered banks and enterprises classified under Manufacturing industries received an increase of $245 million (32.8%) in chartered bank loans offset by a decrease in bank loans to
Les somines dues, qui comprennent surtout les avances, lea obligations et les debentures, d'autres titres et les découverts bancaires, c'est-'a-dire environ 74.6% du total du passif, ont augmenté de $3,456 millions (10.7%) pour atteindre $35,678 millions. Sur la valeur des avances ($26,597 millions), $20,714 millions provenaient de l'administration fédérale, $19 millions, des administrations provinciales, $295 millions, des entreprises publiques fédérales, charte et $1,962 $3,607 millions, des banques millions, d'autres. Lea avances et lea prêts fédérale aux consentis par l'administration entreprises du groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières ont affiché une heusse de $1,814 millions (10.2%) tandis que les avances el les prêts charte aux branches du accordés par lea banques commerce de gros ant grimpé de $2 millions (0.1%) et ceux consentis aux industries manufacturi'ares ont augmenté de $245 millions (32.B%). Ces hausses ont été contrebalancées par une baisse
17 enterprises under the Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells which were down $127 million -82.6%). Loans and advances due to others increased by $1,095 million (126.2%) to total $1,962 million with Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries owing $905 million, Transportation and Storage industries owing $725 million, Manufacturing owing $239 million, and the residual industries coristituting the remainder owing - $6 million for Communications, $15 million for Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells, and $13 million for Serv ices.
des prêts bancaires consentis aux entreprises du secteur des mines, des carrières et des puits de pêtrole, qui ant diminuê de $127 millions (42.6%). Les prêts et les sommes dues b d'autres ont grimpé de $1,095 millions (126.2%) pour atteindre $1,962 millions: le groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilires doit $905 millions, le secteur des transports et de l'entreposage, $725 millions, les industries manufacturières, $239 millions et les autres industries, le solde réparti comme suit: communications ($65 millions), mines, carrières et puits de pétrole ($15 millions) et services gouvernementaux ($13 millions).
The bonded debt of $7,797 million which grew by $881 million (12.7%) is made up of $164 million in bonds guaranteed by the Federal Government for enterprises engaged in Transportation and Storage industries and $7,633 million in bonds payable to the general public. Enterprises engaged in Transportation and Storage industries owe $2,267 million, enterprises classified under Wholesale Trade industries owe $62 million, Manufacturing $772 million, Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells $133 million while enterprises engaged in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries are responsible for the bulk of $4,399 million of this debt payable to the general public.
La dette obligataire de $7,797 millions, qui a augmenté de $881 millions (12.7%), comprend $164 millions en obligations garanties par l'administration fédérale pour les entreprises du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage et $7,633 millions en obligations payables b la collectivité. Les entreprises du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage doivent $2,267 millions, celles du secteur du commerce de gras, $62 millions, les industries manufacturires, $772 millions, les entreprises du secteur des mines, des carrières et des puits de pétrole, $133 millions, tandis que le groupe des interrnédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières s'approprie Ia plus grande partie de cette dette, $4,399 millions, payable b la collectivité.
Other securities of $1,249 million which grew by $287 million (29.8%) can mainly be attributed to the Finance Insurance and Real Estate industries with growth of $280 million (29.2%) which totals $1,239 million. Manufacturing industries attained a total of $7 million while Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells reached $3 million.
D'autres titres totalisani $1,249 millions ant augmenté de $287 millions (29.8%) en raison principalement de la croissance de $280 millions (29.2%) du groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilires, qui a atteint. $1,239 millions. Les industries manufacturires ant totalisé $7 millions et les entreprises du secteur des mines, des carrières et des puits de pétrole, $3 millions.
The remaining liability components namely, accounts payable $4,224 million, accrued expenditures and deferred credits $3,160 million, deposits due $20 million, minority interest $428 million and other liabilities $4,294 million, are relatively small in terms of volume amounts, however, growth was inthcated in all but one case. Accounts payable increased by $72 million (1.7%), accrued expenditures and deferred credits grew by $199 million (6.7%) other liabilities expanded by $1,056 million (32.6%) offset by the decrease of $148 million (-2.7%) in minority interests.
Le volume des autres éléments du passif, soit les créditeurs ($4,224 millions), les dépenses courues et les credits reportés ($3,160 millions), les dépôts dus ($20 millions), la participation minorit.aire ($428 millions) et dautres éléments du passif ($4,294 millions), est relativement petit; toutefois, tous les éléments, sauf un, ant connu une hausse. Les comptes créditeurs ant augmenté de $72 millions (1.7%), les dépenses courues et les credits reportés, de $199 millions (6.7%) et les autres êléments du passif, de $1,056 millions (32.6%). Ces hausses ant êL compensées par la baisse de $148 millions (-25.7%) enregistrêe par la participation minoritaire.
Of the total accounts payable amounting to $4,224 million, trade accounts explain $3,184 million, while the remaining $69 million was paid to governments and $345 million was paid to others. In the trade accounts enterprises in the Wholesale Trade industries accounted for a total of $1,109
Sur la valeur totale des coinptes créditeurs, s'élevant b $4,224 millions, les comptes-fournisseurs représentent. $3,184 millions, tandis que $695 millions ont êté verses aux administrations publiques et $345 millions, 'a d'autres. Pour ce qui est des romptes-fournisseurs, les entreprises du secteur du commerce de gras ont affiché une
18 million (29.5%) increase while enterprises in the Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells are attributable for $793 million (21.8%) increase. Upswings were noted in the other industries as well - Transportation and Storage $838 million (5.6%) Communications $209 million (8.0%) Electric Power $11 million (59.5%), Manufacturing $138 million (1.8%), Finance, Insurance and Real Estate $8 million (51.5%) and Services $78 million (62.4%).
hausse de $1,109 millions (29.5%) et celles du secteur des mines, des carrières et des puits dc pétrole, une augmentation de $793 millions (21.8%). lkie croissance a aussi été observée dans d'autres industries - transports et entreposage, $838 millions (5.6%), communications, $209 millions (8.0%), énergie électrique, $11 millions (59.5%), industries manufacturières, $138 millions (1.8%), interrnédiaires financiers, assurances et affaires immobili'eres, $8 millions (51.5%) et services gouvernernentaux, $78 millions (62.4%).
Of the $695 million total payables made to governments, Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industries were responsible for $672 million, Transportation and Storage industries were liable for $14 million, Wholesale Trade $4 and Manufacturing $5 million.
De la somme totale des coniptes créditeurs ($695 millions) verse aux administrations publiques, le groupe des intermêdiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobi1ires en a payé $672 millions, le secteur des transports et de l'entreposage, $14 millions, le secteur du commerce de gros, $4 millions, et les industries manufacturières, $5 millions.
Net Worth
Valeur nette
Net worth increased by $34 million (0.4%) bringing it to a total of $9,175 million for the year. Capital stock with an increase of $874 million (12.9 0%) amounted to $7,642 million and the surplus which registered a decrease of $840 million (-35.4%) dropped to $1,533 million.
La valeur nette a augmentê de $34 millions (0.4 0%), s'établissant $9,175 millions pour l'ensemble de l'annêe. Le capital-actions a affiché une hausse de $874 millions (12.9%) pour se fixer h $7,642 millions et l'excédent s'est repliê de $840 millions (-35.4%) pour tomber è $1,533 millions.
Of the total $7,642 million capital stock, $6 million was held by Federal Government Enterprises in the Transportation and Storage industries and $7,637 million was held by the federal government - $2,955 million in Transportation and Storage industries, $340 million in Manufacturing, $3,736 in Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells, and $606 million in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate.
Sur la valeur totale des capital-actions ($7,642 millions), $6 millions étaient dêtenus par les entreprises publiques fdrales dans les branches du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage et $7,637 millions, par l'administration fédérale dens diverses branches: $2,955 millions dens le secteur des transports et de l'ent.reposage, $340 millions dans les industries manufacturières, $3,736 millions dans le secteur des mines, des carrThres et des puits de pétrole et $606 millions dens le groupe des intermdiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières.
With respect to the total contributed surplus of $2,956 million, $1,322 million was interest free working capital provided by the Federal Government to enterprises which consists of the Transportation and Storage industries $17 million, Manufacturing $723 million, Mining, Quarrying and Oil Wells $62 million and Services $20 million. The remainder $1,634 million was capital contributions from the Federal Government to enterprises classified in the Transportation and Storage industries $994 million and Finance, Insurance and Real Estate $640 million.
Sur la valeur totale de l'excdent d'apport ($2,956 millions), $1,322 millions ont dtd fournis par l'administration f4d4rale sous forme de fonds de roulement net d'intrêt aux entreprises du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage ($ 5 17 millions), aux industries manufacturières ($723 millions), au secteur des mines, des carrières et des puits de pêtrole ($62 millions) et aux services gouvernementaux ($20 millions). Le reste ($1,634 millions) représente les contributions pour immobilisations versêes par l'administration fdrale aux entreprises du secteur des transports et de l'entreposage ($994 millions) et a relies du groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières ($640 millions).
19 The components of Appropriated Surplus qua1ing $277 million consist of $29 million for insurance $6 million maintained by Transportation and Storage industries and $253 million maintained by Finance, Insurance and Real Estate as well as the remainder which is classified as other.
Les êléments de l'excdent affecté, totalisani $277 millions, comprennent $259 millions pour les assurances, $6 millions pour le secteur des transports et de lentreposage, $253 millions pour le groupe des intermédiaires financiers, des assurances et des affaires immobilières et le reste pour les autres.
The balance in unappropriated surplus of $-1,700 million decreased by $1,415 million during the year. The credits, contributions, and transfers and other adjustments made to this account are outlined in the notes concerning the unappropriated surplus. Table 2 also provides an analysis of the changes occurring in this account.
Le solde de l'excédent non affectê (-$1,700 millions) a diminu6 de $1,415 millions pendant lexercice financier. Les crdits, contributions, transferts et autres corrections touchant ce compte sont indiqués dans les observations sur l'excdent non affecté. Le tableau 2 analyse aussi les variations de ce compte.
TROLL 1. Income and Expenditure, by Industry Divialon, For the Fiscal Year Ended Maareat to Dece.ber 31, 1983
Transportat ion and storage
Electric power
Transportation, storage, comirunicat ion and other utilities
Mines, qsarr ic, and oil wells
Transport, do l'entreposage
Transport, de lentreposage, comuTunicat ions et autres verY ices pl.3l irs
Industries manufacturikreo
Mines, carrikres et puits de pCtrole
Income and expenditure
or dollars -
1 Salea of goods and services
380,724 81,919
2 Irweatment income
3 Interest
from: 4 Governments 5 Federal goverrssent 6 Provincial goverrasenta 7 Local governments
48,187 48,187
B Other
9 Rentals
88,187 48,147
11 SubsidIes from federal government (1)
12 Otter none
13 Total income
10 Other investment income
1,230,444 81,919
Espeome 14 Salaries and wages
16 Debt charges
17 Interest
18 Federal government
19 Others
31,32 -
15 Materials and other purchases
20 Other debt charges 21 Grants in lieu of taxes 22 ProvisIon for depreciation and depletion 23 Other eapenses
24 Total expense
3,082, 516
Net inc (loss) 25 Net Income (loss) before provision for income tas 107,416
26 Provision for income tax
27 NET INE4E (1055) AFTER PROVISIOtI 100 !(C041 fAX 104,876
(1) (2)
-535,675 295,650
8,639 248,966
69,215 5,856
107,390 5,856
See Tible 4 for transfers from federal government taken into current income and surplus accoonts. Inclodes profits of the Canadian Wheat Board of $195,241 for distribut Ion to producers. (sclsles additional interest earned after October 31, 1982.
bid I:Au 1. Revenue at d4penaea par divisions d' industries, esercice cbs be plue prs du 31 d6ce.bre 1983
ssle be
Manufacturing, mining and sholessle trade
Finance, Insurance and real eetste
Government services
Finanre, insurance, real estate and government services
Manufacturièrea, mines, rarribres et puita dv ptrole et cuemerce de gros
Finances, esaursncea et sffairea immobIlires
Services do gouvernesentau*
Interm8disires financiers, des assurances at services gouvernementous
Renenus at d4pensea
Total Commerce de gros
thousands of dollars - milliers dv dollars
Revenus de placements
101 101 -
107,762 107,710 48 4
155,949 155,897 48 4
Ventes dv biene et de services
[n provenance des: A4sinistrstmana pduliquee Adminis(ral ion fdrsLe Ad,nin:strations provinrialea klm:nistrstions lorsbce
107,661 107,609 48 4
Autres revenue
4,039, 124
9,485, 570
3,351, 388
22, 389,480
Total, revenue
2,615, 318
6 7
Loyers Autres revenue do placements
Subvecctions en provenance doe adminiatra- 11 tions f6d8ralea (1)
08penees Salsires at trsitementm
Mstriaux at autree achets
Service de in dette
Au,,: Adoinistrstion fddêrele
Autres dpeneea
Total, d6penaea
Autres aersicem do in dette Subsentions tenant lieu d'lmpbta
20 21
Provision pour amartiosement et épuise.ent 22
Bdnlfice net (pert.)
390,625 150,600
319, 379
- 257,605
57, 76
356,076 Provision pour bmp6t our Is revenu
390,625(2) -107,005
(1) (2)
676,995 Bdu8fice net (porte nette) avant prov:aion 25 pour impOt our Ic revenue
Lee transferts de l'administration publique fiiWinscrits aus ramptes des revenue des b6nfIcea non r8partis figarent au tabLeau 4. 1 compria lea b8n4fices de Is Commission canadienne du NO de $395,241 pour is distribution suv proclucteura dv c8r8slee. Esciut lee intréts courun apr8e be 31 octobre 1982.
TABLE 2. Analysis of tkapproriated Surplus Trsnstions (Net), by Industry Division for the Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 Transportation and storage
Electric power
Transportation, storage, cornmunirations and other utilities
Mines, quarries and oil wells
Transport, de l'entrepoaage
Transport, de l'entreposage, communications et autres services publics
Industries manufacturires
Mines rarrières et puits de petrole
thousands of dollars - milliers de dollars 1 Ba1ice at the beginning of the year 79,029 637,716 3,069 719,814 -1,647,985 186,232
2 Additions
68,452 5,856 334,122 -544,314 30,169
3 Net income (loss) (1) for the year after provision for income tax
69,215 5,86 179,947 44,314 46,684
-763 - 17,726 - -16,515
- - 136,449 - -
- - 136,449 - -
4 Net profit (loss) on sale or disposal of fixed assets 5 Recoveries of losses
From: 6 Federal government (2) 7 Other
8 Transfers from appropriated surplus
9 Other adjustments
7,873 4,374
Profits remitted (including dividends paid)
7,873 -
42,466 546
- -
42,466 546
7,873 -
To: 12 13
Federal government Federal government enterprises
Transfers to appropriated surplus
Other adjustments
706,168 8,925 1,009,239
(1) Item 27, Table 1. (2) See Table 4 for transfers from federal government taken into income and surplus accounts. (3) Includes payments of profits of the Canadian Wheat Board to producers.
-2,200,112 212,027
JAL3tEAU 2. Analyse des transactions nettes au compte des bnfices non-réparti, par division d'industries, exercice financier cbs le plus près dii 31 dcembre 1983
lholesale trade
Manufacturing, mining and wholesale trade
Finance, insurance and real estate
Government services
Finance, insurance, real estate and government services
Commerce de gras
Manufacturières, mines, carrires et puitS de ptrole at commerce de gros
Finances, assurances et affaires immobilières
Services de gouvernementaux
lntermdiaires financiers, des assurances et services gouvernement aux
No thousandm of dollars - millierm de dollars 584,705
Btnefice net Kperte npttt) (1) pour 3 l'annee après provision pour impot sur be revenu
- -16,515 8,230 - 8,230
8enf ice net (perte nette) pro- 4 venant de la vente ou de Is disposition d'irreiobilisations
- 17,518 17,518
1 5 3,967
Solde au debut de l'annCe
Recouvrement de pertes
En provenant des: - 17,518 17,518
153,967 -
2,304 2,304 -
Administration federale (2) 6 7
- -
- 765 -
Benefices remia (comprenant lea 11 dlv idendes verses)
Transferts en provenance de lex- 8 cêdent affecté 9
Autres rajustements
Aux: 325
688,472 546
566,471 (3)
13,065 -1,130,565
Administration fdrale 12 Entreprises publiques fCdC- 13 rales 14 Autres
Transferts b lexcédent affectê 15 Autrea rsjustements
1A FIN 11 tAMU[ 17
(1) Paste 27, tableau 1. (2) Voir be tableau 4 pour lea transferts de 1 administration publique federale inscrits aux comptes des revenus ordinaires et des bênCfices non repartis. (3) Comprend lea benefices de la Commission canadienne du blê distribués aux cérCaliculteurs.
TA&E 3. Assets, tidellities, and Net Nerth by Industry Division as at Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to Dece,er 31, iSlEt Tranaportattoo and storage
Eject re power
Transport t storage, communication and other Ut ii it tea
Transport, de lentropoaage
transport, de lentrepovage, coisounications et attIres sers ices puhl irs
quatrios and oil wells
Industries monufacturi8res
Mines, carrières et pulls de pt role
thousands of dol1ar - milliera do dollars
Assets 1 Cash on hand and deposit
265,454 51,978 12,345 329,777
2 Canadian currency 3 Cash on hand and on deposit including shortterm investments 4 Cash with rederal governments
232,04 232,04
41,478 41,478
12,345 12,345
285,877 285,877
27,594 9,645
5 Foreign currency 6 Receivables 7 Interest 8 Trade eccounts (less allowances for dos6tful accounts) 9 Governments 10 Federal government 11 Provinciol governments 12 Local governments
13 Goverrameot enterprises 14 Federal enterprises 15 Provincial enterprises
261 261 -
16 Other 17 Aeeroeol rmsmnue and prepaid espenses 18 Prepaid espensea 19 Accrued interest 20 Other 21 Inventories 22 Advances To: 23 Governments 28 Federal goverroment 25 Provincial governments 26 Local governments 27 Government enterprises 28 Federal enterprises (1) 29 Provincial enterpriaee 30 Private enterprises 31 Other
769 769
18,702 18,702
10,8v3 8,817 2,016
10,830 10,830 -
7,112 7,112 -
261 261
21,683 19,667 2,016
5,943 5,943
15,674 18,674
7,112 7,112
32 Securities
33 Treasury bills 34 Federal government 35 Provincial governments
206,631 206,631
20,287 20,287
36 Rondo and debentures 37 Governments 38 federal goverrameat 39 Provincial governments 40 local governments 41 Governsent enterprises 42 Federal enterprises 43 Provincial enterprises 44 Private entreprlaes 45 Corporations 46 Other 47 lk,ideotiFied
151,910 143,178 115,435 27,743
39,472 39,472 39,472
8,732 8,732
48 Shares 49 Government enterprises 50 federal enterprises 51 Provincial enterprises 2 Private enterprises See footnote(s) at end of table.
27,594 55, 584
8,732 8,732 -
226,918 226,918
191,382 182,650 154,907 27,743
93,692 4,867 4,867
100,024 4,867 4,867
TA8L(AU 3. Actif t passif at valour nette, per divialona d' industries, exermic. cia. 1s pius prba du 31 d8ceabre 1983
'lesalo trade
Manufacturing, mining and wholesale trade
finance, insurance and real estate
Govern,sent services
Finance, insurance, real estate and qosernment services
Cosiaerce do gras
Hanufacturikres, nines, carrikres at pulls de pI role et cornmerce de gras
finances, assurances at sffaires lirmobiliAres
Services do gouvernemortaus
Interis6disires financiers, des assurances at services gouserneetentaun
thousands of dollars - milliars de dollars
Act if
2,944 2,944
86,122 68,173
1,033,479 1,033,479
35,369 35,369
1,068,848 1,068,848
1,440,847 1,422,898
391 391
19,093 19,1193
1,613 1,613
58,669 50,705 7,930 34
78,531 70,567 7,930 34
261 261
199,328 5,362 393,966
223,945 29,979 193,966
14 8 6
730,367 15,037
745,418 8 730, 373 15,037
991,046 69,654 926,1 5 5 15,037
5,548 5,544
5,584 5,544
49,092 7,930 34
8,000 8,000
1,131,745 8,000
1,144,403 20,656
256,333 26,333
1,123,745 256,333 256,133
1,123,745 2 1 6,333 256,333
1,123,745 -
245,556 245,556
245,556 245,556
472,474 472,474
79,774 79,664 78,771 841 52
288 248 248
80,022 79,912 79,019 841 52
271,404 262,62 273,926 841 ''2 8,732 8,732
110 110
• • • • -
Voir note(s) A Is fin dvi tableau.
110 110
110 110
584,770 4,867 4,867 -
Encaisse et dApAts tbmaie caniienne Enrsisse ml dApOts y rompcis 1cm placements A court terse DdpSts auprks des adminIstrations f&lArales
Devises Atranqèrea
lntrêts Coisptes-clients (mains provision pour crêances douteuses)
Administrations publiques 48sLnistration fd8rsle Administrations prosinciales AdministratIons locales
9 10 11 12
Entreprises publiques Entreprises fAddrales Entreprises proviociales
13 14 IS
Revenue courus et frais psy84 da.ance frets papAs d'asance lntArêts courus Autres
I? 18 19 20
Sun: Administrations publiques Administration fAdArale Aäsinistrat,ons provinciales Administrations locales tnt reprises publiques Entreprisea fAdArales (1) Entreprises provincisles Entreprises privAes Autres
23 24 2' 26 27 28 29 30 31
Rons du trAsor Administration fAdAralm Administrations proviariales
33 34 75
(ligstions Administrations publiques Administration fAdArale Administrations provinctsles Administrations locales Entreprises publiques Entreprises fAdArales £ntreprises prosinclales intreprises prisAes Corporations Autres Non- identitiAcs
76 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Actions Entreprises publiques Entreprises fddArales Intceprises provirmisles Entreprises privAes
411 49 50 St
TABLE 3. Assets, Lithilitios, and Net Nerth by Industry Division as at Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to Diceer 31, 1983 - Continued
Transportation and storage
Electric power
Transportation, storage, coevounicat ion and other utilities
Mines, quarries and oil wells
Transport, de l'entreposage
Iransport, Ic lentreposage, communications at autres serv ices publics
Industries aanufacturires
Mines, carrières et puits de ptro1e
No. thousands of dollars - ailliera
Assets - Concluded
Securities - Concluded 1 lbrtgages and agreements for sale 2 Foreign securities 3 Other securities 4 Federal government 5 Private enterprises 6 Other 7 Other financial assets B Governments 9 Government enterprises 10 Other
11 Fixed assets 12 Less: accunulated depreciation and depletion 13 Vised assets - Net
14 Deferred charges 15 Unamortized bond discount 16 Other deferred charges
14,434,060 5,277,415
1,36,466 536,280
284,246 54,106
16,083,772 5,667,801
840,211 180,709
7,294,511 1,046,822
9,1 6,645
137,861 14,088 123,773
139,032 14,088 124,944
47,841 10,453 37,186
17 Other assets
18 Total waste
Liabilities 19 8ank overdrafts
20 Savings deposits 21 Payables 22 Interest 23 Trade accounts 24 Governments 25 Federal government 26 Provincial governement 27 Local government 28 Government enterprises 29 Federal enterprises 30 Provincial enterprises 31 Other
838,174 13,666
10,694 .
138,163 3,444 5,444
792, 5 31
1,08,192 13,666
13,666 546 546
13,666 546 546
1,426,995 412,122 481,97 533,276
420,199 123,785 289,706 6,708
32 Accrued expenditure and deferred credits 33 Accrued interest 34 Other accrued espenditure 35 DeFerred credits
1,382,930 412,122 481,597 489,211
36 Advances From: 37 Goverravents 38 Federal qos-errxnent 39 Provincial governments 40 Loral governments 41 Government enterprises 42 Federal enterprises 43 Provincial enterprises 44 Chartered banks 45 Other
1 2,636
733,095 713,689 19,406
45,088 45,088
249,865 249,865
32,581 52,581
10,222 10,222
1,028,048 1,008,642 19,406
46 Bonds and debentures Issued to: 47 Governments 48 Federal government 49 Provincial governeents 50 Local governments 51 Federal goserreient enterprises See footnote(s) at end of table.
52 52
153,784 724,584
2,431,178 164,309 (2) 164,309 -
52 52
133,784 789,634
991,323 238,740
26,722 15,692
164,309 164,309
till tAU 3. ActiI, pasaif at valeur natte, par divisions d industries, esercice rise Is plus près dii 71 d8ceabre 1983 - suite
lesale In
Co,seerce do gros
Manufacturing, mining and abolesale trade
Finance, insurance and real estate
Government services
Finance, insurance, real estate and government services
Manufacturi8res, mines, cerrières at puits do ptrole at conmerce do gros
Finances, assurances at affaires iseobilires
Services de gouvernementaus
interm4diaires financier;, des assurances at services gouvarnementaun
thousands of dollars - milliecs de dollars
11,944,337 2,459,700 1,712
11,844,157 2,459,700 15,712
11,861,032 2,459,700 54,510 -
1 HypothAsues at contrats de monte litres b l'tranger 2 Autres titres 3 Administrations publije; fddArales 4 Enterprises prives 5 Asjtres 6 Autre actif Financier Aói,invstrations pdmllquea [ntreprises psliques Autrem
7 8 9 10
112,113 21,561
8,246,835 1,249,092
1,790,470 162,917
1,790,470 162,917
26,121,077 7,279,810
90, 5 52
Immobilisationa 11 Ibins, seortissement accumulds at dpulse- 12 sent Inm,obliimations - Nix, amorties 13
126,503 10,455 116,048
53,330 43,422 9,908
53,330 43,422 9,908
318,865 67,965 250,900
Frais diFfr8a 14 Esctea dos obligations non amorties 15 Autres frais diffAr8s 16
Autre actif
Total, actif
1,109,030 4,159 4,159
2.039,724 9,605 9,603
85,665 671,798 637,954 33,844
4,223,728 -
7,736 671,798 637,94 33,844
297,120 414 73,818 ZZZ,888
870,489 324,199 363,524 3 82,766
862,603 488,896 200 373,507
862,601 488,896 200 373, 507
3,160,087 1,02 5 ,217 845,321 1,289,549
3,181,579 695,067 647,557 33,844 13,666 546 46 -
Ddcouverts bancaires
DepOts d'dpargne
Crdditeurs lntdrCt Comptes-fournisseurs Administrations publiques Administration Fdddrale Administrations provinciales Administrations locales Entreprises publiques Entrepriaes f&JCrslea Entreprimes prom incialea Autres
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Ddpenses courues at crAdits reportCa 32 33 lntCrAt rourus 34 Autres frais courua 35 Produita recus ou comptsbilitC d am once
26, 5 97,415
33,565 33,565
96,568 96,368
19,605,950 19,605,950
3,084 3,084
19,609,034 19,609,034
20,733,450 20,714,044 19,406
38,133 38,133
256,333 256,333
295,466 294,466
294,518 294,518
2,473,311 3
3,4 5 1,356 254,435
1,715 905,391
1,715 918,523
3,606,65 1,962,592
164,309 164,309
Vajr note(s) b is fin du tableau.
Admires Go provenance de: AiSministrations publiques Administ rat ion F4d6rale Administrations proninclalea Administrations locales Entreprises publiques Entreprises F8dCraiea Entreprisea provir,ciaiea Banques h charte Autres
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
lAiuigationa 46 Cmiaea: 47 Ads administrations pvibliques Administrations Federales 48 49 Administrations prom inciales Admmnistratione locales 50 Avis entreprisem publiquea FêdCraiea 51
TABLE 3 Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth by Inabstry Diviaion as at Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to Dece.Oier 31, 1983 - Conc
Tranwportation and storage
Electric power
Tranaportation, storage, roneusicat ion and other utilities
Transport, de lentreposage
Transport, de l'entreposage, cosmunications et autres sen ices pub! irs
thousands of dollars
qrr;es and oil wells
Industries manufacturibres
Hines, carrière et puits de pdtrole
milliers de dollars
Liabilities - Concluded
Bonds and debentures - Concluded Issued to: 1 General public Payable in: Cansla 2 3 !kuted States 4 foreign coontriea other than 1hiited States
5 Other securities Issued to; 6 Federal government 7 Other
8 Deposits Due to: 9 federal government 10 Other
11 Minority interests
12 Other liabilities 13 Contractors' holdbacks 14 Income tao 15 Miscellaneous 16 Total liabilities
746,368 1,518,470 2,023
- -- - -
- -- -
- - - -
935 935 -
461,636 261,494
23,534 212,919
1,666 87,378
Net worth
30 Contributed surplus 31 Interest free working capital provided by federal government Capital contributions from: 32 Federal government 33 Federal government enterprisea 34 Other 35 Other 36 Total net worth 37 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET *11TH
326,432 935 25,200 300,297
1,277,356 1,394,085
2,955,073 5,616
1,511,512 517,129
722,763 722,763
62,461 62,461
21 Surplus
28 Sinking funds 29 Other
22,408 110,994
2,955,073 5,616
25 Acquisition of capital assets 26 Insurance 27 Debt retirement appropriation
40,000 629,090 103,181
Reid byr 18 Federal government 19 Federal government enterprises 20 Other
23 Rppropniated surplus 24 Contingencies including rate atabilization
746,368 1,518,670 2,023
17 Copilei stock
22 lkisppropriated surplus
1,511,512 517,129
_ ----
1) Reflects the results of tranaactloea beten subsidiary and parent government enterprises. (2) Guaranteed by the federal government.
TAALfAU 3. Actif, possif et
valour nette, par divisions d'industrie., exercice cbs be pin près & 31 ddcr.bre 1983 - fin
Whulesale trade
Manufacturing, mining and wholesale trade
finance, insurance and real estate
Government services
finance, insurance, real estate and government services
Commerce do gros
Manufacturilres, mines, carriAree at puits de pdrole at corneierce de groa
Finances, assurances of affaires iomiobiliAres
Services do gouvernementaus
lntermddiaires financiern, des assurances et services gouverneaentaun
thousands of dollars - milliers
Se dollars Posmif - fin
Obligations - fin
62,408 801,739 103,181
2,765,724 117 1,277,356 1,488,251
6,112 1195,091
530 117
5,207,590 2,320,2119 105,204
1,201,553 150 6,112 1,195,291
4,293,709 1,202 1,308,668 2,983,839
= -
350 150
['mixes: A is collectivitd Payable: A. Canada Aus ['tat.s-Unis A des pays dtrangers autrea quo lee ['tats-Unis
Autres litres ['mises aus: Administrations publiguea fdddrales Autres
Odpbta Due oust Administrations publiques fdddraleu Autrem
6 7
9 11]
Participation ninoritaire
Autre passif Cautionnement.s des entrepreneurs SepAl sur Is revenu Divers
12 13 14 15
Total, passif
Asoir net 4,07 1 , 378 606,000 296 606,296 7,642,163 Capital-actions
7,636,747 5,616
-1,130, 565
20,000 20,000
659,533 20,000
785,224 785,224
2,956,269 1,122,353
Ddtenu per lee: Administration fdddrale 1 Evtreprises publiques fdddrales 19 20 Autres
Esrddent non affectA
23 ExcAdent slfectd ['ventualitds comprenant a atsbilioation 24 des faux Acquisition d'iinmobilisations 25 26 Assurance Affectations au ren,bouraement do Is 27 dette 28 Fonda damortissement 29 Aatres
30 Eocddent dapport fends do roulenuerit net d'intdr#t fourni 31 par administration publique f6d8role Contributions pour inrobilisations en provenance des: Aduninistrat ion fdddrale 32 'treprises fdddrales 33 34 Autres 35 Autres Total, avoir net
(i) Traduit leo rdsultata des transactions entre los eritreprises mères de l'adnisistration publique fdddraIe et leurs filiales. (2) Garantus par l'adeuinistration publique fdddrale.
TABLE 4. Tranafera from Federal Governeent Taken Into Incnee and Surplus Accoisits for Fiscal Year Ended Mesrest to December
31, 1981
TABLEAU 4. Transferts de l'ainistration fd8rale figurant aim comptes des revenue at des b&iêficea non-rApartis, exercice cbs le plus pris dv 11 d8cea,bre 1983
Thousands of dollars Milliers de dollars
Income - Revenum Drantm in respect of operating requirements - Subvention dexploitation: Canadian National Railway System - Rdseau des chevins de fer nationaux du Canada Canadian Broadcastinq Corporation - Socidtd Radio-Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation - Socidté canadienne d'hypothkques et de logeisent Federal Business Development Bank - Basque F4ddrale de ddveloppement Les entreprises Bussibres Limitde Northern Transportation Company Limited - Socitd des transports do Nord Limitde Via Rail Canada Inc.
457603 815,253 (1) 67,695 21,282 1,951 643 4 5 1,200
Income (Table 1, Item 11) - Iota! - Revenue (tableau 1, poste 11)
Surplus ancaxit - BdnAficea non-rpartis Contributions toward operating deficits - Contributions au ddficit d'eoploitation; Canadian Commercial Corporation - Corporation cononerciale ranadienr,e Canarctic 9iipping Conpuny Ltd. - La compagnie de navigation Canartic LimitAe Canadian National Railway System - Rdseau des Cheeivs de fer nationauv du Canada Canadian Patents and Development Limited - Socidt6 canadieene des brevets at d'evploitation, LimitHe The 7acques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated - Les Ponts 3acques Cartier et Champlain Incorpore
17,168 2,486 131,600 (2) 350 3,363
Surplus aicoont (Table 2, Item 6) - Total - 86nficem nan-rApartis (tableau 2, poate 6)
Includes a Parliamentary appropriation or $78,831 for capital espenditure. Comprend uve subvention parlementaire de $78,811 poor cousrir les ddpensas an capital. ferry deficits. Deficit desploitations des traverses.
TABLE 5. Comparative Combined Statement of Income, Expenditure and Net Proft or toss for Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 and 1982 TABLEAU 5. rtat caratif des revenus, de dApenses et de b&iAficem nets ou pertes nettes des eaercices cbs be plus prHs du 31 dAcembre 1983 et 1982
Absolute change
Per rent change
Variations abmolues
Variations en pourrent age
millions of dollars - millions de dollars
lnci - Revenus Sales of goods and services - Vente de biens at services Investment income - Reveess de placements Other income - Autres revenue
17,035 2,937 2,47
16,372r 2,839r 2,262r
663 98 155
4.0 3.4 6,8
Incc - Total - Revusus
Cost of males of goods and services - Colt des ventes de biens at seruices lntereat - lntdrAt Depreciation - Anortissement Other expenditure - Autres dApenses
17,068 2,610 909 1,105
16,8Or 2,65r 804 1,887r
488 65 105 -762
2.9 2.5 13.1 -41.4
Expenditure - Total - Ddpenaes
Eaperiditure - Ddpenses
Net profit (- loss) before income too - 840fice net (- perte) uvant impits sac be revenu
TABLE 6. Coarative Combined Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth as at Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 1983 and 1982
TABLEAU 6. Itat co.paratif de l'sctif, du passif et de Is valeur riette b is fin des exercices cbs le plus près dii 31 d&embre 1983 et 1982
Absolute change
Per cent change
Variations Variations en absolues pourcentage millions of dollars - millions de dollars Assets - Actif Cash - Encoisse Accounts receivable - Comptes b recevoir Inventories - Stocks Advances/amounts due - Avsnc'es/montants dus Securities/investments (1) - Titres/placements (1) Fixed assets - Immobilisations Other assets - Autres élments d'actif
2,059 4,361 3,441 10,035 15,704 18,841 2,538
2,010 4 , 420r 3,412r 8,913r 13,80l 17,272r
Assets - Total
49 -59 29 1,122 1,903 1,569 56
2.4 -1.3 0.8 12.6 13.8 9.1 2.3
Liabilities and net worth - Passif et valeur nette 4,224 4,15jr 73 3,679 32,222r 3,457 7,981 6 , 795r 1,106 9,175 9,142r 33
1.8 10.7 16.3 0.4
Liabilities and net worth - Total - Passif et valeur nette 56,919 52,310" 4,669
Accounts payable - Comptes h payer Advances/amounts due (2) - Avanres/montants dus (2) Other liabLiitieS - Autres élêment de passif Net worth - Valeur nette
(1) (1) (2) (2)
Includes Treasury bills, bonds and debentures, shares, mortgages and agreements for sale, foreign and other securitiez. Comprend bons du Trésor, obligations, actions, hypothèques et contrats de vente, titres ë 1'tranger et autres titres. Includes loans, advances, bonds and debentures, bank overdrafts and other securities. Comprend préts, seances, obligations, d&ouverts bancaires et sutres Litres.
TABLE 7. Components of Asaeta, Nabilities and Net Worth as a Percentage of the Total as at Fiscal Year Ended Nearest to December 31, 1983 and 1982 TABLEAU 7. C16ments de l'actif, du psssif at de Ia valeur nette exprimés en pourcentoge du total h la fin des exercices cbs le plus prBs dii 31 d&embre 1983 et 1982 1983
per cent - pourcentago Assets - Actif Cash - Encaisse Accounts receivable - Comptes h recevoir Inventories - Stocks Advances/amounts due - Avances/montanta dus Securities/investments - litres/placements Fixed assets - Immobilisations Other assets - Autres 416monts dactif Assets - Total - Actif
3.6 7.7 6.0 17.6 27.6 33.1 4.4
3.8 8.6 6. 17.0 26.4 33.0 4.7
7.4 62.6 13.9 16.1
7.9 61.6 13.0 17.
Liabilities and net worth - Passif et valeur nette Accounts payable - Coaptes h payer Advances/amounts due - Avances/montants dus Other liabilities - Autres 616ments do passif Net worth - Valeur nette Liabilities and net worth - Total - Passif at valeur nette
___________________ -.IF :
List of Federal Government Enterprises, 1983 Liste des entreprises publigues federales, 1983
LIST OF FERAI GORPIWNI ENTERPRISES, 1983 fiscal Responsible minister Statutory authority Name of enterprise year or holding corporation ended
Year of Industry (1) and main functions incorporat ion
Transportation and Storage 1 Air CanmJa(2)
Dec. 31 Minister of Transport Air Canada Act, 1977 and 1937 To provide passenger, mail and air cargo service amendment. and operate door-to-door package delivery services. To provide a pvdlicly-owned air transportation service, with powers to carry out business throuphout Canada and outside Canada.
Air Canaia Services Inc.
Airline Maintenance Buildings limited Airtransit Canada
Course Inc.
108 Voyages Treasure
Incorporated under the 1981 To buy, sell, build equipment for the operation Canada Business Corpora- and maintenance of aircraft; to hold powers in tions Act. field of cosputers and teleprocessing and provide tectriical and consulting services.
Air Canada
Incorporated under the laws 1963 of Ontario.
Air Canada
Air Canada
Touram Group Service, Inc. Nordair Ltd. (3)
Air Canada
Tourmii Inc.
Air Canada
Real estate holdvng.
Incorporated under the 1972 Canada Business Corporations Act. Incorporated under the 1972 laws of Quebec.
Incorporated under the laws 1947 of Quebec.
To organize package tours and other travel ret.ted services.
To provide and operate wholesale travel tours.
To provide scheduled flights in the Arctic, Northern Quebec and Ontario.
Nordair ltd.
Nardair ltd.
Nordair Ltd.
Nordair Ltd.
Incorporated under the laws 1975 To provide other servicea incidental to transpit of Ontario. and services to passengers.
Incorporated under the laws 1954 To provide other services Incidental to transport of Quebec. and services to passengers.
Tours Inc.
Nordair (Ontario) Inc. Sudsir Inc.
Treasure Tours (Canada) Ltd.
Treasure Tours International Inc.
Nordair Ltd.
rinance and Inaurance 2 Canada Deposit Insurance Dec. 31 Minister of finance Canada Depoait Insurance 1947 To provide for the benefit of persons having deCorporation Set, RSC posits with member inatitutiona, deposit inmuCorporation 1970, c. c-3 and amend- rsnce against loss of part or all of such depoments. sits.
Naiufactur ing 3 C.nadair li.ltad(4) Dec. 31 Canada Development Incorporated under the 1974 Investment Corpora- Canada Corporations Act. tion, Miniater of State for Social Deaelopoent
To manufacture aircraft and parts.
Canadsir Inc.
Csnaiair limited Incorporated under the lass of the Ik,ited States of Smer ica.
To market and sell airplanes, mainly the Diallenger.
Canadair International Limited
Canadair Limited
Canadair Services limited
Canadair Limited Incorporated under the 195 7 Canada Corporations Act.
To provide engineering services to other c.nies on a rental basis.
Canadian General Atmoic Corporation
Canadair Limited
Can.rch Limited
Canadair Limited
Challenger Aviation Ser- vices GmbH
Canadair Limited Incorporated under the lass 1957 of federal Republic of Germany.
To service Challenger aircraft.
See footnote(s) at end of list.
ISTC 0(5 £NTR(P6IS(S PtIL IiL5 FE)tRALES, 1963
Fin tie Ministre responsle Loi statutaire Nois de l'entreprise I'eser- Dii setionnaire dcc
Anne tie Divisions d'induatriea (1) et fonctions princiconsti- pales tutlons
Trutaport at tie l'entraposaqe I Air Canad.(2)
31 d&. Ministre des Trans- Loj dAir Canada, 1977 et 1937 modification. ports
Fouroir is, service a13rien pour irs passaqers, tie courrier ml de cargaison et desploiter is, service de linraison tie colis b doeteile. Assurer Un service de transport a8rien gut13 par i'Ctst partout au Canada at b i'est13rieur du pays.
Services Air Canada Inc.
Air Canada
Constituice en vertu de Is Loi sur Irs corporations commercisles ranadiennes.
Acheter, vendre, construire de I'13quipement pour Ic Fonctionneinent dv lentretien des sdronefs, diTtenir des pouvoirs dm5 Ic domaine des ordinateura et des tiTliTtraitements et fournir des services techniques et ronsultstifs.
Lea lmmethies dentretien adronsutlques, tte
Air Canada
Constitude en vertu des Lois de l'Onterio.
SoclAtiT de portefeuille ismobiluer.
Airtrw,ait Canada
Air Canada
loursat Inc.
Air Ca,sda
Const itude en vertu de Is Loi Soc lea corporations coseercisies co-toliennes.
Organiser des voyages b forfeit et d'sutres services relliTs au voyage.
louras (roup Service Inc.
Constitude en vertu des Lois do Quebec.
Crossistes de voyages de vacances.
ConstituAe en vertu des lois du IAber.
Fournir is, service aiTrien riTqulier dots lArtique, Ic Nord du (1,130cc et l'&ttario.
louram Group Service Inc. Nordair Lte (3)
31 d4c. Air Canada
Inset me.
Les Voyages Treasure Tovira Inc.
Nordair LtAe
Nordair (Citarlo) Inc.
Nordair ILde
Inset inc.
Sudeir Inc.
Nordair Lte
Treasure Tours C.nada Ltd.
Nordair Ltée
Constitu4e en vertu des Lois de l'Tfritsrio.
197 5
Services coms,eses aus transports at services sos vOyageurs.
Treasure Tours Internstionsi Inc.
Nordair Lt13e
Constitude an vertu des Lois du Quebec.
Services connesea sue transports et services aus voyageura.
Intar.iTdialres Finotcier
ties sesurowes
2 Soci13t13 d'asaurwmce-d13p6t 31 duir. Ministre des Finances Constitu4e en verts de is 1%7 Fournir dv L'ssssrsnce sur 1ev duipôts Faits du Canada Loi stir is SocliTLiT d'assu- auprVs des institutions riTderales vi ties irisrance diTpbta du SRC 1970, titut ions pro irs-tales spprouviTes jmisqa1 chap. C-I ci modifica- Canada, concurrence dune certsirie sovaso par tions. diTposant et par institutions.
Manufactor irea Canadair tialtiTe(A) 31 d13c.
Corporal ion de diTveCoristituiTe en vertu de Is 1974 loppement des invesLoi sur les corporations tisse,nents do Canada, canadiennes. Minivtre d'iTtst set d13veloppemsent social
Fabrirat mon daytona et tie pieces.
Canaiair Inc.
Canadair LositiTe
Organiser to march13 et sendre des svions, principelesent is Challenger.
Canadair International LtiTe
Canadair I imaitiTe
Canadair Services Limited
Canadair LimitiTe
La Soci13t13 gAniTrale atoaique flu Canada LimitiTe
Canarch LimitiTe
Cansdalr I imitiTe
Challenger Aviation Services G.sbH
Canadair LimitiTe
Voir note(s) 6 is Fin de is Hate.
ConstituiTes en vertu des lois des tats-iJni d'AeiTrique.
Inset lye.
ConstituiTes en vertu tie is 1957 Loi sur lea corporations canadiennea.
Assurer des services techniques b d'autres socliTITs our male base locative.
Inset iv..
Inactive. Constitude en vertu des 1957 lois de is RiTpi.lique FiTdiTrai dAilemagne.
Fournir un service d'entretlen pour les anions Challenger.
Fiscal Responsible mm Name of enterprise year or holding corporation ended
Fjnaice and Insurance 4
Canals Vortgage acid Maximing Corporation
Dec. 31 Minister of Public Central Hortgaqe and bus- 1945 To insure mortgage loans made by approved lenders ing Corporation Act, RSC for new and existing hosleoweer housing, new and Worka 1970, c. C-16 and amend- existing rental housing, and dwellings built by menlo. co-operative and non-profit associations. When loans are not available from approved lenders, the corporat ion may make loans and amual contribut ions to home purchasers whose income does not enable them to pay the full manual root.
Transportation and Storage Canada Ports Corporation Dec. 31 Mininier of Transport National Horboars Board 1936 Act, blOC 1970, c. P4-8. Formerly National Harbours Board (5)
To administer certain port facilities, grain eli'vators and bridges.
Ridloy Terminals Inc.
To operate a coal terminal in British Coliaobia.
Canada Ports Corpora- Incorporated under the tion Canada Business Corporations Act.
Manufacturing 6 C.nadiai Arsenals limited
Mar. 31 Minister of Supply and Incorporated under the 1945 Canada Corporations Act, Services RSC 19c2, C. and amendmenlo.
To maintain in Canada a centre of excellence for the filling and loading of high explosives and pcopellants and a production capacity for sediiun and largeraliber axsilanitmon and additional military materLal for Canadian defence needs, as well as to form the base from which product ion i-wpacit.y could be expanded in the event of war. Coeun icat ion
7 Canadian Broadcasting Mar. 31 Minister of Coianunica- Broadcast ing Act, SC 1958, 1936 C. 22 and amendments. t ions Corporal ion
To provide radio and television bcsadcaoting services in English and french to all regions of Canada as well as in Indian and Inuit languages in the North. To contribute to the developiient of national i.eiity and to provide for a continuing eapresmion of Canadian identity. Govern.ent Sure ices
B Csnadiai Corcial Car- Mar. 31 Secretary of State for Canadian Coiasercisl Corpo- 1946 Esternal Affairs ration Act, RSC 1970, C-6 poration and amendments.
To assist in the developaent of trade between Canada and foreign governiaents.
Transportation and Storage 9 Canadian National Railway Dci, Syatea(6)
IT hoister of Transport Canadian National Railways 1919 Act, SC 1955, C. 29 and amendments.
To operate land and wster transportation, consulting, espream, telecommunications, hotels and restaurant services.
Autoport Limited
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws of Nova Scotia.
To operate a Transhipoient Servicing Centre for imported North Aaerlean automobiles. Store and distribute automobiles to Maritime provinces.
Canada and Gulf Terminal Railway Company, The
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws of Quebec
To operate railway transportation.
Canadian National Express Company
Canadian National Railway System
Canadian National Railway Company
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under a Special Act of Parliament continued under the Cansdian National Railways
To own and operate directly or through wobsidlarims, transcontinental railway system, hotels, communication services, water and highway transport services, real estate and consulting aersices.
Act, S.C. 1955, r.29, now R.S.C. 1970, c. C-TO.
Northern Consolidated Holdmng Company ltd., The
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws of Hotarlo.
Holding company.
Quebec and lake St. John Railway Company, The
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under a SpenaT Act of the provinre of Quebec.
To provide rail transport.
See footnote(s) at end of list.
tin da I4inlstre responsable Lot statutaire Non de i'entreprise laser- ou actionnaire cice
Ande de Divisions d'industrias (1) et fonctions princiconsti- pales tutions
Inter.ddielree at dee mmuroncee 4 SoddEd conadiersie d'hy- 31 dde. Ministre des travaux Lol sur Is Socidtd Centrala 1945 d'hypothhques at de logepniilics potIpJee at de loge- meat, SOC 1970, c. C-16, meat at modifications.
issurer las prdts hypothdcsirea consentis par lea prdteurs sgrdes pour i'arhat de m.isons nouvelles et existo-ites hthitdee per leur propridteire, ainsi qua pour Is construction do logements locstifs nouveaux ou existents at is construction dhabitations par las associations coopdrstives ou sons but lucratif. Is Socidtd pout consentir des prOts pour son propre rompte dsns las milieus ob lam prdteurs sgrdes n'en ronsenient pas; site pout 6gaInment rorisentir des prdts at namer des contributions snnuelies sun si-heteurs de msisons dont Is revanu ne leur perniet pan den payer Is coOt annual total. Transport at de l'
Port. Canada (autre role, Conseil des ports nattonaux (5)
31 dde. Ministre des Trans- loi cur to Conseil des 1036 port. riattoneux, SRC ports 1970, chap. N-B.
Ridley Terminals Inc.
Ad.tni,trer rartaines For, ilitla portu.ires. didsataurs b grain at des pont..
Exploiter Lin terminus do cherbon on ColoebleBr itsanique.
Corp. du Ports Canada Coast itude en vertu de is Loi our Ian Socidtds roemecpiales cwiadieOfles.
Monufactur iras 6
Lee Arsenaus conadiens, 91 more Ministre den Approvi- Constitude en vertu de is 194' Maintenir su Canada nun centre d'eorellence et une rapacitd de production do omit ions at de prosionnements et Loi sur lm8 corporations tiaitda dults militaires compldmentairms pouvont subvaransdiennen, SOC 1952, Services nir sun besoins de Is Ddfense Net ionele at, chap. 53 at modifies- servir de base sur taquetla Ic goovernamant tions. pourrait s'appuyer dons Is ras d'on ronfilt.
Coannicetions at outres earvices pidilice 7 Socidtd Radio-Canada 31 mars Mimnistre des Cosaemni- ion sur Is radiodiffusion, 1936 SC 1958, chap. 22 at socations dif Icat ions,
Offrir des services at diffuser des progranises do radiodiffusion at de tdidvision an onglais et en francams b toutes Ies regions du Csnsda et des dmissians dons lea tongues at diolectes Indieno at Inuita dana Ic Nord ml, contribuer b l'dpanouissement de l'unitC flint innate an enprimant coantanseent is rdalitd nansdivnnm. Services gouverneaantous
6 Corporation crcimle 31 mars Serrdteire d'tst sux Constituda en nertu de Is 1946 cexadiermie Affaires extdrieuces Lot our Is Corporation comserciale ranadienne SRC 1970, chap. C-6 mt modif teat ions.
Contribiser a l'espsnsion du cseannerca at feellitar I'enportation de doandes at Ilaportetton da ner-handises entre Ic Canada et d'.utrae pays.
9 Rdeeau des Lha.ins de for 11 ntc. Ministre des Trans- Constitude an sertu de Is 1919 Lot our Is chasms its fec ports Nationans do Canada(6) sat ionnaux du Canada, SC 19'5, chap. 29 at modifirst ions,
Exploiter us rdseau national de rhemmns de For at autres entreprises de caeionnage at d'eutnbus, de tdlkoussunications, ihbtmla, de viessux côtiara ou traverniers, us ihantiar de construct ions navales nt den services de consultation nationale at internal nonale.
Transport et de l'entreposege
Bintoport Limitdee
Rdseau des Chemins de Constitude an vartu des 1971 far Nat jonaux du lots dm Is NouvelleCcosse. Cansda
[sploiter ian Centre d'entret Ian et de transbordemerit de voitures importdes d'Amdriqua dii Nord. Presdre en ddpOt at dietribmer des voitures dons Ies provinces Merit tees.
Chemin de for do Metone et du Golf
Rdsesu des themins its Constitude en nertu des 1902 fec Nat jonaun dii lois du Qudbec. Canada
Exploiter erie ligne de transport farroniaire.
Csmpagnie des oesssqerias Nat jonalas du Canada
Rdseau des Cheeins de far Nat ionauo du Canada
Inert inc.
Conopagnie des Chemmns de for Nationaun dii Canada
ltn¼eau des Chemins its far Nationaus du Canada
Conmtitudm an vertu dune Lot Spdcisle du Pariemnit at pi- oiongde en vertu its Is ioi sur las themins de fer Nat ionauo du Canada, S.C. 1955, chap. 29 prdsantament S.R.C. 1970, C- 10.
7919 Possdder at exploiter diractament on per lintermddixire des filiales, an rdseau transcostinentat dv chemise de fer, des services de tdIdcoinonunicatians, des services do transport mutier et de navigation, do urns ininohilners et nip ronseil Or gest ion'.
Cospagnie de holding du Nord, Limitde
Compagnic den themins de icr Nationsuc du Canada
Constitude en s'ertu des lots de I'(ntario.
1901 ,ei4td de portefeun lie.
to cançagnie du chesnin de fer de ludboc at du Lsr St-Jean
Conapagnie den themina de fer Nationaua du Canada
Conat itude an vertu dune lot Spdctale du tudbee.
1977 fournir is, service de transport ferrovimire.
Voir note(s) 6 Is fin its Is Unite.
L 1ST OF FERA1 COWRM4ENT (NT(RPRIS[S, 1983 - Cont inimd
Fiscal Responsible •inlster Statutory authority Reme of enterprise year or holding corporation ended
Year of Industry (1) and main functions incorporat ion
9 Canadian National Railway Symte.(6) - Continued
Transportation and Storage - Continued
Canat Limited
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the lawn 1974 of the State of Delaware.
To handle per diem payments to the Lliited States.
CN (France) S.A.
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws 1923 of France.
To manage (uropean Agency and hold ownership of "Scribe Hotel" In Paris.
CMI Inc.
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the 1979 Canada Business Corporations Act.
To supervise the Newfo,zidlan dockyard and the Halifan shipyard; and the ferry service to Grand Ilannan in New Bri.riswickI and truck carrying service from Oshawa to Dowego on Lake (b,tario.
Coastal Transport limited
CMI Inc.
incorporated under the lawn 1%' of New Brunswick.
To operate a ferry service from Blacks Horbour to Grand Mannan in New Brunswick.
CR Marine Inc.
CMI Inc.
Incorporated under the 1977 Canada Business Corporattim,s Act.
To operate ferry and coastal vessel services in the Aitaitic provincea. To operate at St. John's, Newfoundland, a whip repair yard and dry dock facility ahich performs vessel refit work For the vessel operation, and to undertake work on a commercial basis for vessels operating in the Northwest Atlantic. To manage and operate movement of rail trafFic between and within the ports of North Sydney-Port-ausBasquem and Burden-Torment me.
CR Tower Limited
CMI Inc.
incorporated under the lawn of thtario.
To conatruct and operate the C.R. Tower.
CR Tranaactlona Inc.
CMI Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
To own, develop and manage property (Land Bank.)
Canac Consultants Limited
CR Transactions Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act.
To provide consultant aid management services.
Canadian National Hotels (Honcton) Ltd.
CN Transactions Inc.
Incorporated under the laws or New Brunawick.
To operate hotels and restaurants.
Canaven Limited
CR Tranaactiona Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
To provide services incidental to rail transport.
CR (eploration Inc.
CR Transactions Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act and continued under the Canada Business Corporations Act in 1980.
To maintain and manage C.N.-owned mineral rights, mines and mineral lands and deposits.
CR Hotels Inc.
CR Transactions Inc.
CR Tower Restaurants Ltd.
CR TransactIons Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of (htario.
To carry the business of restaurants and, buy, sell, manufacture, esport and import all kinds of goads.
(ID (lectronic Identification Systems Ltd.
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws of Alberta
To participate in the railway identification system.
Grand Trunk Corporation
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware.
To provide rail transport in the ikiited States.
Grand Trunk Corporation
Incorporated under the laws of Vermont.
To provIde rail transportation in the ikiited Statea.
Central Vermont Railway Inc.
Domestic Four Leaming Corporation
Central Vermont Railway Inc.
Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad Company
Grand Trunk Corporation
Domestic Three LeasIng Corporation
Grand Trunk Corporation
Domestic Two Leasing Corporation
Grand Trunk Corporation
See footnote(s) at and of list.
Incorporated under the laws of the Lhited States of America,
To operate railway transportation in the Doited States.
Incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware.
To facilitate ownership of equipment relating to Automotive Car Identification, financed by the tkiited States Coveroment.
Fin do Non de l'entreprlse I'eserrice
P4ini5tre responsablo ou actionnaira
Lol statutairo
Ann6e de constitutions
Divisions d'industries (1) ot fonctions principales
9 R8ae.0 des thomins de icr Nationaux ito Canad.(6) OuLte
Iransport et de l'entreposaqe
Irust des titres des cheniins do fer Nationaux du Canada
Raeao des COcoons do for Nat ionaus du Canada
Cospagnie Nat lanaie de Navigation du Canada, timit4e
Reeau des Dsemins de icr Nat ionous du Canada
mod isa.
Cowsqnie des Tdl6grapiies Nationaus do Canada
Rdaeau des Chasms de for Notlonaus du Canada
Couçagnie des I616gr5plies Nat tonaus du Canada
Corpagnie Rationale Cansdienne do Transport
R6seau den Diomins do for Nat Lonau-o ito Canada
Transports Nationauic do Canada. Liuoit6e
R6seau des Choalns do for Nationsux du Canada
Consl itu6e en sertu de 1. Lol our lea corporations ranadiennes.
Soci6t6 do portefeui lie, ddtenant 13 rospagniea fournissmit des services do ca.ionnago dons toutes len provinces do Canada, sauf l'tlo-duPrinco-Cdooard at Terre-Nouve.
Asbestos Eastern transport Inc.
Transports Nat ionoux du Canada, tlsit6e
Conatitue en vertu des lois do QoAbec.
Transport Diapoan Limit6e
Transports Nattonaux dii Canada, tlnit6e
Constitu4e en vertu des lola du Qu6bec.
Service de transporteurs publics.
Lea transports E.çire
Transports Nationsux do Canada, I imitêe
Transport Royal, Li.sttdo
Transports Nationaus do Canada, Limit6e
ConstituAc en vertu des Iota du Manitoba.
Services do canlonnaije at do transports divers.
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Transports Nstionaun do Canada, limit6e
Constito8e en vertu des Lois de l'Ontario,
Icansporteors publics, caiuioiaiaga at transports do marchandises.
Chalut Transport (1974) Inc.
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Constttu6e en vertu dea lois do Qu6boc.
Fournir un service do camlonnage.
Cronin Transport Limited
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Conatitu6o en vertu des lois do l'Ontario.
Fournir un service do transport par cmiiion.
Transports Internationaov Husband (Ontario) Limlt6e
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Constitude en vertu do Is l.ol our leo corporstions canodiennes.
Transporteurs publics, camionnoge et transport do Rarchandivo.
Transport Husband Limitêe
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Constitu6e en vertu do Is loi our Los corporations canad lennes.
Assure Is transport do marchandises per casiona.
Hessagerlea Midland Superior, Limit6e
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Constitu8o en vertu des lois do l'Alberta.
Assurer on service do mesaagerio do porte b parto.
Transport Swan Riser - Ic Pos, lt4e
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Conatitu6o an vertu do Is Loi sot lea corporations canodiennen.
Assurer on service g6ndrsl do transport.
Coiiipagnie do transport TorontoPeterborough, Limitde
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Const itu6e on vertu da Is 101 our lea corporations canadionnes.
fournir on service do caixionnage pour Is transport de aarchandises.
Transport Husband (Qoer) Llmit6e
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Constitu6o en vertu des lois do Qu6bec.
Assurer Is transport
Husband Transport (Qu6bec) Lislt6e
Const itu6e en vertu dma lois du Qudbec.
Fournir si service de canionnago et autres ncrvices rorniesea. Esploitat ion rusionn6e aver cello do Husband Transport (Qi..6bec) Limit6e. In Oct 5O.
116334 Canada Inc.
Transports Nat lonaus do Canada, Lt,it6e
Conat itu6o an vertu des lois do to Nouvelletifroase.
Services daffrtement et at des marchandises.
116335 Canada Inc.
Transport Nationaus dii Canada, Lt.Lt6e
Constituje en vertu dos lois de l'Qotario.
Fournir divers services do transport at do
Cosgnie Canadienne do chemin de for du Nord QuéO6cois
Rjseau dos CTie.ina do icr Mationaun do Canada
Coiagnie du Grand 16i6graphc di. Nord(kiest
Overnite Express (1980) Lt6e
Voic noto(a) It is fin do Is hate. itu6e on verto do Is loi our ton corporations canadiennea.
fr6aarver los rosendicationa contre lea cospagniea mines on isillite acquises per Is C.N.
transporteurs publics.
do marchandises per camlona.
transport dos biena
1983 - Continued
Fiscal Responsible miniatar 5tatutory authority
or enterprise year or holding corporation ended
Year of Industry (1) and main functions incorporat ion
9 Canadian National Railway System(6) - Continued
Transportation and Storage - Continued
Canadian National Railway System
Canadian National Steamship Coaany, Limited
Canadian National Railway System
Canadian National Telegraph Company
Canadian National Railway System
Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada, The
Canadian National Railway System
Canadian National Transfec Company Limited
Canadian National Railway System
Canadian National Transportation, Limited
Canadian National Railaay System
Asbestos Eastern
Canadian Nat ional Transportation
Incorporated under the Canada Corporationa Act.
Canadian National failways Securities Trust, The
To preserve the claiiam against bankrupted companies taken over by C.N.
Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act.
Holding Company For 13 separately operating trucking companies, operating in all Canadian provinces, except Prince Edward Island and lewfoand land.
Incorporated aider the laws of Quebec.
To provide roaaaon carrier transportation.
Incorporated under the laws of Quebec.
To provide cofliaon carrier transportation.
Chapomi Transport Limited
Canadian National Transportation Limited
Empire freignways Limited
Canadian National Transportation Limited
Royal Transportation Limited
Canadian National Tranaportat Ion Limited
Incorporated under the laws of Manitoba.
To provide trucking and all kinds of transportaLion services.
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Canadian National Transportation Limited
Incorporated under the laws of Ontario.
To provide trucking transportation services.
Chalut Transport (1974) Inc.
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Quebec.
To provide trucking transportation services.
Cronin Transport Limited
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the Isus of Ontario.
To provide trucking transportation services.
Husband International Transport (Ontario) Ltd.
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act.
To provide general trucking services.
Fkiaband Transport Limited
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act.
to provide trucking services for transporting goads.
Midland Superior Espress Limited
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Alberta.
to provide a door-to-door express service.
Swan River - The Pas Transfer Limited
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Manitoba.
To provide general transportation services.
Toronto/Pet erborough Transportation Cornpony Ltd.
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act.
To provide trucking services for the transportstions of goods.
Transport Husband (Quebec) Inc.
Transport Route Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Quebec.
19 54
To provide trucking transportation services.
Overnite Express (1980) Ltd.
Transport Husband (Quebec) Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Ontario changed its corporaTe name by supplementary letters patent in 1953 and 1980,
To operate as a roimson carrier for inter-city transport. Its operations are merged with those of Husband Transport (Quebec) Limited. (lnactive).
116534 Canada Inc. Formerly Eaatern Transport Limited
Canadian National Transportation Limited
Incorporated under the laws of Nova Scotia.
To provide transportation of goods, merchandise and freight.
116335 Canada Inc. formerly Provincial Tankers
Canadian National Transportation Limited
Incorporated under the laws of Ontario.
To provide trucking and all kinds of transportation services.
Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company, The
See footnote(s) at end of flat.
Canadian National Railaay System
1903 - suite
Fin de Miniatre responsable tot statutaire Mom de lentreprime Poser- cxi actionnaire C ICC
(xin8e do Divisions dindustries (1) at fonctions princiconati- pales (Ut ions
9 Raeau den thsins do fer Nationmis do Cansda(6) suite
Transport at do l'entrepoasgo - suite
Canat Linuted
RCseaci des O,e,sins de CoristituCe en vectu des 1974 for Nationeux do lois do ltat dxi Canada Delaware
Soccier des patements sur .me base quotidienne aun tats-tMis.
C.N. (France) S.A.
Rêseau des Onemins do Constitude en vertu des 1923 for Ntionaux du lois de is France. Canada
Exploiter lAgenre Europdenne at retonir Is propridtd do i'HOtel Scribe V Perle.
C.N.N. Inc.
Rseau des Chemiris do ConstituCe an vertu de Is 1979 for Nationauv du toi sur ies corporations rommorriales cananos. Canada
Diriger los chant iers de construction naveie do Terre-Noose et do Halifax; ainsi quo to service do Travorsler V Grand Mannan su Nouveau Brunswick at le service do bar pour camions entre Oshswa Pt Sewego our Is lac (kitarco.
Iraisport COtterm, Limiter
C.N.N. Inc.
Constituee an vertu des 1965 lois do Itouvesu-BrLs.swlck
Euploiter in service do traversier ontre Port Black et Grand Nannan en Nouveau Brunswick.
C.N. Marine Inc.
C.N.N. Inc.
Constitue an vertci de Is 1977 Loi our lea corporations coomnerciales canadiennes.
Exploiter des services de traversiera at de valaseaux cOtiers dais lea provinces Mantises. Exploiter V St. John's, Terro-Nouve iun rhantior do construction navels pour Is reparation des naviron an rate s8cho afin do fwrllcter lox operations dentretien et redoubler lea xcixseaux. Assurer des transactions merrantilos pour los vaisseaus naviquomit dons Is Nordmest de lAtlantiqixe. G4rer at eaptocter Is trafic ferroviacro eritre lo Port do North Sydney -Port .aus-Baaques at Borden -Torment Inc.
La Tour C.N., limiter
C.N.N. Inc.
Conmtitu4e an vertu des lois dx, iOntario.
Construire et exploiter Is Your C.N.
C.N. Transactions Inc.
C.N.N. Inc.
Constitude on vertu do Is loi sur lea corporations
Odveloppor at gdror we banquo hy;iothdralre.
Canac Consultants, Limiter
C.N. Transactions Inc.
Constitude en vertu do is Loi our los corporations ranad iennos.
Fournir one service do consell -estcon.
Len hOtels Nationsuic do Canada (Noncton), LtCe
C.N. Transactions Inc.
Constitudo an vertu des lois du NouveauBrunswick.
Exploiter dos hOtels at restaurants.
Canaven Llmitêe
C.N. Transactions Inc.
Conslitude an verto do Is Ioi sur los corporations coirmiercialos cainadiennes.
Services connoses aus transports rerrovialcos.
C.N. Exploration Inc
C.N. Transactions Inc.
Constitude en vertu do is Loi our los corporations canadiennes, continude en vertu de Is Loj sur lea corporat ions co,snerciales eanadienries, 1980.
Maintenir at exploiter lea droit .lndreuv, mines ot gisemonts do mindraux appurtenant eu C.N.
C.N. HOtels Inc.
C.N. Transactions Inc.
tea restaurants de Is Your C.N., LtCe
C.N. Transactions Inc.
Constitude on vertu des lois do lOntarco.
Exploiter des restaurants et, acheter, vendre, fabriquer, exporter at importer one vaciCtd do bier,s.
E.I.D. SystBses d'identifIcat ion diectroniques L iimitee
Rdsesu des Cicemins do for Natconaux dxi Canada
Constitude en vertu des lois de lAlborts.
Part iciper cu syatBime d'identxflcst ion des cbssins do fec.
Grand Irunk Corporation
Rdseau des Chemins do For Nat ionauv du Canada
Constitude en vertu des lois do lEtat du Delaware.
Fournlr on service do transport forroviairo mxix tats-Unls.
Central Vermont Railway Inc.
Grand Trunk Corpora(Ion
Constitude on vertu des lois do ltat du Vermont.
Focirnir cm service do transport ferroslairo ens tats-llnis.
DOem8t.c Four Leasing Corporat ion
Central Vermont Railmay Inc.
Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad Company
Grand Trunk Corporation
Domestic Three Leasing Corporat ion
Grand Trunk Corporaion
Domestic Two teasing Corporation
Grand trunk Corpora(Ion
Voir note(s) V is Fin do Is liste.
Conatitude an vertu des lois dos l'tatv-Unis dAmdrique.
fournir on service de transport forroviaire auv rts; s-Unig.
Constitude no vertu des tots do i'Ctat du Delaware.
Farcltter Is propridtC do I'xtqucpesenT pour IIdernt.ficatioin des pièces do reihanqe pour automthiles, financde per lea rtats-unis.
fiscal Responsible minister Statutory authority Maine of enterprise year or holding corporation ended
9 Canadtan National Railway Syste.(6) - Concloded
Year of Industry (1) and main functions incorporation
Transportation and Storage - Conclixied
Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railway Company
Grand Trunk Corpora- Incorporated under the laws 1890 To operate railway transportation In the thited tion of the State of Maine. States.
Grand Trunk Land Development Corporal ion
Grand Trunk Corpora- Incorporated under the laws 1972 To develop Grand Trunk Land, not required for tion of the State of Delaware. inasediate use (Land Bank).
Grand Trunk Radio Conmunications Inc.
Grand Trunk Corpora- Incorporated voider The laws 1949 tion of the State of Michigan.
To provide the needs of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company in radio-cormunicatlonm switching of locomotives.
Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company
Grand Trunk Corpora- Incorporated under the laws 1928 tion of the States of Michigan and Indiana.
To provide railway services in the Lk,itwd States.
Lea Entreprises Russiatrem Dec. 11 Joint partnership - Incorporated under the laws 1963 Lte(7) Transport Route of Quebec. Canada Inc. with the government of Quebec Speedway Impress Ltd. (Now Transport Speribet Inc.)
Len Entreprises Bussibres Ltd.
To provide support services to management, real estate and computer services incidental to trucking transport.
Incorporated under the laws 19B1 To operate as a comoon carrier for inter-city of Ontario. transport.
Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company, The
Canadian National Railway System
Minnesota and Ontario Bridge Company, The
Canadian National Railway System
Neunt Royal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the 1911 Canada Corporations Act.
To provide rail transport.
Northweatel Inc.
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws 1979 or Alberta.
To provide telecommunications services.
Terra Nova Telecoiiviajnica. tins Inc.
Canadian National Railway System
Incorporated under the laws 1979 of Newfoundland.
To provide telecomejnlcations services.
Yarmouth, N.S. - The New Dec. 31 England States U.S.A. Ferries and Terminals
Canadian National Railway System
ferries Act, RSC 1970, c. TYvc To operate a ferry service between iarmouth, 1-8. Nova Scotia, and Bar Harbour, Maine, by the Canadian National Railway System on behalf of the federal government on a management fee basis.
Canadian National (Neat Dec. 31 Minister of Transport Incorporated under the 1927 To provide direct stemnship service to the West Indies) Limited Canada Corporations Act, Indies under provisions of the Trade Agreement RSC 1952, C.53, and Act of 1926. The fleet was sold to Cuba in mnendment. 198, to he paid in five instalments. Final payment was stopped in accordance with the prohibition imposed by the "Cuban Assets Control Regulations' in 1963. The outstanding financial transactions reflect earnings on inveStment and the issliquidated equity account.
Government Sers Ices 10 Canadian Patents and Mar. 11 Minister of Industry, Government Organization 1947 To make available to the public through licensing Development Limited Trade and Coisnerce (Scientific Activities) arrangements with industry, the industrial and Act, 1976, SC 1976-77, intellectual property which results from pablic c.24, and certificate of funded research and development. continuance under the Canada Business Corporaions Act, SC 1974-75-76, c.11, issued in 1978.
Wholesale Trade 11 Canadian Saltfish Corpo- Mar. 31 Minister of Fisheries Saitfisli Act RSC 1970, c.11, 1970 to improve the earnings of primary producers of ration and Oceans (Tat Supplementary). cured cod fish. The Corporation is the first buyer and sole marketing agent for specified salt fish produced in participating provinces.
See footnote(s) at end of list.
Noili do lentreprise NO
Fin de loserrice
Hiniotre responsable on a,-tionnaire
Loi statutaire
Mn4e do ronsti tutions
9 Rsaao des Oie.ins de fer Nationaux thi Canada(6) f IF)
Disisions dindustries (1) at fonctions prinripales
Transport at do I'sntreposaqii - fin
D.iloth Winnipeg and Pacific Railsay Company
Grand Trunk Corporation
Constitudo en vertu des lola de l'tat dii Maine
Exploiter on service de transport Ferrovlatre ass tats-Lh,io.
Grand Trunk Land Development Corporation
Grand Trunk Corporatjon
Cons) ituAp an vertu des lois do 1'tat do Delaware.
Dvelopper Is propri6tg foncire da Grand Trunk, non 'niqible ioxnAdiatement It lutilisat Ion (ttanque hypothksire).
Grand Trunk Radio Co,umuonirations mr.
Grand Trunk Corporation
Constitue an vertu des lois do ltat du Michigan.
Dessersir aus bmsoins du Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company limited en radio rol,mxinirahoax pour laiguiliaqe dos locomotives.
Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company
Grand Trunk CorporaLion
Constjtue an vertu des lois do l'rtat du Michigan at de V Indiana.
rournir on service do transport ferroviaire auv etais-Unis.
Esploitêe an associsLion - Transport Route Canada Inc. at Ic qouvernement du Qudbec
Cons)itue an vertu des lois du QuAser.
Fournir des services de soutien 8 is direction, affaires immobiltkres at services dni n fo r sa_ tique, conneses aus transports per rantlona.
Lea Entreprises Busaibres ite
ConstituAe en vertu des lois de lOntsrio.
fournir on service de transporteur public entre stIles.
Lea Enlreprises BusaiAres Lt6.(7)
OT dAc.
Speedsay Express itde, maintenant Transports Sporibol Inc. The Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Cornpany
Rsau des Chetsina de for Nationaua du Canada
The Minnesota and Ontario Bridge Company
Rseau des Diemina de for Nstionsus du Canada
Compagnie do tunel of du compleve Ierroviaire Mont-Royal, Lisitde
Rntoau des Chetnins do for Nstionaus du Canada
Constitue an vertu its is Lxi sur leo corporations canadiennea.
service do transport ferrosialre.
Northweattel. Inc.
Rseau des Oxetains de fer Nationsus dxi Canada
ConstiturPe en vertu des lois de iAlberta.
service its t8l6coaaunicat ions.
Terra Nova Telecornms,nications Inc.
Raoau des Chemlas de for Nat ionsuv do Cwnada
Coast ltue an vertu des lois do Terre-house.
Aasurer on service de tl6cotmnunicat ions.
Rseau des Clxemins fer Nationaux do Canada
Loi our les passages dea u , SAC 1970, chap. F-B.
FaIre exploiter Ic service do trsversier entre Yarmouth (Nouvelle-Icoase) at Bar Harbour (Maine) par Ic Itseau des Chemins do for sat ionaun du Canada pour Ic compte do l admi_
Traversiers entre Yar.outh (N.-(.) at lea (tots de Is NoximelleAnqieterro ((fats-Urns) ci ler.ious
31 dAc.
Pacpjebots Nationaus di, Canada (service des Antilles) I imitAs
1 1 dtTc.
nistration fddra)e rontre reritboursement des frais d'adeinistration. Miniatre des Transports
ConstituAe an vertu do Is 1921 Loi our Les corporations canadiennes, SRC 1952, chap. 53 at modifirations.
Assurer Is liaison direrte par paqviebots aver lea Indos-Ocridentales, on vertu du trsitê do cornmerco de 1926. La flotto a i4t6 vendu 8 Cuba on 1958, payable an ring versements écheilonnAa. Ic versement final Fut interdit par Ic Coban Assets Control Regulations en 1963. tea op4rations FinanciAres non r6q1iea traduisent Ins revonus do placements at bttnAfires nonrApartis.
Sars ices pousernesetxt moo 10
Socidtil Canadienne des IT mars Miniatre do lIndus- Loi our lorganisation dx 1941 Rondre accessible su public, grttce It dcx accords do licence conelus aver lindustrie, Is protrio at Commerce gouvernoment (actLvitds brevets at d'rnsploits- priAttt industrielie at inteilertuelle rHsultant sciontifiques) SHE 1916- Elan, Li.ite 77, chap. 24, at certifi- des recherches at dAveloppements financa per cat de prolongation on lCtat. vertu de is mi our lea corporations consaorciales cwtadiennes, SC 1974-7576 chap. 33, Mis on 1978.
Co.rce do groa 11 Office Canadian du Pots- 31 more Ministre des PAchea Lxi aur Is poisson saiA, 1970 Augmenter los gains dos produrLeurs primairea SRC 1970, chap. 37 (Tar do poisson prAparA do is famlilo des sorues. eon said at des Dedans supplttsient). lOffice achPte avant qulconquc, sus provinras participantes Ic poisson prdparA, at oat luni quo agent de coownercialisation des prodults dêsignAs do poisson sale traitA dana los provincea participantea. Voir note(s) 6 is fin de to lists.
fiscal Responsible minister Statutory authority Name of enterprise year or holding corporation ended
Year of Industry (1) and main functions incorporation
Wholesale Trade 12 CanadIan Wheat Board, The JuL. 31 Minister of State for Canadian Wheat Board Act, 1935 to market in an orderly manner, in the interprothe Canadian Wheat RSC 1970, c. C-12. vincial and enport trade, grain groan in Board Canada.
Tranaportst ion and Otorage 13
Canarotic Shipping Co.- Dec. 31 Minister of Transport Incorporated under the 197" To operate the M.V. Arctic along with other pwiy Limited Canada Business Corpora- vessels chartered to carry bulk cargo consisttiona Art. ing of the mineral production of, and to deliver chemicals and equipment to Nsnisivik Mine.
Wholesale Trade 14 Crown Assets Disposal Mar. it Minister of Supply and Surplus Croon Asseta Act, 1949 To provide specialized sales services to governmerit departments, certain agenries and Crown Corporation Services RSC 1970, c.20 and moend- merits. corporitions in the disposal of their surplus goods local ed in Canada and atroad; acts as agent for the Lkiited States, British and other governments in the wale of their surplus assets located in Canada, and the sale of military surplus located in other countries.
Manufacturing De Havilland Aircrart of Dec. 31 Canada Development InCanada ti.ited, the(8) vestment Corporation Minister of State for Social Development De Havilland Canada Inc.
Dc Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited
Incorporated under the laws 1979 of lb,tario.
to manufacture the Be Havilland Dash 7, Twin Otter and Buffalo Aircraft.
Incorporated under the laws 1929 of the LM,iteid States of America.
To market and sell airplanes.
Transportation and Storage 16 3oho Ferries and Terminals
Mar. 31 Minister of Transport Ferries Act, RSC 1970, c. 1-8.
To operate ferry services between Digby, Nova Scotia and Saint John, New Brunswick by the Canadian Natisnal Railway System on behalf of the federal government on a management fee bus is.
17 Eldorado Nuclear Li.ited(9)
Dci. 31 Canada Development ri- Irir-orporoled undei the 1944 vestment Corporation, Canada Corporations Act, Minister of State for 1St 192, r.l and aneridSocial Development merits, a certificate of continuance under the Canads Business Corporation Act was granted in 1979.
Manufacturing To mine and refine uranuijii and engage in related activities in the nuclear fuel cycle.
Eldorado Resources Limited
Eldorado Nuclear Limited
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
1969 to mine and refine uranium.
119371 Canada Limited
Eldorado Nuclear Limited
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
to acquire and incest in new uranium property, mainly at Key lake and Morris Bay Saskatchewan.
119371 Canada Limited
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
to part icipate in the development of the Key Lake Urania, deposits in Northern Saskatchewan and operate uranium and other mineral eriploralions.
Eldor Resources Limited
finance and Insurance TB Exchanqe fund Accovait Dec. 31 Minister of finance Established under the pro- 1935 visions of the Currency and Exchange Act, RSC 1970, c. C-39, and asendmont a.
to aid in the control and protection of the enternal value of the Canadian monetary unit.
19 [sport Development Corpo- Dec. 31 Secretary of State for Esport Development Act, RSC 1969 Esternal Affairs 1968-69, C.39, and osendration sent s.
To borrow, to lend and to guarantee loans, to enter into euport and foreign investment insurance contracts and to issue guarantees in respect of enport transactions.
See footnote(s) at end of list.
LIS1T DES ENTREPR!SES Pt&I(fS FTD6AI1S, 1983 - suite
Fin Us Hinistre reaponsable Lol statutsire Flow do l'entreprise lever- ou actionnaire dcc
hnnAs do Divisions d'induatries (1) at fonctione princiconsti- pates tutions
Cerce do grow 12 Coisaioe, canadievave dvi blA
31 Plinlstre dCtat charge juil. de is Conssission Canadienne du b14
Lot our Is Coimaission cana- 1935 dienno do bl, SAC 1970, chap. C-12.
13 1a cuiio navigatica. Canartic Li.itde
31 dec. Hiniatre des transports
Constitoe an vertu Us Is 1975 Loi sur lea corporations coiieverciales canadiennea.
Orga,iser de FaCon ordOtsl8o lea marches Interprovinciaus at ext6rleurs du grain cuitivA dana l'Ouest rsnadien.
Transport at do I'entrepoaage Exploltater Ic M.A. Arctic sinai pie d'aitr.. navices sffret4s pour Is transport an vrac do is production du msnerai do is mine Nanisivik at do Iui fournir des produits chimiques at do l'quipement.
Corce IL.
Assurer des services spAcialiaAs de vente sun miniatrea de l'tat ainsi qu'b certaino organismex at sociAtAs do is Couronne q,ji dx,rent me dAlsire do biens excddontaicos su Canada CE lAtrsnger; servir d'intermAdiaire aus gouvernements des Ctats-Unis, de Is Greide Bretagne at dautres pays pour is sonIc de leurs bi—a earAdentairos situAx our le territoiro cansdipn et vendre du satAriel milit sire cansthen I rertaino pays europAens.
Corporation do disposi- 51 mars Ministre des Approvi- Lot our lox bierso do our- 1949 plus de is Couronne, SOC sionnements at tion des biens do is 1970, chap. 20 at modifiServices Courome rat ions.
Manufactur ibres 1 Socifits ii. Havili.d 31 dAt. Corporation de dAve- ConstituAe an vertu des loppemeot des inves- lois do l'Ontario. Fivistion dvi Canada, tisoements du Canada, IimjtAo(8) Hinixtre d'Ftat au dAveloppement social D. havilland Canada, Inc.
SorrlAtA de Havillard ConstituAc en vertu des Aviation du Canada, lois des tats-lJnis dAmAcique. LisitAe.
Fabrication des Avions Do Havilland Dash 7, UFter bi-moteurs at Buffalo.
1929 Orgeilser ie marchA at vendre des avioi'is.
Transport at do l'entroposage 16 Treversiere entre Dtgby 31 more Hinistre des Trans Loi suc les passages d'eau, .. Faire esploiter pour Ic rompto do ladisinistration fAdAralo lo service do traversier entre SAC 1970, chap. F-B. ports at Saint )oOwv at teral- Digby (Nouveile-coase) at Saint John (NouveaunuB llrvesswick) par lea chemina do fer nationaux tontre paieisent N lActe de gestion.
Haiufacturikros 17 Eldorado PojclAaIre, li.itAe(9)
Coost,to7e on tort do to 31 dAt. Corporation do dAvelvi our 1ev corporations loppement des invescanadiennes, SAC 1952, tisxe,se,-,tx dv Canada, 53 et modifications. chap. Hinistre d'Itat au iks certificot do prolondeveloppeisent social gation an vert.0 de Is l.oi des corporations co,aaerdales ceiadiersies rut A,aio an 1979.
[strart on at reffinago de l'urani,n, vinyl gte. diverses activitds relatives mu cycle do to'sbustible nuclAaire.
Lea Ressources Eldorado Li.itAe
Eldorado Nucldaire tlmitAe
ConstituAe on vertu do Is toi our los corporst ions coewnorcisles canadiennes.
Extraction at raffinage do l'uraniow.
119371 Canada Inc.
Eldorado NuclAsiro limitde
Comet ituAm an vertu de Is loi sur les sociAtAs cornmerciales canadiennes.
Acqudrir at investir dana do nouvelles propriAtAs contenant do lurwiuips, principaloment N Key Lake et Morris Bay en Saskatchewan.
119371 Canada LimitAe
SoclAtAs coiseerciales cansdiennes.
Partiriper axi dAveloppenient des dApAts d'ur&,ius sit Nord-Oueot de Saskstchexmi at explorer do l'uran,on at dautres mindraus.
Lea Roasourcea Elder tiisjtAe
lntermAdiairos financiers at dos assurances 18 Foiwda doe changes, cte du
31 dAt. flinistre den Financos ConstituAe an vertu do Is 1935 lot stir Is asonnsie at leo cHanges, SOC 1970, chap. 39 at oath ficat ions.
Aider N contrller at N protAgor Is valeur extArieure do l'unitA nstnAtaire cpsiadienne.
19 SociAtA pour l'espansion 31 dAc. SecrAtairo d'Etat aux Loi our lespanslon des ox- 1969 Aider lea exportateurs canadiona, N soutenir In concurrence normale en sat iNre de crAdit canAffaires extdrieures portot ions, SC 1968-69, doe eaportationa chap. 39 at modifications. ne.rcial sur les marchAs Atrangora.
Voir note(s) h Is fin de is hate.
F I scat Responsible mi i i;l Name of enterprise year or holding corpurat ivii ended
irirorporet ion
Finance and Insurance 20 Form Credit Corporation
Mar. 31 Minister of Agnes!ture
Farm Credit Set, RSC 1970, c. 1-2, and amendments, and Farm Syndicates Credit tic!, RSC 1970, c. F-A and amendments.
To assist Canadian farmers to establish and develop viable farm enterprises through the use of long term credit as provided by the Farm Credit Art.
21 Federal Business Developsent BaNc
Mar. 31 Ministry OF Industry, Trade and Commerce
Incorporated under the fedsral Business Developoent Bank Act, SC 1974-75-76, c. 14.
To eiitend financial assistance to new or casting businesses which do not have other sourres of financing available to them on reasonable terms and conditions, and to provide management. counselling services, management training as well as information services.
22 Freulaaater Fisk. Marketing Corporation
Apr. 30 Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Freshwater Fish Marketing Art, SC 1968-69, c. 21.
To operate and maintain the Jacques Cartier and Champlain bridges and the Bonaventure Autoroute.
Wholesale Trade To market Fish in an orderly manner; increase returns to fishermen; and promote international markets for and increasing interprovincial and esport trade in fish.
Tranaportat ion and Storage 21 Jacques Cartier mid Ch,lain Bridges Incorporated, The(10)
Mac. 31 Minister of Transport
Incocporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act,
24 Newfoundland Ferries aid Terainaig
Mar. 31 Minister of Transport
Ferries Act, RSC 1970, c. F-B.
To operate on behalf of the federal government, a ferry service between Port-auv-Basques, Newfoveidland and North Sydney, Nova Scotia, by Canadian National Railways as part of its nonrail service.
2 Newfoiz,dlmsd Coastal Services
Mar. 71 Minister of Transport
ferries Act, RSC 1970, c. 1-8.
To provide passenger and freight service to rims,mjnities iEiich do not have other means of transportation access.
26 Northern Canada Power Coission
Mar. 31 Minister of Indian and Northern Developiient
Northern Canada Power Conmission Art, RSC 1970, c. N-21, and amendments,
Electric Power To plan, construct and operate on a self sustaining basis, public utilities and distribution systems in the Northwest and Yiikv,i lennitories.
Transportation and Storage 27
Northern Transportation Dec. 31 Minister of Traisporl Northern Transportation 1947 Company Limited, RSC 1970, Coany Llmited(11) c. 11-21. Griwehaw Trucking and Distributing Ltd.
Northern Transportm- Incorporated under the less tion Company Limited of Alberta.
Twllowknifw Transporta- tion Company Limited Nov. Nortran Offshore ltd.
Northern Transportation Company Limited
19 51I
To provide an economic, reliable and comprehensive transportation service on a commercial basis throughout Northern Canada mid the Arctic. To provide a general serchandise trucking service from Edmonton and Calgary to a nunber of northern communities in Alberta and three major centers in the Northwest Territories. Inactive.
Mining, Buarrying and Oil Wells 28 Petro-Canada(12)
Dec. 71 Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources
Arctic Pilot Project Canertech lnc.(12)
Incorporated under the 1976 Petro-Canada Act, SC 197475-76, c. 61.
to increase the supply of energy available to Canadians, and to assist the government in the formulation of its national energy polIcy, and increase the Canadian presence in the petroleon Industry.
Incorporated aider the 1981 Canada Business Corporationa Act, Order-in-CounnI P.C. 7980-3312.
To invest In energy conservation products and systems and services as well as in alternative energy sources, e.g., biolnass, solar, aind, wave, small hydro and geo-thermal energy conservation.
Incorporated under the 1982 Canada Business Corporations Act.
To engage In energy retrofit by performing audits to determine how energy conservation can be meployed and provide advice to make buildings more efficient for energy use.
Petro-Canads Dec. 71 Petro-Cenada
Canertech Conservetion Inc.
See footnote(s) at end of the list.
Canertech Inc.
1903 - suite
Fin de texerrice
Hintstte reaponsabte vu actioonalre
Lot statutatre
Anne do roostitutona
DiVISIOnS d'industriea (1) of fonct ions principates
20 Soc iOtd thj crdit agrirole
31 mars
Hinistre de lAgrirulture
Loi our Is Crêdil sgricole SAC 1970, chap. 1-2 at rnodificat ions ct Ici stir le credit aux syndicats agrirolex, SOC 1970, chap. f-A et modifications.
Aider tea aqrirulteurs ot lea aspirants agricuttours, h schoter, b mettre mur pied at h maintenir des exploitations rentablem,
21 Banque federate do d8veioppe.ent
11 mars
Hjnjstre do lindustrim et Commerre
ConstituCe or, vertu do Is Lxi sur is 8anque federate de dCveioppement, SC 1974-7-76, chap. 14.
Favoriser l'tablissement at to developpement dma entreprises comnercisles conadiennes an lout fournissont do laide financro at dog services de gestion-conseil at Ia Formation dma cadres sinai que des services do ronseignements.
Non, de lontroprise 00
Inter,ud iaires Financiers at den, sosurancea
22 OFFice do crcjsljsa- 30 avr. Ministre des Pflches at Constituee an vertu ito Is 1969 Conanerriatiser Jo poisson do façon ordonn6e, aug101 stir Is Co,ranerciatisa- mentor to revenu des peeheurs, derrcourager at dos Oceans tion ab poisson d'esu augmenter To cmnererce du poisson tacit h ICtion do poisson d'eau disre chelte interprovinclato qu'internationale. doiice, SC 1968-69, chap. 21.
transport at 2' leg Ponts Jacques Cartier 91 mars Ministry des Trans- Const,tude an verts do Is 19711 Lol our lea c'orporst ions ports at thmaplein Incorpo- cossnerciates cs,aitlennes. rCo(10)
Exploiter et maintenir toe ponts Jacques Cartier et Champlain sinai quo tautoroute Bonaventure.
24 Traversiers et tertuinum 31 mars Ministce des Trans- loi sur te passages d'eau, 1952 SOC 1970, chap. F-fl. do lerre-Neuve ports
Faire exploiter pour to coiapte do ladministration fCdCrale, to service do traversier entre Port-aux-Basquem ( terre-Neuve) et North Sydney (Nouvelte-8cosse) per 1cm Chesins do Fe, notionaus on dehors do tours services de che,sins do For.
25 Services côtierm at ter- 31 sam, Hinistre dog Trans- toi sur to passage deau, 194 SOC 1970, chap. F-B. ports .inus do lerre-Neume
Foumnir on service do transport do passsgers ci d'affrAtement sun rotsmunautCs qui nont pam de moyens d'accbs h dautres moyens de transports.
riectricite 26 Coission d'Cnergie ab 31 mars Mintstre den, Affoires Ioi nor Is Conasission dC- 1948 Nord canadien indiennes et Nord nergie du FIord canadien, SOC 1970, chap. 0-21 at canadien modifications.
Ptanitter, construrre et exploiter en cousrant sea Frais, des cCmeaus do distribution dons too lerritoires du Nord-Duest at iju Yukon.
Tranaport ci 27 SocidtC dos transports do Nord Ei.it6e(11)
31 dCc. Ministre des Transports
Cospa,ie de casionnago at Be distribution Grimshaw, limitCe
SociCtfl des transports du Nord I imitCe
SociCtC des Transports Yeiiovknife timitCe, maintenant Nortran Offshoro Ltd.
SocifltC dos transports du FIord LimitCe
toi sur Is SoriOtC des Transports du Nord Liriit°e, SOC 1970, chap. N-21.
Offrir on service gCnCraJ do transport Cronoetque et efficient dons Is Fiord du Canada et dons tArtique, our one 0550 coisserciate.
Const ituCe en vertv des lois do tAtberta.
Service do distribut ion do merchandises b rertames local itfis du Nord Be l'Atberta at trois agglcaserat ions luaportantes des Torntoirem du hord-Ouest. lnwtivo.
Hines, carrires at puits 28 Pdtro-Canada(12)
31 dflc. Ministre do l'nergio, Hines at Remsourcem
Attic Pilot Project Canertech Inc.(12)
ConstituCe en vortu Be Is loi sur Petro-tanada, SC 1974-75-76, chap. 61.
Accroissemont des rCserves d'Cnerqio disponibles axis canadiens at ta collaboration aver to 9oitvernenment pour Is formulation do sa politique oat lonalo do t'Cnergio at scrrotssement do 1a prCsenre ranadienno dons I 'indust rio pdt toliOre.
Constitue on vertu de Is lot our lea corporations coniserriales, P.C. 19803312.
lnvestir dons pcoduits, systAmos at servicos BCconomie do I 'Onergie ainsi qu aus techniques do conversions do lOnorgie sotaire.
ConstituCe an vertu do Is Loi gut lea SociCt8s coirmercielos renediennos.
Foumnir one vCrification Be i'Occs,oeie Be 18nergie afin do determiner tat moyon do ransomvet i'Cnorgie ot donnor dos conseils pour êconomisor i'Cnergie dog bOtiments arin do lea rendre plus efficacos.
PCtro-Canada 11 dOe. Pdtro-Csnsda
Canertech Conservetion Inc.
Votr note(s) 4 is fin do Is lisle.
Canertech Inc.
Fiscal Name of enterprise year ended
Ilemponaible minister or holding corporation
Statutory authority
Year of incorporation
Industry (1) and main functions
No. Mining, IIarrying wid Oil Wells - Continued
28 Petro-Canada(12) - Continued Hechron Energy Ltd.
Canertech Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
To produce elecirir gencroter power syatens.
107144 Canada Inc.
Canertech Inc.
Incorporated iwider the Canada Business Corporations Act.
Investment holding coopany.
Psnarctic Oils
Petro-Canada Consulting CorporaL ion
Petro-Canade Exploration Inc.
Petro-Canada Inc.
To explore and produce crude petrolews and natural gas in the Arctic.
Incorporated wider the Canada Corporations Act.
to produce oil and gas, and in-aitu tar swirls techiolpgy. To operate petroleon refineries.
Asher American Inc.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware.
To esplore and produce mineral fuels.
Big Eagle Oil & Gas Ltd.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated wider the laws of Alberta.
To operate gasoline service stations.
Big Eagle Oil & Gas Ltd.
Incorporated under the laws of Butario.
To explore mineral fuels.
Aquilla Holdings Ltd.
Fifth Pacific Stations Ltd.
Petro-Canada Inc.
QII Co. (Bahamas) Ltd.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of the Bahamas.
Opal Oils Limited
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated wider the laws of Alberta.
Investment holding coopwty.
To operate and lease real estate.
Opal Oils ltd.
First Pacific StaLions Ltd.
Commodore Oils ltd.
Second Pacific Stations ltd.
Commodore Oils Ltd.
Third Pacific Stations ltd.
Commodore Oils Ltd.
fourth Pacific Stations ltd.
Conanodore Oils Ltd.
Pacific Petrochemicals Ltd.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Pacific Pipelines Inc.
Petro-Canads Inc.
Incorporated wider the laws of the State of Delaware.
To operate pipeline transport.
Pacific Petroleums Inc.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated wider the laws of the State of Delaware.
lo explore and produce crude oil and natural gas.
Pacific Petroletans (Overseas) ltd.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Petro-Canada Drilling Inc.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Art.
To control a five-year contract with Sedpea Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterprisea Inc.
Petro-tanada Inc.
Incorporated wider the Canada Corporations Act, continued by SupplemenLacy Letters Patent under the Canada Corporations Act in 1971 and the Canada Business Corporations Act in 1979 and 1981. (13)
To explore and produce crude oil and natural gas and operate petroleus refineries.
Commodore Oils limited
Arctic Islands Resouces ltd. See footnote(s) at end of list.
Pet co-Canada Enterpriwes Inc.
1TE IS ENTREPI1ISLS PILI1S FLDCRAI.(S, 1963 - uitC Fin do I4inistre responsable Loi statutaire Plois do Ventreprise lever- on actionnaire cice
An.6e de Divisions d'industriea (1) at fanctiona princiconati- pales tut ionS
Mines, carrirea at puits de p&role
26 Ptro-Canads(12) - suite
Merhron Energy ite
Canertech Inc.
Constitue an aorta de is 1949 Loi sur tea Socitêa coeo,erciales canediennes.
Produire des systBraes do gnrateurs glectricWa.
107744 Canada Inc.
Canertech Inc.
Constitue en vertu de Is 1981 loi aur lea Soei4ta coisnorrislea canadiennes.
Sociêt diovestissements do portefeuillo.
Constitudo en vortu de Is .. Loi sur des corporations rorusnerciales ranadiennes.
Exploration at production do ptrole et do gao naturel dons lArtique.
Panarctic Oils ite 31 d&. Pêtro-Canada
Ptro-Canada Consulting
Ptro-Canads Exploration Inc.
Ptro-Canada Inc.
P6t ro-Canada
Conatltu4e an xectu do Is 1969 101 sur los corporations risuadiennes.
Production de ptrole et do gao naturel at recherche sur place on matire de technologlo des sables bituanineux at exploitation do raffinerica do ptrole.
Pt co-Canada
Disher Aaerlcan Inc
Ptro-Canada Inc.
Constitum en nertu, des lois de iCtat du Delaware.
Exploration et produtiOn do ptrote at do gao naturel.
Big Eagle Oil & Gas Inc.
Ptro-Caruado Inc.
Constituêe en vertu des lois do lAlberts,
ExploItation do stations services.
Big Eagle 011 4 Gas Ltd,
Constituée an vectu des lois do l'Ontario.
Exploration du ptrole.
Aquilia Holdings Ltd.
Fifth Pacific Stations Lt e
Ptro-Canaxja Inc.
DII (Bahamas) Limitm
PAtco-Canada Inc.
Constitue en vertu dcx lois des Bahamas.
Opal Oils Liisltdo
Ptro-Canads Inc.
Constitaêe en vertu dos lois uie lAlberta.
SocitA dinvestissement at do porteteuille.
ExploitatiOn de biens immobillere.
Opal Oils Limite
First Pacific Stations Ltdo
Commodore Oils Limitdo
Second Pacific Stations tte
Conssodore Oils lisit4e
Third Pacific Stations It
Conanodore Oils Limite
Foijrth Pacific Stations lte
Commodore Oils Limitdo
Les Produita Pdtrochisiqums dx, Pacifique it ée
Pdtro-Canada Inc.
Pacific Pipelines Inc.
Ptro-Canada Inc.
Constitu#e en vertu des lois de ltst de Delaware.
Exploitation et gestion don pipe-line.
Pacific Petrolevses Inc.
Ptro-Canada Inc.
Constituo& 'n vertu deS lois do l't'tst do Delaware.
Exploration at production do ptrole et de gao naturel.
Pacific Petroleums (Overseas) tisitdo
Ptro-Cansds Inc.
Ptro-Cansda Drilling Inc.
Ptro-Canoda Inc.
Constitu8e en vertu do Is liii cur los Soeits cornmercieleut u'anadiennex.
Ptro-Canada Enterprises Inc.
Ptro-Canxda Inc.
1953 Constitu4e on vertu de is loi aur lea corporations conadiennes, prolonqêe per lettres patentex xuppl4mentaires en vertu de Is Lou cur los corporations cansdiennes en 1971 et Is Loi sur lea corporat ions coxanerciales canadiennea an 1979 at 1981 (13).
Cooisodore Oils Lickt e
Artic Islands Resources 1te Voir note(s) B Is fin do 1. hate.
PAtro-Canada Enterprices Inc.
Esploration et produrtion do ptrole ci do gao naturel at exploitation de raffineries de ptrole.
Fiscal Responsible minister Statutory authority Name of enterprise year or holding corporation ended
Year of Industry (1) and main functions incorporation
28 Petro-Canada(12) - Coot inued
Independent Fuels and
Mining, Q.iarryinq aid Oil Wells - Continued Petro-Canada Enterprimes Inc.
Incorporated under the lass of Cictaria.
To distribute and market Furnace fuel oil.
Petro-Cacads Enterprimes Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Quebec.
To distribute and market furnace fuel oil.
Marc Dufresne (1979) Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterprimes Inc.
Incorporated under the Canadiai Commercial Cor-
To distribute and market Furnace fuel oil.
Petro-Canada Chemicalm Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterprimes Inc.
Petro-Canada Petroloin Inc.
Petro-Cariada Enterprisex Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
To explore and produce erode petroleum and natural gas. (Inactive).
Petro-Canada Petroleum Inc.
Incorporated under the lees of Alberta.
to explore and produce oil and gas. (Inactive).
Petro-.Canadm Enterpriaes Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Alberta.
Holding company for eight separately operated distribution and marketing crunpaiies. (Inactive).
Finacheis Canada Inc.
Petro-Canada Ventures
Incorporated under the Canadian Coisaercial Corporations Act.
To distribute and market petrochemical products.
Prairie teaseholda ltd.
Petro-Canada Ventures
Incorporated under the laws of Alberta.
To explore and produce oil and gas. (Inactive).
Prairie Minerals Ltd.
Petco-Canala Ventures
Incorporated under the laws of Alberta.
19 5 1
To explore and produce oil and gas. (Inactive).
Xyche. Inc.
Petro-Casimia Enterprimes Inc.
Incorporated under the Canadian Commercial Corporal ions Act.
To distribute and market petro-chomicat products.
106616 Canals Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterprimes Inc.
106617 Canada Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterprisms Inc.
106618 Caiada Inc.
Petro-Canaja Enterprimes Inc.
106619 Canada Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterprimes Inc.
106620 Canada Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterprimes Inc.
106621 Canada Inc.
Petro-Canada Enterpriaes Inc.
lumber Ltd. aeph (lie timite
poret ions Act.
Arctic Islands Resources Ltd. Petro-Canada Ventures
Petro-Canads Espanola 5.6.
Petro-Canmia Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Spain.
Petro-Canada Norway A/S
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of Norway.
Petro-Canada Oil & Gas Inc.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Petro-Cansda Products Inc.
Petty-Canals Inc.
Pet ro-C.nada Resources Inc.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Petro-Cacaja (U.K.) Limited
Petro-Canala Inc.
Incorporated under the lees of Great Britain.
To explore and produce mineral fuels.
Petroleum Tranmsiaaioe, Company
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act.
To operate pipeline transport.
To explore and produce erode petroleum and natural gas. To esplore and produce crude petroleum and naturaT gsa. Inactive.
Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act,
To operate a national refinery engaged In macufacturing a faaily of refined petroleum products, and to market theme products. Inactive.
Petron Petroleum Ltd.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Rocair Limited
Petro-Canada Inc.
Tri-l400itein Petroleuss Ltd.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the lass of British Columbia.
To operate and lease real estate.
Value Serve Stations
Petro-Canada Inc.
Incorporated under the lees of Alberta.
To provide miscellaneous services to business management.
5mm footnote(s) at end of list.
I ISlE IXS ENIREPRISES P(IIIJ.LS FL0(RAL[S, 1983 - suite Fin de Minintro resporisable loi statutsire OnnVe de Divisions d'indastries (1) et forwt ions prinriconch- pales Nom de lentreprise lexer- ou actiornioire tot ions rice
Mines, carrires et puits de p4trole - suite
28 Ptro-Canada(11) - suite Independent Fuels and timber
Pt co-Canada Enterprises Inc.
Constitu8e en vertu des lois de l'Ditario.
Distribution et nine en oarch dhuile de chiauffage.
Joseph [lie [[Ac
PAtro-Canada Enterprises Inc.
ConstituAe an verlu des lois du 4j6bec.
Distribution at vise en nerchA d'huile de chaufrage.
Marc Dufrenne 3979 Inc.
PAtra-Canada Enterprince Inc.
ConstituAe en vertu de to Ioi sur leo sonAtAs cornmerciales ranudiennes.
Oistributon et nine en narchA Incite dc chaffage.
Chimiques PAtroCanada Inc.
PAtro-Cansda Enterprises Inc.
PAtroles PAtroCanada Inc.
PAtro-Curado Enterprisms Inc.
ConsttuAe en vertu de to [xi sic lee corporations comerciales canadiennes.
Exploration at production de pAtrole et de gar naturel. (Inactive).
PAtroles Pdtro-Canada Inc.
Constitude en vertu des lois de ['Alberta.
Evplorat ion at production de pAtrole et de gao naturel, (Inactive).
PAtro-Canada Enterprises Inc.
Constitude on vertu den loin de I'Alberta.
SociAtA de portefeuille, ddtenant halt coquagrins de distribution at de mine en niarchA. (Inactive).
Pinochem Canada Inc.
Pdtro-Canade Ventures
ConstituAe an vertu de La [Di SUE les socidtAs cornmerciales canadiennen.
Distribution et mise en narchA de produits pAtrochimiquen.
Prairie Leaseholds LtAe
Pdtro-Canada Ventures
ConstituAe en vertu des loin de lAlbertu.
Exploration et production de pAtrole et de gao naturel. (Inactive).
Prairie Minerals Ltd.
Pdtro-Canada Ventures
ConstituAm on verts des lois de ['Alberta.
Exploration et production de pAtrole et de gao risturel. )lnactive).
IV Chew Inc.
PAtro-Csnada Enterprice Inc.
Constituée en vertu de Is loi our les corporations conmerciales cansdiennes.
Distribution et nise en marchA de produito pOtrochimlqaes.
106616 Canada Inc.
PAtrv-Csnada Enterprince Inc.
106617 Canada Inc.
PAtro-CanmIa EnteJ_ prisms Inc.
106618 Canada Inc.
PAtro-Canada Enterprises Inc.
106619 Canada Inc.
PAtco-Canada Enterprioes Inc.
106620 Canada Inc.
Pdtro-Canada Enterprices Inc.
106621 Canada Inc.
PAtro-Canada Enterprisms Inc.
Arctic Islands Resources Inc. Pdtro-Canada Ventures
PAtro-Canada Espanola, S.A.
Pdtro-Canada Inc.
Constitude an sertu des loin Ac I'Espagrne.
Esploration et production de pAtrole et de gao nsturel.
PAtro-Canada Norway A/S
PAtco-Canada Inc.
Constitude en vertu des loin de Norway.
Exploration at production de p4trole at de gao noturel.
PAtro-Canada Oil & Gas Inc.
PAtro-Canada Inc.
les Produits PAtroCanada Inc.
PAtro-Canals Inc.
PAt co-Canada Resources
PAtro-Canwia Inc.
PAtro-Canada (U.K.) LimitAe
PAtco-Cansda Inc.
Constitute en vertu des lois Ac [a GrandeBretagne.
Exploration et production de pAtrole at de gao noturel.
Petcoleus Trananission Co. Ltd.
PAtro-Cansds Inc.
ConstituAe en ccclii Ac Is lai our len corporations carad rennes.
Exploitation et gestion din pipe-line.
Inactive. ConstituAe an vertu Ac Ia Lxi sur len corporations conioerciales canadiennes.
Exploitation dune rsfrinerie de pétroie nattonale, produisant one game de produits raffinée at Ia misc en marchA Ac cea produits. Inactive.
PAtron Petroleus ltAe
PAtro-Canada Inc.
Rocair LimitAe
PAtro-Canada Inc.
Tn-Mountain Petrolesos Ltd.
PAtcs-Canads Inc.
ConstitsAe an vertu des lois de is ColonilieBritannique.
PropriAtaire de biene immobiliers danvr&a en loca[ion I Leur exploitsnts.
Value Serve Stations Ltd.
PAtro-Canada Inc.
Constitude an vertu des lois de lAiberts.
Fournir des services divers aux entreprisea.
Voir note(s) I is fin de Is bate.
Nawe of enterprise
Fiscal Responsible sinister Statutory authority year or holding corporation ended
Year or Industry (1) and main functions incorpo rat ion
28 Petro-C.nada(12) - Concluded
Mining, Iliorrying aid Oil Wells - Concluded
Venezue 1 an Canadian Oils C.A.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Venezuelan Pcifir Patroleuss C.A.
Petro-Canada Inc.
Confiscated, inactive.
103912 Canada Inc.
Petro-Canada Inc. Incorporated under the 1981 Canada Business Corporations Act.
Investment holding cospany.
To provide assistanre consulting to other national oil companies dealing in Ianzania on a costrecovery basis supplemented by financial assistance from the federal government.
Petro-Canada international Assistance Corp.
Incorporated under the 1981 Canada Business Corporations Act.
mat ie.
Transportation and Storage 29 Prince Edward Island Dec. 31 Minister of transport ferries Act, RSC 1970, c. 1911 To operate on behalf of the federal government, Ferries and terminals F-B. a ferry servire between Borden, Prince Edward Island and Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick by Canadian National Railways as part of its nonrail service.
Manuractur log 30
Royal Canadian Mint Dec. 31 Minister of Stipply and Royal Canadian Mint Act, 1969 Services RSC 1970, r. R-8, and seen&ients.
To produce and arrange for the production and supply or coins of the currency of Canada, coins of other countries, and to buy, sell, melt, assay and refine gold and precious metals; to make sedals and other services.
Transportation and Storage t St. lawrence Seaway 8u- lIar, il Minister of transport St. Lawrence Seaway Autho- 19 1 4 thority. Thn(10) rty Act, ssr 1970, c. S-i and osendisents,
32 Seaway International Dec. 11 St. Lawrence Seaway St. Lawrence Seaway Autho- 1963 Bridge Eorporstiom, Authority, The city Act, RSC 1970, c. ltd., the(10) S-i and ianendrsents.
Ia construct and operate a deep waterway between the Port of MontrAal and Lake Erie together with such i.mrks and other property, including bridges incidental to the deep waterway, as deemed necessary by the Governor in Council. To operate and manage an international toll bridge system between Cornwall, Lbtario and Roosevelt.own, New York.
Coamsinicat loris 33 telaqlobe Canads(14) Mar, 31 Minister of Stale for Teleglobe Act, SC 1974_7v_ 1949 Social Developoent 76 r. 77 and wnendmerits.
To establish, maintain and operate, in Canada and elseuhere, esternal Lelecosmunicat ions services for the conduct of public coessunirattons. Inactive.
Teleglobe Canada limited
Wholesale trade 14 Uraniu, Canals, ti.ited Dec. 31 Minister of Energy, Incorporated under the 1971 Mines and Resources Canada Corporations Act, pursuant to Energy, Miras and Resources Vote Lilt' of the Appropriation Act No. 1, 1971 and the Atomic Energy Control Act.
the company's operations ceased with the transfer of the uranive, concentrates stockpile to Eldorado rWjclear on May 29, 1981.
transportation and Storage 3" Via Rail Canada Inc.
or usc.
Dec. 31 Minister of Transport Incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act. Orders In Council P.C. 1977-486, P.C. 1978-654.
1977 to manage rail passenger services In Canada, and to be responsible for all inter-city passenger trains previously operated by CA or CP Rail, and manage bus services with complement passenger train services.
lST( DES ENTR(P815E5 PItIIIS fDCRAIES, 1983 - tin
Fin de Hinitre responadole loi statutaire horn do lentroprise loser- ou actionnaire C CO
dnnée do Divisions d'industrios (1) et fonctions princiconsti- pales I ut ions
Mines, curribrern et puits do ptrole -fin
2*1 Pé - fin
Venezuelan Canadian Otis, C.A.
Ptro-Canads Inc.
Confiscated, inactive.
Venezuelan Pacfjc Pe- trolevins, C.A.
Pétro-Canada Inc.
Confiscated, inact
103912 Canada Inc.
Ptro-Canada Inc. Constituée an vertu do Is Loi our los SociAtés cornmeiciales canadiennes.
1981 Société dinvestissetoont do portotcuille.
Conotituên on vertu do 18 toi our lea corporations coannerciales canadiennern.
1981 Fournir dos ronsoils eL asoistor dautros coopsgvies pétroliSres opdrant en 1snzsne our one base do recousrernent des dépenses suppIrnnt p8r dOS contribut ions finanrilres do ladiotnirntrat ion fédéral,.
29 Iraversiers et terminan do 91 dec. l'fle-dvPrince-Cdanacrd
Mirtistre des Trans. ports
lot our lea passage deau, SRC 1970. chap. F-B.
312 Morw,aie royal cenaniienne
Hinistre des Approvisionnements et Services
Loi our Is Monnsie royale ra,adienne, SRC 1970, chap. ((-B of sodificaIcons.
Fabriquer ci assurer lapprovisionnement des pikces do monnaie du Canada, des pikces do isocinaic do pays iirunqers; Fondre, essayer ci affiner de tar, do l'argent of dautres mdtaux; friquer des mildailles, plaques ci autres einbldmes.
31 Administration do is Vois Maritime dvi Sainttaurent(10)
ii mars
Hinistre ports
lot our )Admtn,stroi ton 0 Is Voie maritime du SaintLaurent, SRC 1970, chap. 5-1 at modifications.
Construire entretenir Pt exploiter thus irasaut reiati(s S rette vote en eau profonde enire Is port do Montréal ot 10 tar rrie of acqudrir des terrains pour des pants of exploiter lea dits ousrages et toua traxaus relat ifs S reLIc vaie an eau profotide quo Ic qomnnerneur on consoil pout juqer ndcearnacre.
32 10 corporation dvi pont international do Is Voie Maritime (186(10)
91 dde.
Administration do is Vote Maritime du Saint4aurent
1963 tot sur lAdministration do Is Vote maritime du SaintLaurent, SRC 1970, chap. 5-1 et modifications.
33 TElqlobo Cmnmda(14)
31 maca
Hinistre d'Ctat so ddveloppement social
Lot our I1dglobe Canada, SC 1974-7-76, chap. 77 of modifications.
Socidtê Pétro-Canado pour t'Arnsistance Interna- tionale
Transport p1 de lentreposaqe Faire eopioiter pour Ir cuepie Jo ladmititsiraLion fBdCrale To sort ice dv irtierstec entre Borden (rle-du-Prince-rdouar3) ii Cap larsentine (Mouveau-tirunnwtrk) par lea Che,nins do for rtatianauu diana to radio do leurn services nun rail.
ManuFacturibres dde.
transport of do l'entropcisaqe 0,9 Trans-
Exploitation et gestion du Pont international S pdsqa reLiant Cornaall (Ontario) at RooseselLoan (New-York).
Co,riicat ions
tldgtobo Canada timitde
Exploiter au Canada 01 aiUeurs des services do tdldcoismountrat ions estdrieurs en vue do Is ronduito dos ra,nmunicstions publiques. Inactive.
Carne do groa 34 Uranican Canada, Li.itde 71 dec. Hinistre de ltnergie, Constitudo an vertu do IS 1971 L ' ion do Is aoridtd S reese bra du transfoct do stock de concentrdn duranius b Minea at Remsourcea Loi sur lea corporations Eldorado Tildaire, Limitde Ic 29 luau 1981. canaliennes et, ronfor- nm86ent su rrddit tllr (Hinirntbre do irnorgie, Hines et Rossources) do Is toi no 1 de 1971 partacit affectation do crddits et S Is lot our le rontrOle di- ldrtergi, at out quo. Transport at de Pentreposaqo 1 1 Vim Bait Canada Inc. il dde. Hinistre dcx Trans- Constttude or, vectu do Is 1977 t.drer des services do voyageurs of assv,ser Is respovsabiLitA de totim tea voyageurs, auparaLoi our des corporations ports saiL esploitAd par Ch et CP Rail mmmi quo Is ranadionnea. DdcrBts do responsabilitA do Is yestion des services conConseil CP 1977-486 et CP 1978-44. noses dont los sutocsrs deppomnt aua sersiros fec roy tam cern. Voir note(s) S Os fin de IS hate.
act 1itl ,- ; 1n6ust:
ti" jut it. vi ,.i'jtat or, juit, rid ---t i GOurrdaiv art viii; cil t,LiJ
The Consolidated Financial Statements of the company include the accounts of Airline Maintenance Building Ltd., and Tourain Inc. The Consolidated Financial Statements of the company include the accounts of Treasure TOUrS International Inc., and Treasure Tours Canada Ltd. The Consolidated Financial Statements of the company include the accounts of all its subsidiaries. the financial statements of the Corporation include the accounts of all the ports and other facilities under its aubiniatration including the activities of the local port corporations Port of Nontréal and Port or Vancouver atiich were established as local port corporations effective .kdy 1, 1983. The Consolidated Vcco.wits of the "Canadian National Railway System' comprises the Canadian Notional Railway Company, and all coaipaniea in Canada and other companies not in Canada mentioned in the present I tat, and any company formed by consol idat ion or emalqmiat ion of two or more of such coeipanlea, and all companies controlled directly or indirectly by the Canadian National Railway Company. The financial Statements of Lea [ntreprises 8.ijsaires Lt8e, include the accounts of Bellechasse Transport Inc., Speedway Espress Ltd., Risouski Transport lte, and Rel-t4ont Transit Inc. The Ccnmol idated financial Statements of the company include the accounts of its subsidiary. The Consolidated financial Statements of the company include the accounts of Eldor Resources limited. The company is treated in this report as a separate goverronent enterprise. The Consolidated financial Statements of the company include the accounts of all Its subsidiaries. The Consolidated finanriat Statements of the company include the accounts of all subsidiaries, escept Canertech Inc., which is treated in this report as a separate qoverrsnent enterprise. The company was incorporated under the legal nwule of Petrol ins Canals ttd./Lt8e, on May lst, 1953; aisolgasated with fins Oil Ltd., under the nasa of Petrofina Canada itd/Lt8e, on November 30, 1971; introduced the legal element "Inc.", on August 9, 1979; changed its naiTie to Petro-Canada Enterprises Inc., on September lst, 1981. The Consolidated financial Statements of the company include the accounts of its subsidiary.
(2) (3) (4) (5)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Les soci#t4s filialco comprises cia-Is lee Sate financiers consalid#s nip-c .saciyV4s mhres sont elasslis scion i'a,-ticitV priricipale de ceo dernthreu. IS classification ne bent pam compte den act kités secoridaires des entreprises filiules. LeS 8tatm financiers Be is sori6tL4 soot consolidVs aver ceun Be ses filialea, lea Immeubles it'fntretien LtAe, et Toucan Inc. Len êtsta financiers de Is sDri6t6 aunt c.onsolidés aver ceus de scm filiales, Treasure Tours International Inc., et Treasure Tours Canada Ltd. 1cm 8tats financiers de Ia sociktA mont ronsolidén aver reus its scm f;liales. lea 8tats financier de cette sociêtê roeiprenent toutes lea operations des ports at a,&iagements anus as gestion y compris lea ports locaus tel gum le Port de Ptintreal et Ic Port de Vancouver incorporVs Ic premier juillet 1983. Lea comptes ronsol idCs du "RCseau des Chemins de far Nat ionaus du Canada" camprend Is Compagnie des Chesins de fer Nationaus du Canada et toutes les rompagnies au Canada at hors dii Canada eentionnees dons Is pr8sente liste at toutes lea rompegnies que contrOle directeinent ou iridirectement Is Compagnie des Cheisina de fec Nat ionaus du Canada. Les CTats financiers de Is soci6tC sont concaoltd8a avec reus de sea fillales, Belleehssse !ranaport Inc., Speeaay Espresa ltd., Rimoustci ltée, at Rd-Mont Transit Inc. lea Ctata financiers de is soci8t0l aunt ronsol ides avec ceus de sea fit isles. tea 8tats financiers de is sociCtC sont consolid4a aver reua d'Eldorado Resources Limited. La socl4t8 eat consideree ici retinae une entreprises distinrte. Lea 8tats financiers de Ia societe mont ronsolid8a aver ness Be sos filisles. 1cm Ctats financiers de Ia society' aunt consol id8s avec ceua de sos fili ales, saul Canertech Inc., laquelle eat conmid6r8e mi conese one entreprise distincte. La soci8t8 a CtC caistitu4e anus Is raison soctale PCtrofina Canada Ltd./ltCe, le icr ma i 1953; fusionnée ave fina Oil ttd., anus Is nets PCtrofina Canada ltd./tty'e, is 30 novembre 1971; 1'Ci8,aent ICqal "Inc.", fit introduit le 9 soOt 1979; is raison sociale fut rhangile b tntreprlses Pdtro-Cansda Inc., Ic ler septembre 1981. Lea Ctsts financiers de Is sociCtil mont consolidCm aver ceua de as filiale.
Financial Classification and Terminol
Classification et terminologie financière
To fix the particular needs of an economic and/or functional classification of pitilic finance data, and to stress the interrelatedness of government enterprise transactions with general government departments and agencies, the nomenclature of the items used in both schemes has been retained in so far as possible.
Pour répondre aux n&essités d'une classification êconomique et fonctionnelle des données relatives aux finances publiques et pour souligner le rapport étroit qui existe entre les transactions des entreprises publiques at les ministres et organismes de l'adminisiration générale, on a conserve, dans la mesure du possible, is nomenclature propre aux deux systècnes.
In an economic classification scheme, the income and expenditure account takes the form of a trading profit and loss statement as in a private corporation. The classifications used in the balance sheet accounts have been adopted after due consideration of the varied nature of government businesses involved.
Dans l'optique d'une classification éconornique, le compte des revenus et dépenses prend la forme d'un état des profits et pertes comme s'il s'agissait d'une entreprise privée. La classification des différents postes du bilan ont été retenues, rompte tenu de la diversité des entreprises publiques en question.
No attempt has been made in this report to segregate current assets or liabilities from those of a long-term existence, except in so far as they may fall into these categories by reason of the use of the conventional commercial presentation of the balance sheet accounts, which lists the items, more or less, in order of their liquidity.
On n's pas tenté de séparer l'actif disponible et realisable ainsi qua le passif exigible court terse de l'actif et passif a long terme, sauf s'ils tombaient dans ces categories en raison de la presentation commerciale traditionnelle du bilan, oi les postes sont êntinêrês plus ou moms selon leur degré de liquidité.
Transactions of the enterprises with their own or other levels of government have been isolated in this report, whenever appropriate, by use of the following subitems:
Les transactions des entreprises aver l'autorite dont elles relèvent ou avec les autres niveaux de l'administration publique ont ete ventilees, lorsque la situation l'exigeait, entre les sous-postes suivants:
(i) Federal government. (ii) Federal government enterprises.
(i) Administration publique fédérale. (ii)Entreprises publiques federales.
(iii) Provincial government.
(iii)Administrations publiques provinciales.
(vii) Local governments.
(vii) Administrations publiques locales.
(xi) Other.
NO Autres.
Transactions with non-governmental bodies are classified under sub-item, (xi) "Other".
Les transactions aver le secteur privé sont classées au sous-postes, NO "Autres".
Transactions with subsidiary and affiliated enterprises are indicated by footnotes. A subsidiary is defined as a corporation (government or non-government) in which the parent government enterprises holds more than 50% ownership; an affiliate is a corporation in which its ownership claim is 50% or less.
Les transactions avec les filiales et les entreprises affiliees sont indiquées dans les notes. On appeile filiale toute entreprise publique ou privée dont plus de la moitié du capitalactions émis appartient b une entreprise publique mere; si cette dernière ne détient que la moitiê ou moms du capital-actions émis, la societe est dite affiiiée.
56 For purposes of interpreting this report, the following definitions (or explanations) of certain assets, liabilities, income and expenditure are presented.
Pour faciliter l'interprtation du preset rapport nous avons presente les definitions snvantes (ou explications) de certains elements l'actif, du passif, des revenus at des dépenses.
Income and Expenditure
Revenus et dêpenses
Cash vs. Accrual Basis of Accoziting
Comptabilite de caisse et comptabilité d'exercice
The cash basis of accounting entails the recording of cash receipts or disbursements in the period in which they occur. The accrual basis of accounting, an the other hand, entails the recording of income and expenses in the period in which it is considered they have been earned or incurred, whether or not cash settlement has been made. Accounts of government enterprises are generally maintained on an accrual basis.
11 y a comptabilite de caisse lorsque les revenus et les dêpenses sant comptabilisees des qu'il a lieu un encaissement ou une depense. La comptabilité d'exercice, par contre consiste inscrire les revenus et les depenses ds qu'ils ant lieu même s'il n'y a eu ni encaissement ni paiement. La plupart des entreprises publiques ont adoptées une comptabilité d'exercice.
Capital Income and Expenditure
Revenus et depenses d' immobilisat ions
Comprehensive statistics on capital income, capital expenditure and the source and application of funds of federal enterprises are not available at this time, except in so far as changes in the balance sheet accounts reflect these transactions on a net basis.
Ii n'existe pam actuellement de statistiques compthtes sur les revenus et les depenses d'immobilisations ni de tableau de financement sur les ressources et emplois des fonds des entreprises publiques federales, si ce n'est dans la mesure oi les variations aux postes du bilan font apparaltre le rêsultat net de ces operations.
Estimates of expenditures of a capital nature by federal government enterprises are published in the publication, Private and Public Investment (Catalogue 61-206, Table 24), prepared jointly by the Construction Division of Statistics Canada, and the Economics Branch of the Department of Industry, Trade and Comerce. According to this source, capital expenditures of federal enterprises actual figure for 1983 was $3,026 million.
La publication intitulêe Investissements prives et publics (n° 61-206 au catalogue, tableau 24) préparêe conjointement par Ia Division de Ia construction de Statistique Canada et la Direction de l'economique du ministère de l'Industrie et Comerce, donne, les depenses estimatives en immobilisations des entreprises publiques. Selon cette source, les dêpenses d'immobilisations des entreprises publiques fêdêrales en 1983, le montant des dépenses effectives 4tait de $3,026 millions.
Re venus
Income consists of amounts received and receivable, and available to meet expenditures and which neither increase any liability or reserve, nor represent the recovery of an expenditure.
Les revenus consistent en sorrwnes recues ou recevoir, disponibles pour faire face aux dêpenses, et qui n'augmentent ni le passif ni las reserves et ne représentent pas la r&upêrat ion d'une dépense.
Current income is derived from the sale of goods and services in the normal course of business, investment or non-operating income, rents and transfers from government or government enterprises.
Les revenus ordinaires proviennent de la vente de biens at services dans le courant normal des affaires, y compris les revenus de placements et les bénêfices hors exploitation, les loyers et les contributions de l'administration publique.
Capital income consists of proceeds from the sale of fixed asset.s and contributions in respect of expenditure of a capital nature.
Les revenus de capital comprennent le produit de la vente d'immobilisations et les contributions aux dépenses d'investissement.
Current Income
Revenus ordinaires
Sales of goods and services. Sales of goods bought for resale and sales of goods and services produced as part of normal operations of government enterprises are included herein. Sales are deemed to be valued at actual prices charged, net of any rebates or discounts.
Vente de biens et services. Ii s'agit ici de la vente de biens achets en vue de Is revente et de biens et services produits dans le cadre de lexploitation normale des entreprises publiques. Par convention, les ventes sont évaluées au prix effectivement facturê, net de tout rabais et escomptes.
Investment income
Revenus de placements
Interest. Received from governments, government enterprises and other sources, i.e., bank deposits, investments and loans.
Intêrêts. Sur d4p6ts bancaires, placements et prêts provenant des administrations publiques, des entreprises publiques et d'autres sources.
Rental income. Derived from renting fixed assets such as buildings and machinery and equipment, primarily to non-government bodies.
Revenus de location. Provenant de la location, la plupart du temps des entreprises privêes, de biens tel que bôtiments, machines, matriel.
Other investment income. Includes foreign exchange and dividends.
Autres revenus de placements. Oprations de change et dividendes.
Subsidies. Included under this heading are contributions from governments toward current costs of production to encourage certain types of production, to assist producers in areas of special difficulty, to protect producers against declines in the prices of their products or to support socially desirable activities. Contributions are identified by level of government. Payments in respect of losses are recorded in the Statement of Unappropriated Surplus.
Subvention. On classe ici les contributions des administrations au titre des charges d'exploitation visant b favoriser certains types de production, h aider les producteurs dans des secteurs protger les producteurs contre Ia baisse des prix de leurs produits nu encourager des activits souhaitables au point de vue social. lea contributions sont réparties selon l'ordre d'administration publique. Les versements l'êgard des pertes sont rapportês dans l'tat de l'excdent non affect.
An expenditure is a charge incurred for any purpose whether or not paid.
Les dpenses sont les frais engages pour une fin quelconque, qu'ils aient 6tA payés ou non.
Current expenditure includes purchases of both tangible and intangible items whose values expire or are used up within the fiscal period, and are properly chargeable to current expense accounts.
Les dépenses ordinaires comprennent les achats de biens corporels ou incorporels dont la valeur disparalt ou qui sont consommees au cours de l'exercice et qu'il convient d'imputer au compte des dêpenses ordinaires.
Capital expenditure is any expenditure that results in the acquisition of, or addition to, fixed assets.
Une dépense d'immobilisation est une depense qui résulte de l'acquisition d'une valeur immobilisee ou d'une augmentation faite h cette valeur.
Current Expenditure
Ddpenses ordinaires
Cost of sales of goods and services
Coflhi des biens et services vendus
Wages and salaries. This item represents the gross wages, salaries, living allowances, bonuses and commissions paid by government enterprises, in cash and in kind, to employees in Canada and abroad, in return for labour services. Retroactive wage increases, comissions and bonuses are included in the periods in which they are paid rather than the period in which they are earned.
Rmuneration. Ce sous-poste represente les salaires et traitements, les allocations de sêjour, les primes et les commissions versêes par les entreprises publiques en espèces ou en nature aux personnes employees au Canada ou b l'êtranger en êchange de leur travail. rappels, les commissions et les primes sont imputees b la periode o.i elles ant 06 payees plutôt qu' l'époque ot elles ant étê gagnêes.
58 Except in a few isolated cases, it has not been possible to delete the labour costs on capital works constructed by the enterprises' own labour force or on development expenses. To this extent the cost of wages and salaries on current account is overstated.
Sauf pour quelques cas isolés, ii a été imposible de supprimer le coat de Ia propre maind'oeuvre de l'entreprise affecte aux travan\ d'extension et de construction, raison pour laquelle dans une certaine mesure les salaires et traitements compris dans les dêpenses ordinaires sont exagéres.
Materials and other purchases. This item embraces all current purchases of goods and services, net of rebates and discounts, other than interest on debt (item 17), and the provision for depreciation (item 22).
Matériaux et autres achats. Ce sous-poste prend en compte tous les achats ordinaires de biens et services, rabais et escomptes déduits, sauf l'intérêt sur la dette (poste 17) et la provision pour amortissement (poste 22).
Debt charges. This heading includes interest and other debt charges. Interest expense is identified in terms of the payees - governments, government enterprises and others. The first two categories are sub-divided by level of government. Other debt charges are comprised of amortization of bond discount and bond issue and redemption expenses.
Service de la dette. On enregistre ici les intérêts et les autres frais de la dette. Les frais d'intérêt sont verttilés selon le destinataire, savoir administrations publiques, entreprises publiques et autres. Les deux premieres catgories sont rêparties par ordre d'administration. Les autres frais de la dette se composent de l'amortissement de l'escompte a l'mission d'obligations et des frais d'êmission et de remboursement. d'obligations.
Interest on debt due to non-government entities also includes interest on comrnercial debt in the form of bank overdrafts and other business credits.
Parmi les intrêts sur les dettes envers des organismes privês figure êgalement l'intrêt sur les dettes commerciales telles que les dcouverts de banque et autres dettes.
Grants in lieu of taxes. These consist of transfers, mostly to local governments, that government enterprises make instead of paying property taxes.
Subventions tenant lieu d'impôts. 11 s'agit des transferts que versent les entreprises publiques, principalement aux administrations municipales, au lieu de payer des impôts fonciers.
Provision for depreciation and depletion. The amount reported by the enterprise, regardless of the method of computation, is recorded under this category.
Provision pour amortisseunent et épuisement. On inscrit ici le montant dêclarê par l'ent.reprise, queue qu'en ait &é la mthode de calcul.
Other expenditure. Comprises allowances for doubtful accounts, foreign exchange and non-operating expenses charged against the current year's income such as amortization of bond discount and bond redemption expenses, charges for depletion, amortization of preproduction and development expenses, lay-up expenses and contributions of enterprises to own or other levels of government.
Autres dépenses. Comprend les provisions pour crêances douteuses, les dpenses resultant des operations de change et d'autres depenses hors exploitation telles que l'amortissement de la perte sur emission d'obligations et frais de remboursement d'obligations, la provision pour êpuisement, l'amortissement des frais antérieurs la production et les frais de développement (les reserves et les transferts) des entreprises aux administrations publiques.
Estimated income tax. On January 1, 1952, federal proprietary crown corporations became liable for the payment of taxes on income earned as are privately-owned corporations. During 1983, 15 of the enterprises reported provision for income tax.
Impôt estimatif stir le revenu. Depuis le ier janvier 1952, les societes de la Couronne dites "corporations de proprietaire" sont assujetties a l'impôt sur le revenu au même Litre que les entreprises privées. En 1983, 15 entreprises ont fait figurer une provision pour impôts sur le revertu dans leurs déclarat ions.
tkappropriated Surplus
Exc&Ient non affecté
The statement of unappropriated surplus summarizes those transactions which take place in the accounting period under review and which, while not being classified as income or expense, affect the surplus of an enterprise but cannot be directly assigned to appropriated or contributed surplus. The classifications used are self-explanatory.
L'état de l'excédent non affecte resume les operations qui ont lieu pendant la période comptable b l'étude. Même Si ces operations ne sont pas classees avec les revenus ou lea dépenses, elles ont nêanmoins une incidence sur l'excedent d'une entreprise mais ne peuvent être imputêes directement b l'excdent affectê, ni h l'excêdent d'apport. Les categories utilisêes se passent d'explications.
59 Assets, Lithilities and Net Worth
Actif, passif et valeur nette
Acti f
Cash on hand and deposit. Includes currency and other forms of exchange, on hand or on deposit, in a bank or other depository. Short term deposits, deposits with the Receiver General of Canada and cash held in restricted funds, are included herein.
Encaisse et dépôts. Numraire et autres moyens de paiement en caisse ou en dêpôt dana une banque ou ailleurs. Ce poste comprend les dépôts b court terse, les dpôts auprs du Receveur gn4ral du Canada et les fonds rêservs.
Accounts receivthle less allowance for dobtful accounts. These are amounts claimed against debtors, usually money rights arising from the sale of goods and services. Allowances for doubtful accounts, where shown separately, have been offset.
Contes h recevoir moms provisions pour crêances douteuses. Ce sont les crêances exigibles des dêbiteurs, usuellement des dettes d'argent résultant ordinairement de la vente de biens et services. Les provisions pour créances douteuses, lorsqu'elles sont indiques séparment, sont dêduites des comptes recevoir.
Accrued revenue and prepaid expense
Conqte de r&,jularisation - Actif
Prepaid expense. This consists of short-term expenses which are expected to yield their benefits in the next financial year and meanwhile are carried forward to be assigned to expense in that financial year. Long-term expense prepayments, such as tooling and development costs, are classified as deferred charges.
Frais pay4s d'avance. D4penses b court terme qui doivent se traduire par un bnfice dans l'annêe financière suivante et qui en attendant sont reportées pour être inscrites aux dêpenses au cours de Fexercice en question. Les frais b long terme pays d'avance tels que les Irais d'outillage et de développement sont classes comme dépenses report4es.
Accrued interest. Is interest income that has been earned but is not yet due.
Intrêts courus. lntêrêts ralisés mais non encore dus.
Inventories. Are recorded at book value for finished goods, goods in process and raw materials held in stock, on consignment and in transit. Operating supplies, small tools and equipment which are on hand at the year end are included.
Stocks. Valeur comptable des produits finis, des produits en cours de fabrication et des matières premieres en stock, en consignation ou en transit. Sont compris egalement lea fournitures d'exploitation et ].'outillage leger qui, dans certains cas, sont coinptabilisês comme frais payés d'avance.
Advances or amounts due. Financial income due from various sources on account of loans and advances, interest, and operating deficits.
Avaices ou montants dus. Revenus de sources variees pour prêts et avances ainsi que d'intérêts et deficits d'exploitation.
Securities or investments. Negotiable bonds and stocks purchased with the object of employing funds which may have been set aside for some future use, including restricted funds. Also included are investments in other government enterprises which are not actually negotiable but hold the expectation of earning a return in the form of dividends.
litre ou placements. Obligations et actions n4gociables achetés en vue de faire fruct.ifier des fonds que l'on aurait pu destiner peut-être b un usage futur, f'onds réservés inclus. Sont également inclus les placements dana d'autres entreprises publiques qui ne sont pas reellement négociables, mais susceptibles de produire un revenu sous forme de dividendes.
Negotiable papers provided by a borrower as security for a loan have been excluded, the asset having already been classified as an aount due for a loan.
Les titres negociables remis par un emprunteur en nantissement d'un prêt n'y sont pas compris, puisque cet element d'actif a déja dt4 classe comme prêt recevoir.
Securities are classified under six subgroups:
Les placements ont étê divisês en six sousgroupes:
1. Treasury bills: Federal government. Provincial governments.
1. Bons du Tresor: Administration fédêrale. Administrations provinciales.
60 2. Bonds and debentures - Governments: Federal government. Provincial governments. Local governments.
2. Obligations - Administrations publiques: Administration f4dra1e. Administrations provinciales. Administrations locales.
Federal government enterprises:
Entreprises publiques fêdérales:
Private enterprises: Co rpo rat ions. Others.
Entreprises privées: Corporations. Aut res.
3. Shares: Federal government enterprises. Private enterprises.
3. Actions: Entreprises publiques fêdêrales. Entreprises prives.
4. krtgages and agreements for sale (Canadian). 5. Other Canadian securities. 6. Foreign securities.
4. Hypothèques et contrats de vente (Canadiennes). 5. Autres titres Canadiens. 6. Titre è l'êtranger.
A mortgage is the creation of an interest in real property in favour of a mortgagee as security for the repayment of a debt by the mortgagor.
L'hypothque est un droit rel immobilier détenu par le crancier hypoth&aire en gage du remboursement d'une dette par le dêbiteur hypothécaire.
An agreement for sale is a contract between the owner of property and the purchaser pursuant to which the owner agrees to convey his interest to the purchaser upon payment of the balance of the purchase price.
Le contrat de vente est une convention entre un propriêtaire et un acheteur selon laquelle le premier s'engage h transfêrer Is propriétê d'un bien au second lors du paiement du solde du prix d'achat.
Assets of restricted funds are held, either by the enterprise or by a trustee, for such purposes as future payment for an asset or a service, the payment of an existing, real or contingent liability, or retirement of debt. These funds may be created voluntarily or by reason of obligatory commitments, and are usually held in the fore of cash or investments. In prior publications the investments held in restricted funds were set out in a separate item, in this publication these investments are included under item 32.
Les 616ments d'actif des fonds rêservs sont dêtenus soit par ]'entreprise soit par une soci6t6 fiduciaire en vue du paiement ultérieur d'un bien ou d'un service, de la libration d'un engagement reel ou êventuel et du remboursement d'une dette. Ces fonds peuvent être créés aussi bien en l'absence d'obligations qu'en raison d'engagements obligatoires et sont ordinairement détenus sous forme d'argent liquide ou de valeurs. Dans les publications antérieures, les valeurs gardees en foods reserves etmient groupêes dan8 un poste separe; ici, elles sont incluses mu poste 32.
These statistics include data pertaining to funds held on own account or by a trustee. Data for trust funds and deposit accounts, such as staff pension funds and contractors' security deposits, have been offset against the contra liability item.
Seuls les fonds détenus par les entreprises ou par une societe fiduciaire figurent dans la prêsente serie statistique. La contrepartie des comptes de dêpôts et fiduciaires tel que les dépôts de garantie fournis par les entrepreneurs et Ia caisse d'épargne du personnel a été imputée mu passif.
Iteui 7. Fixed Assets.
Poste 7. Immobilisations.
(1) Property held for sale deemed to be a long-term asset, encompasses land, building or equipment and includes property held for sale by financial enterprises.
(1) Bien foods destines a la vente. ClAments d'actif a long terse (terrains, btirnents, materiel, etc.) et biens ininobiliers détenus par les entreprises financières en vue de la vente.
(2) Other includes property such as land, buildings and equipment held for use by the enterprise and progress payments on new construction or on the purchase of equipment.
(2) Autres comprend les terrains, les bâtiments et l'équipement destinés h l'utilisation par les entreprises, ainsi que les paiements partiels verses au titre de la construction ou de l'achat de materiel.
61 Item 8. Deferred charges. These are longterm expense prepayments, other than capital expenditures, the benefit of which will extend over a period of years from the time incurred. They are carried forward to be amortized to expense in each of the applicable years. Bond discount and redemption expenses and tooling and development costs are typical examples of deferred charges.
Paste 8. Frais diffêrs. Frais h long terme payés d'avance; dépenses autres que les dpenses d'investissement qul rapportent des bénéfices pour plusieurs annêes après le moment o'u elles ont dtd faites et qui sont entre-temps reportêes pour être imputêes aux dépenses de chaque anne correspondante. Les primes d'mission et de rernboursement des obligations non amorties les frais d'outillage et de développement sont des exemples typiques de frais différês.
This classification Item 9. Other assets. embraces all asset items not elsewhere classified. Types of assets included herein are insurance claims recoverable and debit balances in suspense.
Paste 9. Autres élêments d'actif. Ce poste prend en compte tous les 914ments qui ne sont pas classifiés ailleurs. Le genre d'actifs ci-inclus sont les montant,s recouvrables mu titre de l'assurance et les soldes débiteurs en suspens.
Accounts payable. Are amounts owing to creditors, usually money rights arising from the purchase of goods and services.
Cotes a payer. Sommes dues aux cranciers, gnêralement des dettes d'argent r4sultant de l'achat de biens et services recus.
Accrued expenditure and deferred credits
Contes de rqulatisation - Passif
Accrued interest. Is interest owing but not yet due, as distinct from interest due but unpaid which is included under item 3.
Intêrêts h payer. Intrêts dus et non pays, qui se distinguentde l'int&êt di mais non exigible compris au poste 3.
Other accrued expenditure. Consists of obligat ions that have been incurred up to a given date, but have not been paid, and are not payable until a future date.
Autres frais courus. Ddpenses engagêes qui n'ont pas dt6 payes et ne sont payables qu'à une date u1trieure.
Deferred credits. Are credits for income not yet earned. Revenue that has been received, but is applicable to a future period, and unamortized premium on bonds are examples of deferred credits.
Produits recus xi co.ptthilisês d'avamce. £xemples revenu recu mais applicable une période future, primes non amorties sur obligations.
These are Advamces or amounts due to. amounts owing to parent government, banks or other sources of borrowing by the enterprise. They consist of amounts due on account of long-term loans and advances, temporary financing, interest due and unpaid, bonds and debentures issued and unmatured (including debentures assumed), mortgages and agreements for sale and other types of indebtedness.
Avaices ou montants dus. Dettes de l'entreprise envers l'adrninistration publique mere, envers les banques ou d'autres prêteurs, rsultant d'avances ou de prêts h long terme, du financement temporaire, d'intrêts dus et non payés, d'obligations mises et non khues (y compris les obligations non garanties assumêes), d'hypotheques et de contrats de vente, et d'autres formes de dette.
Trust and deposit accounts. Represent liabilities for contractors' security deposits and staff savings funds against which identifiable trust and deposit assets have been offset.
Comptes de dêpôts et fiduclaires. Contre-pertie au passif de montants inscrits b l'actif mu titre des cautionnements des entrepreneurs et des caisses d'êpargne des employs.
Other liabilities. Include contractors' holdbacks and all other liabilities not elsewhere specified.
Autres 614ments de passil. Retenues de garantie è verser aux entrepreneurs et autres 616ments de passif non mentionns ailleurs.
Minority interest. Ikider this caption are recorded amounts so reported by enterprises which consolidate in their financial statement the activities of subsidiaries which they do not own in their entirety.
Participation minoritaire. On coinptabilise ici les montants dclarês
ce chapitre par les
entreprises qui consolident, dans leurs dtats financiers, les activités de filiales qu'elles ne possèdent pas en totaIit.
62 Net Worth
Valeur nette
Net worth (or proprietary equity) is the excess of assets over liabilities.
La valeur nette ou avoir des propritaires est l'excdent de l'actif sur le passif.
The statement of net worth identifies the capital stock and surplus of enterprises.
L'état de l'avoir net prêsente le capitalactions et l'excdent des entreprises.
Capital stock. Reported ownership, i.e., level of government or government enterprise and private investors, is identified under this caption.
Capital-actions. On donne ici les propriétaires, c'est--dire le palier d'administration et d'entreprise publique ainsi que le secteur privé, l'après les renseignements fournis dans les documents de rférence.
Unappropriated Surplus
Btnéfices non rpartis
Unappropriated surplus is the residual or balancing item in the balance sheet. It arises from earnings on operations, extraneous profits such as those derived from sales of fixed assets and investment securities, changes in appraisal value of fixed assets and transfers from governments or others.
Les bênéfices non rêpartis reprsentent le solde du bilan. Us rsu1tent des profits d'exploitation, des profits exceptionnels raliss sur la vente d'léments de l'actif immobilisé ou de valeurs en portefeuille, de plus-values de l'actif immobilisé et des contributions des administrations publiques ou d'autres sources.
The net transactions of the unappropriated surplus account during the accounting period are set out in Table 2.
Les operations nettes au compte des benefices non rêpartis en cours d'exercice figurent au tableau 2.
Appropriated Surplus
Excêdent affect
"Appropriated surplus" identifies the typical reserves established by government enterprises.
Par "exc4dent affecte", on entend les reserves typiques êtablies par les entreprises publiques.
Contributed Surplus
L'excédent d'apport
"Cont ributed surplus" distinguishes between "interest-free working capital" and "capital" contributions, the latter including both physical assets and amounts provided for their acquisition. "Contributed surplus" further identifies the contributors by level of government or government enterprise.
Enfin, dans l'"excédent d'apport", on fait une distinction entre le "fonds de roulement exempt d'interets" et les "contributions pour immobilisations", ces dernières comprenant b la fois les biens materiels et les sommes versees pour les acquérir. De plus, l'excedent d'apport est yentile selon la provenance, c'est--dire par ordre d'administration ou d'entreprise publique.
Consolidated Government Statistics
Statistiques consolidées des finces publiques
68-202 Consolidated Government Finance, Pt., 811. 68-507E The System of Government Financial Management Statistics, O.,E. and F.
68-202 Les finances publiques consolidées, A., 811. 68-507F Le système des statistiques de Ia gestion financière des administrations publiques, MS., F. et AngI.
Federal GoverriRent Statistics 68-211 Federal Government Finance, A., Bil. 61-203 Federal Government Enterprise Finance, A., Bil. 72-004 Federal Government Employment, IL, 811. 72-205 Federal Government Employment in Metropolitan Areas, A., Bi1. Provincial Government Statistics 68-205 Provincial Government Finance Revenue and Expenditure (Estimates), A., 811. 68-207 Provincial Government Finance - Revenue and Expenditure, A., Bil. 68-209 Provincial Government Finance Assets,Liabilities, Sources and Uses of Funds, A., Bil. 61-204 Provincial Government Enterprise Finance, A., Bil. 63-202 The Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beveraqes in Canada, A., Bil. 72-007 Provincial Government Employment, U., Bil. Local Government Statistics 68-203 Local Government Finance - Preliminary and Estimates, A., 811. 68-204 Local Government Finance, A., Bil. 72-009 Local Government Employment, 811. A Financial Information System for Municipalit ies: 12-532E Volume I - General Introduction, 0., E. and F. 12-533E Volume II - The Classification Systems, 0., E. and F.
Statistiques de l'administration fédérale 68-211 Les finances publiques fédérales, A., Bil. 61-203 Les finances des entreprises publiques fédérales, A., Bil. 72-004 L'emploi dans l'administration fédérale, T., Bil. 72-205 L'emploi dans l'administration fédérale regions métropolitaines, A., 811. Statistiques des administrations provindales 68-205 Les finances publiques provinciales Recettes et dépenses (Previsions), A., 811. 68-207 Les finances publiques provinciales Recettes et dépenses, A., Bil. 68-209 Les finances publiques provinciales Actif, passif, provenance et utilisations des fonds, A., Bil. 61-204 Les finances des entreprises publiques provinciales, A., Bil. 63-202 Le contrôle at Ia vente des boissons alcooliques au Canada, A., Bil. 72-007 L'emploi dans les administrations provindales, T., Bil. Statistiques des administrations locales 68-203 Les finances publiques locales - Chiffres provisoires et previsions, A., Bil. 68-204 Les finances publiques locales, A., Bil. 72-009 L'emploi dans les administrations municipales, 1., Bil. Système d'information financi'ere l'usage des corporations municipales: 12-532F Volume I - Introduction générale, HS., F. et Angi. 12-533F Volume II - Les systèmes de classification, MS., F. et Angl.
64 Catalogue
A Financial Information System for Municipalities - Concluded:
Catalogue Systeme d'information financière l'usage des corporations municipales fin:
12-534E Supplement to Voluse II - Pro Forma Statements, 0., E. and F.
12-534F Supplement du volume Ii. Ctats simules (pro-forma), NS., F. et Angl.
Q. - Quarterly A. - Annual 0. - Occasional
T. - Trimestriel A. - Annuel HS. - Fors srie
E. - English F. - French Bil. - Bilingual
F. - Français Angi. - Anglais Bil. - Bilingue
In addition to the selected publications listed above Statistics Canada publishes a wide range of statistical reports on Canadian economic and social affairs. A comprehensive catalogue of all current publications is available free on request from Statistics Canada, Ottawa (Canada), K1A 0T6.
Outre les publications ci-dessus enumerees, Statistique Canada publie une grande variétê de rapports statistiques sur le Canada tant dans le domaine êconornique que social. On peut se procurer gratuitement un catalogue complet des publications courantes 6 Statistique Canada, Ottawa (Canada), K1A 0T6.
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