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Particle Sizing From Forward Scattered Light At Two




Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1984 Particle sizing from forward scattered light at two angles using a variable-focal-length optical system Powers, John DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY. CALIFORNIA 03943 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS PARTICLE SIZING FROM FORWARD SCATTERED LIGHT AT TWO ANGLES USING A VARIABLE-FOCAL-LENGTH OPTICAL SYSTEM by John Powers December 1984 Thesis Advisor: Oscar Biblarz Approved for public release; distribution unlimited, T223078 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (1f>i«n Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. 4. REPORT NUMBER TITLE 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO (and Submit) Particle Sizing from Forward Scattered Light at Two Angles Using a Variable-Focal-Length Optical System 7. authors; 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 5. TYPE OF REPORT PERIOD COVEREO 4 Master's Thesis December 1984 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERffj John Powers » PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO ADDRESS 12. December 1984 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME 4 REPORT DATE 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 15. SECURITY CLASS, 47 AODRESS/"// dlllereni Irom Controlling Olllca) 1S«. (ol thla report) DECLASSIFICATION DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol thl» Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 1$ SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (ol the abatracl entered In (Continue on revere* aid* Block 20. II dlllarant Irom Report) nacaaaary and Idantlty by block number) II Particle Measurement, Variable -Focal -Length Optical System 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on ravaraa alda It nacaaaary and Idantlty by block number) The theory of operation and description of a particle sizing device which indirectly determines the size of small particles from forward scattered light at two angles is The device incorporates a fixed detector geompresented. etry and maintains a fixed intensity ratio at two photodiode detectors by adjusting the optical system focal length. DD 1 JAN 73 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 6S IS S'N 0102- LF-OU-6601 OBSOLETE SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Enter*. <*eu*^» Cc»ii'"C«ti8m or tmh xjin,, r»«.« •*>. Simple analogue signal processing is used with a servomotor to make continuous adjustments automatically. The optical device is used to investigate the effects of an applied high intensity electric field on a fuel spray from a turbine engine fuel nozzle for changes in droplet Preliminary results on a T-56 nozzle spraying DF-2 size. sample volume 8 centimeters from 75 psig with the fuel at the nozzle and using a sharp electrode with the point 10 millimeters from the nozzle at a potential of 16 kV showed The Sauter mean no conclusive changes in droplet size. diameter of the fuel spray varied from 42 to 47 microns. DD Form 1473 Jan 73 S/ N 102-014-G601 1 2 ucu'itv CL«mriciTieN o' t mh p