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Mtl50a Mtl00a Table Of Contents




Table Of Contents Mtl00A Mtl50A Congratulationson the purchaseof your new motorizedtreadmill.To help ensure the enjoyableand troublefree operationof your new treadmill,we stronglysuggestyou read this manual carefullyand follow its recommendations. I lmpoftantSafetyInstruction...........1 | PresetProgram ......................8 Ml100A M1150A.......................................... I Assembly 2 Instruction I Utiliztion I ConsoleOperation Mt100A ......................4 IMaintenance Ml150A 6 ..................10 ...........11 INSTRUCTION$ IMPORTANT SAFETY NANGED gllllt - To reduce fre risk of electical shock. always EIl unplugthis appliancefrom the electical outet immediatelyafrer using andbeforecleaning. a Usethis applianceonlyfor ib intendeduseas describedin lhis manual. a Do not useattadrmentsnot recommendd by the manufacfurer. a To disconnecl,tum all the controlsto the off position,then rernovehe plugfromthe outlet. a Conne6{this applianceto a propergroundedoutet only. SeeGroundingInstruc{ions. a Thisaooliance is intended for household use. a Whenyouare notgoingto useyourUeadmill,or lvhenfinished,please removehe safutykeyfrcm the console.Thenalwaysplacethe safety key\,vfierechildrencan not reach. a Do not useoutdoors. a Alwaysunplugthe treadmillfromthe outletimmediatelyafrerusing, beforecleaning,assemblingor servicing. a Neverleavetreadmillunattendedwhenpluggedin. Disconnec't by tumingoffthe masterpo^/erswitchand unplugfromthe oufet. . Neveroperaiethis beadmillif it hasanydamageto the leador plug. Also if it is not opeEtingconec{y,hasbeendropped,damagedor if it hasbeenexoosedto water. a Do notoperaiewhereaero€olprcduc'tsare beingusedor where oxygenis beingadministered. a Don'tpullthe treadmillby its po\,t/ercordor uselhe cordas a hardle. a Keepdose supervisionif the teadm l is beingusedby or near d|ildren,personswithdisabilitiesor pets. a Keepdry Do not operatethistreadmillin wet or moistconditions. a Neverinsertanyobjeclsintoany openings. a To preventinjuries,alwayswarm up your musclesbeforeusingthe treadmill. a Alwaysattachthe dip of the safetykeyto yourclothingbeforeinserting safetykey.Pleasealwayswear safetykey in caseof an accident. a MAXuserweight Pleasereferto the maximumuserweight informationon the treadmillbebre usino. a Keepunpluggedand havethe safetykeyout of readr of drildren,when not in useto oreventaccidents. a Keepeleclricalmd awayfom heatedsurfaces. a Keephandsclearof all movingparb. Neverplacehandsor feet under thetreadmill. a Eachtimeyou usethe treadmill,checkthatthe runningbeltis aligned and centeredon he treadmillbaseand allvisiblefastenerson lhe feadm l are sufficientytightenedand sec1lred. a Be surethatthe areaaroundthe treadmillremainsdear dudnguseand hasadequatedearance.Keepthe treadmillon a solid,le\relsurhce. At leastI 000 mn/2 feetfiom anywall on eitherside. NOTEr Failureto follow this insfudion may lead b personalinjuryor injuryb couldalso causedamageto lhe feadmill. To reducehe rbk ol theseinstrudbns. bums,fireor electricshock.pleasefollov',/ INSTRUGTIONS ELECTRIGAL GROUNDING trS"JffiA,WARI{ il*#:J}X": ING JI:IHJTJI1.T:HilT":I to rcducethe riskof electicalshock.Thisteadmill is equippedwift a cordhavingequipmentgounding conneciorand a groundingplug.The plugmustbe pluggedintoan appropriateoudetthat is properlyinstalled and groundedin accordancewilh all localcodesand ordinances. ADANGER lmproperconneclionof the feadmill groundingconnectorcan resultin the riskof electicalshock.Checkwih a qualifiedelectician,if you are in doubtas to whetherlhe productis properlygrcunded.Don'tmodirythe plugprovidedwih the teadmill. lf it wont fit your outlet havea Fopedy groundedoufet installedby a qualifedelecfician. Pleasepayattention,the powercableneedsstric{yan indMdualpower can not usethe samepowersupplywih anyotherequipment. the feadmill andthe wall outlet. Neveruseexbnsion cotdsbet\,\,een fthere is any damageto the cables,pleasecontad the servicecenter Partsshouldbe replacedby an autprized tecinician. Figure methods Grounding ( Y-=. vs GROUNDING PIN @ @ o GROUNDED OUTLET rll [/l: I AWARI{ING Afrerunpackingthe fitnessequipment,examineit carefullyfor possibiedamage.lf tl6rs is any damageor th€r€are missingparb, pleasecontad lrourretaileror an auhorizedrepairfacilityfor assistan@. 1. Sinceyourtr€admillis a heavypiec6of €quipment,w€ recommendth€ afiertakingofihe top portionof lhe box;lou slitft€ mm€rs of th€ lowercartcnand folddownthe sides.This will eliminabthe needto pickup the t€admill overfne sidesof h€ box. 2. Priortc sbrting he assemblyprocesstake all he partsout of he box,romoveall plasticbags,andthen lay hem out on he ffoorto become familiarwih the components.Makesurethat you remov€all parb packagodundern€athfle b€admill.Youmay needb slighuypickup he backof the treadmillto get batteraccessb the parb on lh6 bottom.Youwill notce thathe t€adm l is complgtslyassambledexceptfor he handlebarsand he displaywindov.( See FlG.1of nelt page) Parts 1 .Frarne Support @ - left Suppoilpost- right 4. Consde CorndeGhandlebar set LockirEla|obturfoHing 7.SaUyl(ey 8.PCBcablemildh Handoulsecablebr€r 10.rcB cableupper 11.l-landpise cableupper 12.rcB cablemkidle 1 a rcB cablelower ? 7 Hardware Screws already in place on the treadmill: M8-701(4PCS) M8',7ot(4PCS) @€ @ Screws in the plastic bag: @ Tools: M8',701(4PCS) Ms(1Pcs) lM6(1PCS) @€ @\ lo\ UT l'/l: \, 1. Carefully lift(asshownabove)theframe(1)fromthe rear. Removehandlebars(5) firstthen removethe styrofoamfrom underneath. 2. Lowerthe framecarefully. 3. Remove4 screws(A)fromthe left and rightof the base frame. 4. Raisethe leftandrightsupportbars(2 & 3) to the upright Dosition. 5. Refitthe screws(A) but do not tightenyet. 1. Fitthecomplete (5)ontothesupportbars(2 handlebars & 3). Connectthe PCB middlecables(12) together,connect PCB cableslower(13) and placecablesintothe tube. 2. Securethe handlebarset to the supportbars with the screws (C) x 4 as shown above. 3. Tighten the screws (A) of the base frame. 4. Remove the screws (B) from the back of the console. 5. ConnectPCB cable middle(8) and PCB cable upper(10). 6. Connecthand pulsecable lower(9) and hand pulsecable upper(11). 7. Fit console to console bracket and tighten the screws (B). oll OI: ifl UI Button descri 'rs Dbplry : Theconsole One(1)laqeLCD windo6 fordata. wih FVe(5)separate START/ STOP: he teadmill. ftis will'START' he teadmillandhis will"STOP' KEY). "STOP'suit*r he (SAFETY ThereisalsoanEmergency Ha: Time: 08:BB Dishnce : 88BE Cal: 8888 Lap/Pulse:8BB Speed: 8S.8 SPEEDup ,\: modebebrcstarting. Thiswillselectprwramandlevelinsetting thespeedinincremenb of0.'lkrdhor0.1mph. Thiswillincrease v : SPEED 'Tlis .lownprogram sbrting. modebefore willselec{ andlevelinsetting hespeedin incremenb of0.1knvhor0.1mph. Thiswilldeqease MODE: program andlevelselec{ions. Thiswillaccept duringyourexercise. Thiswillswitdrdisplay LAPorPULSE ondatawindow E E',E'E' t tu?lfl?|l?{ M rFnrFlrPl ,Ft FtltFtl ,,rr!!!lll!!!!!t,,,,,,,,llllllllu,,,, ,,ll,,ll,,ll,,ll,,,,,,rr![[lnuu 2, Enbr BDgsn ustE floi'E, FE rE(b 3, Flb. L€''€l LdrE a6^4 F* nE6 4, E&rlrF L*S tro l€' gs fir(b 6. F€€s d6rtb b€gh "\o.lqlt E( of hluy b Ptron - io a\dd InFY, Sid m t 363 16|. b6tt€ €&rbg t€€ch'[. F66doi'rs8 .ll tt: I rll Introduction : Tostartbeadmill, firstensurepowercordis pluggedin,he powerswildl is tumedtotre "ON"poGition (nothe andhen standonhe side-rails runningdeck)Thenattadlhe "safetyKey''to yourclothingandhen to theconsoleThe.treadmill hasone(1)manual andfive(S)pres€tprograms (p1- p5). Eadrpresetprogramhashree (3)differentlevelsfortre usertd ciroosd fiom.Whilerunningin thepresetprograms, thetreadmillautomatically changesthespeed.Howeveryoucanstillchangethespeedmanuallyat anytimeyoudesire. Ouick Start : Whenthemainpo/verswitchis in the"ON"positionandhe 'safetyKey'is insertedintr he console,Utemonitofwindovwi displaya flashing"0:00'Pressthe"START'buttonto begininthe,,Manual Mode;. Plogram Operation I Afteryouhavetumedonfte power,inseded"safetyKey'he monitorwilldisplayO:00on allhe separabLCDwindo^/s. 1.seleclPrograms: Press" ^ " or " \r " ano/vsto do6se fom tre progranisFt - ps. rhen pred he floDi brtd'. 2. Sethe level:Press" /\ " or " v " arTows tochoosefromtre worlioutlevelyoudesire.'Ttreirpresst'reffiD€" b(,to". 3. Setlime: Choosehowlongyouwanttoworkgutfor bypregsingle ' ^ ' or " w " anonr.Ai prograns*ff O"AuftO m nirty 1SO1 minutesif noadjustrnent is made.Oncecompleted, pressthe.START'buttontrcbegin),our,r;fi;n The Pause Function : Y€u,c€J] qgse yourbeadmillat anytimeduringyourworkoutbypressing tle ISTOF'hrtm once.Toresurneyourvrorkoutjust press the"START'button. The Reset Func{ion : v:!t Ygrkoutprogramandthetimeby holdinghe 1STOFtuton fcr a bv secondsuntitt]e programwindowdisptays .Y:*?ll"-T_t u:w . Repeatlhe above stepsb resetyourdesiredprogram, levelandwort(ojttjme. NOTE: 1. Whenhe Amer€€& W:59or 0o:o0,o settesof beqpswi/,so und,aN hsltlr fve (5)s*ot45 aN th91rthe mffir witt stop. 2. when the "safeV Key" is pulledout in arry situafionttrc motorwitt stop inndiatilyaro ur" a ral b lhemanual seftings. "focr 3. fhe.ghPhicaof ttE wotl|(c/utrr{,fitesarc pinfud on Arc corcote.Eadt ov€'attwwr@uttin e will be JPf,menw into (10) En [email protected]€,nt lime = ov*all workoutlime/ 10, e.g.: It ovenll wwt@utrimeis sd at En (10)mi rtes,the@ch s€{/m€'ntwitt b one(1) ninute fE|ch. .ll ft: ifl .J l. Button descri, 7o START / STOP : this will'START'he beadmillandhis will'STOp'tre treadmill. Thereis alsoan Emergency "STOP"s$/ttdrfie (SAFETYKEn. Dlsplay : Theconsole isOne(1)largeLCD witr Five(5)separate windor/sfordata. Data ! SPEEDup l: Thiswillselec{programandlevelin settingrnodebeforestarting. Thiswillin$easehe speedin incremenb-of 0_1km/hor 0.1moi. IIME: BB:dU Distance: 988,8 Cal: EBBB Lap/Pulse:888 Speed: 8S.B Indine: Be SPEEDdqvn rr : ltris willselec{programandlevelin settingmodebeforesbrling. Thiswilldecrease thespeedin inqemerGof 0.1 km/hor 0.1 m;h. INGLI E up ,\ ! Thiswillseledprogramandlevelinsettingmodebeiorestarting. Thiswillinseasehe elevation in incremenbofone(1). INCLI Edoyynv: Thiswllseleclprqram andlevelin setingmodebefotestrarting. Thiswilldeseasehe elevatonin incremenbofone(1). MODE: Thiswillacceptprogramandlevelselections. ThiswillswitdtdisplayLAPor PULSEon datawindoivduringyourexercise. E EIGTEU .."llll." !! !!!!!! !t!!!!!!! ltItl l! !!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!! ats'rf,-EtrE 2.BrG.sldh i€hg dlo e pe tr@ r, nr* r6€t u€aEsro6, aE.rub 4 bE .. ns rrE udr€ aEi6, q6ftd sEt b b6gh wtqn t^ll, ?l ?t ?| ta ?l .ll .I: I UI Intloduc-tion : Tostartteadmill,firstensurepowercordis pluggedin,he powers,vitdr istumedto he "ON"positionandthenstandonthesiderails(nothe runningdeck)Thenatbchhe 'SafetyKey''toyourdothingandhen b theconsole. Thefeadmillhasone(1) manualandfve (5)presetprograms(P1- P5). Eachpresetprogramhashree (3)difierentlevelsforhe userb dDose fom. \Mile runninginthepresetprogErns,tle feadmillautomatically changeshe speedor indine.l-louever)ou cans1i[dEngetle speedor indinemanually at anylimeycudesie. Quic{=FeeD -uililililillnm-,-illilfl||||tllilil',,,,,,0 >=FEEE' >=FEEE) >=FE=E' :J it I.ql ifll11 rIrrtII-l\ratJlY; EachprwramisdMdedintoten(10)segmenb levels. Thepreset andhasthree(3)different workout timeistrirty(30)minutes. Incline program km/h $peed program P1 P2 L1 L2 L3 L{ 1 1 . 5 2.5 3.5 1 2 2 3 4 6 3 2.5 3.5 4.5 1 4 3 4 5 6 5 3.5 4.5 5.5 1 6 3 4 5 6 7 2.5 3.5 4.5 1 8 2.5 3.5 4.5 6 I 1 . 5 2.5 3.5 1 1 0 1 . 5 2.5 3.5 1 L2 L3 2 3 7 2 8 3 8 3 7 I 2 3 I 3 3 2 7 7 2 2 MPH Speed program P1 P2 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 1 0.9 1 . 5 2 . 1 0.6 1 . 2 1 . 8 2 1 . 2 1 . 8 2.4 3.7 4.3 4.9 3 1 . 52 . 1 2.7 0.6 1 . 2 1 . 8 4 1 . 82.4 3.0 3.7 4.3 4.9 5 2 . 1 2.7 3.3 0.6 1 . 2 1 . 8 6 1 . 8 2.4 3.0 3.7 4.3 4.9 7 1 . 52.1 2.7 0.6 1 . 2 1 . 8 8 1 . 5 2 . 1 2.7 3.7 4.3 4.9 I 0.9 1 . 5 2 . 1 0.6 1 . 2 1 . 8 1 0 0.9 1 . 5 2 . 1 0.6 1 . 2 1 . 8 P3 L1 1 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 3 1 P4 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3. 5 6 7 6 5 4 4 2 6 7 I 7 6 5 5 3 6 6 5 5 3 3 1 1 7 7 6 6 4 4 2 2 8 8 7 7 5 5 3 3 lncline program P3 P4 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 5 6 7 6 7 I 6 7 8 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 4 5 6 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 P=, ,,llll,u, rrl llll llll llll rrl llr,,, ,,,,fl| ,,illilllllllllllllllllru rrl, ,,,lllllillm ,,,,1111,,,, llll,llll,llll,,, ffi *,,',,,,,, 1rIt.rI yowtreadmill Read bebre using thefullowing carefully a Alwaysstretchyourmusclesbeforecommencinglhe exercise program.Warmup slolvlyby walkingat a slowspeed.lnqease workoutintensitygraduallyuntilyou reachyourdesiredworkout pace.Decreaseworkoutintensitygraduallyb an easywalk. Allowyourheartrateto decreaseb a normalsitralion. a Whenstarlingthe treadmill,alwaysstandwih boh feet on the stepon the side rails. a Vvhenfinishing,allowhe runningbeltto dow downand cometo a completestop beforesteppingoff. a Wearmmfortablenonrestic'tiveclothingwhenusingthe treadmill.Neverwearanyhing loose,sudl as baggysweat pants,necklaces,loosesocksor jewelry Neverdrapetowelson or aroundthetreadmill duringuse. . Alwaysusethe handrailwhensteppingon or ofi he headmill andwhenchanginginclineor speed. a Thisteadmill is equippedwih a safetykey-Atr\,ayscliphe cod attachedto lhe safetykeyto a partof yourclohing so he safetykeywjll properlydehch fromthe mmputer@nsole, thereforestoppingthe treadmill. a Wearrunningor walkingshoeswih hightractionsoles.To avoid injuryand unnecessarywearon yourfeadmill, be sureyour shoesare free of anydebrissuchas gravelor smallrocks. A,WARI{ING lf youfeeldizy, nausea,chestpainor otrer abnormalsymptoms, 6TOP immediately. Consulta physicianbeforecontinuinguse. Befure completing anexercise session always Attheendofweryexercise session 1.Allov/timeb dow your pace,cooldown,rcduce)/ourhearrate to a normallevelbeforecompletingyourworkout. 2. Graspthe handlebarsand pressthe speed" v " buton. Slo\r/ yourpaceto an easywalk, 3. Ensurethe runningbelthascometo a completestop before exitingthetreadmill. '1.Removethe safetykeyfromthe console. 2. use the masterDo,verswit$ to tJm lhe teadmill ofi.The masbr pou/erswitchis locatedon tile right+andsideof he ftame,next to the electricalmrd. 3.Alwayspositionand storethe ele(fical cod whereit is dear of all pahways. 4. Unplugthe electicalcod forn t|e ot-l0etThis is especially imporbntif you are not gorE to useyourteadmill icr exbnded time period. 5. Wpe all feadmill surfaceswilh a dry doh or bwd especially perspirationon the handlebars,conbolpanel,runningbehor any otherfeadmill comDonenb. AWARNING Tum off and undug the treadmillbefore proceedingwith any maintenanceor visualinsoec{ions.Failureb do so mav €sult in seriousinjury. NOTE: Fallur€ to perbrm this requircd pedodic and prcrentaffve maintenance can nold tbur warranty alYuays \r/ I \ 1tt TGeneral cleani 1. Beforeproceeding,ensurethatlhe treadmillpoweris off and lhat it is unpluggedfiom the electicalouflet. 2. Removedust,usea smallvacuumnozle b carefullyvacuum aroundallvisualcomponenb. 3. To removefilm or dirt usea slighty damprag witha mild cleaningagentonly. 4. Be carefulnotto immerseanyfeadmill componentswithany liouids. /CWning In spelcling fastenerc and cables1l Checkthat all fastenersare properlytightenedand all cablesare securelyin place.Toavoiddamagingfustenersdo not overtighlen. Sbre )/ourfeadmill in a dean and dryenvironment. Ensurethe masterpower switchis off and is unplugged fiom he electrical outet. anA inspeding flie running bdt Tum off the powerand unplugftom the eleciricalouflet.Caretully positionhe lreadmillon ib side. Usea dampclolhto wipe offthe insideof the runningbelt.Caretullyrohte he runningbeltby hand to clean the enlire insidesurface.Retumtreadm l to ib upright position.lf runningbelt edge is hayed, $eck he runningbelts alignment.lf seams are splitting,call your retailer or nearest authorizedservicecenter. Aligning therunning belt Ensurethe runningbelt is centeredon your treadmillat all times. Runningstyleand a nonlevel surfuceare two instancesthat rnay causet|e befito dffi off center.Minoradjustrnenbto the two bolts at he rearofthe treadmilla|e necessarywhenthe belthasdrifred of center 1. Press"SIARr to beginrunningbelt,then increasethe tseadmillsspeedto 5 knvh(3mph). 2. Standat he rearof the lreadmillb detorminewhichdireciionthe beltis driftng. 3. lf the beftdrifrsto he left,tum the tefradjustrnentboltwitht6 wrencha l/4 ofa tumdockwise.(Flc. C) 4. lf the beltdrifrsto the right,tum the rightadjustnentboftwith*6 lvrencha 1/4of a tum dod$,ise. (Flc. D) 5. Observetfrehackingof the beltfor about30 seconds.Repeat previousstepsif needed. Moving 1l The treadmillhas been designedand equippedwith wheelsfor easymobility.Bebre moving,ensurethe masierpowerswitchis in the "OFF posilionand he powercordis unplugged.Liftthe base fi'ameof the treadmilland then roll he treadmillto the desired position. / RunningHt lubriation Whenyou feeltf|e rrise dtp nn*ng beftb bJder, pleaseuse the siliconspraym the nrmirE bdt [ 'F easy and quick.BeiDre proce€ding,eftsure f€ EHdmill poi€r is of and unplugged. Loosenthe runningbdt andthenspraythe siliconon fle innerside of he runnirEbdt Pleasesee illustration.A,frerspraying,please alignthe runnirp beltand adjusthe runningbelttension. \r/ t \ \ ' 711I 7 roui A,WARNING 'unfolding 1l putthe (0)rever. #J:tffiilt;,r'"ase incrine varue tozero Fold up: Releaseto unfold: o 1.Raisetheframe. 1.Pullouttheknobforlocking. 1. Lower theftamewithhandsupport. 1 lold tre frafng 2.Pulloutknobforreleasino. 7 Horizontal adjustment /l Tostabilizethe treadmillon fte foor, you can adjustthe two screwslocatedunderthe front of the baseframe. 1.Ln the machineon onesideandhen tumthescrewunderthefont of the baseframe. 2. Tumthe sqews clockwiseto makeit screwup. 3. Tumthe screwcounterdodeviseto makeit screwdown. 7 Troubte shooting with error codes The eleclronicsare continuouslyrunningselfchecks.lf it findsan inegularity,the consolewilldisplayan "Eno|,'codeand stopthe normaloperatjonof the treadmillfor safetypumoses. Error Code Er1 Er2 Er3 Er4 Er5 E16 Er7 Er8 Trouble shooting Speedsensorenor : '1. Please deck if thereis anythingstuckinside. 2. Pleasedeck if he speedsensoris looseor defedive. 3. Pleasecontadyourafier-seMce center. Motorconnectionenor : 1.Pleasedeck cableconnedionto motorarenotlooseor damaoed. 2. Pleasecontaciyourafter-seMce center PCBpanelcontrolboardandMCBmotor controlboardconneclioneror: '1.Please checkallcablesmnnededto he mnsolePCBandmotorcontollerMCBarenotlooseor damaqed. 2. Pleasemntactyourafter-seMce center. Conlrollerprotectionenor : Pleasecontac't vourafrer-seMce center. Motorprotection enor: Please contacl Vourafter-service center Motorcontroller(MCB)proteciionerror : Pleasemntad vourafier-service center Inclineenor(onlyMl150): Pleasemntac{yourafter-seMce center HRCprogramenor (onlyM1150) : '1.Please makesurethathe handsareplaced onthehandpulsegripsorhe dtestsbapiswom. (Cheststrapis anoptionalfunc{ion.) 2. Pleasedeck if thewiringofthehandpulsesarcnotlooseor damaged. 3. Pleasecontactvourafter-servi@ @nter PLEASEREMOVETHESAFETYKEYANDTURNOFFTHEPOWERSWTCH, TTIENTURNTHEPOWERSV\IITCH BACKONTOSEEIFTHEERRORCODEHASCLEARED IFTHEREISSTILLAN ERRORCODEPLEASECONTACT YOURAFTER-SERVICE CENTER