1 die 1 game board Game tokens Playing pieces
Procedures: 1. Form your team of four quickly and quietly. Push desks together to form a table. 2. Use the roles of Supply Clerk, Coach, Timekeeper, and Reporter. 3. The Coach should read these procedures aloud to the group and make sure everyone understands how to play the game. 4. The Supply Clerk will be in charge of the tokens. Before beginning the game, they should give everyone 1 token. 5. Select a playing piece and place it on the “start” box. 6. Begin play. Players should rotate clockwise, taking turns. 7. Roll the die. Each person will roll one time. The person with the highest number will begin the game. If two people roll the same number, they must re-roll to break the tie. 8. Once the game begins, move your game piece the number of spaces indicated on the die. 9. Follow the directions on the space you land on. If you land on a space that sends you to “Time Out”, you lose a turn. When your turn comes up again, you must return to the space that sent you to “Time Out” and roll the die. You will collect and lose tokens as you move around the game board. 10. When you reach the last square “Completed Science Investigation Safely”, take five tokens. Do this only if you are the first person to finish. The game is then over for all players. 11. Count the tokens you collected. The winner is the person who has the most tokens, not necessarily the player to complete the game first! 12. The Timekeeper informs the teacher when the group finishes a game, and the Reporter tells the teacher who won!
To make the Safety Game:
Trim outside edges of each page Glue pages into file folder Laminate for extended use Use bingo chips, math counters, pennies or Popsicle sticks for tokens Use novelty erasers for playing pieces Use one die
Talked quietly with partners during investigati on. Take one token.
Spilled vinegar and reported the spill. Take one token.
Read directions carefully. Take one token.
Reminded partner of safety cautions. Take one token.
Wandered around the room talking. Return 5 tokens.
Cleaned up work area when lab was finished. Take one token.
Shouted during investigation. Go back 14 spaces!
FREE Correctly followed directions. Take 4 tokens.
Running in classroom. Start over! Missed safety caution in directions. Go back 6 spaces
Reported damaged wires on hot plate. Take 3 tokens.
You have finished the investigation safely. Congratulations! Take 5 tokens.
Reminded partner to walk, not run, in the classroom Take one token.
No goggles worn during lab using heat. Start over!
Did not clean up mess on table. Go back 11 spaces.
safety rules in your notebook Take 2 tokens.
Finished investigation on time. Take 2 tokens.
Used caution when cutting with scissors. Take one token.
Pushed partner. Start over!
Found broken glass on the floor, reported it to the teacher. Move ahead 4 spaces.
Reported broken glass. Move ahead 4 spaces.
Running during lab. Start over.
Reported accident. Take 2 tokens.
You followed the safety directions Move ahead 4 spaces
START You begin with one token.
Checked safety caution in directions Take 2 tokens.
Did not listen to safety instructions. Go to Time Out # 4
Returned materials to materials table as directed by teacher. Take 2 tokens.
Wore goggles on forehead. Return 4 tokens.
Forgot to use goggles. Move back 3 spaces.
Wore goggles. Take 3 tokens.
Spilled chemical and did not report it. Return to start.
Caught teacher without goggles. Take 2 tokens. Washed hands after investigation. Take one token. Cleaned off table at end of investigation. Take one token
Argued with group members. Return one token. Didn’t waste any materials. Move ahead 4 spaces.
Eating in classroom. Go to Time Out #3 Disposed of waste materials properly Take 2 tokens. Failed to follow directions. Return one token. Did not clean up water spill after asked by teacher. Return 2 tokens. Found partner’s lost safety rules. Take one token.
Had teacher approval before starting own experiment. Move ahead 6 spaces.
Safety rules are missing from your notebook Return one token.
Cleaned up work area quickly. Take one token.
Performed your own lab without the teachers permission. Go to Time Out # 2
Performed experiment safely. Take 2 tokens.
Wore goggles during investigation Take 2 tokens.
Eating the lab materials. Go to Time Out #1.