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Mt3,|0x Mt4,t0x 7 Faote Of Contents 1l




7 faote Of Contents1l Mt3,|0x Mt4,t0x Congratulations on the purchaseof yourof a newmotorized treadmill. To helpto ensurethe enjoyable andtfouble-free opelationof yournewtreadmill, we stronglysuggestyou readthismanualcarefully andfollowits recommendations. INSTRUGTIONS IMPORTANT SAFENT DAIIGER - ro rcduce av!€!€ srrock, therskorerectricar afrerusing fiom lhe e eclicaloutletimm€diately u.pluglhis appliance andbelo€cleaning. inthismanual ony for itsinlended lse asdescribed a Uselhisappliance notrecornmended byihernanufacture[ a Donotuseattachmenis the thenrcrnove tolheofi posilion, a Todisconnect, lumalltheconlrols plugiiomlheoutlei. . Connect toa prcpergpundedoutei only. thisapplianc€ lnstructions. SeeGrounding . Thisappliance is iniended for household use. please orwhenfinished, a Whenyo! arenotgoingto useyourlreadmill, emovelhesafetykeyfromiheconsoe,Thenalwaysplacelhesafety cannotreach. keywherechildren a Donotuseoutdoo|s. afrerusing, . Awaysunplugiheifeadmillom lheoutetimmediately assemb ingorservicing, beforecleaning, by v\henpluggedin.disconnect a Neverleavet'eadrnillunattended lurningofflhemasterpowerswitchandunpiugfromlheoullet to theleadot plug. . Neveroperate thlsireadmilif il hasanydamage orif it damaged conecty,hasbeendmpped, Alsoif il is notopetating towater hasbeenexposed a Donotoperate whereaemsolprodlctsarebeingus€d0rwhere oxygenis beingadministercd. byitspolvercordorusethecod asa handle. a Dont pulllhelreadrnill . Keepclosesupervision ifiheircadmilis beingusedbyonneat persons wilhdisabililies of pels. children, . Keepdry Donotop€rate thsl€admillinwetof moistcondilions. . Neverinsei(anyobjectsintoanyopenings. a Topreventinjuries, alwayswarn upyou musdesbeforeusingthe treadmil. . Alwaysattachthecl p ofthesafelykeyio yourbodybeforeinsertng safetykey.Pleasoal$€yswearsafevkeyin caseofanaccident. usefweght a [,4AxusefweightPleaserelerlo themaximum infonnaton onihel€admillbeforeusing. when andhavethesafetykeyoutof €achof children, a Keepunplugged nolin useto prcveniaccidents. cordawavfom heatedsurfaces. a Keegeleclrical . Keephandsclearof alimovingparts.Nevetplacehandsorieetundef I,checkthaitherunningbeliis algned a Eachtrneyouusethetreadmi onlhe onlheireadmill baseanda I visiblefasteners andcentefed lreadmill afesutrcientyljghienedandsecur€d. duringus€and . BesureihatthearcaarcundtheteadmillrcmainscLear ona solid,evesudace hasadequate clealance. Keeplhetreadmill At leasi1000mnt2feeifromanywalloneitherside. NOlE: Failu|eto followthisinstuclionmayleadlo personainjuryor injuryio To€ducetheriskof couldalsocausedamagetothetreadmill. burns.fircorelectricshock.oleasefoliowlheseinstructions. INSTRUGTIONS GROUNDING ELECTRICAL ot it brcaksoo\4,n, Thlspoductrnustbeground€dlf it ismalfirnctioning curent grcunding prcvides thepathof leasttesstancefortheelectrical wilha shock.Thist€admillisequipped to rcducetheriskofelectrical plugThe connector anda grcundjng cordhaving equipmentgFunding insialled plugmuslbeplugged lntoanapprcpriaie oullelthaiis prcpedy in accordance wilhalllocalcodesandodinances. andgrcunded ATVARNIl{G ihei€admillandlhewalloutet cordsbetw€en Neveruseexlension i thereisanydamagetoihecables,pleaseconlacttheservcecenler' PartsshouldbereoacedbvanauihoizedtEchnician. ADANGER grcundngconneciot n canresuLt oflhetreadmill lrnprcper connection ifyouarcin ihe riskol eleclricashock.Ch€ckwilha quafiedeleclrician, glunded.Dontmodlfylhe doublasto\,ltelhefiheproductis prcpedy plugprovided wiihthet€admil. lf t won1it yourouilet,havea prcperly grcunded bya quaifiedeleclrlcian. oulletlnsialled ihepowercableneedsslrc{y anindivdua power Pleasepayatteniion, cannotusethesamepowersupplywithanyolherequiprnent Figurc methods Glounding @ GROUNDING PIN E GROUNDED OUTLET .ll tll: AWARNING Aier unpacking lhefiinessequipment, examine it caetullylor possible damage.lfthereisanydamageorlherea|emissingparts,pleaseconlact )ou r€hlleroranauihoizedrepahlacilltyforassislance, 1. Sinceyou lreadmill isa hea\,ypieceofequlpmenl, he afrertakingofffle bp portionofthebo{ yor slitth6crme|sof he werecommend lowercadonandfolddownlhesides.Thiswillelirninale lhe needto oickuoihelrEadmill overlhesidesof lhebox. 2. Priorlo sladinghe ass€mbly prccess takeajllheparlsoutoflhebox,rcmoveallplasticbags,andihenlaythemoutoniheioor io b€come familiarwiththecomponenislt4ake surcihaiyouEmoveallpartspackaged undem€aih ihelteadmilL. Youmayneedb slighllypickupthe backofthel|eadmill to getbetteraccssstoihe padsonthebotorn.Youwil nolicethatthetreadmill iscompletely assembled excepllor lhe handlebarsandlhedisolavwindow 7 Parts.,/l B:Supporl Handle C: HandJebar DrConsole F1:PCBPlug F2:PCBW;rc G1:HandPulssPlug G2:HandPulseWirc H: LeftCover l: RightCover J: HexagonalScrewHalfRoundHead K: CounierSunkSexanglar Screw M: HexagonalScrewHalfRoundHead N: NylonNut O1:SpeedConlrclPlug 02: SpeedConirclWire P1:Incline Plug Control P2:InclineControlWire Q: BookHoldel R: BookHolderBracket(2PCS) S: ScrewM5X 101(4PCS) X ScrewM4 X 8L (4PCS) 7 Hardware,tl Scrcwsalreadyin placeon the trcadmill: e" "."."4 p @ *'a **"4 Scrcws in the plastic bag: ft ,I9 1,/ ""._"l\ \ HN ..1I ir/l: STEPI i Handlebarsupportposl assembly 1 Removelhe scrcw A , and nd lN rrom bolhlenandrightsid€sof basefiame. andhandlebar 2. Raiselhesupporthandle ( FG . 1 ) 3 RenithescrewA , andnd l& b boththeleflandrights desof base 4. Renithesc;wA (Frc2,FiG3) b bothlh€ lefrand sht sidesoi base@vels @ O STEP2: Handlebarassembly ontolhe supponbars,T thlen thescrewslA b bolh 1. Placehandl€bars the eil andrightsides. 2. Rotaie@nsolelubelo haveconsolsbrackelinihe properposton (FrG.4) STEP3: Consoleassembly 1. Holdconsoleon consoletubeas illustration. 2 connectPcB wnes @ @_ 3. conneclhardpursewn€s qt g)speed Conlrolwn€s 4 connectlhe 8, O,. Conlrolwnes@ @ . 5. connecttheIncLine ghtsideoiconsoletube, Noteinserterc6*wnilginto 6. Fix@nsoleon bracketbylghlening4 sc€wsZ\ ' ( F r G5 ) $+Enthe arenotplnched MakesuE allthecables/sircs consolescr€iirsae lighlen€d. STEP4: Completeassembly Lrnecessary on handlebars. 1. [4ak€sures d€ racksarented propeny on handiebars forconsols/racks rclaleconsoe tubep gei @r.eclposiiion 2. Tqhren4 scr€wsid underbolhsidesorconsolelube.(Flc 6) STEP5: Book holderassembly 1. Fx he bookhoLderbEckeis @ witha scre\A A (rcundhole)andsecureit on tle 2. Placethe bookholdef @- on the bookholdefbEcket @ , secureit fromtle back of bEcketwih 4 sctess lN {€cians! ar hoLe).(FlG7) .ll it/!: A,WARNING Afrerunpacking thefilnessequipment examine itcarctully hr po€sib{e damage. lf thereis anydamage pafts,pl€aseconhct orhe€ aremissing you reiail$oranaulhorized €paf bdlitytu assishnce. 1. S nceyourt€admiliis a heavypieceofequipment, w6r€commord iheafrerlakngoffihelop podionof lhebox youslitfle comeBofthe lowefcartonandlolddownthesides.Thiswilleliminats theneed1oDickuolhefeadmiJl overt\e sdesof lhobox. 2. Priortostadinglheasssmbly process bke alllhepa s ouiollhe box,removeallplasticbags,andlhenlaythemoutontheffoorto become tamiliarwilhlhecomponents. I\,4ake sue lhalyourernove al paft packaged undemealh ihetreadmill. Youmayne€dio slightlypickupthe backoflhelreadmill lo getbetlera€{esslo lhepartsonthebottom. Youwillnolicethatlhstreadmill iscomplelely assemblod ex@ptforthe handleba|sandlhedisolavwindow 7 Parts B: SupportHandle C: Handlebar D: Console Ff: PCBPlug F2:PCBWirc G1:HandPulsePlug G2:HandPulseWire H: LeftCovef l: RightCover J: HexagonalScrewHalfRoundHead K: CounterSunkSexanglar Screw L: Screw I\r:HexagonalScrcwHalfRoundHead N: NylonNut 01: SpeedControPlug 02: SpeedControWi€ P1: InclineContrclPlug P2:lnclineContrclWi€ R: BookHolder S: BookHolderBEcket(2PCS) X ScrewM5 X 101(4PCS) U: ScrewM4 X 8L (4PCS) 7 Hardware,tl Screwsalrcadyin placeon the lreadmill: 4 B *,.""1\ **" l)' 6)-- Screwsin the plasticbag: ,F 1/ "".-"4, "*-" l\ @ *,4 Toola: p "*-"d\ NHN oll \t/l: STEP1: Handlebarsupport posi assembly 1. Removethe screwlA, anonut A trom bothefrandishtsidesot baseirame. 2 Raisetheslpporthandleandhafdlebar (FrG.1) 3. Rentth€sc€w lA, andnul A 4. Relillhe sc;wA (FrG.2. FrG.3) to boihiheleftandrightsidesof base to bothlhe en andrishtsidesofbaseciveB €) , O. STEP2: Handlebarassembly ontolhe srpponour",-gnt"n tn" A b oott 1. PtacehandlebaB ""r"*" the leftandnghlsides. 2. Rotateconsolelubelo haveconsol€brackelin ihe prop€rpostion (FrG.4) STEP3: ConsolGassembly 1 Hod consoeon consoetubeas illuslration. 2 ConneclPcBwnes O O 3. Conn€cthand oulsew:i€s-6) 6n 4. confecttheSpe€dcontm ;r6i@ @ . 5. connoctihenclinocontmLwir€s@ @ exe$ widngintodghtsid.olconroletube, Noielnsert 4 sc.ewslA and2 sc@wslS on brackelby tightsning 6 Fixconsole (FrG.5) enenihe arenolpinched Makesursallihecables/wires consohsd€$ aE iightened. STEP4: Completeassembly ll nscessary 1. Makesuresideracksarefittedpropedvon handlebars. ior consoe/rackson handebaF. [email protected] correctposilion 4 screwsiil underbolhsidesotconsoletube(F G.6) 2. Tiqhten STEP5: Book holderassembly 1. Fixhe bookholderbrackels@ wiih a screwsA (rcundhole)and Securcit on he 2. Plac€ihe bookholdef @^ on lhe bookholdefbrackel@ , seorc it rom tle back of brac]Giwilh 4 screwsltr (|ectansuL hoLe).(FlG.7) .l I ts*t t I {.1 | =|if1l I L._lI 7 Button description1l STARf,/STOP: Thiswillslartthelrcadmill andihiswillsbpthelrcadmill. Therewillalsobeanemergency (Safety sbpswitch. key) INCLINEup ,\! Tliswillselectprogram / levelinselting modebefore slarting. Tliswillinoease theelevation byoneincrement al atme. INCLINEdowr v : Thiswillselectprogram / levelinseflingmodebeforc slading. Thiswillded€ase theelevation byoneiacrcment ata lime. SPEED up ,\ ! Thiswillseleclprogram / levelinsetting modebeforcstarling. Thiswillincrease he speedbyoneinci.ement al atirne. SPEEDdd,mv : Thiswills€ledprogram / levelinsetlingnodebefore sbrting. Thiswjlldecrease lhespeedbyoneind€ment al aline. IODEr Thiswillacceplprog|ams / le\€lsseleclion. Andthiswillswitch display dahonbe datawindow dufingyourexercise. llandlebar toggle ior incline / speedadiBtnent ! = Forindineadjuslrnent. Lefthandlobar Increase ordecrease by 1everyiime. = Forspeedadjuslment. Righthandlebd Increase ord€crease by0.1\rrl,hor0.1mpheverylime. 7 Display.,ll WindoursI Thedisplay is1 LCDwindor,rs. Datawindot , : ]imer88188 C€lr88Be Pulse rBgB lncline:BB Speed:88,8 RESET! Thiswiltresetprcgrams. Ouick keys for incline ! 4,6,8,10increment. Ouick ke!'Efor speed : 4,6,8,10knvhr or3,4,5,6 mph /eudio in/out (Option)1l Thercisa 3.5mmaudioinandaudiooutsocketinslalled onthisconsole. Audio ln socket ! I supporb allkindsofdeviseymp3 with3.5mmconnecbr andpla]slhrough lhespeaker ontheconsole. |lof€:Voluneis conuolledW Ww devicdnp3. Audio out socket : ll supports allkindsofspeaker andeaphoae wilh3.5mmconnector I'loIF': Theou@utvdunE is controlled W de furldnp3 or speakqfhereaE m volumecanbolson theconsoh, a a a I E8@@BBB I trj - ^ L-: l f-::i35:."."') a; l \li'-?sy' L1 00 ss"Ei: 5, :;: E ih 5 Ml3loxAudio in / out (Optlon) Gl -- ,!l!EL :-i T_:--_l - l t: l T-"- rr li !,1,1! /z \ ari'x.-..',-". + / \ s$-:; . - - . : ; : : ; / \ ; : " : : : . ' l ] I E E E E EEEBEBE Ml4lox Audio in / out (Oplion) N o o .l i lr].j I I.II TPro m f it:t I L.t i tion and instruction,/l Understandby sbtus,presslheMODEbufon,hen presslheSPEEDup/ down(INCLINEUp/ down)butontoentertheprcgram -USER2''"H.R.C"+'BODY setling. Program insequence 1"*'USER1 asbelow: lvanualrun"P1-P1 \,4ASS", whenyouhavechosen program, press desired theMODEbuton1oenlerdetailed sefring. l. Manualfiode I (1)UnderprcgEmseting,presshe SPEEDup/ dorn (I CUIE up/ down)bunon b relumto manual mode. (2)Press lheSIART butlon, aftera &s€cond countdown andthenthemotorslartslo run. (99:00). wirentimehasreached ifthelimesetingis0thenitwillslaftcounting, {€ fiDtorwillstop. {3)a.Aflera }secondcoundo&n, (00:00) lhemotor b.lftinesetingis 1of moreii'scounldo$n, v!,lren he timercachs willslop. (4)Press iheSIART/STOPbutton vlhenlhemolorisrunning itshutsdorvnlhemolofandincline motorandconsole shovvs "PAUSE"; ifyoupresslheSTARTbutlonagain,aftera lsecondcountdo/vn andihenthemotorwillstarl1orun. (5)Underl\4anual mode, limedisplay ontheconsole willslarttoffash,pres!fre SPEEDup/ do\rn(INCLINEup/ do$n)button toset ihewokouttineandcomplete tmesetlingandpresstheSIART butonlo slaft)ourworkout 2. Prcgrammode ! ]lmedisplay inconsole willfash,eachlimebypressing it,lirnewillincrease orde.rease by1 min(P1-P10). Youcanprcsshe [.4ODE butontoertertinesetting raihinP1-P10.InP11)ousetthedistance. Speed confol(P1-P5)| program. (1)When presstheSPEEDup/ down(lNCLl E up/ down)bulton inprogram selting, lo chooGe desired (2)Plgsshe MODEbutton presshe SPEEDup/ do$n(l CLl E up/ do&n)button tosetlevels. b moveb prcflesening, lncline contrcl P6-P10): (1)When p'essthe (l CLIIE up/down) program. inprogram setling, SPEED up/down button tochoosedesir€d (2)Press te tilODEbutton tomoveto profile seting,plesshe SPEEDup/ dovm(lNCLll{Eup/ dowrr) button 10setlevels. (P11 Distance control )| (f ) Wheninprogram presstheSPEEDup/ down(INCUNEup/ down)button program. setling, tochoose desired (2)Press theI,ODEbutton b molelo prcfileseting,prosshe SPEEDupi down(INCLINEup/ do$n)butlonlo s€llevels. (3)llmeisunable tosel,bU)oucansetthedistance, Mault = 5K(1-20kn)/ 3mile(0.6-12mib) 7 llser mode.,ll (1) Pr€ss (Defauh lheMODEbuton1omovetotimesetting | 24),lhenpresstheSPEEDup/ do{vn{INCLINEup/ dov,n)bulbnto settmeinsequence. (2)PrcsslheMODEbuton10enterincline (12s€quences). andspeodsettrng (3)IndinedBplayinconsole shovvs level,presstheINCLINEup/ dowlbu(on10setrequired incline level. cunentincline (4)S@ dbplayinconsole presstle [4ODE sholrscunentindinele\€|,presstheSPEEDup/ do\n button b seirequired spe€d, botonlo eriernextincline andspeedstlingandsoon. (5)Press he I'ODE botontoshowseilingprocess, Ex.time+ SE01+ SE02+ ......- SE12- toenterlimecounting automalically. .ll at: ifl r.l r' 7 Heartratemode,tl TargetHeartRateProgram.Thisprogramautomatically modifiesthe speedprogramandthe inclineto maintaina presettargetheahrale.Thistargetis established in the set up process.Thecharton thisowner'smanual shouldbe usedto determine the apprcpriate iargetheaftrate.Toset up thetargetheartrateprogram,youwill reed 10entertheworkoultime.yourageand you.largetheart'ate. ( 1) Press theMODEbulton,prcsslheSPEEDup/ down(INCLINEup/ down)button tochoose HRC. (2) Press theMODEbutton, for Time,press theSPEED up/ down(INCLINE up/ down) tochoose button desiredtime. Default=24 minutes(12-99minutes) (3) Press theMODEbutton, for Age, presstheSPEEDup/ dowr(INCLINEup/ dowf)butlontochoose correctage. Default=ASe 30 (Age10-99) (4) Press he ]{ODEbuton,fof HeartRate,press lheSPEED up/ down(lNCLl E up/ down) button tousethe targetHR chartfor yoursettings.Useup anddownfor desiredsetting.Default=114bpm(80-180bpm) (5) PressheIODEbltton,for Speed,useup anddownto get yourdesiredspeed. (6) Press lheSTART,|STOP bL(on, the Warmup functionwill runfor 3 minutesat 3 km/hor 2 mphand at the inclinelevelof 5. (7)Afterthe Warmup is finishedthe programwillstartandwill checkyourheartrateafter5 seconds. (B)lf il doesnotreadthe heaftfatesignalin 30 secondsafterWarmup,ihe motorwillstopandgoesinto run-enomooe. 100yo 8syo I perform:ncerange ncreased I Aerobiclrainingrange E Weightlosstrainingrange ! rc",t*eeev 750/" 600/o 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 AGE WirelqssHeartRateChestStrap(Optional) : Themostaccuratewayto readyourheartfate is by usinga wirelessheartratetransmtten Priofto wearingthe skap.moistenthe hro contactpadswithseve€l dropsof waterand spreadthe watefoverthe padswithyouffingerc.Whenyou plt on the strap,centerthetmnsmitter strapbelowthe breastor pectoralrnuscles, overyourstemurn.Adjustthe elasticstrapso the beltfits snugly andstaysin place. ..1i lr*1.1I =I.l i. I ia:l I LU i / Body massindex mode/l (1) P|essiheMODEbuton,presshe SPEEDup/ dowr(l CLl E up/ down)butlontochoose Body Mass. (2) P|ess theMODEbuton,for whichSex(M)l\raleor (F) Femaleusehe SPEED up/ down(I CLINEup/ do$n)button b select. (3) P|ess theMODEbutton, Cl\4or lN, for height.usehe SPEED upidown(INCLINE up/down)buton to set. Defauit=170cm / 5'07"(120-250cm / 3'11"-8') (4) Press theMODEbutton, KG or LB,for weight,uselheSPEED up/ dodn(INCLINE up/ down) bufton to set.. Default=70 kg / 155lb (20-200kg | 44-440lb) (5) Press t1eMODEbLnton, for AGE, use he SPEEDup/ down(INGLINEup/ down)but{on to set. Default= Age 30 (Age10-99) (6)Whenall settingsare completed, the consolewillshowP - Hold. (7) Placeyourhand6on the Heartratesensorson the handlebars. (8) UnderBodyN,,la6s mode,the consolewillconstantly readyourheartratefor 25 seconds.Thenyouwillbe ableto readyourBodyMassIndex.lfthe consolecan'treadit, E4 willshowon the screen. Body Mass Progran BodyMasslrdex B.M.l,- is a scientificmeasurcthatu6esthe ratioof is a generalmeasureof healthrisk,but doesnottakeintoaccountleanbodymass.46 a result,a healthymuscularindividual withverylowbodyfat can be classified as oveMeight-Thefollowingarethe generalrangeof B.M.l.measurements: Below20 Lean- lfyou are notan athleteyou shouldconsidergainingweightthrough gooddietand exercise. Between21 and 24 ldeal- Indicates a healthyamountof bodyfat andthe lowestincidence of seriousillness. Between25 and29 - Increased riskfora varietyof illnesses. Sightlyoverweight Youshouldfind waysto reduceyourweightthroughdietand exercise. Over30 conditionwitha higherriskof heart OveMeight- Indic€tesan unhealthy gallbladderdiseaseandsomecancers. disease,diabetes,highbloodpressure, Youshouldfocuson losingweightby changingyourdietand increasing levels of exercise. I i{. I ifrl \t/ programs, Underpreset thep€setworkout timeis24mjnutes. YoucanadjusltheworJout timewhileinselprcgnam mode. 7 Mtslox/ 41ox/t Km/h SPEEDPRocRArt PI P2 P3 L2 L3 LI L2 L3 LI L2 L3 LI 1 P4 P5 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 2 3 2 3 6 3 4 5 7 8 9 7 8 6 7 8 2 2 2 I 9 10 7 8 9 I 1 0 11 8 I 9 '10 7 8 9 9 10 11 8 I 7 8 I 8 I 10 2 3 7 I I 7 8 9 8 9 10 2 3 6 8 I 't0 6 7 8 7 8 9 I 10 11 4 5 I I 10 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 lnterval'lo 2 3 4 6 7 I 4 5 6 6 7 I 2 2 2 Interyal l l 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 4 5 3 5 7 8 9 Interval 12 2 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 ,| 2 3 P6 P7 PA L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 LI P9 LI Interval I 2 3 lnterval 2 2 3 Interval3 3 4 5 4 Interval4 4 5 6 lnierval 5 3 4 Interval 6 2 lnterval 7 3 4 2 3 5 4 5 5 6 6 5 6 7 5 6 7 3 4 7 4 5 5 3 Interval I Int€rval 9 4 2 3 3 4 II{CLI1{E PROGRAM P.t0 P11 L2 L3 L,| L2 L3 LI 2 3 1 2 3 2 L2 L3 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 4 5 6 6 7 I 2 2 2 6 7 I 9 '10 7 8 I 9 10 11 8 9 10 8 9 10 7 8 9 9 10 11 I I 10 I 7 8 I 8 I 10 2 3 4 7 I I 8 9 7 8 9 8 I 10 2 3 4 7 8 I 8 I 10 6 7 I 7 I 9 9 1 0 11 6 7 8 5 8 9 10 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 3 4 6 7 I 4 5 6 6 7 8 2 2 2 4 5 6 Interval 11 3 4 5 5 6 3 5 3 4 5 7 8 I 3 4 5 lnterval {2 3 4 3 4 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 4 Interval I 2 3 lnterval2 2 3 lnterval3 3 Interyal4 2 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 4 5 6 5 6 lnterval5 3 4 5 6 Interval 6 2 3 4 lnterval 7 3 4 Interval 8 4 5 Inlerval 9 3 Interval l0 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 7 I 7 I 7 8 5 7 6 2 2 3 SPEEDPRoG.RAM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ltll||rtlltrtl ,rvetn'r€PRoGRAM rlJll!rllllhrll 4 ,rllilllllhrlllllllllr,, illlllluil, tIll llI rll lrr ,,|l,, ,,,,1,, , ,,rIlllllllltrI,,,, ,,rllllllllilII,,,, ilrllllilil ;;:;; :J itflqt l. iflt f/ Underprcsetprcgrams, he pr€set workout limes 24minules. Youcanadjusthe wo*outtimevltlileinsetprogram mode. 7 Mt3lox/4tox/ MPH SPEEDPRoGRAM PI Interval2 P2 P3 P4 P5 L2 L3 LI L2 L3 LI L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 1 . 2 ' 1 . 82.4 1 . 2 1 . 82 . 4 1 . 2 1 . 82.4 0 . 6 1 . 2 1 . 80 . 6 1 . 2 1 . 8 1 . 2 1 . 82 . 4 ' 1 . 82 . 4 3 . 0 2 . 4 3 . 03 . 6 1 . 82 . 4 2 . 8 4 . 3 4 . 9 Interval 3 1.8 Interval 4 Interval 5 2.4 3 . 0 3 . 6 3 . 1 4 . 3 4 . 9 5 . 5 6 . 1 4 . 34 . 9 5 . 5 6.1 '1.8 2 . 4 3 . 0 3 . 7 4 . 3 4 . 9 4 . 9 5 . 5 6 . 1 4 . 34 . 9 5.5 6.1 Interval 6 2 . 8 3.4 4 . 0 4 . 3 4 . 9 5 . 5 4 . 3 4 . 9 5 . 5 4 . 9 5 . 5 6 . 1 1 . 21 . 8 2 . 4 Interval 7 1 . 82 . 4 3 . 0 4 . 3 4 . 9 5 . 5 4 . 3 4 . 9 5 . 5 4 . 9 5 . 5 6 . 1 1 . 2 ' 1 . 82.4 Interval g 2.4 3 . 0 Interval 9 1 . 82.4 3 . 0 4 . 9 LI lnterval I 3 . 0 2.4 3 . 03 . 6 3 . 7 4 . 3 4 . 9 3 . 7 4 . 9 5 . 5 6.'1 3 . 9 1 . 2 1 . 82 . 4 4.3 4.5 4.3 4.9 5.5 5.5 6 . 1 6.1 3 . 13.7 4.3 4.34.9 5.5 5.5 6.1 Interval lO 1 . 2 1 . 82.4 3 . 7 4 . 3 4 . 9 2.4 3 . 0 4 . 3 4 . 9 1 . 2 ' 1 . 82.4 Interval tl 1 . 2 ' 1 . 82.4 2 . 4 3 . 0 3 . 6 1 . 82 . 4 3 . 0 ' 1 . 82.4 3 . 04 . 3 4.9 lnterval l2 1 . 2 2 . 4 1 . 2' 1 . 82.4 1 . 82 . 4 0 . 6 1 . 2 1 . 8 0 . 6 1 . 2 ' 1 . 8 INCLINE PROGRAM P6 LI Interval I 2 Interval 2 2 Interval3 3 Interval4 4 ldterval 5 L2 L3 L{ 3 4 2 3 P7 PA L2 L3 L.l L2 L3 LI 3 2 3 4 P9 P{O L2 L3 L{ 2 3 1 L2 L3 LI 2 3 7 8 9 2 2 2 P11 2 L2 L3 3 4 5 6 6 7 I 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 4 5 4 5 6 6 7 8 6 7 5 6 5 6 7 8 I '10 7 8 9 I 10 tl I I 't0 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 I 10 7 8 9 9 10 11 8 I 10 lnterval 6 2 3 4 7 8 9 7 I I I '10 2 3 4 7 Inlerval7 3 4 7 8 I 7 I I I 10 2 3 4 7 8 I Interval I 4 5 6 8 9 10 6 7 8 7 8 I I 10 11 6 7 I Interval 9 3 4 5 8 s '10 5 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 5 6 7 Interval l0 2 3 4 6 7 8 6 6 7 8 2 2 2 4 5 6 Interval I I 3 5 4 5 6 3 5 3 4 5 7 8 I 3 4 5 2 3 4 2 4 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 Intorval'12 2 3 5 3 8 5 9 pRocRAM spEED ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,ulrrrrrrr rr ,rrrritlllllll|l ,lllllllllllrrr illllilllll Ill,llil -- - -T,ttr" ---,rttttr.. i,ir rr ., ''nr'rttlJ,, "rrttu ,llllllllr,, ttlrllllllrr ll ll , llll',, pRocRAM tNcLtNE ,,rttr,,rrttrr,r, .rrrllllllrllllith ,'lrlllllllll,tr,. ,,rlllllllllllh,. ,.lhllull,ll,, ,unurnr 1tIt.Ii your Read thefullowing carefully before using treadmill . Alwa)ssiretchyou muscles beforccommencing lheexercjse pmgram. Warm!p solvy bywalkngat a slowspeed.Increase gradually workoutintenslty untiliou reach)off desi€dwonrcui pace.DecFaseworkoutinlensity gtadually lo aneasywalk. A low)ouf headrateb deseas€to a nonnalsitualion. . Whensiaidnglhelreadmill, alv!€yssiandwiihbothfeetonthe steponlhesiderails. . Whenfnishing, allowthe runnlng belitodowdownandcometo a compleie slopbeforestepping off. . Thistrcadmill ls equipped witha saietyk6y-A waysc ipthe cod atradedtoihesafelykeyto a partof yourclotringsoihe safelykeywillproperly detachfiomthecompuier console, lhercfore slopping lhelreadmll. a Wearrunning orwakingshoeswilhhighlractionsoles.Toavoid injuryandunnecessary weafon)o!r t€admil, besute)ouf shoesareiee of anydebrbsudt asg€velorsmallrocks. . Wearcomfonableno-r€sbctivec oring vlhenusinqdl€ ir€adrnill.Neverweaf anllhing loos€,suchas baggysweat AWARNING pants,ne.Kaces, loosesocksorlew6ry Neverdrapetow€lson orarcundlhetreadmill duringuse. . Alwaysuselhehandrall whenstspping onoroffhe t'eadrnill andwhenchanging incline orspeed. ll !o! feeldizy nausea, chestpainorotherabnormal symptoms, SIOP immediaiely. Consult a physician beforecontinuing use. Bebre completing anexercise sesion always Attheendofevery exercise session always 1,Allowlimeio slowyourpace,coo down,€duceyourhieafrate yourwokoul. toa normallevelbeto|emmpleting 2. Grasplhehandleba|s andpresslhespeed" v " bu11on. Slow 1. Renovethesaf€iykeyiom theconsole. 2. Usethemasterpowerslvitchto tumtheteadmilloff.Themaster powerswitchis locatedonfle ighi+andsideof theframe,next you pacelo an easywa|K. 3. Ensurctherunning belthascometoa cornplele stopbelore exitnglhet€€dmll. AWARNING Tum ofi and unpluglhe ireadmilbelo€ pDceedingwith any maintenance or visualinspeclions. Failurcto do so mayresultin NOTE!Fallure to perform lhls requft€d perlodlc and prevo atlve naintenance can vold t/our warraniy. posfionandsble theeleclicalcordrhe€ it iscleafof 3.Al\,!Eys 4. lJnpluglheelectrical mrdfrE.nhe ou ei.Thiss especially lmpoianlif youarcnotgoingto use)ourit€admillforercnded iimeperod. 5.\{4peallireadmill surfac€s wih a dryclolhorlov!€lespecrally p€rspitation onlhehandlebaG, contolpanel,running beltorany olherlreadmill compon€nts. \r/ \ \'7ll I TGeneral cleaning1l *teners andcaflxll /tnspting 1. Beforcproc€eding, ensurelhatiheieadmillpowerisoffand thatit is unpuggedfromtheeleclrical outet. 2. Removo dusl usea small\,€cuumnozle to cat€fully vacuum around ailvisual componenls_ 3.Torcmoveflm of diirusea slighUy dampragwilha mild cleaning agenton)r 4. Beca|efulnottc immeBeanytreadmitt components withany iq!ids. Checkthatallfastenerc ate prcpeiytightened andallcaDesa|e setu€lyin place.Toavoiddarnaglng hstene€donotoverlighien_ / Storagell Storeyourteadrnill in a de6nanddryenvironment. Ensure the mastefpowerswitchis off and s unplugged iiom ihe etectdc€l Tcteaning ancrinspting therunnhgbeft/l Tumofflhe powerandunplugtiomtheelectrical outet.Carefully position thetreadmill on ilsside.Usea darnpdoh io wipeoffihe insideoftLrerunning b€li.Cafefully rclaietherunnngbettbyhand to cean lhe enlireinsidesudace.Retumileadrnillio its upright posilion.lf runningbell€dgejs fEyed,checkthe runningbelts algnmentif seamsarc splitting,c€ll you teiailerof near€si aulhorized servicecenter: /Aligning therunningbeft1l Ensu€lhe runningbet is cenler€don you lrcadmiilat alltimes. Runnngstyleanda non-levesurfaceareiro inslances thatrnay causelhebelttodifr offcenterMinoradjuslmenls io thetwobolts al thercarofhe i€admilla€ necessary whenthebet hasdrifred 1.Press'START'to beginrunning belt,lhentnffeaselhe teadmillsspeedb 5 kmih(3mph). 2.Slandai thercaroflhelreadmill b deiermine whichdireclion ihe beliis ddfring. 3. lfthebeltdrifrstothelefr,tumlh€ ei adjuslrnent bottwith16 wencha 1/4ofa lumdockwise. (Flc. C) 4. Ii lhebet dritutolheright,tumlherightadjustnent bottwilh#6 Mencha 1/4ofaiumdockwise. (FlG.D) 5. Observe lhet'ackingof lhebeltforabout30seconds. Repeat prcvious step6if n€eded. IIC.D / Movingll Thelre€dmillhasbeendesigned andequipped wilhwh€olsfof easymobililrBeforemoving, ensurcihemasterpowerswitchisi. he OFF"position andlhepow6rcordis unplugged. Lifrthebase frameof ihe t|eadmill aid thenml ihetieadmill 10ihe desired / Runningbeltlubrication1l \ /henyoufeellhenoseof ihe runningbellis louder,pleaseuse lhe slliconsprayon lhe runningbell.ll is easyandquick.Betofe prcceeding, ensureihe lrsadmlllpov!€ris off and unplugged. Loosen iherunning beltandthenspraylhesiliconontheinnerside of lhe runningbelt.Peas€s€eillusfaljon. Afrersplaying,please aligntherunning behandadjusifle running belltension. \',/71 \ \ 7 AeftLubrication1l lJseonly100%Silconeandavoidusngaerososiicone add:lives sprays whichinclude andpeirol€um disillates. Ore ounceofS iconesho-ldbe-seo'oreachappicalioYouftfeadmilrunnlngbeltshouldbelubricai€d every3 months( regardless of use)orevery50hou|sof use,whchevercomesfirst.Evenif thelreadmlI is notbeingused,s iconewil disspateoverlimeandthebeltwiI dryou{. Note:Eventhoughthe runningbeltis lubedfromthe manulacturer, it is nota badideato lubricatelhe runningbellwhenfirst using thetrcadmillin caseth€ b€lthasdriedsomebetweenthe dalesthe unltwasmanufactured andwhenit wasDurchased. TheS licone iconinfgure1wiliumoninlhedisplay every100hours of useandisa rcrninder lhalit islimeto lubricate therunning beLAs ndjcaied aboveit is beslio lubricaie ihe runningbeltevery50 houlsof use.Thisisa rcminder forlhe2nd50hours.Theiconw I be n thed splayfor5 mnutesandlhenitw ll lumoff.Totumtheiconof youcans mplyprcsslhe 'Speeddown'and ncllnedovvn'buftonssimuhneousy iil he lmn So€sof. fuply lhesiiconedirectytothedecksurfaceor!c lhebackwhiteslrfaceof iherunnngbeltThisrnaybeac{omplshedbyto dingthe t|eadmiliandapplynglhesiiconetothebackol lhebet fromeachbackcornerSpEylhesiiconedowrandacrcsshe bet fromeach comer.Rotatetheb€lt1/2ofthec rcumference andrepealiromeachcomer NoterWhenlubricalingthe belt,mak€surctheAeadmillis locatedon a surfacethatcanbeeasilycleaned. yourtreadmill Afterlubricating offlhebellandframe. runningbelt,cleananyexcesssilicone 7 Cleaning ./ It s rcmmmended tow pelhelrcadmildownafrereachuseto keepthetfeadmilcleananddryA mid detergent maybeusedatlirnesio hep remove alldirtandsaltiromlhebeli,painledparisandihedisplay. Theconinigure2 sho!|€upinthedlsplay every150houBof use.Ths s a rcmindef to c eaniheunitrealygood.Thiscleaning wouldincluderemoving tre motorcovefandc eaning aroundthernotorande ectronics. lt is rccommended io deanlhemotorcompaiment ifhe ireadmils in anareawhereiheremightbea lolof pethanor plushcarpetfibersihaicould getpulledup s a goodideaat lhisiirneto checkandighienall assembly hardware asweLl. lvaming:unplugthe PowerCordBeforeRemovingthe lvloiorCover. Afrerc eaningandcheckngallassembly iconoff,pressthe"Spe€ddown"and'lnclnedown'buttons hadware,totumthemainienanc€ simutaneously lil theimntumsoff. Note:lf you do not usecombinedbutton"SpeedDown"and"lnclineDown"to reset lhe consolewill displaymaint€nance €ulion for I minuteaffertumonthetreadmill. button"Speedllown"and"lnclineDown",thenlhe lf youresetit by usingcombined cautionwill nol be displayedaftertum on lhe feadmill. \r/ \ \ lti 7 Folding/unfoldi, Soft Fold up! lffer lhe \ioi(out session,you can fold lhe treadrnll lo ihe uprightposition.Lifrup lhe rear end of lhe lreadmlllunUlthe uppefand lowerslruttubelock (click)inlo posilion. function)1l Release: You can rcease the teadmlll fromiheuprighiposilion. 1.Pushtheframebyhand. 2. Push(click)upperandlower siruitubewithyourtoot. 3.Lo$€tihe lrcadmiilby hand andil wllldrcpaulomalically wilhoutanysupport. 7 Horizontaladjustment,/l Toslablizethel€admiilonthefoo( youcanadjustlhet\rvoscrews localedunderlhefrontofihe baseframe. 1. Lifrthemachine ononesid6andlheniumlhescr€wunderthelront 2.Tumlhescewsclockwise to makeitscrewup. 3.Tumthesdewcounterclockwise io makeitscrcwdown. / Troubleshooting with error codesll Theeleclronics a€ continuously he ele.lronics mnsdewilldisplayanenorcodeand running seli-tesls. ll itfindsanyinegularilies, stopnormalopetaiions iof yoursafety. Enormdesdescripl'on : E1- Speederor E2- l4emory€adoutenor E4- Hearttale]s notleadfromihe hearltatesensoE E6- Indineenor E7- hclineenor E9- Connection lirnedout Error E1 E2 E6 E7 E9 l{/A N/A N/A N/A 1{/A Troubleshooting 1.Check the spead s€nsor if it is damaged or w€ | fx€di lhe speed sener has lo be fxed where I close lo the magnel within 2-3mm. 2.Check ihe signal cable of sp€€d sensor if il is well @nnecled to the conLol er. To e ve lhe poblem please econneci lhe signal 3 oleas€co.LaL.your loLa disHbulo_lo_lechrrca sofric€ 1.Checklhe EEPROMif il is well fxed To solvelhe omblem.Dleasere@nnectthe EEPROMlC. 2.Checklhe EEPROMS pin it il is beit or well connecled.To solvelhe pob em, pleasereconreclthe EEPROMlC. 3.Checklhe lC series nLmber i tis cotr€ct.To solvethe problem,pl€aseEpa@lhe EEPROM C. 4.P easeconlactvour locald stribLtorfor technicalsery ce. pl€assconlraryBconn€ctihe cabl€. 1.Reconnecl lhe black@bleand€d cableol ihe incinemotorTo sove theproblem, pleaseortrary reconnect 2.Reconnecllhesigna cabe of inclinemotor.To solv€lhe problem, thecabe or repacelhe 3.P eas conlactvour ocaldislributor ior technical seryce. l.Checklhe VR ollnclnemotorlili is wellnxed.To solveths problempleasereplace the inclinemolor. pleasereplacelhoinclinemolor. 2.Unableto r€adlhe eleclricpoteniial vanation of inclinemolor.To solvetheproblem, 3.Pea*@niacivour ocaldsl butorior l€ch.icalsea@. pleasecheckihewinngcirclit. l.Upper@nibl€ble andlow€rcontmlcablo To solveihe problem, arenoiwellconnected. 'or tFchii@lsea ce. 2 Pleise@nlaclyour ocald slrioLror rhe @nsoleis emi c or nol lighlingup: :heck !o makesurelhatlhe l€admi I is popedypluggedin,lurnlhe pder switchofi andbacl(on againandmakesurelh€ safely