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Catakgue 61-005 Mensuel Catalogue 61-005 Monthly P System of National Accounts Domestic Product by Industry Système de comptabilité nationale Produit intérieur, par industrie Indexes of real domestic product by industry Indices du produit intérieur reel par industrie September 1980 Septembre 1980 4 i:;r PQUR LXAMEJ -------------Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Note Nota This and other government publications may be purchased from local authorized agents and other community bookstores or by mail order. On peut se procurer cette publication, ainsi que toutes publications du gouvernement du Canada, auprês des agcnt autorisCs locaux, dans les librairies ordinaires ou par Ia po. Mail orders should be sent to Publications Distribution, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, KIA 016, or to Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, K I A 0S9. Les commandes par Ia poste devront parvenir a Distrihition des publications, Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K1A 016, ou a Imprimerie et edition, Approvisionnements et services Canada, Ottawa, K I A 0S9. Inquiries about this publication should be addressed Toutes demandes de renseignements sur Ia présente publication doivent ëtre adressées a: to: Monthly Measures Section, Industry Product Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0T6 (telephone: 995-0568) or to a local Advisory Services office: St. John's (Nfld.) Halifax Montréal Ottawa Toronto Winnipeg Regina Fi1nnri (726-0713) (426-5331) (283-5725) (992-4734) (966-6586) (9494020) (359-5405) (.(i.(Y7 tlOIiLI III .\\. .., )i.iILk. and Prince Edward Island by telephoning 1-800-5657192. Throughout Saskatchewan, the Regina office can be reached by dialing 1-800-667-3524, and throughout Alberta, the Edmonton office can be reached by dialing 1-800-222-6400. Section des mesures mensuelles, Division du produit industriel, Statistique Canada, Ottawa,K1A 0T6 (téléphone: 995-0568) ou i un bureau local des Services consultatifs situé aux endroits suivants: St. John's (T.-N.) Halifax Montréal Ottawa Toronto Winnipeg Regina 11'ii'ii 1 .11 (726-0713) (426-5331) (283-5 725) (9924734) (966-6586) (949-4020) (359-5405) (420-) 7 1 I .. iiJJ C i hIiiidtiuii NtitiliIu CL d NULiCllC -LL. du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l'fle-du-Prince-1douard en Co;iposant 1-800-565-7192. En Saskatchewan, on peut communiquer avec le bureau regional de Regina en composant 1-800-667-3524, et en Alberta, avec le bureau d'Edmonton an numéro 1-800-222-6400. Statistics Canada Justry Production Division 1rithIy reasires Sectic'n Statistique Canada Division du produit industriel Section des rnest:res niensiielles System of Nationa' Accounts Domestic Product by Industry Système do comptabilite nationale Produit intérieur, par industrie Indexes of real domestic product by industry Indices du produit intérieur reel par industrie Including the index of industrial production 1971 = 100 Incluant I'indice de Ia production industrielle 1971 = 100 September 1980 Septembre 1980 ui ide U . durriurity ut Publication aulurisee par the Minister of Supply and Services Canada le ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada Statistics Canada should be credited when reproducing or quoting any part of this document Reproduction ou citation autorisée sous reserve dindication de Ia source: Statistique Canada © Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1981 © Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada 1981 January 1981 3-1300-502 Janvier 1981 3-1300-502 Price: Canada, $3.00, $30.00 a year Other Countries, $3.60, $36.00 a year Prix: Canada, $3.00, $30.00 par année Autres pays, $3.60, $36.00 par année Catalogue 61-005, Vol. 20, No. 9 Catalogue 61 -005, vol. 20, n° 9 ISSN 0317-3453 ISSN 0317-3453 Ctta in Symbols Signes conventionnels The interpretation of the symbols used in the tables throughout this publication is as follows: Voici Ia signification des signes et des codes conventionnels employés dans les tableaux: - figures not available. nil or zero. nombres indisponibles. - néant ou zero. - - amount too small to be expressed. - - nombres irifimes. CODES CODES SIC code: The Standard Industrial Classification code appearing in the tables should be interpreted as follows: Code CAE: le code de la classification des activités économiques figurant aux tableaux doit ëtre interprété comme suite: An SIC Division is indicated by one of the integers 1 to 11. Une branche de Ia CAE, est indiquée par un des nombres entiersde 1 a 11. An SIC Major group within the Division is indicated by two digits following the Division code and separated from it by a colon. Un groupe de Ia CAE, a l'intérieurd'une branche, est indiqué par deux chiffres qui suivent le codc de Ia hranclic et nnt stpares de celui-ci par deux points (:). A three- or four-digit industry class is indicated by three or four digits respectively. Une classe d'industrie a trois ou qIi.i1r chiffr's par trois ou quatre chiffres respectivement. A NOTE ON CAN SIM ® NOTE AU SUJET DE CANSIM ® Data in this publication were retrieved from CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) and were manipulated and processed to create a photo-ready copy. All tabular data appearing in this publication, as well as many other data series, are available to the public from CANSIM via terminal, on computer printouts, or in machine readable form. Les données figurant dans cette publication ont été extraites du CANSIM (Système canadien d'information socioéconomique). Elles ont été traitées de facon a produire une copie destinée a la photocomposition. Toutes les données presentées dans cette publication et beaucoup d'autres données contenues dans le CANSIM peuvent étre extraites par l'intermédiaire d'un terminal sous forme d'imprimés d'ordinateur ou sous une forme lisible par machine. The last four pages contain a list of Databank Numbers which can be used to access the series in CANSIM. For example, to retrieve Real Domestic Product, monthly, without seasonal adjustment, you must use "D 100215". Les quatre demiêres pages renferment une liste des numëros Databank qui peuvent ëtre utiisës pour avoir accês aux series du CANSIM. Ainsi, pour extraire le produit intérieur reel mensuel avant désaisonnalisation, il suffit d'utiliser "D 100215". For further information write to CANSIM, Current Economic Analysis Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ki A OZS. telephone: 613-995-7406. Pour plus de renseignements, écrivez a CANSIM, Division des analyses de conjoncture, Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K I A OZS, téléphoner: 613-995-7406. cst ndquc Tab'e of Contents Table des matières Page The System of National Accounts Note Re: Historical Continuity Concepts, Sources and Methods Page v Le système de comptabiité nationale vii Remarques viii Concepts, sur Ia continuité chronologique sources et méthodes v vu viii Content of Special Industry Groupings ix Industries réunies dans chaque agrdgat special ix Review of Results Chart xi Revue des résultats xi Graphique 1. Comparison of Real Domestic Product 1. Comparaison du produit intdrieur reel avec l'indice with the Index of Industrial Production, de Ia production industrielle, 1971 - 1979 1971-1979 1 Comparison of Goods-producing Indus- 2. Comparaison des industries de biens avec les industries with Service-producing Industries, tries de service, 1971 - 1979 1971-1979 1 Table Tableau 1. Indexes of Real Domestic Product, by Indus- 1. Indices du produit intérieur reel par industrie et try, by Years 2 par année 2 2. Indexes of Real Domestic Product, by Indus- 2. Indices du produit intérieur reel par industrie et try, by Months 6 par mois 6 3. Indexes of Real Domestic Product, by Indus- 3. Indices do produit intérieur reel par industrie et try, by Quarters 14 par trimestres 14 Real Domestic Produit CANSIM Matrices 19 Matrices de CANSIM du produit intérieur reel 19 III S' SI! \l f)! N \ I ION \ ('(()tNTS PR: :uiliI \u[hI \aF II) 1 NCIi P J)Ilhlicaliolls rcJUii lu 11 I.! SYSli\1l 1)11 (O\1PI \ltll III N \l R)'\ \I I IId C (tieric 111111111L,Pc de hOc I ilic I cI ic hIk.I their constituent parts. These have now reached a stage of evolution where they can be termed a "System of National Accounts". For purposes of identification, all publications (containing tables of statistics, descriptions of conceptual frameworks and descriptions of sources and methods) which make up this System will now carry the term "System of National Accounts" as a general title. leurs éléments constitutifs. Ils ont connu tine idle evolution qu'on peut maintenant les qualifier de "Systèiiie de coinptabilitC nationale". Aux fins d'identification, toutes los publications qui font partie du système (dIes contiennent des tableaux statistiques, Ia description du cadre thdorique Ct l'explication des sources et des mCthodes) porteront dèsormais le titre général de "Système de comptabilité nationale". The System of National Accounts in Canada consists of several parts. The annual and quarterly Income and Expenditure Accounts (included with Catalogue Nos. carrying the prefix 13) were, historically speaking, the first set of statistics to be referred to with the title "National Accounts" (National Accounts, Income and Expenditure). The Balance of International Payments data (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 67), in their more summary form, are also part of the System of National Accounts and they, in fact, pre-date the Income and Expenditure Accounts. Le système do comptabilité nationale du Canada se diviseen plusieurs categories de comptes. Les comptes annuels et trimestriels des revenus et des depenses (paraissant dans les publications dont le numéro de catalogue commence par 13) ont constitué le premier ensemble de statistiques a être connu sous Ic titre de "Comptes nationaux" (Comptes nationaux, revenus et dCpenses). Les donnCes sur Ia balance canadienne des paiements internationaux (numCro de catalogue commençant par 67) font également partie, sous leur forme sommaire, du système de comptabilite nationale: elles ont méme existé avant les coniptes des revenus ci des dCpenses. Greatly expanded structural detail on industries and on goods and on services is portrayed in the Input-Output Tables of the System (Catalogue Nos. with prefix IS). The indexes of Real Domestic Product by Industry (included the Catalogue Nos. carrying the prefix bI) provide "constant dollar" measures of the contribution of each industry to Gross Domestic Product at factor cost. Inputs and outputs are related in Productivity Studies (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 14). Une nomenclature beaucoup plus détaillde d'industries et de biens et services figure dans les tableaux d'entrCes-sortics do système (numéro de catalogue commencant par IS). Les indices dii produit intCrieur r&d par industrie (compris dans les publications dont les numCros de catalogue commence par 61) mesurent, en dollars constants. l'apport de chaque branche dactivité au produit intérieur brut au coOt des facteurs. Un rapport est établi entre les entrees et sorties dans les etudes de productivite (publications dont Ic numéro de catalogue commence par 14). Both the Input-Output Tables and Indexes of Real Domestic I'roduct by Industry use the establishment as the primary unit of industrial production. Measures of financial transactions are provided by the Financial Flow Accounts (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 13). Types of lenders and financial instruments are the :'rimary detail in these statistics and the legal entity is the main irtit of classification of transactors. Levels of outstanding financial assets and liabilities are published annually as a major contribution towards a complete national balance sheet. L'établissenient est I'unité primaire de production industrielle tant dans los tableaux d'entr&cs-sortics que dans les indices du produit intCrieur reel. Los coniptes de flux financiers (publications dont los numCros de catalogue commence par 13) mosurent les operations financières. Los categories de preteurs et d'instrumcnts financiers forment les Cléments do base de ces statistiques et Is personne morale est Ie point de depart du classement des agents écononsiques. Los niveaux des actifs et passifs financiers en circulation sont disponibles annuellement; ils constituent un élCment important d'un bilan national exhaustif. The System of National Accounts provides an overall conceptually integrated framework in which the various parts can be considered as interrelated sub-systems. At present, direct comparisons amongst those parts which use the establishment as the basic unit and those which use the legal entity can be carried out only at highly aggregated levels of data. 1-lowever, Statistics Canada is continuing research on enterprise-company-establishment relationships; it may eventually be feasible to reclassify the data which are on one basis (say the establishment basis) to correspond to the units employed on another (the company or the enterprise basis). Le système de comptabilité nationale constitue un ensemble conceptuellement integré dans lequel los diverses categories do comptes peuvent Ctre considérCes comme dessous-systemes étroitemcnt Ilésentre eux. Au stade actuel de developpement, on no peut faire de comparaison directe entre los elements bases sur l'êtablissement et ceux qui sont bases sur I'entitC juridique qtie lorue los donnCes scot groupees dans des categories trés gCnCrales. Toutefois, Statistique Canada poursUit ses recherches sur los relations entre l'ent reprise, Ia sociCtC ci l'Ctahlissement. II sera peut-etre possible un jour do reclasser les données Ctablies sur une certaine base (l'Ctablissement par exemple) de manière a les faire correspondre aux données Ctablies sur une autre base (soclété ou entreprise). In its broad outline, the Canadian System of National Accounts bears a close relationship to the international standard as described in the United Nations publication, A Svstc'm of National Accounts (Studies in Methods, Series F, No. 2 Rev. 3, Statistical Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York, 1968). Dans sos grandes lignes, le système do comptabilitd nationale du Canada suit do trés prCs Ia norme internationale expos&e dans Ia publication des Nations Unies intitulCc Svstènie do comptabllitc1 nanonale (Etudes nsCthodologiques, sCrie F. no 2, rev. 3, Bureau do statistique, Départernent des affaires Cconomiques et sociales, Nations Unies, New York. 1970), RI \IARQUES SUR LA CONTINUITE CHRONO- NO! 1 Rl : II ISI OR t( \ L (MN I IN LI I1" I .OG!QUF Uli 1 c1jIti:1uuLs icrd Ioi i 9 I Real Domestic Product and the index of Industrial Production and their components may be obtained from the following Statistics Canada publications: peuvent servir a établir une continuité du produit intérieur reel et de l'indice de Ia production industrielle et de leurs composantes sur Ia base 1971 = 100 a partir de 1971: Catalogue 61 -213. Real Domestic Product by Industry (1971 = 100), 1979, for the 1971 -1979 period. NO 61 -213 au catalogue. Produit intérieur reel par industrie (1971 = 100), 1979 publication consacrée a Ia période 1971 - 1979. Catalogue 61 -005. Indexes of Real Domestic Product by Industry, the April 1980 issue and current issues for the period beginning January 1980. NO 61 -005 au catalogue. Indices du produit inter/cur reel par industrie, l'édition d'avril 1980 et les publications courantes 1 Lcs 1 1 111 c,iiI Uc tiui 'U LIftUl(hIILc', présentent des données pour la période commençant en janvier 1980. CANSIM matrices: The same data are available in the following On peut obtenir les mémes données des matrices suivantes de CANSIM: Real Domestic Product (including the Index of Industrial Production). Produit intérieur reel (y compris l'indice de Ia production industrielle). Matrix numbers Monthly Olhlrtcr!v i 1122 II I For the period prior to 1)71 , selected annual data available on a 1971 reference base. The data are available in CANSIM matrix 389 or can be made available upon request by contacting (613 - 995 - 058 1), Industry Product Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, K I A 0T6. .rc Mensuel Trimestriel Annuel Numéros dematrice 1122 1123 1124 En ce qui concerne les années antérieures a 1971 , Certaines données par annCe sont disponibles sur Ia base 1971 = 100. On peut obtenir les données de Ia matrice 389 de CANSIM ou on peut se procurer ces données en s'addressant a (613995 - 0581), Division du produit industriel, Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0T6, To obtain a continuous record on a 1971 base, the indexes on a 1961 base must be mechanically rebased to 1971 by multiplying by 100.0 and dividing by the 1971 index value on a 1961 base. For 1971 and earlier years, Real Domestic Product and the Index of Industrial Production and the component indexes required for linkage to the 1971 based series may be obtained from the following Statistics Canada publications: Pour obtenir une continuité des données de ces années, les indices sur la base 1961 = 100 doivent étre convertis arithmétiquement a l'année de référence 1971 en les multipliant par 100.0 et en divisant le produit obtenu par Ia valeur de l'indice de 1971 sur Ia base de 1961 = 100. Dans le cas de 1971 et des années antérieures, le produit intérieur reel et l'indice de Ia production industrielle et des composantes nécessaires au raccordement avec les series dont l'année de référence est 1971 peuvent ëtre tires des publications suivantes: Catalogue 61 -506. Indexes of Real Domestic Product by Industry - (1961 Base), for Real Domestic Product for the period from 1935. 1960 and for the Index of industrial Production for the period from 1919-1960. NO 61 -506 au catalogue. Indexes of Real Domestic Product by Industry - (1961 Base), produit intérieur reel pour Ia période 1935 - 1960 et indice de Ia production industrielle pour Ia période 1919- 1960. Catalogue 61 -516. Real Domestic Product by Industry, 1961 -1971, 1961 = 100, for the period from NO 61 -516 au catalogue. Produit intérleur reel par industrie, 1961-1971,1961100,lap6riode 1961-1971. 1 1)ô1 - 10 7 1 Data for linking purposes can also be obtained for Des données de raccordement peuvent étre obtenues pow 1971 and the period prior to 1971 from the following 1971 et les annec iritérii'ures dcc mitriccs suiv;intec dc CANSIM: CANSIM matrices: Matrix numbers Real Domestic Product: Annual Quarterly Monthly Index of Industrial Production: Annual Monthly \ W11 e 1 US lc I n:i triC Produit intérieur reel: 383 15 1421 384 16 Anriuel Trimestriel Mensuel Indice de Ia production industrielle: Annuel Mensuel 383 15 1421 384 16 CONCEPTS, SOURCES AND METHODS CONCEPTS, SOURCES El METHODES Catalogue 61 -502. See this publication for descrip- NO 61 -502 au catalogue. Se reporter a cette publication, qui tion of concept, sources and methods for the Index of Industrial Production. présente Ia description des concepts, sources et méthodes d'établissement de l'indice de la production industrielle. Catalogue 61 -505. See this publication for descrip- NO 61 -505 au catalogue. Se reporter a cette publication, qui tion of concepts, sources and methods for Real Domestic Product by Industry of Origin. présente Ia description des concepts, sources et méthodes d'établissement du produit intérieur reel par industrie d'origine. Catalogue 61 - 506. See this publication for technical NO 61 -506 au catalogue. Se reporter a cette publication. oui note concerning major changes in concepts, sources and methods in Real Domestic Product (including the Index of Industrial Production) resulting from the introduction of the 1960 Standard Industrial Classification and the adoption of the 1961 weight and reference base. présente les remarques techniques concernant les changeme irnportants survenus au niveau des concepts, sources méthodes d'établissement du produit intérieur réel(y comi ' l'indice de la production industrielle) qu'ont entrainé l'apphcation de la Classification type des industries de 1960 et l'adoption de l'année 1961 comme base de pondération et Catalogue 61 -510. See this publication for technical NO 61 -510F au catalogue. Se reporter a cette publication, note concerning major changes in concepts, sources and methods in Real Domestic Product (including the Index of Industrial Production) resulting from the introduction of the "total activity" concept. qui contient les rcmarques techniques concernant les changements importants survenus au niveau des concepts, sources et méthodes d'établissement du prod uit intérieur reel (y cornpris l'indice de Ia production industrielle) qu'a entrainé l'introduction du concept "d'activité totale". Catalogue 61 - 516. See this publication for technical NO 61 -516 au catalogue. Se rapporter de référence. note concerning the introduction of annual estimates of Real Domestic Product by industry expressed in constant dollars, the incorporation of the results of the 1971 census of merchandising and services for a large number of the service-producing industries, the introduction of annual estimates of gross outputs, intermediate inputs, and value added in current and constant (1961) prices and the corresponding implicit price indexes, for selected manufacturing industries and the adoption of the final 1961 weighting system. a cette publication qui contient les remarques techniques concernant l'introduction d'estiniations annuelles du produit intérieur reel par industrie exprimées en dollars constants. l'incorporation des résultats du recensement du commerce et de services de 1971 pour plusieurs industries de services, l'introduction de données annuelles pour certaines industries ma nu fact urières concernant Ia production brute, nette et Ia consommation intermédiaire aux prix courants et constants (de 1961) et les indices implicites de prix correspondants et ['adoption du régime de pondération finale de 1961. Catalogue 61 -213. See this publication for technical NO 61 -213 au catalogue. Se rapporter note concerning changes in Real Domestic Product resulting from the introduction of the 1970 SIC and the adoption of the 1971 weight and reference base. a cette publication. qui contient les remarques techniques concernant les changements du produit intérieur reel qui ont entrainé l'introduction de Ia CAE de 1970 et l'adoption de l'année 1971 comme base de pondération et de référence. VIII ('ONTENT OF SPECIAL INDUSTRY UROIJPINGS ti.Hr' :'Ik'1 INDUSTRIES REUNIES DANS CHAQUE AGRFG1\T SPECIAI :c:ijI 1>u;Ir : defined as follows: special ci-aprCs: Real Domestic Product less agriculture. All industries less agriculture (SIC 2 to 11). Produit inténeur reel, moms I'agriculture. Toutes les industries, moms l'agriculture (CAE 2 all). Goods-producing industries. Agriculture (SIC 1); forestry (SIC 2); fishing and trapping (SIC 3); mines (including milling), quarries and oil wells (SIC 4); manufacturing industries (SIC 5); construction industry (SIC 6); and electric power, gas and water utilities (SIC 7:04). Industries productrices de biens. Agriculture (CAE 1): forëts (CAE 2); chasse et pêche (CAE 3); mines(y compris Ic broyage), carriêres et puits de pétrole (CAE 4); industries manufacturières (CAE 5); bãtiment et travaux publics (CAE 6); et énergie électrique, gaz et eau (CAE 7:04). Goods-producing industries less agriculture. The total of the previous grouping less agriculture (SIC 2-6; 7:04). Industries productrices de biens, moms l'agriculture. Le total du groupement prëcédent, moms I'agriculture (CAE 2-6; 7:04). Service-producing industries. Transportation, storage and communication (SIC 7:01-03); trade (SIC 8); finance, insurance and real estate (SIC 9); community, business and personal service industries (SIC 10); and public administration and defence (SIC II). Industries productrices de services. Transports, entreposage et communications (CAE 7:01-03); commerce (CAE 8); finances, assurances et affaires immobiiêres (CAE 9); services socio-culturels, commerciaux et personnels (CAE 10); administration publique et defense (CAE 11). Commercial industries. Agriculture (SIC 1); forestry 'IC 2); fishing and trapping(SIC 3); mines (including dung), quarries and oil wells (SIC 4); manufacturing iidustries (SIC 5); construction industry (SIC 6); ansportation, storage and communication (SIC 01-03) less highway and bridge maintenance (SIC 516); electric power (SIC 572); gas distribution (SIC 574); trade (SIC 8); finance, insurance and real estate (SIC 9); related health care institutions (SIC 822); offices of physicians and surgeons (SIC 823); offices of para-medical personnel (practitioners) (SIC 824); offices of dentists (SIC 825); diagnostic and therapeutic services, n.e.s. (SIC 826); miscellaneous health services (SIC 827); amusement and recreation services (SIC 10:04); services to business management (SIC 10:05); personal services (SIC 10:06) less private households (SIC 873); accommodation and food services (SIC 10:07): miscellaneous services (SIC 10:08). Industries commerciales. Agriculture (CAE 1); forêts (CAE 2); chasse et pëche (CAE 3); mines (y compris broyage), carrières et puits de pétrole (CAE 4): industries manufacturières (CAE 5); bãtiment et travaux publics (CAE 6); transports, entreposage et communications (CAE 7:01-03) moms l'entretien des routes et des ponts(CAE 516); électricitë (CAE 572); distribution de gaz (CAE 574); commerce (CAE 8); finances, assurances et affaires immobiières (CAE 9); étahlissements annexes de soins sanitaires (CAE 822); cabinets de médecin et de chirurpn (CAE 823); cabinets de praticiens paramedicaux (CAE 824); cabinets de dentiste (CAE 825): services de diagnostic et de soins n.c.a. (CAE 826); services de sante divers (CAE 827); divertissements et loisirs (CAE 10:04); services fournis aux entreprises (CAE 10:05); services personnels (CAE 10:06) moms ménages privés (CAE 873); hebergement et restauration (CAI 10:07); services divers (CAE 10:07). Commercial industries less agriculture. The total of the previous grouping less agriculture (SIC 2-6; part of 7; 8; part of 10). Industries commerciales, moms l'agriculture. Le total du groupe précCdent, moms lagriculture (CAE 2-6; partie de 7; 8; 9 et partie de 10). Non-commercial industries. Highway and bridge maintenance (SIC 516): water systems and other utilities (SIC 576; 579); hospitals (SIC 821); welfare organizations (SIC 828); religious organizations (SIC 831); private households (SIC 873): education and Hated services (SIC 10:01):and public administration Industries non commerciales. Entretien des routes et des ponts (CAE 516); distribution d'eau et autres services d'utilité publique (CAE 576; 579); hopitaux (CAE 821); organismes de bien-être (CAE 828); organisations cultuelles (CAE 831); ménages (CAE 873); enseignement et services connexes (CAE 10:01); administration publique et defense (CAE 11). Index of Industrial Production. Mines (including milling), quarries and oil wells (SIC 4); manufacturing industries (SIC 5); and electric power, gas and water utilities (SIC 7:04). Indice de Ia production industrieHe. Mines (y compris 1: broyage), carriêreset puits de ptrole (CAE 4); industries IlL nufacturiêres (CAE 5): énergie électrique, gaz et eau (C.\! 7:04). Note Nota Due to rounding, sub-annual detail may not average annual level. En raison de l'arrondissement des chiffres, il se peut que Ia moyenne des donndes mensuelles et trimestrielles n'équivaille pas au niveau annuel. For RDP purposes the content of SIC Division 7 has been altered to include only transportation, storage and communication; electric power, gas, water and other utilities are excluded and measured separately, as a component of the Index of Industrial Production. Pour le calcul du produit intërieur reel, la division 7 de la classification type des activités économiques a été modifiée de facon a inclure seulement les transports, l'entreposage et les communications. L'énergie électrique, le gaz, l'eau et les autres services d'utilité publique sont évalués separément. PEVIEW OF RESULTS liised on SeasonaIl' \d jiisted Data) 1i!J ()uarIi' REVUE DES R1SULTATS (Scion des donnees desaisonnalisees ) 1r itiut I ri 11"I ri 1 9d0 Economic activity as measured by Real Domestic Product increased by 0.4% in the third quarter of 1980 to a level of 138.5, the first quarterly increase since the corresponding period of 1979. Growth was narrowly based, however, as it was concentrated mainly in retail trade, motor vehicle manufacturers, and communications. The index of industrial production (mining, manufacturing and public utilities) decreased slightly in the quarter. Major decreases were recorded by pulp and paper mills, iron and steel mills, and iron ore mines. L'activité économique mesurée par le produit intérieur reel s'est accrue de 0.4 % au troisième trimestre de 1980 pour s'établir a 138.5; il s'agit de Ia premiere hausse trimestrielle depuis Ia période correspondante de 1979. La croissance n'a toutefois pas été générale, se limitant principalement au commerce de detail, aux fabricants de véhicules automobiles et aux communications. Par ailleurs, l'indice de la production industrielle (mines, industries manufacturières et services publics) a légèrement baissé pendant le trimestre. Des diminutions importantes ont été signalées pour les usines de pates et papiers, Ia sidérugie Ct les mines de fer. Within the quarter, growth was recorded in each of the three months. Real Domestic Product in September was 1.8% above the June level. However, the total increase in output between April and September was only 0.2%. L'indice a progressé au cours de chacun des trois mois observes. Ainsi, le produit intérieur reel de septembre dépassait de 1.8 % celui de juin. D'avril a septembre, cependant, l'augmentation totale ne se chiffre qu'à 0.2 %. Improved sales among motor vehicle dealers provided most of the growth in retail trade this quarter with a resultant depletion of inventories at the dealer level. Sales of overseas.manufactured ic1es again advanced more rapidly than sales of \ rth-American-built vehicles. Since the first quarter 1979, the share of the market captured by Lrseas-manufactured motor vehicles has risen adily from 9010 to 18% in the third quarter of 1980. Nevertheless, motor vehicle manufacturing rose during the third quarter, for the first time since the second quarter of 1979, although the rate of assembly remained 38% below the previous peak. La croissance du commerce de detail au troisième trimestre est surtout attribuabie aux détaillants en véhicules automobiles, qui ont vu leurs ventes augmenter et, par le fait méme, leurs stocks baisser. La vente de véhicules fabriqués outre-iner s'est encore améliorée plus rapidement que celle des véhicules construits en Amérique du Nord. Depuis le premier trimestre de 1979, Ia part du marché revenant aux fabricants d'outre-mer est progressivement passée de 9 % a 18 %. La production de véhicules automobiles s'est néanmoins accrue pour la premiere fois depuis le deuxième tnmestre de 1979, bien que le taux de montage soit resté inféneur de 38 % au sommet atteint I'an dernier. Retail sales of other consumer durable goods, furniture and appliance stores, in particular, recorded gains but were still below levels of the first quarter. Sale and manufacture of these goods has been weak since early 1979, due in part to substantial declines in residential construction activity, which has been fall. ing since mid-1978. On the other hand, retail sales of radios and television receivers have been increasing steadily since mid-1977, and this strength together with lower imports was reflected in the production of television sets, which in the third quarter rose to the highest level since 1974. Les ventes au detail d'autres biens de consommation durabies, surtout de meubles et d'appareils ménagers, ont marqué des hausses, mCme si elles demeurent plus faibles que celles du premier trimestre. La vente et Ia fabrication de ces biens languissent depuis le debut de 1979, en partie a cause de Ia morosité de Ia construction résidentielle, en baisse depuis le milieu de 1978. En revanche, les verites au detail de radios et de téléviseurs augmentent sans cesse depuis le milieu de 1977;cette vigueur, alliéeila diminution des importations, a eu une incidence sur la production de téléviseurs qui a atteint, au troisième trimestre, un sommet inégalC depuis 1974. There were also increases in retail sales of some non-durable goods. The output of food stores increased by 1.4% despite substantial price increases. This gain followed three quarters of weakness in the industry. Wholesalers of food products increased their )tput slightly. In contrast to the increases in food res, output of food and beverage manufacturers .hpped with strikes and declining exports being Des gains ont aussi été enregistrés pour les ventes au detail de certains biens de consommation non durables. Ainsi, les magasins d'alimentation ont progressé de 1.4 % malgré le renchérissement appreciable des aliments consommés a Ia maison. L'amélioration du secteur fait suite a trois trimestres de faiblesse. Les grossistes en produits alimentaires ont Iégèrement augmenté leurs ventes. Par contre, les industries des aliments et boissons ont été en baisse, principalement en rai- mainly responsible. Restaurant sales were almost unchanged in the third quarter. Clothing stores reported their second consecutive quarterly increase to a level still lower than last year's third quarter. Clothing manufacturing recorded its first quarterly increase since the second quarter of 1979. son de grèves et du fléchissement des exportations. ls ventes des restaurants n'ont presque pas vane au troisièmc trimestre. Les magasins de vétements ont signalé tin deuxième montée trimestnielle de suite, mais leurs vent restent néanmoins inférieures a celles du troisième trimeslrc de 1979. Les fabricants de vétements ont marqué la premiere hausse trimestrielle depuis le deuxième triniestre de 1979. Among the consumer oriented service producing industries lower output levels were reported for the amusement and recreational services, hotels, motels, and camping grounds and interurban bus transportation. Among the industries reporting increased output were air transport, telephone systems and urban transit. For telephone systems, output increased by 3.0% with long distance calls increasing by 3.5% in the third quarter. For urban transit, output increased for the third consecutive quarter to a level of 3.0% above the third quarter of 1979. Paj-mi Jes industries de services axées sur Ia consommation, on signale un recul pour les divertissements et loisirs, les hOtels, motels et terrains de camping, et les transports interurbains par autocar. En revanche, on relève des augmentations pour les transports aériens, les réseaux téléphoniques et les transports urbains. Les réseaux téléphoniques se sont accrus de 3 % au cours du trimestre et les appels interurbains, de 3.5 %. Les transports urbains ont augmenté pour le troisième tnimestre consécutif et ils dépassent de 3.0 % le niveau atteint au trimestre correspondant de 1979. Construction output was weak again in the third quarter. Residential construction accounted for the weakness as high mortgage rates continued to affect demand adversely. However, the value of residential building permits and the number of housing starts increased in the quarter, indicating a possible increase of work put in place in residential construction during the fourth quarter. Output for non-residential construction increased but remained at a low level. Output of several construction material producing industries, such as cement, concrete products, readymix concrete and asphalt roofing paper manufacturers, recovered somewhat from the depressed levels reported in the second quarter. Le bãtiment et les travaux publics ne sont pas sortis de leur torpeur au toisième ti-imestre. La faiblesse est imputable au secteur de Ia construction résidentielle, oü les taux élevés d'intCrét hypothécaire continuent a freiner Ia demande. Cependant, le trimestre a vu s'accroitre la valeur des permis de construire et Ic nombre de mises en chantier dans le secteur; il y aurait donc lieu de s'attendre a une croissance des travaux résidentiels mis en place au cours du quatrième trin tre. La construction non résidentielle a, pour sa part, aimenté, mais elle est demeurée faible. Plusieurs industri productrices de matériaux de construction (ciment, produT en béton, béton préparé, papier de toiture bitumé, etc.) sont quelque peu redressées par rapport aux niveaux déprimés observes au deuxième trimestre. Output of machinery and equipment manufacturers recorded its third consecutive quarterly decline in 1980. Agricultural implement manufacturers contributed the largest part of that decrease, as production was cut and workers were laid off in response to weak domestic demand for farm equipment during the first half of the year. However, wholesalers of farm equipment were able to increase their sales strongly, especially in August and September, as they discounted their selling prices and famiers' cash receipts increased substantially during the last few months. For miscellaneous machinery and equipment manufacturers, output gains were modest. Exports of industrial machinery showed signs of weakness during the third quarter. Les fabricants de machines et de materiel ont enregistré leur troisième repli trimestriel successif de 1980. Les fabricants de machines agricoles ont été les grands responsables de Ia baisse, car ils ont réduit la production et procédé a des licenciements en vue de réagir a Ia faible demande intérieure de materiel agricole au cours du premier semestre. Cependant, les grossistes en materiel agricole ont nettement amélioré leur chiffre d'affaires, surtout en aoUt et septembre; en effet, ils ont accordé des rabais sur leurs prix de vente au cours des derniers mois, au moment méme oü les recettes des agricul. teurs progressaient fortement. Par ailleurs, les fabricants de machines et de materiel divers ont marqué des hausses modestes. Enfin, les exportations de machines industrielles ont donné des signes de faiblesse pendant le trimestre. The performance of industries which produce intermediate goods and services was generally poor during the third quarter. The output of iron and steel mills decreased by 5.5% during the third quarter, following a decrease of 8.3% in the second quarter. This weakness resulted from lower domestic demand. Ex. ports of steel products remained strong, with a market distribution that was changed significantly from Les industries productrices de biens et services interinédiaires ont généralement mal figure au cours du troisiCme trimestre. Aprés avoir diminué de 8.3 % au deuxième trirnestre, la sidCrurgie a accuse une baisse de 5.5 % au troisiènw cause d'une chute de Ia demande intérieure. Les exportatiun de produits en acier sont restées fortes, mais leur répartiti I a beaucoup change par rapport a 1979; en effet, Ia part d. exportations canadiennes de produits en acier destinCes ai xii I 079, as the United States share of the Canadian extjFtS of steel products dropped from 87% (for the irst eight months of 1979) to 749o' for the same criod in 1980. Export advances were made in westii Europe and South and Central American countries. In the third quarter, domestic shipments of steel products increased for automobile products, but reflected the weakness in railroad rolling stock, shipbuilding, agricultural implements, miscellaneous machinery and equipment manufacturers, and metal fabricating industries. Despite the third quarter decline in the domestic steel industry, monthly data suggest some recovery as steel shipments to the automotive industry began rising towards the end of the quarter. The downturn in Canada's steel industry over the last two quarters was not as severe as that recorded in the United States, where the output of iron and steel mills declined 22%and 15%during the second and third quarter of 1980. Consumption of iron ore in both countries was down considerably in the quarter. In response to a major decline in domestic consumption and in United States-bound exports, production of iron ore also declined during the last few months. Exports destined for western Europe also decreased, but much less than exports to the United States. Etats-Unis est passée de 87% pour les huit premiers mois de 1979 74% pour Ia période correspondante de 1980. En revanche, on signale un accroissement des exportations vers l'Europe occidentale et vers les pays de l'Amérique du Sud et de l'Amérique centrale. Au troisième trimestre, les Iivraisons intérieures de produits en acier destinées aux produits automobiles ont augmenté, mais celles destinées au materiel ferroviaire roulant, la construction navale, aux machines agricoles, aux machines et materiel divers et aux demi-produits en metal ont diminué. Malgré Ic recul de l'industrie canadienne de l'acier an troisième trimestre, les données mensuelles laissent prévoir une certaine reprise puisque les expéditions d'acier destinées l'industrie automobile se sont mises grimper vers Ia fin du trimestre. La regression de l'acier au cours des deux derniers trimestres n'est pas aussi grave que celle enregistrée aux Etats-Unis, Ia sidérugie a chute de 22% Ct de 15 % aux deuxièmc et troisiènie trimestres de 1980. Dans les deux pays, Ia consommation de minerai de fer a été en forte baisse au cours du trimestre. Etant donné l'important décin de Ia consommation au payset le recul non moms considerable des exportations vers les EtatsUnis, Ia production de niinerai de fer s'est également tassée au cours des derniers mois. Les livraisons vers l'Europe occidentale ont aussi régressé, mais beaucoup moms que celles vers les Etats-Unis. Crude petroleum and natural gas production has shown little growth since mid-1979. The weakness as caused by declining demand from United States 'troleum refineries and natural gas consumers in th Canada and the United States. Exports of crude nctroleum to the United States dropped sharply in last two quarters due to continued high inventories of crude and refined petroleum products in the United States. In the third quarter, gains in output were reported by manufacturers of petroleum and coal products. However, this increase was a result of an increase in July as decreases of over 17o were reported in each of the other five months of the last two quarters. Petroleum refineries were faced with higher inventories than last year, as domestic demand fell for propane, pet ro-chemical feedstocks, and fuel oil in 1980. Gas distribution also reported a further decrease in the third quarter, as sales to industrial consumers decreased by 1 3%. However, sales to residential and commercial consumers increased by 7% during the quarter. The output of service stations and garages recorded its first quarterly increase in over a year. The weakness in North American demand for petroleum and natural gas resulted in the fourth consecutive quarterly decline in pipeline transport. Electric power generation and coal mines output increased in the quarter. La production de pétrole brut et de gaz naturel croit peine depuis le milieu de 1979, en raison de Ia demande languissante des raffineries de pétrole américaines et des consommateurs de gaz naturel tant au Canada qu'aux Etats-Unis. Les exportations de pétrole brut destinées aux Etats-Unis ont fortement diminué pendant les deux derniers trimestres parce que les stocks de produits du pétrole (brut et raffiné) dans cc pays sont demeurés élevés. Les fabricants de produits du pétrole et du charbon ont signale une augmentation pour Ic troisième trimestre. Cependant, Ia hausse est due dans sa totalité au mois de juillet, car on a enregistré des baisses supérieures 1 % pour chacun des cinq autres mois des deux derfliers trimestres. Les stocks des raffineries de pétrole dépas. saient ceux de l'an dernier, Ia demande intCrieure ayant flCchi pour le gaz propane, les charges d'alimentation pour l'industrie pétrochimique et le niazout en 1980. La distribution du gaz a également accuse une baisse au troisième trimestre, les ventes aux consommateurs industriels ayant chute de 13 %. Par contre, les ventes de gaz pour usage domestique et commercial ont progressé de 7 %. Les stations-service et garages ont rnarquC leur premiere hausse trimestrielle en plus d'un an. La faiblesse de la demande nord-américaine de pétrole et de gaz naturel a provoqué, dans Ic transport par pipe-line, le quatrièrne recul trimestriel de suite. La production d'énergie électrique et celle des mines de charbon se sont accrues au cours du trimestre. Sawmills recorded its first significant quarterly increase in output since the second quarter of 1979, stilting from increased lumber exports to the United '-states, as United States housing starts rose substanally in the third quarter. The weakness in lumber ooduction during the first part of 1980 was attribut- Les scieries ont enregistré une premiere augmentation appreciable depuis Ic deuxième trimestre de 1979, résultat d'une, croissance des exportations de bois de construction aux Etats-Unis; cette hausse est attribuable son tour Ia forte progression des mises en chantier chez nos voisins américains au troisiCme trimestre. En effet, Si Ia production de a a a a on a a a XIII a able to reduced exports of sawn lumber to United States due to low levels of housing starts in the United States and to a low level of residential construction activity in Canada. bois de construction a été faible au premier semestre de 1980, c'est que le nombre peu élevé de mises en chantier aux Etats-Unis a fait baisser les exportations de sciages vers ce pays et que la construction rdsidentielle a connu un certain marasme au Canada. Pulp and paper mills' production declined for the second consecutive quarter, while production of wood pulp remained strong, production of newsprint fell substantially. Newsprint mills operated at around 85% capacity during the quarter, compared with near full capacity for the previous six month period. Several mills were shut down by strikes during the quarter. Newsprint exports to the United States declined in the second and third quarters. United States estimates of newsprint consumption were at their lowest level since mid-1978 during the second quarter and increased only slightly during the third quarter. Shipments of newsprint to domestic markets and United States and other export markets all decreased during the quarter. Stocks held by mills in North America and by United States consumers were at their highest level at the end of the quarter since October 1978, For wood pulp, shipments to United States increased in the third quarter, but to a lesser extent than shipments to other countries. Based on the first eight months of the year, the United States share of Canadian exports of wood pulp has dropped from 55% in 1979 to 49% in 1980. Meanwhile, production of pulp and paper in the United States increased 2% in the third quarter, following a decrease of 4% in the second quarter. La production des usines de pates et papiers a régressé pour le deuxiême trimestre de suite; alors que la production de pate de bois restait forte, celle de papier journal a sensiblement dirninué. Les usines de papierjournal fonctionnaient a environ 85 % de leur capacité pendant le trimestre, contre près de 100% pour les six mois précédents. Plusieurs usines ont été paralysées par des grèves au cours du trimestre. Les Iivraisons de papier journal a destination des Etats-Unis se sont repliées pendant les deuxième et troisième trimestres. Les estimations américaines dela consommation de papierjoumal au deuxième trimestre sont les plus basses observées depuis le milieu de 1978; elles se sont a peine élevées pendant le troisième trimestre. Les expeditions de papier journal vets les marches intérieurs et les débouchés étrangers (tant aux Etats-Unis qu'ailleurs) ont baissé pendant le trimestre. Les stocks détenus par les usines en Amérique du Nord et par les consomniateurs américains a la fin du trimestre sont les plus élevés depuis octobre 1978. Les exportations de pate de bois destinées aux Etats-Unis se sont accrues pendant le troisième trimestre, mais dans une moins forte mesure que celles vers les autres pays. Pour les huit premiers mois de l'année, Ia part des IIvraisons canadiennes de pâte de bois qui revient aux EtatsUnis est passée de 55 % en 1979 a 49 % en 1980. Parallèlement, la production de pâte et de papier aux Etats-Unis a progressé de 2 % au troisième trimestre après avoir régressé de 4 %au deuxième. Forestry output decreased in the quarter as pulpwood production decreased and sawlogs increased. In the second quarter, the decline in forestry resulted from decreased production of both pulpwood and sawlogs. Les forêts ont baissé pendant le trimestre, la production de pâte de bois ayant augmenté et celle de billes de bois, diminué. Au deuxième trimestre,le recul des foréts était imputable tant a la pate qu'aux billes. Among the intermediate service producing industries, services to business management recorded a decrease of 1.2% in the third quarter and no change in the second quarter. In transportation, water transport recorded an increase but little growth was reported in railway transport and truck transport. In the first two quarters of 1980, there were output reductions in the industries producing iron ore, iron and steel, chemicals, pulp and paper and fertilizers. Railway transportation of these products recorded first and second quarter declines and no growth in the third quarter. Transportation of wood, automotive products, refined petroleum products and non-metallic mineral products advanced in the third quarter in response to output increases in the corresponding producing industries. Parmi les industries de services intermédiaires, les services fournis aux entreprises, qui n'ont pas vane au deuxième trimestre, ont accuse une baisse de 1.2 % au troisième. Dans les transports, on signale une hausse des transports par eau et une faible croissance des transports ferroviaires et routiers. Pendant les deux premiers trimestres de 1980, les industries productrices de minerai de fer, de fer et d'acier, de produits chimiques, de pates et papiers et d'engrais ont évolué en baisse. Or, le transport ferroviaire de ces produits a reculé au cours des premier et deuxième trimestres, et il est demeuré stable au troisième. Le transport du bois, de produits automobiles, de produits pétroliers raffinés et de produits mineraux non métalliques a grimpé au troisième trimestre grace a la performance des industries productrices. .\ 1 lcal Domestic Product s41)ttmber 1980 Produit intérieur reel Septembre 1980 Ral Domestic Product for September rose 0.6% Icvel of 139.3 from 138.5 in August. The index of industrial production increased 1 .8%, recording the largest monthly gain since last March. Although industrial production has risen 3.0% since July, the September level remained 3.1% below the peak level of a year earlier. L'indice du produit intérieur reel a augmenté de 0.6 %, passant de 138.5 en aoUt a 139.3 en septembre. L'indice de Ia production industrielle a progressé de 1.8 %, soit la hausse mensuelle Ia plus forte depuis le mois de mars. Bien que Ia production industrielle se soit accrue de 3.0% depuisjuillet, le niveau de septembre reste inférieur de 3.1 % au sommet atteint il y a un an. The September increase was concentrated in manufacturing, where output gains were widespread. The two most notable advances were in automotive manufacturers and iron and steel mills. Growth in consumption by the automotive industry, along with increased foreign demand for steel products, were mainly responsible for the increase in iron and steel mills. The increase in vehicle assemblies was also a factor in the increase in the rubber industry. L'augmentation de septembre est principalement attribuable aux industries manufacturiêres, oii Its hausses ont été généralisées. Les deux gains les plus importants ont été réalisés par les fabricants d'automobiles et Ia sidérurgie. La montée de Ia sidérurgie s'explique surtout par I'accroissement de Ia consommation de l'industrie automobile et de la demande étrangère de produits en acier. La progression du nombre de véhicules montés a egalement contribué a l'essor de I'industrie du caoutchouc. Construction output increased in September for the third consecutive month. Most of the increase in September is attibutable to residential construction in contrast to July and August when non-residential building construction contributed most of the strength. The manufacturing of construction oriented materials, including output of sawmills, veneer and Ivwood mills, and producers of non-metallic mineral 'roducts all moved up in September. An increase in nited States housing starts was also a major factor in Ic increase in output of sawmills. I.e btiment et les travaux publics se sont raffermis pour le troisième mois consécutif en septembre, principalement en raison de Ia construction résidentielle; en juillet et aoüt, par contre, Ia vigueur du secteur venait surtout de Ia construction non résidentielle. On signale une amelioration des industries axées sur Ia construction en septembre, notamment Its scienes, les fabriques de placages et de contre-plaqués et l'industrie des produits minéraux non métalliques. La croissance du nombre de mists en chantier aux Etats-Unis a également joué un role important dans la performance des scienes. Forestry output advanced significantly in the month, with logging operations accounting for the entire growth. Las forts ont marqué une hausse appreciable pendant le mois, l'abattage ayant figure pour Ia totalité de l'accroissement. With the September increase, retail trade output was at the highest monthly level to date in 1980 and approximately 0.5% above the average monthly level for 1979. Most of the growth in September occurred among new motor vehicle dealers and department stores. For motor vehicle dealers, significantly higher sales of overseas-manufactured vehicles provided much of the strength. The increase in department stores was attributable to sales gains in clothing, home furnishings and footwear. Grace a I'augmentation observée en septembre, le commerce de detail a atteint son niveau mensuel Ic plus élevé de l'année; II dépasse en effet d'environ 0.5 %le niveau mensuel moyen de 1979. La plus grande partie de la croissance de septembre est due aux détaillants en véhicules automobiles neufs et aux grands magasins. La vigueur des détaillants en véhicules automobiles s'explique, dans une large mesure, par Ia progression sensible des ventes de véhicules fabriqués outremer. Quant a l'augmentation des grands magasins, tile est imputable a Ia hausse des ventes de vétements, d'articles d'ameublement et de chaussures. Agriculture production fell in September to its lowest level in 1980. Declining livestock, dairy and vegetable production accounted for the decrease. Mining output, which was unchanged from the level of August, saw substantial production increases in iron ore, copper, lead and zinc, and sharp declines in production of crude petroleum, natural gas, coal and La production agricole est tombée,en septembre, au niveau It plus bas enregistré jusqu'ici en 1980; les responsables sont le bétail, les produits laitiers et les legumes. Las mines n'ont pas change par rapport au mois d'aoUt: le minerai de fer, It cuivre, le plomb et le zinc ont marqué des hausses unportantes, alors que It pétrole brut, le gaz naturel, It charbon et Ia potasse accusaient de fortes haisses. Users should note that the indexes for agriculture have been revised back to January 1980 in order to incorporate more recent crop estimates. The affected aggregate indexes are Real Domestic Product, goods producing industries and commercial industries. Les utilisateurs sont priés de noter que les indices relatifs I'agriculture et remontant a janvier 1980 ont été révisés cu vue d'incorporer des estimations plus récentes sur les culturcs. Les indices d'ensemble touches sont ceux du produit intéricu reel, des industries productrices de biens et des industric commerciales. Chart - 1 P ) Graphique - I Comparison of Real Domestic Product with the index of Industrial Production, 1971-1980 Comparalson du produit intérleur reel avec i'indice de Ia production industrielie, 1971-1980 (Seasonafly Adjusted Indexes, 1971=100) - (Indices dèsslsonnaflsés, 1971100) 150 1 - Ratio scale Echelle semu-logarithmique 140 150 1 Real domestic product - ___J• J 140 " Produit inl6rieu r_,,/ 130 ( I- 120 130 •v - 120 V Index 110 of industrial production Indice de Ia production industrielle 110 100 95 100 J J J J J J J J J J D 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 95 Graphique - 2 Comparison of Goods-producing industries with Service-producing industries, 1971-1980 Comparaison des industries de biens avec ies industries de services, 1971-1980 (Seasonally Adjusted Indexes, 1971 - 100) - (indices dessisonnalisés, 1971 - 100) 160 150 160 - Ratio scale - Echeile semi-iogarithmique 150 140 140 Service-producing industries 130 120 / '•_••\ j %, ,,, 110 - Industries do service 1 130 A. 120 Goods-producing industries Industries do biens - / - ,,, , c. J J J J J J J J D J J J 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 110 100 -2- TABLE I. Real Domestic Product by Industry, by Years,(1970 S.l.( TABLEAU I. Produit intérieur reel, par industrie et par année, ((.A.E. 1'0• Indexes - 1971 100 Indices 1971 weight SIC. Industry - - - C.A.E. Industrie Pondèration 1971 1-11 REAL. DOMF.STIC PROI)UCT PRODUIT INTE RLEUR REEL ....................................... AGRICULTURE 2 100.000 AGRICULTURE ................... 3.371 - FORESTRY FORETS ...............................802 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1975 119.0 119.9 126.2 129.7 134.3 1:18.5 98.0 105.0 105.8 110.1 108.1 104.6 111.0 118.8 123.3 132.4 89.8 117.8 97.6 3 FISHING AND TRAPPING .178 89.3 88.3 102.3 115.2 125.7 4 MINES (including milling). QUARRIES AND OIL WEI.1$ - MINES (y compris broyage), CARI4IERES ICr Pull's DE PETROLE ............. 3.819 117.3 107.1 109.8 114.3 106.9 116.3 Mines métalliques .................... 1.584 106.0 97.7 103.2 105.4 84.8 89.7 Placer gold and gold quartz mines - Placers d'or et mines de quartz aurifere ...................059 66.9 67.2 69.3 67.5 64.8 58.1 059 Iron mines Mines de fer ..........................302 92.1 810.5 119.6 113.1 81.0 119.4 057:059 Other metal mines - Autres mines metal. liques .......................................... 1.223 4:01 051:002 Metal mines - - - CHASSE ET PECHE 111.4 101.4 100.7 105.4 86.7 011.9 Mineral fuels - Combustibles minéraux ............... 1.492 128.2 118.6 110.9 113.7 113.9 125.8 061 Coal mines - Mines de charbon .................. ... .113 1593 2(8)6 184.9 203.4 226.8 240.9 064 Crude petroleum and natural gas industry Industrie du petrole brut et do gas naturel .......................................... 1.379 125.7 111.9 104.8 106.3 104.7 116.4 123.6 102.8 115.5 127.9 121.0 121.7 108.2 70.1 99.2 103.5 86.3 4:1)2 4:03 071 5 5:01 Non-metal mines (except coal mines) - Mines non metalliques (saul mines de charbon) Asbestos mines - .363 Mines damiante .................. .1(39 MANUFACTIJRING INDUSTRIES - INDUSTRIES MANIJFACTLIRIERES ............................. 22.75) 122.0 114.3 120.6 122.2 129.2 Food and beverage industries - Industrie des aliments et boissons ............................ 3.107 1043.5 107.4 111.7 112.8 115.1 101 Meat and poultry products industries - Industrie de Is viande et de Is volaille .476 109.5 109.8 123.2 128.9 128.4 129J 104 Dairy products industry - Industrie laitidre ...................................... .387 103.0 104.0 104.1 106.8 106.8 (1)9.4 Flour and breakfast cereal products industry - Meunerie et fabrication de céreales de table ............................. .064 94.9 97.4 102.7 103.7 104.3 99.3 106 Feed industry - Fabrication d'aliments pour lea animaux ............................ .168 99.4 101.2 97.7 100.2 105.3 111,0 107 Bakery products industries - Boulangerie et pãtisserie (fabrication) ..................... .345 101.3 98.2 97.9 94.9 95.4 94.3 109 Beverage industries - Industrie des boissons ..................................... .727 115.5 121.0 120.8 122.5 120.8 131.2 1092 Distilleries - Distilleries ...................... .232 119.9 132.7 130.7 135.6 126.1 136.1 1093 Breweries - Brasseries ............... ....... . .285 117.0 121.4 121.1 121.9 121.4 130.9 5:02 Tobacco products industries - Industrie du tabac ......................................... .212 113.6 113.5 116.4 118.7 112.4 117.2 5)93 Rubber and plastics products industries Industrie du caoutchouc et des produits en matiCre plastique .............................. .650 133.3 12) 4 1:16.4 144.8 154.8 171.4 Rubber products industries - Industrie des produits en caoutchouc ................... .387 121.0 11223 122.6 129.6 135.0 150.4 Industrie du cuir ............. .206 102.0 101.0 105.7 96.8 1)17.1) 109.8 102 162 5-04 Leather industries 5)96 Textile industries . .769 117.0 111.9 113.7 120.3 125.3 135.2 5:06 Knitting mills - Bonneterie ....................... .205 106.9 10,11.9 103.4 99.0 102.8 110.9 5:07 Clothing industrie - Industrie de l'habi'llement .................................. .742 114.1 115.2 120.5 11:3.2 121.8 126.3 5:08 Wood industries - Industrie du bois ......... ...... .9610 115.6 108.0 130.8 138.0 145.2 144.3 Sawmills, planing mills and shingle de mills - iscieries. ateliera rabotage et usines de bardeaux ........................ .546 110.4 95.3 129.2 1)9.8 153.0 154 252 Veneer and plywood mills - Fabnquea de placages at de contre-plaquea ................. .145 101.8 101.9 121.0 131.0 135.7 127' 5539 Furniture and fixture industries - Industrie du meuble et des articles d'ameuhI.m.'nt ..................................... . 420 126.9 115.7 117.5 107.6 115.2 116.1 251 - - Industrie textile .............. - 3 - I 'sIlI.E I. Real Domeslic Product by Industry, by Years(1970 S.I.C.) - Continued 1I4l.lAtI I. Produil intérieur reel, par industrie et par année, (C.A.F.. 1970) - suite Indexes - 1971 - 100 - Indices S.I.C. Industry - - C.A.E. Industrie Fl-to 271 1971 weight 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Paper and allied industries - Industrie du papier et activités cunnexea ...................... 1.841 123.8 99.1 113.1 114.2 125.2 133.0 Pulp and paper mills - Usines de p&tes at paplers ....................................... 1.324 - Pondération 1971 124.0 94.1 110.7 114.1 127.1 134.6 5:11 Printing, publishing and allied industries Imprimerie, edition et activitès 1.123 connexes .......................................... 120.1 121.6 128.3 130.6 137.9 143.7 5:12 Primary metal industries - Premiere transformation den mCtaux ........................... 1.976 122.6 109.9 107.7 114.9 122.8 123.9 291 Iron and steel mills - SidCrurgie ...................940 129.3 114.4 116.2 120.0 135.3 144.2 292 Steel pipe and tube mills - Fabriques de tubes at tuyaux d'acier ..........................090 294 Iron foundries 295 - Fonderies de fee ................. .128 Smelting and refining Fonts et affinage 28.)) 134.1 104.8 96.6 113.1 124.0 1.14.)) 125.6 123.1 19,3 12:15 117.5 .613 lIE) 9 97.3 86.7 191.2 ISIS 69.9 Metal fabricating industries (except machinery and transportation equipment uiilust rips) - Fabrication de produits en metul (saul machines at equipement de transport) ...................................... 1.957 124.8 114.0 118.9 1117 1213) 127.7 5:14 Machinery industries (except electrical machinery) . Fabrication de machines (saul électriques( ..................................... 1.001 141.4 139.8 38.9 41 :1 57 .1 181.6 315 Transportation equipment industries - Fabrication d'équipement de transport ................ 5:13 2.371 129.9 116.7 30,:) 130.3 144.4 136.6 Aircraft and aircraft parts manufacturers - Fabricanta d'aénronefs at de pièces ...................................... .292 102.0 99.6 93.2 1045 :71 52.8 Motor vehicle and truck body and trailer manufacturers - Fabricants de véhicules automobiles ci de ('arrossories de camions et remnrques ....................... 1133 146.3 132.3 147.9 164.0 16:1' 53.5 325 Motor vehicle pacts and accessories manufacturers - Fabricants de pièces ci act-essoires dFautomohiles 1130 124.0 103.3 133.8 137.7 14117 128.7 326 Railroad rolling stock industry - Fabri. rants de materiel ferrovisire routsnt .129 137.6 142.8 120.6 88.9 116.1 116.4 327 Shipbuilding and repair - Construction et reparation de navires ......................... ..167 115.3 127.9 119.2 110.9 102.9 110 3 .631 128.4 118.3 120.3 111.3 116.9 125.8 5:16 Electrical products industries - Fabrication de produits electriques ........................ . . .332 Manufacturers of major appliances (electric and non-electric) - Fahricants de grna sppareils (électriques on non) .171 1:12.7 104.3 116.5 112.7 116.7 130.0 334 Manufacturers of household radii, and lclevisi.,n receivers - Fsbri,antn de radiorécepteurs et de télCviseura menagers .................................. .121 13*19 115.2 115.3 90.3 97.8 101.9 33.5 Communications equipment manufacturers Fabricants dequipement dv telEcommunication ................................... .513 131.8 28.4 121.3 113.2 113,9 127.4 336 Manufacturers of electrical industrial equipment - Fshricants dequipement eles-trique industriel ........................... .324 121.9 I IS.)) 133,8 1281 124.4 131.4 3:17 Non-metallic mineral products industries t-S,l,ricatii,n de produits minEraus non mét,illiques ..................................... .913 123.3 110.5 118.5 1161) 122.5 122.4 I '.'ioe,st manufacturers - Fabricants de ciment ....................................... .134 :12.4 122.1 12:1,3 282 134.0 147.9 ('oncrete products manufacturers - Fahri. cants de priiduits en béton ................... .1114 1152 108.2 014.3 97.2 92.4 94,4 Ready-mix concrete manufacturers - Fahricanta de héton prEpare ................... .....12' I I9I 118.4 113 III" Ill,:) 109.6 :134 Petroleum and coal prialucts industries Fabrication de produits du pétrole el du chsrhun ...................................... .. .3114 ('hemical and chemical products industries . 1.21)2 Indcistrie chiiniuue ............................ ll2 124.9 20.8 79:) 132-I 1:14,41 142.7 117.9 124.9 1:32.1 144.2 130.0 -4- TABLE 1. Real TABLEAU 1. I)omestic Product by Industry, by Years. (1970 S.LC.) - Produit inlirleur reel, par industrie Ct par année. Continu, (CA.F.. 1970) - Indeses - 1971 - 100 - Indices SIC. Industry - - C.A.E. Industrie 1971 weight - Pondération 1971 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 374 Mansfacturero of pharmaceuticals and medicines - Fabricants de produita pharmaceutiques et de medicaments .218 12.5.7 126.7 128.8 137.5 153.1 164.4 375 Paint and varnish manufacturers - Fabricants de peinturea et vernis ................... 112 122.9 117.0 124.6 127.3 133.0 126.5 376 Manufacturers of soap and cleaning compounds Fabricanta de savon et de produiLs de nettoyage ..........................127 124.9 131 9 137.5 147.9 159.5 142.1 378 Manufacturers of industrial chemicals Fabricants de produits ehimiques induatriels .................................... .464 118.3 11>8.7 118.1 129.7 139.6 49.2 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries - Industries manufacturiêres diverses ...................713 121.3 119.8 126.4 123.2 132.1 138.0 .52)) 6 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BATIMENT ET TRAVAUX PUBLICS ............................. ..6.990 112.6 116.7 122.8 121.8 120.8 123.2 7:01-00 TRANSPORTATION. STORAGE AND COMMUNICATION - TRANSPORTS, ENTREPOSAGE ET COMMUNICATIONS ............................... 9.050 124.1) 126.9 134.4 141.2 147.6 156.5 Transportation - Transports ......................... 5.991 120.9 119.4 123.1 128.6 131.7 138.4 7:01 501:502 Air transport and services incidental to air transport - Transports aériens et services auxilinires des transports aériens 5(1:> Railway transport 54li Bus transport, interurban and rural - Transports interurhains At ruraux par autocar 509 .251) Urban transit systems - Résaux de trans. ports urhains ..................................... 515 Pipeline transport - Transports par pipeline ............................................. .486 7:02 524 7:0:> - Transports ferroviaires .671 156,5 180,:> 174.2 194.9 203.6 230.4 1.815 121.2 115.3 119.0 122,8 125.6 128.9 .089 118.1 128.9 129.8 131.1 127.4 120 109.5 115.9 118.9 117.7 118.4 110.:'. 134.5 126.3 124.4 124.6 121.5 131 ---.258 98.1 102.1 103.0 106.7 112,4 117 grain .......................177 82.1 89.1 88.9 93.6 98.1 99,1 Communication - Communications ................... 2.801 133.1 145.4 161.5 172.1 185,)> 199,0 Storage - Kntrepoaage ---------------------------Grain elevators - Silos a ElECTRIC POWER, GAS AND WATER UTILITIES ENERCIE ELECTRIQUE, GAZ F,T EAU ., 2.628 130.2 130.7 142.6 151.8 158.9 168.7 272 Elcctric power Energie electrique ................... 2.093 131.3 131 .0 144.9 56.0 363.8 175.0 57.1 Gas distribution - Distribution de gaz ..................365 131.0 13211 137.9 :1>1.0 142.4 146.7 11.561 128.0 128.8 134.9 l4r.9 140.6 144,6 4.756 126.6 121.8 126:1 125.7 130.5 135.7 Wholesale merchants - Grosoistes ---------------- ---3.943 128.3 123.1 13(1.1) 12>14 134.8 140.5 8 8:01 -- 8:02 TRADE - - COMMERCE ............................. WHOLESALE TRADE 6.805 129.0 133.8 140.8 t43.6 147.7 150.8 - 1.299 107.4 111.0 1171> 117.9 116.2 116,0 General merchandise stores - Magasins de marchandises diverses ........................... 1.413 - Magasins d'alimentation ------------- 129.2 132.7 138.9 140.2 144.7 144.8 .889 134.6 14)3.5 151.8 >53.4 16)1,9 164.1 Other general merchandise stores Autres niagasins de marchandues diveesea .......................................52.1 12(1.)) 119.5 117.1 117.7 117.2 112.1 Motor vehicle dealers - Détaillant', en véhicules automobiles ............................ .811 Department stores 1)) Grands magasins 15211 169.8 168.3 167.0 175.7 179.7 110.7 117.2 130.1 127.4 1:13.8 139.9 .101 115.9 I 141 118.4 1178 118.8 117,1> Furniture, television, radio and appliance stores . Magasins de nieubles, de (818vuseurs, de radios et d'appareils menagers ........................................ .216 161.8 165,-I 109.1 166.8 1721 Pharmacies .......................... .301 139.1 143.:) 151.7 I62.I) 17:1.11 120.13 127.8 135.5 14:1.3 148.6 - Magasins de vétements Hardware stores - Quincailleries - ................ Drug stores 9 - .434 Clothing stores -. COMMERCE DE GROS RETAIL. TRADE - COMMERCE DE DETAIl Eisa) stores -. - - FINANCE. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FINANCES. ASSIRAN('ES ET AFFAIRES IMMOIILIEIIF:S ............................ I5)\IMl'NI'I'V, Ht:SINESS A\l PERSONAL SEO\'I('E INDUSTRIES SERVICES SOCIOCt'l:l'> REI,S. 1' MMEIU'IAIIX El' - . -- 11.82:1 I I 19.539 115.11 119.9 12611 130.4 135.1 137.7 -5-- 1141 F I. Real I)umestic Product by Industr. by Years. 11970 S.I.(.) - (oncluded I 11(1 IALJ I. Produit intirleur reel, par industrie et par année, (CAL I970j - 611 Indexes [971 100 luidces S.I.C. Industry - - 1971 weight 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Education and related services - Enseignement et services annexes ...................6.478 103.5 1024 1117.4 108.0 1(478 1117.2 Health and welfare services - Services medicaux Ct socisux ..............................5.318 112.1 I 611 121.2 125.2 12911 1:13.14 10:04 Amusement and recreation services - Divertissements et loisirs .............................. .531; 145.1 1643.1 189.2 186.1 191.5 190.8 10:05 Services to business management - Services fournis aox entreprises ........................... 2.37:1 140.11 25.7 171.3 186.8 209.5 218.7 10:06 Personal services Services personnels ..............1.1)21 105.2 [08.4 110(1 111.3 112.4 113.0 10:07 Accommodation and food services Hébergement et restauration ...........................2.588 121.3 122.6 Ia:).) 138.4 144.4 146.2 7.425 114.0 119.6 12:10 1213.1 129.1 128.6 4:5:7:04 Index of industrial production - Indice de Is production industrielle ...........................29.230 1222 1149 121.2 123.9 129.0 135.0 2-11 Real domestic product less agriculture Produit interieur reel sans l'agriculture ............ 96.829 120,4) 121)41 126.9 130.6 135.1 1149.5 1.6;7:04 Goodsprnducing industries - Industries productrices de biens ............................40.572 117.6 11:1.14 119.7 121.8 125.8 130.5 2'6;7:04 Goods-producing industries less agriculture Industries pruductrices de biena sans l'agriculture ..................................... 147.201 120.1 114.7 121.4) 123.2 127.2 132.5 Service-producing industries Industries productrices de services . ........................ C.A.E - I'ondération 1971 Industrie 10:111 II PUBlIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFINCE ADMINISTRATION 1'IIBLIQUE IF DEFENSE.... SPECIAL INDUSTRY GROUPINGS SPF.CIAI1X: II - AGREGATS 59,428 119.9 124.3 130.6 135.2 140,11 143.9 Commercial industries - Industries commerciales ........................................... 81.309 121.2 121.5 128.6 132.5 1:17.7 142.7 Commercial industries less agriculture Industries cimrnerciales sans l'agricullure . 77.9147 122.6 122.5 129.6 133.7 138.9 144.2 Non-commercial industries - Industries non commerciales ..................................18.692 109.0 112.5 115.6 117.6 119.4 119.8 5:01-4)7; 0; 11:18.2(1 Non-durable manufacturing industries - Indu,tries manufacturieres de hiens non durables [1.1124 117.5 112.41 118.7 120.4 127.2 133.8 5:08;09;I217 Durable manufacturing industries - Industries manufacturières dv bieris durables -----------------11.429 126.5 116.6 122.4 124.1 131.3 134.5 Finance, insurance and real estate less impuled rents, and royalties - Finances, assurances et affaires immubulieces sans le lover impute et les redevances .................... 7.199 122.5 131.8 140.0 148.6 153:1 157.8 -8- TABLE 2. Indexes of Real Domestic Product, by Months (1970 S.I.( I Indexes: 1971 100 S.I.C. Seasonally adjusted 1971 weight Year - Désaisonnalisés Industry I I I I Pondé. Année ration Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 1971 - - - - - - - Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jans'. Fey. Mars Avr. Mai ,Juin Juill. AoOt 1-11 REAL. DOMESTIC PRODUCT ........... 100.000 1979 1980 136.8 138.8 136.8 138.8 138.3 140.1 137.2 139.0 138.0 137.8 138.1 137.0 139.1 137.8 139.6 138.5 140.0 139.3 140.0 139.6 138.8 1 AGRICULTURE ........................3.371 1979 1980 109.9 112.6 109.4 112.9 109.9 112.9 198.6 114.4 104.7 113.1 104.3 112.6 104.4 113.4 106.0 112.7 106.0 110.9 110.3 113.4 113.4 2 FORESTRY ............................ .802 1979 1980 130.6 121.0 122.3 127.5 123.6 125.8 132.8 120.0 129.2 104.3 132.1 89.5 112.3 100.9 125.2 98.0 116.3 107.2 119.8 123.9 121.0 3 FISHING AND TRAPPING ............. .178 1979 1980 107.9 135.7 114.6 142.3 144.6 137.3 122.2 128.4 140.3 114.9 123.6 100.1 124.4 108.3 136.0 92.6 120.9 100.9 131.6 154.4 158.6 4 MINES (including milling). QUARRIES AND OIL WELLS. 3.819 1979 1980 110.2 119.0 111.2 116.9 111.4 119.9 115.7 121.1 112.6 120.7 113.0 120.8 123.8 121.8 122.0 119.0 122.7 118.9 119.0 118.5 118.7 Metal mines ..........................1.584 1979 1980 81.0 96.1 80.5 97.9 80.2 95.4 78.5 99.9 78.6 96.4 82.8 99.4 99.2 93.0 105.4 88.3 101.2 94.0 93.9 99.0 100.5 4:01 . 081:052 Placer gold and gold quartz mines.. .059 1979 1980 59.5 57.0 55.7 51.4 55.7 52.2 61.8 54.9 58.4 53.8 55.3 56.2 5.4.4 58.1 59.3 54.5 55.1 56.0 4)3.1 60.2 58.7 058 Iron mines ........................... .302 1979 1980 113.9 110.2 120.2 119.9 112.1 111.7 113.9 114.4 114.3 115.5 118.5 112.6 142.8 102.0 120.5 82.5 124.4 95.2 96.9 120.3 134.5 057:059 Other metal mines .................. 1.223 1979 1980 73,9 94.6 71.8 94.6 73.5 93.4 70.6 98.5 70.8 93.7 75.4 98.2 90.6 92.5 103,9 91.4 97.8 95.5 94.7 95.7 94.4 Mineral fuels ..........................1.492 1979 1980 123.6 124.8 125.3 116.5 124.7 124.7 137.1 124.8 129.2 126.9 422.9 122.5 133.8 129.2 123.2 128.0 128.0 124.9 127.9 119.7 118.3 061 Coal mines ...........................113 1979 1980 239.9 181.9 204.6 176.2 227.0 255.8 234.3 261.1 26.5.4 263.8 261.4 279.4 274.6 288.6 249.9 306.7 257.7 292.8 243.3 222.6 22:' 064 Crude petroleum and natural gas industry. 1.379 1979 1980 114.1 120.1 118.8 111.6 116.3 114.0 129.1 113.6 118.0 115.7 111.6 109.7 122.3 116.1 112.8 143.4 117.4 111.1 118.4 111.3 10'. 4:03 Non'metal mines (except coal mines) .363 1979 1980 123.0 130.4 127.2 135.6 131.4 140.5 132.4 135.4 129.1 135.6 138.6 138.6 134.7 150.3 132.1 143.8 135.1 130.6 129.0 134.5 1.1 Asbestos mines ....................... .169 1979 1980 87.0 96.7 92.0 105.4 98.0 8.4.3 98.2 81.0 93.5 82.8 96.9 90.3 96.2 89.6 91.5 91.3 91.4 92.5 92.7 96.5 9 22.753 1979 1980 134.1 132.5 133.7 132.9 135.2 135.0 132.3 131.2 134.6 128.0 132.7 126.7 133.5 126.1 134.1 128.2 136.2 131.0 136.1 135.0 132.9 3.107 1979 1980 119.0 122.3 116.6 120.6 121.5 122.4 117.5 124.8 119.1 122.5 120.2 121.7 117.5 119.0 117.0 118.0 119.1 420.5 120.8 121.3 122.6 4:02 071 5 5:01 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Food and beverage industries 101 Meat and poultry products indu. tries. .476 1979 1980 129.6 131.3 125.3 130.7 127.0 133.1 427.4 142.0 126.4 136.5 135.3 139.9 130.5 142.6 131.1 138.6 131.6 435.8 131,5 129.9 129.7 104 Dairy products industry .............387 1979 1980 111.2 116.9 110,3 114.3 110.4 110.6 108.8 114.7 107.8 111.2 105.0 108.9 105.2 111.1 110.0 114.7 109.5 111.8 113.0 112.8 112.2 10.5 Flour and breakfast cereal pro. ducts industry. .064 1979 1980 89.2 107.3 102.5 102.9 94.9 93.2 102.9 90.4 104.1 105.6 102.9 106.5 103.5 114.6 96.9 85.7 97.9 95.1 101.2 100.9 94.6 106 Feed industry ..................... .168 1979 1980 107.1 117.0 106.6 112.5 115.6 116.4 110.1 119.3 110.0 116,7 110.7 117.1 111.1 120.5 111.4 117.6 110.9 113.9 112.9 112.8 112.4 107 Bakery products industries .345 1979 1980 92.4 95.9 97.1 92.7 96.1 95.9 95.7 95.5 94.5 95.5 95.2 98.4 92.0 99.5 93.3 96.1 95.1 98.2 95.8 92.2 92.4 409 Beverage industries ................ .727 1979 1980 131.0 136.3 128.1 130.7 131.7 138.3 130.5 135.6 129.2 131.6 129.5 130.6 127.0 122.3 129.1 123.9 132.2 133.2 135.3 433.9 134.4 1092 Distilleries ..................... .232 1979 1980 143,5 146.3 144.1 146.9 148.5 148.1 139,8 147.1 139.6 142.4 13.5.9 136.9 124.6 130.1 123.8 131.5 119.2 142.0 136.3 1:17.6 1:46.9 109:) Breweries ...................... .283 1979 1980 128.6 140.5 123.4 130.3 129.8 137.3 129.4 133.7 125.2 135.3 130.7 131.6 129.1 118.4 138.0 120.5 137.8 122.0 133.0 131.6 13:1.3 5:02 Tobacco products industries .212 1979 1980 113.2 121.0 115.8 118.8 119.5 115.2 118.7 122.0 122.9 125.9 117.8 118.6 115.4 12.5.? 121.0 119.2 115.4 121.3 113,8 122.3 408.2 5:03 Rubber and plastics products industries. .650 1979 1980 170.2 154.9 168.9 160.6 172.4 160.3 168.9 155.5 173.5 144.6 174.7 144.6 177.7 143.9 179.6 144.1 172.0 148.4 181.2 168.3 152.7 62 Rubber products industries .387 1979 19813 152.6 126.5 148.3 136.7 152.8 137.4 150.2 136.3 15.3.3 123.4 153.1 118.2 156.4 116.4 153.7 143.0 151.3 123.1 162.8 144.0 126.5 5:04 Leather industries ................... .206 1979 1980 112.0 104.6 109.3 102.8 110.0 110.0 108.6 101.8 108.8 102.1 114.9 111.7 110.2 112.0 113.4 101.7 112.4 109.1 108.8 105.4 101,3 5:05 Textile industri..... .............. . .769 1979 1980 1:46.8 1288 133.6 129.0 132.2 134.6 132.5 12.3.0 134.8 126.7 135.8 121.5 136.5 124.8 137.1 128.5 140.1 432.3 13.5.3 136.1 1:1:' 5:06 Knitting mills ...................... .205 1979 1980 105.5 117.0 108.9 109.5 110.4 103.1 113.8 109.6 113.2 106.8 114.2 1111 112.8 1149 109.8 111.2 109.8 121.8 111.0 111.6 140 I -7- lI.EAIJ 2. Indices du produit intérieur reel par Indices: 1971 = mois IC.A.E. 1970) 100 \% ithout eauonal adjustment Non désaisonnalisés ('.A.E lnilw.trii' Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. - - - - - - - Sept. Oct. N,, Dec. Janv. Fey. Mars Avr. Mai Join Jul11. AoUL 126.5 128.5 183.1 134.9 135.1 136.8 138.0 139.5 139.8 139.4 140.9 139.0 133.3 122.9 135.8 134.9 162.9 161.6 140.8 141.0 134.5 48.0 54.:) 45.6 51.2 46.4 35.5 155.2 161.0 137.6 144.9 13.4 16.2 41.9 66.2 41.4 48,8 669.7 654.8 31.1 37.7 39.6 103.0 93.5 122.0 126.8 129.4 135.5 109.6 99.0 95.3 76.8 129.1) 87.4 112.0 102.6 137.6 107.8 137.9 127.1 130.0 145.2 129.0 30.0 29.7 40.6 53.5 84.3 54.7 76.3 80.7 220.1 179.5 216.8 163.8 253.1 279.1 256.9 172.2 115.9 98.4 119.3 98.9 77.5 106.0 114.2 112.7 118.5 112.9 121.3 112.7 119.2 112.5 120.5 116.8 123.9 116.5 112.6 118.7 114.7 120.5 116.6 122.2 123.1 121.1 74.5 88.7 79.5 97.5 82.2 97.3 78.3 101.2 83.5 100.8 85.0 101.5 97.1 85.3 104.6 86.9 98.5 927 97.3 99.0 97.3 58.4 56.0 60,2 55,5 54.4 50.9 64.5 57.3 56.5 52.1 54.7 55.5 52.0 56.7 58.8 49.1 52.4 53.1 63.3 62.9 59.6 89.0 82,9 103.0 102.7 96.6 91.8 109.2 109.9 119.0 119.9 129.9 123.6 150.3 107.5 136.5 93.3 137.7 108.8 106.5 120.8 135.0 71.6 91.7 74.6 98.3 80.0 101.0 71.3 101.1 76.0 98.4 75.4 98,:) 86.1 81.3 98.9 87.1 91.1 90.6 96.7 95.3 89.8 124.4 125.4 132.1) 122.9 127.3 127.3 129.9 118.7 123.0 121.0 125.9 123.6 123.1 121.0 117.1 121.5 121.1 117.4 128,4 127.8 130.2 ?8:1 2 230.2 198.7 225.6 253.7 250.0 278.9 268.4 268.1 258.8 298.7 246.1 276.2 218.4 289.8 262.1 287.3 252.3 230.3 215.5 Mines de eharbon ................... 061 124.0 116.7 119.3 117,0 120.1 105.6 111.1 109.0 115.0 109.3 113.0 108.3 108,8 107.7 109.6 103.5 118.3 119.4 123.2 Industrie du pétrole brut et du gaz naturel. 22 131.0 138,8 137.0 145.5 134.5 137.9 127.5 133.7 146.6 146.2 105.6 115.9 118.0 122.8 143,6 134,2 136.9 146.4 134.9 "'.2 I 87.5 10014 106.0 91.5 97.1 80.1 92.7 82.0 107.7 100.5 87.0 81.2 96.9 96.9 96.4 97.4 95.3 101.9 91.3 122.3 120.8 138.1 136.8 140.3 139.9 135.2 133.8 137.3 129.9 143.9 136.5 118.2 112.7 125.4 120.7 144.1 138.6 141.8 142.9 120.5 101.7 104.3 109.8 113.2 115,0 115.2 113.9 120.1 123.4 125.0 134.4 134.3 117.5 120.1 1253 122.5 132.0 132,8 125.1 124,5 109.9 128.0 129.7 125,2 130.6 126.8 132.8 128.5 143.2 125.3 135.3 132.6 139.9 121.6 132.9 127.9 135,0 138.7 140.3 138.9 140.4 121.6 93,5 98.4 98,4 102.1 104.4 104.7 109.6 115.5 117.4 121.1 128.8 133.4 115.8 122.2 117,6 122.5 118.6 121,1 108.9 101.6 98.6 Induatrie laiiCre .............. ......104 81.1 97.1 108.3 109.0 97.7 95.6 95.6 83.8 95.7 97.3 103.0 106.4 89.1 98.3 98.6 87.0 107.8 104.7 115.4 106.6 92.6 Meunerie et fabrication de cérSales de table. lOb 104.4 113.9 112,6 118.8 113.2 114,0 110.4 119.3 115.0 121.8 111.6 118.3 100.9 109.5 108.7 114.9 111.9 115.0 109.8 118.8 114.1 Fabrication d'alimenta pour es animaux. 106 82,6 86.9 96.0 92.1 95.6 95.8 93.8 93.7 95.1 96,4 100.7 104.0 87.0 92.9 94.2 96.9 104.0 107.7 100.5 95.9 86.0 Boulangerie et pàtiaaerie (fabrication), 107 106.3 110.7 116.5 118.6 123.4 130.6 126.7 128.7 134.7 1354 154.0 153.6 121.3 112.6 140.6 132.9 141.1 140.4 138.4 146.5 125.8 132.9 135.9 148.4 151.5 149.9 149.9 126.4 132,1 134.9 136.7 144.5 137.1 59.2 61.5 123.0 124.1 138.5 151.3 169.1 179.6 127.3 Distilleries ......................1092 94.5 103.6 98.8 10.4.1 122.6 129.8 129.9 127.4 138.6 150.0 168.9 170.3 153.5 140.2 152.2 128.3 135,5 119.9 120.5 129.0 127.5 Brasseries ........................1093 111,7 126.4 132.0 135.8 142.6 137.9 131.9 136.7 125.1 128.1 128.6 122.7 45.2 51.1 113.7 104.0 122.1 128.4 122.4 138.5 93.1 Industrie du tabuc ....................5:02 154.1 139.5 195,0 184.3 184.2 170.7 179.0 164.3 182.3 152.6 189.5 157.3 145.3 118.0 149.3 120.9 172.4 150.2 184.8 182.0 139.6 Industrie du caout.chouc et des pro. duita en mature plastique. 5:03 141.0 116.3 184.0 168.1 165.8 148.5 158.5 143.7 1585 128.0 163.7 126.7 124.6 93.0 117.3 86.6 141,8 117.0 164.9 165.5 119.1 Industrie des produita en cauut. chouc. 162 97.4 9 111.8 107.2 106.7 106.1 103.8 96.8 108.4 101.4 119.8 116.9 92.1 93.6 125.7 113.0 129.8 126.7 117.9 1123 88.5 Industrje do cuir .................... 5:04 1480 137.7 138.2 140.2 137.9 127.9 135.1 126.8 140.5 125.6 114.0 103.7 129.6 121.7 142.8 135.0 137.0 139.6 128,0 Industrie do textile .................. MIS 117.1 117.7 116.5 108.5 107.8 103.6 104.5 98.5 128.2 125.6 100.3 102.1 113.3 114.2 118.1 130.9 120.0 123.6 89.1 Bonnoterie .......................... 5:06 I 9 PRODUIT INTERIEUR RF.E1 ...... ......... I II AGRICULTURE ............... FORE'I"S ............................... 2 CHASSE El' PECHE ................... MINES (y compris broyage), CARRIERES El' PUfl'S DE PETROLE. ..4 4 Mines met.alliques ...................... 4(11 Placers dor CL mines de quartz aurif8re. 1)11,1)52 Mines de fer .........................058 Autres mines metalliquea ............ ..057:059 Combustibles mineraux.................. 4:02 064 4:03 Mines non metalliques (saul mines de charbon). Mines d'ainiante .................... 071 INDUSTRIES MANUFACTURIERES Induateies des aMmonIa et boiasons... Industrie do Is viande volaille. Ct do Ia 5 501 101 lnduatrie des boieaona ...............109 -8- TABLE 2. hsdexes of Real Domestic Product, b \Jnths tom [i I I Indexes: 1971 - 1(8' Seis.nd(I S.I.C. 1971 weight Year t3esaisonnalisrs I Fey. I Mars I Avr. I Mai I loin I I Industry Ponds- Année ration Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 1971 - - - - -. - - Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. .JOOV. Jul11. AoOt 31 5:07 Clothing Industries ...................742 1979 1980 128.4 112.3 127.8 111.1 127.1 114.7 127.6 108.1 125.3 108.9 131.0 116.1 125.1 112.1 131.0 116.3 125.3 117.8 129.7 120.5 118.5 32 5:08 Wood industries ...................... .968 1979 1980 141.6 137.4 140.2 141.9 144.9 145.8 146.4 135.0 148.2 130.9 149.2 135.6 140.8 133.5 148.2 141.6 147.8 145.2 143.8 144.1 135.0 33 251 Sawmills, planing mills and shingle mills. .546 1979 1980 148.2 150.0 146.2 150.4 153.4 160.2 156.5 146.2 157.1 144.7 160.0 148.7 143.8 142.8 157.4 155.6 160.8 158.2 156.0 158.5 148.1 :t4 252 Veneer and plywood mills .145 1979 1980 131.2 104.3 129.7 115.4 133.6 122.6 136.8 110.3 134.2 107.9 137.6 120.9 130.9 123.5 131.6 117.3 123.6 122.4 116.0 110.7 103.8 35 5:09 Furniture and lixture industries .. . . .420 1979 19843 115.8 113.3 117.3 112.5 117.7 118.0 118.4 116.1 120.1 110.5 120.3 114.9 117.8 116.4 114.9 110.0 115.7 114.4 115.1 112.5 107.3 36 5:10 Paper and allied industries. ... 1841 1979 1980 132.2 135.3 132.1 137.0 134.4 143.2 137.7 138.1 130.2 129.6 126.2 132.2 131.9 122.7 131.8 130.9 135.2 132.0 130.3 136.8 138.0 37 271 1.321 1979 1980 134.0 136.9 134.1 138.3 137.0 149.3 142.3 141.2 133.0 134.7 126.9 137.3 133.8 121.8 133.1 134.9 136.0 135.2 129.1 137.1 140.4 38 5:11 Printing, publishing and allied industries. 1.123 1979 1980 136.8 150.7 140.5 150.7 139.5 150.1 139.0 150.2 140.1 151.6 140.6 152.1 141.7 151.0 144.4 151.4 149.5 154.9 151.8 150.3 148.8 39 5:12 Primary metal industries ............. 1.976 1979 1980 126.4 132.4 125.4 129.0 122.7 128.4 124.0 128.7 126.4 120.9 111.7 117.8 118.4 114.4 121.0 122.1 123.0 127.0 133.4 129.9 125.9 40 291 Iron and steel mills .................940 1979 1980 149.2 156.9 142.3 147.8 139.2 147.1 139.5 150.1 145,0 134.9 133.6 129.3 147.1 119.5 144.1 128.3 150.5 143.7 153.7 148.0 141.7 41 292 Steel pipe and tube mills .090 1979 1980 115.3 106.8 110.6 126.5 115.7 122.1 97.2 108.8 120.6 112.8 125.1 114.5 41.0 119.7 134.2 127.5 134.4 122.0 141.6 141.5 1122 42 294 Iron foundries .................. .... .136 1979 1980 112.3 97.0 139.8 106.3 135.3 102.3 133.1 112,9 128.6 100.6 116.2 96.9 121.0 64.6 111.9 97.5 109.4 89.0 107.7 101.2 i 43 295 Smelting and reIning ................615 1979 1984) 92.0 107.0 91.9 107.0 88.9 102.9 96.9 106.4 96.1 109.5 68.4 108.5 66.8 115.9 84.3 118.5 77.5 114.1 102.7 104.2 It" 44 5:13 Metal fabricating industries (except machinery and transportatiors equipment industries). 1.957 1979 1980 124.4 136.6 122.9 134.0 123.3 135.0 121.9 130.6 128.3 125.1 126.8 121.3 128.4 422.6 130.-I 121.7 130.6 123.5 133.0 132.1 45 5:14 Machinery industries (except electrical machinery). 1.001 1979 1980 170.9 180.3 176.9 183.0 171.6 178.5 174.8 185.7 171.4 183.3 173.0 171.9 185.8 181.4 185.5 178,8 189.5 177.1 198.0 196.4 188.8 46 5:15 Transportation equipment industries 2.571 1979 1980 156.4 117.4 153.1 121.7 155.8 126.0 136.7 114.2 143.8 107.5 135.5 106.0 135.0 105.7 128.6 113.4 137.0 121.8 130.1 124.2 125.9 47 321 Aircraft and aircraft parts manufaclurers. .292 1979 1980 141.3 172.0 142.3 171.0 144.0 170.1 147.7 175.4 146.7 174.4 1510 180.0 158.1 182.3 159.6 1660 161.7 193.2 161.0 162.8 162.3 48 323:324 Motor vehicle and truck body and trailer manufacturers. 1.035 1979 1980 176.5 117.7 169.8 129.0 175.0 135.3 144.9 118.7 184.4 11:1.3 149.4 114.3 148.9 117.2 137.5 122.1 161.5 130.0 138.4 134.4 140.7 49 325 Motor vehicle parts and accessories manufacturers. .836 1979 1980 158.6 96.7 155.5 96.3 155.2 101.1 135.1 86.1 132.5 74.9 125.1 70.2 121.6 65.1 115.6 81.5 114.8 95.6 120.7 105.4 100.5 50 326 Railroad rolling stock industry .129 1979 1980 153.0 1723 156.3 168.1 161.0 169.5 158.1 144.2 140.0 148.7 138.9 131.3 139.5 129.0 143.0 135.1 135.3 132.8 135.1 139.8 157.8 SI 327 Shipbuilding and repair ............. .167 1979 1980 111.7 112.0 109.5 120.6 112.7 119.3 111.7 113.2 1160 114.8 104.3 113.3 111.5 111.5 110.5 113.1 105.7 115.9 109.5 111.1 112.5 52 5:16 1.631 1979 1980 122.5 126.7 123.6 128.1 125.2 129.2 121.0 127.2 1281 123.6 126.7 122,5 128.7 125.4 128.2 123.3 127.9 122.7 124.6 126.6 126.8 53 332 Manufacturers of major appliances (electric and non-electric). .171 1979 1980 123.7 115.1 133.3 117.0 147.8 1:12.6 136.5 115.8 130.9 126.0 144.7 135.1 29.7 124.8 125.1 120.7 126.7 112.3 123.0 116.6 122.0 54 334 Manufacturers of household radio and television receivers. .121 1979 1980 95.8 113,5 62.8 116.3 66,3 1:43.2 82.2 134.4 109.9 132.8 112.7 124.4 129.2 133.8 1216 140.6 136.8 144.2 115.7 113.7 109.8 55 335 Communications equipment manufacturers. .515 1979 1980 124.4 135.4 125.1 132.3 125.1 135.2 423.8 136.8 126.0 137.1 124.5 136.0 125.9 13 5. 7 126.6 135.8 128.9 137.5 131.5 132.9 1:14.7 56 336 Manufacturers (if electrical induslrial equipment. :124 1979 1980 125.1 127.7 127.3 141.7 1:11.2 130.7 123.7 145.6 134.1 130.7 128.2 129.9 133.5 136.5 133.9 133.7 137.5 1303 132.4 134.0 135.3 57 5:17 905 1979 1980 116.9 116.2 118.2 119.3 119.2 114.8 119.6 106.1 122.4 111.9 127.6 110.4 127.3 110.)) 125.5 111.8 128.)) 116.5 119.9 124.1 117.6 58 352 Cement manufacturers .1,14 1979 1980 147.5 157.5 141.4 144.4 136.8 127.1 145.0 125.7 138.5 129.1 148.3 133.1 151.1 131.5 155.9 134.0 1.56.0 133.9 151.1 149.5 1-1: 59 354 Concrete products manufacturers . .184 1979 980 72.4 83.0 69.4 84.0 86.4 84.6 98.9 87.8 105.3 8.5.7 108.7 99.9 110.9 105.2 101.1 953 103.0 93.0 99.0 99.1 60 355 Ready-mix concrete manufacturers .127 1979 1980 99.5 99.9 102.4 97.4 103.9 96.8 100.4 95.1 108.5 102.2 113.0 90.5 115.1 107.3 120.6 107.0 128.7 111.3 110.4 110.1 Pulp and paper mills Electrical products industries Non-metallic mineral products industries. T.. lu. I I -9- I ILEAL' 2. Indices du produil inlérieur réI par mois ((AL. 1970) - sulic Indices: 1971 1O0 - 'asonal adjustment Non desaisonnalisEs Induatrie Jan. I'eb. Mar Apr May June July Aug. - - - - Ja Fés Mars Avr, Mru join bill Audi Nov. S I I I. ' A.E. l)Cc. I19.5 104.3 146.3 126.8 138.5 123.4 118.8 103.4 113.0 96.1 140.5 121.0 1114.4 99.4 138.3 122.6 147.0 138.5 140.0 123.0 86.4 128.7 125.3 148.5 1491 154.7 155.3 158.0 145.1 151.5 133.5 159.7 145.4 123.1 115.8 140.5 134.0 155.7 153.1 149.5 145.7 116.4 142.4 144.1 165.4 170.0 172.5 179.6 171.9 160.2 155.9 143.2 164.1 352.4 118.2 117.2 142.5 140.7 165.4 163.2 160.2 158.5 1:11.7 125.3 99.1 134.5 118.8 142.9 131.0 160.9 129.9 138.3 110.6 145,3 131.7 108.2 102.2 115.8 103.6 128.0 126.9 121.1 108.6 94.7 101.3 99.0 123:1 117.9 122.8 123.1 119.7 117.5 120.7 111.3 123.4 118.1 91.3 89.9 109.3 104.5 128.1 126.7 125.6 127.2 99.8 125.1 128.1 135.2 140.3 138.6 147.7 143.2 143.5 1:31.3 129.3 133.9 139.9 123.0 114.1 129.0 128.1 135.4 132.1 1:35.2 138.9 126.7 127.3 130.3 136.2 140.5 138.5 151.1 148.6 347.5 133.4 133.2 133.0 143.8 128.4 116.9 130.9 132.7 132.6 131.8 135.2 138.0 133.2 1 23. 1 135.4 141.7 152.1 14:3.9 154.8 145.2 156.9 142.5 154.5 144.7 156.5 124.3 132.3 134.7 141.1 157.6 163.5 162.1 165.4 139.1 124.5 130.4 132.6 136.4 132.9 139.3 128.9 134.2 131.7 124.7 120.8 126.4 103.4 100.5 108.3 112.7 122.6 129.3 1:14.0 134.5 113.8 144.6 352.0 150.7 156.5 148.9 157.7 143.2 153.8 150.2 137.4 146.9 142.3 132.5 107.6 131.3 120.8 150.2 153.3 154.5 154.4 124.0 11 6.0 122.8 140.3 130.4 137.8 105.9 118.6 115.9 107.9 139.5 127.6 112.6 89.3 116.7 117.3 1:39.8 126.8 148.9 141.1 144.8 109.8 147.1 111.2 139.9 118.4 127.9 100.2 124.7 104.0 87.3 61.1 88.0 76.1 115.9 94.7 124.2 96.6 112.4 96.4 111.7 101.0 112.9 99.9 113.8 68.6 108.8 59.9 105.0 75.3 110.6 76.2 106.5 123.0 135.2 126.2 137.5 118.4 128.7 129.0 125.2 138.7 132.8 113.1 108.7 128.9 121.1 145.6 154.8 187.5 397.9 187,5 195.2 180.1 192.2 177.0 168.9 192.9 191.1 168.8 160,6 152.8 115.2 16:1.1 127.7 171.6 140.1 151.1 125.7 153.9 114.7 353.4 118.4 142.7 173.7 145.9 175.4 148.4 175.6 146.0 178.2 147.5 375.6 168.9 113.7 182.5 136.3 202.2 162.1 172.6 143.1 159.4 97.7 172.8 107.5 171.2 111.7 146.9 165.1 150.9 162.0 108.7 109.2 Industrie de Ihabillement .............1)7 :1' 5:08 32 Scieries, ateliers de ralxrtage et usines de bardeaux. 251 33 Fabriquen de placagea Ct de contre-plaques. 252 34 Industrie du meuble et des article,. dameublement. 5:09 35 Industrie du papier et activités connexes. 5:10 Industrie du bois ......... ..... .... Usinea de pates Ct papiers .......... 271 37 Imprimerie, edition at uctivités connexes. 5:11 38 PremiCre tranaformation dee métaun. 5:12 39 Siderurgie .......................... 291 40 99.8 Fabriquea de tubes ci tuyaua dacier. 292 41 112.:) 85.9 Fonderiea de fec .................... 294 42 98.2 106.5 104.8 Fonte at aflinage ...................295 43 147.4 134.2 1:38.6 143.5 117.5 Fabrication de produitu en metal (sauf machines et equipeinent de transport). 5:13 44 153.2 149.9 195.8 184.1 197.0 211.1 181.9 Fabrication de machines (eauf elec'triquesl. 5:14 45 107.1 86.0 93.1 85.9 137.9 125.1 137.4 132.8 109.3 Fabrication dequipement de traitsport. 5:15 46 152.7 179.7 150.2 173.2 151.9 177.1 15618 187.2 160.2 165.8 166.5 Fabricanta daeroneIe ci de pierce. 321 47 184.6 128.4 183.7 137.9 105.0 83.3 74.7 70.0 159.2 134.8 149.5 143.2 118.9 Fabricanta de vChicules automo hOes at de carroaseries de camione at rcmorques. 323:324 48 146.2 93.0 1:17.6 77.6 139.1 77.8 9:3.9 50.4 87.6 65.3 119.2 99.4 126.5 116,6 74.4 Fabricanta de pièces et acres. soires dautomobiles. :325 49 158.2 166.4 155.6 143.7 136.2 144.6 137.5 130.0 137.9 327.6 140.8 133.1 139.4 136.9 142.5 147.8 162.7 Fabricanta de materiel ferro viajee roulant. 320 50 308.8 119.9 11:3.4 119.9 113.6 115.0 116.0 115.0 105.9 115.1 112.8 112.9 111.1 113.8 104.8 134.8 108.6 111.3 111.1 Construction ci reparation de nav)rea. :127 SI 113.5 117.3 129.0 333.5 128.2 1:12.9 120.8 325.9 124.5 119.7 130.9 129.3 104.7 102.7 115.2 111.7 143.3 137.0 131.2 141.2 127.1 5:16 52 113.9 106.1 147.8 129.7 150.9 140.5 3:19.5 114.3 127.7 122.8 158.1 152.3 87.3 78.9 97.5 87.9 155.4 138.0 137.0 124.8 120.6 Fabricanta de grus appareils (elertriquee ou non). 1:42 53 73.9 87.5 63.5 117.8 57.4 133.2 71.0 116.5 96.7 117.4 111.6 123.2 66.7 68.5 108.4 138.0 181.8 191.4 153.2 158.3 117.2 Fabricants de radiorécepteurs at de tèlCviaeurs mCnagers. 334 54 123.6 134.3 124.9 132.1 124.4 134.4 121.6 134.4 125.6 138.8 324.4 135.9 125.3 135.2 126.2 335.4 131.2 139.9 133.2 134.5 1:34.6 Fabricanta d'equipement de telecommunication. :3:35 55 116.0 118.2 138.4 153.4 142.0 141.4 131.3 154.1 134.6 131.3 123.8 139,7 114.2 116.7 108.7 108.7 143.4 135.9 136.5 153.1 134.9 Fabricanta dequipement 81crtrique induatriel. 336 56 76.8 81.3 103.3 100.8 103.7 99.6 114.8 101.1 127.3 117.4 149.9 130.5 133.6 116.6 134.6 120.2 147.0 133.4 140.6 138.1 99.8 Fabrication de produita minCraux non metalliquea. 5:17 57 81.5 82.7 94.8 87.8 128.3 111.5 154.9 151.0 194.6 174.6 196.2 171.1 194.0 166.9 191.0 164.0 189.9 164.4 113.2 Fabricants de ciment ............... 352 58 52.3 62.2 68.8 66.5 92.1 81.4 116.5 95.6 131.5 122.2 123.5 118.3 116.6 109,9 125.3 112.6 116.1 108.9 57.0 Fabricants de produits en béton ... 354 59 44.8 54.9 67.5 62.5 84.0 78.8 125.1 118.3 156.5 126.2 139.4 130.5 155.2 138.4 161.4 139.9 151.3 125.9 63.5 Fabricanta de bèton prèparC ........ 355 60 p Fabrication de pruduits 81cctriques. - 10 - TABLE 2. Indexes of Real Domestic Product, by Montbs 11970 S.l.C.) - Continuld Indexes: 1971-100 Seasonally adjusted 1971 eight S.I.C. LC. Industry - Year - - Pondgration 1971 Année Dosaisonnalisks --Jan. Feb. - - .Jans'. Fey. Mars No. 61 5:18 Petroleum and coal products industries. 62 5:19 Chemical and chemical products industries. 63 374 64 Mar. - Apr. May June July Aug. Avr. Msi Juin JuiIl. AoOt - Sept. Oct. Nov. 1)éc. .394 1979 1980 138.4 142.6 136.8 147.4 149.4 147.8 146.8 142.4 138.1 140.5 139.6 138.4 133.7 145.1 142.5 142.5 150.9 140.4 151.1 143.0 144.0 1.362 1979 1980 148.5 154.7 147.2 154.9 146.7 160.3 145.1 152.1 147.7 156.3 147.5 147.9 149.9 150.3 153.7 152.0 153.1 149.7 152.4 138.2 154.3 Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medicines. .218 1979 1980 156.2 171.6 154.3 158.4 169.1 176.4 160.2 152.2 166.9 171.9 167.4 171.4 168.2 163.6 176,3 16.5.2 1633 164.0 163.8 162.6 166.9 375 Paint and varnish manufacturers .112 1979 1980 127.4 119.5 132.6 133.0 126.9 131.1 124.8 134.5 123.2 118.0 128.5 110.5 128.9 114.2 129.0 122.5 126.1 114.4 128.2 117.0 1217 415 376 Manufacturers of soap and clean ing compounds. .127 1979 1980 151.1 142.2 149.6 159.2 154.7 143.5 133.5 128.2 137.4 135.5 131.3 145.9 128.6 133.0 136.3 129.6 143.4 134.9 144.5 147.7 142.0 176 378 Manufacturers of industrial chemicals. .464 1979 1980 144.5 156.7 144.4 159.1 140.6 159.4 143.4 160.0 140.5 159.5 144.9 149.5 150.6 158.3 155.8 164.1 154.9 158.5 154.3 161.2 159.1 67 5:20 .713 1979 1980 126.9 128.1 132.1 125.6 138.3 133.7 133.1 130.2 1410 131.5 147.4 134.3 141.9 133.8 142.2 130.3 146.7 130.7 141.7 136.5 129.0 68 8 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ......... ..6.990 1979 1980 121.6 119.9 121.3 118.8 121.6 117.1 122.0 116.1 124.4 114.0 125.3 108.8 126.4 111.6 125.0 112.7 124.6 113.7 123.4 121.8 120.6 69 7:01.03 TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATION. 9.050 1979 1980 153.8 159.7 151.8 160.5 155.7 159.8 155.8 160.5 154.9 160.1 156.2 160.9 157.8 163:1 158.8 162.9 158.7 164.2 159.9 158.9 158.4 70 7:01 Transportation ........................ 5.991 1979 1980 137.2 139.0 133.9 140.1 138.0 137.6 138.4 139.1 136.9 137.6 138.1 138.2 139.9 140.4 140.9 140.1 140.4 140.5 141.1 139.7 138.9 71 501:502 Air transport and services dental to air transport. .671 1979 1980 213.4 227.8 213.4 238.9 218.0 216.1 232.7 240.4 226,5 229.2 229.9 234.6 236.6 244.2 243.1 250.5 237.2 252.6 241.6 237.3 2327 72 503 Railway transport .................... 1.815 1979 1984) 130.2 127.4 120.5 128.3 128.6 125.7 126.6 123.5 128.5 120.8 129.2 122.5 131.4 124.2 130.3 121.8 130.2 121.3 132.5 130.1 12.' 73 508 Bus transport, interurban and rural. .089 1979 1980 115.7 129.1 104.5 120.0 110.5 124.1 116.5 135.0 121.5 125.9 125.0 121.9 130.7 126.3 122.4 126.4 126.3 129.3 123.2 117.2 II'. 74 509 Urban transit systems ................ .250 1979 1980 115.3 106.2 112.6 108.5 113.2 110.2 111.4 115.4 110.4 116.0 113.1 113.4 113.6 113.5 116.1 119.7 112.6 119.2 92.1 106.8 107 75 III Pipeline transport .................... .486 1979 1980 130.5 132.4 129.5 124.1 131.4 123.4 139.4 121.1 129.7 121.8 128.2 118.3 136.2 120.7 133.0 115.1 131.3 115.3 132.8 130.8 125.0 747 702 Storage .................................258 1979 1980 120.3 127.9 113.6 126.3 128.8 136.5 107.6 133.2 111.7 124.5 111.1 122.8 115.3 128.4 117.8 116.9 121.6 122.8 120.5 119.7 123.5 77 121 Grain elevators ....................... .177 1979 1980 107.5 108.1 97.2 107.5 118.1 120.1 87.4 116.8 92.5 105.7 90.5 102.1 94.6 107.0 100.2 90.5 105.2 98.1 101.4 100.8 105.6 78 7:1)7 ('ommunication ........................2.801 1979 1980 192.5 206.7 193.6 207.1 196.0 209.5 197.4 208.8 197.4 211.6 199.2 213.0 199.8 215.5 200.9 215.9 201.5 218.8 20:1.5 203,5 2433,1 79 7:1)4 2.658 1979 1980 164.9 167.9 169.1 168.4 165.6 174.6 168.5 172.5 169.4 169.1 170.6 167.7 171.5 169.5 171.8 172.4 171.3 175.1 170:1 172.1 163.9 80 572 Electric power .......................... 2.093 1979 1980 170.2 174.7 173.3 173.9 171.0 181.3 174.0 179.8 175.2 176.1 178.0 17:1.9 178.5 176.5 179.9 179.8 178.7 183.4 178.0 178.8 169.8 81 574 Gas distribution ..........................365 1979 1980 147.2 140.7 160.0 148.4 147.5 151.1 151.3 144.0 150.3 140.5 143.4 142.7 146.3 140.6 140.1 142.5 143.6 141.1 140.1 148.1 139.9 82 8 83 8:01 84 .. 8.5 8:02 86 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries. mci- ELECTRIC POWER, GAS AND WATER UTILITIF.S. TRADE ............................... 11.561 1979 1980 140.4 142.3 142.5 142.8 147.5 142.9 142.2 140.1 144.7 140.3 146.3 139.5 148.4 140.9 147.4 142.6 146.5 142.1 144.2 143.2 143.6 WHOLESALE TRADE ............... 4.756 1979 1980 129.2 129.9 131.8 133.2 137.6 137.2 133.2 131.7 135.3 131.9 137.9 130.5 136.2 127.7 138.8 132.5 140.5 128.6 135.4 135.7 137.0 Wholesale merchants ................3.943 1979 1980 133.3 136.5 135.9 140.4 143.4 144.1 137.7 138.0 139.7 137.9 142.6 136.3 140.7 133.1 143.8 138.6 145.6 133.9 139.8 140.8 142,5 RETAIL TRADE .................... 6.805 1979 1980 148.2 150.9 150.0 149.5 154.4 146.8 148.5 146.0 151.2 146.3 152.2 145.7 153.4 150.1 153.4 149.6 150.6 151.5 150.4 148.5 148.2 .. Food stores ........................ 1.299 1979 1980 116.3 114.8 119.4 113.3 111.8 114.9 113.7 114.3 115.7 116.5 116.6 113.1 117.6 115.1 117.5 118.6 117.7 115.1 115.7 115.0 114.7 87 .. General merchandise stores .......... 1.413 1979 1980 139.8 145.9 140.5 140.1 146.0 139.2 143.2 140.6 144.6 140.1 144.6 142.4 147.5 145.3 148.4 139.3 143.2 143.1 145.0 144.2 146.9 88 .. Department stores ................ .889 1979 1980 158.2 166.8 157.5 157.8 164.4 157.8 161.6 159.3 1413.4 159.4 163.4 164.0 167.7 167.4 169.1 159.3 162.0 164.3 165.3 163.6 167 I 89 .. Other general merchandise stores. .524 1979 1980 108.5 110.6 111.8 110.2 114.8 107.7 112.0 108.9 112.7 107.4 112.6 105.8 113.3 107.8 113.3 105.3 111.4 107.3 110.4 111.4 II. 90 .. .811 1979 1980 173.4 178.8 178.7 186.1 194.9 174.1 173.3 157.7 183.0 152.4 182.3 153.2 184.8 168.5 180.2 172.0 182.3 183.0 178.1 173.7 1)15 Motor vehicle dealers ............... I \ IIL.EAtI 2. Indices du produil intérieur riel par mois (C.A.E. 1970) - suite p Indices: 1971- 11)0 easonaI adjustment I Non dèsaisonnalisEs I I I I I (' .5 F. lndu,,tre Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. - - - - - - - - Sept. Oct. Nov. I)c. Janv. Fey. Mars Avr. Msi Juin Jul11. AoOt 144.2 148.8 140.5 151.5 148.7 147.1 13:1.9 129.9 129.5 131.5 145.7 141.6 136.0 151.0 150.3 147.3 138.3 125.9 142.9 149.1 153.8 Fabrication de produita du ptrole at du charbon. 5:18 I,,' 138.4 144.2 155.3 164.0 153.7 168.1 153.9 161.2 153.5 161.5 154.9 152.9 135.7 137.8 143.7 144.9 155.5 151.6 153.6 157.5 144.6 Induatrie chimique .................. ..5:19 62 150.2 164.2 173.6 177.8 174.7 182.2 168.7 160.6 159.0 163.7 171.6 176.2 141.2 137.6 165.9 156.2 171.3 171.0 163.9 181.0 151.2 Fabricants de produits pharmaceu tiques et de medicaments. 101.7 95.2 130.8 131.9 127.2 131.1 133.4 143.1 140.9 134.6 157.4 135.3 141.0 125.4 133.3 128.9 128.2 116.2 125.1 107.8 89.2 Fabricanta de peinlures 01 vernis 156.3 147.4 162.4 173.1 165.6 153.9 137.1 131.2 143.0 141.2 138.4 153.2 105.3 108.0 122.8 116.7 145.8 137.9 146.4 159.9 121.7 144.8 156.9 154.5 170.4 148.8 168.7 151.1 168.7 141.5 160.5 144.9 143.4 141.8 155.3 145.2 160.0 144.6 146.4 149.5 158.7 166.5 106.8 109.8 1347 127.7 145.4 140.9 128.9 126.0 142.4 131.5 157.5 144.2 130.0 122.4 137.5 126.0 164.0 146.3 156.5 148.1 104.9 97.1 95.3 106.7 97.9 101.3 97.1 108.2 102.8 120.9 111.9 139.0 120.7 143.9 126.7 147.1 132.6 147.1 133.8 142.1 127.8 103.8 143.8 149.6 146.2 15.5.2 152.0 156.5 155.0 159.7 156.7 161.9 163.3 168.1 162.3 168.3 164.5 169.0 162.7 168.4 161.2 158.6 152.7 125.4 127.4 126.2 133.2 133.7 134.1 137.8 138,5 139.1 139.8 146.6 146.8 147.2 148.4 149.0 148.8 144.8 145.2 142.1 137.4 131,6 98.9 196.7 220.2 224.1 222.4 222.0 229.6 215.1 218.0 256.4 261.9 301.2 311.1 306.1 315.1 248.3 264.2 211.6 178.2 206.5 Transports aCriens et aervices auailiairea des transports aCneria. 122.1 130.0 133.6 130.7 135.2 127.9 133.3 125.2 135.4 128.6 126.2 119.4 125.9 118.0 132.7 123.6 138.2 135.6 115.4 Transports ferroviaires ................503 72 91.5 105.0 100.3 112.3 109.4 131.9 113.9 117.9 134,3 130.8 166.5 161.3 173.6 179.3 139.2 142.6 114.7 94.2 121.9 Transports interurbaina at ruraux per sutocar. 508 73 120.5 115.9 118.2 115.0 113.7 117.8 110.8 116.3 114.3 114.6 102.6 102.3 104.5 108.0 109.3 119.7 93.6 112.3 108.1 Reseaux de transports urbains .........509 74 106,5 138.1 140.0 137.9 132.2 135.1 127.1 138.0 119.9 124.3 116.9 123.3 113.7 125.7 111.3 123.1 106.6 123.8 108.7 130.0 137.4 139.2 Transports par pipeline ..............515 75 95.0 102.2 89.3 99.6 99.0 106.2 100.0 123.1 119.1 132.9 125.6 139.3 133.6 149.0 120.1 119.6 139.5 139.6 138.1 130.2 115.1 Entrepoasge ........................... 7:02 76 72.7 72.9 62.5 69.4 75.3 76.6 77.1 103.1 103.1 117.7 111.0 125.6 120.9 136.6 103.0 93.7 130.0 121.3 125.4 115.2 94.5 Silos é grain .........................524 187.8 201.6 194.1 207.4 196.0 209.3 196.8 208.2 197.6 211.7 202.4 216.3 197.1 212.6 201.6 216.8 203.0 220.8 204.4 206.5 201.4 Communications ....................... 7:03 204,2 207.4 209.9 208.6 181.8 198.9 167.5 167.8 151.9 148.9 145.2 142.4 141.7 142.6 145.9 146.1 147.0 150.6 159.2 179.1 192.6 203.6 208.9 206.4 208.0 183.1 201.4 169.9 171.7 158.2 156.9 155.9 152.0 153.2 154.7 159.2 159.3 158.5 162.9 189.3 186.1 242.3 232.0 267.6 246.0 196.4 213.0 167.2 1566 120.4 103.5 84.7 83.6 74.2 69.6 70.7 68.6 82.6 80.6 109.0 117.0 118.1 128.4 128.4 137.5 134.4 142.9 139.5 149.1 144.3 156.1 148.2 143.3 137.0 144.8 141.2 150.6 146.1 110.7 110.4 127.1 127.7 134.5 136.5 136.2 132.5 139.0 135.4 148.2 140.0 134.0 123.6 136.8 133.1 110.5 112.2 127.8 131.4 139.8 142.6 142.0 139.7 145.5 143.6 155.5 148.5 139.7 129.7 121.4 123.4 129.4 128.9 139.6 132.8 147.7 144.5 156.2 150.5 161.6 153.9 109.3 107.8 116.8 110.8 108.5 111.4 114.0 114.6 116.9 118.8 103.1 107.7 107.8 107.5 123.9 118.2 133.2 130.5 1: 116.8 117.1 138.6 133.0 92.4 91.1 163.2 170.1 p - 1) - - 374 63 375 114 Fabricanta de savon et de pro. duits de nettoyage. 376 65 Fabricants de produits chimiques industriele. 378 66 5:20 67 BATIMENT E'I' TRAVAUX PUBLICS .. 6 613 TRANSPORTS, ENTREPOSAGE ET COMMUNICATIONS. 7:01-03 69 . Industries manufacturières diverses. Transports ............................ 73)1 501:502 70 71 78 7:04 79 197.9 Energie elect.rique ..................... 572 80 157.4 187.9 Distribution de gao .....................574 81 149.0 151.4 165.2 150.2 138.2 144.5 137.7 129.5 142.6 140.4 158.1 146.4 150.6 142.3 131.6 Groesistes ............................ 84 149.7 146.4 150.4 146.8 150.9 151.7 152.2 160.9 190.2 COMMERCE DE DETAIL ............. 8:02 85 122.5 118.9 116.7 114.1 114.3 115.8 117.7 114.6 114.6 115.4 125.1 Magasina d'alimentation ................ 86 140.3 135.9 138.0 135.7 130.5 128.3 141.7 133.1 149.0 148.9 148.3 181.1 240.6 Magasina de marchandisea diverses ...... 87 150.2 147.8 157.0 153.0 154.6 154.9 146.9 146.5 157.2 148.3 169.4 171.8 165.6 205.7 290.2 Grands magasina ...................... 88 99.0 93.1 104.3 101.2 112.1 106.9 109.7 103.0 102.7 97.5 115.4 107.4 114.5 110.1 119.0 139.4 156.3 Autrea magasina de marebandisea diveraee. 89 195.9 175.1 204.1 185.6 216.2 180.0 221.3 185.9 187.3 170.6 174.9 167.7 169.4 170.8 192.9 168.6 132.2 Dét.aillanta an vCbiculea auto mobiles. 90 ENERGIE ELECTRIQUE. GAZ 911' EAU COMMERCE ........................... 8 COMMERCE DE GROS .............. . 8:01 142 83 - 12 - TABLE 2. Indexes of Reil Domestic Product, by Months (1970 S.I.C. - Concludcil Indexes: 1971 = 100 Seasonally adjusted S.I.C. Industry 1971 weight Year - - Pondération 1971 Annee - Désaisonnalisis --- Jan. Feb. Janc. Fes'. - Mar. Apr. . - - Mars Act. Mai Juin - May -June July Aug. Juill. AoOt Sept. Oct. Nov. [Sc No. 91 .. Clothing stores ..................... .434 1979 1980 136.6 139.2 131.8 132.9 141.1 134.2 138.7 138.6 140,3 138.3 111.5 141.8 141.5 139.7 147.0 140.0 140.1) 142.3 139.6 1:16.0 142.5 92 •. Hardware stores .................... .101 1979 1980 111.8 115.7 112.6 118.5 118.4 113.5 115.7 117.2 117.0 116.0 117.8 109.5 118.5 107.5 118.3 107.9 117.1 107.3 116.2 116.7 118.0 93 .. Furniture, television, radio and appliance stores. .216 1979 1980 179.0 181.0 178.3 173.9 217.4 162.8 162.1 160.2 173.2 171.4 174.2 169.1 172.1 177.3 176.7 166.2 175.7 172.1 174.6 172.9 169.5 94 .. Drug stores ........................ .301 1979 1980 181.6 188.3 178.9 182.9 179.9 186.2 178.9 181.0 182.9 187.3 181.5 180.7 183.8 186.1 182.8 189.1 180.4 188.0 182.1 182.6 18:1.:) 95 9 FINANUF., INSURANCE AND REAL. ESTATE. 11.853 1979 1980 150.5 157.8 150.6 158.6 151.2 158.9 151.4 159.2 152.2 159.0 153.4 159.8 154.3 160.5 155.3 160.4 155.3 160.0 156.1 155.7 155.7 96 10 COMMUNITY. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. 19.539 1979 1981) 136.6 138.9 136.4 137.6 137.2 141.2 136.9 141.7 136.9 141.8 136.7 141.5 137.3 141.7 137.7 141.9 138.5 141.9 139.5 139.5 139.5 97 10:01 Education and related services 6.478 1979 1980 106.4 103.5 107.7 98.4 107.7 108.2 107.7 108.8 107.5 108.7 106.3 107.6 107.0 108.2 107.2 108.3 107.0 108.2 107.6 107.5 1070 98 10:02 Health and welfare services ...........5.318 1979 1980 1:11.7 135.8 131.6 136.5 131.9 137.0 132.3 137.5 132.5 138.1 133.2 138.7 133.5 139.4 133.8 140.1 134.2 140.5 134.4 134.9 135.2 99 1004 Amusement and recreation services ... .536 1979 1980 194.4 197.7 196.5 189.6 196.2 192.1 191.8 198.1 187.8 204.1 187.6 193.8 186.5 193.7 186.4 194.6 187.8 196.0 192.8 192.4 193.0 100 10:05 Services to business management 2.373 1979 1981) 214.7 226.5 214.5 232.4 215.1 230.2 214.8 2:11.1 216.5 229.4 216.3 228.9 217.6 228.1 219.4 227.3 221.1 225.6 225.6 224.5 225.5 101 10:06 Personal services .....................1.021 1979 1980 112.6 115.5 112.6 116.0 112.3 116.5 112.4 116.9 112.2 117.0 111.8 117.2 112.4 117.4 112.6 117.5 113.5 117.7 114.0 114.6 102 10:07 Accommodation and food services 2,588 1979 1980 147.6 148.2 143.3 144.8 147.7 148.3 145.3 148.1 144.5 148.2 144.8 149.2 145.0 147.8 144.7 148.6 148.0 149.2 148.2 148.3 1 103 Ii PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE. 7.425 1979 1984) 128.7 127.9 129.1 128.0 129.1 128.2 128.6 128.4 128.5 128.1 128.6 127.9 129.4 128.7 129.0 128.8 128.8 128,11 127.0 127.9 I: 104 4;5;7:04 Index of industrial production ......... 211.23)1 1979 1980 1:43.8 1:14.0 133.9 134.1 134.8 136.6 133.4 13:4.6 134.9 130.8 133.6 129.7 135.7 129.5 135.9 131.0 137.6 1:13.4 137.0 136.2 133.8 105 2-11 Real domestic product less sgricul. tore. 96.629 1979 1980 37.7 139.7 13714 139.7 :49.:) 141.)) 138.3 139.9 1:19.2 1:48.7 139.2 137.8 140.3 138.7 140.8 139.4 141.2 140.3 141.1) 140.5 139.7 106 I-6;7:04 Goods-producing industries ............ 40.572 1979 1980 129.5 129.5 129.4 129.6 130.3 131.1 129.1 128.7 1:40.5 125.9 129.6 12:1.7 131.0 124.4 131.4 125.5 132.3 127.5 132.1 1:41.7 129.7 107 2.6:7:04 Goods-producing industries less agriculture. 37.201 1979 198(4 131.3 131.0 131.2 131.1 1:12.1 1:12.7 131.2 130.0 132,8 127.0 131.9 124.7 133.4 125.4 133.7 126.7 134.6 129.0 1:14.1) 133.3 131.2 LOS 7:0103:8-I1 Service-producing industries ........... 428 1979 1980 41.7 145.1 141.9 145.1 14:4.8 146.:) 142.7 146.1 143.1 146.0 143.8 146.0 144.6 146.9 145.2 147.3 145.:) 1-17.3 1.15.:) 144.9 145.0 1014 Commercial industries ................ 81.31)8 1979 1980 140.8 113.1 140.7 143.7 142.6 144.5 141.1 14:1.2 142.2 141.7 142.4 140.7 14:4.4 141.6 144.1 142.l 144.6 14:4.3 14.1.1; 144.1 143.2 110 Commercial industries less agricul. lure. 77.937 1979 1980 142.1 144.7 142.1 145.1 144.0 145.9 142.7 144.4 143.8 142.9 144.0 141.9 145.1 142.8 145.7 143.6 146.3 144.7 146.1 115.4 144.5 Ill Non-commercial industries ............ 18.692 1979 1980 119.3 118.8 119.9 117.2 120.0 120.8 119.9 121.1 119.7 121.1 119.2 120.8 120.1 121.4 120.0 121.6 120.0 121.8 119.7 119.8 119.7 11.324 1979 1980 1:11.9 133.4 131.5 13).3 1:44.0 136.5 132.7 133.5 133.0 1:41.9 133.5 131.5 1:13.2 129.7 134.8 130.8 136.2 132.7 136.1 135.6 133.9 11.429 1979 1980 136.3 1:11.6 135.9 132.5 1:16.3 1,13.5 131.9 128.8 136.2 124.2 131.9 122.0 1:4:1.8 122.6 13:4.4 125.6 136.2 129.3 136.1 1:14.4 131.8 71914 1979 1980 154.6 162.4 154.5 163.5 455.2 163.8 154.7 163.7 156.1 163.3 158.0 164.9 159.1 164.9 160.5 164.8 160.1 164.0 161.1 1611.2 160.2 I SPECIAL INDUSTRY GROUPINGS: 112 5:01-07:10; 11:18-20 Non-durable manufacturing industries 113 5:08:09:12. Durable manufacturing industries Finance, insurance and real estate lens imputed rents and royalties. , hEAt 2. Indices du produil inlérieur ri*l per mois 4C.A.E. 1970) - (iii I I I Indices: 1971 = 100 .c.s,naI udjustreent Nun desaisonnalisês lan. Feb. (any Fey. I I Mar. Apr. May June Mars Avr. Mai Juin I I I ndust ne July Aug. Juill. AoOt Sept. I Oct. I Nov. I I C.A.H. Des'. 113.0 115.1 96.5 97.3 116.4 110.6 129.8 129.7 137.7 135.8 144.9 145.1 125.7 124.2 134.9 128.9 147.2 149.9 143.2 156.2 233.6 Magasins de vCtements .............. .. ...91 78.0 80.5 78.6 82.6 87.1 83.6 106.9 108.3 140.0 138.8 143.1 133.0 133.6 121.2 121.9 111.1 120.4 110.2 119.2 123.0 151.7 Quincailleriev ......................... ... 92 150.3 152.0 154.4 150.5 195.2 146.2 154.9 153.1 166.8 164.7 181.6 176.5 176.0 181.2 188.1 173.1 190.3 186.3 181.9 190.4 190.2 Maasins de meubles, de 1818. viseurs, de radios et dappareils menagers. 170.7 176.9 180.2 184.0 172.0 177.8 171.7 173.5 175.9 180.2 1&17 182.9 173,3 179.2 175.9 182.0 178.5 186.1 177.2 182.6 237.6 Pharmacim ........................... 148.9 156.5 50.7 159.0 151.3 159.1 150.2 157.7 151.6 158.5 154.8 161.3 154.4 160.7 154.8 160.0 456.0 160.8 156.2 156.2 156.1 FINANCES, ASSCRANCk'.S El' A}'FAII{ES IMMUHIL1ERES. 9 95 135.5 137.8 137.6 138.5 139.3 143.3 137.8 142.6 138.1 14:1.0 139.3 144.1 131.6 136.0 131.3 135.5 140.7 144.3 141.7 142.0 137.8 SERVICES SOCIO-CULTURELS. COMMERCIAUX ET PERSONNELS. 10 941 112.3 109.3 116.0 106.1 116.8 117.4 115.4 116.5 112.9 114.2 107.1 108.3 81.4 82.3 76.9 77.8 107.1 108.4 113.9 116.3 110.4 Enseignement et services annexes ...... ..10:01 97 131.1 135.2 131.1 135.9 131.5 136.5 131.7 136.9 132.6 138.1 134.2 139.7 135.0 141.0 134.7 141.0 134.3 140.6 134.0 134.4 134.7 Services medicaux et suelaux ........... 10:02 98 174.5 177.3 180.6 174.4 181.2 177,7 176.2 182.1 190.6 203.9 208.6 215.3 218.3 226.8 216.6 226.6 192.8 201.5 192.8 183.2 173.7 Divertixaement,a ci loisira ............... 10:04 99 211.3 222.9 214.1 231.9 216.6 231.9 214.1 230.4 215.0 227.8 216.8 229.4 219.3 230.1 223.0 230.9 223.8 228.1 225.6 225.4 220.7 S.rvicu fournis aux entreprixes ........ ..10:05 100 :12.9 115.7 112.4 115.8 111.8 115.9 112,3 116.8 112.5 117.4 112.8 118.4 112.4 117.5 1124 117.4 113.1 117.2 114.0 114.5 115.1 Services pernonnels .................... 10:06 101 1:13.7 34,2 136.8 138.4 143.7 144.3 138.2 141.0 140.3 143.9 154.7 159.4 154.4 157.1 159.9 164.2 160.9 163,2 149.0 147.0 136.2 Hebergement at restauration ............ 10:07 102 I 24.9 24,1 126.0 124.9 127.0 12(u) 126.2 125.8 129.5 128.9 132.8 132.8 136.1 136.3 134.5 1343 129.6 129.S 126.1 125.5 124.4 127.6 127.8 141.3 141.0 140.5 142.8 135.2 135.0 135.4 130.4 140.5 135.4 120.1 115.4 126.4 122.3 141.3 136.8 140.8 143.6 127.2 129.3 131.1 136.2 137.9 138.2 140.4 137.4 138.8 139.9 139.2 145.3 1433 136.5 135.3 139.1 137.9 145.6 144.4 144.6 144.6 114.8 115.0 125.5 125.4 125.5 125.5 131.4 130.7 132.7 127.6 129.8 122.2 118.2 113.7 123.7 117.9 185.2 179.0 131.6 120.9 120.5 132.8 132.1 132.6 133.7 129.13 1219 1:32.2 126.0 140.3 131.8 125.1 118.0 131.2 124.1 142.2 135.9 1:44.5 137.8 138.3 141.5 141.7 144.6 142.4 145.5 144.7 147.5 148.5 150.6 143.7 146.1 144.1 146.4 128.1 130.7 135.9 138.8 138.2 140.1 141.8 143.4 143.9 143.1 145.3 142.7 137.6 136.8 131.6 1:14.0 139.8 142.6 142.1 144.6 141.3 142.7 144.2 143.0 151.0 148.1 119,5 118.9 121.2 118.3 121.9 122.8 121.2 122.4 121.9 12:3.3 120.3 121.8 1:35.4 136.8 136.9 1:49.0 134.0 134.8 124.2 119.8 140.8 136.8 143.7 140.8 152.3 160.7 154.4 163.9 155.1 163.8 .. 93 ... 9-I II 103 Indice de Ia production industnielle ... 4:5:7:04 104 137.8 I'roduit intérieur reel sans I'agniculture. 2.11 105 131.9 115.7 Industries productrices tie biens.... ... ... 1-6:7:04 1043 140,7 140.5 122.6 Indu8tries productrices de biena sane lagriculture. 2-6:7:04 107 147.6 149.8 147.0 147.1 147.4 Industries productrices de services 7:01-03:8-I1 108 141.2 139.7 172.6 170.7 1453 145.4 138.0 Industries commerciales 109 141.8 139.9 145.5 14:3.6 151.5 149.7 150.2 150.0 142.3 Industries commerciales vans I'agriculture. 110 121.8 123.4 114.6 116.1 112.2 113.7 120.6 122.4 121.3 121.8 119.2 Industries non commerciales Ill 1:14.5 132.8 143.1 139.7 121.1 119.0 132.8 128.2 143.7 139.9 141.4 141.5 121.2 Industries manufacluriercs de biena non durables. 5:01 07:10: 111820 112 136.4 132.9 140.1 127.1 144.7 133.4 115.4 106.4 118.2 113.3 144.6 137.3 142.2 144.3 119.9 Industries manuIactuniCres de bien,, durables. 5:08:09:12 17 113 153.4 169.0 156.2 163.3 160.5 167.7 160.0 165.9 160.0 164.5 161.3 165.3 160.8 160.1 159.6 Finances, assurances ci alfaires immol,ili8res sans Ic Ioyer impute el redevances. ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUF. El' DEFENSE. AGRECA'rs SPECIAUX: - 14 - TABLE 3. Real Domestic Product by Industry, by Quarters (1970 S.l.C.l TABLEAU 3. Produit intérieur rid, par industrie et par trimestre (C.A.E. 19Th Indexes - 1971=100 - Indices S.I.0 - C.A.E. 1-I1 Industry - Industrie REAL POMESTIC PRODUCT - PRODUIT INTERIEUR REEL. 1971 weight - Pondération 1971 Seasonally adjusted Without sCasofla! adjustment Désaisonnalises Non désaisonnalisés - Year .\nnéc I II UI - IV I II III IV 100.000 1979 1980 137.3 139.2 137.8 137.9 139.6 138.5 139.5 131.6 133.4 139.6 139.3 144.0 143.1 1389 I AGRICULTURE - AGRICULTURE 3.371 1979 1980 109.7 112.8 104.9 113.4 105.5 112.3 112.4 46.7 47.0 102.1 107.4 247.7 256.6 36.1 2 FORESTRY - FORETS ...................802 1979 1981) 125.5 124.8 131.4 104.6 117.9 102.0 121.6 118.1 118.6 111.3 87.7 129.2 112.5 134.7 3 FISHIN( AND TRAPPING - CHASSE ET PECHE. .178 1979 1980 122.4 138.4 128.7 114.5 127.1 100.6 148.2 51.6 46.0 171.1 141.3 208.6 183.2 98.6 4 MINES (including milling!. QUARRIES 3.819 1979 1980 110.9 118.6 113.8 120.9 122.8 119.9 118.7 110.5 118.0 114.0 121.2 118.6 114.6 122.1 1.584 1979 1980 80.6 96.5 80.0 98.6 101.9 91.8 97.8 78.7 94.5 82.3 101.2 100.1 88.3 97.9 4:01 ANI) WELLS Oil. - MINES ly compris broyage), CAIIRIERES ET PUITS DR PETROLE. Metal mines - Mines metalliques 05I;052 Placer gold and gold quartz mines Places dor Ct mines de quartz aurifere. .059 1979 1980 57.0 53.5 58.5 55.0 56.3 56.2 60.7 577 14.1 58.6 55.0 54.3 52.6 61.9 058 Iron mines - Mines de fer.............302 1979 1980 115.4 113.9 115.6 114.2 129.1 93.2 117.2 96.2 92.5 119.4 117.8 141.5 103.2 120.8 057059 Other metal mines - Autres mines ntetalliques. ..223 1979 1980 73.1 94.2 72.3 96.8 97.4 93.1 94.8 75.4 97.0 74.2 99.3 92.0 86.3 93.9 1.192 1979 1980 124.5 122.0 129.7 124.7 128.3 127.4 122.0 127.9 125.2 126.3 121.1 120.4 120.0 .113 1979 1980 223.8 204.6 253.7 268.1 260.7 296.0 229.0 229.7 209.7 259.1 281.9 242.2 284.4 1.379 1979 1980 116.4 115.2 119.6 113.0 117.5 113.5 113.2 119.6 118.3 115.4 108.0 110.5 106.5 363 1979 1980 127.2 135.5 133.4 136.5 134.0 141.6 132.6 129.1 136.5 136.2 139.3 122.4 124.3 .169 1979 1980 92.3 95.5 96.2 84.7 93.0 91.1 95.6 88.6 90.7 99.2 87.5 93.4 91.8 96.2 MANIFACTURINC INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES MANUFACTURIERES. 22.753 1979 1980 134.3 133.5 133.2 128.6 134,6 128.4 134.7 133.6 132.5 138.8 133.4 129.2 124.0 135.1 Food and beverage industries Industrie des aliments Cl boissons. 3.107 1979 1980 119.0 121.8 118.9 123.0 117.9 119.2 121.6 108.8 110.9 123.9 126.5 124.9 125.1 119.8 4:02 Minersl fuels - Combustibles minéraux. 061 Coal mines - Mines de charbon 064 Crude petroleum and natural gas industry - Industrie do petrole brut el do tat nature!. 4:03 071 5 5:01 Non-metal mines (except coal minest Mines non mstalliques )sauf mines de charbon). Asbgstos mines - Mines d'amiante ... 129 101 Meat and poultry products industries Industrie de Ia viande et de Ia volaille. .476 1979 1980 127.3 131.7 129.7 139.5 131.1 139,0 130.4 126.7 131.)) 128.8 139.5 129.4 136.1 133.6 104 1)airv products industry - InduaInc laitière. .387 1979 1980 110.6 113.9 107.2 111.6 108.2 112.5 112.7 99.9 lt .7 ItS.)! 23.3 117.3 121.9 1)13.0 105 Flour and breakfast cereal products industry - Meunerie ci fabrication de céréales de table. .064 1979 1980 95.5 101.1 1013 100.8 99.4 98.5 989 95.7 100.6 981 95.8 98.5 96.7 11)4.9 106 Feed industry - Fabrication daliments pour len animaux .168 1979 1980 109.8 11511 110.3 117.7 111.1 117.3 112.7 110.1 115.6 112.3 119.8 107.2 113.1 114.2 107 Bakery products industries Boulangerie Ct pétisserie (fabrication), .345 1979 1980 95,2 94.8 95.1 96.5 93.5 97.9 93.5 91.4 91.3 96.5 98.0 95.1 99.2 94.1 109 Beverage industries Industrie des boissons. .727 1979 1980 1:10.:) 111.1 129.7 132.6 129.4 127.1 134.5 115.4 120.0 138.5 139.2 134.3 136.9 143.4 138.4 142.1 122.5 134.5 136.9 143.7 145.8 125.3 135.3 106.9 112.3 158.7 127:3 125.7 1092 1093 5:02 Distilleries - Distilleries .232 1979 1980 Breweries - Brasseries ........... .283 1979 147 1 128.6 9110 1100 128.4 133.5 125,0 120.3 132.6 105.3 1)2.5 145.8 149.2 147.1 129.5 191141 979 1102 1193 119.8 122.2 117.3 122.1 114.8 128.8 133.4 128.5 129.2 93.7 94.5 Tobacco products industries Industrie du tabac. .212 5:03 Rubber and plastics products industries - Industrie du caoutchouc et des produits en matilre plastique. .650 1979 1980 170.5 158.6 172.4 148.2 176.4 145.5 166.7 177.8 164.8 183.6 158.1 l!' 129 162 Rubber products industries . Industrie den produits en caootc bony. .387 1979 1980 151.2 1:1:1.5 152.2 126.0 15:18 lIT 1 144.4 163+1 144 2 160. 12 132.8 7 \IILE 3. Real Dl mestic Pr duct I I I 'III EAL 3. Prodi iii inhirieu - reel, per indusi, se Cl par II ilnestre (C - ('on linued U. 1970) - suile ndexes - 1971 - IC 3 - Indices S.I.C. Industry CE. Indust Tie 1971 weight PondCration 1971 Seasonall Year I adjusted " 1)ènais nnalisès 1Ann& ithout sea& nal adjustin tnt Non dèsa isnnaliaès IV III lv 5:04 Leather industries - Industrie du cuir. .206 1979 1980 110.4 105.8 110.8 105.2 112.0 107.6 105,2 (013 1)1 4 11)1.7 105.1) 115.9 111.1 106.2 506 Textile industries - Industrie textile. .769 1979 1980 134.2 130.8 134.4 123.7 137.9 128.5 1:14 7 139:) 1)78 I 21.8 128.8 12(1.1 134.9 5:06 Knitting mills - Bonnelerie ......... .205 1979 1980 108.3 09.9 113.7 109.2 110.8 116.0 108.7 11:1.5 110.2 110.6 115.7 110.9 5:07 Clothing industries - Industrie de l'hahillement. .742 1979 1980 127.8 112.7 128.0 111.0 127.1 115.4 1224 :148 118.2 124.1 107.5 129.9 120.2 116.5 5:08 Wood industries - Induatrie tlu bole .968 1979 1980 142.2 141.7 147.9 133.8 145.6 140.1 141.)) 144.)) 14:).:) 156.4 141.3 139.8 134:4 137.2 251 Sawmills, planing mills and shingle mills Scieries. ate11cm de rabotage et usines de bardeaux. .546 1979 1980 149.3 153.5 157.9 146.5 154.0 152.2 154.2 160.1 164.6 164.0 151.9 142.0 140.4 150.1 252 Veneer and plywood mills Fabriques de placages at de contra-plaques. • 145 1979 1980 131.5 114.1 136.2 113.0 128.7 121.1 11(5.2 134.2 116.3 148.2 124.1 117.3 110.9 108.1 5:09 Furniture and fixture industnes Induatrie du meuble et des articles d'ameublement. .420 1979 1980 116.9 114.6 119.6 113.8 116.1 113.6 111.6 115.8 113.3 121.3 115.6 109.6 107.0 117.5 5:10 Paper and allied industries Industrie du papier at actiVitS coflnexea. 1.841 1979 1980 132.9 138.5 131.4 133.3 133.0 128.5 13,5.0 133.0 138.7 136.1 137.6 129.1 124.8 1:4:441 1.324 1979 1984) 135.0 141.5 134.1 137.7 134.3 130.6 135.5 1:14.4) 140.6 1:48.:) 141.5 130.6 127.1 136,5 Printing, publishing and allied industries - Irnprinierie edition at activitès connexes. 1.123 1979 1981 1:18.9 150.5 139.9 151.3 145.2 152.4 150.3 136.2 147.4 144.1 156(1 1:45.9 145.6 155.5 Primary metal industries Premiere tranalormation dee mitaux. 1.976 1979 1980 124.8 129.9 120.7 122.5 120.8 121.2 129,7 130.0 135.4 127.1 128.4 111.4 114.2 127,4 Pulp and paper mills - Ilaines de pates at papiers. I I Industry, by Quarts re (1970 S. 291 Iron and steel mills SidCrurgie. .940 1979 1980 143.6 150.6 139.4 138.l 147.2 130.5 147.8 148.1 155.4 146.8 144.5 138.0 127.2 144.3 292 Steel pipe and tube mills Fabriques de tubes et tuysos d'acier. .090 1979 1980 113.9 118.5 114.3 112.0 136.5 123.1 131.8 123.1 1284 12)4.4 118.0 123.0 111.1 129.9 294 Iron foundries - Fonderies de far .138 1979 1980 129.1 101.9 126.0 103.5 114.1 90.4 15)0.9 1:15.1 1)541.4 130.8 107.5 97.1 107,5 295 Smelting and refining - Fone et atfinage. .615 1979 1980 90.9 105.6 87.1 108.1 76.2 116.2 104.1 9413) 111.5 89.8 111.8 70.5 107.4 103.2 5:13 Metal fabricating industries except machiners' and transportation equipment industries) Fabrication de produits en metal (asuf machines at èquipement de transport). 1.957 1979 1980 123.5 135.2 125.7 125.7 129.8 122.6 131.9 119.3 130.6 128.7 128.9 129.8 121.3 133,2 5:14 Machinery industries (except electrical machinery) - Fabrication de machines (sauf electnquaa). 1,001 1979 1980 173.1 180.6 173.1 180.3 186.9 179.1 194.4 173.5 182.6 183.3 190.7 172.6 164.9 '941.7 5:15 Transportation equipment industries - Fabrication d'equi. pement de transport. 2.571 1979 1980 155.1 121.7 138.7 109.2 133.5 113.6 126.7 162.5 127.7 152.8 119.6 112.7 99.0 126.5 .292 1979 1981) 142.5 171.0 147.8 176.6 159.8 187.2 162,0 145.7 174.9 1487 177.8 15:1.0 179.2 164.2 1.035 1979 1984) 173.8 127.3 152.9 115.4 149.3 123.1 137.8 184.5 137.4 179.6 136.5 113.0 96.0 1:17.2 321 Aircraft and sircraft parts manu. facturers - Fabricants d'aCronefs at de pièces. 323:324 Motor vehicle and truck body and trailer manufacturers - Fabricents de vChicules automobiles et de carrnsaeriea de camiona et remorque.a. 325 Motor vehicle parts and accessories manufacturers - Fabricanta de pièces et accessoiree d'automobiles. .836 1979 1980 156,4 98.0 130.9 77.1 117.3 80.7 108.9 167.8 105.6 141.0 82.8 100.2 71.7 105.8 Railroad rolling stock industry Fabricants de materiel (errovisire roulant. .129 1979 1980 156.8 170.0 145.7 141.4 139.3 132.3 144.2 152.0 164.5 143.1 138.8 1:19.4 1:12.5 151.0 Shipbuilding and repair Cons truction at reparation de navirea. .167 1979 1980 111.3 117.3 110.7 113.8 109.2 113.5 111.0 110.3 116.3 111.8 115.0 109.6 113.8 110.3 - 16 - TABLE 3. Rail Domeatic Product by Industry, by Quirters (1970 S.I.C.) TABLEAU 3. Produit intirieur rEel, par industrie Indexes S.I.C. - 5:16 1971100 1971 weight Year Industry - C.A.E. - - Industrie - Pondé. Annte ration 1971 Electrical products industries Fabrication de produits 81cc triques. et par trimesire - Continued - (C.A.E. 1970) - Suilc Indices Seasonally adjusted Without seasonal adjustment - - Dtsaisonnalin4s Non desaisonnalisés I II III IV I II III IV 1.631 1979 1980 123.8 128.0 125.3 124.4 128.3 123.8 126.0 123.6 127.9 125.4 125.0 121.1 117.1 133.2 332 Manufacturers of major appliances (electric and non-eectric) Fabricants de gros appareils (electriques ou non). .171 1979 1980 134.9 121.6 137.4 125.6 127.2 119.3 120.5 137.5 125.4 141.8 129,8 113.4 101.6 127.5 734 Manufacturers of household radio and television receivers Fabricants de radiorecepteurs at de téléviseurs ménagers. .121 1979 1980 75.0 121.0 101.6 130.5 129.9 139.5 113.1 64.9 112.8 93.1 119.0 119.0 132.6 142.9 335 Communications equipment manufacturers Fabricants d'équipement de tdlécommunication. 515 1979 1980 124.9 134.3 124.8 136.6 127.1 136.3 133.0 124.3 133.6 123.9 135.7 127.6 136.8 134.1, 336 Manufacturers of electrical industrial equipment - Fabricants d'équipement electriqur industriel. .324 1979 1980 127.9 13:3.4 128.7 135.)) 1:154 1:1:13 132.9 132.1 137.7 129.9 141.6 122.1 1204 141.5 .905 1979 1980 118.1 116.8 I 23.2 109 126.9 112.8 120.5 94.6 93.9 130.7 116.3 138.4 126.2 .134 1979 1980 141.9 143.0 12.9 129,3 154.3 133.1 190.2 82.7 82.2 1593 145.7 193.7 167.) 155.8 .184 1979 1980 76.1 83.9 104.3 91.1 105.2 97.8 92.1 48.5 56.9 113.4 99.7 12 1979 1980 101.9 98.0 107.3 95.9 121.5 108.5 107.8 51.1 54.4 121.9 107.8 15 5:17 Non-metallic mineral products industries - Fabrication de produits minéraux non metal liques. 352 Cement manufacturers de ciment. 354 Concrete products manufacturers Fabricants de produits en beton. 355 Ready-mix concrete manufacturers - Fabricants de béton préparé. .127 5:18 Petroleum and coal products industries Fabrication de produila du petrole et du chsrbon. .394 1979 1981) 141.5 145.9 141.5 140.4 142.4 142.7 146.3 144.5 149.1 136.4 134.3 141.4 5:19 Chemical and chemical products industries - Industrie chimique 1.362 1979 1980 147.5 156.6 146.8 152.1 152.2 150.7 154.0 149.1 158.8 154.1 158.5 145.0 144.8 151.9 .218 1979 1980 159.9 168.8 16.1.8 652 169.3 164.3 164.4 166.2 174.8 166.4 166.8 595 1519 1315.1 .112 1979 1980 129.0 127.9 125 121.0 12S,0 117.)) 1230 119.9 119.4 I-13.9 137.7 113,5 Ills IllS - Fabricant.s 123.4 - II 1.5 141.5 374 Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medicines - Fabricants de produits pharmaceutiques ci de médicaments. 375 Paint and varnish manufacturers Fabricants de peintures et vernis. 376 Manufacturers of soap and cleaning compounds - Fabricants de saxon et de produits de nettovage. .127 1979 1980 151.8 148.3 134.1 136.5 136.1 132.5 144.7 161.4 158.1 139.5 141.9 124.6 1211.9 142.7 378 Manufacturers of industrial chemicals - Fabricants de produits chimiques industriels. .464 1979 1980 143.2 158.4 142.9 156.3 153.8 161).:) 158.2 149.4 165.3 145.8 157.5 143.9 ITt:).)) 1582 .713 1979 1980 132.4 129.1 141.2 132.0 145.6 1:11.6 135.7 129.0 126.1 142.9 13:3.9 14:1.8 1:31.6 156.5 5:20 - Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Industries mansfacturières diverses. 6 ('ONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY . BATIMENT El' TR.-t.VAI,X l't'FiI.ICS. 6.990 1979 1980 121.5 118.6 123.9 113.0 125.3 112.7 121.9 99.7 96.8 122.7 111.8 146.0 131.0 124.6 7:0103 TRANSPOlTl'ATION, SIOR.A(E AND COMMI'Nl('ATION TRANSPORI'S. ENTREPO)-1AGE FT ('OMMINICArtoNs. 9.050 1979 1980 153.8 160.0 155.6 160.5 158.4 163.5 1591 147.3 153.8 158.3 163.2 163.2 168.6 157.5 5.991 1979 1980 136.4 138.9 137.8 136.3 140.4 )40.3 159.9 128.4 151.6 141.2 141.7 147.3) 147.5 137.0 .671 1979 1980 214.9 227.6 229.7 234.7 239.0 2491 237.1 206.6 218.4 231.2 236.5 285.2 296.8 198.8 1.815 1979 1980 126.4 127.1 128.1 122.3 130.6 122.4 1:111.8 124.3 125.1 133.3 127.2 128.3 120.3 .1189 1979 1980 110.2 124.4 121.0 127.6 126.5 127.3 1199 91.7 103.4 119.2 126.9 159.8 161.1 7:1)1 Transportation Transports ----------- - 901:50 2 Air transport and services mcidental to air transport - Trans ports aériens et services stixilisires des transports aCriens. 503 Railway transport ferroviaires. 5014 tIns transport, interurban and rural .. Transports interurbains et ruraux par autocar, - Transports - 17 - p stIlE 3. Real Domestic Product by Indusir>, by Quarters 11970 SiC.) - Continued I \t(l.EAU 3. Produit intérieur net, par industnie el par trimestre (C.A.E. 1970) - suite Indexes - 1971- 100 - Induces SIC. C.A.E. Seasonally adjusted Without seasonal adjustment Désaisonnalises Non d4sajsonnaIiss I 11 III 1 IV I II IN I IV 309 I 'chin transit systems Résestix de triespuls irhalos. .250 1979 1980 113.7 108.3 111.6 114.9 114.1 117.5 102.2 118.2 112.5 112.9 116.2 105.5 110.0 104.7 515 Pipeline transport pipeline. .486 1979 1980 130.5 126.6 132.4 120.4 133.5 117.0 129.5 137.0 133.1 128.5 116.8 124,2 108.9 13.5.5 Entrepoasge .................. .258 1979 1981) 120.9 130.2 110.1 126.8 118.2 122.7 121.2 102.7 94.4 114.9 131.8 131,1 136.1 127.8 .177 1979 1980 107.6 111.9 90.1 108.2 100.0 98.5 102.6 70.2 73.0 97.1 115.5 118.0 117.2 111.7 2.801 1979 1980 194.0 207.8 198.1) 211.1 200.7 216.7 203.4 192.6 2181,1 198.9 212.1 200.6 216.7 204.1 2.658 1979 1981) 166.5 170.3 169,5 169.8 171.5 172.3 188.8 198.6 21)5.0 54.9 153.0 144.9 >46.4 177.0 2.093 1979 1980 171.5 176.6 175.7 176.6 179.0 179.9 175.5 1)177 2)81 1 161.3 160.2 157.0 159.)) 1844 .365 1979 1980 151.6 146.7 148.3 142.4 143.3 141.4 142.7 25)5.4 230.3 124.1 114.1) 75.8 72.9 151.4 COMMERCE .................. 11.565 1979 1980 l43.,5 142.6 144.4 140.0 146.8 141.9 143.7 127.6 127.0 149.4 144.0 146.2 141.4 153.2 71)2 524 7:03 7:04 Storage - Grain elevators Communication . Transport par Silos 8 grain - Communications - ELECTRIC POWER, (lAS AND WATER tOrILITIES - ENF.RG1E ELECTRI. QUE. GAZ ET EAU. Euieegie elec. 572 Electric power trique. 574 Ga distribution .. Distribution de gaz. 8 8:01 TRADE - - WHOI.ESAI,E TRADE - COMMERCE 4.756 1979 1980 132,9 133.4 135.5 131.4 138.5 129.6 136.0 24.1 124.9 141.1 136.)> 140.3 131.6 137.2 - Groasistes 3.943 1979 1980 137.5 140.3 140.0 137.4 143.4 135.2 141.0 126.0 128.8 147.7 143.9 146.8 1:18.8 141.5 6.805 1979 1980 150.9 149.1 150.6 146.0 152.5 150.4 149.0 130.1 128.4 155.2 149.6 150.3 148:1 167.8 Food stores - Magasins d'ali' mentation. 1.299 1979 1980 115.8 114.3 115.3 114.6 117.6 116.:) 115.1 111.5 110.)) 117.8 117.4 1102 1148 118.4 General merchandise stores . Msgaains de marchndises diverses. 1.413 1979 1980 142.1 141.7 144.1 141.0 146.4 142.6 145.4 111.6 111.1 137.2 134.0 1411.4 136.8 190.0 .889 1979 1980 1600 160.8 162.8 160.9 166.3 163.7 165.4 124.0 124.3 153.9 151.9 157.8 5.5.5 220.5 .524 1979 1981) 111.7 109.5 112.4 107.4 112.7 106.8 111.3 90.5 88.8 108.7 103.7 110.9 105.0 138.2 Motor vehicle deelers - Detail. lants en vehicule aulomot,iles. .811 1979 1980 182.3 179.7 179.5 154.4 182.4 174.5 173.4 163.1 159.8 21:1.9 18:1.8 177.2 169.7 164.6 Clothing stores vétements. .45)4 1979 1980 136,5 13.5.4 14)1.2 139.6 142.8 140.7 l:19..l 108.6 1)17.7 137.5 36.9 135.9 134.:> 177.7 flU 1979 1984) 1141) 115.9 116.8 114.2 118.1) 107.6 117.6 81.2 82.2 130.0 126.7 125.3 114.2 131.3 .2>41 1979 198)1 191.11 172.6 >69.8 166.9 174.8 171.9 172.3 166.6 149.6 167.8 1414.8 184.8 18)1.2 H; Pharmacies .............. .301 1979 980 180.1 185.8 181.1 183.1) 182.:) 187.7 182.7 174.3 179.6 177.1 178.9 754 182.1 11$ DE CR05. Wholesale merchants p p 1971 weight Year - Pondé. Annèe ration 1971 Induatry - Industrie RETAIL TRADE DETAIL. COMMERCE DE - Department stores magasins. . Grands Other general merchandise stores - Autres magasins de marchandisea diverses. Magasins de - Hardware stores - Quincaillerie.. ,.. Furniture, television, radio and appliance stores - Magasins dl' meubles, de téléviseurs, de radios et d'sppareils ménagers Drug stores I'll 1(1:01 - FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAl. ESTATE FINANCES, ASSURAN)'E' 'ST AFFAIHES IMMOBI. lIE I) ES 11.853 1979 1980 150.8 158.4 152.:1 159.3 155.1) 10).:) 155.8 150.3 158.2 152.2 159.2 155.1 100.5 156.2 11)51511 'Nl'l'V. BUSINESS .'hNl) PER11NAl. SERVICE INI)t'S'l'RIES s'IEI'IVICES So('Io.Ctl,'l'l:HEI.s, (')lSt\IFI(('lAtX ET PKRSONNEI.S. 19.539 1979 1980 136.7 139.2 136.8 1417 137 8 141$ 129.5 137.5 1:19.9 138.1 14:1.2 1:1.1.5 38.)) I Ill,:, .du:atnn and related services Enseignement el services annexes 6.478 1979 1980 107.3 103.4 107.2 11)8.4 11)7 I 1082 107.1 1151) 11)).9 111.8 113.0 885 89.7.. 5:118 1979 1980 131.7 136,4 132.7 138.1 133.8 140.0 134.8 131.2 135.9 132.8 138.2 134 2 140.9 1:144 .536 1979 1980 195.7 193.2 189.1 197.7 186.9 194.8 192.7 178.8 1711.5 191.8 200.4 209.2 218.3 1$:)2 2:173 1979 1980 214.8 229.7 215.9 229.8 219.4 22710 225.2 214.0 228.9 213.3 229.2 222.0 229.7 22:1.9 1.021 1979 1980 112.5 116.0 112.1 117.0 112.8 117.5 114.6 112.4 115.8 112.5 117.5 112.6 117.4 114.5 Health and welfare services Services medic'aux el siejaux. Amusement and recreation services 1)iventisnements et loisirs. Services to husiness management Services loomis sun entreprises. Perusnal services personnels. - Services - 135 - Is - TABLE 3. Real Domestic Product by Industry, by Quarters (1970 S.l.C.) - Concluded TABLEAU 3. Produit inlirieur reel, par industrie el par Irimestre C.A.E. 1970) - liii Indexes - 1971 100 - Indices S.I.C. - - C.A.E. 10-07 Industry 1971 weight Year - - Induatrie - Pondération 1971 \nnés Accommodation and mod aervices HSbergement at restauration. Seasonally adjusted SVith,ut seasonal adjustment DSsaisonnalises Non desaisonnalises I II III - IV I II III IV 2.588 1979 1980 146.2 147.1 144.9 148.5 145.9 148.5 148.1 138.1 139.0 144.4 148.1 158.4 161.5 144.1 7.425 1979 1980 129.0 128.0 128.4 128.1 129.1 128.8 127.8 126.0 125.0 129.5 129.2 133.4 1:13.5 125.3 Index of industrial production Indice de Is production indus. trielle. 29.230 1979 1980 134.2 134.9 134.0 131.4 136,4 131.3 1357 1313.5 1372 37.0 133,6 124.8 129.3 137.2 2.11 Real domestic product less agriculture - Produit intérieur reel sans I'agriculture. 96.629 1979 1980 138.3 140.1 138.9 138.8 140.8 139.5 140.4 13413 136.5 140.9 140.4 140.4 139.2 142.3 1-6:7:04 Goodn.producing industries Industries productrices de biens. 40.572 1979 1980 129.7 130.1 129.7 126.1 131.6 125.8 131.2 121.9 122.0 131.3 126.8 142.4 136.9 126.4 2-6:7:04 Goods-producing industries less agriculture - Industries pruductrices de biens sans l'agriculture. 37.201 1979 1980 131.5 131.6 132.0 127.2 133.9 127.0 132.8 128.8 128.8 133.9 128.6 132.8 126.0 134.6 7:01-03:8-Il Service-producing industries Industries productrices de services. 59.428 1979 1950 142.5 145.5 143.2 146.0 145.0 147.2 145.1 138.2 1413 145.2 147.9 145.1 147.4 147.2 Industries 81.308 1979 1980 141.4 143.9 141.9 141.9 144.0 142.4 144.0 134.1 136.5 143.7 143.1 150.5 149.1 I-I, Commercial industries less aricul• lure - Industries commerciales sans I'agriculture. 77.937 1979 1980 142.7 145.2 143.5 143.1 145.7 143.7 145.3 137.8 140.4 145.5 144.6 1413 14 Non-commercial industries tries non commerciales. Indus' 18.692 1979 1980 119.7 118.9 119.6 121.0 120.0 121.6 119.7 120.9 120.0 121.6 123.0 II.'- 117 5:01-(}7:10; 11:18-20 N,,n-durable manufacturing industries - Industries nianufacturieres de hiens non durables. 11.324 1979 1980 132.5 134.4 133.1 132.3 134.7 131.1 135.2 130.9 132.5 137.2 135.8 132.5 129.0 134.7 5:08:09:1217 Durable manufacturing industries Industries manufacturieres de bieni, durables. 11.429 1979 1980 136.2 132.5 133.3 125.0 134.5 125.8 134.1 136.2 132.5 140.4 131.1 126.1 119.0 135.5 7.199 1979 1980 154.8 163.2 158.3 164.0 159.9 164.6 160.5 153.9 162.8 156.7 164.3 160.4 165.2 160.2 II - PURLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE - ADMJNISTRATION PURLIQUE ET DEFENSE. SPECLL INDUSTRY GROUPINGS AGREGATS SPECIAUX: 4:5:7:04 Commercial industries commerciales. - - - - Finance, insurance and real estate less imputed rent and royalties Finances, assurances et affaires ixnmobilieres sans Ic loyer impute et len redevances. - l! \1 l)\1lSlI( PkOl)t(l ( \\-l\l \l \IRI( IS 'l STRICES DE CANSIM DU PRODUIT INTERIEUR RIEL \1trix number - Numéro de matrice 1123 1124 •ethly Quarterly Annual esuelic Trimestrielle Annuel \\ Oliout 'nal .liustment Seasonally adjusted Without seasonal adjustment Seasonally adjusted Nun désaisonnalisés Désaisonnalisés Non desaisonnalisds Désaisonnalisés Databank numbers • II REAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT - PRODUIT INTERIEUR REEL D 100215 - numéros dans Ia hanque tic donnécs D 100554 0 100328 I) 100441 0 100102 0 100103 • AGRICULTURE - AGRICULTURE D 100216 0 100555 D 100329 D 100442 FORESTRY - FORETS 0100217 0100556 0 100330 0 100443 D 100104 FISHING AND TRAPPING - CHASSE ET PECHE D100218 0100557 0100331 0100444 0100105 \I I\I S (including milling), QUARRIES AND OIL WELLS \1I\tS (y compris broyage), CARRIERES ET PUllS OF H FROLE D 100219 0 100558 D 100332 D 100445 1) 100106 \It,d nines - Mines métalliques 0 100220 D 100559 D 100333 D 100446 I) 100107 51 .052 Placer gold and gold quartz mines - Placers dor ci mints de quartz aurifêrc D 100221 1) 100560 D 100334 D 100447 D 100108 58 Iron mines - Mines de icr D 100222 I) 100561 0 100335 D 100448 1) 100109 D 100223 0 100562 1)100336 D 100449 1)100110 1) 100224 1) 100563 D 100337 D 100450 D 100111 Coal mines - Mines de charbon 1)100225 0100564 D 100338 D 100451 0100112 Crude petroleum and natural gas industry - Industrie du pétrole brat et du gaz naturel D 100226 0100565 0100339 0100452 0100113 Non-metal mines (except coal mines) - Mines non métalliqucs (sauf mines dr charbon) 0 100227 0 100566 0100340 D 100453 D 100114 0100228 D 100567 D 100341 0 100454 I) 100113 0100229 0100568 0 100342 0100455 D 100116 D 100230 D 100569 D 100343 0 100456 0 100117 0 100231 0100570 1)100344 0100457 0100118 0 100458 0 100119 • 57:059 Other metal mines - Autres mines métalliques (12 Mineral fuels Combustibles minéraux - I Asbestos mines - Mines d'amiante MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES - INDUSTRIES MANUFACTURItRES I Food and beverage industries - lnduslrie des ailments Cl boistons Meat and poultry products industries - lndustrie de Ia viande ci de Ia volaille Dairy products industry •- Industrie laitlére D 100232 0 100571 D 100345 Flour and breakfast cereal products industry - Meunerie ci fabrication de céréalcs de table O 100233 0 100572 0 100346 D 100459 0 100120 Feed industry - Fabrication d'albnentt pour let animaux O 100234 0 100573 0 100347 I) 100460 0 100121 0 100235 13 100574 0 100348 D 100461 I) 100122 09 Beverage industries - Industrie des boissons D100236 0100575 0100349 0100462 0100123 092 l)istilleris - DistilleTies O 100237 0 100576 0 100350 0 100463 0 100124 093 Brcsvrries - Brasserics O 100238 0100577 D 100351 D 100464 0 100125 0 100465 0 100126 107 Bakery products industries Boulangerie et pãtisserie (fabrics lion) 5:02 Tobacco pToduCts industries - Industrie du labac 0100239 D 100578 D 100352 5:07 Rubber and plastics products Industries Industrie du caoutchouc ci des produits en matlére plastique D 100240 0 100579 0 100353 1)100466 0 100127 0100241 0100580 0 100354 1) 100467 0 100128 1) 100355 0 100468 0 100129 Rubber products industries - Industrie des produits en caoUtchouc I Leather industries -- Industrie du citir IS Textile industries - lndustrie textile 506 Knitting mills - Bonneterie 07 (1rIhinr iiidtictri Indnfric I,, lli:ihiIliuriI O 100242 0 100581 O 100243 0 100582 0100356 0 100469 0 100130 0 100244 0 100583 0 100357 0 100470 0 100131 1) 10n84 1) 100758 1)100471 I) 1O0t)2 I) 100245 - 20 REAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT CANSIM MATRICES - Continue I MATRICES DE CANSIM DU PRODUIT INTERIEUR R1EL - r it. Matrix number - Numéro de matrice Industry 1122 1123 1124 Monthly Quarterly Annual Mensuelle Trimestrielle Annuel Industrie SIC CAE Without seasonal adjustment Seasonally adjusted Without seasonal adjustment Seasonally adjusted Non désaisonnaltses Désaisonnalisés Non désaiscsnnalises Désaisonnalises Databank numbers Wood tndustriea - Concluded Industrie du bois - - 251 Sawmilla. planing mills and shingle mills rabotageet usines de bardeaux 252 Veneer and plywood mills plaques 5:09 Furniture and fixture industries articles d'ameublement 5:10 Paper and allied industries connexes 271 Pulp and paper mills 5:11 Printing, publishing and allied industries lion et activités connexes 5:12 Primary metal industries 291 Iron and steel mills 292 Steel pipe and tube mills 294 Iron foundries 295 Smelting and refming 5:13 Metal fabricating industries (except machinery and transportation equipment industries) -- Fabrication de produit.s en metal (sauf machines et équipement de transport) 5:14 Machinery industries (except electrical machinery) de machines (saufélectriqucs) 5:15 Transportation equipment industries de transport 321 Aircraft and aircraft parts manufacturers - Fabricants daCronefs es de pièces 13 323:324 Motor vehic!e and truck body and trailer manufacturers - Fabricasts de vehicules automobile es de carrosseries de casnion et remorqucs 325 Motor vehicle parts and accessories manufacturers de pièceset accessoiresd'automobiles 326 Railroad roiling stock industry viaireroulant 327 Shipbuilding and repair -. Construction et reparation de navires 5:16 Electrical products industries triqucs 332 Manufacturers of major appliances (electric and non-electric) l'abricants de pros appaTcils (electriques ou non) 334 Manufacturers of household radio and television receivers Fabricants de radiorécepteurs ct de tdldviseurs issénagers 335 Communications equipment nsanufacturers pement de télCcommunication 336 Manufacturers of electrical industrial equipment d'éqsipement Clcctrique industriel 5:17 Non-metallic mineral products industries duits minCraux non nldtalliqucs 352 Cement manufacturers 354 Concrete products manufacturers Fabricants de produils en béton - - - - - - Scieries, ateiers de Fabriques de placagea et de contre- - Industrie du meuble et des lndustne du papier et activités Wines de pates et papiers - - Imprimene, édi- Premiere transformation des métaux SidCrurgie - Fabriques de tubes et tuyaux d'acier Fonderies de fer Fonte et affinage - - - - - - Fabrication Fabrication d'équipenlent - Fabricants Fabricants de materiel ferro- Fabrication de produits dice- - - numéros dana Is banque de données 1)100247 I) 100586 D 100360 D 100473 D 100134 13100248 D100587 1)100361 13100474 13100135 D 100249 1) 100588 D 100362 D 100475 D 100136 13100250 1)100589 13100363 D100476 D100137 D 100251 13 100590 D 100364 D 100477 1) 100138 D 100252 I) 100591 13 100365 D 100478 D 100139 I) 100253 0 100592 1) 100366 D 100479 1) lOP 1 D 100254 1) 100593 1)100367 1)100480 1) lolL D 100255 I) 100594 1) 100368 1) 100481 D 10(1 D 100256 1)100595 1)100369 1)100482 1) lOLL I D 100257 1) 300596 1) 100370 1) 100483 1) 100 13100258 1)100597 1) 100371 1) 100484 1)100145 D 100259 1) 100598 1) 100372 D 100485 13 100146 D 100260 1) 100599 D 100373 13 100486 D 100147 100261 D 100600 D 100374 13 100487 13 13 100262 1) 100601 D 100375 D 100488 D 100149 13 100263 D 100602 1) 100376 D 100489 1) 100150 1)100264 D100603 13100377 13100490 13100151 13 100265 D 100604 13 100378 D 100491 1) 100152 1) 100266 13 100605 D 100379 D 100492 13 100153 13 100267 D 100606 13 100380 1) 100493 D 100154 13 100268 D 100607 13 100383 13 100494 D 100155 13 100269 1) 100608 D 100382 D 100495 D 100156 13 100270 13 100609 D 100383 D 100496 D lfl 1) 100271 D 100610 13 100384 D 100497 1) 13 100272 13 100611 13 100385 13 100498 DI 13100273 13100612 D 100386 I) 100499 1)100160 100148 - Fabricants déqui- - - fm: Fabricanss Fabricalion de pro- lubricants de ciment lOP P - 21 L DOMESTIC PRODUCT CANSIM MATRICES - Continued \l \TRICES l)F CANSIM I)U PROI)UIT INTERIEUR RIEL suite Matrix number - Nunséro de matrice 1122 1123 1124 Monthly Quarterly Annual Industry Mensuelle Trimeatrielle Annuel Industrie - SIC CAL Without seasonal adjustment Seasonally adjusted Without seasonal adjustment Seasonally adjusted Non désaisonnalisés Désaisonnalisés Non désaiaonnalisés Désaisonnalisés Databank numbers Non-metallic mineral products industries - Concluded tion de produits minéraux non métalliques - Em: - Fabricantsde béton préparé 355 Ready-mix concrete manufacturers 5:18 Petroleum and coal products industries du pétrole ot du charbon 5:19 Chemical and chemical products industries— Industriechimique 374 Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medicines produits plsarmaceutiques et de médicaments 375 Paint and varnish manufacturers vernia 376 Manufacturers of soap and cleaning compounds - Fabricants de savonetdeproduirsdcnetsoyagc Manufacturers of industrial chemicals chimiqucsindustriels P - - Fabrication dr produits - Fabricants dr Fabricants de printures et - - 'eUaneous manufacturing industries riercsdiverses INSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 1 BLICS - Fabricantsde produits - - numéros dan; Is banque de donnéea Fabrica- Industries manufac- BATIMENT ETTRAVAUX D 100274 0 100613 D 100387 D 100500 D 100161 D 100275 D 100614 0 100388 I) 100501 I) 100162 D 100276 L) 100615 D 100389 D 100502 1) 100163 0 100277 1) 100616 1) 100390 D 100503 I) 100164 D 100278 1) 100617 1) 100391 D 100504 I) 100165 0100279 0100618 0 100392 D 100505 1)100166 D 100280 1) 100619 D 100393 D 100506 D 100167 D 100281 D 100620 1) 100394 D 100507 0 100168 D 100285 0100624 0 100398 D 100511 D 100172 7:01-03 TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATION TRANSPORTS. ENTREPOSAGE FT COMMUNICATIONS D 100286 0 100625 0 100399 D 100512 D 100173 7:01 Transportation - Transports D 100287 D 100626 0 100400 D 100513 0 100174 501 502 Aix transport and services incidental to air transport - Traissports aerien; et services auxillafres des transports aérjcns 0 100288 0 100627 I) 100401 1)100514 I) 100175 503 Railway transport D 100289 I) 100628 D 100402 D 100515 I) 100176 508 Bus transport, interurban and rural ruraux par autocar 0 100290 D 100629 D 100403 D 100516 I) 100177 509 Urban transit systems D 100291 D 100630 D 100404 D 100517 I) 100178 515 Pipeline transport D 100292 D 100631 0 100405 D 100518 0 100179 7:02 Storage D 100293 0 100632 D 100406 D 100519 D 100180 524 Grain elevatora 0 100294 0 100633 D 100407 D 100520 0 100181 7:03 Communication - Communications 0 100295 0 100634 D 100408 D 100521 I) 100182 7:04 ELECTRIC POWER, GAS AND WATER UTILITIES - ENFRGtE ELECTRIQUE. GAZ t:T EAU 0 100282 D 100621 0 100395 D 100508 0 100169 572 Electric power— nergieélectrique 0100283 0100622 D 100396 D 100509 I) 100170 574 Gas distribution D 100284 0 100623 D 100397 D 100510 D 100171 8 TRADE D 100296 0 100635 0 100409 0 100522 1) 100183 8:01 WHOLESALE TRADE - D 100297 0 100636 D 100410 0 100523 D 100184 Wholesale merchants Grossittes D 100298 0 100637 0 100411 D 100524 0 100185 RETAIL TRADE COMMERCFDED1TAIL D 100299 D 100638 0100412 0100525 0100186 Food stores .- Magasinsd'alimentation D 100300 0 100639 D 100413 D 100526 D 100187 General merchandise stores D 100301 0 100640 D 100414 0 100527 0 100188 D 100302 D 100641 D 100415 D 100528 1)100189 - - - - Transports fcrroviaires - Transports interurbains Ct Réseaux de transports urbains - Transports par pipeline Entrepoaage Silos - - a grain Distribution dcgaz COMMERCE - COMMERCE DE GROS - Magasinsdemarchandisesdivcrtet Department stores— Grands magasins - 22 REAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT CANSIM MATRICES Concluded MATRICES DE CANSIM DU PRODUIT INTERIEUR REEL iii Matros number - Numéro de matrice industry Industrie SIC CAE 1122 1123 1124 Monthly Quarterly Annual Mensuelle Trimentrielle Annuel Without seasonal adjustment Seasonally adjusted Without seasonal adjustment Seasonally adjusted Non désaisonnalisés Dsajsonnaliss Non désaisonnalises Disaisonnalises Databank numbers - numéros dans Ia banque de données RETAIL TRADE • - Concluded COMMERCE DE DETAIL Other general merchandise stores discs diverses - - fin: Autres magasins de marchan- D 100303 D 100642 D 100416 D 100529 D 100190 0 100304 D 100643 D 100417 D 100530 D 100191 D 100305 D 100644 D 100418 0 100531 D 100192 0 100306 1) 100645 0 100419 D 100532 D 100193 Furniture, teleyision,radio and appliance stores - Magassnu de mcubles, de téléviscurs, de radios ci d'appareils ménagers D 100307 D 100646 D 100420 D 100533 D 100194 Drugstores — Pharmacies D 100308 D 100647 D 100421 D 100534 D 100195 FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE - FINANCES. ASSURANCES El AFFAIRES IMMOHILIIRES P 1()() t(tO P I ()(64 I) 1514 11 1 (53 1>1 HP COMMUNITY, BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES - SERVICES SOCIO-CULTURELS, COMM I CIAIJX ETPERSONNELS Ii u I 10:01 Education and related services - Inseignement ci services annexes D 100311 D 100650 0100424 D 100537 10:02 Health and welfare services - Services mddicaux et sociaux D 100312 0 100651 D 100425 D 100538 D 100199 10:04 Amusement and recreation services 0100313 0 100652 D 100426 D 100539 I) 100200 10:05 Services to business management prism 0 100314 Es 100653 D 100427 D 100540 D 100201 10:06 Personal services D 100315 D 100654 D 100428 D 100541 D 100202 10:07 Accommodation and food services - Hébergcment ci restauration 0 100316 D 100655 D 100429 0 100542 D 100203 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE - ADMINIS. TRATION PUBLIQUE FT DEFENSE D 100317 D 100656 D 100430 D 100543 D 100204 D 100318 0 100657 D 100431 0 100544 D 100205 D 100319 0 100658 D 100432 D 100545 D 100206 D 100320 D 100659 D 100433 D 100546 D 100207 Motor vehicle dealers • Clothing stores - Hardware stores • 9 10 11 - Ddtaillants en véhicules automobiles Magasinsde vétcments - - Quincailleries - - Divertissementset loisirs Services fournis aux entre- Services personnels SPECIAL INDUSTRY GROUPINGS IL' I u' qh I D 1001 AGREGATS SPECIAUX: - 4:5:7:04 Index of industrial production tricile 2:11 Real domestic product less agriculture sans l'agriculture I '6:7:04 Goods-producing industries 2-6;7:04 Goods-producing industries less agriculture tricesde biens sans l'agriculture D 100321 I) 100660 D 100434 D 100547 D 100208 7:01-03:8-I I Service-producing industries Industries productrices de services D 100322 I) 100661 0 100435 0 100548 D 100209 Commercial industries 0 100323 D 100662 D 100436 0 100549 D 100210 D 100324 D 100663 D 100437 D 100550 D 100211 D 100325 0 100664 1) 100438 D 100551 D 10021'i - - - Indice de Ia production indus- - Produit intérieur reel Industries productrices de biens - Industries produc- Industries comnierciales Commercial industries less agriculture sans I'agriculture Non-commercial industries - - Industries comnierciales Industries non commerciales 5:01-07:10; 11:18.20 Nondurable manufacturing induslries -- Industries manufacturicres de biens non durables D 100326 0 100665 D 100439 D 100552 D 1002 5:08;09;1217 Durable manufacturing industries de biens durables D 100327 D 100666 D 100440 D 100553 D 1002 I D 102346 D 102343 D 102344 D 102345 D 102341 - L Industries manufacturiCres Finance, insurance and teal estate less imputed rents and royalties -Finances, assurances et affaires insmob'dières sans Ic loyer impute et redevances r STTISI;C'S CA4PA 1 10 10546398 1(11