“In a small school, every child has a bigger part to play.” Polesden Lacey Infant School – a world away from the ordinary U We are small
U We are friendly
The school site
U We are specialists in early years
Polesden Lacey is an infant school with 3 classes and an independent playschool on site. We overlook the North Downs near Polesden Lacey.
U an orchard
U Happy
Horses look over the hedge across our extensive grounds which include:
U outdoor learing classrooms spacefor foreach eachclass class
U Confident
U a large playground
U a sensory garden
U Independent
U a woodland
U a bottle greenhouse built by the children
U Keen Learners
U An outdoor sitting circle for a whole class
U Our rural setting is superb Our pupils are:
U a pond and wildlife area U vegetable gardens U a field and a small grassed footballsports pitch area
. an outdoor classroom
Our Vision
Summer Club
Is that at Polesden Lacey Infant School every child will be the best that they can be. We strongly encourage:
Our summer club has been described as one of the most comprehensive induction programmes in Surrey and gives new pupils an opportunity to come to school the term before they are due to start. New pupils are invited to attend school one afternoon each week during the summer term when they will be introduced to many aspects of school life by members of the teaching team.
U individuality
U independence
U personal achievement
U a sense of awe and wonder
U academic achievement
U citizenship
Our Values U Politeness
U Care
U Cooperation
U Kindness
U Perseverance
U Friendship
U Helpfulness
U Fairness
U Courage
U Happiness
U Responsibility
. Tolerance
. Reslilence Resilience
. Honesty
Summer Club gives children an excellent start and once they start school they are cared for by a dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants who know every child in the school by name.
U Respect
Our Community There is a very strong sense of community cohesion at Polesden Lacey Infant School. Regular events within the school and in the local area provide opportunities for families and friends to participate in school life.
Pastoral Care
“The teamwork of staff is exceptional.” OFSTED 2010
The Curriculum
Dedicated Weeks and Days
From the foundation stage through to year two children are encouraged to think for themselves. Opportunities for self initiated learning are as much part of the school day as activities led by the teacher. Pupils become independent learners with a thirst for knowledge and the skills to investigate.
We operate a rolling programme of themed weeks and days when the whole school participates in a rich diet of exciting activities these led by expert visitors to school, parents, governors and staff. Pupils become immersed in a topic and develop new skills and knowledge.
Topics are chosen with young learners in mind.
Mathematical Development Mathematics can only be fully understood after extensive practical work. We provide children with a sound practical base from which to develop more complex mathematical operations. We encourage children to see the relevance of mathematics in their daily lives. We aim to develop a positive attitude to the subject, because learning is enhanced when children experience enjoyment and success.
“The curriculum is exciting and creative.” OFSTED 2010
“Pupils learn exceptionally well.” OFSTED 2010
Communication, Language and Literacy
In Science children will explore the natural and man Science
We aim to provide an environment which encourages children to fully develop their ability to use language, both spoken and written. The skills developed in English are necessary for all areas of the curriculum and are used throughout the school week. Specific English teaching also takes place during Literacy lessons based on the new National Literacy Strategy National Curriculum forFramework. English.
made wold around them. The National Curriculum The National Curriculum for Science places emphasis places emphasis not only on knowledge but also on not only on knowledge, but also on the development of the development of scientific vocabulary, language scientific skills.scientifically. All our science We activity opportunity and working use offers practical and to develop these skills. investigative approaches wherever possible.
The The Letters letters and and Sounds sounds phonics programme ensures a systematic approach to the teaching of reading and spelling.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World History and geography are taught through integrated topic work. Initially children learn about themselves, their own families and their immediate environment. This knowledge is extended as they progress through the school and in addition the children’s awareness of historical events and countries outside their own is developed.
Information and Communication Technology Computing and Coding Information technology forms an increasingly important part of the school curriculum and each class has an interactive whiteboard and at least one multi media desk top computer. We also have a large bank of laptops available that can be used by groups of children around the school. All children have the opportunity to become keyboard literate and to work with word processing, coding, graphics and control technology. Asaswell as being graphics and control technology. As well being taught specific computer skills, children also have the opportunity to learn about the use of technology in a wider context using sound recorders, programmable toys and other ICT equipment. ICT is used throughout the curriculum to support learning.
CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT Art Children are given the opportunity to use a variety of art materials in order to express their ideas through activities such as painting, sculpture, printing and drawing. We aim to develop visual awareness and promote the skills required to use materials successfully. As part of our art teaching children are introduced to the work of artists, crafts people and designers from around the world.
Design and Technology
Children use creativity imagination to design, Children are their encouraged to and explore and investigate make and evaluate products and models. They use a arange rangeofof tools problems and to produce designs and equipment to carry out and practical make simple models, structures or two-dimensional tasks including sewing and woodwork. Design and Technology is taught through work and as part of representations of their ideas.topic Evaluation is seen as an cross curricular activities. important part of the learning process.
All children have an opportunity to take part in singing percussion lessons and and are given many opportunities to and percussion lessons are introduced to the work perform during the school year. The work of composers of composers in music lessons and assemblies. Much of is introduced music to lessons and assemblies and the work is during again linked cross-curricular topics, but listening skills are developed. Pupils have the opportunity musical skills are clearly emphasised in lessons. Pupils to learn intruments such as piano, 'cello andsuch have themusical opportunity to learn musical instruments recorder. as piano and recorder.
“The overall quality of teaching is outstanding.” OFSTED 2010
“... Inspirational eco-friendly culture and inclusive, nurturing environment.” 10
Our PE activities incorporate the development of early games and gymnastics skills. Emphasis is on enjoyment and the development of control and coordination of the body. Movement, dance and drama provide an opportunity for the body to be used expressively. We aim to develop an appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of this art form.
Key Stage 1 Students have a French lesson which may take the form of songs.
Aspects of PSHE are often taught across the curriculum and it forms a very important part of teaching and learning at Polesden Lacey Infants School. Through the PSHE curriculum we are developing children’s health and well being and promoting self esteem and social skills. We also help children to appreciate the environment around them and to understand their place within a multi cultural society. Polesden Lacey Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Polesden Lacey Infant School Oakdene Close, Great Bookham, Surrey KT23 4PT
Tel: 01372 456533 Fax: 01372 450944 Email:
[email protected] Web: