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Logisoft User Manual Us-master




LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The software described in this document is a proprietary product of Logiware ApS and is furnish hed to the user under a license for use as specified in the license agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Logiware ApS. © Copyright 2002-2011. Logiware ApS. All rights reserved. Document revision: May 2011 Logiware ApS Email: [email protected] Web: Contents Introduction 1 First Time Configuration .....................................................................................................3 Arranging the warehouse ......................................................................................3 First configuration of SHARK ..............................................................................4 Basic concepts ...................................................................................................................16 Location management .......................................................................................................17 Strategy for put-away ..........................................................................................17 Picking zones ......................................................................................................18 Location designations..........................................................................................19 The marking of locations.....................................................................................19 One or more locations for each article?...............................................................21 Buffer storage......................................................................................................21 Mirrored storage..................................................................................................22 Location sequence ...............................................................................................22 Master data ........................................................................................................................23 Article number ....................................................................................................23 Packaging dimensions .........................................................................................24 Owner of the goods .............................................................................................31 Picking strategy .................................................................................................................33 Serial or relay picking .........................................................................................33 Parallel picking....................................................................................................33 Parallel picking without consolidation. ...............................................................34 Work groups........................................................................................................34 Orders and transactions. ....................................................................................................36 Order types ..........................................................................................................36 Order number and other information...................................................................37 Life cycle of an order ..........................................................................................37 Order priority ......................................................................................................39 Handling of backorders .......................................................................................39 Relocations..........................................................................................................39 Release and transactions......................................................................................39 Altering orders ....................................................................................................40 Batch-pickings and put-aways...........................................................................................41 Batch pick with pick cart and vertical lifts..........................................................41 Batch picking using pick carts and PDA.............................................................42 Floating batch picking with flow racks and vertical lifts ....................................44 Batch pick from order forms ...............................................................................45 The transaction log ............................................................................................................47 Statistics ............................................................................................................................48 Starting up LogiSoft and Logon 51 Logon ................................................................................................................................51 Start-up screen ...................................................................................................................52 Order statistics.....................................................................................................53 Overview of the pick carts ..................................................................................54 Configuration of displayed info.........................................................................................55 System Configuration..........................................................................................55 Configuration of Functions................................................................................................56 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Contents  iii System Konfiguration .........................................................................................56 Files 59 Log Out .............................................................................................................................60 Navigation ...........................................................................................................60 Function ..............................................................................................................60 Exit ....................................................................................................................................61 Navigation ...........................................................................................................61 Function ..............................................................................................................61 File Import.........................................................................................................................62 Navigation ...........................................................................................................62 Function ..............................................................................................................62 Transactions 65 Zone Relation ....................................................................................................................66 Navigation ...........................................................................................................66 Function ..............................................................................................................66 Batch Picking and Put-Away.............................................................................................67 Navigation .........................................................................................................................67 Functionality......................................................................................................................67 Simultaneous picking ........................................................................................................69 Batch Picks With Boxes ....................................................................................................70 Execution of User-determined Orders (without boxes) .....................................................71 Deselect an Active Order...................................................................................................72 Pick the Order in Multiple Boxes ......................................................................................72 Undo Picking For a Box ....................................................................................................72 Changing of Suggested Put-away Location.......................................................................72 Changing of Put-away Quantity - insufficient space a location ........................................73 Changing of Put-away Quantity - Not Enough Items........................................................73 Changing of Put-away Quantity (Simple) .........................................................................74 Changing of Put-away Quantity (Not Enough at Location) ..............................................74 Changing of Put-away Quantity (Adjust Put-away Amount) ............................................74 Express Orders ....................................................................................................75 Configuration.....................................................................................................................75 Order Selection....................................................................................................77 Manual Transactions .........................................................................................................81 Navigation ...........................................................................................................81 Put Tab ................................................................................................................82 Pick Based on Item Number................................................................................83 Getting an Automat Tray.....................................................................................83 Storing articles on Existing Location ..................................................................83 Storing articles on Empty Locations ...................................................................84 Adjusting the Stock .............................................................................................85 Quick Move in Same Tray ..................................................................................86 Configuration ......................................................................................................87 Logimat Panel....................................................................................................................88 Navigation .........................................................................................................................88 Basic Operations................................................................................................................88 Maintenance ........................................................................................................91 Tray Positions....................................................................................................................93 Administrative Functions 97 Users..................................................................................................................................98 Navigation ...........................................................................................................98 Create new User ..................................................................................................98 Delete User........................................................................................................100 Change User ......................................................................................................100 Print a Login Label............................................................................................101 iv  Contents LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Article Editor...................................................................................................................102 Navigation .........................................................................................................102 Functions...........................................................................................................102 Defining Replenishment....................................................................................104 Defining Package Sizes.....................................................................................104 Location Quantities ...........................................................................................106 Special Barcode Labels ...................................................................................................107 Navigation .........................................................................................................107 Printing Labels ..................................................................................................108 The used Barcode Format .................................................................................108 Oprydning........................................................................................................................110 Navigation .........................................................................................................110 Funktioner .........................................................................................................110 Configuration of Label Printers.......................................................................................111 Navigation .........................................................................................................111 Add a Printer .....................................................................................................111 Label Templates ................................................................................................113 Template Usage.................................................................................................114 Set Lift Height in Automats ............................................................................................115 Navigation .........................................................................................................115 Function ............................................................................................................115 Udskriv Lokationer..........................................................................................................116 Navigation .........................................................................................................116 Udskriv af lokationer.........................................................................................116 Ordre indstillinger ...........................................................................................................117 Kvittering for pluk og påpladslægning..............................................................117 Ordretyper .........................................................................................................118 System Parametre..............................................................................................119 Indlagringsstrategi ...........................................................................................................121 Navigation .........................................................................................................121 Funktioner .........................................................................................................121 Tray Templates................................................................................................................123 Navigation .........................................................................................................123 Functionality .....................................................................................................123 Remove a Location ...........................................................................................124 Add a new Box to the Template........................................................................125 Define Alias Names ..........................................................................................125 Create a new Tray Template .............................................................................126 System Information 129 Ordrestatistik ...................................................................................................................130 Navigering.........................................................................................................130 Funktioner .........................................................................................................130 Funktioner (Histogram).....................................................................................130 Funktioner: Gennemsnit....................................................................................131 Plukkestatistik .................................................................................................................133 Navigering.........................................................................................................133 Funktioner .........................................................................................................133 Ordrestatistik ...................................................................................................................135 Navigering.........................................................................................................135 Funktioner .........................................................................................................136 Funktioner (Histogram).....................................................................................136 Funktioner: Gennemsnit....................................................................................137 Beholdning ......................................................................................................................139 Navigation .........................................................................................................139 Funktioner .........................................................................................................139 Systemloggen ..................................................................................................................141 Navigation .........................................................................................................141 Funktioner .........................................................................................................141 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Contents  v Transaktionslog ...............................................................................................................143 Navigering.........................................................................................................143 Funktioner .........................................................................................................143 Søgning med "%" og flere felter .......................................................................145 Brug af hurtig funktioner med musen ...............................................................145 Summeringsfunktion .........................................................................................146 Data Browser ...................................................................................................................147 Navigering.........................................................................................................147 Funktioner .........................................................................................................147 Vis data .............................................................................................................148 Opsætning af kriterier .......................................................................................148 Ændring af data .................................................................................................149 Udskrivning af data ...........................................................................................149 Gem data i en fil................................................................................................149 Tilføj nye views til Data Browseren..................................................................149 Box Statistics...................................................................................................................150 Navigation .........................................................................................................150 Functions...........................................................................................................150 LogiSoft Link 153 File Exchange ..................................................................................................................153 Importing files...................................................................................................153 Exporting Files ..................................................................................................154 Cleaning up the Log Folder...............................................................................154 Import Rules for Orders...................................................................................................155 When is the Acknowledge File Generated?.....................................................................156 XML Connector ..............................................................................................................157 XSLT Transformation .......................................................................................157 Schema for the XML format .............................................................................157 Configuration ....................................................................................................157 XML Formats....................................................................................................158 XSLT Transformations .....................................................................................168 ASCII File Connector......................................................................................................170 Folders and File Names.....................................................................................171 Various Issues ...................................................................................................171 File Format for Host -> SHARK files (Master data).........................................172 File Format Host to Shark (Pick/Put Orders) ....................................................173 File Format from SHARK -> Host (Confirmation)...........................................174 Stock Report (Shark -> Host)............................................................................175 Hints for Microsoft Dynamics...........................................................................177 Configuration of Shark......................................................................................177 Configuration, Manually Installation and Debugging .....................................................179 General Configuration in Shark ........................................................................179 Manually Installation ........................................................................................180 The Service Loader ...........................................................................................180 Installing the Service.........................................................................................180 Windows Registry Setup...................................................................................181 Command Line Argument.................................................................................181 Database Setup ..................................................................................................182 Logging and Error Reporting ..........................................................................................183 Database logging...............................................................................................183 File logging .......................................................................................................183 Log to console ...................................................................................................183 Report errors by emails .....................................................................................183 Error Codes .......................................................................................................184 Shark Link Error Codes...................................................................................................185 Maintenance 191 LogiSoft Installation........................................................................................................192 vi  Contents LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Installing LogiSoft BASIC/ADVANCED/CONNECT.....................................192 Database Maintenance.....................................................................................................205 Database Server Backup....................................................................................205 Database Restore...............................................................................................205 Renaming the SQL Server.................................................................................206 Database configuration......................................................................................206 Moving to another Server..................................................................................208 Index LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect 215 Contents  vii Introduction LogiSoft is an advanced warehouse management and logistics program which functions well with both regular stationary warehouses and automated warehouses with automated lifts and conveyors. This software facilitates fullyautomated warehouse management, where LogiSoft is in full control of order processing, picking of articles, article entry, warehouse maintenance etc.. LogiSoft can be tightly integrated with an overlying host or ERP system, where the host system controls the management process of an order, whereas LogiSoft takes care of the practical part of picking and delivering of the article. This integration with a host system has numerous advantages:     Paper work is kept to a minimum. Order exchanges are carried out purely electronically, and the whole order process can, if desired, unfold without the use of paper. It reduces the risk of errors in the processing of orders by controlling and monitoring the entire warehousing process. This results in less time spent on customer complaints and a general quality improvement of the order execution. Optimal utilization of the storage capacity. The location management optimally utilizes warehouse space. Statistical tools provide a useful overview and a continuous possibility of improving the work processes. LogiSoft was designed to be easy to use. The idea is that the user should not have to spend his valuable time learning how to use a complicated product, but rather be introduced to an intuitive interface where all the most common jobs are done easily, but where simultaneously the more experienced user is offered more advanced functions. LogiSoft is a multi-user system with a modular structure which can accommodate everything ranging from smaller, simple installations, where all the software is installed on a single computer, to bigger installations using servers, terminals (PDA's), truck terminals etc. LogiSoft has been built as a client/server application. This means that a powerful central server is responsible for all of the computer's intensive operations like database management, computations, connections to other software systems etc. The server, among other things, includes a relations database, where all data is saved. Only the user interface is running on the clients pc, thus placing less demand on the pc and no critical data requiring backup is being saved. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  1 LogiSoft is typically integrated with a host system. 2  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect First Time Configuration To get the most benefit out of SHARK, it is important that before using the system, that you are clear as to how you want SHARK to be integrated into the warehouse. There is not just one correct solution. The optimal solution depends on a number of variables, such as which article types you are dealing with, expected pick frequencies, who will use the system, future requirements etc. This section will review some of the considerations and preparations that should be made before starting up. One decisive point is whether the warehouse is already in use or if you're starting with an empty warehouse. If the warehouse is already in use, then there will naturally be a number of things which cannot immediately be changed, and it is necessary to transfer the existing information over to SHARK. Therefore it is much easier to start with an empty warehouse without restrictions. Arranging the warehouse SHARK must know the precise arrangement of warehouse shelves as well as the trays in vertical lifts. Therefore trays and shelves need to be arranged and it must be decided how this arrangement should be. If possible, start filling articles into the vertical lifts or onto racks before the arrangement has been decided, and preferably not until you start using SHARK. Naturally, this is not always possible especially if the warehouse is already in use, but when possible it can save you work. Before starting up the system, several important decisions need to be made:      What needs to be stored under SHARK. This is especially relevant if SHARK manages only part of the inventory. How are the locations organized. This is especially important for vertical lift trays. Some general ideas for storing in vertical lifts: o Choose articles with a medium or high turnover to be stored in vertical lifts. o The articles must have dimensions suitable for the vertical lifts. o If there are articles with a very high turnover and of proper size, it will often be beneficial to pick them in vertical lift zones, but placed outside of the vertical lifts, for example in flowracks or on pallets on the floor. o Articles with high pick frequency can beneficially be placed in the different lower trays of vertical lifts. When the system has been in operation for a while, it controls this by itself, but during startup there is no data yet available to compute this. o If articles have a relationship to one another in such a way that they will often belong to the same order, it is an advantage to store them in the same tray If the dimensions and weight are available for each article, it may be a good idea to store tht information in SHARK. This will enable SHARK to gain better control of the put-away process. One important rule is: One article type, one location. Tray design in vertical lifts Trays in vertical lifts may be used in many ways. A few simple rules might help here.   Use if possible a standard modular measurement, so that you start with a small box, and then make one which is twice that size, etc. This makes it much simpler to design and easier to modify existing arrangements. You may, for example, exchange two small ones for one that is twice as big. Try to design with "one pattern" of different sized boxes. This makes it easier to find the right box based on the screen picture. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  3 Warehouse zones The warehouse is divided into one or several zones. The purpose of the zones is to create a limited work area for the individual operator. In order to make an optimal zone division, you must know the necessary warehouse capacity. The capacity is the number of picks to be accomplished over a given period of time. Find the maximum requirement, meaning how many picks there needs to be able to be picked during the busiest hours. Not least in vertical lift zones, where only one person can work at a time, is this important. If 250 picks are to be picked per hour in vertical lifts during the busiest hours, and you expect being able to pick 120 per zone, you must accordingly have at least 3 zones. Here it may be important to estimate whether the needs of the computed capacity cannot be changed, whether some orders may be handled at a different time or if some orders can be delayed, for example by prioritizing the individual orders. Generally, there is no reason to divide the warehouse into more zones than necessary, whereas it is practical to have many zones during busy times, it may also be a disadvantage at other times.   Fixed warehouse zones may be covered by one or more employees with either PDA's or picking lists. Only one person at a time can work in the automated zones. The zones are fixed and cannot be changed once they are in use. It is therefore important to make a sensible judgment right from the start. Capacity estimate Estimating how many picked articles that can be handled per employee will depend on several parameters. For automated zones:    How many vertical lifts are in the zone? If there is only one, there will always be waiting time for the next tray, if there are many vertical lifts, there will be little or no waiting time for the vertical lifts. How much time is needed to pick the article (processing time). Should articles be counted, put into plastic bags, have labels attached, which are all things that take time and limit speed. How good are the possibility for optimization, are there only a few high-frequent articles or many articles that are always picked at the same time. Locations dimensions How big should the locations be? These questions cannot be answered definitely, because many factors apply. It is, for instance, quicker operating with big locations, but the space is also poorer utilized than in cases where the same article is stored in several smaller locations. For example, consider the following:      Which factor is the most important, speed or location utilization? Which put-away strategy should be used (fixed, floating or FIFO)? How often should the warehouse be replenished? Is the turnover rate or the warehouse profile known for each single article? The article dimensions are, of course, also important. First configuration of SHARK Once SHARK has been installed and put into use, the first set-up is made. The following steps are necessary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Start and Logon. The warehouse is divided into zones. Set up trays and shelves. Set up locations to which the articles are to be put away. Set up/load master data, for those articles which are to be put away. Set up users. Work groups must be set up. 4  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect 8. 9. Define labels, if necessary. Most likely to be hooked up with a host system. Start up SHARK and log on After installing SHARK, you will find that there will be one "user" called ”System” with the password ”shark”. This user name is entered the first time you log in. The system user may later be deleted or the password changed. Push the [System] button and enter the ”shark” password. Setting up zones and modules The overall warehouse structure must now be set up. Step 1. Open Systems Configuration. Step 2. Set up a vertical lift zone (or a fixed warehouse zone). LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  5 Step 3. Give the zone a name (here ”A”). facilty Trin 4. Set up one or more modules. Trin 5. Set the size of trays/shelves for the module just set up. Next, please set up aisles in fixed warehouse zones and modules represented by vertical lifts in lift zones and racks in fixed warehouse zones. Set up trays and shelves. Now, please use the Tray Editor to set up:   Location types Vertical lift trays and rack/module shelves. 6  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Remember that only types are being set up. The actual locations will not be set up until later. The idea in first setting up a tray type is that it can easily be used several times. Therefore you only need to ”draw” it once. Some standard tray types may already be available for use. Step 1. Open ”Tray types” Step 2. Set up location types (boxes). Before you are able to define a new tray/shelf, you must first set up the boxes (location types) in the trays. See under ”Available boxes”. If the desired box dimension is not available, push [Ny] to set up the box. Then you will be asked to enter a location cart type name. When this has been done, select the box again from the list of boxes, and enter the dimensions on the box, which is done in millimeters. facilty Trin 3. Set up a new tray type. Now the necessary boxes are available. Push [Ny] (Tray type) and fill out the menu. First, select the tray size. The tray height is set in mm, and must be correct, so that the requested boxes can be on the tray. The name of the tray may be released, but pick one that is practical to remember. Then set the next 2 module dimensions, width and depth of the tray. This determines the size of the "network" the tray is divided into. Be careful not to select too small a module dimension, since it gives very long location addresses and makes the system slower. Typically, a tray will be divided into a number of larger modules, for example into 1/16, so that if the width is 2500 mm, the module dimension is set at 2500/16=156 (always round down if the result isn't whole number). LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  7 For a detailed description of the Tray Editor, see here: Error: Reference source not found Setting up of locations Once a basic structure along with trays and shelves have been defined, the final locations may be set up. Step 1. Open Administration -> Systems Configuration -> Warehouse -> Zone -> Module. Now, return to system configuration and select the previously set up module. Step 2. Set up tray/shelves It is now possible to place the previously set up tray type on each shelf/lift shelf in the module. facilty This is done by defining which tray type is to be used for which module/rack number. As soon as a tray type has been placed on a shelf, the actual warehouse locations are being set up. See also under the menu item System Information -> Box Statistics, where this will be evident, when new empty locations are set up. 8  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Saving article master data When a new installation is put into use, it is often necessary to load master data for the articles which are to be used. Master data typically constitutes an article number, article description, EAN code and other article information. How this is done, will depend on how the installation is configured. If there is hook-up to a Host or an ERP system, data will often come from there automatically, and nothing else needs to be done. It will also be possible to import data from a file via menu item File->Import. The basic, but also time consuming way of setting up articles is in the ”Article Editor”. Step 1. Open the Article Editor. Step 2. Set up a new article. The new article can now be set up by entering an article number and a name. Then push [opret]. Apart from this basic information, here you will find much further information on the article which may be added. This could be for example where and how you want the article to be stored or information used, upon receiving the article, to find the right space for the article. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  9 Set up users Set up the first users. It is usually smart to ensure that the various job functions, have access only to what is necessary. This is done by limiting access rights. Step 1. Open Systems Configuration. Trin 2. Select Users. Now, select ”Brugere” [users] under System Konfiguration [systems configuration]. 10  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Step 3. Set up a new user. Right click ”Brugere”, and select ”Ny bruger” [new user]. Step 4. Enter information on the user. Click ”Ny bruger” [new user], enter the necessary information, and click [Opret]. Subsequently the new user will be available and show up be on the logon screen as: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  11 See here for a closer description: Error: Reference source not found Set up work groups If you need to use more than one zone, it is important to have defined the correct work groups for the system to function correctly. The work groups may be used, for example, in connection with starting pick carts and the like which will be used in several zones. Step 1. Open Systems Configuration. Open Systems Configuration -> Work Stations > Work Stations. Right click ”Arbejdsstationer” [work stations] and select ”Add work group”. Step 2. Enter information on the work group. Select the new work group, give it a name, and select the zones belonging to the work group. Then push [Anvend] (apply). 12  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Define labels Set up label templates for those labels which could not be printed. For each PC from where labels will be printed, a label printer needs to be installed and a label template must be linked to the functions from where the printing is done. Labes are set up under ”System Administration” [systems administration] and ”Label udskrift” [label print]. How this is actually done in practice will depend on the printer type, and when the labels are to be printed. Here follows a general description of the procedure. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  13 Step 1. Set up labels for each printer type. A template must be set up for each printer and label type combination requested for printing. You may use the same template for different purposes, if they otherwise look alike. Templates are written in the printer's printer language, you may however, often use a program which comes with the printer in order to generate the correct codes. Templates are set up under Label Udskrift -> Labelskabeloner [label print-> label templates]. Step 2. Set up printer. This is done from the PC that the printing is done from! Using the mouse, right click ”Printere” [printers], and select ”Tilføj Printer” [add printer]. Step 3. Enter information on the printer. Now enter the necessary information on the printer. It must have a name, and you must select which printer type is being used, and how it is linked to the PC from where the printing is done. Step 4. Link template, printer and function together. 14  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Then, we need to tell under what Shark functions the printing should be done, with which template and to which printer and just as importantly, what needs to be printed. Select, under ”Skabelon anvendelse” [template application], from which function the printing is done. Here is ”Batch pick" selected, which is the label printed from the Batch pick screen. Now please select the template and printer to be used. Then you may select which type information that needs to be printed on the previously installed template. For further information, refer also to: Error: Reference source not found Hook-up with a host system Normally SHARK is hooked up to a host or an ERP system. If SHARK's default format (XML) is used, it only requires a slight configuration to make it function. This is described in more detail in the technical documentation, please refer to Shark Link. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  15 Basic concepts In the following sections we will go over the basic concepts that are important to understand in order to get full benefit out of the system. The most important issues are:     Where and how an article is placed in the warehouse. Information on the goods In order to optimally manage the warehouse optimally, SHARK needs some basic information about the articles to be stored. This information is kept in Shark's goods database. Orders and transactions. The work to be done in the warehouse is typically managed by orders from a host system. The work processes such as article picking, put-away, receiving of articles, consolidation, shipment, stockcounting and internal stock maintenance. 16  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Location management One of SHARK's most important tasks is to keep track of where the articles are and where there is vacant space. This is accomplished by warehouse locations which are an area in the warehouse managed by SHARK and having a unique address. It is important to understand that SHARK must know the layout of the warehouse, because as a rule It is not impossible to store articles in a location not known by the system. This is important in order to optimally manage the location utilization. The physical division of the ware house is hierarchical, where: articles are stored in boxes, boxes stored in trays, trays are stored in specific lifts (automats), and lifts are grouped into picking zones. Example of location addresses. Here we are standing in aisle 1 looking at rack 3, shelf 3. Strategy for put-away Different strategies can be defined for how locations are to be used. There are 3 basic types with individual advantages and disadvantages:    Fixed locations. Floating locations. FIFO For all location types in SHARK, the same article can be put away in more than one location. For all new articles, SHARK has a standard strategy that applies to the whole system, but apart from that each article can have its own strategy. Which means it is possible to choose the method best suited for the article type in question. If the articles stored, for instance, are mainly articles not requiring FIFO, the standard type can be set to floating, but for individual articles with an expiration date such as batteries or other articles with limited shelf life, the strategy is set to FIFO. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  17 Fixed locations Fixed locations is the classic way of managing locations. Here the articles are kept in the same location every time until something else is decided. From a purely practical perspective, this means that if a location goes down to "zero" (is emptied), it is still reserved for the article type in question. There is rarely any great advantages associated with this rather than for instance, using floating warehouse, but there may be practical reasons for always keeping an article type in the same location. Floating It is a standard that SHARK supports floating locations, also called a chaotic warehouse, meaning that the same type of article can be stored in several different locations, and whose locations can be changed on a regular basis. SHARK will suggest where an article can be stored and then keeps track of where the article is actually being stored. There is no guarantee that it will be assigned the same location when put away next time. FIFO Abbreviation for the expression: First-In-First-Out. Using this strategy will ensure that the article which has been longest in stock will be the first to be picked. All articles will be stocked with information on how and when they were put away. The FIFO strategy may be somewhat slower to use as it is not possible to just pick the nearest article. Furthermore it requires more space because an article must be put away in an empty location to avoid having different articles being mixed together. Location types A location in SHARK always has a location type. A location type has a name and a size (length, height, width). The name of the location type is freely selectable. It could be for example "Blue plastic box" or "Pallet_1". Pick a meaningful name. It will make it easier during daily use. For each article type found in the warehouse, you should state in what type of locations you want the article to be stored and possibly how many of the same articles there is room for in the same type of location. Please note that the same article can have several acceptable location types. In that case SHARK will pick the optimum type on put-away, based on location, utilization and picking speed. It is certainly possible to have several different location types of the same size. This can be used to navigate towards the desired put-away zone of an article. Picking zones A picking zone consists of a number of locations where one or more operators work. If an order is started in one zone, then only the part of the order picked in that zone will be processed. In ordinary shelves or pallet zones, one or more operators can work simultaneously in the same zone, whereas vertical lift zones only have room for one operator at a time. A vertical lift picking zone is one or more vertical lifts being operated by one operator. For each picking zone there is one monitor, one bar code reader, one keyboard and often one label printer. Because of the short pause between when a vertical lift has delivered one shelf and the lift picks up the next, it is more efficient allowing one operator to operate more than one vertical lift at a time, typically 3-4 vertical lifts in the same picking zone is optimal. SHARK will optimize the picking order, so that the next article picked, to the extent possible, will be picked by the next vertical lift that is ready with the next tray. 18  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Location designations The physical location of an article is specified by a location designation or an address. There are 2 standard formats. The short one is: -- An example of a location could be: A3-17-B4, which designates that we are in Zone A, the module is 3, the shelf is 17 and the article is found at the co-ordinates B4 on the shelf. Refer to section for an explanation of locations on a shelf/tray. If it is a vertical lift zone, A3 will be the name of the vertical lift. A3-17-B4 Location on a tray/shelf Shelf/tray number Zone and Rack/Module Locations on a fixed warehouse may have one additional level, an aisle number. Here the address will be: --- For example: B1-3-4-A1, designates zone B, module 1, aisle 3, shelf 4, and the location on the shelf is A1. Whether the one or the other format is used depends on how the locations are set up. Refer also to the section Error: Reference source not found on warehouse design. A3-4-17-B4 Location on a tray/shelf Shelf/tray number Aisle Zone and Rack/Module The marking of locations The boxes where the articles are being stored will in most cases have a barcode affixed to them, which either indicates the article number or the location code. SHARK supports both possibilities. By applying a bar code onto the box, you avoid having a bar code on all the articles. The bar code is used to check that the correct article has been LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  19 picked. If floating locations are used, where locations can be used for different articles, it is practical using the location code instead, as the bar code does not have to be changed, when the article shifts. Locations in vertical lift trays Vertical lifts use trays to organize the stored goods. A tray can hold quite a few different articles, which makes it extremely practical to know where on the tray an article is located. A simple co-ordinate system is used to designate an article's place in a tray. The tray is divided into rows and columns. From the front of the tray, left to right, the columns are designated by the letters A, B, C etc. The rows are referred to by numbers 1, 2, 3… starting from the lower left hand corner. In that way, the lower left corner is referred to as A1. This defines a ”grate” in the tray. The individual grate cells that consist of one column and one row has a size that is called the "grate size”. The sizes, meaning the width of columns and rows can be set individually for each tray type. Because the size of the grate has 2 conflicting interests: o o One location will always fill a complete number of grate fields. Therefore there will be more flexibility if the crate is small. The location designation becomes very long and thus impractical to use if the crate is too small. Co-ordinates are used to designate locations of articles and boxes in vertical lift trays. In practice, many trays are arranged in the same way, whereby the trays' structure is designated as tray types (templates) having a name, and which can be used again and again. Boxes are often used to store articles in the trays, thus boxes correspond to location types. It can either be real boxes that can be withdrawn from the trays or fixed divisions of the space in the trays. There are a few simple rules pertaining to boxes:    The size of the box must consist of a whole number of ”cells”. Generally, the height of the box should be the same as the tray's height. One box may never be placed on top of another. 20  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Examples of permitted box sizes in identical trays. Locations alias It is possible to make an Alias for a tray location. This is an alternative name which can be used if the coordinate description is not optimum for the application. You may, for instance, choose to call a cell named A4 for "4" or give it an entirely different name. The only requirement is that the name is unique, which means that no other location can have the same name. It is only the last part of the location name that can be exchanged in that way. One or more locations for each article? SHARK allows using as many locations as desired for each individual article. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using several locations. One of the advantages is that several locations give better space utilization. For example, imagine that the whole warehouse only has one location per article number, it will statistically be half filled (50%) assuming that you first fill the location and then pick it until it is empty. If more than 2 locations are used per article number, the warehouse will be 75% filled, because the one location can be used for another article when it is empty (if the warehouse uses floating locations). There is simply much space to be saved by using several locations. Other advantages can include increased speed, because SHARK is better able to find an article quickly if it is located several places and increased security if the article is distributed to several zones and/or vertical lifts. There is also space to be saved compared to using only one location, because in that case the one location must be able to store the maximum amount that may need to be stored at one time, and there is a tendency to reserve too much space. The disadvantage of having several locations per article is that it may become more time-consuming to put away the articles as more put-always are required for each article type. Sometimes an order line will require 2 pickings to reach the desired amount for an order line. Buffer storage In many cases, high-frequency articles could benefit from having an easily accessible picking location, for example in a vertical lift and a second buffer location in a more inaccessible parallel location. Shark does not have any actual buffer location concept, but manages it automatically based on the location's accessibility and the number of articles in the location. That is to say that it is also possible to pick directly from a buffer location. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  21 Mirrored storage One variety of the same article being stored in several locations is called mirrored storage where the same article is located in several zones. This way you can often avoid order consolidations since the total order can be picked from a single zone. But here the management of the system becomes more complex. Location sequence The location addresses do not always reflect the optimal picking sequences. Therefore it is possible to control the order or the sequence, with a sequence number for each location. Generally the sequence number runs sequentially with the address, but the number can be changed if necessary. The rule is that the lowest sequence number is to be picked first. One example where you might want to change the sequence is in aisles where you might want to pick from the one side of the aisle first and then the other side on the way back. Another example could be a vertical lift where the tray number does not necessarily tell which trays are the closest or are nearest each other, the picking opening may be in the middle or at the top. 22  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Master data Articles or goods are the basic units being stored. Shark creates a database with a list of all the article types in the warehouse and the characteristics of each item, this is the master data for the articles. It is not possible to store an article that was not first set up and defined in the system, but the opposite could also be the case. Article types can be set up and defined without actually ever being stored in the warehouse. Setting up new article types can either be done manually or by importing the information from an ERP system. Article number Every article type should be given an article number for unique identification. This number is often used as a bar code. Rules for article numbers:      All articles have an article number. Article numbers are unique; two article types cannot be assigned the same article number unless they have different ”owners”. Permissible characters in article number are numbers and letters, spaces can also be used, but should be avoided if possible. There can be max. 50 characters. There is no distinction made between big and small letters. Description Every article was described using text. This is just information for the user and can be used freely. Weight It is possible to specify an article's weight. The weight can be used by the system to calculate and ensure that the total weight capacity, for example in a tray, is not exceeded. Can also be used by SHARK to figure out how much can be contained in a pick box. Dimensions It is possible to specify an article's size. The size is used by the system to calculate how much vacant space there is for new article units at a given location and can, depending on the system structure, also be applied to compute the quantities that can be picked for a given box. EAN codes If EAN codes are to be used, this can be specified, and this will in turn allow SHARK to recognize an article based on an EAN bar code instead of, or in combination with the article number. Alternative article number There are ways of specifying an ”alternative article number” which allows you to have 2 different article numbers on the same article, where the alternative article number may, for example, be used as bar code acknowledgement. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  23 Typical use is changing article numbers. In order to be able to still use the previous number during a transition period, it will be set up as an alternative number. It can also be used when using both an internal and a vendor article number. Zones and location types For all articles you need to specify where the article should be stored. If this information is not available, SHARK cannot find room for the article on receipt of the goods. For a single article type, the following can be specified: o o o In which zone you want it stored. Which location types the article can use. How much can be stored on each single location type. If the information is not available on receipt of the goods, SHARK will ask the most necessary questions, meaning a zone and a location type. The amount will as default be set at ”extremely high”. Packaging sizes SHARK supports packing sizes for the article, meaning that the article can be stored and managed in packaging units. Number and dimensions of the packaging may be specified. Read more in the section Packaging dimensions if you wish to use this facility. Packaging dimensions SHARK allows handling goods with different packaging dimensions. Thus the system can control how an article with a given packaging dimension can be stored and later picked. The rules governing this were created as a compromise between facilities, functionality and user-friendliness. Packaging dimensions can be difficult to maintain. If this is not a facility being used, the following may largely be ignored! In that case, it is always the package dimension ”1” which SHARK sets up by itself (called P1). For definition purposes, 'package dimension' always denotes the package size of a particular article as the package dimension is defined for every article type. Package dimension denotes the amount of items (of a particular article) contained in the said package and is thus the smallest possible unit of an article that may be picked. If you allow opening the package, a package dimension stating the amount of "1" must be set up for that zone. The package dimension "1" (called P1) is standard size and must be defined for all goods (done automatically). In Shark, the package dimension is a named unit, for example 'P1'. This name is attached to a number specification defining the size. It is naturally a good idea, however, not a must that name and size are interconnected. The reason why the package dimension has been defined for each individual article is so that properties such as height, length, width and weight can be ascribed to the package dimension. Thus, whenever an article is put away in a package, it is not only the single article's dimensions that will be recorded, but all of the package's dimensions. Apart from the package dimension, you must also specify where in the warehouse (which zones) a given package size may be stored. More than one package dimension can be stored in a given zone. This means that in any location within the elected zone, all specified package dimensions may exist. One last decisive point in understanding the package dimensions is the concept of location number. Location number controls the amount of a given article that may be stored at a given location type in SHARK. The number is defined for each combination of package dimension, article and location type. This means that a location number must be defined for the existing location types in the desired zone. 24  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Put-away strategy The superior strategy in connection with package dimensions is to divide a given put-away number into as few units as possible. If for example an article has defined the package dimensions 1, 10 and 100 and the concrete storage amount is 789 items, this will be divided as 7*100 + 8*10 + 9*1 In order to better understand how the above functions in connection with zones and location amounts, see below for a list of examples. For these examples we will use a warehouse with two zones A & B. In order to better assess the results of the actual placements, zone A is intended for small amounts/package dimensions and zone B for the larger amounts. In zone A you find the location types (box types) LT-A-1, LT-A-2 and LT-A-3. In zone B they are called LT-B-1, LT-B-2 and LT-B-3. Both zones have been designed so that all the location types LT-X-1 are in Tray 1, LT-X-2 in Tray 2 etc. This makes it easy to control the result of the placements. For simplicity's sake, it is assumed that the system is empty from the start and that we are working with floating locations. These examples work with article A1 with the following package dimensions being defined: F Setting up the 3 packaging dimensions in Shark. Physical dimensions have not been specified. The package dimensions are distributed in the zones as follows:    P1 with 1 item P10 with 10 items P100 with 100 items LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  25 Definition of in which zones the different package dimensions should be stored. Following location number defined for package dimension P1:  LT-A-2 with 50 items Definition of amount of a given location type in SHARK. For package dimension P10: 26  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect  LT-A-1 with 100 items Location type LT-A-1 set up with 100 items Package dimension P100 set up with:  Location type LT-B-1 with 1000 items. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  27 Location type LT-B-1 set up with 1000 items The following order will be used in the example:  TST-PUT-1 with 7 lines. This order comprises 7 positions (2-8), all referring to the same article ”A1”. To exemplify SHARK's strategy, the single lines have different amounts for storage. 28  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The order TST-PUT-1 on SHARK's Goods Receiving screen. Example 1 The first example is about position 2 (first order line). This example is very straight forward, as packet dimension 1 (P1) is to be used. According to Figure 6 - Eksample 1. the 7 items will be placed in location type LT-A-2, which would correspond to zone A, tray 2. Figure 6 - Eksample 1. The figure shows the result of the order preparation. The 7 items were put into A1-2-A3, which is precisely what could be expected. Example 2 In this example position 3 is being processed with 10 items. Because there are 10 items, we talk about exactly 1 item with package dimension 10 (P10). P10 is placed on the location type LT-A-1, which is synonymous with Zone A tray 1. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  29 Figure 7 – Example 2. As you can see, Zone A and tray 1 are chosen as expected. Example 3 In the third example position 4 is chosen with 90 items. 90 items correspond to 9 items of package dimension 10 (P10). These are placed in location type LT-A-1 as above. Figure 8 – Example 3. Here you can see the result of the product receipt and the chosen location, which is - just like above - also located in Zone A tray 1.. Example 4 In this example we see position 5 with 100 items. Therefore are we dealing with package dimension 100 (P100). According to Figure 4 - Location type LT-B-1 set up with 1000 items P100 must be placed in location type LT-B-1, Zone B tray 1. Figure 9 - Example 4. Here you can see that P100 is correctly placed in Zone B tray 1. Example 5 Example 5 is about position 6 with 500 items. 500 items are 5 items of package dimension P100. P100 is put into location type LT-B-1 as above. Figure 10 - Example 5. LT-B-1 can for article A1 hold 1000 items. Location B1-1-A6 is therefore the correct choice. 30  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Example 6 In this example we will take a look at position 7 with 555 items, which is a little more interesting. 555 items are split up in the following way: 5*P100 + 5*P10 + 5*P1. P100 is put into LT-B-1, zone B, tray 1. P10 is put into LT-A-1, zone A, tray 1, and P1 is put into LT-A-2, zone A, tray 2. Figure 11 - Example 6. In this case, the put-away is split up between three locations because the three package dimensions P1, P10 & P100 have been placed in each of their own location type. Example 7 This last example is about position 8 on the order with 5555 items. 5555 items are split up in the following way: 55*P100 + 5*P10 + 5*P1. P100 is put into LT-B-1, zone B, tray 1. P10 is put into LT-A-1, zone A, tray 1, and P1 is put into LT-A-2, zone A, tray 2. Figure 12 - Example 7. In this case the put-away will also be split into three location types, because the three package dimensions P1, P10 & P100 each are placed in their own location type. The 55 items of P100 (5500 items) will need 6 locations because location type LT-B-1 can hold 1000 items. The rest are placed as shown in the above example. Owner of the goods Shark supports that there can be several ”owners” of goods in the warehouse. This means that in practice the same article number can be used with different owners and therefore be perceived as different article numbers. The application is typical where the same warehouse is used for different users, for example in connection with a storage hotel. General rules: 10. Goods cannot have more than one owner per location. 11. One item can only have one owner. 12. If the same article number appears with different owner, it is regarded as different articles. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  31 32  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Picking strategy If there is more than one zone and a given order must be picked from several zones, there are several ways to handle this:    Serial (relay) picking. Parallel picking. Parallel picking without consolidation. Serial or relay picking The order starts in a zone and is passed to the next, including the already picked goods which follow the order around. The order is typically accompanied by a piece of paper or a label. Advantages: o o There is no need for picking the order from different zones (consolidation). Relatively simple to make function. Disadvantages:     Takes longer time overall to pick as this cannot be done simultaneously. More "moving around" of goods, as they are all following the order around the warehouse. Bottle necks may arise. Shark does not always decide which orders are to be picked, which gives less possibilities to optimize the picking. Often there will not be only one order which is being sent around, but an entire picking round, for example in the form of a picking cart. Parallel picking. The order is being picked simultaneously in several zones. Advantages:   The order can be picked faster as it is treated independently in each zone. Independent work can be done in the various zones. Which means that you don't have to wait for the order to be picked in another zone. Disadvantages:    The articles making up an individual order must be gathered (consolidated) from the different zones. This is an extra work process. There is need for a sorting function in order to bring the articles from the various zones together. Requires more administration as you must make sure that all zones are working in parallel. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  33 Parallel picking without consolidation. The disadvantage of order consolidation when picking in several zones at the same time can be avoided by not collecting the order, but instead send the articles individually from each zone. Advantages:   The order can be picked faster as it is treated independently in each zone. No need for consolidating and sorting of the goods. Disadvantages:    Shipment is sent in several packages. Bad utilization of shipment boxes. Probably greater shipment costs. This, however, is not necessarily so, as goods from the different zones can, possibly advantageously, be sent by different modes of transportation. Work groups Work groups constitute a way of grouping zones, which work together. One work station (pc or terminal), can be attached to a work group. If you start a picking cart on a work station attached to a work group, all the picks that can be run in this work group can be started simultaneously. Simply put, the work group will work serially between the zones (relay picking), whereas you work parallel if the zones are not in the same work groups. Example of 2 work groups where the order is being picked parallel, but where the work is done serially within the work group (relay picking). Within work group 1 a picking round is started, for instance, on a picking cart. The cart is given all the transactions found in zones A, B, and C. The cart picks first in one zone, then in the next etc. Another cart can be started up at the same time totally independent by work group 2, where other transactions for the same orders can be picked. The 2 picking rounds are first consolidated in shipment and packing towards the end. Thus the work group can decide that a picking round started within the work group is done serially, one zone at the time, whereas the work between work groups is done parallel to each other. If the same order is being picked simultaneously by several work groups, it is most practical that the order is picked at somewhat the same time, as it will normally be shipped collectively. For this purpose, Shark has one option for 34  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect prioritizing an order such that, if an order is opened in one zone, it will automatically be given a higher priority in the other work groups. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  35 Orders and transactions. When SHARK is hooked up to a super-ordinate host or ESP program, the picking and put-away is controlled via orders, which can be picking orders, put-away orders or more special order types as lists of articles for counting purposes. Every order can in turn be comprised of a number of order lines, which will typically contain an article for picking or storing. In order to execute the order, the warehouse needs to carry out one or more work operations, which in SHARK are designated as transactions and they control from where the article is actually being stored or picked. It can be necessary with more than one transaction for each order line, although naturally you want as few transactions as possible. There may for example be 2 or more transactions if:   The article cannot be picked from a single location. The article must be stored, but there is no room for it at one location. For transactions, the following applies: o o o o When one transaction has been generated for put-away at a location, it reserves the requested goods at the said location. This means that other orders cannot turn up and "grab" the article. If the stock is insufficient and another order is to be given priority, the original order should be withdrawn, thereby cancelling the transactions for that order (See Error: Reference source not found). The time when the transactions are generated, depends on the system's configuration. This may happen automatically on receiving the order, according to a schedule, based on delivery time or manually. There cannot be more than one storage transaction to the same location at the same time. You cannot generate transactions if the goods are not in stock or all articles have been reserved for other orders. However an order may be partly released so that the transactions which are possible may be generated. An order comprises of a number of order lines, which again refer to a number of transactions. Order types The basic order types found in SHARK are:    Put-away. An order which pulls goods out of the warehouse. Picking. An order storing articles in the warehouse. Stock management. An order adjusting the stock. This is an order generated by SHARK itself in connection with adjusting the stock at each location. It is not possible to adjust the stock from a host system, since the host normally does not know the actual location of the article, which could have been distributed to several places. For each of these types there are several order sub-types. Some of these types are standard types, which cannot be changed, but apart from that, new types can be set up, so that you may have different order types for export orders, production orders, internal sales etc. 36  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Note that an order can only have one type. You may not change the type from line to line. This means that it is not possible to mix put-away and picking in the same order. Order number and other information An order may always have an order number and furthermore can have a delivery note number. An order must have a unique order number plus delivery note number within the given order type. This means that you do not have two orders with the same number, unless they have different delivery note numbers, but the same number may be found within different order types. The order has some information linked to it, which can among other purposes be used in association with the order processing:     Customer information. Delivery note number. Delivery address. Priority. Life cycle of an order All orders have a status, and each order line has its own order line status. The total status of the order will normally reflect the single order lines, so that if, for instance, one order line is still outstanding, the whole order will be outstanding. The order undergoes different phases in its lifetime. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  37 The times at which an order shifts between the different phases are registered by SHARK, so that it is later possible to see and measure the single order's passage through the warehouse. Status: Waiting An order with the status of ”Waiting” has not yet been initiated, but is otherwise ready. Status: Partly Picked The status ”partly picked” means that part of the order has been picked (or stored), but that something is still missing. Status: Backorder An order with the status of ”Backorder" may only be partly picked or not at all, as there are not enough articles to one or more lines. There are several possibilities for handling this situation:    Either you may store the missing goods, then the order changes to the status of ”Waiting”. If it turns out to be impossible to acquire the missing goods, the order can be started and as much picked as possible. Then the order may be open, until you complete it in SHARK by saying OK, or by picking the remaining amount, when the remaining articles arrive. Another possibility is that only the quantity available is not enough, so that there are actually enough goods to fill the order, but there are other orders which have reserved the stock. In this case you may choose to reprioritize which orders should be picked, and cancel the other order (remove its release) this will let go of the reservation that was placed on the goods.. An backorder status will most often reflect that there is an inconsistency between what is stored in the host system and SHARK, or that there are goods waiting to be stored. Status: OK An order where all lines have been picked completely. It is ready as such, but has not necessarily been through consolidation (packing, control and dispatch). Status: Consolidated Consolidation is when an order, where the single order lines were picked in different zones, is brought together to be controlled that everything has been done correctly, meaning that the article number and amount on the order are correct. After this has happened, the order gets a consolidated status. Please note that not all installations use consolidation. Status: Cancelled An order can be cancelled, meaning that it will never be picked. 38  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Order priority An order always has a priority which can be used to sort out in which order it will be processed by the system. The priority can be set based on the order type, it can be changed by another user, or it can be adjusted by SHARK itself. The last-mentioned option can happen, when an order has started. Then it automatically gets a higher priority in order to ensure that the total order will be picked as quickly as possible and simultaneously in all areas. This is relevant if the order is to be picked from several zones and to be sent as a whole. So if the order is being started in one zone it is given a higher priority in the other zones. Priority can obviously also be used for rush orders. How priority is actually used is often being configured for the single system. Handling of backorders An order resting in SHARK, but which cannot be picked wholly or partially will be given a backorder status, meaning that it may only be partially picked or not at all. When new articles are being stored, SHARK will automatically update the order status including the remainder. Calculations of whether there are goods outstanding against your order are made as follows: (Stock of the article) Minus (The quantity necessary for released orders) = (Available stock) If the available stock is less than needed to satisfy the order, the order remains outstanding. Please note that it does not mean conversely that if there is no backorders outstanding against your order, that all orders on your system can be picked. If there are several orders that must have the same article, and they have not yet been released, the total quantity needed may very well exceed the available stock. The prioritizing of who will be getting the goods is determined by which orders are first released! Relocations A relocation takes place when the articles are moved internally between 2 locations in SHARK. A relocation order consists of 2 orders with the same number, but different types, namely a pick and a put-away. A relocation order can be set up by a SHARK user or set up automatically following an automatic refilling process from a buffer location, another zone or an external vendor. Release and transactions Transactions can be generated at different times depending on the system configuration and set-up. It is usually advisable to generate the transactions as late as possible in relation to when the order is to be picked, this in order to place as few ties as possible on the warehouse. If the orders arrive well in advance of their picking, there may not even be enough goods in the warehouse to generate transactions for all waiting orders. Transactions can be generated in the following ways:    When the order is being released. This happens in the release module and is normally the recommended procedure (see Error: Reference source not found). SHARK links can generate transactions by importing orders. This might be the sollution for a smaller installation where it may be too difficult to use order release. For put-away orders it happens in the Error: Reference source not found module. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  39 Whenever transactions have been created for an order, it has been released. Then it is ready for picking in the warehouse. Altering orders Normally all order management is handled "automatically" as part of an ongoing process. In some cases it may be necessary to see or correct an existing order. 40  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Batch-pickings and put-aways Batch-picking is a technique whereby several orders are picked simultaneously (a batch means a staple or a pile). By picking several orders simultaneously, the picking can be done much faster, since you may pick an article when you are "passing by anyway", when picking in a fixed storage warehouse. When picking from an automated warehouse, the system is given much better opportunity to reduce the waiting time that otherwise might happen when a tray needs to be retrieved. The disadvantage is that the picking becomes more complicated to handle for the operator, since you have to make sure that the article ends up with the right order. However, there are methods in SHARK to safeguard against errors. The typical way of using batch-picking is by choosing a number of orders and then finish picking them before starting the next batch. SHARK has a variant for automated warehousing called floating batch picking, where orders can constantly be added and removed from the batch when picking has been completed. With this technique, you have the advantage of always working with a batch of optimum size, thus avoiding that the last part of the batch with only a few lines left unfolds less optimally. SHARK supports different strategies for which orders are entered into a batch. Which method is best will depend on how the warehouse is organized as well as how the processes are in general:    The operator will choose which orders are to be picked, either directly from a list or by scanning a bar code with the order number. SHARK chooses which orders ought to be picked in a vertical lift zone. You typically pick to boxes having a bar code. SHARK chooses which orders should be picked, and articles are picked into a pick cart. Batch pick with pick cart and vertical lifts This section describes the work with pick carts and vertical lifts with floating batch pick. Picks are always made to boxes, where the box has a unique barcode identifying the box. The box and the barcode may either be reused again and again, or a specific label can be printed for each pick. The former is used when picking to standard boxes, which will be repacked later, while - if picking to boxes sent directly to the customer - a label will be printed and attached to the box. What then, is the advantage of using a picking cart? The cart is best utilized when picking in several zones. Here a pick cart can be started up with a number of orders in one zone and then driving the cart through all the zones while picking what needs to be picked in each single area. Once the cart has been registered, then afterwards you only have to cancel/record the cart in each single zone in order to start picking to all the boxes on the cart, meaning that you do not have to start every order separately. Recording and cancelling a cart is done by simply scanning the cart's bar code. A pick cart consists of the following: o o o The pick cart has a pick cart number, which is normally a bar code. The pick cart has a number of positions, where each position has a number. The position number is composed of the pick cart number and the actual position. Thus, if pick cart 4 has position 3 (3 space) it will be called 04-03. At each position there is room for a pick box, this box will also have a boxnumber. Pick carts can be more or less "smart", some having marker lights and acknowledgement buttons with wireless technology, thereby giving SHARK direct control over the cart, others are more simple, using only bar codes. Almost all operations in the following, are done from SHARKS batch pick screen, if picking is done from vertical lifts, but picking can also be done from PDA's or with paper pick lists. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  41 Before start Where wireless pick carts are being used, you should make sure the cart is ready for use. Which means that the batteries are fully charged and that it is on the "the network". If the cart has just been turned on (removed from charging) and has not yet been used, SHARK will blink the first lamp on the cart to indicate that the cart was found. Push the button to turn it off or leave it, until it turns off by itself when you finish using the cart. The first lamp on the pick cart will blink when SHARK has "found" the cart. Starting up and registering a pick cart When a pick cart arrives it must be registered in the zone. This is done by scanning its bar code. Canceling a pick cart from a zone If you want a pick cart to be cancelled from a zone, it may be cancelled before it is finished. This is easily done by again shooting the cart's bar code. Picking It is quite simple to pick articles into the cart. The screen picture gives clear guidelines. Batch picking using pick carts and PDA The following describes how work is done using pick carts and PDA's in rack or pallet warehouses. When picking using this method, SHARK selects the next order for picking. 42  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Picking is always done into a box with a bar code with a unique bar code label to identify the box. If the box is a reusable container, the label is also reused. Alternatively, a new label can be printed every time on a label printer when picking into boxes, which are transported directly to the customer (pick-and-pack). Recording the order on the pick cart Before starting, orders must be recorded to the pick cart. This is not possible with the PDA, but must be done on a PC with a bar code scanner and with SHARK installed. The pick cart registration is done with the function below. Screen picture for registration of pick carts. Batch pick The actual pick is done through the PDA terminal, which continually shows what needs to be done. Unregistering of a pick cart If for some reason, a pick cart needs to leave the zone before all picks are completed, it must be unregistered. This is done the same way as the recording, on a PC by again reading the bar code on the cart. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  43 Floating batch picking with flow racks and vertical lifts This section describes how batch-picks are performed with flowracks vertical lifts. What is in the following called a flowrack, can also simply be a table or another place which can be marked with a bar code. Picks are always made into pick boxes having a unique bar code. Every track on the flowrack has a unique position number, which is a special bar code. Alternatively, there may be light and an acknowledgement button installed, thereby avoiding having to acknowledge with the bar code scanner. All ensuing operations take place from SHARK's batch pick screen. Refer to Error: Reference source not found for further information on its practical use. When working in this way, SHARK chooses the next order for picking. Thus the prioritizing and releasing of orders are important, since they are the mechanisms controlling, which order is the next to be picked. Only released orders can be picked! Generally the following applies: · You can have one order in each case.  · If the order cannot be in one box, you may continue with a new one as long as this is necessary. You may, if necessary, cancel one box before it has been completed. Working procedure The following procedure is applied:      Shark's batch picking screen must be open. When you want to start a new order, take an empty box and place it on a track in the flowrack. The bar code on the flowrack (the position) is scanned. Shark shows a registration screen in reply. The bar code on the box is then scanned. Shark now assigns the order to the box and the pick is started. 44  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect A typical flowrack, here with marker lights and acknowledgement buttons. However, you may always use the mounted bar codes in case of problems with the hardware. Batch pick from order forms This is the most simple batch-picking method. It is the operator who chooses the next order to be picked, and no pick boxes, carts etc. are used. Before picking articles, the order must be released. Refer to "Order Release" for more information on this. The system may be configured for automatic release when the order is imported, or when the order is picked on the Order Selection screen (see section Error: Reference source not found). When picking in batches, the articles must be distributed to the right orders. As the order of the picked lines is not in order sequence, it may take time to find the right order. You can therefore use position labels, for which a number of fixed positions are set up, where a special bar code label is placed with a position code. The code can be very short and easy to find, for example A01, A02, A03, etc. When an order is activated, it is linked to the position code, and the screen will show the position so that the order is easy to find, so that the picked items can be placed with the order. SHARK has integrated functions for printing position labels. It is most optimal having a bar code with an order number available for this function to be used. Otherwise the order number must be entered manually. Work procedure - simple     The batch pick screen in SHARK is open. Open the order selection screen (you may use F3). You do not have to close the batch pick screen first. Select the order, either from the shown list of open orders or by entering or shooting a bar code with order number. The order is initiated and ready for picking. Procedure - With position codes   The batch pick screen in SHARK is open. The operator scans a position code and SHARK opens an order registration screen. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  45   The bar code on the address sheet is read. The order is initiated and ready for picking. 46  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The transaction log In the transaction log, all movements in the warehouse are registered, when the article has been moved, who has performed the action, which orders were underlying the movement etc. This is a very efficient problem resolution tool and is also very useful in compiling statistics. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  47 Statistics Statistical tools are important for the ongoing optimization of warehouse operations. SHARK contains different tools that can be used to gain a better understanding of how the system can be utilized optimally. It is for instance possible to see:    Picking frequency divided up into zones/users/order types and time intervals. Order lead times. Picking frequency for trays in vertical lifts. Here is the number of transactions divided up into how many per hour for one day. The best utilization of the warehouse is achieved by operating at full capacity for as short a time as possible. 48  Introduction LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Introduction  49 Starting up LogiSoft and Logon Shark is normally started with the LogiSoft icon on the desk top or from the Start menu: Start->Programs>LogiSoft. To use LogiSoft, you must log on. This ensures that the right users have access, so that you are able to control who can make what changes, and that you can later see who has carried out which actions. Logon When LogiSoft is started, a logon screen appears. This can have two layouts picked from LogiSoft's configuration. The standard configuration is showing one button for each user. The button can easily be used from a touch-screen. If the user has been given a password, a password screen is shown, which must be filled out correctly in order to continue. If there are many users, the buttons are not very expedient, and instead you may choose that you need to write a name and eventually a password in a dialogue shown when pressing [login]. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Starting up LogiSoft and Logon  51 Start-up screen When the user has logged on, a start-up screen is shown from where the most important functions are chosen using large buttons other functions may be reached from the menu bar up above. 52  Starting up LogiSoft and Logon LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Head menu after logon. The menu above is divided into logical groups: Statistics: On the left, a number of statistical figures are shown. Files: Log out here, LogiSoft is turned off, and there are some file related import/export functions. Transactions: You can find all operations related to pick and put-away under transactions. Administration: If the system configuration is changed, new ones set up etc., this will be done under Administration [management] System information: Transactions log, system log, statistics and other general information are found here. Help: Online help system and information on which LogiSoft versions are being used. Order statistics In the left side of the startup picture, several pieces of statistical information are shown, which can be used to gain a quick overview of where there is work to do. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Starting up LogiSoft and Logon  53       The symbol ”*” shows how many released pick orders are currently waiting. This means released orders, where picking has not yet started. From each zone, you see how many of the total released orders that will be processed in this zone. The figure shows / [not initiated>/ Shark Application > Forms > MasterPanel Parameter Værdi Beskrivelse ShowMultiInfo true|false Show Pick cart statistic. InfoUpdateInterval Number Number of seconds between screen LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Starting up LogiSoft and Logon  55 refresh. Configuration of Functions Which push buttons are available can be configured as well. System Konfiguration Registry > Shark Application > Config Parameter Værdi Beskrivelse ShowPutAwayCart true|false Show button for putaway cart. 56  Starting up LogiSoft and Logon LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Starting up LogiSoft and Logon  57 Files In the Files menu you find the functions Log out and Cancel as the main functions. Also, you find functionalities for import and export of data to and from SHARK. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Files  59 Log Out Log off the user without closing SHARK. Navigation Menu: File -> Logout Keyboard: CTRL+U Function Following log off, a user must log on again in order to continue. 60  Files LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Exit Exit Shark. Navigation Menu: File -> Cancel Keyboard: CTRL+F4 Function SHARK closes immediately closed when this function is chosen. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Files  61 File Import Load a text file in ASCII or Excel format. This function is to be configured so the availability of functions depends on the individual installation. Navigation Menu: File -> Import Keyboard: CTRL+I Function When the function has been selected, the following window will appear. Choose from the list what you wish to be loaded. Template: Choose what format types that are to be loaded. [Show Result]: If chosen, the result of the import will be displayed. [Detailed info]: If chosen, elements imported during running will be shown. This will prolong the import time. 62  Files LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect [File Name]: The name of the file that is to be loaded. [Import File]: Begin loading of file. [Stop]: Undo and then do nothing. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Files  63 64  Files LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions The functions in the menu ”Transcations” encompass the running functions that are necessary in order to receive articles, put them away, pick them again as well as to consolidate and ship the orders. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  65 Zone Relation Work stations that are being used to a picking or putting process in SHARK must be affiliated with a zone. SHARK uses the network name of the PC to remember what zones the PC belongs to. So, if changes are made on the network or in case you wish to reconfigure the use of PCs, you must make sure to change the zone relation. You can also use the function to check which zone the PC is affiliated with. Navigation Menu: Transactions -> Zone Relation Keyboard: CTRL/F12 Function Type the name of the zone and press [OK]. If the PC controls an automat zone, make sure that SHARK becomes online. This can be determined by looking at the status bar (on the bottom) where it states either offline or online. Note that for an automat zone it is not always sufficient to change the zone relation. The menu Administration -> System Configuration -> Put contains a configuration by which you find a specification of the PC that can control an automat for each zone. This is a security feature that ensures that not any PC can take over control of e.g. a put automat. 66  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Batch Picking and Put-Away Floating batch pick is simultaneous picking of multiple orders during which orders are continuously registered and completed. Thus, one does not need to pick a batch completely before new orders are added. This means that there is always an optimum number of orders in the active batch. Picks and put-away can be mixed or kept separate depending on the preferences of the user. This function is typically used together with automats, but it can also be taken to use in other situations where one or more screens in fixed locations can be used in connection with picks in a zone. There are a number of configuration options, all of which are described under the System Configuration section. Navigation Keyboard: F8 Menu: Transactions -> Batch Picks. Touch Screen: Large button on the login screen. Functionality The batch-picking screen is designed so that it can be viewed from a long distance and so that it can be controlled with a touch screen. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  67 What is to be picked(on top): Green arrow out / red arrow in: A green arrow out marks that a pick is to be carried out (items going out of the stock). A red arrow in marks a put-away, meaning items are going into the stock. Quantity: The quantity that is to be picked or put away. This will often be identical to the number on the order line but in cases of picks/puttings spread over multiple locations the number can be smaller. Location: Here you find information about from and whereto the pick will take place. Typically, it will be module name (name of automat) that is displayed. If the pick is made for pick boxes or likewise, the position to which the pick is made will also be displayed here. Tray overview: Here you can see where in the tray/on the shelf the pick is to take place. All locations are displayed and the one from where the pick takes place or the one to where the put-away is going is highlighted in yellow. Full location: By the tray overview you also find the complete location address for the marked location. Quantity on location: By the tray overview there is information about the quantity prior to pick or putting. Automat status: Line that shoes the status of the automats in the zone. The icon marks whether the automat is ready, running, or reporting an error. Whether this line is displayed depends on the configuration of the system. Information about pick or putting in progress: 68  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Article: Here you find the article number and a description of the article. Order: Order number, possibly including further information under the number. Enter: Text field into which the receipt information is written or scanned. If receipt is to made with order number, location, article number etc., the information in question is to be typed or scanned into this field. In case a scanner is used and the code cannot be scanned, the information can always be typed into this field. Adjusting: Here one can enter an adjusted quantity that is wished picked and put away when one cannot comply with what is suggested by the system. Tab: Working orders: On this screen one can see which orders are active. It is also possible to delete an active order by unchecking the order and pressing [Apply]. Note: One can define a code that is to be scanned or typed instead of scanning EAN, location, boxnumber and item number in instances where the code cannot be read. Simultaneous picking Simultaneous picking is a method for fast execution of multiple, identical picks for multiple orders. When an item is to be picked for multiple orders a special window is activated in which the total quantity for picking is shown as well as how the division is to be for each order. Simultaneous picking is a function that needs to be activated in the system configuration in order to become available for use. The function is mostly useful when several, almost identical orders are to be picked. Otherwise, if it only put to use once in a while, it can have a confusing effect. The figure below shows an example where 56 items are to be picked. The operator picks the 56 items from the given location and distributes them with 1 on order with position 1-3, 45 for orders on position 1-2, and 10 for orders on position 1-1. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  69 OK: Make a receipt for all picks for the given simultaneous pick marking them OK. You are not to make receipt for each, separate position! Undo: If for any reason the simultaneous pick cannot be executed, as shown in the figure, press [Undo]. This could for instance happen because the location that is to be picked from does not contain the quantity stated, and a decision is needed about which orders that are to have the available articles. When [Undo] has been pressed, the simultaneous pick screen is closed and all lines are picked as usual, one line at a time. Batch Picks With Boxes The standard procedure is for SHARK to determine which orders are next in line for execution.   Scan a position label (barcode of a run-through shelf, a pick cart, or another location) SHARK opens an Order registration window. Scan a boxnumber, either on a put-away box on which items have already been registered (via the item receipt) or on an empty box that can be used for picking of an order.SHARK chooses and activates the order and includes it in the group of orders (batch) that are active. If an order is complete the following window will appear: Scan the box once more (to confirm that the handling of box has been completed) and remove the box.Repeat the procedure for a new box (go to step 1) 70  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Execution of User-determined Orders (without boxes) If one wishes to execute a particular order, it is also possible to choose an order manually.  Press F3 to open the Order Selection Screen.  Ensure that the ”Run immediately” flag in the bottom right corner is ticked off (does not appear in all versions). Choose whether you wish for the search to be performed by pick orders or put-away orders.  · Choose the order either by ticking off the select field next to the order, by writing the order number in the typing field, or by scanning a barcode with the order number. Tips: 1. One can click on an order and view the affiliated orderlines. It does not mean that it is selected, as it is only an opportunity to view the content of an order before it is selected. 2. Click in the column names in the order list to have the list sorted by that particular column. Click once again to reverse the sorting. 3. If a touch screen is used it can be advantageous to increase the line distance of the order screen. This can be done under System Configuration. Execution of User-determined Orders (With Position Codes) LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  71     The batch picking screen is open. The operator scans a position code and SHARK opens an order registration screen. The barcode on the order note is scanned. The order is initiated and the picking can continue as usual. Deselect an Active Order One can deselect an order that is in progress. This will immediately disrupt the picking and the order will be in a “partly picked” status and can then be completely picked later on. Pick the Order in Multiple Boxes If picking is carried out for a box and the box is full it can be necessary to ”switch” box. This is done as follows: 1. 2. Remove the fully loaded box. Scan the position. 3. Scan a new, empty box. The picking will now be carried out for the new box. Undo Picking For a Box If one wishes to remove a box with a given order from an active batch, this is done as follows: 13. Scan the position of the box. 14. Scan the barcode of the box. Thus, the same procedure as for choosing a new order for an empty box. Changing of Suggested Put-away Location If the selected location does not correspond to the desired one, another location can be selected by:  Typing "0" in the change field.  Make receipt as usual.  A menu is shown saying "New Location Wanted?" Answer "Yes". 72  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Changing of Put-away Quantity - insufficient space a location In case the location does not have the space necessary for the quantity suggested by SHARK, do the following:      In the ”Adjusted” field, type the actual quantity put-away. Make receipt as usual. A menu is shown saying "New Location Wanted?" Answer "Yes". A menu is shown allowing for selection of a new location. Select location. A new put-away of the remaining items is being executed. The entire procedure can be repeated if space is still insufficient. Note: It is not given that the put-away of the remaining items will be executed immediately after. If another orderline is faster to put away then that one will be chosen first! Dialogue screen for selection of alternative put-away location:      The list shows the existing locations. If desired, select one of these (click the line) and press OK to close the dialogue. If a new location is wished for, choose box type. If a new location is wished for in a specific area (e.g. tray or automat), write part of the address (e.g. A1-5 for a location in automat A1, tray 5). It is also possible to write the full address. Choose ”Alternative location” using the cursor keys up or down. This will either return a location for frequently picked items or location for low frequency items. Press "OK" when the location is selected. Changing of Put-away Quantity - Not Enough Items If there are not enough items for the order line, do as follows: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  73 1. In the “Adjusted” field, write the actual quantity put away. 2. Make receipt as usual. 3. A menu is shown saying "New Location Wanted?" Answer "No". The order is closed but with the adjusted quantity as put-away. The actual put-away quantity will be reported back to any host system connected. Changing of Put-away Quantity (Simple) One can change the put-away quantity by typing the actual quantity in the adjusted field. The quantity entered will then be applied and the order will have a partly picked status. It is possible to reactive the order (release) in order to pick the remaining quantity. Changing of Put-away Quantity (Not Enough at Location) In case it is impossible to pick the desired quantity, one can go through the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Press [Adjust] Choose the reason for adjustment (here ”Adjust Location”). Type the actual quantity on the location. Press [OK] Press [Close] The quantity on the location will be adjusted and the pick will be adjusted to what is actually available. The location will afterwards be empty. The order must be reactivated to pick the remaining quantity. Changing of Put-away Quantity (Adjust Put-away Amount) If one wishes to change the put-away quantity, e.g. if the client in the very last moment changes the order or if the packaging sizes are making the ordered amount inexpedient, the quantity of the order can be changed. Upwards adjustment to an order line is only possible when the system is configured to perform this. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Press [Adjust]. Choose the reason for the adjustment (here, decrease/increase order). Type the desired quantity of the order. Press [OK] Press [Close] The quantity on the location will be adjusted and the pick will be adjusted accordingly. 74  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect In case the put-away quantity exceeds what is on the location the order must be reactivated in order to initiate pick from another location if possible. Express Orders If Express Orders have been defined in the system, the button Express Orders will appear when one or more of such orders exist(s). One can then directly press the button in order to disrupt orders in progress and activate the urgent order(s) that is/are awaiting. Afterwards, the process regarding the previous orders can then be reinitiated. Configuration The Batch Picking panel can be customized with a number of parameters. System Configuration > Registry > Shark Application > Forms > FloatingBatchPick Parameter Value Description UseSharedInputDevice true|false Use this parameter to share input devices (scanners) between different computers in the same workgroup. ConfirmZeroLocation true|false If true the user must confirm when a location is picked to zero. ComputeNextAutomat true|false If true, it will be calculated what automat is optimal for the next pick. If it is false, the automats will be picked in sequence. ConfirmAllBoxNumbersMask *9999* Confirm all code ConfirmAllEANMask LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Confirm all code Transactions  75 ConfirmAllItemNumbersMask Confirm all code ConfirmAllLocationAddressMask Confirm all code AllowOverCorrectionPick true|false Defines if the user is allowed to pick more than the specified quantity. AllowOverCorrectionPutAway true|false Defines if the user is allowed to putaway more than the specified quantity. AskAdjust true|false 76  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Order Selection The order selection window is used to choose which orders that are to be picked or stocked in the batch function. To begin an order it must be released (from picking) or item received (by storage). If it is not released the order must be released. This condition is not in force if the system is configured for automatic release or item receiving which can be used for small installations. Navigation Main Page: Big button for touch screens. Keyboard: F3 Menu: Transactions > Order Selection Functionality The order selection screen is opened. The screen is mainly made up of two lists; the one on top is a list of all open orders within the system. The one on the bottom lists the Orderlines chosen, in order to provide a neat overview of what is activated. The field Order Number: In the top left corner you find a field into which an order number can be typed. In case there are many orders this is the easiest way to find a desired order. Typically, however, this is used in connection with a barcode scanner for fast look-up of a desired order. Selection of Order Type: Here you are to choose whether you wish to view picking or storage orders. It is possible to choose both storage and picking within the same batch. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  77 Changing of Order Status: It is possible to mark an order with either ”OK” or ”Rejected” when it has not been run through. This is done by right clicking with the mouse on the given order and choosing the desired status. This is used when you - for any reason - do not wish to run an order through. If SHARK is coupled with a hosting system, a note will be returned specifying the status and the actual number of stocked/picked items. Sorting of Columns: It is possible to determine the order of the orders. This is done by clicking on the desired sorting column. Click twice for reverse sorting. Order List: [Choose]: Click here to activate the order. Priority: The priority of the order. Order Type: SHARK can operate with many order types, for instance sales orders, production orders, return items, etc. Order Number: The order number. Delivery Note: Delivery note number. 78  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Order Date: The date of order. This will mostly be the date of delivery but can also be the date on which SHARK received the order. Client: The client’s name. Lines: Displays the quantity of lines / remaining lines. Order Status: The status of a given order. Remainder Status: Shows whether there are remaining items or whether there has been a remainder situation connected to the order. Box: If the order is connected to a box, the boxnumber will appear here. Order Zones: Shows the zones in which the given order is to be picked. If no zones are stated and the order is open, the order has probably yet to be released. Configuration System Configuration Registry > Shark Application > Forms > OrderSelection Parameter Værdi Beskrivelse InstantRelease true|false Orders are released automatically when they are chosed. Usefull in smaller installations where order release is too complicated to u AutoAssignBox true|false LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  79 DisplayInventoryOrders true|false OrderRefreshInterval Number Time in ms between update of orders from the server. OrderTimeout Number Time in seconds until finished orders will disappear. RowHeight Number Height (Line spacing) of the displayed rows. Default is 18. RunImmediately true|false The order will start immediately, when it is selected. This is the default behavior. 80  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Manual Transactions Manual picking and putting is used for picking/putting away separate items without use of orders. The function can among other things be used i connection with small installations where there is no coupling with an ERP system, but is useful for general ad hoc picking and putting of items. The options are as follows:       Search (Pick, Put, Set) Pick Based on Item Number Getting an Automat Tray Setting of Stock Balance Putting of Item on Existing Location Adjusting Tray Layout The window for manual transactions has 4 tabs that each covers one of the four main functions. Having these four tabs ensures that one does not unintentionally carry out inexpedient actions. If the system used with multiple article owners, enter the article number as:
/ . Normally is "/" used to separate the article number and owner, this can be changed by system configuration. Navigation Keyboard: CTRL-M Menu: Transactions -> Manual Transactions Then choose the desired function using the ”tab” (Pick, Put, Set, Tray Layout) Search (Pick, Put, Set) For both picking, putting, and stock setting it is possible to search for a particular article either by item number or description. Type as much of the number (in the number field) or name (in the name field) as you know and press [Search] or [Get Article]. The search will return: One matching article: If there is only one article that matches the description, all fields will be filled with information about the given article. Multiple matching articles: A list is shown, listing the potential articles. The desired article is chosen from the list using either the cursor keys up/down or the mouse. No match: If no matching articles are found, SHARK will prompt you to create the item in the database as a new article. You can do this if you wish to do so. Thus, this function can be used as shortcut to creation of new items. The difference between [search] and [Get Article] is that [Search] finds and updates the window, whereas [Get Article] first searches for the article and then gets the item (tray) if the work is carried out in an automat zone. Normally, the search will be based on the beginning of the number or name. If one wishes to search on a part of the number or name figuring in any possible place in the text, one can begin the entry with a “%” character. For instance, a name search performed on the entry ”%screw” will return all the articles in which screw is part of the name. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  81 Put Tab From the Put Tab one can search for and put away items. Depending on the configuration, it will sometimes be possible to pick based on an entry of an existing order number or on an entry of a particular transaction type. Number: Article number. Name: Article name. Location: Location of the article. Count (Location): Quantity on the location. Box Type: Box type for the location in question. Available: Shows the quantity available for picking from the location. Available quantity represents the actual quantity on the location minus transactions that have a particular number of the given item reserved. It is not possible to pick more than the number stated as the quantity available. Quantity: Here you state the quantity that is wished to be picked. Order Type: If one chooses a specific order type, an order with the given order type will be created for the pick. The ordernumber will be automatically generated. Ordernumber: Here one can state an ordernumber of an existing order. It is not possible to combine Order Type and Ordernumber. If an ordernumber is stated, it must be an existing order and the order type will then appear from this order. 82  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Status: Status of the picking progress. [Get Article]: Search and get article (if automat). [Search]: Search for an article when only a part of the name or number is stated. [Get Tray]: For an automat location, this button can be used to get a tray. [Print]: When a label printer is connected and a template has been created, the print button will print a label. [Clear]: Clears all fields. [Return Tray]: Returns a tray to the hatch (for automat zone). [Close]: Closes the window. The option to create new ordernumbers or reuse an existing one is a function that is used in connection with an ERP system that allows this. One way of using this is e.g. in connection with production orders where material is missing or surplus material is to be put away. Pick Based on Item Number Picking an item: o o o o o o Choose the Pick tab Type the item number and finish by pressing [Enter] In case the item is found at multiple locations, a menu from which the desired location can be chosen will appear The item is displayed and if it is an automat, the relevant tray will be loaded Type the desired quantity in the ”quantity” field Press [Pick] Getting an Automat Tray If one is standing in an automat zone and a location has been chosen it is possible to get the tray that the location is found in by pressing [Get Tray] [Get Tray]: Gets the tray that is stated in the location field. Storing articles on Existing Location Storing an articles: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  83 Choose the put tab. Type the item number and finish by pressing [Enter]. In case the item is found at multiple locations a menu from which the desired location can be chosen will appear The item is displayed and if it is an automat the relevant tray will be loaded. Type the desired quantity in the ”quantity” field. Press [Put]. Storing articles on Empty Locations Storing an article on an empty location where SHARK determines the location: Choose the put tab. Type the item number in the item field. Choose the location type that is wished to be found. It is possible to type a part of the location name in the location field, e.g. “A1” in case one would want a location in automat A1: Press [New Location]. Press [Get Tray] Type the desired quantity in the ”quantity field. Press [Put]. 84  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Adjusting the Stock In certain instances it can be necessary to set the number of items that is registered in the stock. This can be done at any time when a valid item has been chosen. The function can be carried out whether the tray is in the operation opening or not. Type the ”Item number” or scan the barcode. Press [Search] in order to carry out update while the tray is not by the operation opening (Automats) or click [Get Item] in order to get an automat tray and information about the quantity of the item. In the Quantity field the correct number of units at the location is entered. Press [Set] in order to update the database. Adjusting Tray Layout From the tab ”Tray Layout” changes can be made to the separate trays/shelves. Here, you can delete empty boxes and replace them with new ones as well as move around existing ones. The function is used exactly in the same manner as the Tray Editor, except from the difference that the changes are not made to the tray type but instead only to the selected tray. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  85 Quick Move in Same Tray Is it often need to have to move goods around in a tray, there is a "quick move" function. It is by default not available. Quick move: Click on the location to move. 86  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Click on the [Move] button. Click on the target location. To make the feature available, the configuration parameter MoveItemsInTrayAllowed must be enabled. Configuration There are a number of configuration options for the Manual Transactions. System Configuration Registry Shark Application Forms Manual Transactions Parameter Value Description AskItemCreation true|false Ask the user to create none-existing articles ReverseShiftFunctionalityPutAway true|false If true the article field will not be cleared when selecting an empty location. Smart when doing initial put-away. ShowOrderField true|false Enables a field to assign an order number to a transaction. MoveItemsInTrayAllows true|false Enables a function for quick moving articles in the same tray. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  87 Logimat Panel The Logimat panel is used for simple control and maintenance of the Logimat vertical lift system. Navigation Open the panel by pressing the "Logimat" button on the main window: Depending on the current user rights, different functions will be available. Logged in as normal operator or administrator, only functionality like retrieving and returning trays are available. To get access to the maintenance and service functions, first log in as system user. If the button is greyed out, it can be because the Logimat is not available yet. After the program is started it will take up to 30 seconds, before the machine is available. Basic Operations Select the "Operation" tab in the "Logimat" panel. 88  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The panel has a number of function keys, a pad for entering tray numbers and also display some usefull information. The information displayed about the current tray is:    Functions Tray Number. Position where the tray is located physical in the Logimat. The position may change if the goods height in the tray changes. Height. This is the maximum height of the goods in the current tray. Description LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  89 Get Tray To get a tray: 1. Enter the tray number in the numeric enter field: Press number keys to enter the number, [C] to clear the input field and [backarrow] to delete the last entered digit. 2. Press [Get Tray] If there already is a tray at the gate, it will automatically be returned first. When the tray arrives, the field will be cleared, so it is easy to to enter the next tray number. Return Tray To return the current tray present at the gate: 1. Press [Tray Return] In case the tray height is measured to be higher than the current height or 50mm below the current height, a dialog will be displayed asking to confirm if the height change is expected or it is due to some other reason. The dialog shows the expected height and the measured height. Answer [Yes] if the new height is correct. After [Yes] is pressed, Shark will search for a new location for the tray and return the tray. Answer [No] if the height has not changed and the reason for the change has been fixed. This will return the tray. 90  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Tray/Position Information To get information about a tray, without actually bringing it to the gate, press [Tray Info]. The Tray, Position and Height fields will be filled out with the information about the requested tray. To get information about a tray position press SHIFT/[Tray Info]. This will display information about the selected position. Print a tray label To print a label with the current tray number, press [Label]. This requires that a label printer is available and has been configured. It is recommended that all trays are marked with a number. Reset and continue after an Use the [Reset] button to continue in case an error has been detected and the problem error has been corrected. Reset All To make a master reset, hold down the shift key on the keyboard and press [Reset]. This will make a full reset of the Logimat. If there is a tray on the elevator or at the gate, it will be forgotten and the tray has to be returned manually. Maintenance If the current user is in the "System" group some additional functions will be available. These functions should only be used by persons having been trained in the Logimat service functions. Function Description Install a new tray with a user defined tray number. To install a new tray with a known tray number (typical a tray that has been removed at an earlier time), enter the tray number in the tray info field: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  91 Use the keyboard to enter the number or double click in the field to get an on-screen keypad. Press [Install Tray] when ready. Shark will find a sufficient location for the tray, depending on the measured height. The tray must be empty while installed. Install a new tray To install a new tray without a specific number, do:    Install a tray when the tray already is at the position. Remove a tray from the Logimat Press [New Tray]. This will automatically find the first unused tray number and use that number, it will set the height to the default tray height (the height of an empty tray). If a label printer is available, it is recommended to print a label with the tray number and mount it on the tray before it is installed. Print the label by pressing the [Label] button. Press [Install Tray] to move the tray into the Logimat. This function is used, if the tray already is in the Logimat, but for some reason is not registered.   Enter the required information in the Tray, Position and Height field Hold down the shift key on the keyboard and press [Install Tray]. Some times it can be necessary to remove a tray from the Logimat. This can for example be, if the average height of the trays has increased, with the result that fewer trays can fit into the machine. To remove a tray do:    Get the tray into the gate the usual way. Press [Remove Tray]. The tray will now be released, so it can physically be removed. A dialog will be displayed, where the user must confirm that the tray has physically been removed. Press [OK] when ready. 92  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect  The Logimat will finalize the operation. Use this function to remove a tray, that actually does not exist, from the Logimat. Remove a tray from the Logimat that is not present. Packing the trays   Enter the tray number in the tray field. Hold down the shift key and press [Remove Tray]. After a period of use, there is a risk that the free space in the Logimat get fragmented. Fragmentation means that there in total is enough free space, but it is distributed in many small and perhaps useless locations. A packing function is available, that will pack the Logimat, by moving all trays as tight as possible. To start the packing mode: 15. Press [Pack] to start. 16. The packing process will now run, probably for a long period. 17. To stop the packing before it is finished, press [Pack] again. Tray Positions Use the Tray Position Tab to get a graphical view of the Logimat of all known trays and there position. Use this screen to get an easy overview of the space utilization.  All the available positions are shown with their position number (grey lines). LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  93   The trays are displayed (in blue). The numbers displayed in the tray are: tray number/position/height of the tray The green positions are available gate positions that are not used for storing trays, but are available gate positions. 94  Transactions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transactions  95 Administrative Functions Here you find functions related to administrative functions like definition of the warehouse layout, general strategies, label layouts, etc. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  97 Users From here users are craeted, modified and deleted. To log in and use LogiSoft you must be logged in as a user. The advantage is that for each user access rights to functions can be controlled. If this behavior is not needed, it can simply be by-passed by creating one user with no password that all uses. Each user is assigned a user group. Three types of user groups exists:  Operator: Has access to all ordinary pick and put operations.  Administrator: Same as operator, but can moreover make changes to the warehouse layout and other common functions for normal warehouse maintenance.  System: Access to all functions, including basic system configuration. It is also possibly to login, using a barcode. The barcode can also be created from within this user management functions. Navigation Menu: Administration> System Configuration -> Users Keyboard: No short-cut Create new User A new user is created by right-clicking with the mouse on «Users» in the Configuration Tree. Select «Add User»: 98  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Click on «New User»: A form with the new user is displayed. Now fill out the required information about the user. Name: Full name of the user. Initials: Used in the login dialog and in logs. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  99 User Group: Choose the user group the user must belong. This can always be changed later. Password: If password should be entered a login, it must be entered here. Leaving the field blank means no password is required at login. Confirm Password: Write the password once more, to verify it is written correctly. Press [Add] when all information is entered. The user is now ready to be used Delete User To delete a user, right click on the user name and select Delete user. The user will then be removed from the system. Information that is logged about the user will be retained. Change User If you wish to change information for a user, click with the mouse on the user, the user information then appears right. 100  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Add the changed information and press [Update]. Print a Login Label There is a [Print ID] button for the user. Use this button to print a label that can be used for quick login. Note that using this label will by-pass any assign password. It is not possibly to login as System user using a barcode. Please note that a template must be defined for the barcode and a label printer assigned to the current PC, to print the label. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  101 Article Editor The Article Editor is used to view and modify the master data for articles in Shark. All articles that have to be stored In the system, must be known by the system, as a minimum with the article number. Opposite an article can be defined without actually being used. When connected to a host system, most of this information will be come from the host, most some information, like where and how the article should be stored, is typical edited directly in Shark. Navigation Keybord: ALT/M + ALT/V Menu: Transactions -> Article Editor Functions In the main window, the most important information about the articles are shown. 102  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Item Number:The item number is, in combination with the owner, a unique identification of the article. The article number can be up to 50 characters and may contain both letters and digits. The same article number is only allowed once. Name: A description of the article, will be shown to the user, for example when picking. This is optional information and do not have to be unique. EAN: Optional EAN barcode for the article. Created: Date when the article was created. Changed: Date when the article last was updated. Note: Optional notes. Preferred box type: Location Strategy: Item Group: Items can be grouped. Unit: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  103 Defining Replenishment I systemer med mere end en zone eller hvor der anvendes automatisk genopfyldning, skal det defineres hvor varen skal forefindes og i hvilke mængder. Dette sker ved at trykke [Genopfyldningsniveau], hvorefter nedenstående dialog bliver vist. Pakkestørrelse: Vælg herfra hvilke pakkestørrelse der ønskes i zonen. Zone: Vælg for hvilken zone denne definition skal gælde. Genopfyldning fra: Vælg hvorfra der skal genopfyldes. Vælg en SHARK zone hvis der skal genopfyldes fra et en lokal zone, eller ekstern for opfyldning fra et ekstern lager eller leverandør. Lokation: Fri tekst der kan anvendes for at angive hvorfra der skal genopfyldes. Min: Minimum antal er det samme som genopfyldningsniveau. Når beholdningen for denne pakkestørrelse/zone når under dette niveau, trigger det genbestilling af varer. Max: Det maksimale antal der ønskes indlagret for denne linie. Genopfyldningsantal: Det antal der skal bestilles ved genbestilling. Lokationstype: Den lokationstype der ønskes anvendt for denne vare/pakkestørrelse. Fast lokation: Afkrydses hvis der ikke må anvendes alternative lokationstyper. Lokationsstrategi: Vælg her mellem Fast|Flydende|Fifo. Flydende lokationer frigives til andre varer når lokationen går tom, Faste bibeholdes til samme vare, selv om beholdningen går op 0. Ved FIFO vælges altid en ny lokation ved indlagring så det er muligt at plukke ud fra FIFO princippet. Bemærk at alle antal er for 1 stk og ikke afhænger af pakningsstørrelsen. Se også Replenishment and Package Sizes for nærmere beskrivelse af principperne. Defining Package Sizes Her oprettes pakningsstørrelser for en given vare med antal i pakningen og størrelse. 104  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Navn: Valgfrit navn for pakningen. Antal: Antal på hvor mange styk der ligger i den givne pakning. Højde: Pakningens højde (mm). Bredde: Pakningens bredde (mm). Dybde: Pakningens dybde (mm). Vægt: Den samlede vægt for pakningen. Vægt enhed: Enhed for pakningens vægt. Der er mulighed for at håndtere varer med forskellige pakkestørrelse. Det betyder at systemet kan kontrollere, hvor en vare med en given pakkestørrelse kan lagres og senere plukkes fra. Pakkesstørelse betyder altid pakkestørrelsen for en bestemt vare, idet pakkestørrelser defineres for den enkelte vare. Med pakkestørrelse menes antallet af emner (af en given vare) som kan indholdes i den pågældende pakning og dette udgør således den mindst mulige enhed der kan plukkes af en given vare. Pakkestørrelsen 1 (P1) er standardstørrelsen og skal være (det bliver den automatisk) defineret for alle varer. Grunden til at pakkestørrelsen er defineret for den enkelte vare er, at der til pakkestørrelsen kan knyttes egenskaber som højde, længde, bredde og vægt. I SHARK er pakkestørrelsen en navngivet enhed f.eks. 'P1'. Til dette navn er naturligvis knyttet en antalsangivelse som definerer størrelsen. Læs mere om pakkestørrelser i afsnit Error: Reference source not found. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  105 Location Quantities Define how articles will fit into a location type. 106  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Special Barcode Labels Used for printer various labels for boxes, locations , pick carts, etc. Barcodes used in LogiSoft contains a hidden code that allows LogiSoft to recognize the label type. if a barcode is scanned on for example a pick cart, LogiSoft knows this is a pick cart and can react appropriate without opening a special menu. To print the special labels, a template must be defined and a label printer must be available. The following label types can be printed:  Box labels.  Position labels.  Pick Cart labels.  Pick Cart Position labels  Sort Position labels.  Tray Labels. Navigation Menu: Administration > BoxLabels Keyboard: No short-cut available for this function. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  107 Printing Labels Label type: Choose which label type to print. Postfix: En fix text that will put in the front of the label. Range: Choose the internal of labels to print. For example write 1 and 5 to print labels with number 1,2,3,4,5. Digits: Choose how many digitis in the number. If there are more digits than the length of the number, «0» vil be inserted. Postfix: A fixed text to put after the number. Copies: Number of labels to print, default is «1». Example: Printing Position Labels Position labels are used as temporary locations for boxes containing orders. To make 10 position labelsname P-01 > P-10 enter the following: Label Type: Position Labels Prefix: PRange: 1 and 10, mark «leading zeroes». Digits: 2 Postfix: empty Copies: 1 The used Barcode Format The system makes use of special formattet barcodes that allows the software to recognize the function of the code. The general format of these barcodes is: -+#<2 digit type code> A picking box has for example the type "02" and a box with number 0765 will have the following barcode: +#020765 108  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The barcode must always be followed by an character. The scanner must be configured so it is able to scan the special codes (-+#) correctly in case these barcodes are used. To check if a scanner is configured correctly, try to scan a barcode in for example Notepad and check if the characters are correct and that the barcode is followed by a newline characater. Type Location Picking Box Flowrack position Pickcart Position pickcart Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Sorter Position Command Reserved InventoryPrintList no. InventoryItem no. Move to consolidation Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Comment BARCODE_LOCATION BARCODE_BOX BARCODE_BOX_POSITION BARCODE_PICK_CART_NUMBER BARCODE_PICK_CART_BOX_POSITION BARCODE_TRAY_NUMBER BARCODE_ARTICLE_NUMBER BARCODE_COMPOSIT_1 BARCODE_COMPOSIT_2 BARCODE_COMPOSIT_3 BARCODE_COMPOSIT_4 BARCODE_COMPOSIT_5 BARCODE_SORT_POSITION BARCODE_COMMAND NEWPOS: (New positon BARCODE_RESERVED BARCODE_INVENTORYPRINTLISTNO BARCODE_INVENTORYITEMNO BARCODE_MOVE_TO_CONSOLIDATION When read in combination with an order all boxes in the order will be moved to the consoliation area. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  109 Oprydning Funktion for oprydning i databasen af gamle ordrer etc. Navigation Menu: Administration -> Oprydning Funktioner 110  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Configuration of Label Printers LogiSoft has a system for printing barcode labels in various operations. The system does not format the label using a Windows driver, but requires the label to be formattet in the language of the used printer. Due to this, there is no need to install a Windows driver for the printer. An exception to this is if the printer is accessed using a Windows Share, in this case a simple text printer must be installed. To print labels, the following must be configured: 1. A label printer must be available, connected directly to the PC from where the print is done, or a printer connected to the local network. 2. The printer must be defined in LogiSoft. 3. A layout must be defined for the printer. This defines how the label will look like and which commands that must be send to the label printer. 4. A connection between the layout and in which operation, the layout should be used. The templates being defined can be reused between all clients PCs, but Printer setup and configuration of how each operation is printed, must be define for each PC, though there is a method of copy printer from one pc to another. Navigation Menu: Administration > System Configuration > Label Print Keyboard: There is no keyboard short-cut for this function. Add a Printer To create a new printer, right-click Printers and select add printers. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  111 Fill then all information about the printer. Printer Name: Name of the printer so it can be recognized. 112  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Printer type: Choose which type of printer used. The significance of this is primarily how the commands sent to the printer are formatted. Printer Port: Select the printer port on the PC printer. LogiSoft does not support USB ports. To print to USB printers, setup a text printer in Windows and define a share for the printer. TCP Print Host: IP address or name and port, for TCP/IP printers connected to the network. Use 9100 as default port number. Printer share name: Define the LogiSoft Name if Printer Port is set to «Share». Baudrate: Communication speed for printers connected to the PC COM port (RS232). Databits: Serial communication data bits. Stopbits: Serial communication stop bits. Parity: Serial communication parity type. Flow Control: Configuration for serial printers. Defines how the synchronization to the serial port is done. Code Page: Defines the mapping of the UniCode characters in LogiSoft to the printer format. Is country specific characters printed with wrong codes (like «ÆØÅ»), this is typical the codepage that is wrong. Delay: Delay between each label that is printed. If no flow control is used, there is a risk that printer buffer runs full during long printouts. In that case a delay in milliseconds can be defined between each printed label. Set the delay so the printer has enough time print before the next label is sent. Init Commands: It is possible to set some special printer commands, that are sent the first time the printer is used. This can, for example be setup type, label size, etc. Leave the box blank if not used. [Test]: Print this button to send the Init Commands. Label Templates This defines a standard template for a label. What the template should look like, depends entirely on the printer used and requires documentation for the actual printer. Third-part software can also be used to define the label template. In the template with printer commands, placeholders are used to define where the final text to print should be put. Use %1, %2, %3, etc. to print parameter 1,2,3. To define the maximum length of the inserted text, use the format: %L to set the maximum field length. Append a “U” to the placeholder, for example %1U to force the inserted text to be in upper case characters. Template Name: Name of the template. Printer Type: Select which type of printer used. Must be equal to the created printer. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  113 Content: The actual commands sent to the printer. [Test]: When you press the [Test] button, sent the custom commands in content to the printer. This is a quick way to check the created layout. Instead of the final text, it will print %1,%2, etc. where the text will eventually be inserted. Template Usage After creating a printer and there is a suitable template, you can tie them together for a specific operation. This happens under Template Usage. Click on the requested operation and select the printer and template and define which arguments should be used in which fields. Printer: Choose which printer to use. More than on printer can be used for the same PC, thereby different label sizes and types are supported. Template: Choose the template to use Template Arguments: Depending on the number of arguments/placeholders found in the template, the same number is available matching against actual fields. 114  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Set Lift Height in Automats For automats equipped with variable picking tables, it is possible to set the height individual for each user. The height will be remembered until next login and ensure that the user always get the optimal working conditions. The height is defined for all automats in one setup. Navigation Menu: Administration -> Set Lift Function Set the height using the slider and press [apply] when ready. The table will now move to the requested height. Repeat until the requested working height is reached. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  115 Udskriv Lokationer Funktion for udskrivning af lokationslabel i et valgfrit område, f.eks. for en skuffe, en gang, en reol eller hele lageret. Navigation Menu: Administration -> Udskriv Lokationer. Tastatur: Der findes ingen genvej for denne funktion. Udskriv af lokationer Vælg det ønskede område for udskrift af labels. [Udskriv alt]: Udskriv det komplette lager. Zone fra, til: Angiv hvilke zoner der skal skrives ud, f.eks "A" ot "A" for at udskrive Zone A. [Alle Zoner]: Vælg denne for udskrift af samtlige zoner. Gang fra, til: Angiv hvilke gang(e) der skal skrives ud. [Alle gange]: Vælg denne for udskrift af samtlige gange i de valgte zoner. Modul fra, til: Angiv hvilke moduler der skal skrives ud. [Alle moduler]: Vælg denne for udskrift af samtlige moduler i de valgte zoner. Skuffer fra, til: Angiv hvilke skuffer der skal skrives ud. [Alle skuffer]: Vælg denne for udskrift af samtlige skuffer i de valgte zoner. [Udskriv]: Tryk her for at starte udskrift. [Luk]: Luk vinduet. 116  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Ordre indstillinger Ordre indstillinger o Kvittering for pluk og påpladslægning o Ordretyper o System Parametre  Generelt Herunder findes indstillinger for hvordan ordrer skal håndteres. Kvittering for pluk og påpladslægning Her sættes hvordan der skal kvitteres for pluk og påpladslægning i batchplukke billedet i forbindelse med stregkoder. Dette giver mulighed for at kontrollere at plukket foretages fra den korrekte lokation og det er den korrekte varer og der plukkes til den korrekte ordre. Ved ændring kræves genstart af Shark Klienten. Der findes en mulighed for at lave nogle ”Accepter alt” koder som kan anvendes i tilfælde af at stregkoden ikke kan læses. Accepter alt: Er dette felt aktiveret kan der kvitteres med en standard eller ved tryk på skærmen (Accepter knappen). Giver altså ingen sikkerhed. Er denne valgt har resten ingen betydning. Artikel nummer: Varenummer skal scannes. EAN: EAN kode skal scannes. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  117 Ordrenummer: Ordrenummeret skal scannes. Boksnummer: Ved brug af bokse skal der kvitteres på boksnummeret. Følgeseddel: Følgeseddelnummer skal scannes. Lokation: Lokationsadressen skal scannes. Script: Det er muligt at programmere et script som foretager validering. Dette muliggør tilpasninger til specielle krav. Ordretyper Ud over det simple pluk og indlagringsordrer er det muligt at oprette mere specielle afledte ordrer som oprettes under ”Ordretyper”. Navn: Navn der anvendes i dialoger og ved visning. Beskrivelse: Informativ beskrivelse af hvad ordretypen anvendes til. Type: 1=Pluk, 2=Indlagring Ordrenummerprefix: Prefix text foran ordrenummer hvis ordren oprettes i Shark. Ordrenummersuffix: Text efter ordrenummer hvis ordren oprettes i Shark. 118  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maxs ordrenummer: Næste ordrenummer der anvendes (incrementeres for hver ny oprettelse). Ordrenummerlængde: Antal cifre i ordrenummer (minus prefix og suffix). Foranstillede nuller: Hvis valgt bliver ordrenummer udfyldt med nuller så det har længden Ordrenummerlængde. Manual Transaktion: Vælg om ordren kan anvendes i det manuelle transaktionsvindue. M.Tran.Admin.Only: Ordren er kun tilgængelig for administratorer. System Parametre Under System->System Parametere i System Konfiguration findes parametre der styrer og ændre systemets generelle opførsel. Disse parametre afløses over tid af den opsætning der findes under Error: Reference source not found og afvendes primært for bagud kompabilitet med ældre installationer. Name Value Description Default: Character used as separator between article number and batch number. Must be defined if BatchSeparator # batch numbers are used. Controls some specific optional features with the hardware. 0: No special features. Features 0-.. 8: Logimat Tilt. NormalLogin 0|1 64: Logimat Lift. If 0 the login window will show a list of user names (buttons), if "1" a login dialog is used where the user has to enter a name and password. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  119 Generelt Diverse parametre. Name ValueKommentar PriorityThreshold Shark optimerer skufferækkefølgen for automater. Denne værdi hvor mange gange en 1000 skuffe må springes over før den skal hentes. Dette for at undgå at der er skuffer der aldrig der bliver hentet. 120  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Indlagringsstrategi At finde den rigtige plads på lageret for en given vare kan være ganske kompliceret, da der er mange forhold at tage hensyn til. Shark indeholder et avanceret system der tillader brugeren at optimere indlagringsstrategien efter den ønskede opførsel. Navigation Menu: Administration -> Indlagringskonstanter Funktioner Hvilke strategi der vælges sættes med antal "skydere", hvor man for hver parameter sætter et tal mellem -10 og 10, 0 betyder at denne parameter ingen betydning har, 10 har den er meget vigtig og -10 at denne parameter er særdeles uønsket. Pas på med at anvende meget store eller små værdier da det kan overskygge de andre parametre. Bemærk at der er mange forhold der gør sig gældende ved indlagring og at man derfor kan opleve at Shark vælger en indlagringslokation der ikke svarer til det forventede. F.eks. skal der også tages hensyn til lokationstyper og pakningsstørrelser. Korrekt aftand fra luge: Shark vil forsøge at anbringe varen i forhold til sin plukkefrekvens, så højt omsætlige varer er nemme at plukke og derefter rangeret fornuftigt. Fordel varer jævnt mellem moduler: Sæt positiv hvis man ønsker artiklerne spredt mellem moduler (automater), dette giver plukkefordele (hastighed og sikkerhed), men gør også indlagring langsommere. Fordel varer jævnt mellem skuffer: Hvis positiv vil automat skuffer blive jævnt fordelt, hvis negativ vil artiklerne forsøgt samlet i få skuffer. Andre varer i samme varegruppe i samme skuffe: Forsøger at samle varer i samme varegruppe i samme skuffe. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  121 Varen er i samme skuffe: Hvis artiklen allerede er i samme skuffe, forsøg da at indlagre samme artikel i samme skuffe. Varen er i en anden skuffe i samme automat: Det tager relativt lang tid at skifte skuffe i en automat, så hvis der ofte plukkes samme vare over flere lokationer er det ikke hensigtmæssigt at varen er i en anden skuffe i samme automat, sæt værdien negativ for at få denne effekt. 122  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Tray Templates Locations are a fundamental concept in Shark and creation of new locations starts in the Tray Template Editor. All trays in Shark must have a well-defined layout. This must be created in the Tray Template Editor, where a tray type can be made. A template means that what is created is a standard tray type, that later can be applied to the actually trays that are going to be used. Every created tray template is assigned a name, that later is used in the System Configuration when the warehouse layout is defined. So the template is not the actually locations, only a standard type that later can be used to create the actually locations. In the following the names box types and location types are both used, they have the same meaning. If a tray template is modified, after it has been used to create actually locations, it will not affect already created locations. Navigation Menu: Administration -> Tray Template Editor Functionality The Tray Template Editor is a graphical editor, where the organization can be viewed and modified using mouse, keys and a graphical view. [Select Template]: The menu in the upper left corner is used to choose the current template. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  123 [New]: Start to create a new template. [Copy]: Copy the current active template and assign a new name. This is a fast way to create a new template, similar to an an already existing layout. [Rename]: Change the name of the current template. [Print]: Print the current template, including the graphic and a list of all location types. [Remove]: Delete the current template. This is only possible if the template is not in use. [Index] | [Box name] | [Alias]: Select what information is shown in the graphical view of the template. The index number shows which number the location has, and refers to the Current Tray Organisation table. Box name shows which location type the box has and Alias shows an alternative name that can be assigned a location. Tray Organization: Table that shows all locations created in the tray. The table shows the index number, location type, location name in the tray, and also an alias name that can be assigned as an alternative to the automat generated address. [Arrow Left|Rigth|Up|Down]: Choose a location by clicking in the graphical view or in the tray organization table. Hereafter the location can be moved by clicking on the four arrow buttons. This is an alternative to use the mouse and in some situations, it is more convenient, if the grid is very fine. In that case it can be difficult to be precise enough with the mouse. [<<] : Choose a location type from the table Available Boxes and press the double left arrow button to a add the selection box to the layout. The box will be placed at the first available location at the lower left corner. [>>]: Remove a location from the layout by selecting the location from the graphical view or in the tray organization table. Then press the right double arrow button. As an alternative use the mouse. Available Boxes: This is a table of all available location types. Every location type is box that has a name and dimensions. The name can be changes, also when the location type is in use. Every location type has a size defined by width, length and heigh, defined in mm. The size can later be used by the system, to calculate how many items a specific location can contain. The table shows a locker icon at the right if the location type is in use, in that case it cannot be deleted and the size cannot be changed. [Set as default]: Choose a location type and press Set as default to use the location type as the default for new articles, that has not been assigned any location types yet. If no default type is selected, the Tray Template Editor will show a warning every time the editor is closed. [New]: Press new to create a new location type. [Delete]: Click on a location type and press delete to remove the type. This is only possible if the location type is not in use. Remove a Location It is possible to delete a location in two ways, either by clicking the double-right-arrow button or by right-click the location by the mouse and choose “delete” from the displayed menu. 124  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Add a new Box to the Template To add a new location on an empty space, right click the mouse in the empty space og choose from the displayed menu, the requested location type. Define Alias Names When new locations are created in Shark, they will be assigned a location address automatically. In some situations, it is practical to use another address, this can for example be if they already have (another) name or if the name can be more intuitive for the user. Please note that it is already the last part of the location address that is changed (the coordinates in the tray). LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  125 Create a new Tray Template To create a new Tray Template from the bottom, press the button [New]. This will display a dialog box where the following have to be defined: Tray Type: Define the size of the tray by choose from predefined sizes. Tray Height: Define the height of the tray in mm. This is important, because the height has to be large enough to hold required boxes. Module Width/Depth: This define the “grid” the template is divided into. See also Error: Reference source not found for a further discussion. Be careful not to define a grid, to small, it will result in very long location addresses and make the system work slower. A typical way to make the grid, is to divide the the width or depth with a constant. For example: if the tray width is 2500, divide the with width 16, so the grid width is 156mm, round always the result down to a whole integer number. Please note that define parameters cannot be changed later. They have to be right from the very beginning. 126  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect . General Advices     Create the template from the lower left corner. New boxes are always added in the first empty, lower left corner. Use the copy function (right click an existing box) to add more equal boxes. It is also possible to add more boxes from this menu. If possible, it is easier to create a new template from copying an existing template. It is possible to change a single tray from the Manuel Transaction window, this will not change the template. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Administrative Functions  127 128  Administrative Functions LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information Under system information findes transaktionslog, systemlog, statistic, etc. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  129 Ordrestatistik Ordrestatistikken anvendes til at se gennemløbstiden for ordrer i systemet. For eksempel hvor lang tid går der på lageret fra en ordre er modtaget til den rent faktisk er plukket. Det er et effektivt værktøj til at vurdere om lageret fungerer tilfredsstillende og om hvordan ændringer påvirker driften. Advarsel! Nogle af disse statistik beregninger er meget krævende og vil kunne belaste databasen seriøst. Undgå derfor vedvarende brug af statistik funktioner når SHARK er i normal drift, da det vil kunne bevirke længere svartider for almindelige brugere. Navigering Menu: System Information -> Plukkestatistik -> Ordre gennemløbstid (faneblad). Genvej: Nej Funktioner I den øverste del af panellet vælges hvilke data der skal vises og hvordan. Dato fra: Kun ordrer afsluttet efter denne dato medtages. Data til: Kun ordrer afsluttet inden denne dato medtages. Kilde: Vælg her om der skal vises plukkeordrer, indlagringsordrer, etc. Ordre Type: Vælg hvilke specifik ordre type der skal vises. Display Type: Vælg om der skal vises et histogram eller et almindeligt gennemsnit. [Gem]: Gem tabellen i en fil (tekst eller Excel). [Opdater]: Opdaterer graf og tabel. Kan kun benyttes når opsætning er ændret. Panelet opdaterer selv efter ca. 5 sekunder hvis der ikke er trykket inden. Funktioner (Histogram) Histogrammer viser de valgte ordrer i graf og i tabel og aflæses som: 1. De blå søjler er antallet af ordrer der er afsluttet på den givne tid. Hvis der f.eks. vises med dags opløsning viser hver søjle antallet af ordrer med de pågældende antal dage. Antallet af ordrer viser på den venstre y-akse. F.eks vil søjlen for "5 dage" vise hvor mange ordrer der blev afsluttet inden for 5 dage. 130  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect 2. Den sorte graf viser det summerede antal omregnet til procent. Anvendes til at se hvor mange ordrer der blev afsluttet inden for en given tid. Procent står på den højre y-akse. Hvis man f.eks gerne vil se hvor lang tid der går før 60% af ordrerne er afsluttet aflæser man den summerede graf ud for 60% (ca. 5 dage). Den samme information som graferne viser kan også ses i tabellen. Der vises op til maksimum 100 timer eller 100 dage, så i nogle tilfælde vil det akkumulerede tal ikke nå 100% (hvis der er ordrer der har været mere end 100 dage under vejs). Funktioner: Gennemsnit Gennemsnittet beregnes som et almindeligt gennemsnit over den specificerede periode (start og slut dato).    De blå bokse viser antallet af ordrer for den pågældende periode, antallet aflæses på den venstre graf. Den sorte graf viser det gennemsnitlige antal dage for ordren og aflæses på den højre graf. Den grå graf er en trend eller tendens graf og viser udviklingen over den givne periode, aflæses på den højre graf (beregnet som least-mean-square af gennemsnittet). LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  131 132  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Plukkestatistik Plukkestatistik o Navigering o Funktioner  Ordrestatistik o Navigering o Funktioner o Funktioner (Histogram) o Funktioner: Gennemsnit Plukkestatistiken viser antal pluk pr. dag/måned/år fordelt på zoner, bruger og transaktionstyper. Navigering Menu: System Information -> Plukkestatistik -> Plukkestatistik (faneblad). Genvej: Nej Funktioner LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  133 134  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Ordrestatistik Ordrestatistikken anvendes til at se gennemløbstiden for ordrer i systemet. For eksempel hvor lang tid går der på lageret fra en ordre er modtaget til den rent faktisk er plukket. Det er et effektivt værktøj til at vurdere om lageret fungerer tilfredsstillende og om hvordan ændringer påvirker driften. Advarsel! Nogle af disse statistik beregninger er meget krævende og vil kunne belaste databasen seriøst. Undgå derfor vedvarende brug af statistik funktioner når SHARK er i normal drift, da det vil kunne bevirke længere svartider for almindelige brugere. Navigering Menu: System Information -> Plukkestatistik -> Ordre gennemløbstid (faneblad). Genvej: Nej LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  135 Funktioner I den øverste del af panellet vælges hvilke data der skal vises og hvordan. Dato fra: Kun ordrer afsluttet efter denne dato medtages. Data til: Kun ordrer afsluttet inden denne dato medtages. Kilde: Vælg her om der skal vises plukkeordrer, indlagringsordrer, etc. Ordre Type: Vælg hvilke specifik ordre type der skal vises. Display Type: Vælg om der skal vises et histogram eller et almindeligt gennemsnit. [Gem]: Gem tabellen i en fil (tekst eller Excel). [Opdater]: Opdaterer graf og tabel. Kan kun benyttes når opsætning er ændret. Panelet opdaterer selv efter ca. 5 sekunder hvis der ikke er trykket inden. Funktioner (Histogram) Histogrammer viser de valgte ordrer i graf og i tabel og aflæses som: 1. De blå søjler er antallet af ordrer der er afsluttet på den givne tid. Hvis der f.eks. vises med dags opløsning viser hver søjle antallet af ordrer med de pågældende antal dage. Antallet af ordrer viser på den venstre y-akse. F.eks vil søjlen for "5 dage" vise hvor mange ordrer der blev afsluttet inden for 5 dage. 2. Den sorte graf viser det summerede antal omregnet til procent. Anvendes til at se hvor mange ordrer der blev afsluttet inden for en given tid. Procent står på den højre y-akse. Hvis man f.eks gerne vil se hvor lang tid der går før 60% af ordrerne er afsluttet aflæser man den summerede graf ud for 60% (ca. 5 dage). Den samme information som graferne viser kan også ses i tabellen. Der vises op til maksimum 100 timer eller 100 dage, så i nogle tilfælde vil det akkumulerede tal ikke nå 100% (hvis der er ordrer der har været mere end 100 dage under vejs). 136  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Funktioner: Gennemsnit Gennemsnittet beregnes som et almindeligt gennemsnit over den specificerede periode (start og slut dato).    De blå bokse viser antallet af ordrer for den pågældende periode, antallet aflæses på den venstre graf. Den sorte graf viser det gennemsnitlige antal dage for ordren og aflæses på den højre graf. Den grå graf er en trend eller tendens graf og viser udviklingen over den givne periode, aflæses på den højre graf (beregnet som least-mean-square af gennemsnittet). LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  137 138  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Beholdning Lagerrapporten viser den øjeblikkelige beholdning sorteret på forskellig vis. Rapporten kan gemmes i fil eller udskrives på en printer og er en enkel måde at gennemføre en lageroptælling på hvis Optællingsmodulet ikke er installeret. Navigation Menu: System Information -> Rapport Genvej: Nej Funktioner Alle varer på hele lageret vises. Der er mulighed for at vælge forskelle sorteringsmetoder afhængigt af formålet. Rapport type: Vælg her hvordan oversigten sorteres. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  139 [Gem Rapport]: Gem indholdet af tabellen i en fil (tekst eller Excel). [Udskriv]: Udskriv indholdet af tabellen på papir. 140  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Systemloggen System loggen viser informationer om fejlmeddelelser, import af ordrer og andre informationer der er relevante for service og vedligeholdelse, hvor det er et helt uundværligt værktøj. Bemærk at det ikke er her man kan se bevægelser på beholdninger og ordrer, til dette bruger man transaktionsloggen. Som udgangspunkt gemmes al information for altid, men oftest vil der være et job der rydder op på databasen, således at der kun ligger system logs i en begrænset periode, f.eks. 3 måneder. Navigation Menu: System Information -> System Log. Genvej: Nej Funktioner System logges vises i kronologisk orden med de sidste logs øverst. Derefter er det muligt at afgrænse søgningen, således at man kun ser i en bestemt tidsinterval, kun ser logs genereret at en bestemt del af systemet, eller bestemte fejlkoder. Det er ligeledes muligt at vælge om man vil alle linier eller kun f.eks. fejl. Det vælges med nedenstående menu. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  141 Vælg med fejlkilden om man vil se alle logs, eller kun logs fra en bestemt kilde. Ved at dobbelt klikke med musen på log-linien for man en vindue der vises alle detaljer på hvad der er logget. 142  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Transaktionslog Hver eneste operation hvor varer er lagret eller plukket i automaterne bliver gemt i transaktionsloggen. Log’en er liste over samtlige udførte operationer og som dokumenterer hvad der er foregået. Ved alle registreringerne anføres også tidspunkt, den pågældende operatørs brugernavn, lokation, varernummer, ordrenummer og antal. Man kan enten vælge at alle transaktioner skal vises eller et søgekriterie kan udformes, så kun de relevante transaktioner vises. Blandt de mulige søgekriterier er at se transaktionerne i et bestemt tidsrum på en specifik vare eller en specifik operatør. Læs mere om transaktionsloggen her og generelt om transaktioner her. Navigering Tastatur: Ingen genvejstast er defineret. Menu: System Information -> Transaktionslog Funktioner Transaktionslog billledet viser en række søge kriterier som kan anvendes til at udvælge hvad man ønsker at se, som udgangspunkt vises alle de sidste transaktioner. Der vises maksimalt 200 transaktioner. Når søge kriterierne er ændret trykkes på [Opdater] (eller tryk Enter) for at genlæse data fra databasen. Listen med transaktioner er altid sorteres i kronologisk order (efter tid), med de yngste først. Antal vises som positive når de går ind på lagret og negative når de bliver trukket ud. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  143 Følgende funtioner er til rådighed: Start Dato: Den første dato som der vises. Bemærk at hvis der er mere end 200 transaktioner i det valgte tidsinterval, er det Slut Dato som anvendes. Slut Dato: Sidste dato for de udvalgte transaktioner. De øverste transaktions i listen vil derfor være den sidste forekommende inden denne dato. Boksnummer: Hvis kun transaktioner med dette boksnummer. Lokationsadresse: Hvis kun transaktioner for denne adresse. Transaktionstype: Hvis kun transaktioner af denne type. Hvilke transaktioner der er tilrådighed kan variere. Vælg alle for at se alle transaktionstyper. Bruger: Hvis kun transaktioner foretaget af en bestemt bruger. 144  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Ordrenummer: Hvis kun transaktioner for denne ordre. Varenummer: Hvis kun transaktioner for dette varenummer. [Opdater]: Opdaterer indholdet af tabellen. Bemærk at det kan tage et stykke tid for nogle forespørgsler - der kan være mange transaktioner der skal søges igennem! "Enter" tasten fungerer ligeledes som opdater. [Eksport]: Giver mulighed for at gemme de viste transaktioner i en fil som tekst eller i Excel format. [Ryd]: Sætter alle søgefelter til deres standard værdi. [Pil ned]: I nederste venstre hjørne er en pil. Den flytter dato intervallet så sidste dato bliver sat til den nederste linie. Denne funktioner kan bruges til at vise tidligere transaktioner end de nu udvalgte, en måde at "bladre" tilbage i historikken på. Søgning med "%" og flere felter Ønsker man at søge på kun en bestemt del af et nummer/navn kan man bruge "%" for den del der ønskes ignoreret. For eksempel vil 2004% vælge alle ordrer der starter med 2004 og %404% vil vælge alle ordrer hvor "404" indgår i nummeret. "%" kan anvendes for alle tekst søgefelterne. Udfyldes mere end et felt som søge kriterier, vises kun de transaktioner hvor alle kriterier er opfyldt. Brug af hurtig funktioner med musen Nogle ofte anvendte funktioner er tilgængelige ved at højre klikke med musen på en bestemt linie. Nedenstående menu vises da: Funktionerne er: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  145 Åben article editor: Åben artikle editoren med den artikle der er på den valgte transaktion. Åben ordre editor: Åben artikle editoren for ordren på den valgte transaktion. Se kun dette varenummer: Sæt artikelnummeret på den valgte transaktion som søgekriterie og opdater tabellen. Se kun denne ordre: Sæt ordrenummeret på den valgte transaktion som søgekriterie og opdater tabellen. Se kun denne lokation: Sæt lokationsadressen på den valgte transaktion som søgekriterie og opdater tabellen. Se alle: Fjern alle søge kriterier, datoerne bliver dog ikke ændret. Summeringsfunktion Der der kun vises transaktioner for en bestemt vare og/eller lokation vises yderst til højre en "sum" kolonne, det er summen af alle de viste transaktioner og vil vise lagerbeholdningen for den pågældende vare eller lokation på et givet tidspunkt. Dette vil dog kun være korrekt hvis alle transaktioner vises i det pågældende interval og funktionen skal bruges med varsomhed. 146  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Data Browser Data Browseren er et effektivt værktøj til at søge og ændre større mængder af data i systemet. Det er f.eks. muligt at udvælge en antal varer ud fra nogle givne søge kriterier og sætte standardværdier for alle disse varer i en enkelt operation. De søgte data kan gemmes i text eller Excel filer og printes. En anden fordel med Data Browseren er at det er muligt at lave specielle datakilder eller "views" for udtræk at data som normalt ikke er tilgængelige i SHARK. Navigering Tastatur: Ingen genvejstast er defineret. Menu: Transaktioner -> Data Browser Funktioner Når Data Browseren åbnes ses nedenstående vindue. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  147 Vis data For at vise ønskede data gøres følgende: 1. Vælg først hvilke datakilde der ønskes vist, kolonne navnene i den øverste tabel vil nu vise navnene på kolonnerne i de valgte datakilde. 2. Vælg derefter hvilke kolonner der ønskes vist ved klikke på "Vis" feltet til for de ønskede kolonner. 3. Ønskes data sorteret efter en eller flere kolonner klikkes feltet i den ønskede kolonne for "Sortering", kolonnen med "Rækkefølge" viser hvilke kolonner der kommer først i sorteringen hvis der er mere end en kolonne valgt til sortering. 4. Ønskes data filtreret, så kun data der opfylder bestemte regler kan de defineres i "Kriterie" rækken med en regel for hver kolonne. 5. Tryk på [Udfør]. 6. De fundne data vises nu i den nederste tabel. Opsætning af kriterier Man kan filtrere sine data, så kun de ønskede vises. 1. Vælg den kolonne der skal filtreres på. 148  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect 2. Sæt kriterie til den ønskede funktion, det kan f.eks. lig-med (=), større-end (>), mindre-end (<) o.s.v. 3. Udfyld værdi feltet nedenunder med den ønskede sammenligningsværdi. Man kan anvende "%" i værdi feltet hvis der skal filtreres i et interval. 4. Hvis der er flere kolonner, gentages proceduren for punkt 1-3 indtil alle kolonner er udfyldt. 5. Start kørsel på normal vis med [Udfør] Ændring af data Det er muligt at ændre alle de data der viser ved at indtaste en værdi i feltet "værdi (opdatering) og derefter trykke [Opdater]. Udskrivning af data Gem data i en fil Tilføj nye views til Data Browseren Det er muligt at tilføje nye "views" til Data Browseren for en system administrator med mulighed for at rette i SHARK databasen og med kendskab til tabelstrukturen i SHARK. For at lave en ny datakilde tilføjes et SQL View til databasen og navnet på View'et tilføjes til tabellen "AvailableUserViews" som har 2 kolonner:   ViewName: Navnet på det SQL View der er oprettet. DisplayName: Kort beskrivelse som vises i "Datakilde" menuen i Data Browseren. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  149 Box Statistics There is an ongoing need to monitor how the available location types are used. The box statistic provideds a list over which location types have been created, in which zones they are used and how many are in use and free. Moreover the free and used space and area are calculated. Navigation Menu: System Information -> Box Statistcs. Short-cut: No Functions Shows a table over used and free locations group by location types. Moreover it is possible to show all zones and one specific zone. The bottom line is a sum of all available types. So for example if the the [Zone] drop down box is set to "All Zones", the bottom line shows the total available number of locations, free and occupied for the current site. Please note that a location is occupied, if an article is assigned the location, the statistic does not taking into account, if the locations are full or just partly used. 150  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Zone: Choose here between óne zone or all. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect System Information  151 152  System Information LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Link is a module, used by LogiSoft, to provide an interface to external Host/ERP systems for on-line handling of orders and exchange of other information, like article master data, inventorying requests, etc. Orders can be transferred from the Host system and Shark will return an acknowledge back, when the order actually has been processed. LogiSoft Link might also return stock adjustments, when the actually number of articles on stock does not fit with the expected count or when an order could not be fulfilled completely. In general, the purpose is, that LogiSoft and the host system can be used as one homogeneous system. A number of different standard formats are available for interfacing, depending on the requirements and the ERP system, some customization will typical be required, but the formats and methods have been selected to minimize the required work and make interfacing to SHARK as seamless as possible. LogiSoft supports a number of different type of information, that can be exchanged between the two systems, the most common are:     Article Master Data. LogiSoft has a local database for articles. This database can either be maintained manually or by receiving the information from the ERP system. The New Article format creates a new entry or updates the information for an existing article and thereby free the user for the double work of maintaining two databases. Order Request. By sending an Order Request, the ERP system requests the specified items to be picked from the storage. There are different type of orders, like picking orders and put-away orders. Order Acknowledge. When an order has been picked the SHARK software acknowledge the order by an Order Acknowledge telegram. The purpose is both to indicate that the order processing has been completed, but also to adjust the order in case it could not be completely fulfilled, for example if not all the requested articles are available on the stock. Inventorying control. Shark can send stock adjustments to the host and the host can request stock counting for a specific article. The native format for the data interchange between the Host system and LogiSoft is XML files, alternatively flat ASCII files. A folder (directory) accessible on the network for both systems is used for data exchange. If the native format is used, this format must be implemented in the host system. File Exchange The exchange of files between the host and LogiSoft is done by shared folders. Importing files The folder used for transaction exchange can freely be selected on the local network. It is defined in the LogiSoft registry. The import strategy is: 1. 2. The is generated by the Host. It is recommended that the file is created with a temporary extension and renamed when the file is ready. This to prevent the file to be read, before it is finalized. The file is recognized in the "Import" folder. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  153 3. 4. 5. 6. An optional delay can be specified, that will force the import to wait for the specified time from the file is recognized to the import starts. The file is moved to a temporary folder. This to ensure that nobody else uses the file and if the "Import" folder is on an external drive, to speed up the processing speed. LogiSoft Link process the file from the temporary folder. If the processing was successfull the file is moved to the log folder else the file is moved to the "Error" folder. The folders used for importing files. The definition of the import folders are done from a SHARK client, in the registry setup, an example is shown below: The registry setup in SHARK defining folders used for file import. Exporting Files Cleaning up the Log Folder All imported files will as default be saved in the "Log" folder. This folder will after a short period be filled up with files if nothing was done. To avoid this LogiSoft link includes a folder cleaning function that automatically delete the files when they are older than a specified date. For larger system 3 days can be appropriated, for smaller installation 30 days can be OK. The nice thing about the log folder is, that files can be reimported in case something goes wrong and it is easy to pin-point a problem because the original data can easily be found. 154  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The error folder is not automatically cleaned. Import Rules for Orders The following table shows how SHARK reacts in various situations when importing picking orders. Parameter Value Note AutoCreateItem True|False If true, unknown articles will be created when needed. CancelOrderLinesWithoutStock True|False If true the stock must be present. ItemNumberUnique True|False The same article number must only appear once per order. Situation OrderhandlingStrict=1 OrderhandlingStrict=0 Order Status Orderline Status Order Status Orderline Status OK OK OK OK The article is defined in SHARK, Error but no articles on stock. Error OK Backorder The article exist on stock, but the Error available quantity is too small. Error OK Backorder. OK Error (1) All articles for the orderline are on stock. The article is not known by Error Error SHARK. (1) If IgnoreOrderlines is set to "1", the line will simply be ignored. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  155 Order status: OK: The order is ready to be picked. Error: The order cannot be imported. Orderline status: OK: The orderline is ready to be picked. Backorder: The orderline can be picked when the stock is sufficient for the required article. Error: The orderline will be rejected and generate an error log. Other configuration parameters, set in the SHARK SystemParameter table: AutoCreateItem: If the article does not exist, it will be created. KeepOrderlines: Keep the orderline, even the location is not for SHARK. Can be used to keep orderlines, where the articles actually are located outside SHARK. The order line will get a status that say it is a text-line and will be ignored by SHARK. IgnoreOrderlines: If set to 1 lines with missing articles will reject the order. When is the Acknowledge File Generated? Acknowledge files back to the ERP system can be generated at the following situations: 1. When the order is completed with an OK or Cancel status. 2. After each orderline is partly picked or completed. The first setup ensures that the acknowledge file contains a complete "report" for the order. The second setup will return the acknowledge information in segmented files. This means that the same order will be acknowledged in several files, if the order contains more than one line. 156  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect XML Connector XML provides a standard way of representing hierarchical, structured data. XML make use of mark-up tags, similar to HTML, indicating how data should be interpreted by the application. All the XML files must have the extension .xml General comments: The element names are case sensitive. New lines and indentation is only used to make the XML readable, they are not required and can be used freely. XML files can be displayed in a Web Browser (nicely formatted, for example in Internet Explorer). The formats can be combined, so article information can for example be sent in the same XML file as the order and orders and put-away requests can be combined in the same file. This makes the format very flexible. To allow European characters in the XML file the XML header should look like: Please note that some characters are not allowed in XML: Character Coding & encode as: & < encode as: < > encode as: > " encode as: " ' encode as: ' Character references provide a way to insert Unicode characters that are identified by a number pointing to a Unicode code point. Code points can be identified using either decimal or hexadecimal notation. &#value; Syntax used for decimal references. &#xvalue; Syntax used for hexadecimal references. XSLT Transformation XSLT stylesheet transformation is supported. This is used to convert an external XML format to the one SHARK uses, and the other way around. Schema for the XML format A Schema can be found at Configuration Two jobs must be defined, one for importing XML files and one for exporting. Of course it is also possibly to use only one direction and only define either import or export. XML Exporter Registry Type ClassName dk.logiware.sharklink.SharkLinkXMLExporter2 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Description LogiSoft Link  157 Enabled Boolean: true|false Registry NumberFormatString Type Description String Default=0.000 Define the numeric format for decimal numbers. # : Digit, zero shows as absent 0 : Digit . : Decimal separator. OutFolder ErrorFolder XML Importer Registry Type Description ClassName dk.logiware.sharklink.SharkLinkXMLImporter2 Enabled Boolean: true|false Registry Type Description InFolder ErrorFolder XML Formats Shark File Format All XML files generated by LogiSoft has a fixed “Document” header that defines an envelope for the document. The header includes a unique document number, the time when it was generated and type of document. The information can be ignored, but can be used to track the document in Shark. ACKNOWLEDGE 2011-02-17 21:58.08 SHARKLINK HOST 20 … content 158  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Segment: Document Element Type Description DocNumber String The article number is a unique identification of an article in combination with the Owner. Type String Type of this document. Sender String Who that generated the document. Receiver String The expected receiver of this document Date String Date when the document was generated. Create a new Order The "Order" is generated by the ERP system to create a new order. Syntax Elements written in bold are required. The rest is optional. document number sender name date of issue order number order type id order type priority Customer Number Customer Name
Street Street line 2 City zip code Country
Date Reference Name linenumber Article) Number Number of items Unit Item note or description batch number date location type misc 1 misc 2 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  159 misc 3 misc 4 misc 5
Segment: Order Element Type Description OrderNumber string The order number is a reference number that in combination with the OrderType and the DeliveryNote defines a unique order. OrderType int OrderType defines the type of the order. The default types are: 1=pick, 2=put-away. Other types can be defined in Shark. Owner string Optional owner (company) of this order. In case an owner is specified, all articles in the order must be owned by the specified owner. DeliveryNote string Priority string Priority is a number between 0 and 255. Default is 127, 0 is lowest and 255 is express orders. DeliveryDate string Date the order should be delivered. The default date format is yyyymm-dd. DeliveryAddress1 string Delivery address line 1 DeliveryAddress2 string Delivery address line 2 DeliveryAddress3 string Delivery address line 3 DeliveryAddress4 string Delivery address line 4 DeliveryAddress5 string Delivery address line 5 Description string Free order description. Note string Free order note. CustomerNumber string Customer number is a unique number for the customer. CustomerOrderNumber string Customers order number CustomerName string The name of the customer CustomerRef string The reference name of the customer CustomerAddress1 string Customer address 1 CustomerAddress2 string Customer address 2 CustomerAddress3 string Customer address 3 CustomerAddress4 string Customer address 4 CustomerAddress5 string Customer address 5 Shipment string One or more methods that can be used for shipment of this order. SHARK will find the optimal way depending on the weight of the order. Misc1 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc2 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc3 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc4 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc5 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc6 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. 160  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Misc7 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc8 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc9 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc10 string Text in bold is required Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Segment: OrderLine (repeat one or more times) Element Type Description ArticleNumber string The article number is a unique identification of an article in combination with the Owner. ArticleDescription string Free description of the article. Do not have to be unique. BatchNumber string Optional batch number for the articles. BatchDate string Batch date is typical the latest date the article can be sold. Default date format: yyyy-mm-dd. SerialNumber string Optional serial number for the article. LineNumber int An integer that will be used in the returned acknowledge and thereby creating a link between order and acknowledge lines. If not specified, a running number starting from 1 for each order, will be used. Qty double Article quantity. Default decimal separator is ".". Unit string The article unit is the package size in Shark. Note string Optional note that will be displayed to the operator when the order line is picked. StockType string The StockType indicator is a flag that for put-away orders will be assigned to the storage location for the article. For picking orders, it will force the pick to be done from a location with this specific StockType. Can be used to: Quality control, damaged articles, articles reserved to a specific order or customer. Default types are: Q (Quality Control), D (Damaged), R (Reserved). Misc1 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc2 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc3 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc4 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc5 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc6 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc7 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc8 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc9 string Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Misc10 string Text in bold is required Miscellaneous field for customized functionality. Example: The example below includes only the required information for picking of two items for an order: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  161 1234567 000001 100 000007 200 Cancel Order Use this format to Cancel an existing order. Syntax: Elements written in bold are required. The rest is optional. order number Order Acknowledge The order acknowledge is generated by SHARK when processing of an order is terminated. Generation of acknowledge files are an optional feature, that can be enabled/disabled in the configuration setup. If the files are not used, the feature should be disabled to avoid filling up the hard disk with unused files. Rules: For each line in, the original order, a similar line is returned, but containing the actually picked number of articles. The name of the order acknowledge file is: .xml The file is put in the subfolder Out under the shared exchange folder. The files are not deleted by SHARK link, it is the ERP system that is responsibly for deleting the files. Syntax: Status order number 200 Article Number Count of actually picked item Segment: Acknowledge Element 162  LogiSoft Link Type Description LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect OrderNumber string Sales order number. OrderTypeID int "200" for put-away orders (inbound goods). Status: OK|ERROR|CANCEL|PARTLY OK: The order was carried out successfully. ERROR: An unspecified error occurred, for example that the specified article was not found in the automat. Status string CANCEL: The order was cancelled from SHARK link or by the operator. PARTLY: The operator has indicated that the order could not be fulfilled because of missing articles. This happens if the actually number of articles does not fit the expected count. The section is repeated for each line in the original order. An error status response will be generate in case the order could not successfully be imported by SHARK. Possible reasons are: specified articles did not exist in the database, order number is already used, etc. Use the log file for further debugging. Note that syntax errors or other problems that results from an order file that could not be read, will not generate an acknowledge file! This because the order number then is unknown. Put-Away Request The put-away request is generated by the ERP system to add new articles to the stock. Rules that applies to the put-away request: If the article does not exist in the SHARK article database, it will be created using the supplied information. In that case the article textual description is required! The used strategy for allocating the location is that it will be the first location found by SHARK, what this location is like, depends on SHARK configuration. It is possible to specify a physical fixed location and thereby overruling SHARKS space management system. This is done using the Location element. If the specified location for some reason is illegal, the put-away request will generate an error. Syntax: Bolded elements are required. The rest is optional. order number Item (article) Number Number of items Location Preferred box type Line number The section is repeated for each article. Put-Away Order Acknowledge The put-away order acknowledge is generated by SHARK when processing of a put-away order is finalized. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  163 Generation of acknowledge files are an optional feature, that can be enabled/disabled in the configuration setup. If the files are not used, the feature should be disabled to avoid filling up the hard disk with unused files. Rules: For each line in, the original order, a similar line is returned, but containing the actually picked number of articles. The name of the order acknowledge file is: .xml The file is put in the subfolder Out under the shared exchange folder. The files are not deleted by SHARK link, it is the ERP system that is responsibly for deleting the files. Syntax Status PUT order number Status Item (Article) Number Count of new items stored Line number Status: OK|ERROR|CANCEL||PARTLY LineStatus: OK|ERROR|CANCEL|PARTLY PARTLY: Not all requested articles were put on stock. Note there are both a common Status value and one for each line. The common value will be set if one or more order lines were not OK. The section is repeated for each line in the original order. Article Master Data Transaction creating new articles or modifying existing in the SHARK database. Send by the ERP system to the SHARK system. Rules: If the article already exists, the information will be updated with the new content. The file is placed in the ..In. File extension must be .xml. Filename is freely selected. No response (acknowledge) is generated by this transaction. If a box type is specified, this will be the default box type for that article, until a another box type is specified. If a storage strategy is specified (by ), this will be the strategy used for future articles of that type. 164  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Segment: Article Element Type Description ArticleNumber string ArticleNumber Description string Description of the article Description2 string Second description of the article AlternativeArticleNumber1 string An alternative to the article number. AlternativeArticleNumber2 string An alternative to the article number. Syntax: Bolded elements are required. The rest is optional.
Article number EAN Number Article description Article description 2 Floating|Fixed|FIFO|LIFO Low|Medium|High Minimum number of articles Maximum number of articles ERP count for number of articles Height of article in mm Width of article in mm Depth of article in mm Weight of article in g Volume in liters
Use either height/width/depth or Volumen, both can not be specified at the same time. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  165 When specifying a box type the name must already exist as a box type in Shark. Elements: ArticleNumber: Unique article number defining the item, despite the name, it is a string that can contain both numbers and letters. EAN Number: If available the ERN number can be specified here (available from version 1.1.47) LocationType: Select the strategy used to store articles of this type. The default value is a system parameter selected as an overall strategy for the system. Read about storage strategies in the SHARK User Manual for a further discussion of the various available methods. "LIFO" is a special method for previous picked articles returned to stock. PickingRate: This is an optional parameter, used in combination with the SHARK optimiser module, to provide the system with information about expected picking frequencies and thereby allowing SHARK to store articles with high rates at locations that are easy to reach. MinCount: Minimum number of articles allowed in the system. This function is used as a level for automatic generation of fill up requests. MaxCount: In combination with the preferred box type, it defines how articles can be stored on one location. ERPCount: This is a count that the ERP system may supply, used mainly as user information showing the number the ERP systems expects of the article. Mainly used in combination with an external back-storage from where the stock can be refilled. Zone: A list of comma separated zone names where this article can be stored. The first zone is the primary, the following zones are alternatives in case the primary zone cannot be used, for example due to missing space. Dimensions: Information used by SHARK to calculate the space require, when storing articles. A minimum example of an article definition:
00007 Strawberry Marmalade
Stock Adjustment File containing relative stock adjustments. article number article owner batch numberrelative quantity quantity unit Inventory Count Request The stocktaking or inventorying request is a part of the SHARK inventory module and used to request a count of the specified articles and a feedback to the ERP system. Syntax: Bolded elements are required. The rest is optional. 166  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Order Number note
article number
segment is repeated, one for each article to count. Replenishment The replenishment order is an order that SHARK can generate as a request for articles with low stock. This order type is only valid for installations make use of automatic replenishment. Syntax OrderNumber article number item count Registry Settings It is possible to import Shark Registry settings using the XML format. key value String|Int|Float|Boolean Stored Procedure It is possibly to make a Stored Procedure call directly from XML. Example on an XSLT that calls a stored procedure: Stored procedure name parameter name value String|Float|Integer LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  167 XSLT Transformations XSLT transformations are used to transform between the SHARK XML format and external XML formats. XML to XML transformations The normal use of XSLT is for transformation between two different XML formats. SHARK supports both transformation of imported and exported XML files. XML to script transformation A special variation of XSLT is available by combining an XSLT transformation with the SHARK support for interpreting BeanShell scripts. Using this method an XSLT sheet transforms an XML document into a BeanShell program that afterwards are interpreted. This makes it possibly to perform more complex processing of the imported data than available in the XSLT sheets. XML to ASCII transformation With XSLT it is also possibly to transform to flat ASCII files. This can be a convenient way of making special formatted ASCII files. Example on a XSLT transformation that convert the Shark XML stock report to a flat ASCII file. 0.0 0.0 168  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  169 ASCII File Connector SHARK Link supports a standard ASCII format suitable for general Host Systems capable of exporting and importing ASCII files in a flat-file, table like format. The format is convenient to use with many host types, especially older systems not supporting XML. If XML is available this is recommended instead, due to better flexibility, more functions and easier to read. The interchange of data, by means of readable ASCII files, makes it easy to debug and it is a robust solution not sensitive to for example temporary network problems. The following transaction types are by default supported from the host (ERP) to SHARK: Transaction Description Comment Shark Order Type ID PS Pick Sale. Standard picking order. 100 PP Pick Production Order Pick material to a production order. 101 ST Store. Normal put-away operation for incoming goods. 200 SP Store Production. Put-away (store) production orders 201 SC Store returned goods. Put-away returned goods. 202 MD Item Master Data. Optional master data for the articles - IR Inventorying Request. Create an inventory order in Shark (requires the optional stock counting module). - The actual names of the transactions, can be configured and new user defined order types created in the configuration. Pick and put transactions will be confirmed by Shark, by an acknowledge file. 170  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Typical flow of files from the Host System to Shark. The host generates an order file, shark picks the order and returns an acknowledge file. Folders and File Names One folder is used for sending files from the HOST to SHARK and another folder for acknowledge files from SHARK to the HOST. Rules for the filename:  Files from the host must have a unique name with a fixed file extension. SHARK does not use the name as such, but it should not be reused to avoid deletion by overwriting existing files.  Files from SHARK to the Host are also unique. The name is the order number, followed by an index number, for example 9456-1.cmf. The index number is incremented for each written acknowledge file for the particular order.  Each file may contain one or more orders, but they are expected to be sorted in "order number" when created. The procedure for importing files is:  The file is moved to a temporary local folder (a copy followed by a file-delete from the import folder). This is mainly done to improve performance, if the shared folder is a network folder on none-Windows systems or the access is via WAN networks.  Shark imports the file from the temporary folder.  After SHARK has read the file, it is stored in a local log folder.  After a configurable period, the file in the log folder is deleted (default is 14 days).  If the import fails, the file is stored in an error folder instead, for later analysis or re-import. In general Shark Link only imports one file a time. If huge files, typical Master Data Files, are send frequently, it can be an good idea, to use another file extension or folder for the Item Master Data files, this will allow the import to be handled in a separate thread and thereby preventing normal order files to be blocked by an a long running import. Various Issues The order can be modified either by resending the same order again. The general rules for modifying an order are: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  171  An order cannot be updated while it is working (the order has been released for picking or picking is in progress) and should not be updated until the acknowledge file has been returned. If an update is received, while the order is working the request will be rejected as an error.  If the order already exists, but the line number is new, the line will be appended to the order (existing lines will remain).  If the order and the line number already exists, the line will be replaced.  If an existing order is updated, that has been closed (set to OK status in Shark), it will be re-opened.  If a line is updated with quantity set to 0, it will be deleted. This behavior can be modified using the configuration parameters: ReplaceOrder: If set to true the order will always be deleted when the same order comes again. File Format for Host -> SHARK files (Master data) Master data is basic information about the articles. The most important information is the article number and description, but other information can be transferred as well. The article description can also be updated in the order file, so the Master Data file is not absolutely required, Shark will create new articles and update the description, when met in an order file. But the Master Data allows more information and will also work if Shark is used with the Manual Transactions (transactions with no host-orders), this could be the case in an initial store process, where goods are moved from old locations into Shark without orders. Use BoxType to tell Shark the preferred location type for the article (must be created in Shark first). The ERP Quantity is used to define what the host system actually expects on stock in Shark. The information can be used to search inconsistency between the 2 systems. Note that this kind of information only is valid, when there is no uncommitted transactions. The Misc fields can be used for customized information and will be as default be stored in the Article Master Data misc1 to misc5 fields. Master data files can be very large and in a simple setup with only one file importer, a large file can block for normal orders. If it is necessary to send large Master Data Files during normal work hours, it is recommend to setup a special folder or by using a special file extension to allow separate import of Master Data and ordinary order files. Field Desciption Format Example 1 Master Data Text: "MD" "MD" or MD 2 Article Number Text. Max 50 characters. "AC-127" 3 Article Description. Can be left empty Text: "" "Resistor 5 Ohm" 4 BoxType. Text: " or . Other separators can alternatively be defined. Text fields can optionally be surrounded by " ". Character encoding is as standard ISO-8851-1, but can be configured. No header lines are used. Field Desciption Format Example 1 The line tag defines the order type. Text: "PS"|"PP|ST|SP|SC" "PS" 2 Order flags for example priority. Can Text: "Express"|"Normal|High|Low" be left empty. Number: 0-255 "Express" 3 Order number Text: "", max 50 characters. "12345" 4 Delivery Note Number. Can be left empty Text: "" "F00001" 5 Article Number Text: "", max 50 characters. "AC-127" 6 Quantity Decimal: 0.0 12.0 7 Line number. Can be left empty, but if Integer used it must be unique for the order. 1002 8 Delivery Date. Can be left empty. Date: yyyy-mm-dd 2003-12-02. The actually format can be modified. 9 Note on the order line. Can be left empty. Text: "" "10 pcs. per box" 10 Customer Name. Can be left empty. Text: "" "Hansen A/S" LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  173 11 Article Description. Can be left empty Text: "" "Resistor 5 Ohm" 12 Batch number. Can be left empty. Text: “” Batch or lot number. Both text and numbers are legal. 13 Article Owner. Can be left empty. Text: “” The owner of the article. 14 Unit Can be left empty. Text: “” Quantity unit 15 Misc1 Can be left empty. Text: “” Optional field 1 16 Misc2 Can be left empty. Text: “” Optional field 2 17 Misc3 Can be left empty. Text: “” Optional field 3 18 Misc4 Can be left empty. Text: “” Optional field 4 19 Misc5 Can be left empty. Text: “” Optional field 5 Example – Simple file for picking orders: A simple picking order with order number “12345678”, 3 lines (Line number 1,2 og 3) with the articles ART01, ART02, ART03. Pick 5 of ART01, 7 of ARG02 and 9 of ART03. PS,Normal,12345678,,ART01,5,1 PS,Normal,12345678,,ART02,7,2 PS,Normal,12345678,,ART03,9,3 Support for negative quantities It is possibly to use negative quantities; this will actually “reverse” the order type, but keep the order number. For example a “PS” order with a negative pick quantity is regarded as “returned goods” and the order type will be changed to “SC”. This feature supports the Microsoft Dynamics products, where returned articles can be handled, by adding the article to an existing order with negative number. The same is true for returning goods from purchase orders. Note that since Shark does not allow picked pick and put orders, this will actually generate 2 different orders with the same order number, but with different order types. File Format from SHARK -> Host (Confirmation) When a pick or put transaction is finished in SHARK a confirmation is send back to the host. The exact point of time when the file will be generated, is configurable and can be:  When the order is finish (default).  When the order is partly finished. This means that if not everything could be picked, typical because of a back order situation, the order will still be confirmed.  When an order line is finish (each order line is confirmed individually, possible in different files). If is possible to run with a one-way communication system, where Shark receives the orders, but no confirmation is expected to be returned to the Host. File format for the acknowledge file: 174  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Field Description Format Example 1 Confirmation of pick or put orders Text: "CP|CU" "CP" 2 Order Number Text “123456” 3 Line Number Integer 12 4 Article Number Text: "", max 50 characters. "AC-127" 5 Delivered Quantity Decimal: 0.0 12.0 6 Delivery Date Date: yyyy-MM-dd 2003-12-02 7 Status of the order line Text: "OK|Partly|Cancel" "OK" 8 Delivery Note Number 9 Batch Number. Empty if not used. Text 1234 The delivered quantity is what is actually delivered and not what is ordered. The status of the line will indicate if there is a mismatch, a status set to “OK” means the line is fulfilled as ordered. Field 1 can be configured to any text string for each order type. The acknowledge file will be be delivered to the specified output folder. It will have a .tmp extension, while it is written and afterwards renamed to the final extension. Shark will never delete or move the file, this is the responsibility of the Host system. Stock Report (Shark -> Host) The connector can be configured to send a stock report file when the job is executed. If th stock report is needed, setup an extra job to allow it to be scheduled individually from the normal confirmations (normally a stock report is only needed once a day). File format for the Stock Report file: Field Description Format Example 1 Article Number Text Article number 2 Owner Text Article owner in multiple owner setups. Default is empty. 3 Stock Indicator Text Used for special stock types. 4 ReservedTo Text Articles reserved to a specific order/customer. 5 Stock Quantity Decimal: 0.0 Quantity on stock. 6 Qty in Put-Away Orders Decimal: 0.0 Quantity registered in goods reception. 7 Qty in Pick Orders Decimal: 0.0 Quantity registered in consolidation. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  175 8 Qty in transport Decimal: 0.0 Quantity in internal transport. 9 Misc1 Text Customizable field 10 Misc2 Text Customizable field 11 Misc3 Text Customizable field 12 Misc4 Text Customizable field 13 Misc5 Text Customizable field 14 LastAccessDate datetime Last time the location was accessed. Uses the datetime format specified with the DateFormat parameter in the configuration 15 LastCountedTime datetime Last time the location was counted. Empty if newer counted. Uses the datetime format specified with the DateFormat parameter in the configuration Configuration To setup a job to generate a stock report every night, use the following setup System Configuration -> Registry -> Scheduler -> Jobs -> StockReport Registry Entry Data type Value ClassName String dk.logiware.sharklink. SharkLinkMicrosoftDynamicExport Parameters.StockReport boolean true I true the stock report will be generated. Parameters.ReportPickPutConfirmatio boolean ns false Disable order confirmation Parameters.reportStockAdjustments boolean false Disable stockadjustments Parameters.ReportInventoryReports boolean false Disable Parameters.stockReportFileName String stock-%Date%.txt Name of the stock report file 2 placeholders supported: %Date% %Time% Parameters.OutFolder String Folder where the stock report file is stored 176  LogiSoft Link Description LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Hints for Microsoft Dynamics An interface must be implemented in the ERP system, there is no standard way of doing this in the Microsoft Dynamics solutions. Some hints:  Use the unique database id for the line to be sure the line number will not change if the order is modified.  For C5 or XAL (dos like), export the data as “ANSI” formatted data to support none US characters in a Shark compatible way.  When the host write files to Shark, it is recommended first to create the file with a temporary extension and then rename the file when it is ready. Shark will not begin reading a file that is locked and open by another application, but if the file is coming from an FTP Server, the shared import folder is a network folder or similar setups, it cannot be guaranteed that Shark does not begin reading the file before it is completed and this obviously leads to an error. Shark uses the same technique when it write files to the host. Configuration of Shark Sharks uses 2 scheduled task for the ASCII connector, one for importing files and one for exporting files. The following parameters must be configured in Shark to use the ASCII Connector. Import Class type: dk.logiware.sharklink.SharkLinkMicrosoftDynamicImport Import Class type: dk.logiware.sharklink.SharkLinkMicrosoftDynamicExport Registry Entry Data type Value Description Parameters.FileFormat.InSeparator String A separator character Default is “,” Parameters.FileFormat.CommaSeparator String .|, Comma separator Parameters.FileFormat.DateFormat String yyyy-mm-dd Date forma. See below how the define the format string. Parameters.FileFormat.StringEnclosureChar String " Parameters.FileFormat.NumberFormatStr String 0.0 Parameters.FileFormat.OneFilePrLine Boolean false|true Character used to enclosure text. If true there is only one line per file. Setup for each order type to support: Parameters.FileFormat.OrderTypes..Tag String Maps a file to a shark order type. Parameters.FileFormat.OrderTypes..OrderTypeID Int The Shark OrderType number for the this order type. Parameters.FileFormat.OrderTypes.. ReversedOrderTypeID Int OrderType number in Shark when the quantity is negative. The data format string Letter Date or Time LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Examples LogiSoft Link  177 G Era designator AD y Year 1996; 96 M Month in year July; Jul; 07 w Week in year 27 W Week in month 2 D Day in year 189 d Day in month 10 F Day of week in month 2 E Day in week Tuesday; Tue a Am/pm marker PM H Hour in day (0-23) 0 k Hour in day (1-24) 24 K Hour in am/pm (0-11) 0 h Hour in am/pm (1-12) 12 m Minute in hour 30 s Second in minute 55 S Millisecond 978 z Time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00 Z Time zone -0800 178  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Configuration, Manually Installation and Debugging General Configuration in Shark The general behavior of import and export of orders can be set by a number of parameters in the Shark Registry. Parameter Value Description AutoCreateItem false|true If true unknown articles will be create automatically in Shark when an order is imported. ReleaseOrderMode Normal|Auto If "Auto", a picking order will be released immediately when imported. CancelOrderLinesWithoutStock false|true Delete lines that have no stock in Shark. CancelOrdersWithoutStock false|true Cancel orders that have no stock in Shark. false|true If true each picked line will be confirmed immediately. This will generate more acknowledge files for each order. ConfirmPutPerLine false|true If true each stored line will be confirmed immediately. This will generate more acknowledge files for each order. ItemNumberUnique false|true The same article number must only be present once on each order. ConfirmPickPerLine LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  179 Manually Installation Shark Link is designed to be run as a Windows Service and will for a normal installation be installed by the Shark installation program. This section describes how this is done manually. The major reason to do this “by-hand” is when more than one environment is wanted, for example a test installation, running in parallel with the production environment. The Service Loader Shark Link is written in Java and is started and loaded using the program sharkjservice.exe, that supports the Windows Service interface. Installing the Service The sharkjservice.exe program can be used to install the service itself using the command below: sharkjservice.exe -i SharkLink "Shark Link" "dk/logiware/util/dirwatch/DirWatch" "" "" Example: sharkjservice.exe -i SharkLink "Shark Link" "dk/logiware/util/dirwatch/DirWatch" "C:\Program Files\Shark_2\bin\shark_dirwatch.jar" "C:\Program Files\Shark_2\bin" "C:\Program Files\Shark_2\jre\1.6.0\bin\client\jvm.dll" After installation it is required to open the Windows Registry using the “regedit” command and go to the entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharkLink 180  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect In the key “ImagePath”, add the name SharkLink or the name of the Service if another name is used. If you are installing a test environment, the Shark Link service could be called SharkLinkTest. Windows Registry Setup The service has a number of parameters that is defined in the Windows Registy, found under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharkLink (if the service is named SharkLink). These parameters will normally be set by the sharkjservice.exe program when installed, but in some situations it can be necessary to change by hand, for example if the Java Virtual Machine has to be changed. Command Line Argument Shark Link accepts the following arguments on the command line: -root Required argument defining the root of the Shark Registry. From here the configuration will be read. -debug Optimal argument to generate debug output. -section Optional argument for the data section used in the file. If Shark Link is running as a service, the command line arguments can be added to the Windows Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharkLink\Parameters\AppDir LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  181 Database Setup The procedure Shark Link uses to get the database configuration is the following:   Read the file from the Shark Link home folder. What the home folder is, depends on how Shark Link is started. If it is running using a script file (for example by ther run_sharklink.cmd script, it is the same .\bin folder, from where Shark is running. But if it is started as a service, the home folder is the windows system32 folder (typical c:\windows\system32). This can be a little confusing if Shark Link is tested by executing the script and then later on will not work when started as a service. The file has several sections, each section contains one specific setup, the default section is “shark”. The purpose is to support several different environments and to make it easy to change setup. Shark Link has a startup parameter or command line argument, -section
, that can be used to override the default shark section. 182  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Logging and Error Reporting SHARK link supports logging to the console, to a file and/or to the SHARK database. Database logging The default logging method is to the SHARK database, where the logs can be found in the System Log (Error log). File logging SHARK can maintain a log file with one line for each processed file. The log file is found in the file exchange folder. The file is mainly for troubleshooting and integration and the format is not made to be readable from another program, this means that although the format is more or less fixed, it might contains lines that does not follow the specified format. The format of the log file is line oriented, each line looks like: Date Entry Type The date format is for example 2001.03.01 (Marts 1st 2001). Entry type: ERROR|INFO|WARNING A new log file is created every day. The name of the log file is: "year-month-day.log", for example is a log file create April 1st 2001 called: 2001-04-01.log . A configuration parameter is available for selecting how long time the log file should be kept, default is forever. Log to console Logging can also be written to the console. This is mainly of interest for debugging, when SHARK link is running in a command prompt or as a service with the output display enabled. Report errors by emails Shark can be configured to send an email in case of errors. This is configured in the Shark Registry. To send an email, an SMTP server must be specified. Parameters to specify: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  183 Parameter Description From The from email address used when sending the email. Required to be a valid address in some email systems. SMTP The IP address of the SMTP server used for sending the email. SystemName Name that will be used in header of the email to identify the sender of the email. To The receiver of the error report. More than one receiver can be specified by separating them by “;”. Note that if more than one importer and/or scheduled exporter is specified, each of them must be configured individually. Error Codes List of system (error) codes used by SHARK link when logging to the database. Error Number Type Description 9000 Warning Script execution error 9001 Warning XSLT transformation error. 9002 Warning Error importing order line. 9003 Info New order imported. 9004 Info Item master data updated. 9005 Warning Error updating item master data. 9006 Info Replenishment order sent. 9007 Info Replenishment order received. 9008 Info New put-away order received. 9009 Info New put-away orderline. 9010 Info New order line. 9011 Info New replenishment orderline. 9012 Warning Replenishment order check failed. 9013 Info Commit order. 9014 Info Commit orderline. 9015 Warning Error comitting order. 9016 Info File imported. 9017 Info SHARK link started. 9018 Warning Error running acknowledge script. 9019 Warning SHARK link setup error mode. 9020 Warning Error reading lines to commit from the database. 9021 Warning Folder not found. 9022 Warning Script file not found. 9023 Warning Input file missing. 9024 Warning Inventory result failed. 184  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Shark Link Error Codes public final static int NEW_REPLENISHMENT_ORDER_SENT = 9006; public final static int NEW_REPLENISMENT_ORDER_IMPORT = 9007; public final static int NEW_PUTAWAY_ORDER = 9008; public final static int NEW_PUTAWAY_ORDER_LINE = 9009; public final static int NEW_ORDER_LINE = 9010; public final static int NEW_REPLENISHMENT_ORDERLINE = 9011; public final static int REPLENISMENT_ORDER_CHECK_FAILED = 9012; public final static int COMMIT_ORDER = 9013; public final static int COMMIT_ORDERLINE = 9014; public final static int ERROR_WHILE_COMMITTING_ORDER = 9015; public final static int FILE_IMPORTED = 9016; public final static int SHARK_LINK_STARTED = 9017; public final static int ERROR_RUNNING_ACKNOWLEDGE_SCRIPT = 9018; public final static int SHARK_LINK_SETUP_ERROR_MODE = 9019; public final static int ERROR_READING_COMMIT_LINES_FROM_DB = 9020; public final static int FOLDER_NOT_FOUND = 9021; public final static int SCRIPT_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 9022; public final static int INPUT_FILE_MISSING = 9023; public final static int INVENTORYING_RESULT_FAILED = 9024; public final static int FILE_MOVE_ERROR = 9025; public final static int ERROR_IN_DATA = 9026; public final static int ERROR_READING_ORDER = 9027; public final static int FILE_NOT_FOUND = 9028; public final static int ERROR_READING_FILE = 9029; public final static int ERROR_MISSING_PARAMETER = 9030; public final static int ERROR = 9031; public final static int DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR = 9032; public final static int STOCK_ADJUSTMENT = 9033; public final static int ARTICLE_MASTER_DATA_DELETED = 9034; public final static int ARTICLE_MASTER_DATA_DELETE_FAILED = 9035; public final static int COMMIT_PICKCART = 9036; public final static int ARTICLE_RENAMING_FAILED = 9037; public final static int ARTICLE_RENAMED = 9038; public final static int ORDER_DRAFT_IMPORT = 9039; public final static int ORDER_REDIRECTED = 9049; public final static int ORDER_DELETED = 9050; public final static int NEW_INVENTORY_ORDER = 9051; public final static int NEW_INVENTORY_ORDERLINE = 9052; public final static int STOCK_REPORT_ERROR = 9053; public final static int COMMIT_ORDERLINE_WITH_DIFF = 9054; public final static int CANCEL_ORDERLINE = 9055; public final static int CANCEL_ORDERLINE_FAILED = 9056; public final static int AUTO_PUTAWAY = 9059; public final static int ERROR_DEAD_THREAD = 9060; public final static int STOCK_ADJUSTMENT_ERROR = 9061; public final static int FILE_ACCESS_ERROR = 9062; public final static int ORDER_REOPENDED = 9063; public final static int ARTICLE_MASTER_DATA_ERROR = 9064; public final static int OUT_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY = 9065; public final static int STOCK_REPORT_GENERATED = 9066; LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  185 public final static int COMMIT_DELAYED = 9067; public final static int CONFIRMATION_DELAYED = 9068; public final static int IMPORTING_FILE = 9069; public static final int ERROR_EXEC_SP = 9070; public final static int STORED_PROCEDURE_EXECUTED = 9071; public final static int STORED_PROCEDURE_EXECUTION_FAILED = 9072; public static final int FileSend = 9073; // JDBC database connection status codes public final static int JDBC_CONNECTION_ERROR public final static int JDBC_DISCONNECT_ERROR public final static int JDBC_SQL_PREPARE_ERROR public final static int JDBC_SQL_EXECUTE_ERROR public final static int JDBC_ERROR_PROCESSING_DATA = 9100; = 9101; = 9102; = 9103; = 9104; // MQ and AS400 status codes public final static int MQ_ERROR_READING_QUEUE = 9200; public final static int MQ_ERROR_OPEN_QUEUE = 9201; public final static int MQ_ERROR_CLOSE_QUEUE = 9202; public final static int MQ_CONNECTED = 9203; public final static int MQ_DISCONNECTED = 9204; public final static int MQ_MESSAGE_READ = 9205; public final static int MQ_MESSAGE_INTERPRETATION_ERROR = 9206; public final static int MQ_ERROR_ESTABLISHING_CONNECTIO_TO_QUEUE= 9207; // AS400 Data Queue public final static int DQ_DATAQUEUE_CONNECT_ERROR = 9220; public final static int COLLI_RECEIVED_FAILURE = 9300; public final static int TRANSPORT_OPEN_ERROR = 9400; public final static int CG_SERVICE_RESTART public final static int CG_SERVICE_RESTART_ERROR = 9500; = 9501; // Scheduler public static final int JOB_EXECUTION = 9601; public static final int JOB_EXECUTION_ERROR = 9602; public static final int BACKUP_CREATED = 9603; public static final int JOB_EXECUTED_SUCCESSFULLY = 9604; Error Code Description 9000 Script execution error 9001 XSLT transformation error 9002 Order line import error 9003 Order imported 9004 Article master data updated 9005 Article master data update failed 9006 9007 9008 9009 186  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  187 9051 9052 9053 9054 9055 9056 9057 Order was cancelled. This error message can also be generated by the stored procedure SharkLink_CancelOrder. It will typical be due to an cancel request from a host system. 9058 Order cancel failed 9059 9060 188  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect LogiSoft Link  189 190  LogiSoft Link LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance This section contains information about how to support the system over time. For example how to make backup of the database and do installation of the software. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  191 LogiSoft Installation Installing LogiSoft BASIC/ADVANCED/CONNECT Step 1. Prepare the installation. This section describes how to install SHARK 2.0 from scratch. Before the installation starts, the following must be present: 1. The LogiSoft installation program on CD-ROM, USB key or similar media, compatible with the target PC. 2. A license number for the installation. 3. An administrator account to login to the server computer. A Windows PC or Server Step 2. Start the installation program Select the right installation program:   Windows XP/Windows Server 2005 use Install-Logisoft-2011Q2-Windows-XP.exe. Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 use Install-Logisoft-2011Q2-Windows-7.exe. 192  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Step 3. Installation Language Select the language for the installation. This will also be the default language for the software when started, but this can later be changed. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  193 Step 4. Accept the Licence Agreement 194  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Step 5. Enter the Installation Key A valid installation key must be entered. The Installation Key will control what package will be installed and which features that will be enabled. Step 6. Select the installation folder. The installation program will default to the standard program folder. It can be changed to something else if required. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  195 Step 7. Select the basic configuration. Next select some of the basic installation options: o o o o Choose the type of the Logimat or choose Simulated if no physical machine is available. Choose the number of Logimats. Choose the tray size used in the Logimat. If the installation is the CONNECT package, select the file format used for order exchange. Select either CSV or XML. All parameters can be changed, also after the installation has finalized. But it can be more complicated to configure. 196  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Step 8. Ready to install The installation is now ready to run. Step 9. Installing. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  197 The installation program will now run, it will take from a few minutes to several minutes, depending on the computer used for the installation. The installation program will also install needed tools, like the .NET framework og the Microsoft SQL Server. 198  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Step 10. End of installation. After a normal successfully installation the window below will be displayed. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  199 Step 11. Check the installation. If everything is installed correct Shark can be started, using the desktop short-cut: If LogiSoft starts, the installation was successfully. Debugging a failing installation. The following is a check list to find the reason of a failing installation. Log files In case of errors, a log file can be found in the folder c:\windows\shark (or where the Windows folder is found). 200  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The log file is named shark-install.log. In the same folder is also a configuration file for the database, named shark_2.sql. It is database script file that modifies the default database to the specific installation options. It can be used for a later manually installation. Installed Files Check that the required files are installed. The files are found in c:\program files\shark_2 (adjust the path to where program files exists). SQL Server Check that the Microsoft SQL Server is installed. Try to start the SQL Server Management Studio package. If the SQL Server Management Studio is not found, the SQL Server is not installed correctly. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  201 Login to the SQL Server. Use Windows Authentication or login with SQL Server authentication using the SA password, the default is "sharkjaws". Check that the LogiSoft database "shark_2" is installed. 202  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect The LogiSoft program will not start LogiSoft is started using the desktop short-cut. In case nothing happens when the short-cut is double-clicked, try start the software using the script "run-shark-debug-output.cmd" in the ..\shark_2\bin\folder. This will open a log window displaying startup and error messages, usefull to pin-point a problem. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  203 204  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Database Maintenance Database Server Backup After a standard installation a backup task will be installed automatically. It if for some reason has to be done manually the following must be done: Run the stored procedure: "CreateSharkBackup @Path='c:program filessharkbackup', @OwnerLogin='sharkusr'" Check that the service SQLSERVERAGENT is running. To backup and restore the database from the command line on installations using Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine, where the graphical tools are not available, you have to use the "osql" program. The osql tool is available also on MSDE database installations where the full SQL Server is not installed. If an SQL Server installed it might be easier to use the graphical "Enterprise Manager". Login with local adminitrator privilieges on the PC and open a command prompt and enter: osql -d shark -E To make a backup: backup database shark_2 to disk='c:\program files\shark_2\backup\sharkdb.bak' with init go Afterwards, to truncate the transaction log files, use the database commands: BACKUP LOG [SHARK_2] WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY GO DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'shark_log', 0,TRUNCATEONLY) GO The name of the database ("shark_2") might change depending on the actually installation. The file path can be defined as requested. Database Restore Login with local adminitrator privilieges on the PC and open a command prompt and enter: osql -d shark -E To restore the database use the command: >use master >restore database shark_2 from disk='c:\program files\shark 2\backup\sharkdb.bak' with replace >go The name of the database (shark_2) might change and depends on the installation. The SQL Server maintains a log file that is used to restore the database, this log file is typical truncated when the database is backed up. To truncate the log file manually use the commands (in osql): BACKUP LOG [SHARK] WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY GO LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  205 DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'shark_log', 0,TRUNCATEONLY) GO Renaming the SQL Server If the computer that hosts the Microsoft SQL Server has been renamed, you need to make a reconfiguration of the database. Run the script, preferrably logged in as administrator osql -E -i [path if needed]rename.sql or (if not logged in as admininstrator) osql -U sa -P sharkjaws -i [path if needed]rename.sql the [path if needed]-part is only used if the rename.sql file is placed in another directory from the one you are executing osql. The rename.sql script contains the following command: DECLARE @var1 nvarchar(50) DECLARE @var2 nvarchar(50) SET @var1 = convert(nvarchar(50),@@SERVERNAME) SET @var2 = convert(nvarchar(50),SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName')) print @var1 print @var2 EXEC sp_dropserver @var2 EXEC sp_addserver @var1, 'local' GO Database configuration Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server Shark requires a login to the Microsoft SQL Server using “SQL Server Authentication”. From the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio create a new login from the Security → Login. The user must be named: sharkusr Default password is sharkjaws 206  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Create also a mapping to the shark_2 database. Configuration in Shark The setup for the SQL Server connection is done in the file in the ..\shark_2\bin folder for normal started programs and in the .. \Windows\System32 folder for the services (Shark Control, Shark Link, Shark Watchdog). When using the JDBC driver types, Shark will generate a “.bindings” file when it starts, this file is the one that actually is used by the JDBC database driver. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  207 File: The file is a simple file that allows several setups to be kept. The value of “section” defines what section is in the use. This makes it easy to have more than one setup, for example for testing. Typical issues if this does not work: There is for some reason a “.bindings” file left somewhere in the search path with a wrong content. If for example the Windows System folder contains such a file, it will be loaded before the file in the bin folder. Moving to another Server Moving Shark to another server involves a number of steps. Here are the major ones, but an actually server change might require more changes. Make a backup of the database ”shark_2” on the SQL Serveren , use for example the command: >osql -E –Q=”’backup database shark_2 to disk=’c:\sharkdb.bak’” Restore the database at the new server with: >osql -E –Q=”’restore database shark_2 from disk=’c:\sharkdb.bak’” At the new server database, run the Stored Procedure from the Shark_2 database: "CreateSharkUser" this to reconstruct the access rights. >osql -E –d shark_2 –Q=”’execute CreateSharkUser_2005’” Move the folder: c:\program files\shark_2 to the new server Run the script at the new server: c:\program files\shark_2\bin\install-shark-services.cmd At Client PCs modify the following line in the file: c:\programmer\shark_2\bin\.bindings The line is: jdbc/shark_sql_server/RefAddr/4/Content= 208  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Change with the new server name. Configuration of shark login to the database It is important, that the SQL Server is configured correct, with respect to logon to the database. The description above, where the script “CreateSharkUser_2005” will configure the login to the database, does not always works, for example if the database has a different name from shark_2. In that case, use the SQL Server Management Studio, to do the configuration. 1. First delete the local database user. 2. Then open the general Security page, find the sharkusr. If the user does not exists, it must be created. Ppen Properties->User Mappings: LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  209 3. “Map” the database (Shark_2) to the sharkusr. 4. Go back to the database open the Security branch. Open Properties on the sharkusr. 5. Add the sharkusr to the role “shark”. 210  Maintenance LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Now the Shark access to the database, should work. LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  211 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Maintenance  213 Index A Add a new Box to the Template 125 Add a Printer 111 Adjusting the Stock 85 Administrative Functions 97 Altering orders 40 Alternative article number 23 Arranging the warehouse 3 Article Editor 102 Article Master Data 164 Article number 23 ASCII File Connector 170 B Basic concepts 16 Basic Operations 88 Batch pick 43 Batch pick from order forms 45 Batch pick with pick cart and vertical lifts 41 Batch Picking and Put-Away 67 Batch picking using pick carts and PDA 42 Batch Picks With Boxes 70 Batch-pickings and put-aways 41 Before start 42 Beholdning 139 Box Statistics 150 Brug af hurtig funktioner med musen 145 Buffer storage 21 C Cancel Order 162 Canceling a pick cart from a zone 42 Capacity estimate 4 Change User 100 Changing of Put-away Quantity - insufficient space a location 73 Changing of Put-away Quantity - Not Enough Items 73 Changing of Put-away Quantity (Adjust Put-away Amount) 74 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Changing of Put-away Quantity (Not Enough at Location) 74 Changing of Put-away Quantity (Simple) 74 Changing of Suggested Put-away Location 72 Cleaning up the Log Folder 154 Command Line Argument 181 Configuration 75, 79, 87, 157, 176 Configuration in Shark 207 Configuration of displayed info 55 Configuration of Functions 56 Configuration of Label Printers 111 Configuration of Shark 177 Configuration of shark login to the database 209 Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server 206 Configuration, Manually Installation and Debugging 179 Create a new Order 159 Create a new Tray Template 126 Create new User 98 D Data Browser 147 Database configuration 206 Database logging 183 Database Maintenance 205 Database Restore 205 Database Server Backup 205 Database Setup 182 Define Alias Names 125 Define labels 13 Defining Package Sizes 104 Defining Replenishment 104 Delete User 100 Description 23 Deselect an Active Order 72 Dimensions 23 E EAN codes 23 Error Codes 184 Example 1 29 Example 2 29 Example 3 30 Example 4 30 Example 5 30 Example 6 31 Example 7 31 Example: Printing Position Labels 108 Execution of User-determined Orders (without boxes) 71 Exit 61 Exporting Files 154 Express Orders 75 F FIFO 18 File Exchange 153 Index  215 File Format for Host -> SHARK files (Master data) 172 File Format from SHARK -> Host (Confirmation) 174 File Format Host to Shark (Pick/Put Orders) 173 File Import 62 File logging 183 Files 59 First configuration of SHARK 4 First Time Configuration 3 Fixed locations 18 Floating 18 Floating batch picking with flow racks and vertical lifts 44 Folders and File Names 171 Function 60, 61, 62, 66, 115 Functionality 67, 77, 123 Functions 102, 150 Funktioner 110, 121, 130, 133, 136, 139, 141, 143, 147 Funktioner (Histogram) 130, 136 Funktioner: Gennemsnit 131, 137 G Gem data i en fil 149 General Configuration in Shark 179 Generelt 120 Getting an Automat Tray 83 H Handling of backorders 39 Hints for Microsoft Dynamics 177 Hook-up with a host system 15 I Import Rules for Orders 155 Importing files 153 Indlagringsstrategi 121 Installing LogiSoft BASIC/ADVANCED/CONNECT 192 Installing the Service 180 Introduction 1 Inventory Count Request 166 K Kvittering for pluk og påpladslægning 117 L Label Templates 113 Life cycle of an order 37 Location designations 19 Location management 17 Location Quantities 106 Location sequence 22 Locations alias 21 216  Index Locations dimensions 4 Log Out 60 Log to console 183 Logging and Error Reporting 183 Logimat Panel 88 LogiSoft Installation 192 LogiSoft Link 153 Logon 51 M Maintenance 91, 191 Manual Transactions 81 Manually Installation 180 Master data 23 Mirrored storage 22 Moving to another Server 208 N Navigation 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 77, 81, 88, 98, 102, 107, 110, 111, 115, 116, 121, 123, 139, 141, 150 Navigering 130, 133, 135, 143, 147 O One or more locations for each article? 21 Oprydning 110 Opsætning af kriterier 148 Order Acknowledge 162 Order number and other information 37 Order priority 39 Order Selection 77 Order statistics 53 Order types 36 Orders and transactions. 36 Ordre indstillinger 117 Ordrestatistik 130, 135 Ordretyper 118 Overview of the pick carts 54 Owner of the goods 31 P Packaging dimensions 24 Packaging sizes 24 Parallel picking without consolidation. 34 Parallel picking. 33 Pick Based on Item Number 83 Pick the Order in Multiple Boxes 72 Picking 42 Picking strategy 33 Picking zones 18 Plukkestatistik 133 Print a Login Label 101 Printing Labels 108 Put Tab 82 Put-Away Order Acknowledge 163 Put-Away Request 163 Put-away strategy 25 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Q Quick Move in Same Tray 86 R Recording the order on the pick cart 43 Registry Settings 167 Release and transactions 39 Relocations 39 Remove a Location 124 Renaming the SQL Server 206 Replenishment 167 Report errors by emails 183 S Saving article master data 9 Schema for the XML format 157 Segment: Acknowledge 162 Segment: Article 165 Serial or relay picking 33 Set Lift Height in Automats 115 Set up trays and shelves. 6 Set up users 10 Set up work groups 12 Setting up of locations 8 Setting up zones and modules 5 Shark File Format 158 Shark Link Error Codes 185 Simultaneous picking 69 Special Barcode Labels 107 Start up SHARK and log on 5 Starting up and registering a pick cart 42 Starting up LogiSoft and Logon 51 Start-up screen 52 Statistics 48 Status: Backorder 38 Status: Cancelled 38 Status: Consolidated 38 Status: OK 38 Status: Partly Picked 38 Status: Waiting 38 Stock Adjustment 166 Stock Report (Shark -> Host) 175 Stored Procedure 167 Storing articles on Empty Locations 84 Storing articles on Existing Location 83 Strategy for put-away 17 Summeringsfunktion 146 Support for negative quantities 174 Syntax 159, 164, 167 System Configuration 55, 79 System Information 129 System Konfiguration 56 System Parametre 119 Søgning med "%" og flere felter 145 The marking of locations 19 The Service Loader 180 The transaction log 47 The used Barcode Format 108 Tilføj nye views til Data Browseren 149 Transactions 65 Transaktionslog 143 Tray design in vertical lifts 3 Tray Positions 93 Tray Templates 123 U Udskriv af lokationer 116 Udskriv Lokationer 116 Udskrivning af data 149 Undo Picking For a Box 72 Unregistering of a pick cart 43 Users 98 V Various Issues 171 Vis data 148 W Warehouse zones 4 Weight 23 When is the Acknowledge File Generated? 156 Windows Registry Setup 181 Work groups 34 Working procedure 44 X XML Connector 157 XML Exporter 157 XML Formats 158 XML Importer 158 XML to ASCII transformation 168 XML to script transformation 168 XML to XML transformations 168 XSLT Transformation 157 XSLT Transformations 168 Z Zone Relation 66 Zones and location types 24 Æ Ændring af data 149 T Template Usage 114 LogiSoft Documentation LogiSoft Connect Index  217