April 27, 1954
Filed March 16, 1953
Mi ?eMx BY
' Patented Apr. 27, 1954
Louis B. Bressler, Southampton, Mass, assignor to Stanley Home Products, Inc., West?eld, . ‘Mass, a corporation of Massachusetts
‘Application March 16, 1953, Serial No.‘ 842,641 2 Claims. . (Cl. 15-167)
.. This invention relates to brushes and for pur
. Referring now-to the drawingsmore inv detail,
poses of disclosure, the novel features will be described in connection with a toothbrush. This
the invention will be fully described.
application is a continuation in part of an appli cation?led by me on May 12,, 1950, bearing Ser. No. 161,694
end section '6 and intermediate sections, 8. vA handle I0 ofusual form extends from the sec
which matured as Patent No.
The head of the toothbrush isrepresented by 2 and includes an outer end sectionA, an inner
The principal objects of the invention are dil
The toothbrush ismolded in a. mold and under
rectedto the provision of a toothbrush having a
heat and pressure fromplasticmaterial and the
sectionalized head to provide ?exibility in, using
~ sections in the molding operation, enclose an
the toothbrush.
elongated ?at resilientspringélike member l2.
~ According to novel features of the invention, a
The member 12 is located in the mold so as to
resilient member. is incorporated in the sectional
extend through the intermediate sections and
ized head which is of such-a character as to with
terminate in the inner and outer, endsections.
standcorrosion and breakage and secures the head sections together for relative ?exing move~
The mold is formed so as to provide spaces. ill between the sections and the member I2 may be
provided with notches on, opposite sides 13 coin
Sectionalized heads have been provided with metallic flexible members but have objections in
that the metal corrodes readily, does not bond su?iciently to the material of the sections, and
ciding-with the spaces between the sections. The member 12 will'be formed from nylon ~ whichis very strongiand capable of, ?exing be tween ‘the sections many millions of times with
soon sets so as to lose its flexibility or breaks.
out rupture, wherefore the sections are relatively
Furthen-in'the manufacture of the brush where holesfor the tufts are drilled, it is impossible to
movable. Thenotches l3 enhance the ?exibility
drill through the metal. According to thisinvention, a ?exible member is provided which is formed from plastic, such as nylon, about which the head sections are molded.
After the molding operation, the holes for the
of theimember l2. f‘
‘ ‘_
. "
' Subsequent to the "molding operation, holes or
socketslfo‘r tuftsof bristles I6 are provided, Said
sockets‘in the‘prefe‘rred‘ way‘ are ‘formed by drilling and extend upwardly through the lower portion“! of the sections, through the member
bristle tufts are drilled through the resilient 30 l2 and upwardly into the upper portion 20 of member and the tufts are anchored in the holes the sections as shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
or sockets and extend through and beyond the
The resilient member being plastic the sockets
?exible member. All of the above objects I accomplish by means of such structure and relative arrangements of
extend therethrough so that the tufts of bristles have upper end extending upwardly into the up per portions of the sections which is desirable for suitable securement of the bristle tufts. The bristle tufts 22 include a plurality of bristles 24 which are doubled upon themselves intermediate their ends and inserted in the
parts thereof, as will fully appear by a perusal of the description below and by various speci?c features which will be hereinafter set forth. To the above cited and other ends and with the foregoing and various other novel features 40 sockets. and advantages and other objects of my inven The tufts are secured in the sockets by what will be called anchors and to explain the secure tion as will become more readily apparent as the ment a single bristle 24 is shown in Figs. 3 and 4. description proceeds, my invention consists in certain novel features of construction and in the In Fig.- 3 the anchor consists of an elongated combination and arrangement of parts as will be 45 member which may be small wire as 30 which hereinafter more particularly pointed out in the overlies the bristles and is wedged into the socket. By doubling the bristles, the anchor lies within a claims hereunto annexed and more fully de loop 24' of the bristles. scribed and referred to in connection with the ac companying drawings wherein: In another way, as in Fig. 4. a staple 32 is driven Figs. 1 and 2 are plan and side elevational 50 into the upper portion 20 of the section and en gages the loop 24" of the bristles. views of the head end of a toothbrush embodying The sockets will be of such a diameter as to the novel features of the invention; and snugly receive the doubled bristles forming the Figs. 3 and 4 are sectional views on the line tufts and the anchors will securely hold the bris- ' 3-3 of Fig. 1 showing means for anchoring the bristles in the head sections. 65 ties of the tufts in the bottoms of the sockets.
ient member formed from plastic material extend
The tufts extend through the resilient member
ing through said intermediate sections and hav ing end sections disposed in said end sections and spacing adjacent sides of adjacent sections apart, said resilient member being disposed between up— per and lower portions of said sections, said sec tions provided with sockets extending upwardly through the lower portions thereof and said re
so as to be secured in the upper portions of the
sockets whereby the bristles are secured against
displacement. The member 12 {being formed from nylon is suf ficiently stiff to retain the sections in the desired relationship but possesses ?exibility whereby the
sections maybe relatively ?exed many millions
silient member‘and terminatingimthe'upper por tions thereof, ‘bristle tufts including bristles dou
of times.
Nylon is a generic name for materials de?ned
‘bled upon themselves with the doubled portions extending upwardly in said sockets and anchors
as synthetic ?ber-forming polymeric amides hav
ing protein-like chemical structure derived from
securing said tufts in the terminations of said sockets.
coal, air and water, or other non-metallic sub
stances characterized by great strength and ?exi bility and resistance to fatigue ‘and corrosion.
2. 'A'toot'hbrush having a ?exible head compris ing, an elongated‘handle and a sectionalized head
It will be noted that the sections of ‘the ‘head
‘at one endthereof molded about a resilient mem
are molded around and ?exiblyconne‘ctedby a
ber, said head including an inner head section ‘ integral with an end of said handle and an outer of the sections. The sockets in which the‘bristle tufts are anchored extend through the ?exible 20 head section and a plurality of intermediate head sections therebetween, said'resilient’m‘embercom member with the‘tufts being anchored above the prising an elongated'strip'of relatively thin plas flexible member thereby insuring againstfrelative
resilient member for readily ?exing movements
tic materiallhavin'g opposite'ends disposed-insaid
dis-placement of the parts.
inner and outer head “sections "and "an intermedi
While I have illustrated anddescribed the in vention as embodied ‘in a speci?c arrangement, 'I do not intend to be limited -to they details shown since various modi?cations and structural changes may be made withoutdepartin'g in any'way'from
' ateportion extending through said intermediate
sections, adjacent sides-of adjacent sections be ing spaced apart a relatively small distance and
said resilient member being disposed-intermediate upper and lower portions-of ‘said sections, said
the spirit of the invention. Without further analysis, the foregoing will so
sections provided with sockets ‘for bristle "tufts extending upwardly through the lower portions
fully reveal the-gist of lmy'invention that others can by applying current knowledge readily adapt it for various applications ‘without-omitting ‘fea tures that, from the standpoint of prior art, fair ly constitute vessential characteristics'of the gen eric or speci?c aspects of this invention, and therefore, such adaptations should'and are in tended to be comprehended Within the meaning and range of equivalence of the claims'ibelow. What it is desired to 'claim‘and secure by Let ters Patent of the United States ‘is:
1. A brush construction‘having a ?exible bristle
thereof ‘and through said resilient =member and terminating in the upper ‘portions ‘thereof vabove said resilient member, “upperportions of tufts of bristles disposed in said sockets, an‘danchors se curing said bristle tufts "in' the upper‘termin'ations of said sockets. 40
References Cited in the ?le ‘of this patent UNITED STATES ‘PATENTS Number Name Date 1,466,723
carrying portion‘comprising, said bristle carrying 1,928,328 portion including opposite end "sections’an‘d in C21 2,224,788 termediate sections therebetween formed from 4 ‘2,254,365 plastic material, ‘an elongated relatively ‘thin resil
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Gri?ith et'al.r___r___-_ Sept. 2, 19.41