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Musical Climb And Slide




Musical Climb and Slide © 43 45 46 47 42 40 39 38 29 30 26 28 15 32 24 16 2 37 36 34 35 23 22 18 21 10 1 49 3 4 9 8 6 7 © You will need:  Two to four players  One counter/marker per player  One dice  A set of question cards Instrucons: 1. The player to roll the highest number goes first. Then play clockwise. 2. The players throw the dice in turn and move the number of squares shown. 3. If you land on a “question” the person to your left will ask you the question on the top of the pack. If you are on a treble clef question square and answer the question correctly you can climb up to the top of the treble clef. If you answer incorrectly, stay on the question square until your next turn. If you are on a bass clef question square and answer incorrectly, slide to the bottom of the clef. If you answer correctly, stay on the question square until your next turn. 4. The first person to reach the FINISH square wins. 5. You must always move the same number of squares that you rolled. Continue backwards from the FINISH square if too high a number was rolled. Place ques on cards here Music Theory Level 1 – Musical Climb and Slide PREPARATION: 1. Print out one copy of the ques;on cards. Print out the “Musical Climb and Slide” game board if you haven’t previously. For best results use a heavier paper or glue the print-out onto cardboard sheets. 2. Cut out each ques;on card. 3. Op;onal: laminate each card and the game board for durability. What does How do you say What does adagio slowly andante mean? in Italian? mean? A: At an easy walking pace A: Adagio A: Slowly How do you say What does at a moderato moderate mean? speed How do you say walking pace in Italian? A: Andante allegro mean? A: At a moderate speed What does in Italian? How do you say lively and fast A: Moderato at an easy What does presto mean? in Italian? A: Very fast A: Allegro A: Lively and fast How do you say What does very fast A tempo in Italian? mean? mean? in Italian? How do you say gradually becoming faster in Italian? What is the complete Italian word for accel. ? A: Accelerando A: Presto accelerando former speed A: Return to the former speed What does return to the A: A tempo How do you say A: Accelerando A: Gradually becoming faster How do you say What does becoming rallentando slower mean? in Italian? (It starts with “R-A”.) What is the complete Italian word for rall. ? A: Rallentando gradually A: Rallentando A: Gradually becoming slower What is the word for What does becoming ritardando slower mean? in Italian? (It starts with “R-I”.) What is the complete Italian word for rit. ? A: Ritardadndo gradually A: Ritardando A: Gradually becoming slower What is the word for What does immediately ritenuto slower, or held mean? back What is the complete Italian word for riten. ? in Italian? A: Ritenuto A: Ritenuto A: Immediately slower, or held back. What is the name of this What is the name of this symbol? symbol? What does crescendo mean? What is the word for gradually gradually louder in Italian? A: Gradually becoming soDer A: Crescendo What is the complete Italian word for What is the complete Italian word for cresc. ? decresc. ? becoming softer in Italian? (A word star;ng with “D-E”) What does diminuendo mean? A: Gradually becoming soDer becoming A:Decrescendo A: Crescendo mean? A: Decrescendo decrescendo A: Gradually becoming louder What does What is the word for A: Decrescendo A: Crescendo How do you say loud mean? ? What is the complete Italian word for f? A: Forte How do you say soft mean? What is the complete Italian word for What does staccato mean? p? in Italian? piano A: Forte in Italian? What does A:Detached, short A: Diminuendo How do you say dim. forte A: SoD in Italian? (A word star;ng with “D-I”) What does A: Diminuendo getting softer What is the complete Italian word for A: Loud gradually A: Piano A: Piano What is the word for in Italian? legato mean? A: Smoothly, well connected detached, short What does smoothly, well connected in Italian ? A: Legato What is the word for A: Staccato