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Ma/ri Mask Njuns Users Guide




MA/RI Mask NJUNS Users Guide NJUNS is a not-for-profit consortium of utility companies whose purpose is “efficient utility communication”. NJUNS provides this through a web enabled system that communicates and tracks information regarding joint utility ventures between our member companies. NJUNS currently provides electronic Joint Pole Administration, Pole Attachment Permitting and Joint Trench Project Coordination. NJUNS services are continually evolving based on the needs of our member companies. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 1 General Information NJUNS Web Site The NJUNS web site, contains general information about the company and is the login portal to all modules. Important information about the status of the system, training schedules, member code lists, director information, and new user registration can be found here. Logging into NJUNS The Login link on the web site, takes the user to the system login page. Only registered users may access the system. Users should enter their username (email address) and password to sign in. If you check the Remember me box, the system will remember your Username but not your password. Home Tab/Main Ribbon Below is the main ribbon and a description of the purpose of each icon when selected. General Home: Initial screen when logging into NJUNS. Favorites: Allows a user to add a ticket or list of tickets to its window and access them via the Favorites icon on the Main Ribbon. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 2 Windows (Tabs) Close All: Closes all open tabs Close All Others: Closes all open tabs, except the one currently in view Data Queries: Accesses all searches. See Queries (Search) for a detailed explanation. Reports: Accesses all reports. See Reports for a detailed explanation. Ad Hoc Queries: This is currently not available to users. Run: Used to run queries and reports. Notifications Notification History: Allows the user to check notifications sent to their member code ticket delivery email address. See Notifications for a detailed explanation. Workflow Inbox: This is currently not available to users. Dashboards Pole Attachment: Opens the main Pole Attachment tab, which is the starting point for working in this module. See Pole Attachment for a detailed explanation. Pole Transfer Project: Opens the main Pole Transfer Project tab, which is the starting point for organizing PT tickets that you may have associated with a project. See Pole Transfer Project for a detailed explanation. Pole Transfer: Opens the main Pole Transfer tab, also known as PT+, which is the starting point for working in this module. See Pole Transfer for a detailed explanation. Ticket Lists After opening the Pole Transfer or Pole Attachment Module, users can view tickets from different lists by clicking on the dropdown: Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 3 Tickets of Interest (Default PT+) Tickets of Interest (Default PA) Draft Tickets Next To Go Tickets This list shows tickets that have been created or updated within the previous 30 days where the user’s member code is the Creator, Pole Owner or Next To Go Member. This list shows open or validated tickets where the current member code is the Licensee or Pole Owner and it has been updated in the previous 30 days. This list shows tickets in Draft Status where the Creator is the user’s current member code. This list shows tickets where the user’s member code is the Next To Go Member. Searching for a NJUNS Ticket Quick Search If you know the ticket number or pole number, the easiest way to search for a ticket is to enter the number in the Search field and click on the Search icon. Clicking on the magnifying glass will display a list of results that match your search. Clicking on the Jump to Button will open your result in a new tab. Your member code must be associated with a ticket to view it. Ticket number searches require an exact match to the ticket number (no wildcards). If you aren’t sure of the exact pole number, use the wildcards with your entry or use the Query function. Experiment with wildcards to see the different results available. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 4 PT+ Module Creating a PT+ Ticket 1. Click the Pole Transfer icon. 2. When the main PT+ tab opens, click on new. A separate window appears with the pole owner member code defaulting to the member code of the Ticket Creator. Select the member code and click OK at the bottom of the screen. If the pole owner’s member code is not the same as the creator’s, type in the proper pole owner’s member code. If the code is unknown, search for the correct code or company name and click on the Search icon. Searching by company name provides a list of all member codes associated with that company. 3. A new ticket will open in a separate tab Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 5 For a list of field definitions, visit Appendix B. 4. Click Save in the main ribbon to save the ticket to the NJUNS database. This is required before you can begin adding work steps to the ticket. See the Ticket Instance Ribbon, in Appendix A for more information. When the ticket is saved to the database, the Ticket Number and Created On fields will be populated. 5. The Add New Instance icon in the steps toolbar is now active. To add a step, click on this icon. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 6 6. Steps represent the work that needs to be completed. Create the steps for a PT+ ticket in the order that they are to be performed in the field. For a list of field definitions, visit Appendix B. Copying a Step Open the step to be copied and click the Copy icon in the main ribbon or select the step and click Copy the selected instance in the step toolbar. The new step will open in a new tab. Make any edits necessary and save the step to the ticket. To insert the new step in a certain order, enter the order number in the Order field. Unless a specific order is listed, steps will be added in sequential order. To move the step up to its correct position, based on field conditions, see Reordering PT+ Ticket Steps, in Appendix A. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 7 Opening a PT+ Ticket When the Ticket Creator or Pole Owner is ready to open the ticket, the Ticket Status must be changed from Draft to Open. Select Open from the Ticket Status field drop-down menu and click save. Email notifications will be sent to the Ticket Creator, Pole Owner and all step members when a ticket is opened. Reordering PT+ Steps NJUNS allows the ticket creator or pole owner to reorder steps in two different ways. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 8 Updating PT+ Steps The Ticket Creator and Pole Owner can update information on any step. Step members can only update their own step information. To update a step: 1. Select the appropriate step and click Open selected instance (or double click on the step). 2. Make appropriate changes to the step information and click save. The pole owner and the step member will receive an email when step information is updated. Completing PT+ Steps When the work is completed in the field, it is imperative that the NJUNS ticket be updated as quickly as possible. Failure to update a ticket step causes the ticket to remain on your Next To Go list. 1. Select the appropriate step and click on the Open icon (or double click on the step). 2. When the step tab opens, click the status drop-down menu and change the status from pending to complete and save. The pole owner, step member and Next To Go member will receive an email when the step is completed. Note: The bulk update feature can also be used to complete steps. View the Bulk Update Quick Guide for more information. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 9 Closing a PT+ Ticket PT+ tickets can be closed three ways; manually, auto-close and bulk update. Manually Closing a PT+ Ticket 1. Open the ticket and select the ticket status drop-down. Change the ticket status from Open to Closed. 2. Click save to save the changes. NOTE: Only the ticket creator and pole owner can close a PT+ ticket. Tickets can only be closed after all steps are completed. Auto-Close Auto-close allows the ticket to close immediately after the last job step is completed, based on the Pole Owner’s member code. The auto-close feature will be from an ongoing basis, once turned on. Any previous tickets that are ready to be closed, will need to be manually closed. If you are interested in utilizing auto-close for your member code, email [email protected]. Bulk Update The bulk update feature can be used to Close tickets. View the Bulk Update Quick Guide for more information. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 10 Canceling a PT+ Ticket Cancelling a ticket differs from closing one. Cancel Ticket should be used only to remove duplicate tickets or to remove tickets which are no longer required, from active status. Closing a Ticket should continue to be used to indicate that all work was completed in the field for that ticket. NOTE: Only the Creator and Pole Owner can cancel a ticket. 1. Open the ticket and select the ticket status drop-down. Change the ticket status from Open to Cancelled. 2. A Cancel Ticket Comment box will appear. This is a required field. 3. Enter the reason for the ticket cancellation in the text box and click Save. An email notification will be sent to the creator, pole owner and all step members that the ticket has been cancelled. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 11 Adding Comments and File Attachments Adding Comments Comments may be added to a ticket. Select Comments by clicking on the tab on the ticket. A list of existing comments, if any, will appear with the newest on top. Click on the Add New Instance icon to add a new comment to the ticket or project. NOTE: After a comment is attached to a ticket it cannot be deleted. The Priority and Text fields are both required in order to create a comment. Give the comment a priority using the drop-down menu. Enter text in the text box and click Save. Email notifications are sent to all members on the ticket when a comment is added. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 12 Adding File Attachments Users can attach photos, maps, word documents, spreadsheets and other items to a ticket or project. Click on the File Attachments Tab to open a list of current file attachments for the ticket, if any. To view an existing attachment, select it and click Open (or double click). To add a file attachment, click on Browse your files or use the drag and drop feature. Multiple file attachments can be added to the ticket at once. Once file is in the pending uploads section, comments can be added. When you are ready to upload the file(s), click on the upload icon. Email notifications are sent to all members on the ticket when a file attachment is added. NOTE: The maximum File Attachment size is 4 MB per attachment. File attachments will not be included in the email notice. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 13 Disputes The Dispute tab is designed for the Ticket Creator, Pole Owner or Step Member to add a dispute to a step, if there is an issue with that step. 1. Open the step to be disputed. 2. Click the Disputes Tab. 3. Click the Add New Instance icon to add a new dispute. 4. Select a dispute reason. This is a required field. See below for a list of dispute reason codes. 5. Describe the dispute in the detail field, which is also a required field. 6. Click Save. An email is sent to the Pole Owner and Step member and there is now an active dispute on the step. 7. Notes can be added in the Conversation section of the dispute to document or discuss items. Note: An automated DISPUTE step is created when the dispute is added. For more information, visit our Dispute Process Quick Reference Guide. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 14 PT+ Project Creating a PT+ Project PT+ Project is designed as a folder to group tickets together however the individual member desires. It is strictly an organizing tool for tickets and not required. Tickets can be associated with multiple projects, so each facility owner can group their tickets as needed. 1. Click the Pole Transfer Project icon. The main PT+ Project screen will appear in a separate tab with a list of PT+ Projects. 2. Click New to create a new project. 3. A new PT+ Project tab will open. Complete the fields to create the project. For a list of field definitions, visit Appendix B. 4. Click on the New icon or drop down arrow to create a new template or reuse an existing one. A template is not required. 5. Enter the information necessary to complete the template for your project. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 15 For a list of field definitions, visit Appendix B. 6. Click save to enter the template information in the database and associate the template with the PT+ Project. Adding Tickets to a PT+ Project 1. To add existing tickets to a project, open the project and click on add existing instance icon from the toolbar. Search by the ticket number. Select the ticket from the data grid and click OK. 2. To create new tickets, using the project information to help populate the ticket header, open the project and click Add new instance. Creating a pole transfer ticket is explained in Creating a PT+ Ticket. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 16 Editing a PT+ Project 1. Select the project you wish to edit from the Project List and click Open. You can also type in the project number or name in the search field and click Search. 2. Edit the information as necessary, including adding or deleting tickets from a project. The Add new Instance, Add existing instance and Remove selected instance icons are located in the Tickets ribbon. Click Save to save all changes when done. NOTE: The PT Project List will show all projects that have been created or updated within the previous 365 days for the current code. Closing a PT+ Project 1. Open the PT+ Project and select the Status drop-down menu. Change the status from Open to Closed. A project can be closed at any time, regardless of the status of the tickets. 2. Click Save. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 17 Pole Attachment (PA) Module Pole Attachment allows an applicant to electronically request permission to attach to multiple poles and provides the pole owner an opportunity to accept or reject individual locations and record make-ready costs per pole. After all locations are accepted or rejected, the pole owner can validate the permit. After the pole owner has granted permit validation, the applicant can approve the ticket and begin work when any makeready is complete. Creating a PA Ticket 1. Click on Pole Attachment from the Dashboards section. This will open the PA Ticket tab. 2. Click on New to create a new PA Ticket. A pop-up window will appear. Enter the member code of the pole owner in the text box and click the search (magnifying glass) icon. A new PA ticket for the input mask will appear in a new tab. NOTE: The licensee/creator cannot be the same member code as the pole owner. 3. Enter the information for the ticket header. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 18 For field definitions, visit Appendix B. 4. Click Save to accept the ticket header information. This will save the ticket to the database and assign a ticket number to the draft. Creating PA Steps 1. In the steps section, click on the Add New Instance icon to begin adding steps to the ticket. A new steps tab will open to add information to the step. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 19 For field definitions, visit Appendix B. 2. Click Save when the step information is input. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each individual pole location on the application or use the Copy icon to copy an existing step for modification. Copying a Step Open the step to be copied and click the Copy icon in the main ribbon or select the step and click Copy the selected instance in the step toolbar. The new step will open in a new tab. Make any edits necessary and save the step to the ticket. To insert the new step in a certain order, enter the order number in the Order field. Deleting a Step A step can be deleted from a ticket when the ticket is in draft status. Highlight the step to be deleted and click on the delete icon. A pop-up will appear asking to confirm the deletion of the step. Click Yes to delete the step(s). Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 20 Opening a PA Ticket When the Ticket Creator/Licensee is ready to open the ticket, the Ticket Status must be changed from Draft to Open. Select Open from the Ticket Status field drop-down menu and click save. Emails will be sent to the Ticket Creator, Pole Owner and all step members when a ticket is opened. Now the pole owner can accept or reject location steps, add make-ready costs and grant permit validation for the ticket. Validating a PA Ticket After the attachment request is received, the pole owner/alt. pole owner can edit certain fields on the ticket. The Step Status needs to be changed from Awaiting Approval to either accepted or rejected and any make-ready costs for the individual pole should be added also. Updating a PA Step The Pole Owner has two options for updating steps in PA: 1. Open each individual step and accept/reject by updating the step status. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 21 Click save to save the update the step. 2. If a PA ticket has many steps, the pole owner has the option to mass update these steps, by using the execute action icon. Accept Selected This allows users to bulk accept the SELECTED steps. Reject Selected This allows users to bulk reject the SELECTED steps. NOTE: The pole owner/alt. pole owner must accept or reject every location before the permit can be validated. Permit Info The Permit Info section of the ticket is where the pole owner and alternate pole owner can list the permit number for the application. The permit number can be added at any time, prior to ticket validation. If a conditional approval is allowed by the pole owner, the permit number can be entered and the ticket not validated until after the final inspection of the attachment. Before changing the Ticket Status to Validated, any discussion on make-ready requirements and costs should be finalized and agreed upon by both parties. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 22 After all location information is acceptable to all parties, the pole owner changes the Ticket Status from Open to Validated. Validating a PA Ticket 1. Click on the down arrow on the Ticket Status field to open the menu of selections. NOTE: If you are the alternate pole owner, the granted date field will remain blank awaiting final validation by the pole owner. 2. Click Save. An email notification is sent to all members on the ticket, notifying them that the ticket was validated. When the ticket status is changed to Validated, the Pole Owner Granted date will be populated by the system. Updating a Validated Ticket If changes must be made to a Pole Attachment ticket, including adding new locations, prior to approval by the applicant, the permit must be returned to Draft status by the pole owner before any changes to the Ticket Locations can be made. NOTE: After the applicant has approved the permit, no changes, other than Comments, can be made to the ticket. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 23 Approving a PA Ticket After a permit is validated, the applicant can accept the conditions and approve the permit. 1. Click on the Ticket Status drop-down to open the menu of selections. Select the approved status. 2. Click Save. An email notification is sent to all members on the ticket, notifying them that the ticket was approved. Closing a PA Ticket After a permit is approved, the applicant can closed the ticket. 1. Click on the Ticket Status dropdown menu and select Closed. 2. Click Save. An email notification is sent to all members on the ticket, notifying them that the ticket was closed. NOTE: Once a PA Ticket is closed, it cannot be reopened. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 24 Canceling a PA Ticket A PA Ticket can be canceled until it is in Approved status. 1. Click on the Ticket Status drop-down menu and select Cancelled. 2. Click Save. An email notification is sent to all members on the ticket, notifying them that the ticket was cancelled. Queries and Reports Queries Click on the queries icon to open the list of available queries. The two available queries are the PT+ Search and the PA Advanced Search. If your company or state has requested other special queries, they will be listed here also. Select the appropriate query and click Open. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 25 Enter information in the fields necessary to return your desired output. The only required fields are outlined in red, but NJUNS recommends entering as much information as possible. NOTE: County, Place, Job Type and Priority code cannot be chosen until the State is selected. The results will appear in a data grid like the one seen in the ticket lists. Users can work with the data grid columns in the same manner. Reports NJUNS provides users with a selection of canned reports. Click on the Reports icon to open the list of available reports. PT+ Aging Report The PT+ Aging Report provides the same information as the automated Monday Report. However, the days over can be varied between 0 days and 90 days. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 26 1. Enter one member code by either typing it or using the Select Icon the only required field on the report input screen. 2. Use the drop down menu to select the desired Days Over interval. 3. If desired, enter a date range. 4. Click Run to begin the report. Like all reports, PT+ Aging will load the data directly to Excel and save the results to your PC. . This is The result is a multiple page report. The Table of Contents Page lists each report with a description of the results. Click on the blue hyperlink or use the worksheet tabs to open the pages. Each report viewpoint has a detailed data page and a graphical representation of the data page. NOTE: Remember to save your report to your PC if you haven’t already. PT+ Count Report Pole Transfer Count provides three reports in one: PT Count, PT Summary and PT Summary – Transfer Aged. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 27 You can access each report from two places, the blue hyperlink on the Table of Contents Page or the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the screen. NOTE: Remember to save your report to your PC if you haven’t already. The PT Count provides a summary of tickets created and closed during the date range entered. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 28 PT Summary provides a list of the member code’s steps pending by Job Type. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 29 Transfer Aged provides a display of Pending tickets with Aged Steps. PT+ Detail Report Then PT+ Detail Report is a data dump and returns all ticket information. The required fields are outlined in read; other fields are needed to set the parameters for the output. Each Member Code field will accept multiple values. The more information added, the narrower the resulting data output will be. a & b) Ticket From & Ticket To: For entering a ticket number range to narrow the resulting output. c & d) Created Date From & Created Date To: For entering the Created Date range for the report. e & f) Updated Date From & Updated Date To: For entering a range of dates for tickets updated. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 30 g) Ticket Status: must be selected from a menu of statuses. Click on the select icon to open the Selector menu. Users can select one or more statuses. h, i & j) Ticket Creator, Pole Owner & Next To Go Member: used to set the criteria for the report output. Enter one or more member codes in the appropriate fields either by typing them in, separated by a comma, or by using the select icon . k) State: For state information. l) County: For county information. m, n, o, p & q) Step information fields: Used for step information to narrow results to information on that step. Click Run to run the report. Like all reports, PT+ Detail will load the data directly to Excel. The result is a report listing all ticket fields with the auto filter turned on. Use the power of Excel to manipulate your data to the desired format. NOTE: Remember to save your report to your PC if you haven’t already. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 31 PT+ Next to Go (Separated into 2 different reports: Pole Owner and Step Member) The Next To Go Report provides the user with a list of tickets and the next to go step. It does not return the full ticket. Both reports are run in the same manner. However, the PT+ Next To Go – Pole Owner searches for where the member code(s) input are the pole owner and pulls those tickets. The PT+ Next To Go – Step Member searches for where the member code(s) input are the next to go step member. 1. Enter the member code or codes desired. 2. Enter state information if you choose. 3. Select one job type from the drop-down menu if desired. 4. Click Run to run the report. The PT+ Next to Go reports will load the data directly to Excel. The result is a report listing the ticket header information and the next to go step information. There is also a red worksheet tab called NTG Stats. This provides a breakdown of the data in the report. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 32 Appendix A ______________________________________________________________________ Favorites Creates separate tabs based on what the user selects. 1. Select the data grid row or rows to create a favorite tab. The Tab name will reflect the current entity you have open. However this can be renamed. 2. Click the Favorites icon and select New Favorites Tab on the tab toolbar. This creates a favorites tab for the items selected. 3. Users can create multiple favorite tabs. 4. To add additional items to an existing favorites list, open the program, select the item, click the Favorites icon in the tab toolbar and select the existing favorites tab name. You can also "Pin" the favorite to make it persist through log outs. However, it will only persist on that machine. Pinned Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 Unpinned 33 Notifications By changing the dates on the calendar fields, the user can check emails over a range of dates. Notifications can be searched either by Created Date or Failed Messages, with the default being Created Date. By entering ticket delivery email address, Notifications will produce a complete list of ticket emails for that member code. If you do not input an email address, the system will automatically search based on your current member code. To see the status of the notification, click on the [+] icon next to the Last Status Date. To view, highlight the email and click View Message in the Notifications Ribbon. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 34 Creating a Map Microsoft’s Bing Map program is currently used to create maps for attachment to projects or tickets. Click the Create Map link to begin the process. If a County and Place have been entered prior to creating a map, it will zoom into the region area of the county selected. Map Creation Tools Zoom in (1” = 25 m is max) to allow the push pin locations and line segments to be as accurate as possible. The final version will adjust the scale so that it fits on the viewing screen. Because this map is dynamic, the viewer can zoom in or out as desired to see the map. Depending on the quality of the aerial photography available, you may have to experiment with zoom levels for optimum viewing when using Aerial View or Bird’s Eye View to locate poles. The saved version of the map will not contain the aerial photography, but it can be re-added to view at any time the map is open Pan Tool: allows the user to scroll the map in any direction to locate the desired area Zoom Bar: (magnifying glass) zooms the map into the desired level of detail. This can be done using the zoom tools, double clicking on the map or using the mouse scroll wheel. The map will zoom into the selected area. Eyeball: allows the user to add features to the map and to turn off the street and road labels, as needed. If aerial photography is available for the area, click on Aerial View to make it appear. If 3-D photography is available, click on Birds Eye View to make that level of photography available. This gives a slightly angled view of the location that may help better locate poles. Add a Point on mouse click: is used for identifying pole locations. To indicate pole locations, select the Pushpin tool, move the cursor to the desired location and click the left mouse button. Repeat until all pole locations are indicated on the map. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 35 Add a Line Segment on mouse click: is used to illustrate buried facilities or project boundary lines, select the tool, move the cursor to the line’s starting point, click and release the left mouse button, move the cursor to the next point and click the mouse button again. Continue connecting the dots until the line or polygon has been completed. Find a Place: If you know the exact address of the pole location, you can type it into the Search text box (ex. 1037 Main St, Stone Mountain, GA) and click on the magnifying glass and the map will zoom to that point (1” = 200m). This operates similarly to a GPS location search. You can then zoom further in manually before adding points or lines to the map. Add pole locations or lines, as needed, to describe the area relating to the ticket and click Apply Changes to attach the map to the ticket. After attached, the map can be edited until the ticket is closed. Only the creator or pole owner can edit the map. Working with Data Grids A data grid is the method in which tickets are displayed in lists within NJUNS. Data grids allow the user to customize the columns that are currently being viewed. Clicking on any column header re-sorts the information below it. Right clicking on the icon next to any columnheader brings up a drop down menu of the fields displayed in the data grid. Notice there are additional fields available for view. You can customize your current data grid by checking or unchecking fields. The columns can be rearranged using drag and d rop for the column headings. Changes made are only for the current data grid and will not be saved. Data Grid information can be grouped by columns to change the view of the screen. Click on the Show Group Panel icon, then drag the desired column headers up into the Grouped By ribbon. This example is grouped by Pole Owner, then Next To Go Member Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 36 By clicking on the arrow icons next to the member codes, the list can be expanded or collapsed. Data Grid Toolbar Open Selected Instance Refresh the current page Copy the selected instance Delete the selected instance Show Group Panel Print Export to Excel New Favorites Execute Action Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 37 NJUNS Email Notifications NJUNS email notifications are plain text or HTML with a specific subject line with indicators on Ticket Type (New, Header or Step Updated, Step Added, Status Change, Comment Added, File Attachment Added, Disputed Step, etc.), Ticket Number, Status, Ticket Type and Next To Go Member Code. On new tickets, all listed member codes receive an email. Subsequent emails are delivered to the appropriate parties. Changes to ticket data will be indicated by striking through the original data and indicating the current data underlined next to it. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 38 Appendix B Instance Tool Ribbon The Instance Ribbon is a menu that only appears when a user has a ticket or step open. For example, you can’t print a ticket unless a ticket is opened. Save and Save & Close: Both of these icons save the ticket or step you are working on. Clicking save will save the ticket or step and leave the tab open. Selecting Save & Close will save the ticket or step and close the tab you were viewing. Cancel: Clears any changes not saved to the tab that is in view. By clicking Cancel, the window will refresh and any unsaved edits will disappear. Refresh: refreshes the ticket or step that the user is viewing. Delete: function in the Instance tool ribbon allows users to delete Draft tickets only. Select the Draft ticket to be deleted and click Delete. Favorites: Add tickets to your favorites list. See favorites section for more information. More: Copy: function duplicates the current item being viewed into a new instance of that item. If you have a step open and hit copy, it will copy the step information onto a new step tab. If you have a ticket open, it will copy the header onto a new ticket tab. Copy Instance: function duplicates the current item being viewed into a new instance of that item. If you have a step open and hit copy, it will copy the step information onto a new step tab. If you have a ticket open, it will copy the header onto a new ticket tab. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 39 Copy Link: copies a hyperlink of the ticket you have open to your clipboard on our PC for insertion in a Word document, spreadsheet, or other program. The first time you use it, the following popup will appear. Mail Link: calls up the user’s default Email program and inputs the hyperlink to the ticket in the body of the email. NOTE: The email recipients must be registered users of NJUNS to view the link because the system will require the recipient to log in before opening the ticket view. Clone: allows the user to copy an entire ticket, including steps, to minimize ticket creation time for multiple tickets that are similar. The ticket number is assigned and step information is copied. Make any changes necessary and save them the same way you would when creating a new ticket. Change the status of the ticket from Draft to Open. Send Message: allows a user to send an email notification from the system to different parties on the ticket and even those who are not on the ticket. Analytics: allows a user to see who has viewed the ticket. Audit History: allows a user to track all changes and updates made to a ticket. NJUNS Audit: allows a user to track updates, similar to audit history, on tickets from the legacy system. These are any tickets older than November 2012. Print: The Print icon allows the user to view the ticket. When viewing a ticket, click Print and it will bring up the printer friendly version in a separate window. From this window, the entire ticket can be viewed, printed or saved to a file in one of several formats. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 40 PT+ Module (MA/RI Mask Only) NOTE: All fields indicated with a red border are required. Notice: The ticket is still in draft status When first created, all NJUNS PT+ tickets are in “Draft” status. This allows the user to create and update the ticket without sending emails to all parties listed on the ticket until they are ready. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 41 Ticket Status Displays the current status of the ticket and will change as the ticket status is updated. Instance Reason A read-only field explaining the reason for the ticket being in a certain status. Ticket Number A read-only field that is populated by the system when the ticket is saved. Created On A read-only field that is populated by the system when the ticket is saved, stating the date the ticket was created. Created By Member Defaults to the member code of the user creating the ticket. This field is not editable. Pole Owner The member code of the pole owner. Joint Pole Owner The member code of the joint pole owner. This member ha the same rights as the pole owner. Remediation Party The member code of the party that is responsible for pulling the pole. Contact Name Defaults to the user’s name creating the ticket. State Defaults to the state assigned to the member code in the Database. County A required field. Type the first few letters of the county name in the field, or select it from the drop down. County must be selected prior to trying to select Place. Place Operates similarly to County for selection, but is not a required field. House Number A non-required field to provide an address for the pole location. Street Name A non-required field for listing the street name of the pole location. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 42 PT+ Ticket Step Fields (MA/RI Mask) Order Allows the user to number the step. If left blank the system will number it in sequential order. Status Defaults to Pending for all newly created steps. Member Required field for the step member code of the company owning the facilities referenced in that step. Job Type Required field that allows a user to select the type of work that needs to be completed. Number of Poles Defaults to 1. NJUNS best practice is to create one ticket for each pole. Days Interval Required field used to enter the number of days that the pole own gives the step member to complete their work. Job ID Alpha/numeric field designed for the pole owner or step member to use for data pertaining to the step member’s job authorization. Anchor A checkbox that can be checked if anchor applies. Instance Reason Read-only field explaining the reason for the ticket being in a certain status. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 43 Ticket A hyperlink indicating the ticket number associated with the step. Member Pole Number Is for the pole number used by the step member, if there is one. It is not intended to be the one for the pole owner, unless the pole owner is the step member. Latitude Is for the step member’s Y coordinate from whatever GPS or grid program they use to identify pole locations. Longitude Is for the step member’s X coordinate from whatever GPS or grid program they use to identify pole locations. Next To Go Start Read-only field populated by the system. For step Date #1 it will default to the day after the ticket is opened. For all other steps, it will be the day after the previous step’s completion If work steps are completed out of order, the system will adjust the next pending step start date based on the latest previous step completion date. Response Request Date Read-only field populated by the system as the Next To Go Start Date + the number of calendar days entered for the Days Interval field for that step. The initial value is determined based on step #1’s NTG Start Date and the intervals for each step on the ticket. It will repopulate based off of the completion of the previous step. Completed Date Read-only field populated by the system when the step status is changed from Pending to Complete. Remarks A 1000 character or less field for any additional remarks that apply only to the specific job step. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 44 PT+ Project PT + Project Fields Name Enter the name of the project here. This is a required field. Project Number Read-only field that is populated by the system when the project is saved. Created by Member Read only field that defaults to the member code of the User. The hyperlink will provide information on the member code and primary contact. Status Defaults to open when the project is saved. It will remain open until closed by the member code that created it. Instance Reason Allows multiple reasons for the project being in a certain status. Currently, it will default to the same value as the Project Status. Ticket Template Allows the user to populate fields that will be used to create new tickets from project information. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 45 PT Project Template Fields Template Name The name of the template. This field is required. Contact Name Contact name to be used for new tickets. Contact Phone Enter phone number. Contact Phone Ext. Enter extension if applicable. Create Map A map can be created for the project. Click Create Map to create it. Remarks 1000 character field to provide additional information about the project. State Select the state from the drop down list. County Select the county from the drop down list. Street Name Enter if project will consist of work on one street or highway. Priority Code Code will apply to all tickets created for the project. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 46 PA Module PA Ticket Header Fields NOTE: If an application crosses state lines, create one ticket for each member state. Contact Name Defaults to user logged into the system. Contact Phone Defaults to the user logged into the system. Contact Phone Ext. Defaults to the user logged into the system. State Required Field that defaults to the state for the Creator. County Required field. State must be selected first. Click on the down arrow to expand the list. Place Not a required field. County must be completed for the field to become active. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 47 Map Used to identify the location of the poles. See Creating a Map for a detailed explanation. Pole Owner The member code selected at the start of the ticket creation process. Alt Pole Owner Used if there is a joint pole owner for the poles. Copy to Member Used if another member needs access to the ticket. Request Number Used if there is a Request Number for the application. Number of Poles Number of poles on the application. This number must match the number of steps on the application. Contract Date The date of the permit request Remarks Any additional remarks about the pole attachment. 1000 Character field. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 48 PA Step Fields Job Type Select the job type that best describes the ticket being created. Owner Pole Number If known, complete here. Otherwise leave blank for pole owner to complete. License Pole Number The applicant’s pole number for the location. Pole Set Year The pole birthmark or pole owner’s records. Pole Height Pole height from birthmark or pole owner’s records which is an integer field. Pole Class Alpha/numeric field stating the class of the pole. Attachment Height Existing or proposed attachment height. PT Ticket Use if there is a PT+ ticket associated with the attachment. Response Date The date that the step is accepted or rejected by the pole owner. The system will populate this date when the step is completed by the pole owner. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 49 Number Power Supplies Required Field. Is Anchor Attached If the answer is no, leave it blank. If yes, click once to add a check mark in the box. Is Engineering Complete If the answer is no, leave it blank. If yes, click once to add a check mark in the box. House Number Street Number of the pole location. Street Name Required Field. Street name of pole location. Pole Owner Cost Field to be completed by the pole owner if applicable. Alternate Pole Owner Cost Field to be completed by the pole owner if applicable. Other Cost Field to be completed by the pole owner if applicable. Remarks Any additional remarks about the individual pole location. This field holds 1000 characters or less. Copyright © 2012 NJUNS, Inc. Revised April 27, 2016 50