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Propane Conversion Instructions




PROPANE CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS WARNING 7KLVFRQYHUVLRQPXVWEHSHUIRUPHGE\DTXDOL¿HGLQVWDOOHU or gas supplier in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and all codes and requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. Failure to follow ALL instructions could result LQVHULRXVLQMXU\RUSURSHUW\GDPDJH7KHTXDOL¿HGDJHQF\ performing this work assumes responsibility for the conversion. CONVERTING THE PRESSURE REGULATOR The pressure regulator is located on the rear of the range. A. If this is your regulator:  8VHDQDGMXVWDEOHZUHQFKWRXQVFUHZWKHKH[QXWFDS from the pressure regulator.  &RPSOHWHO\UHPRYHWKHSURWHFWLYHSODVWLFFDSRȺWKH threaded metal cap. 5RWDWHFDSFRXQWHU clockwise to loosen. 7KHSUHVVXUHUHJXODWRUDQGWKHEXUQHURUL¿FHVDUHVHWIRUQDWXUDO JDV7RXVHSURSDQHJDVWKHUHJXODWRUDQGEXUQHURUL¿FHVPXVW be converted. Regulator style A 3. Turn the metal cap so the type of gas being converted to is displayed and replace the protective plastic cover.  6FUHZWKHKH[QXWFDSEDFNLQWRWKHUHJXODWRU (Do not over tighten) Pressure Regulator Location B. If this is your regulator:  8VHDQDGMXVWDEOHZUHQFKWRXQVFUHZWKHKH[QXWFDS from the pressure regulator. 2. Turn the plastic cap 1/4 turn to disassemble. 5RWDWHFDSFRXQWHU clockwise to loosen. NAT • Flat bladed screwdriver (blade DSSUR[LPDWHO\µDFURVV • 1XWGULYHUVµµRUPP To adjust your range for use with propane gas, follow these instructions: 'LVFRQQHFWDOOHOHFWULFDOSRZHUDWWKHPDLQFLUFXLWEUHDNHURUIXVHER[ 6KXWRȺWKHJDVVXSSO\WRWKHUDQJHE\FORVLQJWKHPDQXDOVKXW RȺYDOYH LR RR Propane Brown/Green C1 C2 LF Round burner Propane Black LF3 RF Propane White Propane Red/Orange LFC Dual oval burner % 8VLQJDPPRUµQXWGULYHUUHPRYHWKHWRSEXUQHU RUL¿FHV7KHVHPD\EHDFFHVVHGWKURXJKWKHEXUQHURSHQLQJLQ the base. NOTICE: 6DYHWKHVHRUL¿FHVIRUIXWXUHFRQYHUVLRQEDFNWRQDWXUDOJDV & 5HPRYHWKHSURSDQHRUL¿FHVIURPWKHER[SURYLGHG7KH SURSDQHRUL¿FHVKDYHWKHOHWWHU´/µRQWKHWRS  7RDLGLQLGHQWLI\LQJWKHSURSHUORFDWLRQIRUWKHSURSDQHRUL¿FHV during conversion from Natural Gas to Propane Gas, color FRGHVKDYHEHHQDGGHGWRWKHVLGHRUWRSRIWKHRUL¿FH6HHWKH FKDUWEHORZ(DFKRUL¿FHPD\DOVRVKRZDVHULHVRIHQJUDYHG marks (I, II, III . . .) located on the top. Propane Black LF1 LF2 Propane Black 7RSUHYHQWOHDNDJHPDNHVXUHWKHRUL¿FHVDUHVHFXUHO\VFUHZHG into the gas supply tubes. ( 3ODFHWKHROGRUL¿FHVLQWRWKHSURSDQHRUL¿FHER[DORQJZLWK these instructions and replace onto the back of the range for possible future conversion back to natural gas. PROPANE 95 3URSDQH2UL¿FH Kit Location TOOLS REQUIRED: • Adjustable wrench • µ2SHQHQGZUHQFK • Phillips head screwdriver Burner head 2UL¿FHV located through this opening Cap assembly Propane Blue/Brown Burner cap Base 2 Permanent 2YDO%XUQHU&DSV 1RQ5HPRYDEOH PROPANE 7KHSURSDQHRUL¿FHVIRUWKHFRRNWRSEXUQHUVDUHVKLSSHGRQWKH back of the range in the location shown. 2UL¿FH located through this opening 2UL¿FH located through these openings Tri-ring burner Do not operate the cooktop or oven burners of this range when using propane (bottled) gas before converting the SUHVVXUHUHJXODWRUDQGEXUQHURUL¿FHVIRUSURSDQHJDVXVH )DLOXUHWRGRVRFRXOGFDXVHKLJKÀDPHVDQGWR[LFIXPHV which can result in serious injury. Rear of Range Round Burner Cap (Removable) Propane Blue/Brown Propane Red/Yellow A. Remove the top grates, burner caps and burner heads. NAT WARNING ' ,QVWDOOWKHSURSDQHRUL¿FHVLQWKHLUSUHFLVHORFDWLRQV CONVERTING THE COOKTOP BURNERS Denotes 0.95mm Orifice size opening Denotes LP (Propane) Gas III BURNER OUTPUT RATINGS: BTU/HR Propane Gas 10” W.C.P. BTU ORIFICE BURNER RATE COLOR MARKING SIZE (mm) Regulator style B 3. Turn the plastic cap over and hook it into the slots. Rotate cap 1/4 turn to reassemble. The type of gas to be used should now be visible on the top of the cap..  6FUHZWKHKH[QXWFDSEDFNRQWRWKHSUHVVXUHUHJXODWRU LF LF1 LF2 LF3 LFC RF LR RR C C1 C2 LWR BAKE UPR BAKE 835%52,/ 15,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A 18,000 5,000 9,500 10,000 N/A N/A 13,500 10,000 12,500 µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  Black Black Black White Red2UDQJH Red/Yellow Blue/Brown / / / 35L 119L / 89L µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  Blue/Brown Brown/Green Green Red None (Qty: 2) 89L 84L 043L 037L 030L PROPANE CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS 31-10997 04-15 GE PGB980 CONVERTING THE OVEN BURNERS NOTICE: This product cannot be converted to propane by adjusting the oven orifices. The orifices must be replaced for propane. UPPER AND LOWER OVEN BAKE BURNER ORIFICES 1. Remove the lower oven door from the unit. 5HPRYHRYHQUDFNVRYHQERWWRPVDQGÀDPHVSUHDGHUVIURP both ovens. In the lower oven, remove the enclosure around the rear of the bake burner held in place by three Phillips screws. 5HPRYHDOOµKH[VFUHZVVHFXULQJWKHEDNHEXUQHUV*HQWO\ VOLGHHDFKEDNHEXUQHUWRWKHOHIWWRUHPRYHLWIURPWKHRUL¿FHDQG allow burners to rest on the bottom of their respective ovens. $SSO\DµZUHQFKWRWKHKH[EDVHRIDQRULILFH/RRVHQWKH RULILFHE\WXUQLQJFRXQWHUFORFNZLVHDQGUHPRYH5HPRYHERWK orifices. NOTICE: Save these orifices for future conversion back to natural gas. 3. Select the propane broil orifices from the kit and install them on the broil fittings. Tighten until snug. 4. Replace the broil burner over the orifices and replace both screws securing the burner. ADJUSTING AIR SHUTTER SETTINGS FOR OVEN BURNERS The air shutters should be turned to the marked settings NG or LP or set according to the following table. BURNER :LWKDµZUHQFKORRVHQHDFKRUL¿FHE\WXUQLQJFRXQWHU clockwise and remove. 8SSHU2YHQ%URLO Burner 8SSHU2YHQ%DNH Burner /RZHU2YHQ%DNH Burner AIR SHUTTER SETTING FOR PROPANE AIR SHUTTER SETTING FOR NG µ WZRSODFHV µ WZRSODFHV µ µ µ µ NOTICE: Save this orifice for future conversion back to natural gas. 6HOHFWWKHDSSURSULDWHEDNHRUL¿FHIRUHDFKRYHQIURPWKHNLWDQG LQVWDOORQWKHWKUHDGHG¿WWLQJV7LJKWHQZLWKZUHQFKXQWLOVQXJ *HQWO\UHSODFHWKHEDNHEXUQHUVRYHUWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRUL¿FHV DQGUHSODFHDOOµKH[VFUHZVVHFXULQJWKHEXUQHUV BROIL BURNER ORIFICES 5HPRYHWKHWZRµKH[VFUHZVVHFXULQJWKHEURLOEXUQHUDQG allow assembly to hang down free of the broil orifices. %URLORUL¿FHV 2YHQ light Broil burner assembly Phillips Screw Air shutter Air Shutter Setting With a Phillips head screwdriver, loosen the screws securing the air shutters on the burners and adjust the air shutters according to chart above. %DNHDQGEURLOÀDPHVPXVWEHFKHFNHGZLWKWKHRYHQGRRUV FORVHGWRSURSHUO\FKHFNÀDPHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV 1. Turn on the gas. 2. Turn on the electricity. 3. Reinstall the lower oven door. Close both doors. 4. Turn on both bake burners. 5. For each burner, observe the following through the oven door windows. D ,IWKHÀDPHVDUH\HOORZRSHQWKHDLUVKXWWHUPRUH E ,IWKHÀDPHVEORZDZD\RUÀXWWHUIURPWKHEXUQHUFORVHWKH DLUVKXWWHUVOLJKWO\EXWQRWE\PRUHWKDQµ  7XUQEDNHEXUQHURȺDQGUHSHDWZLWKEURLOEXUQHU WARNING ,I\RXDWWHPSWWRPHDVXUHWKHLQQHUFRQHRIWKHÀDPHSOHDVHXVH caution: burns could result. 2YHQEXUQHUÀDPHPXVWEHREVHUYHGZLWKWKHGRRUFORVHGWR SURSHUO\FKHFNÀDPHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV  &KHFNLQJWKHÀDPHVL]H  ,WVKRXOGEHDSSUR[LPDWHO\µ WRµORQJIRUWKHEDNHDQGEURLO burners. The combustion quality of the EXUQHUÀDPHVQHHGVWREH determined visually. 127(,IEXUQHUÀDPHVORRNOLNH $ IXUWKHUDLUVKXWWHU adjustment to the bake buner is required. Normal burner ÀDPHVVKRXOGORRNOLNH % RU & GHSHQGLQJRQWKHW\SHRI JDV\RXXVH:LWKSURSDQHJDVVRPH\HOORZWLSSLQJRQWKH outer cones is normal. (A) Yellow flames: Further Adjustment Required (B) Yellow tips on outer cones: Normal for Propane Gas (C) Soft blue flames: Normal for Natural Gas )RUHLJQSDUWLFOHVLQWKHJDVOLQHPD\FDXVHDQRUDQJHÀDPHDW ¿UVWEXWWKLVZLOOVRRQGLVDSSHDU 8. Retighten the air shutter screws. 9. When all adjustments are made and the results are satisfactory: a. Replace the enclosure around the rear of the bake burner in the lower oven. E 5HSODFHWKHÀDPHVSUHDGHUV c. Replace the oven bottoms and oven racks. ADJUSTING LOW FLAME SETTING ON COOKTOP BURNERS Low setting adjustments must be made with other burners in operation on a medium setting. This procedure prevents the ORZÀDPHIURPEHLQJVHWWRRORZUHVXOWLQJLQWKHÀDPHEHLQJ H[WLQJXLVKHGZKHQRWKHUEXUQHUVDUHWXUQHGRQ A. Turn on all surface burners to medium setting. %7XUQWKHNQRERQWKHEXUQHUEHLQJDGMXVWHGWR´/2µ &5HPRYHWKHNQREDQGLQVHUWDVPDOOÀDWEODGHVFUHZGULYHULQWR the valve shaft and/or side adjustment screw(s) as shown and turn clockwise to fully tighten down the bypass screw(s). Repeat for all valves. ',IÀDPHDSSHDUVWRRORZRUXQVWDEOHVORZO\WXUQE\SDVVVFUHZ FRXQWHUFORFNZLVHXQWLODVWDEOHÀDPHH[LVWVIRUHDFKEXUQHU Remember, other burners must be turned on to medium. E. Additionally, for each burner being adjusted, quickly open DQGFORVHWKHRYHQGRRUZKLOHREVHUYLQJÀDPH,IÀDPHLV H[WLQJXLVKHGFRQWLQXHDGMXVWLQJE\SDVVVFUHZIRUDODUJHU ÀDPH5HSHDWGRRURSHQLQJVXQWLOÀDPHLVVWDEOH F. Replace the knob. Side adjustment screw only for WULULQJEXUQHU Both center adjustment and side adjustment screws for dual oval burner Center adjustment screw only for all other burners. SPECIAL NOTE: To convert the oven back to natural gas, reverse the instructions given in making propane adjustments. NOTICE: 2QFHWKHFRQYHUVLRQLVFRPSOHWHDQGFRQ¿UPHG ¿OORXWWKHSURSDQHVWLFNHUDQGLQFOXGH\RXUQDPH organization and date conversion was made. Apply the sticker to the range near the regulator to alert others in the future that this appliance has been converted to propane. If converting back to natural gas from propane, please remove the sticker so others know the appliance is set to use natural gas. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BURNER OUTPUT RATINGS: BTU/HR 1* 1DWXUDO *DVµ:&3 BTU ORIFICE BURNER RATE COLOR MARKING SIZE (mm) LF LF1 LF2 LF3 LFC RF LR RR C C1 C2 LWR BAKE UPR BAKE 835%52,/ 20,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A 18,000 5,000 9,500 10,000 N/A N/A 14,000 12,000  198 N N/A µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  µ  2UDQJH White/Black Green/Yellow None Purple White/Purple Green 104N 107N 111N 71N 198N 101N 1 Yellow Green Red Blue Green/Yellow (Qty: 2) 141N 1 1 1 051N Denotes 1.98 mm Orifice size opening Denotes Natural Gas III PROPANE CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONS 31-10997 04-15 GE PGB980