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\ g6t @rect u8' snd tlvlng Thanks for purchasing this product To you *"i, ol"t"'."d tt" "ser manual Br€fully boforo ullng Hopa will havo a good using 6xperien@' OBluotootlf CautlonB IBT-08 NFC DesktoP Bluetooth Receiver I . t Bluetooth Receiverfieroely' Don't drop or strike your NFC desktop your NFC desktop Bluetooth . warranty invalid Rocoiver' Any change wlll mako tho rocolvor in humid condition' Don't put your NFC dosktop bluetooth User Manual . . . . wlll turn on Suppot NFC pairing, and durlng padno'NFc connoctlon automatically oa turn offthe Bluotooth wkhlBs6 wlth moro dovlc€ With 3.5mmAV audio output port, @mpatlbl€ i6rl6t charglng net Support UsB 5v Dc output, can r€cDgnlzoAppl6 twenl6I murlc' High quality audio' and make you onjoy Don't dlsmanlle or disass€mblo i1 i Feature tho product' or it wlll Ploass uso rlght powor suPply to ohargo damago tho Producl or cause a tlro' (, "l> )> 0{Fc 5V DC outPul 10 Mlcro USB input d.oroaia mtrrr wlEn llr b xrtr ..r h! rli pffis h€ @'r 6r:olvo( lhon li Ull @nnoct wlh lh6 bdlqr in lurn ll oll, 3. lndloator dliplryhrg slatus: Turn on-bluo llght ieth.rl Blu€klollr paldng-rcd rnd bluo light blinks altematolyigluotoolh arDhono @nn6ola u@rrtllllly or connects again-blue llghl llaahgr nvory 1O o6@ndal Phono slaluFRed and blue light fl8!h!r lllemaloly 'doh or ffi 't!i ffrd' iJ ' ev6ry 3 Slz€r 84'63'21mm Connacl through NFC Pairing Wolohir 1219 MotsrlaltABs * Bluotooth Version:V3 0 I Worklng dlstanco:10M Charglng voltag6: DCsV FIt lofl All tho bluetooth audio device,supporl Proto@l phone Functlonl Wlth NFC, answer or rejectthe A2OP/AVRCP/HFP rFll .l:g@Ool . -l ll 4, powor switch for 5 se@nds, whon thr trd rnd lrl'n' l, tono ,, 'ulr!, Mdy ltn PFlrh0 lum rxl lhs NFC tunctlon of your phone orolherdcvlo' llFtt lEhirnr llH nilrcAtor window altemately blinks and til'du ttrlt' lhsl indi@te the NFC desktop Bluatrclh mtv"' I' v;iln h rr pfirt.y, l,lo.r€ lnput "OOoO". rlsndr rrsot function: you en only rupply Malc DC ovtoir^ or ohove to charge. Supplylng rotat funollon ltr lhn rroctriccircuit. PMr dil Prak.g. oont.ln3 o a, Put llE Nl'c i6n5or 6rea of the phone closoly to lhrl ol Nl dshlol hh€lmlh audio r@iver for 2 s@nds, ttan I dlrlo0 wll pop ut; itr (nnnoctlng(ifthe pop-up dialog requlEs you lo !nl'r llu (!) nilil odvooN.t 2, Powdr iwlloh functlon: Long prua! J rftondr lo lurn on tho bluolmlh, and long press 5 s@ndr lor p.ling Whon tho phono oll mrnss ln, you €n short p6r! to rntmr lhe phoM, end long pm 2 loconds lo reject tho phono Ourlno in.w€dng phono or dlallng, you can short press it to hang up lha mll or ltop dlEllng Duilng plAyln0 music, you can press lt to paurq or Play mu6lc Whon lho blu€looth is on, you Gn long p68r ll lor 3 rsmndB k) @nncol 6nd thr 'tlu dud!" volco rlngs, that lndlcatos the connlcliorr do only nood to I lhD'rr and vlc6 v6ru4. rErl FNI blu' lxnwrct", tho bluot@th llght flssho! lor l0 tl@rnlrr r..l lrn. $h0, voo 'rtr.rv t,ilr.t,nnB' 1. Volumc ltxri6il6 iltl ll€oIqelg (tr Provktrls Dnd nexl songi Durlng ptaylno mu{lo or anlwedng lho 6ll, llxrl proos volumo inclea8e ksy lo xuorss lh6 volumo,dnd lorl0 prsBi ll wlll go to noxl gong lhE (l6vl@ n6med "lBT'08", 6nd cllck 0, Aller.ll0khltJ arco;nnsl.d, youmn Funotlon ln.tluotlon M ld(h P/Nr IBT-08 ,{ 5, Volumo |rx Receiver Produot namoi NFC Desktop Bluotooth lr \' L Audlo output L Standard USB ru(Errtll Specltlcatlon I 3. Volum6 lnqease 'du ilrn'rr llChior llr. xxlhalor m'laly hhnk! lnd lh' v;l6l! ilnunU,lhcl trdldlc lh. NFC dErklop Blt6lmlh rdHlvdt r: n|dy tx p.lrllu phono oI olh'r devlm llnrr 2, TuIn (rr llE l,lilotxlh iilncllon ol your a i 2. Mlcrophone 7. 3.5mm audlo output conn.ol lhrough blu.tooih prlrlng 1, Long Br€ir nowEr rwlolr loI 6 r!ffild!, Structure product wlll damage the product' lf any llquld pemoates lnlo the . 6, lndlcator wlndow 4. Power swltch i, ilF i{}c us NFC &.kt4 [email protected] ffi Brr{ ohonedkbieldrchhasmrcdwlhil,vouqnun.illhnflilJ.fidhinuunr i,orrn"nrsrno. rc, en stthon th. NFC &.lt!' qu4r' roc.rsr 'nd Uil ll '{'r", r' ioh€$n€or;rcadhphonc,tEnUr.y*llI.,itrilta'lddddlonDncdryltrl.n,l lumindon h.btuoldhihdlonrilInil lhi{B n'a'trrilrrv rt r{lrd r{noth'ldunfl i Nore:M€n vou don't need lo 1. NFc sonsor area NIC,r lh'rnilh !{lhro.olv€r Uli oh.r${.!hl.'1 lfno, you @n lgnoro lt) --.k" uD Mlcro L.,SB pwar lt nlio Aftersalea aarvlca This orcdudhea 1 ycarwM.^ly rr