TL150 Compact High Performance 5-Pack Audio System
TL250 Compact High Performance 5-Pack Audio System
TL350 Compact High Performance 5-Pack Audio System
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polkaudio® the speaker specialists®
For more detoiled hookup Info,
Poro obtener Informoclon mas detollodo sobre conexi ones, vlsl!e Per ,nformozlonl PIU deflogllote sulle conflgurozlonl, vlsltore Detoillrertere Anschlusslnformotlonen linden Sre bei Paro obter Informo<;6es de Inslolo<;60 mals detalhadas, vlsl!e o site Pour plus de details sur Ie raccordement, vlsltez
Product DisposolCertain international, notional and/or local lows andlor reg-ulalions may apply regarding the disposal of this product. For further delaoled information, please contocl the retailer where you purchased this product or the Polk AudloJmporter/Dlslnbutor In your country. A IlSllng of Polk Audio Importer/Distributors can be found on the Polk Audio webslfe or by contacting Polk Audio at: 5601 Metro Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215, USA- Phone: +1410 358-3600
ENGLISH TL Speaker Pack Contents TL156 5-Pack Includes: 4 TL1 Satellite Speakers, 1TLl Center Channel Speaker T1256 5-Pack Includes: 4 TL2 Satellite Speakers, 1TL2 Center Channel Speaker TL350 5-Pack Includes: 4 TL3 Satellite Speakers, 1TL3 Center Channel Speaker
PORTUGEUSE Conteudo das Embalagens das Caixas Acusticas TL TL156 oPacote 5 Inclui: 4 Caixas Acusticas Satelite TL1, 1 TL1 Caixa Acustica de Canal Central T1256 oPacote 5 Inclui: 4 Caixas Acusticas Satelite TL2, 1TL2 Caixa Acustica de Canal Central TL350 o Pacote 5 Inclui: 4 Caixas Acusticas Satelite TL3, 1TL3 Caixa Acustica de Canal Central
ITALIANO Contenuto Della Confezione Dei Diffusori TL TL156 La Confezione Da 5 Diffusori Contiene: 4 Satelliti TL1, 1TL1 Diffusore Per Canale Centrale, T1256 La Confezione Da 5 Diffusori Contiene: 4 Satelliti TL2, 1TL2 Diffusore Per Canale Centrale, TL356 La Confezione Da 5 Diffusori Contiene: 4 Satelliti TL3, 1TL3 Diffusore Per Canale Centrale,
DEUTSCH Inhalt der TL-Lautsprecherpackung TL156 5er-Packung enthiilt: 4 TL1 Satellitenlautsprecher, 1TL1 Center-Kanal-Lautsprecher Tl250 5er-Packung enthiilt: 4 TL2 Satellitenlautsprecher, 1 TL2 Center-Kanal-Lautsprecher
TL350 5er-Packung enthiilt: 4 TL3 Satellitenlautsprecher, 1 TL3 Center-Kanal-Lautsprecher
FRANCAIS Contenido de Paquetes de Altavoces TL TL159 EI Paquete de 5 Piezas Contiene: 4 Altavoces Satelite TL1, 1Altavoz de Canal Central T1256 EI Paquete de 5 Piezas Contiene: 4 Altavoces Satelite TL2, 1Altavoz de Canal Central TL356 EI Paquete de 5 Piezas Contiene: 4 Altavoces Satelite TL3, 1 Altavoz de Canal Central
ESPANOL Composants des .Pack- d'Enceintes TL TL156 Le «5-Packll Comprend: 4 Enceintes Satellites TL1, 1 Enceinte de Canal Central T1256 Le ((5-Packll Comprend: 4 Enceintes Satellites TL2, 1 Enceinte de Canal Central TL356 Le «5-Packll Comprend: 4 Enceintes Satellites TL3, 1 Enceinte de Canal Central Contact Polk Audio Customer Service 1-800-377-7655 (Outside US: 410-358-3600) Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Eastern Time, polkcs@polkaudio,com
•.. .1.-&-..
Note: Subwoofer not included with 5 Packs. Nota: 0 subwoofer nao esta incluido com os pacotes 5. Nota: Aile confezioni 5 non II accluso un subwoofer. Hinweis: 5-Packungen enthalten keinen Subwoofer. Nota: Los paquetes 5 no tienen subwoofer. Note: Les "Pack» 5 ne comprennent pas de subwoofer.
Suggested speaker placement with options for rear speaker placement. Subwoofer driver should be placed more than six inches from wall. Posi~ao sugerida das caixas acusticas com op~5es para posicionamento das caixas acusticas traseiras. A caixa acustica deve estar a mais de 15 cm de distancia da parede.
Posilionamento conslgliato dell'altoparlante con opzioni per il posizionamento dell'altoparlante posteriore. IIlato del driver deve essere a piu di 15 cm dalla parete. Vorgeschlagene Lautsprecherplatzierung mit Optionen fOr die Platzierung der hinteren Lautsprecher. Oie Treiberseite muss mehr als 15 cm Abstand von der Wand haben. LEFT SURROUND
Ubicaci6n de altavoces sugerida con opciones para la ubicaci6n de los altavoces posteriores. EI lado del altavoz debe estar a mas de 6 pulgadas de la pared.
.-1-:.. 1--;.
Suggestions pour I"installation des enceintes avant et arriere Le cote haut-parleur doit etre a au moins quinze centimetres du mur.
Note: Additional satellites are available through your Authorized Polk Audio dealer or at Nota: Caixas acusticas satelite adicionais estao disponiveis por intermedin do revendedor autorizado Polk Audio ou no site Nota: Sono disponibili satelliti aggiuntivi presso i rivenditori autorizzati Polk Audio o sui sito Hinweis: Weitere Satellitenlautsprecher sind Uber Ihren autorisierten Polk AudioFachhandler oder erhaltlich. Nota: Se pueden obtener altavoces satelite adicionales en el distribuidor autorizado de Polk Audio 0 en Note: Des enceintes satellites supplementaires sont disponibles chez votre revendeur Polk Audio ou a
.........: CHANNEL
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LEFT ....... CHANNEL....
• •
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• •
LEFT RIGHT SURROUND f - ' - - -.........=--"'-.)-<--'---1 SURROUND
for more information visit our website at
FIGURE 2 Mounting In Drywall Use screw and wall anchor where appropriate (a or bl.
a ~
Montagem Em Parede De Gesso Aeartonado Oeo Use a bucha de parede com a parafuso apropriado (a au b). Montaggio In Un Muro Cavo Utilizzare un ancoraggio da muro can una vite apposita (a oppure b). Befestigung In Gipskartonwiinden Verwenden Sie Dubel mit passender Schraube (a oder bl. Montaje En Pared Hueea De Panel De Yeso Utilice un ancla de pared can un tornillo apropiado (a
Installation Sur Plaeopliitre Creux Utilisez des chevilles d'ancrage et les vis appropriees (a au b).
FIGURE 3 Wall Mounting Use keyhole slots (Tl1, Tl2) or bracket (Tl3) when wall mounting (threaded insert can also be used with articulating brackets, sold separately). Montagem Em Parede Use a suporte com orficio de encaixe com farafusos para ocultar as cabos quando man tar as unidades em uma parede. Direcione a caixa acustica e depois aperte as para fusos do suporte (acessorio com rosca para uso com suportes articulados. vendidos separadamentel. Montaggio A Muro Utilizzare la staffa avitabile a fessura par nascondere i cavi nel montaggio a muro posizionare I'altoparlante, quindi serrare Ie viti della staffi per bloccarla (I'inserto filettato e da usare can Ie staffe articolate, vendute separtamente). Wandmontage Verwenden Sie bei der Wandmontage die anschraubbe Befestigung, um die Kabel zu verbergen. Richten Sie die lautsprecher aus und ziehen Sie dann die Befestigungs schrauben an (Schruabeinsatz zur Verwendung mit Gelenkhalterungen wird separat verkauft). All threaded inserts are 1/4"-20. Todos os acessorios com rosca sao 1/4"·20. Tutti i tasselli filettati hanno dimensioni 1/4"-20. Aile Gewinde sind 1/4 Zoll-2O. Todos los insertos roscados son de 1/4 plg.-2O.
Montaje En La Pared Utilice el soporte can ranura en forma de ojo de cerradura para ocultar el cableado cuando monte el altavoz en la pared. Oriente el altavoz y luego apriete los pernos en posicion (el inserto roscado para sopartes articulados se vende par separadol. Installation Murale Pour installation murale, utilisez Ie support avec fentes en trou de surrure pour cacher les fils. Orientez ensuite I'enciente et resserrez les ecrous du support (des douilles taraudees pour utilisation avec supports articules sont vendues separement).
Contact Polk Audio Customer Service 1-800-377-765510utside US: 410-358-3600) Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Eastern Time,
[email protected]
FIGURE 4 Center Channel Mounting Options Use Keyhole slots for wall mounting and run wires though indentation below binding posts Opciones De Montaje De Altavoz De Canal Central Utilice el suporte apernado con anura en forma de ojo de cerradura para montar el altavoz en la pared con guia de cable oculta y de manera que se pueda orientaL Opzioni di fissaggio del diffusore per canale centrale Utilizzare la staffa avitable a fessura per montare al muro con la guida per cavi nascosti. Befestigungsoptionen Fiir Den Center-KanaI Verwenden Sie bei der ausrishtbaren Wandmontage die anschraubbare Befestigung mit verdeckter KabelfOrhrung. Op~iies De Montagem Do Canal Central Use 0 suporte com orifico de encaixe come parafusos para montagem em parede dire cionada, com acessorio para ocultar os cabos.
Options D'installation De [enciente Centrale Pour installation murale, utilisez Ie support avec fentes en de serrure et caeher les fils a I'aide du guide de fil.
Using binding post connections, Utilisation des bornes de connexion. Uso de conexiones con tornillos de presion, Loosen hex nut. Desserrer I'ecrou. Afloje la tuerca hexagonal. Sechskantmutter losen. Allentare II dado esagonale. Solte a perca hexagonal.
Insert speaker wire through hole. Inserer Ie Iii du hautparleur dans Ie trou. Inserte el cable de altavoz a traves del agujero. Lautsprecherdraht durch das Loch schieben. Inserire nel loro il cavo dell'altoparlante. Inslra 0 cabo da caixa acustlca atraves do orilicio.
Verwendung von Anschlussklemmen. Tighten hex nut. Serrer I'ecrou. Enrosque la tuerca de nuevo. Sechskantmutter lestschrauben. Serrare il dado esagonale. Aperte a porca hexagonal.
Do not insert insulated section 01 speaker wire. Ne pas inserer la partie Isolee du Iii du haut-parleur. No Inserte la parte aislada del cable de altavoz.
Uso dei terminali cilindrici. Uso de conexoes roscadas.
Isolation des Lautsprecherdrahtes nicht in das Loch schieben. Non inserire nel loro un tratto isolato di cavo. Nilo insira a se~ilo isolada do cabo da caixa acustlca.
for more information visit our website at
WIRE RECOMMENDATIONS Runs Lengths up to 25' Lengths greater than 25' but less than 50' Lengths greater than 50' but less than 75' Lengths greater than 75'
Gauge 18 or 16 16 or 14 14 or 12
Distanza Fino a 7,5 m Piu di 7,5 mma menD di 15 m Piu di 15 mma menD di 22,5 m Piu di 22,5 m
Sp.essor.e(AWPj 18016 16014 14012 12
RECOMENDACOES DE CABEAMENTO TYPE DE CABLE: RECOMMANDATIONS Longueur Jusqu'il8 m Plus de 8 m mais moins de 15 m Plus de 15 m mais moins de 22 m Plus de 22 m
Calibre 18 au 16 16 au 14
Bitola 18 ou 16 16 ou 14 14 ou 12 12
14 ou 12
EMPFOHLENE DRAHTSTARKEN Lange Langen bis zu 7,5 m Langen zwischen 7,5 und 15 m. Langen zwischen 15 und 23 m Langen Uber 23 m
Comprimentos . Ate 7,6 m Entre 7,6 me 15,2 m Entre 15,2 me 22,9 m - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mais de 22,9 m
Gauge-Wert 18oder16 16oder14 140der 12 12
Trayectos De ~asta 2~ pies Entre 25 y 50 pies Entre 50 y 75 pies Mas de 75 pies
Calibre 18616 16614 14612 12
Contact Polk Audio Customer Service 1-800-377-7655IDutside US: 410-358-36001 Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Eastern Time,
[email protected]
Polk Audio, Inc., warrants to the original retail purchaser only. This warranty will terminate automatically prior to its stated expiration if the original retail purchaser sells or transfers the Product to any other party. Polk Audio, Inc., warrants, to the original retail purchaser only, that the LOUDSPEAKER(S). PASSIVE CROSSOVER COMPONENT(S) and ENCLOSURE on this Polk Audio Loudspeaker Product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of original retail purchase from a Polk Audio Authorized Dealer. Furthermore, Polk Audio, Inc., warrants, to the original retail purchaser only, that any AMPLIFIER OR OTHER ElECTRONIC COMPONENT that may be included in this Polk Audio Loudspeaker Product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of three (3) years years from the date of original retail purchase from a Polk Audio Authorized Dealer. To allow Polk Audio to offer the best possible warranty service, please register your new product online at: or call Polk customer service 800-3777655 in the USA and Canada (outside the USA: 410-358-3600) within ten (lOl days of the date of original purchase. Be sure to keep your original purchase receipt. Defective Products must be shipped, together with proof of purchase, prepaid insured to the Polk Audio Authorized Dealer from whom you purchased the Product, or to the Factory at 1 Viper Way Vista, CA 92081. Products must be shipped in the original shipping container or its equivalent; in any case the risk of loss or damage in transit is to be borne by you. If upon examination at the Factory or Polk Audio Authorized Dealer it is determined that the unit was defective in materials or workmanship at any time during this Warranty period, Polk Audio or the Polk Audio Authorized
Dealer will. at its option, repair or replace this Product at no additional charge, except as set forth below. All replaced parts and Products become the property of Polk Audio. Products replaced or repaired under this warranty will be returned to you, within a reasonable time, freight prepaid. This warranty does not include service or parts to repair damage caused by accident. disaster, misuse, abuse, negligence, inadequate packing or shipping procedures, commercial use, voltage inputs in excess of the rated maximum of the unit, cosmetic appearance of cabinetry not directly attributable to defect in materials or workmanship, or service, \repair, or modification of the Product which has not been authorized or approved by Polk Audio. This warranty shall terminate if the Serial number on the Product has been removed, tampered with or defaced. This warranty is in lieu of all other expressed Warranties. If this Product is defective in materials or workmanship as warranted above, your sole remedy shall be repair or replacement as provided above. In no event will Polk Audio, Inc. be liable to you for any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Product. even if Polk Audio, Inc. or a Polk Audio Authorized Dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, so the above limitation and exclusion may not apply to you. All implied warranties on this Product are limited to the duration of this expressed Warranty. Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied Warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights which vary from state to state. This Warranty applies only to Products purchased in Canada, the United States of America, its possessions, and U.S. and NATO armed forces exchanges and audio clubs. The Warranty terms and conditions applicable to Products purchased in other countries are available from the Polk Audio Authorized Distributors in such countries.
La garantie de Polk Audio, Inc., n'est valide que pour I'acheteur au detail original. La garantie sera automatiquement annulee avant sa date d'expiration specifiee si I'acheteur original vend ou transfere Ie produit atout autre parti. Polk Audio, Inc., garantit - a I'acheteur au detail original seulement - que Ie ou les HAUTPARLEUR(SI, COMPOSANTE(SI DE FILTRE PASSIF et CAISSON(S) de ce produit Polk Audio seront exempts de tout defaut attribuable aux pieces d'origine et a la main d'oeuvre pour une periode de cinq (5) ans apartir de la date de I'achat au detail original chez un revendeur agree Polk Audio. En outre, Polk Audio, Inc., garantit - a I'acheteur au detail original seulement - que TOUT AMPLIFICATEUR OU TOUT AUTRE COMPOSANTE ELECTRONIQUE qui pourrait faire partie ce produit Polk Audio sera exempt de tout defaut attribuable aux pieces d'origine et a la main d'oeuvre pour une periode de trois (3) ans a partir de la date de I'achat au detail original chez un revendeur agree Polk Audio. Pour permettre a Polk Audio de vous offrir Ie meilleur service de garantie possible, veuillez enregistrer votre nouveau produit en ligne a I'adresse web: - ou contactez Ie Service a la Clientele de Polk au 800-377-7655 aux Etats-Unis et au Canada (a I'exterieur des E.U.:410-358-3600) dans les dix (10) jours suivant la date de I'achat original. Assurez-vous de conserver votre re~u d'achat original. Les produits defectueux doivent etre expedies, avec une preuve d'achat, francs de port et assures, au revendeur agree Polk Audio de qui vous avez achete Ie produit. ou a I'usine Polk Audio,l Viper Way Vista, CA 92081. Les produits doivent etre expedies dans leur carton d'expedition original ou dans un contenant equivalent. Le proprietaire doit assumer tout risque de perte ou de dommage en transit.Si. suite a I'examen du produit a I'usine Polk ou chez Ie marchand agree Polk Audio, il est determine que la defectuosite est imputable aux materiaux d'origine ou a la main d'oeuvre au cours de la periode de la garantie specifiee, Polk Audio ou Ie revendeur Polk Audio, a sa guise, reparera ou remplacera Ie produit sans frais additionnels et selon les conditions decrites ci-dessous.
Cette garantie n'inclut pas Ie service ou les pieces necessaires a la reparation des dommages provoques par accident, desastre, abus, negligence, mode d'expedition ou emballage inadequat, utilisation commerciale, tensions superieures au maximum prescrit pour I'unite, aspect visuel du meuble non directement attribuable a un defaut de pieces d'origine ou de main d'oeuvre, ou par Ie service, la reparation, ou toute modification du produit qui n'a pas ete autorise ou approuve par Polk Audio. Cette garantie sera annulee si Ie numero de serie sur Ie produit a ete enleve, altere ou falsifie. Cette garantie prend preseance sur toutes autres garanties enoncees. Si la defectuosite de ce produit est imputable aux pieces d'origine ou a la main d'oeuvre selon les conditions de la garantie exprimees ci-dessus, votre seul recourt sera la reparation ou Ie rem placement selon les conditions decrites ci-dessus. Dans aucun cas Polk Audio, Inc. pourra+elle etre tenue responsable pour tout dommage accessoire ou indirect cause par I'utilisation ou par I'incapacite d'utilisation du produit. meme si Polk Audio, Inc. ou un revendeur agree Polk Audio, a ete avise de la possibilite de tel dommage, ou pour toute reclamation par tout autre parti. Certains etats ne permettant pas I'exclusion ou la limitation des dommages indirects, les limitations et exclusions exprimees ci-dessus pourraient ne pas s'appliquer dans votre cas. Toutes les garanties tacites sur ce produit sont limitees a la duree de la garantie enoncee. Certains etats ne permettant pas la limitation de la duree d'une garantie tacite, les limitations ci-dessus pourraient ne pas s'applquer dans votre cas. Cette garantie vous accorde des droits legaux specifiques; vous pourriez egalement avoir d'autres droits qui pourraient varier d'etat en etat. Cette garantie s'applique seulement aux produits achetes au Canada, aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique et ses possessions, et dans les clubs audio et d'echange des forces armees des E.U. et de I'OTAN. Les modalites et les conditions de garantie applicables aux produits achetes dans d'autres pays sont disponibles chez les distributeurs agrees Polk Audio etablis dans ces pays.
Toute piece ou produit remplace devient la propriete de Polk Audio. Les produits repares ou remplaces sous la garantie vous seront expedies francs de port dans un delai raisonnable.
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the speaker specialists®
5601 Metro Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 800-377-7655 IUS & CAN, Outside US 410-358-36001
Polk Audio is a DEI Holdings, Inc. Company. Polk Audio, Polk, The Speaker Specialists are registered tradmarks of Polk Audio. Inc.
Top Of Speaker Haut De Haut-Parleurs
Center Line Of Speaker Centre Ligne Du Haut-Parleur
Blac kston 8™ TL2 Satellite Template For Wall Mounting TL2 Haut-parleur satellite D'installation
the speaker specialists~
Top Of Speaker Haut De Haut-Parleurs
Center Li ne Of Speaker Centre Ligne Du Haut-Parleur
~--NOTE: For Best Results Use Level NOTE: Pour de meilleurs resultats niveau
Blockstone™ TL2 Center Channel Template For Wall Mounting TL2 Enceinte Centrale Gabarit D'installation
the speaker specialists~
the speaker specialists®
Atrium· SaOO and Sub10 The ingenious Atrium Sub/Sat System lets you blend a true high-performance speaker system into your landscape or transitional outdoor space. With endless options for placement and mounting, under eaves,
on decks, in the yard, the Atrium Sub/Sat System gives you maximum placement flexibility for the ultimate in all-weather high performance sound.
Polk Audio's mobile products are truly loudspeakers for serious listeners. Our db Series offers Incredible Sound, Affordable Price in a full range of loudspeakers, component groups and subwoofers. Our SR Signature Series loudspeakers and ultra-performance subwoofers are for those who desire audiophile high performance. And our new lightweight high performance MM Series loudspeakers, component groups and subwoofers
If you're a boater, a wide range of Polk Audio mobile products are marine certified, which means every component is rugged enough to withstand marine environments. That means you can expect the same outstanding performance on the water as our speakers are known for on land. www.polkaudio.colll!caraudio!mm!outdoor
Visit for information on Polk Audio loudspeakers and electronic products. Enter to win a FREE subwoofer at
blend legendary Polk Audio perfonmance with incredibly easy installation.
polkaudio· 5601 Metro Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 800-377-7655 (US & Canada) Outside US & Canada 410-358-3600
Polk AudiO, Polk, The Speaker Specialists. PowerPort Dynamic Balance, FIX. Atrium, Big Speaker Sound Without The Big Speaker, High Velocity Compression Dnve. Acoustic Resonance Control, ARC Port Casket Baskel I-Sonic, SurroundBar &. SDA are registered trademarks of Britanma Investment Corporation used under license by Polk Audio. Incorporated.
There's more for you at Polk Audio.
From the very beginning, our mission has been to provide excellent sound at reasonable prices. Almost forty years later, we're still committed to providing products that enhance the value of your entertainment, in your
home, in your car and even on your boat or out by the pool. Learn more about our personal dedication to great sound, and why we're called "The Speaker Specialists:"
HomeAudio Freestanding Loudspeakers Polk Audio offers a complete line of loudspeakers for virtually every application. From floorstanding and bookshelf models, to centers, surrounds, subwoofers and on-wall designs, we've got them all. With Polk Audio you can create the audio system that meets your exact needs to deliver a stereo or home theater experience that will thrill you for years to come.
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Technology with other spatial algorithms to create a bigger image and a bigger sense of envelopment. And unlike most sound bar systems that must bounce sound off walls to create their surround effect, the Instant Home Theater's surround effects are created independent of the walls. No matter what the shape or size of the room, walls or no walls. www.polkaudio.comlbomeaudiofiht
Built-lnSol utions Custom Installed Multi-Room Audio And Home Theater Now you can have big speaker sound from speakers that you can barely see. Polk Audio offers a huge selection of built-in speakers and subwoofers for multi-room audio systems and built-in home theater systems. Whether you are looking for a simple do-it-yourself two-room system or a professionally installed whole-house system, Polk Audio has a built-in
speaker for every in-wall and in-ceiling application-including the world's first THX'" Ultra2 Certified in-ceiling speaker and maximum performance in-floor and in-wall subwoofers. Our award-winning built-in products feature the same technologies and quality standards as our freestanding speakers and subs for performance that will amaze you and your guests. www.polkaudio.comlcustomaudio
[~iP~dl t-Q)Radio e iTunes Tagging
PSWi225 Wireless Subwoofer The PSWi225Wireless Subwoofer is the must-have upgrade for lV sound. This compact subwoofer adds no clutter to your room at all, taking up less than a cubic foot of space and adding no unsightly wires. Yet it instantly adds a dimension of deep bass impact to your otherwise two-dimensional lV-watching experience.
The PSWi225's cabinet is made from heavyduty, non-resonant MDF... is internally braced and ported ...and combines an 8' Dynamic Balance"' floor-firing driver with a J-port design to reduce turbulence at the port mouth and optimize bass performance. www.polkaudio.comlbomeaudiolpsw/pswi225
I-Sonic'" Entertainment System 2 Polk Audio's I-Sanit:'" is the first all-digital format entertainment system using the latest digital technologies. Connect an iPhone'" or iPod"' and stream videos directly to your lV and enjoy the full experience of an entertainment system. Enjoy CD quality HD Radio'" with multicasting, iTunes Tagging, an iPhone/iPod dock and MP3
player inputs. This is a high performance audio system in a convenient, compact tabletop configuration. With an IES2, you can enjoy the widest range of music, movies and news available today and tomorrow. www.polkaudio.comlbomeaudio/isonic IAvailable in US and Canada only.)
CSW155 In-Wall Subwoofer Awards
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Register Your New Polk Audio Product Online NOW for aChance to win $500 of Polk Product Become a valued member of the Polk Family and get a chance to win ~ ~
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We take your privacy seriously. Polk Audio does not share or sell infonnation to any other parties, unless directed by court order. Registering your product has no effect on your warranty. Warranties apply as stated in your product manual. Please be sure to keep your original purchase receipt.
Questions? Concerns? Contact Polk Audio Customer Service, gam - 6pm, M-F, EST (USA) 800-377-1655 US 8a Canada only • 410-358-3600 outside US 8a Canada •
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