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Opentext Enterprise Connect




OpenText Enterprise Connect User Getting Started Guide This guide describes how to get started working with Enterprise Connect. NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 OpenText Enterprise Connect User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Rev.: 2014-Oct-15 This documentation has been created for software version 10.5.2. It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is published at Open Text SA 40 Avenue Monterey , Luxembourg, Luxembourg L-2163 Tel: 35 2 264566 1 Open Text Corporation 275 Frank Tompa Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 0A1 Tel: +1-519-888-7111 Toll Free Canada/USA: 1-800-499-6544 International: +800-4996-5440 Fax: +1-519-888-0677 Support: For more information, visit Copyright © 2014 Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. All Rights Reserved. Open Text is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. Disclaimer No Warranties and Limitation of Liability Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the features and techniques presented in this publication. However, Open Text Corporation and its affiliates accept no responsibility and offer no warranty whether expressed or implied, for the accuracy of this publication. Table of Contents 1 Introducing Enterprise Connect ............................................... 7 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.3 Accessing Enterprise Connect ........................................................... 7 Examples of Using Enterprise Connect ............................................... 8 Searching for and Opening a Document in Windows Explorer .............. 8 Adding an Email to Enterprise Connect ............................................... 9 Editing a Document in Office ............................................................ 11 Saving a New Office Document to Enterprise Connect ...................... 12 Accessing Help ............................................................................... 13 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer .......................................... 15 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 Understanding the Display ............................................................... Enterprise Connect Menu or Tab ...................................................... Toolbars ......................................................................................... Tree Structure ................................................................................. List Pane ........................................................................................ Reading Pane ................................................................................. Copying and Moving Items .............................................................. Conditions on Copying or Moving Items ............................................ To Copy an Item by Dragging .......................................................... To Move an Item by Dragging .......................................................... To Copy or Move Items Inside a Repository ...................................... To Copy or Move an Item as a New Version in Explorer .................... Downloading Items to the Desktop ................................................... To Download Items to the Desktop ................................................... Copying and Moving Items in Outlook ............................................... To Use the Copy/Move Command .................................................... To Copy an Email to Enterprise Connect .......................................... To Copy an Email’s Attachments to Enterprise Connect .................... To Copy Selected Attachments to Enterprise Connect ....................... To Send a Copy of an Email to the Outlook Inbox ............................. Viewing Items ................................................................................. Previewing Documents and Images .................................................. Showing or Hiding the Reading Pane ............................................... To Show or Hide the Reading Pane .................................................. Specifying Columns in the List Pane ................................................. To Specify Columns in Explorer ....................................................... To Specify Columns in Outlook ........................................................ Searching ....................................................................................... To Perform a Quick Search .............................................................. To Perform an Enterprise Connect Search ........................................ OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 23 24 24 25 25 28 29 31 33 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 iii Table of Contents 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.6 2.6.1 2.7 2.7.1 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.8.7 2.8.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.10 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.10.4 2.11 2.11.1 2.11.2 2.11.3 To Perform a Repository Search ...................................................... Working with Recent and Saved Searches ........................................ To Run a Recent or Saved Search ................................................... To Open a Recent or Saved Search Form ........................................ To Save a Recent Search ................................................................ To Rename a Saved Search ............................................................ To Delete a Recent or Saved Search ............................................... Creating Shortcuts to Folders ........................................................... To Create a Shortcut to an Enterprise Connect Folder ....................... Sending and Saving Emails in Outlook ............................................. To Send and Save an Email ............................................................ Attaching Documents in Outlook ...................................................... To Attach a Document to an Email, Meeting Request, or Appointment ................................................................................... Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook ........................................... To Turn the Easy Access Pane On or Off ......................................... To Navigate the Easy Access Pane .................................................. To Copy or Move Items to the Easy Access Pane ............................. To Copy or Move an Item as a New Version in the Easy Access Pane .............................................................................................. To Move the Easy Access Pane ....................................................... To Resize the Easy Access Pane ..................................................... To Set Easy Access Pane Options ................................................... Using Search Profiles in the Easy Access Pane ................................ Refreshing Enterprise Connect ........................................................ To Refresh the Currently Selected Folder ......................................... Setting Options ............................................................................... Setting Log File Options .................................................................. To Set Log File Options ................................................................... Clearing Stored Credentials ............................................................. To Clear Stored Credentials ............................................................. Resetting Enterprise Connect .......................................................... To Reset Enterprise Connect ........................................................... Scheduling Offline Syncs ................................................................. To Schedule an Offline Sync ............................................................ Managing Plug-in Definitions ............................................................ To Add a Plug-in Definition .............................................................. To Edit a Plug-in Definition .............................................................. To Remove a Plug-in Definition ........................................................ 3 Working in Office and Acrobat ............................................... 55 3.1 3.1.1 Opening Documents ........................................................................ 55 Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box ................................ 56 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 iv 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 42 43 43 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 51 51 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Table of Contents 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 Saving Documents .......................................................................... Using the Enterprise Connect Save As Dialog Box ............................ Inserting Documents in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint ........................ To Insert a Document in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint ...................... Specifying the Upload Method for Office Documents ......................... To Specify Upload Behavior when an Office Document Is Closed ....... To Upload an Office Document ........................................................ 58 59 61 61 61 62 63 4 Working in IBM Notes ............................................................. 65 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 To Copy or Move an Email to Enterprise Connect ............................. To Copy an Email Attachment to Enterprise Connect ........................ To Open an Email from Enterprise Connect ...................................... To Add an Enterprise Connect Document as an Attachment .............. 5 Working in Novell GroupWise ................................................ 71 5.1 5.2 To Copy or Move an Email to Enterprise Connect ............................. 71 To Add an Enterprise Connect Document as an Attachment .............. 73 6 Editing Documents in Additional Applications .................... 75 65 67 69 69 7 Managing Offline Content ....................................................... 77 7.1 7.1.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 7.3.6 7.3.7 7.4 7.5 7.5.1 Migrating Offline Content ................................................................. To Migrate Offline Content ............................................................... Downloading Offline Versions .......................................................... The Offline Column ......................................................................... To Download an Offline Version ....................................................... To Delete an Offline Version ............................................................ Working Offline ............................................................................... Features That Are Not Accessible Offline .......................................... Columns for Offline Documents ........................................................ Searching Offline Documents ........................................................... Adding Items to Enterprise Connect While Offline .............................. To Work Offline ............................................................................... To Preview an Offline Document ...................................................... To Edit an Offline Document ............................................................ Uploading Documents Edited While Offline ....................................... Synchronizing Online and Offline Content ......................................... To Perform an Offline Sync .............................................................. 8 Managing Local Documents ................................................... 85 8.1 8.2 To Manage Local Documents .......................................................... 86 To Resolve a Conflict Between Local and Server Versions of a Document ....................................................................................... 87 Resolving Unsuccessful Uploads ..................................................... 88 8.3 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 77 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 84 84 v Table of Contents 8.4 8.5 vi Understanding the Columns ............................................................. 88 Working When the Server Connection Is Unavailable ........................ 89 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Chapter 1 Introducing Enterprise Connect OpenText Enterprise Connect™ provides integrated, interactive access to content and functionality from supported Enterprise systems. Using Enterprise Connect, you can work with content from various repositories directly in the applications that you use on a daily basis, including Windows® Explorer, Microsoft Office Outlook®, and Microsoft Office® applications such as Word and Excel®. The following examples illustrate some of the ways that you can use Enterprise Connect: • Drag items from Outlook directly into an Enterprise repository folder. • Profile and file emails each time you send them in Outlook. • Search across a variety of repositories. • Open and save items in your Enterprise repositories directly from applications such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint®. 1.1 Accessing Enterprise Connect Depending on the options selected during installation, you can access Enterprise Connect through one or more of the following applications: • Windows Explorer • Microsoft Office Outlook • Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, and Visio® • Adobe Acrobat • IBM Notes • Novell GroupWise • Additional applications that your administrator enables Outlook and Explorer offer full access to all the features of Enterprise Connect. These features include a menu, toolbars, and an integrated Tree Structure. Microsoft Office applications provide separate menu options that enable you to work directly with items stored in your organization's repositories. These options enable you to open, save, search, and edit items that are available through Enterprise Connect. Depending on how the system is configured, you might be prompted to provide sign in credentials for some components the first time you start Enterprise Connect. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 7 Chapter 1 Introducing Enterprise Connect In other cases, Enterprise Connect uses your Windows login credentials to manage authentication tasks. You can also work offline in Enterprise Connect. For more information, see “Managing Offline Content“ on page 77. 1.2 Examples of Using Enterprise Connect Enterprise Connect integrates with the programs that you work with every day on your computer. It connects your desktop with the applications that your organization uses to manage data and processes. For example, if Microsoft Outlook is your email program, you can use the Enterprise Connect folders in the Outlook navigation tree to add emails to your organization’s email storage system. If you create documents in Microsoft Word, you can use the Enterprise Connect commands in Word to open and save documents in your organization’s content repository. Enterprise Connect uses plug-ins to communicate with programs that are running on other computers. Your administrator is responsible for installing and configuring Enterprise Connect plug-ins. The available plug-ins determine which external applications and repositories you can work with through Enterprise Connect. The following examples show some of the ways that you can use Enterprise Connect’s capabilities and features. Because Enterprise Connect is highly configurable, and every organization’s processes are different, these examples might not precisely match your own environment. 1.2.1 Searching for and Opening a Document in Windows Explorer In Windows Explorer, the Enterprise Connect root folder appears near the bottom of the list of folders in the Explorer Bar. Your administrator might customize this folder and give it a different name or icon in your environment. You can expand this folder to navigate the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure, which is the structured view of all the folders that you can browse and use for managing items. You can expand and navigate these folders just like any other folders in Explorer. To quickly find an Enterprise Connect document, you can click the folder you want to search in the Tree Structure, and then type your search terms in the quick search box in the toolbar. Click the magnifying glass icon to start the search. 8 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 1.2. Examples of Using Enterprise Connect The search results are displayed in the List Pane. Depending on how your system is configured, you can open a search result by double-clicking it, or by right-clicking it and then clicking a command in the context menu that appears. If you want to perform an advanced search against a specific application or repository, click the Enterprise Connect > Search command in Explorer or Outlook, and then click the application you want to search. 1.2.2 Adding an Email to Enterprise Connect The Enterprise Connect root folder appears in the Outlook navigation pane, below the Mailbox folder. Your administrator might customize this folder and give it a different name or icon in your environment. You can expand and navigate these folders just like you can in Explorer. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 9 Chapter 1 Introducing Enterprise Connect To add an email or other item to one of the folders in the Tree Structure, follow the same methods that you use for copying or moving any item in Outlook. One simple method is to drag the email from the Inbox to the appropriate folder in the Tree Structure. You can view the email by double-clicking it, or by right-clicking it and selecting the action you want to perform. If you are moving lots of emails at once, or an email with a large attachment, you can use the Copy/Move command, which is available on theEnterprise Connect tab (in Outlook 2010 and 2013) or menu (in Outlook 2007). Copy/Move performs the operation in the background, so you can continue to do other things in Outlook while your files are being copied. 10 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 1.2. Examples of Using Enterprise Connect 1.2.3 Editing a Document in Office If you want to edit an Office document that is stored in Enterprise Connect, you can use the Enterprise Connect > Open command to find and open the document. The name and location of the command might be slightly different, depending on which version of Office you are using. This command opens the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box, which you can use to browse the Tree Structure and locate the document you want to work on. When you are done editing the document, click the Save button, or use the Office Save command. You can also use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box in Adobe Acrobat, depending on how Enterprise Connect is configured to work on your computer. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 11 Chapter 1 Introducing Enterprise Connect 1.2.4 Saving a New Office Document to Enterprise Connect If you create a new document in an Office application such as Word, you can use the Enterprise Connect > Save As command to open the Enterprise Connect Save As dialog box. The name and location of the command might be slightly different, depending on which version of Office you are using. This dialog box lets you save a new document, or a new version of a document, to a selected location in Enterprise Connect. You can also use the Enterprise Connect Save As dialog box in Adobe Acrobat, depending on how Enterprise Connect is configured to work on your computer. 12 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 1.3. Accessing Help 1.3 Accessing Help You can do one or more of the following to view help for Enterprise Connect: • When you are working in Enterprise Connect, click the Enterprise Connect Help command on the Outlook and Explorer Help menu. A different help system is available for each application that is integrated into Enterprise Connect. The Help menu also includes the About command, which provides legal and version information for Enterprise Connect. • Right-click an item in the Tree Structure, and then click Help if the command is available for the item. • Click the Help button in a dialog box, if the button is available. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 13 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer You can access the full range of Enterprise Connect functions while working in Outlook and Explorer. 2.1 Understanding the Display The following image shows the main elements of the Enterprise Connect Outlook and Explorer integrations: • A: Enterprise Connect menu or tab • B: Toolbars • C: Tree Structure • D: List Pane • E: Reading Pane OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 15 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.1.1 Enterprise Connect Menu or Tab The Enterprise Connect menu appears in the Outlook or Explorer menu bar. In Outlook 2010 and 2013, it appears as the Enterprise Connect tab on the Outlook Ribbon. The menu or tab displays commands that you use to perform actions within Enterprise Connect. The following commands are available: Refresh Refreshes the Tree Structure and the List Pane. For more information, see “Refreshing Enterprise Connect” on page 48. Copy/Move Copy or move items within and outside of the Tree Structure. This command is only available in Outlook. For more information, see “Copying and Moving Items” on page 19. Search > Enterprise Connect Search selected Enterprise Connect folders. For more information, see “Searching” on page 36. Search > Open search forms for each application that is integrated into Enterprise Connect. Search forms can appear above the List Pane or in a dialog box. Some search forms include a toolbar that allows you to access additional search forms. Type your search criteria in the form and choose the source you want to search. For more information, see “Searching” on page 36. Offline > Work Offline or Offline > Work Online Set Enterprise Connect to work online or offline. For more information, see “Managing Offline Content“ on page 77. Offline > Manage Local Documents Open the Manage Local Documents dialog box, which lets you manage items in the local document cache. For more information, see “Managing Local Documents“ on page 85. Offline > Offline sync Synchronize offline and online content. For more information, see “Synchronizing Online and Offline Content” on page 84. Manage Plug-ins Create plug-in definitions, which enable Enterprise Connect to communicate with external applications and repositories. For more information, see “Managing Plug-in Definitions” on page 53. Options Open the Options dialog box, which allows you to control system and application-specific settings. For more information, see “Setting Options” on page 49. 16 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.1. Understanding the Display Easy Access Pane > On or Easy Access Pane > Off Show or hide the Easy Access pane. These commands are only available in Outlook. For more information, see “Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook” on page 42. Easy Access Pane > Options Set Easy Access pane options. This command is only available in Outlook. For more information, see “Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook” on page 42. Notes 2.1.2 • The administrator can customize the name of the Enterprise Connect menu or tab. • In Windows 7, you might need to enable the menu bar in order to see the Enterprise Connect menu in Explorer. To enable the menu bar in Windows 7 Explorer, click the Desktop folder, and then click Organize > Layout > Menu bar. You can also access the Enterprise Connect menu commands by rightclicking the Enterprise Connect folder in the Tree Structure. Toolbars Enterprise Connect adds custom toolbars to the standard Explorer or Outlook toolbars. The Enterprise Connect quick search toolbar appears above the List Pane. It lets you search the currently selected folder in the Tree Structure. For more information, see “Searching” on page 36. Enterprise Connect can also display an additional toolbar above the List Pane when you are working with items in the Tree Structure. This toolbar displays commands that apply to the currently selected List Pane item. The List Pane toolbar also displays the Preview button, which shows or hides the Reading Pane for the currently selected item in the Tree Structure. For more information, see “Showing or Hiding the Reading Pane” on page 35. 2.1.3 Tree Structure The Tree Structure appears in the folder view that is displayed at the left of the Outlook or Explorer window. It provides you with access to Enterprise Connect container items, such as folders and saved searches. The available item types are determined by the content repositories that are installed, and by the permissions that you have to access items within each repository. By default, the root folder of the Tree Structure is the Enterprise Connect folder. The administrator can change the name and icon associated with this folder. You can do the following to navigate and work with items in the Tree Structure: OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 17 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.1.4 • Expand or collapse items, just as you expand or collapse other items in the Outlook or Explorer folder tree. • Drag items to and from locations in the Tree Structure. For more information, see “Copying and Moving Items” on page 19. • Right-click items to obtain a menu of commands. The available commands are determined by the type of item and the permissions you are granted for it. • Click an item to view its contents in the List Pane. List Pane When you select a folder or other container in the Tree Structure, items belonging to that folder are displayed in the List Pane, which appears to the right of the Tree Structure. You can view the contents of an item in the List Pane by double-clicking the item when it is selected. You can also right-click an item to open it or to perform other actions. If you right-click two or more items at the same time, you see a set of commands common to all the items. These commands can include some or all of the following, depending on which items are selected, and which plug-ins are installed: • Delete • Send to > Mail Recipient as Link • Send to > Mail Recipient as Attachment • Send to > Desktop (Create Shortcut) • Download Offline Version • Discard Offline Version If you enable the Preview option, detailed information about the currently selected item in the List Pane appears in the Reading Pane. For more information about the Preview option, see “Showing or Hiding the Reading Pane” on page 35. 2.1.5 Reading Pane The Reading Pane appears either beneath or to the right of the List Pane. It displays information about the item that is currently selected in the List Pane. In some cases, a set of tabs appears at the bottom of the Reading Pane for particular item types. You can click these tabs to view additional information about the item, such as its properties or version information. 18 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items 2.2 Copying and Moving Items You can copy or move single or multiple items to, from, or within the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure. Most of the standard methods available for copying or moving items within Outlook or Explorer are supported, such as using the mouse to drag items. Important Some restrictions might apply to your ability to copy or move items to or from Enterprise Connect. For more information, see “Conditions on Copying or Moving Items” on page 19. 2.2.1 Conditions on Copying or Moving Items Whether you are able to complete a copy or move action depends on a variety of factors, including which applications and repositories are involved and how they are configured. In general, the interface will make it clear if you are not able to complete an action. For example, if you are unable to move an item using the Copy/Move To Enterprise Connect command, the Move button is unavailable. If you are unable to move or copy an item by dragging it, the pointer in most cases will indicate what action is supported. The following conditions apply when you attempt to copy or move items in Enterprise Connect: • You must have permissions to perform the action in the source and destination locations. • The source and destination locations must support the action you are attempting. • If you select multiple items, and one of those items cannot be copied or moved, the operation is cancelled when the issue is detected. Any remaining items are not copied or moved. • You can drag items to the Navigation Pane or to the List Pane. You can also drag items from one instance of Explorer to another, or between Outlook and Explorer. • Behavior might vary slightly depending on whether you are working in Outlook or Explorer. In most cases, the behavior will match the standard behavior for the application. • If you are using the Copy/Move to Enterprise Connect command on items that are stored in an Enterprise Connect repository, you can only move or copy the items to another location in the same repository. • In Explorer, you can add a new version to an item in Enterprise Connect by dragging and dropping a single item directly onto it. The source item must come from outside Enterprise Connect and it must support versions, so it cannot be an email or folder. The target item must also support versions. The following conditions apply specifically when you attempt to move or copy folders: OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 19 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer • You cannot copy or move folders located within an Enterprise Connect repository to locations outside of Enterprise Connect. In Explorer, if you drag a folder outside of Enterprise Connect, a shortcut to the folder is created. • In Explorer, you can drag a folder located within an Enterprise Connect repository to another location within the same repository. You cannot do this in Outlook, or between Explorer and Outlook. • You cannot drag folders between Outlook and Explorer. • If you copy or move a folder, all items in the folder are copied or moved as well. • If a folder or one or more of its items cannot be copied or moved, the operation is cancelled when the issue is detected. Any remaining items are not copied or moved. • You cannot use the Copy/Move command on the Enterprise Connect menu or tab to copy or move Outlook folders. To use this command with an Outlook folder, right-click the folder, and then click Copy/Move To Enterprise Connect in the folder’s context menu. Important These guidelines are general and do not cover all possible situations. As well, individual applications and plug-ins might offer their own copy or move mechanisms that are not covered by these guidelines. 2.2.2 To Copy an Item by Dragging To copy an item by dragging: 1. Click the item. 2. Hold down CTRL, and then drag the item to its destination location. Notes • In some cases it is not possible to copy an item by dragging it. For more information, see “Conditions on Copying or Moving Items” on page 19. • In Outlook, the pointer in some instances shows that a move is being performed when a copy is actually occurring. • If you are copying items to the List Pane in Explorer, you must either drag them to a folder, or to an area of empty space, either to the right of or below the items that are displayed in the List Pane. Tip: You can copy multiple items by selecting them before dragging. To select items that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select items that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. 20 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items 2.2.3 To Move an Item by Dragging To move an item by dragging: 1. Click the item. 2. Hold down SHIFT, and then drag the item to its destination location. Notes • In some cases it is not possible to move an item by dragging it. For more information, see “Conditions on Copying or Moving Items” on page 19. In situations where only copy functionality is supported, holding down SHIFT while dragging an item will still result in a copy action. When you drag an item, in most cases the pointer correctly depicts whether the action is a move or copy by showing a + (plus) sign for copy functions. • If you are copying items to the List Pane in Explorer, you must either drag them to a folder, or to an area of empty space, either to the right of or below the items that are displayed in the List Pane. Tip: You can move multiple items by selecting them before dragging. To select items that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select items that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. 2.2.4 To Copy or Move Items Inside a Repository To copy or move items inside a repository: 1. Right-click an item in the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure or List Pane. You can copy or move multiple items by first selecting them and then rightclicking. To select items that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select items that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. 2. Click Copy/Move to Enterprise Connect. 3. Select the location where you want to copy or move the item. You must select a destination location inside the repository that stores the item that you are copying or moving. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 21 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow . in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. 22 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items To Do this Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. 4. Click one of the following buttons: • Copy • Move The Copying or Moving dialog box appears, displaying the results of each copy or move operation. If you are required to provide additional information for an item, the operation pauses until you provide the information. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied or moved, along with a reason for the failure. Note: You can only use the Copy/Move to Enterprise Connect command to copy or move items to another location inside the same repository in Enterprise Connect. To copy or move items to another repository, drag the items. To copy items from Enterprise Connect to your desktop, use the Download to Desktop command. 2.2.5 To Copy or Move an Item as a New Version in Explorer To copy or move an item as a new version in Explorer: 1. In Explorer, click the item you want to copy or move as a new version. Tip: You must select a single item, such as a document, that supports versions. You cannot copy an item from an Enterprise Connect folder. You cannot select an item that does not support versions, such as an email or a folder, and you cannot select multiple items. 2. Drag the selected item to the Enterprise Connect List Pane in Explorer, and then position it directly over the item to which you want to add a new version. This item must support versions. It cannot be an email or a folder. Tip: Hold down SHIFT while dragging to move the item. Hold down CTRL while dragging to copy the item. 3. Let go of the mouse button, and in the Confirm Add Version dialog box, click Add New Version. The item is added as a new version of the item you dragged it onto. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 23 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer Note: If you click Add New Document in the Confirm Add Version dialog box, the item is added as a separate document to the folder where you dragged it. It is not added as a new version. 2.2.6 Downloading Items to the Desktop You can download copies of selected items, including folders and their contents, from Enterprise Connect to a folder on your desktop. If items are downloaded to a location where an item with the same name already exists, the downloaded item is renamed according to the rules of the operating system. For example, if a folder named Projects is downloaded to a location that already contains a Projects folder, the downloaded folder could be renamed to Projects(2). Not all items support being downloaded. Your administrator controls which items can be downloaded to the desktop. To Download Items to the Desktop To download items to the desktop: 1. In Enterprise Connect, right-click a folder or other item, and then click Download to Desktop. You can download multiple items to the desktop by first selecting them and then right-clicking. To select items that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select items that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. 2. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, select the folder where you want to download the items. You can create a folder to store the items by clicking Make New Folder. If an item with the same name already exists in the selected folder, the downloaded item is renamed according to the procedure for the operating system, for example by having a number in parentheses appended to its name. 3. Click OK. The Downloading to desktop dialog box appears, displaying the status of the download. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied or moved, along with a reason for the failure. 4. Optional To view a log file listing all successful and unsuccessful downloads, including their original and downloaded names, and their locations relative to the folder to which they were downloaded, open the destination folder for the download, and double-click the file with the following name: EC_DownloadToDesktop_Results_.xml 24 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items Note: Your administrator can determine if the EC_DownloadToDesktop_Results_.xml is always created, never created, or only created if an error is encountered during the download. 2.2.7 Copying and Moving Items in Outlook In addition to using standard methods such as dragging items, you can use the following methods to copy or move emails and attachments in Outlook: • The Copy/Move command. This command’s operations take place in the background. This is particularly helpful if you are copying or moving one or more large items, or a large number of items, because you can continue working in Outlook while the operation is performed. For example, use Copy/Move if you are copying or moving an Outlook folder that contains lots of emails. • The Copy Message command. This command lets you copy an email, along with any attachments, to Enterprise Connect. • The Copy Attachments command. This command lets you copy all the attachments in an email to Enterprise Connect. • The Copy to Enterprise Connect context menu command. This command lets you save selected attachments to Enterprise Connect. • The Send To > Inbox context menu command. This command lets you send copies of emails stored in an Enterprise Connect repository to the Outlook Inbox. Notes • These options are only available in Outlook. In addition, your administrator has the ability to make one or more of these commands unavailable. • You can also copy or move items to the Easy Access pane in Outlook. For more information, see “Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook” on page 42. To Use the Copy/Move Command To use the Copy/Move command: 1. In the Outlook List Pane, select the items you want to copy or move. 2. Do one of the following: • On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Copy/Move. • Right-click the selected items, and click Copy/Move to Enterprise Connect. Note: To copy or move an Outlook folder to Enterprise Connect, you must right-click the folder, and then click Copy/Move to Enterprise Connect on the folder’s context menu. 3. Select the location where you want to copy or move the items. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 25 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow . in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. 26 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items To Do this Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. Enter additional information for the selected items 4. Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Click one of the following buttons: • Copy • Move The Copying or Moving dialog box appears, displaying the results of each copy or move operation. If you are required to provide additional information for an item, the operation pauses until you provide the information. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied or moved, along with a reason for the failure. Notes • If you are copying or moving large items, or a large number of items, it is recommended that you use the Copy/Move command to ensure you can continue working in Outlook while the operation is performed. • In some cases it is not possible to use the Copy/Move command to copy or move an item. Depending on the situation, the Copy/Move command, the Copy button, or the Move button might be unavailable. For more information, see “Conditions on Copying or Moving Items” on page 19. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 27 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Copy an Email to Enterprise Connect To copy an email to Enterprise Connect: 1. Open the email. 2. In the Enterprise Connect group on the email Message tab, click Copy Message. 3. Select the location where you want to copy the email. To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow . in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. 28 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items To Do this Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. Enter additional information for the selected items 4. Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Click Copy. The Copying dialog box appears, displaying the results of each copy operation. If you are required to provide additional information for an item, the operation pauses until you provide the information. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied, along with a reason for the failure. Note: Any attachments included in the email are also copied. To Copy an Email’s Attachments to Enterprise Connect To copy an email’s attachments to Enterprise Connect: 1. Open the email. 2. Click Copy Attachments. This button is available in the Enterprise Connect group on the email Messagetab. 3. Select the location where you want to copy the attachments. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 29 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow . in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. 30 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items To Do this Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. Enter additional information for the selected items 4. Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Click Copy. The Copying dialog box appears, displaying the results of each copy operation. If you are required to provide additional information for an item, the operation pauses until you provide the information. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied, along with a reason for the failure. To Copy Selected Attachments to Enterprise Connect To copy selected attachments to Enterprise Connect: 1. Right-click the attachment you want to copy. You can select multiple attachments by holding down SHIFT or CTRL while clicking the attachments, and then right-clicking them. 2. Click Copy to Enterprise Connect. 3. Select the location where you want to copy the attachments. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 31 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow . in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. 32 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.2. Copying and Moving Items To Do this Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. Enter additional information for the selected items 4. Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Click Copy. The Copying dialog box appears, displaying the results of each copy operation. If you are required to provide additional information for an item, the operation pauses until you provide the information. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied, along with a reason for the failure. Note: The Copy to Enterprise Connect command is not available for attachments that are embedded in the body of an email, such as attachments to messages in Rich Text format. To Send a Copy of an Email to the Outlook Inbox To send a copy of an email to the Outlook Inbox: 1. In Outlook, right-click an email in an Enterprise Connect repository. You can select multiple emails by holding down SHIFT or CTRL while clicking the emails, and then right-clicking them. 2. Click Send To > Inbox. Note: This procedure only works for emails. You cannot use this command to send copies of other items, such as documents, to the Outlook Inbox. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 33 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.3 Viewing Items You can use Enterprise Connect Viewer to preview documents and images in common formats. You can open an item in its native application by double-clicking it in the List Pane. For some items, double-clicking opens a dialog box in which you can initiate a process. You can also open an item from the List Pane by right-clicking the item, and then choosing Open. In some cases, doing this opens the item for editing. 2.3.1 Previewing Documents and Images Depending on how your environment is configured, a View tab might appear at the bottom of the Reading Pane when you select a document or image in the List Pane. You can use the View tab to preview the contents of the selected document or image, even when the native application is not installed on your system. Notes • Not all document formats are supported for previewing. During installation, Enterprise Connect provides the choice of a common or complete set of supported formats for the View tab. • In Outlook, your administrator can also choose to use the native Outlook viewer to preview items. In this case, when you select an item in the List Pane, the Reading Pane displays a preview of the item using the Outlook viewer. If the Outlook viewer does not support the item type, a message appears instead. The properties tabs that typically appear in the Reading Pane are not displayed. In some cases, a toolbar appears in the Outlook or Explorer Reading Pane when you click the View tab. The following table describes the actions you can perform using the toolbar. 34 To Do this Locate a word or phrase in a document Click Find. Print a document or image Click Print. Copy text from a document Click Copy, and then drag the pointer to select the text you want to copy. Formatting information is not preserved. Copy a portion of an image Click Copy, and then drag the pointer to select the portion of the image you want to copy. Rotate a document or image 90° Click Rotate, and then click Rotate Right or Rotate Left. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.3. Viewing Items 2.3.2 To Do this Enlarge the view of a document or image Click Zoom, and then click Zoom In. Reduce the view of a document or image Click Zoom, and then click Zoom Out. Fit a document or image to the width of the window Click Zoom and then click Horizontal Fit. This setting is optimal for viewing in the Reading Pane. Fit a document or image to the height of the window Click Zoom, and then click Vertical Fit. Fit a document or image to the window Click Zoom, and then click Fit in Window. View the document or image in a separate window that you can resize or minimize Click View in New Window. Showing or Hiding the Reading Pane You can click the Preview button to show or hide the Reading Pane for folders selected in the Tree Structure. Tip: In Outlook, you can also click Reading Pane on the View menu to specify Reading Pane options for the currently selected item. You can use this command as well to specify the location of the Reading Pane relative to the List Pane. To Show or Hide the Reading Pane To show or hide the Reading Pane: 2.3.3 1. Click a folder in the Tree Structure. 2. On the List Pane toolbar, click Preview. Specifying Columns in the List Pane You can modify the columns displayed in the List Pane to view information specific to Enterprise Connect items. The available columns depend on which item is currently selected in the List Pane. Your column selections in Explorer, Outlook, and the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box persist across Enterprise Connect sessions. Column selections apply to all folders of the same type. For example, if you change the column display for one Email Folder, your changes are applied to all Email Folders that you see. Each selection applies only to the application in which you make it. For example, you can specify different column displays for the same folder type in Explorer and Outlook. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 35 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Specify Columns in Explorer To specify columns in Explorer: 1. Right-click a column in the List Pane. 2. Do one of the following: • Click More, and select the check box next to each column that you want to display. • Click Reset View to revert to the default column display for the folder type. To Specify Columns in Outlook To specify columns in Outlook: 1. Right-click a column in the List Pane. 2. Do one of the following: • Click Columns, and then click the column that you want to show or hide. A check box indicates that the column is currently displayed. • Click Reset View to revert to the default column display for the folder type. 2.4 Searching Enterprise Connect provides you with the following search options: • Quick search Use the quick search toolbar to search the contents of the currently selected folder in the Tree Structure. The search is performed on the folder and its contents, which can span one or more repositories. The quick search toolbar appears directly above the List Pane. • Enterprise Connect search Use the Search Enterprise Connect command to perform content searches across one or more selected folders in the Tree Structure. • Repository search Select a repository search command on the Enterprise Connect menu or tab to perform advanced searches on repositories that are integrated with Enterprise Connect. After the search is complete, your results are displayed in the List Pane. By default, results are sorted by relevance. If you search across multiple repositories, the results are grouped by repository. To view the results obtained from a specific repository, click the repository’s name at the top of the result list. Enterprise Connect also keeps a record of the Enterprise Connect and repository searches that you perform. You can run recent searches from the Search History 36 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.4. Searching folder in the Tree Structure, and save them to the Saved Searches folder if you want to keep them on a long-term basis. Note: In Outlook, you can also perform searches in the Easy Access pane. For more information, see “To Navigate the Easy Access Pane” on page 43. 2.4.1 To Perform a Quick Search To perform a quick search: 1. In the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure, select the folder that you want to search. 2. Type your search criteria in the quick search box above the List Pane. 3. Click . Tip: To cancel a search in progress, click . To clear the search box and close the results list after the search is completed, click . 2.4.2 To Perform an Enterprise Connect Search To perform an Enterprise Connect search: 1. Do one of the following: • In Explorer, on the Enterprise Connect menu, click Search > Enterprise Connect. • In Outlook, on the Enterprise Connect menu, click Search a Repository> Enterprise Connect. 2. Type your search criteria in the Find box. 3. In the Location box, select the folders that you want to search. 4. Click Search. Tip: To cancel a search in progress, click in the quick search box. To clear the search box and close the results list after the search is completed, click . OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 37 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.4.3 To Perform a Repository Search To perform a repository search: 1. 2. Do one of the following: • In Explorer, on the Enterprise Connect menu, click Search. • In Outlook, on the Enterprise Connect menu, click Search a Repository> Enterprise Connect. Click the command for the repository you want to search. Tip: To cancel a search in progress, click in the quick search box. To clear the search box and close the results list after the search is completed, click . 2.4.4 Working with Recent and Saved Searches The Search History folder in the Tree Structure contains your recently performed Enterprise Connect and repository searches. You can save searches from this folder to the Saved Searches folder to ensure that the searches remain easily accessible. You can view, run, save, and delete the searches in the Search History and Saved Searches folders. You can also open the searches in the original search forms, if you want to modify the criteria before running the search again. The Search History and Saved Searches folders are located under the Searches folder in the Tree Structure. To Run a Recent or Saved Search To run a recent or saved search: • In the Search History or Saved Searches folder, double-click the search that you want to run. Tips 38 • You can also run a recent search by clicking its name in the List Pane. In Outlook, you can also right-click the search, and then click Open. • In Outlook, you can also run saved searches in the Easy Access pane. For more information, see “To Navigate the Easy Access Pane” on page 43. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.5. Creating Shortcuts to Folders To Open a Recent or Saved Search Form To open a recent or saved search form: • In the Search History or Saved Searches folder, right-click the search, and then click Open Search. To Save a Recent Search To save a recent search: 1. In the Search History folder, locate the search that you want to save. 2. Right-click the search, and then click Save. 3. In the Save Search dialog box, type a name for your search. 4. Click OK. Tip: You can also drag the search that you want from the Search History folder to the Saved Searches folder, and then right-click the search to rename it. To Rename a Saved Search To rename a saved search: 1. In the Saved Searches folder, right-click the search, and then click Rename. 2. In the Rename Search dialog box, type a name for the saved search. 3. Click OK. To Delete a Recent or Saved Search To delete a recent or saved search: • In the Search History or Saved Searches folder, right-click the search that you want to delete, and then click Delete. 2.5 Creating Shortcuts to Folders In Windows Explorer, you can create shortcuts to folders in the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure. When you double-click a folder shortcut, an instance of Explorer opens, displaying the folder’s contents. The shortcuts are added to your computer’s Desktop when you create them. You can also move or copy the shortcuts to any other folder on your computer. If you drag a document to a shortcut, the document is added to the appropriate folder in Enterprise Connect. Note: You cannot create shortcuts from Outlook. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 39 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.5.1 To Create a Shortcut to an Enterprise Connect Folder To create a shortcut to an Enterprise Connect folder: 1. In Explorer, navigate to a folder in the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure or List Pane. 2. Right-click the folder, and then click Send To > Desktop (Create Shortcut). Tips • In Windows 7, to cause the Tree Structure to display the location of a folder when you open its shortcut, in the Explorer menu click Tools > Folder Options, and then, in the Navigation pane area, click Automatically expand to current folder. • You can also create a folder shortcut in Explorer by dragging a folder out of Enterprise Connect to a location on your desktop. 2.6 Sending and Saving Emails in Outlook In Outlook, you can use the Send and Save button to send an email and store it in an Enterprise Connect folder. The Send and Save button is available in the message toolbar when you compose, reply to, or forward an email. When you click Send and Save, the email is immediately sent to all specified recipients. You are then prompted to specify information about the email and to select a storage location for it. In some cases, information such as the sender and recipient names is automatically specified. Note: The email is always sent when you click Send and Save, even if you do not complete the process of saving it to Enterprise Connect. 2.6.1 To Send and Save an Email To send and save an email: 1. Click Send and Save. This button is available in the Enterprise Connect group on the email Message tab. 2. 3. 40 To select a folder in which to save the item, do one of the following: • Expand the Tree Structure, and then click a folder. • Click a folder name in the list of locations at the top of dialog box. • Perform a search to locate a folder. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Save As Dialog Box” on page 59. If the Name box appears, specify a name for the item. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.7. Attaching Documents in Outlook 4. Specify any required profile information for the item. The profile requirements depend on the selected destination. 5. Click Save. 2.7 Attaching Documents in Outlook In Outlook, you can use the Enterprise Connect Attach Document command to attach a copy of an Enterprise Connect document, or a link to the document, to an email, meeting request, or appointment. Note: You can only attach documents, not other item types. 2.7.1 To Attach a Document to an Email, Meeting Request, or Appointment To attach a document to an email, meeting request, or appointment: 1. Click Attach Document. This button is available in the Enterprise Connect group on the Message, Appointment, or Meeting tab. 2. Use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box to locate the document you want to attach. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box” on page 56. 3. In the list next to the Open button, click one of the following: • Insert as attachment Inserts a copy of the document. • Insert as link Inserts a link to the item’s location in Enterprise Connect. The format of the link depends on the repository that stores the document. For example, the link could be a URL that opens a browser window to the document overview. 4. Click Open. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 41 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.8 Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook The Easy Access pane is an optional, movable pane that displays the Enterprise Connect folder tree in Outlook. You can use the Easy Access pane to quickly copy or move items to Enterprise Connect, or to browse the folders in the tree. You can copy or move items to the Easy Access pane by dragging them while holding down either the left or right mouse button. By default, when you drag with the left mouse button, the item is copied, but you can edit Easy Access pane options to specify a different action instead. You can also drag individual items to the Easy Access Pane to add them as new versions of existing items. You can also use the Easy Access pane to browse Enterprise Connect folders, perform quick, saved, and advanced searches, use search profiles, and add folders and other container types. You can do the following to change the appearance and position of the Easy Access pane: • Move the pane to make it float above the main Outlook window, or dock the pane at one of the edges of the window. • Resize the pane. • Turn the pane on or off. You can also use the Easy Access Options dialog box to set the following options for the pane: • Choose whether to restore the last folder tree in the Easy Access pane every time Outlook starts. • Specify what action happens when you drag an item to the pane while holding down the left mouse button. • Choose whether to display documents and other items in the pane as well as folders. • Choose whether to display the contents of the currently-selected folder in the List Pane. Note: Your administrator can prevent the Easy Access pane from appearing, and can prevent you from changing one or more of the settings displayed in the Easy Access Options dialog box. 42 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.8. Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook 2.8.1 To Turn the Easy Access Pane On or Off To turn the Easy Access pane on or off: • In Outlook, on the Enterprise Connect menu, click Easy Access Pane > On or Easy Access Pane > Off. Tip: You can also turn the Easy Access pane off by clicking the arrow Enterprise Connect Easy Access title bar, and then clicking Close. 2.8.2 on the To Navigate the Easy Access Pane To navigate the Easy Access pane: 1. 2. Click the plus sign (+) next to a closed folder in the Easy Access pane to open it, or click the minus sign (-) next to an open folder to close it. Optional Perform one or more of the following actions: To Do this Search within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search box, and then click the magnifying glass icon . If the search profile box is visible to the right of the search box, ensure that it displays From Here. The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click Enterprise Connect, or click search results, click results, click . To display minimized . To clear search . The search results do not display documents if you configure the Easy Access pane to only display folders. For more information, see “To Set Easy Access Pane Options” on page 47. Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Click the arrow in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only available if it can be performed on the currently-selected folder. 43 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Do this Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. Search using a search profile Type the search terms in the search box. To the right of the search box, click the arrow in the search profile box, and then click a search profile. Click the magnifying glass icon to perform the search. Note: You can only use search profiles if your administrator has created them. Your administrator can also configure search profiles to be selected automatically with pre-populated search terms when you select an email whose subject line matches a specific pattern. For more information, see “Using Search Profiles in the Easy Access Pane” on page 48. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder. View the contents of a folder in the list pane Right-click the folder in the Easy Access pane, and then click Show folder contents. This command is not available if the Show folder contents in list pane on select check box is selected in the Easy Access pane Options dialog box. For more information, see “To Set Easy Access Pane Options” on page 47. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the search box. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. 44 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.8. Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook To Do this Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. 2.8.3 To Copy or Move Items to the Easy Access Pane To copy or move items to the Easy Access pane: 1. In Outlook or Explorer, click the items you want to copy or move. You can copy or move multiple items by first selecting them and then rightclicking. To select items that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select items that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. 2. Do one of the following: • Hold down the right mouse button and drag the selected items to a folder on the Easy Access pane. After you let go of the mouse button, click Copy Here or Move Here on the menu that appears. You can also click Cancel to cancel the operation. • Hold down the left mouse button and drag the selected items to a folder on the Easy Access pane. When you let go of the mouse button, the item is either moved or copied, depending on the setting specified in the Easy Access Options dialog box. Caution A plus (+) sign always appears when you drag an item to the Easy Access pane, even if you are moving the item. Notes • You cannot copy or move folders to the Easy Access pane. • Each time you copy or move an item to the Easy Access pane, the destination is added to the History folder in the pane. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 45 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.8.4 To Copy or Move an Item as a New Version in the Easy Access Pane To copy or move an item as a new version in the Easy Access pane: 1. In Outlook or Explorer, click the item you want to copy or move as a new version. Tip: You must select a single item, such as a document, that supports versions. You cannot copy an item from an Enterprise Connect folder. You cannot select an item that does not support versions, such as an email or a folder, and you cannot select multiple items. 2. Holding down the left or right mouse button, drag the selected item to the Easy Access pane, and then position it directly over the item to which you want to add a new version. This item must support versions. It cannot be an email or a folder. 3. Let go of the mouse button, and in the Confirm Add Version dialog box, click Add New Version. The item is added as a new version of the item you dragged it onto. Notes 2.8.5 • If you click Add New Document in the Confirm Add Version dialog box, the item is added as a separate document to the folder where you dragged it. It is not added as a new version. • If you were holding down the right mouse button, you must click Copy Here or Move Here on the menu that appears after you let go of the button. If you were holding down the left mouse button, the setting specified in the Easy Access Options dialog box controls whether the item is copied or moved. To Move the Easy Access Pane To move the Easy Access pane: on the Enterprise Connect Easy Access title bar, and then 1. Click the arrow click Move. 2. Hold the left mouse button down, and then do one of the following: • To keep the pane undocked, drag it to the location you want it to appear in, and then release the mouse button. • To dock the pane, drag it all the way to the edge of the region where you want to dock it, and then release the mouse button after the pane snaps into position. Tip: You can also move the Easy Access pane by dragging the Enterprise Connect Easy Access title bar while holding the left mouse button down. 46 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.8. Using the Easy Access Pane in Outlook 2.8.6 To Resize the Easy Access Pane To resize the Easy Access pane: 1. Position the pointer along one of the edges or at one of the corners of the Easy Access pane. 2. When the pointer becomes a double-ended arrow , drag the pointer to resize the pane. If the pane is docked, you will only be able to resize it in certain directions. Tip: You can also resize the Easy Access pane by clicking the arrow on the Enterprise Connect Easy Access title bar, and then clicking Size. If the pane is floating, the double-ended arrow is positioned at the bottom right corner. If the pane is docked, the double-ended arrow is positioned along the edge that you are able to resize. 2.8.7 To Set Easy Access Pane Options To set Easy Access pane options: 1. In Outlook, on the Enterprise Connect menu, click Easy Access Pane > Options. 2. Perform one or more of the following actions: To Do this Choose whether to restore the last folder tree in the Easy Access pane every time Outlook starts Select the Auto expand to last tree view check box. Determine what happens when you drag an item to a location in the Easy Access pane while left-clicking the mouse Under Actions, in the Outlook left mouse drag and drop box, click one of the following: Move The item is moved to the location. Copy The item is copied to the location. Display items such as documents and emails as well as folders in the Easy Access pane Under Navigation, select the Include documents in folder expansion check check box. Display the contents of a folder in the List Under Navigation, select the Show folder Pane when you click the folder in the Easy contents in list view on select check box. Access pane Note: Your administrator can prevent you from changing one or more of the settings displayed in the Easy Access Options dialog box. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 47 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer 2.8.8 Using Search Profiles in the Easy Access Pane A search profile contains a predefined collection of search criteria, including a search location, that helps to limit the scope of your searches and return more relevant results. For example, a search profile could restrict the scope of a search to emails that are stored in a specific folder. Your administrator must create search profiles before you can use them. If search profiles are available, the Easy Access pane displays an additional search profile box to the right of the standard search box. By default, the search profile box displays the For Here selection, which enables you to perform standard searches on the currently-selected folder in the pane. To perform a search using a search profile, enter the search terms in the search box, and then select a search profile in the search profile box. For more information, see “To Navigate the Easy Access Pane” on page 43. Your administrator can also configure search profiles to be selected automatically with pre-populated search terms when you select an email whose subject line matches a specific pattern. For example, if you view an email with subject Ref#: 11200, your administrator could configure the Easy Access pane search boxes to automatically display Case 11200 in the search box and the name of the search profile in the search profile box. You only need to click the magnifying glass icon to perform the search. Note: For search profile pattern matches, your administrator defines which terms are matched and which terms are automatically displayed in the search box. The matched terms and displayed terms can be different. In the above example, the term Ref# is matched, but this is replaced by the term Case in the search box. The specific terms that are matched and displayed depend on how your environment is configured. 2.9 Refreshing Enterprise Connect You can manually refresh the Enterprise Connect display if its contents have changed, and you want to see the changes immediately. For example, if someone else adds a document to a folder that you are currently viewing, you can use the Refresh option to immediately see the new content. The refresh applies to the contents of the folder that is currently selected in the Tree Structure. 48 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.10. Setting Options 2.9.1 To Refresh the Currently Selected Folder To refresh the currently selected folder: • On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Refresh. Tip: You can also click the Refresh button on the Enterprise Connect toolbar to refresh the display. 2.10 Setting Options Using the Options dialog box, you can do the following: 2.10.1 • Specify logging options. • Reset your Enterprise Connect settings. • Clear all stored credentials. • Schedule synchronizations for offline items. Setting Log File Options You can specify the type of information that is written to the log file. By default, the log level of each component is set to Error, and logging is disabled. Caution Modifying log file options will affect Enterprise Connect performance. Only change log file options when instructed to by an administrator. To Set Log File Options To set log file options: 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Options. 2. In the Category list, click Advanced Settings. 3. Click Logging Options. 4. Select the Log Enabled check box. 5. Perform one or more of the actions in the following table, and then click Apply. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 49 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Do this Set a logging level for all components Click one of the following options in the Apply to All list: None No log file is generated. This is the default setting. Error Writes errors to the log file. Warning Writes errors and warnings to the log file. Information Writes errors, warnings, and informational messages to the log file. Debug Writes a detailed report of program activity to the log file. Select this option only if instructed to by your administrator. Specify a different log level for an individual component Click the appropriate setting in the Log Level list next to the Component Name. Increase the legibility of the log Select the Use Indentation in Log File check box. Specify a location for the log file Next to File Location, click Browse . By default, the log is stored in the temporary folder specified for your user account, as represented by the %TEMP% user environment variable. Change the default log file name Type a different name in the File Name box. By default, the file name includes the name of the process that generates the log, as represented by the %PNAME% variable. 2.10.2 Clearing Stored Credentials Depending on how your system is configured, Enterprise Connect can store or cache an encrypted local copy of the credentials you use to connect to one or more applications and repositories. If required, you can manually clear your stored credentials and force Enterprise Connect to store new ones, even if the current ones are still valid. If you use a client certificate for authentication, clearing stored credentials will also require you to re-select the certificate the next time you start Enterprise Connect. 50 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.10. Setting Options Caution Do not clear stored credentials unless instructed to do so by the administrator. To Clear Stored Credentials To clear stored credentials: 2.10.3 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Options. 2. In the Category list, click Advanced Settings. 3. Click Clear Credentials. 4. In the confirmation message, click Yes. 5. Close Enterprise Connect and log off of your Windows session. The next time you start Enterprise Connect, you are prompted to enter your new credentials. Resetting Enterprise Connect You can reset Enterprise Connect to its initial state. If you do this, the following settings and customizations are cleared from your system: • Saved searches. • Search history. • Custom column settings for specific folders. • Names and icons for top-level application and repository folders. • Application-specific settings on the Options dialog box and Help menu. The changes take effect the next time you sign in. If you connect to an application or repository that stores credentials, you are prompted to re-enter your credentials the next time you start Enterprise Connect. Caution Do not reset Enterprise Connect unless instructed to do so by the administrator. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 51 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer To Reset Enterprise Connect To reset Enterprise Connect: 2.10.4 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Options. 2. In the Category list, click Advanced Settings. 3. Click Reset Now. 4. In the confirmation message, click Yes. Scheduling Offline Syncs You can schedule offline syncs to run on a daily basis at a specified time on one or more days of the week. For more information about the offline synchronization process, see “Synchronizing Online and Offline Content” on page 84. The offline syncs run automatically on your computer at the scheduled times. Messages appear above the task bar to alert you when each synchronization starts and ends. If errors or warnings are encountered during the synchronization process, you can click the icon that appears in the task bar to open the Updating Online and Offline Content dialog box. Use this dialog box to view more information and resolve any pending issues. In order for an offline sync to run, you must be logged on to your computer at the scheduled time, and Enterprise Connect must be online. If a scheduled offline sync is unable to start, it is not run until the next scheduled time. To Schedule an Offline Sync To schedule an offline sync: 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Options. 2. In the Category list, click Offline Synchronization. 3. Select the check box next to each day for which you want the offline sync to run. 4. Specify the time at which you want the offline sync to begin. Note: The offline sync only runs if you are logged on to your computer and Enterprise Connect is online. 5. 52 Click OK. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 2.11. Managing Plug-in Definitions 2.11 Managing Plug-in Definitions Plug-ins communicate with the applications and repositories that provide content to Enterprise Connect. You can use theManage Plug-ins dialog box to add or modify definitions for some types of plug-ins. For example, you could add a plug-in definition to connect to a new application or repository, or edit a plug-in definition to change an application or repository's display name in Enterprise Connect. In most cases, your administrator provides the values to specify when adding or editing plug-in definitions. The Manage Plug-ins dialog box displays the following types of plug-ins: User A plug-in definition that you created. The plug-in is only available to you. If another person logs on to your computer with a different account, they cannot access the plug-in definition. System A plug-in definition created by your administrator. The plug-in is available to all users of your computer. You can view a System plug-in definition, but you cannot edit or delete it. Note: The Manage Plug-Ins dialog box does not support managing definitions for certain types of plug-ins. 2.11.1 To Add a Plug-in Definition To add a plug-in definition: 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Manage Plug-Ins. 2. Click New. 3. Type the following values for the plug-in: Unique ID A unique name that represents the plug-in's internal identifier. You can use any unique alphanumeric string. Do not use other characters such as spaces or punctuation characters, including question marks (?) or backslashes (\). Display Name The name that appears for the plug-in in the Tree Structure. This name also appears on the Search a Repository and Help menus in Outlook and Explorer. URL The URL to the server on which the plug-in is installed. 4. Click Test to verify the URL. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 53 Chapter 2 Working in Outlook and Explorer Note: The test verifies only that the server is responding to requests. It does not verify that the plug-in is operating correctly. 5. Click OK. Note: The plug-in is only created for you. Other users of your computer cannot access it. 2.11.2 To Edit a Plug-in Definition To edit a plug-in definition: 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Manage Plug-Ins. 2. In the Plug-ins list, click the plug-in, and then click Edit. 3. Type changes to one or both of the following values, and then click OK: Display Name The name that appears for the plug-in in the Tree Structure. This name also appears on the Search a Repository and Help menus in Outlook and Explorer. URL The URL to the server on which the plug-in is installed. 4. Click Test to verify the URL. Note: The test verifies only that the server is responding to requests. It does not verify that the plug-in is operating correctly. 5. Click OK. Note: You can only edit plug-in definitions whose Type is set to User. You cannot edit the Unique ID value. 2.11.3 To Remove a Plug-in Definition To remove a plug-in: 54 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab, click Manage Plug-Ins. 2. In the Plug-ins list, click the plug-in, and then click Remove. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Chapter 3 Working in Office and Acrobat Depending on the options specified during Enterprise Connect installation, you can use Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, and Visio, as well as Adobe Acrobat Standard or Professional, to work with documents in the Tree Structure. Enterprise Connect provides custom Open and Save As dialog boxes that you can use to open or save documents in Enterprise Connect repositories. The way in which you access these dialog boxes depends on the version of Office you are using: • For all Office applications except Visio 2007 and Project 2007, you can use the Enterprise Connect tab in the ribbon. • For Visio 2007, Project 2007, and Acrobat, you can use the Enterprise Connect submenu on the File menu. Notes • The use of the Microsoft Office Upload Center is not supported for Enterprise Connect documents. • The Adobe Acrobat integration only applies to Acrobat Standard or Professional. It does not apply to Adobe Reader. If your administrator enables it, you can use the Extended Integration option to work with Enterprise Connect in Adobe Reader. For more information, see “Editing Documents in Additional Applications“ on page 75. 3.1 Opening Documents When you are working in Office or Acrobat, you can open any compatible document to which you have access from Enterprise Connect, and edit it directly within the application. You can also open and work with any previous versions of the document that you can access. Depending on how your system is configured, you can use one or more of the following methods to open documents from Enterprise Connect: • Use the Open command on the Enterprise Connect tab in the ribbon. This command is available on the File > Enterprise Connect menu in Visio 2007, Project 2007, and Acrobat. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box” on page 56. • Use the native Office Open command. Depending on how your system is configured, this causes either the native Office Open dialog box or the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box to appear. To select a document in the native Office OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 55 Chapter 3 Working in Office and Acrobat Open dialog box, click Enterprise Connect box. • in the left section of the dialog Select a document from the recent documents list, which is available on the File menu in Visio 2007 and Office 2010 and 2013, and on the Microsoft Office Button in Office 2007. The recent documents list keeps track of documents you previously opened from Enterprise Connect. Note: Depending on how your administrator has configured Enterprise Connect, selecting the native Office Open command might open the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box. In this case, the Open command on the Enterprise Connect submenu might also not be available. 3.1.1 Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box Use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box to view and open documents stored in Enterprise Connect. To Do this Search for a document Type the search terms in the search field, and then click Find . The type of documents returned is controlled by the Files of type option. The search results appear in the right pane. If multiple repositories are selected, a separate search result bar is displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click on the search results bar. To display minimized search results, click results, click . To clear search . Clicking a folder in the left pane, or doubleclicking one in the right pane, causes the contents of the folder to appear in the right pane. Any open search results are minimized, but can be restored by clicking . Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder 56 Click the arrow in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 3.1. Opening Documents To Do this Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the view of a selected folder's contents and the display of folders Click Refresh next to the location list. Filter the view of documents by type Click an option in the Files of type list. If you perform a search, this option also controls the type of documents returned. Add a column to the folder view Right-click a column, and then click a column name. View a preview or other options for a selected document On the Additional Information bar in the right pane, click . The available options vary depending on the document. To resize Additional Information, position the pointer at the top of the Additional Information pane. When the pointer becomes a pane. , drag the pointer to resize the To minimize Additional Information, click . Open the latest version of a document Select the document, and click Open. Open an earlier version of a document Click the arrow next to Open, and then click the version you want to open. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 57 Chapter 3 Working in Office and Acrobat To Do this Open a read-only version of a document Click the arrow next to Open, and then click Open ReadOnly. You can view the document but you cannot edit it. This option is not available if you are using the dialog box to insert a document or attachment. Open a document from your computer Click Open Local File. This option only appears if your administrator enables it. You can use Open Local File to open a document from your local file system if you are unable to access Enterprise Connect. 3.2 Saving Documents When you are working in Office or Acrobat, you can save new documents to Enterprise Connect locations. You can also save new versions of documents that you opened from Enterprise Connect. Depending on how your system is configured, you can use one or more of the following methods to save documents to Enterprise Connect: • If you are saving changes to a document that you opened from Enterprise Connect, use the native Office or Acrobat Save command. Depending on how your administrator configured your system, this either causes the document to be saved locally, or causes a new version of the document to be saved to the same location in Enterprise Connect. For more information, see “Specifying the Upload Method for Office Documents” on page 61. • To save a new document or document version, use the Save As command on the Enterprise Connect tab in the ribbon. This command is available on the File > Enterprise Connect menu in Visio 2007, Project 2007, and Acrobat. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Save As Dialog Box” on page 59. • If the Save As command on the Enterprise Connect submenu is not available, use the native Office Save As command (for existing documents) or the native Save command (for new documents) to open the Enterprise Connect Save As dialog box. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Save As Dialog Box” on page 59. Note: Depending on how your administrator has configured Enterprise Connect, selecting the native Office Save As or Save command might open the Enterprise Connect Save As dialog box. In this case, the Save As command on the Enterprise Connect submenu might also not be available. 58 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 3.2. Saving Documents 3.2.1 Using the Enterprise Connect Save As Dialog Box Use the Enterprise Connect Save As dialog box to save new documents, or new or updated versions of existing documents, to locations in Enterprise Connect. To Do this Search for a folder inside the currentlyselected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, a separate search result bar is displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click To clear search results, click Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow . . in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the view of a selected folder's contents and the display of folders Click Refresh . Specify the type of document you are saving Click a file format in the Save as type list. Save a new document in a selected folder In the Save As list, click New Document, and then click Save. Save a new version of a document In the Save As list, click New Version. In the New Version dialog box, select the document for which you want to save a new version. Click Open, and then click Save. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 59 Chapter 3 Working in Office and Acrobat To Do this Save an updated version of a document In the Save As list, click Update Content. In the Update Content dialog box, select the document version that you want to update. Click Open, and then click Save. Note: Some repositories do not allow you to update an existing version of a document. Instead, they require that you save an updated item as a new version. Save a document to your computer Click Save Locally. This option only appears if your administrator enables it. You can use Save Locally to save a document to your local file system if you are unable to access Enterprise Connect. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. 60 Enter additional information for the selected items Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Export a PDF or XPS copy of the document In the Save As list, click New Document. In the Files of type list, click PDF or XPS, and then click Save. The PDF or XPS copy is saved as a separate document at the location you selected. You continue to work with the document in its original format in the Office application you are using. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 3.3. Inserting Documents in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 3.3 Inserting Documents in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint In Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can use the Insert Document button on the Enterprise Connect tab to insert Enterprise Connect documents, or links to Enterprise Connect documents, into a document that you have open. 3.3.1 To Insert a Document in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint To insert a document in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: 1. Open or create a new document in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. 2. On the Enterprise Connect tab, click Insert Document. 3. Use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box to find and select a document. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box” on page 56. 4. In the list next to the Open button, click one of the following: • Insert as attachment Embeds a copy of the document in the document you have open. • Insert as link Inserts a link to the item’s location in Enterprise Connect. The format of the link depends on the repository that stores the document. For example, the link could be a URL that opens a browser window to the document overview. 5. Click Open. 3.4 Specifying the Upload Method for Office Documents Depending on how your administrator configures your system, the following settings might be displayed on the Enterprise Connect tab of the Office ribbon: • The Upload button. • The Finalize on Close check box. If these settings are displayed, when you save an Enterprise Connect document using the Office native save command (for example, by pressing CTRL+S or clicking File > Save), the document is saved locally. A new version of the document is not uploaded to the server. To upload a new version of the document to the server, you must do one of the following: • Select the Finalize on Close check box. When you close the document, any pending changes are uploaded to the server and the document is unreserved. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 61 Chapter 3 Working in Office and Acrobat Selecting the Finalize on Close check box is useful when you want to ensure that the changes you make to a document are uploaded to the server each time you finish an edit session. • Click the Upload button on the Enterprise Connect tab of the Office ribbon while the document is open. Any changes you made to the document are saved, and a new version is uploaded to the server. The document remains reserved and open for editing. If the Finalize on Close check box is cleared, a new version is not uploaded when you close the document, and the document remains reserved. Clearing the Finalize on Close check box is useful if you are working on a document for an extended period of time and you only want the finished version of the document to be available on the server. To upload pending changes and unreserve the document, click the Finalize or Unreserve link for the document in the Manage Local Documents dialog box. For more information, see “To Manage Local Documents” on page 86. For Adobe Acrobat, and for Office applications that do not support the ribbon, depending on how your administrator configured your system, one of the following happens when you use an application’s native Save command to save changes to a document: • A new version is uploaded to the server each time you save changes. • A new version is only uploaded to the server when you close the document. • A new version is only uploaded to the server if you click the Finalize or Upload link for the document in the Manage Local Documents dialog box. For more information, see “To Manage Local Documents” on page 86. Note: Your administrator can configure your system so that the Finalize on Close check box and Upload button are not displayed. In this case, a new version of a document is uploaded to the server each time you save the document, and the document is always unreserved when you close it. 3.4.1 To Specify Upload Behavior when an Office Document Is Closed To specify upload behavior when a document is closed: 1. In an Office application that supports the ribbon, open a document for editing from Enterprise Connect. 2. On the Enterprise Connect tab in the ribbon, do one of the following: • 62 Select the Finalize on Close check box. When you close the document, pending changes are uploaded to the server and the document is unreserved. This check box is selected by default when you first edit a document. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 3.4. Specifying the Upload Method for Office Documents • Clear the Finalize on Close check box. When you close the document, pending changes are not uploaded to the server, and the document remains reserved. Caution If you clear the Finalize on Close check box, the following conditions apply: • Your changes to the document are saved locally and are not automatically uploaded to the server. You must manually upload the pending changes, either by clicking the Upload button on the Enterprise Connect tab in the ribbon, or by clicking the Finalize link for the document in the Manage Local Documents dialog box. For more information, see “To Manage Local Documents” on page 86. • Your document remains reserved even when you close it. To change the reserve state of the document, you must click the Finalize or Unreserve link for the document in the Manage Local Documents dialog box. Notes 3.4.2 • Your selection for the Finalize on Close check box is saved with the document and is retained the next time you open the document. You can specify different settings for the Finalize on Close check box for different documents. • Your administrator can configure your system so that the Finalize on Close check box is not displayed. In this case, a new version of a document is uploaded to the server each time you save the document in an Office application that supports the ribbon, and the document is always unreserved when you close it. To Upload an Office Document To upload an Office document: 1. In an Office application that supports the ribbon,, open a document for editing from Enterprise Connect. 2. On the Enterprise Connect tab in the ribbon, click Upload. If the document has any pending changes, a new version is uploaded to the server. The document remains reserved and open for editing in the Office application. Note: Your administrator can configure your system so that the Upload button is not displayed. In this case, a new version is uploaded to the server each time OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 63 Chapter 3 Working in Office and Acrobat you save changes to a document in an Office application that supports the ribbon. 64 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Chapter 4 Working in IBM Notes If IBM Notes client is installed on your system, you can do the following with emails (mail messages) in IBM Notes: • Copy or move emails to Enterprise Connect. You can copy or move multiple emails at the same time from a mail folder. You can also copy or move an email while viewing its contents. • Copy email attachments to Enterprise Connect. Only the attachments are copied, not the emails themselves. • Open IBM Notes emails stored in Enterprise Connect. You can open multiple emails at the same time. The emails are open for viewing only. • Add Enterprise Connect documents as attachments to emails. 4.1 To Copy or Move an Email to Enterprise Connect To copy or move an email to Enterprise Connect: 1. In IBM Notes, do one of the following: • Click an email in a mail folder. To select multiple emails that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select multiple emails that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. • Open an email for viewing. 2. On the Actions menu, click Copy/Move Messages to Enterprise Connect. 3. Select the location where you want to copy or move the email. To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 . 65 Chapter 4 Working in IBM Notes To Do this Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. Enter additional information for the selected items 4. 66 Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Click one of the following buttons: • Copy • Move OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 4.2. To Copy an Email Attachment to Enterprise Connect The Copying Items or Moving Items dialog box appears, indicating the status of the copy or move process. If a failure is encountered during the copy or move process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied or moved, along with a reason for the failure. 4.2 To Copy an Email Attachment to Enterprise Connect To copy an email attachment to Enterprise Connect: 1. In IBM Notes, do one of the following: • Click an email in a mail folder. To select multiple emails that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select multiple emails that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. At least one of the selected emails must contain an attachment. • Open an email for viewing. The email must contain an attachment. 2. On the Actions menu, click Copy Attachments to Enterprise Connect. 3. Select the location where you want to copy the email attachments. To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 . Click the arrow in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. 67 Chapter 4 Working in IBM Notes To Do this Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. Enter additional information for the selected items 4. Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Click Copy. The Copying Attachments dialog box appears, indicating the status of the copy process. If a failure is encountered during the copy process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied, along with a reason for the failure. 68 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 4.3. To Open an Email from Enterprise Connect 4.3 To Open an Email from Enterprise Connect To open an email from Enterprise Connect: 1. On the Actions menu in IBM Notes, click Open from Enterprise Connect. 2. Use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box to find and open one or more emails. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box” on page 56. Note: You can only view the emails. You cannot edit them and save your changes to Enterprise Connect. 4.4 To Add an Enterprise Connect Document as an Attachment To add an Enterprise Connect document as an attachment: 1. Create a new email message in IBM Notes. 2. On the Actions menu, click Attach Documents. 3. Use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box to find and attach a document. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box” on page 56. 4. In the list next to the Open button, click one of the following: • Insert as attachment Inserts a copy of the document. • Insert as link Inserts a link to the item’s location in Enterprise Connect. The format of the link depends on the repository that stores the document. For example, the link could be a URL that opens a browser window to the document overview. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 69 Chapter 5 Working in Novell GroupWise If GroupWise client is installed on your system, you can do the following with emails in GroupWise: • Copy or move emails to Enterprise Connect. You can copy or move multiple emails at the same time from a mail folder. You can also copy or move an email while viewing its contents. • Add Enterprise Connect documents, or links to the documents, as attachments to emails. 5.1 To Copy or Move an Email to Enterprise Connect To copy or move an email to Enterprise Connect: 1. In GroupWise, do one of the following: • Click an email in an email folder. To select multiple emails that are in sequence, hold down SHIFT when you click. To select multiple emails that are not in sequence, hold down CTRL when you click. • Open an email for viewing. 2. On the File menu, click Copy/Move to Enterprise Connect. 3. Select the location where you want to copy or move the email. To Do this Search for a folder within the currently selected folder Type the search terms in the search field, and then click the magnifying glass icon . The search results appear in a bar beneath the Enterprise Connect tree. If multiple repositories are selected, separate search result bars are displayed for each repository. To minimize search results, click . To display minimized search results, click . To clear search results, click OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 . 71 Chapter 5 Working in Novell GroupWise To Do this Perform an advanced search within the currently selected folder Click the arrow Perform a saved or custom search Click the arrow in the search box, and then click Advanced Search. This option is only displayed if it can be performed on the currently-selected location. in the search box, and then click the name of the saved or custom search you want to perform. Your administrator must create a custom search for it to be available. For more information on how to create your own saved searches, see “Working with Recent and Saved Searches” on page 38. View a recently accessed folder Click a folder trail under the History folder in the Tree Structure, or in the location list at the top of the dialog box. Update the folder display view Click Refresh next to the Location list. Create a default container at the selected location Click New. The default container is typically a folder. If you are not permitted to create a folder or other container at the selected location, New is unavailable. Create a specified type of container at the selected location Click the arrow next to New, and then click the type of container you want to create. The list of available containers depends on the selected location. Enter additional information for the selected items 4. 72 Select the Prompt for Metadata check box. This check box only appears if you select a location where it is possible to enter metadata. If your administrator configures the system to require you to enter metadata, this prompt is not available. Click one of the following buttons: • Copy • Move OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 5.2. To Add an Enterprise Connect Document as an Attachment The Copying Items or Moving Items dialog box appears, indicating the status of the copy or move process. If a failure is encountered during the copy or move process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied or moved, along with a reason for the failure. Tip: You can also click the Copy or Move the selected Items to Enterprise Connect button to copy or move emails to Enterprise Connect. 5.2 To Add an Enterprise Connect Document as an Attachment To add an Enterprise Connect document as an attachment: 1. Create a new email in GroupWise. 2. On the File menu, click Attachments > Attach Documents from Enterprise Connect. 3. Use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box to find and attach a document. For more information, see “Using the Enterprise Connect Open Dialog Box” on page 56. 4. In the list next to the Open button, click one of the following: • Insert as attachment Inserts a copy of the document. • Insert as link Inserts a link to the item’s location in Enterprise Connect. The format of the link depends on the repository that stores the document. For example, the link could be a URL that opens a browser window to the document overview. Tip: You can also click the Attach documents from Enterprise Connect button to add an Enterprise Connect document as an attachment. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 73 Chapter 6 Editing Documents in Additional Applications If the Extended Integration option is installed on your system, you can work with Enterprise Connect using the Open, Save, and Save As dialog boxes in additional applications, including the following: • Adobe Reader • Notepad • WordPerfect Your administrator configures which of these applications support Enterprise Connect. When you are working in these applications, you can open, edit, and save documents to and from Enterprise Connect folders just as you can with any other folder that is available from the Open, Save, and Save As dialog boxes. When you open an Enterprise Connect document in WordPerfect or Adobe Reader, the document is automatically reserved. Depending on how your administrator configured your system, the document might be unreserved when you close it, or you might have to click the Unreserve or Finalize link for the document in the Manage Local Documents dialog box. For more information, see “Managing Local Documents“ on page 85. If you use the Notepad Open dialog box to open an Enterprise Connect document, the document is not reserved. A Notepad document is only reserved if you use the Enterprise Connect Open or Edit command to open the document for editing. In this case, closing Notepad does not unreserve the document. You must always click the Unreserve or Finalize link for the document on the Manage Local Documents dialog box to unreserve the document. Depending on how your administrator configured your system, one of the following happens when you use an application’s native Save command to save changes while editing an Enterprise Connect document: • A new version of the document is uploaded to the server. • A new version of the document is saved locally, but is not uploaded to the server. If you are using WordPerfect or Adobe Reader, a new version of the document is uploaded to the server when you close the document. • A new version of the document is saved locally, but is not uploaded to the server even when you close the document. You must click the Finalize or Upload link for the document on the Manage Local Documents dialog box to manually upload a new version to the server. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 75 Chapter 6 Editing Documents in Additional Applications If you attempt to save a document to Enterprise Connect in an application that supports Extended Integration, and the document is not successfully saved to the server, Enterprise Connect stores the document on your local system. You can use the Manage Local Documents dialog box to subsequently upload the document to the location you first attempted to save it in. A message appears in the notification area informing you of any failed or canceled attempts to save a document. You can click the message to open the Manage Local Documents dialog box and attempt to save the document again. 76 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Chapter 7 Managing Offline Content You can configure Enterprise Connect to work offline. When you are offline, you can edit selected documents even though you are not connected to the applications and repositories that store them. You might decide to work offline in one of the following situations: • Your network connection is unavailable. • You do not have access to the applications and repositories you work with in Enterprise Connect. You can download versions of the documents you want to work with offline, and control when Enterprise Connect is offline. The general process for working offline involves the following steps: • When you are online, download versions of the documents you want to work with while offline. • When your network connection is unavailable, set Enterprise Connect to work offline. You can then edit the offline versions of documents you previously downloaded. • When your network connection is restored, set Enterprise Connect to work online. Any documents you edited while offline are automatically uploaded to the server. 7.1 Migrating Offline Content If your Enterprise Connect installation was upgraded from a previous version that contained documents or folders that you had taken offline, you must manually migrate the offline content to your current version of Enterprise Connect in order to continue to work with it. You can migrate offline content at any time by running the Migrate Offline Documents from Older Versions command that appears on the Enterprise Connect > Offline menu. After the migration is successfully completed, the command disappears. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 77 Chapter 7 Managing Offline Content 7.1.1 To Migrate Offline Content To migrate offline content: 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu in Explorer, click Offline > Migrate Offline Documents from Older Versions. The Migrate Offline Documents from Older Versions dialog box appears, indicating that the system is analyzing the content to be migrated. Once analysis is complete, the Updating Online and Offline Content dialog box appears, indicating the status of the update. 2. After the migration is completed, if the Updating Online and Offline Content dialog box displays any warnings, click Resolve Conflict to resolve the issue. If an issue is encountered that cannot be immediately resolved, you will need to take additional steps to resolve it, and then run the migration process again. Tip: The Migrate Offline Documents from Older Versions is also available on the context menu of the Enterprise Connect root folder in Outlook and Explorer. In addition, until you complete the migration, you are prompted to migrate offline content whenever you go offline or come back online. 7.2 Downloading Offline Versions When you are online, you can download versions of the documents you want to work with while offline. The documents remain available online and are not reserved or checked out of the applications that store them. Offline versions are saved in the local document cache. You can use the Manage Local Documents dialog box to edit and manage these documents, just like other documents stored in the cache. For more information, see “Managing Local Documents“ on page 85. You can download offline versions of individual documents, or you can download an offline version of a folder. Downloading a folder automatically downloads all items in the folder that are able to be taken offline. If the folder contains subfolders, the subfolders and their documents are downloaded as well. Your administrator can set a maximum combined size for your offline documents. After you reach this limit, you must discard previously downloaded offline versions before you can download any more offline documents. You can delete any offline versions of documents you downloaded. Deleting an offline version does not affect the online version of the document. The Offline column indicates if you downloaded an offline version of a document. You can also use the Manage Local Documents dialog box to see a list of downloaded offline documents. This dialog box also lets you upload or delete offline versions from your computer. 78 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 7.2. Downloading Offline Versions Note: In addition to items that you have downloaded for offline use, in some cases, recently-edited items that are stored in the local document cache are also visible when you are in offline mode. This can happen if the recently-edited items are stored in a folder that is displayed in offline mode, for example a folder that contains an item that was taken offline. For more information about the local document cache, see “Managing Local Documents“ on page 85. 7.2.1 The Offline Column The Offline column appears in the Explorer and Outlook List Pane, and in the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box. It indicates the offline status of listed items: • For documents, Yes indicates that you downloaded an offline version of the document, or a folder that contains the document, to your computer. You can open and edit the document when offline. • For folders, Yes indicates that you downloaded an offline version of the folder, or of a folder that contains the folder. You can see and open the folder when offline. • For documents, No indicates that the document will not be visible when you are offline. You must be online to open or edit the document. • For folders, No indicates that an offline version of the folder has not been downloaded. You might still be able to see the folder when offline, if offlline versions of one or more items in the folder have been downloaded. • Yes* indicates that a version of the item has been taken offline from a different location. This can happen if multiple links to the same item are stored in different places, and you have taken the item, or a folder that contains it, offline from one of these other places. You cannot take the same item offline from more than one location at a time. Note: In some cases items marked Yes* can appear offline in multiple locations. This can happen if the folder that contains the item marked Yes* is displayed in offline mode, for example if the folder contains another item that was taken offline. 7.2.2 To Download an Offline Version To download an offline version: 1. In Explorer or Outlook, right-click the document or folder you want to download. You can select multiple items by holding down SHIFT or CTRL while clicking the items, and then right-clicking them. 2. Click Download Offline Version. The Download Offline Versions dialog box appears, indicating the status of the download. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not copied or moved, along with a reason for the failure. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 79 Chapter 7 Managing Offline Content Note: Your administrator can set a limit on the total combined size of items you can download. To avoid issues with document synchronization performance, do not download more than a maximum of 2500 items in total. 7.2.3 To Delete an Offline Version To delete an offline version: 1. In Explorer or Outlook, right-click the document or folder whose offline version you want to delete. You can select multiple items by holding down SHIFT or CTRL while clicking the documents, and then right-clicking them. Note: Deleting an offline version of a folder also deletes the offline versions of all documents and other items in the folder. 2. Click Discard Offline Version. 3. In the Enterprise Connect dialog box, click Yes. Tip: You can also use the Manage Local Documents dialog box to delete an offline version of a document. For more information, see “Managing Local Documents“ on page 85. 7.3 Working Offline In Outlook and Explorer, the Enterprise Connect menu or tab contains an Offline > Work Offline or Offline > Work Online command. You can use this command to switch between working online and offline. The command depends on the current state of Enterprise Connect. If Enterprise Connect is online, the Work offline command is available. You must manually set Enterprise Connect to work offline. By default, Enterprise Connect remains online even if your network connection is unavailable. When you are offline, you can search for, preview, and edit the contents of offline documents. You can also add documents to offline folders. You cannot update document metadata, such as properties or attributes. 80 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 7.3. Working Offline 7.3.1 Features That Are Not Accessible Offline When you are offline, the following Enterprise Connect features are not accessible: 7.3.2 • The Enterprise Connect > Search menu. • The Send and Save button for emails. • The Manage Plug-ins command. • Commands that require a connection to an application or server in order to function. Columns for Offline Documents By default, the List Pane displays Name, Date modified, and Size columns for all offline documents. Depending on the application that stores the documents, additional columns might be displayed as well. The column information is updated to show the results of any offline activity. For example, the Date modified column shows when you last edited the document while you are offline. 7.3.3 Searching Offline Documents You can search for documents when you are offline. The following methods are supported: • Quick searches using the toolbar in the Outlook or Explorer List Pane, or the Easy Access pane. • Document searches in the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box. In order for offline searching to be available, the following conditions must be met: • The Windows Search feature must be turned on. • The Windows Search service must be started. If you are having difficulty performing offline searches, contact your administrator for assistance in ensuring the prerequisites are properly installed and configured. Your searches are undertaken on the contents of offline documents, as well as on the standard property fields indexed by Windows Search. Searches do not include offline folder names. Attachments to emails are searched. The types of files that are searched are determined by the supported and selected file types for Windows Search and any installed add-ins. Offline search does not support the full Windows Search syntax. Operators such as NOT are interpreted as normal search terms, and it is not possible to narrow the search to specific document properties. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 81 Chapter 7 Managing Offline Content Note: In some cases, offline searches might return slightly different results than online searches on the same set of documents. 7.3.4 Adding Items to Enterprise Connect While Offline You can use the standard methods for copying and moving items such as documents and emails to Enterprise Connect while offline. For example, you can drag items, use the Enterprise Connect Save As dialog box in Office, or use the Copy/Move to Enterprise Connect command to add items to offline folders in Enterprise Connect. You can only add items to Enterprise Connect folders that have been taken offline. Items added while offline have a red arrow overlay on their icons to indicate that they are awaiting upload to the server. When you take Enterprise Connect back online, any items added while offline are automatically uploaded to the server. Items added while offline are displayed in a lighter font in theManage Local Documents dialog box until Enterprise Connect goes back online and the items are uploaded to the server. You can use the Manage Local Documents dialog box to edit or discard the items while Enterprise Connect is offline. For more information, see “Managing Local Documents“ on page 85. Note: You cannot add folders or other containers to Enterprise Connect while offline. 7.3.5 To Work Offline To work offline: • 7.3.6 On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab in Explorer or Outlook, click Offline > Work Offline. To Preview an Offline Document To preview an offline document: 1. In Outlook or Explorer, click the document. 2. On the List Pane toolbar, click Preview. For more information about using the preview toolbar, see “Previewing Documents and Images” on page 34. Tip: You can also preview documents in the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box by clicking Additional Information. 82 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 7.4. Uploading Documents Edited While Offline 7.3.7 To Edit an Offline Document To edit an offline document: 1. 2. Do one of the following to open the document: • In Outlook or Explorer, browse the offline folders in the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure until the document appears in the List Pane or Easy Access pane. Double-click the document, or right-click it and then click Open. • In Office, use the Enterprise Connect Open dialog box. • On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab in Outlook or Explorer, clickOffline > Manage Local Documents, click a document, and then click Edit. Use the application's native Save command to save your changes. Notes • When offline, you can always use the Manage Local Documents dialog box to edit recently-edited items, even if you did not download offline versions of the items. In addition, recently-edited items might also be available for editing from the Enterprise Connect offline view, if the items are stored in a folder that is displayed in offline mode. 7.4 Uploading Documents Edited While Offline When you go back online after working offline, Enterprise Connect automatically uploads any edited offline documents to the server. If you are required to enter information for document metadata or properties, you are prompted to provide this information during the upload process. In some cases, a conflict might prevent the upload from completing. For example, one of the following situations could occur: • A more recent version of the document is already on the server. • The document is reserved or checked out by another user. • The document has been deleted on the server. If you encounter one of these situations, you can use the Manage Local Documents dialog box to resolve the conflict. For more information, see “To Resolve a Conflict Between Local and Server Versions of a Document” on page 87 and “Resolving Unsuccessful Uploads” on page 88. Note: If a document you edited while offline was moved or renamed on the server, the edited version is automatically uploaded to the correct location on the server. However, the Manage Local Documents dialog box and the Enterprise Connect offline tree continue to display the previous document name or location until you perform an offline sync or synchronize the document in the Manage Local Documents dialog box. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 83 Chapter 7 Managing Offline Content 7.5 Synchronizing Online and Offline Content You can manually synchronize the offline content in your local document cache with the online repository to ensure the latest files are available in both places. An offline sync updates the offline content stored on your computer with the latest content from the online repository. It causes the following actions to occur: • New versions of offline documents are downloaded and replace the previous offline versions. If an offline version was edited, you are given the choice of retaining the edited offline version or replacing it with the latest online version. • New items added to offline folders are automatically downloaded. • If the server version of a document was renamed or moved after the offline version was last updated, the document’s new name or location is updated in the Manage Local Documents dialog box and the Enterprise Connect offline tree. Before you can perform an offline sync, you must download one or more offline items. For more information, see “Downloading Offline Versions ” on page 78. You can also schedule an offline sync to run automatically on a daily basis. For more information, see “Scheduling Offline Syncs” on page 52. 7.5.1 To Perform an Offline Sync To perform an offline sync: 1. On the Enterprise Connect menu or tab in Outlook or Explorer, click Offline > Offline Sync. The Updating Online and Offline Content dialog box appears, indicating the status of the synchronization. If a failure is encountered during the download process, the View results dialog box appears after all operations are complete. It displays a list of items that were not synced, along with a reason for the failure. 2. 84 If a document has been modified both online and offline, click Resolve conflict, and then click Overwrite Server Version to synchronize to the online version, or Discard Local Version to synchronize to the offline version. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 Chapter 8 Managing Local Documents When you open a document for editing from a server, a copy of the document is stored on your computer in the local document cache. The Manage Local Documents dialog box displays all the items that are currently stored in the local document cache. This can include the following: • Items you have recently edited. These remain in the cache until the cached document limit set by your administrator is reached. When this limit is reached, the oldest items in the cache are automatically removed until the number of items is below the limit. These items are also automatically removed from the cache if you attempt to edit, open, or synchronize them, and the items have been deleted on the server. Notes • Documents with local edits that have not been uploaded to the server are never automatically removed from the local document cache. • Your administrator can configure the local document cache so that certain types of documents are never cached. • Items you have downloaded for offline use in Enterprise Connect. This option is not applicable if Enterprise Connect is not installed on your computer. Every item you download for offline use is displayed. • Items that you have reserved on the server. • Items you have recently opened as read-only. These items are displayed in a lighter font. Once you close the item, it disappears from the cache. You can view the Manage Local Documents dialog box by double-clicking the Office Editor icon in the notification area on your computer. From the Manage Local Documents dialog box, you can open documents for editing, open read-only copies of documents, discard documents from the local cache, synchronize locally-edited documents with the server, finalize edits to documents, and resolve any synchronization conflicts. Note: OpenText recommends that you access the local document cache through the Manage Local Documents dialog box, rather than directly through Windows Explorer. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 85 Chapter 8 Managing Local Documents 8.1 To Manage Local Documents To manage local documents: 1. 2. 3. In the notification area, do one of the following: • Double-click the Office Editor icon • Right-click the Office Editor icon Documents. . , and then click Manage Local Optional In the Find Text box, type terms to match the text displayed in the Name or Location column. The list is automatically filtered to show matching items as you type. Optional In the list at the top left, do one of the following: • Click Show All to display all items. • Click Show Pending to display items that are awaiting upload to the server, that are reserved, or for which a conflict exists between server and local versions. • Click Show Recently Edited to display only items that were edited locally. • Click Show Downloaded Offline to display only items downloaded for offline use in Enterprise Connect. This option is not applicable if Enterprise Connect is not installed on your computer, or working offline in Enterprise Connect is not enabled. 4. Click a document. You can select multiple documents by holding down SHIFT or CTRL when you click. 5. Perform one of the actions in the following table. To Do this Open a document for editing Click Edit. The document opens for editing in the appropriate application. If the item was moved or renamed on the server, the local copy is updated to match the current location or name. Open a read-only copy of a document Click Open Read-Only. A read-only copy of the document opens in the appropriate application. You cannot edit this document unless you save it to your desktop. Any edits you make are not stored in the local document cache or uploaded to the server. If the item was moved or renamed on the server, the local copy is updated to match the current location or name. 86 OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 8.2. To Resolve a Conflict Between Local and Server Versions of a Document To Do this Synchronize a local document with the version on the server Click Synchronize. If a more recent version of the document exists on the server, the local document is updated. If the document was edited locally, and the edited document was not previously uploaded to the server, it is uploaded to the server now, and the document is unreserved. If the item was moved or renamed on the server, the local copy is updated to match the current location or name. Remove a document from the local document cache Click Discard. The document is removed from the local document cache. This does not delete the document from the server. You cannot discard an open document. Resolve conflicting local and server versions of a document In the Details column, click Resolve Conflict, and use the Resolve Conflict dialog box to make a selection. Retry an unsuccessful attempt to upload an edited document In the Action column, click Try Again. For more information, see “Resolving Unsuccessful Uploads” on page 88. Upload pending changes and unreserve a document In the Action column, click Finalize. Unreserve a document In the Action column, click Unreserve. Upload pending changes to an open document In the Action column, click Upload. Note: If you select multiple documents, the Synchronize button changes to Perform Actions. Clicking Perform Actions causes all the actions listed in the Action column for the selected documents to be performed. 8.2 To Resolve a Conflict Between Local and Server Versions of a Document To resolve a conflict between local and server versions of a document: 1. In the notification area, do one of the following: • Double-click the Office Editor icon • Right-click the Office Editor icon Documents. . , and then click Manage Local 2. In the list at the top left, click Show Pending. 3. Click the document for which the conflict exists. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 87 Chapter 8 Managing Local Documents 4. In the Location column, click Resolve Conflict. 5. In the Resolve Conflict dialog box, do one of the following: 6. • Click Add New Server Version to replace the version on the server with the local version on your computer. • Click Discard Local Version to replace the local version of your document with the version from the server. • Click Cancel to close the dialog box. The Resolve Conflict message will continue to be displayed in the Location column until the conflict is resolved. If the Confirm dialog box appears, click Yes. Note: To prevent the Confirm dialog box from appearing subsequently, select the Don’t show this dialog again check box. You can make the dialog box reappear by pressing the SHIFT or ALT key when you click the appropriate button in the Resolve Conflict dialog box. 8.3 Resolving Unsuccessful Uploads In some cases, it is not possible to upload an edited version of a document to the server. If this happens you can try the following: • Resolve the problem on the server, and then click the Try Again link for the document in the Location column of the Manage Local Documents dialog box. If the issue that was preventing the upload is resolved, the document is uploaded. • Use the Open Read-Only command in the Manage Local Documents dialog box to open a read-only version of the document, and save this version to your desktop. You can then add this version as a new document to the server. • Use the Discard command in the Manage Local Documents dialog box to remove the document from the local document cache. Doing this clears the document from the cache, but also causes you to lose any local edits unless you previously used the Open Read-Only command to save a copy of the document. 8.4 Understanding the Columns The Manage Local Documents dialog box displays information about documents in the following columns: 88 Column Description Name The name of the document on the server. Location The folder on the server that contains the document. Click the location name to open the location in a Web browser. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 8.5. Working When the Server Connection Is Unavailable Column Description Details Information about the state of the document, such as the time it was last synced to the server. Action Can display one of the following links that you can click to perform an action on the document: Resolve Conflict A conflict exists between the local document and the version on the server. Click the link to resolve the conflict. Try Again The document cannot be uploaded to the server. Finalize Click the link to upload pending changes to the server and unreserve the document. Unreserve Click the link to unreserve the document. A new version is not uploaded to the server. Upload Click the link to upload pending changes to the server. The document’s reservation state remains unchanged. Date modified The date and time the local version of the document was last edited. If the local document has not been edited, this displays the time the document was added to the local document cache. Size The size of the document. 8.5 Working When the Server Connection Is Unavailable If the connection to a server is unavailable, Office Editor displays the message Repository is offline for affected documents in the Manage Local Documents dialog box. You can continue to work with these documents locally while the server is offline. Once the connection to the server is restored, Office Editor automatically attempts to upload any edited documents to the server. OpenText Enterprise Connect – User Getting Started Guide NGDCORE100502-UGD-EN-1 89