FORSKNINGENS DAG 27. august 2015
Program og abstracts
Hospitalsenheden Vest Center for Forskning og Uddannelse
folder.indd 1
25/08/15 14:40
Session 1 - Orale præsentationer Chair: Erling Bjerregaard Pedersen og Annette Haagerup Nr. 1
Tid 13.05-13.17
Titel på præsentationen Incidence of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Denmark, 1990-2012: A Hospital-based Study High prevalence of Hypertension in a Danish Population Narrow band imaging ved fleksibel cystoskopi Effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises for patients with difficulty returning to usual activities 8-12 weeks after decompression surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomised controlled trial One-Stop Clilnical Pathway for the preoperative evaluation and treatment of trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrom. Infantile Colic: Risk factors and developmental outcomes
Navn Bodil Bjørnshave Noe, Sygeplejerske, cand.scient.san, Ph.d. Seniorforsker, CFU Nikolaj Hoffmann-Petersen, Læge, ph.d. stud. Medicinsk Forskning Ditte Drejer, Læge, phd. stud. Urinvejskir. David Høyrup Christiansen, Fysioterapeut, cand. scient.san., ph.d. Forsker, AMK
Relatives experience of writing diaries for critically ill. A phenomenologicalhermeneutical study.
Anne Højager Nielsen Sygeplejerske, Master Klinisk Sygepleje, Ph.d. stud., Intensiv afd.
Anke Elisabeth de Beijer, MSc ph.d. stud. Ortopæd.
Ioanna Milidou, Læge ph.d. Perinatal Epidemiology Research Unit, AUH
Inviteret foredrag 14.30-15.00
Kliniske databaser v/ Eva Natalia Glassou, cand. Scient. san., PhD-stud. Kvalitet og Udvikling, Hospitalsenheden Vest
Side 1 af 38
Session 2 – Poster præsentationer Chair: Johan Hviid Andersen og Bodil Bjørnshave Noe Nr. 8
Tid 15.30-15.35
Titel på præsentationen Use of analgesics and psychotrophics following threats and violence at work in human service sectors PROLUC – PatientRapporterede Outcomemål for LUngeCancer
Navn Karin Biering, fysioterapeut, cand. scient.san., ph.d. Forsker, AMK
Neurological symptoms, evaluation and treatment in Danish patients with achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia Obstructive sleep apnea and blood pressure and in patients with hypertension and chronic kidney disease Socioeconomic differences in educational attainment among young adults- the role of social relations. A prospective cohort study. Handling of the Hemoclot Thrombin Inhibitor assay reagents on Sysmex CS2100i when monitoring dabigatran in acute clinical situation Return to work after stroke
Mia Doherty BA medicin Forskningsmedarbejder CSS, Børneafdeling A, AUH og CFU, HEV Bodil Gade Hornstrup, læge ph.d. stud. Universitetsklinik for Nyresygdomme og Hypertension, Holstebro
The International Donor 7042 NF1 Offspring Registry Suspected Impingement Syndrome – prevalence of radiographic findings and their relation to the Oxford Shoulder Score Tværfaglig klinisk uddannelse i et ambulatorium
Side 2 af 38
Ida Zerlang, projektsygeplejerske, Onkologisk afd.
Trine Nøhr Winding, fysioterapeut, cand. scient.san., ph.d. Forsker, AMK Louise Faaborg, Forskningsbioanalytiker, KBA
Louise Pape Larsen, sygeplejerske, cand. scient.san., ph.d.stud. AMK Cecilie Ejerskov Pedersen, Læge ph.d.stud Børneafd. og AUH Linda Christie Andrea, Læge, ph.d. stud. AMK/Ortopæd
Flemming Jakobsen Uddannelseskonsulent, ph.d Ortopædkirurgisk Forskningsafsnit
Session 3 – Orale og poster Præsentationer Chair: Mogens Rørbæk Madsen og Ole May
Orale præsentationer Nr. 18
Tid 16.25-16.37
Titel på præsentationen The Effect of Sodium Nitrite on Central and Peripheral Hemodynamics, Vasoactive Hormones, GFR and Sodium Excretion in Healthy Subjects Accuracy of Adenosine 2D Strain Stress Echocardiography in the detection of Coronary Artery Disease in patients with Chest Pain Effects of Violence Prevention Behavior on Exposure to Workplace Violence and Threats: A Follow-up Study 10-years follow-up on incontinence after hysterectomy compared to controls. Stress som et sociokulturelt fænomen
Navn Jeppe Bakkestrøm Rosenbæk, Læge, Klinisk assistent, Medicinsk Forskning
June Anita Ejlersen, Læge Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling
Charlotte Ann Gadegaard, psykolog, phd. stud. AMK Ulla Christiansen, Læge ph.d. stud. Gynækologisk-obstetrisk Afdeling Tanja Kirkegaard, Psykolog, ph.d. AMK
Poster præsentationer Nr. 23
Tid 17.25-17.30
Titel på præsentationen Loop recording (R.Test Evolution 4) in 7 days detects more patients with atrial fibrillation compared to a 2 day Holter recording in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack Measured changes in serial dead space during modification of pressure support. Treatment of hypertension using telemedical home blood pressure measurements Metronomic chemotherapy seams to be less toxic than conventional chemotherapy. Preliminary results from the XeNa trial for breast cancer patients
Navn Michala Herskind Sejr, Læge ph.d. Kardiologisk afd.
Nilanjan Dey, Overlæge, Anæstesiologisk Afdeling Nikolai Hoffmann-Petersen, Læge, ph.d. stud. Medicinsk Forskning Søren Linnet, Overlæge Onkologisk
Inviteret foredrag
Publikation af lægemiddelforskning v/ Niels Holmark Andersen overlæge dr. med. AUH
Side 3 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 1
Incidence of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (TSCI)in Denmark, 1990-2012: A Hospital-based Study
Bodil Bjørnshave Noe Sygeplejerske, cand scient san, ph.d. Seniorforsker HEV-CFU
[email protected] 24 94 65 84
Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
The annual average incidence of TSCI in Europe has risen during the past 30 years. Most countries have seen an increase in age at time of injury, percentage of tetraplegia and incomplete lesions. Data on incidence, prevalence and cause of injury are critical to prevention and planning of clinical and community services. This study aims to assess the incidence of TSCI and TSCI incidence trends in relation to cause, age, gender, level and completeness of injury.
Metoder og materiale:
Øvrige forfattere
TSCI patients admitted between 1990 and 2012 to Spinal Cord Injury Centre of Western Denmark. Proportions, incidence rates and incidence rate ratios were calculated for five time-periods; and were stratified on age, gender, cause, level and completeness of TSCI. Included were 691 patients (males 81.9%). The overall annual TSCI incidence was 10.2 per million person-years at risk. Median age at time of injury rose from 29.0 to 47.5 years. The proportion of transport-related injuries fell, fallrelated injuries rose and the proportion of incomplete tetraplegia increased. The overall TSCI incidence is low and remained stable from 1990 to 2012. Patients aged above 60 years at time of injury who sustain an incomplete tetraplegia caused by fall-related injury are a present challenge to rehabilitation team at hospital and in the community. Ellen Margrethe Mikkelsen1, MPH, PhD, Senior Researcher Rikke Middelhede Hansen2 , MD Mathias Thygesen13 , Medical Student Ellen Merete Hagen2,4 , MD, PhD, Associate Professor 1 2 3 4
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus Denmark Spinal Cord Injury Centre of Western Denmark, Viborg Denmark, Spinal Cord Research Center Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway
Projektet er støttet med 25.000 fra intern forskningspulje i Hospitalsenhed Midt i Viborg.
Side 4 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 2 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
High prevalence of Hypertension in a Danish Population Nikolai Hoffmann-Petersen Læge, Ph.D. studerende HU-læge nefrologi Medicinsk afdeling, Holstebro
[email protected] 29464510
Home blood pressure (HBP) is prognostically superior to office blood pressure (OBP) ans similar to ambulatory blood pressure measurements. We determined the prevalence of hypertension using HBP with telemedical data transmission in the municipality of Holstebro (57000 citizens).
Metoder og materiale:
Using the Civil Registration System, we invited citizens aged 55-64 years to have their OBP and HBP measured. Elevated OBP was defined as ≥140/90 mmHg. HBP was measured 3 times daily on 3 consecutive days with 3 measurements on each occasion. HBP was the mean of all measurements on day two and three, and hypertension was defined as ≥135/85 mmHg.
We included 3102 citizens. Group 1: (n=1464, 47%) had both normal OBP and HBP. Group 2: (n=838, 27%) had both elevated OBP and HBP indicating persistent hypertension. Group 3: (n=560, 18%) had elevated OBP and normal HBP indicating white coat hypertension. Group 4: (n=240, 8%) had normal OBP but elevated HBP indicating masked hypertension.
This is the first study to eliminate completely reporting bias by using telemedical transmission of blood pressure data. One third of citizens in the age group 55-64 years had an abnormally HBP, and one fourth either had either white coat hypertension or masked hypertension.
Øvrige forfattere
T. Lauritzen, J.N. Bech & E.B. Pedersen
Eventuelle vejledere
T. Lauritzen, J.N. Bech & E.B. Pedersen
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Tryg Foundation, Municipality of Holstebro and Central Denmark Region
Side 5 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 3 Navn: Titel: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Narrow band imaging ved fleksibel cystoskopi Ditte Drejer/Jørgen Bjerggaard Reservelæge og PhD stud./Professor og overlæge Urinvejskirurgisk Afd, Holstebro og Aarhus Universitet Hospital
[email protected] 28919283
Narrow Band Imaging, NBI er en ny optisk teknik, der giver en maximal kontrast af strukturerne i blæreslimhinden, hvilket muliggør en bedre detektion af ikke-muskel invasiv blærecancer eller forstadier til blærekræft sammenlignet med standard hvidt lys. Formålet er, at undersøge i hvor høj en grad anvendelsen af NBI ved flexcystokopi bedrer diagnostikken og ændrer den kliniske beslutning ved såvel primær hæmaturiudredning som ved kontrol skopier.
Metoder og materiale:
1140 patienter blev inkluderet i perioden maj 2014 til juni 2015 på de involverede urologiske afdelinger. Cystoskopien blev foretaget først på normal vis med hvidt lys og den kliniske beslutning noteret. Herefter blev blæren undersøgt med NBI og den samme eller ændrede kliniske beslutning, blev noteret.
Der var positive fund i hvidt lys i 216 HD skopier (22,6%). Ved disse patienter blev der fundet yderligere patologi i 61 skopier ved brug af NBI (28,2%). De cystoskopier, hvor der ikke blev fundet patologi i hvidt lys, blev der fundet suspekte forandringer i NBI ved 25 skopier (3,4%). Samlet set blev den kliniske beslutning ændret i 9 %.
Ved anvendelse af NBI som supplement til hvidt lys i forbindelse med fleksibel cystoskopi kan påvises yderligere patologiske forandringer i blæreslimhinden.
Øvrige forfattere
Jørgen Bjerggaard Jensen, Professor og overlæge. Urinvejskirurgisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitets Hospital og Hospitalsenheden Vest, Holstebro (Gitte Lam, Overlæge, Herlev Hospital) (Søren Høyer, Overlæge, AUH)
Eventuelle vejledere
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
1/3 PhD løn fra HEV
Side 6 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 4
Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises for patients with difficulty returning to usual activities 8-12 weeks after decompression surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomised controlled trial David Høyrup Christiansen Fysioterapeut, ph.d. Post doc/forsker Dansk Ramazzini Center, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Universitetsklinik Regionshospitalet Herning, Hospitalsenheden Vest
[email protected] 21 68 84 31
Little is known about the effectiveness of different exercise programmes following subacromial decompression surgery. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a standardized physiotherapy exercise intervention after decompression surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome.
Metoder og materiale:
A total of 126 patients with difficulty returning to usual activities 8-12 weeks after surgery were randomised to receive either a standardised physiotherapy exercise intervention or usual care. At three months, the primary outcome was the Oxford Shoulder Score. Secondary outcomes were the Constant Score and the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire.
Intention-to-treat analyses demonstrated a non-significant treatment effect of 2.0 (95% confidence interval -0.5 to 4.6) for the Oxford Shoulder Score. A significant treatment effect of 6.8 (1.3 to 12.3) was found for the Constant Score, with more patients in the exercise group showing a clinically relevant improvement, odds ratio 3.6 (1.6 to 8.5); number needed to treat 3.3 (2.2 to 9.2). Reduction in fear avoidance beliefs displayed a non-significant mean difference of -1.8 (-3.8 to 0.3) in favour of the exercise group. Per protocol analyses displayed significantly larger improvement for the exercise group in primary and secondary outcomes.
A standardized physiotherapy exercise intervention appears more effective than usual care for short term improvement.
Øvrige forfattere
Poul Frost overlæge, ph.d., Dansk Ramazzini Center, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Aarhus Universitetshospital. Deborah Falla fysioterapeut, Professor, Pain Clinic Center for Anesthesiology, Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine University Hospital Göttingen & Department of Neurorehabilitation Engineering, Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology (BFNT) Göttingen Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), University Medical Center Göttingen Georg-August University. Jens Peder Haahr overlæge, MPH, Dansk Ramazzini Center, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Regionshospitalet Herning, Hospitalsenheden Vest Lars Henrik Frich overlæge, ph.d. Ortopædisk afdeling, Odense Universitetshospital. Susanne Wulff Svendsen overlæge, professor, Dansk Ramazzini Center, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Regionshospitalet Herning, Hospitalsenheden Vest.
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Projektet er finansieret af Det Strategiske Forskningsråd (sagsnummer: 09066985) og Dansk Ramazzini center.
Side 7 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 5 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Metoder og materiale:
One-Stop Clilnical Pathway for the pre-operative evaluation and treatment of trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrom. Anke de Beijer MSc PhD studerende Ortopædkirurgisk forskningsenhed
[email protected] 3148 3826
Comparison of one stop day-care surgery versus day-care surgery with preoperative outpatient clinic assessment on: waiting times, patient-related outcomes (DASH, EQ5-D) and patient satisfaction Development of a clinical pathway by a multidisciplinary team. Standard care was updated by using latest medical best practices, other changes: • Diagnostics and operation on the same day instead of after two visits • Operation in local anesthesia anesthesia instead of full intravenous block • Optimization of in- and outflow of patient in the operating theater • Standardized diagnostics, communication to patients and between healthcare staff and standardized post operative protocol
Total in-hospital waiting time Time referral- operation (workdays) # patient visits Mean DASH 3 months post operative (baseline) Average # patients per sitting
Usual Care median (range) 216 minutes (85-466) 55 (5-331)
Clinical pathway median (range)
93 minutes (38189) 27 (3-100)
2 37.31 SD16.65 (47.6) 6
1 37.36 SD15.47 (46.73)
Patients experienced clinical pathway day as really good (73%, n=178) or good (20%, n=48). Konklusion:
One stop day-care surgery reduces total patient waiting time, number of visits, time from referral to operation without compromising DASH scores.
Øvrige forfattere
Torben Bæk Hansen, professor, ledende overlæge, ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, Regionshospitalet Holstebro Maiken Stilling, lektor, læge, PhD, ortopædkirurgisk forskning Aarhus Lene Dremstrup, overlæge, ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, Regionshospitalet Holstebro.
Eventuelle vejledere
Torben Bæk Hansen, professor, ledende overlæge, ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, Regionshospitalet Holstebro Maurits van Tulder, professor, VU University, Amsterdam, Institute for Work and Health, VU University Medical Center Maiken Stilling, lektor, læge, PhD, ortopædkirurgisk forskningsafdeling Aarhus
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Projektet er finansieret af ortopædkirurgisk forskningsenheden
Side 8 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 6 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Infantile Colic: Risk factors and developmental outcomes Ioanna Milidou MD, PhD Reservelæge Børneafdelingen, AUH
[email protected] 41592054
Infantile colic consists of unexplained crying during the first months of life and affects up to 10% of all children. Little is known about the development of the affected infants after the period with the excessive crying is over.
Metoder og materiale:
Children from the Danish National Birth Cohort (1996-2002) were followed up during childhood. Children with a history of infantile colic were compared to peers using the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, and child psychiatric diagnoses registered in the National Patients Registry.
Children with a history of infantile colic did not have elevated risk for developmental coordination disorder ( Odds Ratio 1.2 with 95% confidence interval[1.0-1.6]), scored more often in the abnormal range for emotional (1.4 [1.2-1.6]), conduct (1.4 [1.2-1.6]), inattention/hyperactivity (1.3 [1.1-1.6], and peer problems (1.3 [1.1-1.5]), and were more likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder during childhood (1.3 [1.1-1.6]).
Children with a history of infantile colic may have more emotional and behavioural problems, peer problems, and hyperactivity while they have similar gross and fine motor skills to unaffected peers.
Øvrige forfattere
Charlotte Søndergaard, MD, PhD, Børneafdelingen, HEV
Eventuelle vejledere
Tine Brink Henriksen, MD, PhD, professor, Børneafdelingen, AUH
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Lundbeck Fonden, Region Midtjyllands Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsfond, Børneafdelingen HEV, Aarhus Universitet
Side 9 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 7 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Relatives experience of writing diaries for critically ill. A phenomenological-hermeneutical study. Anne Højager Nielsen MKS Intensivsygeplejerske, ph.d. studerende. ITA, Anæstesiologisk Afdeling
[email protected] 78432600 / 60774422
Diaries written by nurses for the critically ill patient help the relatives cope and support the patient. Relative’s participation in writing a diary is appreciated by the patients. However, relative’s perception of writing a diary has not previously been explored. The aim of this study was to explore how relatives experience writing a diary for the critically ill patient.
Metoder og materiale:
Seven relatives were interviewed in a phenomenological-hermeneutic study building on the theory of Ricoeur.
We found that when relatives wrote a diary for the critically patients, they experienced how writing and reading the diary allowed for the unloading of emotions and expression of feelings. Writing a diary was a meaningful activity while enduring a situation of uncertainty. Furthermore it created a distance that allowed understanding of the critical situation. Relatives used the diary to communicate their feelings of love for the patient, thus, creating a feeling of togetherness with the patient or restoring a suffering relationship. When writing in the diary relatives wished to protect the patient but also change the patient’s way of life.
Involving relatives in writing a diary supports relatives and helps them cope with the critical situation but may also impact the relationship between relatives and patient.
Eventuelle vejledere
Sanne Angel, Lektor, ph.d. Institut for Folkesundhed, Sektion for sygepleje, Aarhus Universitet.
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Undersøgelsen var finansieret af Anæstesiologisk Afdeling.
Side 10 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 8 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Use of analgesics and psychotrophics following threats and violence at work in human service sectors Karin Biering Cand.scient.san., ph.d. Forsker Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik
[email protected] 78433500
Exposure to threats and violence at work are common in human service sectors. Previous studies have shown that threats and violence may have health consequences, in terms of physical injuries and psychological strain. A previous cross-occupational study found an association between violence and use of psychotropics. The aim was to examine the association between exposure to threats and violence at work in human service sectors and use of analgesics and psychotropics
Metoder og materiale:
5333 Danish employees working in psychiatry, eldercare, the Prison and Probation Service and special schools answered questionnaires in 2010 and followed in a register of medical prescriptions for 3 years. Outcomes were use of analgetics and psychotropics.
Only few types of threats and violence were associated with use of medication. Across sectors we found that being held or being bit was associated with use of analgesics and psychotropics. The self-reported rating of severity was likewise associated with use of medication, primarily psychotropics.
Threats and violence in human service sectors was only to a limited extend associated with use of analgetics and psychotropics. These negative findings may be explained by resilience or that the most exposed workers may have been sick-listed and thus has not answered the questionnaire.
Øvrige forfattere
Lars Peter Sønderbo Andersen, psykolog, ph.d, forsker, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Annie Høgh, psykolog og ph.d., professor, Københavns Universitet og Johan Hviid Andersen, Læge, ph.d., professor, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Side 11 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 9 Navn: Titel: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
PROLUC – Patient rapporterede Outcomemål for lungecancer Ida Zerlang Projektsygeplejerske Onkologisk afdeling
[email protected] 78 43 74 59
Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) er hidtil primært anvendt I kliniske forsøg. En model for systematisk brug af PROM i klinisk praksis er afprøvet blandt lungecancer patienter i Danmark, initieret og ledet af Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Hensigten er at inddrage kræftpatienters registrering af deres helbredsstatus under behandling.
Metoder og materiale:
Undersøgelsen er et pilotprojekt på lungecancerpatienter i Herning, som udfylder PROM-skema ved brug af AmbuFlex i forbindelse med ambulant kontrol hver 3. uge i alt 4-5 gange i løbet af et 12 ugers palliativt behandlingsforløb. Besvarelserne bliver gennemgået med læge og sygeplejerske med henblik på optimering af symptomkontrol. European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) har udviklet det anvendte spørgeskema (EORTC_QLQ-c30 og LC-13)
I alt er 198 patienter inkluderet, PROM besvarelser; 1. ambulante kontakt (n=122), 2. kontakt (n=93), 3. kontakt (n=76), 4. kontakt (n=58), 5. kontakt (n=47). Der er ingen ændring på livskvalitet eller emotionel funktion over tid, fysisk funktion forbedres lidt over tid men ikke signifikant. Symptomer/problemstillinger som opleves mest belastende er følgende: anspændthed, åndenød, fysiske begrænsninger, seksuelt samvær, træthed og bekymring om forværring og død.
Ovenstående præliminære data er modtaget fra KB ultimo juni 2015. Vi forventer at kunne analyse data yderligere til forskningens dag.
Øvrige forfattere
Lars Peter Sønderbo Andersen, psykolog, ph.d, forsker, Arbejdsmedicinsk Bodil Bjørnshave Noe, Seniorforsker, cand. scient. san, PhD, CFU, Hospitalsenheden Vest Halla Skuladottir, Overlæge, Dr. Med. Onkologisk afdeling Hospitalsenheden Vest Niels Henrik Hjøllund, Professor, overlæge, PhD Leder af AmbuFlex Hospitalsenheden Vest
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Kræftens Bekæmpelses PROLUC-projekt er et toårigt projekt og er finansieret med 1.8 millioner kroner fra KB’s indsamlingen Knæk Cancer 2012. Der indgår 6 onkologiske afdelinger i projektet
Side 12 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 10 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Neurological symptoms, evaluation and treatment in Danish patients with achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia Mia Aargaard Doherty Stud. Med. Forskningsmedarbejder CSS, Børneafdeling A, AUH og CFU, HEV
[email protected]
To investigate the incidence of neurological symptoms and the types of complications in a cohort of Danish patients with mutation verified achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia and compare the results with previously reported findings.
Metoder og materiale:
Retrospective descriptive study by chart review of patients followed in three outpatients clinics in the period 1997-2014. Forty-eight patients with achondroplasia with a median age of 9,5 years old and 20 patients with hypochondroplasia with a median age of 12 years old were enrolled. Neurologic manifestations, epidemiological variables and clinical data were collected.
New data on neurological symptoms and surgical interventions were reported and compared with existing knowledge. Description of phenotypes revealed frequent headaches, pain in back, neck and lower limbs, sleep apnoea and conductive hearing loss. No sub-phenotype was predictive for referral to an MRI scan or neurosurgery.
Through investigation of phenotypes and genotypes in patients with achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia we report the frequencies of neurological symptoms, foramen magnum stenosis, spinal cord compression and neurosurgery in Danish patients. Variation in the evaluation of patients among the three clinics is found and discussed. To further standardise the management of patients, national guidelines for follow-up on children with ACH and HCH are recommended.
Øvrige forfattere
Doherty MA1,2, Hertel NT4, Hove HB5 and Haagerup A2,3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Centre for Rare Diseases, Department of Paediatrics, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Centre for Research and Education, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Denmark Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark H.C. Andersen Children’s Hospital, Odense University Hospital, Denmark Centre for Rare Diseases, Department of Clinical Genetics, Rigshospitalet, Denmark
Eventuelle vejledere
Annette Haagerup, Forskningskoordinerende ledende overlæge Akademisk koordinator, lektor, dr. med. Center for Forskning og Uddannelse Hospitalsenheden Vest og Institut for Klinisk Medicin Aarhus Universitet, Health
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Bachelorprojekt, AU Health
Side 13 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 11 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Obstructive sleep apnea and blood pressure and in patients with hypertension and chronic kidney disease Bodil Gade Hornstrup Læge, Ph.D.studerende Klinisk assistent Universitetsklinik for Nyresygdomme og Hypertension, Holstebro
[email protected] 61669627
High nocturnal blood pressure(BP) and non-dipping are important prognostic factors in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Many patients with chronic kidney disease(CKD) suffer from high nocturnal BP and non-dipping. This may be related to the presence of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA). In general population, OSA is observed in 10-15% of men and 5-8% of women, symptomatic in 2-4%
Metoder og materiale:
238 subjects with hypertension and CKD2 were invited to participate. 70 subjects were included and underwent conventional 24h ambulatoryBP and centralBP monitoring, 24h urine-collection(microalbuminuria), blood samples(creatinine), and cardiorespiratory monitoring(AHI). OSA was diagnosed when AHI>5.
Of the 70 subjects, 27(39%) were diagnosed with OSA(average AHI 16,5). The subjects suffering from OSA were more obese. There were no difference between subjects with and without OSA in regard to age, gender, eGFR, ualbumine, number of antihypertensive agents, alcohol intake, Epworthscore. Subjects with OSA tended to have higher clinicBP, average 24hBP, nocturnalBP, centralBP, higher frequency of resistant hypertension and nondipping.
The occurrence of OSA in a population with hypertension and CKD2 was larger than expected in general population. In subjects with OSA, there was a tendency towards higher central and brachial BP. It is suggested, that OSA is the cause of high BP in patients with CKD2.
Øvrige forfattere
Jeppe.B.Rosenbæk, læge, Ph.d.studerende, Nikolai Hoffmann-Petersen, læge, Ph.d.studerende Pia.H.Gjørup, Jost Wessels, Thomas Guldager Lauridsen, Erling Bjerregaard Pedersen, Jesper Nørgaard Bech 900.000 kr. fra Region Midtjyllands Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsfond.
Eventuelle vejledere: Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Side 14 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 12 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Socioeconomic differences in educational attainment among young adultsthe role of social relations. A prospective cohort study. Trine Nøhr Winding Cand.scient. san., ph.d. Forsker Arbejdsmedicinsk klinik
[email protected] 78433542
It is commonly accepted that parental background factors are associated with later educational outcome of the off-springs, but to what extent social relations mediates the association between background factors and educational attainment is not yet fully understood. Aim: To investigate the effect of social relations on the association between parental socioeconomic position and educational attainment.
Metoder og materiale:
This prospective study used data from questionnaires and registers. The study population consisted of 3054 individuals born in 1989. The outcome educational attainment was dichotomised into 1. Completed/Still attending or, 2.Dropped out/Never attended a secondary education at age 21. Associations between parental socioeconomic position and educational attainment were analysed, taking into account social relations at age 15 and 18.
Young people from low socioeconomic position families had higher risk of not completing a secondary education, and the estimates did not change considerably after adjustment for social relations. However, poor relations with teachers and classmates at age 18 explained a large part of the association between income and educational attainment.
Social relations in general only explained a minor part of the socioeconomic differences in educational attainment. However, poor relations at school at age 18 explain a substantial part of the economic inequality in educational attainment.
Øvrige forfattere
Johan Hviid Andersen, Professor, overlæge, ph.d. Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
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Abstrakt nr. 13 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Handling of the Hemoclot Thrombin Inhibitor assay reagents on Sysmex CS2100i when monitoring dabigatran in acute clinical situation Louise Faaborg Bioanalytiker Forskningsbioanalytiker Klinisk Biokemisk afdeling, Herning
[email protected] 7843 55 00
The Hemoclot Thrombin Inhibitors assay (HTI) has been recommended for monitoring dabigatran in specific clinical situations. Normally, reagents are prepared from instructions in the package insert (PI). However, according to the supplier (Aniara) HTI reagents should be prepared from instructions found in the application sheet (AS). Aim of this study is to test the onboard stability of HTI reagents when prepared according to the PI in comparison to preparation by the AS.
Metoder og materiale:
We compared stability of HTI reagents when prepared according to the PI (15 minutes incubation) and AS (60 minutes incubation) respectively, on a Sysmex CS-2100i analyzer. Fresh controls were measured four times at baseline and in duplicate every hour for eight hours consecutively. Accept-criteria: max. difference of 10 % in results (20 % for C1 Low). Onboard stability: 6 hours (Hyphen BioMed).
Using the PI, reagents were stable a maximum of 2 hours onboard the analyzer. Reagents were stable for up to 5 hours when using the instructions from the AS.
HTI reagents should not be used more than two hours onboard the Sysmex CS-2100i when prepared according to the PI. When using the AS reagent stability increases, but the long incubation time is undesirable in acute situations.
Øvrige forfattere
Willemijn Comuth, phd stud, Klinisk biokemisk afdeling, Herning. Anna-Marie Bloch-Münster, Overlæge, Klinisk biokemisk afdeling, HEV. Linda Ø. Henriksen, Kemiker, Klinisk Biokemisk afdeling, HEV S teen Husted, Overlæge, Kardiologisk afdeling, HEV
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Fra Klinisk biokemisk afdeling Herning, + Forskningsmidler fra Boehringer Ingelheim samt 10 % rabat fra Anira på reagenser
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Abstrakt nr. 14 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Return to work after stroke Louise Pape Larsen Phd.studerende, Cand.scient.san, Sygeplejerske Phd.studerende AmbuFlex v. Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik
[email protected] 78433549 / 61388949
Self-rated health is an essential aspect of life after stroke, and Return To Work (RTW) is considered one of the most important outcomes for younger stroke patients. The aim of this study was to examine whether self-rated health 3 months after stroke is independently associated with RTW and succeeding work-stability.
Metoder og materiale:
A total of 590 patients aged less than 60 years at the time of stroke and in occupation or unemployment prior to the stroke were included. Information on self-rated health (SF12) was collected from questionnaires three months after stroke. Employment status was defined on a weekly basis using national register data on transfer payments.
Fifty percent of the patients were self supporting or job-seeking 12 months after the stroke, and the same proportion was found after 24 months. More than 70% of the patients, who returned to work during the first year after stroke, did not receive sickness benefits the succeeding 12 months. High levels of self-rated health 3 months after stroke were strongly associated with RTW after 12 and 24 months.
Self-rated health three months after stroke was strongly associated with RTW and work-stability after stroke.
Øvrige forfattere
Karin Biering, PhD, Cand. Scient. San, Department of occupational medicine, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Herning, Denmark Soeren Paaske Johns MD, phD Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; Grethe Andersen MD, DMSc Department of Neurology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; Niels Henrik Hjollund Proff, MD, PhD AmbuFlex, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Herning, Denmark
Eventuelle vejledere
Soeren Paaske Johns MD, phD Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; Grethe Andersen MD, DMSc Department of Neurology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; Niels Henrik Hjollund Proff, MD, PhD AmbuFlex, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Herning, Denmark
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
2/3 fakultetsstipendie fra AU, Helsefonden og Trygfonden
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Abstrakt nr. 15 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
The International Donor 7042 NF1 Offspring Registry Cecilie Ejerskov Ph.d.-studerende Klinisk Assistent Børneafdeling A, AUH
[email protected] Kontor 7845 1521 / 2567 3729
The Danish sperm donor number 7042 has fathered several offspring with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) worldwide. NF1 is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the NF1 gene and more than 1000 NF1 mutations are identified. Analysis of the donor sperm demonstrated gonosomal mosaicism with an intragenic deletion involving exons 15-29 in the NF1 gene.
Metoder og materiale:
At the two Danish reference centres for NF1 patients, we evaluated 23 halfsiblings of the donor. Nine were diagnosed with NF1. DNA was sampled and analysed. At each visit a registration sheet of clinical characteristics is filled out by specialists in paediatrics or genetics.
Demographics, clinical signs, development and disease severity are presented. The severity grade of NF1 progressed from minimal to mild/moderate within 3 years of follow-up.
The NF1 phenotype shows great variability in intra- and inter-family expressivity and to date only two NF1 genotype-phenotype correlations have been established. This rare possibility of a long-term follow-up of a cohort of half-siblings with NF1 makes further studies including phenotypic variability and search for modifier genes possible. To achieve this goal, we have initiated The International Donor 7042 NF1 Offspring Registry.
Øvrige forfattere
Ejerskov C 1,2,3, Farholt S 1, Jensen UB 4, Haagerup A 2,3 6. 7. 8. 9.
Centre for Rare Diseases, Department of Paediatrics, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Centre for Research and Education, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Denmark Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Department of Clinical Genetics, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Eventuelle vejledere
Annette Haagerup, Forskningskoordinerende ledende overlæge Akademisk koordinator, lektor, dr. med. Center for Forskning og Uddannelse Hospitalsenheden Vest og Institut for Klinisk Medicin Aarhus Universitet, Health
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Projektet er initieret af forskerne selv uden finansiering.
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Abstrakt nr. 16 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Suspected Impingement Syndrome – prevalence of radiographic findings and their relation to the Oxford Shoulder Score Linda Christie Andrea Læge, ph.d.-studerende Klinisk assistent Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Universitetsklinik
[email protected] 61 703 783
Danish patients suspected of impingement syndrome generally have radiographs of their shoulder before their first consultation with a surgeon. We aimed to describe the prevalence of radiographic findings of rotator cuffcalcifications, osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint, acromial spurs and a hooked acromion (Bigliani type 3), on standard radiographs. We hypothesized that these findings are associated with shoulder disability in terms of a low Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS).
Metoder og materiale:
We conducted a cross-sectional study of all 1039 patients aged 18-63 years, who were suspected of impingement syndrome based on the referral letter and who answered a questionnaire, which included OSS, when seen at one of six orthopaedic departments in Central Denmark Region during 2011. Radiographs at time of referral were examined by one of two resident doctors, who were blinded to symptoms and clinical findings. Data was analyzed with logistic regression, with mutual adjustment for each radiographic finding and for sex and age.
Radiographs were available for 853 patients (82.1%) Mean OSS was 28. The prevalence of radiographic findings was: 25.3% for calcifications, 17.5% for a hooked acromion, 11.9% for osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint, and 15.1% for spurs. Spurs were associated with a low OSS (OSS<24) with an adjusted OR of 1.7 (95% CI 1.1-2.6). No association was found between any of the other radiographic findings and a low OSS.
One fourth of all patients referred for orthopaedic evaluation on suspicion of impingement syndrome had rotator cuff calcifications on radiographs. The calcifications had no significant association with OSS. Spurs were the only radiographic findings associated with a low OSS.
Øvrige forfattere
Poul Frost, overlæge ph.d. Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Aarhus Universitetshospital Kate Schmidt, læge, Ortopædkirurgisk Afdeling, Regionshospitalet Viborg John Gelineck, overlæge, ph.d., Radiologisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital Torben Bæk Hansen, professor, ledende overlæge, ph.d., Ortopædkirurgisk Afdeling, Regionshospitalet Holstebro Søren Rasmussen Deutch, overlæge, ph.d., Ortopædkirurgisk Afdeling, Regionshospitalet Randers Susanne Wulff Svendsen, professor, overlæge, ph.d., Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Regionshospitalet Herning
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Region Midtjyllands Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsfond Arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden
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Abstrakt nr. 17 Navn: Titel: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Tværfaglig klinisk uddannelse i et ambulatorium Flemming Jakobsen Uddannelseskonsulent, ph.d Ortopædkirurgisk Forskningsafsnit
[email protected] 20631797
Fald i antal indlagte patienter giver udfordringer vedrørende klinisk uddannelse af sundhedspersonale i traditionelle kliniske sengeafdelinger, hvilket gør inddragelse af ambulatoriefunktion i undervisningen vigtig. Formål: At undersøge pædagogiske og organisatoriske muligheder for tværfaglig prægraduat klinisk uddannelse i et ambulatorium.
Metoder og materiale:
I ortopædkirurgisk ambulatorium undersøger og behandler en medicinstuderende og en sygeplejestuderende selvstændigt tre patienter to dage om ugen. Der vælges kontrolpatienter med ukomplicerede diagnoser, gives førvejledning og eftervejledning, hvorefter de studerende er alene med patienten, men har mulighed for at konsultere en vejleder fra egen profession. De studerende og vejledere er interviewet ved brug af semistruktureret fokusgruppe interview samt enkelt interview.
De studerende værdsætter selvstændigheden og det tværfaglige samarbejde. De er både gode til at arbejde inden for egen profession og til at samarbejde på tværs af professioner. Ledelse, vejledere og kliniske lektorer finder projektet spændende og udviklende og der arbejdes kontinuerligt med videreudvikling af organisatorisk og pædagogisk tilgang. Det vurderes, at der senere kan arrangeres lignende læringsscenarier, hvor studerende fra professionerne ergoterapi og fysioterapi vil kunne deltage.
Tværfaglig klinisk undervisning kan med fordel foregå i et ambulatorium med stort udbytte for de studerende og det formodes, at metoden, med den nødvendige tilpasning vil kunne implementeres i flere andre specialers ambulatorier.
Øvrige forfattere
Torben Bæk Hansen, professor. Ortopædkirurgisk Afdeling
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Abstrakt nr. 18 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
The Effect of Sodium Nitrite on Central and Peripheral Hemodynamics, Vasoactive Hormones, GFR and Sodium Excretion in Healthy Subjects Jeppe Bakkestrøm Rosenbæk Læge, ph.d. studerende Klinisk assistent Universitetsklinik for Nyresygdom og Blodtryksforhøjelse, HEV og Aarhus Universitet
[email protected] 78436585
Sodium nitrite (NaNO2) is readily converted to nitric oxide (NO) by enzymes in vivo and exerts vasodilation. Studies based on NO synthase inhibition indicates a natriuretic effect of NO. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of NaNO2 on hemodynamics and renal function.
Metoder og materiale:
Twelve healthy subjects were treated, in a randomized order, with placebo (isotonic NaCl) or one of three doses of NaNO2 40, 120 or 240 micrograms/kg/hour for two hours, while supine and water loaded. Diastolic, systolic and mean arterial blood pressure (DBP, SBP and MAP), heart rate, plasma renin, angiotensin-II and aldosterone, GFR by chrome-EDTA clearance, fractional sodium excretion (FENa), and urinary excretion rate of nitrite and nitrate (NOx) where measured.
FENa was reduced by 0.25% 95%CI (0.02;0.47) by the lowest dose, 0.24% (0.12;0.59) by the intermediate dose and 0.32% (0.06;0.59) by the highest dose compared to placebo. The highest dose reduced SBP by 4.5 mmHg (0.5;8.5), DBP by 3.8 mmHg (0.9;6.7), MAP by 4.0 mmHg (1.2;6.8) and increased P-renin concentration by 17.6% (2.9;32.2), P-angiotensin-II by 21.8% (4.6;38.9), and urinary excretion rate of NOx by 95% (59;132) compared to placebo. There was no effect on heart rate, GFR or aldosterone
A two hour infusion of 240 microg/kg/hour NaNO2 exerted an antinatriuretic and BP lowering effect. The rise in urinary NOx suggests an increased bioavailability. Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) could be mediated directly by nitrite/NO or by baroreceptor reflex. The antinatriuretic effect may be mediated by the RAAS
Øvrige forfattere
Safa Therwani, ph.d.-studerende, Janni M. Jensen, læge, ph.d., Frank H. Mose, læge, ph.d.
Eventuelle vejledere
Erling B. Pedersen, overlæge,, professor og Jesper N. Bech, overlæge, ph.d., klinisk lektor
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Delfinansieret af offentlige og private fonde
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Abstrakt nr. 19 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Accuracy of Adenosine 2D Strain Stress Echocardiography in the detection of Coronary Artery Disease in patients with Chest Pain June Anita Ejlersen cand. med. ph.d. stud. Overlæge Nuklearmedicinsk afd.
[email protected] 20285134
Stress echocardiography is a valuable tool for noninvasive investigation of coronary artery disease (CAD). Global longitudinal strain (GLS) allows semiautomatic quantification of myocardial deformation from echocardiograms and facilitates the identification of an abnormal response during stress. The purpose of this study was to examine if endocardial GLS (eGLS) measured from echocardiograms during adenosine infusion could identify significant CAD in patients with chest pain.
Metoder og materiale:
132 chest pain patients scheduled for invasive coronary arteriography were consecutively included. All underwent echocardiography with adenosine stress. The echocardiograms were analysed blinded to the results of the angiograms which were analysed quantitatively by an experienced independent reader. The mean (sd) age was 62.6 (9) years and 70 % were male. Significant CAD (i.e. one or more stenosis above 70%) was present in 44 (33%) of the patients.
No difference in mean (sd) eGLS in patients with/without significant CAD was found at rest (-22.6 (4.1)% /-23.3 (3.3)%, p=0.27), but a highly significant difference was detected during adenosine infusion (-23.7% (5.5) / -28.3 (4.1)%, p<0.00001). The area under the curve (AUC) for change in eGLS (eGLS at rest – eGLS during stress) was 0.79.
Endocardial GLS measured from adenosine echocardiograms may help to stratify patients suspected of CAD noninvasively.
Øvrige forfattere
Poulsen SH (kard. afd., Skejby), Mortensen J (NUK, Vest), May O (Kard. Forsk. Vest)
Eventuelle vejledere
Poulsen SH (kard. afd., Skejby), Mortensen J (NUK, Vest), May O (Kard. Forsk. Vest)
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Kard. Forskning, Nuklearmedicinsk. afd., RM Fond.
Side 22 af 38
Abstrakt nr. 20 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Effects of Violence Prevention Behavior on Exposure to Workplace Violence and Threats: A Follow-up Study Charlotte Ann Gadegaard psykolog, phd-stud psykolog, phd-stud Arbejdsmedicinsk klinik, Herning
[email protected] 61334154
This study investigates the relationship between prevention behaviors (enacted violence prevention policies) and exposure to workplace violence and threats across four different high risk work sectors.
Metoder og materiale:
Survey data from a 1-year follow-up sample of 3.016 employees from psychiatry, special schools, eldercare, and the prison and probation services.
Prevention behaviors are significantly and negatively associated with selfreported exposure to workplace violence and threats – in the prison and probation services, eldercare, and in psychiatry, while no significant associations are found for special schools. The results therefore show clear sector differences with regard to the preventive effect of violence prevention behaviors. Further, this multi-sector comparison suggests that prevention behaviors may be more effective in relation to a moderate frequency of violence and threats, and that only top management prevention behavior may prevent very frequent incidents (OR=0.58).
These results imply that when managing workplace violence in high-risk areas of human service work there should be emphasis on the use of violence prevention behaviors from top management, supervisor and among coworkers. However, type of sector and the frequency of workplace violence should be analyzed in order to evaluate the potential impact of prevention behaviors.
Øvrige forfattere
Annie Høgh, professor, psykolog, PHD, Københavns universitet; Lars Peter Andersen, psykolog, PHD, arbejdsmedicinsk klinik Herning Arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
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Abstrakt nr. 21 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
10-years follow-up on incontinence after hysterectomy compared to controls. Ulla J. Christiansen Læge og ph.D-studerende Ph.D-studerende Gynækologisk Obstetrisk Afd., Regionshospitalet Herning.
[email protected] 28945956
To determine the prevalence of incontinence 10 years after hysterectomy compared to controls.
Metoder og materiale:
Three cohorts of women consisting of 374 hysterectomised women, 92 women with a laparoscopic cholecystectomy and 201 with a TCER. They have all answered the same questionnaire concerning urinary incontinence in 2001, 2005 and 2011. Stress incontinence was defined as involuntary leakage of urine at least once a week when coughing, laughing or lifting. Urge incontinence was defined as involuntary leakage before reaching the toilet at least once a week proceeded by an intense desire to void.
The groups were compared to their preoperative status and after 10 years. Stress incontinence: Of 374 hysterectomies 86% remained continent, 18% became incontinent, 7% became continent and 7% remained incontinent. Of 293 controls 75% remained continent, 16% became incontinent, 5% remained incontinent. Urge incontinence: Of 374 hysterectomies 86% remained continent, 9% became incontinent, 3% remained incontinent. Of 293 controls 87% remained continent, 9% became incontinent, 2% remained incontinent. There was no statistical significant difference between hysterectomies and controls or within the groups. The prevalence of stress- and urge-incontinence were comparable between the groups preoperatively, and remained comparable 10 years later but increased.
There is no significant difference in the distribution of incontinence before and 10 years after hysterectomy compared to controls. The prevalence of incontinence is increased over time but hysterectomy is not a risk factor.
Øvrige forfattere
Anne R. Kruse, læge, Gynækologisk Obstetrisk Afd. Regionshospitalet Herning. Finn F. Lauszus, overlæge, ass. prof., Gynækologisk Obstetrisk Afd. Regionshospitalet Herning.
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Abstrakt nr. 22 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Stress som et sociokulturelt fænomen Tanja Kirkegaard Psykolog, ph.d. Forsker Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik
[email protected] 25136110
Inden for stressforskningen har fokus på, hvorledes personlighedsmæssige faktorer er med til at forme medarbejderes måde at tænke og handle i forhold til stress, været central. Formålet med dette studie er at undersøge, hvordan sociale og kulturelle processer på arbejdspladsen påvirker vores måde at forstå stress, at vurdere vores arbejdsbetingelser samt påvirker vores måde at handle i forhold til stress.
Metoder og materiale:
Studiet er et mixed methods studie. To afdelinger på en dansk virksomhed blev fulgt over et år med 3 spørgeskemarunder og 5 mdrs. feltarbejde. I spørgeskemaet blev der spurgt ind til medarbejdernes sociale netværk, arbejdsmæssige betingelser, stressniveau og copingstrategier.
Resultaterne indikerer, at der er gruppeforskelle i den måde medarbejderne forstår stress, vurderer deres arbejdsbetingelser og håndterer stress, hvor grupperne varierer i forhold til brugen af individuel tilpasningsstrategi og en kollektiv ændringsstrategi. Baggrunden skal findes i forskelle i professionskultur, arbejdsorganisering og fysisk placering. Resultaterne viser også, at en ikke-støttende ledelse har indflydelse på udviklingen af kollektive stressprocesser i kollektivt orienterede grupper.
Kulturen og de sociale relationer har betydning for medarbejderes måde at tænke og handle i forhold til stress og dermed kan personlighedsmæssige faktorer ikke alene forklare medarbejderes tanke og handlemønstre i forhold til stress.
Øvrige forfattere
Svend Brinkmann, professor, Institut for kommunikation, AAU
Eventuelle vejledere
Svend Brinkmann, professor, Institut for kommunikation, AAU
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Projektet er fuldt finansieret af arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden
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Abstrakt nr. 23
Forfatter Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil:
Baggrund og formål:
Loop recording (R.Test Evolution 4) in 7 days detects more patients with atrial fibrillation compared to a 2 day Holter recording in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack Michala Herskind Sejr Læge og ph.d.-studerende Ph.d-studerende / Klinisk assistent Medicinsk Afdeling i Herning, Kardiologisk Forskningsafsnit
[email protected] 2190 0543 Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter (AF) is the most important cardiac cause in ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIA). However, AF is difficult to detect, and the optimal method for the detection of AF in stroke/TIA patients without known AF has not yet been defined. The loop recorder R.Test Evolution 4 is a new device. However, the validity of the R Test is not yet known. Aim: To compare the diagnostic value of a 7-day loop recording (R.Test) to a 2 day Holter recording with regard to the detection of AF in a consecutive population of patients with ischemic stroke/TIA and no known AF.
Metoder og materiale:
Patients with stroke/TIA within the previous week. Inclusion criteria were age ≥ 60 years. The 2 day Holter recording and the 7 day R.Test was started simultaneously.
176 patients, mean age 70.5 , Male (57.4%). Holter detected 3 patients with AF, 1 of them was missed by the R.Test. The 7 day R.Test detected 8 patients with AF, 6 of them after the 2-day Holter period.
A 7 day R.Test analysis detects signicantly more patients with AF compared to a 2 days Holter analysis. Clinical implication ;the R.Test analysis is less resource demanding compared to the Holter method.
Øvrige forfattere
Michala Herskind Sejr , Jens Cosedis Nielsen , Dorte Damgaard , Birgitte 4 1 Forsom Sandal , Ole May 1. Cardiovascular Research Unit, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Aarhus University 2. Department of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby 3. Department of Neurology, Aarhus University Hospital, NBG 4. Department of Neurology, Regional Hospital West Jutland Ole May, Jens Cosedis Nielsen og Dorte Damgaard
Eventuelle vejledere Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Region Midtjyllands Sundhedsvidenskabelige forskningsfond 2012: 300.000 kr. til sygeplejertimer Hjerteforeningen: 1 års løn, svarer til ca. 550.000 kr Region Midtjyllands Sundhedsvidenskabelige forskningsfond 2014: 1 million kr. Aase og Ejner Danielsens Fond: 100.000 til R.Tests kr. Familien Hede Nielsens Fond: 25.000 kr. Snedkermester Sophus Jacobsen og hustru: 20.000 kr.
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Abstrakt nr. 24 Navn: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Metoder og materiale:
Measured changes in serial dead space during modification of pressure support. Nilanjan Dey Overlæge Anæstesi og Intensiv
[email protected] 50314730
Measuring serial dead space (Vds) before and after modification of pressure support (PS) may be necessary to select optimal level of ventilator support. As part of our study for understanding patients’ response to changes in PS, Vds was measured on a breath by breath basis [1].We present measured changes in Vds due to modification of PS. The study included 12 patients ventilated on PS. Ethical approval were obtained from the committee of Mid-Jutland, Denmark. Patient or next of kin and general practitioners consent was obtained. Each patient was subjected to a series of up to 2 cm H2O step modifications, beginning with reduction of PS. Each PS level was maintained for 15 minutes. Airway flow and FeCO2 were continuously measured. VCO2 was determined by synchronizing airway flow and FeCO2 signals. The flow signal was mathematically integrated to determine tidal volume (Vt). The product between volume and FeCO2 determined VCO2. Vds was calculated with equation 1, and verified by calculating Fowler’s method corrected to rebreathed CO2 from patients’ tubing (Vdf) [2, 3]. Vds=Vt-VCO2/(fR-(FeCO2-FiCO2) equation 1
Correlation equations between Vt and serial dead space calculations are shown in figure 1. Grey circles represent Vds, and blank circles represent Vdf. The correlation coefficient between both calculations was r=0.93 (p<0.001).
Vds adequately describes serial dead space calculated by Fowler’s method corrected to rebreathed CO2. There is a linear relationship between Vt and Vds. Setting PS to achieve low Vt may reduce the level of Vds.
Øvrige forfattere
Winding R, Nyygard M, Larraza S, Karbing DS, Rees SE
Eventuelle vejledere
Prof Stephen Rees.
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Investigator driven Projekt.
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Abstrakt nr. 25 Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Treatment of hypertension using telemedical home blood pressure measurements Nikolai Hoffmann-Petersen Læge, Ph.D. studerende HU-læge nefrologi Medicinsk afdeling, Holstebro
[email protected] 29464510
Telemonitoring of home blood pressure measurements (TBPM) is a new and promising supplement to diagnosis, control and treatment of hypertension. We wanted to compare the outcome of antihypertensive treatment based on TBPM and conventional monitoring of blood pressure.
Metoder og materiale:
Participants (n=356) were recruited from a prior prevalence study among citizens aged 55-64 years. Randomised, controlled, unblinded 3 months trial. In the intervention group, antihypertensive treatment was based on TBPM with transmission of the measurements and subsequent communication by telephone or e-mail. In the control group, patients received usual care. Primary outcome was reduction in daytime ambulatory blood pressure measurements (ABPM).
In both groups, daytime ABPM decreased significantly. The decrease in daytime ABPM in the intervention group was systolic/diastolic, -8 ±12/-4±7 mmHg. This did not differ significantly from the control group’s -8±13/-4±8 mmHg. An equal number of participants obtained normaldaytime ABPM, in the intervention group 17% (31/175) versus control 21% (37/181), p=0.34.
No further reduction in ABPM or number of patients reaching blood pressure targets was observed when electronic transmission of TBPM was applied in the treatment of hypertension by GPs. Thus, as an isolated tool TBPM did not improve BP control.
Øvrige forfattere
T. Lauritzen, J.N. Bech & E.B. Pedersen
Eventuelle vejledere
T. Lauritzen, J.N. Bech & E.B. Pedersen
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Tryg Foundation, Municipality of Holstebro and Central Denmark Region
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Abstrakt nr. 26
Navn: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Metronomic chemotherapy seams to be less toxic than conventional chemotherapy. Preliminary results from the XeNa trial for breast cancer patients Søren Linnet, Overlæge / Trine Dongsgaard, projektsygeplejerske Onkologisk
[email protected] 78437405
Toxic effects and chemoresistance are major hurdles in breast cancer chemotherapy. To avoid these problems caused by traditional chemotherapeutic regimes, a new modality of drug administration called “metronomic chemotherapy” has emerged. With metronomic chemotherapy more frequent administration at lower doses of the drugs is given. This study was designed to resolve the issue whether treatment according to the metronomic principle is conventional treatment superior in term of efficacy and safety
Metoder og materiale:
The patients were metastatic breast cancer patients. Randomization was made between conventional treatment with Navelbine Oral 60mg/m2 day 1+day 8 plus Xeloda or metronomic treatment with Navelbine Oral 50 mg three times a week plus Xeloda.
120 patients were included, with 43 patients from the Department of Oncology, Herning. The reported adverse events (AE) in the conventional versus metronomic arm were calculated for 62 patients. We found that the frequency of all grades of AE was reduced in the metronomic treatment arm. Especially important was a reduction in grade 3 and 4 toxicities, but also a reduced frequency of the grade 1-2 was seen
Metronomic treatment seams to be less toxic compared to conventional treatment. Response rates will be evaluated later.
Øvrige forfattere
Linnet S1, Brems-Eskildsen AS2, Luczak A6, Nielsen HA3, Vestlev PM5, Jensen BB4, Dongsgaard T1, Jensen CB 2, Neimann J 2, Nygaard AB3 and Langkjer ST2 1 Oncology Department, Herning Hospital 2 Oncology Department, Aarhus University Hospital 3 Oncology Department, Hillerød Hospital 4 Oncology Department, Esbjerg Hospital 5 Oncology Department, Roskilde Hospital 6 Oncology Department, Aalborg University Hospital
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Acknowledgement: The clinical study is supported by Pierre Fabre.
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Postere ophængt i Kabaretsalen Titel på præsentationen Work-related threats and violence in human service sectors: The importance of the psycho-social work environment examined in a prospective study. Open Access telePRO: a website for patient-initiated tele patient-reported outcome (telePRO) follow-up in outpatient clinics Dit Arbejdsliv Nu Changes in incontinence, quality of life and body composition following hysterectomy Elektronisk Patient Håndbog EPH
Tror far og mor mere på internettet end på lægen? Association between hospital procedure volume and risk of revision after total hip arthroplasty: A populationbased study Life-situation after severe fall or traffic accident patients´ experiences 1 year after hospital rehabilitation
Navn og afdeling Lars Peter Andersen Psykolog h. PhD AMK
Liv Marit Valen Schougaard Sygeplejerske, cand.scient.san Projektkoordinator AmbuFlex/AMK Gritt Bennedsen, cand.mag. Forskningsformidling og kommunikation AMK Anne Raabjerg Kruse Reservelæge, PhD-stud. Gynækologisk-obstetrisk Afdeling Birgitte Thofte Sygeplejerske, MHH, MIL Tværfaglig efteruddannelseskoordinator Neurologi og Fysio-ergoterapi Ida Kangas 1. reservelæge Børneafdelingen, Herning Eva Natalia Glassou Cand Scient San, PhDstud. Kvalitet og Udvikling, Hospitalsenheden Vest Bodil Bjørnshave Noe, Sygeplejerske, cand.scient.san, Ph.d. Seniorforsker, CFU
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Titel på projektet:
Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Work-related threats and violence in human service sectors: The importance of the psycho-social work environment examined in a prospective study. Lars Peter Andersen Cand. psych. PhD Psykolog Universitetsklinikken Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Herning
[email protected] 23460879
Threats and violence at work are major concerns for employees in a many in human service sectors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify prospective associations between psycho-social work environment and workrelated threats and violence in four high risk sectors within human service sectors.
Metoder og materiale:
Based on questionnaire data from 3011 employees working in four sectors: special schools, eldercare, psychiatric wards and in Prison and Probation Service, the associations between psycho-social work environment and work-related violence and threats were studied using a one-year follow-up design and logistic regression analyses.
Across the four sectors and after controlling for relevant confounders the analyses showed that high quantitative demands, high emotional demands and many role conflicts were most strongly associated with both high frequencies of threats and high frequencies of violence. Furthermore, we identified that low predictability, low rewards at work, low vertical trust and low organizational justice are associated with work-related threats and violence in three out of four sectors. Finally, different sector specific associations were found.
The results of the study underline the importance of taking the psycho-social work environment into account in reducing work-related violence and threats as a supplement to existing methods.
Øvrige forfattere
Annie Hogh; Professor; Department of Psychology, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark Karin Biering; Researcher and PhD Charlotte Gadegaard; Researcher and PhD
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
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Titel på projektet: Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Open Access telePRO: a website for patient-initiated tele patient-reported outcome (telePRO) follow-up in outpatient clinics Liv Marit Valen Schougaard RN, MHSc Projektkoordinator AmbuFlex/Arbejdsmedicinsk klinik
[email protected] 61792004
In telePRO, outpatients report information on health status from home instead of visiting the outpatient clinic. Typically, telePRO outpatient followup activity is initiated by clinicians. The Open Access term indicates that contacts are initiated solely by the patient. The aim of this study was to develop a prototype website to collect telePRO in patient-initiated outpatient follow-up and link the data with the Danish National Health Website ‘’.
Metoder og materiale:
A research team provided inputs to design the prototype website. The team developed the initial website specifications, constructed the website and elicited feedback from epilepsy outpatients (n=6), using cognitive interviewing techniques.
The website was customized for patient use. Patients emphasized the importance of a user-friendly interface with clear and short information. Patients were interested in tracking change over time. They found it conceivable that access to their previously questionnaires could give them a better understanding of their chronic disease. Patients had few problems assessing and using the site.
Preliminary reports suggest that the website could be an efficient method to collect telePRO in a patient-initiated outpatient follow-up activity. Further evaluation on the effect of quality of care and patient experiences will be documented in two parallel PhD projects with quantitative and qualitative methods.
Øvrige forfattere
Caroline Mejdahl, RN, MNSc, The Research Programme in Patient Involvement, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus Klaus Hvam Petersen, B. Eng., AmbuFlex, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Herning, Niels Henrik Hjøllund, MD, PhD, Professor, AmbuFlex, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Herning and Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus
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Titel på projektet: Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Dit Arbejdsliv Nu Gritt Bennedsen cand. mag. Forskningsformidling og kommunikation Arb. Med. Klinik
[email protected] 78433557 / 24654902
Der er et behov for at klæde erhvervsskoleelever på til at begå sig i det psykiske arbejdsmiljø på deres lærepladser. Hjemmesiden, er udviklet til brug i undervisning i psykisk arbejdsmiljø. Hjemmesiden består bl.a. af et dilemmaspil, historier fra unge selv og arbejdsmiljøviden. I oplægget vil vi diskutere, hvilke perspektiver læring via spil har, samt udfordringerne med ”viden til praksis”.
Metoder og materiale:
Der er anvendt en eksplorativ kvalitativ tilgang, herunder fokusgruppeinterview og observation. Projektet er baseret på en antagelse om, at det læringsbegreb, som hjemmesiden er baseret på (experience by proxy) genererer identifikation og øget refleksion over egen praksis. Hjemmeside er afprøvet i forbindelse med arbejdsmiljøundervisningen på grundforløbet indenfor fire erhvervsskolefag. Interviewene fokuserede på brug, udbytte, forslag til forbedringer og afsøge nye veje til læring.
Resultaterne peger på, at eleverne gennem arbejde med hjemmesiden reflekterer over egen rolle og praksis i relation til psykisk arbejdsmiljø. Derudover viser den kvalitative tilgang sig frugtbar i forhold til at undersøge, hvordan man bedst muligt omsætter viden til praksis.
Eleverne genererer viden om psykisk arbejdsmiljø og egne reaktionsmønstre. Potentielt pinlige eller svære personlige situationer bliver afdramatiseret og skaber fokus på generelle mekanismer på en arbejdsplads frem for et isoleret problem for den enkelte unge.
Øvrige forfattere
Regine Grytnes, post.doc, Arb.Med.Klinik; Helene Meldgaard Pedersen, forskningsass., Arb.Med.Klinik
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
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Titel på projektet: Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Changes in incontinence, quality of life and body composition following hysterectomy Anne Raabjerg Kruse Læge Reservelæge, PhD-studerende fra 1/9 Gynækologisk-Obstetrisk Afdeling
[email protected] 28575995
Information about the perioperative incontinence following hysterectomy is limited. The aim of the project is to compare changes in incontinence, postoperative fatigue, quality of life, physical function, and body composition in patients who underwent hysterectomy.
Metoder og materiale:
Prospective follow-up study of 108 women with hysterectomy on benign indication were compared pre- and twice postoperatively. The incontinence was estimated by questionnaire and quality of life by using the SF-36 questionnaire. The fatigue level was scored on a visual analogue scale and objective measurements were performed.
In total 43 women reported improvement of their incontinence after hysterectomy while 10 women reported deterioration of their incontinence. Preoperative stress incontinence correlated with BMI and urge incontinence with age. Improvement after hysterectomy in stress incontinence was associated with younger age. Improvement in urge incontinence was positively associated with BMI. Fatigue resumed to preoperative levels after 30 days. SF-36 revealed that the modality of ‘Physical Functioning’ and ‘RolePhysical’ remained significant decreased at the end of the study.
Hysterectomy was associated with improvement of incontinence concurrent with a slight reduction in physical performance assessed by SF-36 30 days after surgery. No impairment of performance was found in physical tests at day 13 and 30 postoperatively.
Øvrige forfattere
Ulla J. Christiansen, Læge, PhD-studerende, Gynækologisk-obstetrisk afdeling, Herning. Mogens R. Madsen, Overlæge, Kirurgisk afdeling, Herning. Finn F. Lauszus, Overlæge, PhD, Gynækologisk-obstetrisk afdeling, Herning.
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Ingen finansiering.
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Titel på projektet: Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Elektronisk Patient Håndbog EPH Birgitte Thofte Sygeplejerske, MHH, MIL Tværfaglig efteruddannelseskoordinator Neurologi og Fysio-ergoterapi
[email protected] 78 43 71 66
Eksplosiv udvikling af kommunikationsteknologi ændrer faglig kommunikation hastigt. Udviklingsprojektet undersøger patienters IKT ressourcer, ved at afprøve tabletpc som læringsressource i hospitalsrehabilitering. Apopleksirehabiliteringens komplekse læreprocesser lettes bl.a. af personlig motivation, kontinuitet og god koordinering samt omgivelsernes inddragelse. Målet for dette udviklingsprojekt er: at opstille krav til en personlig interaktiv, multimodal læringsressource for patienten, som øger livskvalitet gennem inddragelse, at afdække muligheder/ barrierer for brug heraf, herunder det tværfaglige personales rolle i at afklare relevans, og behov for at understøtte, ved brug.
Metoder og materiale:
Udlån af iPads til patienter, der designes inspireret af Life-cycle proces med forundersøgelse, design, test, evaluering: Teknologi-indkøb, netværkskrav, opsætning, vedligehold, hygiejne... Metodisk: blanding af kvalitative og kvantitative data med deltagelse, deltagerobservation, workshops, interviews og spørgeskemaer. Konsultationer hos softwareudviklere ud fra udviklet design.
10 mænd/10 kvinder, 44-87 år deltog fra jan 2013- okt 2014. Fund -Patienter: Udfald, motivation og kompetencer afgørende for brug, 25% brugte egen enhed. Billedmediet virker, både stills og løbende. Fælles interaktiv kommunikationsramme giver mere synlige planer og overblik over udvikling i forløb. Kontinuitet i vanlig social kommunikation understøttes, især tydelig i længerevarende forløb. Stort støttepotentiale i Hjernefittnes og afasistøtte. Personale: Faglige vurderinger væsentlige for relevans, IKT kompetencer afgørende, organisations IKT- muligheder og barrierer betydende for effektivudveksling.
Kontinuerlig proces at fokusere på relevante apps der under-støtter individuel læring: Billedoptagelser, kalenderfunktioner, logbog, information, Internet og sociale medier, læringsspil og kognitiv træning. Enkelhed er afgørende, hvorfor væsentligste funktioner er samlet i appdesign. App er under udvikling i samar-bejde med tidligere apopleksipatient ( Dilemmaer forbundet med samarbejde med omgivelser: Personaledeltagelse fordrer målrettethed, hvilket kan være en udfordring for patientudnyt-telse af app. Forventningsafstemning med pårørende med andre mål og forventninger til ressourcen. Niveau for IKT kompetencer kræver kontinuerlig dialog om brug. Organisations krav løses via aftaler/vejledninger for alle inddragne.
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Trygfonden har doneret 420.000. Neurologi og Fysio-ergoterapi har stillet personaletimer til rådighed i et år (budget 120.000).
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Titel på projektet: Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Tror far og mor mere på internettet end på lægen? Ida Kangas 1. reservelæge HU læge Børneafdelingen, Herning
[email protected] 60613041
Brugen af og tilgangen til internettet er eksploderet gennem de senere år og alle danske familier har i dag adgang til internettet. Internationale studier viser at forældre ofte søger råd og vejledning om sygdom hos børn på internettet. De danske forhold om forældres søgning på internettet i forbindelse med akut syge børn er ikke tidligere undersøgt.
Metoder og materiale:
Spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt forældre i børnemodtagelsen i Århus og Herning.
51 forældre deltog. 37% havde søgt information på nettet. 45% af forældrene angav at de søger generel information om sygdom hos børn på internettet. Hver måned. Kun 8% søger aldrig information på internettet.
Der var få deltagere i undersøgelsen. Data viser dog at ca 30% af forældrene søger information på internettet. Desuden benytter de information fra andre professionelle som f.eks. pædagoger og sundhedsplejersker i forhold til om de skal kontakte egen læge eller vagtlæge.
Eventuelle vejledere
Berit Andersen, ledende overlæge, Afdeling for folkeundersøgelser, Regionshospitalet Randers
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Forskningstrænings projekt
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Titel på projektet:
Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Association between hospital procedure volume and risk of revision after total hip arthroplasty: A population-based study within the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association Database Eva Natalia Glassou Cand Scient San, PhD-studerende Kvalitetskonsulent Kvalitet og Udvikling, Hospitalsenheden Vest
[email protected] 7843 8706
The aim was to examine if hospital procedure volume was associated with the risk of revision after primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) in the Nordic countries from 1995 to 2011.
Metoder og materiale:
The Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association provided information about primary THA, revision and annual hospital volume. Hospitals were divided into volume groups (1-50, 51-100, 101-200, 201-300, >300). Primary outcome was the cumulative incidence of revision at different time points. Multivariable regression was used to assess the relative risk (RR) of revision.
417,687 THAs were included. The cumulative incidence of revision increased from 1.4% (CI 1.3 – 1.5) after 1 year to 9.2% (CI 8.9 – 9.4) after 15 years. After 1 year, no differences were seen between the hospital volume groups. After 10 years, RR for revision were reduced for the four largest volume groups compared to group 1-50 (51-100: 0.83, CI 0.72 – 0.96, 101-200: 0.79, CI 0.67 – 0.94, 201-300: 0.75, CI 0.60 – 0.95, >300: 0.66, CI 0.54 – 0.80). Same pattern was seen for both the cemented and uncemented THAs.
Hospitals operating 50 procedures or less per year had an increased risk of revision after 2, 5, 10 and 15 years follow up.
Øvrige forfattere
Torben Bæk Hansen, Professor. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Denmark Keijo Mäkelä, Professor. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland Leif Ivar Havelin, Professor. The Norwegian Arthroplasty Register, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway Johan Kärrholm, Professor. Institute of Clinical Sciences, Department of Orthopaedics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg Alma Becic Pedersen, Clinical associate professor. Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Eventuelle vejledere
Torben Bæk Hansen, Professor. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Denmark Alma Becic Pedersen, Clinical associate professor. Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
EG was funded by the Health Research Fund of Central Denmark Region during the preparation of the study
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Titel på projektet: Navn: Titel: Stilling: Afdeling: E-mail: Telefon/mobil: Abstrakt (max 200 ord) Baggrund og formål:
Life-situation after severe fall or traffic accident patients´ experiences 1 year after hospital rehabilitation Bodil Bjørnshave Noe Sygeplejerske, cand scient san, ph.d. Seniorforsker CFU
[email protected] 24 94 65 84
Getting on with life following trauma due to severe fall or traffic accident is a challenging process. Some patients manage well, and some do not. What supports the rehabilitation process? We explored spinal cord injured patients´ experiences in order to identify characteristics of positive and negative overall life-situations 1 year after hospital-rehabilitation
Metoder og materiale:
Interviews study with seven patients discharged from Vestdansk Rygmarvsskade Center. Inductive content analysis was used.
Patients´ experiences are characterized by four scenarios with respect to “clarification in relation to overall life situation” and “threat to core competences”. Clarification in combination with threat to core competences may explain patients´ overall life situation 1 year post-discharge. High degree of clarification combined with low degree of threat to core competences was indicative of very positive rehabilitation outcomes. On the other hand, poor clarification led to a stressful life situation. When core competences can be transformed into new skills, threats were manageable. “Worst-case” scenario was characterized by low degree of clarification combined with a high degree of threat to patients´ competences.
The present study’s findings enhance the importance for rehabilitation-team to support clarification and balance threats in order for patients to achieve positive overall life situations following severe trauma.
Øvrige forfattere
Merete Bjerrum, Associate Professor, PhD Sanne Angel , Associate Professor PhD Department of Nursing, Institute of Public Health, Aarhus University, Denmark
Hvordan er projektet finansieret:
Projektet er støttet med 35.000 dkr fra intern forskningspulje i Hospitalsenhed Midt i Viborg. Projektet er gennemført som led i mit adjunktur fra 2012 til 2014, - et stillingsfællesskab mellem HEM og Sektion for Sygepleje AU Health finansieret af HEM.
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Bodil Bjørnshave Noe
Morten Hollænder Beeck
Annette Haagerup
Janet Hansen
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[email protected]
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Dorte Bøgested Holdensen
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Hospitalsenheden Vest Center for Forskning og Uddannelse
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25/08/15 14:40