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Optional Board Test Applications




Contents Optional Board Test Applications 1 Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures In this chapter............................................................................................................................... 1-1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 1-1 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................... 1-1 Required Tools and Materials................................................................................................ 1-1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 1-2 Agilent PanelTest........................................................................................................................ 1-4 Agilent TestJet With Multiple Boards .................................................................................. 1-6 Agilent Throughput Multiplier ................................................................................................... 1-7 Dual-Well Shared Wiring ............................................................................................................ 1-9 Developing a Panel Board Test ................................................................................................. 1-12 Gather Materials and Define Strategy ................................................................................. 1-12 Strategy Definition Considerations...................................................................................... 1-13 Create Board Information .................................................................................................... 1-15 Generate Tests and Fixture Files ......................................................................................... 1-36 Build and Verify Fixture...................................................................................................... 1-55 Complete and Debug Tests .................................................................................................. 1-60 Release to Production .......................................................................................................... 1-62 2 Agilent TestJet and Agilent Vectorless Test EP In this chapter............................................................................................................................... 2-1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 2-1 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications i Table of Contents Prerequisites........................................................................................................................... 2-1 Required Tools and Materials................................................................................................ 2-1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 2-2 Test Method ................................................................................................................................. 2-4 Test Development ...................................................................................................................... 2-10 Gather Materials and Define Strategy ................................................................................. 2-10 Create Board Information .................................................................................................... 2-12 Generate Tests and Fixture Files ......................................................................................... 2-32 Build and Verify the Fixture................................................................................................ 2-49 Complete and Debug Tests .................................................................................................. 2-53 Release to Production .......................................................................................................... 2-62 Adding Agilent TestJet to Existing Tests and Fixtures ............................................................ 2-66 Fixturing Reference ................................................................................................................... 2-70 Parts List .............................................................................................................................. 2-70 Mux Cards............................................................................................................................ 2-72 Assembling and Installing TestJet Probes ........................................................................... 2-87 3 Agilent Polarity Check In this chapter............................................................................................................................... 3-1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 3-1 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................... 3-1 Required Tools & Materials .................................................................................................. 3-1 Agilent Polarity Check................................................................................................................. 3-2 Testing Capabilities ............................................................................................................... 3-2 Requirements for Testing Both Sides of a Board .................................................................. 3-2 References.............................................................................................................................. 3-2 Test Method ................................................................................................................................. 3-3 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications ii Table of Contents Test Development ........................................................................................................................ 3-5 Gather Materials and Define Strategy ................................................................................... 3-5 Create Board Information ...................................................................................................... 3-5 Build and Verify Fixture...................................................................................................... 3-11 Complete and Debug Tests .................................................................................................. 3-11 Release to Production .......................................................................................................... 3-13 Adding Agilent Polarity Check to Existing Tests & Fixtures ................................................... 3-15 4 Agilent Connect Check In this chapter............................................................................................................................... 4-1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 4-1 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................... 4-1 Required Tools and Materials................................................................................................ 4-1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 4-2 Test Method ................................................................................................................................. 4-3 Fixturing Considerations........................................................................................................ 4-6 Test Development ........................................................................................................................ 4-9 Gather Materials and Define Strategy ................................................................................... 4-9 Create Board Information .................................................................................................... 4-10 Generate Tests and Fixture Files ......................................................................................... 4-13 Build and Verify Fixture...................................................................................................... 4-26 Complete and Debug Tests .................................................................................................. 4-26 Release to Production .......................................................................................................... 4-40 Adding Connect Check to Existing Tests and Fixtures ............................................................. 4-44 Fixturing Reference ................................................................................................................... 4-47 Mux Card Mounting Holes .................................................................................................. 4-47 Mux Card Wiring................................................................................................................. 4-48 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications iii Table of Contents 5 Multiple Board Versions In this chapter............................................................................................................................... 5-1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 5-1 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................... 5-1 Required Tools and Materials................................................................................................ 5-1 References.............................................................................................................................. 5-1 Multiple Board Versions Software .............................................................................................. 5-2 Test & Fixture Development with Multiple Board Versions Software ....................................... 5-3 Step 1. Gather Materials and Define Strategy ....................................................................... 5-3 Step 2. Create Board Information .......................................................................................... 5-3 Step 3. Generate Tests and Fixture Files ............................................................................... 5-9 Step 4. Build and Verify Fixture.......................................................................................... 5-18 Step 5. Complete and Debug Tests ...................................................................................... 5-18 Step 6. Release to Production .............................................................................................. 5-20 Deleting and Extracting Versions .............................................................................................. 5-23 Deleting a Version ............................................................................................................... 5-23 Extracting a Version ............................................................................................................ 5-23 Performing an ECO ................................................................................................................... 5-26 Adding Multiple Board Versions to Existing Tests................................................................... 5-27 Adding Versions During Production Test ................................................................................. 5-28 Adding a New Version to a Multiple-Version Test ............................................................. 5-28 Adding a Version to a Single-Board Test ............................................................................ 5-29 6 Instrument Control: C/C++ In this chapter............................................................................................................................... 6-1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 6-1 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................... 6-1 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications iv Table of Contents Required Tools and Materials................................................................................................ 6-1 Controlling Instruments ............................................................................................................... 6-2 Sources of Additional Information ........................................................................................ 6-2 The Board Test Environment................................................................................................. 6-2 Hardware to Connect the Instruments ................................................................................... 6-3 An Instrument Server............................................................................................................. 6-5 Modifying the testplan to Control Instruments...................................................................... 6-6 A UCI Instrument Server Using C/C++ .................................................................................... 6-16 Setting up Your System to use C/C++................................................................................. 6-16 Creating a UCI Server File .................................................................................................. 6-16 Example of an Executable UCI Server Program ................................................................. 6-17 Creating the Executable UCI Server Program ..................................................................... 6-22 Running a UCI Server Program........................................................................................... 6-28 Another Example UCI Server Program ............................................................................... 6-29 UCI Library Syntax Reference .................................................................................................. 6-40 uciCreateServer.................................................................................................................... 6-41 uciDescribeResult ................................................................................................................ 6-43 uciGetArrayNumItems......................................................................................................... 6-45 uciGetArrayReadPtr............................................................................................................. 6-46 uciGetArrayWritePtr............................................................................................................ 6-48 uciGetCString ...................................................................................................................... 6-50 uciGetNumParms................................................................................................................. 6-52 uciGetParmType .................................................................................................................. 6-54 uciGetReal64 ....................................................................................................................... 6-57 uciHandleFuncCalls............................................................................................................. 6-59 uciRaiseError ....................................................................................................................... 6-61 uciRegisterFunction ............................................................................................................. 6-63 uciSetCString ....................................................................................................................... 6-66 uciSetReal64 ........................................................................................................................ 6-68 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications v Table of Contents uciShutdownServer.............................................................................................................. 6-70 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications vi 1 In this chapter... Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures ■ Introduction, 1-2 Required Tools and Materials ■ Agilent PanelTest, 1-4 To accomplish the tasks in this chapter, you need: ■ Agilent Throughput Multiplier, 1-7 ■ Dual-Well Shared Wiring, 1-9 ■ Developing a Panel Board Test, 1-12 ■ Agilent 3070 Workstation Objectives When you finish reading this chapter, you should be able to understand the following Agilent 3070 multiple-board testing tools: ■ Agilent PanelTest ■ Agilent Throughput Multiplier ■ Dual-Well Shared Wiring Prerequisites Before you begin using this chapter, you should already know: ■ © Agilent Technologies 2001 how to develop a single-board test Optional Board Test Applications 1-1 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Introduction This chapter explains three Agilent 3070 Series II multiple-board testing tools: ■ ■ Agilent PanelTest - makes it easier and faster to develop tests and fixtures for multiple boards or panels of boards. Agilent Throughput Multiplier - tests boards simultaneously (one board per testhead module at one time) to increase test system throughput. ■ Dual-Well Shared Wiring - reduces the number of testhead resources needed, and increases operator throughput by specifying shared (parallel) wiring from resources to boards. This chapter provides an overview of the three tools, then explains the steps in developing a test with Agilent PanelTest, Agilent Throughput Multiplier, and Dual-Well Shared Wiring. Table 1-1 defines terms used in this chapter. Table 1-1 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Term definitions Term Definition panel-board test A board test for a panel of two or more boards developed with PanelTest software. single-board test A board test for one board to be tested on one fixture. multiple-board test A board test for a panel of two or more boards NOT developed with PanelTest software. single-board-type panel A panel that consists of two or more identical boards. multiple-board-type panel A panel that consists of two or more TYPES (not identical) of boards. board-to-module mapping Assignment of boards to modules in the board configuration file for Throughput Multiplier. dedicated DUT power supply A DUT power supply assigned to one power node on one board only. Optional Board Test Applications 1-2 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Table 1-1 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Term definitions (continued) Term Definition multiplexed DUT power supply A DUT power supply assigned to the same power node on more than one board. Every board to which a multiplexed supply is assigned, must be of the same board type. The Fixture Generation Software assigns pins and probes for the power nodes; the test developer is responsible for providing the multiplexing wiring and relays. expanded node, device, and test names Names that are prefixed with . For example, 2:r1 and 1:u1-1. placeholder in node, device, and test names A pound sign and colon (#:) added to the beginning of names to instruct the compiler to get the prefix from the board number. For example, #:U1. prefix in node, device, and test names The board number and colon added to the beginning of the name. For example, 2:u100. file link A link from one source file to other path names. For example, a panel of two boards has one source file for each test on one board. Those source files are linked to the pathnames of the same tests on the second board. Optional Board Test Applications 1-3 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Agilent PanelTest Agilent PanelTest software makes it easier and faster to develop board tests and fixtures for multiple-board panels. You can use PanelTest with Agilent Throughput Multiplier and Dual-Well Shared Wiring. You need to enter the board and X-Y data only once for each type of board to be tested on the fixture instead of once for every board. Agilent IPG automatically generates the device tests for the devices on all boards. The Testplan Generator generates a testplan that controls the testing of the individual boards, pass / fail reporting, serializing, and datalogging. The status of one board does not affect the testing of other boards. The testplan allows the operator to specify which boards of the panel to skip; this is for partially-loaded panels or for retesting the boards of the panel that failed previously. The Fixture Generation Software automatically generates the files and reports needed to build the fixture. The fixture verification feature automatically instructs you to probe the locations on each board and checks the connections to those locations. change the device test on just one of the boards, leaving the test on the other boards unchanged. PanelTest considers a panel (as shown in Figure 1-1 on page 1-5) to be from 2 to 256: ■ Identical boards fastened together in a panel. ■ Boards of varying types fastened together in a panel. ■ Identical boards to be tested on one fixture that are not fastened together. ■ Boards of varying types to be tested on one fixture that are not fastened together. For the purpose of this chapter: ■ Panels that are comprised of one type of boards are called single-board-type panels. ■ Panels that are comprised of two or more types of boards are called multiple-board-type panels. Agilent PushButton Debug automatically applies changes to the device test on all boards of the type currently being debugged. You can also manually © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-4 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Figure 1-1 Multiple-board panels Board 1 Board Board 3 2 Board 5 Board 6 Board 4 Board Board 7 8 Board 1 Board Board 3 2 Board 5 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 1 Board 2 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications Board 4 Board 6 Board 3 1-5 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Agilent TestJet With Multiple Boards If you are using TestJet on multiple boards, you can instruct the software to minimize the number of TestJet Figure 1-2 mux cards, or to use one mux card for every board under test. See Figure 1-2 for an example. Agilent TestJet with multiple boards MUX Card Board 1 MUX Card Board 1 Board 2 MUX Card Optional Board Test Applications MUX Card Board 2 Use the MPA.OneBoardPerTestJetMux parameter in the .hp3070 file to specify the appropriate mux card wiring method. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Board 3 Board 3 For example: MPA.OneBoardPerTestJetMux: On MPA.OneBoardPerTestJetMux: Off 1-6 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Agilent Throughput Multiplier Agilent Throughput Multiplier reduces test time by testing up to four boards of a single-board-type panel simultaneously. You must use Throughput Multiplier with PanelTest; you can use Throughput Multiplier with Dual-Well Shared Wiring. Because each module of the Agilent 3070 Series II testhead provides complete test capability, each module can perform testing on a board simultaneously. As shown in Figure 1-3 on page 1-8, up to four boards can be tested at the same time. In this example, a panel of eight identical boards are assigned as two boards per module: ■ Boards 3 and 7 are assigned to module 0. ■ Boards 4 and 8 are assigned to module 1. ■ Boards 2 and 6 are assigned to module 2. ■ Boards 1 and 5 are assigned to module 3. Boards 1, 2, 3, and 4 can be tested simultaneously; boards 5, 6, 7, and 8 can be tested simultaneously. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-7 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Figure 1-3 Agilent Throughput Multiplier BD1 BD5 BD2 BD6 MOD2 MOD3 BD3 BD7 BD4 BD8 MOD0 MOD1 Testhead See Test Strategy for Throughput Multiplier on page 1-13 for considerations when planning to use Throughput Multiplier. Create the board configuration file. on page 1-25 provides instructions on assigning boards to modules. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-8 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Dual-Well Shared Wiring Use Dual-Well Shared Wiring to specify parallel wiring from resources to boards. This reduces the number of testhead resources needed and increases operator throughput by allowing a board to be tested while the operator replaces another board on the fixture. You must use Dual-Well Shared Wiring with PanelTest; you can Figure 1-4 use Dual-Well Shared Wiring with Throughput Multiplier. Dual-Well Shared Wiring specifies that the same node on multiple boards share testhead resources. As shown in Figure 1-4, node_a on boards 1and 2 are wired to the same personality pin. With separate support plates and vacuum wells, the system can test Board 2 while the operator is replacing Board 1 with a new board to be tested. Dual-well shared wiring Support Plate Probe Plate Board 1 node_a Board 2 Probe Personality Pin For the test and fixture development process, treat multiple boards as a panel. If all the boards are the same type, develop a test and fixture for a single-board-type © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications node_a Testhead panel; if the boards are not all the same, develop a test and fixture for a multiple-board-type panel. 1-9 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures You can specify parallel wiring across single-board-type panels and across multiple-board-type panels. For parallel-wired boards, you can specify some nodes to be wired independently instead of in parallel. This is determined by the node name; nodes with a common name are wired in parallel, nodes with unique names are wired independently. Because the test system considers all boards of a single type to be identical, a board with an independently wired node (unique node name) requires its own board type. You can specify up to three boards to be wired in parallel. The fixture must be built with separate support plates and vacuum wells for each board. In the example shown in Figure 1-5 on page 1-11: ■ Boards 1 and 4 are wired in parallel and assigned to module 2. ■ Boards 2 and 5 are wired in parallel and assigned to module 0. ■ Boards 3 and 6 are wired in parallel and assigned to module 1. ■ Boards 1, 2, and 3 are controlled by vacuum A. ■ Boards 4, 5, and 6 are controlled by vacuum B. While Vacuum B is actuated and boards 4, 5, and 6 are being tested, the operator can remove boards 1, 2, and 3 to replace them with new boards to be tested. You need to modify the testplan to actuate the vacuum wells appropriately for your test situation. Never allow the vacuum for more than one parallel-wired board to be actuated at any one time. See Test Strategy for Dual-Well Shared Wiring on page 1-14 for considerations when planning to use Dual-Well Shared Wiring. You can use Dual-Well Shared Wiring with Throughput Multiplier to test multiple boards simultaneously. You need to assign the boards that are to be tested simultaneously, to independent modules and a common vacuum well. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-10 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Figure 1-5 Dual-Well shared wiring with Agilent Throughput Multiplier Vacuum A Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Vacuum B Board 4 Board 5 Board 6 Module 2 Module 3 Module 0 Module 1 NOTE Throughput Multiplier supports only single-board-type panels. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-11 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Developing a Panel Board Test This section explains how to develop a panel board test, noting differences or additions to the process explained in the Test and Fixture Development documentation. ■ Because the software expands node and device names by adding prefixes to them, choose node and device names that, when expanded, are not longer than allowed. See Table 1-2 to find the number of characters in the prefix that the software adds to the device and node names Each step includes considerations and instructions for PanelTest, Throughput Multiplier, and Dual-Well Shared Wiring as appropriate. The steps you must follow are explained in these sections: 1 Gather Materials and Define Strategy on page 1-12. 2 Create Board Information on page 1-15. 3 Generate Tests and Fixture Files on page 1-36. 4 Build and Verify Fixture on page 1-55. 5 Complete and Debug Tests on page 1-60. 6 Release to Production on page 1-62. Gather Materials and Define Strategy Additional considerations for PanelTest, Throughput Multiplier, and Dual-Well Shared Wiring: ■ Gather Materials You need all the same materials to develop a panel board test that you need to develop a single-board test. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications Prepare the Schematic Diagrams Table 1-2 Characters added to device and node names Number of Boards in Panel Numbers of Characters in Longest Prefix From 2 to 9 2 From 10 to 99 3 From 100 to 256 4 Note that devices tested with part libraries (resistor packs for example) have even more characters added to their device names. Dual-Well Shared Wiring includes additional prefix characters. Take this into consideration when choosing device names. The maximum number of characters (including prefix) for: ■ node names is 40 ■ device names is 48 1-12 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures ■ • multiple-board-type panels boundary-scan devices is 20 • digital tests that drive a dut clock and also use an internal clock for the sequencer Strategy Definition Considerations While defining the strategy, note the following additional considerations for planning the test strategy for PanelTest, Throughput Multiplier, and Dual-Well Shared Wiring. ■ • shorts testing • any test compiled with debug Test Strategy for PanelTest • digital tests with compiled-in sync pulse When planning to use PanelTest consider the following: ■ • tests requiring operator adjustment, such as potentiometers If there is a DUT power supply available for every power node on every board in the panel, you can assign a dedicated power supply for every power node; otherwise, you can: • • tests that pause to BT-BASIC • tests which accept or return a variable multiplex supplies to multiple power nodes. • tests which use on error exit test if a decision is made based on a result • choose to perform only unpowered testing and assign no power supplies. • tests using the sequence initiate; fetch; • use a combination of dedicated and multiplexed supplies. ■ PanelTest does not support passing variables or the pause statement in analog powered tests. Test Strategy for Throughput Multiplier When planning to use Throughput Multiplier consider the following: ■ © Agilent Technologies 2001 You need to make these tests execute serially instead of in parallel: report hi,low • tests that use external instruments ■ We recommend that you do not multiplex power supplies. ■ To use an XG-50 fixture with Throughput Multiplier, the boards to be tested must be located over the module to which they are wired. This is so that you can cut the ground plane of the XG-50 Throughput Multiplier does not support: Optional Board Test Applications 1-13 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures ■ to electrically isolate the ground plane between modules. being tested. You can specify the appropriate nodes to be wired independently. External instruments must be connected to the same module as the board under test. There are two external ports per module. If you need more than two external ports, you need to use an external multiplexer. • High test rates might induce damaging energy to the inputs of devices. • Increased ringing might cause latching of CMOS devices. • Double clocking might decrease the reliability of digital timing tests. You can specify that the applicable nodes be wired independently instead of in parallel. Test Strategy for Dual-Well Shared Wiring When planning to use Dual-Well Shared Wiring consider the following: ■ ■ ■ © Agilent Technologies 2001 If a board requires a safety shroud and interlock due to explosive devices or dangerous voltages, all boards wired in parallel with that board must be covered by the same shroud. This makes it impossible for an operator to change one board while another is being tested. Ideally, power nodes should not be wired in parallel. If there are enough DUT supplies in the test system, specify independent wiring for power supply nodes. If there are not enough DUT supplies, or if you are using Throughput Multiplier, you can use parallel wiring; however, the software does not provide wiring instructions. Wiring parallel power supply nodes is a manual task. The parallel wires on nodes for the board(s) not being tested might affect the tests for the board Optional Board Test Applications • Remote sensing might be degraded for sensitive analog measurements. You can specify that the applicable nodes be wired independently instead of in parallel. ■ Any board that has independently-wired nodes requires a different board type; you need to enter such boards as a different type in the panel definition form and edit the node names in the board description. ■ GP relays are wired in parallel for common named nodes. If you need independent GP relays, specify unique node names for the appropriate nodes. ■ Remember that Throughput Multiplier supports only single-board-type panels. ■ Because only one parallel-wired board can contact the fixture probes at any one time, Dual-Well 1-14 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Shared Wiring cannot be used the Agilent Express Fixturing System. 6 Select board type. 7 View / edit physical board data. Create Board Information 8 View / Edit the board description. There needs to be one board file and one board_xy file for the entire panel. The board and board_xy files each contain a section of information that applies to the panel; they also contain a section of information that applies to each type of board in the panel. 9 View / Edit test system data. For example, if a panel is comprised of eight identical boards (one board type), the board and board_xy files include information for only one board type and the panel. If the panel is comprised of four abc boards and four xyz boards (two board types), the board and board_xy files include information for one abc board type, one xyz board type, and the panel. These files are explained in more detail in Structure and Syntax of the board File on page 1-29 and Structure and Syntax of the board_xy File on page 1-33. To create the needed board information: 10 Enter Power Node and Fixed Node information. 11 Create the board configuration file. 12 Compile the board configuration file. 13 Verify data and configuration. 14 Enter library data. 15 Determine if fixture defaults or user-modifiable probes functionality is needed and implement it. 16 Enter the board data for the other board types. 17 Compile the board and X-Y data files 18 Examine the files. 19 Exit Board Consultant. 1 Start BT-BASIC. NOTE 2 Create the board directory. You need to enter all boards on the fixture as one panel of boards, even if they are all separate boards or if there are multiple panels of boards. 3 Invoke Board Consultant. 4 Create or edit the data files. 5 View/Edit the panel data. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-15 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures 1 Start BT-BASIC. Invoke BT-BASIC either from the HP Test CDE menu or from the Work Menu in the console environment. 2 Create the board directory. The board and fixture directory structure for PanelTest is the same as for a single-board test. See Figure 1-1 on page 1-17 for an example. The files and fixture directory shown with dashed lines in the example are not created until later in the test development process. Note that the name of the board directory becomes the panel id to be used by the datalogging software and the Fixture Generation Software. In this example the panel id is panelbrd. NOTE With Agilent 3070 software revision 3070 04.00pa, an environment variable was created so that files can be easily transferred between UNIX® and MS Windows® controllers, which have different file systems. The environment variable, $AGILENT3070_ROOT, replaces the upper path names on both systems. For example, the $AGILENT3070_ROOT factory default value is C:/Agilent3070. In this document, only path names using the environment variable are used. If you must use actual path names, refer to older versions of the documentation. Please see The Root Directory Environment Variable in Administering Agilent 3070 MS Windows Systems for further information. a Use the create dir statement to create the board directory. For example: create dir btgetenv$("AGILENT3070_ROOT") & "/boards/panelbrd" b Use the msi statement to msi to that directory. For example: msi btgetenv$("AGILENT3070_ROOT") & "/boards/panelbrd" © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-16 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Example 1-1 Board directory for Agilent PanelTest $AGILENT3070_ROOT boards panelbrd For PanelTest, Board Consultant displays the flow chart as shown in Figure 1-6 on page 1-18. The Board Consultant flow chart for PanelTest includes two additional blocks: View / Edit Panel Data and Board Type. If you are developing a test for a single board instead of a panel, ignore the two additional blocks; the test development process is the same as described in the Test and Fixture Development documentation. NOTE board To temporarily stop the test development process, select File > Save Board Information, then exit Board Consultant. To resume the process, invoke Board Consultant and select Load Existing Board. board_xy fixture drill trace 3 Invoke Board Consultant. © Agilent Technologies 2001 ■ Use the board consultant statement from the BT-BASIC window, or ■ Exit the BT-BASIC window and invoke it from HP Test CDE or with the Work Menu in the console environment. Optional Board Test Applications 1-17 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Figure 1-6 To create or edit the data files, select the appropriate block from the flow chart: a Select Create New Board to create board data files from start without translating other data files. Use the displayed New Board Specification Form to specify the board directory, if it is not already specified, and the board data file names. If the New Board Specification Form does not display the board data files, select Specify Files. b Select the Translate CAD Data block to display instructions on using CFT to create board and X-Y data files by translating other data files. If you are developing a panel test for a multiple-board-type panel, you need to run CFT separately for each board type in the panel. We recommend you specify the names of the output files for the first board type as board and board_xy; specify different names for the output files for subsequent board types. For example: • First board type: board, board_xy • Second board type: board2, board_xy2 • Third board type: board3, board_xy3 4 Create or edit the data files. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications To use translated data files for a multiple-board-type test, you start the process with the files for the first board type, then, before selecting the second board type, manually merge 1-18 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures the files for the remaining board types. Specific instructions are included in the Enter the board data for the other board types. on page 1-28. c Select the Load Existing Board block to resume creating board data files after interrupting the process or after running CFT. If needed, use the displayed Board Specification Form to specify the board data files. Select the Load Board button to load the board files and return to the flow chart. 5 View/Edit the panel data. Select View / Edit Panel Data to display a list of actions under the flow chart. a Click on Enter Boards On Panel to list the boards in the panel. This displays the Panel Definition Form. The list includes: board number, board type, and placement (X and Y offset from the panel origin, and rotation). You can optionally specify a failure message to be printed to the report is device when the board fails. For Dual-Well Shared Wiring, parallel-wired boards that need independent wiring on any node, must be entered as a different board type. If you are using translated data files to develop a multiple-board-type panel test, enter all boards in the panel even though you are starting with the © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications board and board_xy files for the first board type only. See Figure 1-7 on page 1-20 and Figure 1-9 on page 1-24 for examples of the Panel Definition Form and how to determine board placement offsets. When determining offsets (placement) for multiple boards that are not in a panel, or for multiple panels, consider the location of the boards versus the modules to which they are assigned and the location of the vacuum ports. When placing boards for Dual-Well Shared Wiring, try to distribute the boards evenly across the pin cards so that wire lengths are the same between parallel-wired boards. Also remember that parallel-wired boards need to be on separate support plates and vacuum ports. b After entering the boards on the panel, select UPDATE to update the panel information. c Select the Display Panel Graphics action to display the physical panel data on the screen as you enter or edit the data. If the X-Y data for the panel has been rotated, the view on the screen does not match the actual physical position of the panel on the fixture. d Select Enter Panel Outline and enter the X-Y coordinates that define the outline of the panel. This is the same as the board outline in the single-board test case. 1-19 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures e Select Enter Panel Tooling Holes and enter the X-Y coordinate locations of tooling holes in the panel (not in the individual boards). Areas probes cannot be placed because of physical restraints. The panel keepout areas can be specified for the bottom or top side of the panel or both. Specify panel keepout areas as polygons defined by at least three X-Y coordinate points. Specify the X-Y coordinate points relative to the panel origin. Specify the X-Y location of panel tooling holes relative to the panel origin. f Select Enter Panel Keepout and enter the areas of the panel (not areas of a board) where pins or Figure 1-7 Panel Definition form Panel Definition Form Actions Help Notes #: Board Type X Offset Y Offset Update © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications Rotation Failure Message (optional) Close 1-20 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Figure 1-8 Entering boards on the panel 6 Select board type. Panel a Select the Select Board Type block to display the Board Selection Form. Board 2 Board 1 Y 2 Board 3 Board 4 Y 1 This form lists the board types that you entered in the Panel Definition Form. b Use the Board Selection Form to specify the board type for which you want to enter data. You need to do this even if there is only one board type in the panel. 7 View / edit physical board data. X 1 a Select View / Edit Physical Board Data to display a list of actions under the flow chart. X 2 b Select Enter Board Outline to enter the board outline just as you would for a single-board test. Table 1-3 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Offsets of boards on the panel Board Number X Offset Y Offset 1 X1 Y2 2 X2 Y2 3 X1 Y1 4 X2 Y1 Optional Board Test Applications c Select Enter Tooling Holes to enter the X-Y locations and diameters of the board tooling holes. If a tooling hole entry applies to all boards of this type, leave the ON BOARDS field blank; otherwise, specify the board numbers of the boards to which the tooling hole entry applies. 1-21 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures d Select Display Board Graphics to display the physical board data on the screen. Board Graphics displays the first five board types of the panel. 8 View / Edit the board description. a Select View / Edit Board Description to display a list of actions under the flow chart. b Select the appropriate actions to enter or edit the board description information for the selected board type. c If you entered different board types for parallel-wired boards because you wanted to specify independent wiring on some nodes, you need to edit those node names. We recommend that you change the node name to identify the board. For example, if you wanted to specify independent wiring for VCC on two boards, you could append the board number to the node name: "vcc_1" "vcc_2" d The Fixture Generation Software might chose a different probe location for the same node on multiple boards. To force the software to use the same location on each board, declare that location MANDATORY for the other boards. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications e Select Display Board Graphics to display the board information on the screen. 9 View / Edit test system data. a Select View / Edit Test System Data to display a new list of actions under the flow chart. b Select Board-Level Disables / Conditions to enter the conditions for the currently selected board type. c Select IPG Global Options to enter the global options that apply to all boards in the panel. d Select Family Options and Card Preferences to enter options that apply to all boards in the panel. e Select Fixture Options to enter fixture options for all the boards in the panel. f Select GP Relay Connections to enter relay connections for the currently selected board type. g Select Board Keepout Areas to enter keepout areas for the currently selected board type. h Select Groups to enter groupings for the currently selected board type. i Select Extra Probing Locations to enter probing locations for the currently selected board type. 1-22 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures 10 Enter Power Node and Fixed Node information. a Select Enter Power Node Data to display the (Power Node Options Form as shown in Figure 1-9. Use this form to enter power node information; you can click the mouse on the Power- button to change the form to accept fixed node information. b If there is a DUT power supply available in the testhead for each power node on every board, enter one DUT power supply for each power node. This is called dedicated supplies. To enter a dedicated power supply, enter the node name and board number of the board to which you want to dedicate the specified power supply. c Ensure that corresponding power supply nodes on all boards of any one type have the same voltage and current levels specified. For example, one board has a power supply node +5V; the voltage and current levels specified for this node must be the same as for the +5V node on all other boards of the same type. The system recognizes that each board on the panel has its own ground node. DUT power supplies are not subject to module independence for Throughput Multiplier; you can © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications use a power supply from module 1 for a board test in module 0. d If there are not enough DUT power supplies available to assign dedicated supplies: • You can choose not to assign any power supplies and execute only unpowered tests. This is referred to as no supplies. Enter the power nodes as fixed nodes. For future considerations the Fixture Generation Software assigns ground wires to the pin card grounds so that power could be applied later, and powered tests executed. • You can choose to multiplex the available DUT power supplies to the power nodes. This is called multiplexed supplies. To enter a multiplexed supply for all boards of one board type, leave the Board Numbers field blank. You can specify the power supply to be used for some of the boards of one board type, or boards of different types, by entering the applicable board numbers separated by commas in the Board Numbers field. The system assigns personality pins and probes but you must manually add the wiring, fixture electronics, and testplan statements to multiplex the supplies. If you use multiplexed supplies and want to perform simultaneous testing with Throughput 1-23 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Multiplier, you must multiplex both sides of the DUT power supply, the power and the ground. e Continue entering the test system data by selecting the remaining actions to display the data entry forms. • You can use a combination of dedicated supplies, multiplexed supplies, and no supplies. Figure 1-9 Power Node Options form Power Node Options Form Actions Enter the Power Node Options Below. Ground Node: Node Name Power Supply Update © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications Voltage Current Limit Board Numbers Close 1-24 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures 11 Create the board configuration file. To use PanelTest, Throughput Multiplier, and Dual-Well Shared Wiring, the proper codewords must be included in the .enable file. This should have been done automatically when the software was installed on your Agilent 3070 Series II system. If the codewords are not included or if you are not sure, contact your system administrator. a Copy the standard configuration file to the local board directory. For example, from a BT-BASIC window, type: copy (btgetenv$("AGILENT3070_ROOT") & "/standard/config") to "config" b Edit the config file if necessary just as you would for a single-board test. c Enable the PanelTest, Throughput Multiplier, and Dual-Well Shared Wiring software in the board config file. For example, type: enable paneltest enable throughput multiplier enable dual well shared wiring Dual-Well Shared Wiring requires software revision B to be enabled. enable software revision b © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications d To test the boards of a panel simultaneously with Throughput Multiplier, include the boards (CONFIGURATION) statement in the board configuration file. The presence of the boards statement instructs the test system to invoke the Throughput Multiplier software. The boards statement also specifies which boards are to be tested by which modules. For example: boards 1 in module 0 boards 2,3 in module 1 boards 4,5,6 in module 2 e To specify Dual-Well Shared Wiring (as shown in Figure 1-10 on page 1-26), you need to include the boards wired in parallel (CONFIGURATION) statement in the board configuration file. The presence of the boards wired in parallel statement instructs the test system to invoke Dual-Well Shared Wiring. The boards wired in parallel statement also specifies which boards are to be wired in parallel. If Dual-Well Shared Wiring is enabled, there must be at least one boards wired in parallel statement. There must be consecutive board numbers across the boards wired in parallel statements; a board number cannot be used in more than one statement. Every board on the fixture must be 1-25 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures included in a boards wired in parallel statement including independently-wired boards. boards 1,2 wired in parallel boards 6 wired in parallel boards 3 to 5 wired in parallel For example: Figure 1-10 Dual-Well shared wiring with Agilent Throughput Multiplier Vacuum A Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Vacuum B Board 4 Board 5 Board 6 Module 2 Module 0 Module 3 Module 1 In Figure 1-10, the following boards are tested simultaneously with Throughput Multiplier: ■ ■ Boards 1, 2, and 3 controlled by vacuum well A. Boards 4, 5, and 6 controlled by vacuum well B. The following boards are wired in parallel by Dual-Well Shared Wiring: © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications ■ ■ ■ Boards 1 and 4 Boards 2 and 5 Boards 3 and 6 Example 1-2 enable software revision b 1-26 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures enable paneltest enable throughput multiplier enable dual well shared wiring module 0 cards 1 asru cards 2 to 5 hybrid standard cards 6 control standard cards 7 to 9 hybrid standard supplies 1 to 4 end module module 1 cards 1 asru cards 2 to 5 hybrid standard cards 6 control standard cards 7 to 11 hybrid standard supplies 5 to 8 end module module 2 cards 1 asru cards 2 to 5 hybrid standard cards 6 control standard cards 7 to 11 hybrid standard supplies 9 to 12 end module boards 3,6 in module 0 boards 2,5 in module 1 boards 1,4 in module 2 boards 3,6 wired in parallel boards 2,5 wired in parallel boards 1,4 wired in parallel © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 12 Compile the board configuration file. You can use the BT-BASIC window to compile the board configuration file just as you would for a single-board test. For example: compile "config" 13 Verify data and configuration. Select the Compile / Verify block to display a list of testability checks. We recommend that you perform the same testability checks at this point in the process as you would for a single board fixture. 14 Enter library data. a Select the View / Edit Library Data block to enter library data and create custom library tests the same as you would for a single-board fixture. b Select the Enter Library Paths action to display the Library Paths Form. Use this form to enter the pathnames to all applicable library directories for the entire panel; not just for the current board type. 1-27 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures c Add custom library tests for devices that you want to test but have no test in the Agilent 3070 Series II standard library directories. You can add custom library tests for a panel test with the same method that you use for a single board test. d Select the Compile / Verify block then select the appropriate actions to save the board files and compile the library test and safeguard files just as you would for a single-board fixture. 15 Determine if fixture defaults or user-modifiable probes functionality is needed and implement it. a See Chapter 3, Creating Board Information, section Create Fixture Defaults and User-modifiable Fixture Component Files on page 3-7 for information. 16 Enter the board data for the other board types. a Repeat step 6 through step 10 until you have entered the data for each board type on the panel. b If you ran CFT to create multiple board and X-Y data files for a multiple-board-type panel, and you are ready to select the second board type, you © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications need to merge the remaining board and X-Y data files into the existing board and board_xy files. Merge the information between the appropriate board and end board statements in the board and board_xy files. You can do this in a BT-BASIC window. Merge only the information that is specific to the board type; do not include panel information or information that is common to all boards such as, global options, device options, and library options. See the sections called Structure and Syntax of the board File on page 1-29 and Structure and Syntax of the board_xy File on page 1-33 for details of these files to help you merge the correct data to the correct place in the file. c Exit the BT-BASIC window to return to Board Consultant. d Load the modified board and board_xy files by selecting the Load Existing Board block. 17 Compile the board and X-Y data files a When the data has been entered for all board types in the panel, select the Final Compile / Verify 1-28 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures block to display a new list of actions under the flow chart. b Save the board files. This restores the board and board_xy files. c Compile the board file. d Compile the board_xy file. The compiler does not offset the coordinates from the board_xy file to make them all positive values in the board_xy.o file as it does for single-board tests. e Generate the testability report just as you would for a single board test. The testability report includes information for each board type in the panel. 19 Exit Board Consultant. a Select FILE. b Select EXIT. Structure and Syntax of the board File The structure and syntax of the board file are explained in Chapter 1, The Board File in Data Formats; this section explains only the differences in the board file for PanelTest. Example 1-3 on page 1-32 contains an outline of the board file for a panel that shows the differences from a single board file. Table 1-4 contains parameter and keyword definitions for the example code. 18 Examine the files. As a final check of the data, you can use the Plot Generator Web Service as described in Chapter 5, The Plot Generator in Test Development Tools to create a file of the board_xy data. You can copy this file to a plotter to generate a 1:1 plot of the board_xy file which you can then compare to a blank PC board panel. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-29 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Table 1-4 © Agilent Technologies 2001 Keywords and parameters in the board file Parameter/Keyword Definition BOARD/END BOARD These keywords mark the beginning and end of the board description of one board type. There is one BOARD/END BOARD description block for each board type on the panel. BOARDS This keyword marks the beginning of a list of all the boards on the panel. Each board must be given a and a . The list can optionally specify a failure message to be printed out if that board fails. FIXED NODE OPTIONS This keyword marks the beginning of a list of power and fixed nodes on the board type. This list appears inside the BOARD / END BOARD block. This is an integer between 1 and 256 that identifies the board. The board numbers must be sequential, must start with 1, and must not skip any number. This is entered in the Panel Definition Form. a string variable that identifies the board type (14 characters maximum) an optional string variable that specifies a message to be printed if the board fails the name of the node an integer that specifies the DUT power supply a numeric constant that specifies the output voltage of the DUT power supply in volts Optional Board Test Applications 1-30 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Table 1-4 Keywords and parameters in the board file (continued) Parameter/Keyword © Agilent Technologies 2001 Definition a numeric constant that specifies the current limit of the DUT power supply in amps This is a list of integers, separated by commas, that identify each board to which the power node is connected. If no on BOARDS is specified, the system assumes that power supply is multiplexed to all boards of the current board type. If only one board number is listed, the system assumes that power supply is dedicated to that one board. Optional Board Test Applications 1-31 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Example 1-3 HEADING GLOBAL OPTIONS DEVICE OPTIONS FAMILY OPTIONS LIBRARY OPTIONS CARD OPTIONS UNCONNECTED PIN BOARDS ! Apply to all boards and the panel. ! Apply to all boards and the panel. ! Apply to all boards and the panel. ! Apply to all boards and the panel. ! Apply to all boards and the panel. ! Applies to all boards and the panel. type> ; type> ; ! The information from here to the next "end board" statement ! applies to this board type only. FIXED NODE OPTIONS supply at volts, amps; supply at volts, amps on BOARDS ; . . . supply at volts, amps>; END BOARD . . © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-32 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures . BOARD END BOARD END Structure and Syntax of the board_xy File The structure and syntax of the board_xy file are explained in Chapter 2, The board_xy File in Data Formats; this section explains the differences in the board_xy file for PanelTest. Example 1-4 on page 1-35 contains an outline of the board_xy file for a panel that Table 1-5 © Agilent Technologies 2001 shows the differences from a single board board_xy file; the keywords are defined in Table 1-5. The sections before the board blocks apply to the entire panel; this is followed by a description block for each board type on the fixture. Definitions for the parameters in the board_xy file Parameter/Keyword Definition BOARD/END BOARD These keywords mark the beginning and end of the physical description of one board type. There is one BOARD / END BOARD description block for each board type on the panel. BOARDS This keyword marks the beginning of a list of all the boards on the panel. Each board is listed with a board number, a board type, and a placement. The placement is specified as x and y offsets from the panel origin, and rotation of the board. TOOLING This keyword, inside the board description blocks, marks the start of a list of tooling holes for that board type. This is an integer from 1 to 256 that identifies the board. The board numbers must be sequential and must not skip any numbers. The board numbers must match the board numbers specified in the board file. Optional Board Test Applications 1-33 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Table 1-5 Definitions for the parameters in the board_xy file (continued) Parameter/Keyword © Agilent Technologies 2001 Definition This is a string variable that identifies the board type (14 characters maximum). The board type must match the board type specified in the board file. the distance in the x direction of the board origin from the panel origin the distance in the y direction of the board origin from the panel origin the rotation of the board in degrees a string variable that identifies the board type (14 characters maximum) the diameter of the tooling pin hole in tenth mil units , are the x and y offsets from the board origin. This is a list of integers, separated by commas, that specify to which boards the tooling hole information applies. If no list is specified, the information applies to all boards of that type. Optional Board Test Applications 1-34 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Example 1-4 UNITS ; ! Applies to all boards and the panel. SCALE ; ! Applies to all boards and the panel. OUTLINE ! Panel Outline - Coordinates relative to panel origin. 0, 0 , 0 , 0, ; TOOLING ! Panel Tooling - Coordinates relative to panel origin. ; ; . . . ; KEEPOUT ! Panel Keepout - Coordinates relative to panel origin. , , , , ; BOARDS ! List of boards on panel - offsets are from panel origin to board origin. ; . . . ; BOARD OUTLINE ! Board Type Outline - Coordinates relative to board origin. 0, 0 , 0 , 0, ; TOOLING ! Board Type Tooling - Coordinates relative to board origin. ; © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-35 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures on BOARDS ; . . . ; KEEPOUT ! Board Type Keepout - Coordinates relative to board origin. , , , , ; NODE ; OTHER END BOARD . . . BOARD END BOARD END Generate Tests and Fixture Files 3 Generate the test program (testplan). Agilent IPG generates all the necessary tests, TPG generates the proper testplan to test the panel of boards, and the Fixture Generation Software generates the proper fixture files and reports to build the fixture. The exception is fixture defaults files, which must be compiled in the directory where they reside. 4 Create custom executable tests. 1 Invoke IPG Test Consultant. 8 Generate fixture defaults files 5 Generate requirements files. 6 Specify board placement. 7 Specify a fixture keepout area. 2 Generate the device tests and the testorder file. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-36 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures 9 Determine if user-modifiable probes functionality is required and implement it. 10 Generate fixture files and reports. 11 Examine the fixture files and reports. 12 Generate object files. 13 Recalculate dependencies. 14 Quit IPG Test Consultant. 1 Invoke IPG Test Consultant. a Invoke IPG Test Consultant from Test CDE or with the Work Menu in the console environment. b Select the board directory from the main menu. c Set the Fixture Format: • Single Board/Panel Per Fixture for testing one board or one panel of boards on the fixture for Dual Well Shared Wiring • Multiple Boards/Panels Per Fixture for testing multiple boards or multiple panels on one fixture d Select Develop Board Test from the main menu to display the Dependencies Calculation menu. e Set the dependencies calculation starting point. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications f Select Begin Interactive Development to display the Develop Board Test Menu. 2 Generate the device tests and the testorder file. Select Generate Tests with IPG from the Develop Board Test Menu to generate the device tests and the testorder file. IPG generates one source file for each device test on each type of board. The source file is associated to all the boards of that type through file links. The test is compiled to generate an object file for each board of each type. For more information on the device tests, see Device Test Structure on page 1-40 and Mixed Device Test Structure on page 1-41. For more information on the testorder file, see Structure and Syntax of the testorder File on page 1-42. 3 Generate the test program (testplan). Select the Generate Testplan task of Develop Board Test to generate the testplan. The testplan generator (TPG) generates a testplan that can be used with PanelTest and with Throughput Multiplier. 1-37 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures TPG automatically uses the correct testmain. For cassette fixtures, TPG uses abhtestmain_panel; for other fixtures, TPG uses testmain_panel. For more information, see Create custom executable tests. on page 1-38 and Testplan and Testmain for Dual-Well Shared Wiring on page 1-47. 4 Create custom executable tests. If you create custom executable tests, you can either write separate tests, or you can write one test then create the links by using the link BT-BASIC statement. Figure 1-11 on page 1-40 for an example of board placement for a panel. See Board Placement on page 1-51 for more information. 7 Specify a fixture keepout area. To specify a fixture keepout area, (an area of the fixture where no pins or probes should be placed) run the Fixture Generation Software and edit the fixture.o file using the instructions provided in Chapter 4, Generating Tests and Fixture Files in Test & Fixture Development. 8 Generate fixture defaults files 5 Generate requirements files. Select Generate Test Requirements Files from the Develop Board Test Menu to generate the requirements files. Each test source file is compiled once for each applicable board in the panel. So there is a requirements (.r) file for that test for each board. 6 Specify board placement. To specify a board placement with the board placement statement or in the board_xy file, follow the same procedure as for a single-board test, except use the panel origin instead of a board origin. See © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications If you did not compile the optional fixture defaults file(s) when they were created, do so now. In the appropriate board directory or directories, use the following BT-BASIC command to compile the file: compile ; defaults ADVICE Failure to compile the fixture defaults file will cause the software to ignore the optional fixture defaults files. This was done for backward compatability. 1-38 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures For multiple-board tests, duplicate fixture defaults files need to be placed in each board directory. See Chapter 5, Fixture Defaults File in Data Formats for more information 9 Determine if user-modifiable probes functionality is required and implement it. For multiple-boards, the component files should be placed in the /fixture/custom_fix subdirectory if the modified probes apply to all boards. Alternatively, a custom_fix subdirectory can be placed in each fixture directory. If the modified probes apply to only a single board of the multiple boards, create a /fixture/custom_fix in the single board directory. See Chapter 3, User-Modifiable Fixture and Probes Files, in the Test and Fixture Development documentation for more information. 10 Generate fixture files and reports. Select Generate Fixture Files and Reports from the Develop Board Test Menu to run the Fixture Generation Software. See Fixture Tooling on page 1-51 for more information. 11 Examine the fixture files and reports. © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications You should carefully examine the fixture/summary and fixture/details files to be sure everything is correct and complete before building the test fixture. You can use the Plot Generator Web Service as described in Chapter 3, Creating Board Information in Test & Fixture Development to create plot files of the fixture data. You can copy these files to a plotter to generate plots of the data which you can examine. See Structure and Syntax of the fixture.o File on page 1-51 for more information. 12 Generate object files. Select Generate Test Object Files from the Develop Board Test Menu to generate the object files. Each test source file (or directory for mixed tests) is compiled once for each applicable board in the panel. There is an object (.o) file (test.o for mixed tests) for each test for each board. 13 Recalculate dependencies. Select the Re-Calculate Dependencies task to calculate dependencies at the end of the Develop Board Test function as a final check to be sure that all files were completed in the proper order. 14 Quit IPG Test Consultant. 1-39 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Select the Quit button to exit IPG Test Consultant. Figure 1-11 For an example of the device test structure, refer to Figure 1-12 on page 1-40. IPG generates device tests in the following manner: Board placement for a panel Test Fixture Fixture Origin X Panel Y Panel Origin Figure 1-12 Device Test Structure ■ IPG generates one source file for the test of U1 called 1:u1. ■ The node and device names in the source file are prefixed with a placeholder (#:) such as #:u1. ■ The one source file is linked to names 2:u1, 3:u1, and 4:u1. ■ When the test is compiled, the compiler generates expanded node and device names by replacing the prefix (#:) with the board number such as, 1:u1. The compiler generates an object file for each of the four tests. Digital test structure digital .o 1:u1 2:u1 .o 3:u1 .o 4:u1 .o Link © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-40 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Mixed Device Test Structure IPG uses this structure for: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ For mixed tests there must be a test directory for each applicable board (not just board type); these directories are not linked together. However, the source files are linked. For an example of the mixed test structure see Figure 1-13 on page 1-41. Shorts test Pins Test (CHEK-POINT) Discharge Analog In-circuit Digital In-circuit Figure 1-13 Mixed test structure mixed 1:u100 2:u100 analog 3:u100 analog analog digital digital test.o test.o Link digital Link test.o © Agilent Technologies 2001 Optional Board Test Applications 1-41 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures The three test directories in Figure 1-13, are: 1:U100, 2:U100, and 3:U100. There is one source file for analog and one for digital, the files under the other directories are created by a link. Each test is compiled once for each board so there is a test.o file under each test directory with no links. Example 1-5 The structure and syntax of the testorder file are explained in Chapter 3, The Testorder File in Data Formats; this section explains the differences in the testorder file for PanelTest. Example 1-5 on page 1-42 contains an outline of the testorder file for a panel. The keywords are defined in Table 1-6 on page 1-43. Example testorder file boards . . . . . . boards . . . © Agilent Technologies 2001 Structure and Syntax of the testorder File Optional Board Test Applications ! Board numbers of first board type. ! Board numbers of last board type. 1-42 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures Table 1-6 Parameters in the testorder file Parameter/ Keyword Definition boards This statement marks the start of a statement list for the specified boards. The specified boards are of one board type. This parameter specifies the starting and ending board numbers of one board type to which the applies. The board numbers of each type must be consecutive and cannot skip any number. This can be: • to is an integer from 1 to 256 Testplan and Testmain for PanelTest This section explains the differences in the PanelTest testplan from the single-board testplan. The differences are described in: ■ © Agilent Technologies 2001 Controlling the Testing of Boards on page 1-43 Optional Board Test Applications ■ Controlling the Testing of Boards Independently on page 1-44 ■ Setting up the DUT Power Supplies on page 1-45 ■ Generating Serial Numbers on page 1-46 ■ Recording the Data for Datalogging and QSTATS II on page 1-46 ■ Recording the Data for Datalogging and QSTATS II on page 1-46 Controlling the Testing of Boards When run, the testplan allows the operator to specify boards that should be skipped (not tested). For systems with the 12-inch screen, the testplan defines the softkeys so that the operator can use them to select boards on the panel that are to be skipped. For systems with the larger graphics screen, the testplan displays the panel on the screen at the beginning of the test. The operator can use the mouse to move the cursor to the image of each board that is to be skipped and press the left mouse button. The operator can also use the softkeys on the larger graphics screen. After selecting the boards to be skipped, the operator must press the Done softkey to continue; this is true for either type of screen. The testplan tests only the boards that are not skipped. If one or more of the boards have been removed from the panel, were not loaded with devices, or have already 1-43 Chapter 1: Multiple-Board Tests & Fixtures passed the board test, the operator can skip those boards when starting the test. To test individual boards, boards that have been clipped out of the panel for repair, you could build a mask panel to cover the fixture except for one board position. For the Agilent EFS, you could build a carrier panel to which you could attach the single board. The operator could then select all the other boards to be skipped. Controlling the Testing of Boards Independently The testplan is structured so that the status of any board does not affect the testing of the other boards in the panel. Boards that fail a test section are not tested in later sections. For example, a board that fails analog in-circuit testing does not have any powered testing performed on it. Boards that have no failures continue to be tested to completion. There is an exception for dual-stage testing with the Agilent EFS. The exception is, if the first-stage testing on any board fails, the second-stage testing is not performed on any board in the panel. The testplan controls the testing of each board independently by creating and maintaining a board states array for each board type in the panel. A board states array is a one-dimensional numeric array called BoardSet. If a board is to be tested, the corresponding element is set to 1, if a board is not to be tested the corresponding element is set to 0. The tests are executed by the test on boards (BT-BASIC) statement shown in Example 1-6. The test on boards statement executes tests on all boards that have a status of non-zero in the board states array. Example 1-6 Syntax: test on boards is the non-expanded name of the test. is the