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Orchestration Designer 7.0 Release Notes




Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer (Supersedes All Previous Releases) Date: August 3, 2017 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Release Information.............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 RELEASE OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................1 Features ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 NEW SAMPLE APPLICATIONS..........................................................................................................................2 2.2 NEW FEATURE NOTES ....................................................................................................................................2 2.3 REQUIREMENTS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DELIVERY .........................................................................................2 2.4 FEATURES/REQUIREMENTS WITH LIMITATIONS/RESTRICTIONS IN THIS RELEASE ...........................................3 2.5 FEATURES WITH LIMITATIONS/RESTRICTIONS REMOVED FOR THIS RELEASE ................................................3 2.6 FEATURES WITH CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE .................................................................................................3 2.7 FEATURES WITH DEPENDENCIES ON OTHER PRODUCTS ..................................................................................4 2.8 JIRAS INCLUDED IN THIS RELEASE ..................................................................................................................4 Installation and Upgrades ................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 NEW INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 UPGRADES .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Known Issues...................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 LIMITATIONS, WORK AROUNDS, TIPS AND BEST PRACTICES: ...................................................................... 10 Version Information .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Hardware Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................... 12 Software Prerequisites (Supported Versions) ................................................................................................. 12 7.1 DESIGN ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................................ 12 7.2 RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT.............................................................................................................................. 12 7.3 JAVA LICENSE TERMS .................................................................................................................................. 13 Contact Information .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Release Information This is the GA build for the 7.2 release of Orchestration Designer. 1.1 Release Overview The themes of the 7.2 Release are:  HTML5/Web enhancements o Enhance usability in Textset and Text creation (JIRA AAOD-254) o Disabling and enabling Back button in project Properties (JIRA AAOD-288) o Make it easier to switch between using Google map and Baidu map and other map (JIRA AAOD302) o Separating text labels and values for choices in ChoiceInput flow item (JIRA AAOD-289) o New Click-to-Call element in the Prompt editor (JIRA AAOD-291)    2 o Allow Menu item text to change dynamically using flow logic (JIRA AAOD-290) Context Store Enhancements o Touchpoint support o Persist to external database support o Complex variables and Collections Currency with 3rd party products o Eclipse Mars (4.5) o Eclipse Neon (4.6) o JBoss EAP o WildFly Product Security and Reliability o Added checks for certificate expiration o Extended Hostname/certificate validation o Enhanced login password strength and require password change for the runtime configuration o Subject Alternative Name support for self generated certificates. Features This section describes the status of the features that are available in this release. The notes have been “cleaned up” to remove sections that have now been added to the formal documentation. 2.1 New Sample Applications None this build 2.2 New Feature Notes  HTML5: Tomcat version 7 or 8 is required when running HTML5 applications.  The new redirector component must be exported from OD rather than picking it up from ISO image.  Java 8: The runtime configuration servlet generates an error if you try to create a certificate using Tomcat 8 in a Java 8 environment. The work around is to use the keytool: 1. Generate a Self-Signed Certificate using Java Keytool. 2. Now that you know when to use a Keytool self-signed certificate, let's create one using a simple Java Keytool command: 3. Open the command console on whatever operating system you are using and navigate to the directory where keytool.exe is located (usually where the JRE is located, e.g. c:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin on Windows machines). 4. Run the following command (where validity is the number of days before the certificate will expire): keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048 5. Fill in the prompts for your organization information. When it asks for your first and last name, enter the domain name of the server that users will be entering to connect to your application (e.g. 6. This will create a keystore.jks file containing a private key and your sparklingly fresh self-signed certificate. Now you just need to configure your Java application to use the .jks file.  Integration with Breeze/ED Configuration Note: Video Media Processor option should be selected in AMS for the Make2Party call with ED and EP/OD to work correctly. (New call from ED to EP/OD) Login to your AMS admin page, go to link “System ConfigurationServer ProfileGeneral Settings”, check checkbox “Video Media Processor:”, then click the Save button 2.3 Requirements not included in this delivery Page 2 of 13 2.4 Features/Requirements with Limitations/Restrictions in this release         2.5 Features with Limitations/Restrictions Removed for This Release   2.6 In this release, speech application html mode is configurable. By default it is DISABLED for ALL speech applications in both simulation and deployment. You can use the project properties to enable HTML mode in the development environment. When you export you also have an opportunity to enable or disable this setting. When you enable you are warned “Warning, enabling HTML mode for a speech application can expose your application to cross site scripting attacks. Are you sure you want to enable this?” Note, Avaya recommends to NOT use HTML mode for deployed applications as the application will NOT function properly when accessing platform services (notification, reporting, CAV, and etc.). Furthermore, HTML mode exposes your application to cross site scripting attacks. Due to security concerns, the validation pages are optional and not included in the deployment package by default. The recommendation is to use these pages while debugging, then remove them for production deployment. Pin Validation for the AACC Treatment PDC is not supported. When using the Language detection PDC, the accuracy is a function of the length of the text. So, short texts like “hello world” will have a much higher error rate than “hello world, today is a new day”. At 100 characters or more, the accuracy is in the high 90s for most languages. The Chinese models are not the most accurate in discriminating between Simplified and Traditional forms. Text containing mixed language will return the language code for the most dominant language in the text. The “hint” function works such that the “hinted” language will be returned unless the top scoring language is (a) different and (b) exceeds the score of the “hinted” language by ~2%.If text is in an unsupported language, the recognizer will return one of the known languages. The web service seems to no longer work. Example applications that use this web service will not work. This web service is used in the stock and weather set of example applications. The get weather functionality remains functional. Local Call. As a general rule over use of Local Call is not recommended. It is always best to use a subdialog call unless you specifically need the functionality of the Local Call, which mainly allows you to pass a complex variable to a module. If you encounter the error below remove commons-httpclient-3.1.jar from the WEB-INF/lib of the application. java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class does not implement the requested interface org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.ProtocolSocketFactory Note if you are using Tomcat 7 and Java 8, you need at least Tomcat version 7.0.77. Using a lower (earlier version) will result in errors in jsp pages (java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved). o o The ED (Engagement Designer) dynamic tasks to launch an email and SMS application on EP do not work on Breeze 3.2, and Breeze 3.3 The sample applications UC4_SMSTwoWayConfirm, UC4_SMSTwoWayConfirmEventsOnly and UC5_EmailTwoWayConfirm have been removed until such time that ED (Engagement Designer) is corrected. The Dynamic tasks are also removed from the ISO image. You may encounter documentation that refers to SMS and Email integration from Breeze to Experience Portal even though this feature is deactivated for this release. While the Oceanalytics integration (Publish real time event) PDC is present in Orchestration Designer, in the Breeze 3.2 release there is no client to consume any events generated. In a future release Breeze will support the handling of events generated from OD. Features with Changes in This Release  Page 3 of 13 The rollover of log files (both trace.log and report.log) had been configured to use DailyRollingFileAppender in the data/ Now this default rollover behavior has changed to use RollingFileAppender so that you have control of the size of each file and storage usage. The DailyRollingFileAppender option is still available. You just need to follow the comments in the data/ to enable/disable them. 2.7 Features with Dependencies on other Products   2.8 When using the Workflow PDC it is supported on Breese 3.2/3.3 or EDP. For EDP usage of the Workflow PDC or Conversations that reside in the context store (the EDP integration feature) EDP 3.1 or later and ED 3.1 or later are required. Specifically the releases that were verified are o EDP 3.1 SP1/ED 3.1 SP1 o EDP 3.1.1/ED (3.1 SP2)  EDP 3.1.1 v311006 (3.1 FP1 GA Candidate) + Patch /  ED- v3. Due to bugs in the EDP/ED GA release we do not recommend using the OD EDP integration with the GA only version of EDP/ED and instead recommend the minimum version as GA with service pack 1. Jiras included in this Release Key AAOD-410 Summary Axis REST if service returns no data WS call hangs until timeout If a down rev scert is used with 7.1 SCERTCommon (or 7.2) report logging entries are not flushed Update EULA ID 169809 for may 17 Readme doc for OD-ED Integration sample app still refers Engagement Development Platform Issue Type Bug Component/s Rest Web Service Connector Enhancement Runtime Framework Severity 3-Medium Enhancement General Bug Workflow Sample Applications 4-Low 3-Medium AAOD-401 Exception occurs when accessing View application (voice) in html mode in Firefox browser Bug General 4-Low AAOD-397 AAOD-396 The call flow has an invalid check ProjectEmailUpgrade in correctly tries to upgrade speech projects Tomcat 8 runtime libraries incomplete The eclipse 4.4 installer files need to be removed from the OD ISO Image OD-ED Integration Sample app "UC3_NewCallToOD" needs to be updated Bug Bug Call Flow Editor Email 4-Low 4-Low Bug Runtime Framework 4-Low Bug General 4-Low Bug Sample Application 4-Low AAOD-391 OD HTML Apps cannot be run in OD Simulator if the OD system has Java8 and Tomcat7 installed Bug General 3-Medium AAOD-390 Error "HTTP Status 500" occurs in Certificates page in OD Runtime Config Bug Runtime Framework 3-Medium AAOD-388 When the context store location is altered the OD app server needs to be restarted. Enhancement General AAOD-406 AAOD-405 AAOD-403 AAOD-394 AAOD-393 AAOD-392 Page 4 of 13 3-Medium 4-Low AAOD-387 Text for “Skip mutual authentication for the Breeze....” for Avaya Breeze/ED Integration PDC needs to be corrected Bug General 4-Low AAOD-385 Click to Callclick to call in table of contents Nuance 10.5 is missing in the Speech Grammar Compatibility list in Speech Project Export page Document AAOD-379 change in the runtimeconfig All the OD Message Apps are failed to run in the Simulator in the Current OD build Bug On-line Documentation 4-Low Bug General 3-Medium Suport SAN in generate self signed certificate. Alarm/Warning message should be displayed in Runtimeconfig/logs as "Certificate Expired" If the certificate is expired in OD Runtime Enhancement General 4-Low Bug App Config UI 4-Low Error importing Certificate from URL need to use TLSv1.2 Null pointer exception (validate password) in OD runtime config running in Weblogic server 12cR2 Errors occurred after importing OD 7.0 SMS app in eClipse (OD 7.2) Need an option in Simulator to choose the browsers (IE/Chrome/Firefox) to launch HTML app in the simulation mode Bug App Config UI 3-Medium Bug Runtime Framework 3-Medium Bug General 3-Medium Enhancement Simulation 3-Medium AAOD-372 Typo (ceterficate) in the label in the Certificates page in OD Runtime config Bug General 4-Low AAOD-371 404 error occurs in AdminVariableInfo page for HTML Apps Concurrent Modification in runtime java.lang.IncompatibleClassChange Error when commons-httpclientxx.xx.jar in WEB-INF Bug HTML5 3-Medium Bug Bug Runtime Framework Runtime Framework 3-Medium 2-High AAOD-367 AAOD-366 Document change in AAOD-366 Workflow PDC should support create contest where system creates the context id Enhancement On-line Documentation Bug Work flow PDC 4-Low 4-Low AAOD-364 OD Runtime Login : The change password page should display a correct message Bug 4-Low AAOD-383 AAOD-381 AAOD-380 AAOD-379 AAOD-377 AAOD-376 AAOD-375 AAOD-374 AAOD-373 AAOD-370 AAOD-369 Page 5 of 13 Enhancement On-line Documentation 4-Low Bug 3-Medium Simulation App Config UI AAOD-363 The version of the VPWebServiceClient jar file in Runtime support bundle should be updated to "7.2". Bug Runtime Framework 3-Medium AAOD-362 Oceananalytics Realtime events PDC - The avayaSendRTE shouldn't be a plain variable Bug General 3-Medium AAOD-360 The Readme doc and label for Bug LaunchWorkflow Item in OD-ED Integration Sample Applications need to be modified (EDP to Breeze) General 3-Medium AAOD-358 Label for the palette items under Workflow need to be modified (Collaboration Environment to Breeze) remove references to Tomcat 6 in export and runtime platform Copy right info on the Legal Notice page in OD Runtime config needs to be corrected Bug General 4-Low Bug Call Flow Editor 4-Low Bug General 4-Low 404 Error occurs if the image (x) next to Logoff link in OD Runtime Config Update the OD 7.2 Transfer note OD Installer shows 'Avaya Aura (r) Orchestration Designer instead of “Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer need to have characters as an interpret-as option Update copyright to 2017 on OD Product document 174105-1320 force user to change runtime config password Document 174105-1310 certificate expiration The text displayed in textsets page in HTML Project needs to be modified Message displays in the OD Runtime config password change page should be corrected Bug Runtime Framework 3-Medium Bug Bug Project Documentation General 4-Low 4-Low Bug Prompt Editor 4-Low AAOD-357 AAOD-356 AAOD-355 AAOD-354 AAOD-353 AAOD-352 AAOD-351 AAOD-350 AAOD-349 AAOD-348 AAOD-347 AAOD-346 AAOD-345 AAOD-344 Page 6 of 13 Enhancement General 4-Low Enhancement On-line Documentation 4-Low Enhancement On-line Documentation 4-Low Bug General 4-Low Bug General 4-Low Tooltip doesn’t work for the Data Access items (Conversation, RealTime Events) in Palatte Exception occurred when entering non numeric value in "Number of days to issue …." text field in OD runtime config Bug General 4-Low Bug General 3-Medium When domain cert validation fails display cert name Bug General 4-Low AAOD-343 AAOD-342 AAOD-337 AAOD-336 AAOD-335 AAOD-334 AAOD-333 AAOD-332 AAOD-331 AAOD-330 AAOD-329 AAOD-328 AAOD-327 AAOD-326 AAOD-325 AAOD-324 AAOD-321 AAOD-320 AAOD-319 AAOD-318 AAOD-314 AAOD-313 AAOD-312 AAOD-311 Page 7 of 13 Default certificate warning is not 60. Allow consult operation with no connection timeout 778552 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778551 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778550 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778549 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778548 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778547 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778546 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778545 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778544 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference null return value 778543 defect in Coverity detected : Explicit null dereferenced 778542 defect in Coverity detected : Dereference after null check Update DevGuideLegalPage.html with current license updated March 24 2016. Document the new Realtime event publishing PDC for oceanalytics Documentation for HTML5 Ehancements Should on generate setRecognitionTarget in menu for message applications. Bug General Enhancement Call Flow Editor 4-Low 3-Medium Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Bug SA_DISALLOWED 4-Low Invalid Cookie Name Set By OD Ability to change TextSet:Label through CAVs HTML App Back button and Browser Back button throwing Exception CAV metadata file not updated on project rename. Logs use all the space in the server Cookie Security issue with Proactive Outreach Manager 169913-530 All references made in previous AEP release to EDP shall be re-branded to Avaya Breeze. Bug General Enhancement HTML5 3-Medium Bug HTML5 3-Medium Bug Variable Editor 4-Low Bug Bug General Runtime Framework 3-Medium 4-Low Enhancement On-line Documentation 3-Medium Enhancement On-line Documentation 4-Low Enhancement On-line Documentation 4-Low Bug 4-Low Call Flow Editor Enhancement General 4-Low AAOD-310 AAOD-309 AAOD-308 AAOD-307 AAOD-306 AAOD-305 AAOD-304 AAOD-303 AAOD-302 AAOD-301 AAOD-298 AAOD-294 AAOD-291 AAOD-290 AAOD-289 AAOD-288 AAOD-286 AAOD-285 AAOD-284 AAOD-279 Page 8 of 13 Change chiatt to support where email address appears in notices Document AAOD-269 (see jira for details) Need to document context store changes in workflow PDC Using a variable for a prompt name and not a constant causes and exception in HTML Bug General 4-Low Enhancement On-line Documentation 4-Low Enhancement On-line Documentation 3-Medium Bug 3-Medium Exception occurs when OD app is run on MPS 4.1 Missing aesconnector note in OnLine help and Dev Guide external grammar should only for port 80 for a url (http) not a URI file:// Alias count is exceeded even when OD app doesn't reach it in some cases. Bug Make it easier for switching to use Baidu map instead of Google Either remove the RecordMessageOSDM Sample application or update it to use NDMs. Enhancement HTML5 4-Low Bug OSDMs 4-Low Documentation for AAOD-98 exporting the project build file. when a new web project is created there are 118 warnings, confuses the customer Add some new elements to the Prompt editor Make it easier to customize text dynamically in Menu item HTML ChoiceInput - separate label from value The Back button needs to be configurable Support CEC on certificate issue and expiration. the "return parameter" is not documented in output parameters for REST wsop Should check if correct Platform is configured when Conversation Management is enabled Task On-line Documentation 4-Low Documentation for AAOD-162 No Cache Option. HTML5 3-Medium Bug On-line Documentation 4-Low Bug Grammar Editor 4-Low Bug Conversations 3-Medium Enhancement HTML5 4-Low Enhancement HTML5 4-Low Enhancement HTML5 4-Low Enhancement HTML5 4-Low Enhancement HTML5 4-Low Enhancement General 4-Low Bug On-line Documentation 4-Low Bug Conversations 3-Medium Task On-line Documentation 4-Low AAOD-272 Enhancement to start a new conversation even if one already exists instead of giving an error. Bug AAOD-269 Support CEC 147434-063 TLS Client Support for Extended Hostname/Domain Validation Enhancement General 3-Medium AAOD-268 Update runtimeconfig to comply with CEC Need Menu Node item for Email applications. The menu node exists for all the other three channels (Voice, SMS and HTML) apps except email apps. Enhancement General 4-Low Enhancement 4-Low Add a text to a textset or create a new textset using a context menu Add touch points to workflow PDC context store operations. Add validation for 'Collected Digits' Exception when running an HTML5 OD application in Debugger Textset Text Data Name doesn't auto change Name in project after pressing Set Name button. Support "no cache" option on audio files. Step in debug does not work Marker ID error happened when Conversation Management was selected in SMS app Had Callfow Validation error when selecting the Conversation Management in SMS app Conversation variables do not get copied across to the new project even when the PDC has been enabled Make CAV work for HTML Customer wants command line / ant script that allows export of war Restrict Flow Editor from naming Nodes "regexp" or any other ECMA object name. Enhancement 4-Low Enhancement Work flow PDC 4-Low Enhancement Call Flow Editor Bug Simulation 4-Low 4-Low Bug 3-Medium Provide the same fix on OD Simulator for wi01111237 ClickToCall needs an overhaul AAOD-261 AAOD-254 AAOD-249 AAOD-248 AAOD-243 AAOD-210 AAOD-162 AAOD-151 AAOD-124 AAOD-115 AAOD-113 AAOD-100 AAOD-98 AAOD-94 AAOD-92 AAOD-71 AAOD-66 Page 9 of 13 Add ability to choose Endpoint URL from OD variable/CAV in Axis2 WSOPs HTML5 HTML5 4-Low Enhancement Phrase Editor 4-Low Bug Bug General Call Flow Editor 4-Low 3-Medium Bug Call Flow Editor 3-Medium Bug General 3-Medium Enhancement VP Config Variables Enhancement Deployment 3-Medium 4-Low Bug General 4-Low Bug AVB 3-Medium Enhancement CCXML Sample Applications Enhancement Web Services Connector 4-Low 4-Low AAOD-62 OD does not ecognize names like "Try", "Catch" and "Switch" as valid identifier Bug AAOD-52 Implement the ability to multi-select attachment files in email file editor Should distinguish VXML and AACC call transfer icons Please support multislot DTMF dynamic grammars in the simulator check San field when creating a self signed certificate Enhancement AVB 3-Medium Enhancement Call Flow Editor 4-Low Enhancement AVB 4-Low Bug App Config UI 4-Low Service Name for wsop being switched to file name Bug Web Services Connector 3-Medium AAOD-36 AAOD-4 AAOD-414 AAOD-413 3 On-line Documentation 4-Low Installation and Upgrades 3.1 New Installations With the first time (new user) installation of Orchestration Design 7.2, an image that has all of the pre-requisites and tools is provided. For instructions to install Orchestration Designer, please refer to the Getting Started Guide which is provided as a stand-alone document. 3.2 Upgrades 3.2.1 Upgrading OD 6.0 Applications   When upgrading from OD 6.0 to OD 7.x web service operation updates sometimes fail. To work around this issue, traverse the project's connectivity -> wsoperations directory in the Navigator, then select the WSOPs Properties menu -> Generate Client, then click on the Generate button and follow the instructions. Orchestration Designer upgrade process does not modify any custom code created by the application developer. Any errors or warnings resulting from OD version upgrades (such as variable name changes) that affect the custom code must be manually resolved by the application developer. The fix for wi00954168 (confLow and conf_Low generate the same name in IProjectVaraiable resulting in duplicate define symbol) resulted in altering the way names are generated in the IProjectVariable file. When upgrading from 6.0 or before you may need to update custom code to account for changes in the generated names. 4 Known Issues The following section describes any known issues, workarounds, words of caution, etc. 4.1 Limitations, Work Arounds, Tips and Best Practices:  ED/Breeze Integration – When the refresh button is clicked for the ED Administration Instances page, a Null Pointer Exception is logged in the Engagement Designer log file. To work around this issue: Login to the Breeze machine with the root account, and execute the command below: Psql service=engagementdesigner_workflow –c “delete from bpminstance instance where not exists (select 1 from wfdsvar savr where instance.process=svar.wfdname and instance.version=svar.wfdversion)” Page 10 of 13            REST – if a restful web service returns a 202 (accepted), the Axis implementation does not read any body accompanying the reply. To work around this the web service needs to return 200, or you need to write java code to invoke the restful webservice. Tomcat – o On some versions of Tomcat you may encounter problems with Tomcat closing a socket too soon when it sends a redirect; specifically, if there are 2 redirects back to back without a VXML page being returned. To alleviate this, use the connectionLinger property in the connector configuration with a minimum value of 1. It is not known if this behavior is exhibited on other application servers. o On version 8.0.41 and greater you will get a warning about not being able to scan the serializer.jar. This does not affect any operational aspects of OD. If the warning is bothersome, you can optain a copy of the serializer.jar from the runtimeconfig.war. Alternatively you can edit the file in the conf directory and add the serializer.jar to the list of jars to skip the first example below, or add *.jar to skip all jar scanning which significantly improves the Tomcat startup time.  tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip=\  bootstrap.jar,commons-daemon.jar,tomcat-juli.jar,serializer.jar,\  -or tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip=\  *.jar,bootstrap.jar,commons-daemon.jar,tomcat-juli.jar,,\ WebLM - Post WebLM 6.3.11, WebLM server will accept requests only over TLS 1.0 and above. If the product application is configured to send requests on SSLv2 / v3 then the communication between the product application will fail. Hence, if the product application is upgrading WebLM to 6.3.11 and above, then please ensures that the product application is configured to send requests only over TLS 1.0 & above. Note that certain JRE releases provide support only for SSLv2. Hence, take that into account. Web applications - When a new web application is created you will see warnings in the “templates” pages in the “custom” folder of your application. Please ignore these warnings. In project properties or preferences you can uncheck “Validate JSP fragments” and the warnings are not displayed. Web applications - In Firefox, if the OD application start page is accessed from the tomcat manager, a runtime exception occurs on the application start page. To fix the issue, just refresh the index page/start page of the OD application. This error occurs only on the Firefox browser and it is a browser cashing issue. Project Documentation – Sometimes the flow map may not be generates when generating the project documentation. To work around this open the call flow and move a node slightly so the call flow is dirty and then save. Now regenerate the project documentation and the flow map will be present. OSDMs- In newer versions of tomcat the OSDM’s may not load. This has been noticed in OD 7.0 and onwards. The issue is the xml parsing validation expects a numeric value for the load-on-startup tag if present and an empty value is no longer valid. To fix this edit the web.xml file in the OSDM war and remove all occurrences of “ ” and then redeploy the war file. JBOSS EAP / WildFly – On this version of JBOSS, HTTPS for the license URL will not function properly. You can just use HTTP for the WebLM license URL. If you must use HTTPS for the WebLM license URL please contact Tier 4 support for a resolution. HTTPS does not currently work due to issues in the WebLM client library. MPS – MPS users will need a patch for this release. The exit page is generated incorrectly by the OD runtime. The patch is available on the Orchestration Designer Forum. Due to differences in the way the 2 Voice browsers (MPS and MPP) validate xml documents, this was not discovered in the Experience Portal testing. See AAOD-306 bug report. Application Import - To avoid errors when importing applications, verify that the Java preferences are correct. The default settings vary between Eclipse versions. Go to Window -> Prefrences -> Java Compiler and ensure that the Compiler compliance level is at least 1.7. After projects are imported also verify that the project specific settings do not override the global preference (unless you specifically need that). Go the project properties -> Java Compiler, the checkbox "Enable Project specific settings" should not enabled and use the default compliance setting should be selected Web Applications -The latest version Web browsers such as Safari on IOS 10 require https session for the Geolocation to work. This means you would have to run the web app that uses the Location Input element in a secured session (https); otherwise, you would get an error code -2 returned on the browser. Page 11 of 13 5 Version Information To view the Orchestration Designer version in the product, select Help, About Eclipse, and then click on the Avaya Icon. 6 Hardware Prerequisites    7 CPU speed 1GHz (min) 2GHz (recommended) RAM 512 MB (min) 1GB (recommended) Hard Disk drive 40 GB (min) Software Prerequisites (Supported Versions) 7.1 Design Environment               Windows 7 (Ultimate/Professional) – 32/64 bit Windows 8.1 Windows 10 eclipse-SDK-4.5.2 (Bundled with version compatible GEF, WTP, XML and XSL tools, Javascript Dev, 2.0 Style Plugin Support) eclipse-SDK-4.6 (Bundled with version compatible GEF, WTP, XML and XSL tools, Javascript Dev, 2.0 Style Plugin Support) Tomcat versions 7.0 and 8.0 J2SE version 1.7, 1.8 Open JDK 1.7, 1.8 (32-bit) Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 or 6.0 Nuance Recognizer 9/10 (MRCPv1) Loquendo Speech Server 7/MRCPv1 Server 7.2 or higher Ambulant 2.1 Apache Axis 1.4 Apache Axis 2.0 7.2 Runtime Environment Not all of the components are required for the runtime (E.g. the application server will be either Tomcat; WebSphere or Oracle WebLogic, the OS will be Windows, Solaris or Linux; the platform will be either IR or VP, etc.). Supported versions are listed, but the vendors supported list of dependencies and combinations should be consulted when setting up the environment). The tested configurations are as listed in the requirements document.                  Windows Server 2008 R2 32/64 bit Linux ES 6.0 IBM AIX 6.1 Tomcat versions 7.0 and 8.0 JBoss Application Server 7 J2SE version 1.7 J2SE version 1.8 Open JDK 1.7 Open JDK 1.8 Apache Axis 1.4 Apache Axis 2.0 Nuance 9.0 or 10 Loquendo 7 Avaya Aura® Experience Portal 7.0 Avaya Aura® Experience Portal 7.1 Avaya Aura® Experience Portal 7.2 Websphere 8.5.5 application server – comes with Java 7 support Page 12 of 13       7.3 Websphere 8.5 application server - *comes with Java 6 by default, but has a Java 7 option – see the Websphere documentation for details. Websphere 9 with Java 8 support. Oracle Weblogic 10.3.6, 11g and 12c Sun Solaris 10 on SPARC CM version R013x01.2.639.0 or greater, and must have the green feature 7434ND enabled and licensed is required to use the Consultation transfer feature. Redirector 1.0.11, available from the Orchestration Designer Export. Java License Terms End User License Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 Java Technology Restrictions. Licensee shall not create, modify, change the behavior of, or authorize licensees of Licensee to create, modify, or change the behavior of, classes, interfaces, or su-packages that are in any way identified as "java", "javax", "sun" or similar convention as specified by Oracle in any naming convention designation. In the event that Licensee creates an additional API(s) which: (a) extends the functionality of a Java Environment; and (b) is exposed to third party software developers for the purpose of developing additional software which invokes such additional API, Licensee must promptly publish broadly an accurate specification for such API for free use by all developers. Trademarks and Logos. This License does not authorize an end user licensee to use any Oracle America, Inc. name, trademark, service mark, logo or icon. The end user licensee acknowledges that Oracle owns the Java trademark and all Java-related trademarks, logos and icons including the Coffee Cup and Duke ("Java Marks") and agrees to: (a) comply with the Java Trademark Guidelines at; (b) not do anything harmful to or inconsistent with Oracle's rights in the Java Marks; and (c) assist Oracle in protecting those rights, including assigning to Oracle any rights acquired by Licensee in any Java Mark. Source Code. Software may contain source code that, unless expressly licensed for other purposes, is provided solely for reference purposes pursuant to the terms of your license. Source code may not be redistributed unless expressly provided for in the terms of your license. Third Party Code. Additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of the Software are set forth in the THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt file. Commercial Features. Use of the Commercial Features for any commercial or production purpose requires a separate license from Oracle. “Commercial Features” means those features identified in Table 1-1 (Commercial Features In Java SE Product Editions) of the Software documentation accessible at" Contact Information If you continue to have a problem, try using the Devconnect Avaya Aura Orchestration Designer Forum ( or contact Avaya Technical Support: 1. Log in to the Avaya Technical Support Web site 2. Contact Avaya Technical Support at one of the telephone numbers in the Support Directory listings on the Avaya support Web site. Avaya Global Services Escalation Management provides the means to escalate urgent service issues. For more information, see the Escalation Contacts listings on the Avaya Web site. Page 13 of 13