OVERMAX alap játék konzol használati útmutató Köszönjük, hogy termékünket választotta. A készülék kicsi és hordozható, így bárhol garantálható a szórakozás. Az eszköz megfelelő kezelés és karbantartás mellett hosszú ideig biztosítja a gondtalan perceket, ezért kérjük, olvassa el és tartsa be a kezelési és karbantartási utasításokat!
Opcionális tartozékok
A/v kábel
ELEMEK HASZNÁLATA 1. Győződjön meg arról, hogy a készülék ki van kapcsolva. 2. Távolítsa el a készülék alján található elemtartó rekesz fedelét. 3. Vegye ki a lemerült elemeket a készülékből. 4. Helyezze az új elemeket a készülékbe, ügyelve a helyes polaritásra (lásd az ábrát). A legjobb eredmény eléréséhez használjon új, jó minőségű alkáli elemeket. 5. Helyezze vissza az elemtartó rekesz fedelét. 6. A készülék 3 darab „AAA” méretű elemmel üzemel (NEM tartozék). Megjegyzés: Mindig új elemeket használjon, ellenkező esetben a készülék nem működik megfelelően! ELEMEKKEL KAPCSOLATOS MEGJEGYZÉSEK 1. A legjobb teljesítmény eléréséhez használjon alkáli elemeket. 2. Ne használjon különböző fajtájú vagy új és régi elemeket együtt. 3. Csak egyforma elemeket használjon. 4. Ne töltse újra a nem újratölthető elemeket! 5. Ne használjon higany-oxid elemeket. 6. A lemerült elemeket távolítsa el az eszközből, mivel az kifolyhat és károsíthatja a készüléket. 7. Ne zárja rövidre az elemek érintkezőit. 8. Ne dobja az elemeket tűzbe. 9. Ha a készüléket hosszabb ideig nem használja, távolítsa el belőle az elemeket. 10. Az újratölthető elemeket távolítsa el a készülékből töltés előtt. 11. Az újratölthető elemek kizárólag felnőtt felügyelete alatt tölthetők. A készülék kezelő szervei Újraindítás
A/V kimenet kimenetkimenet Be-Ki kapcsolás
Turbo X Turbo O
Navigációs pad
O Gomb X gomb
Hangerőszabályzó szabályzó
2,5” TFT képernyő
VIDEO kimenet – TV készülékhez való kapcsolás 1. Csatlakoztatás előtt győződjön meg arról, hogy mind a készülék, mind a TV ki van kapcsolva. 2. Csatlakoztatás után válassza ki a megfelelő A/V bemenetet TV készüléken. BEKAPCSOLÁS A készülék bekapcsoló gombját röviden nyomja meg.
Figyelem! Ha hosszan nyomja meg a ki-be kapcsoló gombot a készülék folyamatosan ki-be fog kapcsolni, azaz NEM KAPCSOLÓDIK BE. ÚJRAINDÍTÁS Ha a készülék lefagy, vagy szoftveres problémát tapasztal, nyomja meg a reset gombot az újraindításhoz. AUTOMATIKUS KIKAPCSOLÁS A készülék automatikusan kikapcsol, ha három percig nem használják. HANGERŐ BEÁLLÍTÁSA Használja a készülék oldalán található hangerőszabályzót a hangerő beállításához. KEZELÉS ÉS KARBANTARTÁS 1. Ne szerelje szét vagy ne próbálja megjavítani a készüléket. 2. Ne használja vagy tárolja a készüléket párás vagy poros helyen. 3. Óvja a készüléket az ütődésektől. Ne ejtse le a készüléket. 4. Ügyeljen a kábelek helyes csatlakoztatására. 5. Ügyeljen arra, hogy a készüléket ne érje nedvesség. 6. A készülék tisztítását mindig puha, enyhén nedves ruhával végezze. Mindig hagyja teljesen megszáradni az eszközt, mielőtt újra használni kezdené azt. 7. Óvja a kijelzőt a karcoktól és ütődésektől. A kijelző tisztításához kizárólag puha, száraz ruhát használjon. 8. Tartsa távol a készülék kábeleit kisgyermekektől, akik belegabalyodhatnak a vezetékekbe. FIGYELMEZTETÉSEK A népesség igen kis része epilepsziás rohamot kaphat, vagy rövid eszméletvesztést szenvedhet el olyan villogó fényektől, melyek általánosan jelen vannak mindennapi életünkben. Ezek a személyek rohamot kaphatnak pl. televízió nézés közben, vagy videojátékozás alatt. Játékosok, akiknek korábban még soha nem volt epilepsziás rohamuk, szintén rendelkezhetnek rejtett hajlammal erre. 3
Ha Ön vagy családjának valamelyik tagja epilepsziához köthető tüneteket észlelt (pl. roham vagy eszméletvesztés), azonnal lépjen kapcsolatba szakorvossal, mielőtt bármilyen videojátékot használatba venne. Javasoljuk, hogy a szülők ügyeljenek gyermekükre, miközben az játszik. Hagyja abba a készülék használatát és forduljon azonnal szakorvoshoz, ha Ön vagy gyermeke az alábbi tünetek bármelyikét észleli: szédülés, megváltozott látás, szem- vagy izomrángás, akaratlan mozgások, eszméletvesztés, zavarodottság, rángatózás.
BIZTONSÁGI FIGYELMEZTETÉSEK A KÉSZÜLÉK HASZNÁLATA ELŐTT : . A készülék használata közben ne üljön vagy álljon túl közel a TV képernyőjéhez. Mindig olyan messziről nézze a képernyőt, amilyen messziről csak lehetséges. . Ne használja a készüléket, ha fáradt, álmos vagy kialvatlan. . Mindig jól megvilágított szobában használja a készüléket. . Óránként tartson 10-15 perc szünetet játék közben. HIBAELHÁRÍTÁS Hibajelenség: - Nincs kép a TV készüléken / a készülék képernyőjén - Nincs hang - Csíkok jelennek meg az LCD kijelzőn - A kép villog vagy torz - A készülék nem kapcsol be
MEGOLDÁS Az elemek behelyezése megfelelő volt? A készülék be van kapcsolva? A TV készülék be van kapcsolva? A megfelelő A/V bemenet van kiválasztva? A TV készülék és a játékgép összekötése megfelelő? Ellenőrizze az elemek töltöttségét. A kábelek valamelyike meglazult vagy nincs csatlakoztatva? A TV hangereje le van véve? Ellenőrizze az elemek töltöttségét. Kapcsolja ki az Overmax alap játék konzolt majd ismételten kapcsolja be. Helyesen helyezte be az elemeket?
Az e dokumentumban szereplő információk (különös tekintettel a játékok listájára) előzetes figyelmeztetés nélkül változhatnak. Változás esetén mindig az aktuális termék tekintendő véglegesnek. A játékok részletes leírása megtalálható honlapunkon ( a termék kiválasztása után a letöltések menüpont alatt. FIGYELEM: A gyártó nem vállal felelősséget az elemek okozta korrózió miatt. 4
A készülékre 12 hónap teljes körű + 12 hónap készülék garanciát vállalunk
Jótállási jegy A terméket importálja és forgalmazza: Conflex Kft., 1119 Budapest, Hadak útja 7-9. Az eladó szerv tölti ki! Megnevezés:...................................................................................... típusú készülék
Széria száma S/N:……..............................................................................
A P.H.
OV-BASICPLAYER Tisztelt Vásárlónk! Köszönjük, hogy termékünket választotta. Bízunk benne, hogy a megvásárolt készülék folyamatosan az Ön megelégedésére fog működni. Mindazonáltal a következőkre hívjuk fel szíves figyelmét: Kérjük, hogy a készülék használatba vétele előtt feltétlenül olvassa el a kezelési útmutatót! A fogyasztót a 151/2003. (IX.22.) kormányrendeletben meghatározott jogok illetik meg. A jótállási határidő a fogyasztási cikk, fogyasztó részére történő átadása, vagy ha az üzembe helyezést a forgalmazó vagy annak megbízottja végzi, az üzembe helyezés napjával kezdődik (pl. gáztűzhely esetében). Az üzembe helyezés napját a megbízott a jótállási jegyen igazolja. A fogyasztó szavatossági jogait a 49/2003. (VII.30.) GKM rendelet szerint érvényesítheti, feltéve, hogy fogyasztónak minősül. (Fogyasztó: a gazdasági, vagy szakmai tevékenység körén kívül eső célból szerződést kötő személy - Ptk. 685.§ d) pont). Amennyiben a fogyasztó bemutatja az ellenérték megfizetését igazoló bizonylatot, úgy a fogyasztói szerződés megkötését bizonyítottnak kell tekinteni a 49/2003. (VII. 30.) GKM rendelet 2.§ alapján. Mindezek érdekében kérjük tisztelt Vásárlónkat, hogy őrizzék meg a fizetési bizonylatot is. A jótállás azt jelenti, hogy a jogszabály alapján jótállásra kötelezett gyártó garantálja, hogy a Magyar Köztársaság területén fogyasztói szerződés keretében értékesített új, tartós fogyasztási cikk egy bizonyos időtartamon belül kifogástalanul fog működni, és a felelősség alól csak akkor mentesül, ha bizonyítani tudja, hogy a termék meghibásodásának oka rendeltetésellenes használat, vagy külső behatás következménye, azaz a hiba oka a teljesítés után keletkezett. A jótállási idő a jogszabályi rendelet mellékletében felsorolt termékekre 12 hónap. A gyártó, ettől kedvezőbb, önként vállalt jótállási feltételeket is vállalhat, melyet a forgalmazó, ill. kereskedő maradéktalanul köteles átruházni a vásárlóra. A fogyasztói szerződéssel értékesített - de kötelező jótállás alá nem tartozó - illetve a kötelező jótállással értékesített, de a jótállás idejének lejárta utáni termékre a fogyasztót szavatossági jogok illetik meg. Szavatosság esetén az eladó azért vállal felelősséget, hogy eladáskor hibátlan terméket adott át a Vevőnek, tehát nincs olyan rejtett hibája, ami csak később fog kiderülni. Hat hónapon belül felismert hiba esetén a kereskedő köteles bizonyítani, hogy a hiba (a hiba oka) a vásárláskor nem volt benne a termékben. Utána a bizonyítás a fogyasztó feladata. Fogyasztói kifogás esetén a kereskedő (eladó, kereskedelmi egység) a 49/2003. (VII.30.) GKM rendeletben meghatározott jegyzőkönyvet köteles felvenni. A jegyzőkönyv nem előírt formátumú, de tartalmazza a kötelezően meghatározott (kitöltendő) adatkört. Ennek kitöltése után a jegyzőkönyv másolatát a fogyasztó részére át kell adni. A fogyasztó jótállási igényét szabályosan kitöltött jótállási jeggyel, szavatossági igényét az ellenérték megfizetését igazoló bizonylattal érvényesítheti! Elveszett jótállási jegyet csak az eladás napjának hitelt érdemlő igazolásával (pl. dátummal és bélyegzővel ellátott és a készülék adatait tartalmazó eredeti számla vagy blokk) alapján pótolunk. A fogyasztási cikk meghibásodása esetén: A fogyasztó - választása szerint - kijavítást, vagy kicserélést követelhet, kivéve, ha a választott szavatossági igény teljesítése lehetetlen, vagy ha az a kötelezettnek a másik szavatossági igény teljesítésével összehasonlítva aránytalan többletköltséget eredményezne, figyelembe véve a szolgáltatott dolog hibátlan állapotban képviselt értékét, a szerződés súlyát és a szavatossági jog teljesítésével a jogosultnak okozott kellemetlenséget. A meghibásodott készüléket, garanciális és fizetős javításra egyaránt a Conflex kft.-nél vagy a 6
OV-BASICPLAYER helyén van lehetőség leadni. A rögzített bekötésű, illetve a 10 kg-nál súlyosabb, vagy tömegközlekedési eszközön kézi csomagként nem szállítható fogyasztási cikket az üzemeltetés helyén kell megjavítani. Ha a javítás az üzemeltetés helyén nem végezhető el, a le- és felszerelésről, valamint az el- és visszaszállításról a forgalmazó gondoskodik. A fogyasztó a javítás iránti igényét a forgalmazó által a jótállási jegyen feltüntetett javítószolgálatnál közvetlenül is érvényesítheti. A jótállási jegy szabálytalan kiállítása vagy a fogyasztó részére történő átadásának elmaradása nem érinti a jótállási kötelezettségvállalás érvényességét. Nem érvényesíthető a jótállási igény, ha: a hiba nem rendeltetésszerű használat (*), szakszerűtlen szállítás vagy tárolás, beüzemelés, iparszerű igénybevételnek, átalakításnak, a keszüléken kívül álló ok – vis majornak (pl. hálózati feszültség vagy gáznyomás megengedettnél nagyobb ingadozása, illetve a gáz szennyezettségének) vagy a fogyasztó hibájából bekövetkezett törés következménye, a fogyasztási cikk vagy a hozzátartozó jótállási jegy nem azonosítható, illetve a jótállási jegy a valóságnak nem megfelelő adatokat tartalmaz, továbbá nem terjed ki a jótállás a fogyasztó feladatát képező karbantartási munkák elvégzésére, illetve azok elmulasztásából bekövetkező meghibásodások kijavítására. (*) Nem rendeltetésszerű használat esetén a jótállás illetve a szavatossági jog semmis. Rendeltetésszerű használatnak minősül a készülékhez mellékelt használati útmutató szerinti beüzemelés, működtetés és használat. A jótállás a fogyasztó törvényből eredő jogait nem érinti.
Köszönjük, hogy termékünket választotta.
Conflex kft. 1119 Budapest, Hadak útja.9. Tel:464-7400, 464-7414, Fax: 464-7410
[email protected] [email protected]
Javítási bejegyzések: Átvétel időpontja:.........................................................................................................................................................................................
Bejelentett hiba:...........................................................................................................................................................................................
A javítás módja:...........................................................................................................................................................................................
Visszaadás időpontja:..................................................................................................................................................................................
A jótállás új határideje:..............................................................................................................................................................................
Munkalap szám:..........................................................................................................................................................................................
Bejelentett hiba:...........................................................................................................................................................................................
A javítás módja:...........................................................................................................................................................................................
Visszaadás időpontja:..................................................................................................................................................................................
A jótállás új határideje:..............................................................................................................................................................................
Munkalap szám:..........................................................................................................................................................................................
Bejelentett hiba:...........................................................................................................................................................................................
A javítás módja:...........................................................................................................................................................................................
Visszaadás időpontja:..................................................................................................................................................................................
A jótállás új határideje:..............................................................................................................................................................................
Munkalap szám:..........................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Space Castle
Rows of space monsters are descending on your colony at an accelerating speed. Use your ground defense shuttle to eliminate them before they land. There are 4 shelters to help protect you from the space monsters’ attack, but you cannot fire from behind the shelter. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Fire
2. Valiant Rescue
3. Delta Fighter
A terrible accident has created swarms of mutant monsters determined to destroy mankind! You’ll have to blast them out of the skies and destroy their bases on the ground if you want to save the human race from extinction! Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Shoot at the flying objects B button: Shoot at the ground objects
Take the pilot’s seat and control your plane during a very furious and dangerous fight. Keep an eye on your fuel level at the bottom of the screen, it decreases as time continues. And, of course, be careful of all the danger ahead! Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Shooting, continuous shooting faster
4.Star Ally
A civil war has broken out in the Galactic Empire. Fight your way through waves of enemy fighters in search of the rebel leader. When you find him, shoot him down in the name of the Emperor and you’ll advance to the next level. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Fire
5. Aero Engine
A fierce battle rages in outer space. You command a starship flying between the planets, trying to destroy the invading alien armada. Pick up one blue power sphere for double fire. Pick up two blue power spheres and you’ll unlock triple fire! Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Fire
6. Zero Tiger
7. Submarine War
An environmental lab created mutant pests that endanger the land. While facing an overspread of pest disaster, your mission is to fly your fighter plane and eliminate them all. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Shoot at the flying objects B button: Shoot at the ground objects
In the classic game of naval warfare, you alternate turns with your opponent in an attempt to the enemy’s submarine and to destroy it. You’ll need luck and clever thinking to win! Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Confirm the selection, Bombing B button: Change the direction
8. Star Fighter Player guides a tank to protect the base. You can prompt to the next level by shooting enough airplanes. If you are shot, you will lose a life. Game will be over if you lose all 3 lives. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Shooting B button: Accelerate 9. Bugs Player guides a ladybug battle in a forest. You can use A button to attack, and collect items to power up. Directional Pad: 4 directions A /B button: Shooting
10. Tank Guide your tank to move forward. You can shoot ( A button) or use cannon ( B button) to destroy your enemies. Cannon will level up to missile when you get a power up. Also you have a bar of HP, each time you are shot you will lose some HP. When your HP is below 0, game over. Directional Pad: 4 directions A/B button: Shooting
OV-BASICPLAYER 11. Block Flying
Fire falling blocks to fill in the spaces. When an area is full, it will vanish! Make sure you destroy all the blocks. Directional Pad: Left and Right, Up to increase speed A button: Fire
12. Bolt Fighter A purple-red fighter plane is bravely combating other different enemy fighter planes over the sky of ocean and continent. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Shoot at the flying objects B button: Shoot at the ground objects
13. Last Cabra
Defeat the enemy air force. Watch out for battle stations hidden on land. Get through the enemy defenses and you’ll encounter the mega-battle plane. Defeat this flying fortress and you will win the game! Along the way, Pick up “S” ammo to project scattering bullets. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Fire
14. Colony There are 4 rows of sea monsters descending upon your colony at an accelerating speed. Your mission is to use your defense shuttle to eliminate all sea monsters before they reach the bottom. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: shoot
15. Skies of War Controlling your helicopter to avoid the enemy attack and try to destroy as many enemy planes as possible.
Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: shoot
OV-BASICPLAYER 16. Aimless Guide the cross to aim NPC and shoot them. Don't shoot bombs, or you'll be hurt. After you shoot off a number of NPC, you can pass the level. A : start game/ shooting Direction key: move the cross.
17. Bubble Guide your avatar move under the water. Shoot bubbles to stick NPC. If NPC fall to the bottom, you'll lose a life. A : shooting bubbles Direction key: move the avatar.
18. Dune War Guide your warrior to shoot off NPC from far and near. In each turn, you have 5 chances to attack NPC. If you can not shoot them off, game over. After you shoot off a number of NPC, you can pass the level. Direction key: change direction. A : shooting B : moving 19. Fire Base Guide your avatar to shoot off NPC from far and near. In each turn, you have 3 chances to attack NPC. Watch out for the bombs. After you shoot off a number of NPC, you can pass the level. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
20. Sudden Strike Guide your avatar to shoot off NPC. You can search NPC with the radar at the bottom. After you shoot off all NPC in the stage, you can pass the level. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
OV-BASICPLAYER 21. Ghost Palace Guide your avatar to shoot off ghost fire in the air. Be careful of fireballs and arrows. After you have a certain points, you can pass the level. Direction key: moving. A : shooting B: jump
22. Resistant Guide your avatar to shoot off NPC from far and near. Watch out and don't be shot. After you shoot off a number of NPC, you can pass the level. Direction key: moving. A : shooting B: jump
23. Racing Fighter This is a game of speed and passion. If you can arrive at the end in time, you'll pass the level. Don't hit the obstacles in the road though you can shoot them. Direction key: moving. A : shooting B: speed up 24. Strafe This is a shooting game. Guide the cannon to shoot off monsters. You can pass the level after you gain points. Direction key: change direction. A : shooting
25. Weald Gunman This is a shooting game. Guide your avatar to shoot off UFO from far and near. Watch out for the bombs. After you shoot off all UFOs, you can pass the level. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
OV-BASICPLAYER 26. Racing Fighter MOT This is a game of speed and passion. If you can arrive at the end in time, you'll pass the level. Don't hit the obstacles in the road though you can shoot them. Direction key: moving. A : shooting B: speed up 27. Air Power Guide your avatar to destroy bugs in the stage. After you clear all the bugs, you can pass the level. Don't waste of your bullets. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
28. Cruiser Guide your air fighter to destroy enemies in the space. Then you may get items to power up. After you beat the boss of the stage, you can pass the level. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
29. Garden War This is a shooting game. Guide your avatar to shoot off bugs from far and near. After you gain a certain points, you can pass the level. If you are hit, you'll lose a life. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
30. Warfront This is a shooting game. Guide your avatar to shoot off enemies from far and near. After you kill all the enemies in the stage, you can pass the level. Also, you can use the radar below to detect enemies. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
OV-BASICPLAYER 31. Aether Base Guide your cannon to protect your base. Shoot off enemies from far and near. You can also shoot off slugs from enemies. After you kill all the enemies in the stage, you can pass the level. Don't forget to use bomb if you are in danger. Direction key: moving. A : shooting B: bomb 32. Sky Wing This is a shooting game. Guide your air hero to shoot off enemies from far and near. you are hit, you'll lose a life. After all 3 lives lost, game over. Direction key: moving. A : shooting B: self protection
33. Through Man This is a breadthwise shooting game. Guide your air hero to shoot off enemies from far and near. you are hit, you'll lose a life. After all 5 lives lost, game over. Direction key: moving. A : shooting
34. VR Racing
You’re racing your motorcycle against time on a track crowded with other riders! Reach the destination within the time limit and advance to the next level. You can race your motorcycle at 4 exciting locations: Ancient Egypt, Modem City, Suburb and Seashore. Directional Joystick, Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
35. Big Racing
The International Racing Championship is on the line! You’re at the wheel of a supercharged car, weaving in and out of the pack. Don’t bump into other cars and watch out for dangerous obstacles! Directional Pad: Up and Down A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
36. Runner Car
You must race over a long city street before running out of fuel, but watch out for other racers and road hazards like rocks. Pick up moneybags to get 100 bonus points and scoop up “P” markers to add more fuel. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
37. Racing Boat
This is no quite float down a lazy river! Race your boat down the river as far as you can before running out of fuel. Watch out for other boats and hazards, but try to scoop up the green fuel tanks floating in the water! It takes speed and reflexes to win! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
38. Speedy Way-X
The flag drops and you’re racing against time through tropical jungles, city streets, lush fields, and quiet villages. Follow the twisting road and watch out for rocks, puddles, pedestrians, and other vehicles. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
39. GP Race
Race your motorcycle through the city street. Along the way, pick up fuel to increase your score and keep from running out of gas. Avoid obstacles and other motorcycles or you’ll crash. If you can reach the destination, you’ll advance to the next level! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Normal Speed
40. Bump Car
You’re driving on a bumpy road full of broken logs, jagged stones, and even bombs! You can drive on or off the road, but going overland will really slow you down. Can you make it home safely? Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button,: Jump
41. Truck Race
Your track is full of bricks you must deliver to the job site safe and sound. But with so many obstacles and people in the way, the trip is more complicated than you can imagine! Use your best driving skills and you’ll win…if you’re lucky! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
42. Dump Lorry Race
You must race against time, guiding your 4x4 over a long road. Watch out for sharp turns and other drivers. Be careful, it takes speed and skill to win the race! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
43. Fast Race
Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for an exciting road! Avoid all the other cars and obstacles by careful driving and skillful jumps. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Jump Up direction: Accelerate
44. Gear Race
You’re racing against time over a long wooden bridge. Bump off a green racer to score 100 points. Pick up canisters to score 50 points and to add 5 more seconds to your time. Be careful not to hit the wooden bridge! Race until time runs out and see how many points you can score! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
45. Excel Racing
Gather all of the flags and return to the starting line before being tagged by one of the other racers. You have a limited supply of bombs you can use to hold back your opponents. You lose the game if you run into bombs or collide with other racers. Directional Pad: 4 directions B button: Position the bomb
46. Motor Rally
Race your motorcycle against time, but watch out for other motorcycles and obstacles. If you reach the destination within the time limit, you will advance to the next level. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
47. Road Bumper
Full Contact Motorcycle Racing is the future’s most exciting-and dangerous-sport! While the clock is ticking, drive your motorcycle and ram the other riders! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
48. Road Star
If you thought the roads were bad in your town, wait until you face the conditions on this cross-country marathon! You’ll need all your driving skills and luck as you race over some very bad roads! A button: Hold to set acceleration, release to start jump!
49. Hot Racing This is a game of speed and passion. You will feel the speed in the game. Avoid other cars and get to the goal in time then you will complete the level. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate
50. Moto Rushing This is a racing game. You will feel the speed in the game. Use left or right button to avoid obstacles in the road, reach the goal in time then you will complete the level.
Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate B button: Brake 18
OV-BASICPLAYER 51. Hot Racing Moto This is a game of speed and passion. You will feel the speed in the game. Avoid other cars and get to the goal in time then you will complete the level. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate
52. Devil Rider This is a game of speed and passion. You will feel the speed in the game. Avoid other cars and get to the goal in time then you will win the game Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Accelerate
53. Circle Racing Control your car rushing in the racing track. Don't hit other cars, or you'll lose 10% of HP. Collect sapphires to recover your HP. Direction key: move A button: Accelerate
54. Fire Fighter
Position the spring bed in order to bounce the falling fire fighter. During the bounce, he can put out the fires in the house or rescue the people calling for help. If all the fires are put out or all the trapped people are saved, you advance to the next level. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Jump
55. MR.Onion
Mr. Onion must collect all the keys to rescue his friend. On the way, he has to eliminate the monsters before they eliminate him! Mr. Onion is going to need lots of help if he’s going to win this exciting game! Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: Shooting
56. Jewel Master
As the jewels fall in groups of three, try to line up jewels of the same shape and color. Try your best to wipe off all the jewels of the same color and shape. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button, B button : change sequence of three jewels Down direction: Accelerate
57. Ultra Doggy
Your dog is trying to get home by crossing busy streets. Along the way, it needs to collect keys scattered throughout the roads. Your dog can pick up other helpful objects along the way to increase its speed or gain extra points. Beware of the cars, wagons and other obstacles. When your dog gets all the keys, it can unlock the gates and go home. Directional Pad: 4 directions
58. Elfland
Destroy the monster that is the same color as your elf to save Elfland. If you want to eliminate other monsters, just jump into the different paint buckets and color yourself the same as the monster! If a monster of a different color hits you, you’ll lose a life. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Jump
59. Magic Diamond
Some diamonds with different style, dropping from the upper screen, you will put them together to become an intact diamond, then the diamonds on a line will disappear. Directional Pad: 4 directions A button:Change the diamond position B button:Use the tools
60. Hard Win
In this fast-paced game, you have to quickly control the paddles inside the cube. Flip them left and right or straight to force the falling colored balls into the buckets that match their color to earn points. Directional Pad: 4 directions
61. Monkey N Fox 20
Guess who is
OV-BASICPLAYER more smarter. The monkey or the Fox. Who acts faster? Directional Pad: Up and Down A button: Shooting
62. Loop Tennis
In this unusual game, you’ve got to bounce the ball from one racquet to another. Be sure to time your shot so the ball will land properly on the other racket. If you miss, you’ll lose the ball! A button: Soft bounce B button: Hard bounce
63. Brains Diamond This is a puzzle game. Guide the green cube to get the goal. Please notice that it can not move down.
Directional Pad: Left and Right,up A button: turn
64. Smart Frog Try to clear all the lotus leaves in the stage. The frog can only jump forward or left or right. Leaves that the frog lands on will disappear after it jumps off. Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: menu
65. Igloo Land
Move the diamonds to the appointed place in each pass. When the time is over you will lose a life, with all lives gone the game is over. There are other two kinds of games also: arrange numbers orderly and composite pattern. Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: Undo a step B button: Reset the current level 21
66. Move Fun
There are several types of objects displayed on the screen. Move them so any three or more of the same objects are connected in a straight line. Directional Pad: 8 directions to move the cursor A button: Confirm the selection
67. Bean's Adventure
In this fun game you must fill the holes in the road with stones. When you have a smooth road, you can push the ball into place. Be sure you work fast, however, because time is running out! Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: Abandon this attempt
68. Beat the Bird
You’re trying to shoot as many birds as possible before time runs out. If you’re able to get the number of hits indicated on the screen, you advance to the next level. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Shooting
69. Block Out
Using the pad below to bounce the ball off the brick wall above. Each time it hit, the ball will shatter the brick and bounce away. Destroy the entire wall and you’ll advance to the next level! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button : Launch the ball
70. Shrew Mouse Guide your mouse to draw a line. Watch out! Don't make your mouse hit your line or others, or you'll be KO. The only survival will be the winner.。 Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Confirm the selection
71. Transmission
OV-BASICPLAYER This is an action game. You will be transfer once you go into a warp point. You can collect all the dessert in the stage to level up. If time is up, you will lose a life. Game will be over after you lose all your lives. Directional Pad: 4 directions
72. Push The Box
This is a puzzle solving game. You must reach the box in each puzzle room. Move the crates to get to your destination. Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: Undo last move B Button: Restart the current level
73. Catch The Egg
Catch the falling eggs, but beware, the evil birds also randomly throw down bombs. Avoid the bombs and you win! Directional Pad: Left and Right
74. Crazy Hit
There are giant gophers living under your new house and running your beautiful lawn! Once they pop up from their holes, you must bop them on the head. The more gophers you bop, the more points you earn. Directional Pad: 8 Directions A button: Hit
75. Difference picture This is a puzzle game. In each round, there are 2 similar pictures. You are supposed to find out the differences between then. Directional Pad: 8 Directions A button: Confirm the selection B button: Use the tools
76. Dragon Fire
Guide the Dragon to the fireballs. The more fireballs you get, the longer the Dragon becomes. If the Dragon bumps into barriers or the edge, game is over. Directional Pad: 4 directions
77. Pool Pro
A guy called Jim went to participate in pool match so that he could realize his pool pro. dream. Directional Pad: Position the black ball A button: Adjust the black ball angle, shot B button: Look over all the ball number
78. Sky Mission
The air is filled with dangerous enemies! By firing your gun at the ground, you discover you can blast yourself into the sky to fight all the possible enemies. Directional Pad: Change to face 4 directions A button: Flip, shooting
79. Risker
Get the key and get to the end point against time and you will win! Game has ten levels. Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: Jumping
80. Pair up Find pairs of the same cards. More pairs more scores.。 Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: turn
81. Garden Maze
It’s a game that derive from the patch up game. You must patch up the road piece make the actor round up the obstacles into the end-point from the jumping-off point within the giving time. Directional Pad: 4 directions A Button: Exchange the blank tile with the selected one
82. Ogreish Flower
There is a all-around game. You must through the game by flying skills and time controlling. It contains 15 levels. You must eat the white fungus to pass the level. Directional Pad: 4 directions B Button: Restart the current level for 3 times
83. Fish Catcher
The fish are jumping randomly. Catch the red fish, but avoid the black ones or you’ll lose your power. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Catch Action
84. Fish Quiz
In this challenging logic game, you’ve got to move Kendium the Fish Prince into the position indicated on the right. When you click on one of the fish, the others will circle around it. Pay close attention if you want to win! Directional Pad: 8 Directions A button: Rotate fish counter-clockwise B button: Rotate fish clockwise
85. Build up Road
You must make a passage for all vehicles through the open land and around the rocks and trees to the final destination. You will need to construct road sections with your grapple dredge. Once you have successfully complete the task, the vehicle in the upper left corner will automatically drive to the final destination located in the bottom right corner. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Light up or lower down the road selection B button: stop continue function 25
86. Freak Number
This game to test your reaction and intellect. In the limited time to add the crystal balls sign with the number, let the summation equal to the number on the top of the screen. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Select the ball
87. Birdie Nest
Balance the bird on the stick while catching its eggs. Sound too easy? You’ve obviously never tried to balance a bird on a stick! If you get hit by the droppings! 10 times, or the bird falls down, you lose! Directional Pad: Left and Right
88. Go Bang
It’s a go bang game. The two parties in the game hold the black and white chess apart. One of the parties who put the seriate chesses in the transverse, vertical or diagonal line earlier win the game. Directional Pad: 8 directions A Button: Put the chess
89. Grass Cutter
It is your turn to mow the lawn. You must make sure that you mow every square inch of the yard by using your lawnmower before time runs out but beware of the cloud. The cloud will make the grass grown back. Directional Pad: 4 directions
90. Happy Diamond
Make the diamond blocks disappear by moving them around until two with the same image are together. When all the blocks are gone, you advance to the next level! Directional Pad: 8 directions A button A: Hold on the selection B button: Undo your last action
91. Dangerous Zone
Place the falling blocks in the blank spaces. When a row is complete, the blocks disappear. Work fast, because time is running out! Be careful not to be hit by the falling blocks! Directional : Left and Right A button: Pick up and put down B button: Jump
92. Insect Chase
It is a beautiful sunny day, perfect weather for catching butterflies. You must use your net to catch all the butterflies. When you catch one, a rewarding text message will be shown on the screen. Directional Pad: 8 directions
Bubble Factory
Distinguish the same objects in the limited time and move it so that any three or above same objects can be connected into a straight line. Directional Pad: 8 Directions A button: Confirm the selection /clear the objects
94. Transportation
The scene of the game is transportation. The player controls the flow of the goods by moving the arrowhead on the road to take the goods into the right places. Directional Pad: 4 directions to toggle between arrows in the road A Button: Change the direction of the selected arrow
95. Awake Baby
The game scene is a nursery. The player must move the babies who have waken up out of the nursery by moving another babies and desks in the nursery by rule. Directional Pad: 4 Directions A button: Select the baby
96. Magic Bubble Aim and fire! The goal is to join 3 or more bubbles of the same color together, they will burst. To You have to be quick with bursting the bubbles before they hit the bottom. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Shoot the bubbles
97. Matching Tiles
You’ll need a keen mind to win this game! Clear the board by removing the pairs of identical tiles. A pair of tiles can only be removed if they are connected by line with no more than two right angles in it. Directional Pad: 8 Directions A button: Select B button: Smash
98. Ocean Quest
Race your powerboat along the river. You move on to the next level when your boat reaches the destination within the time limit. Directional Pad: Up and Down A button: Accelerate B button: Brake
99. Sea War
Enemy submarines are attacking the shipping lanes and destroying your freighters! You’ve been ordered to clear the area and make it safe for the rest of the fleet! Avoid enemy attacks and destroy as many of their ships as you can. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Fire
100. Paint Master
Paint the entire runway but beware of the enemy’s attack. If you complete a full square, you will move to the next level. Directional Pad: 4 directions
101. Pet Shop
Sometimes those barking dogs really get on your nerves! You control the cat on the left side. Try to hit the dog on the other side of the fence with the ball. If you hit the dog enough times, you win! Hit the A once to start charging up for your throw and again to throw the ball. A button: Star power meter, throw the ball
102. Pinball Track
Roll the pinball through the pipeline. Keep an eye open for keys, you’ll need them to open the locked gates blocking your path. Open all the locks and you’ll advance to the next round! Avoid the holes in the track or you’ll fall through and lose a life. Directional Pad: 8 directions
103. Bubble Blaster
Balls of different color move along the track toward the player. If a ball strikes the player, the game is over. To stay alive, the player must remove balls from the track. Arrange three or more of the same color balls connected and they’ll be removed. Watch out, as your score increases the balls will speed up! Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Shooting
104. Push The Ball
You control your paddle with the direction pad. Will you try to beat your opponent with a bank shot or knock the ball past him before he knows what’s coming? The choice is yours! Directional Pad: 8 directions
105. Rainbow
Use the pot to receive the rainbows against the time. When you get the required amounts of rainbows at each level you will go to the next level. The game includes five levels. When you lose all three lives, you lose. Directional Pad: Left and Right
106. Bounce
You’ll need quick reflexes and more than a little luck in this challenging game! Use the four paddles to bump the flying ball away from the wall. If it hits the side of the board, it’s game over! Directional Pad: 4 directions
107. Bingo Zap
Roll the ball into the indicated holes while avoiding the wrong ones. You only have a certain amount of time to complete the task., so hurry up! As you progress, you’ll have less and less time to complete each new level. Your remaining time and lives are shown on the screen. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button : Start next screen
108. Spin Ball
Roll the ball down the track to reach your destination within the given time. When you arrive at your destination and pick up the key and you will advance to the next level. During the course you can pick up other helpful objects along the way to gain extra points. Directional Pad: 4 directions
109. Ball Mania
Different colored globules slide down to the ball in the middle. Turn the ball to make 2 or more globules of the same color come together. When they do, they’ll burst and be removed from the screen! Directional Pad: Rotate the center disc A button: Start the game / Pause the game
110. Bingo
Choose 3 to 10 numbers that you believe will be randomly selected by the bingo machine. Select a number from the panel at the screen. Once you have made your selection, the number will be highlighted, then press PLAY button to announce the numbers. The more numbers you selected are called, the more bet you win. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Bet
111. Slot Machine
The purpose of the game is to line up the symbols horizontally or diagonally. The symbols on the reels will rotate until the player stops each reel. This is a game based on complete luck. Directional Pad: Move cursor to select coins A button: Bet B button: Stop the spinning reels
112. Texas Hold'em The purpose of the game is to make some uncommon combinations with 5 cards by using the two cards in your hand plus three sharing cards on the table. Note that there will be a total of five sharing cards on the table to use per round of play. This game will fluctuate, so it involves a large amount of luck, experience and courage. Therefore, the player must be very cautious when playing out the hand. Directional Pad: Up and down to move cursor to select A Button: Bet B Button: Confirm selection
113. Wild River Your are trying to get home by crossing busy rivers. Along the way, you need to collect keys scattered throughout the river ways. Beware of the boats, crocodiles and other obstacles.
Directional Pad: 4 directions
114. Sudoku
Sudoku is played over a 9x9 grid, divided to 3x3 sub grids called "regions". It begins with some of the grid cells already filled with numbers. The object of Sudoku is to fill the other empty cells with numbers between 1 and 9 (1 number only in each cell) according the following guidelines. A summary of these guidelines would be, that a number should appear only once on each row, column and a region. Direction key: move A button: Accelerate B button:hold and press D-key to choose a number
115. Assart
It is played on a farm. The object is 31
OV-BASICPLAYER controlling your avatar to assart it. You can move forwards or left or right but can not back. When you meet a rock, you can use a hoe to knock it. Assarting all the field to pass the level. Direction key: move A button: confirm
116. Bomb King At the first, deraign your force to avoid your opponent's attack. After game starts, NPC and you bomb each other in turns. If you eliminate NPC, you'll win and pass the level. Direction key: move A button: confirm B button: rotate your house 117. Box World You are playing over a maze. Push every box to the point, then you'll pass the level. Direction key: move A button: back B button: menu
118. Bug's War A spider is spreading bugs in the forest. The object is wiping out them. Please notice that you have only several potions. Direction key: move A button: throw potions B button: menu
119. Depth Bomb
At the first, deraign your force to avoid your opponent's attack. After game starts, NPC and you bomb each other in turns. The grid that be hit will become red, or it will be blue. If you eliminate NPC, you'll win and pass the level. Direction key: move A button: confirm B button: rotate submarine
120. Dinosaur
OV-BASICPLAYER A baby is dropping items above. Control your dinosaur to collect them, but watch out for dangers. Direction key: move
121. Eggs Control your robot to collect eggs from the bird. Onece you collect one, a word with picture will pop up on the center of the screen. Direction key: move
122. Goblet Tower Move the glass from left to right table. One layer one time. Only the layer have fewer glass can be put on the one that have more glass. Direction key: move A button: select B button: put down
123. Fated Pirate Control your ship to guide NPC move into traps. All the ships only one move one time. You can shoot at 2 sides, but it will be count as one move. If you are caught by any NPC, you'll lose a life. There are 4 swirls in the corners, once you enter it, you'll be transfered. Direction key: move A button: shoot B button: select 124. Partner Find out all the pairs in a limit time. Pairs you found out will disappear. If you find out all pairs, you pass the level. Direction key: move A button: select
125. Robot
OV-BASICPLAYER Control the robot walk forwards and get to the left upper grid. If he walks into a 'T' grid, he can change his direction. Don't hit the bound of the game area, or you'll fail. A button: yes B button: no
126. Seaching Find out all the fish that are identical with the given fish. Don't let the time run out. Direction key: move A button: confirm
127. The Farmer Control the farmer to collect sheep and avoid wolves. If you are bitten by wolves, you'll lose a life. Collect a certain number of sheep to pass the level. Direction key: move
128. Hit Mouse Control your hammer to knock those mice come from underground. If you can get enough points, you'll pass the level. Direction key: knock
129. Pinball The object is pop the ball up and don't let it drop from the gap. A button: left board B button: right board
130. Mine
OV-BASICPLAYER The object is to find out all the mines in the stage. Numbers mean the amount of mines close to it. Find out all mines to clear the stage. Direction key: move the cursor A button: confirm
131. Move Box Move the boxes from left to right table. One box one time. Only the larger box can be put on the smaller one. Direction key: move A button: select B button: put down
132. 110m Hurdless This is a hurdle game. Press A button repeatedly to speed up, use 'up' button to hurdle. Don’t foul, or you will get no point. Directional Pad: Jump A Button: Racing
133. Backstroke This is a Backstroke game. Press A and B button repeatedly to speed up. Don’t foul, or you will get no point. A /B Button: Swimming
134.VS. Football Shoot the ball into COM's goal. Try your best to get more goals to win the game.
Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: kick
135. Track and Field 35
It’s a track-and-field game. The game
OV-BASICPLAYER contains 100M,400M,800M and 1200M. You must win the level to gualify the next level. Directional Pad: Right direction A Button: Racing
136. Dart Champion
The target is coming from different direction; shoot the target when it overlaps the square shown on screen. Get more points by shooting more targets within the time limit. Shoot the white targets and you get 100 points. Shoot the blue targets and you get 300 points. A button: Fire at the left targets B button: Fire at the right targets
137. Jumping Ball
A robot automatically serves 20 balls to you. Hit each ball back at the three panels. When you hit a panel, it spins and you will score 10 points. Get the same picture showing on all three panels and you’ll score 100 points! After all the balls have been served, the game is over. A button: Hit the ball
138. Discus Put This is a discus game. Press A or B button repeatedly to power up. Don’t foul, or you will get no point.
Directional Pad: Toss the shot A Button: To spin fast
139. Golden Arrow
Test your marksmanship as you shoot arrows at the moving targets. Press the A button to increase the angle of your shot and release it to fire your arrow. Pay attention to the wind speed and try to hit the center of the target! A button: Set angle/Fire arrow B button,: Set the wind strength
OV-BASICPLAYER 140.High Jump This is a High Jump game. Press A and B button repeatedly to speed up, use 'up' button to jump. Don’t foul, or you will get no point. Directional Pad: Jump A Button: Accelerate
141.Javelin This is a Javelin game. Press A and B button repeatedly to speed up, use 'right' button to throw the javelin out. Don’t foul, or you will get no point. Directional Pad: Throw Javelin A Button: Accelerate
142. Super Surfing
You must surf your board through the awesome waves to hit the red flag before time runs out but beware of other surfboarders and obstacles, like swimmers, motorboats, kayaks and seagulls. The more red flags you hit, the more points you get. If you hit any surfboarders or obstacles, you will lose a life. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Jump
143. Basketball
Step up to the free throw line and try to break the record of 20 baskets (1 point each) in the time limit. Watch the power bar at the top right of the screen, when it reaches the level you want, press the shoot button to throw the ball. A button: Shoot a basket
144.Long Jump This is a long jump game. Press A button repeatedly to speed up. Don’t foul, or you will get no point. Directional Pad: jump A Button: Accelerate
145.Shot Put This is a shot game. Press A button repeatedly to power up, then press right button to glissade, finally press up button to toss the shot out.Don’t foul, or you will get no point. right: glissade up: toss out A or B Button: power up 146.Triple Jump This is a Triple Jump game. Press A and B button repeatedly to speed up, use 'up' button to jump. Don’t foul, or you will get no point. Directional Pad: Jump A Button: Accelerate
147. Twin Cards Find out pair of cards in a limit time. The pair that was found out will disappear. Clear all the cards to move to the next level. Direction key: move the cursor B: turn a card
148.Surfg Sport Control your avatar to avoid ships and obstacles on the sea, and goal in a limit time. Direction key: move
149.Football This is a football game. Control the player that gets the ball to rush to the goal. Don't be caught by other players. Direction key: move A: kick off/ pass
150.Volley Ball This is a volley ball game. Control the player in pink. Move him to the black point which means that is the point the ball falls on. Notice to smash after 2 pass, and watch out for your opponent's smash. Direction key: move A button: save B button: smash/ block 151.Adventurer This is an action game. You can collect all the items in the stage to prompt. If you are caught by a monster, you will lose a life.
Directional Pad: 4 directions
152. Ball Clash
You must throw all the red balls to your opponent’s side. Be careful not to be hit by the balls your opponent throws or you will freeze for several seconds! The player who throws all the balls to the other side is the winner. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Pick up ball / Throw ball
153. Lonely Island
Help Patrick the Penguin adventure on this lonely island. Along the way, you’ll play five different mini-games as you race to complete this challenging, fun-filled game. Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: Action
154. Balloon Man
Control the frog to collect as many balloons as possible. Once you’ve collected enough you’ll advance to the next level. Be careful not to be hit by the stars, or you will lose a life. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Raise
155. Path finder
It’s a breathtaking, irritative, dangerous and explorative game. As the pathfinder explore the treasure with caution. The game contains 6 levels. You must gain the key to get into the next level. Directional Pad: 4 Directions
156. Right Spot
Exchange the objects to the corresponding position in same color, you can only move along the dashed lines. For example, there are 6 positions on screen, 5 target objects are randomly placed at the different colorful position and 1 blank position, just move the 5 objects to the correct position through the dashed and the blank position. Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Select
157.Sky Dreamer Use A button to jump, B button to shoot. When you touch the fairy in the air, you can get a fruit. Then you can buy 10 bullets with a fruit or heal yourself at the goddess' statuary. Directional Pad: Left and Right A Button: Jump B Button: Shooting 158.Mouse Hero A wolf drops hostages and bombs from the roof. Player guides two mice to rescue hostages. You can catch the bombs and throw them back. If you fail to rescue a hostage, you will lose a life. Directional Pad: Left and Right
159. Challenge 100
You must move back and forth, dropping from one platform to the next, while avoiding the deadly spikes. Watch out for surprises and don’t get crushed against the top of the screen or fall off the bottom! Directional Pad: Left and Right
160. Conquer South Pole
The map of the game is composed with 26 letters. In the process, push the stone to pave the way and collect the diamonds, many enemies disturb you, so use your special attributes to finish the task. Directional Pad: 4 Directions A button: Throwing
161. Delivery Man
In this game, you race against time to keep the shelves filled as customers shop. The better you do, the more money you’ll bring in. So work fast! Directional Pad: 8 directions A button: Put goods on shelf B button: Pick up goods
162.Magic Place This is an action game. You can collect all the stars in the stage to level up. If you are caught by a monster, you will lose a life. Game will be over after you lose all your lives. Directional Pad: 4 directions
163. Fancy Match
Move around the board and flip over tiles, trying to find two that match. When you find a pair, they will disappear! Clear all the tiles before time runs out to win. Be careful not to bump into the enemies on the board! Directional Pad: 4 directions A button: Enter the game / Select
164. Worm Catch
The mother bird need to catch the worms and feed her babies. But she’ll have to avoid all the possible dangers to get the food and protect her babies. Directional Pad: 8 directions
165. Flying
Use your intellect to drive the blue flyer into the red defence base. Moving the blue flyer to the random array blocks, it will be held up by these blocks. Otherwise the blue flyer will fly out of the outer space. Directional Pad: 4 directions
166.Grot Kid This is an adventure game. You should collect all the items in the stage to make up a door for level up. Meanwhile, if you are caught by a monster, you will lose a life. But you can use traps for escape. Directional Pad: 4 directions
167. Lucky Lawn Mower
A mower is mowing on the grassplot, the aim is to dredge the road and to pick up the diamonds and cassettes. When you collect gems enough, you will get across the toll-gate. Directional Pad: 4 directions B button: Abandon this attempt at the time less than 1.10 minutes
168. Animal Pool
Grab the ball and hurl it at your animal opponents in the field of play. If you’re the able to score the number of hits indicated on the screen, you’ll advance to the next level. Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: Throw the ball B button: Pick up the ball
169. The Night
This time you are a monster! Your aim is to destroy the good dreams dropped by the angles. The falling dreams cause the Dream Index to increase. As you destroy more dreams, you will be rewarded with new weapons! Directional Pad: Left and Right A button A: Shooting, B button: Using Prop Up direction: choose Prop
170. Towers
You must leap from one platform to another while avoiding the deadly spikes. Timing is everything in this game, so pay attention! Make a mistake and you’re history! Press A button: Hold down to gain power Release A button: Jump up
171. Under the Sea
You’ll need your best reflexes to avoid all the dangers hidden in this deadly passage! Do nothing and you’ll start to sink, press X and you’ll start to surface. A button: Raise
172. Football Kid A naughty boy is shooting passersby in the garden, guide him to get high scores. If you miss shooting, your HP will decline.。
Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: kick
173. Bake Pancakes Bake both 2 sides of a pancake. If one side is baked over time, it will be burned.
Directional Pad: Left and Right A button: turn
Ribbit’s Defence Help Cony shoot those mice down into the river, or they will be landing and game over. You can use carrot to shoot several mice.
Directional Pad: Up and Down A button: Shooting
OV-BASICPLAYER 175.Burrow Explorer Guide the miner to live the cave. It's very dark here, you must guide the miner to go to the lighter point. During walking, don't hit monsters, or you'll lose a life. And there is a time limit, if you can not arrive at the point in time, you will lose a life too. Direction key: moving.
176.Sea Maid Control the merman to collect gems in the sea. If you get all the gems in the stage, level up. Pay attention to your oxygen bar, don't run out your oxygen. Bubbles can supply you oxygen. Direction key: moving
177.Skateboard Kid Control the avatar to collect gems on the road. If you get all the gems in the stage, you'll pass the level. Pay attention to the cars and UFO. Direction key: moving
178.Water Ball Control your bubble to merge the ones that are smaller. Don't hit obstacles in the stage, or you'll lose a life. Direction key: moving
179.Zoom Guide your avatar to return to the base. Try your best to dodge enemies' attack. If you are damaged, you'll lose a life. Direction key: moving A: pause
OV-BASICPLAYER 180.Bump The avatar will move forward automatically. Guide your avatar to kock all NPC into black holes, then you can pass the level. Direction key: change the direction
181.Cute Fish Use gems, bugs as lure to fish. Mermaid and man-eater fish are waiting for you. If the hook is shaking, something is swallowing the bait. Direction key: pull fish off the water A: OK
182.Fish War Control your fish to eat fish that are smaller than you. Avoid anything that's larger than you. Eat enough fish and you'll grow bigger. Direction key: move
183.Forest Kid Control your avatar to rescue the animals. Watch out for traps and poachers. Direction key: move A: throw stones B: jump
184.Jumping Kid When game starts, your avatar is standing on a platform. Control him to jump upwards. If you get to the top, you win the game. A: jump
OV-BASICPLAYER 186.Thin Ice Control your avatar to line up the monsters in the stage. Wolf will rub off your line. Don't caught by that wolf, or you'll lose a life. Direction key: move
186. Link
Guide cards queue from A to K. You can only move a card on the one that's have one point smaller exactly. After a queue makes up all A to K, it will be cleared. Direction key: move A: select
187. Rb Chess
2 players take moves by turns. If 2 heads of a line are yours, this whole line will be changed into yours. But if your move can not make any change, you will give your move to your opponent. In the end, the one who owns more chess will be the winner. Directional Pad: 4directions A Button: Put the chess
188. Baccarat
You have 5000 chips in the beginning. In each turn, you can bet 25~250 chips for who would win the game, banker, player or tie. After betting, both banker and player will get 2 cards. J,Q,K,10 count as 0 point, others count as what they are. Finally, the one whose point is the closest to 9 will be the winner. Direction key: move A: select
189. Black Jack
The officer gives each player 2 cards open and himself one open, the other fold.Players can call a extra card, but if your cards is more than 21 points, you are blowed. Then officer shows his cards, if his cards point is less than 17, he must call another card. Finally, who's cards point is the biggest and not over 21, he is the winner. Direction key: move A: select
OV-BASICPLAYER 190. 5 Card Draw The system will give each player 5 cards in the beginning. Then you can call or bet and go on playing. Direction key: move A: select
191. 7 Card Stud The system will give each player 2 cards in the beginning. Then you can call or bet and go on playing. Direction key: move A: select
192. Caribbean In each turn, you can bet 1~250 chips after game starts. The system will give each player 2 cards in the beginning. Then you can call or bet and go on playing. Direction key: move A: select
193. Craps First, bet your ante. You can bet on big or small, numbers and odd or even. After that done, bonus number will be decided by dice. Direction key: move A: select
194. Free cell The goal of this game is clearing all the cards on the table. Guide cards queue from A to K of the same color. You can only move a card on the one that's have one point smaller exactly. After a queue makes up all A to K, it will be cleared. Direction key: move A: select
OV-BASICPLAYER 195. Solitaire The goal of this game is clearing all the cards on the table. Guide cards queue from A to K of the same color, it will be cleared. If all cards are cleared, you'll win. Direction key: move A: select
196. Roulette You have 5000 chips in the beginning. In each turn you can bet chips (500 most) on a number, and if you are lucky to get the right number, you will get a reward. Directional Pad: Move cursor to select chips A Button: Confirm selection, bet B Button: Cancel bet 197. Hearts Before game starts, each player passes 3 cards to other players. Then the one who has club 2 plays it first, play is clockwise. Each player only plays one card of the same color in one turn. But if you don't have that card in the same color you can play a different color card. Spade or heart Q is not allowed to play in the first round. The player who plays the greatest card will get these cards. A heart card counts as 1 point, spade Q counts as 13 points. If someone reaches 100 points, game over. The one whose score is the lowest will be the winner. Direction key: move A: select 198. Spades Spades is a trick-based card game, with spades as the trump suit, played with two teams of two members each. For each hand the teams bid to take a number of tricks, and the scoring penalizes teams that regularly take more tricks than they bid. Additional bidding options exist, including allowing individual players to go Naught (that is, try to avoid taking any tricks). Direction key: move A: select
OV-BASICPLAYER 199. Video Poker The machine deals a five card hand. You may keep or throw away as many cards as you like by activating the appropriate button underneath every card. After selecting the card(s) you want to hold or discard, press on "deal/draw." The cards you didn’t want to hold are replaced with new cards. If the new hand contains a winning combination, you get paid.
Direction key: move A: select 200. Gin Rummy Gin is played with one deck of cards and two players. The object of the game is to eliminate all of the cards from your hand and score more points that the other players. The cards are ordered from low to high as follows: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen and King. Unlike other games, the Aces are only played as low cards in Gin Direction key: move A: select