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Intentionally Left Blank Walk-around Inspection Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Normal section (green paper) Preflight Walk-around Inspection (Read and Do) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Left Wing Fuel Drain -------------------------------------- DRAIN Fuselage Fuel Drain ---------------------------------------- DRAIN Left Landing Gear ---------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Flap --------------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Aileron ----------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Wing Tip --------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Landing Light --------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Tie Down ------------------------------------------- REMOVE Pitot Tube-------------------------------------------------- INSPECT Stall Warning Switch ------------------------------------ INSPECT Left Fuel Vents ------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Wing Top -------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Wing Tank --------------------------------------------- CHECK Gascolator --------------------------------------------------- DRAIN Propeller --------------------------------------------------- INSPECT Air Intakes ------------------------------------------------- INSPECT Tow Bar--------------------------------------------------- REMOVE Nose Gear ------------------------------------------------- INSPECT Oil Quantity ------------------------------------------------- CHECK Right Wing Top------------------------------------------- INSPECT Right Fuel Tank--------------------------------------------- CHECK Right Fuel Vents ------------------------------------------ INSPECT Right Tie Down ------------------------------------------ REMOVE Right Landing Light -------------------------------------- INSPECT Right Wing Tip ------------------------------------------- INSPECT Right Aileron ---------------------------------------------- INSPECT Right Flap ------------------------------------------------- INSPECT Right Fuel Drain -------------------------------------------- DRAIN Right Landing Gear -------------------------------------- INSPECT Right Fuselage -------------------------------------------- INSPECT Cargo Door -------------------------------------------------SECURE Right Static Port -------------------------------------------- CLEAR Right Stabilizer ------------------------------------------- INSPECT Right Elevator --------------------------------------------- INSPECT Rudder ----------------------------------------------------- INSPECT Tail Skid / Tie Down ------------------------------------ REMOVE Left Elevator ---------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Stabilizer --------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Fuselage ---------------------------------------------- INSPECT Left Side Static Port ---------------------------------------- CLEAR ### (REV 24-AUG-09) (REV 24-AUG-09) BEFORE START CHECK BAT & ALTR Switches ------------------------------- ON Anti-Collision Lights ----------------------------------- ON Nav Lights --------------------------------------- OFF (ON) Ramp ------------------------------------- (BOTH) CLEAR BEFORE TAXI CHECK Oil Pressure ------------------------------------ CHECKED Alternator -------------------------------------- CHECKED Altimeter --------------- (BOTH) __.__INCHES, ____Ft Heading ---------------- Set, ___ DEGREES, NORMAL Flight Plan --------------------------- SET, ACTIVATED (REV 24-AUG-09) TAXI CHECK Flight Instruments -----------------(BOTH) CHECKED Flight Controls ------------------------------- CHECKED Taxi / Engine Check / Before Takeoff PREFLIGHT CHECK Squawk Book --------------------- CHECKED, AC_____ Weight & Balance --------------------------- COMPLETE Hobbs ----------------------------------------- RECORDED Exterior Check ------------------------------- COMPLETE Fuel --------------------- FLT PLAN FUEL ON BOARD Parking Brake ------------------------------------------ SET Circuit Breakers -------------------- (BOTH) CHECKED Fuel Selectors-------------------------BOTH SELECTED Flaps -------------------------------------------------------- 0° Trim-------------------------------------- SET, TAKE OFF Seatbelts ---------------------------- (BOTH) FASTENED Crew/ Pax Briefing -------------------------- COMPLETE Safety / Preflight / Before Start / Before Taxi Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Normal section (green paper) SAFETY CHECK (Read & Do) All Electrical Switches -------------------------------- OFF Magnetos ------------------------- OFF, KEY REMOVED BAT Switch --------------------------------------------- ON Fuel Qty -------------------------- CHECKED (REFUEL) Exterior Lights (Night) ----------------------- CHECKED BAT Switch -------------------------------------------- OFF ENGINE CHECK (Read & Do) Parking Brake ----------------------------------------- SET Power------------------------------------------- 2000 RPM Magnetos ------------------------------------- CHECKED Carburetor Heat ------------------------------ CHECKED Vacuum Pressure ---------------------------- CHECKED Engine Instruments ----------------------------NORMAL Alternator ------------------------------------ CHARGING Power-------------------------------------------------- IDLE Heading ------------------ (BOTH) SET, ___DEGREES Altimeter -------------- (BOTH) __.__INCHES, ____Ft Burn Out/Time on Grd ------------------ __:__Z, __:__Z Doors --------------------------------------------- CLOSED Passengers -------------------------------------- BRIEFED Take Off Procedures Normal/ X-W Short Field Soft Field Flaps 0° Flaps 24° Flaps 24° VR 52 KTS VR 48 KTS VR ≈48 KTS Target Pitch Attitude Pitch ≈8° Pitch ≈8° Pitch ≈8° VY 78 KTS VX 65 KTS VX 65KTS BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK Take Off Briefing --------------------------- COMPLETE Flaps ---------------------------------- SET, __DEGREES VSPDS ------------------------ __, __, CHECKED & SET Transponder --------------------- SET____, ALTITUDE Landing Lights ----------------------------------------- ON (REV 24-AUG-09) DESCENT CHECK Landing Lights ------------------------------------------ ON Altimeter -------------(BOTH) __.__INCHES, _____FT Mixture ------------------------------------------------ RICH Fuel Selectors---------------------------------------- BOTH Aircraft Systems ------------------- (BOTH) CHECKED Landing Flaps and VREF Speeds Normal Landing X-Wind Short/Soft Field Flaps 24° Flaps 0° Flaps 40° VREF 61 KTS VREF 65 KTS VREF 52 KTS GA Procedure TOGA Power, Target Pitch 8° Retract Flaps to 24°, VX 65 KTS, @ 500 ft AGL Flaps 0°, VY 78 KTS APPROACH CHECK Passenger Briefing --------------------------- COMPLETE Landing/GA Procedure------------------------- BRIEFED Flaps __, VREF ---------------------------------- __ KNOTS (IFR flight) Approach Briefing---------- ------- COMPLETE Minimums --------------- (BOTH) SET, ____FT App Freq & Course -- (BOTH) ___, ___INBD (REV 24-AUG-09) Landing / After Landing / Parking / Securing CRUISE CHECK Landing Lights ----------------------------------------- OFF Flaps -------------------------------------- (X-C only) - 7° Power ---------------------------------------------------- SET Mixture --------------- (at/above 3000’ X-C only) LEAN Systems------------------------------ (BOTH) CHECKED Climb / Cruise / Descent / Approach Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Normal section (green paper) CLIMB CHECK Flaps -------------------------------------------------------- 0° Cruise Climb-------------------------------------_____KTS LANDING CHECK Mixtures --------------------------------------------- RICH Carburetor Heat ---------------------------------------- ON Flaps ----------------------------------SET, __ DEGREES AFTER LANDING CHECK (Clear of runway) Transponder ---------------------------------- STBY (ON) Landing Lights ---------------------------OFF (On-night) Carburetor Heat --------------------------------------- OFF Flaps ------------------------------------------------------- 0° Trim -------------------------------------SET, TAKE OFF PARKING CHECK Avionics Switch -------------------------------------- OFF Mixture-----------------------------------IDLE CUT-OFF Electrical Switches ----------------------------------- OFF Panel Lights ------------------------------------------- OFF BAT & ALTR Switches ----------------------------- OFF Magnetos ----------------------- OFF, KEY REMOVED Parking Break ----------------------------------------- OFF SECURING CHECK (Read and Do) Hobbs/ Tachometer------------------------ RECORDED Maintenance Write Ups ------------------- RECORDED Controls ---------------------------------------- SECURED Doors --------------------------------------------- CLOSED Baggage Door ----------------------------------- CLOSED Tie Down -------------------------------------- SECURED (REV 24-AUG-09) Cold start (Engine has not been started in quite a while) Experience level of the pilot Who will be the PF Positive transfer of control The effect of inoperative equipment The effect of weather on the flight Any special departure procedure Passenger briefing and considerations Before Takeoff Briefing: The purpose of the Before Takeoff Briefing is to prepare for Takeoff and have a thorough understanding of the departure that is required. The briefing should contain at least the following items:      Type of Takeoff that will be performed Abort procedures Engine failure considerations Initial heading and altitude Any ATC procedures required Approach Briefing: The purpose of the Approach Briefing is to prepare for the approach and missed approach (if IFR), landing, and go around. A complete review of arrival, approach, and landing is expected to include at least the following items:  Brief any required arrival procedures  Brief the approach plate if applicable  Brief the approach and landing procedures after review of the Landing and V-speeds Procedures Guide available on the aircraft checklist.  Brief the Go Around Procedures ### (REV 24-AUG-09) Hot Start (Engine has been run to normal operating temperatures) Engine Starting Procedures        Mixture--------------------------------------------------------------- RICH Throttle------------------------------------------------------ SET ½ INCH Primer ------------------------------------------------------ 2-3 SQUIRTS Pilot Briefing Guide Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Supplemental section (blue paper) Preflight Briefing: The purpose of the Preflight Briefing is to establish the conduct of the flight: The expected taxi route will be briefed. In addition to the taxi route several additional items can be included in the brief: Mixture--------------------------------------------------------------- RICH Throttle------------------------------------------------------ SET ½ INCH Cold Weather Start (Ambient temperature ≤40 degrees) SAFETY CHECK --------------------------------------- COMPLETED Engine ------------------------------------------------------PREHEATED Mixture--------------------------------------------------------------- RICH Throttle------------------------------------------------------ SET ½ INCH Primer ------------------------------------------------------ 2-3 SQUIRTS Flooded start (Over primed or throttle inadvertently pumped) Mixture-------------------------------------------------------------- LEAN Throttle----------------------------------------------- FULL FORWARD (As engine starts, reduce throttle and increase mixture until throttle is at idle and mixture is full rich) External Power Start (Battery depleted and needs charging) (If status of battery is unknown do not attempt start and flight) External Power ----------------------------------------------- CONNECT BEFORE START CHECK ----------------------------- COMPLETED Engine ------------------------------------------------------------- START After engine is started: Alternator --------------------------------------------------------- CHECK External Power ------------------------------------------ DISCONNECT ### (REV 24-AUG-09) Quick Reference Numbers Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Supplemental section (blue paper) Crosswind Component Chart Quick Reference Numbers VSPD MXT-7-160 MXT-7-180A Do not exceed in any operation --------------- VNE ------ 156 KIAS ----------- 161 KIAS Exceed only in smooth air --------------------- VNO ------ 128 KIAS ----------- 129 KIAS No full/abrupt control inputs ------------------ VA ------- 109 KIAS ----------- 109 KIAS Max flap extended speed ---------------------- VFE ------- 82 KIAS ------------ 85 KIAS Stall speed landing configuration ------------- VS0 ------- 38 KIAS ------------ 41 KIAS Stall speed clean configuration --------------- VS1 ------- 50 KIAS ------------ 53 KIAS Best angle of climb ----------------------------- VX -------- 65 KIAS ------------ 65 KIAS Best rate of climb ------------------------------- VY -------- 78 KIAS ------------ 78 KIAS Max gliding distance speed -------------------- ------------ 72 KIAS ------------ 72 KIAS Max crosswind component -------------------- ------------ 13 KIAS ------------ 13 KIAS Max window open speed ---------------------- ----------- 104 KIAS ----------- 104 KIAS Fuel grade ---------------------------------------- --------------- 100LL --------------- 100LL Fuel consumption (75% power) -------------- ----------- 10.0 GPH ----------- 10.5 GPH Fuel consumption (65% power) -------------- ------------- 8.8 GPH -------------9.5 GPH Oil grade ----------------------------------------- -------- 15W50 X-C -------- 15W50 X-C Oil capacity -------------------------------------- --------------8 quarts ------------- 8 quarts Max Weight-------------------------------------- --------2200 Pounds ------- 2400 Pounds Electrical System Voltage --------------------- ----------------------- ------------- 12 volts Fuel Capacity Model Mains (Usable) Aux (Usable) Aircraft N43HS --------- MXT-7-180A ------------- 21.5 gal/side --------------- N/A N54HS ---------- MXT-7-160 -------------- 21.5 gal/side --------------- N/A N57HS ---------- MXT-7-160 -------------- 21.5 gal/side --------------- N/A N79HS ---------- MXT-7-160 -------------- 21.5 gal/side --------------- N/A N103HS -------- MXT-7-160 -------------- 21.5 gal/side --------------- N/A N110HS -------- MXT-7-160 -------------- 21.5 gal/side --------------- N/A N114HS ------- MXT-7-180A ------------- 21.5 gal/side ---------- 15.0 gal/side N125HS ------- MXT-7-180A ------------- 21.5 gal/side ---------- 15.0 gal/side N136HS ------- MXT-7-180A ------------- 21.5 gal/side ---------- 15.0 gal/side N152HS ------- MXT-7-180A ------------- 21.5 gal/side ---------- 15.0 gal/side N171HS ------- MXT-7-180A ------------- 21.5 gal/side ---------- 15.0 gal/side 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This airplane must be operated as a normal category airplane in compliance with the operating limitations stated in the flight manual and in the form of placards and markings. No aerobatic maneuvers including spins, approved. Maneuvering speed: 109KIAS. This airplane approved for day or night IFR non-icing flight when equipped in accordance with FAR 91 or FAR 135. Do not turn off alternator in flight except in case of emergency. Fuel remaining in tank when indicator reads zero cannot be used safely in flight. See loading instructions in weight and balance section of airplane flight manual. Maximum demonstrated crosswind 13 knots. FLY SAFE! (REV 24-AUG-09) (REV 24-AUG-09) SAFETY PROCEDURES: STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES AMPLIFIED (SOPA) The first pilot arriving at the aircraft or as designated will run the SAFETY CHECK as a read and do. The purpose of the Safety Check is to protect the pilot, passengers, aircraft and persons around the aircraft from harm. Further the SAFETY CHECK provides the opportunity to check the fuel status of the aircraft. If fueling is required the decision will be made whether to tow the aircraft to the pumps or taxi the aircraft to the fueling pad. If the decision is made to taxi the aircraft follow all required checklist including the BEFORE TAXI CHECKLIST (only the oil pressure and alternator need be checked) In developing standards for flying an aircraft the goal is to first and for most be safe and then efficient. The pilot in command is responsible for the airworthiness of the aircraft and is the final authority as to the conduct of the flight. SAFETY CHECK (Read & Do) All Electrical Switches ----------------------------------------------- OFF Magnetos ---------------------------------------- OFF, KEY REMOVED BAT Switch -------------------------------------------------------------- ON Fuel ---------------------------------------------- CHECKED (REFUEL) BAT Switch ------------------------------------------------------------ OFF Instead of using the checklist as an instruction manual the pilot will guide the flow of the flight. The pilot is expected to have a working knowledge of the progress of the flight and the procedures required. The pilot will become familiar with places in the flight that trigger a need to perform procedures and checklist. As you study SOPA you will note the locations that state, “Accomplish the following flow”. This flow represents all the items on a checklist. It might include items that are not included on the checklist but the pilot should accomplish. The checklist is designed to verify that the correct procedures and system checks have been completed. The basic format for SOPA assumes that the PIC has an additional crew member in the right seat acting as SIC (second in command). The layout places PF (Pilot Flying) duties on the left side of the page and the PM (Pilot Monitoring) on the right side indicating what each crew member should do. On the ground the left is PIC and the right side is SIC. Commencing at takeoff and concluding with the landing roll the PF is listed on the left side column and the PM is on the right side. The ◄ symbol directs the PIC/ PF, whereas the ► directs the SIC/ PM. When either (BOTH) or ◄► appears it is intended for both pilots to complete the requested action which is usually to verify a system status or instrument setting. The checklist will always be called for by the PIC/ PF. The checklist will be read by the SIC/ PM with the PIC/ PF responding to the checklist challenge. Additionally, several items on the checklist will request that both pilots respond to the challenge, for additional safety. This will be indicated by word (BOTH) placed in front of the response. The pilot reading the checklist waits for the response from the other pilot before responding when both pilots are required to reply. While the layout favors a crew compliment, on many occasions the PIC is the only pilot on board. During training your flight instructor will expect you to fly the aircraft single pilot to teach the entire set of responsibilities involved in a flight. Prior to reaching a career position on a multi crew certified aircraft, a large majority of your flying will be single pilot. In single pilot operations, he only change will be that you will do all of the flows and checks yourself. The pilot will be expected to perform all the required actions, flows, and checklists. Even in a single pilot environment the pilot will be expected to call for all checklists, read the Challenge and Response verbally, then announce out loud that the checklist is complete. PREFLIGHT PROCEDURES: SOPA-2 The layout of SOPA is designed to show the pilot what is to be done and what standard method the FAA, Maule, and HSU have in mind as to how that should occur. Announce: “SAFETY CHECK complete” SOPA-1 Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – SOPA section (white paper) A checklist is not intended to be an instruction manual for flying an aircraft. Each phase of flight should have a method and procedures laid out to guide the pilot towards the correct way to operate the aircraft. Prior to entering the aircraft for flight, the exterior checklist must be completed. The purpose of the PREFLIGHT CHECK is for the crew to become familiar with all the information about the flight: weather, routing, aircraft status, passengers, weight and balance. The W&B should have been completed during the flight planning phase however, the pilot should be aware of any changes that might have taken place unknown to the pilot since the flight planning phase. If fuel in the Aux tanks was not known or approved another W&B is required along with authority to use. It is understood that the Pilot will have checked to verify that all required aircraft documents are on board. Each pilot should take the time to review the aircraft squawk book. Examine the squawk book to see if there are any open write ups that have not been addressed. Also, it is the pilot’s responsibility to determine if any deferred items exist and what impact it might have on the aircraft flight capability, safety and legality. On the Flight Operations ticket the Hobbs time. Brief the Passengers on the use of seatbelts and how to escape the aircraft if required. Point out the location of the Fire Extinguisher and its operation. Finally, explain to the passengers the sterile flight deck rules. Brief the crew on the conduct of the flight: Refer to the Crew briefing form in the QRH if necessary. After the briefing is complete, accomplish the following flow: Check Circuit Breaker In or Collared ► ◄ Set Parking Break ◄ Fuel Selector set to both Flaps set to 0° ► Trim set to Take Off position ► ◄ Seatbelts fastened►  ◄ Call for & respond to the “PREFLIGHT CHECK” (REV 24-AUG-09) (REV 24-AUG-09) (Continued on next page) BEFORE TAXI PROCEDURE: After engine start the crew will verify oil pressure and alternator charging. While the engine is warming up and before taxi the SIC will copy the ATIS/AWOS while the PIC loads the flight plan into the GPS. After engine is started, accomplish the following flow: ◄ Alternator charge ► ◄ Verify Oil Pressure normal ► Avionics Master Switch On ► ◄ Check Compass is normal & Set Heading Indicator Record the ATIS/AWOS ► ◄ Set altimeter and check altitude ► ◄Verify the GPS test sequence results and data base is in date for IFR► ◄ Load flight plan into the GPS Announce: “PREFLIGHT CHECK complete” ► BEFORE START CHECK: Note: If the aircraft is only repositioning for fueling verify Oil pressure and Alternator charging and call for the “BEFORE TAXI CHECK”. Only respond to the first two items and announce “BEFORE TAXI CHECK complete”. After briefing the start procedure, accomplish the following flow: ◄ Nav Lights On (if night ops) ◄ Anti-Collision Lights On ◄ Bat & Altr Switches On ◄ Confirm parking brake set ◄ Confirm ramp is Clear ► ◄ Call for & Respond to the “BEFORE START CHECK” PIC SIC BAT & ALTR Switches ------------------------------------------------ ON Anti-Collision Lights---------------------------------------------------- ON Nav Lights -------------------------------------------------------- OFF (ON) Ramp -------------------------------------------------------- (BOTH) Clear SOPA-4 With all flight gear and paperwork secure and flight deck organized determine which engine start procedure will be used and brief the start. SOPA-3 Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – SOPA section (white paper) SIC PIC Squawk Book----------------------------------CHECKED, AC_______ Weight & Balance ------------------------------------------ COMPLETE Hobbs --------------------------------------------------------- RECORDED Exterior Check ---------------------------------------------- COMPLETE Fuel ------------------------------------ FLT PLAN FUEL ON BOARD Parking Brake ---------------------------------------------------------- SET Circuit Breakers ------------------------------------ (BOTH) CHECKED Fuel Selector--------------------------------------------------------- BOTH Flaps ------------------------------------------------------------------------0° Trim------------------------------------------------------ SET, TAKE OFF Seatbelts -------------------------------------------- (BOTH) FASTENED Pax/ Crew Briefing ----------------------------------------- COMPLETE ◄ Call for & respond to the “BEFORE TAXI CHECK” PIC SIC Oil Pressure ---------------------------------------------------- CHECKED Alternator ------------------------------------------------------ CHECKED Altimeter ----------------------------- (BOTH) __.__INCHES, ____FT Heading-------------------- (BOTH) SET ___ DEGREES, NORMAL Flight Plan ------------------------------------------- SET, ACTIVATED Announce: “BEFORE TAXI CHECK complete” ► NOTE: The sterile flight deck policy is in effect from “BEFORE TAXI CHECK complete” until level at cruising altitude. (During Sterile cockpit operations only conversations and activities pertaining to the flight are allowed.) Announce “BEFORE START CHECK complete” ► NOTE: Before engaging the starter the crew will confirm the area is clear for start and announce “Clear” to the outside of aircraft. The PIC will start the engine as briefed.  (REV 24-AUG-09) (REV 24-AUG-09) TAXI PROCEDURES: TAKEOFF PROCEDURES: When requested by the PIC, the SIC will contact Clearance Delivery (if requested) or Ground Control (if required) to receive and record IFR clearance or VFR departure procedures. Perform a radio check if available at uncontrolled airports Normal/ X-W Flaps 0° VR 52 KTS Upon receipt of clearance accomplish the following flow: Pitch ≈8° VY 78 KTS ◄ Set Airspeed Bugs to VR and either VX or VY Verify transponder code and select Altitude ► ◄ Landing Lights – On ◄ Call for or select Flaps for Takeoff ◄ Scan arrival and final for traffic ► PIC SIC Flight Instruments --------------------------------- (BOTH) CHECKED Flight Controls ------------------------------------------------ CHECKED ◄ Call for & respond to the “BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK” ENGINE CHECK PROCEDURES: The engine check should be performed in an area that is safe for your aircraft, other aircraft, and other persons or property. If the airport has a designated engine run up area, utilize this area. Position your aircraft into the wind if possible. At a controlled field, this should be accomplished prior to contacting ground control. This will allow for a more expeditious flow of traffic once ground control is contacted. The Engine Check is a ‘read and do’. The crew will both participate in the Engine Check. After the check, brief the passengers on the conduct of the flight: ◄ Call for & respond to the “ENGINE CHECK”: SIC PIC Parking Brake ---------------------------------------------------------- SET Power ------------------------------------------------------------ 2000 RPM Magnetos ------------------------------------------------------- CHECKED Carburetor Heat ----------------------------------------------- CHECKED Vacuum Pressure --------------------------------------------- CHECKED Engine Instruments -------------------------------------------- NORMAL Alternator ---------------------------------------------------- CHARGING Power ------------------------------------------------------------------ IDLE Heading ------------------------------------ (BOTH) Set ___ DEGREES Altimeter ---------------------------- (BOTH) __.__ INCHES, ____ FT Burn out/Time on Ground ----------------------------- __:__ Z, __.__ Z Doors ------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSED Passengers -------------------------------------------------------BRIEFED Announce: “ENGINE CHECK complete” ► (REV 24-AUG-09) SOPA-6 Announce: “TAXI CHECK complete” ► NOTE: If checking the flight controls would create a hazard during windy conditions, delay this check until aircraft is stopped and parking brake is set prior to engine check. Pitch ≈8° VX 65KTS Approaching the runway and number one, accomplish the following flow: ◄ Call for and respond to the “TAXI CHECK” NOTE: The crew will have the taxi chart (if published) available for viewing during taxi. Soft Field Flaps 24° VR ≈48 KTS ◄The PIC will brief the crew on the Takeoff Procedure to be used. Refer to the Before Takeoff Form in the Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) if necessary. SOPA-5 Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – SOPA section (white paper) Set transponder code & turn on if airport taxi operations require it ► Modify flight plan as required and activate ► Set Nav/Com as appropriate ► ◄ Verify braking Check Flight Controls ► ◄ Verify Flight Instruments during turns ► Short Field Flaps 24° VR 48 KTS Target Pitch Attitude Pitch ≈8° VX 65 KTS PIC SIC Take Off Briefing ------------------------------------------- COMPLETE Flaps ----------------------------------- SET, __DEGREES, VERIFIED VSPDS ----------------------------------------- __, __, CHECKED & SET Transponder------------------------------------- SET ____, ALTITUDE Landing Light ----------------------------------------------------------- ON Announce: “BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK” complete” ► Request Takeoff clearance or announce taking off on the Airport Common Traffic Advisory Frequency. Set Takeoff / Go Around (TOGA) power and make the following call outs on Takeoff: “TOGA Power checked” ► “Airspeed Active” ► ◄ “Checks” (not needed if single pilot) “Rotate, _____ degrees” ► “Positive Rate” ► Accelerate to VY 78 knots (or VX if needed) and climb to a minimum of 500 AGL before commencing any turns. (REV 24-AUG-09) CLIMB PROCEDURES: CRUISE PROCEDURES: Once clear of the Traffic Pattern and flaps have been retracted, establish cruise climb of 85 knots or greater while maintaining at least a 500 fpm climb. Forfeit speed down to VY 78 knots on hot days or when climbing to higher cruise altitude in order to maintain 500 fpm as long as possible. Cruise climb enables better forward visibility which aids in traffic awareness. Cruise climb also improves engine cooling and increased airflow in the aircraft cabin. (Designate) who will lean engine to 75 degrees Rich of Peak using the EGT (if installed), otherwise lean to roughness then enrich until engine runs smooth plus two turns. Do a systems scan for normal operating ranges: i.e.: suction gauge in normal range, oil pressure, oil temp, and cylinder head temp, etc. Upon reaching cruise altitude, accomplish following flow: ◄ Turn Landing light OFF ◄ Set cruise power ◄ Lean Mixture (if above 3,000’ MSL) ◄ If X-C set flaps to -7 degrees ◄ Systems Check ► ◄ Call for and respond to the “CLIMB CHECK” PF PM Flaps ------------------------------------------------------------------------0° Cruise Climb-------------------------------------------------______KTS ◄ Call for and respond to the “CRUISE CHECK” (REV 24-AUG-09) SOPA-8 Announce “CLIMB CHECK complete” ► SOPA-7 Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – SOPA section (white paper) NOTE: There is no rush to perform the CLIMB CHECK. It is important to depart the traffic pattern and establish initial en route heading. Maintain vigilance as you move away from the airport area. PF PM Landing Lights -------------------------------------------------------- OFF Flaps ------------------------------------------------------- (X-C only) -7° Power -------------------------------------------------------------------- SET Mixture ------------------------------ (at/above 3000’ X-C only) LEAN Systems ---------------------------------------------- (BOTH) CHECKED Announce: “CRUSIE CHECK complete” ► NOTE: When switching fuel tanks for balance, turn Fuel Pump – ON. When fuel flow is stable, turn Fuel Pump – OFF. (REV 24-AUG-09) DESCENT PROCEDURES: APPROACH PROCEDURES: Descent planning improves the arrival procedures. Begin gathering information for landing as soon as it is available. A good technique is to start the descent procedures no later then 20 minutes before landing. It is prudent to brief as soon as possible when work load is at a minimum. For example the briefing could be done as part of the descent planning before the descent. Normal Landing Flaps 24° VREF 61 KTS Approaching Descent point, accomplish the following flow: GA Procedure TOGA Power, Target Pitch 8° Retract Flaps to 24°, VX 65 KTS @ 500 ft AGL Flaps 0°, VY 78 KTS, ◄ Call for & respond to the “DESCENT CHECK” Announce: “DESCENT CHECK complete”. ► Thoroughly brief the passengers for the descent and landing. Besides the seat belt requirements include any information that would reduce or eliminate apprehension i.e.: in about 2 minutes the ride will be bumpy. ► SOPA-10 PF PM Landing Lights ---------------------------------------------------------- ON Altimeter ------------------------------------(BOTH) __.__ IN, ____FT. Mixture ---------------------------------------------------------------- RICH Fuel Selector--------------------------------------------------------- BOTH Aircraft Systems ----------------------------------- (BOTH) CHECKED SOPA-9 Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – SOPA section (white paper) Copy the latest weather, set altimeter ► ◄ Check all systems normal ► ◄ Slowly increase mixture to full Rich ◄ Place the landing light ON ◄ Fuel Selector set to both Landing Flaps and VREF Speeds X-Wind Short/Soft Field Flaps 0° Flaps 40° VREF 65 KTS VREF 52 KTS Note: If flying as a crew transfer flying to PM and proceed to the next item in the flow: As soon as approach and landing info is available perform the following flow: ◄ Brief landing, go around, and taxi route anticipated (Refer to the “Approach Briefing” in the QRH if necessary for briefing information) ◄ Set VREF bug (IFR flight) ◄ Brief the type approach to be flown (Refer to the “Approach Briefing” in the QRH if necessary for briefing information) ◄ Set minimums bug(s) ► ◄ Verify correct App Freq and Course set ► ◄ Call for & respond to “APPROACH CHECK” PF PM Passenger Briefing ------------------------------------------ COMPLETE Landing/ GA Procedure --------------------------------------- BRIEFED Flaps __, VREF ------------------------------------------------- __ KNOTS (IFR flight) Approach Briefing ------------------------------------------ COMPLETE Minimums---------------------------------------- (BOTH) SET, ____ FT App Freq & Course ------------------------ (BOTH) ___.__, ___INBD Announce: “APPROACH CHECK complete” ► (REV 24-AUG-09) (REV 24-AUG-09) LANDING PROCEDURES: PARKING PROCEDURE: On the 45 deg to downwind Set Power approximately 2200 rpm. Airspeed 90 knots: Normally the aircraft will be tied down or pushed into a parking position and tied down, therefore, do not set the Parking Brakes. However, if there is any doubt that the aircraft will remain stationary (slope of ramp, high winds and/or wet or icy ramp) set the Parking Brake. At midfield downwind or descent point to land if other than downwind, accomplish the following flow: ◄ Mixture Rich if not previously done ◄ Carburetor Heat On ◄ Fuel Selector on Both if not previously done ◄ Call for “Flaps __” Set Landing flaps ► When aircraft is stopped at parking, accomplish the following flow: Avionics Master Switch OFF ► All Panel Lights OFF ► All electrical switches OFF ► ◄ Mixture IDLE CUTOFF ◄ Battery/Alternator Switches OFF ◄ Magnetos OFF and remove key PF PM Mixture ---------------------------------------------------------------- RICH Carburetor Heat --------------------------------------------------------- ON Flaps --------------------------------------------------- SET, __DEGREES Call for & respond to the “PARKING CHECK” NOTE: Call out any deviations from landing speed or excessive sink rate: Any Airspeed +/- 5 kts from VREF. Call out any sink rate > 1000 fpm below 1000 feet AGL. If sink rate isn’t corrected immediately or the approach becomes unstable execute an immediate GA. AFTER LANDING PROCEDURES: Note: Do not let procedures interfere with maintaining a safe vigilance and delay any procedures till the runway has been cleared. The exiting aircraft has the right of way clearing the runway till beyond the Hold Short Line. Ensure that this is done in a timely manner. After clearing the runway and past the Hold Short Line and the Taxi clearance has been received, accomplish the following flow: Turn transponder to STBY or switch to ON ► ◄ Turn Landing lights OFF ◄ Carburetor Heat - OFF Raise flaps to 0°► Reset trim to Take Off position ► ◄ Call for & respond to “AFTER LANDING CHECK” PIC SIC Transponder -------------------------------------------------- STBY (ON) Landing Lights --------------------------------------------------OFF (ON) Carburetor Heat -------------------------------------------------------- OFF Flaps ------------------------------------------------------------------------0° Trim------------------------------------------------------- SET, TAKEOFF SOPA-12 Announce “LANDING CHECK complete” ► SOPA-11 Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – SOPA section (white paper) Call for & respond to “LANDING CHECK” PIC SIC Avionics Master ------------------------------------------------------- OFF Mixture --------------------------------------------------- IDLE CUT-OFF Electrical Switches---------------------------------------------------- OFF Panel Lights------------------------------------------------------------ OFF BAT & ALTR Switches --------------------------------------------- OFF Magnetos ---------------------------------------- OFF, KEY REMOVED Parking Break --------------------------------------------------------- OFF Announce “PARKING CHECK complete” ► SECURING PROCEDURES: Any crewmember can perform the check. If the aircraft is to remain overnight, lock all doors. Discuss the securing of the aircraft with the lineman and agree on the method that will be used to assure compliance. When giving a fuel order, explain to the line personnel not to fill AUX tanks (on aircraft so equipped) and physically point out where the AUX tanks are located. ◄ Designate who will perform the SECURING CHECK SECURING CHECK (Read and Do) Hobbs/Tachometer ------------------------------------------ RECORDED Maintenance Write Ups ----------------------------------- RECORDED Controls --------------------------------------------------------- SECURED Doors -------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSED Baggage Door---------------------------------------------------- CLOSED Tie Down ------------------------------------------------------- SECURED NOTE: The aircraft is not to remain unattended except for brief turn a rounds without completing the “SECURING CHECK”. The pilot remains responsible for the aircraft until the “SECURING CHECK” has been completed. Announce “AFTER LANDING CHECK complete” ► (REV 24-AUG-09) (REV 24-AUG-09) Wing Flaps ----------------------------------- AS DESIRED Approach ------------------------------------------NORMAL Touchdown ---------------------------GOOD TIRE FIRST On takeoff: Abort takeoff. Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Abnormal section (yellow paper) Hold airplane off flat tire as long as possible. Alternator Failure Alternator output should be monitored by reference to the ammeter located on the right side of the engine instrument cluster. Should the ammeter indicate a negative deflection when engine is above 900 RPM and/or red “ALTERNATOR OFF WARNING” light is illuminated, push ALT switch OFF then ON. Repeat two times as necessary to reset. If system will not reset, reduce the electrical load as much as possible, land as soon as practical. Call maintenance for assistance in investigating the electrical system malfunction before further flight. (REV 24-AUG-09) Structural Damage Structural Damage Flat Tire Landing / Alternator Failure Flat Tire Landing In Flight: - Maintain controllable airspeed. - Climb to safe stall recovery altitude. - Notify controlling agency, if appropriate. - Determine control difficulty airspeed. - Land using 5-10 KIAS above difficulty airspeed or 5-10 KIAS above normal approach airspeed, whichever is higher. (REV 24-AUG-09) IF FIRE EXTINGUISHED Fuel Selector ------------------ OFF Ignition Switch --------------- OFF Master Switch ---------------- OFF Ignition Switch ----------- OFF Electrical Switches ------- OFF Aircraft ----------EVACUATE Evacuate aircraft by either door or kick out side window panels or baggage door. | Fire Extinguisher ---- ACTIVATE ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT Mixture ----------------------------------------- FULL LEAN Fuel Selector ---------------------------------------------- OFF Ignition Switch ------------------------------------------- OFF Forced Landing----------------------------------- EXECUTE Evacuate aircraft by either door or kick out side window panels or baggage door. ELECRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT Master Switch -------------------------------------------- OFF Forced Landing----------------------------------- EXECUTE (REV 24-AUG-09) | Wing FIRE IF FIRE CONTINUES FIRE in Flight Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Emergency section (red paper) Continue cranking several revolutions to draw fire inside engine. WING FIRE IN FLIGHT Strobe Lights --------------------------------------------- OFF Pitot Heat ------------------------------------------------- OFF Perform a sideslip to keep the flames away from the fuel and cabin. Forced Landing ---------------------------------- EXECUTE SMOKE AND FUME ELIMINATION Smoke Elimination Mixture ------------------------FULL LEAN Throttle ------------------------- FULL OPEN Ignition ------------------------------- START FIRE During Start ENGINE FIRE DURING START Cabin Heat Knob -------------------------------- IN Cabin Air Knob ---------------------------------- IN Air Vents ------------------------------------- OPEN Windows ------------------------------------- OPEN If smoke increases in intensity when vents/windows are opened, they should be immediately closed. (REV 24-AUG-09) Throttle -------------------------------------------------- IDLE Brakes ------------------------------------------------ APPLY Flaps ---------------------------------------------- RETRACT Mixture ------------------------------------ IDLE CUT-OFF Ignition Switch ------------------------------------------ OFF Master Switch ------------------------------------------- OFF Airspeed ----------------------------- 72 KIAS (FLAPS UP) 61 KIAS (FLAPS DN) Mixture ------------------------------------- IDLE CUT-OFF Fuel Shutoff --------------------------------------------- OFF Ignition Switch ------------------------------------------ OFF Flaps -------------------------------------------------------- 40º Master Switch ------------------------------------------- OFF Doors -------------------------------------------- UNLATCH Touchdown ------------------------------------- TAIL LOW Brakes ------------------------------------------------ APPLY Engine Failure During Flight Glide ------------------------------------- 72 KIAS, Flaps 0 Fuel Selector ----------------------------- FULLEST TANK Electric Fuel Pump -------------------------------------- ON Mixture ----------------------------------------- FULL RICH Ignition Switch --------------------------------------- BOTH Carb Heat ----------------------------------------------- HOT IF ENGINE DOES NOT RESTART: Mixture ---------------------------------------- FULL LEAN Fuel Selector --------------------------------------------- OFF Ignition Switch ------------------------------------------ OFF PRIOR TO LANDING: Emergency Landing Emergency Landing Without Power Engine Failure Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Emergency section (red paper) Engine Failure During Takeoff Run Partial Power Emergency Landing Mixture ------------------------------- FULL RICH Carb Heat -------------------------------------- HOT Airspeed ----------------------------------- 72 KIAS if unable to maintain level flight Fuel Selector ------------------ BOTH / FULLEST Elec. Fuel Pump ---------------------------------ON Ignition Switch ------------------------------ BOTH Master Switch -----------------------------------ON Flaps ---------------------------------------- AS REQUIRED Master Switch ------------------------------------------- OFF Cabin Doors ---------------------------- CRACKED OPEN (REV 24-AUG-09) (REV 24-AUG-09) After an incident or accident, contact HSU Aviation Department personnel as soon as practicable. Do not admit fault or blame to anyone other than HSU officials. Give all relevant facts to the FAA and police but not to news media. News releases will be made by HSU. After a forced landing, the student should proceed as follows: 1. DO NOT takeoff after a forced landing. 2. Determine any damage to the aircraft or injury to personnel and go to the nearest phone. If a phone or help is not nearby, stay at the landing site, but well clear or the aircraft, until help arrives. 3. Call the HSU Campus Police at (870)300-5098. If no answer or if you desire additional assistance, call Arkadelphia Airport at (870)300-5584, or call the Director of Aviation at (870)300-5012. If after hours, use emergency numbers below. 4. Clearly give the following: a. Exact location of the airplane b. Extent of injury to personnel c. Extent of damage to airplane d. Amount of fuel in the fuel tanks e. Condition of the field f. How you can be reached by phone g. Where you will be when help arrives If feasible, go back to the forced landing location and wait for help. Stay well clear of the aircraft. DO NOT discuss the incident with anyone until an HSU Aviation representative arrives. However, any relevant facts may be given to FAA and police, but not to news media. No one other than an HSU or FAA representative should be allowed in the vicinity of the aircraft. Ask local police to help secure the area, if necessary. Emergency Numbers Airport ---------------------------------- 870-300-5584 Aviation Department ------------------ 870-300-5012 Mr. Wilson (home) -------------------- 870-246-2728 Mr. Wilson (cell) ---------------------- 870-403-2730 Mr. Hogue (home) --------------------- 870-245-3652 Mr. Hogue (cell) ----------------------- 870-403-6342 Post Accident / Incident (REV 24-AUG-09) Post Accident / Incident Fold Sheet In Half Then Cut on Dotted Line – Emergency section (red paper) Post Accident / Incident Intentionally Left Blank Checklist Name Back Printing Notes DISCARD THESE NOTES AFTER PRINTING PRINTING / BINDING NOTES: 1. Print all pages. 2. Do not include these notes in publication. 3. Neatly fold all pages along the middle. 4. Crease all folds 5. Cut just inside the dotted lines. 6. Keep the sheets folded and run through laminator crease first. 7. Trim laminate as close as possible 8. Insert checklist in protective with the large print on the outside edge. Following is the checklist order: a. Walk-around Inspection (place in front cover insert) b. Safety / Preflight / Before Start / Before Taxi c. Taxi / Engine Check / Before Takeoff d. Climb / Cruise / Descent / Approach e. Landing / After Landing / Parking / Securing f. Pilot Briefing Guide g. Engine Starting Procedures h. Crosswind Component Chart i. Limitations j. SOPA paged 1-12 k. Flat Tire Landing / Alternator Failure l. Structural Damage m. FIRE in Flight / FIRE During Start n. Smoke Elimination / Wing FIRE o. Engine Failure p. Emergency Landing q. Post Accident / Incident