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Magneflash Splash M30 Series Battery Flash Getting




MAGNEFLASH SPLASH M30 SERIES BATTERY FLASH GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MONO FLASH Part 2 1) CHARGING The mains adapter/charger can be plugged into the side charge socket at any time. The blue charge indicator will light providing a. the Mono is turned off, b. the lhs 50% switch is pressed on (M30E only). c. WKHXQLWLVQ¶WVWLOOZDUPIURPSUHYLRXVFKDUJLQJ. After about 2Hrs, the blue indicator will go out, showing that the unit is charged. The unit will get warm during charging and once the indicator goes out it will not come back on again until the unit has cooled and the charger plug re-connected. The unit can be charged and left on overnight, if required, without the power cells being overcharged. The unit can be part-FKDUJHGIRUDµWRS-XS¶DWDQ\ time. Note: The 12volt mains charger is for indoor use only. Do not use any other charger/adapter. At extremes of ambient temperature operation (5degC to 25degC), the unit may not fully charge. Light output and number of flashes figures are for a freshly charged unit. 2) LIGHT MODIFIERS The 6SODVK0RQRZLWKWKHµ6¶DGDSWHUZLOODFFHSWPRVWW\SHVRIµ6¶UHIOHFWRUV XSWRDPD[LPXPJUams weight), or the Airobox 50 softbox (this has its own adapter). Or the units can be used without a light modifier, in which case the light spread is over an angle greater than 200degrees and the flash light can be used to fill a room, for example, by pointing the unit to the ceiling or a wall (for a backlight). 3) SYNC. CONNECTION For manual operation, the sync lead (included with unit) can be plugged into the low-YROWDJH PP V\QF VRFNHW DQG WKH OHDG¶V SF connector end connected to the camera. Note: for connection to a hot shoe, a hot shoe to pc adapter will be required. Splash Monos can be directly connected together, though a split 3.5 jack plug to two jack socket adapter will be required. Do not connect the Monos to any other type of flash unit. Note: when the sync. lead is plugged in the internal slave cell is turned off. Most wireless triggers can be used with the sync socket. It is recommended that the lead-to-socket part of the sync. lead be used with these. 4) SLAVE CELL OPERATION The internal, high performance slave cell will pick up any type of flash signal and synchronize the Mono to another flash including cameras with pre-flash, speed-OLJKWVRUVWXGLRIODVK HYHQPRELOHµSKRQHVZLWKIODVK ,QGRRUVWKH0RQRVODYHFHOOZLOOSLFNXSLQGLUHFW flash signals bounced off walls or ceilings. Outdoors, the slave will pick up direct line-of-sight flash signals, the distance of which will depend on the strength and speed of these signals. Note: outdoors, the Mono slave cell will pick up flash in all but the strongest sunlight. 5) MANUAL OPERATION The Splash Monos will synchronize with camera shutters up to speeds in excess of 1/2000th second. Focal plane shutters such as those found in SLR cameras normally have a 1/200th second limit, though in some circumstances, the M30s will provide light at higher speeds when set to 25% and when used with high-speed sync speed-lights. 6) REPEAT FIRING The Splash Monos do not have any over-heat restrictions on the number of repeat flashes that can be performed because the units remain cool (and therefore energy is not wasted). For high speed repeat firing the unit needs to be set to 50% power to give 1 or 2 flashes or 25% to give up to 4 flashes at any speed. The first flash in the sequence will be lower in output by 1/4 (50%) or 1/3 (25%) compared to the rest in the sequence, giving a degree of exposure auto-bracketing. Note: the sequence is reset after 2 or 4 flashes or after approx. 10 seconds after the first flash. 7) AUTO PRE-FLASH OPERATION The Splash Monos will automatically synchronise to most pre-flash and flash signals when set to 50% or 25%. Cameras with limited H[SRVXUHDGMXVWPHQWVXFKDVWKHORZHUFRVWFRPSDFWFDPHUDVPD\EHµZDVKHGRXW¶ZLWh light when used with the Monos. These cameras are best set to their lowest ISO speeds such as 80 and the lights positioned for indirect light. When set up correctly, most cameras will read the supplemented pre-flash/flash and adjust colour and exposure balance automatically. Adjusting the cameras for average exposure (rather than spot) may give greater exposure control. 8) POWER CELL CAPACITY The 0¶VXVHSRZHUERWKZKHQIODVKLQJDQGZKHQWKH\DUHRQUHDG\WRIODVK7KHXQLWVDUHRSWLPLVHGWRXVHYHU\ORZSRZHUZKHQRQ and therefore never need to drop into a standby condition. µOn¶ times for a fully charged unit can be in excess of three hours. When IODVKLQJWKH0¶VZLOOVKRZDQHHGWREHFKDUJHGZKHQWKHIODVK-to-ready times slow down significantly. 9) LOOKING AFTER YOUR SPLASH MONO UNIT The Splash Monos can be operated in damp conditions outdoors. They are not designed for extended humid or tropical operation. For operation in high moisture environments, the Monos can be covered, and operated, with clear polythene bags (the units will not overheat and they can be flashed while being covered). If the units get wet, they should be dried once indoors and before charging. If the Monos are dropped, it is unlikely that the flash tubes will shatter but if the unit is dropped from a height sufficient to crack the case, do not operate it in a wet environment. The unit should not be used if there is any case damage further than this - the circuits inside use high voltage and will be dangerous if they are exposed. Never try to open the unit; there are no user-serviceable parts inside. If damaged, the unit can be repaired in most cases by a MagneFlash workshop. Contact us for more information regarding repair. -----------------------------------------------------