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Oracle Exacelerators Program




ORAC LE D ATA SHEE T Oracle Exacelerator Program for Oracle Commerce The Oracle Exacelerator program features pre-built environments for Oracle Commerce customers, pre-defined architecture, and pre-defined sizing services. By offering a top-quality baseline, Oracle Commerce customers that use Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud as a hardware platform can be assured fast-time-to-market, hard cost savings, and fewer outages, ultimately helping to ensure success. GET TO MARKET QUICKLY Meeting Today’s Commerce Challenges PRE- BUILT ENV IRON MENTS Over the past decade, eCommerce has evolved from a single application supporting • a single sales channel to an ecosystem of related applications, middleware, and core • Any number of environments can be built, from development through production Environments are built out inclusive of Oracle Traffic Director, Oracle HTTP Server, WebLogic, ATG, and Endeca • Entire stack is optimized according to best practices • Environments are built according to customer specifications • Environments are meant to serve as a starting point • Nominal fixed fee for each rack of Exalogic technology supporting an increasingly converged set of physical and virtual channels. For example, many trips to a physical store now begin with online research. As a result of these changes and increasing maturation of eCommerce, consumers are demanding to be able to access any channel at any time with the highest possible performance. At the same time, retail is becoming increasingly competitive, with decreasing margins becoming the new norm. Oracle technology can power the entire eCommerce ecosystem, from in-store point-ofsale systems, to warehouse and transportation management systems and beyond. The Oracle Exacelerator program enables users of Oracle Commerce to meet today’s challenges and beyond by providing:  Pre-built Environments. Oracle Advanced Customer Support (ACS) will build Oracle Commerce environments from development through production inclusive of Oracle Traffic Director, Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle WebLogic Server, ATG and Endeca, all optimally configured for availability and performance. The installation service is performed after Exalogic is set up. By using a highly repeatable process with best practices baked in, accuracy, time to market, and performance are ensured.  Expert Physical and Logical Architecture. Oracle-provided physical and logical architecture ensures optimal success by documenting best practices in expert-created physical and logical architecture diagrams. There are three physical and three logical architecture diagrams available to match the size of the Oracle Commerce deployment. These diagrams are starting points, and can be customized by the customer.  Expert Sizing. Sizing large-scale eCommerce environments can be challenging. The Exacelerator program provides a number of starting points, depending on the size of the Oracle Commerce deployment.  Technical Documentation. How-to guides, technical white papers, benchmarks and other technical material all help to ensure the pre-built environments are fully documented and understood by users. OTHER COMPONENTS • Expertly designed physical and logical architecture to match the pre-built environments • Expert sizing to match the pre-built environments • How-to guides, technical white papers, benchmarks and other technical material to match pre-built environments ORAC LE D ATA SHEE T Pre-Built Environments ACS’s implementation method is a powerful way to build out environments in a repeatable manner according to the latest best practices. Configuration details (size of each environment, additional configuration, etc.) are collected as part of a pre-delivery questionnaire. Once details are captured, environments are built according to your unique requirements. To deliver the best possible baseline configuration, groups from across Oracle provided input into this service, including:  Oracle OnDemand  Oracle Consulting Services  Oracle Development  Oracle Support  These groups continue to provide input so that best practices are incorporated as technology evolves over time. The Exacelerator service begins after the standard Exalogic Installation Service has been rendered. Products covered by the Exacelerator service are highlighted below in red whereas products covered by the Exalogic Installation Service are highlighted in blue. The Exacelerator service requires the installation of the Oracle Advanced Support Gateway, which is a standard part of Exalogic setup. The service is rendered over the course of two days by senior-level ACS resources in regions local to the end-customer. The environments that are built are starting points, and are meant to provide users of Oracle Commerce and Exalogic a strong baseline. Following the rendering of the service, the Oracle Commerce customer is responsible for customizing the environment and deploying it into production. For more information, please review the Delivery Specifications Sheet for Oracle Private Image for Oracle Commerce. 2 | ORACLE EXACELERATOR PROGRAM FOR ORACLE COMMERCE ORAC LE D ATA SHEE T Expert Physical and Logical Architecture The Exacelerator program contains expertly-defined starting point physical and logical architecture for the following customer profiles: Size Qualifying Criteria Small Retail - < $250m annual online revenue Telco - < $25b annual total revenue High tech - < 250 page views/sec Medium Retail - < $250 – 500m annual online revenue Telco - < $25 - 50b annual total revenue High tech - < 250- 500 page views/sec Large Retail - > $500m annual online revenue Telco - . $50b annual total revenue High tech - > 500 page views/sec Architecture that’s matched to the size of the implementation helps to reduce the amount of customization. As with the installation service, the physical and logical architecture are starting points, meant to be further customized for specific requirements. Expert Sizing Sizing for enterprise-level eCommerce can be challenging because of all the variables involved. The Exacelerator program includes a base sizing calculator for large, medium and small deployments. Variables in the calculators can be changed to take into account unique factors that would impact sizing. CONT ACT U S For more information about Oracle Exacelerator Program for Oracle Commerce, visit, e-mail us at [email protected], or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative. C ON N EC T W IT H U S Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. 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