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Mobile Working For Windows Training Guide For Ooh




Mobile Working for Windows Training Guide for OOH Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................3 Logging onto Mobile Working .......................................................................................................................................3 Using the Home Screen ................................................................................................................................................6 Connectivity Status ...................................................................................................................................................7 Assigning Vehicles ........................................................................................................................................................7 Cases ............................................................................................................................................................................8 Viewing Cases.........................................................................................................................................................10 Viewing Patient Records .............................................................................................................................................11 Retrieving Patient records from the Cases Screen .................................................................................................11 Retrieving a Patient Record from the Patients Screen ...........................................................................................12 Recording Case Closure Decisions ........................................................................................................................13 Using Functionality within the Patient Record ............................................................................................................14 Home .......................................................................................................................................................................14 Patient Record.........................................................................................................................................................14 Views .......................................................................................................................................................................17 Recording Consultations .........................................................................................................................................17 Prescribing ..............................................................................................................................................................19 Record Other Medication ........................................................................................................................................21 Care Plans...............................................................................................................................................................23 Record a Sensitivity/Allergy ....................................................................................................................................25 Repeat Templates ...................................................................................................................................................26 Relationships ...........................................................................................................................................................27 Data Entry Templates .............................................................................................................................................28 Questionnaires ........................................................................................................................................................28 Communications .....................................................................................................................................................31 Attachments ............................................................................................................................................................31 ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Medical Drawings ....................................................................................................................................................32 Vaccinations ............................................................................................................................................................33 Patient Specific Tasks .............................................................................................................................................33 Referrals ..................................................................................................................................................................34 Sharing ....................................................................................................................................................................35 Safeguarding Child Information ...............................................................................................................................35 Pathology Reports ...................................................................................................................................................36 Numeric Readings ...................................................................................................................................................36 Managing Tasks..........................................................................................................................................................37 Viewing Tasks .........................................................................................................................................................37 Creating Tasks ........................................................................................................................................................37 Updating Tasks .......................................................................................................................................................38 Using the Planner .......................................................................................................................................................39 Booking Visits ..........................................................................................................................................................40 Managing Utilities .......................................................................................................................................................41 Match Profile to Smartcard/Change Password .......................................................................................................42 Managing Mobile Working Options in SystmOne .......................................................................................................43 Lost/Stolen Devices ................................................................................................................................................43 Blocking Previously Approved Devices ...................................................................................................................43 Audits ......................................................................................................................................................................44 Managing Passwords .................................................................................................................................................45 Resolving Password Conflicts .................................................................................................................................45 Forgotten Passwords ..............................................................................................................................................46 FAQs ...........................................................................................................................................................................48 ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 2 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Introduction Mobile Working is the connected/disconnected solution for SystmOne. The functionality has been designed so that you can work seamlessly with and without an internet connection. This PDF outlines the basic functionality available. Mobile Working communicates securely with SystmOne over the internet. This means that no N3 connection is required to use Mobile Working. Logging onto Mobile Working You will need to be connected to the internet when you log on to Mobile Working for the first time. This is so that Mobile Working can download all of the information it requires to function, for example Read codes and drug information (see Figure 2). This initial download can take around 10 minutes to complete but will only take place once. When you subsequently log in to Mobile Working, it will attempt to download data from your organisation if you are connected to the internet. That data will include, among other things, patient records (if you have Visits or Appointments booked in the next seven days), your organisation's Templates, Views, Questionnaires, and so on. To ensure that relevant patient records and functionality are available to you when offline you should allow this short download to complete before disconnecting. Important notes: Users will need to log on to the Primary Care Centre they are working from for their shift. You will need to know your SystmOne username and password to log on to Mobile Working. If you do not know your username and password, consult the 'Managing User Names and Passwords' section in F1 Help. It is important that you get into the habit of remembering your password to avoid locking yourself out of Mobile Working and potentially losing data. See the Managing Passwords section below for further information. To log onto Mobile Working: 1. Double-click on the SystmOne Mobile Working icon on your desktop. 2. Enter your SystmOne username and password and click Login. If you are using a Smartcard then you will need to enter your PIN in addition to your username and password. Note: Logging on with a Smartcard is optional. See Match Profile to Smartcard/Change Password for further details. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 3 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 1: Login Screen Figure 2: Initial Download 3. Select your role from the organisations that you have access to. For security reasons, a message will appear detailing the number of failed login attempts (if any) since the last successful login and the date and time of the last successful login to the device. Figure 3: Select Role Dialog Note: The first time you log onto an organisation, your device will need to be approved by that organisation. A warning message will be displayed advising you of this: Figure 4: Pending Registration Warning ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 4 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. A 'Device Approval' task will then be sent to that organisation. This task must be Actioned before you can use Mobile Working on your device. Devices can be rejected if unrecognised or marked as lost/stolen. See the Device Manager section for more information. Note: Only the device needs to be approved, not each individual user on that device. 4. Wait for the short download (of your future visits/appointments, templates, tasks, etc.) to complete before going offline. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 5 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Using the Home Screen The Home screen displays all visits and appointments you have booked for today: Figure 5: Home Screen Options Available The following buttons are available: Item Description Patients The Patients button displays how many patients are stored on your device. Click this button to navigate to the Patient Search screen. See Viewing Patient Records for further information. Tasks The Tasks button displays how many unactioned tasks you have downloaded to your device. Click this button to navigate to the Tasks screen. See Managing Tasks for further information. Planner The Planner button displays how many pending visits and appointments you have today. Click this button to navigate to the Planner screen. See Using the Planner for further information. Vehicles The Vehicles button displays the available vehicles at the unit. See Assigning Vehicles for further information. Cases The Cases button gives users access to the Cases assigned to them see Cases for further information The Back button will return you to the screen you were on previously. (Back) The Home button will take you back to the Home screen. (Home) ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 6 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Item Description (Utilities) The Utilities button will take you to the Utilities screen. See Utilities for further information. Connectivity Status The connectivity status is displayed in the bottom right of the screen. The following icons are displayed to show the connectivity status of Mobile Working:   connected   disconnected   updates downloaded (you will need to restart Mobile Working before you can connect) Assigning Vehicles From the Vehicles screen users can view the Vehicles which have been set up in SystmOne. Vehicles cannot be created or amended in Mobile Working, however the Refresh button on this screen allows users to update their device with any changes made in SystmOne provided that connectivity allows. Users can then select a vehicle and assign themselves to it. The name of the assigned user will display above the vehicle details. If the update has not yet been synced with SystmOne due to working offline then a notification will display on the Vehicles screen warning the user that their current vehicle assignment has not yet been synced to SystmOne. Figure 6: Vehicle Screen ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 7 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. The vehicle that the logged in user is assigned to will display automatically in the top left hand corner of the vehicle screen. A user cannot be assigned to more than one vehicle. In order to be assigned to a different vehicle, the user must select to unassign themselves from their current vehicle using the ‘Unassign my current vehicle’ button and then reassign themselves to a different vehicle. When a user is assigned to a vehicle then the name of the Vehicle will also display on the home screen on the Vehicles button. Figure 7: Home Screen with a vehicle assigned. Upon exiting Mobile Working, if the user is still assigned to a vehicle they will be prompted to unassign themselves from it. Figure 8: Prompt when exiting SystmOne Mobile Working. Cases Once a user is assigned to a vehicle then any cases assigned to that vehicle will be downloaded to the mobile device. Likewise, any new cases assigned to the vehicles will sync to the mobile device when working online. Users will receive a notification message when new cases are added to their vehicle which has to be acknowledged to clear the message. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 8 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 9: Notifications that need acknowledging The homepage will also be updated to reflect the number of cases. The Cases button will display the number of cases for the staff member assigned to the vehicle and the patient name(s) will display on the left hand side of the screen. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 9 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 10: Homepage with cases Viewing Cases By selecting the Cases button users can then view the details of the cases assigned to them. The left hand side panel shows the patient demographics and the priority of the case. Options at the top of the screen allow the user to mark the case as arrived and to retrieve the patient record. Validation prevents users from marking a case as arrived more than once. From this screen, users can view the case details by selecting the relevant patient. Case details will display in chronological order with the most recent event appearing first. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 10 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 11: Cases Screen in chronological order. Viewing Patient Records Patient records are automatically downloaded to your device for patients that have appointments and visits with you in the next seven days. Patients are also downloaded when you retrieve them in connected mode. The following icon is displayed to indicate that a patient record has been downloaded to your device: A progress bar is displayed when downloading patient records. You need to wait for these to download in order for the records to be available offline. When disconnected, you will be able to search for and retrieve all patients downloaded on your device. Retrieving Patient records from the Cases Screen Upon being assigned a new case, users will receive a notification which needs to be acknowledged to clear. The case will then be added to the Cases Screen. Users can then select the relevant case and use the Retrieve Record button to retrieve the patient record. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 11 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 12: Retrieve record from Cases Screen If you are disconnected, an icon will be displayed within the patient record in the bottom-right of the screen to show that the patient record may be out of date. Clicking on the was last updated. icon will display a pop-up showing when the record Figure 13: Record Up To Date Warning It is possible to manually refresh your list of visits, appointments and tasks. To do this: 1. Click on the Tasks or Planner screen. 2. Click Refresh. A short download will then take place and any new visits, appointments, or tasks will now be listed. Note: An internet connection is required in order to use the manual Refresh option. Retrieving a Patient Record from the Patients Screen Alternatively Patients can be retrieved from the Patients Screen. To retrieve a patient record: 1. Click Patients on the Home screen. 2. Any patients downloaded to the device will display on the Patients Screen. Users can filter by a patient's NHS number, first name, surname or date of birth in the search field and click . Figure 14: Patient Search ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 12 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Recording Case Closure Decisions Upon saving the patient record, users must record a Case Closure Decision of either ‘Decision Deferred’ or ‘Requires Closing’. At this time, users must also record the start and end date of the case which is automatically calculated by SystmOne. This will then be updated in SystmOne provided that the user is working online. It is not possible to close a case in Mobile Working. Users can mark a case as ‘Requires Closing’ to allow a staff member at base to complete the Case Closure dialog. Important Note: Organisations must enable users to mark cases as ‘Requires Closing’. This is managed from Organisation Preferences>OOH> Patient Case Tracking> Cases Options. If this preference is not enabled cases that have been marked as ‘Requires Closing’ in Mobile Working will just appear under All Statuses on the Open Cases Overview in SystmOne. Figure 15: Saving a patient record ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 13 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Using Functionality within the Patient Record Note: All options within the patient record are accessed via the tree on the left-hand side of the screen. Home The Home screen within a patient record displays any active reminders, allergies and sensitivities, and the patient's three most recent consultations. High priority reminders are displayed with a red exclamation mark. Figure 16: Patient Home Screen Patient Status Alerts are displayed in the top right hand corner of the patient record. Clicking on one will display the name of the status alert: Figure 17: Patient Status Alert Description Note: Not all Patient Status Alerts can be displayed in Mobile Working. The Mobile Working Compatible column on the Patient Status Alerts screen in SystmOne (select Setup from the Main Menu in SystmOne and navigate to Data Output>Patient Status Alerts) indicates which Patient Status Alerts are compatible with Mobile Working. Patient Record The Patient Record allows you to view either the Journal, or specific aspects of information recorded within the record (see Figure 18). Certain administrative details are not displayed within Mobile Working, for example, medical records status or address changes. The information visible to you will reflect the patient's sharing preferences set within SystmOne. The following functionality is available from the 'Patient Record' section: Functionality ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Description Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 14 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Functionality Description Journal Displays Read coded information, free text, communications, reminders, A&E and OOH information, referrals, allergies and sensitivities, relationships, medication, repeat templates, vaccinations, visits, appointments, activities, care plans (reviews and performances), schools, hospital admissions and problem substances. Coded Entries Displays all Read coded entries in the patient record. Allergies and Sensitivities Displays all allergies and sensitivities, including ended ones, in the patient record. Medication Displays all issues of medication in the patient record. Note: Medications prescribed at secondary care units in the following methods, will not show in Mobile Working; Outpatient, Regular, Once only, Planned once only, As required, Variable dose, Rate controlled, Repeat Templates Displays all repeat templates in the patient record. Reminders Displays all reminders in the patient record. Tasks Displays all patient tasks matched to the current patient. Appointments and Visits Displays all appointments and visits in the patient record. Problem Substances Displays all problem substances in the patient record. Communications Displays all communications in the patient record. Relationships Displays all relationships in the patient record. Care Plans Displays all care plans that have been applied, performed and reviewed. Vaccinations Displays all vaccinations in the patient record. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 15 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 18: Patient Record You can search for a particular words or phrases in the Journal by clicking . You will then be able to perform a free text search or apply a filter. The table below details the available options: Option Description Filter This filters the Journal so that only entries containing the specified text are displayed. Search This highlights the specified text in the Journal. You can then scroll through the entries highlighted by clicking the Previous and Next buttons. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 16 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 19: Journal with Settings Option Selected Views All views published to your organisation are displayed within Mobile Working. If a View component is not available within Mobile Working then the text 'View element missing' will be displayed. To use a View: 1. Click Views. Your favourite views will be displayed by default. 2. Select the View you want to use. Note: If the View is not available within your favourites click More Views. Then search for and select the View you want to use. Tip: To mark your View as a favourite click when within the View and select Favourite view. Recording Consultations To record a consultation: 1. Click Current Consultation. The Current Consultation view is displayed: ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 17 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 20: Current Consultation Screen 2. Record any free text information within the relevant History, Examination, Diagnosis and Plan sections. Note: The Interventions field will be populated if you issue a medication (see Prescribing for more information). 3. Click Record New Diagnosis to record a Read code. 4. Search for and select the required Read code. Select the relevant episodicity. 5. Click Save or Cancel. Figure 21: Search for Read Code ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 18 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Prescribing To record an acute medication: 1. Click Prescribing. Current medication and current allergies and drug sensitivities are displayed. Figure 22: Prescribing Screen 2. Click Prescribe Acute. 3. Search for the medication you wish to record: Figure 23: Search for Medication ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 19 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. 4. Select from the search results displayed. You will then be able to specify the relevant formulation of the selected medication: Figure 24: Select Relevant Drug Formulation The relevant drug warnings are then displayed. You will need to acknowledge these before you can prescribe the medication. Figure 25: Drug Warnings Displayed and Amend Information ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 20 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. 5. Amend the dose, quantity, medicine start date, issue duration, end date and notes as appropriate. Note: The prescribing calculator functionality is not available in Mobile Working. 6. Click Save or Cancel. Record Other Medication To record other medication: 1. Click Record Other Medication (see figure 26). 2. Complete the following fields:  Medication source (other, dental or hospital)  Dose (optional)  Quantity (optional)  Start and end date  Script notes (optional)  Admin notes (optional) Figure 26: Record Other Medication 3. Click Save or Cancel. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 21 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 27: All Available Views You can mark a view as a favourite by clicking and selecting Favourite View. Figure 28: Example View ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 22 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Care Plans To perform a Care Plan: 1. Click Care Plans. All currently applied care plans are displayed. 2. Select the appropriate Care Plan. 3. Click Perform. Figure 29: Active Care Plans Applied to Patient Note: Depending on how the Care Plan Template has been set up, the Duration, Activity and Activity With fields will be pre-populated. However, you can complete these fields now if necessary. 4. Record the instructions you have performed, by either ticking each instruction individually or clicking the All Completed button. You can record notes against the instructions you have performed. 5. Click Notes to view all notes previously recorded against a Care Plan. 6. Click History to view all the times that the care plan has been performed previously. 7. Click Save or Cancel. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 23 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 30: Performing a Care Plan To apply a new Care Plan Template: 1. Click Care Plans>Care Plan Templates. All care plan templates available at your organisation will be displayed. You can also search for the relevant template. 2. Click on the template you want to apply. 3. Click Apply. Figure 31: Select Care Plan Template to Apply ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 24 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. You can then amend the care plan template for your patient if necessary. The following options are available: Option Description Details Change the Care Needed, Goal, Aim and Linked referral fields, who has been informed, whether the patient has agreed to the treatment, the category and the consultation activity. Schedule Amend the start date, how often the care plan needs to be repeated, whether the care plan repeats from the date of care plan performance or date care plan is due, which week days the care plan will recur on, the preferred time for the care plan, the estimated duration and the priority of the care plan. You can also stop the schedule from this screen. Review Set when the review was performed, the outcome of the review (including whether the care plan should then be ended), the date of the next review and any comments. Instructions Amend the text of any of the instructions, change who is responsible for the instruction and delete or add instructions as required. Notes View existing notes against the care plan, add notes and set an expiry date, if required. Record a Sensitivity/Allergy To record a sensitivity/allergy: 1. Click Prescribing. Current medication, current allergies and drug sensitivities are displayed. 2. Click Record Sensitivity/Allergy. The following options are then available: Option Description No known allergies Adds the 'No known allergies' (1151.) Read code to the. You can add any supporting comments. Drug Sensitivity Adds the specified drug sensitivity to the patient record. You can specify a sensitivity to:  A particular medication,  A specific manufacturer's product in the formulation You can also record a start date and any supporting comments. Other Sensitivity Adds a Read coded sensitivity to the patient record. You can record the relevant code and any supporting comments. 3. Complete the relevant information 4. Click Save or Cancel. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 25 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Repeat Templates Repeat Templates shows all current repeat templates for the patient (see Figure 32). The following options are available: Option Description New Record a new Repeat Template. Amend Allows you to amend a Repeat Template owned by your organisation. Issue Allows you to issue a Repeat Template owned by your organisation. End Allows you to end a Repeat Template owned by your organisation. Request Allows you to request an issue of the selected Repeat Template. Selecting this option will send a task to the organisation that owns the Repeat Template requesting an issue. Figure 32: Current Repeat Templates ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 26 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Relationships To record a relationship: 1. Click Relationships. Current relationships are displayed, including the name, type of relationship, address and contact details. Figure 33: Current Relationships 2. Click Record New Relationship. You can then record the relevant relationship information. Figure 34: Record New Relationship ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 27 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. You can amend an existing relationship by selecting the relevant relationship from the Relationships screen. You can also end existing relationships by clicking End Relationships, see figure 33 above. 3. Click Save or Cancel. Data Entry Templates All templates available at your organisation are available within Mobile Working. Information can be entered and previous template entries can be viewed. If a template component is not compatible with Mobile Working, 'Template element missing' will be displayed. To record information via a template: 4. Click Templates. Your favourite templates will be displayed by default. Tip: To mark your template as a favourite click when within a template and select Favourite template. 5. Click the template you want to use. Note: If the template is not available within your favourites click More Templates then search for and select the template you want to use: Figure 35: Record New Template Questionnaires To view a previously completed Questionnaire: 1. Click Questionnaires. Previously completed questionnaires are displayed. 2. Click the Questionnaire you wish to view. 3. Use the navigation buttons on the left or scroll up and down to view the historical answers given. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 28 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 36: Previously Completed Questionnaires To complete a Questionnaire: 1. Click New Questionnaire. All questionnaires available to your organisation are displayed. Figure 37: Record New Questionnaire 2. 3. Click the Questionnaire you wish to complete. Complete the required fields. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 29 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. 4. Select from the following available options as appropriate: Option Description Save Final Version Saves the details as the final version. When saving the final version you will be able to add the relevant Read codes to the patient record (duplicate Read codes are un-selected by default), these are set up as part of the Questionnaire configuration. Save Changes Saves the details entered but allows you to answer skipped questions or amend answers and comments later. You will not be prompted to link the answers to Read codes. Cancel Changes Cancels the changes made to the questionnaire. Navigate Allows you to navigate between the sections in the questionnaire. Previous section Returns to the previous section in the questionnaire. Next section Moves to the next section in the questionnaire. (Notes) Allows you to add comments against a particular answer, see Figure 38. You can select from the following:  General – for general notes.  Client – for notes added by the patient.  Assessor – for notes added by a person assessing the questionnaire.  New Person – select from the list of existing relationships saved in the patient record. See Relationships for more information. Figure 38: Record Notes ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 30 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Communications To view communications, click Communications. The communication date, direction (i.e. incoming/outgoing), sender and recipient are displayed. Note: Only the last three attachments will be stored on the device by default, they will not be automatically downloaded if they are over 800 KB. If you will need a particular communication when disconnected, you can store the required communication on your device by retrieving it while you are connected. Click View to view the content of a specific communication. An error will be displayed if Mobile Working is unable to display the selected communication, for example if your laptop does not have Word installed and you are trying to open a Word document. Figure 39: Communications and Letters Attachments Click Attachments to view a patient's attachments. The date, attachment name and file size are displayed. Note: Only the last three attachments will be stored on the device by default. If you will need a particular attachment when disconnected, you can store the required attachment on your device by retrieving it while you are connected. The following options are available: Option Description View View the attachment. Amend Notes Allows you to amend the notes recorded against the attachment. Record New Attachment Allows you to record a new attachment. You will then be able to add a file stored on your device, see figure 40. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 31 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 40: Attach File Dialog Medical Drawings Click Medical Drawings to view existing medical drawings in the patient record. To record a new medical drawing: 1. Click Medical Drawings. 2. Click New Medical Drawing. 3. Select the drawing that you want to use. 4. Add the description to the legend and then record the relevant information on the drawing. You can use different colours on your drawing to indicate different problems. Figure 41: New Medical Drawing ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 32 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Vaccinations To record a vaccination: 1. Click Record Vaccination. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate:  Generic or branded  Vaccination  Part  Expiry date  Dose  Reason  Area  Site  Method  Parent present  GMS status 3. Click Save or Cancel. Figure 42: Record Vaccination Patient Specific Tasks Click Tasks to view all tasks (completed and incomplete) from the last three months specific to the patient. To create a patient-specific task: 1. Click New Task. Note: You can only create tasks of the type 'Miscellaneous' in Mobile Working. 2. Type the subject, contents of the task, and specify a due date (if applicable). 3. Select the task recipient from the available options. See Creating Tasks for more information. 4. Click Create Task or Cancel: ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 33 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 43: Patient Task Referrals Click Referrals to view incoming and outgoing referrals for the patient. To view past referrals, tick the 'Show past referrals' option. Figure 44: Referrals ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 34 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Sharing To set a patient's sharing preference: 5. Click Sharing. 6. Select the relevant sharing preferences. 7. Click Save Consent or Cancel Consent. 8. Save the patient record. Figure 45: Recording Sharing Consents Safeguarding Child Information Click Safeguarding Child Information to view any safeguarding information that has been recorded for the patient. Note: This option is only available if you have the 'View Safeguarding Child Register' access right and the patient has some safeguarding information recorded. Figure 46: Safeguarding Child Information ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 35 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Pathology Reports Click Pathology Reports to view any filed pathology results in the patient record. Figure 47: Pathology Reports Numeric Readings To view Numeric Readings plotted on a graph: 1. Click Numeric Readings. 2. Select the relevant numeric reading. 3. Click Add to graph. Previous recordings are then displayed on a graph. Note: Repeat steps 2 and 3 to show multiple graphs for different numeric readings. Figure 48: Numeric Readings ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 36 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Managing Tasks The Tasks screen shows all open tasks at your organisation. You are able to update tasks, however you cannot action them. Viewing Tasks The following options are available when viewing tasks: Option Description For only me Shows open tasks sent to you. For my group(s) Shows open tasks sent to any User Group of which you are a member. All Shows all open tasks at your organisation. Have a deadline Shows all tasks at your organisation with a deadline. Tasks that are overdue will show in red. Search Allows you to perform a free text search for tasks at your organisation. Additional options 1. Refresh – Refreshes tasks 2. Create task – See Creating Tasks for further information. 3. Update Selected – Allows you to update the selected task. This option will only be available when you have a task selected. Figure 49: Tasks Screen with Additional Options Selected Creating Tasks To create a task: 1. Click Create Task. 2. Type a subject for the task. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 37 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. 3. Select a recipient from the available options:  Unassigned  Sends an unassigned task to your organisation.  User group  Allows you to send a task to a specific User Group at your organisation.  Staff member  Allows you to selct a particular staff member at your organisation to send a task to.  Sender  Allows you to send a task back to the staff member who originally created it. Note: This option is only available when updating an existing task and when the patient record has been downloaded (if disconnected).  Me  Allows you to send a task to yourself. 4. Type the body of the task. 5. Tick the Notify when sent option if you want to receive a notification when your task is sent. This option is useful if Mobile Working is disconnected while you are creating the task. The task will be sent when Mobile Working is next connected. 6. Tick the Mark as complete option to indicate that the actions described in the task have been completed. Note: Only 'Miscellaneous' tasks and tasks that have been created in Mobile Working can be marked as complete. 7. Set a deadline (if applicable). 8. Specify a patient (if applicable). 9. Click Send task or Cancel. Figure 50: Create Task Screen Updating Tasks To update a task: 1. Select the task you wish to update. 2. Click Update Selected. 3. Select a recipient (see Creating Tasks for more information). 4. Type the body of the update. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 38 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. 5. Tick the Notify when sent option if you want to receive a notification when your task is sent. This option is useful if Mobile Working is disconnected while you are creating the task. The task will be sent when Mobile Working is next connected. 6. Tick the Mark as complete option to indicate that the actions described in the task have been completed. Note: Only 'Miscellaneous' tasks and tasks that have been created in Mobile Working can be marked as complete. 7. Set a deadline (if applicable). 8. Click Update task or Cancel. Figure 51: Task Update Screen Using the Planner The Planner screen shows all of your appointments and visits for the next seven days and from the previous day. Figure 52: Planner Screen ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 39 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. You can mark appointments as 'Started', indicated by the icon, and 'Finished', indicated by the icon, from this screen. Booking Visits To book a visit for a patient: 1. Click on the Planner screen. 2. Click Book Visit. The Patient Search screen is displayed (see Figure 13). 3. Search for and click on the patient you want to book a visit for. Note: When disconnected you will only be able to book visits for patients currently downloaded to your device. When connected you will be able to book a visit for any patient registered at your organisation. Figure 53: Book Visit Screen Showing Patient Search 4. Complete the visit details. Note: All pending visits and appointments at your organisation are displayed for each patient within the record. This ensures that you do not inadvertently duplicate a booking when connected. 5. Click Save or Cancel. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 40 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 54: Book Visit Screen Enter Visit Details Options Managing Utilities Do not use any of the options on the Utilities screen, other than the Change password and Keyboard settings buttons, unless instructed to do so by TPP. Note: Keyboard settings are for tablet devices with no physical keyboard. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 41 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 55: Utilities Screen Match Profile to Smartcard/Change Password It is possible to match your SystmOne profile to your Smartcard in Mobile Working. This offers an extra layer of security as you will then need your SystmOne username, password, and Smartcard PIN to log in to Mobile Working. Note: Spine functionality is not available within Mobile Working. It is possible for System Administrators to force users at an organisation to authenticate with their Smartcard PIN in addition to their username and password. To do this: 1. Select Setup>Users & Policy>Organisation Preferences from the Main Menu in SystmOne. 2. Select the 'Mobile Working' node from the Organisation Preferences tree. 3. Select the 'Force Smartcard use when logging into Mobile Working' option. To change your password or match your profile to a Smartcard, click Change password. There are three options available on this screen: Option Description Change Password This allows you to change your password. Note: This will also change your password on SystmOne. Match Smartcard This allows you to match your user profile with a Smartcard so you can log into Mobile Working with your Smartcard in addition to your username and password. To do this, follow the steps on the screen. Un-match Smartcard This allows you to un-match your Smartcard so you can log in with just your username and password in future. Note: This option is only visible if you have already matched your profile to your Smartcard. If anything on your Smartcard changes, for example your certificate expires, the Smartcard will need to be unmatched and then re-matched. Note: If you log onto Mobile Working and then change your password on SystmOne, you need to log back onto Mobile Working with your previous password. Once successfully logged on, Mobile Working will then be updated ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 42 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. with your new password from SystmOne. If you forget your previous password Mobile Working will have to be reinstalled, for security reasons, as all patient information on that device is encrypted with your previous password. Managing Mobile Working Options in SystmOne Lost/Stolen Devices The Device Manager screen in SystmOne allows you to see the status of each Mobile Working device, who is using each device and which patients are downloaded to which devices (see Figure 51). All data stored locally on the device is secure. If a device is lost or stolen, the device can be disabled for use within SystmOne by marking it as lost/stolen. Doing so will wipe all of the patient data stored locally on that device and prevent future access to Mobile Working until it is marked as recovered. A Terminated Mobile Device Used task is automatically sent to the relevant SystmOne organisation if anyone attempts to log on to Mobile Working on a device that has been marked as lost/stolen. To mark a device as lost/stolen: 1. Select Setup>Mobile Working>Clinical API>Device Manager from the Main Menu. 2. Select the relevant device from the 'Approved' node on the left. 3. Click Mark Device Lost/Stolen. A confirmation message will be displayed. 4. Click Yes proceed or No to cancel. To mark a device as recovered: 1. Select Setup>Mobile Working>Clinical API>Device Manager from the Main Menu. 2. Select the relevant device from the 'Blocked' node on the left. 3. Click Mark Device Recovered. Blocking Previously Approved Devices It may be necessary to block a device from accessing Mobile Working if, for example, that device is decommissioned. To block a previously approved device: 1. Select Setup>Mobile Working>Clinical API>Device Manager from the Main Menu. 2. Select the relevant device from the 'Approved' node on the left. 3. Click Block Device. To re-approve a blocked device: 1. Select Setup>Mobile Working>Clinical API>Device Manager from the Main Menu. 2. Select the relevant device from the 'Blocked' node on the left. 3. Click Approve Device. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 43 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 56: Device Manager Screen Audits An audit of staff activity on Mobile Working devices is maintained within SystmOne. The various audits available in SystmOne display 'Mobile Interface' next to any activity that was conducted on Mobile Working. Furthermore, the icon is displayed against entries in patient records which were recorded in Mobile Working. Figure 57: Audit Trail If a patient is downloaded to a Mobile Working device, a message will be displayed to users retrieving the patient in SystmOne: Figure 58: Incomplete Record Warning ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 44 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Managing Passwords Resolving Password Conflicts When you log in to Mobile Working, your data is protected by your password. If you change your password in SystmOne the data on your Mobile Working device is still protected with your previous password. It is therefore necessary to reconcile your old password with your new one the next time you log in to Mobile Working. To log in to Mobile Working after you have changed your password in SystmOne: 1. Double-click on the SystmOne Mobile Working icon on your desktop. 2. Enter your SystmOne username and your most recent previous password and click Login. Note: You will not be able to log in to Mobile Working with your new password yet. You will see an error message if you attempt to do so (see Figure 59). Figure 59: Previous Password Prompt 3. Reconcile your old password with your new one by following the steps displayed on the screen (see Figure 60). ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 45 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 60: Resolve Password Conflict Forgotten Passwords If you cannot remember your SystmOne password, you will need to ask a Password Administrator at your organisation to reset it for you (consult the 'Managing User Names and Passwords' section of F1 Help for further advice on how to do this). It is not possible to reconcile your old password with your new password if you cannot remember your old password. Therefore, any data stored locally on your device will need to be deleted before you can log on to Mobile Working with your new password (see Figure 61). Note: Changing another user's password will disable that user's SystmOne account at all other organisations. This is a security measure to ensure that a Password Administrator cannot log on at another organisation using another person's user name and password. If a user who has access to multiple organisations has their password changed by a Password Administrator, they must approach a System Administrator or Password Administrator at each organisation and request that their SystmOne account be reactivated To log in to Mobile Working with a new password when you have forgotten the password you last used to access Mobile Working: 1. Double-click on the SystmOne Mobile Working icon on your desktop. 2. Enter your SystmOne username and your new password and click Login. 3. Click Forgotten Previous Password on the dialog that appears (see Figure 59). A warning message will appear advising that the data stored on your device will need to be deleted: ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 46 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. Figure 61: Forgotten Password Warning 4. Click Clear Data. Mobile Working will automatically shut down. 5. Double-click on the SystmOne Mobile Working icon on your desktop. 6. Enter your SystmOne username and your new password and click Login. Note: Any patient records that were stored locally on your device will still be listed as downloaded to your device on the Device Manager screen in SystmOne. This means that SystmOne users will see a warning message (see Figure 58) when retrieving any of those patient records. Therefore, you will need to manually remove those patients from your device in SystmOne. To do this: 7. Select Setup>Mobile Working>Clinical API>Device Manager from the Main Menu. 8. Select your device from the 'Approved' node on the left. 9. Right-click on each patient listed and select 'Mark as Removed'. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 47 These instructions are correct at the date of writing. For further assistance, consult the SystmOne Online Help. FAQs How can I mark in error information using Mobile Working? It is not possible to mark any information in error in Mobile Working. You will need to log onto SystmOne to mark information in error. How do I book appointments in Mobile Working? Appointments are available to download and can be marked as started/complete. However, it is not possible to book appointments through Mobile Working due to the inevitability of conflicts between Mobile Working and SystmOne. How do I know if I am offline? Please refer to the Connectivity Status section above. Why can't I select 'Sender' as the recipient when updating a patient-specific task in disconnected mode? This option is only available if the patient record has been downloaded to your device. This option is therefore available when you are connected but will only be available in disconnected mode if the patient record in question has already been downloaded. A new template/questionnaire/task has been created on SystmOne but is not yet visible Mobile Working. How can I update this? You can manually update Mobile Working by using the Refresh button. This button is available on most screens as an additional option. Mobile Working will regularly check for updates but the manual refresh option is available if you need to update Mobile Working immediately. How can I see which Caseload a patient is on? This information is displayed on the Caseloads screen (accessible from the Home screen). The Caseloads screen allows you to view all Caseloads and the patients on them. How can I see a patient's secondary reason for referral? This is displayed on the referral's entry in the Journal section of the patient record. Will we receive a task for each user trying to log onto Mobile Working? The first time Mobile Working is installed on a device that device needs to be approved. A Device Approval task is generated to facilitate this. However, devices only need to be approved once and not once for each individual user. On Mobile Working templates are not shown in separate folders, so users don't know which templates to use? You can mark templates as favourites. See the Data Entry Templates section above. How often does Mobile Working automatically download patients that have appointments and visits? Mobile Working will download appointments and visits throughout the day if an internet connection is available. We would like to use the old consultation mode rather than the structured (i.e. History, Plan, Examination) mode. Is this possible? No. With a few exceptions, organisation and user preferences have been purposefully omitted from Mobile Working in an attempt to keep the functionality simple and intuitive. Since consultation mode is based on a User Preference it is not possible to use the old consultation mode. ©TPP 2015 – Commercial in confidence Please note: All patient data shown in this document is fictitious. 48