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Programmable Boost Thermostat For Bathroom For




$QWLIUHH]H Enables the system to be made secure against freezing. FOR INSTALLING AND USING PROGRAMMABLE BOOST THERMOSTAT FOR BATHROOM OVERVIEW Thank you for choosing and congratulations on your purchase of our product. The programmable room thermostat equipped with a radio-wave transmitter is extremely easy to install, has an innovative design, and is ergonomic. It has been designed to make your life easier and to help you to save money on your heating bills. For each mode selected, it sends commands to the receiver which control your heating. The Boost feature enables you to rapidly heat up your bathroom and to dry laundry and damp towels quickly 3URJEnables you to schedule one or two boost periods each day at the times of your choosing. For example: Monday, a Àrst boost period at 06:00, and a second boost period at 20:30. 6HWWLQJWKHWLPHEnables the time on your programmable thermostat to be set. ‡3XWWLQJWKHKHDWLQJRQVWDQGE\ In Standby mode your heating is off. This feature can be accessed from Auto-Comfort, Eco (Economy), Antifreeze and Time Setting modes. ‡'LDJUDPV To put the appliance into Standby button mode, press and hold the down for more than three seconds. To exit Standby mode, press a button and the appliance will go into AutoComfort mode.  7KHNH\V NH\V Temperature setting ... 0RGHNH\ Mode selection Auto, Comfort, Eco, Anti-freeze, Programme, Setting the time or Heating on Standby 1RWHwhen you change mode, the screen displays the desired (setpoint) temperature and/or the mode for 6 seconds and then displays the room temperature. 6HWNH\ To enter setting menu ‡6HWWLQJWKHVHWSRLQWWHPSHUDWXUH %RRVWNH\ To enter Boost mode You can only set the Comfort mode temperature when you are in AutoComfort mode. It is pre-set to 21°C. You can change it to any temperature between 5°C and 30°C, in increments of 0.5°C. To change it: 2NLQIRNH\ To release and display measurements 1- View the setpoint temperature by pressing the buttons. or  7KHGLVSOD\ Temperature and settings display area or 2- Using the set the temperature. Ambient temperature measure Low battery level indicator 3- Save by pressing . Mode selector indicator buttons, , or 1RWH in Auto or Comfort Mode, if no buttons are pressed, the special thermostat will automatically return to active mode after 6 seconds and the setpoint temperature selected will be saved. Heating demand indicator ‡0DQXDO%RRVWIHDWXUH When in any operating mode, the enables you to quickly increase the temperature in the bathroom during a 20-minute period (this is the pre-set duration). )LUVWSXVK RQ The desired (setpoint) temperature goes up to the maximum value for 20 minutes. appears on the display. Celsius or Fahrenheit degree Boost mode indicator Radio transmission indicator Set indicator Key lock indicator Minimum value indicator Maximum value indicator USE OPERATION ‡2  SHUDWLRQPRGHVHOHFWLRQ Select the required mode by pressing $XWR&RPIRUW Automatic - Comfort mode, if a programme is saved, it will operate automatically in accordance with the programmes set. Note: if no programme timer is being used, it will operate in NonStop Comfort Mode. . EFR Heating mode : temperature controlled by the thermostat with temperature lowered by 3°C. (E.g.: if Comfort Mode temp. = 20°C, Eco Mode temp. = 17°C). %RRVWGXUDWLRQ : The pre-set duration Áashes for 10 seconds. While this happens, you have the option of changing the boost period duration to any duration between 10 and 60 minutes, in increments of 10 minutes, or . by pressing on the This change will be saved and will be effective for the next Boost periods. After 1 minute, the Boost period countdown begins and the time runs down, minute by minute. RUSXVKRQ 6HFRQGSXVKRQ WKH%RRVWIHDWXUHZLOOEH FDQFHOOHG 1RWH UHJDUGLQJ WKH XVLQJ if no buttons are pressed, the thermostat will automatically return to active mode after 6 seconds. ‡'HIHUUHGERRVWSHULRGIHDWXUH RHDRFPRBIMHA IMH FR FD V04 27 11 2012 Pressing and holding the Boost button down for a few seconds allows you to access the deferred Boost period feature: thus you can then choose the next Boost period start time. The duration of the Boost period will be the last one you set previously (see “Boost duration”). 1 1- When in any mode, except +eatinJ on 6tandE\ Pode, press and hold down the button for three seconds or more. 9LHZLQJWKHSURJUDPPH Position the arrow beside 3URJby pressing 2- Select the hour setting for the time you want Boost to come on, using the and . ConÀrm by pressing . buttons Press on , scroll through the times programmed by pressing To exit the Viewing the programme mode, press . . . If no buttons are pressed, the thermostat will automatically return to AntoComfort mode after 6 seconds. 3- Select the minutes setting, using the buttons and . Press to conÀrm your choice. NRWHto delete the programmes, go through the ¶¶5HstorH initiaO FonÀJuration and dHOHtH SroJraPPHs·· procedure, as outlined in the ‘‘Advanced user settinJs·· section (see page 2). will appear on the screen to indicate that a deferred Boost period has been programmed. To cancel a deferred Boost period, set the time to  by returning to step 2 described above and conÀrm by pressing . When is no longer displayed this means that the deferred Boost period has been cancelled. ‡6HWWLQJWKHWLPHDQGGDWH Position the arrow beside the icon by pressing then . press ‡3URJUDPPDEOH%RRVWIHDWXUH 1- Select the hour setting using the . your choice by pressing 1- Position the arrow beside 3URJ . Then press on by pressing . and and 2- Select the minutes setting using the . your choice by pressing 3- Select the day setting using the buttons . your choice by pressing , buttons, then conÀrm , buttons, then conÀrm and , then conÀrm 9LHZLQJRIGD\DQGWLPHVHWWLQJV or 2- MON will Áash, press to select a day of the week. ConÀrm by pressing . 3- You can schedule one or two Boost periods each day or none at all if you do not want there to be any Boost periods on a certain day. %Rwill Áash, use or to choose the number of Boost periods - 1Bo, 2Bo or 0Bo (one, two or no Boost periods). ConÀrm your choice by . pressing 4a- If you have not chosen 0Bo, -- will Áash - use or to choose the hour setting for the Boost period start time, then conÀrm your choice by pressing . 4b - -- will Áash, use or to choose the minutes setting for the desired start time, then conÀrm by pressing . Position the arrow beside then press on the hour setting is displayed, press the hour setting will Áash, press , the minutes setting will Áash, press , the day setting will Áash. Press on to return to Auto-Confort mode. To exit the programme, press on . If no buttons are pressed, the thermostat will automatically return to AutoComfort mode after 6 seconds. CHILD SAFETY By pressing and holding down and for more than 3 seconds you can lock the control unit keypad and prevent changes to settings being made by young children. /2&. is displayed for 1 appears on the second and display. If you press and hold the button down a second time for more than 3 seconds the control unit keypad will be unlocked and goes off. VHF VIEWING THE SETPOINT TEMPERATURE Your room thermostat displays the temperature in the room at all times. or for more than two seconds NRWHpressing and holding down enables you to scroll through the numbers more quickly. 1- Press to view the temperature you have set on your room thermostat. 2- Press the button a second time or wait 6 seconds to view the room temperature measured : If you have chosen two boosts periods per day, the second time will be displayed. Repeat steps 4a and 4b. - You then need to programme settings for the following day – for instance, 78E Áashes if you have already programmed MRQGD\. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each day until you have programmed the seven days of the week. 1RWH the Viewing mode cannot be accessed when the thermostat is in Standby mode. 1RWH if no buttons are pressed, the thermostat will automatically return to active mode after 6 seconds. The duration of the Boost period will be the last one you set previously (see ‘‘Boost duration·· on page 1). To exit the Programmation mode, press on automatically return to Auto-Comfort mode. A pointer will appear on the screen below 3URJ and $XWR-&RPIRUW when you are in $XWR-&RPIRUW mode to indicate that programming is being carried out. , the thermostat will USER ADVANCED SETTINGS ‡5  HVWRULQJIDFWRU\VHWWLQJVDQGGHOHWLQJSURJUDPPHV - To restore factory settings and to delete all deferred and scheduled Boost periods press , and the buttons and hold them down for 5 seconds. - Save by pressing . 2 ADVANCED INSTALLER SETTINGS INSTALLATION INSTALLING BATTERIES Then take out the screw under the device. Remove the front cover. 3 Turn over the front side and insert 2 batteries LR06. Note the correct polarity when inserting the batteries. 3 Press on setting. and simultaneously for 5 seconds to go into the installer ,QVWDOOHUVHWWLQJVVHTXHQFH Setting the temperature unit Setting Choose the language the maximum setpoint temperature Setting the minimum setpoint Setting the Eco (Economy) temperature decrease temperature Temperature Setting the Anti-freeze mode set temperature value adjustment: Ambient sensor calibration. ‡&KRRVHWKHODQJXDJH When the batteries must be changed, a low lights up on the battery level indicator device. Remember to take used batteries to battery collection points so they can be recycled. INSTALLATION Before attaching the device to the wall, check that the receiver is indeed within radio range of the special thermostat. After having removed the front cover of the special thermostat, proceed in the following order: 1- Secure the base with the two screws provided using the horizontal and vertical holes. 2- Put the front cover in place and tighten the screw under the device. 5HFRPPHQGHGORFDWLRQVIRU \RXUURRPWKHUPRVWDW To ensure that your room thermostat provides accurate readings and carries out its role in room temperature regulation effectively, it must be installed approximately 1.5 m above Áoor level on an inside wall, away from direct sunshine and any other sources of heat or cold such as TVs, lamps, radiators, cold draughts, etc. N%In order to ensure proper operation of the product, ensure that the central control unit is not positioned near to an area which could be affected by interference from another source. E.g.: a mobile phone, a wireless transmitter or receiver, a TV screen, etc. PAIRING THE ROOM THERMOSTAT TRANSMITTER WITH A RECEIVER For paring you need to make learning the code of the transmitter by the receiver. 7RVZLWFKWKHUHFHLYHULQOHDUQLQJPRGHUHIHUWRUHFHLYHULQVWUXFWLRQPDQXDO WKHQ $ 5DGLRWUDQVPLVVLRQ 1-On the thermostat, press the button and hold it down for 3 seconds to carry out pairing. MEMO will be displayed. button. The special 2- Press the thermostat will then send a radiowave conÀguration message and the icon will be displayed brieÁy. % MDQXDOWHVWV\VWHP 1- to access the Test Mode, press . and The pre-set user language for the room thermostat is French. You may choose from 4 different languages. EQJOLVK )UHQFK ,WDOLDQ *HUPDQ ENG )5$ ,7$ 'E8 Select the desired language with or . . Then save by pressing 7KHIROORZLQJVHWWLQJ – “Setting the temperature unit”²ZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG ‡6HWWLQJWKHWHPSHUDWXUHXQLW The pre-set temperature unit is degrees Celsius. It is possible to change it and to select degrees Fahrenheit. Select the desired temperature unit or . with . Then save by pressing The following setting – “Setting the maximum setpoint temperature” – will be displayed. ‡6HWWLQJWKHPD[LPXPVHWSRLQWWHPSHUDWXUH It is possible to stop the desired temperature from being set to a value in excess of a maximum temperature – this is the maximum desired (or setpoint) temperature. It is not possible to set the desired temperature to a value in excess of this limit. It is pre-set to 30°C. You can change it to any temperature between 5°C and 30°C, in increments of 1°C. E[DPSOH Select 23°C with . Then save by pressing . The following setting – “Setting the minimum setpoint temperature” – will be displayed. ‡6HWWLQJWKHPLQLPXPVHWSRLQWWHPSHUDWXUH It is possible to stop the desired temperature from being set to a value below a minimum temperature – this is the minimum desired (or setpoint) temperature. It is not possible to set the desired temperature to a value below this limit. It is pre-set to 7°C. You can change it to any temperature between 5°C and 30°C, in increments of 1°C. E[DPSOH 2-Press the button once = the ON signal will be sent out. Select 18°C with Then save by pressing button again = the OFF Press the signal is sent out. 3- To exit the Test Mode, press down the or or or . . . 7LSif the maximum and minimum desired (setpoint) temperatures are set to the same value, the desired temperature will be locked. 7KHIROORZLQJVHWWLQJ"Setting the Eco (Economy) temperature decrease"ZLOO EHGLVSOD\HG 3 You can choose the value for the temperature decrease between -1°C and -7°C in increments of 0.5°C. The Eco temperature decrease is pre-set to -3.5°C. Press the or button then save by pressing 7KHIROORZLQJVHWWLQJ6HWWLQJWKH$QWL-IUHH]HPRGHVHWWHPSHUDWXUHYDOXH ZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG ‡6HWWLQJWKH$QWL-IUHH]HPRGHVHWWHPSHUDWXUHYDOXH You can choose a value between 5°C and 12°C, in increments of 0.5°C. The set temperature value used as the Antifreeze mode temperature is pre-set to 7°C. Press the or button then save by pressing The following setting – “Temperature adjustment: Ambient sensor calibration” – will be displayed. ‡7 HPSHUDWXUHDGMXVWPHQW$PELHQWVHQVRUFDOLEUDWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW7KLVRSHUDWLRQLVUHVHUYHGIRUSURIHVVLRQDOLQVWDOOHUVRQO\DQ\ZURQJ FKDQJHVZRXOGUHVXOWLQFRQWURODQRPDOLHV In which cases? If the temperature measured in a room (measured by a reliable thermometer) is different of at least 1°C compared to the setpoint temperature of the room thermostat. The calibration adjusts the temperature measured by the ambient temperature sensor to compensate for a deviation from + 3°C to - 3°C by increments of 0.1°C. ,M3O57$N7 %HIRUH FDUU\LQJ RXW WKH FDOLEUDWLRQ LW LV UHFRPPHQGHG WR ZDLW IRU4KDIWHUDVHWSRLQWWHPSHUDWXUHPRGLÀFDWLRQWRLQVXUHWKDWWKHDPELHQW WHPSHUDWXUHLVVWDELOL]HG 1- The display indicates to you the measured temperature correction value (which is 0 by default). 2- There are two possibilities: 2.1- If the room temperature difference is negative, example: Setpoint temperature (what you want) = 20°C. Room temperature (what you read on a reliable thermometer)= 19,5°C. 'LIIHUHQFHPHVXUHG -ƒ& Decrease the temperature measured by the ambient temperature sensor by 0.5°C by pressing. . 2.2- If the room temperature difference is positive, example: Setpoint temperature (what you want) = 19°C. Room temperature (what you read on a reliable thermometer)= 20°C. 'LIIHUHQFHPHVXUHG 1ƒ& Increase the temperature measured by the ambient temperature sensor by 1°C by . pressing. 3- Press TROUBLESHOOTING %DWWHULHVDUHXVHGRULQDGDSWHG - Replace the 2 batteries. Only use alkaline 1.5V LR06 batteries.  'RQRWXVHUHFKDUJHDEOHEDWWHULHV 7KHKHDWLQJGRHVQRWFRPHRQRUGRHVQRWJRRII - Your room thermostat may have been set up close to a source of heat or on a cold wall – put it in a recommended location (see the “Installing” section on page 2 for these locations). - No power supply to the receiver: check the fuse and the circuit breaker. 7KHURRPWHPSHUDWXUHLVORZHUWKDQWKHUHTXLUHGWHPSHUDWXUH - See Installer advanced settings chapter, 7ePSerature adMustPent APEient sensor caOiEration (page 4). 5DGLRWUDQVPLVVLRQLVQRWZRUNLQJSURSHUO\ 1-7KHUHFHLYHULVQRWSLFNLQJXSWKHFRGHVHQWE\WKHHPLWWHU - Replace transmitter's batteries. 2-7KHUHFHLYHUGRHVQRWUHFRJQL]HWUDQVPLWWHU VFRGH - Pair the room thermostat transmitter with a receiver again (page 3). 3-7KHUHFHLYHURUWKHWUDQVPLWWHULVDIIHFWHGE\LQWHUIHUHQFH  - Move the emitter out of the affected area. - Try to move away the receiver or the source of the interference. $%RRVWSHULRGGLGQRWVWDUW - Check the duration of the boost period – refer to the ‘‘Boost duration·· section (see page 1). - Check programming – refer to the ‘‘9ieZinJ SroJraPPes·· section (see page 2). - Check that the time and the day have been correctly set on your programmable thermostat – refer to the ‘‘9ieZinJ da\ and tiPe settinJs·· section (see page 2). ,IWKHSUREOHPSHUVLVWVFRQWDFWWKHDIWHU-VDOHVVHUYLFHGHSDUWPHQW TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power supply: 2 alkaline 1.5 V LR06 batteries. Battery life: approx. 2 years. MD[LPXPUDQJHLQWKHKRPH 15m to 20m is typical but this varies depending on the equipment being used in conjunction with the appliance (the appliance’s range can be adversely affected by the way in which a system is set up and by the surrounding electromagnetic environment. 6LJQDOVHQGLQJ every 10 minutes, maximum time-lag 1 minute after set-point temperature has been changed. NRUPHV - Sécurité : EN60730 Classe III. - Radio : EN300220. 6WDQGDUGV - Safety: EN60730 Class III. - Radio: EN300220. EQYLURQPHQW - Operation temperature: 0°C to +50°C. - Manual temperature setting range: from +5°C to +30°C. - Storage temperature: from -10°C to +50°C. - Humidity: 80% at +25°C (without condensation) - Protection rating: IP20. N% this room thermostat is one part of a complete radio system and will only work with the 230V AC receivers. Radio emitter, frequency 868.3 Mhz. Can be used throughout Europe. Manufactured by: IMHOTEP création FRANCE ([email protected]). The on the product indicates that you must dispose of it at the end of its useful life at a special recycling point, in accordance with European Directive WEEE 2002/96/EC. If you are replacing it, you can also return it to the retailer from which you buy the replacement equipment. Thus, it is not ordinary household waste. Recycling products enables us to protect the environment and to use less natural resources. to save the new value and to return to Auto-Comfort mode. NRWH In case of doubt on the modiÀcations carried out, if you want to reset the device to the default factory settings, follow instructions “5HVWRUHWRIDFWRU\ VHWWLQJVµ VHHSDJH2  NRWH UHJDUGLQJ WKH $GYDQFHG ,QVWDOOHU 6HWWLQJV if no buttons are pressed, the room thermostat will return to active mode after 60 seconds if the values that have been selected are not saved. During the setting procedure, if the button is pressed without the button being pressed, the screen exits Advanced Installer Settings without the values you have set being saved. Compliance declaration : we hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the products described in these instructions comply with all the main requirements of the R&TTE 1999/05/EC and RoHS 2011/65/EC, and are manufactured using processes which are certiÀed ISO 9001 V2008. ZI Montplaisir - Rue du Champ de Courses - 38780 Pont-Evêque - France Tél. : + 33 (0)4 74 58 39 56 - Fax : + 33 (0)4 74 58 39 57 4 IMHOTEP création S.A.S. - 445 097 488 RCS Vienne - Siège social : Pont-Evêque ‡6HWWLQJWKHEFR EFRQRP\ WHPSHUDWXUHGHFUHDVH