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US006141330A United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Akers [45] [54] MULTIPLE ISDN AND POTS CARRIER Inventor: Date of Patent: Francis I. Akers, San Mateo, Calif. 0 251 986 A2 0 251 986 A3 1/1988 1/1988 European Pat. Off. ....... .. H04Q 5/02 European Pat. Off. ....... .. H04Q 5/02 WO 96/29814 9/1996 European Pat‘ Off‘ ' [73] Assignee: GoDigital Networks Corporation, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Fremont, Calif. 21 I I “ISDN Basic Access Digital Subscriber Lines,” Bell Com munications Research, Technical Advisory, TA—TSY—000363, Issue 1, Mar. 1987. A 1' N ‘I 08 717 475 pp 0 / ’ [22] Filed: Sep. 20, 1996 “Universal Digital Channel (UDC) Requirements and Objectives 9 ” Bell Communications Research 9 Technical 7 [51] Int. Cl. [52] [58] U..S. Cl. ........................................... .. 370/264, 370/535 Fleld 0f Search ................................... .. 370/263, 264, ................................................... .. H04L 12/16 _ Adviser y, TA_TSY_000398, Issue 1, Se p ' 1986' “Making the Transition, Fiber Winds its Way home,” Te1e_ phony Integrating Voice and Data Communications, Feb~ 370/265, 270, 271, 391, 532, 536, 537, 538’ 542’ 543’ 535; 379/2’ 191’ 199 [56] 1988_ “2B21Q, Line Code Tutorial,” MSAN—127, Mitel Semicon References Cited ductor Product News, Jan. 1987. U S PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,660,609 Oct. 31, 2000 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS SYSTEM [75] 6,141,330 (List continued on next page.) 3,746,795 5/1972 Tremblay et al. ................... .. 179/16 F __ 179/16 F 7/1973 FitZsimons et al. .. P rimary Examiner—chi H- Pham Assistant Examiner—KWang B. Yao 370/522 Carse et al. ..... .. Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Limbach & Limbach L.L.P.; 4,730,311 3/1988 4,853,949 5,140,630 5,247,347 8/1989 Schorr et al. . ..... .. 379/2 8/1992 Fry e161. .... .. 379/179 9/1993 Litteral etal. .......................... .. 358/85 5,400,322 3/1995 5,410,343 4/1995 Coddington et al. . 5,420,886 5 /1995 Ohmori ___________ __ 375 Q58 ing phone lines and HDSL chipsets While retaining plain old 5,436,895 7/1995 Matsumoto 370/391 telephone service (POTS) With full failsafe capability. TWo 5,440,335 5,448,635 8/1995 Beveridge ............................... .. 348/13 9/1995 Biehl et al. ........................... .. 379/399 Original ISDN Signals [4,5] at a rate of 160 kbps and one POTS Channel [10] digitized at 64 kbps are multiplexed by 574507486 9/1995 M?“ et al' 5’528’281 _____ __ 348/7 6/1996 Grady et a1‘ " 10/1996 [57] ABSTRACT Hunt et al. ............................ .. 370/468 High-speed digital transmission can be achieved With exist 379/399 a MIPCS card [6] of a signal provider 370/112 digital signal is transported over a tWisted cable pair [2] """ " 348” Which has an approximate maximum length of 16 kft based 5’459’729 10/1995 Bhven """"" " 5,566,301 Seong-Kun Oh KoZ et al. .. 709/250 . . The resulting . . 575777115 11/1996 Deutsch et aL 379/399 on the current technology. At a receiving end, the signal is 5,596,604 1/1997 cio?i et a1_ _____ __ 375/260 demultiplexed and regenerated by a subscriber’s MIPCS 5,598,413 1/1997 sansom et a1_ 370/468 card 5,610,922 5,621,731 5,627,833 3/1997 Balatoni ...... .. 4/1997 Dale et al- 5/1997 Bliven ............. .. 370/468 370/257 370/464 the cable [2] to avoid dependence upon local poWer. The regenerated signals are transmitted over one POTS line [42] and [W0 ISDN Cables [89] to remote premises_ Both MIPCS 576577381 8/1997 HughesfHartogs 379/10Q12 cards have bypass relays for the POTS lines to ensure the 5’668’814 9/1997 Balatom """"" " 370/540 subscriber’s POTS access in the event of a local poWer Outa e or electronic failure 5,682,385 10/1997 Garcia et al. 370/458 5,691,718 11/1997 Balatoni et al. 370/112 5,787,088 7/1998 Dagdeviren et al 5,815,505 9/1998 Mills ..................................... .. 370/522 g 31 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets ISDN ] I ISDN Slgnal 6 | N I MIPCS I Card N 46, Card \A 10 ] ] I | l i I 2: g . PSTN asap? ‘Signal I VF | Signal : P ' : ] 31 I I N I I 48V Power I Supply ] II | | i [ _ _ _ _ _ : | : Tw'sted I I | : I ' POTS PSTN Line I I : Card I I‘ ___________ “I | 4* I 5 ' 370/493 ]_ _______ "I PSTN The subscriber’s MIPCS card is line-powered via [V7 MIPCS Card ISDN CableI I | : Remote Networking Device M54141, Device e W01‘ mg | Telephone _ _ __ IN Signal Provider 8 Signal Subscriber 6,141,330 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS “Implementing an ISDN Architecture Using the ST—Bus,” MSAN—128, Mitel Semiconductor Product News, Mar. Requirements and Objectives for Digital Main Line (DAML), Paci?c Bell, PUB L—780057—PB/NB, Issue 1, May 1989. 1987. Article on “BT8960 Single—Chip 2B1Q Transceiver”, Mar. Time Space Switching of 8, 16 or 32K Bps Channels Using the MT8980, MSAN—129, Mitel Semiconductor Product ISDN—Network Interface Unit (I—NIU) Request for Quota News, Apr. 1987. “Implementation Details of the MT8930 S/T Interface” MSAN—130, Mitel Semiconductor Product News, Oct. 1988. “Digital Networks, Digital Sections and Digital Line Sys tems,” The International Telegraph and Telephone Consul tative Committee, ISBN 92—61—03351—2, Nov. 1988. “A Two—Wire Digital 0+2 Local—Line System for the Voice Network,” British Telecommunications Headquarters, Speci?cation RC 7328, Apr. 1988. 1996. tion RFQ #N96—NET—0049 Technical and Environmental Requirements. US. Patent Application No. 08/701813, ?led Aug. 21, 1996. US. Patent Application No. 08/747,068, ?led Nov. 8, 1996. “ISDN Basic Access Digitial Subscriber Lines”, Technical Reference TR—TSY—000393, Bellcore Communications Research (May 1988), “ISDN Basic Access Transport System Requirements”, Technical Advisory TA—TSY—000397, Bell Communica tions Research (Oct. 1986). 6,141,330 1 2 One other approach is to more ef?ciently utiliZe existing MULTIPLE ISDN AND POTS CARRIER SYSTEM phone lines for high-speed digital transmissions. The phone FIELD OF THE INVENTION lines are made of tWisted copper pairs and are con?gured in a star-like architecture that is suitable for bi-directional The ?eld of the invention relates generally to high speed digital communication. More particularly, the ?eld of the invention relates to transportation of tWo ISDN signals and communications. The principal technology for placing a digital signal onto a copper pair that originally provided only analog dial tone is called integrated service digital netWork one POTS signal over one tWisted cable pair from a front (ISDN). ISDN Was developed in the 1980’s, When the end and regeneration of the ISDN and POTS signals at a state-of-the-art digital encoding technology resulted in the remote end. 10 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The recent groWth of the Internet has created both a tremendous demand for additional subscriber access to standards as described in Bellcore documents TR-TSY 000393 and TR-TSY-000397. The basic transmission speed, called BRI for ISDN is 160 kilobits per second (kbps). This digital rate and its corresponding communication method are digital subscriber line (DSL). It is signi?cant that ISDN Was public sWitched telephone netWorks (PSTN) and a demand for additional bandWidth for the access. The former demand 15 designed speci?cally for a non-loaded telephone plant since is being met by deploying additional analog access lines so loading capacitors effectively attenuated high frequency that modems can be used for the Internet access, and the digital signals. The non-loaded cable plant reaches 18 kft but latter demand is being met by deploying integrated service only 85% of all subscribers on average. This results in a digital netWork (ISDN) lines over tWisted cables. In the ?rst case, although Internet access is provided, it is not of sufficient bandWidth to provide the graphic-rich service Which typically is desired. In the latter case, a subscriber’s problem With respect to reaching all subscribers desiring ISDN services. Since 1990, the development of micropro 20 cessors has signi?cantly improved the performance of com munication chipsets. High bit rate subscriber line (HDSL) main standard plain old telephone service (POTS) line is not chipsets can run at 784 kbps or even 1 Mbps to transport one converted to ISDN in order to maintain the subscriber’s half of a T1/E1 digital loop carrier signal in an application POTS access in the event of a local poWer outage or 25 called “Repeaterless Tl/El.” Other types of high speed electronic system failure because the ISDN service is depen communication technologies for the tWisted pairs, such as asymmetric DSL (ADSL), are emerging from labs but are still too expensive for Wide range applications. HDSL tech nology can be used to transport either one high speed signal dent upon the residence poWer and proper function of the ISDN electronics. In both cases, the installation of an additional copper-pair based access line is expensive and time consuming due to a general shortage of pre-existing installed cable pairs. 30 loWer bit signals is more cost effective than installing several In the latter case, the ISDN installation on existing cable pairs is limited to about 70% of the installed base due to the manner in Which ISDN transport Was designed speci?cally for non-loaded cable plants. The existing copper cable outside plant Was constructed in accordance With design or several loWer speed signals through multiplexing and demultiplexing. Installing one high bit line for multiple 35 loWer bit lines. This approach Was explored by several inventors in the past. By Way of example, Carse et al., US. Pat. No. 4,730,311 describe a multiplexer for use in a telephone system in Which requirements specifying that for local loops exceeding 13 a plurality of subscriber locations are connected to a central kilo-ohms (k9), or approximately 18 kilo-feet (kft) Which is equivalent to 5,486 meters, loading coils or ?lter capacitors of?ce by a single subscriber loop. Carse et al. focus on the are added to remove voice frequencies shifted above 4 40 kilo-Hertz (kHZ) due to the loop resistance. The REA loop design of the multiplexer rather than the entire communi cation system. Their technique applies generally to any methods of digital transmission, consequently the transmis survey of 1986 indicates that for the US as a Whole, sion rate is arbitrary. The subscribers are de?ned to be approximately 85% of all loops are non-loaded. Since ISDN uses a digital signal operating at a center frequency of 40 locally poWered and backed-up With battery poWer. The kHZ, it Will not transmit in the presence of a load coil. Bridged taps or branches attached to a primary cable run further reduce the reach of an ISDN signal, With the net battery back-up can only last for a limited period of time in 45 the case of local poWer loss. For the design of the multiplexer, Carse et al. do not de?ne either a digital interface or standard of loopback testing. Also, the con?gu result being that only about 70% of all existing subscribers ration of the central office is not described. can have ISDN service added Without additional construc Litteral et al., US. Pat. No. 5,247,347 and Coddington et al., US. Pat. No. 5,410,343 de?ne hoW to provide digital tion expenses, as reported by Paci?c Bell in early 1996. Therefore, providing ubiquitous digital access for all tele phone subscribers is limited by both the number of pre video signals from a video information provider to one or existing cable pairs and limitations imposed by the design of the telephone outside plant. multiplexers used in both systems mainly perform frequency domain multiplexing/demultiplexing Which is inherently One solution is for the telephone company to simply more of a plurality of subscriber premises. HoWever, the 55 only describe transport and encoding of speci?c video signals rather than generic digital signals. Bliven, US. Pat. the telephone companies due to the long depreciation sched ule for these cables. It is generally recogniZed that a higher bandWidth medium, such as ?ber optic cable, is the ultimate solution for the digital access though the ?ber connectivity 60 No. 5,459,729 describes a method and apparatus for trans mitting and receiving multiple telephone signals over a single tWisted pair. TWo conventional telephone signals are precludes the lifeline access in the event of local poWer failures. While the technical and ?nancial issues related to ?ber installation are being Worked out, installing copper cables only consumes capital and delays the day for ?ber iZation. disadvantageous With respect to time domain multiplexing/ demultiplexing. The poWer source of the multiplexers is not speci?ed. In addition, Litteral et al. and Coddington et al. install more copper cables. In fact, record amounts of copper cables are being installed in response to the huge demand for added lines. But this is not a ?nancially viable alternative for 65 converted into one digital signal and then transported over a single tWisted pair at a rate of 160 kbps. Creating a multi plicity of telephone channels in this Way is suf?cient for analog POTS but is too loW to provide adequate Internet access. 6,141,330 3 4 Accordingly, it is a primary object of the present invention to provide a communication system that transports multiple a local ISDN netWork. The ISDN and POTS signals are then multiplexed by the MIPCS card 6, and the multiplexed signal is sent to a signal subscriber 3 over the tWisted cable ISDN signals and a POTS channel over a single tWisted cable pair at a high bit rate. It is a further object of the invention to provide line poWering to a remote terminal to pair 2. The MIPCS card 6 is poWered by a 48-Volt poWer supply 31. Since each of the ISDN signals has a rate of 160 kbps and a digitiZed POTS channel occupies 64 kbps, the tWisted cable pair 2 is required to provide a minimum speed of 384 kbps. The maximum length of the cable is limited by either the MIPCS system’s ability to transmit the poWering avoid dependence upon local poWer and to provide for a metallic POTS access in the event of electronic failures. This invention is subsequently referred to as a “multiple ISDN and POTS carrier system” or abbreviated as “MIPCS.” 10 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION voltage, or the signal processing ability of the digital encod ing chip. For example, the BROOKTREE 8960 chip has an advertised reach of 16.5 kft. Both of these limitations are due These and other objects and advantages are attained by connecting a signal provider to a signal subscriber through a tWisted cable pair. The maximum length of the cable is approximately 16 kft depending upon the Wire gauge, Which 15 offers roughly 1.2 kQ loop resistance, from the signal provider to the signal subscriber, back to the signal provider. The signal provider comprises one MIPCS card poWered by variable but also controllable to some extent, depending on the value of providing the digital service to the customer. In summary, one practical limit of the reach of the system is the loop resistance Which governs poWering as Well as signal. Given the state of the art in digital encoding, as exempli?ed by the BROOKTREE 8960 chip, 1.2 k9 is roughly a a 48-Volt poWer supply. The MIPCS card connects tWo ISDN cards and one POTS line card to the tWisted cable pair. The ISDN cards provide a digital interface betWeen a PSTN and a local ISDN netWork at a transmission rate of 160 kbps. The components of the MIPCS card comprise a transceiver, a digital interface module, a subscriber line interface (SLI) module, a bypass relay, and a utility microprocessor. The practical limit, and this corresponds to approximately 16.5 25 transceiver uses a 2B1Q transport mechanism and operates at a minimum rate of 384 kbps. The digital interface module uses tWo ISDN U-interfaces. The bypass relay ensures the kft on mixed 26 and 24 gauge cable plant. It is anticipated that the practical reach of the MIPCS system may increase as improvements are made in subsequently available digital encoding chips Which replace the BROOKTREE 8960. Similarly, if the loop is comprised of 24 AWG Wire, the subscriber’s POTS access in the event of a local poWer outage or electronic failure. The utility microprocessor per forms loopback testing in accordance With the National ISDN Standards. The signal subscriber comprises a MIPCS card, one POTS line, and tWo ISDN cables. The MIPCS card connects the tWisted cable pair to the tWo ISDN cables and one POTS to a combination of loop resistance, loop capacitance, and other signal attenuation and degrading in?uences. The reach of a digital system may be increased by removing bridged taps, or by reneWing cable splices, or by replacing cables having Water intrusion, so the system reach is not only 35 reach Would exceed 20 Kft. The signal subscriber 3 contains a MIPCS card 7, one POTS line 42, and tWo ISDN cables 8 and 9. The MIPCS card 7 is poWered via the tWisted cable pair 2. The amount of poWer Which needs to be transmitted does not exceed 80 Volts on either Wire in accordance With the US. safety standards. Internationally, the safety requirement for line line and is poWered via the tWisted cable pair. The compo poWering voltage varies and can go as loW as 50 Volts on nents of the MIPCS card contain a transceiver, a digital each Wire. The digital signal transported over the tWisted cable pair is demultiplexed and regenerated into tWo indi interface module, a SLI module, a bypass relay, and a utility microprocessor Which are characteriZed by the same struc ture as those of the MIPCS card of the signal provider. The tWo ISDN cables carry the signals to a single remote premise vidual ISDN signals and one POTS channel. The regener ated ISDN signals have the same signal quality and distance or multiple remote premises Where networking devices (NTl’s) are located. The transmission rate of the cables is 160 kbps, and their maximum length is 18 kft. The SLI 45 module supports a POTS loop With a normal resistance of interface module 10, a utility microprocessor 11, a trans 560 Ohms and provides ?ve ringer equivalents. ceiver 12, a SLI module 44, and a frame processor 33, as shoWn in FIG. 2. The digital data interface module 10 uses tWo ISDN U-interfaces, such as Motorola MC145572. The utility microprocessor 11 such as Motorola M68HC05 fam DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a high bit communica ily provides loopback testing in accordance With the tion system With a single tWisted cable pair. FIG. 2 is a simpli?ed block diagram for the MIPCS cards illustrated in FIG. 1. FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram according to an embodi ment called of?ce-to-house. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram according to an embodi National ISDN Standards. The transceiver 12 uses a 2B1Q 55 DETAILED DESCRIPTION digitiZed POTS signal to analog and provides all standard functionality, such as ringing, off-hook detection, caller identi?cation tones, and other features. The bypass relay 46 A schematic diagram of an aspect of the invention is shoWn in FIG. 1. A signal provider 1 comprises a MIPCS card 6 Which connects tWo ISDN cards 4 and 5 and a POTS card 10 to a ?rst end of a tWisted cable pair 2. The MIPCS E1 or T1 signal on a PSTN into a 160-kbps ISDN signal on transport mechanism and operates at a speed of at least 384 kbps. One of such transceivers is Bt8960 DSL Transceiver by BROOKTREE Corporation With a transmission rate of 416 kbps in full duplex mode. The SLI module 44 in the MIPCS card for the signal provider emulates a telephone set for signaling purposes and converts the analog POTS chan nel to a digital signal Which is fed to the frame processor; While the SL1 module for the signal subscriber converts the ment called corporate-intranet. card 6 is plugged into an equipment shelf, constituting a signal provider terminal. The ISDN cards 4 and 5 convert an capability as the original ones, and they are sent to remote premises over the tWo ISDN cables 8 and 9. The POTS signal is sent to the remote premises over the POTS line 42. Each of the MIPCS cards 6 and 7 comprises a digital data ensures the subscriber’s POTS access in the event of a 65 electronic failure or local poWer outage. A ?rst embodiment of the invention is an of?ce-to-house system, as illustrated in FIG. 3. A MIPCS card 7 is installed 6,141,330 5 6 on a pole, on a house, or in a cabinet. TWo customers 18 and 19 in a same house or tWo different houses each have one ISDN access, and one of them has a POTS access. They ISDN cards interfaced to the public sWitched telephone netWork and uses tWo ISDN U-interfaces. 7. The system of claim 1 Wherein the subscriber line interface module is connected to said from processor, said maybe kept in close proximity for maintenance purposes. Because the MIPCS card 7 regenerates high quality ISDN utility microprocessor, and one POTS line extended from said POTS card interfaced to the public sWitched telephone netWork. 8. The system of claim 1 Wherein the utility micropro signals, the tWo ISDN lines can be 18 kft long from the MIPCS card, but the POTS line is limited to a 130-Ohm loop or about 2-kft-long on standard 24 AWG Wire. A second embodiment of the invention is a corporate intranet system, as shoWn in FIG. 4. In this case, a corporate 10 9. The system of claim 1 Wherein the utility micropro ISDN user needs ISDN accesses at a remote of?ce 22 Whose cessor comprises a means for providing loopback testing in accordance With the National ISDN Standards. location is not permanently ?xed or Which is Wired With only one tWisted pair. The tWisted cable pair 2, normally used for POTS, is temporarily or permanently converted by adding a MIPCS card 6 in a business Wiring closet 32 and a MIPCS card 7 in the remote of?ce 22 to provide tWo ISDN 10. The system of claim 1 Wherein the bypass relay 15 connections, in addition to the original POTS channel. It Will be clear to one skilled in the art that the above embodiments may be altered in many Ways Without depart ing from the scope of the invention. For example, more than Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be deter What is claimed is: connects said tWisted pair and the POTS line extended from said POTS card interfaced to the public sWitched telephone netWork. 11. The high bit communication system of claim 1 Wherein the signal subscriber comprises one MIPCS card, tWo ISDN cables having a ?rst end and a second end, and one POTS line having a ?rst end and a second end. one tWisted cable pair can be used to transport more than tWo ISDN signals and more than one POTS channel. mined by the-folloWing claims and their legal equivalents. cessor connects said frame processor to said digital data interface module and said subscriber line interface module. 25 12. The system of claim 11 Wherein the MIPCS card connects the second end of the tWisted cable pair to the ?rst ends of the ISDN cables and POTS line. 13. The system of claim 11 Wherein the MIPCS card is poWered via the tWisted cable pair, and the line voltage does 1. A high bit communication system, comprising: a) a single tWisted cable pair With line-poWering capabil not exceed 160 Volts in total or 80 Volts per Wire in accordance With the US safety standards. 14. The system of claim 11 Wherein the MIPCS card is poWered via the tWisted cable pair in accordance With the ity; b) a signal provider con?gured to multiplex tWo ISDN signals and a POTS channel and to connect a public sWitched telephone netWork to a ?rst end of the tWisted cable pair having a transmission rate of at least 384 international safety standards, Which vary and can go as loW as 50 Volts on each Wire. kbps, the signal provider including one MIPCS card Which connects tWo ISDN cards and one POTS line 35 15. The system of claim 11 Wherein the MIPCS card comprises a transceiver, a frame processor, a digital interface module, a subscriber line interface module, a utility microprocessor, and a bypass relay. card to the ?rst end of said tWisted cable pair, the MIPCS card including a transceiver, a frame processor, a digital interface module, a subscriber line interface module, a utility microprocessor, and a bypass relay; 16. The system of claim 15 Wherein the digital interface module connects said frame processor, said utility microprocessor, and said ?rst ends of said tWo ISDN cables, and and uses tWo ISDN U-interfaces. 17. The system of claim 15 Wherein the subscriber line interface module is connected to said frame processor, said c) a signal subscriber con?gured to demultiplex and regenerate said tWo ISDN signals and said POTS channel received via said tWisted cable pair at said utility microprocessor, and the ?rst end of said POTS line. 18. The system of claim 15 Wherein the subscriber line transmission rate of at least 384 kbps and to connect a second end of the tWisted cable paW to remote pre 45 interface module supports a local loop of up to 530-Ohm resistance With ?ve ringer equivalents. 19. The system of claim 15 Wherein the utility micropro mises; Wherein said signal provider is con?gured to use a cessor connects said frame processor to said digital data interface module and said subscriber line interface module. 2B1Q transport mechanism for transmitting signals at a minimum rate of 384 kbps. 2. The high bit communication system of claim 1 Wherein the tWisted cable pair is approximately 16 kft providing approximately 1.2 kQ maximum loop resistance, from the signal provider to the signal subscriber, back to the signal provider. 3. The high bit communication system of claim 1 Wherein said POTS channel is by default mechanically available to said subscriber in the event of either a local poWer loss or electronic failure. 4. The system of claim 1 Wherein the ISDN cards provide digital interfaces betWeen a public sWitched telephone net Work and a local ISDN netWork With a transmission rate of 160 kbps. 5. The system of claim 1 Wherein the MIPCS card is poWered With a 48-Volt poWer supply. 6. The system of claim 1 Wherein the digital interface module is connected to said frame processor, said utility microprocessor, and tWo ISDN cables extended from said 55 20. The system of claim 15 Wherein the utility micropro cessor is adapted to provide for loopback testing in accor dance With the National ISDN Standards. 21. The system of claim 15 Wherein the bypass relay connects said tWisted pair and the ?rst end of said POTS line. 22. The system of claim 11 Wherein said ISDN cables and said POTS line connect the MIPCS card to remote premises. 23. The system of claim 11 Wherein the ISDN cables have a transmission rate of 160 kbps and a maximum length of 18 kft. 24. The system of claim 11 Wherein the POTS line has a maximum length of 2 kft Which corresponds to a loop resistance of 130 Ohms. 25. A high bit communication system, comprising: a single tWisted cable pair; a signal provider con?gured to multiplex at least tWo ISDN signals and a POTS signal, each of said ISDN 6,141,330 8 7 signals having a transmission rate of 160 kbps and said POTS signal having a transmission rate of 64 kbps, Wherein said signal provider includes a ?rst transceiver, 29. A method of transmitting tWo ISDN signals and one POTS signal, said method comprising the steps of: multiplexing at least tWo ISDN signals and a POTS a ?rst frame processor, a digital interface module, a signal, each of said ISDN signals having a transmission rate of 160 kbps and said POTS signal having a transmission rate of 64 kbps, and in accordance thereto, subscriber line interface module, a utility microprocessor, and a bypass relay, said ?rst trans ceiver con?gured to couple said single tWisted cable pair to said frame processor, and to transmit digital signals at a minimum rate of 384 kbps; and a signal subscriber con?gured to receive said multiplexed generating a multiplexed signal, said generating step including the step of providing a transceiver, a frame 10 signal from said signal provider via said tWisted cable interface module, a utility microprocessor, and a bypass relay; pair at said transmission rate of at least 384 kbps, said signal subscriber further con?gured to demultiplex said multiplexed signal and to re-generate said tWo ISDN signals and said POTS signal at said transmission rates processor, a digital interface module, a subscriber line 15 providing said multiplexed signal to a ?rst end of said tWisted cable pair at a tWisted cable pair transmission rate of at least 384 kbps using a 2B1Q transport mechanism; of 160 kbps and 64 kbps, respectively; receiving said multiplexed signal from said signal pro Wherein said signal provider is further con?gured to use a 2B1Q transport mechanism for transmitting signals at vider via said tWisted cable pair at said transmission rate of at least 384 kbps; and a minimum rate of 384 kbps. 26. The system of 25 Wherein said tWisted cable pair transmission rate is 416 kbps. 27. The system of claim 25 Wherein said signal subscriber demultiplexing said multiplexed signal to re-generate said includes a second transceiver and a second frame processor, 30. The method of claim 29 Wherein said tWisted cable tWo ISDN signals and said POTS signal at said trans mission rates of 160 kbps and 64 kbps, respectively. said second transceiver con?gured to couple said single tWisted cable pair and said frame processor, and to transmit digital signals at a minimum rate of 384 kpbs. 28. The system of claim 25 Wherein the tWisted cable pair is approximately 16 kft providing approximately 1.2 kQ maximum loop resistance, from the signal provider to the signal subscriber, back to the signal provider. pair transmission rate is 416 kbps. 25 31. The method of claim 29 Where in the tWisted cable pair provides approximately 1.2 kQ maximum loop resis tance from the signal provider to the signal subscriber back to the signal provider. * * * * *