National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110 012 Phone: 011-25841022 (Ext. 261) 25849545; FAX: 011-25842495,25849459; e-mail:
[email protected]
File No. Open Tender 2015
21st September, 2015
Sub: Open Tender Enquiry – (Two Bid System): For supply of Equipments & Instruments. (NOTE: The envelope containing the tender as well as subsequent communications should be addressed and delivered to ‘The Director, NBPGR, Pusa Campus, New Delhi -110012. To: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sir(s), Sealed tenders are invited (under Two Bid System – (1) “TECHNICAL BID” & (2) “PRICE BID”) by post/per bearer from bonafide manufacturers / authorised dealers for supply of “Equipments & Instruments” as per categories / specifications and/or quantities detailed in the Schedules / Specifications (Annexure – V) attached. The “Tender Documents” comprising the Compulsory Documents (Annexure I), General Terms and Conditions of Contract (Annexure II) and the Special Terms and Conditions of Contract (Annexure III) which will govern any contract made, the Tender Application Form (Annexure IV) and the Schedule of contract / specifications of items (Annexure-V) are enclosed herewith. If you are in a position to quote for the contract in accordance with the requirements stated in the attached schedule as per the terms and conditions stated, please submit your quotation to this office. The tender document may be obtained from the NBPGR, Purchase Section in person by the bonafide applicant or his authorised representative by applying in their letter head at a cost of Rs. 1000.00 (Rupees One
Thousand Only) for each item. The “tender documents” can also be downloaded from the web site, and in such case the same may be signed and submitted as per the procedures mentioned hereinafter along with the fee for the “tender documents” @ ` 1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand Only) for each item (To be submitted along with the Technical Bid. It should not be enclosed in the envelope containing the Price Bid). All the payment may be made by Demand Draft; drawn in favour of Director, NBPGR, New Delhi. Cheques will not be
accepted. Tenderers are requested that, before quoting their rates or sending tender, the tender forms may please be read out thoroughly (line by line) so as to have a clear knowledge of the requirement contained therein, otherwise purchaser will not be held responsible for any error / oversight of his own and the penalties shall be levied for not complying with the requirements stated herein or supply of the required item/services. The form is a Standard Form of Tender. Certain clause / clauses may not be applicable in some cases. So, Tenderers are requested to ignore such clause / clauses, which are not applicable in the instant case. The Tender forms containing the compulsory documents (Annexure – I ), the Terms and Conditions (Annexure – II), the Special Terms and Conditions of Contract (Annexure III), the Tender Application Form (Annexure IV) and the Schedule of contract / specifications of items (Annexure-V), form of Bank Guarantee (Annexure VI) should be returned in original along with the technical bid document, intact, after filling up the same and duly signing in full with stamp, on each page, failing which the tender shall be liable for rejection.
In the event of the space on the Schedule of contract / specifications of items/proforma being insufficient for the required purpose, additional pages may be added. Each such additional page must be numbered consecutively, bearing the Tender Number and be duly signed and stamped by the tenderer. In such cases, reference to the additional pages must be made in the Tender Form. If any modification of the schedule is considered necessary, you should communicate the same by means of separate letter sent along with the Tender.
Cost of each Tender Document
Rs. 1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand Only) for each item in the shape of Cash/DD in favour of Director, NBPGR Payable at New Delhi
Period for supply of Blank Tender Forms and related documents at the NBPGR on all Working Days (Except 2nd Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
24.09.2015 to 23.10.2015 up to 3.00 pm
Due Date & Time of submission of completed Tender Document in the Tender Box kept at the Main Gate no. 2, NBPGR, New Delhi
24.10.2015 upto 2.00 pm
Date & Time of Opening of Technical Bid 26.10.2015 at 10:30 AM Bid Security /Earnest Money
Amount of bid security /Earnest Money as indicated against each item in Annexure –V may be submitted with Technical bid in separate envelope super-scribed in case of participating for more than one item super-scribed “EMD for ......................................(name of item)
Submission of Tender
Tender /Quotation for each item may be submitted separately with Tender fee of ` 1,000/- and appropriate value of EMD/bid security
Performance security / Security Deposit Money to be deposited
10 % of the contract Value of each of individual equipment & instrument to be purchased from the tenderer after selection / finalization.
The Director, NBPGR, does not pledge himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of accepting or rejecting the whole or any part of the tender without assigning any reason thereof. Canvassing in any form by the tenderer or his representative with any of the officials of NBPGR shall render the tender liable to be rejected.
ANNEXURE-I To The Director, NBPGR, Pusa Campus, New Delhi -110012
COMPULSORY DOCUMENTS: [ Without which the offer is liable to be rejected) 1.
Tender Document Fee: `___________ DD No.___________ dated__________
EMD Value: `____________ DD No. ____________Dated______________
Valid Trade Licence Certificate: Valid upto ________________
Warranty Certificate: At least for one year, submitted [Yes /No]
VAT / CST /Tin No. certificate: Submitted [Yes /No]
Complete Name & Address of Company/Firm (Principal/Authorised agent [Yes/No]
Original tender document signing all the pages: Submitted, [Yes/No.]
COPY OF PAN/TAN CARD: Submitted, [Yes/No.]
Details of IFSC Code, Account No. and Name of Bank and its Branch for local and import payment through LC/RTGS. [Yes/No]
should be mentioned
Copy of authorisation certificate issued by the Principal firm must be enclosed with the Technical Bid, failing which the Tender will be rejected.
Signature of the tenderer:-
Full Name:Designation:(Office seal of the tenderer)
PREPARATION OF TENDER: a. The original Tender form containing the Terms and Conditions (General and Special) and the Schedule should be returned in original after filling up the form and duly signing in full on each page with stamp, whether you are quoting for any item or not, failing which the tender is liable to be rejected. b. If any item in the schedule is not being tendered for, the corresponding space against the item should be defaced by writing ‘not quoting’. c. In the event of the space on the schedule form being insufficient for the required purpose, additional pages may be added. Each such additional page must be numbered consecutively, bear the Tender Number and be duly signed and stamped by you. In such cases, reference to the additional pages must be made in the Tender Form. d. The Tenderer shall, wherever call upon to do so, give full information with reference to the services in hand and shall also permit the Director, NBPGR or any other officer nominated by him to inspect the premises of the tenderer at all reasonable times and shall give full assistance and information as may be required by him in connection with the contract. e. The tender is liable to be rejected if complete information is not given therein or if the particulars and date (if any) asked for in the tender are not duly & fully filled in. Particular attention may be given to the dates of delivery, places of delivery and also to the particulars referred to in the conditions of contract so as to comply with them.
2. PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDERS / BIDS: The tender should be submitted in ‘TWO BID’ SYSTEM:i.
TECHNICAL BIDS: a. TECHNICAL BIDS for each item is to be submitted in separate envelope, sealed and superscribed with the wordings “TECHNICAL BID” for “_______________________________” (Name of item). b. The original copy of tender (Annexure – I to Annexure - VI), duly completed and signed on each page, should be submitted/returned, enclosed along with the “TECHNICAL BID”. c. The “Technical Bid” shall contain Earnest Money and the Cost of the Tender Document (if downloaded from the web), both in the form of demand drafts as prescribed herein before, and all the technical details & documents along with commercial terms and conditions in support of the quoted equipment. d. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for each item should be submitted in separate envelope super-scribed with the wordings “EMD” . e. Prices / Costs of the items should not be indicated anywhere in the Technical Bid. This should be followed meticulously failing which the tender will be rejected.
PRICE (FINANCE) BID a) PRICE (FINANCE) BID for each ITEM is to be submitted in SEPARATE sealed envelopes, super scribed with the wordings “PRICE (FINANCIAL) BID” and the “NAME OF THE ITEM”. All such sealed envelopes of Price Bids for individual items are to be kept in a large sealed envelope, again superscribed with the wordings “PRICE (FINANCIAL) BID”. This should be followed meticulously failing which the tender is liable to be rejected. b) The ‘Price/Financial Bid’ will contain item-wise price / cost for the items mentioned / quoted in the Technical Bid. c) The comparison of price shall be taken on the date of opening of tender in case of foreign currency involved.
Both the Technical Bid envelope and the Price (Financial) Bid envelope, prepared as above, are to be kept in a larger single envelope super-scribed with “TENDER (TWO BID SYSTEM) FOR SUPPLY OF Equipments and Instruments so as to give a double cover protection.
The outer cover should also be sealed and addressed to the Director, NBPGR, New Delhi superscribed tender for “_________________________________” (name of item)
NOTE: Tenders submitted without following the ‘Two Bid’ System procedure will be rejected.
LATEST HOUR FOR RECEIPT OF THE TENDER: Your tender must reach this office not later than the date and time notified in the Tender Notice stated in the TENDER DOCUMENT. Any tender received after that shall be rejected. In the event of the stipulated date of opening of the tender being declared a closed holiday for Govt. offices, the date of opening of the tender(s) will be the next working day. Tender sent by hand delivery, should be delivered at this office not later than the due date and time stipulated in the schedule of tender.
PERIOD FOR WHICH THE OFFER WILL REMAIN OPEN AND PERIOD OF VALIDITY: All tenders should remain open for acceptance for a period of Six months from the date of opening of the tender.
OPENING OF TENDER: I. The Technical bids will be opened on the specified date and time in the presence of bidders/representatives who choose to attend on the date and time as mentioned. II. The bidders/ representatives who are present in the opening shall sign the attendance sheet to mark the presence.
III. The Price (Financial) bids of the bidders whose Technical Bids are found technically suitable (after the selection of samples / demonstration of equipment / Item, if any) only will be opened later. The decision of the committee on technical suitability shall be final and shall not be opened for discussion.
PRICES: i) ii) iii)
Prices are to be quoted in Indian Rupees/FOB. Prices quoted in the Price (Financial) Bid must be meaningful and measurable in the context. The prices quoted must be per unit shown in the schedule inclusive of all packaging, installation and delivery charges wherever applicable. Refunds on account of returnable package (if any) are to be separately specified. Price must be clearly shown in figures and words. Tenderers should clearly specify whether prices quoted are inclusive of Sales Tax/ VAT / duties / statutory charges or such charges as extra. Where no specific mention is made to Sales tax / VAT/ or other duties, prices quoted shall be deemed to be inclusive of such taxes / charges. The Director, NBPGR is not authorized to issue ‘C/D forms’.
The EMD/bid security may be submitted with appropriate value for each item separately as indicated in Annexure -V.
9. a)
On acceptance of the tender, within the period specified by the Director, NBPGR, the successful tenderer / contractor shall deposit a sum equivalent to 10 % (Ten Percentages) of the contract value, rounded off to the nearest Rupee valid upto 60 days after the date of completion of all contractual obligations by the supplier including the warranty obligation before the supply is made. This has to be in the form of a Bank Draft / Bank Guarantee, (Annexure VI) drawn in any of the nationalised bank, in favour of the Director, NBPGR, New Delhi. On due performance and successful completion of the contract in all respect including warranty period, the security money deposit shall be returned to the contractor without any interest. Also, non-performance/unsatisfactory performance or violation of terms and conditions of the contract will make the contractor liable for forfeiture of security deposit. The decision of the NBPGR shall be final and binding on this count.
a) Time and date of delivery: The time and the date of delivery of the stores / date of execution of work as stipulated in the schedule shall be deemed to be the essence of contract and delivery / execution must be completed not later than the date(s) specified. The delivery of the stores / execution of work / providing the services etc. are required to be completed within a period as specified in the purchase order and at the place mentioned therein. Normally maximum of 6 weeks time is allowed from the date of issue of the purchase order for execution of the supply of the equipment / article. However, the time allowed for execution of order shall be governed by the stipulated time mentioned on the purchase order of Delivery of equipment / Items.
b) For the purpose of the contract FOB value will be taken into consideration only. c) Delivery period for goods including Erection/installation and commissioning (if required, depending on the goods ordered) are to be completed within 90 days after opening of LC for imported item. d) Terms of Inspection by the purchasers representative. -------------------------------------------------------
e) Training of purchaser’s operator(s) for operating the goods ordered, as and if necessary __________operator(s) is/are to be trained for a period of __________________ Weeks at purchaser’s premises/supplier’s premises for successfully operating the goods purchased. The training shall be completed by_______.
f) In case this office does not receive supply of the above item(s), by due or extended date of delivery, the above stated order will stand CANCELLED, unless extension is sought for and granted by the competent authority for the late supply. 11.
100% Payment will be made only after supply, inspection, complete installation and satisfactory demonstration of performance of the item / equipment / instrument (including supply of all accessories) subject to deposition of a sum equivalent to 10 % (Ten Percentages) of the contract value as mentioned under Security Deposit / Performance Security Clause mentioned above or submission of Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% value of the order valid for the warranty period from any Scheduled Bank. No advance payment before effecting supply as above either part or full of any kind shall be made under any circumstances.
Payment shall be made through Electronic Clearing System/RTGS/Letter of Credit. Normally, payment is made within six weeks after satisfactory inspection, installation and performance of the item / equipment / instrument subject to submission of appropriate and correct invoice, Challans and other documents as deemed fit.
Name of the firm:Full Postal Address:-
b Cell Phone No. 2 c
Telephone No:-
d Fax No. e E-mail address: 3
Date of Establishment of Firm:If your Firm Registered under:a The Indian Factories Act:4 Any other Act, if not, who are the owners b (Please give full address):Name and Address of your Bankers stating 5 the name in which the Account stands / Bank Details :Are you in the list of approved contractors of 6 any other organisations / institutions, if any give details (Append extra page if necessary):Any other information which you consider 7 necessary to furnish:
UNDERTAKING: a. I, the undersigned certify that I have gone through the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document and undertake to comply with them. b. The rates quoted by me are valid and binding upon me for the entire period of contract and it is certified that the rates quoted are the lowest quoted for any other institution in India. c. The earnest money of Rs.___________ to be deposited by me has been enclosed herewith vide Demand Draft no.__________, Dt.___________, drawn on bank____________________________, Branch __________________________________. d. I hereby undertake to supply the items as per directions given in the tender document / supply order within stipulated period. e. I/We give the rights to Director, NBPGR to forfeit the earnest money deposited by me/us if any delay occur on my/agent’s part or failed to supply the article within the appointed time or the items of desired quality. There is no vigilance/CBI case or court case pending against the firm. Signature of the tenderer:Full Name:Designation:(Office seal of the tenderer)
Date : Place:
Annexure-V PLEASE QUOTE YOUR RATE AS PER THE GIVEN SPECIFICATION The amount of Ernest Money /Bid security to be deposited for each of the item quoted is mentioned against each serialised item below. The Earnest Money for each item may be drawn separately. However. In such case, the detail break up of earnest money submitted for each item is to be furnished in a plain paper along with the bank draft. List of Instruments & Equipments Item no.
Code no.
Name of Equipment/ Instrument Horizontal Laminar Air Flow
Qty. (Nos.)
Horizontal Laminar Air Flow-3 Units 3 Work Area- 1200 x 600 x 600 mm (Approx.) (W x D x H). Air Cleanliness- As per the specification of U.S Federal Standard 209 E (Class 100)-ISO-5. Pre-Filter-5 microns air filtration with 90% efficiency, in SS Frame. Hepa Filters- made from imported HN&V UK filter media for 99.97% efficiency down to 0.3 micron (cold DOP) Magnahelic Gauge- Imported DWAYEPR make should be provided for differential pressure across Hepa Filters. MOC- All SS 304 grade sheet & sections body frame, not less than 18 Swg. Test report should submitted alongwith. Pre Filters are easily removable & cleanable. 1 x 30 watts germicidal tube (preferable Phillips) fitted in the work area. U.V resistant polycarbonate sheet (LEXAN) sheet door in two sections with hinges. SS Drawer fitted below the work table with lock & Key should be on rollers. 1 x 5/15 Amps. Switch/socket fitted. Temp controlled glass Beads sterilizer with 50 x 50 mm crucible. Noise level should be less than 60 dBA. (Should be got tested at site.) Air velocity should be 90±20 fpm across the filters, (should be got tested at site.) Velocity test 90±20 fpm average by anemometer; Hepa test by imported laser based Particle Counter for class 100 filtration at site after installation. Laminar Air Flow should be manufactured under Technical License of from CSIR Research Lab, Govt. Of India. ISO/ MSME Manufacturing units will be proffered. Class 100 working conditions testing at site by Laser Based particle counter.
EMD value 6000.00
Bar Code System
A. Labels Material: Ultra fine highest quality labels, thermal printable using latest printing technology and should remain without damage for not less than 30 years. Size: variable 4 x 2 cm, 5 x 3 cm 8 x 5cm and other sizes suitable for flexible inventory. Quantity: Approximately 50,000 of various sizes. Adhesive: Labels should have high quality adhesive that can ensure perfect adhesion on glass tubes, poly propylene tubes, poly-olefin tubes, aluminium canes and canisters. Acceptance will be given after to extreme temperature range of + 50º C to -196º C. Samples of the proposed label and related details (brand, quality of material and printing efficiency) should be provided along with the tender documents. Acceptance will be given after preliminary testing of the lables under end-use conditions. B. Printer High quality thermal printer with a resolution of not less than 500 dpi and good printing speed. The printer should have smudge proof resin ribbons suitable for high quality printing on polyester lables. Printing should be of high quality and legible nature and the quality should be retained for life-time. C. Mobile data terminal/Bar Code reader (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)
Quantity- 4 numbers Weight and Dimensions- Light weight, handy and latest in technology. Screen- Latest in technology with easy readability. Battery- rechargeable lithium battery with high backup. Input- Both soft keyboard and touch inputs. Operating System- Windows compatible latest system with all advance facilities and interfaces. Memory- Minimum of 128 MB RAM/ 1GB Flash.
D. Software Latest data collection and transferring utility software with provisions for data input and retrieval in excel format. E. Computer Latest Intel Core i7 processor PC with original licensed window-7 Operating System with CD/DVD, at least 1TB HDD, Minimum 8GB RAM, DVD-RW, CD-R/RW, 17” TFT Monitor, wireless keyboard and mouse, MS- office 2010 with licensed CD/DVD (please mention model number in the tender document.) F. The manufacturer of each product should be ISO certified and the copy of the certificate should be submitted along with the tender document.
BOD Incubator
LN Vessel
ISO 9001 certified Size 12 Cu ft. Double walled, inner made of 304 stainless steel, outer made of thick mild steel Provision for 3 nos. Perforated stainless steel shelves. Temperature range from 2º C to 60º C with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 C by microprocessor based, dual temperature controller cum indicator for day and night temperature. The shelves should be removable and adjustable according to the need. Mounting of whole unit on castor wheels. ISI marked compressor, CFC free Frost-free chambers during required temperature range of 2º C to 60º C and upto 99% RH, under all weather conditions. Interior illumination to be done with 6 nos. Fluorescent tubes of 60 cm with 3 tubes on each side. Provision of automatic 0-24 hrs timer Compatible/built in voltage stabilizer Suitable to work on 220v 50 Hz, single phase AC power supply. Self pressurized containers for storage and transfer of LN at low pressure. 1. LN capacity (Liters): 180 to 250 2. Static Evaporation rate: about 1.5% or less per day 3. Operating pressure: about 22 psig. 4. Stainless steel hose for liquid nitrogen transfer-minimum 6 feet and phase separators. 5. Should have easy to read pressure guage & liquid level gauge and safety valve. Accessories 1. 2.
8.5 ton package Air conditioner
Stainless steel transfer hose Trolley with pneumatic wheels for cylinder movement.
8.5 Ton Package Air Conditioning Unit 1. 3 phase, 380-420 volts, 50 Hz 2. Refrigerant (134-A) 3. Operating Temperature rang 10C to 50C (2C from set temp.) 4. Cooling capacity 25,500 kcal/h, 101,200 BTU, 29.7 kw 5. Sensible cooling capacity 25,300kcal/h, 86,500 BTU, 21.8 kw 6. Heating capacity 27,500 kcal/h, 109, 100 BTU, 32 kw 7. Temperature, Humidity and other parameter should be controlled by microprocessor.
8. ventilation should be only through HEPA filter .3 micon 9. Unit should capable to operate round the clock (24 x 7) 10. Compressor of unit shall be of ISO certified reputed firm 11. Package unit should be placed on proper foundation 12. Condenser fan/coil section shall have a blowthrough design for minimum sound levels 13. Unit frame and cabinet shall be constructed of galvanized painted steel 14. Side panels and top panels shall be removable for easy service access 15. Designed for outdoor ground level installation 16. Exterior surface of all unit is phosphatised, zinc-coated steel with acrylic resin primer and ivory white baked enamel finish. 17. Each unit shall have a drain pan of 1 mm thick steel coated with epoxy resin enamel 18. The duct (field supply) shall be fully insulated with fiber glass insulation to prevent sweating and to minimize sound. 19. Compressor Protection Device: Compressors shall incorporate an automatic internal thermal overload protector. Solid-State control shall protect compressors by preventing short cycling. 20. Refrigerant Components shall be constructed of copper and brass materials designed. Air filter section shall consist of factory installed disposable pleated filter panels. Refrigerant control by capillary tube. 21. Coils: Evaporator and condenser coils shall have aluminium plate fins mechanically bonded to seamless copper tubes with all joints brazed with a minimum of 5% silver alloy. 22. Motors: Compressor motors shall be of the refrigerant cooled type with line break thermal and current overload protection. All fan motors shall be open drip proof, have permanently lubricated bearings. 23. Electrical Requirements: All unit power wiring shall be copper and enter unit cabinet at a single location, as specified on the unit and by the installation manual. 24. Minimum one year guarantee should be provided from the date of installation. 25. AC should be imported and durable. 26. Minimum 3 year warranty. 27. Before applying for tender, please visit site once. 6
Electronic Balance
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Automatic Zero setting Weighing capacity: 0.1 milligrams to 250 grams + 30 grams Band rate selection with environment change to avoid the shock Pan size minimum 80 mm + 10 mm Accuracy: 0.1 milligram. Variable weighing units selection should be present Windproof cover should be present
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Calibration: Internal and fully automatic Display: LCD with back light and keyboard with splash proof Cover for protection and easy access door. RS232 interface for connecting the PC, LP 50 thermal printer etc. Warranty: Minimum of One Year Quantity required: One
Microprocessor based programmable ultrasonic processor with digital display (Wattage and joules) 1 with standard probe Amplitude (intensity) control from 20-100% Pulse mode for heat sensitive samples. Auto tuning should present (i.e.) sonicator digitally tracks frequency changes in the converter/tip assembly caused by load and temperature changes and maintain electrical efficiency at all times. Power rating 400-700 w, operating frequency 20-22 KHz, programmable timer upto 10 hours. Overload protection should be present. The cub horn with diameter of cup 4-6 inch should be quoted. Microtube holders for 1.5 ml, 0.5 ml and PCR tubes should be quoted Standard should enclosure should provide along with sonicator for protection from noise during sonication. Probe should be along with clamp stand. Warranty: Minimum of One Year Quantity required : One
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Technology: Latest State-of art technology Capacity: 3 KVA Input voltage: 140-280 V, 50 Hz Output Voltage: 220 V +1% (Static and dynamic) Output frequency: 50Hz + 0.01% Wage form: pure Sinewave harmonic distribution less than 2% Protection: Overload, over heating with alarms and visual indication Backup time: 60 min Recharge time: Corresponding to safer tickle charge of approximately 10% of float charge Over loading: 5 to 6 times for ½ hr. 1.2 to 1.25 times for 10 min of more Batteries: Rechargeable, heavy duty, dry, sealed maintenance free of international brand with complete specifications at the time of offer. 12. All components should confirm to ISO/DIN/MIC/BIS standards accordingly with circuit drawings. 13. To be supplied with stand/racks suitable for installation
Digital Camera
Digital Flatbed Scanner
Camera type: 12-20 mega-pixel digital SLR camera with fixed lens: Storage: 16 GB memory card: 1 Lens & Optics: High quality lens with aspheric elements; Focal Length (35 mm equivalent): 24-112 mm, Aperture Range:f/1.8 (wide)/ f/2.8 (tele) –f/11 with 7 blade aperture, Auto Focus: Yes: Manual Focus: Yes; Viewfinder: EVF, 100% coverage; eye detector; Focus peaking: Yes; EVF Resolution: > 450,000 pixels: viewfinder magnification (35 mm equivalent): 0.59X; Display : Eye-level; Viewfinder: Yes: Rear Display: Yes; Exposure ISO range (native): 125-12800; ISO Settings: Auto ISO 125-12800 with ISO 80 and 100 low extensions, upto 25600 with Multi Frame NR; Shutter Speed Range: 305 to 1/2000s; Exposure Compensation: +/- 3.0EV in 0.3 EV steps; Metering Modes: Multi-segment, Flash Built-in Flash: Yes; Flash Modes: Auto, Fill-flash, Slow Sync, Rear Sync, Off; Flash Range: 2.0m7.0m Flash: Yes; Flash Exposure Compensation: +/- 2.0 EV in O.3 EV steps; Image storage Usable Memory Types: MS Duo/MS PRO Duo/SD/SDHC/SDXC; RAW Capture Support; Yes; Uncompressed Format: RAW (ARW 2.3), RAW + JPEG; Connectivity: USB 2.0; Power Usable Battery Types Lithium-ion rechargeable; Warranty: One year manufacturer warranty ; Camera Bag. Scan Type : Flatbed, ADF 1 Scan Technology : Charge coupled device (CCD), Light Source: xenon fluorescent lamp Scan resolution : 2400 x 2400 dpi, 48 bit color depth, 256 grayscale levels Scan Speed Preview mode: : upto to 7 Sec. Scan Resolution : Hardware : 2400 x 2400 dpi, Optical : upto 2400 dpi Enhanced: 1 Up to 999999 dpi Standard Connectivity : High speed USB 2.0 Automatic document feeder : 50 sheets ADF Cleaning cloth : Present in box Transparent Materials adapter (TMA) for scanning slides and negatives : Present in box Control Panel : 5 front panel buttons (copy, email, file document, scan document, scan photo) Dimensions : 19.21 x 13.39 x 6.38 in (488 x 340 x 162 mm)/12.6 lb (5.73kg) 1. Refrigerator with approx. 375-415 L capacity, double door, upright vertical model with multi- 1 positional toughened/temperate glass shelf system 2. No frost (frost free) with multi flow, thermo sensor control with 360º powerful cooling system 3. Door pocket, Easy clean gasket with deodorizer 4. Provision for lock and internal fluorescent light 5. Temperature: 4ºC inside the main cabinet at ambient temperature 28-32ºC, top freezer. 6. ISO 9001 approved or equivalent 7. Low electricity consumption with fan cooled condenser. 8. Inbuilt stabilizer 9. Power supply-220-240 V or 50-60 Hz compliance (typical Indian conditions)
Hot Air Oven
1. Power supply -220-240 V or 50-60 Hz compliance, single phase AC supply and having 1 temperature ranging between 50-300ºC 2. Capacity – 250-400 liter 3. Chamber –made of minimum double walled –Inner made of stainless steel and powder coated outer surface. 4. Heating-three heating elements on three sides of the equipment for uniform temperature on all shelves. 5. Fan –provided with air circulation fan. 6. Chamber size-should have a minimum size of (LxDxH in cm) 45 x 45x 45) with minimum 2 stainless steel trays with holes. 7. Should provide with air ventilations. 8. ISO 9001 approved or equivalent. 9. High temperature safety auto cut
Water Purifier (RO System)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Power supply -220-240 V or 50-60 Hz compliance, single phase AC supply Inbuilt storage tank with water storage capacity-Minimum 15 liter Purification capacity-minimum 10 liter per hour Body materials –food grade plastic/stainless steel. Easy installation RO + UV treatment system with inbuilt automatic water cooler Suitable for treating salty/tap water for drinking purpose Wall mount/floor standing. ISO 9001 approved or equivalent
Water Bath
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Water Bath with 10-12 liters of capacity; compact design. Temperature range approx. + 5ºC to 100ºC Temperature controlled digitally or by rotary knob Material should be corrosion resistant stainless steel. Requires low maintenance. Temperature control should be excellent. Optional accessories like test tube rack, thermometer to be provided. Automatic over temperature cut off to ensure safety.
pH meter
1. User interactive software in dialogue mode for ease of operation 1 2. pH meter with electrode for simultaneous measurement of pH, mV and temperature. 3. pH range: 0 to 14: resolution 0.01 pH; accuracy + 0.02 pH + 1 digit and Sampling time approximately .4 second. 4. Calibration reminder alarm. 5. Temperature mode (with ATC probe) be 0º to 99ºC; resolution 0.1ºC Accuracy : 0.3ºC-0.5ºC.
6. mV range is : -1000 to + 1000mV, resolution 1 mV and accuracy 0.1 mV upto 199 mV: and accuracy 1mV above 199 mV, 7. Three point (Isopotential) calibration protocol) 8. Built-in real time clock (RTC) for time display and on report printout 9. Simple push button for standardization with auto-buffer recognition. 10. Warranty: Minimum of One year 11. Quantity required : One 16.
Microtube thermoshaker
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Microprocessor controlled and complete digital display Provided with interchangeable blocks for 0.2 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.5 ml and 2.0 ml capacity. Temperature range: + 5ºC – 100ºC Mixing speed: 300-1500 rpm. Heating time should be less than 20 min to reach 100ºC Temperature accuracy should be + 0.5ºC Temperature resolution should be 0.1º-C Continuous or timed operation, with alarm buzzer and automatic switch off facility should be present. Maximum continuous operation time should be not less than 95 hours Over heating protection device should be present Automatic buzzer should be present to indicate the completion of the program Power supply with 220 V/ 50-60 Hz. Quantity required: One
pH Meter
A digital/microprocessor based pH meter required (table type) with automatic temperature 2 compensation and buffer recognition, digital LED/LCD alphanumeric display, along with accessories such as electrode stand, dust cover and instruction manual, Two extra electrodes to be provided. ISO/BIS certification of company to be indicated.
Tissue Culture Trolleys
Height Width No. of Shelves Illuminated/Working shelves Shelf Dimension Shelf to Shelf Distance Shelf Surface Light Source
: approx 5’8” 8 : approx. 4’2” :5 :4 : 50” x 21” : 16” : Thick 3 mm thick Hylem Bakelite sheet. : Each shelf fitted with 4 nos. florescent tube lights of (slim) make of 36/40 W each (total 16 nos.) tube lights) with energy saving electronic solid ballast, Individual control switch for each tube light : Made of 2.5 x 2.5 cm Square CRC pipe of mild steel with
anticorrosive Mobility Power Warranty minimum two years
humidity resistant treatment and structured powder coating. : 4 nos. multidirectional, high quality, Teflon based Castor Wheels for each trolley. : Works on 220 V 50 Hz. Single Phase AC.
Capacity (Literes) 350-400 Number of Doors 2 Defrosting Type Frost Free Temperature Control Mode Internal Micom Material Used for Shelves Toughened Glass Colours Available Any colour Except White Large Bottle Shelf with Spill Guard Yes Cooling Technology Green Ion Door Cooling Ice Tray Yes Door Lock Yes Deodorising Yes BEE Star Rating 4 Power supply 220 Volt + 10%, 50 Htz, Single Phase Installation may be done by Company Supply alongwith Trolley with combatable Stabilizer
Stereo Zoom Microscope
Stereo Zoom Binocular Microscopes required for high level of resolution, contrast and enhanced image 2 for dissection of plant tissue. It should have binocular observation tube, parfocal turret mounted objective lens 2 x /4x, paired widefield eyepiece 10x working distance about 100 mm. The light source should be fiber optic with bright long life illumination, specially designed to mount directly onto the stand of the microscope. Quotation should be accompanied with technical brochure of the product for comparing the technical specification. A list of other government department, to whom the product has been recently supply if any, to also be provided ISO/BIS certification of company to be indicated.
HEPA Filters
8 HEPA filter for AHU: Hepa filters made of micro glass fibre with corrugated aluminium foil separators and mounted in anodised aluminium frame sealed with epoxy sealant and with rubber gasket on all four sides. The minimum filter efficiency of the encapsulated filter should be 99.97% on 0.3 µm particles. Minimum warranty of two years Size approx. 2ft (l) x 2 ft (b) x 1 ft (thick)
8 HEPA filter for Laminar Air flow Hepa Filters made of micro glass fibre with corrugated aluminium foil separators and mounted in anodised aluminium frame sealed with epoxy sealant and with rubber gasket on all four sides. The minimum filter efficiency of the encapsulated filter should be 99.97% on 0.3µm particles; compatible with existing laminar air flow (makes given below). Minimum warranty of two years. Size as detailed below: S. No.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Klenzoids Toshiba Atlantis Toshiba
No. of Laminar air flows 1 1 3 3
Size of Approx. size of filter (l x b x Hepa filters LAF (ft) thickness) (ft) (Quantity) 4x2 4x2 4x2 6x2
2 x 4 x 0.5 2.5 x 2 x 0.5 2 x 2 x 0.5 2 x 3 x 0.5
1 x 1 pc 1 x 1 pair 3 x 1 pair 3 x 1 pair 1
CIMMYT Portable Chlorophyll Fluorescence Meter
Chlorophyll Fluorescence Meter, handy, highly portable, compact, light weight, ideal for fast measurement in field to measure Chlorophyll parameters and effective quantum yield of photosynthesis. Measured Parameters: Fo, Fm. Fo’, Fm’, Fv/Fm, qP, qL, qN, NPQ, Y(II), Y(NPQ), Y(NO), light and dark adapted measurements. Excitation Source: Solid state 660nm source. Display and Key Board: 128 x 64 dot backlit graphic display with suitable keys Operating Condition: 0 to 50 +/- 2c, Non condensing humidity. Battery : rechargeable dry battery pack, 8-9 hours battery backup with battery charger. Features: Photodiode with >700nm filter, compact field design, leaf-clips with shuttle, LCD Display. Test Duration: Adjustable from 2-225 seconds. Storage Capacity: Up to 8000 data sets and 32 traces Built in-Fiber optic Probe Integral data storage/downloading Graphical Display Should be supplied with 10 light weight leaf clips with shuttle, window data transfer unit & analysis software (software for comprehensive data processing and graphics), data logger and data acquisition system with most recent configuration for data transfer during field operation, instruction manual, battery charger & carrying case. Warranty: Comprehensive all inclusive warranty for 2 years from the date of installation. Other Requirement: Installation and on-site training of two persons besides onsite demonstration. User list along with contact details must be enclosed for reference.
Compressor for Package Air conditioner
Model Type Nominal Motor hp Locked rotor current Normal run current (ASI 1861) Refrigerant Capacity in BTU Electrical capacity Operational capacity With thermal protector
: QR90K1-TFD or equivalent : Hermetic Line Start (Reciprocating) or equivalent : 7.5 : 83.4 : 11.7 : R22 : 101, 200 BTU/h : 29.7 KW : 420V : Internal
Annexure – VI BANK GUARANTEE FORM FOR BID SECURITY Whereas………………………………… ……………… (Name of bidder) (herein after called “the bidder”) has submitted his bid dated ………………… (date) for the supply of ………………………………… (brief description of the relevant goods and services) hereinafter called “the bid”). KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE ………………………………. (name of the bank) having registered office at ……………………. (full address) (hereinafter called “the bank”) are bound unto …………………… (Name of the purchaser) (hereinafter called “the purchaser”) in the sum of ………………………………. (amount in figures and in worlds) for which payment well and truly to be, made to the said purchaser, the bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said bank this …………………………… Day of ……..………. 20……… THE CONDITIONS of this obligations are: 1. If the bidder (i)
Withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder on the bid form; or
(ii) Does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders OR 2.
If the bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the purchaser during the period of bid validity :
(i) Fails or refuses to execute the contract form, if required; or (ii) Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders. We undertake to pay to the purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the purchaser will note that the amount claimed by its is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the above mentioned two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including 60 (sixty) days after the period of bid validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the bank not later than the above date. ………………………………………….. Signature of the Bank SEAL of the Bank Date : ………………….. Place : ……………