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Product Update: Usb Flash Drive Option




EVA-625 Product Update: USB Flash Drive Option Virtually Unlimited Data Storage PMT remains committed to continuous improvement, and is pleased to announce the introduction of the ESB-1 USB Flash Drive option for the EVA-625 Elevator/Escalator Vibration Analysis System. This option provides virtually unlimited data storage of elevator/escalator motion, sound, tachometer and index data. It also eliminates the necessity of using legacy serial ports. Data transfer is as simple as removing a standard flash drive and plugging it into your PC USB port. The latest version of the EVA Elevator Analysis Tools software seamlessly handles and converts the stored data to standard EVA format data files. Gigabyte Data Storage Standard Flash Drives Upgrade Your Existing EVA-625 Nearly Instantaneous Data Transfer Serial Port (RS-232) Not Required Upgrades for All PMT has pledged to support our customers for the long term, and is therefore offering the RSB-1 retrofit for existing EVA-625 instruments. This will bring all instruments up to the latest EVA functionality and ensure the long term value of your instrument. For further information, or to schedule your upgrade, contact PMT or your authorized PMT distributor. (Again, you will be amazed!) PMT Physical Measurement Technologies, Inc. P.O. Box 400 4 Ling Street Marlborough, NH 03455 USA Voice: 603.876.9990 Fax: 603.876.9995 Website: The Absolute Measure of Elevators and Escalators