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Networked Printing Systems




US 20140132981Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2014/0132981 A1 SONG et al. (54) (43) Pub. Date: NETWORKED PRINTING SYSTEMS Publication Classi?cation (71) Applicant: XEROX INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS, PALO ALTO, CA (US) (72) (51) Int. Cl. 6an 3/12 (52) US. Cl. Inventors: JING QING SONG, SARATOGA, CA (2006.01) CPC .................................. .. c;an 3/1296 (2013.01) (US); REZA MAJIDANSARI, SAN USPC ....................................................... .. 358/115 JOSE, CA (US); RUSSELL NEVILLE, TUALATIN, OR (US); HIROYUKI HIRAI, SUNNYVALE, CA (US); SHOJI FUKUSHIMA, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA (US); SHINICHIRO FUKUNAGA, SUNNYVALE, CA (US); (57) ABSTRACT A system and method for enabling content to be displayable in association With a local client printing system associated With a printer provider. The local client printing system, in response to commands entered through the user interface, ASHOK MURTHY, UNION CITY, CA communicates With a remote printer provider server to (Us) retrieve displayable content associated With the commands entered through a user interface. The local client printing system, in response to commands entered through the user (73) Assignee: XEROX INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS, PALO ALTO, CA (U S) Nov. 9, 2012 HUNTER interface, communicates With the remote printer provider server to identify the display device upon Which the retrieved displayable content is to be displayed. The display device receives, from the remote printer provider server, the retrieved displayable content and displays the retrieved dis playable content thereupon. (21) App1.No.: 13/673,747 (22) Filed: May 15, 2014 < ---------- - -> “I [I COMPUTER 20’— I 1 40 PRINTING 45 /— SERVICE PROVIDER Patent Application Publication PR|NTER May 15, 2014 Sheet 1 0f 17 < ---------- - -> RIO US 2014/0132981 A1 COMPUTER 20’— I 1‘ V 40 PRINTING 45 /— SERVICE PROVIDER FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 17 PRINTER < —————————— — —> ‘10 US 2014/0132981 A1 COMPUTER 20’— 1 I V 30/“ LAN 40 CONTENT sop PRINTING sERVIcE PROVIDER 40 V V V v ADVERTISER CONTENT PROVIDER BILLING (ONTENT PROVIDER CRED'T cARD CONTENT PROVIDER NEWS SERVICE C0"TENT PROVIDER Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 17 US 2014/0132981 A1 MOBILE :---> : ENDUSER ‘ DEVICE 5 ~25 ' : : "" "* i i 23’— i TELEVISION i ‘ 4 i 27 i i" : - 37 DISPLAY i 21’ "",'/"";-’-f:_____1r """""" " ygzi'“: TABLET "' A 31 4, ____ "‘1 _________ ___, PRINTER COMPUTER <————T— ———— ——> T -\IO 33 20 v 4O CONTENT 50/— PRINTINGSERVICE PROVIDER FIG. 3 1‘ \31 Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 17 US 2014/0132981 A1 INTERNET > TELEVISION TV 23,- c0NTROLLER 21,- DISPLAY T -\27 UI \ 22 A 3? PR|NTER <————-"-— ———— ——> ‘10 COMPUTER 20’ 1‘ 1‘ v 30/— \ 31 LAN \ 22 40 53 /— PRINCngESbgiVICE V'DEQE/ESQ'JENT ‘ > OPTIPNIIQIIZNATTION PROVIDER SERVER FIG. 4 Ul Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 5 0f 17 US 2014/0132981 A1 MOBILE 30/— END USER 40 PRINTING 57/— SERVICE PROVIDER 40 V V PRINTER] PRINTER2 \100 \110 ' ' ' V V PRINTERn-1 PRINTERn \120 \130 Patent Application Publication 5U) May 15, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 17 END USER INSTALLS PRINTER FROM PRINTER SERVICE PROVIDER V PRINTER SERVICE PROVIDER CONFIGURES 520 /— PRINTER'S FUNCTIONALITY BASED ON END USER RELATIONSHIP THEREWITH V 530 END USER SELECTS NON-CONFIGURED FUNCTIONALITY v 540 PRINTER SERVICE PROVIDER CONTACTED OF NON-CONFIGURED SELECTION v 550 PRINTER SERVICE PROVIDER ENABLES PRINTER TO PERFORM SELECTION v PRINTER SERVICE PROVIDER DISABLES 560 /— PRINTER TO PERFORM SELECTION UPON COMPLETION OF PRINTJOB V NON-CONFIGURED SELECTION S70 /— PRINTER SERVICE PROVIDER BILLS END USER FOR USE OF NON-CONFIGURED SELECTION FIG. 6 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 7 0f 17 END USER SELECTS CONTENT PRINTER SERVICES PROVIDER V CONTENT PRINTER SERVICES PROVIDER OBTAINS AUTHORIZATION FROM END USER TO RETRIEVE CONTENT V CONTENT PRINTER SERVICES PROVIDER OBTAINS CONTENT FROM THIRD PARTY CONTENT PRINTER SERVICES PROVIDER SYNDICATES RECEIVED CONTENT S140 ' CONTENT PRINTER SERVICES PROVIDER DETERMINES STATUS OF END USER PRINTING DEVICE V S150 ' END USER PRINTING DEVICE RECEIVES CONTENT FROM PRINTER SERVICES PROVIDER END USER RECEIVES CONTENT FROM CONTENT PRINTER SERVICES PROVIDER FOR ELECTRONICALLY STORING US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication 52“) May 15, 2014 Sheet 8 0f 17 END USER PRINTER GENERATES A VISIBLE FAULT INDICATION V END USER SELECTS A HELP MENU TO 5220 ,- DETERMINE ACTIONS REQUIRED TO RESOLVE FAULT V 5230 END USER REQUESTS HELP INFORMATION TO BE DISPLAYED ON SECONDARY DISPLAY V PRINTER TRANSMITS HELP INFORMATION 5240 /— TO SECONDARY DISPLAY SELECTED BY END USER FIG. 8 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication S2210' May 15, 2014 Sheet 9 0f 17 END USER SELECTS A HELP MENU SUBJECT V S2220' END USER REQUESTS HELP INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH SELECTION TO BE DISPLAYED ON SECONDARY DISPLAY V END USER SELECTS SECONDARY DISPLAY TO DISPLAY HELP INFORMATION V S2240' PRINTER TRANSMITS HELP INFORMATION TO SECONDARY DISPLAY SELECTED BY END USER FIG. 9 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication S2310 May 15, 2014 Sheet 10 0f 17 US 2014/0132981 A1 END USER SELECTS A HELP MENU SUBJECT V 52320/- END USER REOUESTS HELP INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH SELEcTIOII TO BE DISPLAYED 0N SECONDARY DISPLAY V 52330 END USER SELECTS SECONDARY DISPLAY T0 DISPLAY HELP INFORMATION V 52340/- PRINTER RETRIEVES HELP INFORMATION FROM WEBSITE ASSOCIATED WITH PRINTER V 52350/— PRINTER TRANSMITS RETRIEVED HELP INFORMATION TO SEcOIIOARY DISPLAY SELEcTEO BY END USER FIG. 10 Patent Application Publication S2410 May 15, 2014 Sheet 11 0f 17 END USER SELECTS A HELP MENU SUBJECT V 52420/- END USER REQUESTS HELP INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH SELECTION TO BE DISPLAYED 0N SECONDARY DISPLAY V 52430 END USER SELECTS SECONDARY DISPLAY TO DISPLAY HELP INFORMATION V PRINTER TRANSMITS HELP INFORMATION 52440/— REQUEST AND IDENTIFICATION OF SECONDARY DEVICE TO WEBSITE ASSOCIATED WITH PRINTER V 52450/— WEBSITE TRANSMITS RETRIEVED HELP INFORMATION TO SECONDARY DISPLAY SELECTED BY END USER FIG. 11 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication 52510’ May 15, 2014 Sheet 12 0f 17 END USER PRINTER GENERATES A VISIBLE FAULT INDICATION V 52520/- END USER SELEcTS A HELP MENU TO DETERMINE ACTIONS REQUIRED TO RESOLVE FAULT V END USER REQUESTS HELP INFORMATION FROM 52530/— WEBSITE ASSOCIATED WITH PRINTER TO BE DISPLAYED ON SECONDARY DISPLAY V 52540/- WEBSITE TRANSMITS HELP INFORMATION T0 SEcoNDARY DISPLAY SELEcTED BY END USER FIG. 12 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication 5310 /_ May 15, 2014 Sheet 13 0f 17 DISPLAY VIDEO CONTENT V 5320 END USER SELECTS VIDEO FOR HARDCOPY PRINT THEREOF V DETERMINE VIDEO SCENE S330 /— IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH END USER SELECTION V CONTENT PRINTER PROVIDER CREATES S340 /— IMAGE ASSOCIATED WITH VIDEO SCENE IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION 5350 OPTIMIZE CREATED IMAGE FOR END USER PRINTER 5360 TRANSMIT IMAGE TO END USER PRINTER FOR PRINTING THEREOF FIG. 13 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication S331 0' May 15, 2014 Sheet 14 0f 17 DISPLAY VIDEO CONTENT V S3320' END USER SELECTS VIDEO FOR HARDCOPY PRINT THEREOF V S3330' DETERMINE VIDEO SCENE IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH END USER SELECTION V S3340' CONTENT PRINTER PROVIDER ASSEMBLES SELECTABLE OTHER CONTENT ASSOCIATED WITH IDENTIFIED VIDEO SCENE V S3350' END USER SELECTS SOME OR ALL OTHER CONTENT TO BE DELIVERED WITH IMAGE | | Y S3360' TRANSMIT SELECTED OTHER CONTENT TO END USER PRINTER FOR PRINTING THEREOF FIG. 14 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 15 0f 17 END USER SELECTS DocUNENT S410 ’ T0 PRINT WITH COMMUNITY PRINTER V COMMUNITY PRINTER SERVIcE PROVIDER S420 ’ DETERNINES LOCATION OF END USER V COMMUNITY PRINTER SERVIcE PROVIDER S430 ’ DETERNINES LOCAL PRINTERS V COMMUNITY PRINTER SERVIcE PROVIDER 5440 ’ TRANSMITS INFO TO END USER V 5450 /- END USER SELEcTS LOCAL PRINTER V SELEcTED LOCAL PRINTER REcEIVES S460 /- PRINTJOB FROM COMMUNITY PRINTER SERVIcE PROVIDER FIG. 15 US 2014/0132981 A1 Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 16 0f 17 US 2014/0132981 A1 / 30 NAME ADDRESS DISTANCE NAME] 123STREEIST 3MILES NAME2 234 ROAD RD 5 MILES NAME3 456 A STREET 10 MILES FIG. 16 Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 17 0f 17 _T l FIG. 17 US 2014/0132981 A1 May 15, 2014 US 2014/0132981A1 NETWORKED PRINTING SYSTEMS BACKGROUND tronic document can be modi?ed and shared. Notwithstand ing the bene?ts of an electronic document, some people con tinue to prefer a hard copy of a document for some tasks. (printing devices) are capable of being citizens in a network [0012] Frequently, these people are away from their own computer networks and/or printers when they decide to make environment. These conventional printing systems can offer a wide range of functionality. In many instances, the user of the printing device rarely or infrequently needs to use the entire hardcopy because they do not have access to a local printer although they may be located at a place where they are sur [0001] Conventional printers and multifunction-devices range of offered functionality. [0002] In addition to offering a wide range of functionality, a conventional networked printing device may include a built in processor, hard drive for data storage, a web server for communicating on a network, and sophisticated management software. [0003] Once a conventional networked printing device is physically connected to a network, such as an intranet (local area networkiLAN), the printer can be either managed directly from a computing device (such as a local worksta tion) or from a standard web browser or any web-enabled application residing on a local workstation or remote work station. [0004] Conventional management software enables admin istrators to monitor, con?gure, and troubleshoot a conven tional networked printing device from a web browser or a web enabled application. [0005] In such conventional situations, post-purchase users are responsible for supplying and replacing toner/ink car tridges and paper for the printers. However, many users can readily identify the proper toner/ink cartridges and/ or paper needed for the printer. [0006] As noted above, the conventional printing device often offer a wide range of functionality which the user does not frequently need, which causes many users to over buy so that the user can have a certain functionality during that rare occurrence that it is needed. [0007] Some conventional printers offer a user very little information about the status of the printer by using a form of “idiot” lights to communicate issues with the printer. For example, some conventional printers have illuminated a single light to signal any and all problems that the printer has detected, while other printers have used multiple lights to signal whether the problem was associated with the paper path or with ink. [0008] Newer printers have utilized LCD displays to dis play a greater amount of information to assist printer users; however, the cost of LCD displays limits the use and size of the LCD display. More speci?cally, a small LCD display can provide error messages that users ?nd cryptic, such as “error J2,” requiring the user to turn to some other source of infor mation to understand the issue. [0009] One such source of information is the conventional printed user manual. These manuals increase both the print er’s manufacture and distribution costs. Additionally, with the use of pro grammable updateable printers, the information in a printer user manual (hardcopy or electronic) can become quickly outdated. [001 0] It is further noted that with the advent of the intemet, mobile and smart phones, and wireless network access, people are no longer tied to the personal computer on their desk. This has also enabled a great reduction in the paper documents people must generate, store, and transport to col laborate and communicate with others. [0011] Most documents spend the majority of their lifetime in electronic form because of the ease with which the elec a hard copy of an electronic document, but cannot generate a rounded by idle printers. [0013] Other examples of conventional printing devices are disclosedinU.S. Pat. No. 5,305,199; US. Pat. No. 5,720,015; US. Pat. No. 6,025,925; US. Pat. No. 6,674,545; US. Pat. No. 6,965,931; US. Pat. No. 7,177,034; US. Pat. No. 7,190, 478; US. Pat. No. 7,957,019; and US. Pat. No. 8,130,396. [0014] The entire contents ofU.S. Pat. No. 5,305,199; US. Pat. No. 5,720,015; US. Pat. No. 6,025,925; US. Pat. No. 6,674,545; US. Pat. No. 6,965,931; US. Pat. No. 7,177,034; US. Pat. No. 7,190,478; US. Pat. No. 7,957,019; and US. Pat. No. 8,130,396 are hereby incorporated by reference. [0015] Furthermore, Published US Patent Application Number 2002/0048036-A1; Published US Patent Applica tion Number 2006/0136992-A1; Published US Patent Appli cation Number 2010/ 0103824-A1; Published US Patent Application Number 2010/0268591-A1; and Published US Patent Application Number 2012/0013936-A1 disclose examples of conventional printing devices. [0016] The entire contents of Published US Patent Appli cation Number 2002/ 0048036-A1; Published US Patent Application Number 2006/ 0136992-A1; Published US Patent Application Number 2010/0103824-A1; Published US Patent Application Number 2010/0268591-A1; and Pub lished US Patent Application Number 2012/0013936-A1 are hereby incorporated by reference. [0017] With respect to these various examples, the dis closed conventional printing devices suffer from the various issues discussed above. [0018] Thus, it would be desirable to provide a printing system which is fully functional, but the user only pays for the functionality actually used. [0019] Moreover, it would be desirable to provide a print ing system which can provide a user with an option to display printer related information on a secondary large display device. [0020] In addition, it would be desirable to provide a print ing system which can provide a user the capability to utilize surrounding idle local printers which are not associated with the user’ s intranet. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0021] The drawings are only for purposes of illustrating various embodiments and are not to be construed as limiting, wherein: [0022] FIG. 1 illustrates a schematic of a system for pro viding a user with a printer having a wide range of function ality but enables an a la carte selection of the functionality; [0023] FIG. 2 illustrates a schematic of a system for pro viding third party content to a local printer; [0024] FIG. 3 illustrates a schematic of a system for pro viding information associated with a local printer to a sec ondary display device; [0025] FIG. 4 illustrates a schematic of a system for pro viding a high resolution image for printing based on a selected frame of a low resolution video image; May 15, 2014 US 2014/0132981A1 [0026] FIG. 5 illustrates a schematic of a system for pro viding a user access to print, using a surrounding idle local desktop or mobile app while the software and user’s data are stored on servers at a remote location. printer, which is not associated with the user’s intranet; [0027] FIG. 6 illustrates a ?owchart showing an example of a printer that is fully functional, but only have to “pay” for a process for providing a user with a printer having a wide range of functionality but enables an a la carte selection of the certain functions based upon an a la carte model. [0044] As illustrated in FIG. 1, a user can lease or “pur functionality; chase” a printer 10, which is fully functional, but is con?g ured by the printing service provider 45 to be capable only of [0028] FIG. 7 illustrates a ?owchart showing an example of a process for providing third party content to a local printer; [0029] FIG. 8 illustrates a ?owchart showing an example of [0043] As mentioned above, an end user may desire to have performing a subset of the functionality of the printer 10. [0045] The printer 10 can be connected (dashed line) to a a process for providing information associated with a local computer 20 as a local printer or connected to a local area printer to a secondary display device; network (LAN) or intranet 30 as a networked printer. [0030] FIG. 9 illustrates a ?owchart showing another example of a process for providing information associated with a local printer to a secondary display device; [0031] FIG. 10 illustrates a ?owchart showing another example of a process for providing information associated with a local printer to a secondary display device; [0032] FIG. 11 illustrates a ?owchart showing another example of a process for providing information associated with a local printer to a secondary display device; [0033] FIG. 12 illustrates a ?owchart showing another example of a process for providing information associated with a local printer to a secondary display device; [0034] FIG. 13 illustrates a ?owchart showing an example of a process for providing a high resolution image for printing [0046] The LAN 30 is connected to the intemet 40, which provides a connection to the printing service provider 45. [0047] The system of FIG. 1 provides a la carte reproduc based on a selected video image; [0035] FIG. 14 illustrates a ?owchart showing an example of a process for providing other content for printing based on a selected video image; [0036] FIG. 15 illustrates a ?owchart showing an example tion services for an end user through the end user’s local printer. The local printer 10 may be locally connected to a computer 20 or to a LAN 30. The printer 10 is capable of performing multiple operational printing modes, wherein the printer 10 is con?gured, in a normal operational printing state, to perform a subset of the multiple operational printing modes. [0048] The printer 10 includes a user interface (not shown) to enable a user to select an operational printing mode. This user interface can be located on the printer 10 or be based in the computer 20. [0049] It is noted that the printer 10 being installed may come from the manufactured having all of its operational printing modes disabled. Thus, upon the printer 10 being installed, the printer 10 establishes a communication link with the printing service provider 45, directly through a net of a process for providing a user access to print, using a work connection or through the computer 20 connected to the surrounding idle local printer, which is not associated with the printer 10. The printing service provider 45, after authenti cating/ authorizing the printer 10 and/ or user, con?gures the printer 10 such that the appropriate operational printing modes associated with the printer/user relationship with the user’ s intranet; [0037] FIG. 16 illustrates an example of displayed infor mation associated with the identity of surrounding idle local printers not associated with the user’s intranet; and [0038] FIG. 17 illustrates an example of graphically dis played information associated with the identity of surround ing idle local printers not associated with the user’s intranet. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0039] For a general understanding, reference is made to the drawings. In the drawings, like references have been used throughout to designate identical or equivalent elements. It is printing service provider 45 are enabled. [0050] It is further noted that the printer 10 may come from the manufactured pre-con?gured such that the appropriate operational printing modes associated with the printer/user relationship with the printing service provider 45 are enabled. [0051] The printer 10, in response to a user selecting an operational printing mode not included in subset of the mul tiple operational printing modes, communicates with the also noted that the drawings may not have been drawn to scale printing service provider 45 to request authorization to per form the user selected operational printing mode. The print ing service provider 45 can con?gure the printer 10 to per and that certain regions may have been purposely drawn disproportionately so that the features and concepts could be form the selected operational printing mode. Upon completion of the selected operational printing mode, the properly illustrated. printer 10 reverts back to the con?guration corresponding to a normal operational printing state. [0052] This recon?guration can be automatically per formed, can be performed after a predetermined amount of time has lapsed, or can be done by the printing service pro vider 45 interacting with the printer 10. [0053] The printing service provider 45 can also require [0040] In the various embodiments described below, although the embodiments have been described utiliZing the identi?cation of speci?c hardware, ?rmware, and/or soft ware, the functionality, services, and/or features may be real ized in a cloud environment. [0041] A cloud environment uses of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a authentication information from the user to verify if the user network (typically the Internet). For example, in a cloud is authorized to request the selected operational printing environment, a user can “rent” application software and/or mode. databases, wherein the “cloud” providers manage the infra [0054] structure and platforms on which the applications run, and the pricing information back to the user and ask for veri?cation of databases are stored. the request based upon the pricing information. [0055] With respect to the con?guration of the printer 10 that corresponds to a normal operational printing state, the [0042] In another example, end users may access cloud based applications through a web browser or a light-weight In addition, printing service provider 45 can send