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Product Technical Specification




Product Technical Specification Horizon Digital Library I. Highlights Horizon Digital Library makes it easy to create and manage digital content and, at the same time, provide your users with the most robust search and retrieval tool in the library community. Horizon Digital Library is not just software. It is a comprehensive suite of software, hardware and services that even includes digitization and data migration services. Horizon Digital Library is the only comprehensive digital library solution available for libraries today. Whether you're starting from scratch or already have digital content, Horizon Digital Library is all you need to create and maintain a digital library that will exceed your expectations—and those of your users. II. Features and Benefits Complete Solution Dynix provides all the necessary components to create, manage and view a digital collection. Key components include digitization, data migration, lite & batch scanning, and searching. One of the benefits of the solution is its modularity, meaning that libraries can pick and choose which elements they need in order to deliver a complete Digital Library. Full Text Searching Horizon Digital Library allows users on local "intranet" systems or across the internet to use the sophisticated search engine to access online digital libraries. With it, you can perform Boolean, Pattern, Natural Language, proximity, wildcard, truncation, date and date range, and other standard searches over existing digital libraries. Searches can be executed against both the full text of the digital library items and the associated metadata, or against just the metadata. Pattern Searching Finding words with incorrect or missing characters is overcome by using pattern recognition technology in the search engine. Pattern searches tolerates spelling differences in either the body of the text or the queries; it automatically does pattern expansion on all query words to the number of words you set; ranks returned documents for relevance. Pattern searching overcomes deficiencies in the OCR quality of a document or the user misspelling the search term. Pattern searching uses a powerful algorithm to compare words at the binary level. With this technology, a search for "Kahn" would return digital library items containing "Khan". A search for "Lenine" would return items containing "Lennin". Concept Searching Horizon Digital Library is extremely easy to use because you can also enter queries in plain English (Natural Language), without any special operators, complex nesting of statements, or rigid syntax. Quickly formulated queries can achieve highly accurate and complete results on the first try. Natural Language querying uses a semantic network of word associations enabling the expansion of search terms by using variations, synonyms, antonyms, and other relationships to search the entire document text. The degree to which the user relies on those relationships is a profiling option for each individual user. Concept searching can find both similar and dissimilar words from the search term based on a 1.6 million word semantic network. This allows users to have the most relevant documents delivered to the top of the result list. An example of this functionality would be to perform a search for "rising oil prices" which would also return digital library items containing the term "increasing petrol costs". Horizon Information Portal Integration Horizon Digital Library is a complete solution for digital collections. It lets users search both the catalog and broadcast the local digital library using Horizon Information Portal. (A local digital library is a collection that your library owns whether it is stored at your library, a library in your consortium, or with a third party.) You can search your Horizon Digital Library digital library alone or at the same time that you search your local and other library catalogs. You can also search more than one local digital library at the same time. By using the broadcast searching capabilities of Horizon Information Portal, library users can execute simultaneous searches against the library catalog, the Digital Library, Z39.50 sources, and third-party subscription databases. Supported File Formats Horizon Digital Library can catalog files of any file type or format. The user's web browser will display any files that it is capable of displaying. For other files, the user's workstation must have an appropriate application, viewer, or reader (such as the Adobe Acrobat Reader) installed. An example of some of the file types supported are listed below: •PDF •JPG •GIF •TIF •Photographs •Audio clips •Video clips •Multimedia presentations •Word processing documents Product Technical Specification Horizon Digital Library Metadata Support Outsourced Digitization Services Horizon Digital Library is based upon Dublin Core standards for defining the metadata for each digital library object and has enhanced this standard to allow support for ten additional fields for adding user defined metadata for each digital object. For those that don't have the resources or time, digitization services are available on a service bureau basis through a third party partner. This includes the ability to digitize microfiche and microfilm, rare and fragile books and manuscripts, as well as other items that are difficult to digitize. Sophisticated document touch-up and OCR cleanup is also available as part of these services. Web-based Tools Lite-Scanning Web Editor The Digital Library Web Editor provides the ability for content experts to easily log in to the system and catalog items without physically being on site. It also provides the ability to copy and paste information from the actual document (which is displayed below the editor) to enable quicker cataloging. The Web Editor provides the ability to perform the necessary maintenance, editing and cataloging functionality for both digital images from hard copy source material and electronically published source material. The Web Editor allows the staff to create and edit the descriptive metadata which is linked to each digital document. Web Importer The Horizon Digital Library Web Importer is a Java servletbased utility that can be run from any PC or workstation using a web browser such as Netscape Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. The program gives the user the capability to load a varying number of documents and metadata to an Horizon Digital Library online document library. The Horizon Digital Library Web Importer is easy to use because, regardless of how many documents there are, only a few parameters are required to load the data. In addition, you can even save the import parameters you define for future use. Because of these features, users do not have to build and maintain complex data import procedures of their own in order to correctly load documents into Horizon Digital Library. This solution provides the necessary software (i.e. OCR) to handle the addition of material to the archive. Lite-scanning provides a method to add a small amount of new material to the Horizon Digital Library archive and addresses the issue of keeping the Digital collection up to date. The software included for the lite-scanning is the ScanSoft Omnipage Pro Scanning and Conversion software. Data Migration Existing electronic documents created via a wide variety of applications can also be indexed and added to the digital warehouse. The advent of the Internet in the 1990’s began to break down the barriers between cultures and nations, as information in multiple languages became instantly available globally. Horizon Digital Library helps your users search for and retrieve digital objects in multiple languages, with more languages planned. The multilingual capabilities of the Horizon Digital Library means enhanced access for all your users. Here is a list of the languages that are currently supported in various search modes. Mono-Lingual Concept Searching* English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese (English & Brazilian) Full Suite of Services Digitization This provides the ability to migrate physical materials to an electronic format. Some libraries will choose to handle this on their own while others will look to outsource this function. Regardless of the model chosen, Horizon Digital Library provides the tools or services necessary for digitization. For those libraries choosing to do in-house digitization, Dynix has high volume scanning software solutions that can be purchased that will streamline the digitization process. Mono-Lingual Pattern Searching* English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Portuguese (English & Brazilian), Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Farsi, Icelandic, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew and Arabic Mono-Lingual Boolean Searching* English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Korean, Danish, Portuguese (English & Brazilian), Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Farsi, Icelandic, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew and Arabic * This table references searching capability only, the languages listed may not have a localized user interface Product Technical Specification Horizon Digital Library III. Technical Design The Horizon Digital Library utilizes the architecture shown below. Each part of the architecture is described below. File System The actual digital library items, such as image files, full-text document files, audio files, and video files, can be stored in the file system of the Digital Library server or on a remote storage device. Database The metadata about the digital library items is stored in a relational database on the Digital Library server. The metadata for each digital library item is stored in its own record, in extended Dublin Core format. The metadata record stores a path to the actual digital library item. Database Index An index is created based on both the full-text of the digital library items (where appropriate) and on the metadata that is stored in the database for each digital library item. The index is stored on the file system of the Digital Library server in the format required by the Search Engine API. Search Engine API The Search Engine API enables the searching capabilities of the Horizon Digital Library. It is optimized to quickly locate searchable information from the Database Index. It is the component that enables the powerful Pattern, Natural Language, and Boolean search types. Digital Library Search Interface The Digital Library Search Interface is the user interface that users and staff will see when they are executing searches. It is also the interface that Horizon Information Portal uses to execute searches against the Digital Library. Web Editor The Web Editor allows libraries to edit the metadata associated with each digital library item. It utilizes the search capabilities of the Digital Library Search Interface in order to locate items that need to be edited. It updates the metadata in the Database. Updated metadata becomes searchable when the next full or incremental indexing process is run. Web Importer The Web Importer imports both digital library items and their associated metadata from digitization workstations onto the Digital Library server. It imports digital library items into the File System on the Digital Library server. If metada- Product Technical Specification Horizon Digital Library ta files are present, the metadata is imported into the Database. Otherwise, the filename of the digital library item is stored in the Title metadata field, so that the item can be easily located and its metadata entered later via the Web Editor. Imported digital library items and metadata become available for searching after the next full or incremental indexing process is run. VII. Languages Supported The interface is currently localized for English only but additional languages are searchable. Pattern searching is available for all roman character languages and Concept searching for certain languages (i.e. French, German, & Spanish) is also available. Jakarta Tomcat Servlet Runner The Digital Library Search Interface, the Web Editor, and the Web Importer all run as Java Servlets. The Jakarta Tomcat Servlet Runner is the container in which these servlets operate. MS Internet Information Services (Or Apache on Solaris) Either Microsoft IIS on Windows servers or Apache on Solaris servers can serve as the HTTP server. When the HTTP server receives requests for access to the servlets, the HTTP server redirects those requests to the Jakarta Tomcat Servlet Runner. VIII. System Requirements Operating System Windows 2000 Sun Solaris 8, 9 Databases MS SQL Server 2000 Oracle Server version 8i or 9i. IV. Administration & Configuration Initial installation and configuration of the Horizon Digital Library system is performed by Dynix staff. Ongoing configuration is managed by editing configuration files. Dynix Support is available to assist with this task, as necessary. Server The server requirements are dependent on the following criteria: Total size of Digital Library Percentage of full text documents V. User Privacy Search Interface users authenticate using Horizon Information Portal's single sign on capability, based on their user records in the library catalog. Or, if you wish to bypass Information Portal, you can create users and groups specific to Horizon Digital Library. It is possible to place additional security on the digital library items themselves by using various means such as file system security, basic web authentication, or SSL. Number of concurrent users These criteria are used to identify the amount of processing power and storage that will be needed. The examples on the following page illustrate how these items impact the server requirements. VI. Standards Supported Horizon Digital Library’s metadata format was based upon the Dublin Core XMLS metadata schema (as found at the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative’s website at That schema has been expanded and modified for Horizon Digital Library, in order to provide additional flexibility for your library’s metadata needs. Product Technical Specification Horizon Digital Library Example 1: Sizing Factors 1. Size of digital library 450,000 items IX. ILS Systems Supported Horizon 7.03 and above Dynix ILS 173 and above 90 GB total size 2. Percentage of full text documents - 75% Horizon Information Portal 2.03.01 and above 3. Number of concurrent (simultaneously searching) users - 10 Resulting Server Requirements 2 Processor Server (1GHz or better) 1 GB RAM Note: These system recommendations are given as guidelines only. For the exact requirements needed for your configuration, please contact Dynix. Example 2: Sizing Factors 1. Size of digital library 1,000,000 items 450 GB total size 2. Percentage of full text documents - 75% 3. Number of concurrent (simultaneously searching) users - 10 Resulting Server Requirements 2 Processor Server (1GHz or better) 2 GB RAM Example 3: Sizing Factors 1. Size of digital library 450,000 items 90 GB total size 2. Percentage of full text documents - 75% 3. Number of concurrent (simultaneously searching) users - 50 Resulting Server Requirements 4 Processor Server (1GHz or better) 6 GB RAM Product Technical Specification Horizon Digital Library For more information about Dynix, please schedule a demo or call for a visit from one of our account managers. The Americas Europe, Middle East, Africa Asia Pacific DYNIX WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS 400 West 5050 North Provo, Utah 84604 USA 800.288.8020 801.223.5200 France 7 Rue Jean Mermoz Bâtiment C 78000 Versailles France +331. 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NOTE: Not all company products or services are available in all geographic regions. 0403·US Product Technical Specification Horizon Digital Library