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Lightweight Logger Box Lightweight Junction Box




Research Lightweight logger box and Lightweight junction box USER GUIDE LLB and LJB User Guide Part Number: 29M-071489-U5E November 2015 Pi and the Pi logo are trademarks of Cosworth Limited © Cosworth Limited, 2015 1 Disclaimer Cosworth Limited makes no representation or warranties of any kind whatsoever with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Cosworth Limited shall not be liable for any errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of the software, associated hardware, or this written material. Cosworth Limited reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time, and to make changes in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. A copy of the Cosworth Limited Terms and Conditions of Sale is available on request, and includes a declaration of the warranty and limitation of liability which apply to all Cosworth Limited products and services. Health and Safety information Under the terms of European and UK Health and Safety Legislation, Cosworth Limited is required to classify any hazardous materials in the products it supplies and to provide relevant safety information to users. Any hazardous materials in Pi products are clearly marked with appropriate symbols. Product Safety Data Sheets relating to these materials are available on request. 2 LLB and LJB User Guide Specifications.......................................................................................... 10 LLB Functional Specifications ....................................................... 10 LLB Technical Specifications.......................................................... 11 LJB Functional Specifications......................................................... 12 LJB Technical Specifications.......................................................... 13 Part Numbers................................................................................. 14 The LLB Introduction................................................................................................ 7 About This Manual............................................................................ 7 The Lightweight Logger Box (LLB)................................................... 7 The Lightweight Junction Box (LJB)................................................. 8 Typical System................................................................................. 9 Installation Contents LLB Functions.......................................................................................... 30 System Ports.................................................................................. 30 Logger Node Ports......................................................................... 32 Application Node Ports................................................................... 37 Declaration of Conformity............................................................... 39 Conditions of use............................................................................ 40 3 Pi Workshop The Lightweight Logger Box (LLB)........................................................ 27 LLB Connector Information............................................................. 27 LLB Connector Pinout Information................................................. 28 Index Introduction.............................................................................................. 17 LLB Power Requirements............................................................... 17 Connecting the LLB........................................................................ 17 LLB Dimensions............................................................................. 18 LLB Orientation............................................................................... 19 LLB Re-orientation.......................................................................... 20 LJB Power Requirements............................................................... 20 Connecting the LJB........................................................................ 20 Mounting the LJB............................................................................ 20 Lightweight Logger Box The LJB Installation Lightweight Junction Box The Lightweight Junction Box............................................................... 43 LJB Connector Information............................................................. 43 LJB Connector Pinout Information.................................................. 44 System Network Connections........................................................ 45 Debug Port..................................................................................... 45 LJB Logical Description.......................................................................... 46 Overview......................................................................................... 46 Super-blocks and Blocks................................................................ 48 Use Of Blocks................................................................................. 50 Algorithms....................................................................................... 51 Examples Of Block Use.................................................................. 52 Who Owns A Block......................................................................... 53 Input/output (I/O)...................................................................................... 55 LJB Configuration........................................................................... 55 Standard Build Configuration................................................................. 56 Analog Inputs.................................................................................. 56 Analog Outputs............................................................................... 57 Monitor Current............................................................................... 58 Monitor Voltage.............................................................................. 59 Digital Inputs................................................................................... 60 Digital Outputs................................................................................ 60 Debug Internal Monitor................................................................... 61 Serial Communications................................................................... 62 LJB Possible Build Configurations........................................................ 63 Analog Input Super-blocks............................................................. 65 Analog Outputs Super-blocks......................................................... 68 Analog/digital Input Super-block..................................................... 72 Digital Output Super-block.............................................................. 74 Serial Super-blocks........................................................................ 75 Internal System Monitoring Channels............................................. 77 4 LLB and LJB User Guide Declaration of Conformity....................................................................... 80 Conditions Of Use - LJB................................................................. 81 Installation Complex Internal Algorithms.................................................................. 78 Phase Detection For Torque.......................................................... 78 PID Closed Loop............................................................................ 78 Wheel And Shaft Speed................................................................. 79 Index Index Contact information............................................................................... 124 The LJB Setting up Sigma Configuration............................................................. 86 Tell Pi Workshop what hardware you have.................................... 86 Changing the LLB Logger Card Properties.................................... 88 Changing the LLB Control Card Properties.................................... 93 Logger Node Serial Ports Setup..................................................... 95 Code Build Manager....................................................................... 98 Changing the LLB Logger Card Code Build................................. 102 Changing the LLB Control Card Code Build................................. 103 LJB Properties.............................................................................. 104 Setting Analogue Output Properties............................................. 105 Setting Digital Input Properties..................................................... 107 Setting Digital Output Options...................................................... 109 Adding an LJB to the Sigma Configuration................................... 113 Pi Workshop Introduction.............................................................................................. 85 Standard Configuration................................................................... 85 LLB Configuration........................................................................... 85 LJB Configuration........................................................................... 85 The LLB Pi Workshop 5 6 LLB and LJB User Guide Introduction About This Manual The information given in this manual assumes that you are familiar with the Sigma Elite system and Pi Workshop software. Manuals for these are available from Cosworth upon request. This manual covers the Lightweight Logger Box (LLB) the Lightweight Junction Box (LJB), and aspects of Pi Workshop which are needed to set up the LLB and the LJB. The Lightweight Logger Box (LLB) The Lightweight Logger Box (LLB) is a compact Logger/Control Unit for use in motor sport applications. The LLB combines most of the functionality of the existing Pi Sigma Logger Card and Application Card, with additional CAN ports. However, the LLB does not have any I/O capability, as this is provided by Lightweight Junction Box (LJB). The LLB provides these main features: nn nn nn nn nn 100BaseT Ethernet port for connection to a PC running Pi Server Pi Tebnet network for connecting to other Pi Sigma systems RS232 Debug communications port Five CAN ports (2 on the Logger node and 3 on the Application node) Seven user serial ports (6 on the Logger node and 1 on the Application node) 7 The Lightweight Junction Box (LJB) The Lightweight Junction Box (LJB) is much smaller and lighter, and will operate in hotter and harsher environments than Pi Sigma 5–card and 3–card MCUs. Unlike other Pi Sigma units, the LJB does not have a group structure or IO cards. Instead the LJB comprises a number of Super blocks. Each Super block uses either a single pin, or a pair of pins as inputs or outputs. Some Super blocks can be divided into blocks at build time and cannot be changed by the user. For example Analog input 1 (AI1) can be configured to be either two single ended inputs, or as one double ended input. The LJB digital inputs have a quicker response than embedded I/O inputs and the analog inputs have a similar accuracy to Selectronic cards. The LJB allows the user to write their own local control loops and user algorithms for extended functions (e.g. PID loops). In addition it also allows the user the ability to create bespoke low level algorithms. A range of algorithms for standard functions (i.e. beacon processing) are included in the LJB. These algorithms are similar in principal to Pi Sigma applications, supporting faster rate tasks (up to 4KHz). Access to private Input/Output (I/O) nn Excitations are not tied to specific inputs or outputs nn No coupling between blocks nn Regulated excitations are sufficiently accurate so that ‘ratiometric’ inputs are not required nn Separate tool to configure block structure nn Import output file into Pi Workshop Set-up. 8 LLB and LJB User Guide Typical System Wheelspeed 31 analog inputs (front) Wheelspeed Download Debug Tire Performance System (cost option) Front LJB to ECU Pi TEBNET Pi telemetry (cost option) Steering wheel dash LLB OR Omega Shift/Alarm LED module Omega dash ALARM OIL Remote driver switch PS FUEL BAR LAP Research KPH MPH V LAP OIL WAT o F oC Pi TEBNET OR Gear/shift and Alarm modules Compact dash Switches to CAN box Beacon transmitter (no cost option) Sigma Beacon Rear LJB Wheelspeed Wheelspeed display lap code select split 31 analog inputs (rear) Typical system showing some cost options 9 Specifications LLB Functional Specifications The LLB has the following specification: nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn 128MB of logging memory Dual redundant Pi Tebnet network ports to connect to other Pi Sigma units 100BaseT connection to Pi Server for downloads Six serial ports on the Logger Card Two CAN ports dedicated for switches and FIA Protocol on the Logger Card One serial port in the Application Module Three CAN ports in the Application Module Three integral ± 10G accelerometers (longitudinal, vertical and lateral) Debug channels for battery voltage, current and box temperature LLB electrical specifications nn Unit will turn on when input voltage increases above 10.5V nn Will operate with continuous voltage down to 8.5V nn Will operate with continuous voltage up to 20.0V, and with transients not exceeding 10ms up to 35V nn Will survive, but not operate, with continuous voltage up to 35V nn Power consumption approximately 8 Watts. 10 LLB and LJB User Guide LLB Technical Specifications The LLB technical specifications are listed below. Parameter Temperature range Vibration Value Case operating range 0oC to 85oC. The overall vibration envelope applied to the LLB should not exceed 19g rms. Weight 350 grams Ingress Protection (IP) The LLB is protected to IP67. EMC The LLB meets the requirements for radiated immunity of 95/54/EC, tested as free field, namely 30V/m over a frequency range of 200MHz @ 1GHz. Additionally the unit will also function at: n 100V/m, 200@800MHz n 7 0V/m, 800MHz@4GHz. Fast Transients To ISO7637-1 pulses 3a and 3b, level 4. Conducted Immunity The LLB meets the requirements for radiated immunity of 95/54/EC, tested by bulk current injection, namely 60mA over a frequency range of 20 to 400MHz. Additionally the unit is also tested to Ford RI112 level 2; 70dBmA at 150kHz rising to 106dBmA at 15MHz; 106dBmA at 30MHz falling to 95dBmA at 400MHz. 11 LJB Functional Specifications The LJB has the following functional specifications: nn nn nn nn nn nn nn 31 Analog input channels 12 Analog output channels 5 Digital input channels 8 Digital output channels (6 HSD and 2 open collector) 1 Serial port 2 CAN ports Dual redundant Pi Tebnet network ports to connect to other units LJB electrical specifications nn Unit will turn on when input voltage increases above 10.5V nn Will operate with continuous voltage down to 8.5V nn Will operate with continuous voltage up to 20V, and with transients not exceeding 10ms up to 35V nn Will survive, but not operate, with continuous voltage up to 35V. Module power dissipation nn Power consumption is approximately 5 Watts excluding excitations. 12 LLB and LJB User Guide LJB Technical Specifications The LJB technical specifications are listed below. Parameter Temperature range Ingress Protection (IP) Weight EMC Fast Transients Conducted Immunity Value Case operating temperature range 0oC to 90oC. Case storage temperature range –40oC to +125oC The LJB is protected to IP67. 200 grams. The LJB meets the requirements for radiated immunity of 95/54/EC, tested as free field, namely 30V/m over a frequency range of 200MHz @ 1GHz.Additionally the unit will also function at:100V/m, 200@800MHz 70V/m, 800MHz@4GHz. To ISO7637-1 pulses 3a and 3b, level 4. The LJB meets the requirements for radiated immunity of 95/54/EC, tested by bulk current injection, namely 60mA over a frequency range of 20 to 400MHz. 13 Part Numbers 14 Item Part Number Lightweight Junction Box (LJB) LJB Loading cassette Lightweight Logger Box (LLB) Pi Sigma download lead (Fischer connector) Pi Sigma download lead (AutoSport connector) Steering wheel dash Pi Sigma Compact dash PCMCIA Ethernet card (100BaseT) Switches to CAN interface box 01M-603000 01A-603174 01M-603050 03A-02561 03A-02562 01M-032290-B 01M-032247 31A-0055 01M-032245 LLB and LJB User Guide Installation Installation Installation Introduction This section of the manual gives information on fitting the LLB and LJB to the vehicle. LLB Power Requirements The LLB needs a supply voltage greater than 10.5 volts to start-up and between 8.5 volts and 20.0 volts to operate correctly. If the supply voltage is outside the 8.5 volts and 20.0 volts limits, the LLB will switch off. Connecting the LLB LLB connector pin 1 (VBATT+) and pin 3 (VBATT–) are used to supply power to the LLB.   Installation 17 LLB Dimensions Use the following information when fitting an LLB. The LLB should be fitted using the antivibration mounts supplied. 26.00 (1.02”) 88.00 (3.46”) 16.40 (0.64”) 76.00 (3.00”) 35.00 (1.37”) 68.20 (2.68”) LLB dimensions in millimetres and (inches) 18 LLB and LJB User Guide 12.65 (0.49”) 100.00 (3.93”) 101.60 (4.00”) 65.00 (2.55”) The LLB contains three identical accelerometers which are used to measure acceleration about three axes: longitudinal, vertical and lateral. The accelerometers have corresponding channels in the Pi Workshop software. The LLB standard orientation axes are shown in the following figure. Vertical acceleration +ve Longitudinal acceleration —ve Lateral acceleration —ve Front of car Lateral acceleration +ve Longitudinal acceleration +ve Vertical acceleration —ve LLB standard orientation axes   Installation 19 Installation LLB Orientation LLB Re-orientation You can mount the LLB in a different orientation to the standard. The three axes of acceleration (longitudinal, vertical and lateral) will still be measured, but by a different accelerometer to that used in the standard orientation. The channel names in Pi Workshop software remain the same, although they will be measuring acceleration along a different axis. You must set up a math channel in Pi Workshop software to make use of the information from each channel. Refer to the Pi Workshop User Guide for information on how to set up a math channel to make use of the acceleration information if you fit the LLB in a non standard orientation. LJB Power Requirements The LJB needs a supply voltage greater than 10.5 volts to start-up and between 8.5 volts and 20.0 volts to operate correctly. If the supply voltage is outside the 8.5 volts and 20.0 volts limits, the LJB will switch off. Connecting the LJB The power required by the LJB from the car battery means that both of the VBATT+ pins (connector pins 3 and 4) and both VBATT– pins (connector pins 1 and 2) must be used. Mounting the LJB The LJB should be fitted within the cradle provided. For mounting and fitting instructions refer to Pi Research document “29M-071642-1E LJB mounting instructions”. 20 LLB and LJB User Guide The LLB Lightweight Logger Box The Lightweight Logger Box (LLB) The LLB has been designed for fitting in the cockpit or sidepod areas of a racing car. The LLB connector is an AutoSport AS216-35PN. Connector pinout information is given in the following pages. 4 10 17 25 32 40 1 47 53 3 55 9 16 31 46 24 39 52 LLB connector – AutoSport AS216-35PN (front view)   The LLB 27 The LLB LLB Connector Information LLB Connector Pinout Information LLB box connector: AS216-35PN. Loom Connector: AS616-35SN Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Function VBATT+ DEBMDE VBATT– ACAN-H1 ACAN-L1 DEBTX DEBRX SOA2 SOB2 ACAN-H2 ACAN-L2 JBEN#1 JBEN#2 JBEN#3 SIA2 SIB2 ACAN-H3 ACAN-L3 JBEN#4 TX3 RX3 SIA4/RX SIB4 GND2 ENET-RX– JBEN#5 JBEN#6 Direction In In In I/O I/O Out In Out Out I/O I/O Out Out Out In In I/O I/O Out Out In In In In In Out Out Description Power Supply Positive Debug Port Control Input Power Supply Negative Application Card CAN Port 1 CANH Application Card CAN Port 1 CANL Debug Port Transmit Data Debug Port Receive Data Logger Port 2A RS422 Transmit Data A Logger Port 2A RS422 Transmit Data B Application Card CAN Port 2 CANH Application Card CAN Port 2 CANL External Junction Box Enable Output 1 External Junction Box Enable Output 2 External Junction Box Enable Output 3 Logger Port 2A RS422 Receive Data A Logger Port 2A RS422 Receive Data B Application Card CAN Port 3 CANH Application Card CAN Port 3 CANL External Junction Box Enable Output 4 Logger Port 3 RS232Transmit Data Logger Port 3 RS232 Receive Data Logger Port 4 RS422 Receive Data A/RS232 Receive Data Logger Port 4 RS422 Receive Data B Ground Reference Connection 100BaseT Ethernet Receive Data External Junction Box Enable Output 5 External Junction Box Enable Output 6 table continued on next page 28 LLB and LJB User Guide Pin 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Function TX5 RX5 SOA4/TX SOB4 ENET-RX+ TERMDIS# NETAR NETBR NETAL NETBL SOA2/TX SOB2/RX GND3 NETAR NETBR NETAL NETBL LCAN-H2 LCAN-L2 AP-SIOA/TX AP-SIOB/RX TX6 RX6 LCAN-H1 LCAN-L1 ENET-TX– ENET-TX+ GND1 Direction Out In Out Out In In I/O I/O I/O I/O Out I/O In I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Out In I/O I/O Out Out In Description Logger Port 5 RS232Transmit Data Logger Port 5 RS232 Receive Data Logger Port 4 RS422 Transmit Data A/RS232 Transmit Data Logger Port 4 RS422 Transmit Data B 100BaseT Ethernet Receive Data + Pi Net (Tebnet) Termination Disable Pi Net (Tebnet) Right Data A In (See Note) Pi Net (Tebnet) Right Data B In (See Note) Pi Net (Tebnet) Left Data A In (See Note) Pi Net (Tebnet) Left Data B In (See Note) Logger Port 2B RS422 Transmit Data A/RS232 Transmit Data Logger Port 2B RS422 Transmit Data B/RS232 Receive Data Ground Reference Connection Pi Net (Tebnet) Right Data A Out (See Note) Pi Net (Tebnet) Right Data B Out (See Note) Pi Net (Tebnet) Left Data A Out (See Note) Pi Net (Tebnet) Left Data B Out (See Note) Logger CAN Port 2 CANH Logger CAN Port 2 CANL App Card User Port RS422 Data A/RS232 Transmit Data App Card User Port RS422 Data B/RS232 Receive Data Logger Port 6 RS232Transmit Data Logger Port 6 RS232 Receive Data Logger CAN Port 1 CANH Logger CAN Port 1 CANL 100BaseT Ethernet Transmit Data – 100BaseT Ethernet Transmit Data + Ground Reference Connection Note: Pi Net (Tebnet) signals are grouped as ‘In’ and ‘Out’ for daisy-chaining purposes, signals with the same name are connected together within the LLB.   The LLB 29 The LLB LLB connector table continued. LLB Functions The LLB provides the following main external functions: nn nn nn nn nn 100BaseT Ethernet port for connection to a PC running Pi Server. Pi Net (Tebnet) network for connecting to other Pi Sigma units. RS232 Debug Communication Port operating at 115.2k Baud with Debug Mode input and six external Junction Boxes Enable outputs. Five CAN ports (two on the Logger node, three on the Application node). Seven User Serial Ports (six on the Logger node, one on the Application node). System Ports The LLB has a number of System ports, which are described in the following paragraphs. Pi TebNet This is the Pi Research communications network to other Pi Sigma system units. Debug Port The LLB is provided with an RS232 Debug Port which allows a PC running a standard terminal programme such as Hyperterminal, to communicate with either the Logger and Application nodes in the LLB, or with up to six external Lightweight Junction Boxes using the JBEN#1 to JBEN#6 outputs. Debug Port selection is controlled from an external Debug Switch via the DEBMDE input. The LLB supports both Analogue and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) selection schemes. The Lightweight Junction Box selection mechanism is only available when the PWM scheme is used. The Debug Port operates at 115.2k Baud. The PC COM port should be configured as: 115.2k Baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity, and No Flow Control. 30 LLB and LJB User Guide LLB Outside world TxD 232 DEBTX RxD 232 BEBRX TxD 232 Debug port control Application card RxD The LLB Logger card LGR APP JB1 JBEN#1 JB2 JBEN#2 JB3 JBEN#3 JB4 JBEN#4 JB5 JBEN#5 JB6 JBEN#6 232 In DEBMDE Representation of the Debug Port   The LLB 31 Logger Node Ports Logger node serial Ports The LLB Logger node has a total of six serial ports, which are compatible with the existing Pi Sigma Logger Cards and Pi Workshop. The following sections describe the functionality of each port. Logger node Port 1: 100BaseT Ethernet port The LLB Logger node has a full duplex 100BaseT Ethernet port for car-to-PC communication using Pi Server. This is Port 1. Logger node serial Port 2A Logger node serial Port 2A is a full duplex RS422 port with programmable signal inversion and switchable termination on the receive port as shown in the following diagram. LLB SCC2 TxD TX Invert Outside world SOA2 422 SOB2 TX Enable SIA2 RxD 422 SIB2 RX Invert Termination enable Term Representation of the Logger node serial Port 2A Logger node serial Port 2A can be configured for Baud Rates up to 921.6k Baud. 32 LLB and LJB User Guide Logger node serial Port 2B Logger node serial Port 2B can be configured as either an RS422 transmitter or a full duplex RS232 port with programmable signal inversion as shown in the following diagram. LLB Outside world 232 SCC3 422 TxD invert The LLB SOA2/TX TxD SOB2/RX 232 RxD Rxd invert RS422/RS232 Representation of the Logger node serial Port 2B Logger node serial Port 2B can be configured for Baud Rates up to 921.6k Baud. When in RS232 mode operation should be limited to 115.2k Baud. Logger node serial Port 3 Logger node serial Port 3 is a full duplex RS232 port with programmable signal inversion as shown in the following diagram. LLB SMC2 TxD Tx invert RxD Outside world 232 232 TX3 RX3 Rx invert Representation of the Logger node serial Port 3 Logger node serial Port 3 can be configured for Baud Rates up to 38.4k Baud.   The LLB 33 Logger node serial Port 4 Logger node serial Port 4 can be configured as either a full duplex RS232 port or an RS422 port with switchable termination on the receive port, and programmable signal inversion as shown in the following diagram. LLB Outside world 232 SCC4 TxD TX Invert SOA4/TX 422 SOB4 TX Enable RxD 232 RX Invert RS422/RS232 Termination Enable S1A4/RX 422 S1B4 Term Representation of the Logger node serial Port 4 Logger node serial Port 4 can be configured for Baud Rates up to 921.6k Baud. When in RS232 mode operation should be limited to 115.2k Baud. 34 LLB and LJB User Guide Logger node serial Port 5 Logger node serial Port 5 is a full duplex RS232 port as shown in the following diagram. LLB TxD RxD 232 TX5 232 RX5 The LLB SMC1 Outside world Representation of the Logger node serial Port 5 Logger node serial Port 5 can be configured for Baud Rates up to 38.4k Baud. Logger node serial Port 6 Logger node serial Port 6 is a full duplex RS232 port as shown in the following diagram. LLB Outside world UART2 TxD RxD 232 232 TX6 RX6 Representation of the Logger node serial Port 6 Logger node serial Port 6 can be configured for Baud Rates up to 38.4k Baud.   The LLB 35 Logger node CAN Ports The LLB Logger node has two identical CAN ports as shown in the following diagram. LLB CAN controller TX RX Termination enable Outside world LCAN-H1/2 CAN Transceiver LCAN-L1/2 Term Representation of the logger node CAN Ports Each port has switchable termination and can operate at up to 1 Mbits/second. LLB Logger node CAN Port 1 LLB Logger node CAN port 1 can be assigned to FIA applications. LLB Logger node CAN Port 2 LLB Logger node CAN port 2 is dedicated to CAN Switches. 36 LLB and LJB User Guide Application Node Ports Application node Serial Port The Application node Serial Port can be configured as either a full duplex RS232 port, an RS422 transmitter or an RS422 receiver with switchable termination, as shown in the following block diagram. LLB Outside world The LLB 232 AP-SO1A/TX TXD 422 AP-SO1B/RX RS422 TX/RX RXD 422 RS422/R232 232 Termination enable Term Representation of the Application node Serial Port The Application node Serial port can be configured for Baud Rates up to 921.6k Baud. When in RS232 mode operation should be limited to 115.2k Baud. It can only be accessed via user code.   The LLB 37 Application node CAN Ports The LLB Application Card has three identical CAN ports. Each port has switchable termination and can operate at up to 1 Mbits/second. LLB Outside world CAN controller Tx Rx Termination enable ACAN-H1/2/3 CAN Transceiver ACAN-L1/2/3 Term Representation of the Application node CAN Ports The Application Node CAN ports can only be accessed via user code. 38 LLB and LJB User Guide The LLB Declaration of Conformity   The LLB 39 Conditions of use The Lightweight Logger Box (LLB) is intended for use in motorsport applications only i.e. not on vehicles used on the public road network. For those vehicles that may be used on the public road network e.g. Rally cars, it is the responsibility of the user to verify that the type approval of the vehicle has not been compromised. 40 LLB and LJB User Guide The LJB Lightweight Junction Box The Lightweight Junction Box This section gives information on the Lightweight Junction Box (LJB). LJB Connector Information The connector is a 100 pin Micro D connector (gender female). Pin 1 26 01 51 27 75 52 100 76 The LJB Pin 100 LJB connector - front view   The LJB 43 LJB Connector Pinout Information Box connector type: 100 pin Micro D female connector Loom connector: 100 pin Mic D male connector Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Pin Use Pin Use Pin Use Pin Use 1 VBATT– 27 NET.R-B 52 NET.R-A 76 NET.L-B 2 VBATT– 28 NET.R-B 53 NET.R-A 77 NET.L-B 3 VBATT+ 29 CASE 54 NET.L-A 78 NET.L-A 4 VBATT+ 30 DGND 55 ADDR2 79 S1.1-IB 5 AO3.1 31 S2.1-H 56 ADDR1 80 S1.1-IA/RX 6 AO3.2 32 S2.1-L 57 ADDR0 81 S1.1-OA/TX 7 AO3.3 33 S2.2-H 58 TERMDIS# 82 S1.1-OB 8 AO3.4 34 S2.2-L 59 AO1.5-A 83 DO1.2 9 AO3.5 35 AO1.4-B 60 AO1.5-B 84 DBG-MD 10 AO3.6 36 AO1.4-A 61 AO1.6-A 85 DBG-RX 11 AO2.1 37 AO1.3-B 62 AO1.6-B 86 DBG-TX 12 AO2.2 38 AO1.3-A 63 ADI1.6 87 DO1.1 13 AO2.3 39 DGND 64 ADI1.5 88 AI1.1-A 14 AO2.4 40 AO1.2-B 65 ADI1.4 89 AI1.1-B 15 AO2.5 41 AO1.2-A 66 ADI1.3 90 AI2.1-A 16 AO2.6 42 AO1.1-B 67 ADI1.1 91 AI2.1-B 17 ADI1.2 43 AO1.1-A 68 AGND 92 AI3.1 18 AI3.6 44 AGND 69 AI2.6-B 93 AGND 19 AGND 45 AI1.6-A 70 AI2.6-A 94 AI1.2-A 20 AI3.5 46 AI2.5-B 71 AI1.6-B 95 AI1.2-B 21 AI2.5-A 47 AI1.5-B 72 AI2.3-B 96 AI2.2-A 22 AI1.5-A 48 AI3.4 73 AGND 97 AI2.2-B 23 AGND 49 AGND 74 AI2.3-A 98 AGND 24 AI2.4-B 50 AI2.4-A 75 AI1.3-B 99 AI3.2 25 AI1.4-A 51 AI1.4-B 100 AI1.3-A 26 AI3.3 The mnemonics are shown as [.][-] e.g. AI2.4-B means Signal B on the 4th AI2 super-block e.g. AI1.3 means (The only) signal on the 3rd AI1 super-block e.g. S1.1-OA/TX means RS422 Tx signal A or RS232 Tx on the 1st serial super-block e.g. NET.R-B means Signal B for RHS Pi Tebnet 44 LLB and LJB User Guide System Network Connections The LJB operates on Pi Tebnet. Debug Port The LJB The debug port is an RS232 full duplex port, operating as 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, at a fixed speed of 115,200 baud, supporting standard debug monitor commands.   The LJB 45 LJB Logical Description Overview The LJB provides functionality similar to Pi Sigma MCUs and IO cards, but with some degree of user programmability similar to Application Nodes. This programmability allows the writing of low level algorithms such as special PID loops. The LJB is provided with built-in mechanisms for carrying out certain functions – wheel speeds, beacon processing and so on – but such that extra algorithms can be written by a user in a way that is seamless to Pi Workshop. These algorithms behave much like Pi Sigma applications, running rate tasks and sourcing and sinking channels, but with a capability of faster rate tasks and also with access to private IO. The logical layout of the LJB is shown below. 46 LLB and LJB User Guide Pi Tebnet Channel Algorithm Block Port Channel Algorithm Port Port Block Block The LJB Channel Port Outside world IO interface Channel Port and setup interface Automatic transfer Channel table Port Channel Block Port (Note that Algorithms acessing ports actually do so via the channel table) Logical layout of the LJB On the righthand side is the interface to the IO hardware (the blocks) connecting to the outside world. On the lefthand side is the standard Pi Tebnet channel table connecting to the rest of the system. In the middle are algorithms which can use the hardware on the right (accessing the ports), and also sink and source channels to the channel table on the lefthand side, following normal Pi Sigma rules. Also, blocks can transfer their values directly to the channel table automatically.   The LJB 47 Super-blocks and Blocks The IO hardware is split into a number of super-blocks, each capable of being configured for defined functions. There are a defined set of super-block types, and for each type, one or more instances of them are available in the hardware. Some of those super-block types can be set to perform one of a number of functions. For instance, super-block type Analog input 1 (AI1) has a number of blocks. Each block can operate as either 2x single ended inputs or as 1x milli-volt differential input, but not both at once, because the pins and hardware are shared. The process for setting this is known as super-block configuration. Configuration of each super-block is carried out at manufacture or code load time; it cannot be changed by the user with Pi Workshop. For information on possible build time configurations see section Input/output (I/O). After configuration, each super-block therefore devolves into one or more blocks, which provide the actual hardware available to operate with. It may be more than one set of hardware as in case of Analog input 1 (AI1): one of the two configurations available is 2x single ended input, so when the configuration to this mode is made for a specific AI1 superblock, the module ends up with two blocks with 1x single ended input each. Whereas, if the differential option was selected, there would be only one resulting block. 48 LLB and LJB User Guide Configuration of Results in 1 double ended input Value to system Setup Analog input 1 type functional super-block OR 2 single ended inputs Value to system Setup Value to system The LJB Setup Example configuration of Analog input 1 (AI1) super-block Once configuration is complete, the result is therefore a set of blocks. Each of these blocks has a defined type, though there may be several instances of the same type. Each of these blocks is completely independent, and all setup parameters for it can be made without any coupling to any other block. Their runtime IO values are also uncoupled. The runtime values from a block are available via ports, and are mapped directly to the channel table and therefore will be available across Pi Tebnet at all rates in the usual way. Note that: nn For super-blocks of the same type, their capabilities (available blocks) and method of configuration will be identical. nn For blocks of the same type, their capabilities (available ports) and method of setup will be identical. Normalisation (or scaling) for ports will also be identical for all blocks of a given type – possibly affected by block setup, but not affected by the source of the block (its parent super-block). Therefore, the super-blocks are the source of all the blocks, but it is the blocks – not the super-blocks – that provide the actual IO.   The LJB 49 Use Of Blocks Blocks can be used one of in two ways: nn nn Either Pi Workshop can control the block and access its ports (allocating them to channels in the same way as for IO card ports) Or they can be accessed directly by algorithms (via the channel table). But, not both at once. Whoever is the owner of a block is responsible for setting it up, and only that owner may access its ports. Setup for each block is carried out by the owner. In brief, for Pi Workshop owned blocks, the OS will read a file from the Logger card at startup which will contain the setup. For algorithm owned blocks, the algorithm is responsible for carrying out setup, as and when it wishes. Specific setup depends on the block type, but will consist of usual parameters such as acquisition and output rates, and so on. 50 LLB and LJB User Guide Algorithms Algorithms are like mini Pi Sigma applications in that they can source and sink channels to and from other parts of the system via Pi Tebnet, but they also have access to ‘private’ hardware, via the blocks and their ports. Algorithms are written so that they directly manipulate the hardware (via device drivers or channel table entries) for the various blocks they own. Algorithms are able to run at all Pi Tebnet rates (and also at higher rates of 2 and 4KHz, bandwidth permitting), though it must be noted that channel transfer with the rest of the system can only happen at Pi Tebnet rates. Where algorithms are accessing block ports, they will be responsible for all normalisation and calibration that needs to occur between the port and algorithm. The comparison between applications and algorithms is as follows: Application Channels Source and sink are specified in FSR Maths channels Yes Access to hardware Usually not Rate tasks Yes, 1s to 1mS Background tasks Yes Messaging Yes Non-volatile items Yes Setup table Yes Event generation Yes   Algorithm Source and sink are specified in FSR Yes Yes Yes, 1s to 0.25mS (but can only transfer channels across Pi Tebnet at 1s to 1mS) Yes Yes No No Yes The LJB 51 The LJB Feature Examples Of Block Use Example 1: Example 1: The standard wheelspeed mechanism is implemented directly in a block. There is therefore no software algorithm involved. The setup for each wheelspeed (filter depth etc.) is generated by Pi Workshop, and the resulting values (level, filtered period, snapshot period, and count) made available across Pi Tebnet and assigned to channels. Example 2: It might be desired to implement a completely different wheelspeed algorithm (using the same hardware). In that case an algorithm could be written that utilised one or more of the shaft/wheel speed blocks, and then made available to other filtered wheel or shaft speed channel values from the algorithm. This, for instance, could dynamically vary the filter depth at will. In this case the blocks used for this would not be available to Pi Workshop, thus its ports could not be assigned directly to channels. Example 3: A simple PID algorithm might access two or three blocks, for instance a feedback analogue input (an LVDT), an LVDT excitation and a balanced analog moog current drive output. It would at the least require to sink one channel value to give a demand position (and probably there would be a lot more - both sink and source). Transfers managed directly to Pi Tebnet from ports transfer the raw values with normalisation and calibration carried out at destination for inputs and at source for outputs and will happen within the input/output phase of their rate cycle. However since algorithms are really just mini-applications running on a floating point enabled processor, channel value transfer between them and Pi Tebnet can be in engineering units if desired, but like any other application there will always be a one rate cycle delay. 52 LLB and LJB User Guide Who Owns A Block Algorithms get first call on a block. As part of the algorithm code writing process, it is necessary to decide which blocks are to be used. The availability information is then passed to Pi Workshop, which can use the remainder. Pi Workshop is hard-coded to understand the capabilities of the block types and instances available within the LJB (thus also their ports, channel table locations and setup), and Pi Workshop is also passed the configuration information contained within the FSR. Pi Workshop will therefore be aware of which ports are available for channel allocation, and what setup options there are. Blocks and ports available to Pi Workshop can only change on an LJB code change. Blocks, ports and setup The LJB Blocks have specific setup formats depending on their types. If a specific block is not setup, it will be passive, transferring no data in either direction. Block ports have the following attributes: nn nn nn nn nn nn nn Name Address (channel table location) Direction Data type Normalisation (depends on setup) Quantity / units Maximum and minimum rates Setup for Pi Workshop owned blocks For blocks that are not being used by algorithms, Pi Workshop can allocate channels to the ports of a block. Pi Workshop will therefore allow the user to assign channels to ports, will understand any coupling between ports on the same block, and will allow the user to make the necessary setup choices. Pi Workshop will create a setup file containing a list of block setups. This is loaded to the logger card as part of the standard Send Setup process. At start up of the LJB, following the configuration phase, the LJB Operating System   The LJB 53 requests the setup file from the Logger card using Pi Tebnet messaging. The LJB Operating System will then read the setup records in the file and apply them to the specified blocks. After that it need do nothing else as values are transferred automatically at the correct times between the ports and channel table. Setup for algorithm owned blocks This is completely at the discretion of the algorithm, and may be carried out (and changed) at any time without affecting any other block. Algorithms must therefore understand the setup format of any blocks they use. Setup for algorithms The LJB does not have a filestore and algorithms do not have any setup tables, so the possible means by which algorithms may set up their blocks are: nn nn nn nn 54 Hard-coded - the algorithm knows exactly how to setup a block By channels - channels from an application can contain setup, and the algorithm and application must agree on the meanings. By message - algorithms will be able to register MSIDs and therefore receive messages. An application can therefore send setup in a message. Any combination of the above. LLB and LJB User Guide Input/output (I/O) The LJB is organised so that individual pins, or pairs of pins (in one case four pins), are connected to internal units which are known as super-blocks. These super-blocks are given functions as described below. Note that: nn nn Excitations are not tied to specific inputs or outputs There is no concept of ratiometric analog inputs (excluding LVDTs) - regulated excitations are sufficiently accurate so as to make this unnecessary. In most cases a pin or set of pins may have more than one selectable function, settable by ‘mode’ - the ‘mode’ setting turns a super-block into one or more blocks which are the actual functioning blocks of I/O. There is no coupling between different blocks - setup for one cannot affect another, and run time channels are not coupled in any way. LJB Configuration The LJB has a number of analog and digital super-blocks and ports which can be configured in different combinations by Pi Research when the LJB is manufactured. There are three categories of variables which control this configuration of an LJB: nn nn nn Build configuration. This results in a Build Code. If the LJB configuration needs to be changed, the LJB must be returned to Pi Research. Runtime setup. Using Pi Workshop some channels can, for example, have the Excitation switched On or Off, or the Sample rate can be changed. Runtime variables. These are I/O values that are obtained mainly via Pi Tebnet ports from sensors. The following sections detail the types of channels which can be configured, the numbers of each type of channels and the type of Runtime variable that the channel will accept.   The LJB 55 The LJB nn nn Standard Build Configuration The LJB is supplied with a standard configuration which is listed below. Contact Pi Research if you need a configuration other than the standard build. Refer to the next section in this manual for information on possible configurations of the LJB. You will have to return the LJB to Pi Research if you want to change the build configuration. Analog Inputs Input Pin Mnemonic Input_1A 88 AI1.1-A Input_1B 89 AI1.1-B Input_2A 94 AI1.2-A Input_28 95 AI1.2-B Input_3A 100 AI1.3-A Input_3B 75 AI1.3-B Input_4A 25 AI1.4-A Input_4B 51 AI1.4-B Input_5A 22 AI1.5-A Input_5B 47 AI1.5-B Input_6A 45 AI1.6-A Input_6B 71 AI1.6-B Input_7A 90 AI2.1-A Input_7B 91 AI2.1-B Input_8A 96 AI2.2-A Input_8B 97 AI2.2-B Input_9A 74 AI2.3-A Input_9B 72 AI2.3-B Input_1OA 50 AI2.4-A Input_1OB 24 AI2.4-B Input_11A 21 AI2.5-A Input_11B 46 AI2.5-B table continued on the next page 56 LLB and LJB User Guide Type Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Analog Inputs table continued Input_12A 70 AI2.6-A Input_12B 69 AI2.6-B Input_13 92 AI3.1 Input_14 99 AI3.2 Input_15 26 AI3.3 Input_16 48 AI3.4 Input_17 20 AI3.5 Input_18 18 AI3.6 Input_24 63 ADI1.6 Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input Single ended input   Input Pins Mnemonic Output type Output_Voltage_1 Output_Voltage_2 Output_Voltage_3 Output_Voltage_4 Output_Voltage_5 Output_Voltage_6 Output_Voltage_7 Output_Voltage_8 Output_Voltage_9 Output_Voltage_10 Output_Voltage_11 Output_Voltage_12 43 and 42 41 and 40 38 and 37 36 and 35 59 and 60 61 and 62 11 12 13 14 15 16 AO1.1-A and AO1.1B AO1.2-A andAO1.2-B AO1.3-A andAO1.3-B AO1.4-A andAO14-B AO1.5-A andAO1.5-B AO1.6-A andAO1.6-B AO2.1 AO2.2 AO2.3 AO2.4 AO2.5 AO2.6 Matched voltage Matched voltage Matched voltage Matched voltage Matched voltage Matched voltage Voltage regulated Voltage regulated Voltage regulated Voltage regulated Voltage regulated Voltage regulated The LJB The LJB Analog Outputs 57 Monitor Current 58 Input Monitors Pi Current_Sense_1A_A01 Current_Sense_1B_A01 Current_Sense_2A_A01 Current_Sense_2B_A01 Current_Sense_3A_A01 Cllrreni_Sense_3B_A01 Current_Sense_4A_A01 Current_Sense_4B_A01 Current_Sense_5A_A01 Current_Sense_5B_A01 Current_Sense_6A_A01 Current_Sense_6B_A01 Current_Sense_7_A02 Current_Sense_8_A02 Current_Sense_9_A02 Current_Sense_10_A02 Current_Sense_11_A02 Current_Sense_12_A02 Current_Sense_13_A03 Current_Sense_14_A02 Cllrrent_Sense_15_A03 Current_Sense_16_A03 Current_Sense_17_A03 Current_Sense_18_A03 43 42 41 40 38 37 36 35 59 60 61 62 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 LLB and LJB User Guide   Input Monitors Pi Voltage_Sense_1A_A01 Voltage_Sense_1B_A01 Voltage_Sense_2A_A01 Voltage_Sense_2B_A01 Voltage_Sense_3A_A01 Voltage_Sense_3B_A01 Voltage_Sense_4A_A01 Voltage_Sense_4B_A01 Voltage_Sense_5A_A01 Voltage_Sense_5B_A01 Voltage_Sense_6A_A01 Voltage_Sense_6B_A01 Voltage_Sense_7_A02 Voltage_Sense_8_A02 Voltage_Sense_9_A02 Voltage_Sense_10_A02 Voltage_Sense_11_A02 Voltage_Sense_12_A02 Voltage_Sense_13_A03 Voltage_Sense_14_A03 Voltage_Sense_15_A03 Voltage_Sense_16_A03 Voltage_Sense_17_A03 Voltage_Sense_18_A03 43 42 41 40 38 37 36 35 59 60 61 62 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 The LJB Monitor Voltage The LJB 59 Digital Inputs Input Pin Mnemonic Digital 19 Digital 20 Digital 21 Digital 22 Digital_32_Beaco64 67 17 66 65 ADI1.5 ADI1.1 ADI1.2 ADI1.3 ADI1.4 Digital Outputs 60 Outputs Pin Mnemonic Output type HSD_13 HSD_14 HSD_15 HSD_16 HSD_17 HSD_18 Output_Digital_19 Output_Digital_20 5 6 7 8 9 10 87 83 AO3.1 AO3.2 AO3.3 AO3.4 AO3.5 AO3.6 DO1.2 DO1.1 Unregulated voltage Unregulated voltage Unregulated voltage Unregulated voltage Unregulated voltage Unregulated voltage Open collector Open collector LLB and LJB User Guide Debug Internal Monitor In the table below the .32 indicates that this is monitoring the LJB at location 32 (Tebnet position). This number will be different for other locations. e.g. .33 indicates location 33, .34 indicates location 34 and so on. Monitoring   The LJB +1.5_Volts.32 +2.6V_Rail_Current.32 +2.6_Volts.32 +3.3_Volts.32 -5.0_Volts.32 +5.2V_Rail_Current.32 +5.2_Volts.32 +6.5V_Rail_Current.32 +6.5_Volts.32 -6.5_Volts.32 +12.5_Volts.32 -12.5_Volts.32 +15.8_Volts.32 -15.8_Volts.32 Supply_Voltage.32 Temp.32 Voltage.32 Current.32 ADC_Ref.32 The LJB 61 Serial Communications This is an RS232 bi-directional port. 62 Input Pin Mnemonic Serial 1 Rx Serial 1 Tx 80 81 S1.1-IA/RX S1.1-OA/TX LLB and LJB User Guide LJB Possible Build Configurations The following section gives information on all possible configurations that can be made by Pi Research. Contact Pi Research if you require a configuration which is different to the standard as described in the previous section. The LJB The figure below shows the possible configurations of an LJB at build time. For example super-block Analog AI1 can be configured as two Single ended analog inputs or as one Differential analog input.   The LJB 63 Each LJB comprises 6 off Data Acquisition Modules (DAM). Each DAM has the following build configuration options: DAM Analog Input IA Single ended Analog Input IB Single ended Analog Input 2A Single ended Analog Input 2B Single ended AI3 Analog Input 3A Single ended A/DI Analog/Digital Input Single ended AI1 AI2 Analog Output IA OR One Differential OR One LVDT OR RTD with 4K99 pullup Wheelspeed (Variable reluctance or Digital) OR Beacon OR Moog 0–10mA between pins Analog Output IB Dual voltage 0–5V both pins @ 20mA AO2 Analog Output 2 Voltage output 2.5V – (VBATT -1V) or 15V @ 50mA AO3 Analog Output 3 High Side drive 0–1.4A current limit with duty cycle AOI PLUS Not in DAMs: Two individual Digital outputs 0–7mA, optional 5V pullups LJB possible configurations 64 LLB and LJB User Guide OR LVDT – sinewave between pins Analog Input Superblocks There are three analog inputs super-blocks, named Analog input AI1, Analog input AI2, and Analog input AI3. Analog input AI1: Analog input AI1 can be configured at build time to be ONE of the following types. Super-block Build Runtime Pins No Possible block types types configuration setup 2 x single ended Sample Analog input 1 0 to 5V input rate 2 6 1 of Mode Differential input, Sample (AI1) range ±24.75mV rate Runtime variables Voltage Voltage Outside world The LJB A representation of Analog input AI1 block types are illustrated in the next figure. LJB x1 x1 0-5V 0-5V ADC ADC 2x single ended 0-5V inputs OR + xN – ADC 24.75mV 1x differential input Representation diagram of Analog input AI1 block types   The LJB 65 Analog input AI2 Analog input AI2 can be configured at build tie to be ONE of the following types. Super-block Build Runtime Runtime Pins No Possible block types types configuration setup variables 2 x single ended Sample Voltage 0 to 5V input rate Analog input 2 LVDT input, Ratio 2 6 1 of Mode Sample (AI2) Providing result Voltage.a rate as (a-b)/(a+b) Voltage.b A representation of Analog input AI2 block types are illustrated in the next figure. Outside world LJB x1 x1 0-5V ADC 0-5V ADC 2x single ended 0-5V input OR Rect ADC A (A-B)/(A+B) Rect ADC 1x LVDT input Representation diagram of Analog input AI2 block types 66 LLB and LJB User Guide B Analog input AI3 Analog input AI3 can be configured at build time to be the following type. Super-block Build Runtime Runtime Pins No Possible block types types configuration setup variables Single ended 0 to 5V Analog input 3 Sample 1 6 input, RTD pullups Pullup Voltage (AI3) rate (±0.2%) switchable Outside world LJB +5V 5K0 x1 0-5V ADC The LJB Single ended 0-5V input with optional RTD pullup Representation diagram of Analog input AI3 block types   The LJB 67 Analog Outputs Superblocks There are three analog output super-blocks, named Analog output AO1, Analog output AO2, and Analog output AO3. Analog output AO1 Analog output AO1 can be configured at build time to be ONE of the following types. Super-block Build Pins No Possible block types configuration types Balanced (Moog) ouput, current drive –10mA to +10mA Analog output 1 2 6 1 of on 1 pin matched Mode (AO1) by same on the other pin (max ±10V). Default 0mA Matched output 0 –5V on both pins, (max 20mA). Default 0V. LVDT promary (max 7.071V rms, 2 –8kHz) max 30mA. 2x output monitor (each pin) ±10mA 2x output monitor (each pin) ±10V 68 LLB and LJB User Guide Runtime setup Runtime variables Sample rate Current SSW mask Sample rate Voltage SSW mask Sample rate frequency Voltage SSW mask Current Voltage LJB +5V Outside world x1 0 to +V 20mA DAC x1 Dual excitation OR +10V x1 0 to 10mA DAC x-1 The LJB –10V Moog valve drive OR +5V x1 Sine wave 0 to 10V @ 30mA DAC x-1 –5V LVDT Representation diagram of Analog output AO1 block types   The LJB 69 Analog output AO2 Analog output AO2 can be configured at build time to be ONE of the following types. Super-block types Analog output 2 (AO2) Build Runtime Runtime configuration setup variables S a m p l e 0, 2.5 to MIN(15V, Vbatt –1) Mode rate Voltage 6 1 of regulated 50mA. SSW mask Default 0V Output monitor 0 to 50mA Current Output monitor 0 to 15V Current Pins No 1 Possible block types LJB Outside world 5V VBAT 0 to V 50mA DAC Regulator Regulated excitation Representation diagram of Analog output AO2 block types 70 LLB and LJB User Guide Analog output AO3 Analog output AO3 can be configured at build time to be ONE of the following types. LJB Runtime setup Runtime variables Sample rate Frequency Current limit SSW mask Mark Current Voltage The LJB Super-block Build Pins No Possible block types types configuration Unregulated highside driver (0 to Vbatt-1) up to 1.4A),also operates as a single ended PWM Analog output 3 (input value range 0 Mode 1 6 (AO3) –256 from Off to On), max freq 1kHz, rise/fall time <50µS). Default off (0V) Output monitor 0 to 2A Output monitor 0 to 20V Outside world Vbatt 0-256 PWM control HSD 2A PWM Representation diagram of Analog output AO3 block types   The LJB 71 Capability of monitoring Analog output channels Analog output types AO1 to AO3 all have values that can be read back for monitoring current and voltage. The resolution of these channels is 12 bit, but the ultimate accuracy of each is made up of a scale error that depends on the signal level being read (±% error), and an offset error that is constant regardless of the signal level (± V or I). Analog/digital Input Super-block There is only one Analog/digital super-block named ADI1. Super-block Pins No types Analog/Digital input 1 (ADI1) 1 Possible block types Shaft/wheelspeed digital input, settable upper and lower 6 1 of thresholds. (50kHz pulse hi/lo >10µS). Optional pullup Shaft/wheelspeed zero crossing passive VR input (<7.5kHz) Pi beacon detection. Fixed nominal switching with 600mV balanced hysterisis. Optional pullup Single ended 0 to 5V input. Optional pullup. Build configuration Mode Pullup Runtime setup Runtime variables Sample rate Level Filter depth itime Upper and atime lower count thresholds TimeArray Sample rate Filter depth Arm thresholds Level itime atime count TimeArray Sample rate level code Sample rate Voltage The beacon detection supports the Pi Sigma split beacon and will recognise codes 0-31. 72 LLB and LJB User Guide Outside world LJB +5V 1K0 Choice made at configuration time Arm threshold Passive Variable Reluctance zero crossing detector Input type Signal processing Digital detector +5V High/low thresholds Time capture 1K0 x1 0-5V ADC +5V 1K0 beacon processing The LJB Single ended 0–5V input with optional pullup Idle, Invalid or beacon code 0 or 1 Beacon input with optional pullup Analog/digital input ADI1blck types (Time capture, Single ended or Beacon)   The LJB 73 Digital Output Superblock There is only one Digital output super-block named DO1. Super-block Pins No types Digital output 1 (DO1) 1 Build Runtime Runtime configuration setup variables Possible block types Open collector level output (0 or 1), no timing control, optional pullup to +5V (max 7mA sink). 2 Also operates as a single ended PWM (input value range 0–256 from Off to On). Default 1 (o/c) Outside world LJB Pullup +5V 1K0 0 or 1 Open collector level output with optional internal pullup Representation diagram of Digital output D01 blocks 74 LLB and LJB User Guide Sample rate Mark Serial Super-blocks There are two serial super-blocks, named Serial S1 and Serial S2. Serial S1 RS422 is always terminated. Possible block types RS232 full duplex 9600 to 38400 baud Serial 1(S1) 4 1 1 of RS422 full duplex 9600 to 38400 baud Build Runtime Runtime configuration setup variables Baud rate Parity etc (tx/rx combined) Mode Baud rate Parity etc (tx/rx combined) LJB The LJB Super-block Pins No types Outside world 232/422 mode select 232 232 Tx or 422 Tx– TX-Data 422 232 Rx or 422 Tx+ 232 RX-Data 9,600 - 38,400 baud 422 Rx+ 422 422 Rx– RS232/RS422 port Representation diagram of Serial S1 blocks   The LJB 75 Serial S2 Super-block Possible Build Runtime Runtime Pins No types block types configuration setup variables Terminator Serial 2 (S2) 2 2 CAN 2.0b Terminator Baud rate LJB Outside world Termination CAN Data 120R CANH CAN Transciever CANL CAN port Representation diagram of Serial S2 blocks 76 LLB and LJB User Guide Internal System Monitoring Channels Super-block type Pins No None. These Monitor (M1) monitor 1 internal conditions   Possible block Build Runtime types configuration setup Monitor Baud rate Runtime variables box.voltage box.temperature pbatt.voltage pbatt.current ref15v8.voltage ref12v5.voltage ref6v5.voltage ref6v5.current ref5v2.voltage ref5v2.current ref3v3.voltage ref2v6.voltage ref2v6.current ref1v5.voltage ref1v25.voltage ref–5v0.voltage ref–6v5.voltage ref–12v5.voltage ref–15v5.voltage The LJB 77 The LJB The LJB monitors internal supply voltages and currents. These are ports with a limited rate range (1Hz to 100Hz). Complex Internal Algorithms Most algorithms (e.g. ADC input) are self explanatory. The more complex one’s are described below. Phase Detection For Torque There is no hardware assistance or internal algorithm for torque measurement. However since all digital input pins are routed to the TPUs, it is intended that torque measurement will be possible by writing user algorithms that make use of TPU functionality. PID Closed Loop There is no hardware assistance or internal algorithm for PID closed loop control, though it is possible for local algorithms to be written to provide this, and sample code is available from Pi Research. 78 LLB and LJB User Guide Wheel And Shaft Speed This algorithm is actually provided directly by hardware. The algorithm provided is the current rolling average algorithm implemented in the embedded IO card, with the following differences: nn nn nn nn nn The capture clock frequency is fixed at 8MHz. The capture registers are 26 bit. The capture and subtraction is implemented directly in hardware, and therefore is able to run to a much higher input pulse rate. The maximum input pulse is limited by the capability of the input conditioning circuitry. The rolling average capture buffer is 128 registers deep. This, with the fact that there is no input divider, implies that the number of teeth in a wheel revolution (for wheelspeed) should be 128 or less. The rate of data transfer onto Pi Tebnet will cover the whole Pi Tebnet range. The rate value transferred to the consumer is the average time between the most recent capture and that ‘n’ captures ago (normalisation provides the divide by ‘n’), where ‘n’ may be between 1 and 128. The count is the total count of teeth seen, modulo 232. The wheel and shaft speed detection hardware take the following setup: nn nn nn nn nn 79 Setting the rolling average filter depth ‘n’ and provides as ports: the count of teeth seen the most recent tooth period the total period for the most recent ‘n’ teeth or stopped indication input level post input conditioning LLB and LJB User Guide Declaration of Conformity 80 LLB and LJB User Guide Conditions Of Use - LJB The Lightweight Junction Box (LJB) is intended for use in motorsport applications only, i.e. not on vehicles used on the public road network. For those vehicles that may be used on the public road network e.g. Rally cars, it is the responsibility of the user to verify that the type approval of the vehicle has not been compromised. 81 LLB and LJB User Guide 82 LLB and LJB User Guide Pi Workshop Pi Workshop Introduction Pi Workshop software is used to Setup and Configure the LLB and LJB. The information in this section of the manual assumes that you are familiar with Pi Workshop software. Full information on the use of Pi Workshop is given in the document 29P-071167 Pi Workshop User Guide, which is available upon request from Pi Research. Pi Workshop version Pi Workshop Version 7.3.25 was used to obtain the screen shots used in this section of this User Guide. Standard Configuration The LLB and LJB are supplied with a Standard Configurations. Contact Pi Research if you need a configuration other than the standard configurations. The LLB is supplied fitted with one Logger card and one Application card, and has been programmed at Pi Research with a configuration based on the Standard Configuration. Setup changes to this configuration can be made by you, using Pi Workshop software. LJB Configuration The LJB has been programmed by Pi Research with the Standard Configuration. Setup changes to this configuration can be made by you, using Pi Workshop software.   Pi Workshop 85 Pi Workshop LLB Configuration Setting up Sigma Configuration This section gives information on how to set the Sigma Configuration so that it matches the Pi Sigma hardware setup. Pi Workshop needs to know what hardware it is setting up. Tell Pi Workshop what hardware you have 1 Click the Toggle Data Manager ( ) button on the Managers Toolbar or choose View • Data Manger Pane from the menu bar, or press (Ctrl)+(D). The Data Manager Pane appears. The view shown in the Data Manager Pane will depend upon the view used before the pane was closed the last time. To view the expanded Setup tree you may have to click on your Setup and then the next to the Setup and Apps symbols to expand the Data Manager Pane to show the Setup tree. Data Manager Pane - Setup tree expanded 86 LLB and LJB User Guide 2 Double click on Sigma Configuration in the Setup Data Manager Apps branch. The Sigma Configuration window appears. Sigma Configuration window Standard Configuration Pi Workshop Pi Research will have created you a Standard Configuration. This is the Configuration you see.   Pi Workshop 87 Changing the LLB Logger Card Properties You can change the LLB Logger Card properties. To change LLB Logger card properties: 1 Right click on Logger in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. Sigma Configuration window - Logger context menu 2 Choose Properties.... The Application Card Properties dialog appears. LLB Logger Card - Application Card Properties dialog 88 LLB and LJB User Guide Changing the card Name: 3 Select the text in the Name box and type the new name. 4 Click OK. Changing the card Type: The Application Card Type can be changed from LLB to 8240. LLB refers to Lightweight Logger Box. Type 8240 refers to a Pi Sigma MCU. If you have an MCU in the Setup and choose to replace it with the LLB the following Warning message is displaced. Pi Workshop Pi Sigma Configuration warning message   Pi Workshop 89 Logger card CAN Ports The LLB Logger card has two CAN Ports. CAN Port 1 is assigned to FIA download. CAN Port 2 is assigned to CAN Switch boxes. Changing the CAN Setup: This applies to CAN Port 1 on the LLB Logger card. 5 Click the CAN Setup tab in the Application Card Properties dialog. The Can Setup page replaces the Application Card page. LLB Logger Card Properties dialog - Can Setup page CAN network termination To work correctly, a CAN network must be terminated at each end of the network. If CAN Port 1 on the LLB Logger card is at one end of a CAN network, check (✓) Terminated. If CAN Port 1 on the LLB Logger card is NOT at one end of a CAN network, un-check Terminated. 6 90 Click OK. LLB and LJB User Guide Switch inputs Switch inputs to the Pi Sigma system are not directly wired to the LLB. Instead they are converted to a CAN serial stream. For more information, refer to Switch Application section in the Pi Workshop User Guide. Switch to CAN boxes You use a Switch to CAN box to transform switch inputs to a CAN message. The Pi Steering Wheel Dash has also a CAN to Switch interface built in, which transforms its switch inputs to a CAN message. You can daisy chain these Switch to CAN interfaces together. You can attach up to 14 Switch to CAN interface boxes on the CAN Port 2 input of the LLB Logger card. This total includes the Pi Steering wheel CAN interface. Each Switch to CAN box has a unique identity. You need to tell the Pi Sigma System which Switch to CAN boxes are on the vehicle. Pi Workshop The standard Switch to CAN box has a CAN ID of 1. If you add additional Switch to CAN boxes they must each have a unique ID. Pi Research can change the CAN ID of any additional Switch to CAN boxes that you purchase. To add additional Switch to CAN boxes you will probably need an adapter loom, available from Pi Research.   Pi Workshop 91 Changing the Logger card CAN Switches setup: 7 Click the CAN Switches Setup tab in the Application Card Properties dialog. 8 The Can Switches Setup page replaces the Application Card page. Application Card Properties dialog - Can Switches Setup page 9 Check (✓) the switch module IDs as required. 10 Click OK. 92 LLB and LJB User Guide Changing the LLB Control Card Properties You can change the LLB Control card properties. To change LLB Control card properties: 1 Right click on Control Card in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. 2 Choose Properties.... The Application Card Properties dialog appears. LLB Control Card - Application Card Properties dialog   Pi Workshop Changing the card Name: 3 Select the text in the Name box and type the new name. 4 Click OK. Pi Workshop 93 CAN network termination To work correctly, a CAN network must be terminated at each end of the network. If CAN Port 1 on the LLB Application card is at one end of a CAN network, check (✓) Terminated. If CAN Port 1 on the LLB Application card is NOT at one end of a CAN network, un-check Terminated. 5 Click the CAN Setup tab in the Application Card Properties dialog. The Can Setup page replaces the Application Card page. 6 94 Click OK. LLB and LJB User Guide Logger Node Serial Ports Setup You can make changes to the Setup for the Serial Ports on the LLB logger node. To make changes to the logger node serial ports: 1 Right click on Logger in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. Sigma Configuration window - Logger context menu Choose Serial Setup…. The Serial Setup dialog appears. Pi Workshop 2 Serial Setup dialog - Serial Port 1 page   Pi Workshop 95 LLB Serial port configuration options The table below lists the Configuration options available for the LLB serial ports. 96 Port Configuration Options Port 1 Port 2A Port 2B Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6 This is the download communications port and does not have any configuration options which you can change. RS422 in or RS422 out. RS422 out or RS232 in/out. RS232 bi-directional. This port can be RS422 or RS232. A- RS422 in, B- RS422 out. or RS232 in/out (B). RS232 bi-directional. RS232 bi-directional. LLB and LJB User Guide LLB Serial Port Setup: The following setup refers to LLB Serial Port 2A, but the steps are similar for all LLB Serial Ports (except Port 1). 1 Click a Port tab. The Port page replaces the previously selected page. Serial Setup dialog - Serial Port 2 page 2 3 4 Pi Workshop 5 Choose the required option(s) in the Config box. Choose options as required from those available on a selected page. Choose the Baud Rate, Stop Bits, Data Length, Parity and Data Inversion options as required. Click OK.   Pi Workshop 97 Code Build Manager The Code Build describes the configuration set during the manufacture of a Pi Sigma unit such as the LLB logger card, the LLB control card and the each LJB. Pi Workshop must know what Code Build has been loaded into these Pi Sigma Units. The Pi Sigma system will not work if the Code Builds used in Pi Workshop do not match the Code Builds in each of the Pi Sigma units. To open the Code Build manager: 1 Click the Toggle Data Manager ( ) button on the Managers Toolbar or choose View • Data Manger Pane from the menu bar, or press (Ctrl)+(D). The Data Manager Pane appears. 2 Double click on Sigma Configuration in the Setup Data Manager Apps branch. The Sigma Configuration window appears. 3 Right click on Setup. A context menu appears. 4 Click Code Build Manager.... The Code Build Manager dialog appears. Code Build Manager dialog If your PC has been connected to a Pi Sigma System, Pi Workshop will remember all the Build Codes that it has seen. These will be listed in the Code Build Manager dialog. The Code Build Manager dialog shows the Location, Date and BuildStamp of each Code Build. 98 LLB and LJB User Guide The meanings of these headings are listed in the next table. Heading Meaning Location This is the Node number on the Pi Tebnet Network to which the Code Build refers. Date The date that the Code Build was made. BuildStamp A unique identifier which is different for every Code Build. Code Build Manager information pane The Code Build Manager dialog has an information pane which can be displayed. To show the Information pane click . Pi Workshop 1 Expanded Code Build Manager dialog 2   To close the Information pane click . Pi Workshop 99 Delete Code Builds You can delete unwanted Code Builds from the list. To delete unwanted Code Builds: 1 Click on the unwanted Code Build to highlight it. To select a sequential block of Code Builds, select your first one, hold down the (Shift) key and select your last Code Build. To cancel the selection, release the (Shift) key and select any Code Build. To select a discontinuous block of Code Builds, hold down the (Ctrl) key and select each Code Build. To cancel the selection, select the Code Build once again. 2 Click Delete. API Sigma Configuration dialog appears. Pi Sigma Configuration dialog 3 Click Yes or No as required. The Code Builds are contained within FSR files. The selected Code Builds are deleted only from the list. The FSR files remain on the PC hard disk and can be imported later if required. 100 LLB and LJB User Guide Import Code Builds If your PC has NOT been connected to a Pi Sigma System, the Pi Workshop Code Build Manager dialog will be empty, and you can import Code Builds. You can also import Code Builds deleted previously. The Code Build information is stored within Fixed Synchronous Requirement (FSR) files. To import a Code Build: 1 Click Import in the Code BuildManager dialog. The Open dialog appears. Open dialog By default FSR files are stored in \PiWorld\Data Directory. Use the Open dialog to navigate to the FSR files. The file name  indicates the Pi Tebnet Network node Location and the BuildStamp. e.g. file 02_37c154e6.fsr in the above figure refers to Location 02 and has a Buildstamp of 37c154e6 when listed in the Code Build Manager dialog. 3 4   Double click on the .fsr file required. The Open dialog closes and the Code Build Manager re-appears, with that Code Build information added to the list. Pi Workshop 101 Pi Workshop 2 Changing the LLB Logger Card Code Build You can change the Code Build of the Logger card in the LLB. To change the Code Build in the LLB logger card: 1 Right click on Logger in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. 2 Choose Set Code Build… from the context menu. The Set Application Code Build dialog appears, showing list of Code Builds for the logger card. Set Application Code Build dialog 3 Choose the Code Build required and click OK. The Sigma Configuration window replaces the Set Application Code Build dialog. 4 102 Click Save to save the change, or Undo to undo the changes. LLB and LJB User Guide Changing the LLB Control Card Code Build You can change the Code Build of the Control card in the LLB. To change the Code Build in the Control card: 1 Right click on Control Card in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. 2 Choose Set Code Build… from the context menu. The Set Application Code Build dialog appears, showing list of Code Builds for the logger card. Set Application Code Build 3 Choose the Code Build required and click OK. 4   Pi Workshop The Sigma Configuration window replaces the Set Application Code Build dialog. Click Save to save the change, or Undo to undo the changes. Pi Workshop 103 LJB Properties You can view the properties of the LJB. To view LJB properties: 1 Right click on the LJB in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. 2 Choose Properties… from the context menu. The LJB Properties dialog appears. LJB Properties dialog 104 LLB and LJB User Guide Setting Analogue Output Properties 1 2 3 Right click on the LJB in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. Choose Properties… from the context menu. The LJB Properties dialog appears. Double click Analogue Outputs in the tree in the left-hand pane. The tree expands to display Output in the left-hand pane of the LJB Properties dialog. LJB Properties dialog - Analogue Outputs selected 4 Click Output in the left-hand pane. Pi Workshop The right-hand pane now displays tabs for the Output_Voltages. LJB Properties dialog - Output selected   Pi Workshop 105 You use the 5 buttons to move left or right along the tabs. Click Off or On options to turn the Default Excitation Off or On. Analogue_Outputs_1 to 6 can have excitations between 0 and 5 volts and Analogue_ Outputs_7 to 12 can have excitations between 0 and 15 volts. If you enter a value which is not available as an excitation voltage for that output you will receive an error message when you click OK or click another Output_Voltage_ tab. 6 Enter a value for the voltage in the V dc box if you chose On. Excitation modes Excitations can be set to be on or off depending on certain conditions. 7 Check (✓) the excitation options required. LJB Properties dialog - some Excitation options checked The excitation options are OR’d together. This means that in the example above the excitation for Analogue_Output_1 when the Ignition is on, OR the Engine is on, OR the car is Moving, OR any combination of these three. 8 Click OK. 9 To set the options for the other Analogue_Outputs repeat steps 1 to 8. 10 When you have finished setting the Analogue_Outputs options click Save or Undo as appropriate. 106 LLB and LJB User Guide Setting Digital Input Properties These Digital inputs can be used for connecting wheelspeed sensors or shaft inputs. 1 2 3 Right click on the LJB in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. Choose Properties… from the context menu. The LJB Properties dialog appears. Double click Digital Inputs in the tree in the left-hand pane. The tree expands to display Digital in the left-hand pane of the LJB Properties dialog. LJB Properties dialog - Digital Inputs pane Click Digital in the left-hand pane. Pi Workshop 4 LJB Properties dialog - Digital pages   Pi Workshop 107 5 Set the Polarity, Positive Threshold, Negative Threshold, and Pulses to Average options. Stop Detection enabled When the shaft is stopped or moving very slowly the speed is set to zero. A guide to the minimum speed is shown. RPM requires that the pulses to average over is the same as the number of teeth on the sensor target over 1 revolution. KPH requires that the wheel diameter is 640mm (as an example tyre size - if its different then the minimum speed will change). The stop status will be cleared when two teeth have passed the sensor since the stop (at a speed greater than the minimum). Stop Detection disabled The result in this case will always be the shaft speed calculation without stop detection. If the shaft is running at a speed lower than the minimum then the timebase counter will overflow and results will be unpredictable. This might be useful for an advanced user who doesn’t want the slower results to be hidden by the stop detector. Pi Research recommend that Stop Detector is enabled for all standard users as it prevents erroneous results. Enable Stop Detection The Enable Stop Detection option is checked (✓) as the default setting. 6 7 8 108 To disable Stop Detection click the option to clear the check. To set the options for the other Digital Inputs repeat steps 1 to 6. When you have finished setting the Digital Inputs options click Save or Undo as appropriate. LLB and LJB User Guide Setting Digital Output Options To set Digital Output option: 1 Right click on the LJB in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. 2 Choose Properties… from the context menu. The LJB Properties dialog appears. 3 Double click Digital Outputs in the tree in the left-hand pane. The tree expands to display HSD an Output in the left-hand pane of the LJB Properties dialog.   Pi Workshop LJB Properties dialog - Digital Outputs pane Pi Workshop 109 To set HSD options: 1 Click on HSD in the left-hand pane. The HSD pages are displayed. LJB Properties dialog - HSD pane 2 Set Duty Cycle, Frequency, Current Limit and Excitation On options as required. The HSD output voltage uses an unregulated supply VBATT –1V. The Duty Cycle can be set between 0% (Off) to 100% (On all the time). The output Frequency can be set to one of three options (20Hz, 500Hz or 1kHz). The output Current Limit can be set in steps to a maximum of 1.4A. 3 4 5 110 Click OK. The HSD pane closes and the Sigma Configuration window is displayed. To set the options for the other HSDs repeat steps 1 to 3. When you have finished setting the HSD options click Save or Undo as appropriate. LLB and LJB User Guide To set Digital Output options: 1 Click on Output in the left-hand pane. The Output pages are displayed. LJB Properties dialog - Output_Digital pane These are Open collector level outputs with no timing control. 2 3 4 Pi Workshop 5 Set the Duty Cycle, Frequency, and Excitation On options as required. Click OK. The Output pane closes. Repeat steps 1 to 3 if you wish to set or change the options for the other Output_Digital. When you have finished setting the Output_Digital options click Save or Undo as appropriate.   Pi Workshop 111 To set Serial Communications options: 1 Click on Serial Communications in the left-hand pane. The Serial Port page is displayed. LJB Properties dialog - Serial Port pane 2 3 4 112 Set the Output, Input, Baud Rate, Stop Bits, Data Length, and Parity options as required. Click OK. When you have finished setting the Serial Port options click Save or Undo as appropriate. LLB and LJB User Guide Adding an LJB to the Sigma Configuration You can add additional LJBs to the Sigma Configuration Setup, up to a maximum of eight LJBs. Additional LJBs are programmed by Pi Research with your requirements before they are dispatched to you. You are also supplied with an FSR file for each LJB. The FSR file contains all the Code Build information required by the LJB. This information includes the Pi Tebnet node address (or Location) that the LJB will occupy in the network on the car. Pi Workshop To add an LJB to the Sigma configuration: 1 Click the Toggle Data Manager ( ) button on the Managers Toolbar or choose View • Data Manger Pane from the menu bar, or press (Ctrl)+(D). The Data Manager Pane appears. 2 Double click on Sigma Configuration in the Setup Data Manager Apps branch. The Sigma Configuration window appears. 3 Right click on the Setup icon in the Sigma Configuration window. A context menu appears. Sigma configuration window context menu   Pi Workshop 113 4 Click Add LJB. The LJB Properties dialog appears. The LJB Properties dialog 5 Enter a name in the Name text box. Pi Tebnet node number (or location) You must choose which node (or location) this LJB will occupy on the Pi Tebnet network on the car. 6 Choose a location from those available in the Location list. Is this LJB Essential? The LJB may be an essential part of the Sigma Configuration or, for example, it might only be required during testing sessions. The default setting for an LJB is to regard it as being essential, so the Essential option on the LJB Properties dialog is checked (✓). 7 8 114 If the LJB is not essential click in the option box to remove the check. Click OK. LLB and LJB User Guide Setting the LJB Code Build 9 Right click on the LJB and choose Set Code Build… from the context menu. The Set LJB Code Build dialog appears, displaying only those Code Builds which can be applied to the location chosen in step 6 above. Set the LJB Code Build Pi Workshop 10 Choose the Code Build you want. Click OK. 11 Set the input and output options for the LJB as required. 12 When you have finished setting all the options click Save or Undo as appropriate.   Pi Workshop 115 116 LLB and LJB User Guide Index Index Symbols 100BaseT Eehernet port   32 A add an LJB   113 Adding an LJB to the Sigma configuration   113 Algorithm owned blocks   54 setup for   54 Algorithms   51,  54 applications and algorithms comparisons   51 setup for   54 who owns a block   53 Analog/digital input 1   72 super-block ADI1   72 Analog input 1 input AI1   48 example configuration   49 Analog input AI1   65 Analog input AI2   66 Analog input AI3   67 Analog inputs Input_1A   56 Input_1B   56 Input_1OA   56 Input_1OB   56 Input_2A   56 Input_3A   56 Input_3B   56 Input_4A   56 Input_4B   56 Input_5A   56 Input_5B   56 Input_6A   56 Input_6B   56   Input_7A   56 Input_7B   56 Input_8A   56 Input_8B   56 Input_9A   56 Input_9B   56 Input_11A   56 Input_11B   56 Input_12A   57 Input_12B   57 Input_13   57 Input_14   57 Input_15   57 Input_16   57 Input_17   57 Input_18   57 Input_24   57 Input_28   56 super-blocks   65 Analog output AO1   68 Analog output AO2   70 Analog output AO3   71 Analog output channels monitoring   72 monitoring capability analog output types   72 Analog outputs   57 Output_Voltage_1   57 Output_Voltage_2   57 Output_Voltage_3   57 Output_Voltage_4   57 Output_Voltage_5   57 Output_Voltage_6   57 Output_Voltage_7   57 Output_Voltage_8   57 Output_Voltage_9   57 Output_Voltage_10   57 Output_Voltage_11   57 Output_Voltage_12   57 Index Index Index 119 Analog outputs (AO1 to AO3) super-blocks   68 Analogue_Output properties   105 Application Card Type   89 8240   89 LLB   89 Application node ports   37 CAN Ports   38 Serial Port   37 applications and algorithms   51 B Block ports   53 attributes   53 Blocks, ports and setup   53 C CAN message   91 CAN network termination   90,  94 CAN Ports   36 Changing the CAN Switches setup   92 Codebuild Manager   98 BuildStamp   98 Date   98 Delete Codebuilds   100 Import Codebuilds   101 Location   98 Complex internal algorithms   78 phase detection for torque   78 PID closed loop   78 Wheel and shaft speed   79 Connecting the LJB   20 D Debug Internal monitor   61 +1.5_Volts.32   61 +2.6_Volts.32   61 +2.6V_Rail_Current.32   61 +3.3_Volts.32   61 120 LLB and LJB User Guide -5.0_Volts.32   61 +5.2_Volts.32   61 +5.2V_Rail_Current.32   61 -6.5_Volts.32   61 +6.5_Volts.32   61 +6.5V_Rail_Current.32   61 -12.5_Volts.32   61 +12.5_Volts.32   61 -15.8_Volts.32   61 +15.8_Volts.32   61 ADC_Ref.32   61 Current.32   61 Supply_Voltage.32   61 Temp.32   61 Voltage.32   61 Debug Port   30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  3 8,  45 Delete Codebuilds   100 Digital inputs   60 Digital 19   60 Digital 20   60 Digital 21   60 Digital 22   60 Digital_32_Beacon   60 Digital Inputs   107 Negative Threshold   108 polarity   108 Positive Threshold   108 Pulses to Average   108 Digital output 1   74 super-block DO1   74 Digital Output options   111 Duty Cycle   111 Excitation On   111,  112 Frequency   111 E Enable Stop Detection   108 Examples of block use   52 H HSD options   110 Current Limit   110 Duty Cycle   110 Excitation mode   110 Frequency   110,  111,  112 I Import Codebuilds   101 Input/output (I/O)   48,  55 LJB configuration   55 Internal system monitoring channels   77 Is this LJB Essential?   114 L LJB configuration   55 connector   43 pinout information   44 electrical specifications   12 possible build configurations Analog input AI1   65 Analog input AI2   66 Analog input AI3   67   Analog output AO1   68 Analog output AO2   70 Analog output AO3   71 Serial S1   75 Serial S2   76 power requirements   20 serial super-blocks   75 LJB possible build configurations   63 LJB possible configurations Analog input super-blocks   65 LJB properties   104 LJB Properties dialog   104 to view   104 LJB Properties dialog   104,  105,  114 LLB Control card changing properties   93 properties   93 Logger card CAN Ports   90 Logger card CAN Ports Changing the CAN Setup   90 Terminated   90,  94 Logger card type changing the type   89 Logger node CAN Port 1   36 Logger node ports   32 100BaseT Eehernet port   32 CAN Ports   36 Serial Port 2A   32 Serial Port 2B   33 Serial Port 3   33 Serial Port 4   34 Serial Port 5   35 Serial Port 6   35 Serial Ports   32 power requirements   17 Index Digital outputs   60 HSD_13   60 HSD_14   60 HSD_15   60 HSD_16   60 HSD_17   60 HSD_18   60 Output_Digital_19   60 Index 121 LLB Control node Application Card Properties dialog   93 LLB Serial port Port 1   96 Port 2A configuration   96 Port 2B configuration   96 Port 3 configuration   96 Port 4 configuration   96 Port 5 configuration   96 Port 6 configuration   96 LLB Serial ports configuration options   96 Setup   97 Logger node serial ports setup   95 M Monitor current   58 Monitor voltage   59 Mounting the LJB   20 O Output_Digital_20   60 P Part numbers Lightweight junction box   14 Lightweight logger box   14 LJB Loading cassette   14 PCMCIA Ethernet card (100BaseT)   14 Pi Sigma Compact dash   14 Pi Sigma download lead Autosport connector   14 Fischer connector   14 Steering wheel dash   14 Switches to CAN interface box   14 Phase detection for torque   78 PID closed loop   78 Pi Tebnet   30,  47,  51,  79 122 LLB and LJB User Guide Pi Tebnet node number (or location)   114 Pi Workshop   46 super-block   48 Pi Workshop owned blocks   53 setup for   53 S Serial communications   62 Serial 1 Rx   62 Serial 1 Tx   62 Serial Port 2A (LLB)   32 Serial Port 2B (LLB)   33 Serial Port 3 (LLB)   33 Serial Port 4 (LLB)   34 Serial Port 5 (LLB)   35 Serial Port 6 (LLB)   35 Set serial communications options   112 Baud Rate   112 Data Length   112 Input   112 Output   112 Parity   112 Stop Bits   112 Set the LJB Code Build   115 Setting Analogue_Output properties   105 Setting Digital Input properties   107 enable Stop Detection   108 Setting digital Output options   111 Setting Digital Output properties   109 Setting digital Output options   111 Setting HSD options   110 Setting HSD options   110 Setting the LJB Code Build   115 Setup Data Manager Sigma Configuration window   87,  98,  113 Steering wheel dash   91 CAN interface   91 Stop Detection disabled   108 Stop Detection enabled   108 Switch inputs   91 Switch to CAN box   91 CAN ID   91 System network connections   45 System ports   30 Debug Port   30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38 Pi Tebnet   30 T Use of blocks   50 V view LJB properties   104 W Wheel and shaft speed   79 algorithm   79 Who owns a block   53 Blocks, ports and setup   53 Pi Workshop owned blocks   53 Index The LJB Logical layout   47 U   Index 123 Contact information For more information about Cosworth products and details of our worldwide authorised agents, please contact: Cosworth Electronics Limited. Brookfield Technology Centre Twentypence Road Cottenham CAMBRIDGE CB24 8PS United Kingdom Cosworth LLC. 5355 W, 86th St. Indianapolis IN 46268 United States 124 LLB and LJB User Guide Customer Support: Tel +44 (0) 1954 253600 Fax +44 (0) 1954 253601 Tel +1 (844) 278-6941 Fax +1 (866) 580-4675