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Level-radar Micropilot M Fmr 230/231/240




Technical Information TI 345F/00/en Level-Radar micropilot M FMR 230/231/240 Smart Transmitter for continuous and non-contact level measurement Cost-effective 4…20 mA 2-wire technology Suitable for hazardous locations FMR 231 FMR 240 FMR 230 Features and benefits • 2-wire technology, low price: A real alternative to differential pressure, floats and displacers. 2-wire technology reduces wiring costs and allows easy implementation into existing systems. • Non-contact measurement: Measurement is almost independent from product properties. • Easy on-site operation via menu-driven alphanumeric display. • Easy commissioning, documentation and diagnostics via operating software (ToF Tool). • 2 frequency ranges – approx. 6 and 26 GHz: No compromises, the right frequency for every application. • HART or PROFIBUS-PA respectively Foundation Fieldbus protocol. • High temperatures: Suitable for process temperatures up to +200 °C (392 °F), up to 400 °C (752 °F) with high-temperature antenna. • Rod antenna with inactive length: Reliable measurement in narrow nozzles, with condensation and build-up in the nozzle. Application The Micropilot M is used for continuous, non-contact level measurement of liquids, pastes, and slurries. The measurement is not affected by changing media, temperature changes, gas blankets or vapours. • The FMR 230 is especially suited for measurement in buffer and process tanks. • The FMR 231 has its strengths wherever high chemical compatibility is required. • The FMR 240 with the small (1½") horn antenna is ideally suited for small vessels. Additionally, it provides an accuracy of ±3 mm. Micropilot M Function and system design The Micropilot is a "downward-looking" measuring system, operating based on the time-of-flight method. It measures the distance from the reference point (process connection) to the product surface. Radar impulses are emitted by an antenna, reflected off the product surface and received again by the radar system. L00-FMR2xxxx-15-00-00-en-001 Measuring principle Input The reflected radar impulses are received by the antenna and transmitted into the electronics. A microprocessor evaluates the signal and identifies the level echo caused by the reflection of the radar impulse at the product surface. The unambiguous signal identification is accomplished by the PulseMaster software, based on many years of experience with time-of-flight technology. The mm-accuracy of the Micropilot S could be achieved with the patented algorithms of the PhaseMaster software. The distance D to the product surface is proportional to the time of flight t of the impulse: D = c · t/2, with c being the speed of light. Based on the known empty distance E, the level L is calculated: L=E–D Refer to the above figure for the reference point for "E". The Micropilot is equipped with functions to suppress interference echoes. The user can activate these functions. They ensure that interference echoes (i.e. from edges and weld seams) are not interpreted as level echo. Output The Micropilot is commissioned by entering an empty distance E (=zero), a full distance F (=span) and an application parameter. The application parameter automatically adapts the instrument to the measuring conditions. The data points “E” and “F” correspond with 4mA and 20mA for instruments with current output. They correspond with 0 % and 100 % for digital outputs and the display module. A linearization, based on a table entered either manually or semi-automatically, can be activated locally or remotely. This function provides a measurement in engineering units and a linear output signal for spheres, horizontal cylindrical tanks and vessels with conical outlet. 2 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Equipment architecture Stand-alone The Micropilot M can be used for measurement in a stilling well / bypass as well as in free space. The instrument provides a 4…20 mA output with HART protocol, or PROFIBUS-PA respectively Foundation Fieldbus communication. L00-FMR2xxxx-14-00-06-en-001 4…20 mA output with HART protocol. The complete measuring system consists of: On-site operation: • with display and operating module VU 331, • with a Personal Computer, FXA 193 and the operating software ToF Tool. The ToF Tool is a graphical operating software for instruments from Endress+Hauser that operate based on the time-of-flight principle (radar, ultrasonic, guided micro-impulse). It assists with commissioning, securing data, signal analysis and documentation of the measuring point. Remote operation: • with HART handheld DXR 275, • with a Personal Computer, Commubox FXA 191 and the operating software COMMUWIN II respectively ToF Tool. Endress+Hauser 3 Micropilot M L00-FMR2xxxx-14-00-06-en-002 System integration via PROFIBUS-PA A maximum of 32 transmitters (8 if mounted in an explosion hazardous location EEx ia IIC according to FISCO-model) can be connected to the bus. The segment coupler provides the operating voltage to the bus. Both on-site as well as remote operation are possible. The complete measuring system consists of: L00-FMR2xxxx-14-00-06-en-003 System integration via Foundation Fieldbus A maximum of 32 transmitters (standard, EEx em or EEx d) can be connected to the bus. For protection class EEx ia IIC: the max. number of transmitters depends on the established rules and standards for intrinsically safe circuits (EN 60070-14), proof of intrinsically safety. Both on-site as well as remote operation are possible. The complete measuring system consists of: 4 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M L00-FMR2xxxx-14-00-06-en-006 System integration via Rackbus Multiple transmitters Micropilot M (or other instruments) can be connected to a higher-level bus system via a Gateway ZA: • Every HART transmitter via one interface module FXN 672 each. • Gateways are available for MODBUS, FIP, PROFIBUS, INTERBUS etc. • Both on-site as well as remote operation are possible. Endress+Hauser 5 Micropilot M Input Measured variable The measured variable is the distance between a reference point (refer to fig. on page 2) and a reflective surface (i.e. medium surface). The level is calculated based on the tank height entered. The level can be converted into other units (volume, mass) by means of a linearization. Measuring range The usable measuring range depends on the size of the antenna, the reflectivity of the medium, the mounting location and eventual interference reflections. The following tables describe the groups of media as well as the achievable measuring range as a function of application and media group. If the dielectric constant of a medium is unknown, it is recommended to assume media group B to ensure a reliable measurement. Product class DK (εr) A 1.4 … 1.9 B 1.9 … 4 non-conducting liquids, e.g. benzene, oil, toluene, … C 4 … 10 e.g. concentrated acids, organic solvents, esters, aniline, alcohol, acetone, … D > 10 conducting liquids, e.g. aqueous solutions, dilute acids and alkalis Examples non-conducting liquids, e.g. liquefied gas 1) 1) Treat Ammonia NH3 as a medium of group A, i.e. always use a stilling well. Measuring range depending on vessel type, conditions and product for Micropilot M FMR 230 and FMR 231: Product class Storage tank (scarce draining/filling) Buffer tank (continuous draining / filling) Tank with single stage propeller agitator Measuring range Measuring range Measuring range Stilling well Bypass Measuring range Measuring range FMR 230: DN150 6" DN200/250 8" / 10" DN150 6" DN200/250 8" / 10" DN150 6" DN200/250 8" / 10" DN80…250 3"…10" DN80…150 3"…6" FMR 231: Rod antenna — Rod antenna — Rod antenna — — — 20 m/67 ft 2) A DK(εr)=1.4…1.9 B DK(εr)=1.9…4 10 m/33 ft 15 m/50 ft 5 m/16 ft 7.5 m/24 ft 4 m/13 ft 6 m/20 ft 20 m/67 ft 2) C DK(εr)=4…10 15 m/50 ft 20 m/67 ft 7.5 m/24 ft 10 m/33 ft 6 m/20 ft 8 m/27 ft 20 m/67 ft 20 m/67 ft D DK(εr)>10 20 m/67 ft 20 m/67 ft 10 m/33 ft 12.5 m/42 ft 8 m/27 ft 10 m/33 ft 20 m/67 ft 20 m/67 ft to use the stilling well (20 m / 67 ft) 2) possible, i.e. with stilling well in bypass. 6 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Measuring range depending on vessel type, conditions, and product for Micropilot M FMR 240: Product class FMR 240: 1½" 40mm Storage tank (scarce draining/filling) Buffer tank (continuous draining / filling) Tank with single stage propeller agitator Measuring range Measuring range Measuring range DN50 2" DN80 3" DN100 4" 1½" 40mm DN50 2" DN80 3" DN100 4" 1½" 40mm DN50 2" DN80 3" DN100 4" A DK(εr)=1.4…1.9 B DK(εr)=1.9…4 3m/ 10 ft 5m/ 16 ft 10 m / 33 ft 15 m / 50 ft 2m/ 7 ft 2.5 m / 8 ft 5m/ 16 ft 7.5 m / 25 ft 1m/ 3 ft 1m/ 3 ft 2m/ 7 ft 3m/ 10 ft C DK(εr)=4…10 6m/ 20 ft 10 m / 33 ft 15 m / 50 ft 20 m / 67 ft 3m/ 10 ft 5m/ 16 ft 7.5 m / 25 ft 10 m / 33 ft 1.5 m / 5 ft 2m/ 7 ft 3m/ 10 ft 5m/ 16 ft D DK(εr)>10 9m/ 30 ft 15 m / 50 ft 20 m / 67 ft 20 m / 67 ft 5m/ 16 ft 7.5 m / 25 ft 10 m / 33 ft 12.5 m / 42 ft 2m/ 7 ft 3m/ 10 ft 5m/ 16 ft 7m/ 23 ft to use the stilling well (20 m / 67 ft) Product class Endress+Hauser Stilling well Bypass Wave Guide antenna Measuring range Measuring range Measuring range FMR 240: 1½" / 40mm … DN100 1½"…4" DN50…100 2"…4" Wave Guide antenna A DK(εr)=1.4…1.9 20 m/ 67 ft B DK(εr)=1.9…4 20 m/ 67 ft C DK(εr)=4…10 20 m/ 67 ft 20 m/ 67 ft D DK(εr)>10 20 m/ 67 ft 20 m/ 67 ft see pipe antenna depending on pipe length, max. 2.8 m (9.2 ft) 7 Micropilot M Measuring conditions Note! Please use FMR 230 respectively FMR 231 for boiling surfaces or in case of a tendency for foaming. The maximum measuring range of the FMR240 may decrease in case of heavy steam development, depending on density, temperature and composition of the steam (-> please use FMR 230 respectively FMR 231). Please use FMR 230 in stilling well for the measurement of ammonia NH3. • The measuring range begins, where the beam hits the tank bottom. Particularly with dish bottoms or conical outlets the level cannot be detected below this point. • In case of media with a low dielectric constant (groups A and B), the tank bottom can be visible • L00-FMR2xxxx-17-00-00-en-005 • • • through the medium at low levels. In order to guarantee the required accuracy in these cases, it is recommended to position the zero-point at a distance (C) above the tank bottom In principle it is possible to measure up to the tip of the antenna. However, due to considerations regarding corrosion and build-up, the end of the measuring range should not be chosen any closer than 50 mm (2”) to the tip of the antenna. The smallest possible measuring range (B) depends on the antenna version. The tank diameter should be greater than (D), the tank height at least (H). Depending on its consistence, foam can either absorb microwaves or reflect them off the foam surface. Measurement is possible under certain conditions. 8 B [m / inch] C [mm / inch] D [m / inch] H [m / ft] FMR 230 / 231 > 0.5 / > 20 150…300 / 6…12 > 1 / > 40 > 1.5 / > 5 FMR 240 > 0.2 / > 8 50…150 / 2…6 > 0.2 / > 8 > 0.3 / > 1 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Output Output signal • 4…20 mA with HART protocol • PROFIBUS-PA • Foundation Fieldbus (FF) Signal on alarm Error information can be accessed via the following interfaces: • Local display: – Error symbol (see page 27) – Plain text display • Current output • Digital interface Auxiliary energy Terminal compartment Two housings are available: • Housing F 12 with additionally sealed terminal compartment for standard or EEx ia • Housing T 12 with separate terminal compartment for standard, EEx e or EEx d. L00-FMR2xxxx-04-00-00-en-001 Electrical connection Endress+Hauser 9 Micropilot M L00-FMR2xxxx-04-00-00-en-002 Terminal assignment 4…20 mA with HART The 2-wire cable is connected to the screw terminals (wire diameter 0.5…2.5mm) in the terminal compartment. Use 2-wire twisted pair cable with screen for the connection. Protective circuitry against reverse polarity, RFI, and over-voltage peaks is built into the device (refer to TI 241F »basics for EMCtests«). Terminal assignment Foundation Fieldbus The digital communication signal is transmitted to the bus via a 2-wire connection. The bus also provides the auxiliary energy. Please use 2-wire twisted pair cable with screen. Further cable specifications can be found in the FF specification or the IEC 61158-2. Further hints regarding architecture and grounding of the network can be found at the Internet address »«. 10 L00-FMR2xxxx-04-00-00-en-007 L00-FMR2xxxx-04-00-00-en-003 Terminal assignment PROFIBUS-PA The digital communication signal is transmitted to the bus via a 2-wire connection. The bus also provides the auxiliary energy. Please use 2-wire twisted pair cable with screen. Hints regarding architecture and grounding of the network can be found in BA 198F »projecting hints PROFIBUS-PA« and the specification for PROFIBUS-PA. Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Load HART Minimum load for HART communication: 250 Ω Cable entry Cable gland: M20x1.5 or Pg13.5 Cable entry: G ½ or ½ NPT PROFIBUS-PA M12 plug Fieldbus Foundation 7/8" plug Supply voltage The following values are the voltages across the terminals directly at the instrument: . Current consumption Communication Terminal voltage minimal maximal 4 mA 16 V 36 V 20 mA 7.5 V 36 V 4 mA 16 V 30 V 20 mA 7.5 V 30 V 4 mA 16 V 30 V 20 mA 11 V 30 V standard 11 mA 10 V 36 V EEx ia 11 mA 10 V 30 V HART standard EEx ia EEx em EEx d Fixed current (measured value transferred at HART) Power consumption Normal operation: min. 60 mW, max. 900 mW Current consumption . Communication HART Endress+Hauser Current consumption 3.6…22 mA PROFIBUS-PA ca. 13 mA Foundation Fieldbus (FF) ca. 15 mA 11 Micropilot M Performance characteristics Reference operating conditions • • • • • Maximum measured error Typical statements for reference conditions, include linearity, repeatability, and hysteresis: . Type of device to 10 m ex 10 m temperature = +20 °C (68 °F) ±5 °C (9 °F) pressure = 1013 mbar abs. (14.7 psia) ±20 mbar (0.3 psi) relative humidity (air) = 65 % ±20% ideal reflector no major interference reflections inside the signal beam FMR 230 ±10 mm ±0.1% of measuring range FMR 231 ±10 mm ±0.1% of measuring range FMR 240 ±3 mm ±0.03% of measuring range Resolution Digital / analog in % 4…20 mA • FMR 230: 1mm / 0.1 % of measuring range • FMR 231: 1mm / 0.1 % of measuring range • FMR 240: 1mm / 0.1 % of measuring range Reaction time The reaction time depends on the parameter settings (min. 1 s). In case of fast level changes, the instrument needs the reaction time to indicate the new value. Influence of ambiente temperature 0.006% / 10 K referring to max. measuring range 12 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Operating conditions / Installation Orientation • Recommended distance (1) wall – outer edge of nozzle: ~1/6 of tank diameter (FMR 230/231: min. 30 cm (12“), FMR 240: min. 15 cm (6“)). • Not in the centre (3), interference can cause signal loss. • Not above the fill stream (4). • It is recommended to use a weather protection cover (2) in order to protect the transmitter from direct sun or rain. Assembly and disassembly is simply done by means of a tension clamp (see »Accessories« on page 39). L00-FMR2xxxx-17-00-00-xx-001 Installation instructions Tank installations • Avoid any installations (1), like limit switches, temperature sensors, etc., inside the signal beam (refer to beam angle). • Symmetrical installations (2), i.e. vacuum rings, heating coils, baffles, etc., can also interfere with the measurement. L00-FMR2xxxx-17-00-00-xx-002 Optimization options • Antenna size: the bigger the antenna, the smaller the beam angle, the less interference echoes. • Mapping: the measurement can be optimized by means of electronic suppression of interference echoes. • Antenna alignment: refer to "optimum mounting position" • Stilling well: a stilling well respectively a Wave Guide antenna can always be used to avoid interference. Please contact Endress+Hauser for further information. Beam angle The beam angle is defined as the angle α where the energy density of the radar waves reaches half the value of the maximum energy density (3dB-width). Microwaves are also emitted outside the signal beam and can be reflected off interfering installations. Beam angle in dependence of antenna type (diameter). Antenna size Beam angle Endress+Hauser α FMR 230 FMR 231 FMR 240 DN150 6" DN200 8" DN250 10" Rod 1½" / 40 mm DN50 2" DN80 3" DN100 4" 23° 19° 15° 30° 23° 18° 10° 8° 13 Micropilot M Optimum mounting position L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-en-001 Installation in tank (free space) FMR 230 Antenna size 150 mm / 6" 200 mm / 8" L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-en-002 Standard installation • Observe installation instructions on page 13. • Marker is aligned towards tank wall. • The marker is always exactly in the middle between two bolt-holes in the flange. • After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminal compartment. • The horn antenna must extend below the nozzle, otherwise use antenna extension FAR10. • Align horn antenna vertically. 250 mm / 10" D [mm / inch] 146 / 5.8 191 / 7.5 241 / 9.5 H [mm / inch] < 205 / < 8.1 < 290 / < 11.5 < 380 / <15 L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-en-008 Installation instructions for enamelled antenna • Refer to standard installation. • Attention! Do not hit or chip the enamelled antenna, the coating can be damaged. Antenna size 14 150 mm / 6" 200 mm / 8" D [mm / inch] 140 / 5.5 158 / 6.2 H [mm / inch] < 219 / 8.6 < 269 / 10.6 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-en-003 Antenna extension FAR 10 • The antenna extension has to be selected such that the horn extends below the nozzle. • If the horn diameter is greater than the nominal width of the nozzle, the antenna including the extension is mounted from inside the vessel. The bolts are tightened from outside, with the instrument lifted up. The extension has to be selected such that the instrument can be lifted by at least 100 mm (4”). Special extensions • If the antenna has to be mounted on a sloping or vertical vessel wall, an extension with a 45° respectively 90° bend is available. • The smallest possible radius R for the bend is 300 mm (12”). L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-yy-004 Please contact Endress+Hauser for further information. Penetrated material DK / εr Optimum thickness [mm / inch] 17.0 L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-en-005 Measurement from the outside through plastic walls • Medium with dielectric constant εr > 10. • Maximum level 15 cm (6”) below tank ceiling. • Distance H greater than 100 mm (4”). • Preferred mounting by means of stand-offs for adjustment of the ideal distance H. • If possible, avoid mounting location where condensation or build-up might occur. In case of outdoor mounting, the space between antenna and vessel has to be protected from the elements. • Optimum angle β between 15°…20° • Select vessel construction material with low dielectric constant and corresponding thickness. No conductive (black) plastics (refer to table). • If possible, use an antenna DN250 / 10". • Do not mount any potential reflectors (i.e. pipes) outside the tank in the signal beam. PE PTFE 2.3 2.1 3) / 0.67 3) 18.0 3) / 0.71 3) 17.0 PP Perspex 2.3 3.1 3) / 0.67 3) 14.4 3) / 0.57 3) 3) Other possible values for the thickness are multiples of the values listed (i.e. E: 34 mm (1.34"), 51 mm (2.01"), …) Endress+Hauser 15 Micropilot M Optimum mounting position L00-FMR231xx-17-00-00-en-001 Installation in tank (free space) FMR 231 Standard installation • Observe installation instructions on page 13. • Marker is aligned towards tank wall. • The marker is always exactly in the middle between two bolt-holes in the flange. • After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminal compartment. • The inactive part of the rod antenna must extend below the nozzle. • The rod antenna must be aligned vertically. Material PPS PTFE 360 / 14 510 / 20 360 / 14 510 / 20 H [mm / inch] < 100 / < 4 < 250 / < 10 < 100 / < 4 < 250 / < 10 L00-FMR231xx-17-00-00-en-002 Antenna length [mm / inch] 16 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Optimum mounting position L00-FMR240xx-17-00-00-en-001 Installation in tank (free space) FMR 240 Antenna size Endress+Hauser 1½" / 40 mm DN50 L00-FMR240xx-17-00-00-en-002 Standard installation • Observe installation instructions on page 13. • Marker is aligned towards tank wall. • The marker is always exactly in the middle between two bolt-holes in the flange. • After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminal compartment. • The horn antenna should extend below the nozzle. If required, use version with 100 mm (4”) antenna extension (see page 25). • The horn antenna must be aligned vertically. DN80 DN100 D [mm / inch] 40 / 1.5 48 / 1.9 75 / 3 95 / 3.7 H [mm / inch] < 85 / < 3.4 < 115 / < 4.5 < 210 / < 8.3 < 280 / < 11 17 Micropilot M Optimum mounting position L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-en-006 Installation in stilling well FMR 230 / 240 Standard installation • Observe installation instructions on page 13. • Marker is aligned toward slots. • The marker is always exactly in the middle between two bolt-holes in the flange. • After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminal compartment. • Measurements can be performed through an open ball valve without any problems. Recommendations for the stilling well • Metal (no enamel coating, plastic on request). • Constant diameter. • Weld seam as smooth as possible and on the same axis as the slots. • Slots offset 180° (not 90°). • Slot width respectively diameter of holes max. 1/10 of pipe diameter, de-burred. Length and number do not have any influence on the measurement. • Select horn antenna as big as possible. For intermediate sizes (i.e. 180 mm) select next larger antenna and adapt it mechanically. • At any transition (i.e. when using a ball valve or mending pipe segments), no gap may be created exceeding 0.1 mm. • The stilling well must be smooth on the inside (average roughness Rz ≤ 30). Use extruded or parallel welded stainless steel pipe. An extension of the pipe is possible with welded flanges or pipe sleeves. Flange and pipe have to be properly aligned at the inside. • Do not weld through the pipe wall. The inside of the stilling well must remain smooth. In case of unintentional welding through the pipe, the weld seam and any unevenness on the inside need to be carefully removed and smoothened. Otherwise, strong interference echoes will be generated and material build-up will be promoted. • Particularly on smaller nominal widths it needs to be observed that flanges are welded to the pipe such that they allow for a correct orientation (marker aligned toward slots). 18 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M L00-FMR2xxxx-17-00-00-en-002 Examples for the construction of stilling wells Endress+Hauser 19 Micropilot M Optimum mounting position L00-FMR230xx-17-00-00-en-007 Installation in bypass FMR 230 / 240 Standard installation • Observe installation instructions on page 13. • Marker is aligned perpendicular (90°) to tank connectors. • The marker is always exactly in the middle between two bolt-holes in the flange. • After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminal compartment. • The horn must be aligned vertically. • Measurements can be performed through an open ball valve without any problems. L00-FMR2xxxx-17-00-00-en-004 Recommendations for the bypass pipe • Metal (no plastic or enamel coating) • Constant diameter • Select horn antenna as big as possible. For intermediate sizes (i.e. 95 mm) select next larger antenna and adapt it mechanically. • At any transition (i.e. when using a ball valve or mending pipe segments), no gap may be created exceeding 0.1 mm. • When using a FMR 230, a limited accuracy has to be expected in an area 20 cm (8“) below the upper connection pipe. 20 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Optimum mounting position L00-FMR240xx-17-00-00-en-003 Installation FMR 240 with Wave Guide antenna Standard installation • Observe installation instructions on page 13. • Can be mounted in a tank or bypass. • No alignment is required. • After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminal compartment. • Only suitable for media with low viscosity, without the tendency for build-up in the Wave Guide antenna. Endress+Hauser 21 Micropilot M Operating conditions / Environment Ambient temperature range Ambient temperature for the transmitter: • for F12-housing: -40 °C … +80 °C (-40 °F … +176 °F) • for T12-housing: -40 °C … +80 °C (-40 °F … +176 °F) A weather protection cover should be used for outdoor operation if the instrument is exposed to direct sunlight. Storage temperature -40 °C … +80 °C (-40 °F … +176°F) Climate class DIN EN 60068-2-38 (test Z/AD) Degree of protection • housing: IP 65, NEMA 4X (open housing: IP20, NEMA 1) • antenna: IP 68 (NEMA 6P) Vibration resistance DIN EN 60068-2-64 / IEC 68-2-64: 20…2000 Hz, 1 (m/s²)²/Hz Cleaning of the antenna The antenna can get contaminated, depending on the application. The emission and reception of microwaves can thus eventually be hindered. The degree of contamination leading to an error depends on the medium and the reflectivity, mainly determined by the dielectric constant er. If the medium tends to cause contamination and deposits, cleaning on a regular basis is recommended. Care has to be taken not to damage the antenna in the process of a mechanical or hose-down cleaning (eventually connection for cleaning liquid). The material compatibility has to be considered if cleaning agents are used! The maximum permitted temperature at the flange should not be exceeded. Electromagnetic compatibility • emissions according to EN 61326; equipment class B • compatibility according to EN 61326; appendix A (industrial area, 10 V/m) and Namur recommendation EMC (NE 21). Operating conditions / Process Process temperature range See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. Process temperature limits See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. Process pressure limits See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. Dielectric constant • in a stilling well: εr ≥ 1.4 • in free space: εr ≥ 1.9 22 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Mechanical construction Micropilot M FMR 230 L00-FMR230xx-06-00-00-en-001 Design, dimensions Endress+Hauser 23 Micropilot M L00-FMR231xx-06-00-00-en-001 Micropilot M FMR 231 24 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M L00-FMR240xx-06-00-00-en-001 Micropilot M FMR 240 Endress+Hauser 25 Micropilot M Weight Housing Micropilot M FMR 230 FMR 231 FMR 240 Weight Approx. 6 kg + weight of flange Approx. 4 kg + weight of flange Approx. 4 kg + weight of flange • Types of housings: – housing F12: with additionally sealed terminal compartment for standard or EEx ia – housing T12: separate terminal compartment for increased safety respectively explosion proof • Material: aluminium, seawater repellent, chromate, powder coated • Sight window: glass • Cable entry: M20x1.5; Pg 13.5 (gland included); ½ NPT; G ½ internal thread; PROFIBUS-PA M12-plug; Fieldbus Foundation 7/8"-plug Process connection See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. Seal See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. Antenna See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. 26 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Human interface The display of the process value and the configuration of the Micropilot occur locally by means of a large 4-line alphanumeric display with plain text information. The guided menu system with integrated help texts ensures a quick and safe commissioning. Remote commissioning, including documentation of the measuring point and in-depth analysis functions, is supported via the ToF Tool, the graphical operating software for E+H time-of-flight systems. Display elements Liquid crystal display (LCD): Four lines with 20 characters each. Display contrast adjustable through key combination. L00-FMR2xxxx-07-00-00-en-001 Operation concept . Symbol on the display Meaning Operating elements continuously on flashes alarm warning remote communication locked The operating elements are located inside the housing and are accessible for operation by opening the lid of the housing. Function of the keys . Key(s) Meaning   or      or      Navigate downwards in the selection list Edit numeric value within a function or Navigate to the left within a function group or Navigate to the right within a function group, confirmation. and or and Endress+Hauser Navigate upwards in the selection list Edit numeric value within a function Contrast settings of the LCD 27 Micropilot M Operation with VU 331 The LC-Display VU 331 allows configuration via 3 keys directly at the instrument. All device functions can be set through a menu system. The menu consists of function groups and functions. Within a function, application parameters can be read or adjusted. The user is guided through a complete configuration procedure. L00-FMRxxxxx-07-00-00-de-002 On-site operation L00-FMR2xxxx-07-00-00-yy-002 Operation with handheld unit DXR 275 All device functions can be adjusted via a menu operation with the handheld unit DXR 275. 28 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Remote operation The Micropilot M can be remotely operated via HART, PROFIBUS-PA and Foundation Fieldbus. On-site adjustments are also possible. Operation with ToF Tool The ToF Tool is a graphical operation software for instruments from Endress+Hauser that operate based on the time-of-flight principle. It is used to support commissioning, securing of data, signal analysis and documentation of the instruments. It is compatible with the following operating systems: Win95, Win98, WinNT4.0 and Win2000. The ToF Tool supports the following functions: • Online configuration of transmitters • Signal analysis via envelope curve • Loading and saving of instrument data (Upload/Download) • Documentation of measuring point Menu-guided commissioning: Signal analysis via envelope curve: Connection options: • HART with Commubox FXA 191 • PROFIBUS-PA • Service-interface with adapter FXA 193 Endress+Hauser 29 Micropilot M Operation with Commuwin II Commuwin II is an operating software with graphical support for intelligent transmitters with the communication protocols Rackbus, Rackbus RS 485, INTENSOR, HART or PROFIBUS-PA. It is compatible with the operating systems Win 3.1/3.11, Win95, Win98 and WinNT4.0. Commuwin II supports the following functions: • Online configuration of transmitters • Loading and saving of instrument data (Upload/Download) • Orderly visualisation of measured values and limit values • Display and recording of measured values with a line recorder • The envelope curve is displayed via ToF Tool Connections: • HART with Commubox FXA 191 • PROFIBUS-PA Operation with NI-FBUS configurator (only Foundation Fieldbus) The NI-FBUS Configurator is an easy-to-use graphical environment for creating linkages, loops, and a schedule based on the fieldbus concepts. You can use the NI-FBUS Configurator to configure a fieldbus network as follows: • Set block and device tags • Set device addresses • Create and edit function block control strategies (function block applications) • Configure vendor-defined function and transducer blocks • Create and edit schedules • Read and write to function block control strategies (function block applications) • Invoke Device Description (DD) methods • Display DD menus • Download a configuration • Verify a configuration and compare it to a saved configuration • Monitor a downloaded configuration • Replace devices • Log project download changes • Save and print a configuration 30 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Certificates and approvals CE approval The measuring system meets the legal requirements of the EC-guidelines. Endress+Hauser confirms the instrument passing the required tests by attaching the CE-mark. RF approvals R&TTE, FCC Ex approval See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. Overspill protection WHG (in preparation). See »Ordering information« on page 32 - 38. Sanitary compatibility FMR 231 with PTFE-antenna made of 3A/FDA-listed TFM 1600. Only in combination with foodgrade process connection (Tric-lamp, dairy coupling and aseptic coupling). External standards and guidelines EN 60529 Protection class of housing (IP-code) EN 61010 Safety regulations for electrical devices for measurement, control, regulation and laboratory use. EN 61326 Emissions (equipment class B), compatibility (appendix A – industrial area) NAMUR Standards committee for measurement and control in the chemical industry Endress+Hauser 31 Micropilot M Ordering information Instrument selection L00-FMR230xx-16-00-00-en-002 Micropilot M FMR 230 10 20 FMR 230- 32 Certificates A For non-hazardous areas 1 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 2 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6, note safety instruction (XA) for electrostatic charging! 3 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx em [ia] IIC T6 4 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx d [ia] IIC T6 F For non-hazardous areas + WHG 6 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 + WHG 7 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 + WHG, note safety instruction (XA) for electrostatic charging! 8 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx em [ia] IIC T6 + WHG S FM IS - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D T FM XP - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D U CSA IS - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D V CSA XP - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D K TIIS EEx ia IIC T4 Y Special version Antenna size 2 80 mm / 3" 3 100 mm / 4" 4 150 mm / 6" 5 200 mm / 8" 6 250 mm / 10" Product designation (part 1) Endress+Hauser Micropilot M 30 40 50 60 Type of antenna, sealing, temperature Type Sealing V Standard Viton/FKM E Standard EPDM K Standard Kalrez D Standard PTFE G High temperature Graphit H Enamel antenna PTFE Y Special version Process connection, material Flange Dia/Pressure Standard CM2 DN80 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C CN2 DN80 PN40 DIN 2526 Form C CQ2 DN100 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C CR2 DN100 PN40 DIN 2526 Form C CW2 DN150 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C CX2 DN200 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C C62 DN250 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C EWT DN150 PN16 DIN 2526 Form E EXT DN200 PN16 DIN 2526 Form E CQ5 DN100 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C CW5 DN150 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C C65 DN250 PN16 DIN 2526 Form C AL2 3"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 AM2 3"/300 lbs ANSI B16.5 AP2 4"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 AQ2 4"/300 lbs ANSI B16.5 AV2 6"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 A32 8"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 A52 10"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 AVT 6"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 A3T 8"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 AV5 6"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 A35 8"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 A55 10"/150 lbs ANSI B16.5 KA2 10 K 80 JIS B2210 KH2 10 K 100 JIS B2210 KV2 10 K 150 JIS B2210 KD2 10 K 200 JIS B2210 K52 10 K 250 JIS B2210 YY9 Special version Housing A Aluminium F12-housing, coated, IP65 C Aluminium T12-housing with separate connection compartment, coated, IP65 Y Special version 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 FMR 230- Endress+Hauser Material SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti enamelled steel enamelled steel Hastelloy C4 face Hastelloy C4 face Hastelloy C4 face SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti enamelled steel enamelled steel Hastelloy C4 face Hastelloy C4 face Hastelloy C4 face SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti SS316Ti Output and menu based operation A 4…20 mA HART with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) B 4…20 mA HART C PROFIBUS-PA with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) D PROFIBUS-PA E Foundation Fieldbus with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) F Foundation Fieldbus Y Special version 70 80 Temperature range -20 °C…200 °C / -4 °F…+392 °F -40 °C…150 °C / -40 °F…+302 °F 0 °C…200 °C / 32 °F…+392 °F -20 °C…200 °C / -4 °F…+392 °F -60 °C…400 °C / -76 °F…+752 °F -40 °C…200 °C / -40 °F…+392 °F Gland / Entry Pg13.5 cable gland M20x1.5 cable gland G ½ cable entry ½ NPT cable entry PROFIBUS-PA M12 plug Fieldbus Foundation 7/8" plug Special version Additional options A Additional options not selected B 3.1.B material, wetted parts SS316Ti, Inspection Certificate EN 10204, acc. specification 52005759 Complete product designation 33 Micropilot M Instrument selection L00-FMR231xx-16-00-00-en-002 Micropilot M FMR 231 10 FMR 231- 34 Certificates A For non-hazardous areas 1 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 2 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6, note safety instruction (XA) for electrostatic charging! 3 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx em [ia] IIC T6 4 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx d [ia] IIC T6 5 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx d [ia] IIC T6, note safety instruction (XA) for electrostatic charging! F For non-hazardous areas + WHG 6 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 + WHG 7 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 + WHG, note safety instruction (XA) for electrostatic charging! 8 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx em [ia] IIC T6 + WHG S FM IS - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D T FM XP - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D U CSA IS - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D V CSA XP - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D K TIIS EEx ia IIC T4 Y Special version Product designation (part 1) Endress+Hauser Micropilot M 20 30 40 50 FMR 231- Endress+Hauser Type of antenna, O-ring, inactive length Type Length Material O-ring A Rod antenna 360 mm / 14" PPS, antistatic Viton B Rod antenna 510 mm / 20" PPS, antistatic Viton E Rod antenna 360 mm / 14" PTFE, fully insulated F Rod antenna 510 mm / 20" PTFE, fully insulated H Rod antenna 360 mm / 14" PTFE, antistatic + fully insulated J Rod antenna 510 mm / 20" PTFE, antistatic + fully insulated Y Special version Process connection, material Threaded connection GGJ 1½" BSPT (R 1½", DIN 2999) GGS 1½" BSPT (R 1½", DIN 2999) GNJ NPT 1½" GNS NPT 1½" Flange Dia/Pressure BFJ DN50 PN16 BMJ DN80 PN16 BNJ DN80 PN40 BQJ DN100 PN16 BWJ DN150 PN16 CFJ DN50 PN16 CMJ DN80 PN16 CNJ DN80 PN40 CQJ DN100 PN16 CWJ DN150 PN16 CFK DN50 PN16 CMK DN80 PN16 CQK DN100 PN16 CWK DN150 PN16 AEJ 2"/150 lbs ALJ 3"/150 lbs AMJ 3"/300 lbs APJ 4"/150 lbs AQJ 4"/300 lbs AVJ 6"/150 lbs AEK 2"/150 lbs ALK 3"/150 lbs APK 4"/150 lbs AVK 6"/150 lbs KEJ 10 K 50A KLJ 10 K 80A KPJ 10 K 100A KVJ 10 K 150A KEK 10 K 50A KLK 10 K 80A KPK 10 K 100A KVK 10 K 150A Sanitary coupling MFJ DN50 dairy coupling HFJ DN50 aseptic TEJ 2" Tri-clamp TLJ 3" Tri-clamp YY9 Special version Material SS316L PVDF SS316L PVDF Standard DIN 2526 Form B DIN 2526 Form B DIN 2526 Form B DIN 2526 Form B DIN 2526 Form B DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 Standard DIN 11851 DIN 11864-1 ISO 2852 ISO 2852 Nozzle length 100 mm / 4" 250 mm / 10" 100 mm / 4" 250 mm / 10" 100 mm / 4" 250 mm / 10" Material SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad SS316L, PTFE-clad Material SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L Output and menu based operation A 4…20 mA HART with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) B 4…20 mA HART C PROFIBUS-PA with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) D PROFIBUS-PA E Foundation Fieldbus with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) F Foundation Fieldbus Y Special version Housing A Aluminium F12-housing, coated, IP65 C Aluminium T12-housing with separate connection compartment, coated, IP65 Y Special version Product designation (part 2) 35 Micropilot M 60 70 Gastight feed through A without gastight feed through C with gastight feed through 80 Additional options A Additional options not selected B 3.1.B material, wetted parts SS316Ti, Inspection Certificate EN 10204, acc. specification 52005759 FMR 231- 36 Gland / Entry 1 Pg13.5 cable gland 2 M20x1.5 cable gland 3 G ½ cable entry 4 ½ NPT cable entry 5 PROFIBUS-PA M12 plug 6 Fieldbus Foundation 7/8" plug 9 Special version Complete product designation Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Instrument selection L00-FMR240xx-16-00-00-en-002 Micropilot M FMR 240 10 20 30 FMR 240- Endress+Hauser Certificates A For non-hazardous areas 1 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 3 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx em [ia] IIC T6 4 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx d [ia] IIC T6 F For non-hazardous areas + WHG 6 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx ia IIC T6 + WHG 8 ATEX II 1/2 G EEx em [ia] IIC T6 + WHG S FM IS - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D T FM XP - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D U CSA IS - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D V CSA XP - Class I, Division 1, Group A-D K TIIS EEx ia IIC T4 Y Special version Antenna size 2 40 mm / 1 ½" 3 50 mm / 2" 4 80 mm / 3" 5 100 mm / 4" 7 mm Wave Guide antenna, inside diameter: 21 mm 8 inch Wave Guide antenna, inside diameter: 21 mm Type of antenna, sealing, temperature Type Sealing V Standard Viton/FKM E Standard Viton GLT K Standard Kalrez Temperature range -20° C…150° C / -4 °F…+302 °F -40° C…150° C / -40 °F…+302 °F 0° C…150° C / 32 °F…+302 °F Product designation (part 1) 37 Micropilot M 40 50 60 70 Antenna extension 1 without antenna extension 2 100 mm / 4" antenna extension 9 Special length Process connection, material Threaded connection GNJ NPT 1½" GGJ 1½" BSPT (R 1½", DIN 2999) Flange Dia/Pressure CFJ DN50 PN16 CGJ DN50 PN40 CMJ DN80 PN16 CNJ DN80 PN40 CQJ DN100 PN16 CRJ DN100 PN40 CWJ DN150 PN16 AEJ 2"/150 lbs AFJ 2"/300 lbs ALJ 3"/150 lbs AMJ 3"/300 lbs APJ 4"/150 lbs AQJ 4"/300 lbs AWJ 6"/150 lbs KEJ 10 K 50A KLJ 10 K 80A KPJ 10 K 100A KWJ 10 K 150A YY9 Special version Housing A Aluminium F12-housing, coated, IP65 C Aluminium T12-housing with separate connection compartment, coated, IP65 Y Special version 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 FMR 240- 38 Material SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L SS316L Output and menu based operation A 4…20 mA HART with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) B 4…20 mA HART C PROFIBUS-PA with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) D PROFIBUS-PA E Foundation Fieldbus with VU 331 (4-line alphanumeric display) F Foundation Fieldbus Y Special version 80 90 Material SS316L SS316L Standard DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C DIN 2526 Form C ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 JIS B2210 Gland / Entry Pg13.5 cable gland M20x1.5 cable gland G ½ cable entry ½ NPT cable entry PROFIBUS-PA M12 plug Fieldbus Foundation 7/8" plug Special version Additional options A Additional options not selected B 3.1.B material, wetted parts SS316Ti, Inspection Certificate EN 10204, acc. specification 52005759 Complete product designation Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Accessories A protective cover made of stainless steel is available for outdoor mounting (order code: 5431990001). The shipment includes the protective cover and tension clamp. Antenna extension FAR 10 (for FMR 230) Dimensions L00-FMRxxxxx-06-00-00-en-002 L00-FMR2xxxx-06-00-00-en-001 Protective cover Ordering information 10 80 FAR 10- Material 2 1.4571 4 2.4600/Hastelloy B3 5 2.4610/Hastelloy C4 9 Special material Overall length L1 A 100 mm / 4" B 200 mm / 8" C 300 mm / 12" D 400 mm / 16" Y Special length Complete product designation Commubox FXA 191 For intrinsically safe communication with ToF Tool or Commuwin II via the RS 232C-interface. Service adapter FXA 193 For communication with ToF Tool via the display connector. Endress+Hauser 39 Micropilot M Documentation System Information SI 019F/00/en System Information for Micropilot Operating Instructions BA 218F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 230 (HART) BA 219F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 231 (HART) BA 220F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 240 (HART) BA 225F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 230 (PROFIBUS-PA) BA 226F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 231 (PROFIBUS-PA) BA 227F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 240 (PROFIBUS-PA) BA 228F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 230 (Foundation Fieldbus) BA 229F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 231 (Foundation Fieldbus) BA 230F/00/en Operating Instructions for Micropilot M FMR 240 (Foundation Fieldbus) BA 221F/00/en Description of instrument functions (HART, PROFIBUS-PA, Foundation Fieldbus) KA 159F/00/a2 Short manual (quick reference) in housing (HART) KA 160F/00/a2 Short manual (quick reference) in housing (PROFIBUS-PA) KA 166F/00/a2 Short manual (quick reference) in housing (Foundation Fieldbus) KA 169F/00/a6 Installation ToF Tool (README- and PDF-file on the included CD-ROM) BA 224F/00/en Operation ToF Tool (online-help and PDF-file on the included CD-ROM) 40 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Certificates XA 099F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx (F12 / EEx ia IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2118, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 100F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx (T12 / EEx em [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2118, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 101F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx (T12 / EEx d [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2118, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 102F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx PROFIBUS-PA (F12 / EEx ia IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2118, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 103F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx (F12 / EEx ia IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2117 X, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 104F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx (T12 / EEx em [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2117 X, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 105F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx (T12 / EEx d [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2117 X, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 106F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx PROFIBUS-PA (F12 / EEx ia IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2117 X, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 123F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus (F12 / EEx ia IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2117 X, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 124F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus (T12 / EEx em [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2117 X, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 125F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus (T12 / EEx d [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2117 X, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 126F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus (F12 / EEx ia IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2118, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 127F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus (T12 / EEx em [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2118, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) XA 128F-A Installation Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus (T12 / EEx d [ia] IIC T6) PTB 00 ATEX 2118, Equipment marking: (II 1/2 G) Endress+Hauser 41 Micropilot M ZD 055F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx HART FM, IS (F12 / Ex ia IIC) ZD 056F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx PROFIBUS-PA FM, IS (F12 / Ex ia IIC) ZD 057F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus FM, IS (F12 / Ex ia IIC) ZD 058F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx HART FM, XP-IS (T12 / Ex d [ia] IIC) ZD 059F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx HART CSA, IS (F12 / Ex ia IIC) ZD 060F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx PROFIBUS-PA CSA, IS (F12 / Ex ia IIC) ZD 061F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx Foundation Fieldbus CSA, IS (F12 / Ex ia IIC) ZD 062F/00 Control drawing Micropilot M FMR 2xx HART CSA, XP-IS (T12 / Ex d [ia] IIC) 42 Endress+Hauser Micropilot M Endress+Hauser 43 Micropilot M This product may be protected by at least one of the following listed patents. Further patents are pending. • • • • • • • • • • • • • US 5,387,918 EP 0 535 196 US 5,689,265 EP 0 626 063 US 5,659,321 US 5,614,911 EP 0 670 048 US 5,594,449  EP 0 676 037 US 6,047,598 US 5,880,698 US 5,926,152 US 5,969,666 US 5,948,979 US 6,054,946 US 6,087,978 US 6,014,100 Deutschland Österreich Schweiz Endress+Hauser Ges.m.b.H. Postfach 173 1235 Wien Tel. (01) 88056-0 Fax (01) 88056-35 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Endress+Hauser AG Sternenhofstraße 21 4153 Reinach/BL 1 Tel. (061) 7157575 Fax (061) 7111650 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Endress+Hauser Messtechnik GmbH+Co. Techn. Büro Teltow Potsdamer Straße 12a 14513 Teltow Tel. (03328) 4358-0 Fax (03328) 4358-341 E-Mail: Vertrieb Teltow Techn. Büro Hamburg Am Stadtrand 52 22047 Hamburg Tel. (040) 694497-0 Fax (040) 694497-150 E-Mail: Vertrieb Hamburg Techn. Büro Hannover Misburger Straße 81 B 30625 Hannover Tel. (0511) 28372-0 Fax (0511) 28372-333 E-Mail: Vertrieb Hannover Techn. Büro Frankfurt Eschborner Landstr. 42 60489 Frankfurt Tel. (069) 97885-0 Fax (069) 7894582 E-Mail:Vertrieb Frankfurt Techn. Büro Stuttgart Mittlerer Pfad 4 70499 Stuttgart Tel. (0711) 1386-0 Fax (0711) 1386-222 E-Mail: Vertrieb Stuttgart Techn. Büro München Stettiner Straße 5 82110 Germering Tel. (089) 84009-0 Fax (089) 84009-133 E-Mail: Vertrieb Muenchen Vertriebszentrale Deutschland: Endress+Hauser Messtechnik GmbH+Co. • Postfach 2222 79574 Weil am Rhein • Tel. (07621) 975-01 • Fax (07621) 975-555 E-Mail: [email protected] • Internet: TI 345F/00/en/10.00 FM+SGML5.5 Techn. Büro Ratingen Eisenhüttenstraße 12 40882 Ratingen Tel. (02102) 859-0 Fax (02102) 859-130 E-Mail: Vertrieb Ratingen