ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606
newsletter 16/09 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 258 - September 2009 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail:
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Es sieht ganz danach aus, dass wir es wieder einmal mühelos geschafft haben, den für unseren Newsletter vorgegebenen Rahmen von 60 Seiten zu sprengen. Gut für unsere Leser – schlecht für uns. Denn je mehr wir Ihnen an Lesestoff verabreichen, desto größer die Gefahr, dass wir beim Heften der Print-Version selbst Hand anlegen müssen. Und die aktuellen 65 Seiten sprechen hier Bände! Dabei haben wir noch nicht einmal alle für diese Ausgabe geplanten Artikel unterbringen können. Der von vielen Lesern heiss ersehnte Rückblick auf das Fantasy Filmfest 2009 wird erst in Ausgabe 259 erscheinen. Dafür haben wir aber aus aktuellem Anlass die Rubrik “Director’s Spotlight” eingebaut. Ab Seite 12 haben wir dort für Sie ein exklusives Interview mit dem französischen Filmregisseur Benoit Delépine für Sie abgedruckt, welches unser Filmblogger Wolfram Hannemann für uns führte. Er
wird Sie auch wieder auf den Seiten 4 bis 6 begrüßen und Ihnen erzählen, welche Filme Sie demnächst anschauen und welche Werke Sie tunlichst meiden sollten. Als weiteren besonderen Service für unsere Leser finden Sie ab Seite 7 das ausführliche Programm zum “5. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival” in der Karlsruher Schauburg. Wie jedes Jahr so werden wir auch dieses Mal wieder ganztägig vor Ort sein und das Festival tatkräftig unterstützen. Auch unsere Kolumnistin Anna wird natürlich wieder mit von der Partie sein. Apropos Kolumnistin: Anna hat’s leider gesundheitlich schwer erwischt und wird daher erst einmal pausieren und kann so in Ruhe genesen. Schließlich möchte sie ja spätestens zum 70mm-Festival in Karlsruhe wieder in alter Frische erstrahlen. Wenn Sie jetzt glauben, in dieser Ausgabe ganz auf eine Kolumne verzichten zu müssen, dann haben Sie sich getäuscht. Denn auf der nächsten Seite nutzt Annas Vater die Gunst der Stunde und gibt sein Bestes frei nach dem Motto “Hallo Hollywood...hier
spricht Annas Vater!” Schließlich war es Jochen Rudschies, der seiner Tochter Anna die Filmleidenschaft sozusagen in die Wiege gelegt hat. Bravo Jochen – gut gemacht! Und wenn Ihnen das gefällt, was Annas Daddy für uns schreibt, dann schreiben Sie ihm doch einfach. Denn nicht nur Anna freut sich über Feedback! Übrigens: sollten Sie sich jetzt durch den Einsatz von Annas Vater dazu motiviert fühlen, sich selbst einmal als Kolumnenschreiber zu versuchen, dann nur zu. Gerne veröffentlichen wir Ihren Beitrag in unserem Newsletter. Bleibt uns jetzt nur noch übrig zu sagen, dass wir aufgrund des Karlsruher Festivals unseren Betrieb von Donnerstag, 01. Oktober 2009, bis einschließlich Montag, 05. Oktober 2009, geschlossen halten und danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis. Man sieht sich in Karlsruhe! Ihr Laser Hotline Team
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Die Südstadt von Karlsruhe: zum 5. Mal Mekka wahrer Filmfreunde Vor einer Woche lief ich abends an einem Schaufenster vorbei, hinter dem ein Philips 21:9-TV stand. Es lief “Blood Diamond”, Leo DiCaprio schoss gerade angestrengt, aber hingebungsvoll aus einem Landrover auf ihn verfolgende Fahrzeuge. Für die Technikbegeisterten sei angemerkt: dieser LCD-TV spielt eine Blu-ray nicht nur mit Full-HD (1.920 x 1.080 Pixel) ab, sondern skaliert das Bild auf 2560 x 1080 Pixel hoch, so dass die üblichen schwarzen Balken oben und unten verschwinden. Dieses extreme Hochrechnen deckt Bildfehler gnadenlos auf. Digital Noise Reduction machte denn auch aus dem auf konventionellem Film gedrehten Streifen eine schmierige, widerlich anzusehende Videosuppe. Ich stand davor und musste meinen Augen glauben: es war unansehnlich, scheußlich, inakzeptabel. Zum Davonlaufen. Was ich tat. Liegt es an Philips’ überbreitem Fernseher? Nein, wohl kaum. Liegt es an Blu-ray? Nein, auch nicht. Es liegt an zu vielen digitalen Spielereien beim Transfer von Film auf Video. Man kann es besser machen oder auch schlechter: von “The Longest Day” oder “Patton” hört und liest man ähnliches. Was tut also, wer Film liebt, solange man ihn zu Hause noch nicht wirklich haben kann? Richtig, er reserviert einen kleinen Teil seines Jahresurlaubs für das erste Oktoberwochenende und fährt nach Karlsruhe, dem solide installierten Mekka deutscher und internationaler Filmfreunde. In Herbert Borns “Schauburg” (nomen est omen!) gibt es nicht lächerliche 1.920 x 1.080 Bildpunkte, sondern eine gekrümmte Original-Todd-AO-Leinwand von 17 x 7 Metern! In Bildpunkten lässt sich nicht mehr ausrechnen, was eine 70mm-Kopie darauf projiziert. Das diesjährige Programm ist wieder gut gemischt: alt und neu, Meisterwerk und Konfektion, dramatisch, traurig, erhebend, erheiternd, bekannt und unbekannt. Clint Eastwood und Lee Marvin zieht es am Freitag schon morgens westwärts mit dem Wind; beide begeistern sicherlich nicht durch ihre Sangeskünste, aber wer von uns hat diesen Film denn überhaupt schon gesehen? Maximilian Schell kreuzt vor “Krakatoa”, allerdings nicht “east of Java”, wie der Titel uns weismachen will, sondern westlich von Java – aber was sind das für kleinliche Details bei dem im Jahr 1968 auf 65mm aufgenommenen Film? Dann dürfen wir John Wayne und Kirk Douglas erleben beim Kampf im Pazifik gegen die Japaner. Ein zu Unrecht wenig gespielter Film von Otto Preminger. Und schließlich der absolute Höhepunkt des ersten Tages: “Faubourg 36” in 70mm, einer brandneuen Kopie eines nur ein Jahr alten französischen Filmes! In Deutschland ist er schneller wieder aus den Kinos verschwunden als die “Arizona” in Pearl Harbor zum Untergehen brauchte, was zum großen Teil auf den blödsinnigen deutschen Titel zurückzuführen ist: “Pa-
ris, Paris – Monsieur Pigoil auf dem Weg zum Glück”. Glauben Sie mir: dieser Film muss von Ihnen noch entdeckt werden. Es gibt keine bessere Art und Weise als in 70mm. Der zweite Tag beginnt klassisch mit Shakespeare und Marlon Brando als Julius Caesar. Die deutsche Fassung hat eine sehr gelungene Synchronisation, ob das (aufgeblasene) Bild hält, was das 70mm-Format verspricht, wird eine Überraschung sein. Danach Yul Brynner und Gina Lollobrigida als “Salomon und die Königin von Saba”. Kein absolutes Muss, aber ganz nett auf der breiten Leinwand. Doch dann sollte niemand Akira Kurosawas Reise nach Sibirien verpassen: “Uzala, der Kirgise”, aufgenommen und präsentiert im sowjetischen 70mm-Format, also (höchstwahrscheinlich) ohne die Farbverluste westlicher Kopien aus dieser Zeit. Ein wahres Fest für die Augen und die Seele. Künstlerisch nicht ganz so anspruchsvoll, doch nicht minder spektakulär endet der Samstag: “Flying Clipper” in MCS-70 Superpanorama mit 6-Kanal DTS-Sound. Eine brandneue Kopie, die extra für die Berliner Filmfestspiele 2009 gezogen wurde und dort aufgrund technischer Probleme nicht korrekt vorgeführt werden konnte. Fast 37 Jahre nach seiner Uraufführung können wir nun diesen filmhistorisch äußerst interessanten Film so erleben, wie er gemeint war: im Originalformat auf einer superbreiten, gekrümmten Leinwand. Da sollte man mit Krawatte und im Abendkleid erscheinen. Der dritte und letzte Tag beginnt mit “That’s Entertainment”. All die Stars aufzuzählen reicht der Platz nicht, doch eines ist sicher: die Musik wird uns mitreißen und uns verzaubern. Dann erleben wir Robert Taylor in “Die Verfluchten der Pampas” in einer 70mm-Originalkopie von 1966. Darauf “The Fall of the Roman Empire” in englischer Sprachfassung, ebenfalls 70mm. Trotz Sophia Loren, die gerade ihren 75. Geburtstag gefeiert hat, und einer beeindruckenden Reihe außergewöhnlicher Schauspieler war der sehr unterhaltsame Film im Jahr 1964 kein kommerzieller Erfolg. Manchmal macht man alles richtig und doch zeigt sich das Publikum nicht an der Kinokasse. Endlich verabschiedet uns Barbra Streisand als “Funny Girl” aus Karlsruhes Südstadt. Was die beiden Filmvorführer der Schauburg, Vincent Koch und Markus Vetter, an diesem Wochenende aus den (manchmal problematischen) Kopien herausholen, grenzt an ein Wunder. Ich möchte allen Filmfreunden ans Herz legen: Fahren Sie nach Karlsruhe und saugen Sie sich drei Tage lang mit alten und neuen, farbigen und schwarzweißen Filmkopien voll, solange das noch geht. Danach tut es auch wieder das Heimkino, das hoffentlich in naher Zukunft nach Zelluloid aussehen wird. Joachen Rudschies
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 31. August 2009 Basketball und Unfalltod Ein kleines Double Feature zum Wochenauftakt... HANGTIME (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: 3L Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Regie: Wolfgang Groos Darsteller: Max Kidd, Misel Maticevic, Ralph Kretschmar Kinostart: 15.10.2009 Nach dem plötzlichen Unfalltod der Eltern müssen sich zwei Brüder alleine durchschlagen. Der ältere von beiden muss sich um den jüngeren kümmern und hängt dafür seine Basketball-Karriere an den Nagel. Als der kleine Bruder in seine Fußstapfen treten kann und der Ältere ihn managen möchte, kommt es zum Konflikt: er wird überhaupt nicht danach gefragt, was er eigentlich will... Ein Sportfilm aus Deutschland, in Ton- und Bildgestaltung überdurchschnittlich. Leider mangelt es dem Drehbuch mitunter an eigenen Ideen, so dass Klischees aus anderen Sportfilmen herhalten müssen. FINAL DESTINATION 4 (1:2.35, 3D, 2k Digital, PCM 5.1) OT: The Final Destination Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: USA 2009 Regie: David R. Ellis Darsteller: Krista Allen, Nick Zano, Mykelti Williamson Kinostart: 03.09.2009 Auch in der vierten Runde des FINAL DESTINATION Zyklus‘ wird dem Tod wieder ein Schnippchen geschlagen. Vollkommen losgelöst von seinen Vorgängern konzentriert sich der Film alleine auf die Choreographie absurder Unfälle mit Todesfolge. Die Schauspieler dienen nur als Staffage, um die dreidimensionalen Effekte richtig einsetzen zu können. Die aber sind famos. Grenzdebil: die vollkommen sterile deutsche Synchronisation. Dienstag, 01. September 2009 Weggehen um anzukommen Beide Filme in der heutigen Presseveranstaltung hatten etwas mit Reisen
zu tun... TORTUGA – DIE UNGLAUBLICHE REISE DER MEERESSCHILDKRÖTE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Turtle: The Incredible Journey Verleih: Polyband (Fox) Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Großbritannien, Österreich 2009 Regie: Nick Stringer Kinostart: 01.10.2009 Ein wunderschön bebilderter Dokumentarfilm über eine Schildkröte - von ihrer Geburt bis hin zu ihrer Rückkehr, um selber Eier abzulegen. In den zwanzig Jahren, die der Film dokumentiert, legt die Schildkröte mehrere tausend Kilometer zurück. Was mich jedoch an der ganzen Sache etwas gestört hat, das trifft auf viele Tierdokus zu. Denn wann immer versucht wird, menschliche Gefühle und Handlungsweisen den Tieren (hier: den Meeresbewohnern) anzudichten, verkommt das Ganze zum absurden Kitsch. Unterlegt wird die teilweise mit Animatronics arbeitende Pseudo-Dokumentation mit der Säuselstimme von Hannelore Elsner und einem orchestralen Score von leider minderwertiger Klangqualität (liegt’s daran, dass hier ein Wuppertaler Orchester sein Bestes gibt?). AWAY WE GO – AUF NACH IRGENDWO (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Away We Go Verleih: Tobis Land/Jahr: USA, Großbritannien 2009 Regie: Sam Mendes Darsteller: John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph, Jeff Daniels Kinostart: 15.10.2009 Burt und Verona lieben sich heiss und innig. Als Verona schwanger wird und sich die beiden darauf freuen, Burts Eltern in der Rolle von Oma und Opa zu sehen, werden sie überraschend damit konfrontiert, dass die Großeltern in spe sich für zwei Jahre nach Belgien absetzen werden. Für Burt und Verona beginnt jetzt eine Reise quer durch Amerika auf der Suche nach echten Freunden und einem idealen Zuhause für das Baby... Regisseur Sam Mendes hat wieder zugeschlagen! Sein leicht melan-
cholisches Road Movie konfrontiert den Zuschauer mit allerlei skurrilen Menschen, allesamt Eltern. Es gibt viel zu Schmunzeln, zu Lachen, aber auch ein bisschen zum Weinen. Meine Empfehlung für einen tollen Kinoabend. Mittwoch, 02. September 2009 Multi-Kulti In gewissem Sinne widmeten sich beide Filme heute multikulturellen Aspekten... EVET, ICH WILL! (1:1.85, Dolby SR) Verleih: Maxximum Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2008 Regie: Sinan Akkus Darsteller: Oliver Korittke, Heinrich Schafmeister, Ingeborg Westphal Kinostart: 01.10.2009 Ein Deutscher möchte eine Türkin heiraten. Seine Eltern sind dagegen. Ein Kurde möchte eine Türkin heiraten. Ihr Vater ist dagegen. Ein Deutscher möchte seinen türkischen Freund heiraten. Niemand weiß bislang, dass die beiden schwul sind. Und ein Türke möchte heiraten, um eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für Deutschland zu bekommen. Ort der Handlung dieser multi-kulturellen Beziehungen ist Berlin. Man könnte jetzt meinen, dass so ein Culture-Clash doch eine recht lustige Geschichte sein kann. Dieser Film jedoch lehrt uns das Gegenteil. Denn kaugummiartig zieht sich die Komödie in die Länge und lässt dabei auch noch ihre Pointen ins Leere laufen. Nein Danke. DISTRICT 9 (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: District 9 Verleih. Sony Pictures Land/Jahr. USA 2009 Regie. Neill Blomkamp Darsteller. Sharlto Copley, David James, Jason Cope Kinostart. 10.09.2009 Johannesburg, Südafrika. Vor 20 Jahren landete ein riesiges Raumschiff voller Aliens hier. Mittlerweile leben die krabbenartigen Wesen in einem Ghetto, sauber getrennt von den Menschen. Waffenschmuggel, Gewalt und interalienarische Prostitution beherrschen das Tagesgeschehen. Wikus van der Merwe erhält den Auftrag, das
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Ghetto zu räumen. Dabei infiziert er sich mit einem seltsamen Virus. Langsam beginnt er sich zu verwandeln... Two Thumbs Up für diesen spektakulären Sci-Fi-Thriller mit politischem Hintergrund. Apartheid, Konzentrationslager, medizinische Experimente, korrupte Medien – hier passt alles zusammen. Sharlto Copley in der Rolle des naiven Beamten läuft zu absoluter Hochform auf. Regisseur Neill Blomkamp verpackt den von Peter Jackson produzierten Film derart geschickt in das Gewand einer TV-Dokumentation und spickt die Reportage mit absolut perfekten visuellen Effekten, dass man die Geschichte fast glauben möchte. Ein Genre-Highlight, auf dessen Fortsetzung man jetzt schon gespannt sein darf. Der Film ist derzeit im Rahmen des Fantasy Filmfests zu sehen. Donnerstag, 03. September 2009 Ich bin ein Wurm und ich bin stolz darauf! Ein deutsch-dänischer Animationsfilm lehrte uns heute das Fürchten... SUNSHINE BARRY UND DIE DISCOWÜRMER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Sunshine Barry And The DiscoWorms Verleih: Publicmotor Land/Jahr: Dänemark, Deutschland 2008 Regie: Morten Dragsted Kinostart: 29.10.2009 Wurm Barry hat die Arbeit als Kompostierungsbeamter satt. Zusammen mit ein paar Freunden will er eine Band gründen, um an einem Musikwettbewerb teilnehmen zu können. Doch der Weg dorthin ist mit Problemen zugepflastert... In der letzten Szene des Films, die im Anschluss an den Abspann zu sehen ist, heisst es “Ist die Kamera etwa immer noch an? Was für eine Materialverschwendung!”. Und genau diese Aussage bringt das Wesen dieses ziemlich verunglückten Animationsfilm auf den Punkt: er ist tatsächlich Materialverschwendung! Selten habe ich mich in einem Trickfilm so gelangweilt wie in diesem mit bekannten Discohits aufgepeppten Unsinn. Allenfalls finden es ja die Kindergartenkinder noch recht lustig...
Freitag, 04. September 2009 Leben im Kloster Den Film zur berühmten Frau gab es zum Abschluss der Pressewoche. VISION – AUS DEM LEBEN DER HILDEGARD VON BINGEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Concorde Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Regie: Margarethe von Trotta Darsteller: Barbara Sukowa, Heino Ferch, Hannah Herzsprung Kinostart: 24.09.2009 In wohlkomponierten Bildern werden Stationen aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen gezeigt, die im Mittelalter im Kloster aufwächst und immer wieder von religiösen Visionen heimgesucht wird. Neid und Eifersucht bestimmen den Alltag des Klosterlebens, in dem sie ihre berühmten Bücher schreibt. Die jedoch kommen im Film einfach zu kurz. Insgesamt wirkt der Film, als handele es sich um eine auf Kinolänge zusammengekürzter TV-Mehrteiler. Dienstag, 08. September 2009 Böses kleines Mädchen Heute gab es zum Auftakt meines Filmmenüs einen Film zu sehen, den ich auf dem Fantasy Filmfest ausgespart hatte. Jetzt weiß ich auch warum. ORPHAN – DAS WAISENKIND (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Orphan Verleih: Kinowelt Land/Jahr: USA 2009 Regie: Jaume Collet-Serra Darsteller: Jimmy Bennett, Isabelle Fuhrman, Lorry Ayers Kinostart: 22.10.2009 Nach einer Fehlgeburt beschliesst ein Ehepaar, ein Mädchen zu adoptieren, um die vierköpfige Familie auf fünf zu erweitern. In der aus Russland stammenden hochintelligenten Esther finden sie das ideale Mädchen. Doch die Kleine hat offenbar ein dunkles Geheimnis. Schon bald ereignen sich seltsame Unfälle... Kinderhorror hat im Horrorgenre momentan Hochkonjunktur. Doch auch ORPHAN gelingt es
leider nicht, den Maßstäbe wie DAS OMEN oder DIE WIEGE DES BÖSEN zu toppen. Dabei beginnt der Film bereits mit einer sehr heftigen Szene, die jedoch nicht die Grundstimmung des Films darstellt, sondern nur als reisserischer Aufmacher dient. Was folgt ist Standardware. Man fragt sich nach einer gewissen Zeit, warum dafür eine Lauflänge von über zwei Stunden erforderlich ist. Auch die etwas eigenwillige Kameraarbeit überzeugt nicht. Wenigstens ist die Tonspur ordentlich gemischt, so dass ab und zu auch zusammengezuckt werden darf. Wenn dann im letzten Drittel des Films der genreübliche Erklärungsversuch vom Stapel gelassen wird, dann gibt es den Film fast schon der Lächerlichkeit preis. Donnerstag, 10. September 2009 Männer-WG Am Tag 1 nach dem Ende des Fantasy Filmfests nimmt alles wieder seine gewohnten Bahnen... WENN WIR ZUSAMMEN SIND (1:1.85, Dolby SR) OT: Mes Amis, Mes Amours Verleih: Arsenal (Central) Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2008 Regie: Lorraine Levy Darsteller: Virginie Ledoyen, Vincent Lindon, Florence Foresti Kinostart: 19.11.2009 Mathias und Antoine sind beste Freunde, beide geschieden und alleinerziehende Väter. Sie beschließen, zusammen mit ihren Kindern in London eine gemeinsame Wohnung zu beziehen. Damit das Zusammenleben auch funktioniert, werden eine Reihe von Regeln aufgestellt. Als sich aber Mathias wieder frisch verliebt, sieht er es mit den Regeln nicht so eng und fortan grüßen die Probleme... Die in kuscheliger Londoner Umgebung angesiedelte Tragikomödie braucht zwar etwas viel Zeit, um in die Gänge zu kommen, macht das aber im letzten Drittel des Films wieder wett. Die Besetzung wirkt höchst sympathisch und bietet gute Identifikationsfiguren. Ein Film für trübe Nachmittage.
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 15. September 2009 Die letzte Reise Gleich zu Beginn der Kinowoche gab es den letztjährigen Auslands-Oscar-Gewinner zu sehen. NOKAN – DIE KUNST DES AUSKLANGS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Okuribito Verleih: Kool (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: Japan 2008 Regie: Yojiro Takita Darsteller: Masahiro Motoki, Tsutomu Yamazaki, Ryoko Hirosue Kinostart: 26.11.2009 Nachdem er seinen Job bei einem Tokyoter Orchester verliert, zieht ein junger Cellist zusammen mit seiner Frau in seine Heimatstadt zurück. Auf die Anzeige in einer Zeitung hin findet er einen Job. Allerdings nicht als Reiseleiter, wie er zunächst vermutet, sondern als Bestatter... Das Nokan-Zeremoniell, welches dem Abschied ungeahnte Würde verleiht, steht im Zentrum des Films. Zuerst angeekelt findet der Protagonist im Verlauf des Films in diesem Zeremoniell seine wahre Bestimmung. Letztendlich führt dies auch zur Aussöhnung mit seinem Vater, der seine Familie im Stich ließ. Ein äußerst bewegender Film mit einer faszinierenden Filmmusik von Joe Hisaishi.
alte Jugendliebe Sydelia einschaltet, beginnt er langsam zu begreifen, dass er selbst genau das von ihm kritisierte System anwendet... Eine nette kleine Komödie mit treffsicheren Statements zum Thema Praktikanten. Leider gibt es keinen richtigen Zusammenhalt zwischen den einzelnen Szenen, so dass manches nur als Stückwerk erscheint. In ihrem Tonfall hätte die Komödie ruhig sehr viel sarkastischer sein dürfen als es jetzt der Fall ist. Freitag, 18. September 2009 Zwei Ossis in Amerika Gute Optik, geiler Sound – und das zum Wochenausklang! FRIENDSHIP! (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Sony Pictures Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Regie: Markus Goller Darsteller: Friedrich Mücke, Matthias Schweighöfer, Alicja Bachleda
Kinostart: 05.11.2009 Nach dem Fall der Mauer machen sich zwei Freunde aus dem Osten auf den Weg in den Westen. Ihr Ziel: San Francisco. Doch mit wenig Geld, schlechten Englischkenntnissen und ein paar selbstgedrehten Super8-Filmen kommen sie gerade mal nach New York. Dort beginnt für die beiden Naiven ein mühevoller Roadtrip quer durch Amerika bis zur Westküste... Wenn auch das Drehbuch der Möchtegern-Komödie an mancher Stelle etwas holprig und gar zu ernst gerät, so kann man sich zumindest nicht ihrer brillanten Technik entziehen. Denn die Bild- und Tongestaltung lässt keine Wünsche offen und macht schon jetzt neugierig auf das nächste Projekt von Regisseur Markus Goller. Auch habe ich seit langer Zeit endlich einmal wieder eine richtig gute 35mm-Kopie erleben dürfen.
Donnerstag, 17. September 2009 Generation Praktikum Eine Komödie, die so manchem aus dem Herzen sprechen dürfte... RESISTE – AUFSTAND DER PRAKTIKANTEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: Movienet Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Regie: Jonas Grosch Darsteller: Katharina Wackernagel, Hannes Wegener, Christof Wackernagel Kinostart: 12.11.2009 Weil er sich an seiner Praktikantenstelle ausgebeutet fühlt, gründet Till eine Praktikantenberaterfirma. Die etabliert sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu einer wahren Goldgrube und Till sieht sich alsbald in der Rolle eines erfolgreichen Jungunternehmers. Erst als sich seine
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September 2009
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
Freitag, 02. Oktober 2009 09:00 Uhr “Welcome” - Kaffee, Tee, Softgetränke und belegte Brötchen (kostenlos für Festivalpassinhaber) 10:00 Uhr WESTWÄRTS ZIEHT DER WIND Originaltitel: Paint Your Wagon! / USA 1969 Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Deutsche Synchronfassung / 137 Minuten (Original: 164 Minuten) / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 15.10.1969 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 10.03.1970 FSK: freigegeben ab 16 Jahren Produktion: Alan Jay Lerner Regie: Joshua Logan Buch: Alan Jay Lerner, Paddy Chayefsky Buchvorlage: Frederick Loewe, Alan Jay Lerner (gleichnamiges Musical) Kamera: William A. Fraker Musik: Frederick Loewe, André Previn Schnitt: Robert C. Jones Darsteller: Lee Marvin (Ben Rumson), Clint Eastwood (Pardner), Jean Seberg (Elizabeth), Harve Presnell (Rotten Luck Willie), Ray Walston (Mad Jack Duncan), Alan Dexter (Parson), Terry Jenkins (Joe Mooney), Alan Baxter (Mr. Fenty), Robert Easton (Atwell), Sue Casey (Sarah Woodling), Edward Little Sky (Indianer), Roy Jenson (Hennesssey) In einer nur von Männern bevölkerten kalifornischen Goldgräberstadt führen ein alter Haudegen, sein jugendlicher Partner und eine junge Frau einen fidelen Haushalt zu dritt, bis der Ältere vor der sich allmählich ausbreitenden Zivilisation das Weite sucht. Ein WesternMusical, das mit viel Aufwand an Kulissen und Statisten das Leben in dem Goldgräbernest stimmungsvoll beschreibt. Die nicht durchweg flüssige, aber durch komische Einlagen unterhaltsam aufgelokkerte Verfilmung eines Erfolgsmusicals bietet Show-Unterhaltung von annehmbarer Qualität. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
13:00 Uhr KRAKATOA – DAS GRÖSSTE ABENTEUER DES LETZTEN JAHRHUNDERTS Originaltitel: Krakatoa: East of Java / USA 1967 Aufgenommen in 65mm Todd-AO® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Englischsprachige Originalfassung / 140 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie mit Farbschwund Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 17.03.1969 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 28.03.1969 FSK: freigegeben ab 12 Jahren Regie: Bernard L. Kowalski Buch: Clifford Newton Gould, Bernard Gordon Kamera: Manuel Beranguer Musik: Frank De Vol Darsteller: Maximilian Schell (Kapitän Hanson), Diane Baker (Laura Travis), Rossano Brazzi (Giovanni Borghese), Sal Mineo (Leoncavallo), Brian Keith (Connerly)
September 2009
Ein Expeditionsschiff, das den Perlenschatz eines gesunkenen Dampfers bergen soll, gerät in den gewaltigen Vulkanausbruch des Krakatoa (1883) in der Sunda-Straße. Technisch aufwendiges Filmabenteuer, das angesichts vieler Nebenthemen und mangelnder Dichte nicht recht zu packen weiß (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
16:00 Uhr ERSTER SIEG! Originaltitel: In Harm’s Way / USA 1965 Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Deutsche Synchronfassung / 153 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 06.04.1965 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 13.08.1965 FSK: freigegeben ab 16 Jahren Produktion: Otto Preminger Regie: Otto Preminger Buch: Wendell Mayes Buchvorlage: James Bassett (Roman) Kamera: Loyal Griggs Musik: Jerry Goldsmith Schnitt: George Tomasini, Hugh S. Fowler Darsteller: John Wayne (Capt. Rockwell Torrey), Patricia Neal (Lt. Maggie Haynes), Kirk Douglas (Comdr. Paul Eddington), Tom Tryon (Lt. William McConnel), Paula Prentiss (Bev McConnel), Brandon De Wilde (Jeremiah Torrey) Kriegs- und Liebesgeschichten amerikanischer Militärs vor dem Hintergrund von Pearl Harbour und den Seeschlachten im Pazifik. Nach gängigen Mustern stereotyp, aber effektvoll inszeniert und gut gespielt, wird der Krieg einmal mehr als heldenhaften Abenteuer verharmlost. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
20:15 Uhr PARIS, PARIS – MONSIEUR PIGOILAUF DEM WEG ZUM GLÜCK Originaltitel: Faubourg 36 / F/D/CZ 2008 Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo-Digitalton (DTS®) Französische Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln / 121 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: 06.09.2008 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 27.11.2008 FSK: freigegeben ab 6 Jahren Produktion: Jacques Perrin, Nicolas Mauvernay Regie: Christophe Barratier Buch: Christophe Barratier, Julien Rappeneau Kamera: Tom Stern Musik: Reinhardt Wagner Schnitt: Yves Deschamps Darsteller: Gérard Jugnot (Monsieur Pigoil), Clovis Cornillac (Milou), Kad Merad (Jacky), Nora Arnezeder (Douce), Pierre Richard (Monsieur Radio), Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu (Galapiat), Maxence Perrin (Jojo), François Morel (Célestin), Elisabeth Vitali (Viviane) Als im Jahr 1936 ein Musiktheater aus dem Pariser Arbeiterviertel Faubourg schließen muss, nehmen die Mitarbeiter den Betrieb in ihre eigene Regie und stellen ein Programm auf die Beine. Bald aber ergeben sich diverse Schwierigkeiten und Verwicklungen. Chanson-
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Ensemble-Komödie mit beschwingt-romantischer Musik, die Zeitkolorit und Milieu trefflich einfängt. Ein auch darstellerisch hervorragender Film, bei dem allein die Revue-Szenen keine rechte Einheit mit den dunklen Straßenszenen und Außenaufnahmen finden und sich private und politische Ebene nicht ganz überzeugend durchdringen (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
seln der Bühnenelemente an. Auch kommen in der deutschen Fassung die Schönheit der Sprache Shakespeares (in den originalgetreuen Versen von Schlegel-Tieck) und die Kühnheit seiner Gedankenflüge nur unvollkommen zur Wirkung. Dennoch ein eindrucksvolles historisches Fresko mit hervorragenden Schauspielern. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Foto (c) Thomas Hauerslev
Jean-Rene Faillot, Direktor des ARANE Kopierwerkes Paris, bei dem die 70mm-Kopierung des Films stattfand, hat sein Kommen zugesagt Im Anschluss an die Filmvorführung gibt es das traditionelle “Get-Together” mit Bierspezialitäten der Brauerei Hoepfner (für Festivalpassinhaber kostenlos)
Samstag, 03. Oktober 2009 09:00 Uhr Frühstücksbuffet im Schauburg-Foyer (kostenlos für Festivalpassinhaber) 10:00 Uhr JULIUS CAESAR Originaltitel: Julius Caesar / USA 1953 Aufgenommen in 35mm Academy Frame (1:1.37) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo-Magnetton Deutsche Synchronfassung / 117 Minuten / Wiederaufführungskopie von 1969 mit Farbschwund Welturaufführung: 04.06.1953 / 70mm Blow-Up: 01.11.1969 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 13.11.1953 / 70mm Blow-Up: 1969 FSK: freigegeben ab 12 Jahren Produktion: John Houseman Regie: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Buch: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Buchvorlage: William Shakespeare (Bühnenstück) Kamera: Joseph Ruttenberg Musik: Miklos Rozsa Schnitt: John Dunning Darsteller: Marlon Brando (Mark Anton), James Mason (Brutus), John Gielgud (Cassius), Louis Calhern (Julius Caesar), Deborah Kerr (Portia), Edmond O’Brien (Casca), Greer Garson (Calpurnia) Aufwendige Rekonstruktion der Vorbereitungen, Durchführung und Folgen des Attentats auf den römischen Feldherrn und Staatsmann Julius Caesar. Die Beibehaltung von Versmaß und Szenenfolge der Tragödie William Shakespeares legt der Verfilmung deutlich die Fes-
Originaltitel: Solomon and Sheba / USA 1959 Aufgenommen in 35mm Super Technirama® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo-Magnetton Deutsche Synchronfassung / 139 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: 24.11.1959 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 25.12.1959 FSK: freigegeben ab 12 Jahren Produktion: Ted Richmond Regie: King Vidor Buch: Anthony Veiller, Paul Dudley, George Bruce Buchvorlage: Crane Wilbur (Story) Kamera: Freddie Young, Johnny Harris Musik: Mario Nascimbene Darsteller: Yul Brynner (Salomon), Gina Lollobrigida (Königin von Saba), George Sanders (Adonijah), Marisa Pavan (Abishag), David Farrar Mit farbenprächtigem Aufwand inszenierter Monumentalfilm um Salomons Berufung zum König von Israel, seinen Kampf gegen Ägypten, die Vollendung der israelitischen Machtstellung und seine Romanze mit der Königin von Saba. Schlachtgetümmel und veräußerlichtes Liebesgeplänkel ohne menschliche Leidenschaften und religiöse Substanz werden zwar inszenatorisch geschickt ins Bild gerückt, lassen aber über die monumentale Unterhaltungsschau hinaus unbeteiligt. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
16:30 Uhr UZALA, DER KIRGISE Originaltitel: Dersu Uzala / SU/J 1973-75 Aufgenommen in 70mm Sovscope 70® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Russische Originalfassung mit deutschen und dänischen Untertiteln / 144 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: Juli 1975 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 29.10.1976 FSK: freigegeben ab 6 Jahren Produktion: Nikolai Shizow, Yoichi Matsue Regie: Akira Kurosawa Buch: Akira Kurosawa, Juri Nagibin Buchvorlage: Wladimir K. Arsenjew (Reiseberichte) Kamera: Asakazu Nakai, Yuri Bantman, Fjodor Dobronrawow Musik: Isaak Schwarz Schnitt: Akira Kurosawa Darsteller: Juri Solomin (Wladimir Arsenjew), Maxim Munsuk (Dersu Uzala), Swetlana Danilchenko (Arsenjews Frau), Dima Kortichew (ihr Sohn), Sjuimenkul Tschokmorow Ein zaristischer Offizier gewinnt im unwegsamen Ussuri-Gebiet einen alten kirgisischen Nomaden als Pfadfinder und Freund. Jahre später, als dieser blind zu werden droht, bittet ihn der Offizier in sein großbürgerliches Haus. Der Nomade glaubt, dort ersticken zu müssen, zieht sich in die Taiga zurück und stirbt. Eine pessimistische Parabel über den Zusammenstoß zweier Kulturen, deren Vertreter sich trotz gegenseitiger Sympathie fremd bleiben. Die eigentliche Heldin aber
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ist die in betörender Schönheit visuell eingefangene Natur: ihr Rhythmus bestimmt den Film von der Windstille bis zum furiosen Schneesturm. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
20:30 Uhr Gala Vorstellung – Abendgarderobe erwünscht! FLYING CLIPPER – TRAUMREISE UNTER WEISSEN SEGELN D 1962 Aufgenommen in 65mm MCS-70 Superpanorama® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo-Digitalton (DTS®) Deutschsprachige Originalfassung / 138 Minuten / Neukopierung aus 2009 Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 19.12.1962 FSK: freigegeben ab 6 Jahren Regie: Hermann Leitner, Rudolf Nussgruber Buch: Gerd Nickstadt, Arthur Elliott, Hans-Dieter Bove Kamera: Heinz Hölscher, Siegfried Hold, Bernhard Stebich, Tony Braun, Klaus König Musik: Riz Ortolani Sprecher: Hans Clarin Die Reise eines schwedischen Segelschulschiffes mit internationaler Besatzung durchs Mittelmeer. Farbenprächtiger filmischer Reiseprospekt. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Foto (c) Thomas Hauerslev
Der Kameramann des Films, Bundesfilmpreisträger Heinz Hölscher, sowie die MCS-70 Kameramänner Gerhard Fromm und Dieter Gäbler haben ihr Kommen zugesagt
Sonntag, 04. Oktober 2009 09:00 Uhr Frühstücksbuffet im Schauburg-Foyer (kostenlos für Festivalpassinhaber) 10:00 Uhr DAS GIBT’S NIE WIEDER - THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT! Originaltitel: That’s Entertainment! / USA 1974 Aufgenommen in 35mm Academy Frame (1:1.37), 35mm CinemaScope® (1:2.55 & 1:2.35), 35mm Widescreen (1:1.85) Präsentiert in 70mm (verschiedene Bildformate) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
September 2009
Deutsche Synchronfassung / 135 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie mit leichtem Farbschwund Welturaufführung: 23.05.1974 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 14.03.1975 FSK: freigegeben ab 6 Jahren Regie: Jack Haley jr. Buch: Jack Haley jr. Kamera: Gene Polito, Ernest Laszlo, Russell Metty, Ennio Guarnieri, Allan Green Musik: Henry Mancini Darsteller: Fred Astaire , Bing Crosby , Gene Kelly , Peter Lawford , Liza Minnelli Ausschnitte aus amerikanischen Musicals von 1929 bis 1958. In Bild und Ton geschickt überarbeitet, ergeben die Szenen eine abwechslungsreiche Retrospektive dieses beliebten Filmgenres. Schwächen in der Kommentierung und Ordnung des Materials können den Unterhaltungswert kaum beeinträchtigen (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
13:00 Uhr DIE VERFLUCHTEN DER PAMPAS Originaltitel: Savage Pampas / Pampa Salvaje / ES/RA/USA 1965 Aufgenommen in 65mm MCS-70 Super Panorama® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Deutsche Synchronfassung / 94 Minuten (Original: 121 Minuten) / Erstaufführungskopie mit Farbschwund Deutsche Erstaufführung: 29.07.1966 FSK: freigegeben ab 18 Jahren Produktion: Jaime Prades Regie: Hugo Fregonese Buch: Hugo Fregonese, John Melson Buchvorlage: Homero Manzi, Ulises Petit de Murat (Roman „Pampa Barbara“) Kamera: Manuel Beranguer Musik: Waldo de los Ríos Schnitt: Juan Serra Darsteller: Robert Taylor (Captain Martin), Ron Randell (Padron), Marc Lawrence (Sergeant Barril), Rosenda Monteros (Rucu), Ty Hardin (Carreras), Felicia Roc (Camila), Angel Del Pozo (Lt. del Rio), Mario Lozano (Santiago), Enrique Avila (Petizo), Charles Fawcett (El Gato), Julio Pena (Chicha), José Nieto (Gen. Chavez), Jorge Rigaud (alter Mann), Isabel Pisano (Lucy) Um die Desertion argentinischer Soldaten in der Pampa abzustoppen, sollen Frauen auf ein Fort gebracht werden. Kämpfe zwischen Soldaten und Deserteuren erschweren den ohnehin heiklen Transport. Brutaler, oberflächlicher Abenteuerfilm, der die angeschnittenen Probleme vergröbert und entstellt. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
MCS-70 Kameramann Dieter Gäbler war als Kameraassistent bei den Dreharbeiten in Spanien mit dabei und steht für eine Q&A Session im Anschluss an den Film zur Verfügung 16:00 Uhr DER UNTERGANG DES RÖMISCHEN REICHES Originaltitel: The Fall of the Roman Empire / USA 1963 Aufgenommen in 65mm Ultra Panavision® (1:2.76) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Englischsprachige Originalfassung / 191 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 24.03.1964 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 12.06.1964 FSK: freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
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Produktion: Samuel Bronston Regie: Anthony Mann Buch: Ben Barzman, Basilio Franchina, Philip Yordan Kamera: Robert Krasker Musik: Dimitri Tiomkin Schnitt: Robert Lawrence Darsteller: Sophia Loren (Lucilla), Stephen Boyd (Livius), Alec Guinness (Kaiser Marc Aurel), James Mason (Timonides), Christopher Plummer (Commodus), John Ireland (Ballomar), Mel Ferrer (Cleander), Omar Sharif (Sohamus), Anthony Quale (Verulus) Der Untergang des Römischen Reiches unter dem grausamen und lebenshungrigen Kaiser Commodus im zweiten Jahrhundert nach Christus. Trotz eines zeitweilig sich kritisch gebenden Kommentars bietet der in Ausstattung und Schauwerten aufwendige Abenteuerfilm die übliche Geschichtsklitterung. Einige leidlich spannende Szenen wiegen die halbherzige Mischung aus pathetischer Redseligkeit und Schlachten-Panoramen nicht auf (Quelle. Film-Dienst)
20:30 Uhr FUNNY GIRL Originaltitel: Funny Girl / USA 1968 Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-Stereo-Magnetton Deutsche Synchronfassung (Songs in Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln) / 151 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 18.09.1968 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 28.02.1969 FSK: freigegeben ab 12 Jahren Produktion: Ray Stark Regie: William Wyler Buch: Isobel Lennart Buchvorlage: Isobel Lennart, Jule Styne, Bob Merrill (nach dem gleichnamigen Musical) Kamera: Harry Stradling Musik: Jule Styne Schnitt: Maury Winetrobe, William Sands Darsteller: Barbra Streisand (Fanny Brice), Omar Sharif (Nick Arnstein), Kay Medford (Rose Brice), Walter Pidgeon (Florenz Ziegfeld), Anne Francis (Georgia James), Lee Allen (Eddie Ryan), Mae Questel (Mrs. Strakosh)
September 2009
Organisatorisches Preise Einzeltickets Erwachsene: EUR 10,Schüler & Studenten: EUR 7,Kinder bis einschließlich 12 Jahre: EUR 5,-
Tageskarten Festival-Tages-Pass: EUR 45,-* Festival-Tages-Pass für Studenten: EUR 35,-*
Dauerkarten Weekend-Pass für alle Festival-Veranstaltungen: EUR 100,-** Weekend-Pass für Studenten: EUR 70,-** * Inkl. aller Veranstaltungen des jeweiligen Tages, Frühstücksbuffet, „Get Together“ bei dem Festival-Tagespass für Freitag, Glas Prosecco in der Pause der Galavorstellung am Samstagabend bei dem Festival-Tagespass für Samstag, Festival-Broschüre ** Inkl. „Get Together“ mit badischer Braukunst von HOEPFNER am Freitagabend, Frühstücksbuffet in der Schauburg am Samstag und Sonntag, Glas Prosecco in der Pause der Galavorstellung am Samstagabend, Festival-Broschüre
Unterkunft: Offizielles Festivalhotel: NOVOTEL (5 min zu Fuß vom Kino entfernt) EZ: EUR 67,00 (ohne Frühstück) DZ: EUR 83,00 (ohne Frühstück) (bei der Hotelreservierung unbedingt nach “Schauburg Rate” fragen)
Fanny Brice, erfolgreicher Revuestar bei den „Ziegfeld-Follies“, erinnert sich an den Beginn ihrer Karriere und an das Scheitern der Ehe mit einem leichtsinnigen Spieler. Gepflegt-anspruchslose Musical-Verfilmung, trotz ironisierender Elemente eher sentimentale Unterhaltung (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Foto (c) Thomas Hauerslev
Weitere Infos:
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258) Am 24. September 2009 startet die rabenschwarze französische Komödie LOUISE HIRES A CONTRACT KILLER (Originaltitel: Louise-Michel) in den deutschen Kinos. Inszeniert wurde die Geschichte über eine Gruppe von Fabrikarbeiterinnen, die beschließen, von der ihnen zugestandenen kärglichen Abfindung einen Auftragskiller zu engagieren, der ihren ehemaligen Chef umlegen soll, vom französischen Gespann Benoit Delépine und Gustave Kaverne. Unser Filmexperte Wolfram Hannemann schrieb in seinem Film-Blog in Ausgabe 255 unseres Newsletters folgendes zu diesem Film: “Als ihre Fabrik über Nacht geschlossen wird, beschließen die Arbeiterinnen, ihren Chef von einem Profikiller umbringen zu lassen. Analphabetin Louise soll den geeigneten Killer kontaktieren. Sie trifft auf Michel, seines Zeichens Security-Guard einer Containersiedlung... Dass das nicht gut gehen kann, das vermittelt bereits Louises Outfit, das unschwer an Mama Flodder erinnert. Und die Korpulenz von Michel sowie dessen Selbstüberschätzung machen es nicht gerade einfacher. So kommt eine der schrägsten Komödien der Saison ins Rollen. Leider rollt sie nicht immer reibungslos und verliert unterwegs etwas an Fahrt, doch wird man dafür immer wieder mit tief rabenschwarzem Humor entschädigt. Äußerst sehenswert!” Kürzlich nun hatte unser Filmblogger die Gelegenheit, einen der beiden Regisseure des Films, Benoit Delépine, bei dessen Stippvisite in Karlsruhe zu interviewen.
September 2009 Wolfram Hannemann: Herr Delépine, sind Sie ein sehr schwarzhumoriger Mensch? Benoit Delépine: Ich habe natürlich eine etwas vorbelastete Vergangenheit, weil ich mit meinem Freund und Co-Regisseur Gustave Kaverne bereits seit 15 Jahren zusammen eine TVSerie auf Canal+ in Frankreich betreibe. Diese TV-Serie ist von schwarzem Humor, von diesem Trash-Humor gekennzeichnet. Sie spielt in einem fiktiven Land namens Groland und die Witze in dieser Serie sind stark geprägt von schwarzem Humor, was in Frankreich sehr gut ankommt. Es ist der Stil, den wir beide verfolgen, wobei das im Fernsehen noch sehr viel weiter geht als in unseren Filmen. WH: Das bedeutet also, dass der schwarze Humor in Ihrer Fernsehserie sehr viel weiter geht als in Ihrem Film “Louise Hires A Contract Killer”? BD: Ja. Es ist wirklich sehr erstaunlich, denn durch diese Serie werden jeden Samstagabend zwei Millionen Fernsehzuschauer erreicht, obgleich der schwarze Humor darin manchmal schon zu weit geht. WH: Wie gehen Sie mit Kritik um, die Ihnen vorwirft, Ihre Späße auf Kosten von Randgruppen wie z.B. Analphabeten, Rollstuhlfahrer, Krebspatienten, usw. zu treiben? Oder gibt es solche Kritik nie? BD: Oft sagt man uns, dass in unseren Filmen nur hässliche, dumme, behinderte oder sonst irgendwie negativ dargestellte Personen vorkommen. Das ärgert uns sehr, denn es sind alles unsere Freunde, die in den Filmen auftreten. Und wir mögen diese Freunde natürlich sehr und behandeln sie mit viel Liebe und Respekt und denken, dass dies auch in unseren Filmen zum Ausdruck kommt. Wenn man also an unseren Filmen und den Personen darin Kritik übt, dann kritisiert man eigentlich unsere Freunde und das ist etwas, was uns nicht sehr erfreut. Wir leben jeden Tag mit diesen Menschen zusammen. Für uns sind sie ganz normal, ja sogar schön, und es sind eigentlich die Anderen, die eine eher verklärte Sichtweise haben. WH: Eine gesunde Einstellung! Woher rührt die ursprüngliche Idee für den Film “Louise Hires A Contract Killer”? Gab es da ein ganz besonderes Ereignis, das Sie dazu inspiriert hatte? BD: Die Idee zu diesem Film hatte ich eigentlich schon vor acht Jahren, schon in meinem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von Cognac im Südwesten Frankreichs, wo ich herkomme. Dort wurde eine Fabrik geschlossen und ich habe mich mit den Arbeitern dort unterhalten, die ihre Arbeit verloren hatten, als ich meine Tochter von der Schule abholte. Auch dort war die Situation die gleiche. Die Maschinen der Fabrik wurden einfach über Nacht in den Osten verlagert und den Arbeitern wurde erst drei
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Benoit Delépine - Foto (c) Wolfram Hannemann Tage vorher Bescheid gesagt. Das war also der Ursprung dieser Geschichte. Den wirklichen Ablauf des Filmes haben wir bereits in einem Sketch im Fernsehen entwickelt. Dieser Sketch nennt sich “Don Quichotte de la Revolucion”. Gustave spielte damals den Sancho Pansa und ich den Don Quichotte. Wir fuhren auf dem Motorrad und einem kleinen Roller eines PizzaService los, um es mit den großen multinationalen Konzernen aufzunehmen. Wir stellten aber sehr schnell fest, dass der Chef noch einen weiteren Chef hatte und der noch einen weiteren Chef und dass dieser nicht im Dorf sitzt, wo man es vermutet, sondern in Brüssel. In Brüssel gibt es aber wieder einen Chef, der einen Chef in London hat usw. Das war eine sehr lustige Reise und sie bildete die Grundlage für unseren Spielfilm. WH: Wie gestaltet sich die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihrem Co-Regisseur Gustave Kaverne? Wie haben Sie sich die Arbeit geteilt? BD: Wir haben eigentlich mehr oder weniger das gleiche Talent. Wir funktionieren wie zwei Batterien, die natürlich gemeinsam zu mehr Energie führen. Dadurch sind wir auch doppelt so schnell. Wir haben die Einstellung, dass die bessere Idee gewinnt. Und das funktioniert beim Drehbuch, bei den Dialogen, bei der Auswahl der Schauspieler usw. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass wir im Wettbewerb miteinander stehen, sondern es geht einfach nur darum, den Film voranzubringen und besser zu machen. Wir anerkennen auch die Arbeit des jeweils anderen und gehen zum nächsten Punkt über.
Das Ganze geschieht sehr schnell und ist eine verrückte Arbeitsweise. Wenn man alleine ist, dann sitzt man lange herum und kann einen ganzen Monat an einer einzigen Idee herumüberlegen. Mit unserer Arbeitsweise kommen wir schneller zum Ende. Es sind auch schon sehr interessante, amüsante Filme daraus entstanden, dass wir uns gegenseitig übertreffen wollten. Den neuen Film, den wir gemacht haben, haben wir in nur sechs Monaten realisiert – von der Idee bis zu seiner Fertigstellung – und haben dabei auch mit großen Schauspielern zusammengearbeitet. Wir wissen selbst nicht mehr genau, wie wir das geschafft haben! Das Buch haben wir in zwei Monaten geschrieben und es ist wirklich etwas Gutes dabei herausgekommen, da wir zu zweit daran gearbeitet haben, und da der Andere immer gesagt hat, was gut daran ist und was nicht. So geht das Ganze viel schneller und viel einfacher als wenn jeder in seiner Ecke vor sich hintüfteln würde. Unser neuer Film wurde innerhalb einer Woche abgedreht. Zuvor mussten wir aber die großen Schauspieler von Gérard Dépardieu über Isabelle Adjani bis Yolande Moreau davon überzeugen und das Geld musste gefunden werden. Es ist unglaublich, dass wir ihn zu Ende gebracht haben. Es geht nicht darum, Gérard Dépardieu davon zu überzeugen, dass er einen Film machen soll, sondern dass er ihn kostenlos machen soll! WH: Wie ist der Titel des neuen Films und wann wird er in die Kinos kommen? BD: Der Film heisst “Mammuth” und der Titel
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258) bezieht sich auf das Motorrad der siebziger Jahre. Er wird im nächsten Jahr in die Kinos kommen. Eineinhalb Stunden lang Gérard Dépardieu auf diesem Motorrad! WH: Mit viel schwarzem Humor? BD: Selbstverständlich! Es geht um das Thema Ruhestand. WH: Wie kam die Zusammenarbeit mit Albert Dupontel zustande, der ja nur in einer kurzen Sequenz nach dem Ende der Endtitel auftritt und daher von den meisten Kinozuschauern wohl gar nicht gesehen wird? BD: Wir sind begeistert von Albert Dupontel! Kennen Sie seine erste Regiearbeit “Bernie”? Ein fabelhafter Film mit viel schwarzem Humor. Wir hatten die Szene mit Albert Dupontel gedreht und wollten diese eigentlich in die Mitte des Films einfließen lassen, wo sich die Akteure auch die Kleinaktionäre vorknöpfen. Doch letztendlich wurde die Szene aus unserem Film wieder rausgeworfen, weil sie einfach nicht in den Rhythmus passte. Doch wir waren sehr unglücklich darüber, weil wir den Schauspieler unbedingt in unserem Film haben wollten, wussten jetzt aber nicht wohin mit der Szene. Ich habe Albert sogar angerufen und ihm gesagt, dass wir seine Szene aus dem Film entfernen wollen. Erst dann kam uns die Idee, die Szene nach dem Abspann einzubauen, um damit zu demonstrieren, dass der Kampf der Arbeiter weiter geht. WH: Diese letzte Szene suggeriert eine Fortsetzung. Dürfen wir eine erwarten? BD: Nein, das machen nur die Amerikaner. Der Film war so schon anstrengend genug. WH: Dupontels Name taucht im Vorspann des Films auf, doch werden vermutlich die wenigsten Zuschauer seine Szene sehen, da sie bereits mit Beginn der Endtitel den Kinosaal verlassen. BD: Dupontel selbst ist lange genug sitzen geblieben, um die Szene zu sehen! WH: Gab es bei “Louise Hires A Contract Killer” ein richtiges Drehbuch oder wurde auch improvisiert? BD: Das Drehbuch war komplett fertig geschrieben und es gab nur ein paar kleine Szenen, in denen etwas improvisiert wurde. Momentan ist es schwierig Geldgeber zu finden, wenn man nicht von vornherein ein 120seitiges Drehbuch vorweisen kann. Denn diejenigen, die das Geld zur Verfügung stellen, bekommen es sonst mit der Angst zu tun. Wir haben also irgendetwas hingeschrieben auf diesen 120 Seiten und es ist dann oftmals gerade das, was den Geldgebern gefällt. Daher mussten wir eben auch diese Dialoge, die unseren Produzenten so gefallen hatten, auch entsprechend umsetzen.
September 2009 WH: Eine Szene in Ihrem Film hat mich besonders beeindruckt. Dort sieht man Louise aus ihrem Wohnblock kommen und plötzlich kollabiert das gesamte Gebäude hinter ihr. War das echt oder handelt es sich um eine Trickaufnahme? BD: Eigentlich wollten wir diese Szene genau an einem Termin drehen, als wirklich ein Haus in die Luft gesprengt werden sollte. Letztendlich wurde die Sprengung dann aber verschoben und wir konnten die Szene nicht in echt drehen. So mussten wir das Ganze als Trickaufnahme realisieren, obgleich wir solche Maßnahmen eigentlich ablehnen. 15 Versuche waren notwendig, bis die Szene endlich im Kasten war. Osama Bin Laden hätte dieses Problem nicht gehabt. WH: Die Figur der Louise erinnerte mich an die Mutter aus dem holländischen Film “Flodder” von Dick Maas. War das Absicht oder ist es Zufall? BD: Ist das ein Spielfilm? Sie müssen mir den Titel aufschreiben. Ich kenne den Film nicht. Der wäre vielleicht etwas für eines unserer Festivals, das schon seit fünf Jahren existiert und auf dem schräge und schwarzhumorige Filme gezeigt werden. Handelt es sich bei der vorliegenden Fassung von “Louise Hires A Contract Killer” um den Director’s Cut oder gibt es noch eine andere Fassung? Es gibt nur diese Fassung. Es fehlt nichts. In Frankreich wurde der Film bereits auf DVD veröffentlicht, die als Bonus ein paar Szenen enthält, die wir nicht verwendet haben und dies auch nicht bedauern. WH: In welchem Format wurde gefilmt? BD: In Super16 mit Negativfilm, also nichts besonderes. WH: Werden Sie auch in Zukunft auf Negativfilm setzen? BD: Ja. Oder vielleicht filmen wir sogar mit einem Handy. Vor kurzem war ich Mitglied einer Jury, die Filme auszeichnen sollte, die per Handy aufgenommen wurden und da waren ein paar ganz großartige Sachen dabei. WH: Vielen Dank für das Gespräch, Monsieur Delépine. Das Interview fand statt am 11. September 2009 im Novotel, Karlsruhe
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Animation Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente, Das komplette Buch 3: Feuer (4 DVDs)
Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 200min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 29.01.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032293
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Box Vol. 4 (2 DVDs)
Avatar: The Last Airbender Dir. Giancarlo Volpe, Dave Filoni, Lauren MacMullen, Anthony Lioi Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 1.0 (Holl) 394min. Paramount Home Entertainment 12.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032514
Kôdo Giasu: Hangyaku No Rurûshu Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 225min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 26.02.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032294
BraveStarr - Vol. 1 (2 DVDs)
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Box Vol. 5 (2 DVDs)
Bravestarr Dir. Bob Arkwright, Ed Friedman, Lou Kachivas, Marsh Lamore, Tom Tataranowicz, Lou Zukor Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1987-1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) 528min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032180
Caillou 16 - Caillou der Maler und weitere Geschichten Caillou Dir. Jean Pilotte Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 71min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) 20.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032407
Captain Tsubasa: Die tollen Fußballstars - Vol. 4, Episode 96128 (3 DVDs) Captain Tsubasa Dir. Hiroyoshi Mitsunobu
Kôdo Giasu: Hangyaku No Rurûshu Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 200min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 26.03.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032295
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Box Vol. 6 (2 DVDs) Kôdo Giasu: Hangyaku No Rurûshu Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 200min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 23.04.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032296
Dinosaur King: Downtown Showdown - Episode 21-25 Kodai Oja Kyoryu King: Dkidz Adventure Trailer
Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 101min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032165
Booklet, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983-1986 FF DD 2.0 (D) 693min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032181
Casper und andere ZeichentrickGeschichten Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032198
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Box Vol. 1 (2 DVDs) Kôdo Giasu: Hangyaku No Rurûshu Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 225min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 26.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032291
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Box Vol. 2 (2 DVDs) Kôdo Giasu: Hangyaku No Rurûshu Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 200min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 27.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032292
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Box Vol. 3 (2 DVDs) Kôdo Giasu: Hangyaku No Rurûshu
Dinosaur King: Downtown Showdown - Episode 26-30 Kodai Oja Kyoryu King: Dkidz Adventure Trailer
Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 101min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032166
Dora - In geheimer Mission Dora The Explorer Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 FF (D) (E) (F) (Holl) 97min. Paramount Home Entertainment 12.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032516
Dragonball Z - Box 1/10 (6 DVDs) Dragonball Z Dir. Daisuke Nishio Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1989-1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) 770min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 27.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032289
Das Dschungelbuch Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032195
Fist of the North Star 3: Legend
of Raoh - Fierce Fight Shin Kyûseishu Densetsu Hokuto No Ken: Raô Den - Gekitô No Shô Dir. Takahiro Imamura Zeichentrick/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 93min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 27.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032297
Fist of the North Star 4: Legend of Toki Shin Kyûseishu Densetsu Hokuto No Ken Toki Den Dir. Kobun Shizuno Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 66min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 29.01.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032298
Fist of the North Star 5: Legend of Kenshiro Shin Kyûseishu Densetsu Hokuto No Ken Kenshirô Den Dir. Kobun Shizuno Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 26.02.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032299
Das Geheimnis von Mulan Mulan Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032194
Gullivers Reisen Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032196
Gundam 00 - Vol. 2 (2 DVDs) Kidô Senshi Gundam 00 Dir. James Corrigall Trailer, Vor- und Abspann ohne Text, Featurette, Jap. Werbespots, Audiokommentar
Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2007 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (F) (Jap) 190min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(beez Entertainment) 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032353
Gurren Lagann - Vol. 2 (2 DVDs) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Dir. Hiroshi Iketomi, Hiroyuki Imaishi Trailer, Vor- und Abspann ohne Text
Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2007 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (F) (Jap) 215min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(beez Entertainment) 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032352
Gurren Lagann - Vol. 2 (Collector’s Edition, 2 DVDs + 2 Audio-CDs) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Dir. Hiroshi Iketomi, Hiroyuki Imaishi Trailer, Vor- und Abspann ohne Text
Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2007 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (F) (Jap) 215min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(beez Entertainment) 02.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032351
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Hallo Kurt - Volume 3, Episode 43 - 63 (4 DVDs) Ohayô! Supankku Dir. Akira Sugino, Shigetsugu Yoshida Biografien, Produktempfehlung
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 FF DD 2.0 (D) 486min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032176
Hercules - Der junge Held Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032197
Der Herr der Ringe (Blu-ray) The Lord Of The Rings Dir. Ralph Bakshi Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1977 DD 2.0 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (F) 133min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032231
Ice Age 1, 2 & 3 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Ice Age / Ice Age 2: The Meltdown / Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Dir. Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha, Michael Thurmeier Trickfilm/Komödie 2002-2009 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 02.12.2009 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032460
Ice Age 1, 2 & 3 (3 DVDs) Ice Age / Ice Age 2: The Meltdown / Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Dir. Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha, Michael Thurmeier Trickfilm/Komödie 2002-2009 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 02.12.2009 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032391
Ice Age 3 - Die Dinosaurier sind los (+ Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Dir. Carlos Saldanha, Michael Thurmeier Musikvideo, „Scrat Special“, Audiokommentar, interaktives „Ice Age“-Bilderbuch, interaktives „Ice Age-Bilderbuch“, Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilme, Dokumentationen
Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 94min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 02.12.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032462
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Sunfilm Entertainment(Savoy Film) 16.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032364
Popeye Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032202
Kleiner roter Traktor 10 - Landleben
Popeye - Teil 2
Little Red Tractor Dir. Russell Haigh, Dave Scanlon Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 50min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032406
Michiko & Hatchin - Vol. 02 Michiko To Hatchin Dir. Sayo Yamamoto Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 28.09.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032300
Michiko & Hatchin - Vol. 03 Michiko To Hatchin Dir. Sayo Yamamoto 2 Postkarten
Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 27.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032301
Michiko & Hatchin - Vol. 04 Michiko To Hatchin Dir. Sayo Yamamoto 2 Postkarten
Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 29.01.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032302
Michiko & Hatchin - Vol. 05 Michiko To Hatchin Dir. Sayo Yamamoto 2 Postkarten
Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 75min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 26.02.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032303
Michiko & Hatchin - Vol. 06 Michiko To Hatchin Dir. Sayo Yamamoto
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Dir. Carlos Saldanha, Michael Thurmeier
Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 75min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 26.03.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032304
Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 90min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 02.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032410
Ice Bear - Die Eisbären Ice Bear Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032200
Immigrants - L.A. Dolce Vita Immigrants - L.A. Dolce Vita Dir. Gabor Csupo Zeichentrick/Satire 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Die Raccoons - Die komplette Zeichentrickserie (8 DVDs) The Raccoons Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1985-1992 FF 1500min. MORE Music and Media 18.09.2009 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032305
2 Postkarten
Ice Age 3 - Die Dinosaurier sind los (inkl. Digital Copy) Musikvideo, „Scrat Special“
Popeye Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032204
2 Postkarten
Original Spiderman Staffel 1, Vol.3 Spider-Man Dir. Ray Patterson, Clyde Geronimi, Sid Marcus, Grant Simmons, Ralph Bakshi Zeichentrick/Action 1967-1970 166min. ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Clearvision) 16.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032521
Popeye - Teil 1
Die schönsten Kinderfilme (3 DVDs) Lauras Stern / Kleiner Dodo / Der Kleine Eisbär Dir. Piet De Rycker, Thilo Graf Rothkirch, Ute von Münchow-Pohl Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2001-2007 min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032283
Die schönsten Kinderserien (3 DVDs) Lauras Stern / Kleiner Dodo / Der Kleine Eisbär Dir. Piet De Rycker, Thilo Graf Rothkirch, Ute von Münchow-Pohl, Theo Kerp Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1992-2007 min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032284
SpongeBob Schwammkopf Spongikus Spongebob Squarepants Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Sp) 118min. Paramount Home Entertainment 12.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032518
Superman - Teil 1 Superman Zeichentrick/Abenteuer min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032206
Superman - Teil 2 Superman Zeichentrick/Abenteuer min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 5,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032207
TinkerBell - Die Suche nach dem verlorenen Schatz (+ DVD) (Bluray) Tinkerbell And The Lost Treasure Dir. Klay Hall Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment 19.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032228
X-Men Staffel 4, Vol. 1 X-Men Dir. Dan Hennessy, Larry Houston Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1997 145min.
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Clearvision) 16.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032522
Film 20th Century Boys (OmU) 20-Seiki Shônen Toshiaki Karasawa, Etsushi Toyokawa, Takako Tokiwa, Yoriko Douguchi, Takashi Fujii - Dir. Yukihiko Tsutsumi Fantasy/Science Fiction 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (Jap) 142min. AV Visionen(Eye See Movies) 28.09.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032290
3 Halleluja für den Satan Il West Ti Va Stretta, Amico ... è Arrivato Alleluja George Hilton, Michael Hinz, Agata Flori, Lincoln Tate, Raymond Bussières, Riccardo Garrone, Aldo Barberito, Roberto Camardiel, Nello Pazzafini, Paolo Gozlino, Umberto d’Orsi - Dir. Anthony Ascott Western/Komödie 1972 min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 6,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032316
7 Zwerge - Der Wald ist nicht genug (Blu-ray) Otto Waalkes, Martin Schneider, Ralf Schmitz, Mirco Nontschew, Boris Aljinovic, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Norbert Heisterkamp, Cosma Shiva Hagen, Nina Hagen, Heinz Hoenig, Hans Werner Olm, Christian Tramitz, Rüdiger Hoffmann, Axel Neumann, Helge Schneider - Dir. Sven Unterwaldt jr. Komödie 2006 95min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032458
7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald (Blu-ray) Otto Waalkes, Mirco Nontschew, Boris Aljinovic, Markus Majowski, Heinz Hoenig, Martin Schneider, Ralf Schmitz, Cosma Shiva Hagen, Nina Hagen, Hans Werner Olm, Atze Schröder, Christian Tramitz, Rüdiger Hoffmann, Otto Waalkes, Otto Waalkes, Markus Majowski, Norbert Heisterkamp, Mavie Hörbiger, Helge Schneider, Hilmi Sözer, Harald Schmidt, Tom Gerhardt, Antonio Monfort, Otto Waalkes, Horst Tomayer, Okko Bekker, Till Hoheneder, Katharina Beissel, Helmut Zerlett, Douglas Welbat, Markus Hoffmann, Lena Amende, Doris Hasslinger, Isolde Gündisch, Corinne Courlet, Aranka Kosowksi, Andrea Furrer, Nadine Langholz, Holger Franke, Heike Rosenbaum, Anne Hild, Swantje Raettig, Holger Franken, Jan Drobeck, Rafael Kozyra, Nikolas Abs, Olaf Jacobs, Roger Gracher, Ansgar Döhmen, Tomek Grochoki, Fabian Sack, Christoph Burgstedt, Florian Poetsch, Philippe Siepen - Dir. Sven Unterwaldt jr. Komödie 2004 95min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032459
80 Minutes
Am Anfang war das Feuer
80 Minutes Gabriel Mann, Natalia Avelon, Oliver Kieran-Jones, Joshua Dallas, Francis Fulton-Smith, Niki Greb, Max Urlacher - Dir. Thomas Jahn Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Global Cinema) 03.12.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032309
La Guerre Du Feu Everett McGill, Rae Dawn Chong, Ron Perlman, Nicholas Kadi - Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud Abenteuer 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 DTS 96min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 26.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032370
80 Minutes (Blu-ray)
Am Anfang war das Feuer (Bluray)
Gabriel Mann, Natalia Avelon, Oliver Kieran-Jones, Joshua Dallas, Francis Fulton-Smith, Niki Greb, Max Urlacher - Dir. Thomas Jahn Action 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Global Cinema) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032442
La Guerre Du Feu Everett McGill, Rae Dawn Chong, Ron Perlman, Nicholas Kadi - Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud Abenteuer 1981 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 100min. Concorde Home Entertainment 26.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032449
Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 13 (2 DVDs) Erdogan Atalay, René Steinke, Charlotte Schwab, Dietmar Huhn, Gottfried Vollmer, Carina Wiese, Jürgen Hentsch, Elisabeth Lanz, Hansa Czypionka, Karina Kraushaar, Jona Mues, Roland Riebeling, Maria Simon, Kirsten Block - Dir. Carmen Kurz, Axel Barth, Holger Gimpel, Sebastian Vigg, Raoul W. Heimrich Action/Kriminalfilm 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) 405min. Universum Film(RTL video) 06.11.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032378
Alexander (Revised Version, Uncut) Alexander Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Sir Anthony Hopkins (Ptolemaios), Rosario Dawson, Jared Leto, Christopher Plummer, Erol Sander, Elliot Cowan, Joseph Morgan, Jonathan Rhys Meyers - Dir. Oliver Stone Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2004 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032519
Alexander (Revised Version, Uncut) (Blu-ray) Alexander Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Rosario Dawson, Jared Leto, Christopher Plummer, Erol Sander, Elliot Cowan, Joseph Morgan, Jonathan Rhys Meyers - Dir. Oliver Stone Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2004 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032545
Alle lieben Willy Wuff Esther Rüpperich, Nadja Rüpperich, MarieCharlott Schüler, Oliver Stritzel, David Cesmeci, Michael Schreiner, Ulrich Günther, Dietmar Mössmer, Chris Walden, Carola Höhn - Dir. Maria Theresia Wagner Bildergalerie, Trailer
Komödie 1995 FF DD 2.0 (D) 90min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032162
Amazing Stories Vol. 1 Amazing Stories Vol. 1 Roberts Blossom, Scott Paulin, Lukas Haas, Tom Harrison, Brion James, John Scott Clough, Lisa Jane Persky, Kelly Reno, William Boyett - Dir. Steven Spielberg, Matthew Robbins, William Dear Horror/Komödie 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(e-m-s) 30.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032347
Amazing Stories Vol. 2 Amazing Stories Vol. 2 Kevin Costner, Kiefer Sutherland, Casey Siemaszko, Gregory Hines, Richard Masur, Leo Rossi, Sid Caesar, Matthew Laborteaux, Gary Riley - Dir. Steven Spielberg, Peter Hyams, Donald M. Petrie Horror/Komödie 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 116min. ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(e-m-s) 30.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032348
Amazing Stories Vol. 3 Amazing Stories Vol. 3 Dom DeLuise, Sydney Lassick, Douglas Seale, Harvey Keitel, Sondra Locke, Beau Bridges, Pat Hingle, Nancy Parsons, Loni Anderson - Dir. Burt Reynolds, Bob Clark, Phil Joanou, Clint Eastwood Horror/Komödie 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(e-m-s) 30.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032349
Amazing Stories Vol. 4 Amazing Stories Vol. 4 Charlie Sheen, Mabel King, Seth Green, Joe Pantoliano, Mark Hamill, Forest Whitaker, Larry Spinak, James Cromwell, Mary Jo Deschanel - Dir. Joan Darling, Lesli Linka Glatter, Thomas Carter Horror/Komödie 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(e-m-s) 30.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032350
American Werewolf (Special Edi-
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) tion) (Blu-ray) An American Werewolf In London David Naughton, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Dunne - Dir. John Landis Horror 1981 95min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032453
American Werewolf (Special Edition, 2 DVDs) An American Werewolf In London David Naughton, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Dunne - Dir. John Landis Horror 1981 92min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032389
Amityville 3 (k.J.) Amityville 3D Tony Roberts, Tess Harper, Lori Loughlin, Robert Joy, Candy Clark, John Beal - Dir. Richard Fleischer 3D-Version, Trailer
Horror 1983 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 105min. epiX Media AG 09.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032281
Animals - Das tödlichste Raubtier ist in Dir! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Animals Marc Blucas, Naveen Andrews, Nicki Aycox, Eva Amurri, Andy Comeau, Bart Johnson, Gillian Shure, Mark Elias - Dir. Douglas Aarniokoski Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 12.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032235
Animals - Das tödlichste Raubtier ist in Dir! (k.J.) Animals Marc Blucas, Naveen Andrews, Nicki Aycox, Eva Amurri, Andy Comeau, Bart Johnson, Gillian Shure, Mark Elias - Dir. Douglas Aarniokoski Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 12.11.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032209
Annelie Luise Ullrich, Werner Krauss, Käthe Haack, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Albert Hehn, Axel von Ambesser, Ilse Fürstenberg, John PaulsHarding, Josefine Dora, Eduard von Winterstein, Johannes Schütz, Agnes Windeck, Gertrud Wolle, Ursula Herking - Dir. Josef von Báky Drama 1941 FF DD 1.0 (D) 99min. Black Hill Pictures 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032277
Apocalypto (OmU, Steelbook Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Apocalypto Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Hernandez, Jonathan Brewer, Morris Bird, Raoul Trujillo, Gerardo Taracena, Rodolfo
Palacios, Ariel Galvan, Bernardo Ruiz Juarez, Ricardo Diaz Mendoza, Fernando Hernandez Perez, Maria Isidra Hoil - Dir. Mel Gibson Making of, Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen
Action/Drama 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (Maya) DTS (Maya) 133min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 19.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032540
Arriva Sabata! Arriva Sabata! Anthony Steffen, Anthony Steffen, Peter Lee Lawrence, Eduardo Fajardo, Alfredo Mayo, Luis Induni, Rossana Rovere, Alfonso Rojas, María Villa, Chris Huerta Dir. Tullio Demicheli Western/Abenteuer 1970 min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 6,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032312
Aus tiefster Seele Canvas Joe Pantoliano, Marcia Gay Harden, Devon Gearhart, Sophia Bairley, Marcus Johns, Antony Del Rio, Steve DuMouchel, Paul Lasa, Emma Lockhart, Julie Upton, Tim Ware - Dir. Joseph Greco Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 101min. FilmConfect AG 12.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032242
Die Außerirdischen - Gesandter des Grauens Not Of This Earth Paul Birch, Beverly Garland, Morgan Jones, William Roerick, Jonathan Haze, Dick Miller - Dir. Roger Corman Trailer, Filmografie, Bildergalerie, Kurzfassung „The Terror“
Horror/Science Fiction 1956 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 64min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Ostalgica) 02.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032343
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (TV-Langfassung) Moritz Bleibtreu, Martina Gedeck, Johanna Wokalek, Nadja Uhl, Jan Josef Liefers, Stipe Erceg, Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara, Hannah Herzsprung, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Jasmin Tabatabai, Vinzenz Kiefer, Heino Ferch, Simon Licht, Tom Schilling, Daniel Lommatzsch, Sebastian Blomberg, Katharina Wackernagel, Anna Thalbach, Volker Bruch - Dir. Uli Edel Making of, Featurettes
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) 160min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 24.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032511
Baching Thomas Unger, Stefan Murr, Bernadette Heerwagen, Marisa Burger, Michael Fitz, Meike Droste, Johannes Herrschmann - Dir. Matthias Kiefersauer Drama/Heimatfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 88min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 13.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032357
Bandits Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Cate Blanchett, Troy Garity, January Jones, Brian F. O’Byrne, Stacey Travis, Bobby Slayton, William Converse-Roberts, Richard Riehle, Micole Mercurio, Peggy Miley, Azura Skye, Scott Burkholder - Dir. Barry Levinson Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover
Komödie/Action 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 118min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 06.11.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032559
Beyond Remedy (k.J.) Marie Zielcke, Daniel Krauss, Edward Piccin, Rick Yune, David Gant, Annalena Duken, Tobias Kasimirowicz, Jacqueline Burgschat - Dir. Gerhard Hroß Horror/Thriller 2009 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.01.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20032568
Black, der schwarze Blitz - Box 1 (4 DVDs) The Black Stallion Mickey Rooney, Richard Cox Abenteuer 1990-1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 400min. Spirit Media 06.11.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032265
Blutige Hochzeit Death By Engagement Sascha Knopf, Aaron MacPherson, P.J. Soles, Iyari Limon, Christa Campbell, Ryan Hansen, Jilon Ghai, Julian Berlin - Dir. Philip Creager Komödie/Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) min. epiX Media AG 25.09.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032382
Clive Barker’s Book of Blood Book Of Blood Sophie Ward, Jonas Armstrong, Paul Blair, Doug Bradley, Simon Bamford, Romana Abercromby, James McAnerney - Dir. John S. Harrison Making of, Trailer
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Sunfilm Entertainment 16.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032363
Clive Barker’s Book of Blood (Blu-ray) Book Of Blood Sophie Ward, Jonas Armstrong, Paul Blair, Doug Bradley, Simon Bamford, Romana Abercromby, James McAnerney - Dir. John S. Harrison Making of, Trailer
Horror 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 95min. Sunfilm Entertainment 16.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032448
Das Boot (Director’s Cut) Jürgen Prochnow, Herbert Grönemeyer, Klaus Wennemann, Hubertus Bengsch, Martin Semmelrogge, Bernd Tauber, Martin May, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Erwin Leder Dir. Wolfgang Petersen Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer
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Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Kriegsfilm 1979-1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 200min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 16.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032417
Borat (Blu-ray) Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan Sacha Baron Cohen, Ken Davitian, Pamela Anderson - Dir. Larry Charles Satire 2006 89min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032468
Der böse Geist von Jambuj Sloi Duch Jambuja Olga Iensak, Rodna Ieschonow, Juri Sabarowski, Feliks Sergeiew, Aleksander Kawalerow - Dir. Boris Bunejew Drama 1977 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (Russ) 94min. ZYX Music(Diamant) 18.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032163
Böseckendorf - Die Nacht, in der ein Dorf verschwand Anna Loos, Thure Riefenstein, Andreas Pietschmann, Rebecca Immanuel, Horst Janson, Esther Zimmering, Rainer Piwek, Johannes Brandrup, Axel Wedekind, Caroline Grothgar, Annika Kuhl, Marie Gruber, Wolfgang Packhäuser, Paula Hartmann Dir. Oliver Dommenget Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 97min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.09.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032280
The Box The Box James Marsden, Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, Michele Durrett, Gillian Jacobs, Patrick Canty, Andria Blackman - Dir. Richard Kelly Horror/Thriller 2007-2009 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.02.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20032569
The Box (Blu-ray) The Box James Marsden, Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, Michele Durrett, Gillian Jacobs, Patrick Canty, Andria Blackman - Dir. Richard Kelly Horror/Thriller 2007-2009 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.02.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20032582
Braveheart (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Braveheart Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan, Catherine McCormack, Brendan Gleeson, James Cosmo, David O’Hara, Angus McFayden, Peter Hanly, James Robinson - Dir. Mel Gibson Featurettes, Making of, Interviews, PiP, Interactivity
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1995 177min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 20.11.2009 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032465
Braveheart (2 DVDs) Braveheart Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan, Catherine McCormack, Brendan Gleeson, James Cosmo, David O’Hara, Angus McFayden, Peter Hanly, James Robinson - Dir. Mel Gibson Featurettes, Making of, Interviews
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1995 170min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 20.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032415
Breakfast of Champions Breakfast Of Champions Bruce Willis, Albert Finney, Nick Nolte, Barbara Hershey, Glenne Headly, Lukas Haas, Omar Epps, Buck Henry, Vicki Lewis, Ken Hudson Campbell, Jake Johannsen, Will Patton, Chip Zien, Owen Wilson, Alison Eastwood, Shawnee Smith, Kurt Vonnegut - Dir. Alan Rudolph Komödie 1998 106min. Universum Film(Tobis) 13.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032538
Bridget Jones - Schokolade zum Frühstück (Blu-ray) Bridget Jones’s Diary Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Embeth Davidtz, Shirley Henderson, Sally Phillips, James Callis, Honor Blackman, Celia Imrie Dir. Sharon Maguire Komödie 2001 97min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032455
Brüno Brüno Sacha Baron Cohen, Gustaf Hammarsten, Clifford Bañagale, Chibundu Orukwowu, Chigozie Orukwowu, Josh Meyers, Toby Hoguin, Roberto Huerta, Gilbert Rosales, Thomas Rosales, Marco Xavier, Bono, Sir Elton John, Slash, Snoop Dogg, Sting, Chris Martin, Paula Abdul, Harrison Ford - Dir. Larry Charles Komödie 2009 78min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 26.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032279
Brüno (Blu-ray) Brüno Sacha Baron Cohen, Gustaf Hammarsten, Clifford Bañagale, Chibundu Orukwowu, Chigozie Orukwowu, Josh Meyers, Toby Hoguin, Roberto Huerta, Gilbert Rosales, Thomas Rosales, Marco Xavier, Bono, Sir Elton John, Slash, Snoop Dogg, Sting, Chris Martin, Paula Abdul, Harrison Ford - Dir. Larry Charles Komödie 2009 81min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 26.11.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032437
Brüno (Special Edition inkl. Gift und O-Ring) Brüno Sacha Baron Cohen, Gustaf Hammarsten, Clifford Bañagale, Chibundu Orukwowu, Chigozie Orukwowu, Josh Meyers, Toby
Hoguin, Roberto Huerta, Gilbert Rosales, Thomas Rosales, Marco Xavier, Bono, Sir Elton John, Slash, Snoop Dogg, Sting, Chris Martin, Paula Abdul, Harrison Ford - Dir. Larry Charles Komödie 2009 78min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 26.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032385
Brutal - Ein erbarmungsloser Slasher! (k.J.) Brutal Jeffrey Combs, Sarah Thompson, Michael Berryman, Eric Lange, William Sanford, Don O. Knowlton, Kevin Indio Copeland, India Dupre, Crystal Stone - Dir. Ethan Wiley Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie
Thriller/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 89min. KSM 23.04.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030488
Luis Buñuel Edition (10 DVDs) Gran Casino / Das Fieber steigt in El Pao / Das junge Mädchen / Tagebuch einer Kammerzofe / u.a Michel Piccoli, Jeanne Moreau, Fernando Rey, Catherine Deneuve - Dir. Luis Buñuel Featurettes, Making of, Audiokommentar, Intros
Drama 1947-1977 946min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 20.11.2009 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032572
Burn Notice - Season 1 Burn Notice Jeffrey Donovan, Gabrielle Anwar, Bruce Campbell, Sharon Gless, Seth Peterson, China Chow, Marc Macaulay, Alex Carter Dir. Rod Hardy, Sanford Bookstaver, Tim Matheson, Paul Holahan, Paul Shapiro Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 02.12.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032241
Calcium Kid The Calcium Kid Orlando Bloom, Omid Djalili, Michael Lerner, Michael Peña, Tamer Hassan, Rafe Spall, Frank Harper, Ronni Ancona, David Kelly, Billie Piper - Dir. Alex De Rakoff Outtakes, Nicht verwendete Szenen, Wendecover
Komödie/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 85min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 06.11.2009 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032560
Camille - Die Geschichte einer unglaublichen Liebe Camille Sienna Miller, James Franco, David Carradine, Scott Glenn, Ed Lauter - Dir. Gregory MacKenzie Bildergalerie
Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 03.12.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032306
Camille - Die Geschichte einer unglaublichen Liebe (Blu-ray) Camille
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Sienna Miller, James Franco, David Carradine, Scott Glenn, Ed Lauter - Dir. Gregory MacKenzie Bildergalerie
Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 03.12.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032441
Che - Teil 1: Revolución / Teil 2: Guerrilla Che: Part One & Two Benicio Del Toro, Franka Potente, Benjamin Bratt, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Jordi Mollà, Armando Riesco, Demián Bichir, Ramón Fernández, Rodrigo Santoro, Julia Ormond, Joaquim De Almeida), Lou Diamond Phillips, Marc-André Grondin, Matt Damon - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Making of, Interviews, Bio- und Filmografie
Drama/Biographie 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 250min. Senator Home Entertainment 11.12.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032550
Che - Teil 1: Revolución / Teil 2: Guerrilla (Blu-ray) Che: Part One & Two Benicio Del Toro, Franka Potente, Benjamin Bratt, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Jordi Mollà, Armando Riesco, Demián Bichir, Ramón Fernández, Rodrigo Santoro, Julia Ormond, Joaquim De Almeida), Lou Diamond Phillips, Marc-André Grondin, Matt Damon - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Making of, Interviews, Bio- und Filmografie, BD Live
Drama/Biographie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 260min. Senator Home Entertainment 11.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032574
Cheers - Die dritte Season 4 DVDs) Cheers Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 FF DD 1.0 (D) 592min. Paramount Home Entertainment 12.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032515
Choke - Der Simulant Choke Sam Rockwell, Anjelica Huston, Kelly Macdonald, Brad Henke, Paz de la Huerta, Matt Gerald, Clark Gregg, Joel Grey, Viola Harris, Mary B. McCann, Bijou Phillips, Mike S. Ryan, David Wolos-Fonteno - Dir. Clark Gregg Trailer
Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Koch Media 16.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032253
Choke - Der Simulant (Blu-ray) Choke Sam Rockwell, Anjelica Huston, Kelly Macdonald, Brad Henke, Paz de la Huerta, Matt Gerald, Clark Gregg, Joel Grey, Viola Harris, Mary B. McCann, Bijou Phillips, Mike S. Ryan, David Wolos-Fonteno - Dir. Clark Gregg Trailer, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Gag Reel, Featurettes
Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 95min. Koch Media 16.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032431
A Christmas Carol - Die Nacht vor Weihnachten A Christmas Carol Patrick Stewart, Richard E. Grant, Joel Grey, Ian McNeice, Saskia Reeves, Desmond Barrit, Bernard Lloyd, Tim Potter, Ben Tibber - Dir. David Hugh Jones 5 Weihnachtspostkarten
Drama 1999 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. KG 01.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032403
Chuck - Die komplette erste Staffel (4 DVDs) Chuck Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski, Adam Baldwin, Joshua Gomez, Sarah Lancaster, Ryan McPartlin, Vik Sahay, Scott Krinsky, Julia Ling, Mark Cristopher Lawrence, Bonita Friedericy, Tony Hale, Tony Todd, Matthew Bomer, C.S. Lee - Dir. Robert Duncan McNeill, Allan Kroeker, Patrick Norris, Jason Ensler, Allison Liddi, Norman Buckley, Jay Chandrasekhar, Peter Lauer Featurette, Outtakes
Komödie/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Ungar) 555min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032157
Clarissa (2 DVDs) Clarissa Sean Bean, Saskia Wickham, Jonathan Phillips, Lynsey Baxter, Jeffrey Wickham, Cathryn Harrison, Michael Feast, Shirley Henderson - Dir. Robert Bierman Biografien, Trailer
Historienfilm/Drama 1991 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 201min. KSM 05.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032393
Colditz (Blu-ray) Colditz Damian Lewis, Tom Hardy, Sophia Myles, Laurence Fox, James Fox, Timothy West, Jason Priestley, Guy Henry, Robert Whitelock, Charles Kay, Juliet Howland, Scott Handy, Alex Avery, Eve Myles, Rüdiger Vogler, Werner Daehn, Armin Dillenberger, Joseph Beattie, Luke Neal, Charles Edwards, Daniel Hawksford, Robert Cambrinus, Teresa Churcher - Dir. Stuart Orme Bildergalerie, Filmografien
Drama 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 185min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 12.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032440
Conjurer (k.J.) Conjurer John Schneider, Maxine Bahns, Andrew Bowen, Tom Nowicki, Brett Rice, Edith Ivey, Liz McGeever, Dolan Wilson - Dir. Clint Hutchison Bildergalerie, Filmografien
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 84min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 15.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032190
Copper Mountain Copper Mountain Jim Carrey, Alan Thicke, Richard Gautier, Ziggy Lorenc, Rod Hebron, Jean Laplac Dir. David Mitchell Bio- und Filmografien und original Kinotrailer
Komödie 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 60min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. KG 17.09.2009 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032187
Cradle Will Fall Baby Blues Colleen Porch, Ridge Canipe, Joel Bryant, Kali Majors, Holden Thomas Maynard, Gene Witham, Chip Lane, Noelle Monteleone - Dir. Lars Jacobson, Amardeep Kaleka Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 73min. MIG Filmgroup 15.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032354
Crossing Over Crossing Over Harrison Ford, Ray Liotta, Ashley Judd, Jim Sturgess, Cliff Curtis, Alice Braga, Alice Eve, Justin Chon, Summer Bishil, Melody Khazae - Dir. Wayne Kramer Interviews, B-Roll
Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 108min. Senator Home Entertainment 18.12.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032551
Crossing Over (Blu-ray) Crossing Over Harrison Ford, Ray Liotta, Ashley Judd, Jim Sturgess, Cliff Curtis, Alice Braga, Alice Eve, Justin Chon, Summer Bishil, Melody Khazae - Dir. Wayne Kramer Interviews, B-Roll
Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 113min. Senator Home Entertainment 18.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032575
Die Dämonen Les Possédés Lambert Wilson, Omar Sharif, Jerzy Radziwilowicz, Jean-Philippe Ecoffey, Isabelle Huppert, Bernard Blier, Jutta Lampe Dir. Andrzej Wajda Drama 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 109min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Classic Selection) 15.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032373
John Huston’s The Dead The Dead
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Anjelica Huston, Donal McCann, Helena Carroll, Cathleen Delaney, Ingrid Craigie, Rachael Dowling - Dir. John Huston Original Kinotrailer
Drama 1987 (D) (E) 83min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Selected) 02.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032341
The Deal - Eine Hand wäscht die andere The Deal William H. Macy, Meg Ryan, Jeremy Crutchley, Fiona Glascott, Jason Ritter, David Hunt, Tere Morris, Adrian Galley, Brett Granstaff, Anton Voster - Dir. Steven Schachter Making of, Originaltrailer
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032479
The Deal (Blu-ray) The Deal William H. Macy, Meg Ryan, Jeremy Crutchley, Fiona Glascott, Jason Ritter, David Hunt, Tere Morris, Adrian Galley, Brett Granstaff, Anton Voster - Dir. Steven Schachter Komödie 2008 104min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032447
Death Bell - Tödliche Abschlussprüfung! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Gosa Kim Bum, Kim Gyu-ri, Lee Beom-su, Han Na-Yeon, Lee Eol, Kim Beom - Dir. Yoon Hong-seung
Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 174min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 05.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032436
Making of, Trailer
Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 6 (3 DVDs) The Rockford Files James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Atkins, James Luisi Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 19.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032387
Diese Nacht Nuit De Chien Pascal Greggory, Bruno Todeschini, Marc Barbé, Amira Casar, Eric Caravaca, Elsa Zylberstein, Sami Frey, Nathalie Delon, Bulle Ogier, Lena Schwarz, Pascale Schiller, Mostefa Djadjam - Dir. Werner Schroeter Interview, Making of, Featurettes, Alternatives Ende, Trailer
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) 116min. Filmgalerie 451 20.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032226
Das Ding / Härte 10 (4 DVDs) Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1974-1978 FF DD 1.0 (D) 590min. Studio Hamburg Distribution & Marketing(Straßenfeger-Edition) 22.02.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032338
Making of, Musikvideo, Highlights
Dolan’s Cadillac (k.J.)
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 89min. Splendid Film 27.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032439
Dolan’s Cadillac Christian Slater, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Wes Bentley - Dir. Jeff Beesley Thriller 2009 85min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 15.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032484
Death Bell - Tödliche Abschlussprüfung! (k.J.) Gosa Kim Bum, Kim Gyu-ri, Lee Beom-su, Han Na-Yeon, Lee Eol, Kim Beom - Dir. Yoon Hong-seung Making of, Musikvideo, Highlights
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 85min. Splendid Film 27.11.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032282
Delta Farce (Blu-ray) Delta Farce Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, DJ Qualls, Danny Trejo, Marisol Nichols, Keith David, Glenn Morshower, Christina Moore - Dir. C. B. Harding Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Interviews, Trailer
Komödie/Action 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 94min. MIG Filmgroup 03.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032446
Der Seewolf (+ DVD) (Blu-ray) Sebastian Koch, Neve Campbell, Tim Roth, Stephen Campbell Moore, Tobias Schenke, Peter MacNeill, Julian Richings, Maxwell McCabe-Lokos, Paul Fauteux - Dir. Mike Barker
David Murray, David Ganly, Carice van Houten, Gavin O’Connor, Eamonn Owens, Gary Lewis, Charlene McKenna, Jordan Lee McGrath, Rynagh O’Grady, Niamh Shaw, Sean Stewart - Dir. Agnès Merlet
Don Camillo & Peppone Edition (5 DVDs) Don Camillo und Peppone / Don Camillos Rückkehr / Die große Schlacht des Don Camillo / Hochwürden Don Camillo / Genosse Don Camillo Fernandel, Gino Cervi Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Featurettes
Komödie 1952-1965 (D) (F) (It) 524min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 16.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032377
Dorothy Mills Dorothy Mills David Murray, David Ganly, Carice van Houten, Gavin O’Connor, Eamonn Owens, Gary Lewis, Charlene McKenna, Jordan Lee McGrath, Rynagh O’Grady, Niamh Shaw, Sean Stewart - Dir. Agnès Merlet Making of, Trailer
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min. Koch Media 27.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032255
Dorothy Mills (Blu-ray) Dorothy Mills
Horror 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 102min. Koch Media 27.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032433
Dotterbart Yellowbeard Graham Chapman, Marty Feldman, Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Tommy Chong, Peter Boyle, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Madeline Kahn, Martin Hewitt, Peter Cook, Sir Michael Hordern, James Mason, Kenneth Mars, Spike Milligan, Stacey Nelkin, David Bowie, Nigel Planer, Susannah York, Beryl Reid, Ferdy Mayne, John Francis, Peter Bull, Bernard Fox, Ronald Lacey, Greta Blackburn, Nigel Stock, Monte Landis, Bernard McKenna, Michael Mileham - Dir. Mel Damski Komödie/Abenteuer 1983 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 97min. Concorde Home Entertainment 05.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032369
Drei Affen - Nichts hören, nichts sehen, nichts sagen Üc Maymun Yavuz Bingöl, Ercan Kesal, Hatice Aslan Kaleli, Ahmet Rifat Sungar, Cafer Köse, Gürkan Aydin - Dir. Nuri Bilge Ceylan Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Indigo(good!movies) 18.09.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032383
Die dreibeinigen Herrscher - Staffel 01 (3 DVDs) The Tripods Audiokommentar, Promotionclip, Booklet
Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1984 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 303min. Koch Media 23.10.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032259
Die Echelon-Verschwörung Echelon Conspiracy Shane West, Edward Burns, Ving Rhames, Jurij „Gosha“ Kutsenko, Sergei Gubanow, Martin Sheen, Steven Elder, Jonathan Pryce, Tamara Feldman, Todd Jensen, Trevor White, Ilan Goodman - Dir. Greg Marcks Trailer, Making of
Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. Koch Media 23.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032256
Die Echelon-Verschwörung (Bluray) Echelon Conspiracy Shane West, Edward Burns, Ving Rhames, Jurij „Gosha“ Kutsenko, Sergei Gubanow, Martin Sheen, Steven Elder, Jonathan Pryce, Tamara Feldman, Todd Jensen, Trevor White, Ilan Goodman - Dir. Greg Marcks Trailer, Making of
Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 104min. Koch Media 23.10.2009
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032434
Einsatz auf 4 Pfoten - Ein Weihnachtsmärchen The 12 Dogs Of Christmas Jordan-Claire Green, Tom Kemp, Susan Wood, Adam Hicks, Jim Jackman, Richard Riehle, Roland Pelletier, John Billingsley Dir. Kieth Merrill Komödie/Familie 2005 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 105min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032182
El Mar (OmU) El Mar Roger Casamajor, Bruno Bergonzini, Ángela Molina, Simón Andreu, Juli Mira, Antonia Torrens, Hernan Gonzales, David Lozano (Manuel), Nilo Mur (Andreu), Llorenc Santamaria - Dir. Agustí Villaronga Trailer, Bildergalerie
Drama 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Sp) 108min. cmv-Laservision 25.09.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032344
Elizabeth / Elizabeth - Das goldene Königreich / Die Schwester der Königin (3 DVDs) Elizabeth / Elizabeth: The Golden Age / The Other Boleyn Girl Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Clive Owen, Rhys Ifans, Joseph Fiennes, Lord Richard Attenborough, Fanny Ardant, Kathy Burke, Eric Cantona, James Frain, Vincent Cassel, Daniel Craig, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana, David Morrissey, Kristin Scott Thomas, Mark Rylance, Jim Sturgess, Ana Torrent, Eddie Redmayne, Benedict Cumberbatch, Juno Temple, TIffany Freisberg - Dir. Shekhar Kapur, Justin Chadwick Historienfilm/Drama 1998-2008 338min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.10.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032390
Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032577
Es geschah am hellichten Tag Heinz Rühmann, Gert Fröbe, Michel Simon, Ewald Balser, Berta Drews, Siegfried Lowitz, Anita von Ow - Dir. Ladislao Vajda
Pranzo Di Ferragosto Gianni Di Gregorio, Valeria De Franciscis, Marina Cacciotti, Maria Laura Cali, Grazia Cesarini Sforza, Alfonso Santagata, Luigi Marchetti, Marcello Ottolenghi, Petre Rosu Dir. Gianni Di Gregorio
Experiment Killing Room The Killing Room Timothy Hutton, Peter Stormare, Chloë Sevigny, Bill Stinchcomb, Michael Byrnes, Luke Sexton, Tim J. Smith - Dir. Jonathan Liebesman Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Circle Three) 22.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032246
Experiment Killing Room (Bluray)
Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Featurettes, Interviews, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Bildergalerie, Wendecover, BD-Live
Drama/Abenteuer 1996 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 161min.
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (It) 72min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pandora) 30.10.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032217
Die Feuerengel (4 DVDs) Nicolas König, Hans-Martin Stier, JensPeter Nünemann, Henry König, Niki Greb, Christoph Hemrich, Michael Härle, Karl Knaup, Steffen Münster, Katinka Heichert Dir. Wilhelm Engelhardt, Uwe Frießner, Daniel Helfer, Petra Haffter
The Killing Room Timothy Hutton, Peter Stormare, Chloë Sevigny, Bill Stinchcomb, Michael Byrnes, Luke Sexton, Tim J. Smith - Dir. Jonathan Liebesman Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Circle Three) 22.10.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032429
Making of
Der Fahnder - Komplettbox (24 DVDs)
Dokumentation, Wendecover, BD Live
Jörg Schüttauf Kriminalfilm 1993-2000 4350min. Universal Pictures Germany(ARD Video) 12.11.2009 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032386
Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jürgen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Weis - Dir. Michael Mackenroth Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. MORE Music and Media(Superkult) 18.09.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032307
The English Patient Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Willem Dafoe, Kristin Scott Thomas, Naveen Andrews, Colin Firth, Julian Wadham, Jürgen Prochnow, Kevin Whately, Clive Merrison, Nino Castelnuovo, Hichem Rostom, Peter Rühring - Dir. Anthony Minghella
Humor 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D) 540min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.09.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032398
Das Festmahl im August
Twelve And Holding Bruce Altman, Jayne Atkinson, Jesse Camacho, Martin Campetta, Marcia DeBonis, Conor Donovan, Joseph Foster, Adam LeFèvre, Mark Linn-Baker, Marcella Lowery - Dir. Michael Cuesta
Der englische Patient (Blu-ray)
Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1958 FF DD 1.0 (D) 95min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 16.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032418
Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box 2 (Collector’s Edition, 5 DVDs)
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 91min. Evolution Entertainment AG 19.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032478
Willi Scholz, Alfred Müller, Marita Gerasch Dir. Hans-Joachim Preil
Das Ende der Unschuld - 12 and Holding
Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Ferienheim Bergkristall (3 DVDs)
Fast & Furious - Neues Modell. Originalteile (Geschenkset) Fast & Furious - New Model. Original Parts. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster, Michelle Rodriguez, Sung Kang, Gadot Gadot, Laz Alonso, Shea Whigham, John Ortiz, Greg Cipes, Lou Beatty Jr. - Dir. Justin Lin Inklusive 1:18 Modellauto
Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 103min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 12.11.2009 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032384
Action 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) 585min. Spirit Media 23.10.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032267
Die Feuerzangenbowle (Blu-ray) Heinz Rühmann, Hilde Sessak, Karin Himboldt, Erich Ponto, Paul Henckels, Hans Leibelt, Lutz Götz, Max Gülstorff, Margarete Schön, Hans Richter, Rudolf Schippel, Albert Florath - Dir. Helmut Weiss Komödie 1944 DTS-HD 1.0 (D) 97min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 06.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032576
Fingersmith (2 DVDs) Fingersmith Sally Hawkins, Elaine Cassidy, Rupert Evans, Imelda Staunton, Charles Dance, David Troughton, Bronson Webb, Demelza Randall - Dir. Aisling Walsh Behind the Scenes, Biografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Booklet
Historienfilm/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 180min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032174
Flash of Genius Flash Of Genius Greg Kinnear, Lauren Graham, Andrew Gillies, Alan Alda, Landon Norris (Dennis Kearns), Jake Abel (Dennis Kearns), Dermot Mulroney, Daniel Roebuck, Bill Smitrovich, Aaron Abrams, Tim Kelleher, Chuck Shamata - Dir. Marc Abraham Audiokommentar, B-Roll, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Wendecover
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 115min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 06.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032561
Frasier - Die dritte Season (4 DVDs) Frasier Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Jane
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Leeves, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney, Dan Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, Saul Rubinek, Harriet Sansom Harris, Bebe Neuwirth, Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony LaPaglia, Jean Smart, Laura Linney, Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes Ruehl, Patricia Clarkson, Shelley Long, Amy Brenneman, Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks Komödie 1993-2004 526min. Paramount Home Entertainment 12.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032517
Freunde fürs Leben - Staffel 2 (3 DVDs) Michael Lesch, Gunter Berger, Stephan Schwartz, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Alexander May, Maren Schumacher, Gisela Peltzer, Sissy Höfferer, Jennifer Nitsch, Nina Hoger, Janine Dissel, Rolf Becker, Karl-Heinz Kreienbaum, Franz Josef Steffens, Mathieu Carrière, Marion Kracht, Hanns Menninger, Marek Erhardt, Béla Erny, Ivan Desny, Andrea Lüdke, Bernd Herzsprung, Marijam Agischewa, Victor von dem Bussche, Olivia Pascal, Julia Richter, Noemi Steuer, Sabine Wegner, Sven Martinek, Maike Bollow, Iris von Kluge, Floriane Daniel, Daniel Brühl, Rosemarie Fendel, Cheryl Shepard, Karsten Speck, Jenny Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Frank Jordan, Renate Schroeter, Doris Schretzmayer, Gert Haucke, Anne Brendler, Alexandra Helmig, Ingrid Steeger, Jürgen Zartmann, Wilfried Klaus, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Stefan Wigger, Kurt Ackermann, Martin Semmelrogge, Claus Wilcke, Constanze Engelbrecht, Giulia Follina, Karl Heinz Maslo, Lutz Lansemann, Irmhild Wagner, Leon Boden, Ilona Wiedem, Barbara Becker, Wilfried Dziallas, Alf Marholm, Bettina Kupfer, Judith von Radetzky, Gabriele Blum - Dir. Gero Erhardt, Christine Kabisch, Roland Suso Richter, Jan Ruzicka, Wigbert Wicker, Brigitta Dresewski, Thomas Jacob, Peter Hill, Richard Engel, Stefan Bartmann, Johannes Grieser, Nikolai Müllerschön Booklet
Drama 1992-2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) 545min. Universum Film (ZDF Video) 11.12.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032409
Frozen - Etwas hat überlebt! The Thaw Val Kilmer, Martha MacIsaac, Aaron Ashmore, Kyle Schmid, Steph Song, Viv Leacock, Anne Marie DeLuise, Brad Dryborough - Dir. Mark A. Lewis Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Featurette
Horror/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032244
Frozen - Etwas hat überlebt! (Bluray) The Thaw
Val Kilmer, Martha MacIsaac, Aaron Ashmore, Kyle Schmid, Steph Song, Viv Leacock, Anne Marie DeLuise, Brad Dryborough - Dir. Mark A. Lewis Featurette, Interviews, Behind the Scenes
Horror/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032428
Für alle Fälle Stefanie - Staffel 1 (6 DVDs) Kathrin Waligura, Walfriede Schmitt, Ulrike Mai, David C. Bunners, Julia Grimpe booklet
Drama 1995 FF DD 2.0 (D) 1260min. KSM 08.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032158
G.I. Joe - Geheimauftrag Cobra G.I. Joe - Rise Of Cobra Dennis Quaid, Sienna Miller, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ray Park, Saïd Taghmaoui, Byung-hun Lee - Dir. Stephen Sommers Action 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 113min. Paramount Home Entertainment 14.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032548
G.I. Joe - Geheimauftrag Cobra (Blu-ray) G.I. Joe - Rise Of Cobra Dennis Quaid, Sienna Miller, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ray Park, Saïd Taghmaoui, Byung-hun Lee - Dir. Stephen Sommers Action 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 118min. Paramount Home Entertainment 14.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032573
Garfield - Alle Garfield-Filme und Cartoons (8 DVDs) Garfield Complete Box Komödie/Trickfilm min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 09.10.2009 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032416
Der Gendarm vom Broadway Gendarme A New York Louis de Funès, Michel Galabru, Christian Marin, Geneviève Grad - Dir. Jean Girault Komödie 1966 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 97min. Universum Film 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032493
Der Gendarm von St. Tropez Le Gendarme De Saint Tropez Louis de Funès, Michel Galabru, Geneviève Grad, Christian Marin, Jean Lefebvre, Daniel Cauchy - Dir. Jean Girault Komödie 1964 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 95min. Universum Film 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032494
Geoffrey Rush, Rachel Griffiths, Laurence Kinlan, Phil Barantini, Joel Edgerton, Kiri Paramore, Kerry Condon, Emily Browning, Geoff Morrell, Charles ‘Bud’ Tingwell, Saskia Burmeister, Peter Phelps, Russell Dykstra, Nicholas Bell, Andrew S. Gilbert Dir. Gregor Jordan Bildergalerie, Featurettes, Plakatentwürfe, Trailer, Wendecover
Abenteuer/Western 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 105min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 06.11.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032562
Jean-Luc Godard Edition (10 DVDs) Alphaville / Made in USA / Passion / Außer Atem / u.a. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Hanna Schygulla, Brigitte Bardot, Emmanuelle Seigner - Dir. Jean-Luc Godard Alphaville, Périphéries (ca. 28 Min.), Audiokommentar, Trailer, Intros, Filmplakate, Bildergalerien, Interviews, Kurzfilme, Pressehefte
Drama/Komödie 1959-1983 696min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 06.11.2009 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032570
Godzilla (Blu-ray) Godzilla Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Pitillo, Hank Azaria, Kevin Dunn, Michael Lerner, Harry Shearer, Arabella Field, Vicki Lewis, Doug Savant, Malcolm Danare, Lorry Goldman, Christian Aubert, Philippe Bergerone, Frank Bruynbroek, François Giroday - Dir. Roland Emmerich Action/Science Fiction 1998 138min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032501
Der Grinch (Blu-ray) Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas Jim Carrey, Taylor Momsen, Jeffrey Tambor, Christine Baranski, Molly Shannon, Bill Irwin, Clint Howard, Josh Ryan Evans, Mindy Sterling, Rachel Winfree, Mary Stein - Dir. Ron Howard Komödie/Fantasy 2000 105min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032456
Das große Spiel Maria Andergast, René Deltgen, Gustav Knuth, Heinz Engelmann, Josef Sieber, Wolfgang Staudte - Dir. Robert A. Stemmle Drama 1942 FF DD 1.0 (D) 85min. Black Hill Pictures 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032272
Grüne Tomaten (Director’s Cut, 2 DVDs) Fried Green Tomatoes Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick Searcy, Gailard Sartain, Stan Shaw, Cicely Tyson - Dir. Jon Avnet Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Interviews
Gesetzlos - Die Geschichte des Ned Kelly Ned Kelly Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, Naomi Watts,
Komödie/Drama 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 125min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus Premium) 20.11.2009
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032566
Die Halbstarken Horst Buchholz, Karin Baal, Christian Doermer, Jo Herbst, Viktoria von Ballasko, Stanislav Ledinek, Friedrich Joloff - Dir. Georg Tressler Trailer
Drama 1956 FF DD 1.0 (D) 91min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 16.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032419
Evelyn Hamanns Geschichten aus dem Leben - Volume 2 (3 DVDs) Evelyn Hamann, Hildegard Krekel, Friedrich von Thun, Gerd Baltus, Ines Baric, Fabian Harloff, Alexander Haugg, Billie Zöckler Dir. Hans-Christoph Blumenberg, Ralf Gregan, Stephan Meyer Interviews, Trailer
Komödie/Drama 1993-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) 540min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) 22.10.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032247
Hansel & Gretel Hansel & Gretel Cheon Jeong-myeong, Sim Eun-kyung, Jang Yeong-nam, Jin Ji-hee, Kim Kyeong-ik, Park Hee-Soon, Eun Won-jae, Lydia Park - Dir. Yim Pil-sung Interviews, Mini-Dokumentation, Featurettes
Horror/Fantasy 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 117min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA Video) 22.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032245
Hardwired Hardwired Cuba Gooding Jr., Val Kilmer, Ali Liebert, Tatiana Maslany, Rob Carpenter - Dir. Ernie Barbarash Action/Science Fiction 2009 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 10.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032483
Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (Blu-ray) Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon, Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman, Brendan Gleeson, Roger LloydPack, David Tennant, Ralph Fiennes, Miranda Richardson, Clémence Poésy, Robert Pattinson - Dir. Mike Newell Fantasy 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 157min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032426
Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban (Blu-ray) Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, Richard Griffiths, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, David Bradley, Tom Felton, Robert Hardy, Mark Williams,
Pam Ferris, Paul Whitehouse, Julie Christie - Dir. Alfonso Cuarón Fantasy 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 141min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032425
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer
Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix (Blu-ray)
Wolfgang Stumph, Katrin Saß, Jürgen Tarrach, Steffen Groth, Winnie Böwe, Petra Berndt, Bernd Michael Lade, Franziska Troegner, Günter Junghans, Udo Schenk, Walter Nickel - Dir. Hajo Gies
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph Fiennes, Michael Gambon, Brendan Gleeson, Richard Griffiths, Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Imelda Staunton, David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Robert Hardy, David Bradley, Mark Williams, Tom Felton, Matthew Lewis, Evanna Lynch, Katie Leung, Harry Melling - Dir. David Yates Fantasy 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 138min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032427
Thriller 1995 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 170min. Warner Home Video Germany 27.11.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032184
Heimweh nach drüben
Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Wendecover
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 89min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 06.11.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032563
Henry V. Henry V. Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Sir Ian Holm, Paul Scofield, Robbie Coltrane, Alec McCowen, Brian Blessed, Emma Thompson, Richard Briers - Dir. Kenneth Branagh Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien
Historienfilm/Drama 1989 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) 131min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032175
Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Blu-ray)
Highlander: The Source - Die Quelle der Unsterblichkeit
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Ian Hart, Warwick Davis, Fiona Shaw, Richard Griffiths, John Hurt, Julie Walters, Sean Biggerstaff, Zoë Wanamaker, David Bradley, Tom Felton, Harry Melling, Matthew Lewis - Dir. Chris Columbus Fantasy 2001 Ltbx DD 5.1 EX (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 EX (E) DD 5.1 EX (F) 152min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032423
Highlander - The Source Adrian Paul, Thekla Reuten, Cristian Solimeno, Peter Wingfield, Jim Byrnes, Stephen Rahman Hughes, Stephen Wight, Thom Fell - Dir. Brett Leonard
Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (Blu-ray) Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright, Harry Melling, David Bradley, Kenneth Branagh, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Christian Coulson, Warwick Davis, Richard Griffiths, Robert Hardy, Richard Harris, Shirley Henderson, Jason Isaacs, Gemma Jones, Miriam Margolyes, Sally Mortemore, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Julie Walters, Mark Williams - Dir. Chris Columbus Fantasy 2002 Ltbx DD 5.1 EX (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 EX (E) DD 5.1 EX (F) 160min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032424
Heat (Blu-ray) Heat Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Ashley Judd, Mykelti Williamson, Wes Studi, Ted Levine, Dennis Haysbert, William Fichtner, Natalie Portman, Tom Noonan, Kevin Gage, Hank Azaria, Susan Traylor, Kim Staunton, Bud Cort - Dir. Michael Mann
Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien
Fantasy/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. 3L Filmverleih 30.09.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032251
Highlander: The Source - Die Quelle der Unsterblichkeit (Bluray) Highlander - The Source Adrian Paul, Thekla Reuten, Cristian Solimeno, Peter Wingfield, Jim Byrnes, Stephen Rahman Hughes, Stephen Wight, Thom Fell - Dir. Brett Leonard Originaltrailer
Fantasy/Action 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 99min. 3L Filmverleih 30.09.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032430
Alfred Hitchcock (Metallbox Edition) Alfred Hitchcock Collection Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer
Thriller/Horror (D) (E) 321min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 03.12.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032311
House of Ghosts Pisaj Ammara Assawanon, Amara Astwant, Alexander Rendel, Theeradanai Suwannahom, Pumwaree Yodkamol - Dir. Ma-Deaw Chukiatsakwirakul Originaltrailer
Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 106min. 3L Filmverleih 30.09.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032249
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Die Hure des Königs The King’s Whore Timothy Dalton, Valeria Golino, Stéphane Freiss, Margaret Tyzack, Feodor Chaliapin jr., Eleanor David, Paul Crauchet - Dir. Axel Corti
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032220
Die Insel des Dr. Moreau
Drama 1990 Ltbx DD 5.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) 127min. MIG Filmgroup 15.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032355
The Island Of Dr. Moreau Burt Lancaster, Michael York, Nigel Davenport, Barbara Carrera, Richard Basehart, Nick Cravat - Dir. Don Taylor Science Fiction 1976 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 95min. Concorde Home Entertainment 05.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032367
Ich vertraue dir meine Frau an
It’s Alive (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Heinz Rühmann, Adina Mandlová, Else von Möllendorff, Werner Fuetterer, Paul Dahlke, Arthur Schröder, Kurt von Ruffin - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann
It’s Alive Bijou Phillips, Skye Bennett, James Murray, Raphael Coleman, Jack Ellis, Ty Glaser Dir. Josef Rusnak
Bio- und Filmografien, Hintergrundinfos
Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, BD-Live
Komödie 1942-1943 FF DD 1.0 (D) 88min. Black Hill Pictures 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032273
Der Idiot Nastasja Filippowna Julia Borissowa, Juri Jakowlew, Nikita Podgorny, Leonid Parchomenko, Nikolai Pashitnow - Dir. Iwan Pyrjew Drama 1958 FF DD 1.0 (D) 117min. ICESTORM Entertainment 14.09.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032395
Ihr Auftrag, Pater Castell - Staffel 1 Francis Fulton-Smith, Christine Döring, Maja-Céline Probst, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Anatole Taubman, Lisa Kreuzer, Robert Giggenbach, Udo Schenk, Ursula Gottwald, Stefan Rutz - Dir. Ulrich Zrenner Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 180min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032489
Ihr Auftrag, Pater Castell - Staffel 2 (2 DVDs) Francis Fulton-Smith, Christine Döring, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Maja-Céline Probst, Ercan Durmaz, Lisa Kreuzer, Catherine Flemming, Oliver Stritzel, Frederick Lau, Sophie Wepper, Franziska Schlattner, Heinrich Schmieder - Dir. Florian Kern, Axel Barth Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 261min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 18.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032492
Im Alleingang Odinotschnoje Plawanje Michail Noschkin, Alexander Fatjuschin, Sergei Nassibow, Nartai Begalin, Arnis Lizitis, Witali Sikora, Weronika Isotowa Dir. Michail Tumanischwili Kriegsfilm/Action 1986 78min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032359
Inglorious Zombie Hunters (k.J.) Joshikyôei Hanrangun Sasa Handa, Yuria Hidaka, Hiromitsu Kiba Dir. Kôji Kawano Trailer
Horror/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 80min. Musketier Media(8-Films) 27.11.2009
Horror 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 6.1 MA (D) DTSHDD 6.1 MA (E) 83min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 11.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032450
It’s Alive (k.J.) It’s Alive Bijou Phillips, Skye Bennett, James Murray, Raphael Coleman, Jack Ellis, Ty Glaser Dir. Josef Rusnak Interview, B-Roll, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 80min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 11.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032375
Jeeves and Wooster - Herr und Meister, Box 2 (3 DVDs) Jeeves And Wooster Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Jennifer Gibson, Brenda Bruce - Dir. Ferdinand Fairfax, Simon Langton Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer
Komödie 1990-1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 650min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032160
Jerichow Benno Fürmann, Hilmi Sözer, Nina Hoss, André Hennicke, Claudia Geisler, Marie Gruber, Knut Berger - Dir. Christian Petzold Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) min. good!movies(Piffl) 25.09.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032381
Kamen Rider - Vol. 1 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight Stephen Lunsford, Yvonne Arias, Matt Mullins Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 110min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 13.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032362
Komödie 1920-1923 297min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 03.12.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032314
Shah Rukh Khan - Bollywood Starbox (3 DVDs) Shah Rukh Khan Making of, Filmografie, Bildergalerie, Interviews
Musikfilm 2000-2004 1400min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 15.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032199
Kick it - Zwei wie Feuer und Wasser Rudo Y Cursi Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna, Jessica Mas, Dolores Heredia, Guillermo Francella, Armando Hernandez, Felipe de Lara, Axel Ricco - Dir. Carlos Cuarón Trailer, Interviews, Musikvideo
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 103min. Universum Film(Tobis) 08.01.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20032491
Die Kinder von Sanchez The Children Of Sanchez Anthony Quinn Drama 1978 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 90min. SchröderMedia 16.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032505
King Naresuan - Der Herrscher von Siam (Limited Special Edition, 2 DVDs, Starmetalpak) Naresuan Sarunyu Wongkrachang, Sorapong Chatree, Grace Mahadamrongkul, Wanchana Sawatdee, Pratcha Sunanvatananont, Jukrit Ammarat, Lex de Groot - Dir. Chatrichalerm Yukol Prequel
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Thai) 159min. Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.10.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032481
King of Queens - Bowlingkugel (36 DVDs) The King Of Queens Kevin James, Leah Remini, Victor Williams, Patton Oswalt, Larry Romano - Dir. Pamela Fryman Serienrückblick, Über die Autoren, Thanks to the Fans, Feier der 200. Episode, Biografien, 120-seitiges Buch
Komödie 1998-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 4554min. Koch Media 06.11.2009 115,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032264
Kommissar Bellamy
René Deltgen, Gustav Diessl, Roma Bahn, Vera von Langen, Herbert Hübner, Walter Franck, Hans Nielsen - Dir. Eduard von Borsody
Bellamy Gérard Depardieu, Clovis Cornillac, Jacques Gamblin, Marie Bunel, Vahina Giocante, Marie Matheron, Adrienne Pauly, Maxence Aubenas, Yves Verhoeven, Bruno Abraham-Kremer, Rodolphe Pauly - Dir. Claude Chabrol Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (F) 108min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 03.12.2009
Drama 1938 FF DD 1.0 (D) 96min. Black Hill Pictures 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032275
Buster Keaton (Metallbox Edition) Buster Keaton Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032372
König Stachs wilde Jagd Dikaya Okhota Korolya Wladimir Fiodorow, Boris Plotnikow, Elena Dimitrowa, Igor Klass, Alexander Charitonow, Boris Chmelnizki, Albert Filozow, Walentina Schendrikowa - Dir. Waleri Rubintschik Drama 1979 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (Russ) 105min. ZYX Music(Diamant) 18.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032159
Kopf oder Zahl Ralf Richter, Heinz Hoenig, Mark Keller, Jana Pallaske, Saskia Valencia, ClaudeOliver Rudolph, Tyron Ricketts, Dirk Heinrichs, Martin Semmelrogge, Afrob, Joshua Keller, Jenny Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Morgan Domingos - Dir. Benjamin Eicher, Timo Joh. Mayer Making of, PiP, Musikvideos
Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 90min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Los Banditos) 13.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032404
Kopf oder Zahl (Blu-ray) Ralf Richter, Heinz Hoenig, Mark Keller, Jana Pallaske, Saskia Valencia, ClaudeOliver Rudolph, Tyron Ricketts, Dirk Heinrichs, Martin Semmelrogge, Afrob, Joshua Keller, Jenny Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Morgan Domingos - Dir. Benjamin Eicher, Timo Joh. Mayer Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideos, Interviews, TVBerichte, Bildergalerien, Bio- und Filmografien, PIP
GmbH(Great Movies) 15.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032193
Das Leben vor meinen Augen Life Before Her Eyes Uma Thurman, Evan Rachel Wood, Eva Amurri, Oscar Isaac, Brett Cullen, James Urbaniak, Brian M. Wixson, Adam ChanlerBerat - Dir. Vadim Perelman Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar
Drama/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 26.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032225
Das Leben vor meinen Augen (Blu-ray) Life Before Her Eyes Uma Thurman, Evan Rachel Wood, Eva Amurri, Oscar Isaac, Brett Cullen, James Urbaniak, Brian M. Wixson, Adam ChanlerBerat - Dir. Vadim Perelman Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar
Drama/Thriller 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 90min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 26.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032239
Der letzte Kaiser (Blu-ray) The Last Emperor John Lone, Joan Chen, Peter O’Toole, Victor Wong, Ying Ruocheng, Dennis Dun, Ryuichi Sakamoto - Dir. Bernardo Bertolucci Postkarten aus China, Biografie, Wendecover, BD-Live
Thriller 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 94min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Los Banditos) 13.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032461
Historienfilm/Drama 1986-1987 Ltbx DTSHD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 162min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032578
Kriegsfilme Metallbox (Deluxe Edition, 3 DVDs)
Der letzte Mann
Kriegsfilm 700min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 03.12.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032315
Lagaan - Es war einmal in Indien (2 DVDs) Lagaan Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh, Rachel Shelley, Paul Blackthorne, Suhasini Mulay, Kulbushan Kharbanda, Raghuvir Yadav, Raj Zutshi, Rajendra Gupta, Rajesh Vivek, Vallabh Vyas, Javed Khan, Akhilendra Mishra, Pradeep Rawat, Shankar Pandey, Yashpal Sharma, Amin Hajee, Aditya Lakhia, A.K. Hangal, John Rowe, David Grant, Jeremy Child, Ben Nealon - Dir. Ashutosh Gowariker Entfallene Szenen, Original Kinotrailer
Drama 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Hindi) 225min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032288
Laurel & Hardy und ihre Freunde - Vol. 2 (Metallbox) Laurel & Hardy - Volume 2 Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel Komödie 1927-1936 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 331min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs
Emil Jannings, Max Hiller, Emilie Kurz, Hans Unterkircher, Olaf Storm, Hermann Vallentin, Georg John, Emmy Wyda - Dir. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Making of, Trailer
Drama 1924 FF DD 5.1 DD 2.0 90min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 16.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032420
Liebe muss verstanden sein Wolf Albach-Retty, Georg Alexander, Rosi Barsony, Max Gülstorff, Theo Lingen - Dir. Hans Steinhoff Komödie 1933 FF DD 1.0 (D) 87min. Black Hill Pictures 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032274
Das Lied der Wüste Zarah Leander, Gustav Knuth, Friedrich Domin, Herbert Wilk, Rolf Heydel, Franz Schafheitlin, Karl Günther, Ernst Karchow Dir. Paul Martin Bio- und Filmografien, Behind the Scenes
Drama 1939 FF DD 1.0 (D) 81min. Black Hill Pictures 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032276
Lipstick Jungle - Staffel 1 Lipstick Jungle Brooke Shields, Kim Raver, Lindsay Price, Paul Blackthorne, Andrew McCarthy, Ro-
bert Buckley, David Norona, Dylan Clark Marshall, Sarah Hyland, Matt Lauria, Seth Kirschner, Marcia DeBonis, James Lesure, Adriane Lenox, David Alan Basche, Rosie Perez, Christopher Cousins, Shannon McGinnis, Julian Sands, Carlos Ponce, Vanessa Marcil, Mary Tyler Moore, Ronald Guttman, Edward Kerr, Melanie Mayron, Maria Thayer, Natasha Bedingfield, Lorraine Bracco, Noah Bean - Dir. Timothy Busfield, Andrew McCarthy, Jay Chandrasekhar Komödie/Drama 2008 min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 19.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032388
Little Paris Sylta Fee Wegmann, Patriq Pinheiro, Nina Gnädig, Jasmin Schwiers, Volker Bruch, Ralph Kretschmar, Stipe Erceg, Inga Busch, Julia Dietze - Dir. Miriam Dehne Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) 102min. Sunfilm Entertainment 20.11.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032474
Loriot - Ödipussi (Blu-ray) Vicco von Bülow, Evelyn Hamann, Katharina Brauren, Edda Seippel, Richard Lauffen, Rosemarie Fendel, Rose Renée Roth, Walter Hoor, Klaus Schultz - Dir. Vicco von Bülow Komödie 1987 88min. Universum Film(Tobis) 06.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032546
The Loss of Sexual Innocence The Loss Of Sexual Innocence Julian Sands, Saffron Burrows, Stefano Dionisi, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Kelly Macdonald, Femi Ogumbanjo, Hanne Klintoe, Johanna Torell, George Moktar, John Cowey, Rossy de Palma, Bernard Hill, Gina McKee - Dir. Mike Figgis Drama 1998 102min. Universum Film(Tobis) 13.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032555
Louis und seine verrückten Politessen Le Gendarme Et Les Gendarmettes Louis de Funès, Michel Galabru, Maurice Risch, Guy Grosso, Michel Modo - Dir. Jean Girault, Tony Aboyantz Komödie 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 95min. Universum Film 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032488
Lulu on the Bridge Lulu On The Bridge Harvey Keitel, Mira Sorvino, Willem Dafoe, Gina Gershon, Mandy Patinkin, Vanessa Redgrave, Victor Argo, Don Byron, Richard Edson, Kevin Corrigan - Dir. Paul Auster Drama 1998 100min. Universum Film 13.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032554
Das Mädchen am Ende der Straße La Petite Fille Au Bout Du Chemin Jodie Foster, Martin Sheen, Alexis Smith,
Seite 26
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Scott Jacoby, Mort Shuman, Dorothy Davis, Hubert Noel - Dir. Nicolas Gessner Thriller 1976 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 88min. Concorde Home Entertainment 05.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032368
Das Mädchen aus Monaco La Fille De Monaco Fabrice Luchini, Roschdy Zem, Louise Bourgoin, Stéphane Audran (Édith Lassalle), Gilles Cohen, Alexandre Steiger, Philippe Duclos, Jeanne Balibar, Hélène de Saint-Père, Christophe Van de Velde, Pierre Bourgeon, Denis Dallan - Dir. Anne Fontaine Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA Video) 19.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032285
Lucia Guzzardi, Nino Bellomo, Leonardo Nigro, Pierluigi Ferrandini, Sergio Rubini, Marleen Lohse, Enzo Salomone, Massimo Sarchielli, Nicola Nocella - Dir. Neele Leana Vollmar Komödie 2009 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.01.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20032580
Mask of the Ninja Mask Of The Ninja Casper Van Dien, Anthony Wong, Bellamy Young, Kristy Wu, Ron Yuan, Yuji Okumoto, Brad Greenquist, Dana Lee - Dir. Bradford May Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. MIG Filmgroup(WGF Film) 03.12.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032287
Das Mädchen Rosemarie
Die Maske des Zorro (Blu-ray)
Nadja Tiller, Peter van Eyck, Carl Raddatz, Gert Fröbe, Hanne Wieder, Mario Adorf, Jo Herbst, Werner Peters, Karin Baal, Horst Frank - Dir. Rolf Thiele
The Mask Of Zorro Antonio Banderas, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Stuart Wilson, Matt Letscher, Maury Chaykin, Tony Amendola, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., L. Q. Jones, José Perez, William Marquez, Victor Rivers, Julieta Rosen - Dir. Martin Campbell Abenteuer 1998 137min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 10.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032499
Drama 1958 FF DD 1.0 (D) 95min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 16.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032421
Das Mädchen vom Korallenriff Age Of Consent James Mason, Helen Mirren Drama 1969 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 90min. SchröderMedia 16.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032506
Maxe Baumann (4 DVDs) Traute Sense, Gerd E. Schäfer - Dir. Peter Hill, Günter Stahnke Booklet
Der Mann auf der Mauer
Komödie 1976-1982 FF DD 1.0 (D) 710min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032399
Marius Müller-Westernhagen, Julie Carmen, Patricia von Miseroni, Towje Kleiner, Karin Baal - Dir. Reinhard Hauff
Willy Millowitsch - Das Liebesverbot
Bildergalerie, Biografie, Presseheft, Wendecover
Drama/Komödie 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 97min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 06.11.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032564
Der Mann ohne Gnade John Wayne Western min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 6,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032214
Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht! Lino Banfi, Christian Ulmen, Mina Tander, Maren Kroymann, Gundi Ellert, Peter Prager, Paolo de Vita, Ludovica Modugno, Lucia Guzzardi, Nino Bellomo, Leonardo Nigro (Antonio), Pierluigi Ferrandini, Sergio Rubini, Marleen Lohse (Ursula), Enzo Salomone, Massimo Sarchielli, Nicola Nocella - Dir. Neele Leana Vollmar Komödie 2009 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.01.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20032567
Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht! (Bluray) Lino Banfi, Christian Ulmen, Mina Tander, Maren Kroymann, Gundi Ellert, Peter Prager, Paolo de Vita, Ludovica Modugno,
Willy Millowitsch, Gerda Marie Jürgens, Rudolf Knor - Dir. Günther Hassert Theater 1984 FF DD 2.0 (D) 75min. KSM 22.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032178
Willy Millowitsch - Der Raub der Sabinerinnen Willy Millowitsch - Dir. Karl Wesseler Theater 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) 89min. KSM 22.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032179
Miss March (ungeniert ungeschnitten) Miss March Zach Cregger, Trevor Moore, Raquel Alessi, Molly Stanton, Craig Robinson, Cedric Yarbrough, Hugh M. Hefner, Holly Hindman - Dir. Zach Cregger, Trevor Moore Featurettes
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 93min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 18.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032414
Molière Molière Romain Duris, Fabrice Luchini, Laura Morante, Edouard Baer, Ludivine Sagnier,
Fanny Valette - Dir. Laurent Tirard Trailer, Making of
Historienfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (F) 116min. Concorde Home Entertainment 15.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032374
Monsun der Liebe Raincoat Ajay Devgan, Aishwarya Rai, Annu Kapoor, Mouli Ganguly, Pradip Adhikari, Kailash Koppikar - Dir. Rituparno Ghosh Trailer
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Hindi) 113min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 25.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032342
Monty Python: Almost the Truth The Lawyer’s Cut (2 Discs, OmU) (Blu-ray) Monty Python: Almost The Truth - The Lawyer’s Cut Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Eric Idle Sketche, Ausführlichere Interviews, Outtakes
Dokumentation 2009 Ltbx (E) 465min. Edel Germany 23.10.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032541
Monty Python: Almost the Truth The Lawyer’s Cut (3 DVDs, OmU) Monty Python: Almost The Truth - The Lawyer’s Cut Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Eric Idle Sketche, Ausführlichere Interviews, Outtakes
Dokumentation 2009 Ltbx 16x9 (E) 446min. Edel Germany 23.10.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032528
Morgen, ihr Luschen! Der Ausbilder-Schmidt-Film Holger Müller, Axel Stein, Collien Fernandes, Bernhard Hoëcker, Ingo Appelt, Elton, Simon Gosejohann, Hedi Kriegeskotte, Fahri Ogün Yardim, KlausJürgen Deuser, Rainer Hunold, Carolin Kebekus, Hans Meiser - Dir. Mike Eschmann Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Audiokommentar, Trailer
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 87min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 12.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032215
Die Motorrad-Cops - Hart am Limit, Staffel 01 (2 DVDs) Matthias Paul, Jens-Peter Nünemann, Yvonne de Bark, Suzanne Geyer, Gerhard Naujoks, Joachim Kemmer - Dir. Raoul W. Heimrich, Michael Kreindl, Olaf Kreinsen, Helmut Metzger, Sigi Rothemund, Karsten Wichniarz Action 1999-2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) 450min. Spirit Media 27.11.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032268
Muchas Gracias, Willy Wuff Thorsten Nindel, Anja Kruse, Thomas Balou Martin, Michael Munteanu, Jürgen Tarrach Dir. Maria Theresia Wagner Kinderfilm 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) 93min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032164
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Charles Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby Nicholas Nickleby Derek Bond, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Sybil Thorndike, Stanley Holloway - Dir. Alberto Cavalcanti Trailer, Wendecover
Drama 1947 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 103min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 20.11.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032565
Nightmare Detective 2 Akumu Tantei 2 Ryuhei Matsuda, Miwako Ichikawa, Hanae Kan, Toshiyuki Kitami, Ken Mitsuishi, Shungiku Uchida - Dir. Shinya Tsukamoto Making of, Trailer
Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 99min. Sunfilm Entertainment 16.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032365
Nikola - Die komplette sechste Staffel (3 DVDs) Mariele Millowitsch, Walter Sittler, Friederike Grasshoff, Eric Benz, Oliver Reinhard, Xenia Seeberg, Kerstin Thielemann, Jenny Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Alexander Schottky, Roland Jankowsky - Dir. Ulli Baumann Entfallene Szenen
Komödie 1997-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) 299min. Spirit Media 27.11.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032266
Nine Miles Down Nine Miles Down Adrian Paul, Katie Nauta, Amanda Douge, Meredith Ostrom, Arcadiy Golubovich, Anthony Waller, Yousef Amin, Andrew Rybak, Caroline Couret-Delegue - Dir. Anthony Waller Making of, Trailer
Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 83min. Koch Media 27.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032258
Nine Miles Down (Blu-ray) Nine Miles Down Adrian Paul, Katie Nauta, Amanda Douge, Meredith Ostrom, Arcadiy Golubovich, Anthony Waller, Yousef Amin, Andrew Rybak, Caroline Couret-Delegue - Dir. Anthony Waller Making of, Trailer
Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 86min. Koch Media 27.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032435
Nomad - The Warrior Nomad Kuno Becker, Jay Hernandez, Jason Scott Lee, Mark Dacascos, Dilnaz Akhmadieva, Azis Beyshinaliev, Archie Kao, Ron Yuan Dir. Sergej Bodrow, Ivan Passer, Talgat Temenov Trailer
Abenteuer/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Kasach) 107min. 3L Filmverleih 30.09.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032252
Nothing Like the Holidays (Bluray)
Nothing Like The Holidays John Leguizamo, Alfred Molina, Vanessa Ferlito, Freddy Rodriguez, Debra Messing, Elizabeth Peña, Manny Perez, Jay Hernandez - Dir. Alfredo de Villa Bildergalerie
Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 29.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032438
Nur ein Sommer Anna Loos, Stefan Gubser, Steve Windolf, Oliver Zgorelec, Stephanie Glaser, Peter Wyssbrod, Dieter Stoll, Robert Höller, Ursula Karusseit - Dir. Tamara Staudt Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer
Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 93min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 13.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032208
Obsessed Obsessed Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles, Ali Larter, Bruce McGill, Jerry O’Connell, Christine Lahti - Dir. Steve Shill Thriller 2009 104min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 10.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032482
Obsessed (Blu-ray) Obsessed Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles, Ali Larter, Bruce McGill, Jerry O’Connell, Christine Lahti - Dir. Steve Shill Thriller 2009 108min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 10.12.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032500
Loriot - Ödipussi Vicco von Bülow, Evelyn Hamann, Katharina Brauren, Edda Seippel, Richard Lauffen, Rosemarie Fendel, Rose Renée Roth, Walter Hoor, Klaus Schultz - Dir. Vicco von Bülow Komödie 1987 84min. Universum Film(Tobis) 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032535
One Last Dance One Last Dance Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi, George De La Pena, Matthew Walker, Stephan Wenta, Timothy Webber - Dir. Lisa Niemi Drama 2003 min. KSM 05.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032219
Die Onedin Linie - Staffel 6, Folgen 63 - 72 (4 DVDs) The Onedin Line Peter Gilmore, Howard Lang, Jessica Benton, Mary Webster, Brian Rawlinson, Michael Billington, Anne Stallybrass, Philip Bond, Kate Nelligan, Edward Chapman, Jane Seymour - Dir. Peter Graham Scott, David Reynolds, Christopher Barry, Cyril Coke, David Cunliffe, Gareth Davies, Martyn Friend, Peter Grimwade, Raymond Menmuir, Andrew Morgan, Viktors Ritelis, Gerald Blake Film- & Biographien, schiffsregister, Übersicht über die
Abenteuer/Drama 1971-1980 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 498min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 65,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032177
Othello Othello Orson Welles, Robert Coote, Suzanne Cloutier, Micheál MacLiammóir, Fay Compton, Hilton Edwards, Nicholas Bruce, Jean Davis, Doris Dowling, Joseph Cotten, Joan Fontaine, Michael Laurence - Dir. Orson Welles Drama 1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 90min. SchröderMedia 16.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032502
P.S. Ich liebe dich (GeschenkEdition) P.S. I Love You Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Gina Gershon, Lisa Kudrow, Harry Connick jr., Kathy Bates, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, James Marsters, Nellie McKay - Dir. Richard LaGravenese Drama 2007 124min. Universum Film(Tobis) 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032537
Pappa ante portas Vicco von Bülow, Evelyn Hamann, Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Dagmar Biener, Ortrud Beginnen, Inge Wolffberg, Hans-Günter Martens, Irm Hermann, Hans-Peter Korff, Alexander May, Nikolaus Schilling - Dir. Vicco von Bülow Komödie 1990-1991 86min. Universum Film(Tobis) 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032536
Pappa ante portas (Blu-ray) Vicco von Bülow, Evelyn Hamann, Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Dagmar Biener, Ortrud Beginnen, Inge Wolffberg, Hans-Günter Martens, Irm Hermann, Hans-Peter Korff, Alexander May, Nikolaus Schilling - Dir. Vicco von Bülow Komödie 1990-1991 89min. Universum Film(Tobis) 06.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032547
Parasomnia (Special Edition Metalpak, 2 DVDs) (k.J.) Parasomnia Cherilyn Wilson, Timothy Bottoms, Dylan Purcell, Patrick Kilpatrick, Jeffrey Combs, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Brennan Bailey (Danny), Dov Tiefenbach - Dir. William Malone Bildergalerie
Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 105min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 15.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032189
Parasomnia (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Parasomnia Cherilyn Wilson, Timothy Bottoms, Dylan Purcell, Patrick Kilpatrick, Jeffrey Combs, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Brennan Bailey (Danny), Dov Tiefenbach - Dir. William
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Malone Bildergalerie
Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 105min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 15.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032230
Pazifikgeschwader 214 - Folge 11 & 12 Baa Baa Black Sheep Robert Conrad, Robert Ginty, John Larroquette, W.K. Stratton, Dana Elcar, Joey Aresco, James Whitmore Jr., Dirk Blocker, Jeff MacKay, Simon Oakland, Steven Richmond, Byron Chung, Red West, Larry Manetti, Charles Napier - Dir. Alex Beaton, Robert Conrad, Dana Elcar, Lawrence Doheny, Jackie Cooper, Philip DeGuere, Edward Dein, Russell Mayberry, Barry Shear, Jeannot Szwarc, William Wiard Komödie 1976-1978 min. ZYX Music 09.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032549
Poldark - Staffel 1, Volume 1 (3 DVDs) Poldark Angharad Rees, Robin Ellis, Jill Townsend, Paul Curran, Mary Wimbush, Clive Francis, Richard Morant, Judy Geeson Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer
Drama 1975 FF DD 1.0 (D) 408min. KSM 08.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032161
Pontypool - Radio Zombie (Bluray) Pontypool Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle, Georgina Reilly, Hrant Alianak, Rick Roberts, Hannah Fleming, Beatriz Yuste, Tony Burgess - Dir. Bruce McDonald Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 100min. MIG Filmgroup 13.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032445
Powder Blue Powder Blue Jessica Biel, Ray Liotta, Patrick Swayze, Forest Whitaker, Kris Kristofferson, Eddie Redmayne, Riki Lindhome, Jesse Henecke Dir. Timothy Linh Bui Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 102min. Sunfilm Entertainment 23.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032531
Powder Blue (Blu-ray) Powder Blue Jessica Biel, Ray Liotta, Patrick Swayze, Forest Whitaker, Kris Kristofferson, Eddie Redmayne, Riki Lindhome, Jesse Henecke Dir. Timothy Linh Bui Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer
Drama 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 106min. Sunfilm Entertainment 23.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032544
Prison Break - Complete Box (23 DVDs)
Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies einschl. Film: The Final Break - Uncut
Action/Drama 2005-2009 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 02.12.2009 159,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032412
Prison Break - Die komplette Season 2 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies, William Fichtner, Paul Adelstein, Marshall Allman, Rockmond Dunbar, Robin Tunney, Stacy Keach, Phillip van Lear, Peter Stormare, Leon Russom, Christian Stolte, Patricia Wettig, Barbara Eve Harris, Reggie Lee, Jason Davis, Anthony John Denison, Jeff Perry - Dir. Dwight H. Little, Bobby Roth, Kevin Hooks Action/Drama 2006-2007 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 18.12.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032463
Prison Break - Die komplette Season 4 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies, Marshall Allman, Leon Russom, Jason Davis, Michael Rapaport - Dir. Bobby Roth, Kevin Hooks, Dwight H. Little, Michael Switzer Action/Drama 2008 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 18.12.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032464
Prison Break - Die komplette Season 4 (6 DVDs) Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies, Marshall Allman, Leon Russom, Jason Davis, Michael Rapaport - Dir. Bobby Roth, Kevin Hooks, Dwight H. Little, Michael Switzer Action/Drama 2008 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 02.12.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032411
Punisher: War Zone (Geänderte Fassung) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Punisher: War Zone Dominic West, Ray Stevenson, Dash Mihok, Doug Hutchison, Wayne Knight, Colin Salmon, Keram Malicki-Sanchez, T.J. Storm - Dir. Lexi Alexander Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer, BD-Live
Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DDTrueHD 5.1 (F) 102min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 05.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032451
Punisher: War Zone (Geänderte Fassung) (k.J.) The Punisher: War Zone Dominic West, Ray Stevenson, Dash Mihok,
Doug Hutchison, Wayne Knight, Colin Salmon, Keram Malicki-Sanchez, T.J. Storm - Dir. Lexi Alexander Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer
Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 97min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032379
Das purpurrote Segel Alye Parusa Anastasia Wertinskaja - Dir. Alexander Ptuschko Drama/Fantasy 1961 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 83min. ICESTORM Entertainment 14.09.2009 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032394
Que viva Mexico! Que Viva Mexico! Dir. Sergei M. Eisenstein Episodenfilm 1930-1932 FF DD 1.0 (D) 84min. ICESTORM Entertainment 14.09.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032396
Rage Rage Jude Law, Steve Buscemi, John Leguizamo, Eddie Izzard, Dame Judi Dench, Dianne Wiest, Lily Cole, Bob Balaban - Dir. Sally Potter Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 99min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 12.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032205
Rage (Blu-ray) Rage Jude Law, Steve Buscemi, John Leguizamo, Eddie Izzard, Dame Judi Dench, Dianne Wiest, Lily Cole, Bob Balaban - Dir. Sally Potter Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 99min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 12.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032234
The Rainbow Thief The Rainbow Thief Peter O’Toole, Omar Sharif, Christopher Lee, Francesco Romano, Jude Alderson, Peter Dennis, Joanna Dickens, Berta Domínguez D., Chris Greener, Brian Hibbard, Stephen Jenn, Sheila Keith, Ian Ricketts, Jean-Yves Thual - Dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky Interview, Trailer
Drama/Fantasy 1990 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032218
The Rainbow Thief (Blu-ray) The Rainbow Thief Peter O’Toole, Omar Sharif, Christopher Lee, Francesco Romano, Jude Alderson, Peter Dennis, Joanna Dickens, Berta Domínguez D., Chris Greener, Brian Hibbard, Stephen Jenn, Sheila Keith, Ian Ricketts, Jean-Yves Thual - Dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky Interview, Trailer
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Drama/Fantasy 1990 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 2.0 (E) 94min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032238
Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman (Special Edition, 2 DVDs) Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman Shah Rukh Khan, Amrita Singh, Juhi Chawla, Navin Nischol, Ajit Vachani, Anjan Srivastav - Dir. Aziz Mirza Bildergalerie, Trailer
Komödie/Musical 1992 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Hindi) 155min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 12.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032211
Die Reise des chinesischen Trommlers The Drummer Jaycee Chan, Tony Ka Fai Leung, Roy Cheung, Josie Ho, Angelica Lee, Ken Tsang, Hei-Yi Cheng, Glen Chin, Ken Lo Dir. Kenneth Bi Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Kanton) DD 5.1 (Manda) DD 2.0 (D) min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 25.09.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032380
Rentner haben niemals Zeit (3 DVDs) Herbert Köfer, Helga Göring Drama/Komödie 1978-1979 FF DD 1.0 (D) 505min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.09.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032400
Rescue Me - Season 1 (3 DVDs) Rescue Me Denis Leary Drama/Komödie 2004 553min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 10.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032486
Rob Roy (Blu-ray) Rob Roy Liam Neeson, Jessica Lange, John Hurt, Tim Roth, Eric Stoltz, Andrew Keir, Brian Cox, Brian McCardie, Gilbert Martin, Vicki Masson - Dir. Michael Caton-Jones Drama 1995 139min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032467
Rocky - The Complete Saga (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Rocky / Rocky II -V / Rocky Balboa Sylvester Stallone Diverses
Action 1976-2006 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 633min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 23.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032472
Romantische Abenteuer auf Schloss Bois-Doré (4 DVDs) Les Beaux Messieurs De Bois-Doré Georges Marchal - Dir. Bernard Borderie Abenteuer 1976 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 440min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing
AG(Colosseo Film) 16.10.2009 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032339
Romy Jessica Schwarz, Thomas Kretschmann, Maresa Hörbiger, Heinz Hoenig, Guillaume Delorme - Dir. Torsten C. Fischer Making of, Bildergalerie
Drama/Biographie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 100min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 12.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032526
Rotbart (OmU) Akahige Toshirô Mifune, Yuzo Kayama, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Reiko Dan, Kyoko Kagawa - Dir. Akira Kurosawa Bildergalerie
Drama 1965 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (Jap) 186min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032169
Die rote Zora (Blu-ray) Linn Reusse, Jakob Knoblauch, David Berton, Pascal Andres, Woody Mues, Mario Adorf, Ben Becker, Dominique Horwitz, Hilmi Sözer, Moritz Grabbe, Badasar Calbiyik, Nora Quest, Jannik Werner, Jan Jakob Müller, Iris Minich - Dir. Peter Kahane Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2007 99min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032457
Ruf der Wildnis Call Of The Wild Shane Meier, Nick Mancuso, Rachel Hayward - Dir. Zale Dalen Abenteuer 2000 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 120min. Sunfilm Entertainment(Savoy Film) 20.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032224
Salaam Bombay! Salaam Bombay Shafiq Syed, Sarfuddin Qurassi, Raju Barnad, Raghuvir Yadav, Aneeta Kanwar, Nana Patekar - Dir. Mira Nair Drama 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Hindi) 113min. Universum Film 23.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032513
Samson und Delilah Samson And Delilah Max von Sydow, Maria Schell Drama 1984 FF DD 1.0 (D) 90min. SchröderMedia 16.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032507
Samurai Princess (k.J.)
Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Emilie Ullerup Audiokommentare, Die komplette Internetserie, Featurettes, Bildergalerie
Fantasy/Science Fiction 2008-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 562min. Koch Media 15.01.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032260
Satisfaction High Risk James Coburn, Anthony Quinn Bildergalerie
Drama 1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 86min. SchröderMedia 16.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032503
Saw I - V (5 Discs) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) Saw / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / Saw V Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, Michael Emerson, Tobin Bell, Ken Leung, Makenzie Vega, Shawnee Smith, Benito Martinez, Dina Meyer, Leigh Whannell, Ned Bellamy, Paul Gutrecht, Alexandra Chun, Avner Garbi, Mike Butters, Donnie Wahlberg, Franky G., Glenn Plummer, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Beverley Mitchell, Erik Knudsen, Angus Macfadyen, Bahar Soomekh, Mpho Koaho, Barry Flatman, Costas Mandylor, Scott Patterson, Betsy Russell, Lyriq Bent, Athena Karkanis, Justin Louis, Simon Reynolds, Mike Realba, Marty Adams, Sarain Boylan, Billy Otis, Niamh Wilson, Julian Richings, Mark Rolston, Julie Benz, Carlo Rota, Meagan Good - Dir. James Wan, Darren Lynn Bousman, David Hackl Diverse
Thriller/Horror 2004-2008 452min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 20.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032543
Saw I - V (5 DVDs, Steelbook) (k.J.) Saw / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / Saw V Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, Michael Emerson, Tobin Bell, Ken Leung, Makenzie Vega, Shawnee Smith, Benito Martinez, Dina Meyer, Leigh Whannell, Ned Bellamy, Paul Gutrecht, Alexandra Chun, Avner Garbi, Mike Butters, Donnie Wahlberg, Franky G., Glenn Plummer, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Beverley Mitchell, Erik Knudsen, Angus Macfadyen, Bahar Soomekh, Mpho Koaho, Barry Flatman, Costas Mandylor, Scott Patterson, Betsy Russell, Lyriq Bent, Athena Karkanis, Justin Louis, Simon Reynolds, Mike Realba, Marty Adams, Sarain Boylan, Billy Otis, Niamh Wilson, Julian Richings, Mark Rolston, Julie Benz, Carlo Rota, Meagan Good - Dir. James Wan, Darren Lynn Bousman, David Hackl
Samurai Purinsesu: Gedô-Hime Aino Kishi, Dai Mizuno, Asuka Kataoka, Mihiro, Yû Aiba, Takeshi Ayabe, Miki Hirase, Mitsuru Karahashi - Dir. Kengo Kaji
Scanners Edition (3 DVDs) (k.J.)
Action/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 82min. Musketier Media(8-Films) 27.11.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032221
Sanctuary - Staffel 01 (4 DVDs) Sanctuary
Thriller/Horror 2004-2008 452min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 20.11.2009 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032530
Scanners / Scanners - The New Order / Scanners - The Takeover Jennifer O’Neill, Stephen Lack, Patrick McGoohan, Lawrence Dane, Adam Lustig, Chuck Shamata, Michael Ironside, David Hewlett, Yvan Ponton, Deborah Raffin,
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Isabelle Mejias, Tom Butler, Raoul Trujillo, Marty Simons, Liliana Komorowska, Daniel Pilon, Valérie Valois, Steve Parrish - Dir. David Cronenberg, Christian Duguay
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 83min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 16.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032422
Sherlock Holmes Collection Superbox (14 DVDs)
Sehnsucht nach Neuseeland / Das Paradies am Ende der Welt
Audiokommentare, Alternative Synchronfassungen, Interview, Featurettes, Radio-Hörspiele
Horror/Science Fiction 1980-1991 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 294min. Black Hill Pictures 16.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032257
Die Scharfschützen - Der Armee des Schreckens Sharpe’s Challenge Sean Bean, Daragh O’Malley, Toby Stephens, Padma Lakshmi, Aurélien Recoing, Lucy Brown, Michael Cochrane, Thierry Hancisse - Dir. Tom Clegg Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Abenteuer 2006-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 101min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032168
Die Scharfschützen - Der Kommando ohne Wiederkehr Sharpe’s Challenge Sean Bean, Daragh O’Malley, Toby Stephens, Padma Lakshmi, Aurélien Recoing, Lucy Brown, Michael Cochrane, Thierry Hancisse - Dir. Tom Clegg Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Abenteuer 2006-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 101min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032167
Lilly Schönauer: Heimkehr ins Glück Barbara Wussow, Albert Fortell, Helmut Zierl, Maresa Hörbiger, Rüdiger Vogler, Katharina Abt, Ella Risin - Dir. Holger Barthel Drama/Lovestory 2008 90min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(ARD Video) 13.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032361
Lilly Schönauer: Paulas Traum Eva Herzig, Hardy Krüger jr., Heinz Hoenig, Katrin Ritt, Enzi Fuchs, Laurence Rupp Dir. Holger Barthel Drama/Lovestory 90min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(ARD Video) 20.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032360
Der Seewolf (2 DVDs) Sebastian Koch, Neve Campbell, Tim Roth, Stephen Campbell Moore, Tobias Schenke, Peter MacNeill, Julian Richings, Maxwell McCabe-Lokos, Paul Fauteux - Dir. Mike Barker
Suzan Anbeh, Christoph Kottenkamp, Brandon Cook, Vicky Haughton, Max Gertsch, Dietrich Mattausch, Melanie Marschke, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Dennis Williams, Adam Gardiner, Jochen Horst, Rachael Blampied, Elisabeth Lanz, Jörg Schüttauf, Valeria Eisenbart, Rolf Kanies, Petra Kleinert, Ralph Herforth, Franziska Schlattner, Jeff Szusterman, Evie Dysart, Ross Anderson, John Dawson, Camille Keenan - Dir. Michael Keusch, Thomas Hezel Making of, Interviews
Drama/Lovestory 2009 FF DD 2.0 (D) 180min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 04.12.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032490
Sheitan (k.J.) Sheitan Vincent Cassel, Olivier Barthélémy, Roxane Mesquida, Leïla Bekhti, Julie-Marie Parmentier, Gérald Thomassin - Dir. Kim Chapiron Making of
Thriller/Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 89min. Senator Home Entertainment 18.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032552
Sherlock Holmes - Der Hund von Baskerville The Hound Of The Baskervilles Ian Richardson, Donald Churchill, Denholm Elliott, Glynis Barber, Brian Blessed, Eleanor Bron, Edward Judd, Ronald Lacey - Dir. Douglas Hickox Kriminalfilm 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 96min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 15.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032191
Sherlock Holmes - Die dritte und vierte Staffel (4 DVDs) The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Rosalie Williams, Eric Porter - Dir. Derek Marlowe, Paul Annett, John Bruce, David Carson, Ken Grieve, Alan Grint Buch zur Serie
Kriminalfilm 1984-1985 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 620min. Koch Media 16.10.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032262
Booklet mit Leseprobe, Produktionsnotizen
Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 174min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032278
Sehnsucht Andreas Müller, Ilka Welz, Anett Dornbusch, Erika Lemke, Markus Werner, Doritha Richter, Detlef Baumann, Harald Kuchenbecker, Ilse Lausch - Dir. Valeska Grisebach Featurette, Trailer
Sherlock Holmes - Im Zeichen der Vier The Sign Of Four Ian Richardson, David Healy, Thorley Walters, Terence Rigby, Joe Melia, Terence Rigby, Clive Merrison, Richard Heffer - Dir. Desmond Davis Kriminalfilm 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 91min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 15.10.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032192
The Sherlock Holmes Collection Superbox Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce Kriminalfilm 1939-1946 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 951min. Koch Media 16.10.2009 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032261
The Shield - Die komplette sechste Season (4 DVDs) The Shield Michael Chiklis, Glenn Close, Catherine Dent, Walton Goggins, Michael Jace, Kenneth Johnson, Jay Karnes, Benito Martinez, CCH Pounder, Cathy Cahlin Ryan, David Rees Snell, David Marciano, Autumn Chiklis, Joel Rosenthal - Dir. Scott Brazil, Guy Ferland, Dean White, Clark Johnson, D.J. Caruso, Nick Gomez, Michael Chiklis, Peter Horton, Frank Darabont Kriminalfilm/Drama 2002-2008 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 10.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032487
Shoot the Duke (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Shoot The Duke Stephen Baldwin, Bettina Zimmermann, Thomas Heinze, Matthias Dietrich, Kostas Sommer, John Friedmann, Axel Wedekind, Sanjay Shihora - Dir. Stephen Manuel Action/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Global Cinema) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032443
Shoot the Duke (k.J.) Shoot The Duke Stephen Baldwin, Bettina Zimmermann, Thomas Heinze, Matthias Dietrich, Kostas Sommer, John Friedmann, Axel Wedekind, Sanjay Shihora - Dir. Stephen Manuel Action/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Global Cinema) 03.12.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032310
Silberhochzeit Iris Berben, Matthias Habich, Oliver Nägele, Ulrich Noethen, Silke Bodenbender, Axel Milberg, Corinna Harfouch, Gisela Schneeberger, Alexander Kerst - Dir. Matti Geschonneck Booklet
Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 88min. 3L Filmverleih 30.09.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032250
Frank Sinatra (Metallbox Edition) Frank Sinatra Action/Drama FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 283min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Great Movies) 03.12.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032313
Sissi - Teil 1-3 (Schneekugel-Edition, 3 DVDs)
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Sissi / Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin / Sissi Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin Romy Schneider Hörfilmfassung f. Hörg., Interview, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien, Making of, Bildergalerie
Drama/Heimatfilm 1955-1957 FF DD 1.0 (D) 306min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032376
Slasher (k.J.) Christiane Imdahl, Christian Stock, Pia de Burh, Sebastian Badenberg, Michael Eisenburger, Heiko Lange, Maja Makowski, Peter Herff, Hannah Kobitzsch, Thomas Kercmar - Dir. Frank W. Montag Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Effekt-Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Horror/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 78min. KSM 08.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032172
Sledge Hammer - Gesamtbox (6 DVDs) Sledge Hammer! David Rasche, Anne-Marie Martin, Harrison Page Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1986-1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 986min. KSM(NewKSM) 08.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032170
Smaragd Rolf Zacher, Wolfgang Fierek - Dir. Veith von Fürstenberg Trailer, Original-Vorspann, Bio- und Filmografie
Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) 93min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Ostalgica) 02.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032346
Spiel der Träume Machan Dharmapriya Dias, Gihan De Chickera, Dharshan Dharmaraj, Namal Jayasinghe, Sujeewa Priyalal - Dir. Uberto Pasolini Dokumentation, Trailer
Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 107min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(CineProject) 20.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032392
Spotswood - Manager mit Herz Spotswood Sir Anthony Hopkins, Ben Mendelsohn, Alwyn Kurts, Bruno Lawrence, John Walton, Rebecca Rigg, Toni Collette, Russell Crowe - Dir. Mark Joffe Produktionsnotizen, Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer
Komödie 1991 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 93min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. KG 24.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032186
Spuk unterm Riesenrad (2 DVDs) Stefan Lisewski, Katja Paryla, Katrin Raukopf, Siegfried Seibt - Dir. Günter Meyer Booklet
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1979 FF DD 1.0 (D) 200min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.09.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032401
Die Spur der Rache John Wayne Western min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 6,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032213
Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise: Season 2 (Remastered, 7 Discs) (Blu-ray) Star Trek William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, James Doohan Science Fiction 1966-1969 FF DD 1.0 (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 1309min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032542
Star Trek (2 DVDs) Star Trek Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Ben Cross, Bruce Greenwood, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, John Cho, Winona Ryder, Anton Yelchin, Zoe Saldana, Leonard Nimoy, Chris Hemsworth - Dir. J.J. Abrams Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 121min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032475
Star Trek (Special Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Star Trek Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Ben Cross, Bruce Greenwood, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, John Cho, Winona Ryder, Anton Yelchin, Zoe Saldana, Leonard Nimoy, Chris Hemsworth - Dir. J.J. Abrams Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 126min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032495
Star Trek 07 - Treffen der Generationen (Remastered) Star Trek: Generations Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara March, Alan Ruck - Dir. David Carson Science Fiction 1994 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 113min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032524
Star Trek 07-10 (Remastered, 5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Star Trek: Generations / First Contact / Insurrection / Nemesis Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara March, Alan Ruck, Alfre Woodard, James Cromwell, Alice Krige, Neal McDonough, Robert Picardo, Dwight Schultz, Patti Yasutake, F. Murray Abraham, Donna Murphy, Anthony Zerbe, Gregg Henry, Da-
niel Hugh Kelly, Michael Welch, Lorella Cuccarini, Mark Deakins, Breon Gorman, Max Grodenchik, Stephanie Niznik, Armin Shimerman, D. Elliot Woods, Ron Perlman, Tom Hardy, Dina Meyer, Kate Mulgrew, Shannon Cochran, Jude Ciccolella, Alan Dale, John Berg, Michael Owen, Robertson Dean, David Ralphe, J. Patrick McCormack, Wil Wheaton, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, Steven Culp - Dir. David Carson, Jonathan Frakes, Stuart Baird Science Fiction 1994-2002 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 446min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032539
Star Trek 07-10 (Remastered, 5 DVDs) Star Trek: Generations / First Contact / Insurrection / Nemesis Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara March, Alan Ruck, Alfre Woodard, James Cromwell, Alice Krige, Neal McDonough, Robert Picardo, Dwight Schultz, Patti Yasutake, F. Murray Abraham, Donna Murphy, Anthony Zerbe, Gregg Henry, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Michael Welch, Lorella Cuccarini, Mark Deakins, Breon Gorman, Max Grodenchik, Stephanie Niznik, Armin Shimerman, D. Elliot Woods, Ron Perlman, Tom Hardy, Dina Meyer, Kate Mulgrew, Shannon Cochran, Jude Ciccolella, Alan Dale, John Berg, Michael Owen, Robertson Dean, David Ralphe, J. Patrick McCormack, Wil Wheaton, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, Steven Culp - Dir. David Carson, Jonathan Frakes, Stuart Baird Science Fiction 1994-2002 429min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032527
Star Trek 08 - Der erste Kontakt (Remastered) Star Trek: First Contact Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Alfre Woodard, James Cromwell, Alice Krige, Neal McDonough, Robert Picardo, Dwight Schultz, Patti Yasutake - Dir. Jonathan Frakes Science Fiction 1996 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 106min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032525
Star Trek 09 - Der Aufstand (Remastered) Star Trek: Insurrection Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, F. Murray Abraham, Donna Murphy, Anthony Zerbe, Gregg Henry, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Michael Welch, Lorella Cuccarini, Mark Deakins, Breon Gorman, Max Grodenchik, Stephanie Niznik, Armin Shimerman, D. Elliot Woods - Dir. Jonathan Frakes Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1998 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 99min.
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032523
Star Trek 10 - Nemesis (Remastered) Star Trek: Nemesis Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Ron Perlman, Tom Hardy, Dina Meyer, Kate Mulgrew, Shannon Cochran, Jude Ciccolella, Alan Dale, John Berg, Michael Owen, Robertson Dean, David Ralphe, J. Patrick McCormack, Wil Wheaton, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, Steven Culp, Whoopi Goldberg - Dir. Stuart Baird Science Fiction 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 116min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032529
Star Troopers El Barón Contra Los Demonios Juan Carlos Romeu, Helena Lecumberri, Alejandro Ribelles, Juan Carlos Romeu, Juan Carlos Romeu, Xavier Bertran, Irene Belza, Paulina Gálvez, Susana Palma, Gerado Arenas, Eva Barceló - Dir. Ricardo Ribelles Science Fiction 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Sp) 95min. Sunfilm Entertainment(Mr. Banker Films) 04.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032223
Stargate Atlantis - Season 5 Stargate Atlantis Joe Flanigan, Torri Higginson, Rainbow Sun Francks, David Hewlett, Rachel Luttrell, Jason Momoa, Paul McGillion, David Nykl Science Fiction 2004-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 02.12.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032413
State of Play - Stand der Dinge State Of Play Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Robin Wright Penn, Jason Bateman, Jeff Daniels, Helen Mirren - Dir. Kevin Macdonald Entfallene Szenen, Making of
Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 122min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 12.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032216
State of Play - Stand der Dinge (Blu-ray) State Of Play Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Robin Wright Penn, Jason Bateman, Jeff Daniels, Helen Mirren - Dir. Kevin Macdonald Entfallene Szenen, Making of
Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) 127min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 12.11.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032237
Stiletto (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Stiletto Tom Berenger, Michael Biehn, Stana Katic, Paul Sloan, Jarrod Bunch, William Forsythe, James Russo, Kelly Hu - Dir. Nick Vallelonga Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 19.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032233
Stiletto (k.J.) Stiletto Tom Berenger, Michael Biehn, Stana Katic, Paul Sloan, Jarrod Bunch, William Forsythe, James Russo, Kelly Hu - Dir. Nick Vallelonga Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 19.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032203
Strictly Ballroom (Special Edition) Strictly Ballroom Paul Mercurio, Tara Morice, Bill Hunter, Barry Otto, Pat Thompson, Gia Carides, Peter Whitford, John Hannan, Sonia Kruger-Taylor, Pip Mushin - Dir. Baz Luhrmann Original Kult-Kino Synchronisation, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer
Musikfilm/Komödie 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Winkler Film 09.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032308
Submerged (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Submerged Steven Seagal, Gary Daniels, Nick Brimble, William Hope, Vinnie Jones, Alison King Dir. Anthony Hickox Making of, Trailer, Wendecover, BD-Live
Action/Thriller 2005 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 96min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032579
Summer Scars Summer Scars Kevin Howarth, Ciaran Joyce, Amy Harvey, Jonathan Jones, Darren Evans, Christopher Conway, Ryan Conway - Dir. Julian Richards Thriller/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 68min. MIG Filmgroup 15.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032356
Miller, Rebekah Wiggins - Dir. Christine Jeffs Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min. Capelight Pictures 16.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032337
Sunshine Cleaning (Blu-ray) Sunshine Cleaning Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Alan Arkin, Jason Spevack, Steve Zahn, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Clifton Collins Jr., Eric Christian Olsen, Kevin Chapman, Judith Jones, Lois Geary, Maddie Corman, Christine Begay, Michael L. Miller, Rebekah Wiggins - Dir. Christine Jeffs Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Drama 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 91min. Capelight Pictures 16.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032444
Synecdoche, New York Synecdoche, New York Philip Seymour Hoffman, Michelle Williams, Samantha Morton, Hope Davis, Catherine Keener, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Emily Watson, Dianne Wiest, Robin Weigert, Tim Guinee, Amy Spanger, Tom Noonan, Lynn Cohen, Josh Pais, Daniel London, Erica Berg, Deirdre O’Connell, Sadie Goldstein, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Michael Medeiros Dir. Charlie Kaufman Bildergalerie, Interviews, Making of
Drama/Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 124min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 12.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032201
Synecdoche, New York (Blu-ray) Synecdoche, New York Philip Seymour Hoffman, Michelle Williams, Samantha Morton, Hope Davis, Catherine Keener, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Emily Watson, Dianne Wiest, Robin Weigert, Tim Guinee, Amy Spanger, Tom Noonan, Lynn Cohen, Josh Pais, Daniel London, Erica Berg, Deirdre O’Connell, Sadie Goldstein, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Michael Medeiros Dir. Charlie Kaufman Bildergalerie
Drama/Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 129min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH 12.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032232
Summertime Killer
Un Verano Para Matar Chris Mitchum, Karl Malden
Sabrina Ouazani, Nora von Waldstätten, Alexander Scheer, Naima Bouzid, Nohad Sabri, Siadaa Lachir - Dir. Irene von Alberti
Deleted Scenes
Drama 1972 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 95min. SchröderMedia 16.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032504
Sunshine Cleaning Sunshine Cleaning Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Alan Arkin, Jason Spevack, Steve Zahn, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Clifton Collins Jr., Eric Christian Olsen, Kevin Chapman, Judith Jones, Lois Geary, Maddie Corman, Christine Begay, Michael L.
Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Soundtrack-Auswahl, Booklet
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 96min. Filmgalerie 451 20.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032227
Tatort: Atemnot Maria Furtwängler, Ingo Naujoks, Hannes Jaenicke, Kathrin Ackermann, Catrin Striebeck, Lara Feline Rößler, Dieter Okras, Michael König, Silvina Buchbauer, Jürgen Mai - Dir. Thomas Jauch
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032329
Tatort: Ballauf / Schenk Box (4 DVDs) Tatort: Bildersturm / Tatort: Drei Affen / Tatort: Manila / Tatort: Verraten und verkauft Klaus J. Behrendt, Dietmar Bär, Anna Loos, Mathieu Carrière, Antje Schmidt, Walter Gontermann, Thomas Taus jr., Susan Africa, Milanie Sumalinog, Niki Stein, Iris Böhm, Jan Hinter, Silvia Rachor, Heinrich Giskes, Ilse Strambowski, Joe Bausch, Joonee Gamboa, Spanky Manikan, Katharina Mai, Vera Teltz, Antje Lewald, Friederike Bellstedt, Traugott Buhre, Sabine Vitua, Prof. Hark Bohm, Gisela Uhlen, Gerda Gmelin, Christian Kahrmann, Wichart von Roëll, Laura Tassi, Rainer Will, Birthe Wolter, Hannes Kaetner, Bouli Lanners, Konstantin Moser, Wolfgang Rüter, Herman van Ulzen, Luc Feit, Henning Baum, Brigitte Janner, Jan Gregor Kremp, Günter Lamprecht, Emel Gültekin, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Hasan Ali Mete, Arved Birnbaum, Denis Moschitto, Katinka Heise, Uwe Diederich, Anita Riotte, Kurt Glockzin, Götz Argus, Tessa Mittelstaedt, Joost Siedhoff, Ulrike Kriener, Ulrich Matschoss, Adrian Topol, Petra Kleinert, Anna Maria Mühe, Kostja Ullmann, Thomas Arnold, Astrid Meyerfeldt - Dir. Niki Stein, Kaspar Heidelbach, Peter F. Bringmann Kriminalfilm 1998-2004 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032333
Tatort: Bienzle und sein schwerster Fall Dietz-Werner Steck, Rita Russek, Rüdiger Wandel, Jürgen Hartmann, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Bernd Tauber, Tobias Schenke, Max Gertsch, Martin Ontrop, Walter Schultheiß, Klaus Spürkel, Dirk Salomon - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032330
Tatort: Das Glockenbachgeheimnis Miroslav Nemec, Udo Wachtveitl, Michael Fitz, Iris Berben, Barbara Magdalena Ahren, Doris Schade, Michael Tregor, Martin Umbach, Gert Burkard, Wilfried Labmeier, Peter Rappenglück, Judith Diamantstein, Simon Beckord, Marina Stölzl, Tina Scheubel, Constantin Gastmann, Nina Szeterlak, Günther Amann, Jens von Ahnen - Dir. Martin Enlen Kriminalfilm 1999 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032323
Tatort: Der dunkle Fleck Axel Prahl, Jan Josef Liefers, Friederike Kempter, ChrisTine Urspruch, Mechthild Großmann, Oliver Bokern, Claus-Dieter Clausnitzer, Sandra S. Leonhard, Dieter
Kirchlechner, Renate Schroeter, Bastian Trost - Dir. Peter F. Bringmann Kriminalfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032328
Tatort: Engelchen flieg Ulrike Folkerts, Andreas Hoppe, Hans-Günter Martens, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Birol Ünel, Hansa Czypionka, Carol Campbell, Tatjana Blacher, Gesine Cukrowski, Nezâ Selbuz, Christiane Lemm, Stefan Becker, Michael Hanemann, Lutz Mackensy, Lilian Okorom, Annalena Schmidt, Erik Rastetter, Giselle Vesco - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr Kriminalfilm 1998 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032327
Tatort: Kressin stoppt den Nordexpress Sieghardt Rupp, Yvonne Ingdal, Gitte Haenning, Ivan Desny, Edgar Hoppe, Nino Korda, Uta Levka, Wolfgang Grönebaum, Dieter Wagner, Imo Heite, Hannes Andersen, Siegfried Fetscher, Karl-Heinz Otto, Dieter Ohlendiek, Allan Evans, Hans Häckermann, Bum Krüger, Marga Maasberg, Alexander May, Wolfgang Rau, Gisela Keiner, Wolf-Dietrich Berg, Dieter Groest, Karlheinz Hess - Dir. Rolf von Sydow Kriminalfilm 1971 FF (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032324
Tatort: Kuscheltiere Götz George, Eberhard Feik, Chiem van Houweninge, Ulrich Matschoss, Christoph Hofrichter, Geert de Jong, Nate Seids, Renate Becker, Dieter Pfaff, Roland Beer, Werner Schwuchow, Rijk de Gooyer, Hein Boele, Katalin Zsigmondy, Bert Oberdorfer, Gisela Keiner, Jürgen Mikol - Dir. Hajo Gies Kriminalfilm 1982 FF (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032325
Tatort: Leipzig (3 DVDs) Tatort: Quartett in Leipzig / Tatort: Taxi nach Leipzig / Tatort: Todesstrafe Walter Richter, Renate Schroeter, Paul Albert Krumm, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Edgar Hoppe, Erwin Klietsch, Marianne Hachfeld, Ernst Wendt, Günter Lamprecht, Gerhard Hartig, Horst Ulbricht, Henry-Ernst Simon, Barbara Linau, Boris Mahlau, Jutta Zech, Peter Sodann, Bernd Michael Lade, Klaus J. Behrendt, Dietmar Bär, Vadim Glowna, Theresa Hübchen, Dirk Martens, Matthias Koeberlin, Fabian Busch, Annekathrin Bürger, Anna Loos, Walter Nickel, Markus John, Max Herbrechter, Joe Bausch, Marie Gruber, Lutz Teschner, Simone Thomalla, Martin Wuttke, Maxim Mehmet, André Röhner, Swetlana Schönfeld, Julia Richter, Tom Quaas, Roman Knizka, Nadja Engel, Oliver Breite, Joseph Bundschuh, Gitta Schweighöfer, Matthias Brenner - Dir. Peter Schulze-Rohr, Kaspar Heidelbach, Patrick Winczewski Kriminalfilm 1970-2008 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032336
Tatort: Manila Klaus J. Behrendt, Dietmar Bär, Anna Loos, Mathieu Carrière, Antje Schmidt, Walter Gontermann, Thomas Taus jr., Susan Africa, Milanie Sumalinog, Niki Stein, Iris Böhm, Jan Hinter, Silvia Rachor, Heinrich Giskes, Ilse Strambowski, Joe Bausch, Joonee Gamboa, Spanky Manikan, Katharina Mai, Vera Teltz, Antje Lewald, Friederike Bellstedt - Dir. Niki Stein Kriminalfilm 1998 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032322
Tatort: München (3 DVDs) Tatort: Das Glockenbachgeheimnis / Tatort: Schicki-Micki / Tatort: Weißblaue Turnschuhe Gustl Bayrhammer, Helmut Fischer, Willy Harlander, Henner Quest, Hannelore Elsner, Felix von Manteuffel, Erich Hallhuber, Franz Böhm, Rolf Castell, Enzi Fuchs, Norbert Gastell, Klaus Guth, Volker Prechtel, Miroslav Nemec, Udo Wachtveitl, Michael Fitz, Iris Berben, Barbara Magdalena Ahren, Doris Schade, Michael Tregor, Martin Umbach, Gert Burkard, Wilfried Labmeier, Peter Rappenglück, Judith Diamantstein, Simon Beckord, Marina Stölzl, Tina Scheubel, Constantin Gastmann, Nina Szeterlak, Günther Amann, Jens von Ahnen - Dir. Wolf Dietrich, Hans-Reinhard Müller, Martin Enlen Kriminalfilm 1973-1999 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032335
Tatort: Odenthal Box (4 DVDs) Tatort: Die Neue / Tatort: Engelchen flieg / Tatort: Flashback / Tatort: Tod im All Ulrike Folkerts, Katharina Abt, Jürgen Holtz, Margret Homeyer, Michael Schreiner, Michael Roll, Michael Mendl, Achim Grubel, Erika Skrotzki, Katharina Müller-Elmau, Andreas Hoppe, Marquard Bohm, Hans-Günter Martens, Carol Campbell, Alexander Beck, Walter Gontermann, Johanna Liebeneiner, Dietmar Schönherr, Udo Weinberger, Nina Hagen, Ingolf Lück, Anke Engelke, Adolf Laimböck, Georg Blumreiter, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Birol Ünel, Hansa Czypionka, Tatjana Blacher, Gesine Cukrowski, Nezâ Selbuz, Christiane Lemm, Stefan Becker, Michael Hanemann, Lutz Mackensy, Lilian Okorom, Annalena Schmidt, Erik Rastetter, Giselle Vesco, Justus von Dohnanyi, Jürgen Vogel, Rüdiger Vogler, Ulrike Grote, Ulrich Gebauer - Dir. Peter Schulze-Rohr, Thomas Bohn, Hartmut Griesmayr, Matthias Glasner Kriminalfilm 1989-2002 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032332
Tatort: Schimanski Box (4 DVDs) Tatort: Das Mädchen auf der Treppe / Tatort: Der Fall Schimanski / Tatort: Kuscheltiere / Tatort: Moltke
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Götz George, Eberhard Feik, Chiem van Houweninge, Ulrich Matschoss, Christoph Hofrichter, Geert de Jong, Nate Seids, Renate Becker, Dieter Pfaff, Roland Beer, Werner Schwuchow, Rijk de Gooyer, Hein Boele, Katalin Zsigmondy, Bert Oberdorfer, Gisela Keiner, Jürgen Mikol, Maja Maranow, Peter Fitz, Alexander Radszun, Armin Rohde, Lola Müthel, Jochen Senf, Heinrich Schafmeister, Brigitte Janner, Anton Pointecker, Ludger Pistor, Fabio Sarno, Andrea Sawatzki - Dir. Hajo Gies, Peter Adam Kriminalfilm 1982-1991 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032331
Tatort: Schüsse auf der Autobahn Manfred Krug, Charles Brauer, Kurt Hart, Bernd Tauber, Tatjana Clasing, Reiner Heise, Christa Pillmann, Susanne Lüning, Silvan-Pierre Leirich, Sylvia Hoffmann, Willy Bartelsen, Elisabeth Goebel, Elsa Hanewinkel, Peter Mohrdieck, Jürgen Morche, Dietmar Mues, Hannes Stelzer Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr Tagesschau Beitrag, Biografie, Trailer
Kriminalfilm 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 87min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032510
Tatort: Stoever / Brock-Möller Box (4 DVDs) Tatort: Schüsse auf der Autobahn / Tatort: Tod auf Neuwerk / Tatort: Tod eines Mädchens / Tatort: Undercover-Camping Manfred Krug, Charles Brauer, Helmut Zierl, Katja Studt, Monica Bleibtreu, Dieter Ohlendiek, Henning Schlüter, Ann Kligge, Katja Woywood, Kay Sabban, Lutz Reichert, Werner Cartano, Klaus Dittmann, Karin Glier, Gerhard Hartig, Patrick Harzig, Hans Kahlert, Pamela Knaack, Manfred Liptow, Michael Lott, Hans Scheibner, Hanno Thurau, Bernd Herzsprung, Ulrich Faulhaber, Michael Lesch, Paul Berndt, Peter Buchholz, Karen Friesicke, Kurt Hart, Sven Martinek, Theresa Hübchen, Bernd Tauber, Tatjana Clasing, Reiner Heise, Christa Pillmann, Susanne Lüning, Silvan-Pierre Leirich, Sylvia Hoffmann, Willy Bartelsen, Elisabeth Goebel, Elsa Hanewinkel, Peter Mohrdieck, Jürgen Morche, Dietmar Mues, Hannes Stelzer - Dir. Jürgen Roland, Helmut Förnbacher, Jürgen Bretzinger, Hartmut Griesmayr Kriminalfilm 1991-1998 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032334
Tatort: Taxi nach Leipzig Walter Richter, Renate Schroeter, Paul Albert Krumm, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Edgar Hoppe, Erwin Klietsch, Marianne Hachfeld, Ernst Wendt, Günter Lamprecht, Gerhard Hartig, Horst Ulbricht, Henry-Ernst Simon, Barbara Linau, Boris Mahlau, Jutta Zech Dir. Peter Schulze-Rohr Kriminalfilm 1970 FF (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032321
Tatort: Tod auf Neuwerk Manfred Krug, Charles Brauer, Bernd Herzsprung, Ulrich Faulhaber, Michael Lesch, Paul Berndt, Peter Buchholz, Karen Friesicke - Dir. Helmut Förnbacher Biografie, Making of, Trailer
Kriminalfilm 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) 89min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032509
Tatort: Tod eines Mädchens Manfred Krug, Charles Brauer, Helmut Zierl, Katja Studt, Monica Bleibtreu, Dieter Ohlendiek, Henning Schlüter, Ann Kligge, Katja Woywood, Kay Sabban, Lutz Reichert, Werner Cartano, Klaus Dittmann, Karin Glier, Gerhard Hartig, Patrick Harzig, Hans Kahlert, Pamela Knaack, Manfred Liptow, Michael Lott, Hans Scheibner, Hanno Thurau - Dir. Jürgen Roland Featurette
Kriminalfilm 1991 FF DD 1.0 (D) 86min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032508
Tatort: Undercover-Camping Manfred Krug, Charles Brauer, Kurt Hart, Sven Martinek, Theresa Hübchen - Dir. Jürgen Bretzinger Kriminalfilm 1997 Ltbx 16x9 (D) min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ARD Video) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032326
Tatsächlich ... Liebe (Blu-ray) Love Actually Hugh Grant, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Andrew Lincoln, Kris Marshall, Keira Knightley, Laura Linney, Liam Neeson, Thomas Sangster, Colin Firth, Daniel Fredenburgh, Nina Sosanya, Frank Moorey, Jill Freud, Martine McCutcheon, Abdul Salis, Bill Nighy, Gregor Fisher, Emma Thompson, Lulu Popplewell, William Wadham, Heike Makatsch, Alan Rickman, Rodrigo Santoro, Brian Bovell, Marcus Brigstocke, Elisabeth Margoni, Lucia Moniz, Edward Hardwicke, Alan Barnes, Martin Freeman, Joanna Page, Richard Hawley, Billy Bob Thornton, Anne Reid, Adam Godley, Frances de la Tour, Michael Fitzgerald, Ciaran O’Driscoll, Laura Rees, Rowan Atkinson, JJ Feild, Helder Costa, Carla Vasconcelos - Dir. Richard Curtis Komödie 2003 135min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032454
Terminator - Die Erlösung
Terminator Salvation Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Moon Bloodgood, Bryce Dallas Howard, Common, Jane Alexander, Helena Bonham Carter, Jadagrace - Dir. McG Science Fiction/Action 2009 117min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 30.11.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032498
Time Bandits (2-Disc Collector’s Edition) Time Bandits John Cleese, Sir Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, Craig Warnock, Katherine Helmond, Michael Palin, Sir Ian Holm, Sir Ralph Richardson, Peter Vaughan - Dir. Terry Gilliam Interviews, Scrapbook, Bildergalerie
Fantasy 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 111min. Spirit Media 23.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032270
Time Bandits (Einzel-DVD) Time Bandits John Cleese, Sir Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, Craig Warnock, Katherine Helmond, Michael Palin, Sir Ian Holm, Sir Ralph Richardson, Peter Vaughan - Dir. Terry Gilliam Fantasy 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 111min. Spirit Media 23.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032269
Tipping the Velvet Tipping The Velvet Rachael Stirling, Keeley Hawes, Anna Chancellor, Jodhi May, Hugh Bonneville, Johnny Vegas, Alexei Sayle, John Bowe, Sally Hawkins - Dir. Geoffrey Sax Biografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Booklet
Historienfilm/Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 157min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032173
Today You Die - Seine Rache ist gnadenlos (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Today You Die Steven Seagal, Anthony ‘Treach’ Criss, Lawrence Turner, Jerry Trimble, Kevin Tighe, Sarah Buxton - Dir. Don E. FauntLeRoy Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, BD-Live, Wendecover
Action/Thriller 2005 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 90min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032581
Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker
Terminator Salvation Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Moon Bloodgood, Bryce Dallas Howard, Common, Jane Alexander, Helena Bonham Carter, Jadagrace - Dir. McG Science Fiction/Action 2009 110min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 30.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032480
The Hurt Locker Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes, Brian Geraghty, David Morse, Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 126min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 03.12.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032371
Terminator - Die Erlösung (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray)
Tora! Tora! Tora! (Blu-ray)
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Tora! Tora! Tora! Martin Balsam, Joseph Cotten, E. G. Marshall, Soh Yamamura, Jason Robards, Tatsuya Mihashi, Takahiro Tamura, James Whitmore, Eijiro Tono, Wesley Addy, Shogo Shimada, Frank Aletter - Dir. Richard Fleischer, Toshio Masuda, Kinji Fukasaku Kriegsfilm/Action 1970 143min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 20.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032466
Die Tränen meiner Mutter Rafael Ferro, Erica Rivas, Alice Dwyer, Fabian Busch, Volkmar Kleinert, Adrian Goessel (Alex), Joachim Paul Assböck, Toni Gomis Chaparro, Kristian Erik Kiehling - Dir. Alejandro Cardenas-Amelio Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 89min. AV Visionen(Eye See Movies) 27.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032532
Transformers - Die Rache (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Ramon Rodriguez, Kevin Dunn, Rainn Wilson, Julie White - Dir. Michael Bay Action/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp) 150min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032496
Transformers - Die Rache (2 DVDs) Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Ramon Rodriguez, Kevin Dunn, Rainn Wilson, Julie White - Dir. Michael Bay Action/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 144min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.11.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032476
Trenck, der Pandur Hans Albers, Käthe Dorsch, Sybille Schmitz, Hilde Weißner, Peter Voß, Hans Nielsen, Elisabeth Flickenschildt - Dir. Herbert Selpin Bildergalerie
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) 90min. Black Hill Pictures 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032271
Tschechische Filmklassiker (19 DVDs) Behind the Scenes, Interview, Featurette
Kinderfilm 1969-1991 min. Universum Film(universum kids) 04.12.2009 189,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032408
Türkisch für Anfänger - Komplettbox, Staffel 1, 2 & 3 (9 DVDs) Pegah Ferydoni, Adnan Maral, Elyas M’Barek, Josefine Preuß, Emil Reinke, Anna Stieblich, Axel Schreiber, Katharina Kaali, Arnel Taci, Cristina do Rego, Bärbel Schleker, Carl Heinz Choynski, Lilay Huser - Dir. Edzard Onneken, Oliver Schmitz, Christian Ditter Komödie 2005-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
1286min. Universum Film 06.11.2009 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032512
Und den Weihnachtsmann gibts doch Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus Charles Bronson, Edward Asner, Richard Thomas - Dir. Charles Jarrott Kinderfilm 1991 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. KG 01.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032320
Die unendliche Geschichte (Geschenk-Edition) Noah Hathaway, Barret Oliver, Tami Stronach, Tilo Prückner, Patricia Hayes, Sidney Bromley, Louis Gossett Jr. - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen Featurette, Musikvideo
Fantasy 1984 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 98min. Universum Film(universum kids) 06.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032405
Der Unerbittliche John Wayne Western min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 6,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032212
Upstairs Upstairs Luke Perry, Kelly Harrison, Stella Pejo, Tomas S. Spencer, Peter Cotton, Matthias Dietrich, Errol Shaker, Ulrike Lodwig - Dir. Robert Pejo Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Global Cinema) 19.11.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032210
Upstairs (Blu-ray) Upstairs Luke Perry, Kelly Harrison, Stella Pejo, Tomas S. Spencer, Peter Cotton, Matthias Dietrich, Errol Shaker, Ulrike Lodwig - Dir. Robert Pejo Thriller 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH(Global Cinema) 19.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032236
Vampire - Monster Box - Die Blutsauger kommen (3 DVDs) Dracula / Frankenstein / Dr. Jekyll Horror min. MCP Sound & Media 25.09.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032317
Verliebt in eine Hexe - Die komplette Season Eight (5 DVDs) Bewitched Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick York, Dick Sargent, Agnes Moorehead, David White, Diane Murphy, Erin Murphy - Dir. William Asher, Bruce Bilson, Ida Lupino, Russell Mayberry Trailer
Komödie/Fantasy 1964-1972 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 649min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
05.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032485
Das Vermächtnis des Inka (2-Disc Collector’s Edition) Guy Madison, William Rothlein, Rik Battaglia, Francisco Rabal, Fernando Rey, Geula Nuni, Walter Giller, Heinz Erhardt, Chris Howland - Dir. Georg Marischka Einführung, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Original Kinotrailer, Internationale Fassung, Booklet
Abenteuer/Western 1965 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (It) 96min. Koch Media 23.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032263
Vinyan Vinyan Emmanuelle Béart, Rufus Sewell, Julie Dreyfus, Petch Osathanugrah, Amporn Pankratok, Josse de Pauw, Omm, Borhan Du Welz - Dir. Fabrice Du Welz Making of, Trailer, Einleitung, Interviews
Horror/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Koch Media 16.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032254
Vinyan (Blu-ray) Vinyan Emmanuelle Béart, Rufus Sewell, Julie Dreyfus, Petch Osathanugrah, Amporn Pankratok, Josse de Pauw, Omm, Borhan Du Welz - Dir. Fabrice Du Welz Making of, Trailer, Einleitung, Interviews
Horror/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 96min. Koch Media 16.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032432
Vipers Vipers Tara Reid, Jonathan Scarfe, Corbin Bernsen, Genevieve Buechner, Stephen E. Miller, Jessica Steen, Don S. Davis, Mark Humphrey - Dir. Bill Corcoran Trailer
Horror/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Sunfilm Entertainment 20.11.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032183
Vom Fliegen und anderen Träumen The Theory Of Flight Helena Bonham Carter, Kenneth Branagh, Gemma Jones, Holly Aird, Ray Stevenson, Sue Jones-Davies, Aneirin Hughes, Jill James, Ruth Jones, Dilys Price, Natasha Williams - Dir. Paul Greengrass Drama/Komödie 1998 97min. Universum Film(Tobis) 13.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032556
Vulkan (2 DVDs) Matthias Koeberlin, Katharina Wackernagel, Yvonne Catterfeld, Heiner Lauterbach, Armin Rohde, Katja Riemann, Pasquale Aleardi, Ursula Karven, Jenny ElversElbertzhagen - Dir. Uwe Janson Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 180min. Warner Home Video Germany 20.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032520
Wahnfried Otto Sander, Tatja Seibt, Fabienne Babe,
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Peter Matic, Anton Diffring, Christoph Waltz - Dir. Peter Patzak Komödie 1986 min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 30.10.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032286
Walk the Line (Einzel-Disc) (Bluray) Walk The Line Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, Ginnifer Goodwin, Robert Patrick, Dallas Roberts, Dan John Miller, Larry Bagby, Shelby Lynne, Tyler Hilton, Waylon Payne, Shooter Jennings, Sandra Lafferty, Dan Beene, Clay Steakley, Jonathan Rice, Johnny Holiday - Dir. James Mangold Drama/Musikfilm 2005 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) 136min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 23.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032471
Warten auf Angelina Florian Lukas, Kostja Ullmann, Barbara Auer, Anna Brüggemann, Leslie Malton, Jana Pallaske, Jördis Triebel, Gudrun Landgrebe, Lena Carstensen, Boris Ekambi, Dietrich Brüggemann, Heikko Deutschmann - Dir. Hans-Christoph Blumenberg Outtakes, Trailer
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 85min. AV Visionen(Eye See Movies) 27.11.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032533
Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht Willy Thomczyk, Dietmar Bär, Ralf Richter, Hilmi Sözer, Peter Thorwarth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Armin Dillenberger, Crescentia Dünßer, Nicholas Bodeux, Michael Brandner, Patrizia Moresco, Tana Schanzara, Birgit Stojanov, Udo Heiland, Johannes Rotter, Jürgen Mikol, Heinrich Giskes, David Heinzel, Matthias Dinter, Jörn Pollex, Heinrich Schafmeister, Hans-Martin Stier, Stefan Jürgens, Karl Thorwarth, Werner Karle jr. - Dir. Peter Thorwarth Komödie 2002 97min. Senator Home Entertainment 20.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032557
Was niemand weiß Det Som Ingen Ved Anders Wodskou Berthelsen, Maria Bonnevie, Ghita Nørby, Marie Louise Wille, Henning Jensen, Sarah Juel Werner, Baard Owe, Lars Mikkelsen - Dir. Søren KraghJacobsen Trailer
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 99min. Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG 25.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032340
The Wasp Woman - Die Wespenfrau (OmU) The Wasp Woman Susan Cabot, Fred Eisley, Barboura Morris, William Roerick, William Marks, Frank Gerstle - Dir. Roger Corman Trailer, Bildergalerie, Hörbuch, Filmografien, Hintergrundinfos
Science Fiction 1959 FF DD 1.0 (D) 70min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing
AG(Ostalgica) 02.10.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032345
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten (4 DVDs) Hans Clarin, Wolfgang Fierek, Fritz Wepper, Prof. Peter Weck, Christiane Hörbiger - Dir. Bettina Braun Komödie 1994-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) 704min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(ZDF Video) 13.11.2009 28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032358
Weißer Bim, Schwarzohr Bely Bim, Tschernoje Ucho Wjatscheslaw Tichonow, Irina Schewtschuk, Walentina Wladimirowa, Michail Dadyko, Iwan Ryshow, Michail Simin - Dir. Stanislaw Rostozki Drama 1977 FF DD 2.0 (Russ) 174min. ICESTORM Entertainment 14.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032397
Who Loves the Sun Who Loves The Sun Lukas Haas, Molly Parker, Adam Scott, Wendy Crewson - Dir. Matt Bissonette Making of, Interview, Musikvideo, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. KG 03.09.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032188
Who Loves the Sun (Blu-ray) Who Loves The Sun Lukas Haas, Molly Parker, Adam Scott, Wendy Crewson - Dir. Matt Bissonette Making of, Interview, Musikvideo, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Drama 2006 Ltbx DTS (D) DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. KG 03.09.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032229
Die wilden Hühner Teil 1 - 3 (3 DVDs) Michelle von Treuberg, Lucie Hollmann, Paula Riemann, Zsa Zsa Inci Bürkle, Jette Hering, Jeremy Mockridge, Philip Wiegratz, Martin Kurz, Vincent Redetzki, Veronica Ferres, Doris Schade, Jessica Schwarz, Benno Fürmann, Axel Prahl, Lukas Steimel, Lukas Engel, Pino Severino Geyssen, David Kötter, Frank Voß, Christine Rose, Nina Vorbrodt, Roland Jankowsky, Herbert Meurer, Marius Fischer, Anya Hoffmann, Frank Wickermann, Justus Kötting, Katharina Eyssen, Axel Häfner, Simon Gosejohann, Sina Burmester, Sonja Gerhardt, Vincent Radetzki, Paula Schramm, Nicole Mercedes Müller, Milena Tscharntke, Paulina Rümmelein, Kostja Ullmann, Svea Bein, Thomas Kretschmann, Oliver Stokowski - Dir. Vivian Naefe Komödie/Jugend 2005-2008 330min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 03.12.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20032558
Wolf (Blu-ray) Wolf Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, James Spader, Kate Nelligan, Richard Jenkins,
Christopher Plummer, Eileen Atkins, David Hyde Pierce, Om Puri, Ron Rifkin, Prunella Scales - Dir. Mike Nichols Trailer, BD-Live
Horror/Drama 1994 Ltbx DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DDTrueHD 5.1 (F) 125min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 08.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032473
Sönke Wortmann Edition (4 DVDs) Kleine Haie / Allein unter Frauen / Eine Wahnsinnsidee / Drei D / Fotofinish Jürgen Vogel, Kai Wiesinger, Gedeon Burkhard, Meret Becker, Armin Rohde, Magdalene Artelt, Michael Kessler, Thomas Heinze, Jennifer Nitsch, Carin C. Tietze, Michael Schreiner, Andi Egginger, Nina Petri, Katharina Lehmann, Anita Köhler, Arnulf Schumacher, Hedi Kriegeskotte, Gaby Reichardt, Dieter E. Junck, Uwe-Karsten Koch, Birgit Brandes, Katharina MüllerElmau, Peter Seiffert, Michael Tregor, Iris Berben, Vadim Glowna - Dir. Sönke Wortmann Audiokommentar, Featurette, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Original Kinotrailer
Komödie 1986-1992 350min. Turbine Medien 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032319
Xena: Warrior Princess - Staffel 5 (6 DVDs) Xena: Warrior Princess Lucy Lawless Interviews, Audiokommentare, Alternative Szenen DVD-ROMTeil, Bildergalerie
Fantasy 1995-2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 1350min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. KG 08.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032318
X-Men (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) X-Men Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Jack Marsden, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, Ray Park, Rebecca Romijn, Bruce Davison, Matthew Sharp, Brett Morris - Dir. Bryan Singer Science Fiction/Action 2000 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (E) DTS (Sp) 104min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 23.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032469
X-Men 2 (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) X-Men 2 Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Brian Cox, Alan Cumming, Bruce Davison, Anna Paquin, Kelly Hu, Aaron Stanford, Katie Stuart, Michael Reid MacKay, Keely Purvis, Shawn Ashmore, Kea Wong, Daniel Cudmore, Connor Widdows, Bryce Hodgson, Shauna Kain, Cotter Smith, Alf Humphreys, Jill Teed, James Kirk, Ty Olsson - Dir. Bryan Singer Science Fiction/Action 2003 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (E) DTS (Sp) 133min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Germany 23.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032470
Der Zimmerspringbrunnen Götz Schubert, Simone Solga, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Bastian Pastewka, Hermann Lause, Christof Wackernagel, Thomas Gimbel, Nina Franoszek - Dir. Peter Timm Komödie 2001 min. Senator Home Entertainment 13.11.2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032553
Zombie Killer - Vortex (k.J.) Oneechanbara: The Movie - Vortex Yû Tejima, Kumi Imura, Akira Ozawa, Hoshina Youhei, Rika Kawamura, Chika Arakawa - Dir. Shouji Atsushi Action/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 82min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.11.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032222
Zur See (3 DVDs) Horst Drinda, Micaela Kreißler - Dir. Wolfgang Luderer Drama/Komödie 1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) 620min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.09.2009 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032402
Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle (Remastered)
Dokumentation/Natur 1996-2005 491min. Kinowelt Film Entertainment(Arthaus) 20.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032571
Porno Unplugged (Special Edition) (k.J.) Dir. Fabian Burstein Making of, Soundtrack, Trailer
Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 105min. Impuls Home Entertainment 23.10.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032534
Rhythm Is It! (Collector’s Edition) (Blu-ray) Sir Simon Rattle, Berliner Philharmoniker, Royston Maldoom, Susannah Broughton, Volker Eisenach, Martin Eisentraut, Olayinka Shitu, Marie Theinert - Dir. Enrique Sánchez Lansch, Thomas Grube Audiokommentar, Musikvideo, Tanzperformance „Le Sacre du Printemps“ (40 Min.), Einleitung zu „Le Sacre du Printemps“ von Sir Simon Rattle, Konzertperformance „Le Sacre du Printemps“ (40 Min.) der Berliner Philharmoniker, Picture in Picture Tanz und Konzert, Making of, Interviews
Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) DTS (E) 100min. KSM(NewKSM) 22.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032185
Più Forte Ragazzi! Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, René Kolldehoff, Alexander Allerson, Cyril Cusack, Michel Antoine - Dir. Giuseppe Colizzi Trailer, Bildergalerie, Texttafeln
Action/Komödie 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 91min. 3L Filmverleih 30.09.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032248
Zwei vom Affen gebissen - Western Version Dio Perdona ... Io No! Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Frank Wolff Dir. Giuseppe Colizzi Entfallene Szenen, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer
Western/Komödie 1967 DD 5.1 (D) DD 1.0 (It) 95min. KSM(HMF Trading) 08.10.2009 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032171
Special Interest Cocaine Cowboys Box (2 DVDs) (k.J.) Cocaine Cowboys Dir. Billy Corben Entfallene Szenen, Dokumentation, Featurette, Originaltrailer
Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2006-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 219min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.10.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032243
Erde, Wasser, Luft, Eis - Die große Naturfilm Edition (5 DVDs, Sonderkonfektionierung) Die Reise der Pinguine / Deep Blue / Nomaden der Lüfte / Mikrokosmos Dir. Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou, Luc Jacquet, Jacques Perrin, Alastair Fothergill Isolierte Musik- und Effektspur, Bonus-DVD
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Animation 200 Family Cartoons Collection (Steelbook) Boxed Sets, Family, Superheroes, Animated Animals min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089260
6teen: Dude of the Living Dead After staying up late to watch an all-night monster movie marathon, Jude arrives to find some very weird things are happening at the mall... One by one, patrons and staff alike are succumbing to an unknown virus and acting very strange. The customers at The Khaki Barn seem much pastier than usual. Wyatt finds a human thumb in his taco. Coach Halder has taken to biting customers, and Caitlin’s new boyfriend has turned pasty gray and has really nasty breath - eww! And we won’t even mention what becomes of poor Pokey the Panda. It doesn’t take the gang long to realize what’s happened .the mall has been overtaken by ZOMBIES!
Nickelodeon 66min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089178
6teen: Season 1 - Volume 1 Nickelodeon 2004 280min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089177
Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog: Sonic Who? Based On Video Game, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals min. NCircle Entertainment 16.03.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089054
Bamboo Blade: Part 1 Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Sports min. Funimation 24.11.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089099
Bleach: Volume 21 Anime, Foreign, Japanese 100min. Viz Entertainment 20.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089317
Blue Drop: Complete Collection Anime, Foreign, Giant Robots, International TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 325min. Section23 Films 17.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089138
Cartune Xprez 2008 Cartune Xprez 2008 is a collection of contemporary animated videos by Bruce Bickford, Shana Moulton, Blu, Hooliganship, Jim Trainor, E Rock, Josh Mannis, Lief Hall, Adrian Freeman, Ola Vasiljeva, Eric Dyer, Taras Hrabowsky, Timo Katz, Peter Burr, and Christopher Doulgeris. From around the world, this compilation showcases a generation of artists’ mind melting cartoons bound by a strong Do-It- Yourself sensibility.
Short Film Collections 60min. Microcinema DVD 22.09.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089142
Class Of The Titans: Season 1 Volume 1 Imprisoned thousands of years ago by his son Zeus, Cronus, the god of time, escapes from the Underworld on a quest to conquer and destroy the world...But there is a Prophecy... Seven Teenagers stand in his way. The unknowing descendants of great mythological Heroes find the power within themselves to save the world from the encroaching evil.
2006 280min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089179
Davey & Goliath: Volume 1
Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Mystery 2008 min. Funimation 17.11.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089082
Le Chevalier D’Eon: Complete Box Set
Family, High Seas, Adventure min. NCircle Entertainment 16.02.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089058
Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Christmas Carol Adventure When Swiper tries to swipe the Christmas Star from Dora’s Nochebuena Party, he lands on Santa’s naughty list. To get back on the nice list, Dora must help Swiper travel to the past, the present, and the future to discover the true spirit of Christmas. Will you help too? Filled with original songs and exclusive extra scenes, this all-new Christmas special, exclusive to DVD, will become a holiday favorite for the whole family!
Educational, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool 52min. Nickelodeon 03.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089333
Family, Stop Motion Animation 150min. Celebrity Video Distribution 03.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089284
Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Christmas Carol Adventure / Dora’s Christmas (2 Pack)
Davey & Goliath: Volume 2 Family, Stop Motion Animation 120min. Celebrity Video Distribution 03.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089285
2 Packs, Educational, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool min. Nickelodeon 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089334
Davey & Goliath: Volume 3
Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box One
Family, Stop Motion Animation 120min. Celebrity Video Distribution 03.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089286
Anime, Boxed Sets, International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Action min. Funimation 10.11.2009 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089079
Davey & Goliath: Volume 4 Family, Stop Motion Animation 120min. Celebrity Video Distribution 03.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089287
Death Note: Re-Light Volume 2 L’s Successors Light and L have battled to the bitter end over the Death Note - but what does the story look like from Ryuk’s point of view? When rogue shinigami Ryuk deliberately drops his Death Note in the human world out of boredom, he has no idea how far the human who picks it up will take his newfound power. With the Death Note in hand, brilliant high school student Light Yagami vows to rid the world of evil, and when criminals begin dropping dead one by one, genius detective L steps in to track down the elusive killer known as Kira. An epic battle of wits pitting one brilliant mind against another unfolds - with the very future of humanity at stake! Ryuk’s not bored anymore....
Anime, Foreign, Japanese 130min. Viz Entertainment 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089325
Delta State: The Complete First Season Delta state is an original sci-fi series. The main characters consist of four super „anti“-heroes in their twenties. In addition to the pressures imposed by their romantic entanglements and their quest for lost memories and the meaning of life; they are also faced with the responsibility of saving humanity. They have no memory prior to the last six months and they each possess a different ‘super power’! Delta State provides the heady sci-fi elements, while giving equal air time to the comedic challenges and intriguing relationships experienced by these four characters living together in a vibrant urban setting.
Science Fiction, Adventure 2006 280min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089186
Case Closed: Season Three
Action, Adventure, Anime, Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese min. Funimation 01.12.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089345
Dive Olly Dive!: A While Of A Tale! Family, High Seas, Adventure min. NCircle Entertainment 16.02.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089056
Dive Olly Dive!: Under Pressure
Egon & Donci Family, Foreign, Hungarian, Science Fiction 2007 75min. Strand Releasing 17.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089350
El Cazador de la Bruja: Volume 1 Western, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese min. Funimation 24.11.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089100
Elmo’s Animal Adventures Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street min. Genius Products 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089050
Family Guy Star Wars 2 Pack Something, Something, Something Dark Side
2 Packs, Comedy, Fox, Science Fiction, Spoofs, Star Wars 92min. 20th Century Fox 22.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089234
Fraggle Rock: The Complete Series Collection (20-Disc Bookcase Set) Celebrate the Fraggle Rock series with the stories, music and memories that have kept fans rockin’ in the ultimate Fraggle Rock: The Complete Series Collection! Starring all your favorite Jim Henson characters - Red, Mokey, Wembley, Gobo, and Boober - joined by tiny diligent Doozers and giant Gorgs in one fantastical subterranean world that was awarded five International Emmy Awards and has continued to be adored by millions of fans worldwide! Dance your cares away with the fully loaded collectible set containing all 96 episodes and 100 original songs of the award-winning series! The Complete Series Collection is a fan favorite with over 47 hours of content on an impressive 20 discs, including over eight hours of bonus features. So save your worries for another day and let the Fraggles take you to a place far away....
Family, HBO, Puppets 2380min. Lionsgate 03.11.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 39
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089172
Funimation 17.11.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089094
Franklin: Franklin’s Halloween Everyone creates costumes for the big party that will end with a walk through Mr. Mole’s „Haunted House“ - alone! Everyone knows Franklin’s best friend Bear is the bravest of them all but the big question is who’s going to be the „scaredy-cat.“ Franklin has a secret fear that it will be him.
CBS, Family, Animated Animals 2005 60min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089174
Franklin: Franklin’s Homemade Cookies Honesty may be the best policy, but when Franklin bakes a batch of unpalatable cookies for his friends, he learns how feelings can be hurt if the truth isn’t handled with care.
George Shrinks: Ghost Grabber Machine There may be a ghost in the Shrinks. household and it’s up to George and Becky to track it down. After doing research at the local library, George builds a Ghost Grabber, which should do the trick. Is there a ghost in the house or isn’t there?
Adventure 2001 78min. Image Ent. 13.10.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089278
Family, PBS 75min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089176
Kong: Return To The Jungle (Bluray)
Gunslinger Girl: OVA
CBS, Family, Animated Animals 2002 min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089175
Anime, Femme Fatales, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Action 2002 min. Funimation 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089343
The Frog Prince
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
Iria is a beautiful princess who has consistently turned down every hopeful suitor in the kingdom. Nearing 18, everyone fears her exceedingly finicky heart will keep her unwed and keep the kingdom from its future heir. Enter the frog. Sure, he’s got the warts, but he is not your average amphibian. This pond dweller is actually a prince in desperate need of a kiss that will restore his previous life. When one summer night he happens upon Iria whispering to the moon about her love woes, he gets a glimpse of freedom and whispers back to her: „You will marry the first creature that talks to you when you leave the castle“. Looks to be a one-way ticket to happily ever after, right? Not quite. Trying to land even one kiss from a princess with an overprotective father sets in motion a series of wacky adventures that will leave the whole family cheering for this unlikely, spirited pair.
Denis Leary, Queen Latifah, John Leguizamo, Ray Romano, Simon Pegg
Family, Magic 40min. Gaiam Americas 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089378
Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid - Complete Collection (Remastered) It’s tough to keep your grades up without having to take off at a moment’s notice to save the world. But for Sousuke Sagara, undercover high school student and member of the mercenary group Mithril, life in Tokyo seemed the same as always. But underneath the promising exterior spin the wheels of a conspiracy that threaten to destroy the peace. A new threat has arisen: Amalgam. An unknown element with advanced mech technology, this mysterious organization has been running things from behind the scenes. As dissension spreads throughout the ranks of Mithril, Sousuke faces his own internal struggle. Spread thin between schoolwork and war, the powers that be have decided to lighten his load... beginning with Kaname! Life and death hang in the balance as the clash between good and evil scale new heights. When the smoke clears, Sousuke’s path will be the one that he forges for himself.
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any cooler...your favorite prehistoric pals from Ice Age and Ice Age 2: The Meltdown are back in an all-new, ginormous animated adventure for all ages. This time around, Manny and the herd discover a lost world of ferociously funny dinosaurs, including a cranky T-Rex who’s got a score to settle with Sid. Meanwhile, Scrat goes nuts over the beautiful Scratte, but is she trying to win his heart - or steal his acorn? Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary and Queen Latifah, Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs delivers more thrills, more chills, and more mammoth-sized laughs for everyone!
Little Snow Fairy Sugar: Collection 2 Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese 2004 Ltbx 16x9 S 325min. Section23 Films 17.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089139
My Pet Monster: The Complete Series
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (Blu-ray)
Comedy 290min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089173
Denis Leary, Queen Latifah, John Leguizamo, Ray Romano, Simon Pegg Just when you thought they couldn’t get any cooler...your favorite prehistoric pals from Ice Age and Ice Age 2: The Meltdown are back in an all-new, ginormous animated adventure for all ages. This time around, Manny and the herd discover a lost world of ferociously funny dinosaurs, including a cranky T-Rex who’s got a score to settle with Sid. Meanwhile, Scrat goes nuts over the beautiful Scratte, but is she trying to win his heart - or steal his acorn? Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary and Queen Latifah, Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs delivers more thrills, more chills, and more mammoth-sized laughs for everyone!
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie (Blu-ray)
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs / The Scrat Pack (2 Pack)
Adventure 2001 Ltbx 78min. Image Ent. 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089294
Max purchases a new toy in the hopes of finding a new best friend. What he finds is an odd looking monster with a pink face, purple body and is wearing mysterious cuffs around its wrists. Max inspects the cuffs and after removing them, he watches as his toy magically comes to life; growing 6 feet tall and has an appetite for garbage! What ensues are a series of unpredictable adventures as Max tries to keep his pet Monster’s existence a secret and prevent him from being dragged back into Monster Land by the villainous Beastur.
Comedy, Computer Animation, Dinosaurs, Family, Animated Animals, Prehistoric Times 2009 min. 20th Century Fox 27.10.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089127
Anime, Action, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese min.
Kong returns in his second feature-length animated film, Kong: Return to the Jungle. This time our hero finds himself captured, along with the other remarkable animal inhabitants of Kong Island, and transported to a state-of-the-art zoo on the Island of Manhattan. But if you think our Kong will suffer the same fate as his as his ancestor in the Big Apple, think again.
Comedy, Computer Animation, Dinosaurs, Family, Animated Animals, Prehistoric Times 2009 Ltbx 93min. 20th Century Fox 27.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089113
Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction 2008 min. Funimation 13.10.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089085
Conqueror Of Shamballa. On their promised day, the world moves.... It is 1923 in Munich. Two years have passed since Edward Eric’s sacrifice ripped him out of his world and into ours, separating him from his younger brother, Alphonse. In that time, Ed’s continued research into rocketry has allied him with Alphons Heiderich, a fellow researcher who oddly resembles Ed’s brother. Progress has been slow, however, and Ed has become discouraged. But when he saves a quiet Gypsy girl with the power to read minds, Ed is quickly pulled into a plot by the Thule Society and the burgeoning Nazi Party that could drag both worlds into a terrible war. Back in his own world, Al has been unlocking new secrets of alchemy and gaining incredible powers, all in the hopes of finding Ed. Battling the occult, ideological extremists, and monstrous Homunculi lurking in the shadows, can the brothers find a way to reunite without causing chaos and bloodshed? What will happen when the world of alchemy and the world of modern science collide?
Kong returns in his second feature-length animated film, Kong: Return to the Jungle. This time our hero finds himself captured, along with the other remarkable animal inhabitants of Kong Island, and transported to a state-of-the-art zoo on the Island of Manhattan. But if you think our Kong will suffer the same fate as his as his ancestor in the Big Apple, think again.
Denis Leary, Queen Latifah, John Leguizamo, Ray Romano, Simon Pegg Comedy, Computer Animation, Dinosaurs, Family, 2 Packs, Animated Animals, Prehistoric Times 2009 min. 20th Century Fox 27.10.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089116
Ki-Gai Anime, Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, International TV, Japanese Ltbx 16x9 S 130min. Section23 Films 03.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089135
Kong: Return To The Jungle
Nabari no Ou: The Complete Series - Part Two Action, Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Japanese min. Funimation 24.11.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089101
Naruto: Shippuden - Volume 2 Anime, Foreign, Japanese 100min. Viz Entertainment 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089323
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.01 You Are [Not] Alone Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Anime, Apocalyptic Future, Foreign, Giant Robots, Japanese, Action 2000 min. Funimation 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089083
One Piece: Season Two - Fourth Voyage Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Pirates 2008 min. Funimation 24.11.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089102
Pokemon: Diamond And Pearl Battle Dimension - Box 3 Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Japanese 340min.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 40
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Viz Entertainment 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089321
Pokemon: Diamond And Pearl Battle Dimension - Volume 5 Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Japanese 100min. Viz Entertainment 27.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089319
Pokemon: Diamond And Pearl Battle Dimension - Volume 6 Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Japanese 100min. Viz Entertainment 27.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089318
Polyphonica: Complete Collection Adventure, Anime, Based On Video Game, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese Ltbx 16x9 S 300min. Section23 Films 17.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089144
Princess Action, Animated Feature Films, Danish, Drama, Foreign 2006 min. Tartan Video 29.09.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089045
The Real Ghostbusters: The Complete Collection
School Rumble: Complete Series Set Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Romance 2008 min. Funimation 08.12.2009 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089348
Sgt. Frog: Season 1 - Part 2 Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese min. Funimation 24.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089103
Thrillers, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Romance min. Funimation 24.11.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089104
SpongeBob SquarePants: Season Six - Volume 1 Comedy, Nickelodeon 2008 265min. Nickelodeon 08.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089248
Super Mario World: Koopa’s Stone Age Quests Based On Video Game, Family, Adventure 1989 min. NCircle Entertainment 02.02.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089052
Tales From The Cryptkeeper: All The Gory Details The cartoon Cryptkeeper opens his vault of tales once again for even more of your television of screams. All the shocks, scares and laughs continue, and as always leaves you with something to think about by teaching you a lesson in his own ghoulish way... Each new „car-tomb“ provides thrills, chills, and lessons when you watch!
Tales From The Cryptkeeper: Pleasant Screams Get ready fright fans! The cartoon Cryptkeeper opens his vault of tales for your television screams. He’ll shock you. He’ll scare you. He’ll make you laugh, and always leave you with something to think about by teaching you a lesson his way... Each new „car-tomb“ provides thrills, chills, and lessons when you watch!
Based On Comic Book, CBS, ABC 296min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089181
Tears To Tiara: Collection 1
Sid The Science Kid: The Ruler Of Thumb Computer Animation, Educational, Family, PBS min. NCircle Entertainment 16.02.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089060
The Smurfs: World Of Wonders Family, Fantasy 1981 92min. Warner Bros. 17.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089282
Sonic The Hedgehog: Sonic Forever
Adventure, Anime, Based On Video Game, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese Ltbx 16x9 S 325min. Section23 Films 24.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089145
The Littlest Light On The Christmas Tree Jane Seymour, James Naughton Christmas, Computer Animation, Family, Holidays min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 24.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089322
Tsubasa: Season One
Based On Video Game, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals min. NCircle Entertainment 16.03.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089055
Spice and Wolf: Season Set
Based On Comic Book, CBS, ABC 1994 345min. Phase 4 Films 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089184
Action, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Ghosts 1986 min. WEA 29.09.2009 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089224
Special A: Collection 1
Kosuke Fujishima Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Romance Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 300min. Section23 Films 10.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089137
A true and noble heart holds much power, stronger than the hardest fist and mightier than the most potent magic. Four disparate travelers begin an epic journey...their goals different, their destiny the same. Along the way, the past will meet the future in the present. Of all the paths in every life, mingling in the dimension between dimensions where a foe has the face of an ally, and an ally has the face of a monster. At the corner of this heroic undertaking, Syaoran: A young man called upon to save his fated, the princess Sakura. Her memory has been shattered, the very essence of her soul sent
adrift across the universe. Feathers float down on strange lands, torn asunder if only to prove the power of love.
Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese min. Funimation 10.11.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089080
Tsubasa: Season One (Blu-ray) A true and noble heart holds much power, stronger than the hardest fist and mightier than the most potent magic. Four disparate travelers begin an epic journey...their goals different, their destiny the same. Along the way, the past will meet the future in the present. Of all the paths in every life, mingling in the dimension between dimensions where a foe has the face of an ally, and an ally has the face of a monster.
Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Adventure min. Funimation 10.11.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089092
Veggie Tales: Saint Nicholas - A Story Of Joyful Giving Christmas, Computer Animation, Holidays, Religion/Spirituality min. Big Idea 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089049
The Velveteen Rabbit (Holiday Package) Tom Skerritt, Jane Seymour, Ellen Burstyn In this brand new feature film, one of the most beloved family tales of all time comes to life in an enchanting combination of live-action drama and animated adventure. It’s the story of a young boy named Toby who is sent by his busy father to spend the holiday season in the home of his stern grandmother. Toby’s world instantly changes when he discovers the house’s ‘magic attic’ where three forgotten toys - including a special stuffed rabbit - unlock a world of imagination that will change their lives forever. The voice talents of Golden Globe winner JAne Seymour, Emmy Award Winner Tom Skerritt and Oscar winner Ellen Burstyn star in this heartwarming story about how we bring the things we love to life, inspired by the classic children’s book by Margery Williams and directed by Michael Landon, Jr.
Family, Animated Animals 2007 min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089154
Vexille: 2 Disc Special Edition Japan seals herself off from the eyes of the world in the face of unilateral international policy setting strict limits on the use of robotic technology. The island nation exists only behind a veil of seclusion. No soul shall enter. No soul shall leave. The veil is breached. Japan is infiltrated by agents of the organization S.W.O.R.D., the special operation tactical unit in the United States and her allies. Their mission: Determine if the Japanese are developing banned robotic bio-technology, forbidden due to its threat to humankind. In the battle between machine and man, humanity stands to suffer most.
Science Fiction, Anime, Computer Animation, Foreign, Japanese, Action, Animated Feature Films 2007 min. Funimation 10.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089081
Vexille: 2 Disc Special Edition (Blu-ray) Japan seals herself off from the eyes of the world in the face of unilateral international policy setting strict limits on the use of robotic technology. The island nation exists only behind a veil of seclusion. No soul shall enter. No soul shall leave. The veil is breached. Japan is infiltrated by agents of the organization S.W.O.R.D., the special operation tactical unit in the United States and her allies. Their mission: Determine if the Japanese are developing banned robotic bio-technology, forbidden due to its threat to humankind. In the battle between machine and man, humanity stands to suffer most.
Science Fiction, Computer Animation, Foreign, Japanese, Anime, Action, Animated Feature Films 2007 min. Funimation 10.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089093
Wubbzy’s Christmas Adventure
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 41
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Christmas, Nickelodeon 70min. Starz / Anchor Bay 20.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089152
Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 176min. Lionsgate 17.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089204
You’re Under Arrest!: Season 2 Collection 1 Kosuke Fujishima Anime, Cops, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Action Ltbx 16x9 325min. Section23 Films 03.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089134
Zorro: Generation Z - Volume 4 Swashbucklers, Action, Adventure 2009 110min. Image Ent. 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089162
Aliens In The Attic Carter Jenkins, Ashley Tisdale, Andy Richter, Tim Meadows, Kevin Nealon It’s summer vacation, but the Pearson family kids are stuck at a boring lake house with their nerdy parents. That is until feisty, little, green aliens crash-land on the roof, with plans to conquer the house AND Earth! Using only their wits, courage and video game-playing skills, the youngsters must band together to defeat the aliens and save the world - but the toughest part might be keeping the whole thing a secret from their parents! Featuring an all-star cast including Ashley Tisdale, Andy Richter, Kevin Nealon and Tim Meadows, Aliens In The Attic is the most fun you can have on this planet!
Science Fiction, Adventure, Aliens, Family 2009 86min. 20th Century Fox 03.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089232
Aliens In The Attic (Blu-ray) Carter Jenkins, Ashley Tisdale, Andy Richter, Tim Meadows, Kevin Nealon
3 Days Gone Michelle Stafford Beaten and buried alive, Lucas Snow was left for dead in a shallow grave. After surviving, he must retrace his steps to find who betrayed him and prove his innocence in a theft. Starring Chris Backus and Michelle Stafford
Thrillers, Action, Drama min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089320
Afterwards Evangeline Lilly, John Malkovich, Romain Duris Drama 2009 min. Weinstein Company 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089332
Air America Mel Gibson, Robert Downey Jr., Nancy Travis, Lane Smith, David Marshall Grant When renegade pilot Billy Covington (Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man) finds himself all but blacklisted from flying in the United States, his last hope for work lies with Air America, a tiny, nondescript airline running in the jungles of Laos. But Billy soon discovers that Air America isn’t just any airline it’s actually a covert CIA operation with the task of smuggling some dubious cargo across Southeast Asia. Soon Billy realizes that his only hope of getting out of Laos alive may be to align himself with another pilot, the wild and dangerous veteran Gene Ryack (Mel Gibson) - if Gene doesn’t get them both killed first!
Action, Adventure, Comedy 113min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 BestellNr.: 40089114
It’s summer vacation, but the Pearson family kids are stuck at a boring lake house with their nerdy parents. That is until feisty, little, green aliens crash-land on the roof, with plans to conquer the house AND Earth! Using only their wits, courage and video game-playing skills, the youngsters must band together to defeat the aliens and save the world - but the toughest part might be keeping the whole thing a secret from their parents! Featuring an all-star cast including Ashley Tisdale, Andy Richter, Kevin Nealon and Tim Meadows, Aliens In The Attic is the most fun you can have on this planet!
Family, Adventure, Aliens, Science Fiction 2009 min. 20th Century Fox 03.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089246
An American In China Michael Gross, Priscilla Barnes, James Snyder Romance, Comedy, Drama min. Osiris Entertainment 24.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089326
American Violet Nicole Beharie (The Express), Will Patton (Entrapment, The Postman), Charles Dutton (TV’s Roc, Mimic) and Alfre Woodard (TV’s Desperate Housewives, Primal Fear) star in this gripping true-life story. Falsely accused of distributing narcotics in a school zone, Dee Roberts (Beharie) is offered a deal she can’t refuse: plead guilty and accept a 10-year suspended sentence. The alternative: risk serving 16-to-25 in jail. Realizing a conviction would ruin her life, Dee decides to fight back. Suing the DA for racial discrimination, Dee battles impossible odds in a case that will not only change her life but the laws of Texas as well.
Air America (Blu-ray)
Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2008 102min. Image Ent. 13.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089281
Mel Gibson, Robert Downey Jr., Nancy Travis, Lane Smith, David Marshall Grant
American Violet (Blu-ray)
When renegade pilot Billy Covington (Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man) finds himself all but blacklisted from flying in the United States, his last hope for work lies with Air America, a tiny, nondescript airline running in the jungles of Laos. But Billy soon discovers that Air America isn’t just any airline it’s actually a covert CIA operation with the task of smuggling some dubious cargo across Southeast Asia. Soon Billy realizes that his only hope of getting out of Laos alive may be to align himself with another pilot, the wild and dangerous veteran Gene Ryack (Mel Gibson) - if Gene doesn’t get them both killed first!
Nicole Beharie (The Express), Will Patton (Entrapment, The Postman), Charles Dutton (TV’s Roc, Mimic) and Alfre Woodard (TV’s Desperate Housewives, Primal Fear) star in this gripping true-life story. Falsely accused of distributing narcotics in a school zone, Dee Roberts (Beharie) is offered a deal she can’t refuse: plead guilty and accept a 10-year suspended sentence. The alternative: risk serving 16-to-25 in jail. Realizing a conviction would ruin her life, Dee decides to fight back. Suing the DA for racial discrimination, Dee battles impossible odds in a case that will not only change her life but the laws of Texas as well.
Comedy, Action, Adventure 113min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089089
Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2008 102min. Image Ent. 13.10.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089295
Al Compas Del Rock And Roll / La Edad De La Violencia (Double Feature)
American Virgin Jenna Dewan, Brianne Davis, Rob Schnei-
der After Priscilla White, a virginal college freshman on scholarship from an abstinence group, ruins her squeakyclean reputation in front of the „Chicks Go Crazy“ cameras, she embarks on a cross-country trip to recover the incriminating footage. Starring Step Up’s Jenna Dewan, Rob Schneider, and Brianne Davis.
Comedy min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 10.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089311
Angel Heart (Blu-ray) Mickey Rourke, Charlotte Rampling, Lisa Bonet, Robert De Niro Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler) is Harry Angel, a down-and-out Brooklyn detective who is hired by the mysterious Louis Cyphre (Oscar winner Robert De Niro, Raging Bull, The Godfather: Part II) to track down a singer named Johnny Favorite on an odyssey that will take Angel through the desperate streets of Harlem, the smoke-filled jazz clubs of New Orleans, and ultimately to the swamps of Louisiana and its seedy underworld of voodoo in this cult thriller that is at once eerily thrilling, darkly sensual and completely unforgettable.
Horror 112min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089115
Angels & Demons Ewan McGregor, Pierfrancesco Favino, Ayelet Zurer, Tom Hanks, Stellan Skarsgard, Nikolaj Lie Kaas In Ron Howard’s thrilling follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, expert symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) follows ancient clues on a heart-racing hunt through Rome to find the four Cardinals kidnapped by the deadly secret society, the Illuminati. With the Cardinals’ lives on the line, and the Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) desperate for help, Langdon embarks on a nonstop, action-packed race through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, and the most secretive vault on Earth!
Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers, Drama 139min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 24.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089201
Angels & Demons (Blu-ray) Ewan McGregor, Pierfrancesco Favino, Ayelet Zurer, Tom Hanks, Stellan Skarsgard, Nikolaj Lie Kaas In Ron Howard’s thrilling follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, expert symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) follows ancient clues on a heart-racing hunt through Rome to find the four Cardinals kidnapped by the deadly secret society, the Illuminati. With the Cardinals’ lives on the line, and the Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) desperate for help, Langdon embarks on a nonstop, action-packed race through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, and the most secretive vault on Earth!
Drama, Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers 285min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 24.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089227
Angels & Demons: Extended Edition Ewan McGregor, Pierfrancesco Favino, Ayelet Zurer, Tom Hanks, Stellan Skarsgard, Nikolaj Lie Kaas In Ron Howard’s thrilling follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, expert symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) follows ancient clues on a heart-racing hunt through Rome to find the four Cardinals kidnapped by the deadly secret society, the Illuminati. With the Cardinals’ lives on the line, and the Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) desperate for help, Langdon embarks on a nonstop, action-packed race through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, and the most secretive vault on Earth!
Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers, Drama 146min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 24.11.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 42
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089203
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089140
Another Woman
Bare Naked Survivor Again
Transgender, Drama, Family Relationships 106min. Passion River 06.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089372
Aria Giovanni, Aimee Sweet, Julie K. Smith Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Erotica min. Indican Pictures 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089086
The Answer Man
The Basketball Diaries
Lauren Graham, Olivia Thirlby, Kat Dennings, Jeff Daniels, Lou Taylor Pucci
Mark Wahlberg, Ernie Hudson, Michael Imperioli, Bruno Kirby, Patrick McGaw, James Madio, Lorraine Bracco, Leonardo DiCaprio
Arlen Faber (Daniels) is the reclusive author of „Me and God,“ a book that has redefined spirituality for an entire generation and has been translated into over 100 languages. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of his still wildly popular book, Arlen is still sought after as the man who has all the answers. Arlen’s life collides with Elizabeth (Graham), a single mom raising her seven year-old son, and Kris (Taylor Pucci), a young man fresh out of rehab who is searching for meaning. Both Elizabeth and Kris are hopeful that Arlen has the answers, but the truth is, he hasn’t got a clue.
Romance, Comedy 2009 97min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089356
The Answer Man (Blu-ray) Lauren Graham, Olivia Thirlby, Kat Dennings, Jeff Daniels, Lou Taylor Pucci Arlen Faber (Daniels) is the reclusive author of „Me and God,“ a book that has redefined spirituality for an entire generation and has been translated into over 100 languages. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of his still wildly popular book, Arlen is still sought after as the man who has all the answers. Arlen’s life collides with Elizabeth (Graham), a single mom raising her seven year-old son, and Kris (Taylor Pucci), a young man fresh out of rehab who is searching for meaning. Both Elizabeth and Kris are hopeful that Arlen has the answers, but the truth is, he hasn’t got a clue.
Comedy, Romance 2009 97min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.11.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089367
The Asphyx Robert Stephens Robert Stephens stars as Sir Hugo Cunningham, a 19thcentury amateur scientist and dabbler in psychic phenomena. His experiments in the new art of photography lead him to discover the Asphyx: an apparition that appears suddenly in the moment before death. He postulates that if the Asphyx can be trapped it may render a creature immortal. He begins humbly, experimenting first with a guinea pig but soon progresses to members of his own family. The Asphyx is a cautionary tale of horror, exquisitely photographed by Freddie Young (David Lean’s cinematographer) and directed in the Hammer tradition by Peter Newbrook.
British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Horror 1973 99min. Hen’s Tooth 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089328
Au Pair 3: Adventures in Paradise Gregory Harrison They are back for more fun and adventure and this time in paradise! The third installment of the highly popular Au Pair hit movie franchise returns, reuniting Heidi Saban and Gregory Harrison (One Tree Hill) as Jenny and Oliver - the former au pair and bazillionaire who have fallen in love against all odds. Throw two precocious teenagers and a new baby into the mix and you’re guaranteed to experience a heartwarming comedy the entire family will enjoy.
ABC, Drama, Family 90min. Gaiam Americas 29.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089373
Babes In The Woods Follow three gorgeous young ladies as they go to camp, finding plenty of mischief along the way. These girls arent ashamed of their beautiful bodies, and show them off at every opportunity! Watch the girls as they tantalize a poor gas station owner, bathe in a waterfall and even seduce the camp director! Narrated in the style of an educational film, and set among some beautiful scenery, this is a truly hilarious camp film from the pinnacle of the Drive-In era. Step back in time and take a trip to the woods with these babes! From 1962.
Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Erotica 64min. Microcinema DVD 22.09.2009
A riveting story of one boy’s life on the edge.. In a performance hailed by critics across the country, Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Jim Carroll, a high school basketball hero headed for trouble. Teamed with his friends, Micky (Mark Wahlberg), Neutron and Pedro, Jim seems headed for a bright basketball career. But when pressure from his coach, his mom and school begin to mount, Jim finds solace in all the wrong places, and the dark streets of New York begin to tear him apart.
Sports, Substance Abuse, Art House, Basketball, Biography, Biopics, Cult Film / TV, Drama 1995 min. Palm Pictures 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089310
The whole family will enjoy huge laughs and giant, hairy adventures with this touching tale about a big-hearted Bigfoot. Lost in the forest, he befriends three kids, Percy, Madison and Leonard, who are determined to protect him. When two local bullies kidnap the legendary creature with plans to sell him to the highest bidder, it’s up to his human buddies to rescue him and return him to his home.
Adventure, Family 2008 92min. Image Ent. 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089164
Black Devil Doll Five beautiful young evil, murderous puppet. Heather thought that a Ouija board was nothing but an innocent child’s game. Little did she know, this child’s game would open a flaming door to hell and re-animate the soul of a recently executed black militant serial killer! With his spirit now trapped in the body of a trash-talking ventriloquist doll, Heather and her sexy friends must fight off the unrelenting horrors and unspeakable deviant advances of a three foot killer with a taste for young flesh and warm blood. Can they stop the Black Devil Doll???
Puppets, Blaxploitation, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror 2007 90min. Ryko Distribution 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089112
Blind Date Belly-Aching Laughs (Box Set) Vince Vaughn, Matthew Lillard, Will Ferrell, Luke Wilson, Seth Green, Jon Heder, Dax Shepard Includes: Old School Without a Paddle
Road Trips, Sports, College Life, Comedy min. Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089335
Best Of Monk Tony Shalhoub Comedy, Detectives, Drama, Mental Illness, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, USA Network min. Universal Studios 17.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089191
Best Of Sherlock Holmes Collection (Steelbook)
Drama 80min. E1 Entertainment 22.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089386
The Tinto Brass Collection: Volume III Before Caligula and Salon Kitty came the Tinto Brass 1960’s Psychedelic Classics. Welcome to the sexual revolution as only Tinto Brass could have imagined it! Featuring Deadly Sweet (Col Cuore in Gola) a cinema fumetti pop art giallo thriller, starring the sexy Ewa Aulin (Candy). The Howl (L’Urlo) a surreal cult classic, with Tina Aumont (daughter of Maria Montez) now for the first time ever Uncut on DVD. And Attraction (Nerosubianco), a psychedelic pop art experience, with music by Freedom (ex Procal Harem).
Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Director / Writer Box Sets, Foreign, Giallo, Italian min. Cult Epics 27.10.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089271
Breaking Nikki
Classics, Family, Mystery, Sherlock Holmes min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089266
A call girl is hired to play the part of a client’s ex-wife. However, little does she realize that she is the victim of his dark revenge, as she finds herself trapped in a sick game that is about to spiral bloodily out of control! Highly-crafted and unspeakably violent, Breaking Nikki has been creating a storm across film festivals worldwide.
Best Of TV Westerns Collection (Steelbook)
Thrillers, Torture, Argentinian, Foreign, Horror 2009 91min. Redemption USA 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089262
Western, Action, Adventure, Drama, Family min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089265
The Beverly Hillbillies Collection (Steelbook) Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, Nancy Kulp, Buddy Ebsen, Raymond Bailey, Max Baer Jr. Classics, Comedy, Family min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089261
The Big Dragnet Collection (Steelbook) Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Drama min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089264
The Break-Up Artist Amanda Crew, Ryan Kennedy Romance, Comedy 2009 94min. Starz / Anchor Bay 10.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089107
The Mel Brooks Collection (Bluray) Mel Brooks Spaceballs Young Frankenstein High Anxiety History Of The World Part I Robin Hood: Men In Tights Silent Movie To Be Or Not To Be The Twelve Chairs
Spoofs, Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Director / Writer Box Sets 969min. 20th Century Fox 15.12.2009 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089365
Bruno Sacha Baron Cohen
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Seite 43
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Comedy 2009 82min. Universal Studios 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089344
Romance, Classics, Comedy, Drama min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089267
posing as a children’s entertainment group. The crooks plan on using their act as a distraction at a billionaire’s child’s birthday party in order to pull off a heist. It’s an uproarious comedy that puts an untalented bunch of crooks on stage and makes them an unlikely overnight worldwide sensation.
Bruno (Blu-ray)
Classic TV Sherlock Holmes Collection: Volume 1
Australian, Caper, Comedy, Foreign 2003 92min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 27.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089097
Sacha Baron Cohen Comedy 2009 82min. Universal Studios 17.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089352
Ronald Howard, H. Marion Crawford
Luis Bunuel’s: Death In The Garden
This spellbinding Sherlock Holmes collection features 20 intriguing mysteries on 2 DVDs! Starring Ronald Howard as the world famous sleuth and H. Marion Crawford as the unflappable Dr. Watson, this critically acclaimed TV series is hailed as the most faithfully filmed adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary characters. A must have for every avid Sherlock Holmes fan!
Amid a revolution in a South American mining outpost, a band of fugitives-a roguish adventurer (Georges Marchal), a local hooker (Simone Signoret), a priest (Michel Piccoli), an aging diamond miner (Charles Vanel) and his def-mute daughter-are forced to flee for their lives into the jungle. Starving, exhausted and stripped of their old identities, they wander desperately lured by one deceptive promise of salvation after another. Shot in brilliant Eastmancolor and featuring a starstudded cast, Death in the Garden is a pulsating adventure film, alive with Surrealist gestures, making it classic Luis Bunuel.
Classics, Family, Mystery, Sherlock Holmes 515min. Allegro Entertainment 13.10.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089183
Adventure, Drama, Foreign 1956 S 100min. Microcinema DVD 27.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089046
This spellbinding Sherlock Holmes collection features 19 intriguing mysteries on 2 DVDs! Starring Ronald Howard as the world famous sleuth and H. Marion Crawford as the unflappable Dr. Watson, this critically acclaimed TV series is hailed as the most faithfully filmed adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary characters. A must have for every avid Sherlock Holmes fan!
The Canyon Yvonne Strahovski, Eion Bailey Honeymooners, Nick and Lori head off to the Grand Canyon for adventure and time alone together. Upon arriving, they hire Henry as their guide, who seems to have his own idea about the outdoor excursion. When tragedy strikes, the newlyweds must fend for themselves. Discovering they are prey being hunted by something or someone, they desperately fight for survival to escape the canyon alive.
Thrillers 2009 102min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089357
Cheering Section & King Frat (Double Feature)
Classic TV Sherlock Holmes Collection: Volume 2 Ronald Howard, H. Marion Crawford
Classics, Family, Mystery, Sherlock Holmes 492min. Allegro Entertainment 13.10.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089185
CockHammer Terrence and Perander are two pill-popping swinger losers whose girlfriends are mysteriously kidnapped by CockHammer, a snuff porn kingpin and occult sorcerer bent on unlocking the secrets of the dreaded Black Mage diary! Will Terrence and Perander figure out his heinous intentions and rescue their ladies in time to get mangled, or will the girls become the latest victims in CockHammer’s elaborate plot to become a demigod?!?!
Horror min. Tempe DVD 12.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089358
Wayne Crawford, Charles Pitts Comedy, Double Features min. Code Red 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089210
The Christmas Clause
The Complete Love Comes Softly Collection
Lea Thompson, Laura Mennell, Andrew Airlie
Loves Enduring Promise Loves Long Journey Loves Abiding Joy Loves Unending Legacy Loves Unfolding Dream Love Takes Wing Love Finds Home
Sophie Kelly is a top-rated lawyer with three kids and a husband that take up all her time. All of her family and work stress comes to a chaotic halt at the shopping mall, days before Christmas, when she sees Santa and wishes for a different life. However, the grass is not always greener as a single, successful lawyer with her own firm and the most eligible bachelor vying for her attention. Freedom has its price as she realizes the sweet life is not so sweet and must race against time to find the true meaning of family and love before Christmas Day.
Christmas, Drama, Family, Holidays Ltbx DD 5.1 90min. MTI Home Video 10.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089042
Christmas In Wonderland Tim Curry, Patrick Swayze, Carmen Electra, matthew knights, Cameron Bright When 12-year-old Brian and 6-year-old Mary find a hoard of cash at the local mall and launch a Yuletide shopping spree, things start looking a lot like Christmas...that is, until the crooks who counterfeited the money start chasing them down! Starring Patrick Swayze, Carmen Electra, Tim Curry, Chris Kattan and Cameron Bright
Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 24.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089324
Classic Comedy Collection (Steelbook)
TV Movies, Western, Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Boxed Sets, Drama 699min. 20th Century Fox 01.12.2009 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089233
The Steve Coogan Collection Steve Coogan At last - a collection celebrating the true comic craftsmanship of SteveCoogan! From Alan Partridge to Duncan Thicket and from Pauline Calf to Tommy Saxondale, the award-winning Coogan’s outrageous, perfectly observed, comic alter egos have provided many of the funniest moments on British TV. This fantastic collection has them all -not just his iconic Partridge, Paul Calf and Tony Ferrino, but also cherished, one-off gems like Nathan Blaze, Gareth Cheeseman and Ernest Moss. This 14-disc set contains all the episodes from: Knowing Me Knowing You, Knowing Me Knowing Yule, I’m Alan Partridge, Seasons 1 & 2, Saxondale, Seasons 1 & 2, Dr. Terrible’s House of Horrible, Coogan’s Run, Paul and Pauline Calf’s Video Diaries, Paul and Pauline Calf’s Cheese and Ham Sandwich and The Tony Ferrino Phenomenon.
Actor / Actress Box Sets, BBC, Boxed Sets, British, Comedy, Foreign, International TV 1523min. BBC Home Video 17.11.2009 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089160
Crutch: Director’s Cut Jennifer J. Katz, Rob Moretti, James Earley, Eben Gordon Behind a facade of suburban middle class perfection, a compelling tale of love, loss, lies and lust unfolds.... Sixteen year old David’s (Eben Gordon) home life is falling apart. As he tries to cope with the impossible situation, the troubled teenager falls under the spell of Kenny (Rob Moretti), a gorgeous, thirty-something, has-been actor turned theatre coach. And when Kenny’s „support“ escalates into seduction, David slowly descends into an abyss of drinking and drug addiction from which he must escape if he is to survive. Based on a true story, Crutch is a captivating, powerful look at exercising private demons and exposing dark secrets.
Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2004 Ltbx S 89min. Victory Multimedia 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089202
Cuando Viajan Las Estrellas / El Rebelde (Double Feature) Double Features, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 216min. Lionsgate 17.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089205
La Cucina On one warm summer evening, four very important meals are being made. Thirty year old Lily Ireland is making a Insalata Caprese for the new and much older man in her life; a photo journalist, born and raised in Spain named Michael, who she couldn’t be more excited about. In the apartment just across the courtyard, a very pregnant Shelly Hynd is making her best attempt at Lasagna, while her husband Chris looks on, knowing he is moments away from ordering a Pizza...and when he does, the highly hormonal Shelly is out the door and straight up the stairs to her friend Jude’s house for some comfort. Shelly finds her friend lost in her passion, and just beginning an elaborate Italian meal for she and her lover, Celia, whom they both know won’t make it home in time. And finally, there is the culinary extravaganza being prepared in front of Celia, who works on a movie set, where on that particular day, they are shooting a couple cooking, while the crew devours pizza on the side-line. Over the course of the evening, all of the cooks and the guests of the kitchen, truly experience why it is called „The heart of t
Drama 2007 89min. Anthem Pictures 17.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089223
Cujo: 25th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Ed Lauter, Dee Wallace, Christopher Stone, Danny Pintauro Monstrous canine evil stalks a helpless, isolated family in rural Maine. Vic and Donna Trenton (Daniel Hugh-Kelly and Dee Wallace) struggle to repair their crumbling marriage, while their young son Tad (Danny Pintauro) befriends a hulking, lovable, 200-pound St. Bernard named Cujo. With Vic away on business, Donna and Tad take their decrepit car to be fixed at the remote farm of their mechanic (Ed Lauter). As their aging Pinto sputters to a stop and dies, Cujo appears. But the once docile dog has undergone a hideous transformation - and becomes a slavering, demonic, implacable killer possessed by almost supernatural strength... and unholy cunning. Critically acclaimed, Cujo is a fearsome, spine-chilling tour de force from the most popular name in horror!
Horror, Killer Animals, Stephen King 1983 95min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089128
Criminal Ways Isla Fisher Isla Fischer plays Kirsty, a sexy bad girl, who seduces Danny (Nick Giannopoulos), a failed entertainer, in order to get him to accept a job training a crew of criminals who are
El Custodio Del Mal (The Medallion Of Doom) Argentinian, Drama, Foreign min.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 44
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Distrimax 13.10.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089211
Da Ali G Show: Da Complete Seereez Sacha Baron Cohen Already an international comedy phenomenon, Da Ali G Show is the most outrageous comedy series ever to hit American shores. British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan; Talladega Nights) stirs things up in America in the guise of his three celebrated alter-egos: „wanksta“ UK journalist Ali G, guileless Kazakhstani correspondent Borat, and übercool Austrian fashionista Brüno. It’s the Emmy®nominated, BAFTA Award-winning cult classic that the New York Post dubbed „the funniest TV gets.“ Da Ali G Show: The Complete First Season. Da Ali G Show: The Complete Second Season.
Comedy, HBO, Interview 360min. HBO Home Video 03.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089180
Double Features, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 171min. Lionsgate 17.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089207
Dance Flick: Unrated & Outrageous Amy Sedaris, Essence Atkins, Shoshana Bush, Marlon Wayans, Chris Elliott, Affion Crockett, Damon Wayans Jr. Spoofs, Comedy, Dancing 2009 88min. Paramount Pictures 06.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089231
Dawson’s Creek: The Complete Series Michelle Williams, Katie Holmes, Busy Philipps, Joshua Jackson, James Van Der Beek, Kerr Smith The WB, Drama, High School min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 10.11.2009 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089072
Deadly Little Christmas On a beautiful California Christmas Day, the Merriman family celebration is interrupted by massacre and eight-year old son Devin walks out of the house with a blood-covered knife. Now, 15 years after little Devin brutally murdered his father and the family housekeeper, he escapes the sanitarium where he has been locked away with only one thing on his mind another bloody Christmas! Produced by David Sterling for horror fans that long for the slasher films of the ’80 such as Friday the 13th, Silent Night Deadly Night, Don’t Open Till XMas, or Christmas Evil comes the scariest slasher film of all Deadly Little Christmas!
Thrillers, Christmas, Holidays, Horror 75min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089187
Death Warrior Nick Mancuso, Quinton Jackson, Hector Echavarria, Georges St. Pierre When an MMA champion is thrown into a twisted world of underground fighting to save his wife’s life, he takes desperate measures and violently fights to the death against many of his fellow MMA champions. They too, controlled by the underground cage, are fighting against their will to save the lives of their loved ones. While onlookers place online bets, one champion will rise to the top and uncover the identity of the mastermind behind the corrupt tournament. The ultimate showdown will prove that there can only be one true Death Warrior.
Mya Communication 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089259
Nick Mancuso, Quinton Jackson, Hector Echavarria, Georges St. Pierre
When an MMA champion is thrown into a twisted world of underground fighting to save his wife’s life, he takes desperate measures and violently fights to the death against many of his fellow MMA champions. They too, controlled by the underground cage, are fighting against their will to save the lives of their loved ones. While onlookers place online bets, one champion will rise to the top and uncover the identity of the mastermind behind the corrupt tournament. The ultimate showdown will prove that there can only be one true Death Warrior.
Teri Garr, Samantha Morton, Jason Patric
Drama, Action 90min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089330
35 year old Horace Wilkins moves from Brooklyn to Queens in order to get away from his wild and destructive past. He tries to do the right thing by becoming a new, improved person. Horace falls in love with Mia, who is impressed by this new man. Karma evolves as he continues to do the right thing. Unfortunately, the odds fall back when a local neighborhood thug imposes a threat to his life. Now he must beat those odds in order to keep the shadows of his past away from his new true love. While struggling to save the life of the one he loves, he finds himself at the Final Straw...
Different Cinema: Volume Three
La Dama Del Alba / Juventud Sin Ley (Double Feature)
Action, Drama 90min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089299
Death Warrior (Blu-ray)
The Different Cinema Volume 3 DVD is witness to the inexhaustible range of possibilities of contemporary filmmaking. The nine films selected for the 10th anniversary of the Festival des Cinémas Différents de Paris are linked to the heritage of experimental film and the eternal quest for renewal, causes espoused by the festival. From the historical film Césarée by Marguerite Duras to more contemporary creations, this ensemble of films showcases work using various formats (super 8, 16mm, digital video) within the fields of traditional cinema and contemporary art from which the filmmakers have emerged.
Short Film Collections 1956 75min. Microcinema DVD 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089047
Django Shoots First Django (Glenn Saxson) finds his father’s corpse in the hands of a bounty hunter. After claiming the bounty for himself, he discovers his father was the partner of the local banker (Nando Gazzlo) and owned half of everything in town. With an outgoing local (Fernando Sancho) at his side, he fights for his inheritance. A must-own European western with plenty of action and the perfect ending.
Spaghetti Westerns, Foreign, Italian, Western 1966 min. Dorado Films 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089273
Drillbit Taylor/ Night At Roxbury / Dickie Roberts (Holiday 2009 Box Set) Comedy min. Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089339
Duchess / Margot At Wedding / Elizabethtown (Holiday 2009 Box Set)
A turbulent and intriguing love story between a meter maid and a parking officer in the city of Los Angeles.
Comedy 2007 107min. Asylum Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089313
The Final Straw
Drama 88min. Celebrity Video Distribution 20.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089077
Frailty (Blu-ray) Bill Paxton, Matthew McConaughey, Powers Boothe, Jeremy Sumpter, Luke Askew No Soul Is Safe.. Years after terrorizing a small Texas community, the God’s Hand Killer has returned — leaving in his wake a perplexing trail of fear and death. Convinced that he knows the killer ’s identity, Fenton Meiks shows up at FBI Headquarters, intent on putting an end to the murderous rampage and relieving his conscience of his family’s sinister secrets.
Horror, Serial Killers 2001 100min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089129
From The Orient With Fury The brilliant professor Kurtz has invented a machine so powerful, it can disintegrate anything. However, the enemy would stop at nothing to control Professor Kurtz’s invention. He is kidnapped, and so begins the long search for Professor Kurtz and the struggle for his notes. Dick Maloy (Ken Clark) leaves nothing to chance as he fights to rescue Professor Kurtz. Agent Evelyn Stone (Margaret Lee) helps Dick find the island headquarters where the Profesor is being forced to create his disintegrating weapon.
Spies/Secret Agents, Action, Adventure, Foreign, Italian 1965 95min. Dorado Films 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089274
Fruto De Tentacion / La Cobarde (Double Feature)
Romance, Academy Award Winners, Art House, British, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Family Relationships, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece min. Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089340
Double Features, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 223min. Lionsgate 17.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089206
Epic Heroes: Kung Fu’s Ultimate Warriors (Steelbook)
David Janssen, William Conrad, Barry Morse Thrillers, Drama 1966 722min. Paramount Pictures 08.12.2009 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089249
Martial Arts 2009 423min. Well Go USA 17.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089158
Evil Face Baron Ivan Rassimov, a brilliant doctor, died horribly during a fire burst in his laboratory. Since that day, his daughter Tanja (Katia Christine) retired to a life of reclusion, covering with a dark veil her disfigured face. Professor Nijinski (Klaus Kinski) was once a student of Rassimov; he married Tanja, and he’s trying to restore her lost beauty with a series of skin transplants. However, to reach his goal, professor Nijinski needs beautiful young victims for his transplant experiments.
Foreign, Horror, Italian 1974 89min.
The Fugitive: Season Three Volume Two
Gatling Gun John Ireland, Evelyn Stewart, Robert Woods Captain Chris Tanner (Robert Woods, Savage Guns, Four Dollars For Vengeance) is racing against the clock. He has been found guilty of treason by a court martial for his role in the „Gatling Affair“. His only true ally (Tom Felleghy, Fantastic Argoman, Oklahoma John) secretly has Tanner switch places with another prisoner and has him temporarily released from his death sentence.
Spaghetti Westerns, Foreign, Italian, We-
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Seite 45
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) stern 1968 104min. Dorado Films 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089275
Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
Get Smart: Season 5 Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, Edward Platt Comedy, NBC, Spies/Secret Agents 1969 FF 760min. HBO Home Video 08.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089161
Graveyard Disturbance Five teen friends are running from the police after they have robbed a supermarket. After passing through a thick blanket of fog, they end up in very strange inn, populated by a group a spooky people. The deformed inn keeper challenges them to spend the whole night in the underground catacombs located beneath the nearby church: if they succeed they will win a fabulous treasure. The five friends accept the challenge, unaware of the danger they are going to face...
TV Movies, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, International TV, Italian 1987 96min. Mya Communication 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089257
Farrah Fawcett, Robin Givens, Melissa Gilbert, Dorian Harewood, Jeff Kaake Hollywood Wives was Farrah Fawcett’s last TV movie role. A big Hollywood star (Farrah Fawcett), fed up with her husband’s antics and cheatings, hires a private investigator to tail him. She is offered emotional support from her two best high profile friends - soul singer (Robin Givens) and very famous Hollywood directors wife (Melissa Gilbert) who help her plan the sting.
TV Movies, Drama 2003 90min. Well Go USA 17.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089157
Hot Comedians (Box Set) Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Alba, Sarah Silverman, Jack Black Includes: Norbit School of Rock
On The Job, Comedy, Marriage Woes min. Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089336
The Green Berets (Blu-ray)
How To Be A Serial Killer
John Wayne, David Janssen, Jim Hutton, Irene Tsu, George Takei, Bruce Cabot, Patrick Wayne, Aldo Ray, Luke Askew, Jack Soo
Serial Killers, Dark Comedy 2008 min. Monterey Home Video 13.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089387
They were crack troops skilled in the techniques of unconditional warfare, the soldiers of the Special Forces-and the focus of Hollywood’s first feature film about the Vietnam War: The Green Berets.
Classics, Military, Action, Special Forces, Vietnam War, War 1968 141min. Warner Bros. 05.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089276
The Grind Michael Welch, Eve Mauro, Tom Sizemore, C. Thomas Howell, Danny Trejo Thrillers, Crime 2009 92min. Indican Pictures 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089087
Gunslinger Western Collection (Steelbook) Action, Adventure, Drama, Western min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089268
Heroes Of Horror Collection (Steelbook) Thrillers, Classics, Horror min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089269
Joshua Leonard, Mark Duplass It’s been a decade since Ben (Duplass) and Andrew (Leonard) were college bad boys. Ben has a job, wife and home; Andrew lives as a vagabond artist. One night at a wild party, the two get locked in a mutual dare: to enter an amateur porn contest by having sex with one another. It’s not porn; it’s art.
Art House, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2009 93min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089359
Into The Storm Janet McTeer, Brendan Gleeson, Patrick Malahide Into The Storm is a biographical film about Winston Churchill as he leads Britain into World War II. The movie is directed by Thaddeus O’Sullivan and stars Brendan Gleeson, who plays the former British Prime Minister. Into The Storm is a sequel to the 2002 TV movie, The Gathering Storm, which details on the life of Churchill in the years just prior to the war. Also starring Janet McTeer (Five Days.
Politics, Biography, Biopics, Drama, HBO, Historical / Period Piece, TV Movies 2009 98min. HBO Home Video 01.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089159
Is Anybody There? Michael Caine, David Morrissey, Bill Milner
High School Record Comedy, High School, Mockumentary 2005 90min. Ryko Distribution 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089110
Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Season Four
Ten-year-old Edward lives in his family-run retirement home. While his mother struggles to keep the family business afloat and his father copes with the onset of a mid-life crisis, Edward leads an increasingly lonely existence until he meets Clarence (Caine), a retired magician and grieving widower who refuses to give in gracefully to old age. The two strike up an unlikely friendship that helps them both remember what magic is possible when life is lived to its fullest.
British, Drama, Foreign 2008 95min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089360
Thrillers, CBS, Mystery 1958 min. Universal Studios 24.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089098
Is Anybody There? (Blu-ray) Michael Caine, David Morrissey, Bill Milner
Hollywood Hoodlums Collection (Steelbook) Mystery, Classics, Comedy, Drama min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089270
Ten-year-old Edward lives in his family-run retirement home. While his mother struggles to keep the family business afloat and his father copes with the onset of a mid-life crisis, Edward leads an increasingly lonely existence until he meets Clarence (Caine), a retired magician and grieving widower who refuses to give in gracefully to old age. The two strike up an unlikely friendship that helps them both remember what magic is possible when life is lived to its fullest.
British, Drama, Foreign 2008 95min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089368
The Killing Room Peter Stormare, Timothy Hutton, Chloe Sevigny, Clea DuVall, Shea Whigham, Nick Cannon In this highly charged, psychological thrill ride four strangers are recruited as volunteers in a scientific research study. But they soon find that they are pawns in a classified government program to determine the breaking point of the human mind. As the experiments are conducted with each unwilling participant, the sterile white room becomes a horrible nightmare where the endgame is survival itself.
Thrillers, Drama 2009 93min. Genius Products 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089190
Lili And The Baobab Lili, a freelance photographer, accepts an assignment by the Northern city of Cherbourg to photograph the remote village of Agnam, in the Senegalese desert. For the first time in her life, Lili is out of her element and experiences being different. She also discovers a mysterious world with unfamiliar customs. However, she strikes a friendship with Aminata, a young woman, who has no family in the village. Once back to Cherbourg, Lili has a hard time resuming her past life and she often visits Moussa, an immigrant worker from Agnam, who works in the nuclear power plant nearby. One day, Moussa tells Lili that Aminata has given birth to a baby boy and because the child is fatherless, they will both probably be kicked out of the village. Lili is outraged and vows to help her friend. With sheer determination and compassion, Lili will manage to change local customs, and find her own path in the process.
Drama 90min. Passion River 06.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089370
The Limits Of Control Tilda Swinton, Youki Kudoh, John Hurt, Bill Murray, Gael Garcia Bernal, Isaach De Bankole, Luis Tosar, Hiam Abbass, Paz De La Huerta, Alex Descas, Oscar Jaenada, Jim Jarmusch, Jim Jarmusch Thrillers, Art House, Crime, Drama 2009 116min. Universal Studios 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089347
A Lonely Cow Weeps At Dawn A young widow, Noriko, lives with her senile father-in-law, Shukichi, on a farm. He believes his favorite cow, long gone, is still alive. Noriko pretends to be the cow and lets him milk her - a satisfying arrangement for them both. Shukichi’s daughter discovers their bizarre relationship and tries to put an end to it. It’s known as director Goto’s (Scorpion’s Revenge, Zero Woman) best film.
Drama, Foreign, Japanese 91min. Pink Eiga 29.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089244
Lost Tapes Even in the modern age reports of human encounters with mysterious and often dangerous beasts continue to surface. Lost Tapes is a first person, immersive experience of encounters with bizarre animals that science is reluctant to recognize - in our waters, in our woods, and in our skies they live among us - you will believe.
Documentary 168min. Genius Products 06.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089039
Love Finds A Home Patty Duke, Haylie Duff, Sarah Jones, Jordan Bridges The final chapter in the Love series! Belinda once again faces decisions about her life that are no less difficult than before. A very unexpected responsibility makes the choice even harder.
TV Movies, Western, Family 2009 88min. 20th Century Fox 10.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089119
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 46
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Duncan Regehr, Andre Gower
Make The Yuletide Gay Alison Arngrim, Derek Long, Adamo Ruggiero, Ian Buchanan A whimsical gay romance with a heart of gold, Make the Yuletide Gay follows a young gay couple-Nathan and Gunn-as they face their first Christmas apart. Sweet-natured Gunn (Keith Jordan) has to go right back in the closet to survive the holidays with his wacky Wisconsin parents, and cutie-pie Nathan (Adamo Ruggerio, Degrassi: The Next Generation) is preparing to spend another Christmas with his cold-hearted parents. When Nathan surprises everyone by turning up on Gunn’s doorstep, the couple is hilariously forced to juggle a hetero charade with their gay reality. With its bright, witty dialogue and handsome cast, Yuletide is one holiday treat you’ll want to savor many times over.
Romance, Christmas, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Holidays 89min. TLA Releasing 10.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089361
Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dracula, Frankenstein, Horror, Monsters, Adventure, Mummies, Werewolves 1987 82min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089130
Musicals (Box Set)
Malos Habitos (Bad Habits)
John Travolta, John Lithgow, Lori Singer, Dianne Wiest, Beyonce Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, Kevin Bacon, Jamie Foxx
Drama, Foreign, Mexican min. Distrimax 13.10.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089209
Maneater Series Collection: Volume 3 Blood Monkey In The Spider’s Web
Thrillers, TV Movies, Boxed Sets, Bugs, Horror, Killer Animals min. Genius Products 06.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089051
Megafault Brittany Murphy, Bruce Davison, Eriq La Salle When a massive and devastating earthquake threatens to rip the world in half, a seismologist and miner must join forces to stop the destructive quake.
Science Fiction, Action 2009 90min. Asylum Home Entertainment 24.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089315
Brittany Murphy, Bruce Davison, Eriq La Salle When a massive and devastating earthquake threatens to rip the world in half, a seismologist and miner must join forces to stop the destructive quake.
Science Fiction, Action 2009 min. Asylum Home Entertainment 24.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089331
If you like House, then you’ll go „Mental“ for Dr. Jack Gallagher. He’s a radically unorthodox psychiatrist who takes on patients battling unknown, misunderstood and often misdiagnosed psychiatric conditions. While House treats the body...Gallagher treats the mind!
Drama, Fox, Mental Illness 2009 623min. 20th Century Fox 01.12.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089121
Mirageman Maco, a young man orphaned after his parents and surviving younger brother were brutally attacked, lives a solitary life as a nightclub security guard. One day, he intervenes in a violent robbery, rescuing a television reporter, who later reports on her masked hero. Hearing of this new superhero, Maco’s institutionalized brother’s mental health improves. Encouraged by this improvement, Maco takes on the secret life of the superhero known as Mirageman.
Superheroes, Action, Chilean, Crime, Foreign 2007 87min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089096
The Monster Squad: 20th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Tom Noonan, Stan Shaw, Stephen Macht,
New Police Story (Blu-ray) Jackie Chan, Charlie Young, Charlene Choi, Coco Chiang, Nicholas Tse, Daniel Wu, Andy On, Terence Yin, Carl Ng, Samuel Pang, Tony Ho, Wang Chin Li, Andrew Lin A New Breed Of Crime. Welcome to the next generation of Police Story! Action superstar Jackie Chan is a disgraced police inspector who sets out to seek revenge on the sadistic punk gang that murdered his team in this superb thriller.
Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Martial Arts, Action 2004 123min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089133
New Tokyo Decadence: The Slave
Includes: Footloose Grease
Musical, Academy Award Winners, Dancing, Drama min. Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089337
Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, Japanese 62min. Pink Eiga 29.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089243
My Bloody Valentine: Special Edition (Blu-ray)
The New World
Lori Hallier, Helene Udy, Neil Affleck, Carl Marotte Cross your heart... and hope to die.. Twenty years after a Valentine’s Day tragedy, a small town prepares for its annual holiday dance. When a box of candy arrives containing an eerie warning and a blood-soaked heart, the townsfolk realize that this Valentine’s Day romance is as good as dead... and so are they!
Holidays, Horror, Slasher 1981 90min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089131
Cameron Diaz, Joan Cusack, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva, Alec Baldwin, Jason Patric Tearjerkers, Drama, Family Relationships 2009 110min. New Line Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089156
My Sister’s Keeper (Blu-ray)
Mental: The Complete First Season
10.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089071
A secretary is introduced to the world of BDSM by her boss. She becomes his personal slave as they take a walk on the wild side of experimentations. This film is based on main actress, Rinako Hirasawa’s personal experiences.
My Sister’s Keeper
Megafault (Blu-ray)
The end of the world starts at midnight.. You know who to call when you have ghosts, but who do you call about monsters? Whether it’s a bat in your belfry, or a mummy in your microwave, The Monster Squad ain’t afraid of no ghouls! Count Dracula has until midnight to retrieve an ancient amulet that will give him final control over the delicate balance between good and evil in the world. To help him, the creepy Count calls on some old friends: the weird Wolfman, grotesque Gill-Man, mildewed Mummy and freaky Frankenstein. As the ghoulish group gets closer to the amulet, it’s up to The Monster Squad, headquartered in the local tree house, to pool its questionable resources and stop the monster mayhem!
Cameron Diaz, Joan Cusack, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva, Alec Baldwin, Jason Patric Drama, Family Relationships, Tearjerkers 2009 110min. New Line Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089195
Natalee Holloway Tracy Pollan, Amy Gumenick, Grant Show, Sean Cameron Michael During a 2005 high school class trip to Aruba, a carefree night out with friends turns tragic when teenager Natalee Holloway fails to show up for her return flight home to Alabama. When Natalee disappears without a trace, her celebratory island vacation becomes a harrowing nightmare for her family. And with no clue as to her whereabouts, her mother, Beth Twitty (Tracy Pollan), is launched into a frustrating search that spans more than four years. Along with her husband George (Grant Show) and her best friend Carol (Catherine Dent), Beth struggles to uncover the truth. As a trio of suspects are arrested and then released because of a lack of evidence, Beth’s quest for justice provides the backdrop for a cautionary tale about the dangers of international travel. Based on the book by Beth Holloway-Twitty.
Terrorism, TV Movies, War, War In The Middle East, Biopics, Drama 87min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Lucie and Marion are a happy French lesbian couple. But when Lucie’s biological starts to kick, it will spark a whole series of events that will bring them happiness but also threaten the stability of their relationship. A delighfully modern lesbian comedy!
Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 92min. Passion River 06.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089371
Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Hank Azaria, Steve Coogan, Jonah Hill Ben Stiller leads an all-star cast (including Amy Adams, Owen Wilson, Hank Azaria and Robin Williams) as Larry Daley, a former night watchman at the Museum of Natural History, where the exhibits come to life after dark. But now Larry’s nocturnal friends are being retired to the archives of the Smithsonian Institution, luring him back for a hilarious, allout battle against museum misfits who plan to take over the Smithsonian...and the world!
On The Job, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2009 Ltbx 105min. 20th Century Fox 01.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089354
Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian (Blu-ray) Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Hank Azaria, Steve Coogan, Jonah Hill Ben Stiller leads an all-star cast (including Amy Adams, Owen Wilson, Hank Azaria and Robin Williams) as Larry Daley, a former night watchman at the Museum of Natural History, where the exhibits come to life after dark. But now Larry’s nocturnal friends are being retired to the archives of the Smithsonian Institution, luring him back for a hilarious, allout battle against museum misfits who plan to take over the Smithsonian...and the world!
Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, On The Job 2009 Ltbx 102min. 20th Century Fox 01.12.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089364
Nu-Meri: Book of the New Spawn Thrillers, Foreign, Horror, Japanese 76min. Section23 Films 10.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089136
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 47
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Vera Farmiga, CCH Pounder, Isabelle Fuhrman, Peter Sarsgaard, Jimmy Bennett Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 2009 123min. Warner Bros. 27.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089351
Orphan (Blu-ray) Vera Farmiga, CCH Pounder, Isabelle Fuhrman, Peter Sarsgaard, Jimmy Bennett Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2009 123min. Warner Bros. 27.10.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089353
Paris 1919 TV Movies, Canadian, Drama, Foreign, International TV 2009 94min. BFS 20.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089363
Perry Mason: Season 4 - Volume 2 Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, William Hopper, Ray Collins, William Talman, Wesley Lau, Dan Tobin CBS, Classics, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1961 623min. Paramount Pictures 08.12.2009 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089251
Perry Mason: Seasons 1 - 4 Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, William Hopper, Ray Collins, William Talman, Wesley Lau, Dan Tobin CBS, Classics, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues min. Paramount Pictures 08.12.2009 478,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089253
Crime, Cult Film / TV, Action 1994 242min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089226
Route 30 Dana Delany, Christine Elise, Curtis Armstrong, David DeLuise An Audience Favorite at More than 35 Film Fests Nationwide! In this quirky, warm comedy, three stories intertwine on Pennsylvania’s Route 30. As events unfold, a humorous ensemble cast brings laugh-out-loud moments to the forefront in this film festival favorite. Starring David DeLuise and Dana Delany
Comedy min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 03.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089312
Runaway Robin Tunney, Terry Kinney, Aaron Stanford, Melissa Leo, Peter Gerety, Michael Gaston Thrillers, Drama 79min. E1 Entertainment 08.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089308
S&M Hunter: Unrated S&M Hunter is a kind of bondage superhero who has a talent for tying up women in configurations that leave them helplessly aroused. When the all-girl gang, The Bombers, kidnap a man to use as their personal sex slave, S&M Hunter accepts the mission to infiltrate The Bombers’ hideout and show them the ropes.
Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, Japanese 61min. Pink Eiga 29.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089240
Samurai Princess
Pets Joan Blackman, Candice Rialson, Ed Bishop Horror min. Code Red 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089208
Pink Lemonade Brett Lawrence With a „work sucks“ mantra, the employees of Burger Shack make every table a new adventure in this biting, raunchy comedy. Starring Angela Trimbu
Comedy min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089316
When 11 of her friends are raped and murdered, leaving the Samurai Princess (adult video star Aino Kishi) the only survivor, she becomes infused with her comrades’ souls. Transformed into an android, she sets out to avenge their deaths. Dai Mizuno co-stars as the princess’s human partner in this Kengo Kaji-directed gore fest that features breast grenades, detachable chainsaw limbs, deadly guitar riffs and more. Directed by the writer (Kengo Kaji) of Tokyo Gore Police.
Action, Martial Arts 2009 85min. Well Go USA 10.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089155
Sand Serpents Thrillers, TV Movies, Action, Horror, War 2009 min. Genius Products 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089062
The Prisoner: The Complete Series (Blu-ray) Patrick McGoohan, Angelo Muscat British, Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1967 min. A&E 27.10.2009 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089390
The Professional (Blu-ray) Gary Oldman, Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, Ellen Greene, Willi One Blood, Elizabeth Regen, Danny Aiello, Michael Badalucco, Don Creech A perfect assassin. An innocent girl. They have nothing left to lose except each other.. The Professional is a go-for-broke thriller about a professional assassin whose work becomes dangerously personal. Calling himself a „cleaner,“ the mysterious Leon is New York’s top hit man. When his nextdoor neighbors are murdered, Leon becomes the unwilling gaurdian of the family’s sole survivor- 12-year-old Mathilda. But Mathilda doesn’t just want protection; she wants revenge. Training her in the deadly tricks of his trade, Leon helps her
track the psychotic agent who murdered her family. From the electrifying opening to the fatal finale, The Professional is a non-stop crescendo of action, suspense, and surprises.
Satanic Panic In 1980, ten year old twin girls were abducted by a group of demented satanic cult members. One girl managed to get away, but the other was never found. 25 years later, a group of 6 friends decide to take an innocent canoe trip and find themselves envolved with crazy, small town locals and the same satanic cult that had kidnaped the little girls years earlier. Can they make it out of the town alive, or will they become victims of a satanic sacrifice?
Devils And Demons, Horror 82min. Celebrity Video Distribution 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089078
The Seamstress Lance Henriksen, Kailin See An ancient curse returns with a vengeance in this harrowing descent into shear terror! While searching for her missing father, pretty young Allie and her friends are dragged kicking and screaming into a living nightmare courtesy of the Seamstress, a local legend spoken of in whispers who still terrorizes the community after her brutal death at the hands of
bloodthirsty locals years before. Now armed with her very sharp sewing needles and a diabolical imagination, she won’t stop until the last drop of blood is sewn. Lance Henrikson (Pumpkinhead, TV’s Millenium) stars in this tailor-made exercise in terror that will rip you to shreds!
Horror 2009 75min. Image Ent. 06.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089168
The Secret Of The Nutcracker TV Movies, Canadian, Christmas, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV 2007 87min. BFS 20.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089106
The Secret Of The Nutcracker (Blu-ray) Janelle Jorde, Brian Cox, Helene Joy, Tom Carey, Ryan Grantham, Ricardo Hoyos, Brendan Meyer Adapted from E.T.A. Hoffman’s classic novel, The Secret of the Nutcracker features the talents of Brian Cox (The Escapist, The Water Horse) as Drosselmeyer and introduces Janelle Jorde as Clara in a charming union of fantasy and reality that captures the true essence of Christmas. This delightful holiday tale follows 12-year-old Clara’s mystical journey on Christmas Eve to find her father, who is captive in a World War II Prisoner of War camp. Worried and longing to see her father, she receives unexpected help from the mysterious Drosselmeyer, who befriends Clara and brings her the gift of magic and hope when she needs it most. The Secret of the Nutcracker.
Canadian, Christmas, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, TV Movies 2007 87min. BFS 20.10.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089196
Sex, Lies & Videotape (Blu-ray) Peter Gallagher, Andie MacDowell, Laura San Giacomo, James Spader With smoldering sensuality and biting humor, the surprising relationship between the three title subjects is revealed in sex, lies, and videotapes, the most-talked about erotic comedy of the decade. James Spader ran away with the Best Actor prize at the Cannes Film Festival for his brilliantly understated and seductive performance as Graham, a longlost college friend who drifts back into town and into the lives of John, a self-involved philanderer, his angelic wife, Ann, and her saucy sister, Cynthia. One by one, each is drawn into the very „personal project“ Graham is working on, leaving the relationships between them forever transformed.
Drama, Affairs/Love Triangles, Art House 1989 100min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089225
Sexy Battle Girls Mirai, a high school girl, is transferred to an upscale private girls school. She soon finds out the school not only cultivates young minds, but also supplies young bodies to rich politicians. Moreover, the school’s headmaster ripped apart her family. She undergoes special training, and fights her way to sweet revenge!
Exploitation, Foreign, Japanese 60min. Pink Eiga 29.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089245
The Sherlock Holmes Collection The Private Life Of Sherlock Holmes Without A Clue
Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Boxed Sets, Detectives 319min. MGM / UA 15.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089235
Shooter / Narc / Payback (Holiday 2009 Box Set) Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, Ray Liotta Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Drama min.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 48
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089342
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089389
Storytime (Box Set) The Sopranos: The Complete First Season (Blu-ray)
Dakota Fanning, Kurt Russell Includes: Dreamer The Spiderwick Chronicles
James Gandolfini, Michael Imperioli, Lorraine Bracco, Edie Falco, Nancy Marchand, Aida Turturro, Vincent Pastore, Tony Sirico, Robert Iler, Steven Van Zandt, Dominic Chianese Meet Tony Soprano: your average, middle-aged businessman. Tony’s got a dutiful wife. A not-so-dutiful daughter. A son named Anthony, Jr. A mother he’s trying to coax into a retirement home. A hot headed uncle. A not-too-secret mistress. And a shrink to tell all his secrets, except the one she already knows: Tony’s a mob boss. These days it’s getting tougher and tougher to make a killing in the killing business. Just because you’re „made“...doesn’t mean you’ve got it made.
Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, HBO 1999 780min. HBO Home Video 24.11.2009 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089192
James Gandolfini, Michael Imperioli, Lorraine Bracco, Edie Falco, Tony Sirico, Drea De Matteo, Robert Iler, Steven Van Zandt Meet Tony Soprano: your average, middle-aged businessman. Tony’s got a dutiful wife. A not-so-dutiful daughter. A son named Anthony, Jr. A mother he’s trying to coax into a retirement home. A hot headed uncle. A not-too-secret mistress. And a shrink to tell all his secrets, except the one she already knows: Tony’s a mob boss. These days it’s getting tougher and tougher to make a killing in the killing business. For Tony Soprano, there’s no such thing as business as usual. Balancing the demands of his immediate family - wife Carmela, daughter Meadow and son Anthony, Jr with the demands of his other family - Paulie Walnuts, Silvio Dante and Big Pussy Bonpensiero - means walking a tightrope no self-respecting mobster should have to walk. With his mother and uncle plotting against him, his older sister Janice wreaking her own special kind of havoc, and the very real threat that one of his closest allies is wired by the F.B.I., Tony needs the support of his psychiatrist Dr. Melfi more than ever. Some suburban households have two cars. Some have two houses. But Tony Soprano has two famil
Boxed Sets, Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, HBO min. HBO Home Video 17.11.2009 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089163
Diora Baird, Leslie Nielsen, Kenan Thompson, Steve Howey, Ben Cotton Comedy, Horror 90min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089150
Stan Helsing (Blu-ray) Diora Baird, Leslie Nielsen, Kenan Thompson, Steve Howey, Ben Cotton Comedy, Horror 90min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.10.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089194
Staten Island Ethan Hawke, Seymour Cassel, Lynn Cohen Crime, Drama 2009 90min. E1 Entertainment 22.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089369
min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089074
Thirst Chan Wook Park Vampires, Art House, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Korean 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 134min. Universal Studios 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089346
Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Kevin Connolly, Cheryl Hines, John Michael Higgins, Nick Searcy Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler star in this wildly funny battle of the sexes. Abby (Heigl), a successful morning show producer, is looking for a lot in a man. Mike (Butler), her obnoxious TV star, knows men only want one thing. Determined to prove that she’s not romantically challenged, Abby takes Mike’s advice during a promising new romance, but the unexpected results will stun everyone.
Romance, Comedy 2009 96min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 10.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089298
The Ugly Truth (Blu-ray)
Larry Fine, Moe Howard, Shemp Howard, The Three Stooges Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Slapstick min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 10.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089073
Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Kevin Connolly, Cheryl Hines, John Michael Higgins, Nick Searcy
The Tournament
Comedy, Romance 2009 96min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 10.11.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089329
Action 2009 min. Weinstein Company 20.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089200
Train Thora Birch, Todd Jensen, Gideon Emery Touring Eastern Europe with her college wrestling team, Alex (Thora Birch) attends a debauched late-night party that causes Alex and several teammates to miss their train to Odessa. Her coach is furious, but a mysterious woman offers the coach and wrestlers a ride on an alternative train. The coach agrees, and the athletes, exhausted and hung over, gratefully climb aboard. But the train harbors a deadly secret, and for Alex and her fellow passengers, a blood-soaked nightmare is just beginning.
Thrillers, Horror 94min. Lionsgate 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089040
Tropic Thunder / Envy / Black Sheep (Holiday 2009 Box Set) War, Action, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Film About Film min. Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089341
Tsumugi Sora Aoi is Tsumugi, a typical Japanese teenager - who just happens to be in love with her teacher, Katagiri. Tsumugi seduces Katagiri and he falls for her. But at the same time, Tsumugi is attracted to her classmate, Kosuke, and soon she’s trapped in a love triangle. Now Tsumugi faces a dilemma: Who will she stay with? Filled with steamy sex as well as hardcore punk music by the legendary Japanese musician Shigeru Nakano, Tsumugi captures the confusion of growing up with the thrill of first love.
Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, Japanese 62min. Pink Eiga 29.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089241
Staten Island (Blu-ray) Ethan Hawke, Seymour Cassel, Lynn Cohen Crime, Drama 2009 90min. E1 Entertainment 22.12.2009
Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, Japanese 62min. Pink Eiga 29.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089242
The Ugly Truth Taking Chances
The Three Stooges Collection: 1952 - 1954 - Volume Seven
The Sopranos: The Complete Series
Stan Helsing
Documentary, Family, Fantasy, Horses min. Paramount Pictures 03.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089338
will she stay with? Filled with steamy sex as well as hardcore punk music by the legendary Japanese musician Shigeru Nakano, Tsumugi captures the confusion of growing up with the thrill of first love.
Tsumugi: Special Edition Sora Aoi is Tsumugi, a typical Japanese teenager - who just happens to be in love with her teacher, Katagiri. Tsumugi seduces Katagiri and he falls for her. But at the same time, Tsumugi is attracted to her classmate, Kosuke, and soon she’s trapped in a love triangle. Now Tsumugi faces a dilemma: Who
Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler star in this wildly funny battle of the sexes. Abby (Heigl), a successful morning show producer, is looking for a lot in a man. Mike (Butler), her obnoxious TV star, knows men only want one thing. Determined to prove that she’s not romantically challenged, Abby takes Mike’s advice during a promising new romance, but the unexpected results will stun everyone.
The Ultimate Bonanza Collection (Steelbook) Western, Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Family min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089263
The Ultimate Lucy Show Collection (Steelbook) Classics, Comedy, Family min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089258
Las Vecinas (The Neighbors) Mariana Torres, Rodrigo Murray Drama, Erotica, Foreign min. Navarre 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089213
Velvet Trap / Hot Summer On Campus (Double Feature) Wayne Crawford, Charles Pitts Comedy, Double Features min. Code Red 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089212
The Way Of The Gun (Blu-ray) Juliette Lewis, James Caan, Taye Diggs, Ryan Phillippe, Benicio Del Toro From the Oscar-winning screenwriter of The Usual Suspects, this wickedly offbeat mix of crime, comedy and gunplay stars Ryan Phillippe and 2001 Academy Award winner Benicio Del Toro (Best Supporting Actor for Traffic). Convinced they’ll score big money fast by kidnapping a young surrogate mother (Juliette Lewis) carrying the child of a wealthy Southwestern couple, the two small-caliber crooks soon run into major problems. Realizing too late that they’re in over their heads, the kidnappers fight to keep their plan from unraveling amid a rising tide of bloodshed, mind games and greed.
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Hostage Crisis, Thrillers 119min. Lionsgate 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089132
John Wayne Western Collection (Steelbook) Featuring: McLintock! The Angel and the Badman Randy Rides Alone Paradise Canyon Hell Town and 15 more!
Western, Action, Adventure, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama min. Allegro Entertainment 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089256
taboos while it spins its cautionary tale. Ryan is an earnest 18-year-old trying to develop a career as an actor and getting his life on the right track. This course is quickly threatened with the sudden arrival of his sort-of ex, Daniel, who arrives at Ryan’s door wanting a place to stay and offering the promise of a normal, loving relationship. But Daniel’s drug addiction and attitude towards casual sex derail any hope for normalcy and soon ensnares Ryan in his own downward spiral. Handheld cameras, a hot young cast and a boldly upfront approach to sex combine to make Wrecked a unique film experience.
Drama, Erotica, Gay / Lesbian Interest FF S 74min. TLA Releasing 10.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089362
Weather Girl Mark Harmon Succumbing to the stresses of work and romance, a Seattle morning weather anchor (Tricia O’ Kelley) melts down live on-air. Closing in on forty, she is now unemployed, lacks career prospects, and must cope with her cheating boyfriend (Mark Harmon) - a devilishly handsome newscaster. Weather Girl is a slice of life comedy about reckoning the difference between growing old and growing up.
Drama 92min. Screen Media Films 29.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089379
Western Triple Feature Avenging Angel Prairie Fever
Triple Feature, TV Movies, Bounty Hunters, Drama, Western min. Genius Products 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089053
Western TV Treasures Western, Classics, Cowboy 3600min. Mill Creek Entertainment 13.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089239
Where The Day Takes You Will Smith, Kyle MacLachlan, Balthazar Getty, James LeGros, Laura San Giacomo, Alyssa Milano, Rachel Ticotin, Lara Flynn Boyle, Ricki Lake, Nancy McKeon, Sean Astin, Dermot Mulroney, Adam Baldwin, Robert Knepper, Peter Dobson Drama 105min. Starz / Anchor Bay 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089151
The Witches Hammer Stephanie Beacham Rebecca is brought back from the brink of death by top secret agency ‘Project 571’. She is trained as a lethal assassin and sent on missions to kill that which she has become, a vampire. When Project 571 is destroyed by a gang of vampires, Rebecca is thrown into a quest for an ancient book powerful enough to raise the dead. Rebecca joins two priests on a journey to kill the master vampire Hugo Renoir before he can unleash the grotesque souls of the damned into our dimension. If Hugo is allowed to perform the ancient ceremony the earth shall forever pass into the realm of darkness. Along the way Rebecca must utilize her training to face Vampires, Demons and Witches all vying for the book and its awesome power.
Science Fiction, Vampires, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror 2006 DD 5.1 91min. MTI Home Video 24.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089043
A Woman In Berlin World War II, Art House, Drama, Foreign, German, Historical / Period Piece 2008 127min. Strand Releasing 10.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089349
Wrecked An edgy drama about a gay teen’s tumultuous decent into drugs and anonymous sex, Wrecked smashes cinematic
Music All The Way From Michigan Not Mars
Kultur 17.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089221
Eminem: Live From New York City (Blu-ray) Filmed at Madison Square Garden in 2005, this spectacular show captures the full Eminem live experience. With guest appearances from D12, Obie Trice and Stat Quo, the concert features all Eminem’s classic hits including Just Lose It, Cleaning Out My Closet, The Way I Am, Stan, Lose Yourself and many more. Backstage Evil Deeds Mosh Business Rain Man Ass Like That Puke Kill You Like Toy Soldiers Git Up feat. D12 How Come feat. D12 Rock Star feat. Bizarre of D12 40oz feat. D12 My Band feat. D12 Backstage 2 Stan The Way I Am Just Don’t Give A Fuck br/> Got Some Teeth feat. Obie Trice Stay ‘Bout It (Aqua) feat. Stat Quo The Set Up feat. Stat Quo Like Dat feat. Stat Quo & Obie Trice Cleaning Out My Closet Mockingbird Just Lose It Backstage 3 Lose Yourself feat. D12
Concerts, Music, Rap 2005 78min. Eagle Vision USA 20.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089296
Using intimate live performances with fellow songwriters Sufjan Stevens and Denison Witmer as a pathway, All The Way From Michigan Not Mars is a meditative exploration of Rosie Thomas’ work as it connects to her as a human being. Often raising more questions than answers, the film is a lyrical examination of Thomas’ quest for an expression of truth and her unique brand of performance; combining songs of plaintive melancholy with sharpwitted banter and Sheila, her bizarre stand-up comedian alter ego.
Michael Jackson: Life Of A Superstar
Documentary, Folk Rock, Indie Rock, Music 2009 80min. Ryko Distribution 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089109
Documentary, Music min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 03.11.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089314
Bela Bartok: Duke Bluebeard’s Castle
Diana Krall: Live In Rio - Special Edition
This highly acclaimed film version of Béla Bartók’s searing psychological opera, performed by Robert Lloyd and Elizabeth Laurence, won the 1989 Prix Italia Music Prize. Bartók’s short opera, one of the composer’s most impressive early works, tells the macabre legend of Duke Bluebeard, who brings his young wife Judith to live in his remote castle. The dramatic intensity increases as sinister secrets are gradually unveiled, bringing the opera to its haunting conclusion.
Join Diana Krall in the city of Rio De Janeiro for an evening of classic songs and standards in bossa nova style. Diana performs with her band and orchestra in the intimate surroundings of Vivo Rio before an audience totally swept up in the magic of the evening. This is Diana Krall at her very best celebrating the style and sensuality of bossa nova in the city of its birth.
Classical Music, Opera min. Kultur 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089222
Bringing Balanchine Back New York City Ballet: Bringing Balanchine Back tells the story of New York City Ballet’s historic visit to St. Petersburg, Russia to perform at the famed Mariinsky Theater, where ballet legend and NYCB co-founder George Balanchine received his training and began his career. One of the most famous theaters in the world, the Mariinsky is where Tschaikovsky created The Nutcracker and The Sleeping Beauty. The eagerly-anticipated trip coincides with the worldwide celebrations marking the centennial of Balanchine’s birth, and takes place during St. Petersburg’s annual White Nights festival. Included is performance footage of several of Balanchine’s most acclaimed works, as well as ballets by Jerome Robbins and Peter Martins, and a rare glimpse behind-the-scenes for a number of backstage dramas. Through interviews with NYCB’s dancers and artistic staff, Russian audiences and performers, and the sights and sounds of an extraordinary city, Bringing Balanchine Back is a beautiful and unforgettable look at Balanchine’s birthplace and his legacy - New York City Ballet.
Ballet, Dancing, Music 91min. Kultur 17.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089219
Placido Domingo: My Greatest Roles Plácido Domingo is the most important person alive in opera. Greatest of the stage tenors still performing, experienced conductor, intendant of not one but two US opera houses these bald facts hardly begin to delineate the man. Major sponsorship flocks to him, his influence is felt in opera houses worldwide, and his support can be the making of a singer’s career. And once every ten years he allows television cameras in. This time is probably the last television look at his active career and takes the form of a retrospective of his greatest work, building up a picture of this unique man throughout his extraordinary career.
Classical Music, Music, Opera 80min.
Featuring candid contributions from Janet Jackson, Brooke Shields, Quincy Jones, Sheryl Crow, Diana Ross and rare, behind-the-scenes footage, this documentary looks into the life of one of the most enigmatic and flamboyant pop stars of our time: Michael Jackson. Documentary includes Jackson’s Death and Memorial.
Concerts, Jazz, Jazz Vocal, Music 2008 207min. Eagle Vision USA 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089292
The Last Poets: Made In Amerikkka In Harlem 1968, a group of young poets got together and founded The Last Poets. With jazz and funk as a backdrop, percussion rolling, and words shooting out like bursts of machine-gun fire, the group denounced the oppression of African-Americans while painting a devastating yet humorous picture of life in the ghetto. Nearly 40 years after their separation, the members of this legendary group-the founding fathers of today’s hip-hop, rap, and slam - came together in Paris for a one-time concert at the 2008 Banlieues Blues Festival. From the intimacy of a Parisian rehearsal room, they evoke the past: the birth of the collective, the years of political unrest, and their high-risk creative madness. The musicians accompanying the poets for this concert/gathering are veritable musical legends: Ronald Shannon Jackson, Jamaladeen Tacuma, Robert Irving III, and Kenyatte AbdurRahman. This film by Claude Santiago erases the boundaries between genres. It’s a live recording, a musical documentary, and an art film all combined into one - yet it goes beyond any of these!
Documentary, Funk, Jazz, Music 52min. Allegro Entertainment 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089220
The Story Of Roxy Music: More Than This Documentary, Glam Rock, Music 94min. Eagle Vision USA 20.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089291
Thuggin It And Lovin It This is the first real DVD that captures the streets of Baton Rouge, known as Jigga City to most people. This DVD shows the other side of Baton Rouge in it’s true form like never
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) before. So take a ride with Troy Da Triggaman and Beenie Balleroosky as they take you on a tour of the city to show you how they’re really living down there.
Documentary, Music 2009 118min. E1 Entertainment 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089388
Classical Music, Concerts, Music 96min. Kultur 17.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089252
Toto: Falling In Between Live (Blu-ray) Toto rock harder than ever before in this stunning live performance filmed in front of a wildly enthusiastic sell out crowd at Le Zenith in Paris on the Falling In Between tour. The show combines rarely heard tracks, album favorites, great solos and classic hits including „Hold The Line“, „Rosanna“, „Africa“, „I’ll Supply The Love“ and many more.
Concerts, Music 2007 142min. Eagle Vision USA 20.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089297
You Weren’t There: A History Of Chicago Punk 1977 - 1984 You Weren’t There: A History Of Chicago Punk 1977 - 1984 looks back on the impact that the Punk movement had on the Windy City. Though overlooked in the annals of Rock history when compared to media-centric Los Angeles, New York, and London, Chicago served as an important early supporter of this burgeoning and controversial scene.
Documentary, Music, Punk 2007 130min. Ryko Distribution 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089111
Waldbuhne Concert: A Night Of Dances And Rhapsodies A selection of works from central European composers including: Enescu - Romanian Rhapsody No 1, Smetana - The Bartered Bride Overture, Richard Strauss - Waltzes from Rosenkavalier and Brahms - Hungarian Dance No 5. Based on the amphitheater in the ancient Greek city of Epidaurus, and nestled in a natural valley, the Waldbuhne theater seats 22,000 in leafy comfort and remains one of Berlin’s favorite open air concert venues, with magnificent views of the stage. World class conductors lead the Berlin Philharmonic in evening concerts of popular Italian, French, Russian and American favorites.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music 100min. Kultur 17.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089250
Waldbuhne Concert: A Romantic Opera Night Conducted by the celebrated James Levine, the 1999 Waldbühne concert for the Berlin Philharmonic features music by Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner. The orchestra is joined by the accomplished Canadian tenor Ben Heppner, who is renowned for his electrifying Wagner performances. The program includes Strauss’ waltzes from Der Rosenkavalier and Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, adding real drama to this spectacular open-air event. Based on the amphitheater in the ancient Greek city of Epidaurus, and nestled in a natural valley, the Waldbuhne theater seats 22,000 in leafy comfort and remains one of Berlin’s favorite open air concert venues, with magnificent views of the stage. World class conductors lead the Berlin Philharmonic in evening concerts of popular Italian, French, Russian and American favorites.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music 116min. Kultur 17.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089255
Waldbuhne Concert: Latin American Night Who better to conduct an evening of evocative tango and Latin American inspired rhythms than Argentinean-born Barenboim? Despite playing music outside their usual repertoire, the Berlin Philharmonic enthralls the audience with an exotic program, which begins with Ravel’s Bolero and Bizet’s Carmen Suite and then features special arrangements of lesser known melodies and dances from a host of South American composers. Based on the amphitheater in the ancient Greek city of Epidaurus, and nestled in a natural valley, the Waldbuhne theater seats 22,000 in leafy comfort and remains one of Berlin’s favorite open air concert venues, with magnificent views of the stage. World class conductors lead the Berlin Philharmonic in evening concerts of popular Italian, French, Russian and American favorites.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music 119min. Kultur 17.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089254
Waldbuhne Concert: St. Petersburg Night This Russian-themed night begins with Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor and continues with other renowned pieces from Russian composers including RimskyKorsakov’s Flight of the Bumble Bee and Glinka’s Ruslan and Ludmila Overture. The concert ends with the traditional operatic hit from Lincke, Berliner Luft. Based on the amphitheater in the ancient Greek city of Epidaurus, and nestled in a natural valley, the Waldbuhne theater seats 22,000 in leafy comfort and remains one of Berlin’s favorite
open air concert venues, with magnificent views of the stage. World class conductors lead the Berlin Philharmonic in evening concerts of popular Italian, French, Russian and American favorites.
ZZ Top: Double Down Live 1980 & 2008 Blues, Concerts, Music, Southern Rock 154min. Eagle Vision USA 20.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089290
Special Interest American Revolution: Battle of Monmouth War, Documentary, History Channel 50min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089065
The American Soldier Documentary, War min. Mill Creek Entertainment 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089237
America’s Classic Ballparks This homerun hit recalls an earlier America that fell in love with baseball and an era when owners built bigger arenas to house our fast-growing national pastime. By 1923, fifteen iconic steel and concrete parks had been built, yet no two were alike: Each had its own unique character, and fans were close to the action. Narrated by Golden Globe-nominated actor Jeff Daniels, this documentary traces the history of four classic American ballparks using both archival footage and modern film: Wrigley Field (1914), Comiskey Park (1910), Tiger Stadium (1912), and Fenway Park (1912). All four parks are forever preserved in this DVD treasure. Included are rare major league film segments, classic photos, and insightful comments by Hall of Fame players and announcers who share their innermost feelings about the parks, the game, and the fans.
Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major League Baseball 80min. Questar 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089117
Angels Vs. Demons: Fact Or Fiction? The Vatican has condemned it. Readers around the world love it. And now we separate the fact from the fiction in Dan Brown’s controversial bestseller Angels & Demons. We examine the cutting-edge science of anti-matter and question the historical accuracy of theology, conspiracies, symbolism and cults as described by the The Da Vinci Code author.
Da Vinci Code, Discovery Channel, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 86min. Discovery Channel 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089280
Are We Living In The End Times? Celebrity Video Distribution brings you the provocative, controversial, biblically based religious documentary, Are We Living in the End Times?. The documentary features man on the street interviews in New Orleans during this year’s Mardi
Gras festivities. Mardi Gras party-goers fielded questions related to the RFID chip, The North American Union, and the prospect of living in a cashless society. Several religious authorities were also interviewed to give their opinions on these subjects and their relation to biblical prophecies. This documentary will provoke discussion among believers and non-believers alike.
Conspiracies, Documentary, End Of The World, Religion/Spirituality 55min. Celebrity Video Distribution 29.09.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089095
Denise Austin: 3-Week Boot Camp Jump on the fast track to weight loss and lose up to two dress sizes with Denise Austin: 3-Week Boot Camp! This invigorating plan delivers two supercharged workouts that combine cardio and strength training to boost metabolism and accelerate fat loss. Then, finish strong with a 6-minute bonus Ab Fat-Blaster that will tone and trim a sexy midsection. In just three weeks, you will trim inches, get fit and feel great! Cardio & Strength Intervals (20 min.): Tune up your metabolism and your muscles with cardio and strength intervals specialized to blast maximum fat and calories. Athletic Training (20 min.): Trim inches with a kettlebellinspired workout that uses controlled momentum, full-body moves and cardio bursts to shed weight fast. Bonus: Ab FatBlaster (6 min.): Sculpt rock-hard abs in an instant with three-dimensional exercises that target-tone the entire core to reveal a slim, strong, sexy center.
Fitness, Health 52min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089305
Denise Austin: Body Makeover Mix Denise Austin Ditch your old fitness routine and shake things up with Denise Austin: Body Makeover Mix! Designed to dramatically slim and sculpt your body, all three toning workouts combine today’s most effective exercise methods to quickly firm your upper body, lean and lengthen your lower body, and tighten your tummy. Fresh and fun, this workout system blends the very best for a better body in just one month! Upper-Body Sculpt (15 min.): Tone your arms, chest, back, and shoulders with unique moves that target muscles from every angle to sculpt beautiful definition. Lower-Body Sculpt (15 min.): Lift and shape your buns, thighs and hips with Pilates and balletinspired barre exercises proven to sculpt long, lean muscle with concentrated movements and firming fusion. AB & Core Conditioning (15 min.): Tighten your tummy with core exercises that combine standing moves with mat Pilates for a complete midsection meltdown.
Fitness, Health 49min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089304
Barney: We Love Our Family All we need is love from our family and friends - and, of course, Barney! Discover the joys and laughter that moms, grandparents and cousins can bring in this collection full of unforgettable moments of warmth and togetherness the whole family will cherish!
Educational, Family, Preschool, Puppets 40min. Hit Entertainment 17.11.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089044
Biography: George Armstrong Custer - America’s Golden Cavalier Biography, Military 100min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089057
Biography: George Washington American Revolutionary Biography, Military, Politics 50min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089059
Biography: Sherlock Holmes The Great Detective
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Biography, Detectives min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089061
performances, the Heilongjiang Acrobatic troupe is ready to take its unique style of ice acrobatics beyond mainland China. This is a tense and exciting time for all the young performers but will circumstances beyond their control conspire to end this momentous endeavour before it even begins?
Blood And Treasure In Peru
Documentary, Performing Arts 50min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089198
Documentary 50min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089063
Dancing With The Stars: Dance Body Tone
The Bloody Aleutians War, Documentary, History Channel min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089066
Bollyrobics: Dance Workout Bollywood, Dancing, Fitness, Health min. Navarre 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089216
Bollyrobics: Dance Workout (Bluray) Bollywood, Dancing, Fitness, Health min. Navarre 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089228
Cake Boss Buddy Valastro is one of the most successful and renowned cake artists in the United States. Master baker of Carlo’s City Hall Bake Shop in Hoboken, New Jersey, Buddy is the cake boss. He supervises a team that includes his mother, four older sisters and three brothers-in-law. And when you’re working with family on a daily basis, there is bound to be a lot of drama. Cake Boss is the half-hour series that chronicles Buddy’s over-arching desire to achieve his late father’s dream of making Carlo’s Bake Shop a household name with or without the help of his family.
Documentary, Drama 286min. Gaiam Americas 15.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089377
On ABC’s Dancing With The Stars contestants shed countless pounds and inches, and now you can too! With three, fun routines - a sizzling Latin combo, a jazzy-funk Freestyle and a tantalizing Tango - pro dancers Lacey, Kym and Dmitry will teach you to dance like a star as you shrink your waistline and sculpt lean muscle. Each exhilarating workout includes easy-to-follow steps that gradually develop into complete, body-sculpting routines. Transform your body with the toning power of dance, and achieve a stronger, sexier you!
Dancing, Fitness, Health 52min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089307
Dancing With The Stars: Dance Off The Pounds Each season, audiences watch in amazement as stars shrink down and shape up on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars. Now you can share their weight-loss success and dance off the pounds with three different cardio dance routines-Swing, Jive and Quickstep-led by pro dancers Kym, Lacey and Dmitry. Each routine gets your body warmed-up with the signature moves of the featured dances before progressively adding on to create complete, calorie-blasting workouts - so you can learn with ease and get dancer-fit all at once. Join the fatburning fun and dance your way to a superstar body!
Dancing, Fitness, Health 54min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089306
Art House, Documentary 180min. Microcinema DVD 22.09.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089141
Dying To Live: The Journey Into A Man’s Open Heart Documentary filmmaker Ben Mittleman turns the camera on himself when confronted with the same open-heart surgery that derailed his father’s life. A quest for truth, Dying to Live gives public exposure to his own fears about mortality. In the same year Mittleman’s wife Valerie and mother Anne each struggle with their own life-threatening illnesses. And, it’s these affairs of his heart that contain the soul of Dying to Live. A love letter to Valerie, Dying to Live reveals the raw realities of Mittleman’s fight to survive and heal the women who love him. With a rare humor and spirit, an ordinary man struggles deeper into adulthood.
Documentary, Science 110min. Passion River 10.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089146
Element: Slim & Tone Pilates Fitness, Health, Pilates 38min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089153
Elephants Documentary 240min. Genius Products 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089188
The Exiles Documentary 1961 72min. Music Video Distribution 17.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089272
Day In The Lyfe: The Movie A cross country roadtrip that takes you inside the secret lives of graffiti artists. The most prolific writers in America explain their desire to paint. Featuring the most up close footage ever seen as the artists scale billboards, hang off overpasses, and climb to the tops of highrises, risking it all for their name.
Child Wild Harland Williams Wild Child Harland Williams brings his wicked yet childish humour back to the masses, pulling the live audience into his warped world of comedy and not letting them go until they have exhausted every last laugh. Jump on board the nutty train with Child Wild himself, Harland Williams!
Comedy 78min. Morningstar Entertainment 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089148
China Circus On Ice The Heilongjiang Acrobatic troupe, based in the city of Harbin, is one of China’s most respected acrobatic groups. For over 50 years its performers have thrilled audiences throughout China with contemporary interpretations of this traditional art form. Two years ago, artistic director Mr. Guan Xin Min decided on a new and innovative direction for Heilongjiang - they would become the only acrobatics truope in China to perform on ice! Combining ice-skating and traditional acrobatics may be a great marketing tool, but it will take a team of ultra talented and dedicated performers to turn this idea into reality. After training practices and performances, the Heilongjiang Acrobatic troupe is ready to take its unique style of ice acrobatics beyond mainland China. This is a tense and exciting time for all the young performers but will circumstances beyond their control conspire to end this momentous endeavour before it even begins?
Documentary 90min. Passion River 24.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089147
Deadly Women: Seasons One And Two They are history’s most horrifying - and intriguing - women. Women who wouldn’t hesitate to kill their own mother for money or their children to get them out of the way or total strangers just for the thrill of it. In this chilling series, we recreate the true-life tales of some of the world’s most terrifying murders perpetrated by the fairer sex over the past four centuries. With the help of a renowned forensic pathologist and a former FBI agent who analyzed some of America’s most notorious killers, we get to know these Deadly Women and what drives their bloody appetites!
Crime, Documentary 2008 393min. Discovery Channel 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089279
Deante Dance: 10 Core-Centric Moves
Documentary, Performing Arts 50min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089171
Fitness, Health, Instructional Dance 191min. Bayview Entertainment 20.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089385
China Circus On Ice (Blu-ray)
Deante Dance: Percussive Jam
The Heilongjiang Acrobatic troupe, based in the city of Harbin, is one of China’s most respected acrobatic groups. For over 50 years its performers have thrilled audiences throughout China with contemporary interpretations of this traditional art form. Two years ago, artistic director Mr. Guan Xin Min decided on a new and innovative direction for Heilongjiang - they would become the only acrobatics truope in China to perform on ice! Combining ice-skating and traditional acrobatics may be a great marketing tool, but it will take a team of ultra talented and dedicated performers to turn this idea into reality. After training practices and
Fitness, Health, Instructional Dance 37min. Bayview Entertainment 20.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089384
making. Walden, his first completed diary film, an epic portrait of the New York avant-garde art scene of the 60s, is also a groundbreaking work of personal cinema.
Diaries, Notes And Sketches By Jonas Mekas Poet and hero of the American counter-culture, Jonas Mekas, born in Lithuania in 1922, invented the diary form of film-
EyeWash 3 EyeWash is a New York City based event where VJs and live-mix video artists collaborate with musicians and other live performers. Artists interact with the audience, responding and adjusting in real time, creating an active dialogue with visual media. This is the third DVD compilation from the EyeWash Series.
Photography/Art, Atmosphere DVDs 54min. Microcinema DVD 22.09.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089143
Face Off: Pershing Vs. Gallwitz War, World War I, Documentary, History Channel 50min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089067
Malachi Farrell At Work: The Making Of La Gegene The documentary Malachi Farrell at work - The Making of La Gégène retraces the steps involved in the making of La Gégène, a mixed media art work by Malachi Farrell and his team for the MAC/VAL museum in Vitry-sur-Seine (France) in 2007. Using movement, objects, images and sounds, La Gégène evokes the Algerian War and its related acts of violent torture as well as today’s media deluge. Filmed in an experimental fashion, this documentary depicts the strength of this activist art work as it invites viewers to question social, political, historical, and contemporary events.
Documentary, Photography/Art 110min. Microcinema DVD 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089048
Fireboats Of 9/11 Terrorism, Technology, Documentary, History Channel 70min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089068
The Firm: Total Body Makeover This collection delivers everything you need for a total body makeover! Fat burning cardio, body sculpting, weight training
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Seite 52
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) and Pilates that packs an ab-flattening punch! Get your motivation party started with this incredible collection of four workouts on one convenient DVD.
Fitness, Health 121min. Gaiam Americas 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089374
Documentary 2009 83min. Indican Pictures 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089105
IMAX: Dinosaurs Alive!
Food, Inc. Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our nation’s food industry, exposing how our nation’s food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc..
Documentary 2008 91min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089355
Food, Inc. (Blu-ray) Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our nation’s food industry, exposing how our nation’s food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc..
Documentary 2008 91min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.11.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089366
Gilad: Total Body Sculpt Plus Cutting Edge Fitness, Health 90min. Bayview Entertainment 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089382
Gilad: Total Body Sculpt Plus Functional Fitness
Join the world’s preeminent paleontologists in this eyepopping IMAX adventure as they uncover some of history’s most astonishing dinosaur finds. Travel across the exotic dunes of the Gobi Desert and along the sandstone buttes of New Mexico as scientists make brand-new discoveries about dinosaur behavior, their environments and find what could be the oldest dinosaur ever unearthed in North America. With stunningly realistic and scientifically accurate CGI, you’ll see these amazing creatures come a big way!
Dinosaurs, Documentary, IMAX, Prehistoric Times 2007 39min. Image Ent. 06.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089165
IMAX: Dinosaurs Alive! (Blu-ray) Join the world’s preeminent paleontologists in this eyepopping IMAX adventure as they uncover some of history’s most astonishing dinosaur finds. Travel across the exotic dunes of the Gobi Desert and along the sandstone buttes of New Mexico as scientists make brand-new discoveries about dinosaur behavior, their environments and find what could be the oldest dinosaur ever unearthed in North America. With stunningly realistic and scientifically accurate CGI, you’ll see these amazing creatures come a big way!
Dinosaurs, Documentary, IMAX, Prehistoric Times 2007 39min. Image Ent. 06.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089197
Inside Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Fitness, Health 90min. Bayview Entertainment 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089381
Documentary, History Channel, Holidays 50min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089069
Gilad: Total Body Sculpt Plus Peak Performance
Jari Love: Get Extremely Ripped! 1000
Fitness, Health 90min. Bayview Entertainment 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089380
Fitness, Health 60min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089122
Gitmo: The True Story
Lovecraft: Fear Of The Unknown
Located only 400 miles from Miami is the US Naval Base Guantanamo Bay - also known to many as Gitmo. It is the oldest US base overseas, and the only US Naval Base in a Communist country. On this DVD, hear true stories from our current military soldiers, and from Cubans employed on the base during 1960s. The United States leased the 45 square miles of land and water in 1903 from our thentrading partner Cuba. Both countries agreed to payment of $2,000 in gold per year ($4,085 by today’s standards) with a requirement of mutual consent by both parties to terminate the lease. In 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower cut all diplomatic relationships with Cuba. Over 17 miles of fence were built, and both the US Marines and Cuba’s Frontier Brigade currently patrol opposite sides of the base’s fence line 24 hours a day.
Documentary 98min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089118
His Highness Hollywood Current NY Times Best Selling author Ian Halperin presents, His Highness Hollywood, a rollicking, irreverent and controversial look behind the scenes of Hollywood. Posing undercover as a gay actor who is a member of the so called „Israeli Royal Family“, Halperin infiltrates the world of headshots, auditions, fame and ruin. He infiltrates the Church of Scientology who promise him a cure for his alleged homosexuality. And in the process of exposing the secrets of the world’s most coveted trade, he meets up with numerous Alisters, including Brad Pitt, Jay Leno, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Paxton, Ron Jeremy and Sigourney Weaver, who are most eager to give him the inside track on what life is really like in Tinseltown.
Documentary, Film About Film 93min. Passion River 17.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089293
If I Die Tonight
H.P. Lovecraft was the forefather of modern horror fiction having inspired such writers as Stephen King, Robert Bloch and Neil Gaiman. The influence of his Cthulhu mythos can be seen in film (Re-animator, Hellboy, and Alien), games (The Call of Cthulhu role playing enterprise), music (Metallica, Iron Maiden) and pop culture in general. But what led an Old World, xenophobic gentleman to create one of literature’s most far-reaching mythologies? What attracts even the minds of the 21st century to these stories of unspeakable abominations and cosmic gods? Lovecraft: Fear Of The Unknown is a chronicle of the life, work and mind that created these weird tales as told by many of today’s luminaries of dark fantasy including John Carpenter (The Thing), Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth), Neil Gaiman (Coraline), Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator), Caitlin Kiernan (Daughter of Hounds) and Peter Straub (Ghost Story.
Biography, Documentary, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction 2008 90min. Cinevolve 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089075
Lovecraft: Fear Of The Unknown (Blu-ray) H.P. Lovecraft was the forefather of modern horror fiction having inspired such writers as Stephen King, Robert Bloch and Neil Gaiman. The influence of his Cthulhu mythos can be seen in film (Re-animator, Hellboy, and Alien), games (The Call of Cthulhu role playing enterprise), music (Metallica, Iron Maiden) and pop culture in general. But what led an Old World, xenophobic gentleman to create one of literature’s most far-reaching mythologies? What attracts even the minds of the 21st century to these stories of unspeakable abominations and cosmic gods? Lovecraft: Fear Of The Unknown is a chronicle of the life, work and mind that created these weird tales as told by many of today’s luminaries of dark fantasy including John Carpenter (The Thing), Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth), Neil Gaiman (Coraline), Stuart
Gordon (Re-Animator), Caitlin Kiernan (Daughter of Hounds) and Peter Straub (Ghost Story.
Biography, Documentary, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction 2008 90min. Cinevolve 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089090
Tracey Mallett: Rock Hard Abs & Buns Designed with the ultra-busy person in mind, this program is broken into short segments, allowing you to either do the entire workout or pick and choose shorter workouts to fill your needs. If you want to lose inches off your waist and tighten and define those buns, this DVD is for you! In just minutes a day, you can target your problem areas and firm up fast!
Fitness, Health 40min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089120
Man V. Food: Season One Adam Richman Get ready to stuff yourself as host Adam Richman indulges his longtime passion for food with a culinary quest across the nation. For Adam, food is not just about taste; it’s a competition. The bigger, the spicier, the faster to eat...the better! Whether he’s devouring the Sasquatch Burger in Memphis, Atomic Hot Wings in Pittsburgh or a 13-pound pizza in Atlanta, Adam digs in with zeal, becoming our epicurean guide to gastronomic adventure and performer of foodie feats.
2008 386min. Image Ent. 06.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089166
Modern Marvels: Racetrack Tech Technology, Auto Racing, Documentary, History Channel, Science 50min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089064
Motorvation 23 Over 2 hours of the greatest Street Machine, Hot Rod & custom car events in Australia. Plenty of action including SUPERCRUISE mayhem, SHOW & SHINE, BURNOUTS, Sounds Xplosive AUDIO COMP, DYNO, DRIVING EVENTS, Turtle Wax Ice elite PAVILION, BURNOUTS, crowd favorite MISS MOTORVATION, MOTORKHANA, PARKARAMA...
Car Modification, Documentary 2009 153min. Celebrity Video Distribution 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089041
My Make Up Educational min. Navarre 06.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089215
Nascar Presents: Greatest Finishes & Greatest Dominators Auto Racing, Documentary, NASCAR, Racing 184min. Mill Creek Entertainment 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089236
New People Artist: Yayoi Kusama - Volume 2 Biography, Documentary, Film About Film 102min. Viz Entertainment 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089327
Nice Bombs In Nice Bombs, filmmaker Usama Alshaibi returns to Baghdad to reunite with his family after nearly 24 years. This documentary navigates through his unique relationship to an Iraq that is much different than the country of his childhood. Usama captures the conflicting reactions to the conditions of life in Baghdad. Through a wide range of opinions and experiences he provides a broad panorama of voices long neglected under Saddam’s regime. With humor and resilience Nice Bombs explores Usama’s dual role as both Iraqi and
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Seite 53
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) American.
War, War In The Middle East, Documentary 2006 76min. Cinema Obscura 27.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089108
Northern Shaolin Sword: Sequences And Applications Dr. Yang, Jwing Ming presents three Northern Shaolin Sword sequences with martial applications. San Cai Jian requires extensive physical training, resulting in a strong, finely-tuned body and mind. San Cai Jian will improve your perception, timing, reaction, and sense of distance, allowing for the quickest and most appropriate response to any given situation. San Cai Jian is the only known Sword sequence that matches itself, and it can be practiced solo or with a partner. Improve your balance, strength, focus, and martial skills with the elegant and deadly Kun Wu Jian Sword sequence. Mastering this sequence will bring you deeper understanding of the Sword, a wide variety of applications and techniques, and greater power. The elegant art of Qi men Jian will bring you to the highest levels of understanding in Chinese swordsmanship, training your body to peak condition, and your mind and spirit to the highest state of sharpness. Each sequence is performed at slow and regular speeds, and includes Stances, Fundamentals, and Key Techniques. Also included are 15 Two-Person Matching Drills for each sequence,
Martial Arts, Educational 2009 FF S 90min. YMAA Publication Center 22.09.2009 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089125
Not Quite Hollywood Free-wheeling sex romps! Blood-soaked terror tales! Highoctane extravaganzas! Welcome to Not Quite Hollywood, the wild, wonderful story of „Ozploitation“ films. Join Quentin Tarantino, Jamie Lee Curtis, Dennis Hopper and many others as they take you on an irreverent journey through the ’70s and ’80s, an era when Australian cinema got its gear off and showed the world a full-frontal explosion of sex, violence, horror and foot-to-the floor action.
Australian, Documentary, Film About Film, Foreign 2008 93min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089088
One: The Movie
using emerging technologies to build the craziest, one-of-akind prototypes of tomorrow.
Discovery Channel, Technology 2008 543min. Image Ent. 06.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089167
Sacred Mt. Ali & The Forest Railway Taiwan, originally named „Formosa“ by the Portuguese in 1544 to mean „beautiful island,“ is the fourth tallest island in the world. Located in the center of Taiwan, Mt. Ali towers the highest of 2,663 meters (about 8,736 feet). Mt. Ali is world famous for its five rare sites including the Sunrise, the Ali Mountain Forest Steam Rail, the famous Mt. Ali Sacred Tree, the Grand Sea of Clouds, and the Flamboyant Cherry Blossom. The narrow-gauge forest steam rail was constructed during the early period of Japan’s 1895-1945 occupation of Taiwan. Its tracks have a gauge of only 762 millimeters, with an average gradient of 6.25%. By journey’s end, the train will have climbed to an elevation well above 2,000 meters, trundling through 55 tunnels and across 77 ridges that afford breathtaking views of deep ravines and distant peaks. It is one of the most famous alpine railways still operating in the world today.
Transportation, Documentary, Educational 50min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089182
Sacred Mt. Ali & The Forest Railway (Blu-ray) Taiwan, originally named „Formosa“ by the Portuguese in 1544 to mean „beautiful island,“ is the fourth tallest island in the world. Located in the center of Taiwan, Mt. Ali towers the highest of 2,663 meters (about 8,736 feet). Mt. Ali is world famous for its five rare sites including the Sunrise, the Ali Mountain Forest Steam Rail, the famous Mt. Ali Sacred Tree, the Grand Sea of Clouds, and the Flamboyant Cherry Blossom. The narrow-gauge forest steam rail was constructed during the early period of Japan’s 1895-1945 occupation of Taiwan. Its tracks have a gauge of only 762 millimeters, with an average gradient of 6.25%. By journey’s end, the train will have climbed to an elevation well above 2,000 meters, trundling through 55 tunnels and across 77 ridges that afford breathtaking views of deep ravines and distant peaks. It is one of the most famous alpine railways still operating in the world today.
Transportation, Documentary, Educational 50min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089199
Documentary 87min. Passion River 01.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089309
Paradox Of The Andes In the high Andes mountains of Ecuador, the intense power of the equatorial sun beats down through thin air onto a grassland world fringed by glaciers and cloud forest. Every day is like summer, and every night is like winter. Within a 24-hour cycle, plants and animals adapt to both blistering heat and freezing temperatures - but how?
Documentary 50min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089217
Leslie Sansone: Walk Away The Pounds For Your Week Burn more fat, and condition your muscles all week long with the #1 Indoor Walking Brand! Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away The Pounds For Your Week gives you five complete workouts to choose from - for each day of your week - all on one powerful, energizing DVD!
Technology, Discovery Channel, Documentary 2007 536min. Discovery Channel 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089277
Sword Fundamentals Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches the fundamental techniques, solo drills, and two-person matching practice for Sword training. Sword training raises the Spirit to a higher level of awareness and focus, and is considered the greatest achievement in Chinese martial arts. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches the history of the Sword (Gim) and explains the difference between Sword styles with examples from his private collection. Dr. Yang comprehensively demonstrates 27 fundamental techniques common to all Chinese martial arts styles. Next, over a dozen solo and partner practices are taught, including freestyle Sword matching training. Dr. Yang offers detailed instruction and corrections of every movement as students demonstrate, making it easy for the viewer to learn. This program, Taiji Sword DVD, and Northern Shaolin Sword Sequences DVD (YMAA) will provide a solid foundation in Sword technique.
Martial Arts, Educational 2009 FF S 220min. YMAA Publication Center 22.09.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089124
The Open Championship: The 2009 Official Film The 138th Open Championship had everything: a worthy winner whose play-off performance under pressure matched any in the history of golf’s oldest Major.... A phenomenal challenge for the title by a 59-year-old five-time Open champion.... An early exit by the game’s biggest name and the emergence of an exciting young talent who looks certain to have a long and successful relationship with The Open. Stewart Cink won his first Major Championship at Turnberry. A birdie at the 72nd hole set up a place in a dramatic four-hole play-off with Tom Watson which Cink finished in two-underpar, defeating the 59-year-old and becoming a worthy winner of the Claret Jug. But it was Watson’s story that ignited the imagination of golf fans around the world. The Official Film will take you through his glorious return to Turnberry, 32 years after defeating Jack Nicklaus in what became known as the ‘Duel in the Sun’. It will document the early demise of Tiger Woods who failed to make the weekend for the first time in his Open career and highlight the astounding performance of the 16-year-old Italian, Matteo Manassero. The Si
Sports, Tennis 113min. Kultur 17.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089218
Time Warp: Season 2 Documentary 2008 602min. Gaiam Americas 29.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089289
Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: Hard Justice
Fitness, Health 135min. Gaiam Americas 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089375
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Fighting 2008 min. Navarre 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089214
Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Amy Poehler
The True Story Of The Fighting Sullivans
Documentary 50min. Razor Digital Entertainment 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089229
Amy Poehler Comedy, NBC, Sketch Comedy DD 5.1 81min. Universal Studios 20.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089084
War, World War II, Documentary, History Channel, Military 50min. A&E 22.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089070
Perfect Martial Arts Workout By JB Berns
Some Assembly Required: Seasons 1 & 2
Fitness, Health, Martial Arts 50min. Bayview Entertainment 20.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089383
Lou Bloomfield, Brian Unger
Paradox Of The Andes (Blu-ray) In the high Andes mountains of Ecuador, the intense power of the equatorial sun beats down through thin air onto a grassland world fringed by glaciers and cloud forest. Every day is like summer, and every night is like winter. Within a 24-hour cycle, plants and animals adapt to both blistering heat and freezing temperatures - but how?
UFC 100: Lesnar Vs. Mir
Prototype This In a warehouse on an island in San Francisco Bay, a team of engineers and PhD’s are inventing the future one prototype at a time. From finding solutions to today’s problems, to conceiving cool machines that are just fun to have around, the Prototype This crew imagines and then invents the future by
Fascinated with how things are built? From bowling balls to BMWs, every object has a story and an incredible process behind it. You’ll be amazed at the engineering that goes into a golf ball, the danger involved with manufacturing aluminum foil and the strange origin of plate glass windows. In these 19 episodes from Seasons 1 and 2, we travel the world to explore the mysteries of how these and many other everyday and extraordinary items are conceived and manufactured. When it comes to the imagination and the drive to make new and astonishing products, there are no limits!
Brock Lesnar, Frank Mir Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts 2009 360min. Starz / Anchor Bay 20.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089149
UFC 100: Lesnar Vs. Mir (Blu-ray) Brock Lesnar, Frank Mir Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Sports, UFC 2009 min. Starz / Anchor Bay 20.10.2009
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Seite 54
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) meditation, which develops the Qi (energ
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089193
Ultimate Bellydance With Sadie Take your dance skills to the next level with internationally celebrated instructor and performer Sadie! Sadie clearly introduces and drills techniques one at a time, demonstrating the mechanics of layering movements on top of each other to add new dimension to your choreographies. Enrich your vocabulary of movements to create a more dynamic and impressive effect, and shine like the star you are!
Bellydance, Dancing 110min. Allegro Entertainment 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089170
Martial Arts, Educational 2008 FF S 150min. YMAA Publication Center 22.09.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089126
WWE: Batista - I Walk Alone Batista Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Fighting, WWE 2009 540min. WWE Home Video 20.10.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089283
WWE: Breaking Point 2009
Unleashed! Deadly Animal Attacks Collector’s Edition Discovery Channel, Documentary, Educational 258min. Gaiam Americas 15.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089376
Documentary 2008 473min. Genius Products 29.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089288
WWII: Remembered
Get ready to look and feel fabulous! YogaWorks: Body Slim is an active series of yoga postures that flow together to build long, lean muscles, improve your flexibility and make you drip with sweat. This powerful 2-in-1 practice will increase your energy while sculpting and strengthening your body. YogaWorks: Body Slim (50 Min.)- Increase your upper-body and lower-body strength, improve your focus and balance, and raise your energy level.
The World of Bellydance. Features a variety of dynamic and exciting bellydancers live on stage beautiful costuming, authentic music, and fresh choreographies come together in The World of Bellydance.
Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming established Yang’s Martial Arts Association in 1982, and it has grown to 55 schools in 18 countries. Dr. Yang has written more than 30 books and 80 instructional videos, has taught thousands of seminars worldwide, and was voted by Inside Kung Fu Magazine as „One of the ten people who have made the greatest impact on martial arts in the last 100 years.“ To celebrate these great accomplishments, YMAA Publication Center presents this tribute DVD, compiled from video footage and photographs of Dr. Yang, guests, and YMAA students from around the world. The program contains dozens of performances of solo and group Kung Fu and Taiji sequences, award winning demonstrations, and interviews with Dr. Yang and senior YMAA students. This comprehensive collection of rare archival footage includes Taijiquan, Baguahang, Xingyiquan, Liuhebafa, Shaolin Long Fist, White Crane, and many weapons demonstrations. Special footage is included featuring Grandmaster Li, Mao-Ching, Grandmaster Liang Shou-Yu, and Master Jou, Tsung-Hwa.
Bellydance, Dancing 54min. Allegro Entertainment 13.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089169
Martial Arts, Biography, Documentary 2008 FF S 350min. YMAA Publication Center 22.09.2009
Documentary, Space 2007 83min. Indican Pictures 15.09.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089076
The Wonder Of It All (Blu-ray) Documentary, Space 2007 84min. Indican Pictures 15.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089091
The World Of Bellydance
Welcome to the exciting world of yoga! With YogaWorks: Beginners three basic workouts it will be a cinch to get going with your new yoga practice. You’ll be guided through a series of fun and easy yoga postures that are simple enough for anyone to try. At a pace that’s right for you, you’ll build new strength and flexibility... in muscles you never knew you had! YogaWorks: Beginners (45 Min.) - A comprehensive introduction to the practice of yoga. It’s beginner basics for everybody! YogaWorks: AM Wake-Up (10 Min.)This energizing workout is the perfect way to start out your day by awakening your body and mind. YogaWorks: PM Relax & Restore (10 Min.) - Relax and restore after a long day with poses that will calm your mind and soothe your body.
Fitness, Health, Yoga 68min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089303
YMAA 25-Year Anniversary
The Wonder Of It All
YogaWorks: Beginners AM/PM
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Fighting, WWE 2009 180min. WWE Home Video 13.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089189
Documentary, Historical / Period Piece, War, World War II 600min. Mill Creek Entertainment 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089238
Whale Wars: Season 2
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089123
YogaWorks: Body Slim
Fitness, Health, Yoga 50min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089302
YogaWorks: Fit Abs It’s time to rejuvenate, slim down, and feel great! With YogaWorks: Fit Abs you will build a strong core in this fun, demanding practice that will tone your muscles and melt inches from your waist. YogaWorks: Fit Abs (10 Min): The Fit Abs yoga practice takes advantage of the science behind interval training with the added bonus of core conditioning. Traditional yoga poses in segments of high intensity movement are rotated with slow burn holds. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself losing weight from this practice! Core Yoga Flow (40 Min): As you move continuously in the Core Yoga Flow workout, you’ll feel your heart rate get going and your muscles burn. With this workout you will achieve strong, sculpted abs and a slim waistline.
Fitness, Health, Yoga 53min. Lionsgate 01.12.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089301
World’s Most Beautiful Mountains (Blu-ray) Enjoy the inspiring beauty of the world’s most majestic peaks, filmed in full high definition. View spectacular footage from remote locations including Patagonia, the Alps of Switzerland and Austria, the Himalayas, the Rockies, Yosemite Valley, and the peaks of New Zealand. Mountains of mythical proportions grace the windswept reaches of Patagonia. Rugged and ravaged by eons of wind, rain, and cold, these peaks capture the essence of beauty. As if dividing the world in two, the Colorado Rocky Mountains rise from farmlands to the East and desert to the West. This alluring mountain range calls to the remote dreamer in each of us. New Zealand shimmers in reverence to the mountain peaks adorning these islands. Verdant, lush landscapes flow down the lofty heights to the sparkling seas below.
Atmosphere DVDs 60min. Allegro Entertainment 13.10.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089230
Wudang Taijiquan Beautiful Wudang Mountain is the world’s largest Daoist center. Daoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy that teaches its practitioners to live a peaceful, refined life in harmony with nature. Centuries ago, Daoist philosophy, such as yin/yang theory, was adopted into the martial arts trained by the monks of the Wudang monasteries, and Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) was created. Taijiquan, or ‘Grand Ultimate Fist,’ combines the internal skills of yang sheng (life nourishing) with ancient fighting techniques. Practiced slowly, Taijiquan is a set of gentle, flowing movements which promotes exceptional health and well-being. Taijiquan emphasizes the development of a strong root, proper body alignment, efficient movement, and a calm and relaxed mind and body. The application of Taijiquan reveals it is an effective martial art specializing in using softness to overcome hardness, uprooting the opponent, redirecting incoming force, and striking vital points. This program discusses the history of Wudang Taijiquan and teaches the essential skill of Zhan-Zhuang, or standing
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Seite 55
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Animation 28.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058221
Animation 30.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057927
Fresh Precure Vol. 5 (2009)
07-Ghost Kapitel.5
Bakemonogatari Vol. 2: Mayoi Mai Mai (Blu-ray)
Animation 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057828
Animation 04.12.2009 105,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058349
Animation 28.10.2009 127,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058215
Crayon Shin-Chan: Selection 3rd Series 24 (DD) Animation 27.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057928
Animation 28.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058226
07-Ghost Kapitel.5
Baton Animation 27.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057925
Crayon Shin-Chan: Selection 8th Series 24 (DD)
Fullmetal Alchemist 3
Animation 04.12.2009 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058350
24hour Television Special Animation 19781981
Battle Spirits Shonen Toppa Shonen Toppa Bashin Vol. 10
Animation 27.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057929
Fullmetal Alchemist 3 (Blu-ray)
Cross Game Vol. 4
Animation 23.10.2009 179,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058318
Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058146
Animation 23.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058328
Animation 28.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058216
Battle Spirits Shonen Toppa Shonen Toppa Bashin Vol. 11
Densetsu No Yuusha Da Garn: Memorial Box
Fullmetal Alchemist 3 (Blu-ray)
Animation 27.10.2009 467,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057930
Animation 28.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058217
Detective Conan Part 18 Vol. 1
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 2
Animation 23.10.2009 70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058224
Animation 04.12.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058351
24hour Television Special Animation 1983,1984,1986,1989 Animation 23.10.2009 179,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058319
Aika Zero 2 (PCM) Animation 27.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057923
Aika Zero 2 (PCM) (Bluray) Animation 27.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057908
The Animatrix (2003) (Blu-ray) Animation 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057920
Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058147
Blackjack Ova DVD-Box Animation 23.10.2009 179,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058323
Blackjack The Movie (1996)
Doraemon Time Machine Box 1979
Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058324
Animation 18.11.2009 443,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058057
Casshern Sins Vol. 7 (2008) Animation 23.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058325
Aoi Hana Vol. 1
Casshern Sins Vol. 8 (2008)
Animation 23.10.2009 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057924
Animation 23.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058326
Arad Senki -Slap Up Party- Vol. 4
Cencoroll (2009)
Animation 23.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058320
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 2 Animation 04.12.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058352
Doraemon Unforgettable Episodes 30 Set
Gegege No Kitaro 80’s Vol. 18 1985 (1985)
Animation 18.11.2009 356,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058058
Animation 30.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057829
Gegege No Kitaro 90’s Vol. 17 1996 (1985)
Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058148
Animation 30.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057830
Animation 28.10.2009 85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058222
Dragon Ball Kai DVDBox 1 (Blu-ray)
Genki Genki Nontan Utaou! Christmas (2004)
Cencoroll (2009)
Animation 23.10.2009 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058144
Animation 04.11.2009 42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057861
Eden Of The East Vol. 4
Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057934
Animation 28.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058223
Animation 23.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058321
A Charlie Brown Christmas (Blu-ray)
Astro Boy (DD)
Animation 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058056
Asura Cryin Vol. 5 (2009)
Chi’s Sweet Home Atarashii Ouchi Home Made Movie 4 (2009)
Animation 06.11.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058219
Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058327
Bakemonogatari Vol. 2: Mayoi Mai Mai
Chrome Shelled Regios Vol. 8 (2009)
Animation 28.10.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058220
Animation 30.10.2009 118,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057926
Bakemonogatari Vol. 2: Mayoi Mai Mai
Chrome Shelled Regios Vol. 8 (2009)
Animation 28.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058227
Dragon Ball Kai 2 (2009)
Arad Senki -Slap Up Party- Vol. 5
Animation 23.10.2009 221,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058322
Fullmetal Alchemist 3
Animation 28.10.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057931
Ghost In The Shell
Eden Of The East Vol. 4 (Blu-ray)
Ghost In The Shell S.A.C. 2nd Gig Individual Eleven
Animation 28.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057909
Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057933
Eiga De To-Jo!Tamagocchi Dokidoki! Uchu- No Maicocchi!?
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society
Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057932
Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057935
Erin The Beast Player Vol. 4
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex The Laghing Man
Animation 04.11.2009 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058225
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057936
Seite 56
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Gintama Season 4 Vol. 1 Animation 28.10.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058228
Gintama Season 4 Vol. 1 Animation 28.10.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058229
Gokujo!! Mecha Mote Iincho Lesson 3
Hetalia Axis Powers Vol. 5 (2009) Animation 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057939
Hidamari Sketch X 365 Tokubetsu-Hen Animation 28.10.2009 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058232
Animation 06.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058329
Hidamari Sketch X 365 Tokubetsu-Hen
Guin Saga 4
Animation 28.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058233
Animation 28.10.2009 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058230
Guin Saga 4 Animation 28.10.2009 87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058231
Gundam Ms Movie Files: Uchu Seiki Hen Vol. 1 Animation 27.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057937
Gunslinger Girl Blu-Ray Box (Blu-ray) Animation 23.10.2009 434,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057910
Gunslinger Girl-Il Teatrino- Blu-Ray Box (Blu-ray) Animation 23.10.2009 512,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057911
Hajime No Ippo: New Challenger Vol. 7 Animation 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057862
Hatsukoi Limited Vol. 4 Animation 23.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058330
Hatsukoi Limited Vol. 4 (Blu-ray) Animation 23.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058312
Hayate The Combat Butler 2nd Season 03 Animation 23.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058331
Hayate The Combat Butler 2nd Season 03 (Bluray) Animation 23.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058313
Hetalia Axis Powers Vol. 5 (2009) Animation 23.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057938
Hungarian Folk Tales (2002) Animation 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057863
Hungary Animation DVD Box (2004) Animation 21.10.2009 133,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057864
I Want A Dog For Christmas, Charlie Brown
Karas: Full Episode Edition (Blu-ray) Animation 28.10.2009 150,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058252
Animation 30.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057832
Animation 18.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058353
Keroro Gunsou 5th Season Vol. 11 (DD)
Maya The Bee Complete DVD-Box
Animation 27.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057942
Animation 25.11.2009 441,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058207
Kido Keisatsu Patlabor 2 The Movie Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057943
Kido Keisatsu Patlabor The Movie Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057944
Kirarin Revolution 3rd Tour Stage13
Inazuma Eleven 10 (2009 / DD)
K-On! 4
Animation 21.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057865
Isekai No Seikishi Monogatari 6 (Blu-ray) Animation 21.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057857
Jewelpet Vol. 4 (2009) Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057941
Ka Na Me Mo 2 Animation 06.11.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058234
Ka Na Me Mo 2 Animation 06.11.2009 105,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058235
Kaitei Chotokkyu Marine Express (1979)
Animation 27.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057913
Major: 5th Season Kessen! Nihon Daihyouhen 8th.Inning
Animation 06.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058334
Isekai No Seikishi Monogatari 6
Mai-Otohime Zwei Complete (Blu-ray)
Kate-Kyo Hitman Reborn! Mirai-Hen X ‘xBurn.7’
Animation 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057940
Animation 23.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058332
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057833
Animation 21.10.2009 85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057831
K-On! 4 (Blu-ray) Animation 21.10.2009 121,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057826
Metal Fight Beyblade Vol. 5 (2009) Animation 11.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058059
Michiko & Hatchin Vol. 10 (2009) Animation 23.10.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057948
Michiko & Hatchin Vol. 10 (2009) (Blu-ray) Animation 23.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057914
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Special Edition I Celestial Being Animation 27.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057949
Konnichiwa Anne Before Green Gables 3
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Special Edition I Celestial Being (Blu-ray)
Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057945
Animation 27.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057915
Kurokami The Animation Vol. 6
Monsters, Inc.
Animation 27.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057946
Kurokami The Animation Vol. 6 (Blu-ray) Animation 27.10.2009 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057912
Kyojin No Hoshi Complete Box Animation 21.10.2009 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057947
Animation 04.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057979
Naruto Shippuden: Sanbi Shutsugen No Sho Vol. 6 (2009) Animation 04.11.2009 72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058237
Nazo Nazo Keroron: Boku Wa Muteki No Senkan!? (2006) Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057950
Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058333
Lupin The Third SecondTV. Bd-Box V (Blu-ray)
Nazo Nazo Keroron: Santa Claus Dayo!? (2006)
Karas: Full Episode Edition
Animation 21.10.2009 281,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057858
Animation 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057951
Animation 28.10.2009 191,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058236
Mainichi Kaasan 2 Animation 21.10.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Needless Fragment.1 Animation 27.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058354
Seite 57
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Needless Fragment.1 (Blu-ray)
Princess Lover! Vol. 1 Animation 23.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057956
Animation 27.11.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058348
Princess Lover! Vol. 1 Coll.Ed.
Negi Bouzu No Asatarou Vol. 10 (2009)
Animation 23.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057955
Animation 21.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058238
One Piece (Blu-ray)
Princess Lover! Vol. 2 Celebrity Edition (2009)
Animation 21.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058253
Animation 25.11.2009 150,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057957
One Piece 10th Season Thriller Bark Piece.3
Queen’s Blade Ruro No Senshi Vol. 5 (2008)
Animation 02.12.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058355
Animation 23.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057958
One Piece: Chinjyuto No Chopper Oukoku (Bluray)
Queen’s Blade Ruro No Senshi Vol. 5 (2008) (Bluray)
Animation 21.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058254
Animation 23.10.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057916
One Piece: Nejimaki Tou No Bouken (Blu-ray) Animation 21.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058255
Pandorahearts DVD Retrace: IV (2009) Animation 23.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057952
Peanuts: 1970’s Collection Vol. 1
Animation 04.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057838
Shugo Chara! Doki 5
Penelope Tete En L’air: Takusan Oboeta Yo
Animation 04.11.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057836
Animation 28.10.2009 48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058150
Sengoku Basara Vol. 5 Animation 04.11.2009 93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057837
Shakugan No Shana S Vol. I (2009) Animation 23.10.2009 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058335
Animation 04.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057978
Snow White Premium Edition Animation 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057980
Animation 27.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057962
Sora Kake Girl Volume 7 (Blu-ray) Animation 27.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057917
Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuuutsu 5.285714 Vol. 3 Animation 30.10.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057967
Tales Of The Abyss 9 Animation 27.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057968
Tales Of The Abyss 9 (Blu-ray) Animation 27.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057918
Tayutama -Kiss On My Deity- Vol. 5 (2009) Animation 23.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057969
Sora No Manimani Vol. 3 Animation 21.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058060
Animation 23.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057919
Sora No Manimani Vol. 3
Tears To Tiara Vol. 5
Animation 21.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058061
Animation 21.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057840
Soreike! Anpanman: Franken Robo Kun No Bikkuri Christmas
Tears To Tiara Vol. 5 (Blu-ray)
Animation 06.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057867
Soten Koro Vol. 3
Plarail Waiwai DVD 3
Animation 23.10.2009 105,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058314
Soten Koro Vol. 3 (Bluray)
Animation 04.11.2009 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057834
Shangri-La Vol. 4 (PCM)
Plarail Waiwai DVD 3
Animation 30.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057959
Spongebob Squarepants: Friend Or Foe?
Shangri-La Vol. 4 (PCM)
Animation 23.10.2009
Animation 23.10.2009 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057965
Tayutama -Kiss On My Deity- Vol. 5 (Blu-ray)
Animation 21.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057868
Animation 04.11.2009 42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057835
Spongebob Squarepants: To Love A Patty
Animation 30.10.2009 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057966
Shakugan No Shana S Vol. I (2009) (Blu-ray)
Animation 23.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057954
Animation 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057964
Snow White Diamond Collection (Blu-ray)
Sora Kake Girl Volume 7
Saki 5
Spongebob Squarepants: Odekake Pack -Time Machine De Dokomad
Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuuutsu 5.285714 Vol. 3
Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas Vol. 3 (2009) Animation 21.10.2009 100,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057866
52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057963
Animation 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057839
Animation 04.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057981
Animation 21.10.2009 115,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057859
Phantom -Requiem For The Phantom- Mission 4
Shinkyoku Sokai Polyphonica Crimson S 5 (2009)
Animation 28.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058256
Penelope Tete En L’air: Omoshiroikoto Daisuki
Animation 28.10.2009 48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058151
Animation 27.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057961
Ristorante Paradiso Vol. 4 (2009)
Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas Vol. 3 (2009) (Blu-ray)
Penelope Tete En L’air: Tomodachi Ga Ippai
Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen Vol. 3
Snow White Special Edition
Animation 03.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057953
Animation 28.10.2009 48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058149
Animation 30.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057960
Animation 21.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057860
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 21.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057827
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Vol. 1 Animation 28.10.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057970
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Animation 28.10.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057921
Tom And Jerry Tales: Kyouryu-Hen (2007) Animation 03.11.2009
Seite 58
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057971
Tom And Jerry Tales: Obake Yashiki-Hen (2007) Animation 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057972
Tom And Jerry Tales: Oshigoto-Hen (2007) Animation 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057973
Tom And Jerry Tales: Training-Hen (2007)
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Film 03.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058009
Animation 04.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058063
17 Again (2009) (Blu-ray)
Angels & Demons Special Edition (Blu-ray)
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057982
Film 28.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057985
The 18 Bronzemen (1975)
Angels & Demons/The Davinci Code
Film 06.11.2009 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058246
Film 28.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058012
28 Days
Angels & Demons/The Davinci Code (Blu-ray)
Versailles No Bara Memorial Box Animation 27.10.2009 281,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057976
Viper’s Creed Vol. 4 Animation 04.11.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058064
Wx III Patlabor
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058077
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058011
Film 28.10.2009 115,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057986
Animation 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057974
Animation 27.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057977
Tom And Jerry Tales: Uchu Race-Hen (2007)
Xam’d: Lost Memories Vol. 4 (2009)
Animation 03.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057975
Animation 28.10.2009 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058239
Tsukuyomi -Moon PhaseNeko Mimi DVD-Box
Xam’d: Lost Memories Vol. 4 (2009) (Blu-ray)
Animation 16.12.2009 371,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058062
Animation 28.10.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058218
Tytania Vol. 10 (2008)
Yatta-Man 16 (2008)
Animation 23.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058152
Animation 28.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058258
About Last Night... (1986) (Blu-ray)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058084
Tytania Vol. 10 (2008) (Blu-ray)
Yokuwakaru Gendai Maho Vol. 1
Film 04.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057984
Batman & Robin (1997) (Blu-ray)
Animation 23.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058145
Animation 23.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058338
Adventure Inc. (2006)
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058065
Uchino 3 Shimai 17
Yokuwakaru Gendai Maho Vol. 1 (Blu-ray)
Animation 27.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058356
Umi Monogatari -Anata Ga Itekureta Koto- Vol. 1 Animation 28.10.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058257
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Collector’s Ed. Note.01 Animation 23.10.2009 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058336
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Collector’s Ed. Note.01 (Blu-ray) Animation 23.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058315
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Note.01 Animation 23.10.2009 87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058337
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Note.01 (Blu-ray) Animation 23.10.2009 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058316
Animation 23.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058317
Yu-Yu Hakusho Blu-Ray Box I (Blu-ray) Animation 27.10.2009 621,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057922
Zan Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei Dai 1 Shu Animation 21.10.2009 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058240
Zan Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei Dai 2 Shu Tokusou Ban Animation 21.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058241
300 The Complete Experience (2007) (Bluray)
Film 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058160
50 First Dates Collector’s Edition
Apollo 13 (1995 / DD 5.1)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058078
84 Charing Cross Road Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058079
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058010
Against All Odds (DD) Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058157
All The King’s Men Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058081
13 Going On 30
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058260
Bad Biology (2008) Film 06.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058242
Batman (1989) (Blu-ray) Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058068
Batman Forever (1995) (Blu-ray) Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058066
All The Pretty Horses
Batman Returns (1992) (Blu-ray)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058082
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058067
Almost Famous Deluxe Double Features
Beethoven (1992)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058158
Alpha Dog Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058083
The Amazons Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058192
Anna Karenina (1997)
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057983
Amazons And Superman Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058159
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058265
Beethoven’s 2nd (1993) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058261
Beethoven’s 3rd (2000) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058262
Beethoven’s 4th (2001) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058263
Beethoven’s 5th (2003)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058155
Angels & Demons Collector’s Edition
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058264
17 Again (2009)
Film 28.10.2009
Bewitched Collector’s
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 59
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Edition
CJ7 Collector’s Edition
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058161
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058087
Blackout (2007)
The Clique (2008)
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058013
Film 03.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058044
Die Blechtrommel
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Deluxe Collector’s Edition
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058168
Dave Chappelle’s Block Party
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058164
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058361
Blue Thunder (1983) (Blu-ray)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058165
Film 04.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057987
Color Of Pomegranates/ Paradzhanov’s Code Pr.Ed. (3 (1971)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Film 21.10.2009 150,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057878
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058290
Bride Wars (2009) Film 06.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058014
Bride Wars (2009) (Bluray) Film 06.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057988
Bustin’ Down The Door (2008 / DD 5.1) Film 06.11.2009 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058243
Cats (1998) Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058266
Chandni Chowk To China (2009) Film 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058015
Charlie’s Angels Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058085
Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058086
Cherries (2007 / DD 5.1)
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058167
The Deer Hunter (1978) Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058291
The Descent Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058371
Confessions Of A Shopaholic (2009 / DD 5.1) Film 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057879
Confessions Of A Shopaholic (2009 / DD 5.1) (Blu-ray) Film 21.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057877
Crossroads Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058166
Cruel Intentions 3 Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058088
Cruel Intentions Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058089
The Da Vinci Code Deluxe Collector’s Edition Film 28.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058118
Date With An Angel (1987) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058268
The Dead Pool (1988) (Blu-ray)
The Far Country (1954)
A Few Good Men Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058080
The Fifth Commandment (2008) Film 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058119
Fired Up (2009)
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Film 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058092
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058362
The Forgotten
Dirty Harry (1971) (Bluray)
Disturbia (2007 / DD 5.1)
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058069
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058293
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058360
Christine (1958)
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058163
Deadly Water Kranken: Tentacles Of The Deep (2006)
Confession Of Pain
Dances With Wolves (1990) (Blu-ray)
City Of Ember (2008 / DD 5.1)
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058341
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057989
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058162
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058267
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058072
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058016
Le Doulos (1963) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058275
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058120
Freedomland Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058093
Gabrielle (2005) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058271
Ghost Ship (2002) (Bluray)
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057991
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058090
Ghostbusters 2
E.T. (1982) Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058269
Easy Rider Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058169
Easy Rider (1969) (Bluray) Film 04.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057990
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058170
Ghostbusters Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058171
Girl, Interrupted Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058094
Gladiator (2000 / DD 5.1)
The Emerald Forest (1985)
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058272
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058292
The Glass House
Endless Night (1971) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058270
The Enforcer (1976) (Bluray) Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058007
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058122
The Glass House 2: The Good Mother Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058121
Good Luck Chuck Collector’s Edition
Erin Brockovich Collector’s Edition
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058095
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058091
The Grinch (2000)
L’Etoile Du Soldat (2006) Film 23.10.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058294
Groundhog Day
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September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058172
The Grudge 2
Initial D The Movie Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058364
Film 06.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058023
The Luckey Ones (2008)
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058372
Initial D The Movie (Bluray)
Film 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058124
Hanging Up Collector’s Edition
Film 02.12.2009 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058357
Made Of Honor
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058096
It Could Happen To You
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058104
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058296
My Best Friend’s Wedding Collector’s Edition (DD) Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058179
My Girl Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058181
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058173
Magnum Force (1973) (Blu-ray)
The Jane Austen Book Club Collector’s Edition
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057992
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058180
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058123
Maid In Manhattan
The Nanny Diaries (2007)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058177
Film 06.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058045
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058274
The Matrix (1999) (Bluray)
National Treasure
Film 03.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058018
Jerry Maguire Deluxe Collector’s Edition
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058075
House Of D (2005)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058174
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) (Blu-ray)
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058073
High School Musical 3: Senior Year Film 04.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058017
Hitch Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058097
Homecoming (2009)
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058019
Jaws (1975)
How To Steal A Million / Magic Of Audrey
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058175
Film 06.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058020
The Karate Kid Collector’s Edition
Hunting Party
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058195
The Matrix Revolutions (2003) (Blu-ray) Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058074
My Girl 2
Film 04.11.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057880
National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets Film 04.11.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058024
Natural Born Killers (1994) Film 03.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058025
Memory (2006)
Natural Born Killers (1994) (Blu-ray)
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058178
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058070
Messengers 2: The Scarecrow (2009)
New Best Friend
The Karate Kid Part III
I Am The Other Woman (2006)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058197
Film 06.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058342
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058273
A Knight’s Tale Collector’s Edition
Midway (1976)
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058156
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058098
La Bamba
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058363
Hush (2008) Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058021
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
The Karate Kid Part II Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058196
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058176
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058277
The Missing Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058125
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058106
Next Standard Edition Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058182
No Mercy Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058107
Nobody’s Fool (1994)
Last Days
Moderato Cantabile (1960)
Film 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058183
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058099
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058365
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058278
Nocturne Indien (1988)
The Last Ride (2004)
Mona Lisa Smile
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058279
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058101
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058295
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058105
Only You
I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
Legally Blondes (2009)
The Mothman Prophecies
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058100
Film 06.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058022
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058126
In Cold Blood
Lords Of Dogtown Collector’s Edition
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058102
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058103
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058297
In Tranzit (2006)
Love In The Afternoon / Audrey Hepburn Remembered
The Mummy Returns (2001)
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058340
The Mummy (1999)
Film 23.10.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058184
Paradise Alley (1978) Film 06.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058244
Passion (1982) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058280
Perfect Stranger Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058108
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Le Petit Soldat (1960) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058276
Pierrot Le Fou (1965) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058281
Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End
51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058358
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058259
Red Cliff Part II
Shooting Dogs
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058367
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058368
Red Cliff Part II (Blu-ray)
Silverado (1985) (Bluray)
Film 02.12.2009 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058359
The Remains Of The Day Collector’s Edition
Star Trek Special Collector’s Edition (2009)
Single White Female
Film 06.11.2009 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058036
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058129
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058113
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Rent Deluxe Collecter’s Edition
Single White Female 2: The Psycho
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058186
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058112
Resident Evil: Apocalypse Deluxe Collector’s Edition
Sleepless In Seattle Collector’s Edition
Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl Film 04.11.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057883
The Prince Of Tides Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058127
The Producers Collector’s Edition
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058110
Resident Evil: Extinction Deluxe Collector’s Edition
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058114
Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058033
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058111
Slumdog Millionaire (2008) (Blu-ray)
Rosenstrasse (2003)
Film 23.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057995
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058198
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058283
Protege (2007 / DD 5.1)
Sagan (2008)
Smokey And The Bandit (1977)
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058185
Film 06.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058027
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058289
Quadrophenia (1979)
St. Elmo’s Fire
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058282
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058188
Smokey And The Bandit II (1980)
The Queen
St.Elmo’s Fire (1985) (Blu-ray)
Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058373
Rachel Getting Married (Blu-ray)
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058288
The Soloist (2008)
Film 04.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058071
Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058298
Saw (2004)
Space Rage (1986)
Film 04.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057993
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058032
Film 06.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058245
Rachel Getting Married Collector’s Edition
Secretary Special Edition
The Spirit (2008)
Film 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058026
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058187
Random Hearts Collector’s Edition
Serenity (2005)
The Spirit (2008) (Bluray)
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058285
Film 21.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058008
Shalako (1968)
Star Trek Enterprise Box (2009)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058109
The Razor’s Edge Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058128
Red Cliff Part I Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058366
Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058286
Shinjuku Incident (2009) Film 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058287
Red Cliff Part I (Blu-ray)
Shinjuku Incident (2009) (Blu-ray)
Film 02.12.2009
Film 23.10.2009
Film 06.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057996
Film 04.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057994
Film 04.11.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057881
Film 04.11.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057882
Star Trek IX: Insurrection Special Collector’s Edition (Bluray)
Film 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058046
Film 06.11.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058034
Star Trek IX: Insurrection Special Collector’s Edition Film 06.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058035
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Star Trek Special Collector’s Edition (2009) (Blu-ray) Film 06.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057997
Star Trek The Movie I-X Blu-Ray Box (DD 5.1) (Blu-ray) Film 06.11.2009 651,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057998
Star Trek The Movie I-X DVD-Box (DD 5.1) Film 06.11.2009 389,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058037
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Special Collector’s Edition Film 06.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058038
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Special Collector’s Edition (Bluray) Film 06.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057999
Star Trek VII: Generations Special Collector’s Edition Film 06.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058039
Star Trek VII: Generations Special Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Film 06.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058000
Star Trek VIII: First Contact Special Collector’s Edition Film 06.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058040
Star Trek VIII: First Contact Special Collector’s Edition (Bluray) Film 06.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058001
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Star Trek X: Nemesis Special Collector’s Edition Film 06.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058041
Star Trek X: Nemesis Special Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Film 06.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058002
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Special Collector’s Edition Film 06.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058042
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Special Collector’s Edition (Bluray) Film 06.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058003
Star Trek: The Next Generation The Movie BluRay Box (Blu-ray) Film 06.11.2009 263,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058004
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058116
The Sweetest Thing Collector’s Edition Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058199
Swept Away Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058117
Swimming With Sharks (1995) Film 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058190
The Wicker Man Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058130
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971) (Blu-ray)
Fictionjunction Yuuka: Fictionjunction Yuuka Yuki Kajiura Live Vol. #4 Part 1-
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058076
Music 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058136
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058191
Louis Armstrong: Masters Of American Music; Satchmo Louis Armstrong (2000)
Trick ‘r Treat (2008)
Music 28.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057887
Taxi Driver Collecters Edition
Film 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058047
True Blue Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058131
Truth Or Consequences, N.M. Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058132
Ballet: Tales Of Beatrix Potter (2006) Music 21.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057871
Boyz II Men: Motown: A Journey Through Hitsville USA Live
Film 06.11.2009 161,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058043
Buzzcocks: Buzzcocks Live At Shepherd’s Bush Empire 2003 (2003)
Ultraviolet Deluxe Collector’s Edition
Music 28.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057873
Underworld: Evolution Collector’s Edition
Rory Gallagher: The Definitive Montreux Collection (2006) Music 28.10.2009 60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057898
Go Ride The Music & West Pole Music 21.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058143
Jethro Tull: Jack In The Green Music 21.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058137
Music 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058301
Film 23.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058201
Film 04.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058005
Music 04.11.2009 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058376
Janis Joplin: Janis (1974)
Two Bits (1995)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058133
John Fogerty: Comin’ Down The Road
Music 04.11.2009 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058375
Star Trek: The Next Generation The Movie DVD-Box
Starman (1984) (Blu-ray)
Music 21.10.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058154
Sergiu Celibidache: Beethoven: Symphony No.7
Kenny G: An Evening Of Rhythm & Romance (2009) Music 28.10.2009 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057886
Music 28.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058302
Kenny G: An Evening Of Rhythm & Romance (Blu-ray)
Eric Clapton: Live At Montreux 1986 (2006)
Music 28.10.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058138
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058134
Music 28.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057876
Vertigo (1958) Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058300
Chick Corea Elektric Band: Live At Montreux 2004 (2005)
Alexis Korner, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman: Alexis Korner & Friends (2002)
Strike! All I Wanna Do
The Way We Were Collector’s Edition
Music 28.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057875
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058189
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058200
Sudden Impact (1983 / DD) (Blu-ray)
When A Stranger Calls
Miles Davis: Miles Electric: A Different Kind Of Blue (2004)
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058135
Music 28.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057889
White Nights
John Denver: Rocky Mountain High-Live In Japan 1981 (2009)
Step-Up Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058369
Still Crazy Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058115
Stoned Film 02.12.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058370
Film 03.11.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058006
The Sugarland Express (1974) Film 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058299
Suspect Zero Film 04.11.2009
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058202
Film 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058203
Wicked Little Things (2006)
Music 28.10.2009 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057885
Film 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058204
Europe: Almost Unplugged
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Music 28.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057856
Mahavishnu Orchestra: Live At Montreux 1984/ 1974 (2007) Music 28.10.2009 60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057888
May’N, Megumi Nakajima, Yoko Kanno, Etc.: Macross F Galaxy Tour Final In Budokan Music 30.10.2009 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058374
Gary Moore: The Defini-
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Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) tive Montreux Collection (2007)
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058339
Charlie Parker: Masters Of American Music; Charlie Parker (1990)
Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line
Music 28.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057874
Special Interest 21.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057870
TV Program 21.11.2009 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058208
Madeleine Peyroux: Somethin’ Grand Live In Los Angels
Virtual Trip Biei/Furano -Snow Fantasty- (Bluray)
Desperate Housewives: Season 4 DVD Complete Box
Music 04.11.2009 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058377
Special Interest 04.11.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057842
Bonnie Raitt: Live At Montreux 1977 (2005)
Virtual Trip China Guilin Long Version
TV Program 21.10.2009 236,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057904
Music 28.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057872
Special Interest 04.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057844
Stravinsky: The Rake’s Progress (2007)
Virtual Trip Kusatsu Grand Canyon U.S.A.
Music 18.11.2009 191,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058378
Music 21.10.2009 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057901
Special Interest 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057845
Ozzy Osbourne: Speak Of The Devil -1982 Live Concert
Talmage Farlow: Talmage Farlow (2006)
Music 28.10.2009 60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057884
Motley Crue: Motley Crue/Carnival Of Sins (2005) Music 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058343
Mozart: Le Nozze Di Figaro (2006) Music 21.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057900
Neoromance Festa And Live Haruka Matsuri DVD-Box
Music 28.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058205
Ozzy Osbourne: Speak Of The Devil -1982 Live Concert Music 28.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058206
Paris National Opera Ballet: Appartement Music 21.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057891
Paris National Opera Ballet: Carmen Music 21.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057892
Paris National Opera Ballet: Clavigo Music 21.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057893
Paris National Opera Ballet: Ivan The Terrible Music 21.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057894
Paris National Opera Ballet: Jewels Music 21.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057895
Paris National Opera Ballet: Notre Dame De Paris Music 21.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057896
Paris National Opera Ballet: Sylvia Music 21.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057897
Music 28.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057899
Naoko Terai & Richard Galliano: Live At Tokyo Jazz 2008 (2008)
Virtual Trip Kusatsu Los Angels U.S.A. Special Interest 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057846
Virtual Trip Monument Valley U.S.A. Special Interest 04.11.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057847
Music 21.10.2009 60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057890
Weather Report: Live At Montreux 1976 (2007) Music 28.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057907
Special Interest The Four Season Of Kyoto The Beautiful Ancient Capital (Blu-ray)
TV Program Band Of Brothers (Bluray) TV Program 23.10.2009 307,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057902
Bob The Builder: Outstanding Lofty TV Program 21.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057848
Bob The Builder: Outstanding Scoop
Special Interest 21.10.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057841
TV Program 21.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057849
Kyoto Machi Aruki Rakuhoku-
Brothers And Sisters Season 2 Complete Box
Special Interest 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057843
TV Program 04.11.2009 236,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057903
Oito Line 2 Special Interest 21.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057869
Sengoku Dai 8 Jin
Burn Notice TV Program 13.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058049
Daiku Maryu Gaiking Vol. 1
Fear Factor Box-Ii TV Program 04.11.2009 161,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057851
Gosei Sentai Dairanger Vol. 1 TV Program 21.11.2009 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058209
Gossip Girl Season 1 (2007) TV Program 21.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058051
Gossip Girl Season 1 Complete Box 1 (2007) TV Program 03.11.2009 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058050
Heroes Season 3 DVDBox Vol. 2 (2008 / DD 5.1) TV Program 13.11.2009 150,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058311
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 1 (1955) TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058303
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 2 (1957) TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058304
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 3 (1958) TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058305
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 4 (1959) TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058306
Chuggington Vol. 1
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 5 (1955)
TV Program 04.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057850
TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058307
Special Interest 23.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058153
Daikaiju Eiga G DVD Version (2009)
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 6 (1958)
Tokyo Building (2009)
TV Program 23.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058345
TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058308
Special Interest 23.10.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058344
Sicko Standard Edition
Special Interest 23.10.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 64
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258)
September 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2) Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 7 (1956) TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058309
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Vol. 8 (1958) TV Program 06.11.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058310
Lois & Clark 4th: Set 1 TV Program 03.11.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058139
Lois & Clark 4th: Set 2 TV Program 03.11.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058140
Masked Rider Decade Vol. 5 (2009)
Sesame Street: Elmo Saves Christmas (1996) TV Program 04.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057906
Sex And The City: Essential Collection Box Second Edition TV Program 23.10.2009 497,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058052
Smallville 4th: Set 1 TV Program 03.11.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058141
Smallville 4th: Set 2 TV Program 03.11.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058142
Tanoshiku Utaou TV Program 21.10.2009 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057855
Toei Tokusatsu Hero The Movie Vol. 4 TV Program 21.11.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058249
Toei Tokusatsu Hero The Movie Vol. 5 TV Program 21.11.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058250
Toei Tokusatsu Hero The Movie Vol. 5 TV Program 21.11.2009 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058251
Tokusou Robo Janperson Vol. 1
TV Program 21.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058247
Star Trek: The Original Series Season 2 (Bluray)
Masked Rider Live & Show -Jyu Nen Sai(2009)
TV Program 06.11.2009 455,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058048
TV Program 21.11.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058210
Supernatural The Complete Fourth Season
TV Program 30.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058213
TV Program 21.10.2009 291,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058053
Tomica Hero Rescue Fire Vol. 5&6 (2009)
Tetsuwan Atom (1959)
TV Program 30.10.2009 55,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058212
TV Program 23.10.2009 515,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058347
Tomica Hero Rescue Fire Vol. 6 (2009)
NHK-DVD Tanken Bokuno Machi (2009) TV Program 21.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057905
Paddington Bear: Winer Stories (DD) TV Program 04.11.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057852
Primeval Season 2 DVDBox (2008 / DD)
Thomas The Tank Engine: Christmas Party TV Program 30.10.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057853
TV Program 21.11.2009 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058211
Ladenverkauf: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Telefonische Bestellannahme: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (BadenWürttemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen.
Tomica Hero Rescue Fire Vol. 5 (2009)
TV Program 30.10.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058214
Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle: Never Ending Odyssey 4
TV Program 23.10.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058346
Thomas The Tank Engine: Songs & Story Isshoni Utaou
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Vol. 5 (2009)
TV Program 21.10.2009 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50057854
Veronica Mars: 2nd Season Set 2
TV Program 21.11.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058248
Thomas The Tank Engine: Songs & Story
TV Program 03.11.2009 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058055
TV Program 27.10.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058054
Unseren exklusiven Rückblick auf das Fantasy Filmfest 2009 gibt es in Newsletter Nr. 259!
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Newsletter 16/09 (Nr. 258) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assisstenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Jochen Rudschies © (2009) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler
Seite 65