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Monitoring Cassette - Grundig Sat Systems




Monitoring Cassette KLASSE PSCU 6000 English CLASS GSS Grundig SAT Systems GmbH Beuthener Strasse 43 D-90471 Nuremberg Phone: Fax: E-mail: Internet: +49 (0) 911 / 703 8877 +49 (0) 911 / 703 9210 [email protected] Contents 1 Safety regulations and notes......................................................................... 3 2 General information..................................................................................... 4 2.1 Packing contents.............................................................................4 2.2 Meaning of the symbols used...........................................................4 2.3 Technical data................................................................................4 2.4 Description....................................................................................6 2.5 Software query..............................................................................7 3 Assembly..................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Setting the signal paths...................................................................8 Positioning of the jumpers................................................................9 Blockdiagram...........................................................................9 Audio and video signal "internal".............................................10 Audio signal "external" / video signal "internal".........................10 Providing the info channel via the cinch sockets .........................10 Feeding of external signal sources ............................................10 3.2 Installing the cassette....................................................................11 3.3 EMC regulations...........................................................................12 3.4 Overview of the cassette...............................................................13 3.5 Connecting the cassette.................................................................13 4 The control panel at a glance...................................................................... 15 4.1 Menu items..................................................................................15 4.2 Control panel...............................................................................15 5 Programming............................................................................................. 16 5.1 Programming procedure................................................................16 5.2 Programming the cassette .............................................................17 Selecting the cassette....................................................................17 Output channel............................................................................18 Software version......................................................................18 Fine-tuning..............................................................................19 Switching the modulator off or on..............................................19 Modulation depth (residual carrier).................................................20 Display mode...............................................................................20 Setting "normal".....................................................................20 Setting "extended"..................................................................21 Saving settings.............................................................................21 6 Put the cassette into operation (channel search)........................................... 22 7 Channel and frequency table...................................................................... 24 - 2 - PSCU 6000 1 S a f e t y regulations and notes • Assembly, installation and servicing should be carried out by authorised electricians. • Switch off the operating voltage of the system before beginning with assembly or service work or pull out the mains plug. • Do not perform installation and service work during thunderstorms. • Install the system so it will not be able to vibrate… - in a dust-free, dry environment - in such a manner that it is protected from moisture, fumes, splashing water and dampness - somewhere protected from direct sunlight - not within the immediate vicinity of heat sources - in an ambient temperature of 0 °C to +50 °C. In case of the formation of condensation wait until the system is completely dried. • Ensure that the head-end station is adequately ventilated. Do not cover the ventilation slots. • Beware of short circuits • No liability is accepted for any damage caused by faulty connections or inappropriate handling. • Observe the relevant standards, regulations and guidelines on the installation and operation of antenna systems. • The standards IEC/EN/DIN EN 50083 resp. IEC/EN/DIN EN 60728 must be observed. • For further information please read the assembly instructions for the headend station used. • Test the software versions of the head-end station and the cassette and update them if necessary. The current software versions can be found at "". Take action to prevent static discharge when working on the device! Electronic devices should never be disposed of in the household rubbish. In accordance with directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and the European Council from January 27, 2003 which addresses old electronic and electrical devices, such devices must be disposed of at a designated collection facility. At the end of its service life, please take your device to one of these public collection facilities for proper disposal. - 3 - PSCU 6000 2 G e n e r a l 2.1 Pac k i n g contents 1 Monitoring Cassette PSCU 6000 1 Brief assembly instructions 2.2 M e a n i n g o f t h e s ym b o l s u s e d Important note —> General note • Performing works 2.3 T e c h n i c a l information data The devices meet the following EU directives: 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC The product fulfils the guidelines and standards for CE labelling (Page 25). Unless otherwise noted all values are specified as "typical". Measurement range for analog TV picture carriers Input frequency range:.......................................... 48.25 … 855.25 MHz Channels:..............................................................C2 … C69, S2 … S41 Input level range:............................................................... 60 … 80 dBµV Measurement range for QAM signals Input frequency range:......................................... 306.00 … 858.00 MHz Symbol rate:.................................................................. 1 … 7 MSymb/s Modulation mode:.................................. 16 / 32 / 64 / 128 / 256 QAM Input level range:............................................................... 60 … 80 dBµV Measurement range for FM carriers Input frequency range:.......................................... 87.5 MHz … 108 MHz Input level range:............................................................... 60 … 80 dBµV Common measurement input Input impedance:............................................................................. 75 Ω Adjustment:................................................................................> 9.5 dB - 4 - PSCU 6000 Measurement output Output impedance:.......................................................................... 75 Ω Measuring range tolerance :...........................................................± 3 dB Adjustment:................................................................................> 9.5 dB Decoupling (measurement output on measurement input):....................30 dB Loop-through loss:.................................................................... –2 … 5 dB Video and Audio output Video output impedance:.................................................................. 75 Ω Video output voltage:....................................................................... 1 Vpp Audio output impedance:..................................................................1 kΩ Video and audio input Video input impedance:................................................................... 75 Ω Video input voltage:......................................................................... 1 Vpp Audio input impedance:..................................................................22 kΩ Audio input voltage: ............................................................... 1 … 2 Vrms Modulator output Impedance:..................................................................................... 75 Ω Channels:.............................................................................C21 … C69 Frequency range:........................................ 471.25 MHz … 855.25 MHz Output level:............................................................................ 100 dBµV Power supply Internal via 10-pin connector............................................................+12 V External via DC IN socket............... , +10 V … +40 V, max. 700 mA Power consumption: . ....................................................................... 5 W Connectors, control elements and display HF input: ..................................................................1 IEC socket, female HF output (measuring output): . ...................................... 1 IEC socket, male HF output (modulator): . ..............................................1 IEC socket, female Video (input/output socket): ................................................1 Cinch socket Audio (input/output socket): . ..............................................1 Cinch socket Push button:......................................................... starts the channel search DC IN (low-voltage socket) : – Outer diameter..................................................................... 5 … 6 mm – Inner diameter............................................................................2.1mm LED (green): .................................................... operation / channel search 9-pin D-SUB socket RS 232:.................................................serial interface Connection strip (10-pin):...................for supply voltages and control circuits - 5 - PSCU 6000 Remote maintenance Remotely controllable (via PSW 1000*):............................................... yes Remote update (via BEflash*):.............................................................. yes (* and a corresponding management unit) 2.4 D e s c r i p t i o n The monitoring cassette PSCU 6000, in the following called cassette, is used to provide the output levels and the output data of the head-end stations monitored via an info channel in the cable network. The info channel is programmable in the range of C21 … C69. The following parameters are controlled: – Analog TV channels: HF level and synchronization pulse. – Digital TV channels: HF level, BER (Bit Error Rate). – Radio stations: HF level, RDS identifier The info channel contains the channels of the cable network set, the appropriate channel names (identified from the RDS resp. VPS data), the bit error rate (BER) and the output level of the respective channels. In addition the signals fed via the audio and video sockets can be transmitted via the info channel or the data of the info channel can be provided as audio and video signals. Is the cassette connected to a corresponding management unit via the "RS-232" socket, error messages can be sent via phone, in form of e-mail or SNMP inform requests, if any pre-stored reference level is exceeded. Therefore the configuration is to be done with the help of a PC and the PSW 1000 software. For this observe the operation instruction of the PSW 1000 software, to be downloaded from our home page "". To operate this cassette the software version of the control unit must be "V 44" or higher. You can find the current operating software for the control unit and the cassette, the software "BE-Flash" and the current assembly instructions on the website "". The cassette is intended for use in the PROFI-LINE head-end stations. - 6 - PSCU 6000 2.5 S o f t wa r e Control unit If necessary, you can activate the indication of the software version of the control unit manually: • Press any two keys on the control unit of the head-end station simultaneously until the display goes dark and the software version, e.g. "V 44" appears. q u e ry Cassette See chapter "Querying the software version", page 19. - 7 - PSCU 6000 3 A s s e m b l y 3.1 S e t t i n g t h e s i g n a l pat h s The signal paths are adjustable via jumpers. Note Take action to prevent static discharge when working on the device. Danger of cut injuries! The cassette is made of punched stainless steel parts. Some of them may have sharp edges. • Screw 3 screws S (TORX TX6) out of the cassette cover. • Push the cassette cover to the rear and remove it. S - 8 - PSCU 6000 P os i t i o n i n g o f t h e j u m p e rs Jumpers —> The position of the jumpers meets the "internal" setting. B lo c k d i ag r a m Video BU60121 BU60111 Audio Infokanal Info channel AV Video Audio Audio int Video ext Modulator Test -20dB HF Ausgang HF output - 9 - PSCU 6000 A u d i o and video signal " i n t e r n a l" For this positioning of the jumpers (factory setting) the internal signals are used only. The info channel is provided via the measuring output of the cassette using the output channel set on the modulator. Additionally the info channel is fed into the cable system via the output collector of the head-end station. AUDIO internal VIDEO internal —> Controlling the info channel connect a test receiver or a TV set to the measuring output of the cassette or to the cable system. A u d i o signal AUDIO external " e x t e r n a l" / VIDEO internal video signal " i n t e r n a l" For this positioning of the jumpers an external audio signal (e.g. music) can be fed via the cinch socket and combined with the internal video signal provided as the info channel. The info channel is provided via the measuring output of the cassette using the output channel set on the modulator. Additionally the info channel is fed into the cable system via the output collector of the head-end station. —> Controlling the info channel connect a test receiver or a TV set to the measuring output of the cassette or to the cable system. P r ov i d i n g VIDEO Cinch the info channel via the cinch sockets AUDIO Cinch For this positioning of the jumpers the info channel is provided exclusively via the audio and video cinch sockets. —> Controlling the info channel connect a monitor or TV set to the cinch sockets "AUDIO" and "VIDEO" of the cassette. F e e d i n g o f e x t e r n a l s i g n a l s o u rc es AUDIO external VIDEO external For this positioning of the jumpers the external signals fed via the cinch sockets "AUDIO" and "VIDEO" are provided via the cable system and the measuring output of the cassette. - 10 - PSCU 6000 —> The info channel is not available. • Push the cassette cover from the back of the cassette into the guides and fasten it with the 3 screws S (see page 8). 3.2 I n s ta l l i n g the cassette – Ensure the head-end station is mounted so it will not be able to vibrate. Avoid, for example, mounting the head-end station onto a lift shaft or any other wall or floor construction that vibrates in a similar way. – Before installing or changing a cassette unplug the power cable from the mains power socket. – To ensure a higher measurement accuracy, heating up of the cassette should be kept as low as possible. Therefore we recommend to fit the cassette into the first slot of the head-end station. • Remove the fastening screws 1 of the first slot from the bracket of the headend station. • Insert the cassette in this slot and push it into the housing. • Align the cassette and apply slight pressure to connect it to the connections of the board and the HF bus bar. • Fasten the cassette with the screws 1. ACHTUNG! Vor dem Kassettenwechsel unbedingt denNetzstecker ziehen. KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE KASSETTE 1 AUSGANG max. 90 dBµV CAUTION! Before changing cassettes remove mains plug. Grundig SAT Systems 1 - 11 - PSCU 6000 3.3 EMC KLASSE CLASS r e g u l at i o n s To comply with the current EMC regulations, it is necessary to connect the lines leading in and out of the head-end station using cable terminals. When mounting the cassette in a head-end station which is installed in a 19" cabinet, make sure the connections leading in and out for the 19" cabinet are made using cable terminals. The attenuation of shielding of the connection lines for ASI and antenna must meet the requirements for "Class A". • Insert the required number of cable terminals in the openings provided in the head-end station or in the 19" cabinet. Tighten the nuts on the cable terminals until the teeth on the lock washer have penetrated the exterior coating and a good connection is made between the housing and cable terminals. - 12 - PSCU 6000 3.4 O v e rv i e w of the cassette 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 Status LED DC input Start channel search D-SUB socket "RS-232" Audio socket Video socket Measuring input Measuring output 6 7 8 3.5 C o n n e c t i n g the cassette • Connect the "MEASURING OUTPUT" of the cassette to a test receiver, if necessary. • Connect the "MEASURING INPUT" of the cassette to the measuring output of the head-end station system. The input level of the cassette is not allowed to exceed 80 dBµV. If necessary, set the input level using a commercially available pluggable level control. • Connect the "VIDEO" and "AUDIO" sockets to the required peripheral device dependent on the positioning of the jumpers (see page 9). • "RS 232" socket —> The operating software of the cassette can be updated via the 9-pin D-SUB socket "RS-232" using a PC or notebook and the software "BE-Flash". You can find the current operating software on the website "". - 13 - PSCU 6000 —> To transmit alarm messages, we recommend to connect the cassette to a corresponding management unit via the "RS 232" socket. Additionally the cassette can be configured using a PC or laptop and the PSW 1000 software. • The "START/SEARCH" button starts the channel search of the cassette (see chapter 6, page 22). —> During the search function, the operation display "LED" is flashing. • Via the "DC IN" socket the cassette additionally can be supplied with operating voltage using a commercially available power supply. (10 … 40 V, max. 700 mA). This ensures the control function of the system even if the internal power supply fails to operate. • Connect the head-end station to the mains power supply. —> The operation display "LED" shines. - 14 - PSCU 6000 4 T h e control panel at a glance 4.1 M e n u items Program the cassette using the buttons on the control unit of the head-end station. The two-line display of the control unit then shows the menus. The parameters and functions to be set are underlined. Use the – Output channel – Modulator operating mode – Modulation depth – Info channel display mode key to select the following main menu items: 4.2 C o n t r o l V44 PROFESSIONAL pa n e l The key pad on the head-end station is used to scroll through the menus stepby-step: scrolls forward through the menus. select parameters in the menus. set values, initiate actions. selects sub-menus. BE-Remote saves all entries. - 15 - PSCU 6000 5 Programming 5.1 Progr a mming Ein / On procedure BE–Remote V 44 please wait … t > 10 s Box 1 Messcass. C21 Bx 2A …… …… …… A Box 1 OUTPUT: Box 1 C21 Messcass. ◀/▶ Box 1 C21 V.23 OUTPUT: Fine 00 - 63 … + 63 OUTPUT: Modulator Box 1 Box 1 VERSION: on on / off MODULAT: Depth: -10% Box 1 INFOMODE: normal normal … -10% normal / extended A M - 16 - PSCU 6000 5.2 P r o g r a m m i n g the cassette —> Pressing the button for longer than 2 seconds cancels the programming procedure. This takes you back to the programme item "Selecting the cassette" from any menu. Any entries that have not been saved are reset to the previous settings. —> Entries in the menus can be saved by pressing the key. You are taken back to the "Selecting the cassette" menu item. —> The cursor position for settings is shown by "_". • Switch on the head-end station. —> The display shows the software version of the head-end station (e.g. V 44). —> The processor reads the cassettes‘ data (approx. 10 seconds). Ein / On BE–Remote V 44 please wait … t > 10 s S e l e c t i n g the cassette Box 1 Messcass. C21 Bx 2A …… …… …… • Select the cassette you want to program (e.g. Box 1) by repeatedly pressing the buttons if necessary. —> The display shows the menu "Box 1 "Box 1" stands for slot 1 "Messcass." type of cassette "C21" output channel set Messcass. C21 ": —> If lines " – – – " are shown instead of the channel display (e.g. "C21") the modulator is switched off (see page 19). - 17 - PSCU 6000 • Press the button. —> The "Output channel" – "OUTPUT:" menu is activated. O u t p u t channel In this menu you set the output channel of the cassette. In addition you get access to the submenus for querying the software version and setting the finetuning. Box 1 OUTPUT: C21 • Use the buttons to set the output channel wished ("C21" … "C69"). —> If "off" is displayed instead of the channel the modulator is switched off (see page 19). • To switch on the modulator press the S o f t wa r e button. v e rs i o n • To query the software version press the Box 1 button Messcass. C21 Box 1 OUTPUT: Box 1 C21 Messcass. VERSION: V.23 —> The software version of the cassette is displayed, e.g. "Messcass.­  V.23". • Press the button. —> You will be returned to the "Selecting the cassette"– "Box 1  Messcass." menu (see page 17). - 18 - PSCU 6000 • Press the button. —> The "Output channel" – "OUTPUT:" menu is activated again. F i n e - t u n i n g Only change the fine-tuning in exceptional circumstances (e.g. moiré, interferences), since once you change it, all connected television sets of the cable system must be adjusted to match it by means of corresponding fine-tuning corrections. • Press the button until "FINE 00" additionally appears in the display. Box 1 OUTPUT: Box 1 ◀/▶ C21 OUTPUT: C21 Fine 00 • Set the fine-tuning using the buttons. • Press the button to return to the "Output channel" menu if necessary. • Press the button. —> The "Switching the modulator off or on" – "OUTPUT:  Modulator" menu is activated. S w i tc h i n g t h e m o d u l ato r o f f o r o n Box 1 Modulator • Use the OUTPUT: on buttons to switch "off" the modulator. —> In the previous menus a modulator switched off is indicated by " – – – " or "off". • If the modulator is switched "off" use the • Press the buttons to switch it "on". button. - 19 - PSCU 6000 —> The "Modulation depth" – "MODULAT:  Depth:" menu is activated. M o d u l at i o n depth ( r es i d ua l carrier) If the sound drones due to the picture content, the modulation depth can be lowered. Box 1 Depth: • Press the "-10 %"). • Press the MODULAT: -10% buttons to set the modulation depth ("normal" or "-5 %" or button. —> The "Display mode" – "INFOMODE:" menu is activated. D i s p l ay mode In this menu you can set the normal or the extended display mode for the OSD menu of the info channel. Box 1 INFOMODE: normal • Use the buttons to set the display mode "normal" or "extended". S e t t i n g "normal" The display mode "normal" shows the channel "Kanal" and the station name for analog stations or the symbol rate (e.g. 6,900 Ms = 6.900 MSymb/s) for QAM channels. The measurements for monitoring are done in the background. Kanal C2 514,00 674,00 850,00 Name BR-3 6,900 Ms 6,900 Ms 6,900 Ms 1/1 - 20 - PSCU 6000 S e t t i n g "extended" Besides the channel "Kanal" and the station name for analog stations or the symbol rate (e.g. 6,900 Ms = 6.900 MSymb/s) for QAM channels the display mode "extended" shows the bit error rate "BER" of the transport stream and the signal level of the channels in dBµV. Kanal C2 514,00 674,00 850,00 Name BR-3 6,900 Ms 6,900 Ms 6,900 Ms BER 1e-7 1e-7 1e-7 dBµV 93 75 75 74 1/1 S av i n g s e t t i n gs • Press the button. —> Back to "Selecting the cassette" (see page 17). —> The settings are saved. —> By pressing the button, you will be returned to the menu item "Selecting the cassette" without saving the programmed data. - 21 - PSCU 6000 6 Put the cassette into operation (channel search) To ensure a high measurement accuracy for the channel search, the cassette must be in operation for about 30 minutes. • Connect a TV set or a test receiver to the measuring output of the cassette or to the HF output of the head-end station and tune it to the channel set (in the programming example "C21"). • To create the info display press the "START/SEARCH" button (see page 13) for approx. 10 seconds —> During the search function, the operation display "LED" is flashing. The search function can take up to 10 minutes. The channel search starts with the analog TV channels in ascending channel order: C2 … C4, S2 … S10, C5 … C12, S11 … S41 and C21 … C69. As criteria for the analog TV channels, the synchronization pulse and the HF level are used. The station name is determined via the VPS identification signal. The HF level is measured and stored as reference value for the control function. For analog TV channels without VPS identification signal, blanks are entered as station name. Picture on the display (menu setting "extended"): Kanal C 27 C 27 BER dBµV 93 S e i t e 1/1 In the footer of the OSD menu the channels, the current page (Seite) and the number of pages are displayed. When the search for analog channels is completed, QAM channels in the frequency range of 306.00 MHz to 858.00 MHz are searched in steps of 8 MHz. The criteria for QAM channels are the signal level and the fact that the tuner "locks" on one of the different modulation modes and symbol rates. The centre channel frequency, the symbol rate, the bit error rate (BER) and the signal level are measured and stored as reference values for the control function. Name BR-3 - 22 - PSCU 6000 If "Err."(Error) is displayed in column BER, the digital TV channel was detected, but is not locked at the moment. Picture on the display (menu setting "extended"): Kanal C 27 514,00 674,00 850,00 Name BR-3 6,900 Ms 6,900 Ms 6,900 Ms 514,0 MHz A BER 1e-7 1e-7 1e-7 dBµV 93 75 75 74 S e i t e 1/1 In the footer of the OSD menu the channel centre frequency (in steps of 7 resp. 8 MHz), the type of modulation (e.g. "A"), the current page (Seite) and the number of pages are displayed. Meaning of the letters: A = 64 QAM/6.900 B = 64 QAM/6.875 C = 64 QAM/6.111 D = 128 QAM/6.547 The search finally explores the frequency range of 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz in steps of 50 kHz for FM radio stations. The HF level is used as criterium for FM radio stations. If a radio station is found, it is tried to determine the station name via the RDS data. The HF level is measured and stored as reference value for the control function. For FM stations without RDS identification signal, blanks are entered as station name. - 23 - MSymb/s MSymb/s MSymb/s MSymb/s PSCU 6000 7 Channel CCIR – Band IV/V Kanal Channel Bildträgerfrequenz Picture carrier frequency [MHz] Kanalmittenfrequenz Channel centre frequency [MHz] Kanal Channel Bildträgerfrequenz Picture carrier frequency [MHz] Kanalmittenfrequenz Channel centre frequency [MHz] Kanal Channel Bildträgerfrequenz Picture carrier frequency [MHz] Kanalmittenfrequenz Channel centre frequency [MHz] Kanal Channel Bildträgerfrequenz Picture carrier frequency [MHz] Kanalmittenfrequenz Channel centre frequency [MHz] and frequency table C C C C C C C C C C C C 471.25 479.25 487.25 495.25 503.25 511.25 519.25 527.25 535.25 543.25 551.25 559.25 474.00 482.00 490.00 498.00 506.00 514.00 522.00 530.00 538.00 546.00 554.00 562.00 C C C C C C C C C C C C 567.25 575.25 583.25 591.25 599.25 607.25 615.25 623.25 631.25 639.25 647.25 655.25 570.00 578.00 586.00 594.00 602.00 610.00 618.00 626.00 634.00 642.00 650.00 658.00 C C C C C C C C C C C C 663.25 671.25 679.25 687.25 695.25 703.25 711.25 719.25 727.25 735.25 743.25 751.25 666.00 674.00 682.00 690.00 698.00 706.00 714.00 722.00 730.00 738.00 746.00 754.00 C C C C C C C C C C C C 767.25 775.25 783.25 791.25 799.25 807.25 815.25 823.25 831.25 839.25 847.25 855.25 770.00 778.00 786.00 794.00 802.00 810.00 818.00 826.00 834.00 842.00 850.00 858.00 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 - 24 - 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 PSCU 6000 Declaration of CE conformity - 25 - PSCU 6000 Service: Phone: Fax: Email: +49 (0) 911 / 703 2221 +49 (0) 911 / 703 2326 [email protected] Änderungen vorbehalten. Technische Angaben ohne Gewähr. © by GSS GmbH V23/20092011