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M-38xx-xxxyyy Dwdm Mux/demux Series




DATASHEET 4.4 M-38xx-xxxyyy DWDM MUX/DEMUX SERIES 100GHz, 40, 32, 16, 8 channel DWDM Multiplexers DESCRIPTION Smartoptics M-38xx are a range of 100GHz DWDM protocol transparent Mux/Demux units. M-3840-M is a 40 channel low cost approach for short distances. M-3832-M is a loss optimized 32 channel approach suitable for Metro and Access networks. M-3817 and M-3809 have an additional DWDM expansion port so that additional channels can be seamlessly connected to increase capacity. M-3817 and M-3809 models can be combined for optimized traffic upgrade possibilities. All protocols are supported. Channels operate in the standard C-band of the fiber. The M-381x family follows the same wavelength plan as the M-Series intelligent DWDM multiplexer family. PRODUCT FEATURES      Multiplexing of up to 40 channels on fiber pair Follows M-Series wavelength plan Compliant to ITU G.694.1 1U Low profile modular design Passive, no electric power required. (MTBF ca. 500 years) ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description M-3840-M 40 ch. DWDM Mux/Demux, 100GHz, D921-D960, IL Link=12.2dB, mon port, LC M-3840-LL 40 ch. DWDM Mux/Demux, 100GHz, D921-D960, IL Link=7.5dB, LC M-3832-M 32 ch. DWDM Mux/Demux, 100GHz, D921-D936 & D943-D958, IL Link=6.4dB, mon port, LC M-3817-xxxyyy-M 16 ch. DWDM Mux/Demux with 1% MON, 100GHz, D921-D936, IL Link=5.0dB, IL UPG=1.0dB, DWDM expansion port, LC, xxxyyy = 921936, 943958 M-3809-xxxyyy-M 16 ch. DWDM Mux/Demux, 100GHz, D921-D936, IL Link=5.0dB, DWDM expansion port, mon port, LC xxxyyy = 921928, 929936, 943950, 951958 Subject to change without notice. For more information visit DATASHEET 4.4 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Front View Function Specification M-3840-M Tx Rx Rx Tx Tx Tx Rx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx M-3840-M 921 M-384 0-M 922 923 958 959 40 channel DWDM Mux/Demux, monitoring port Supporting DWDM channels 921~960 L ine Mon IL Link: 12.2dB 960 M-3840-LL Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx M-3840-LL 921 922 M-3840-LL 923 958 Line 40 channel DWDM Mux/Demux Supporting DWDM channels 921~960 IL Link: 7.5dB 959 960 M-3832-M Line Tx Rx Rx Tx Mon Tx 921 Rx Upg M-383 2-M 922 923 956 957 L ine Mon 958 925 926 929 930 933 934 Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx 923 921 922 Tx 924 927 928 931 932 935 936 M-3817 32 channel DWDM Mux/Demux Supporting DWDM channels 921~936, 943~960 Channels 937~942 unused IL Link: =6.4dB IL Link Upg port: <1.0 dB M-3817-921936-M Line Tx Rx Rx Tx Mon Tx 921 Rx Upg 921 936 M-3817-M 923 Line Mon UPG Subject to change without notice. For more information visit 925 926 929 930 933 934 Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx 923 922 922 Tx 924 927 928 931 932 935 936 M-3817 16 channel DWDM Mux/Demux, DWDM expansion port, monitoring port Supporting DWDM channels 921~936 (943~958 version also available) IL Link: <5.0 dB IL Link Upg port: <1.0 dB DATASHEET 4.4 Front View Function Tx Rx Tx Rx 925 Tx Rx 922 923 926 Tx 924 Rx 925 926 Rx Tx Rx Exp Tx Rx 923 Tx Rx Tx Rx 927 928 Tx 924 927 928 930 933 934 M-3809-921928 Tx Rx Mon Tx Rx Tx 929 Tx Rx Rx Exp Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx 930 931 932 Rx Tx Rx 931 Tx Rx 932 Tx Rx 935 935 936 Tx 936 M-3809-929936 Line Rx Mon Tx Rx 943 Tx Rx 944 Tx Rx 947 Tx Rx 946 Rx 947 948 Rx Tx Rx Exp Tx 945 Rx Tx 946 Rx Tx 949 Rx Tx 950 M-3809-943950 Line Rx Rx Tx Mon Tx Rx 949 950 951 952 955 952 953 956 Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx 954 953 954 957 958 Subject to change without notice. For more information visit 957 958 M-3809-951958 Exp IL express channels: <1.0 dB IL Link DWDM channels: <4.8 dB Monitoring ports for Line and Express ports 8 channel Mux/Demux & OADM Supporting DWDM channels 943~950 L ine Mon Exp 955 956 Exp Mon IL express channels: <1.0 dB IL Link DWDM channels: <4.8 dB Monitoring ports for Line and Express ports 8 channel Mux/Demux & OADM Supporting DWDM channels 951~958 951 M-3809-951958-M Tx L ine Exp 944 945 948 Tx IL express channels: <1.0 dB IL Link DWDM channels: <4.8 dB Monitoring ports for Line and Express ports 8 channel Mux/Demux & OADM Supporting DWDM channels 929~936 943 M-3809-943950-M Tx Mon Exp 933 934 Rx L ine 929 M-3809-929936-M Line M -3809-921928-M Rx 922 M -3809-929936-M Tx 921 M -3809-943950-M Rx Mon M -3809-951958-M Tx 8 channel Mux/Demux & OADM Supporting DWDM channels 921~928 921 M-3809-921928-M Line Specification L ine Mon IL express channels: <1.0 dB IL Link DWDM channels: <4.8 dB Monitoring ports for Line and Express ports