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Publishing Manual 1.12




Publishing Manual CMS Version 1.12 NOTE: The Jadu Publishing Manual contains confidential information and should not be circulated outside your organization. Jadu Publishing Manual Version 1.12 by Jadu® Limited. Copyright © 2012 Jadu® Limited, Universe House, 1 Merus Court, Leicester, LE19 1RJ, 0116 222 7242, [email protected], All rights reserved. Screenshots in this manual may show a different representation of the Jadu CMS depending on the exact build of your system. 2 Contents About the Jadu Publishing Manual ...................................................................................... 10   About this manual .............................................................................................................. 10   Chapter One: Your Jadu Content Management System ........................................................ 11   What is content management? ............................................................................................. 11   Introduction to the Jadu Control Center ................................................................................. 11   The navigation bar .............................................................................................................. 12   Navigating between CMS modules ........................................................................................ 12   Customizing your ‘New’ menu items ...................................................................................... 13   Adding items to your New menu ........................................................................................ 14   Removing items from your New menu ................................................................................ 15   How to change your login password ...................................................................................... 17   How to log out of your CMS ................................................................................................. 18   How to use your Jadu CMS forms.......................................................................................... 18   Basic form layout ............................................................................................................. 18   Basic form functions ......................................................................................................... 19   Searching for items in the Jadu CMS ..................................................................................... 20   Searching and viewing your search results .......................................................................... 20   Sorting your search results ............................................................................................... 21   Flagging individual search results ....................................................................................... 22   Using the Actions menu .................................................................................................... 22   Online Now ........................................................................................................................ 23   Chapter Two: The default workflow structure ..................................................................... 24   How to understand your CMS workflow structure .................................................................... 24   Chapter Three: Preparing your content ............................................................................... 25   The key to great content is preparation ................................................................................. 25   Chapter Four: Navigation structure ..................................................................................... 27   How to apply a navigation category to your content ................................................................ 27   Using your site’s navigation structure to apply a category to your content ............................... 27   Chapter Five: Metadata ....................................................................................................... 30   What is Metadata? .............................................................................................................. 30   How to apply Metadata to your content ................................................................................. 30   The Standard Metadata area ............................................................................................. 31   The Advanced Metadata area ............................................................................................ 32   Chapter Six: Content scheduling and locking ...................................................................... 34   Content scheduling ............................................................................................................. 34   3 How to apply a schedule to your content ............................................................................. 34   Adding a schedule to your content ..................................................................................... 35   How to re-visit your scheduled document ............................................................................ 35   How to review a scheduled document ................................................................................. 36   How to re-schedule your document .................................................................................... 37   How to remove a content schedule from your document ....................................................... 37   Content locking .................................................................................................................. 37   Locking an item of content ................................................................................................ 37   Requesting access to a locked item .................................................................................... 39   Unlocking an item of locked content ................................................................................... 41   Locking and Unlocking in Search View ................................................................................ 41   Chapter Seven: The Jadu CMS Text Editor ........................................................................... 42   How to use the Jadu CMS Text Editor .................................................................................... 42   How to create a link within your content ................................................................................ 46   How to edit a link within your content ................................................................................... 46   How to remove a link within your content .............................................................................. 46   How to prepare an image for upload to the central image library ............................................... 47   How to upload an image to the central image library ............................................................... 47   Common fields and buttons throughout the image upload process .......................................... 47   The Upload Image window ................................................................................................ 48   The Image Properties window ............................................................................................ 49   How to save or save and use your uploaded image ............................................................... 49   How to add an image into your content ................................................................................. 50   Common fields and buttons throughout the image insertion process ....................................... 50   Adding an image to your content via the View by Category method ........................................ 50   Adding an image to your content via the View by Thumbnail method ...................................... 51   Adding an image to your content via the Search method ....................................................... 52   How to remove an image from within your content ................................................................. 52   How to add advanced content such as movies into your content ............................................... 53   How to add code snippets into your content ........................................................................ 53   How to edit an existing code snippet .................................................................................. 54   How to remove an existing code snippet ............................................................................. 54   Autosave ........................................................................................................................... 54   Chapter Eight: Documents and document pages ................................................................. 55   How to prepare your document ............................................................................................ 55   How to use the Document Pages area ................................................................................... 55   How to search for an existing document.............................................................................. 56   How to view a list of your documents or all documents ......................................................... 56   The Document Pages area ................................................................................................ 57   How to navigate through the list of documents .................................................................... 58   How to create a document and associated document pages ...................................................... 58   The Document Header area ............................................................................................... 58   Save as New Document .................................................................................................... 59   4 Save documents as PDF files ............................................................................................. 60   Save documents as flat HTML and export to a local or FTP server ........................................... 60   Adding pages to your Document ........................................................................................ 61   How to add supplements to your document pages ................................................................... 65   Adding your first supplement ............................................................................................. 65   Adding additional supplements .......................................................................................... 65   How to add an Advert supplement ........................................................................................ 67   How to add a new Advert supplement ................................................................................. 67   How to add an existing Advert supplement .......................................................................... 67   How to add a Contact supplement ........................................................................................ 68   How to add a new Contact supplement ............................................................................... 68   How to add an existing Contact supplement ........................................................................ 69   How to add an eGov Contact supplement ............................................................................... 69   How to add a new eGovContact supplement ........................................................................ 69   How to add a Further Information supplement ........................................................................ 70   How to add a new Further Information supplement .............................................................. 70   How to add an existing Further Information supplement........................................................ 70   How to add an Image supplement......................................................................................... 71   How to add a new Image supplement ................................................................................. 71   How to add an existing Image supplement .......................................................................... 71   How to add a Navigation supplement .................................................................................... 72   How to add a new Navigation supplement ........................................................................... 72   How to add an existing Navigation supplement .................................................................... 72   The Page Supplements list ................................................................................................... 73   What you can now do in the Document Details area ............................................................. 73   How to edit an existing document or document page ............................................................... 74   How to edit an existing document's details .......................................................................... 74   Using Track Changes ........................................................................................................ 75   How to edit an existing page within a Document .................................................................. 76   Viewing the Document Version History................................................................................ 76   How to delete an existing document or page within a document ................................................ 77   How to delete an existing document ................................................................................... 77   How to delete an existing page within a document ............................................................... 77   Chapter Nine: Downloads .................................................................................................... 78   How to prepare your download ............................................................................................. 78   How to use the Downloads area............................................................................................ 78   How to search for an existing download .............................................................................. 78   How to view a list of your downloads or all downloads .......................................................... 79   The Downloads area ......................................................................................................... 79   How to navigate through the list of downloads ..................................................................... 80   How to create a download ................................................................................................... 80   The Download Details area ................................................................................................ 80   How to add a new download file ......................................................................................... 81   How to add a new download link to a file ............................................................................ 82   5 How to Drop in new files ................................................................................................... 83   The File Listing area ......................................................................................................... 85   Bulk upload files for download via WebDAV ......................................................................... 85   Workflow for downloads .................................................................................................... 85   Track Changes for downloads ............................................................................................ 86   How to edit an existing download, download file or download link file ........................................ 87   How to edit an existing download ....................................................................................... 87   How to edit an existing download file or download link file ..................................................... 87   How to delete an existing download, download file or download link file ..................................... 88   How to delete an existing download ................................................................................... 88   How to delete an existing download file or download link file ................................................. 88   Chapter Ten: Homepage Banners ........................................................................................ 89   Your homepage banners ...................................................................................................... 89   How to add a new homepage banner .................................................................................. 89   The Banner details area .................................................................................................... 90   How to randomize your website’s homepage banner ............................................................. 90   Chapter Eleven: News ......................................................................................................... 91   How to use the News area ................................................................................................... 91   How to search for an existing news article ........................................................................... 91   How to view a list of your news articles or all news articles .................................................... 92   The News area ................................................................................................................ 93   How to navigate through the list of news articles ................................................................. 93   How to create a news article ................................................................................................ 94   The News Item area ......................................................................................................... 95   How to edit an existing news article ...................................................................................... 96   How to delete an existing news article ................................................................................... 96   Chapter Twelve: Events....................................................................................................... 98   How to use the Events area ................................................................................................. 98   How to search for an existing event ................................................................................... 98   The Events area .............................................................................................................. 99   How to navigate through the list of events .......................................................................... 99   How to create an event ..................................................................................................... 100   The Event Details area ................................................................................................... 101   How to edit an existing event ............................................................................................. 102   How to delete an existing event .......................................................................................... 102   Public event submission .................................................................................................... 103   Chapter Thirteen: Announcements .................................................................................... 105   How to use the Announcements area .................................................................................. 105   How to add a new announcement ....................................................................................... 106   How to edit an existing announcement ................................................................................ 106   How to delete an existing announcement ............................................................................. 106   6 Tracked URLs ................................................................................................................... 106   Tracked URL Reports ......................................................................................................... 108   Chapter Fourteen: Polls..................................................................................................... 109   How to use the Polls area .................................................................................................. 109   How to use the Polls area .................................................................................................. 109   How to add a new poll ....................................................................................................... 109   How to edit an existing poll ................................................................................................ 110   How to delete an existing poll ............................................................................................ 110   Chapter Fifteen: FAQs ....................................................................................................... 111   How to use the FAQs area ................................................................................................. 111   How to search for an existing FAQ .................................................................................... 111   How to view a list of your FAQs or all FAQs ....................................................................... 112   The FAQ area ................................................................................................................ 112   How to navigate through the list of FAQs .......................................................................... 113   How to create a FAQ ......................................................................................................... 113   The FAQ Details area ...................................................................................................... 114   How to use the Pending FAQs area ...................................................................................... 115   The Pending FAQs area ................................................................................................... 115   How to navigate through the list of pending FAQs .............................................................. 116   How to reply to and submit a pending FAQ ........................................................................ 116   How to edit an existing FAQ ............................................................................................... 117   How to delete an existing FAQ ............................................................................................ 117   How to add supplements to your FAQs ................................................................................ 118   Adding your first supplement ........................................................................................... 118   Adding additional supplements ........................................................................................ 118   Chapter Sixteen: External Feeds ....................................................................................... 120   About RSS ....................................................................................................................... 120   How to use the External Feeds area .................................................................................... 120   The External Feeds area ................................................................................................. 120   How to add a new RSS feed ............................................................................................... 121   The Create a new feed area ............................................................................................ 121   How to edit an existing RSS feed ........................................................................................ 121   How to delete an existing RSS feed ..................................................................................... 121   Chapter Seventeen: Accessibility Statement ..................................................................... 122   How to amend your Accessibility Statement page ................................................................. 122   How to amend the contents of your accessibility statement .................................................... 122   Chapter Eighteen: Address and Contacts ........................................................................... 124   How to amend your Address & Contacts page ....................................................................... 124   How to amend your organization's address and contacts ........................................................ 124   How to edit your organization's address details .................................................................. 125   7 How to add a new contact ............................................................................................... 125   How to edit an existing contact ........................................................................................ 126   How to delete an existing contact .................................................................................... 126   Chapter Nineteen: Location ............................................................................................... 127   How to amend your Location page ...................................................................................... 127   How to amend your organization's location and direction details ............................................. 127   Chapter Twenty: Terms & Disclaimer ................................................................................ 129   How to amend your Terms & Disclaimer page ....................................................................... 129   How to amend your organization’s terms and disclaimer details .............................................. 129   Chapter Twenty One: Links ............................................................................................... 132   How to amend your Links page........................................................................................... 132   How to amend your organization's links page ....................................................................... 132   How to add a new category ............................................................................................. 132   How to edit an existing category ...................................................................................... 133   How to delete an existing category ................................................................................... 133   How to add a new link .................................................................................................... 133   How to edit an existing link ............................................................................................. 134   How to delete an existing link .......................................................................................... 134   Chapter Twenty Two: Multimedia Manager ....................................................................... 135   What is the Multimedia Manager? ....................................................................................... 135   Uploading new files ........................................................................................................... 136   Bulk upload multimedia files via WebDAV .......................................................................... 136   Adding Item Details to recently uploaded multimedia files ...................................................... 137   Chapter Twenty Three: Galleries ....................................................................................... 138   What are Galleries? .......................................................................................................... 138   Creating a new gallery ...................................................................................................... 138   Adding multimedia items to a Gallery .................................................................................. 139   Managing the contents of a Gallery ..................................................................................... 140   Chapter Twenty Four: Podcasts ......................................................................................... 141   Creating a new Podcast ..................................................................................................... 141   Adding episodes to a Podcast ............................................................................................. 142   Managing the contents of a Podcast .................................................................................... 144   Chapter Twenty Five: The approval process ...................................................................... 145   What is the approval process? ............................................................................................ 145   What to look for when approving content ............................................................................. 145   The Task List area ............................................................................................................ 146   The To Do List .................................................................................................................. 146   How to approve or reject an item of content ...................................................................... 146   8 The To Do List area ........................................................................................................ 146   How to reject content ..................................................................................................... 147   How to approve content.................................................................................................. 147   Awaiting Action ................................................................................................................ 148   Content Schedule ............................................................................................................. 149   Content Locks .................................................................................................................. 149   Chapter Twenty Six: Further information .......................................................................... 150   Further reading ................................................................................................................ 150   The Plain English Campaign............................................................................................. 150 Concise, SCANNABLE, and Objective: How to Write for the Web ........................................... 150 Applying Writing Guidelines to Web Pages ......................................................................... 150 Writing Well for the Web: Quick and Easy Tips for Non-writers ............................................. 150 10 Tips for Good Web Writing .......................................................................................... 150 HTML Code Tutorial ........................................................................................................ 151 A List Apart ................................................................................................................... 151 HTML Goodies ............................................................................................................... 151 Google Maps ................................................................................................................. 151 What is Metadata? ......................................................................................................... 151 Calculate readability ....................................................................................................... 151 Feeds ........................................................................................................................... 152 9 About the Jadu Publishing Manual About this manual The Jadu Publishing Manual is designed to give a general overview on how to perform all the publishing tasks within your Jadu Content Management System (CMS). It should provide your Content Editors and Webmasters with all the information they will need in order to create and manage the content within your organization’s website. 10 Chapter One: Your Jadu Content Management System What is content management? A content management system (CMS) is a system used to manage the content of a website. Content management systems are deployed primarily for interactive use by a potentially large number of contributors. As with most of your CMS, the levels of control and the tasks you can perform can be completely customized for each individual user, therefore the experience of using your CMS will vary. For most, your CMS enables you to create pages for your organization’s website without the need for technical knowledge. This means that your organization as a whole can maintain and control the content displayed on your website by simply using your CMS, which is easily accessed via an Internet browser. Introduction to the Jadu Control Center Your Jadu CMS couldn’t be easier to use. Once you have logged into the Control Center you are greeted by name and informed how many outstanding tasks you have and how many tasks are awaiting action - these refer to the task of approving or editing items of content. The Jadu CMS Control Center Your Jadu CMS homepage consists of an initial opening greeting, a Jadu Control Center logo, a top navigation bar, an ONLINE NOW button, and button that will take you back to the top of your screen. The top navigation bar navigation bar, ONLINE NOW button, and every page within your Jadu system. 11 button will be present on The navigation bar Two initial menu items and a search box are contained within the top navigation bar. The Jadu CMS Control Center Navigation Bar In addition, you can also access a personal menu by clicking on your name at the far right of the top navigation bar. This will present you with options for accessing your Task List, changing your password, accessing your Dashboard, and logging out of the CMS. Accessing your personal menu Navigating between CMS modules The Jadu CMS is a modular content management system. Clicking on the Open menu item in the navigation bar will present you with a list of modules to which you have been granted access. Selecting a module from the Open menu Selecting a module will provide you with additional options for accessing the elements of that module that you are permitted to use. 12 The full Publishing module menu is revealed Customizing your ‘New’ menu items Clicking on the New menu item will present you with a list of quick links to create new content items within the CMS. To personalize this menu you must first select the Customize option at the bottom of the list. The Jadu CMS New quick links menu. This will provide you with access to the Customize Menu utility. 13 The Customize Menu utility Adding items to your New menu ● ● To add items you must first access the Customize Menu utility as described above. Select the items that you wish to add by clicking on them in the Available Additions area on the right. Clicking on an item will highlight it to indicate that it has been selected. Clicking on a highlighted item will deselect it. 14 Selecting items to add to your New menu ● Once you have selected all the items that you wish to add click on the to the My Menu area on the left. icon to move them The selected items are added to the My Menu list ● ● To save your changes click on the SAVE button. This will also close the Customize Menu screen. When clicking on the New menu item in the navigation bar you will now be presented with your customized quick links. Your customized New quick links menu Removing items from your New menu ● ● To remove items you must first access the Customize Menu utility as described above. Select the items that you wish to remove by clicking on them in the My Menu area on the left. Clicking on an item will highlight it to indicate that it has been selected. Clicking on a highlighted item will deselect it. 15 Selecting items to remove from your New menu ● Once you have selected all the items that you wish to remove click on the them to the Available Additions area on the right. The selected items are removed from the My Menu list 16 icon to move ● ● To save your changes click on the SAVE button. This will also close the Customize Menu screen. When clicking on the New menu item in the navigation bar you will now be presented with your customized quick links. Your customized New quick links menu How to change your login password Accessing the Change Password area ● Click on your name in the right side of the Jadu Control Center navigation bar to navigate to the Change Password area. The Change Password area ● ● Within this area you will first be informed of the last time you changed your password. In the Old Password field enter your existing password. 17 ● ● ● ● In the Password field enter the password you wish to use from now on. The Suggest button can also be used to automatically generate a password for you. Once the Suggest button has been pressed it will automatically populate a new password into the Password and Confirm Password fields and will inform you of the password it has entered into these areas. (You do not have to keep this password if you do not want to). If you have entered your own new password into the Password field, re-enter this new password into the Confirm Password field. Once you have entered all the required information press the Submit Password button to change your login password to the one you have chosen. Please be aware that your new password is case sensitive, it must be at least five characters long and must contain a mixture of letters (upper and lower case) and numbers, but cannot contain any special characters. How to log out of your CMS ● Once you have completed all your required tasks within your CMS, it’s recommended that you log out, ensuring someone else using your computer and your log in details does not access your CMS. Navigating to the Log Out option ● ● ● Click your name in the right side of the Jadu Control Center navigation bar to navigate to the Log Out option. Before you are logged out of your CMS you will be asked to confirm that you wish to do this. Once logged out you will be shown the login screen to your CMS with the added message of You were logged out successfully. How to use your Jadu CMS forms Throughout the process of adding and maintaining content for use on your organization’s website, you will be required to enter information regarding content to be published via specific forms tailored to the type of content you are authoring. Content specific forms are laid out and operate in a consistent manner throughout many publishing tasks and below, we provide an overview of some of the common elements and functions. Basic form layout Although each form will ask you to provide different information regarding your content, their overall structure will be similar. All forms will consist of field titles and field entry areas. The information you wish to add should be entered into the form associated with the content type (i.e. News, FAQs, Document pages, etc.) your information refers to. 18 A basic form layout Dropdown menus can be used by clicking the black arrow to the right of the menu, then selecting the required option from the list of selections that appear. Tick boxes can be selected by clicking them with your mouse and clickable buttons are usually dark grey with white text. Basic form functions Within form areas you will notice that the * symbol will be present next to some of the field titles. This indicates that this field is required (mandatory), which means content must be present within this field in order for your information to be saved and ultimately used within your organization’s website. If you attempt to save your content without adding information into these required fields you will be presented with an error. In order to rectify this problem please ensure all required entry fields contain content and re-submit your form. The system will highlight where mandatory fields are missing If a field requires you to enter a date please be aware that the format for date fields is dd-mm-yyyy, you can also use the calendar to select a date, press the calendar icon in order to be able to select a date from the calendar. If a field requires you to enter a time please be aware that the format for time fields is hh:mm using the 24 hour clock. 19 If you are deleting any element from within your CMS such as an image or document you will always be asked to confirm that you wish to delete this element before it is deleted, helping ensure that elements are not deleted by mistake. If certain form content requires addition through a dedicated window/lightbox, you press the associated button to save the information you have entered, and the window will close. Please be aware that when a window opens you will only be able to enter or alter information within the window and not the page behind it. In order to add or alter information present on a page behind a window you must exit the window first. Within windowed forms you will have the option to close the window by using the X icon in the top right hand corner, please be aware if you do use the X icon to exit a window any information you have entered may potentially be lost if you have not saved it first. If you are asked to set a password for an item of content please be aware that the password you set will be case sensitive. Searching for items in the Jadu CMS The Jadu CMS navigation bar includes a keyword search box that allows you to search for individual items of content.Searching and viewing your search results. Searching and viewing your search results Searching for content within the Jadu CMS ● ● ● ● To search for content within the CMS simply type your search term in the search box within the main toolbar. This will dynamically return a list of the most relevant search results. The results list will indicate the title of each item along with an icon indicating its content type. To access an item from the list you must click on it. This will take you directly to the item within the Jadu Control Center. To view a full list of all the related results click on the Show all results link at the bottom of the dynamic results list. 20 Viewing your full search results ● ● ● ● ● The full results page will show three columns. The first column will display the Title of each item along with its respective content type, assigned navigation categories. It will also indicate whether the content is currently locked for editing. The second column will display the name of the content Owner. The final column will indicate when the item was Last modified. This results view will also provide access to a range of Filter options to the left of the results allowing you to further customize the information displayed. Sorting your search results Accessing the Sort menu ● ● Clicking on the Sort menu will give you the option to sort your results by Relevance, date last modified or Title. The current view will always be highlighted in bold. 21 Flagging individual search results Flagging a search result ● ● ● ● It is possible to flag key results to make them easier to locate and identify. To flag a result simply click on the flag icon to the left of the title. This will turn the icon green to indicate that the item has been flagged. You may then apply the Flagged filter when viewing your results. To unflag an item click on the flag icon a second time. This will remove the green highlight to indicate that the item has been unflagged. Using the Actions menu You may also apply bulk actions to your search results. Accessing the Actions menu ● ● ● Check the box to the left of the Title of the items that you wish to apply the Actions to. Select the Actions menu to choose from the available options. Edit will open the content for editing within the Control Center. 22 ● ● ● ● ● Flag will apply a flag to the items for filtering. Change owner will allow you to re-assign ownership of the selected items. View live (if the content has been published) will open the items on your website. Preview will display the latest saved version of the items. Lock / Unlock will let you apply or remove a content lock to the selected items. Note: These options may vary depending on your access rights. Online Now To view a list of other users currently logged into the Jadu CMS click on the Online Now button to the bottom right of the Control Center window. Viewing users Online Now ● Click on the icon to send an email. ● Click on the icon to view content owned by the user. ● Click on the icon to view the user’s access log. Note: The options visible may depend upon your access rights. 23 Chapter Two: The default workflow structure How to understand your CMS workflow structure Although your CMS set up is completely customizable, it is essential you understand the general principles of the levels of access and responsibility that can be allocated to the different user accounts created to perform tasks within your CMS. For the purpose of this manual we are going to use default CMS user set up, which consists of two levels of user: Administrator and Webmaster. (For detailed information on building your own custom workflows please refer to the Jadu CMS Utilities Manual.) Administrators will be given the least amount of control within your CMS. Their primary tasks will be to create and add content to your CMS e.g. document pages, downloads etc. While they will be able to author and manage content, they will not be able to publish it to the website as all content requires publication approval by a Webmaster. Webmasters are given broader access to the functions within your CMS. Their primary task and a key difference to Administrators set up within the system will be to approve content created by Administrators and to control what the end user will see on your website. Variations in workflow processes and additional user levels may be added in accordance with your organization's requirements. 24 Chapter Three: Preparing your content The key to great content is preparation The key to creating accurate and organized content is preparation. We recommend that all of your content is prepared before you even log on to your CMS. You may already have a number of documents, news articles or downloads that you wish to make available on your organization’s website or you may need to create fresh content. As numerous users within your organization will contribute to your CMS managed content, it is inevitable that the amount of content will begin to expand and over time, it is possible that the amount of information contained within the whole site will be vast. It is therefore important that content is relevant, engaging, accurate and organized. Start by writing your content in Microsoft Word® or some similar word processing application. It’s not necessary to be too concerned regarding formatting as you will be able to do this once you have copied your text into the Jadu Text Editor. Take into consideration the topic you are writing about and therefore the audience you expect to be reading it. Be brief and concise and remember most visitors will be there to find out about specific information, and are unlikely to want to have to read through 10 pages to get to that information. Assess the length of your information and the best way of handling it. For example, say you have a long policy document, it may be more practical to create a document that gives an executive summary and then make the full document available as a download. Prepare any images you may want to use and remember that they will need resizing to be in proportion with the rest of the images within your website. Consider that a lone page of information may well be interesting and informative, but think how useful it would be for the visitor to not only be provided with well written, accurate information but also with links to related follow up information, relevant news articles, related downloads and so on. When creating content for your site remember to add in any links to relevant or related information, documents, FAQs, downloads, etc. from within your website or external sites. This will enrich your content and therefore encourage visitors to revisit your site. Your Jadu CMS can be accessed any time of the day or night from any computer with an Internet connection and browser installed, so you can take your time drafting relevant and engaging content. (Access to your CMS may be restricted from outside your organization and may be dependent on security settings your organization may have in place). Once you have carefully created your content you will next need to consider a suitable filing structure for all your documents, downloads and images. We advise that a central filling system be created on a computer or server within your organization. This computer or server and the subsequent filing system should be accessible by everyone within your company that is likely to be creating or amending information for your website. 25 An example of a suitable filing structure This filing system will allow your organization to have a central, locally stored copy of all the content for your site. It will enable your organization to keep track of any additions or alterations that are made to documents, downloads or images without having to search an individual’s computer for a specific document, image or download. 26 Chapter Four: Navigation structure How to apply a navigation category to your content Every piece of content authored in Jadu requires assignment to a category from a list that represents your website’s information architecture. The system makes it very easy for you to add relevant categories to your content. For instances where a website’s information architecture may contain hundreds or more categories, the categories are arranged hierarchically to assist with easily locating and selecting relevant categories to the content you are authoring. Consider carefully where within your site’s categories your content should appear. Very often there will be just one subject area, but in some cases there could be two or even more. If you were a user where would you look to find the information you are adding? Only for a wide-ranging document should you consider using more than three navigation categories. ● When you start to add content to your organization’s website, press the Assign Categories button to open the Apply Categories window. The Apply Categories window ● ● Within the Apply Categories window there are two main panels and two buttons named Apply Categories and Cancel. If you wish to exit the Apply Categories window please be aware that any categories you have selected will be lost if you have not saved them first by pressing the Apply Categories button. Using your site’s navigation structure to apply a category to your content ● ● ● ● Within the dropdown menu situated at the top left of the Apply Categories window, select your organization’s navigation option. Once selected, your organization’s top-level-categories will appear in the left panel (top-level means these categories will be directly viewable from your website's homepage). Read through the list and decide which category you think your content would best fit into and click onto that categories title. The contents within the left panel will now change to a list of the sub-categories present within the selected top-level-category. 27 The Apply Categories window with sub-categories ● ● ● ● ● You will notice at the top of the new list is a link named Back, which allows you to move back to the list of the top-level-categories if you have selected an incorrect one. Also within this new content, above the sub-categories list, is an area containing a description of the selected top-levels-categories details. Although this maybe of some interest to you this information is used more for the function of the CMS rather than something you are required to use. If you wish to assign the selected top-level-category to your content press the Add: (your selected category name) button. Or you can continue to click into a sub-category and then sub-sub-category and so on until you have entered the category area you wish to assign to your content. Once you have selected your required category press the Add (your selected category name) button, once pressed you will notice your selected category name will appear within the right panel under the Selected (your organization’s navigation name) Categories area. The Apply Categories window with a selected category ● ● ● If you have selected an incorrect category, use the Remove button next to the category name and return to the left category selection panel to re-select your category, (make sure you remove the selected category from within your organization’s navigation if it has been automatically selected for you, before you start selecting a new category). If at the beginning of your category selection process you are already familiar with your organization’s category structure and you know the exact category you wish to assign your content to, you can use the A-to-Z links at the top of the window to find this category. Once the list of categories associated with the selected letter has loaded into the left panel, select the category you require and use the Add (your selected category name) button to assign this category as before. 28 The Apply Categories window with A-to-Z shown ● You also have the ability to assign more than one category to your content. You can repeat either process to select other top-level or sub-categories but remember only for a wide-ranging document should you consider using more than three navigation categories. 29 Chapter Five: Metadata What is Metadata? Metadata gives any kind of data context. Any item of data is a description of something. Metadata is a type of data where the something being described is data. Or, as it is often put, metadata is data about data. Metadata is used to label your content and describe it in order for other websites, search engines and your organization’s website itself to understand what your content is about. Standard Metadata consists of keywords relevant to your content along with a description of what your content is about, advanced Metadata gives you an array of information options that can be stored alongside your standard Metadata to give your content further meaning. How to apply Metadata to your content As you will be required to assign Metadata to every piece of content you create for your organization’s website, your CMS makes it very easy for you to add relevant Metadata to your content. ● When you start to add content to your organization’s website, press the Assign Metadata button to open up the Assign Metadata window. The Assign Metadata window ● ● ● ● The Assign Metadata window contains three main areas; the Standard Metadata area, the Content Schedule area and the Advanced Metadata area (the areas you will see will vary with the type of content you are creating). Each of the three areas can be hidden or shown by using the hide and show icons next to the titles of the areas (you cannot show more than one area at a time). Also present within the window are two buttons named Assign Metadata and Cancel. If you wish to exit the Assign Metadata window please be aware that any information you have entered will be lost if you have not saved it first by pressing the Assign Metadata button. 30 The Standard Metadata area ● By default, when the Assign Metadata window first opens, the Standard Metadata area will be shown. The Standard Metadata window ● ● ● ● ● ● Within the Standard Metadata area you will be shown two entry fields. The first field is named Additional Keywords. This field should be used if you feel that when you assigned navigation categories to your content, they did not effectively describe what your content is about (when entering additional keywords make sure they are all comma separated and are all entered in lower case). The Description field is the only mandatory field and all information you enter should be in lower case and contain no punctuation. Here you are required to type a general description of what your content is about. Remember when you compose your description to consider writing it from the point of view of your reader. Imagine if they were to perform a search what would accurately summarize the topic of your content. Once you have completed the appropriate fields within the Standard Metadata area you have a choice of either assigning the Metadata you have already entered or you can continue to add more specific Metadata in the Advanced Metadata area. If you choose to add the Metadata you have entered press the Assign Metadata button. Once pressed the data you have entered will be saved and the window will close. Or if you choose to enter further Metadata about your content, click the show icon next to the Advanced Metadata section. 31 The Advanced Metadata area The Advanced Metadata window ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Within the Advanced Metadata area you will be shown nine entry fields and two dropdown menus. You will notice that when you open the Advanced Metadata area numerous fields have been automatically populated. This information has been gathered from other relevant segments of your CMS. The Creator field is used to include the name of the creator of the content that you are adding. This field will be automatically populated with the name that you are logged into your CMS with, but this name can also be changed if required. If any of the content you are creating was contributed to by other parties, for example your content consists of photographs, illustrations or diagrams that were not created by you, these contributor details can be entered into the Contributor field. The Publisher field is used to add the name of the organization whose website you are adding content to. This field will be automatically populated with the name of your organization, but can be changed if required. The Rights field is used to add the name of the organization that has the rights to the content you are adding. Normally this will be your organization and is therefore what will appear in this field as standard, but can be changed if required. If the content you are adding comes from another source, e.g you are copying a document from a government site, within the Source field you should enter these original source details. The Status field is used to add the development status of your content, e.g. if the content you are adding is complete then it would generally be classed as V1.0 Public Consumption. As this is the general case for most of the content that you will create, this is what is automatically populated into this field, but can be changed if required. If the content you are entering concerns a wider area than just your local area you should enter these details into Coverage field. Typically this field will automatically be populated with the local area relating to your organization, but these details can be changed if required. 32 ● ● ● ● ● The Created date field is used to document the date your content was created on, the current date will be automatically populated in this field. Although this field can be edited if required, we advise for organization purposes, that it isn’t. If you are revisiting an item of content for the purpose of editing, you should enter the date these alterations were undertaken into the Modification date field. The Format.Medium dropdown menu is used to describe the type of media that you are creating for example if you are just adding a JPG picture and no other content, you would select the image/jpeg category. This type of content would be very unusual for you to add as the majority of the time, you will be creating or editing additional pages to your site referenced under the text/html selection. Therefore, the text/html selection is automatically selected for you, but you can choose other appropriate selections by using the dropdown list if required. The Language dropdown menu is used to describe the language that your content is written in. Although the dropdown menu will automatically show English as the default selection you can select another language if required. Once you have finished entering all the Advanced Metadata information you wish to, press the Assign Metadata button. Once pressed, the data you have entered will be saved and the window will close. 33 Chapter Six: Content scheduling and locking Content scheduling You may occasionally want to create content that will have a limited life span and will need to be removed from your organization's site on a specific date, such as any content regarding seasonal information, for example. Content scheduling allows you to specify the period for which your content is relevant and will automatically remove that content from public view on the date specified. If you do schedule an item of content to expire on a certain date the content in question will be displayed in your Content Schedule section of your Task List. How to apply a schedule to your content ● ● The Content Schedule area is part of the Assign Metadata control window. When you start to add documents to your organization’s website, press the Assign Metadata button to open up the Assign Metadata window. The Assign Metadata window ● ● ● ● ● The Assign Metadata window contains three main areas; the Standard Metadata area, the Content Schedule area and the Advanced Metadata area. Each of the three section areas can be hidden or shown by using the hide and show icons next to the titles of the areas (you can not show more than one area at a time). Also present within the Assign Metadata window are two buttons named Assign Metadata and Cancel. If you wish to exit the Assign Metadata window please be aware that any information you have entered will be lost if you have not saved it first by pressing the Assign Metadata button. By default when the Assign Metadata window first opens the Standard Metadata area will be shown. In order to view the Content Schedule area click the show icon next to the section title. 34 Adding a schedule to your content The Content Schedule window ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Within the Content Schedule area you will be shown one tick box, three entry fields and one dropdown menu. If you wish for the document you are creating to be scheduled and for that schedule to run from the information you enter, make sure the Use Content Scheduling tick box has been selected. In the Valid from field enter the date that you require your document to go live on. In the Valid to field enter the date that you require your document to expire on. The Action dropdown menu has two options named Make invisible and Make not live. If you choose the Make invisible option your document will be made invisible within your website’s main navigation once the Valid to date has been reached, but will not be removed from the website. This option allows you to easily make this document visible again, providing no changes have been made to it since its expiry date. If you choose the Make not live option your document will be removed from your organization’s website once the Valid to date has been reached. In order to re-publish this document you would need to have it re-approved by a Webmaster. The final field named Email Alarm allows you to specify the notification period for the content that is approaching its Valid to/expiry date. For example, if you enter 3 into the Email Alarm field, you will be emailed an expiry notification 3 days before your document is about to expire. You will then be sent a notification 2 days before, 1 day before and also on your content’s day of expiry. Once you have finished entering all your content schedule information press the Assign Metadata button. Once pressed, the information you have entered will be saved and the window will close. We recommend that you set your Action dropdown menu to Make invisible rather than Make not live. This way it is easier for you to make the document visible again if you require, providing no changes have been made to the content since the expiry data. How to re-visit your scheduled document ● To review your scheduled document you need to visit the Task List area of your CMS. Navigating to your Task List ● You can enter this Task List area by clicking your name in the right side of the Jadu Control Center navigation bar to navigate to the My Tasks option. 35 ● The default view of the Task List area is the To Do List to visit the scheduled content area click the Content Schedule tab. The Content Schedule area The Content Schedule area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● At the top of the Content Schedule area there is a dropdown menu that allows you to view either Your Schedule or All Schedules (depending on your access rights). You may also use the appropriate links to view Upcoming or Expired content (the information and tasks you will be able to perform will be the exactly the same in either the Upcoming or the Expired section). The Content Schedule area is split into four columns. The first column is named Page title and contains all the document titles that have had a schedule applied to them (the title of the document also works as a link to view the details of each document). The second column is named Valid from, where you are informed when the document in question was created. The third column named Expires on informs you of what date the document is due to/has expired on and in the case of expired document it will also inform you of how many days ago each document expired. The final column is named Action on expiry which informs you of what action is due to be taken/has been taken once the expiry date has been reached. You can navigate through the pages of scheduled documents by using the page number links below the list of scheduled documents names. How to review a scheduled document ● ● Select the name of the scheduled document you wish to review. You will be taken to the Document Details area. Within the Document Details area you can review or change any of the content of this document or information regarding this document. 36 How to re-schedule your document The Document Details area ● ● ● Within the Document Details area click on the main document title to enter the Document Header area. From the Document Header area use the Assign Metadata button to enter the Assign Metadata window, from within this window enter the Content Schedule area. In the Content Schedule area change the document’s scheduled details to those required and resave the document. As long as you don’t edit the contents of the document you are viewing, you will be able to make this document viewable from your organization’s website straight away by changing the document’s schedule details. How to remove a content schedule from your document ● ● ● ● To remove a schedule from a document you need to visit the Document Details area and then click on the main document title to enter the Document Header area. From within the Document Header area use the Assign Metadata button to enter the Assign Metadata window and from within this window enter the Content Schedule area. In the Content Schedule area, un-tick the Use Content Scheduling tick box and re-save your document. Once saved your document will ignore any information present in the Content Schedule area unless you re-select the Use Content Scheduling tick box. Content locking Jadu allows content to be ‘locked’ by one person whilst being edited and stopping any other users from making changes during that time. Each content lock has an expiry date, after which time the lock will be removed automatically. Locking an item of content Where the Content Locking feature is available, items are automatically locked at the point of creation for a default period of 10 minutes. Within the CMS it is also possible to manually configure a Content Lock. 37 Selecting the option to Lock an item for editing ● ● When viewing an item it is possible to select the Lock option from the associated Actions dropdown menu. This will open a new lightbox for you to enter the details of the period that you wish to lock the item for. There are two methods of selecting the period during which your content lock should be applied. Manually inputting your lock period ● You can type the period that you wish to lock the content for in the Lock Until text field. The time the lock will be applied for will be dynamically displayed so that you can confirm that this is correct. 38 Using the calendar to chose a date ● Alternatively, you can pick a date by clicking on the calendar icon and then the date for which you wish the content to be unlocked. ● Again, the time the lock will be applied for will be dynamically displayed so that you can confirm that this is correct. ● Finally, click the LOCK button to apply your Content LOCK. Only the user who locked the content or a webmaster can unlock the content. If another user needs the content to be unlocked they can choose to alert the webmasters. This will send an email to the person who locked the content and all webmasters (or Control Center administrators at the highest level of workflow) requesting that the content be unlocked. Requesting access to a locked item If you try to access an item that has been locked you will be notified that it has been locked and told who has locked it. Accessing an item of locked content is not permitted by other users ● To request access to a locked item of content you must first click on the ‘alert the webmasters’ link. 39 Adding your request details ● Type the details of your request in the Message space provided and then press the REQUEST LOCK RELEASE button. An unlock request within a user’s Awaiting Action list ● This will generate a task for the webmaster to action your request. Until it has been actioned it will display in the Awaiting Action section of your task list. 40 Unlocking an item of locked content ● To Unlock an item you must first select the Unlock option from the associated Actions menu. Selecting the Unlock option ● ● You will then be presented with the option to Unlock the item. Press the UNLOCK button to release the Content Lock. Releasing the Content Lock Locking and Unlocking in Search View Content may also be locked or unlocked from within the Jadu search results page as detailed in Chapter 1 of this manual. 41 Chapter Seven: The Jadu CMS Text Editor How to use the Jadu CMS Text Editor The Jadu CMS Text Editor allows you to format the content you produce for your organization’s website. Basic word processing skills are enough to create pages that look consistent with the rest of your site in terms of font use, layout and colour, etc. Although the Text Editor will allow you to paste in copied content from the Internet, a Microsoft Word® document or similar, we advise that you first paste your content into Notepad and then copy it from Notepad into the Text Editor. This will strip out any formatting that might have existed in the original content and makes sure that all the formatting that is present in your content has been set by you, delivering a consistent look throughout your site. Your Text Editor area looks and functions very much like Microsoft Word® or any similar word processing application. In this chapter of the manual we will run through the entire range of tools available within your Text Editor but be aware that your CMS set up is completely customizable. Therefore, your organization will be able to specify precisely which tools will be available to each user. The Jadu Text Editor area Above the main Text Editor area there are numerous tool buttons, many of which will be familiar to you. Below is a list of the tools and a brief explanation of each tool’s functionality. 42 Maximize/minimize editor: maximizes or minimizes the editor screen. Print document: Allows you to print out your content. Undoes your last action: Undoes the last action you performed. Re-does your last action: Re-does the last action you performed. Note: The multiple undo/redo functionality within the Jadu Document Editor has a limitation of 20 (twenty) actions. Each action is separated by a time delay of half a second before the browser will remember the action. Therefore, rapid text or data entry may result in entire sections becoming subject to a single undo/redo action. Copy selection: Copies the area you have selected. Paste from clipboard: Pastes the content you have copied to your clipboard. Cut selection: Cuts the area you have selected. Superscript: Allows you to add superscript text. Subscript: Allows you to add subscript text. Bold: Allows you to add bold text. Italic: Allows you to add italic text. Underline: Allows you to add underlined text. Strikethrough: Allows you to add strikethrough text. Format (Example of dropdown menu options are Heading, Subheading, Normal, Address): Allows you to use predetermined font styles and colours for the different elements of your content such as headings and normal text. Insert/Modify link: Allows you to insert a link to another site or item of content or to modify a previously added link. Remove web link: Allows you to remove a previously added link to another site or item of content. Ordered list: Allows you to add a numbered list. Bulleted list: Allows you to add a bulleted list. Blockquote: Allows you to add blockquoted text. 43 Abbreviation: Allows you to define the full meaning of an abbreviated term. Justify left: Justifies your text to the left of the page. Justify center: Justifies your text to the center of the page. Justify right: Justifies your text to the right of the page. Decrease indent: Allows you to decrease the text indent. Increase indent: Allows you to increase the text indent. Insert/Modify image: Allows you to insert an image or to modify the properties of a previously added image. Insert/Modify multimedia object: Allows you to insert an image or to modify a previously added multimedia object. Insert special character: Allows you to insert a special character into your text, such as the copyright symbol. Horizontal rule: Allows you to add a horizontal line. Insert time: Allows you to add the current time. Insert date: Allows you to add the current date. Insert table: Allows you to insert a table. Merge cells: Allows you to merge two cells within a table. Insert cell before: Allows you to insert a table cell before the one you have selected. Insert cell after: Allows you to insert a table cell after the one you have selected. Delete column: Allows you to delete a table column. Split column: Allows you to split a table column. Insert row after: Allows you to insert a table row after the one you have selected. Insert row before: Allows you to insert a table row before the one you have selected. Table properties: Allows you specify exact table properties. Split row: Allows you to split a table row. 44 Delete row: Allows you to delete a table row. Highlight row or cell: Allows you to highlight a table row or cell. Insert column before: Allows you to insert a table column before the one you have selected. Insert column after: Allows you to insert a table column after the one you have selected. Delete cell: Allows you to delete a table cell. Spell check document: Allows you to check the spelling of your content. Calculate readability: Performs a readability score and informs you of the average reading age of your content. In linguistics, the Gunning fog index is a test designed to measure the readability of a sample of English writing. The resulting number is an indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading. Toggle HTML source: Allows you to see and edit the HTML source code. Find and replace: Allows you to search for a specific word or phrase and replace all occurrences with another word or phrase. Content statistics: Performs a word and paragraph count. Insert code snippets: Allows you to add snippets of HTML code or client-side script e.g. embedded YouTube video, Google Map. Try to include a paragraph return after every other full stop or after every full stop if your paragraphs are long. This makes the text on a computer screen much easier to read. Keep headlines and headings consistent, and avoid using CAPITALS for headlines or headings. Only use the underline tool where absolutely necessary - underlining words in your content will make them look like links and may confuse your site's visitors. Use headings sparingly and avoid using headings or sub headings on full paragraphs within your content. 45 How to create a link within your content ● ● Highlight the area of text that you wish to make into the link. Click the Insert/Modify Link button the Insert Link window will open. The Insert/Modify window ● ● ● ● The Insert Link window contains one entry field and two buttons named Insert Link and Cancel. In the Web or Email Address field enter the email address or website address you wish the text to link to (you can paste into this field if you have cut the link from the address bar of your browser or other material). In the Title field you can insert a more detailed description of the content that the link points to. This will be visible if the cursor is placed over the link on your website and will aid accessibility. Once you have entered your information into the URL field and you are happy with your link details, press the Insert Link button. Once pressed the window will close and you will notice that your highlighted text will now be coloured and underlined. (Please be aware that the colour and decoration of the link text within the Text Editor is for editing purposes only, styles for links within your organization’s website will have been set and once your content has been saved these styles will be applied to your content.) Text Editor area with an added link There is no need to apply Bold or Underline formatting to links as links styles are already specified for the whole of your organization’s website and will be applied once your content has been saved. When creating a link avoid adding your link to the term ‘Click here’ for a location map. Instead, create a link with more appropriate words, for example ‘A location map download is available’. How to edit a link within your content ● ● Highlight the area of text that exists as the link you wish to edit; you can also place the cursor within the link text area as the link will be altered for all text associated with that link. Click the Insert/Modify Link, within the Insert Link window to make your changes and then press the Insert Link button. How to remove a link within your content ● ● Highlight the area of text that exists as the link you wish to remove. You can also place the cursor within the link text area as the link will be removed from all text associated with that link. Click the Remove Web Link button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the link is removed. 46 How to prepare an image for upload to the central image library Within your content you have the option to add an image. To control the usage of images within your organization’s website associated images that can be used are stored within a central image library. Although there is an option to add additional images to this central image library, this function may not be available to all users due to the customizable nature of your CMS, your relevant permissions and your organization’s requirements. The process of uploading and using an image is straightforward, but the image itself must have extra attention paid to it in terms of its relevance and quality. It is important that good quality images are used and images like clip-art be avoided. All images should be saved at 72 dpi (dots per inch), as this is the standard for usage on the web. Images must be a relevant size as images that are too big make for unprofessional looking results. Images should be saved as a JPG if they are photographs or GIF if they are a flat graphic. All image file names must contain no spaces and use letters or numbers only. Most importantly, your images should be relevant to the content you are adding. How to upload an image to the central image library ● ● Place your cursor in an area within your content that you wish for the image to appear (you need to do this even though we will only be dealing with uploading your image in this section). Click the Insert/Modify Image button the Image Library window will open. Common fields and buttons throughout the image upload process The Image Library window ● ● There are several elements within the Image Library window that will stay present throughout this image upload process. These are; the Search box and Search button, the Browse by Title and the Upload Image icons and finally the three main buttons named Use This Image, No Image and Cancel. Within the Image Library window click the Upload Image button (the plus sign icon) in the top right of the window. Once clicked you will be shown the Upload Image window. 47 The Upload Image window The Upload Image window ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Upload Image window’s main area consists of one entry field, one dropdown menu, one tick box and two buttons named Browse and Upload. To start, click the Browse button to open a standard computer browser window. Within this window, navigate through your computer or organization’s file structure and find the image you require. Once you have picked the image you require you will notice there will now be a route address (file path) present within the Browse field. If you have selected an incorrect image you can press the Browse button again and repeat the process until you have the correct image. In the Resize Image dropdown menu there will be a list of resize options for your image. This list’s options are customizable from within your CMS. Therefore, the specific options will vary (essentially you will be able to select an option that will resize the image you are uploading to fit a specific area within your organization’s website). If you do not wish to resize your image, use the standard Keep original image size option. The Optimise Image tick box should be ticked if you require your image to be compressed. Once compressed your image will download faster and therefore allow your website to be viewed quicker (we advise that all images be optimized to contribute to improved site performance). Once you have ensured the route address points to the image you wish to upload, and that all the details you have picked are correct for that image, press the Upload button. In a few moments the Upload Image window will change to the Image Properties window. 48 The Image Properties window The Image Properties window ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Displayed within the main area of the Image Properties window there will now be three panels. The left panel will show the central image library file structure. From here, select an appropriate folder category in which to store your uploaded image. Once you have decided which category you wish to use, press the Add Category button and your selected category will appear at the bottom of the middle panel under the Categories field. If you have selected an incorrect category use the Remove button next to the category name from within the middle panel to remove this assigned category. In the middle panel you will be asked to provide some essential details about the image you are uploading. You need to enter an appropriate title for your image within the Title field. In the Tags field enter keywords that you think might be used when searching the central image library for your uploaded image (make sure all your keywords are comma separated and are all lower case). In the Alternative text field enter a short but informative description of the image you are uploading (this description is essential in order to keep your organization’s website compliant to the latest usability standards). This text will be displayed on your organization’s website in the form of text that appears when you place your mouse over the image and therefore requires an accurate description. The Caption field will let you enter a brief caption to display underneath the image when it appears on your website. Finally, the right panel will contain a preview of the image you are uploading alongside automatically populated information on the File name, File format, Dimensions and Image size. This right panel also contains two buttons named Save and Save And Use. How to save or save and use your uploaded image If you wish to save your image and its associated information, press the Save button. Once pressed the Images Properties window will close and you will be returned to your content within the Text Editor. ● If you wish to save and use the uploaded image within your content, press the Save And Use button. Once pressed the Image Library window will close and you will be returned to your content with your selected image present. If you press either the Use This Image, No Image or Cancel button your image will not be saved into the central image library. ● 49 How to add an image into your content ● ● Place your cursor in an area within your content that you wish for your image to appear. Click the Insert/Modify Image button the Image Library window will open. The Image Library window ● The Image Library window looks and works like any computer browser window. This window contains several ways to find and insert an image into your content. Common fields and buttons throughout the image insertion process ● ● ● There are several elements within the Image Library window that will stay present throughout the image insertion process; these are the Search box and Search button, the Browse by Title and the Upload Image icons, the View by Category and View by Thumbnail links and finally the three main buttons named Use This Image, No Image and Cancel. If at anytime you wish to leave the Image Library window without inserting an image into your content, you can use the Cancel button. There are three main methods to add an image to your content and include; View by Category, View by Thumbnail and Search. Adding an image to your content via the View by Category method ● ● The first method of inserting an image into your content is the View by Category method. You are likely to be the most familiar with this method and it is the default view of the Image Library window. The central area of the Image Library window is split into three panels. 50 The Browse by Title window ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The left panel will contain a list of all the folder categories present within your organization’s central image library. If you select a folder category, all images within this folder will be displayed within the middle panel. If you select an image from this list, a preview of the selected image will be displayed within the right panel along with information regarding this image. Also present in this right panel are two Alignment selection boxes named Left and Right, the Alignment option allows you to specify whether your image sits either to the left or the right within your content. Also within the right panel are two buttons named Edit and Delete. If you wish to edit the details of the image you have selected then press the Edit button, you will be taken to the Image Properties window from where you can change any information regarding this image. To delete the selected image from within your organization’s central image library press the Delete button, you will be asked to confirm your changes before the image is deleted. If the image you have selected is the image you wish to use within your content and you have ensured that you have selected your required Alignment option, press the Use This Image button. Once pressed, the Image Library window will close and your selected image will be displayed within your content. If you have selected an incorrect image you can select another image from the middle panel or even a different folder category until you find the required image. Adding an image to your content via the View by Thumbnail method ● ● The second method of inserting an image is the View by Thumbnail method. The central area of the window is split into two panels. 51 The View by Thumbnail window ● ● ● ● ● ● The panel on the left contains thumbnails of all the images contained within all the folder categories found in your organization’s central image library. Also in this left area is a line of text telling you that you are viewing x amount of images out of the total x amount, plus two links allowing you to skip to the Next page and back to the Previous page. Once you have selected an image from the thumbnails, your image will preview in the right panel along with information regarding this image. As before there will be the two Alignment selection boxes named Left and Right and the Edit and Delete buttons. If the image you have selected is the image you wish to use within your content and you have ensured that you have selected your required Alignment option, press the Use This Image button. Once pressed the Image Library window will close and your selected image will be displayed within your content. If you have selected an incorrect image you can continue to select another image from the thumbnail panel until you find the required image. Adding an image to your content via the Search method ● ● ● ● ● The third method for inserting an image is the Search method, which combines a search function and the file and image selection process present within the first or second method, depending on which area you are in. Within the Search box at the top left of the Image Library window, type the keyword for the image you are trying to find, then press the Search button. Once pressed your search results will be displayed in the same format as the area you are in, for example, your results will display as thumbnails if you are in the View by Thumbnail area. You will be able to use your selected area to select an image you require from the search results. If your search did not return the results you require or any results at all you can perform the search again using another keyword. How to remove an image from within your content ● ● Click onto the image within your content you wish to remove. A holding box will appear around your image once it has been selected. Press the backspace or delete button on your keyboard to remove this image from the Text Editor and ultimately from within your content. 52 How to add advanced content such as movies into your content Note: This section discusses the Insert Code Snippet feature of the CMS, video and audio files may also be managed using the dedicated Jadu Multimedia Manager decribed later in this manual. The purpose of the Snippets tool is to allow you to embed advanced content into the content item you are creating, by using appropriate HTML code. Embedding this advanced content via the Snippets tool ensures that the Jadu Text Editor’s in built HTML filter does not remove it. Examples of advanced content could be multimedia files such as QuickTime movies, YouTube movies or Server Side Includes (SSI’s) (your server must be configured to support Server Side Includes if you wish to use them). How to add code snippets into your content ● ● Place your cursor in an area within your content that you wish for your advanced content to appear. Click the Insert code snippets button and the Insert Snippet window will open. The Insert Snippet window ● ● ● Either write or paste your code snippet into the Insert Snippet window. Once you have entered your code snippet press the Insert Snippet button. Once pressed your code will be saved and the window will close. You will notice that a placeholder has been inserted into the area within your content where you added your code snippet. This placeholder appears instead of your code snippet in order to ensure that multimedia content is not played while you are within the Text Editor. Text Editor area with an added code snippet placeholder 53 Developers should note that code pasted into the Insert Snippet window will not be interpreted within the Text Editor and so any server-side code will not be executed until your content has been saved and viewed from within your organization’s website. How to edit an existing code snippet ● ● ● Click onto your code snippet’s Placeholder that you wish to edit within your content. Click the Insert code snippets button and the Insert Snippet window will open. Within the Insert Snippet window make your required changes and then press the Insert Snippet button. How to remove an existing code snippet ● ● Click onto your code snippets placeholder that you wish to delete from within your content and then click onto the Insert Code Snippets button. Within the Insert Snippet window remove your code snippet and press the Insert Snippet button, the window will close and your code snippet will have been removed from within your content. Autosave The Jadu CMS Text Editor provides an Autosave feature included as standard. ● ● Autosave automatically saves content in the background and prevents content from being lost regardless of whether content has been saved manually during the editing process. If accessing content that was not manually saved during the previous session, unsaved changes are recovered, along with the time and date of the last autosave. Autosave content recovery option ● ● Links within the notification allow content authors to Recover or Dismiss unsaved changes. Clicking the Recover option recalls the previously unsaved content into the content item you are viewing. If the content item includes iterations that have been saved manually, the Autosave feature also provides an option to Revert to the last saved version. Revert from Autosave content recovery 54 Chapter Eight: Documents and document pages How to prepare your document The Document Pages section of the Jadu Publishing Tools is where you will probably spend most of your time when using your organization's CMS. It is where you can author your main content pages for your organization’s website. Your documents will need to be structured correctly in order to create a logical layout for your website visitors. You may have an introductory page containing a brief summary of your subject, for example, followed by a number of pages that go into more detail about specific points within your introductory page. Some of your pages may contain links to other content, websites or downloads. Also within the Document Pages area you will be able to specify supplement content and their locations (supplement locations could be the left column, the right column or the footer of your page) for each individual document page that you create. The Jadu Supplements section allows you to add specific content such as adverts or contact details to a predetermined location within your document pages (specific details of the location and type of supplements that you can add within your CMS will vary depending on your organization’s requirements). How to use the Document Pages area ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Open menu followed by the Document Pages option from the Publishing section. You will be shown the main Document Pages area. The Document Pages area ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. 55 How to search for an existing document ● At the top of the Document Pages area is the Find a page or document link. Once pressed it will open a search area. You can close this area by clicking back onto the Find a page or document Link. The Find a Page or Document search area ● ● ● Within this search area you have the ability to search for an existing page or document by Keyword, you can search by which navigation Category has been assigned to it or you can search by the Date Created. To search by a Keyword enter your keyword into the entry field and press the Go button. To search by the navigation Category, press the Choose Category button and the Choose Category window will open. The Choose Category window ● ● ● ● Navigate through the categories until you have selected the one you require, press the Choose Category button within the window to search by the selected navigation category. To search by Date Created use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate time period, then press the Go button. All results will be displayed within the main section of the Document Pages area. If no results have been found, a message of You have not yet created any documents will appear. Please be aware if you perform any of the searches within the Your documents section you will only be able to search through the documents that have been created by you. You need to enter the All documents section in order to search through all the documents present within your organization’s CMS. How to view a list of your documents or all documents ● ● ● Within the main section of the Document Pages area you can either view a list of documents that have been created by you or you can view a list of documents that have been created by all the users of your organization’s CMS. You can swap between these two views by using the Your documents or All documents links. Please be aware that some users may only be able to view their own documents as levels of access can be set for each individual user within your CMS to restrict the amount of information they can see or edit. 56 The Document Pages area ● The main section of the Document Pages area is laid out into five columns. The main Document Pages area ● ● ● ● ● ● The first column is named Document title. This is where your document names will be listed. These names also act as a link into each documents details. The second column is named Categories assigned. This informs you of which navigation category each document is assigned to (you can use the magnifying glass next to each category listing to show a list of all documents created within this selected navigation category only). The third column is named Visible. This displays a dropdown menu with the option of Yes or No. Selecting Yes will mean that this document is viewable from within your organization’s navigation, selecting No will mean this document will be hidden within your organization’s navigation. You will notice that you are unable to alter some of the Visible dropdowns. This could be due to two reasons; the document hasn’t been approved or it has been made Not Live. The fourth column is named Owned by. This lists the name of the person that the document is owned by. You can alter this name by selecting the tick box next to the person’s name you wish to change and pressing the Change button. In the Change Administrator Levels window change the selection in the Choose an Administrator dropdown menu to the correct name and press the Apply Changes button. The Change Administrator Levels window ● ● ● The last column is named Delete. This allows you to select an individual document and to delete that selected document. Select the tick box next to the document you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the document is deleted. The final element within the main section of the Documents area is the Create New Document button. Once pressed it will allow you to create a new document. 57 How to navigate through the list of documents ● ● You have the ability to move from one list of documents to another via the page number links present below the main section, you can also use the Next and Previous links to move from one page to another. In order to make it as easy as possible to find the document you are searching for you can specify the amount of document names you can see per page by using the Documents Per Page dropdown menu. How to create a document and associated document pages ● ● Select Document page from the New menu (if you have added it to your custom list) or from within the Document Pages area press the Create New Document button. You will be taken to the Document Header area where you will be asked to provide some key information regarding the document you wish to create. The Document Header area ● The purpose of the document header is to act as an umbrella to all the pages within the document. This means you only have to create the navigation categories and Metadata once for the document and not on every document page. The Document Header area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● First you will be asked to create a Document Title. Think of something that will be of use to you, the visitor of your website and something that can be easily referenced when someone searches for your document within your CMS. Assign your document a navigation category using the Assign Categories button. Assign relevant Metadata to your document. The Page Structure dropdown menu relates to the layout position of your document’s supplements. The options within the dropdown menu will vary from one organization to another (Document supplements are discussed later in this chapter). The final area of information you will be asked to provide is whether or not you wish your document to Enable Document Password? or not (if you choose to add a password to your document this will mean it will only be viewable by somebody who knows the password). If you select Yes from the dropdown menu you will be asked a further question. Document Password is where you can set the password for your document (please be aware that all passwords are case sensitive). The Document Access Level dropdown menu allows you to specify the user level of your document (whenever a user registers on your organization’s site you can allocate them access rights that restrict the level of documents that they can view - the default access level for documents and users is level 1). For more details regarding document access levels please refer to the Jadu Marketing User Manual. 58 ● Once you have finished entering all your document information press the Save Document button. You will now be entered into the Document Details area. The Documents Details area ● If you have entered incorrect details into any of the fields within the Document Header area you can re-visit this area by using the document title link to the right of the Document Details area. Save as New Document ● To the right of the Document Details area is a dropdown menu button named Actions. This link allows you to perform a number of tasks in relation to your document. One of theses is allowing you to access the Save As feature to save a copy of the document with all its pages and settings under another title. Accessing the Save As feature from the Actions menu ● If you wish to save your Document as a template, select New Document from the Choose Document Format options, followed by the Choose button. Choosing your document format ● Type your title within the Save as New Document window and press the Save As New Document button. Once saved you will be returned to the Document Details area for this new document. 59 The Save as New Document window Save documents as PDF files It is possible to save documents and pages as PDF files within the Jadu CMS Control Center. From any Document Details page, click the Actions button and then the Save As link, and then select PDF File from the Save as dropdown in the Choose Document Format lightbox. Document Details list Saving a Document as a PDF Click the Choose button and you will be prompted where you want to locally save the file. Save documents as flat HTML and export to a local or FTP server It is possible to save documents and pages as flat HTML files within the Jadu CMS Control Center. From any Document Details page, click the Actions button and then the Save As link, and then select File Template from the Save as dropdown in the Choose Document Format lightbox. Saving a Document as HTML Click the Choose button and an additional lightbox enables you to specify further properties regarding the file you are publishing. ● ● From the Publish To dropdown you can select the server to where this file will be published. From the Template dropdown you can specify the template to be associated with this file. 60 ● ● Single or Multiple Files allows you to specify whether a Document containing multiple pages will be published as a single or collection of multiple files. Path to file is the file's path on the destination server. Additional properties when saving a document as HTML Further options can be added to the Publish To and Template areas by adding relevant server or stylesheet information through the Document Publishing Settings interface in the Utilities Module. For further information, see Document Publishing Settings in the Utilities Manual. Adding pages to your Document You will initially be told ‘There are no pages in this Document’. To add your first page click on the Create one now link. This will take you to the page content area. 61 The Page Content area The Page Details area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Within the Page Details area there will be two tabs named Page Content and Page Supplements and an Actions dropdown menu. We will first deal with the task of adding content to your document page and then with the task of adding supplements to your new document page. Within the Page Content area you will see the Text Editor with the addition of three fields and a Document Details link, which once pressed will take you back to the Document Details area. The first field is Page Image. Here you can assign a main image to your page by using the Image Library button to open up the Image Library window. If you have assigned an image into the Page Image area and you wish to remove it press the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the No Image button, the window will close and the Page Image will have been removed. The second field is Page Title. You must give your page a relevant title, however this should not be the same as your main document title, (if you do make the mistake of entering the same document title and page title, you will have two headings on your page that are the same, one under the other). Within the Page text area enter the content of your document page. The field below the Page text is named Page Structure and relates to the layout position of your page’s supplements, (the options within the dropdown menu will vary from one organization to another). Although you have already set your supplements layout within the Document Header area you can specify a different layout for every individual page you create within your document. Once you have entered, and are happy with your content, you can save your document by pressing the Save button. Once pressed, the page will be saved and you you will be returned to the Document Details area. Once you have created content pages you will be able to preview your document and its associated pages by using the Preview link. 62 Edit in place on document pages preview Edit in place provides a previewing system which enables content to be edited within the context of the website's templates, where content authors can view and amend text within an environment that mirrors how content will appear in the live website. To access content within Edit in place context, select the Preview option for the relevant page within the Document Details interface of the Jadu Control Center. Previewing a page from the Control Center Selecting the Preview option opens the relevant page in a new tab in the browser. A dotted line separates the page template from the page contents and provides the facility for content to be amended or edited in place. The Edit in place interface includes two options (Save Changes or Revert to the previously saved version of the page). 63 Editing a page preview Any changes made within the Edit in place environment still remain subject to Jadu CMS's typical Submit for Proofing and Approval stages. 64 How to add supplements to your document pages Supplements are specific items of re-usable content such as adverts, images or additional navigation items that you can add to your document pages. These are placed outside your actual document page content usually to the left, right or bottom of your document page. The exact positioning options will be specified by your organization, within the website templates. Adding your first supplement ● When selecting the Page Supplements option for the first time you will be presented with the message ‘You have not yet added any supplements’ and given the option to Add one now. The Page Supplements area ● To add your first supplement click on the Add one now link. Selecting your Supplement type ● Within the Type dropdown menu select the type of supplement you wish to create, as standard there are six supplement types, including; Advert, Contact, EGov Contact, Further Information, Image and Navigation. (Custom supplements can be created and added to your CMS, so these options may differ from one organization to another). Adding additional supplements ● From within the Page Supplements area select a location of the supplement you wish to add from the Select Supplement Location dropdown menu (these location options will vary from one organization to another). You can add supplements to any location option, but your document page will only display the supplements present in your selected document page layout (your document page layout will have been specified in the Document Header or Page Details area). 65 Selecting your Supplement location ● Once you have selected the location you wish for your supplement to appear you will be shown a message telling you that You have not added any (your chosen location) supplements – Add one now! Click the Add one now! button to add a new supplement. Selecting your Supplement type ● Within the Type dropdown menu select the type of supplement you wish to create, as standard there are six supplement types they are; Advert, Contact, EGov Contact, Further Information, Image and Navigation. (Custom supplements can be created and added to your CMS, so these options may differ from one organization to another). 66 How to add an Advert supplement ● ● From within the Type dropdown menu select the Advert option. Within the Advert area you will be asked to provide further information on the Advert supplement you want to create. The Advert Supplement area ● The first field allows you to select an existing Advert supplement to use or edit and use. It also allows you to create a new Advert supplement. How to add a new Advert supplement ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure the Create new supplement option is selected from within the Select existing dropdown menu. The Placement dropdown menu allows you to alter the position of the Advert supplement you are creating i.e. if you have changed your mind on where you would like it to be displayed. Make sure you add a relevant Title for your Advert supplement. You will be required to add an image to your Advert supplement, use the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the image you wish to use. If you have assigned an image into the Image area and you wish to remove it, press the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the No Image button - the window will close and the Image will have been removed. Within the Text area add any content you wish to include regarding this Advert supplement. You can also add a link to another page, website or email address to your Advert supplement. Add the line of text you wish to be used as the link text into the Link text field. Add the destination of the link you are creating into the Link destination field. Once you have entered your details, and are happy with your Advert supplement content, press the Save button. Once pressed your content will be saved and you will be shown a screen which lists the supplements assigned to your document page within that location. How to add an existing Advert supplement ● ● ● Within the Select existing dropdown menu, find the Advert supplement you wish to use. Once selected, the Advert supplement’s details will be automatically populated into the correct fields. Alter any information within this Advert supplement as required and press the Save button to save any changes and to add this supplement to your selected location. 67 How to add a Contact supplement ● ● From within the Type dropdown menu select the Contact option. Within the Contact area you will be asked to provide further information on the Contact supplement you want to create. The Contact Supplement area ● The second field allows you to select an existing Contact supplement to use or edit and use. It also allows you to create a new Contact supplement. How to add a new Contact supplement ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure the Create new supplement option is selected from within the Select existing dropdown menu. The Placement dropdown menu allows you to alter the position of the Contact supplement you are creating (if you have changed your mind on where you would like it to be displayed). Within the Name field enter the name of the contact you are creating. Enter a brief description of the contact you are creating into the Description field. Enter the address of the contact you are creating into the Address field. Within the Email Address field enter the email address of the contact you are creating. Within the Telephone field enter the telephone number of the contact you are creating. Enter the Fax number of the contact you are creating into the Fax field. If you wish to add an image to your Contact supplement, use the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the image you wish to use. If you have assigned an image into the Image area and you wish to remove it, press the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the No Image button - the window will close and the Image will have been removed. You can also add a link or numerous links to other pages, websites or email addresses to your Contact supplement. Add the line of text you wish to be used as the link text into the Link text field. Add the destination of the link you are creating into the Link field. 68 ● ● ● ● You can add additional links by using the Add Link button and entering the required information in the new Link text and Link fields that appear. If you wish to change the order in which your links appear within your Contact supplement, use the arrows to move your links up and down the list. If you wish to remove a link you have added, select the tick box associated with the link you wish to remove and press the Delete button. Once you have entered your details and are happy with your Contact supplement content, press the Save button. Once pressed your content will be saved and you will be shown a screen which lists the supplements assigned to your document page within that location. How to add an existing Contact supplement ● ● ● Within the Select existing dropdown menu find the Contact supplement you wish to use. Once selected the Contact supplement’s details will be automatically populated into the correct fields. Alter any information within this Contact supplement as required and press the Save button to save any changes and to add this supplement to your selected location. How to add an eGov Contact supplement NOTE: The information relating to adding eGov Contact supplements relates to Jadu government installations only. ● ● ● From within the Type dropdown menu select the EGov Contact option. Within the EGov Contact area you will be asked to provide additional information on the EGov Contact supplement you want to create. The additional information relates to the position of the supplement and the relevant Contact details, which will appear in the Contact dropdown list. EGov Contact information is populated in the Contacts area of the Jadu eGov module. Further information can be found in the Jadu eGov Manual. Selecting an eGov contact entry for use as an eGov Contact supplement How to add a new eGovContact supplement EGov Contact supplements are created within the Contacts area of the eGov module and further information is available within the Jadu eGov manual. 69 How to add a Further Information supplement ● ● From within the Type dropdown menu, select the Further Information option. Within the Further Information area you will be asked to provide additional information on the Further Information supplement you want to create. The Further Information Supplement area ● The second field allows you to select an existing Further Information supplement to use or edit and use. It also allows you to create a new Further Information supplement. How to add a new Further Information supplement ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure the Create new supplement option is selected from within the Select existing dropdown menu. The Placement dropdown menu allows you to alter the position of the Further Information supplement you are creating if you have changed your mind on where you would like it to be displayed. Make sure you add a relevant Title for your Further Information supplement. You can add a link to another page, website or email address to your Further Information supplement. Add the destination of the link you are creating into the Link field. Add the line of text you wish to be used as the link text into the Link Text field. Within the Description area add any content you wish to include regarding this Further Information supplement. Once you have entered your details, and are happy with your Further Information supplement content, press the Save button. Once pressed your content will be saved and you will be shown a screen which lists the supplements assigned to your document page within that location. How to add an existing Further Information supplement ● ● ● Within the Select existing dropdown menu, find the Further Information supplement you wish to use. Once selected, the Further Information supplements details will be automatically populated into the correct fields. Alter any information within this Further Information supplement as required and press the Save button to save any changes and to add this supplement to your selected location. 70 How to add an Image supplement ● ● From within the Type dropdown menu select the Image option. Within the Image area you will be asked to provide further information on the Image supplement you want to create. The Image Supplement area ● The second field allows you to select an existing Image supplement to use or edit and use. It also allows you to create a new Image supplement. How to add a new Image supplement ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure the Create new supplement option is selected from within the Select existing dropdown menu. The Placement dropdown menu allows you to alter the position of the Image supplement you are creating (if you have changed your mind on where you would like it to be displayed). Make sure you add a relevant Title for your Image supplement. To select an image for your Image supplement, use the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the image you wish to use. If you have assigned an image into the Image area and you wish to remove it, press the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the No Image button. The window will close and the Image will have been removed. Within the Text area add any content you wish to include regarding this Image supplement. You can also add a link to another page, website or email address to your Image supplement. Add the line of text you wish to be used as the link text into the Link text field. Add the destination of the link you are creating into the Link destination field. Once you have entered your details, and are happy with your Image supplement content, press the Save button. Once pressed your content will be saved and you will be shown a screen which lists the supplements assigned to your document page within that location. How to add an existing Image supplement ● ● ● Within the Select existing dropdown menu find the Image supplement you wish to use. Once selected the Image supplement’s details will be automatically populated into the correct fields. Alter any information within this Image supplement as required and press the Save button to save any changes and to add this supplement to your selected location. 71 How to add a Navigation supplement ● ● From within the Type dropdown menu select the Navigation option. Within the Navigation area you will be asked to provide further information on the Navigation supplement you want to create. The Navigation Supplement area ● The second field allows you to select an existing Navigation supplement to use or edit and use. It allows you to create a new Navigation supplement. How to add a new Navigation supplement ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure the Create new supplement option is selected from within the Select existing dropdown menu. The Placement dropdown menu allows you to alter the position of the Navigation supplement you are creating, (if you have changed your mind on where you would like it to be displayed). Make sure you add a relevant Title for your Navigation supplement. You can add a link or numerous Links to other pages, websites or email addresses to your Navigation supplement. Add the line of text you wish to be used as the link text into the Link text field. Add the destination of the link you are creating into the Link field. You can add additional links by using the Add Link button and entering the required information in the new Link text and Link fields that appear. If you wish to change the order in which your links appear within your Navigation supplement, use the arrows to move your links up and down the list. If you wish to remove a link you have added, select the tick box associated with the link you wish to remove and press the Delete button. Once you have entered your details, and are happy with your Navigation supplement content, press the Save button. Once pressed your content will be saved and you will be shown a screen which lists the supplements assigned to your document page within that location. How to add an existing Navigation supplement ● ● ● Within the Select existing dropdown menu find the Navigation supplement you wish to use. Once selected the Navigation supplement’s details will be automatically populated into the correct fields. Alter any information within this Navigation supplement as required and press the Save button to save any changes and to add this supplement to your selected location. 72 The Page Supplements list ● Once you have added a supplement to your selected location you will be shown a list of the supplements assigned to that location for your document page. The Page Supplements list ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● This list area will consist of five columns and one button named Add New (your chosen location) Supplement. Column one named Supplement title will contain a list of all the supplement titles that have been assigned to that location. These supplement titles also work as a link into each supplement’s details. The second column is named Supplement type and informs you of what type of supplement each one is such as Advert or Image. The third column is named Supplement placement and this informs you in what order each supplement appears in this location. You can change the placement of each supplement by using the arrows present within the fourth column, to move the supplements up and down the list. In the final column, you have the option to delete a supplement from within this location by selecting the tick box associated with the supplement you wish to delete and pressing the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the supplement is deleted. Finally use the Add New (your supplement location) Supplement button to add more supplements to this location. Once you have entered and are happy with your document page content and its associated page supplements, use the Document Details link to re-enter the Document Details area. What you can now do in the Document Details area ● Once you have re-entered the Documents Details area you will notice that your document page details will be shown. The Document Details area with added Document Pages ● ● ● ● Within the Document Details area there will now be a new area containing four columns. The first column is named Pages in (Your Document Name) and will list the names of all the pages within your document. These names also function as links to each page’s contents. The second column is named Position and allows you to move the order of the pages within your document. Use the arrows to move a page up or down within your document. The third column is named Check page. This allows you to preview what this page will look like once it has been added to your organization’s website. Use the Preview and View Live buttons 73 ● ● ● associated with the required page to view that page. The column including View Link Map links, provide links to a lightbox that displays inbound and outbound links for this page. In the final column you have the option to delete a page within your document by selecting the tick box associated with the page you wish to delete and pressing the Delete button, you will be asked to confirm your changes before the page is deleted. The Create New Page button at the bottom of this main area allows you to add additional pages to your document. Once you have created your document and its associated pages you have the option to submit your document for approval by using the Submit button, or you can leave the Document Details area and return to the rest of your CMS. How to edit an existing document or document page ● ● Within the Document Pages area click onto the title of the document you wish to edit, you will be taken to the Document Details area for the selected document. If this document has been approved you have the option to View Live or Preview it, to take this document Online and Offline, and to allow this document to be Visible or Invisible within your website navigation. The Document Details area after approval ● These options may differ depending on the amount of access you have been provided with within your CMS. How to edit an existing document's details ● To edit a specific document's details use the Document title link to access the Document Header area. Once you have made the required changes within this area press the Save Document button. 74 Using Track Changes If previous changes have been made to a page you have the option to revert to a previous version using the Track Changes utility. Accessing the Track Changes utility ● Select the Track Changes option from the Actions menu and the Track Changes view will open, from where you can select previous iterations of the page from the options in the Previous versions dropdown box in the top-left of the screen. All versions are saved by date and time and selecting different versions will provide a side by side view of changes in comparison to the live version of the page. The Track Changes view for a page ● ● Basic previews of previous versions will appear in the left-hand side of the Track Changes view. Once you have found the version you wish to use, press the Rollback to this Version button. Content will then be replaced with the selected previous version. 75 ● You now have the choice to save the changes you have made by pressing the SAVE button, and resubmitting the page for approval again by using the Submit button to trigger the approval process and then saving the page. How to edit an existing page within a Document ● ● To edit a specific page click onto the title of the page you wish to edit from within the Documents Details area. Make your changes to this page and press the SAVE button to save your changes. Viewing the Document Version History From the Document Details page it is possible to access a full content history of the document. Accessing the Content history ● Select the View History option from the Actions menu. The Content history record ● The Content history will show you a record of all actions associated with the item’s version history including Date and Time of changes, type of Action and the User responsible. 76 How to delete an existing document or page within a document How to delete an existing document ● Within the Document Pages area select the correct tick box associated to the document you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the document is deleted. How to delete an existing page within a document ● ● ● You can delete an existing document page in two ways. First, within the Document Pages area select the title of the document containing the page you wish to delete. You will then be shown the Document Details area and a list of pages within this document. In the Document Details area select the correct tick box associated to the page you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the page is deleted. Alternatively, you can select the title of the document page you wish to delete from within the Document Details area. You will be taken to the Page Details area. Within the Page Details area select the Delete option from the Actions menu to delete the page you are viewing. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the page is deleted. 77 Chapter Nine: Downloads How to prepare your download If you have any content you wish to add to your organization’s site in the form of leaflets or published documents then you may wish to make these available as downloads. Your Jadu CMS allows you to upload a large number of file formats for your visitors to download such as PDF, Excel, Word, text only and image files. It may be useful to upload the same document in a number of different file formats in order for your visitors to have a choice of which format they would like to view. How to use the Downloads area ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Open menu followed by the Downloads option from the Publishing section. You will be shown the main Downloads area. The Downloads area ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. How to search for an existing download ● At the top of the page is the Find a download link. Once pressed it will open a search area and you can close this area by clicking back onto the Find a download link. The Find a download search area ● ● ● Within this Find a download search area you have the ability to search for an existing download by Keyword or you can search by which navigation Category this download has been assigned to. To search by a Keyword, enter your keyword into the entry field and press the Go button. To search by the navigation Category, press the Choose Category button, and the Choose Category window will open. 78 The Choose Category window ● ● ● Navigate through the categories until you have selected the one you require and then press the Choose Category button within the window, to search by the selected navigation category. All results will be displayed within the main section of the Downloads area. If no results have been found, a message of You have not yet created any downloads will appear. Please be aware if you perform either search within the Your downloads section you will only be able to search through the downloads that have been created by you. You need to enter the All downloads section in order to search through all the downloads present within your organization’s CMS. How to view a list of your downloads or all downloads ● ● ● Within the main section of the Downloads area you can either view a list of downloads that have been created by you or you can view a list of downloads that have been created by all users of your organization’s CMS. You can swap between these two views by using the Your downloads or All downloads link. Please be aware that some users may only be able to view their own downloads as levels of access can be set for each individual user within your CMS, to restrict the amount of information they can see or edit. The Downloads area The main Downloads area ● ● The main section of the Downloads area is laid out into four main columns. The first column is named Download title. This is where your download names will be listed. These names also act as a link into each download’s details. 79 ● ● ● The second column is named Categories assigned. This informs you of which navigation category each download is assigned to (you can use the magnifying glass next to each category listing to show a list of all downloads created within this selected navigation category only). The third column is named Created by and lists the name of the person that originally created the download. You can amend this name by selecting the tick box next to the person’s name you wish to change and pressing the Change button. In the Change Administrator Levels window change the selection in the Choose an Administrator dropdown menu to the correct name and press the Apply Changes button. The Change Administrator Levels window ● ● ● The last column is the Delete column. This allows you to select an individual download and to delete that selected download. Select the tick box next to the download you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the download is deleted. The final element within the main section of the Downloads area is the Create New Download button. Once pressed it will allow you to create a new download. How to navigate through the list of downloads ● ● You have the ability to move from one list of downloads to another via the page number links present below the main section. You can also use the Next and Previous links to move from one page to another. In order to make it as easy as possible to find the download you are searching for, you can specify the amount of download names you can see per page by using the Downloads Per Page dropdown menu. How to create a download ● ● From within the Downloads area press the Create New Download button. You will be taken to the Download Details area, within this area you will be asked to provide some key information on the download you wish to create. The Download Details area The Download Details area ● ● ● The first item of information you will be asked to provide is a Title of download. Make sure you create a relevant title as this title will be used to reference your download when someone searches for it within your CMS. Assign your download a navigation category. In the Description of download field, enter a short description of the download you are creating. 80 ● The Enable download password field enables access to downloads on the live website to be password protected. Selecting Yes from the dropdown list opens a Password field where you can enter the password that will be required to gain access to the download file on the live website. The Download password protection field ● Once you have completed all the relevant information for your download press the SAVE button. Once pressed the Download Details area will reload and will now include additional functions. The Download Details area with additional buttons How to add a new download file ● To add a new download file, press the Upload New File button. The Upload File area will appear below the button. The Upload File area ● ● ● Within this new area you will be asked for information regarding the download you are creating. In the Title field enter the name of the document that you wish to attach to your download. You must then Select an upload method. 81 Selecting an upload method ● You will be presented with the options to Upload a new file or Select a file from the bulk upload list. In this example we will select Upload a new file. The Upload new file interface ● ● Use the Browse button to browse through your computer or your organization’s files. To select the file you wish to add as a download (please be aware that there will be a maximum allowed file size that will be configured according to your organization’s requirements). Once you have selected the file you wish to add as a download click the Save button. The Upload File area will be replaced with the File Listing area. How to add a new download link to a file ● ● Returning back to the ‘There are no files assigned to this download’ screen, we will now use the second download option; the add New Link To File option. To add a new download via a link to file press the New Link To File button, the Link to a File area will appear below the button. The Link to File area ● ● ● ● ● Within this new area you will be asked for some information regarding the download you are creating. The Title field will already be populated with the title of the download you set earlier, but you can edit the title if you require. The Target File URL field is where you need to enter the web address of the file you wish to link to your download. (You can copy and paste the link from your browser window address bar if you wish.) Target File Size requires you enter the numerical value of the size of the file you are linking to and asks you to select which file value this number is associated with, e.g. 20 KB. Once you have entered a link to file and its associated details, click the SAVE button. The area will be replaced with the File Listing area. 82 How to Drop in new files ● The final option for adding downloads is to Drop in new files. The Drop in new files area ● Selecting the Drop in new files button will reveal a shaded area into which you can drag any files that you wish to add to your download. Drag and drop files into the shaded area ● You can drag in a selection of files from your computer and drop them into this area before pressing the SAVE button. 83 The files are added to your Download ● This will add the files to your download. 84 The File Listing area The File Listing area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The File Listing area’s layout is very similar to the original Downloads area. There are five columns within this area. The first column will inform you of the Type of file that each individual download file is within your download. The next column is the File title and will contain the titles of each of your files within your download. The title also acts as a link into the details of this file. The Size column will tell you the file size of each file contained within your download. The Filename / URL is the original Filename or URL address of the file present within your download. If you have more than one file attached to a download you can reorder them using the positioning arrows. The final column allows you select an individual file to delete it. Select the tick box next to the file you wish to delete and click the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the file is deleted. There are also three buttons named Upload New File, New Link To New File and Drop in new files. These can be used to add additional files or link to files to your download. Bulk upload files for download via WebDAV Within the Downloads interface, it is possible to bulk upload multiple files via WebDAV. Clicking the Bulk uploads tab takes you to a page that indicates whether there are any files for upload in your local WebDAV folder. Clicking the Bulk uploads tab automatically takes you to an entry listing for your own bulk upload dropbox. The Public uploads link takes you to an entry listing for a public folder that multiple contributors can access. Bulk uploads Workflow for downloads Adding download files to the downloads repository includes the same approval workflow that exists for the publication of Documents within the CMS. After assigning the download's title and navigational category, the download information then needs to be submitted for approval and approved by an administrator with the appropriate permissions before the information can be published. 85 Approving a download Track Changes for downloads It is possible to access a full version history for download descriptions and their associated files by selecting the Track Changes option from the Actions menu on the download description page. This opens the Track Changes view for Download Details, listing a complete version history accessible from the Previous versions dropdown list, which relates to the particular download item you are viewing in the CMS and every time that instance has been saved and approved. 86 Download version library with Track Changes view ● ● Basic previews of previous versions will appear in the left-hand side of the Track Changes view. Once you have found the version you wish to use, press the Rollback to this Version button. Content will then be replaced with the selected previous version. How to edit an existing download, download file or download link file ● Within the Downloads area select the title of the download you wish to edit. You will then be shown the Download Details area and if you have files present you will also see the File Listings area. How to edit an existing download ● ● If you wish to make a change to the download itself, make the changes within the Download Details area and press the Save Download button. All changes will need to be approved via workflow. How to edit an existing download file or download link file The File Listings area ● If you wish to edit a specific file or file link, click on the name of the file or file link you wish to edit from within the File Listings area. Amending a download file ● ● By checking the Change File? check box you will be presented with the standard options to attach a new file. Make the changes you wish in this area and press the SAVE button. If you have chosen to edit a file link, the File selection area will appear. You can then make any necessary changes in this area before pressing the SAVE button. 87 How to delete an existing download, download file or download link file How to delete an existing download ● ● ● ● You can delete an existing download in two ways. First, within the Downloads area select the correct tick box associated to the download you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the download is deleted. Alternatively, you can select the title of the download you wish to delete from within the Downloads area. You will then be shown the Download Details area. Select the Delete option button from the Actions menu to delete the download you are viewing. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the download is deleted. How to delete an existing download file or download link file ● ● ● Within the Downloads area select the title of the download containing the file or link file you wish to delete. You will then be shown the Download Details area and your files within this download will be present in the File Listings area. In the File Listings area select the tick box associated to the file or link file you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the file or link file is deleted. 88 Chapter Ten: Homepage Banners Your homepage banners Your website’s homepage may contain a banner image. Within the Homepage Banners area of your CMS you will be able to create new homepage banners along with managing existing ones. ● ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center, select the Publishing option from the Open menu, and then click on Homepage Banners. You will be shown the main Homepage Banners area. There are three main tasks you can perform within the Homepage Banner area, including adding a new banner, editing an existing homepage banner and randomizing the images that are shown on your website. How to add a new homepage banner ● Within the Homepage Banners area press the Add New Banner button. The Add New Banner area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Add New Banner area will appear at the top of the screen. If you wish for your banner to be made live, for display on relevant areas of your website, select the Live tick box. Enter a title for your banner into the Title field, (please be aware that this title will be displayed on relevant areas of your website and an informative and accurate title is required). If you wish for your banner to link to another page within your site or an external site, enter the relevant URL into the Links to field. If you have allocated a link to your banner, you can choose if this link opens in the current browser window or opens in a new browser window. Select your required option from the Target Window dropdown menu. Use the Image Library button to open the Image Library window to select the image for your banner. Once you have entered all your banner details and are happy with them, press the Save Banner button. Once pressed, the Add New Banner area will close and your new banner’s details will be added to the main Banner details area. 89 The Banner details area ● The Banner details area contains a list of your homepage banners and allows you to amend the details of these banners. The Banner Details area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Banner details area is made up of six columns. The first column indicates if each homepage banner listed is Live or not. You can change the Live status of a homepage banner by amending the selection in the tick box and pressing the Update Homepage Banners button. The second column is named Banner title and will list the titles for all of your banners. To amend a banner title, type within the Banner title field and press the Update Homepage Banners button. The Link to column will display the URL that the banner will take the visitor to, once clicked. If you wish to amend a banner’s link details make the required changes in the Link to field and press the Update Homepage Banners button. The Target window column will inform you if the banner’s link will open in its existing browser window or a new browser window. If you wish to amend a banner’s target details, pick an appropriate selection from the Target window dropdown menu and press the Update Homepage Banners button. Within the Image preview column you will see a small preview of what your homepage banner looks like. If you wish to change this banner’s image, press the Change button from within the Image preview column. Once pressed, the Image Library window will open and you will be able to select another image for this banner. The final column of the Banner details area provides a facility to delete a homepage banner. Press the Delete button associated with the banner you wish to delete (you will be asked to confirm your changes before the banner is deleted). How to randomize your website’s homepage banner The final task you can perform with the Homepage Banners area is to randomize your website’s homepage banners. This means that a visitor to your website may be shown a different homepage banner from your selection, each time they visit. ● If you wish to randomize your homepage banner images, select Yes from the Randomise live images? dropdown menu. The Randomize live images area The randomize image function will only use homepage images that have been made live. 90 Chapter Eleven: News How to use the News area ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center, select the Publishing option from the Open menu and then click on the News option. You will be shown the main News area. The News area ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. How to search for an existing news article ● The top of the page provides a Find a news article link. Once pressed, it will open a search area. You can close this area by clicking back onto Find a news article. The Find a News Article search area ● ● ● Within this search area you have the ability to search for an existing download by Keyword or you can search by which navigation Category your news article has been assigned to. To search by a Keyword enter your keyword into the entry field and press the Go button. To search by the navigation Category press the Choose Category button to open the Choose Category window. The Choose Category window 91 ● ● ● Navigate through the categories until you have selected the one you require. Press the Choose Category button within the window to search by the selected navigation category. All results will be displayed within the main section of the News area. If no results have been found, a message of You have not yet created any news items will appear. Please be aware if you perform either search within the Your news articles section you will only be able to search through the news articles that have been created by you. You need to enter the All news articles area in order to search through all the news articles present within your organization’s CMS. How to view a list of your news articles or all news articles ● ● ● Within the main section of the News area you can either view a list of news articles that have been created by you or you can view a list of news articles that have been created by all users of your organization’s CMS. You can swap between these two views by using the Your news articles or All news articles links. Please be aware that some users may only be able to view their own news articles, as levels of access can be set for each individual user within your CMS to restrict the amount of information they can see or edit. 92 The News area The main News area ● ● ● ● ● The main section of the News area is laid out into four main columns. The first column is named News title, where your news article names will be listed. These names also act as a link into each news article’s details. The second column is named Categories assigned. This informs you of which navigation category each news article is assigned to (you can use the magnifying glass next to each category listing to show a list of all news items created within this selected navigation category only). The third column is named Owned by. This lists the name of the person that each news article is owned by. You can change this name by selecting the tick box next to the person’s name you wish to change and pressing the Change button. In the Change Administrator Levels window, change the selection in the Choose an Administrator dropdown menu to the correct name. Then press the Apply Changes button. The Change Administrator Levels window ● ● ● The last column is the Delete column. This allows you to select an individual news article and to delete that selected news article. Select the tick box next to the news article you wish to delete then press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the news article is deleted. The final element within the main section of the News area is the Create New News Article button. Once pressed it will allow you to create a new news article. How to navigate through the list of news articles ● ● You have the ability to move from one list of news articles to another via the page number links present below the main section. You can also use the Next and Previous links to move from one page to another. In order to make it as easy as possible to find the news article you are searching for, you can specify the amount of news article names you can see per page by using the News items Per Page dropdown menu. 93 How to create a news article ● ● From within the News area press the Create New News Article button. You will be taken to the News Item area. Within this area you will be asked to provide some key information on the news article you wish to create. You can use the Text Editor to add the content to your news article. 94 The News Item area The News Item area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The first item of information you will be asked to provide is a Title for your news article. Make sure you create a relevant title for the news article you are creating as this title will be used as your news article headline on your organization’s website. Assign your news article a navigation category using the Assign Categories button. Assign your news article relevant Metadata. The News Date field will be automatically populated with the current date. This date can be amended if required, although it is recommended that you use the dynamically generated date. The News Time field will also be automatically populated with the current time. This time can be amended, although it is recommended that you use the dynamically generated time to ensure an accurate record of when your article was created is maintained. Within the Page Image area you can assign a main image to your news article by using the Image Library button to open up the Image Library window. If you have assigned an image into the Page Image area and you wish to remove, it press the Image Library button to open the Image Library window. From within this window select the No Image button. The window will close and the Page Image will have been removed. The Summary text area is used to add a short description of what your news article is about. This Summary text will be shown on your website and website visitors can click the news headline to read the full article. 95 ● ● ● ● ● The Summary text is the first thing your website visitors will see, so its important that it contains relevant content. Normally, this Summary text will be the first paragraph of your news article. However, if you feel that this does not accurately describe your news article, you may wish to write a more accurate summary yourself (this field is limited to 200 characters). Within the Text Editor area add your news article content. Underneath the Text Editor area are two dropdown menus named Top Story and Submit for approval. If you feel that the news article you are writing is an important breaking news item, you have the choice to make this news article the top story by selecting Yes from the Top Story dropdown selections. If you wish to submit your news article for approval, select Yes from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. If you wish to save the article and revisit it before you submit it for final approval, then select No from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. Once you have entered your article and are happy with your content in the News Item area press the Save News button and use the Back to news list link to return back to the News area. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the News Item Area that may be used to action specific tasks. The News Item Actions menu ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Lock option will let you apply a content lock to the content for a specified period. Save As... will allow you to save a copy of the news item. View History will display the full editing history of the news item. Track Changes will let you compare previous versions of the news item, and also allow you to Rollback to any previous version. Preview will display the most recent saved copy of the news item as it will appear once published. View Live will display the latest approved and published version of the news item. Delete will remove the news item from your CMS. How to edit an existing news article ● ● ● Within the News area click onto the title of the news article you wish to edit. The News Item area will open and present all the relevant details for the news article you have selected. You can make any required changes before saving the news item and submitting the changes for approval. How to delete an existing news article ● ● You can delete an existing news article in two ways. First within the News area select the tick box associated to the news article you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the news article is deleted. 96 ● Alternatively, you can select the title of the news article you wish to delete from within the News area and you will then be shown to the News Item area. Select the Delete option from the Actions menu to delete the news article you are viewing. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the news article is deleted. 97 Chapter Twelve: Events How to use the Events area ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on Events. You will be shown the main Events area. The Events area ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. How to search for an existing event ● At the top of the page is the Find an event link. Once pressed it will open a search area. You can close this area by clicking back onto the Find an event link. The Find an Event search area ● ● ● Within this Find an event search area you have the ability to search for an existing event by keyword, category or date created. To search by a Keyword enter your keyword into the entry field and press the Go button. All results will be displayed within the main section of the Events area. If no results have been found, the message: You have not yet created any Events will appear. 98 The Events area The Events area At the top of the Events area are two tabs (Events and Events Pending). Events Pending lists event suggestions that have been submitted through an event submission form on the public facing website. Public event submission and approval is discussed at the end of this chapter. ● ● ● ● ● The main section of the Events area is laid out into six main columns. The first column is named Event title. This is where your event names will be listed. These names also act as a link into each event’s details. The second column is named Summary description. This area displays a short description of what each event is about. The third column will display the Categories assigned to the Event. The fourth column will show the name of the user that the content is Owned by. You may reassign ownership of an Event (dependent on your privilege level) by checking the related check box and clicking on the Change button, before selecting the new owner from the provided list in the Change Administrator Levels window. The Change Administrator Levels window ● ● ● ● The fifth column provides a View Links option which when clicked, opens a lightbox that displays inbound and outbound links for this event item. The last column is the Delete column, allowing you to select an individual event and delete it. Select the tick box next to the event you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the event is deleted. The final element within the main section of the Events area is the Create New Event button. Once pressed it will allow you to create a new event. How to navigate through the list of events ● ● You have the ability to move from one list of events to another via the page number links present below the main section. You can also use the Next and Previous links to move from one page to another. In order to make it as easy as possible to find the event you are searching for, you can specify the amount of event names you can see per page by using the Events Per Page dropdown menu. 99 How to create an event ● ● From within the Events area press the Create New Event button. You will be taken to the Event Details area, where you will be asked to provide some key information on the event you wish to create. You will be provided with the Text Editor in order to add the content about your event. 100 The Event Details area The Events Details area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The first item of information you will be asked to provide is a Title of your event. Make sure you create a title relevant to the event you are creating, as this title will be used as your event headline on your organization’s website. Assign a Category to your event. Assign any relevant Metadata to your event. In the Start date field enter the date on which your event is due to take place or the date it is due to start from. In the Event Image field you can add an image for the event from the Image Library. Within the Duration of event dropdown menu, select the appropriate duration period which applies to the event your are creating. In the Until field enter the date that your event will run until. The Times Start and Finish field allows you to enter any information on what time the event is to start and finish. In the Location field enter the location of where your event is to take place. The Cost field is where you can add any information on what cost is involved for attending the event. If your event has no cost value we advise you enter Free. The Summary text area is used to add a short description of what your event is about. This Summary text will be shown on your website and your visitors can click onto the event headline to 101 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● read the full details of your event. As the Summary text is the first thing your visitors will see it is important that you think about its exact content. Normally this Summary text will be the first paragraph of your event content. However, if you feel that this does not accurately describe your event, you may wish to write a more accurate summary yourself (this field is limited to 200 characters). Within the Text Editor area, add your event content details. Underneath the Text Editor area there are two dropdown menus named Pick of the week? and Submit for approval. If you feel that the event you are writing is an important event that people should be made aware of, you have the choice to make this event the pick of the week by selecting Yes from the Pick of the week? dropdown menu. If you wish to submit your event for approval, select Yes from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. If you wish to save the event and revisit it before you submit it for final approval, then select No from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. After entering and reviewing your content in the Event Details area, press the Save Event button. The page will be saved and you will be returned back to the Events area with the addition of your event title and other information associated with your event. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the Event Details Area that may be used to action specific tasks. The Event Actions menu ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Lock option will let you apply a content lock to the content for a specified period. Save As... will allow you to save a copy of the Event. View History will display the full editing history of the Event. Track Changes will let you compare previous versions of the Event, and also allow you to Rollback to any previous version. Preview will display the most recent saved copy of the Event as it will appear once published. View Live will display the latest approved and published version of the Event. Delete will remove the Event from your CMS. How to edit an existing event ● ● ● Within the Events area click onto the title of the event you wish to edit. The Event Details area will open and present all relevant details for the event you have selected. You can make any required changes before saving the Event and submitting the changes for approval. How to delete an existing event ● You can delete an existing event in two ways. 102 ● ● ● First, within the Events area select the tick box associated to the event you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the event is deleted. Alternatively, you can select the title of the event you wish to delete from within the Events area. You will then be shown the Event Details area. Select the Delete option from the Actions menu to delete the Event you are viewing. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the news article is deleted. Public event submission ● The Events publishing module includes a public event submission form where visitors to the live website can complete relevant fields to submit an event suggestion. 103 Public event submission form ● After the website visitor clicks the Submit your event button, they receive an event submission notification. Event submission notification ● The submitted event details will await approval/amendment in the Events Pending area of the Events publishing interface. A public event submission in the Events Pending list ● Before the event submission can be approved and published, the event details require the Assign Categories and Assign Metadata properties to be completed in the Control Center. 104 Chapter Thirteen: Announcements The announcements feature is implemented in your CMS if your original design for your website was designed and developed by Jadu. Announcements affect all the pages within your site and cannot easily be enabled after implementation. Announcements are intended to be used to inform your visitors of any essential emergency information Announcements will be placed within a dominant area of your organization’s website such the header. They will normally be viewable from every page within your site (the exact specifications on where these announcements will be displayed will depend upon your site’s design and your organization’s requirements). In order to preserve the importance of your emergency Announcements it is essential you do not over use them. Please note that you can only display one announcement on your organization’s website at a time. How to use the Announcements area ● ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu and then click on Announcements. You will be shown the main Announcements area. If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu you may already be familiar with the general layout of this screen. The Announcements area ● Within this area you have the ability to create a new announcement, amend or delete an existing announcement. 105 How to add a new announcement ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure the Select Message dropdown menu displays the New message option. Within the Title field enter a relevant title for your announcements. This title is used to attract your visitors’ attention so make sure it is relevant to the content you are adding. In the Content field enter the specific details of your announcement (within this field you will be limited to a certain number of characters which will be customized to your organization’s requirements). If you wish to add a link to another page or site so that your visitors can gain more information on your announcement subject, enter the page or website address into the Link URL field. Add the text you wish to be used as this link into the Link Text field. In the Live dropdown menu you will be given the options of Yes or No. Selecting Yes will mean that the announcement you are creating will be displayed on your organization’s website (please be aware that if there is already an announcement present on your website it will be replaced with the announcement your are creating if you select Yes). If you do not want to replace the current announcement, or you do not wish to display your announcement on your website yet, select No from the Live dropdown menu. Once you have completed all the information regarding your announcement click the Save Announcement button. How to edit an existing announcement ● ● Within the Select Message dropdown menu select the announcement you wish to edit. Once selected the announcements details will automatically be populated into the appropriate fields. Edit these details as required and press the Save Announcement button to save any changes you have made. How to delete an existing announcement ● ● Within the Select Message dropdown menu select the announcement you wish to delete. Once selected the announcement’s details will automatically be populated into the appropriate fields. Use the Delete Message button to delete the announcement you have selected. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the announcement is deleted. Tracked URLs Within the Announcements interface, there is an additional facility to add 'Tracked URLs'. Tracked URL list view For registered users of your website, any links that have been created and saved as a tracked URL will be visible alongside the welcome message a registered user sees after logging into the website. 106 Welcome greeting and links to two tracked URLs To create a Tracked URL, click on the Create New Tracked URL button in the Tracked URL list view. This will take you to the Tracked URL Details page, where you will be prompted to add further information about the URL you want to track. ● ● ● ● ● Title is the reference that will identify the Tracked URL within the Tracked URL list view inside the Control Center. Description is a text area providing additional information in relation to the URL you are tracking. The URL field is for inclusion of the specific URL path you are tracking. URL Text allows you to add text that is linked by the URL. Whether the Tracked URL is Live will determine whether registered users of your website will see the linked text when they log into the website. After adding the required information, click on Saved Tracked URL so that it will be available to logged-in registered users of your website. Tracked URL Details 107 Tracked URL Reports It is possible to view reports of registered users' access to Tracked URLs. Clicking the Tracked URLs tab will take you to a dropdown box from where you can select Tracked URLs stored in your Control Center. Selecting a Tracked URL After selecting a Tracked URL, it is possible to segment registered users' access to the URL by those who have read or not read the page by clicking the read, unread and unconfirmed links. The Tracked URL Reports list view provides the registrant's name along with details of when the URL was accessed and how long the registrant stayed on the page. Tracked URL Reports 108 Chapter Fourteen: Polls How to use the Polls area Opinion polls are intended to be used to gather general opinion regarding a particular issue. Only one individual poll at a time can be displayed on your organization’s website although it can be added to numerous pages within your site. How to use the Polls area ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, and click on Opinion Polls. You will be shown the main Polls area. From this Polls area you can either create a new poll, edit an existing poll or delete an existing poll. ● How to add a new poll The Polls area ● ● Make sure the Select a Poll dropdown menu list displays the Create a new poll option. Within the Poll Name field enter the name of the poll you are creating. Try and think of something that will entice your website’s visitors to participate in your opinion poll. ● In the Poll Question area type the question you wish to ask, ensure it is short, to the point and ends with a question mark (?). ● Type the possible responses to your question in the Enter Answers fields. Use the Add Answer and Remove Answer buttons to add and remove the amount of answers you set. Although you have the facility to add up to 20 answers, we recommend that you stick to a maximum of 5 as large numbers of answers will take up considerable space on your published page and have a negative impact on the usability of your opinion poll. We also recommend that you add the answer of ‘Don’t Know’ so that your visitors do not feel pressured into giving an answer if they do not have an opinion on your question subject. ● ● If you wish to make your opinion poll live on your organization’s website then select Yes from the Live dropdown menu. Please be aware that only one individual opinion poll can be displayed on your website at a time, although it can be displayed on numerous pages. If you do decide to make your new poll live, it will replace the one that preceded it. If you want to make your poll live at a later time, select the No option from the Live dropdown menu. 109 ● Once you have completed all the information regarding your opinion poll, click the Save Poll button. How to edit an existing poll Editing an existing poll in the Polls area ● ● Within the Select a Poll dropdown menu select the poll you wish to edit. Once selected the opinion poll’s details will automatically be populated into the appropriate fields. Edit these details as required and press the Save Poll button to save any changes you have made. We recommend that you don’t edit an existing poll once it has been made live as this may cause confusion to your websites visitors and return inconsistent results. How to delete an existing poll ● ● Within the Select a Poll dropdown menu select the poll you wish to delete. Once selected, the opinion poll’s details will automatically be populated into the appropriate fields. Use the Delete Poll button to delete the opinion poll you have selected. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the poll is deleted. 110 Chapter Fifteen: FAQs The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section of your organization’s website will contain information created by members of your organization and visitors to your website. The use of the FAQs area within your CMS can therefore be split into two different tasks. One task allows a member of your organization to create a new FAQ and the other is the task of dealing with FAQs submitted by visitors to your website. In this chapter we will first cover the task of adding a new FAQ to your CMS and specifying that this newly created FAQ will be displayed on the FAQs page of your organization’s website. We will then cover how to view FAQs sent in by your website visitors, how to reply to them and, if they are appropriate, how to add them to your organization’s FAQs page. How to use the FAQs area ● ● To complete both of these tasks you need to understand how to use the main FAQs and FAQ Details area. From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on FAQs. You will be shown the main FAQs area. The FAQs area ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu, you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. How to search for an existing FAQ ● At the top of the page is the Find a FAQ link. Once pressed it will open a search area, which can be closed by clicking back onto the Find a FAQ link. The Find anFAQ search area ● ● ● Within this Find a FAQ search area you have the ability to search for an existing FAQ by Keyword, which navigation Category your FAQ has been assigned to, or you can search by the Date that the FAQ was created. To search by a Keyword enter the keyword into the entry field and press the Go button. To search by the navigation Category press the Choose Category button to open the Choose Category window. 111 The Choose Category window ● ● ● ● Navigate through the categories until you have selected the one you require. Press the Choose Category button to search by the selected navigation category. To search by Date Created use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate time period and press the Go button. All results will be displayed within the main section of the FAQs area. If no results have been found, a message of There are currently no FAQs will appear. Please be aware if you perform any of the searches within the Your FAQs section you will only be able to search through the FAQs that have been created by you. You need to enter the All FAQ’s section in order to search through all the FAQs present within your organization’s CMS. How to view a list of your FAQs or all FAQs ● ● ● Within the main section of the FAQs area you can either view a list of FAQs that have been created by you, or you can view a list of FAQs that have been created by all users of your organization’s CMS. You can swap between these two views by using the Your FAQs or All FAQs links. Please be aware that some users may only be able to view their own FAQs as levels of access can be set for each individual user within your CMS to restrict the amount of information they can see or edit. The FAQ area The main FAQs area ● The main section of the FAQ area is laid out into six main columns. 112 ● ● ● ● ● The first column is named FAQ title. This is where your FAQ names will be listed - these names also act as a link into each FAQ’s details. The second column is named Common. This indicates if each FAQ is present on your organization’s FAQs page or not and if it is, the position on the page that it appears (you can use the magnifying glass to show a list of all common FAQs only). The third column is named Categories assigned. This informs you of which navigation category each FAQ is assigned to (you can use the magnifying glass to show a list of all FAQs created within that navigation category only). The fourth column is named Owned by. This lists the name of the person that each FAQ is owned by. You can amend this name by selecting the tick box next to the person’s name you wish to change and pressing the Change button. In the Change Administrator Levels window, change the selection in the Choose an Administrator dropdown menu to the correct name and press the Apply Changes button. The Change Administrator Levels window ● ● ● ● The fifth column provides a View Links option which when clicked, opens a lightbox that displays inbound and outbound links for this FAQ item. The last column is the Delete column. This allows you to select an individual FAQ to delete. Select the tick box next to the FAQ you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the FAQ is deleted. The final element within the main section of the FAQs area is the Create New FAQ button. Once pressed it will allow you to create a new FAQ. How to navigate through the list of FAQs ● ● You have the ability to move from one list of FAQs to another via the page number links presented below the main FAQs section. You can also use the Next and Previous links to move from one page to another. In order to make it as easy as possible to find an FAQ, you can specify the amount of FAQ names you can see per page by using the FAQs Per Page dropdown menu. How to create a FAQ ● ● From within the FAQ area press the Create New FAQ button. You will be taken to the FAQ Details area. Within this area you will be required to provide some key information on the FAQ you wish to create and will be provided with the Text Editor in order to add an answer to your FAQ. 113 The FAQ Details area The FAQ Details area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The first item of information you will be asked to provide is a Title of your FAQ. Make sure you create a relevant title, as this title will be used to reference your FAQ when someone searches for it within your CMS. In order to make your FAQ easy to find, we recommend that you use a format that relates the FAQ to a specific area of your website or or associated function that your organization performs. Assign your FAQ a navigation category using the Assign Categories button. Type your frequently asked question within the Question field and then type your answer into the Text Editor area. Below the Text Editor there are two dropdown menus named Common FAQ? and Submit for approval. If you feel that your FAQ is important and should be displayed on your organization’s FAQs page, select Yes from the Common FAQ? dropdown menu. If you wish to submit your FAQ for approval then select Yes from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. 114 ● ● If you wish to save your FAQ and revisit it before you submit it for approval, select No from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. When you have added necessary content and you are happy with it, press the SAVE button. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the FAQ Details Area that may be used to action specific tasks. The FAQ Actions menu ● ● ● ● ● The Lock option will let you apply a content lock to the content for a specified period. View History will display the full editing history of the FAQ. Track Changes will let you compare previous versions of the FAQ, and also allow you to Rollback to any previous version. View Live will display the latest approved and published version of the Event. Delete will remove the Event from your CMS. How to use the Pending FAQs area ● ● Within the main FAQs area, click the FAQs Pending tab to open the FAQs Pending area. If a visitor of your organization’s website has sent a FAQ through the website form, your administrator will be sent an automated email notification by your CMS and the details of this FAQ will then be displayed in the FAQs Pending area. The Pending FAQs area The Pending FAQs area ● ● ● ● The main section of the FAQs Pending area is laid out into three main columns. The first column is named Received. This will indicate when this FAQ was submitted. The second column is named Username. This will display the email address of the visitor that has submitted the FAQ. The email address also works as a link to reply to this visitor’s FAQ. The third column is named Question. This will inform you of what question the visitor has asked. 115 How to navigate through the list of pending FAQs ● ● You have the ability to move from one list of FAQs Pending to another via the page number links present below the main FAQs Pending section. You can also use the Next and Previous links to move from one page to another. In order to make it as easy as possible to find an FAQ, you can specify the amount of FAQ names you can see per page by using the FAQs Per Page dropdown menu. How to reply to and submit a pending FAQ ● ● Click onto the Username of the FAQ you wish to reply to. You will be taken to the FAQ Details area. Within this area you will be asked to provide an answer to the question and you will be given the option to email this answer to the visitor. The Pending FAQ Details area ● Also within this area you will be required to provide more information in order to be able to store this FAQ within your CMS and ultimately use this FAQ on your organization’s FAQs page. 116 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The first item of information you will be asked to provide is a Title for the FAQ. Make sure you create a relevant title, as this title will be used to reference your FAQ when someone searches for it within your CMS. Assign the FAQ a navigation category using the Assign Categories button. The question you are required to answer will appear within the Question field, although it is not advisable to change the overall question, you may wish to amend any spelling or grammatical errors, especially if you intend to use this FAQ on your website’s FAQs page. Add your reply for the FAQ into the Text Editor area. If you feel that this FAQ is important and should be displayed on the FAQs area of your organization’s website, select Yes from the Common FAQ? dropdown menu. If you wish to email the answer to the original sender of the submitted FAQ, press the Send Email Response button. This will open up your default email client and automatically populate the email with the question, answer and email address relevant to this FAQ. If you wish to submit the FAQ for approval, then select Yes from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. If you wish to save the FAQ and revisit it before you submit it for approval, select No from the Submit for approval dropdown menu. If you choose to add the submitted FAQ to your organization’s website FAQs page you must ensure that the question and answer are edited to remove any personal information that may be linked to the visitor who originally submitted it. Once you have entered your reply and you are happy with its content, press the SAVE button. The visitor’s FAQ you were replying to will have been removed from the FAQs Pending list and will now be part of the main FAQs list. How to edit an existing FAQ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Within the FAQs area click onto the title of the FAQ you wish to edit. Once selected you will be taken to that FAQ’s details area and the FAQ’s details will be automatically populated into the appropriate fields. If this FAQ has been submitted for approval and has been approved, you will also be given the option to change the position that your FAQ will appear on your website’s FAQs page. Change the numerical Position dropdown menu to the position you require for your FAQ to appear. These options may differ depending on the amount of access you have been provided with within your CMS. If previous changes have been made to this FAQ, you also have the option to revert to a previous version. Press the Track Changes button and the Track Changes view will open, from where you can select previous iterations of the FAQ item from the options in the Previous versions dropdown box in the top-left of the screen. All versions are saved by date and time and selecting different versions will provide a side by side view of changes in comparison to the live version of the FAQ. Basic previews of previous versions will appear in the left-hand side of the Track Changes view. Once you have found the version you wish to use, press the Rollback to this Version button, associated with the required version. Content will then be replaced with the selected previous version. You now have the choice to save changes you have made by pressing the SAVE button or to save the changes and resubmit this FAQ for approval by using the Submit for approval dropdown menu and pressing the SAVE button. How to delete an existing FAQ ● ● ● ● You can delete an existing FAQ in two ways. First, within the FAQs area select the tick box associated with the FAQ you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the FAQ is deleted. Alternatively, you can select the title of the FAQ you wish to delete from within the FAQs area or Pending FAQs area. You will then be shown the FAQ Details area. Select the Delete option from the Actions menu to delete the FAQ you are viewing, you will be asked to confirm your changes before the news article is deleted. 117 How to add supplements to your FAQs Supplements are specific items of re-usable content such as adverts, images or additional navigation that you can add to your FAQs. These are placed outside your actual FAQ page content, usually to the left, right or bottom of your FAQ page. Their exact position and associated options will be specified by your organization, within the website templates. Adding your first supplement ● When selecting the Page Supplements option for the first time you will be presented with the message ‘You have not yet added any supplements’ and given the option to Add one now. The Page Supplements area ● To add your first supplement click on the Add one now link. Selecting your Supplement type ● Within the Type dropdown menu select the type of supplement you wish to create. There are six standard supplement types; Advert, Contact, EGov Contact, Further Information, Image and Navigation. (Custom supplements can be created and added to your CMS, meaning these options may differ from one organization to another.) Adding additional supplements ● ● From within the Page Supplements area select a location of the supplement you wish to add from the Select Supplement Location dropdown menu (these location options will vary from one organization to another). You can add supplements to any location option, but your FAQ page will only display the supplements present in your selected FAQ page layout. 118 Selecting your Supplement location ● Once you have selected the location you wish for your supplement to appear you will be shown a message informing you that You have not added any (your chosen location) supplements – Add one now! Click the Add one now! button to add a new supplement. Selecting your Supplement type ● ● Within the Type dropdown menu, select the type of supplement you wish to create. There are six standard supplement types; Advert, Contact, EGov Contact, Further Information, Image and Navigation. (Custom supplements can be created and added to your CMS, meaning these options may differ from one organization to another). Information relating to the addition of the various supplement types is included in the How to add supplements to your document pages section of the Documents and Document Pages chapter of this manual. 119 Chapter Sixteen: External Feeds About RSS RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. The External Feeds section of your CMS allows you to control the RSS Feeds that appear on your organization’s website homepage or news page. These feeds can be obtained from a huge amount of sources across the internet. Some of the most popular ones tend to be news related websites, but there may be industry-specific feeds you may wish to display. How to use the External Feeds area ● ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on External Feeds. You will be shown the main External Feeds area. If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu, you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. The External Feeds area The External Feeds area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The External Feeds area is laid out into seven main columns. The first column is named Feed title. This is where your feed names will be listed. These names also act as a link into each feed’s details. The second column is named No. of Items to show. This indicates how many of the feed’s articles are displayed on a page within your organization’s website. The third column is named Created by. This tells you who initially created each feed within your CMS. The fourth and fifth columns are named Homepage Widgets and News and contain dropdown menus. These menus will contain the option of Yes and No and will indicate whether that feed is being displayed on your organization’s homepage and/or the news page or not. The sixth column is named Position. The arrows in this column allow you to move the position of the feed within the list and on your website. The last column is the Delete column. This allows you to select an individual feed to delete. Select the tick box next to the feed you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the feed is deleted. The final element within the main section of the External Feeds area is the Add Feed button. Once pressed, it will allow you to create a new Feed. 120 How to add a new RSS feed ● ● From within the External Feeds area press the New Feed button. You will be shown the Create a new feed area at the top of the screen. Within this area you will be asked to provide some key information on the feed you wish to create. The Create a new feed area The Create a new Feed area ● ● ● ● ● ● The first item of information you will be asked to provide is a Feed Title. Make sure you create a relevant title to the feed you are adding, as this title will be used as your feed headline and will be displayed on your organization’s website. The Feed URL (Address) field is where you need enter the web address for the feed you wish to add (you can copy and paste the feed URL from your browser window address bar if you wish). In the Items to show dropdown menu, select the amount of feed articles you wish to display on the page within your organization’s website. You have the choice of 1-10 or show all. Once you have entered all your information press the Save Feed button. Once pressed the Create a new feed area will close and your new feed will have been added to the External Feeds area. From within the External Feeds area you can now select whether your feed should appear on your website homepage and/or your news page by using the dropdown menus within the Homepage Widgets and News columns. You can change the order in which the feeds should appear by using the arrows in the Position field. How to edit an existing RSS feed ● ● Within the External Feeds area click onto the title of the feed you wish to edit. Once selected, the Edit existing feed area will open and the selected feed’s details will be automatically populated into the appropriate fields. Alter the information within this area as required and press the Update feed button to save these changes and return to the main External Feeds area. How to delete an existing RSS feed ● Within the External Feeds area select the tick box associated with the feed you wish to delete and press the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the feed is deleted. 121 Chapter Seventeen: Accessibility Statement How to amend your Accessibility Statement page Within your organization’s website, there will be a page named Accessibility Statement. This page will contain a wide range of information on access keys and accessibility settings that have been set for your website in order to assist with website accessibility. Although the content for this page will have been written and added before your site is made live, it is possible to edit the contents if an item of information within this page requires amendment. We do not advise that you amend specific details regarding access keys and their usage as these will relate to functions written into the code of your website and cannot be changed to match the content of the accessibility statement. How to amend the contents of your accessibility statement ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on Accessibility Statement to open the main Accessibility Statement area. The Accessibility Statement area 122 ● ● ● ● ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu, you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. All the content already present on your website’s accessibility statement page will be populated into their related fields within the accessibility area of your CMS. Make the required amendments within the Accessibility Statement area. In order to display these updates on your website you need to submit this page for approval by using the Submit for approval dropdown menu and clicking the SAVE button. Once the page has been approved by a Webmaster, this page and its updated content will replace the existing accessibility statement already present within your organization’s website. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the Accessibility Statement area that may be used to action specific tasks. The Accessibility Statement Actions menu ● Track Changes allows you to compare previous versions of the Accessibility Statement, and also allow you to Rollback to any previous version. 123 Chapter Eighteen: Address and Contacts How to amend your Address & Contacts page Within your organization’s website there will be a page containing key information regarding the address and main contact details for your organization and for key contact’s details within your organization such as heads of department, etc. Although the majority of the content for this page will have been written and added before your site is made live, it is inevitable the contents will change and may require numerous amendments. You can therefore add, amend and delete the contents of this page. How to amend your organization's address and contacts ● ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on Address & Contacts. You will be shown the main Address & Contacts area, which is made up of two distinct sections named Address and Contacts which are accessed via two dedicated tabs at the top of the screen. The Address & Contacts area ● ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu, you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. We will cover the task of editing your organization’s address first using the Address tab and then the task of editing, adding and deleting your organization’s key contacts details via the Contacts tab. 124 How to edit your organization's address details Editing your address details ● ● Within the Address area make the changes you require. Press the Save Address Details button to save your changes. The Contacts tab is a little more complicated to use as you can perform three main tasks within this area; you can add a new contact, amend an existing contact’s details and delete an existing contact. How to add a new contact The Edit Contacts area ● ● ● Make sure the Edit contacts dropdown menu displays the Create New Contact option. Within the Contact name field enter the name of the contact you are adding. In the Contact job title field enter the job title of the contact you are adding. 125 ● ● ● ● ● The email address of the contact you are adding should be entered into the Contact email address field. The phone number of the contact you are adding should be entered into the Contact phone number field. Finally, add the contact’s address into the Contact address field. Remember you are adding contacts that are related to your organization so make sure that all details entered are business details and not personal details. Once you have completed all the information regarding your contact click the Save Contact button. How to edit an existing contact ● Within the Edit contacts dropdown menu select the contact you wish to edit. Once selected, the contact’s details will automatically be populated into the appropriate fields. Editing an existing contact ● Edit these details as required and press the Update Contact Page button to save any changes you have made. How to delete an existing contact ● ● Within the Edit contacts dropdown menu select the contact you wish to delete. Once selected, the contact’s details will automatically be populated into the appropriate fields. Use the Delete Contact button to delete the contact you have selected. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the contact is deleted. 126 Chapter Nineteen: Location How to amend your Location page Within your organization’s website there will be a page containing key information regarding the location and directions to your organization’s office building(s). Although the content for this page will have been written and added before your site is made live, it is possible to edit the contents if an item of information within this page requires amendment. How to amend your organization's location and direction details ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on Location. You will be shown the main Location area. The Location area ● ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu, you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. All the content already present on your website’s location and directions page will be populated into their related fields within the Location area of the CMS. 127 ● ● ● ● Within the Location area you can change the main image associated with this page and the actual contents of the page by using the Text Editor provided. If you are using an interactive map within your location and directions page, make sure you supply a link to a alternative plain text version of this map in case a visitor has trouble viewing images or does not have the required software to view the interactive map version. Within the Link to accessible directions field enter the link address to your alternative plain text version. Once you have made the required changes press the Save Location button. 128 Chapter Twenty: Terms & Disclaimer How to amend your Terms & Disclaimer page Within your organization’s website there will be a page containing key information regarding the terms and conditions of usage for your organization’s website. This page will typically include information on your organization’s data protection policy, freedom of information and security policies. Although the content for this page will have been written and added before your site is made live, it is possible to edit the contents if an item of information within this page requires amendment. However, due to the nature of this content we advise that all changes should first be approved by your organization’s legal department. How to amend your organization’s terms and disclaimer details ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on Terms & Disclaimer. You will be shown the main Terms & Disclaimer area. 129 The Terms & Disclaimer area ● ● ● ● ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu you may already be familiar with the general layout of this area. All content already present on your organization’s terms and disclaimer page will be populated into their related fields within the Terms & Disclaimer area of your CMS. Within the Terms & Disclaimer area you can change the main image associated with this page and the contents of the page by using the Text Editor provided. If you feel it is appropriate, you can enter a brief explanation of the purpose of your organization’s terms and disclaimer by using the Summary text field. Due to the nature of the content of this page you will be required to submit changes for approval before it is made live on your organization’s website. Choose the Yes option from the Submit for approval dropdown menu and press the SAVE button to save any changes and submit these changes for approval. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the Terms & Disclaimer area that may be used to action specific tasks. 130 The FAQ Actions menu ● Track Changes will let you compare previous versions of the Terms & Disclaimer, and also allow you to Rollback to any previous version. 131 Chapter Twenty One: Links How to amend your Links page Within your organization’s website there will be a page containing key links to beneficial external websites, documents, etc. Although the majority of the content for this page will have been written and added before your site is made live, you have the facility within your CMS to add, amend and delete the contents of this page. How to amend your organization's links page ● From within the main Jadu CMS Control Center select the Publishing option from the Open menu, then click on External Links. You will be shown the main External Links area, which is made up of two distinct sections named Link Categories and Links, with each accessed via a dedicated tab. The External Links area ● ● ● If you have already used other sections within the Publishing menu, you may already be familiar with the general layout of this screen. All of the links added to your organization’s links page will be divided into categories which you can manage. These categories allow your organization to appropriately arrange the links within your links page in order for visitors to gain easy access to additional information they may require. We will cover the task of editing, adding and deleting categories first using the Link Categories area and then the task of editing, adding and deleting a link via the Links area. How to add a new category ● ● First select the Link Categories tab. Make sure the Select Category dropdown menu displays the Enter New Category option. 132 The Link Categories area ● ● Within the Category Title field, enter the title of the category you wish to add. Remember that this title will be displayed on your website’s links page so make sure it is appropriate. Once you have created an appropriate title for your new category, click the Save Category button. How to edit an existing category ● Within the Select Category dropdown menu, select the category you wish to edit. Once selected, the category’s title will automatically be populated in the Category Title field. Editing an existing Link Category ● Edit this title as required and press the Save Category button to save any changes you have made. How to delete an existing category ● ● ● Within the Select Category dropdown menu, select the category you wish to delete. Once selected, the category’s title will automatically be populated in the Category Title field. Use the Delete Category button to delete the category you have selected. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the category is deleted. If you delete a category that has had links assigned to it, these links will no longer be assigned to a category. You will have to re-visit these links in order to re-assign a new category to them. How to add a new link ● ● First select the Links tab at the top of the screen (this is the default view). Make sure the Select Link dropdown menu displays the Create New Link option. 133 The Links area ● ● ● ● ● Choose a category for your link from within the Link Category dropdown menu. Within the Link title field, enter the title of the link you wish to add. Remember that this title will be displayed on your website’s links page so make sure it is appropriate. Add a short description regarding the contents of your link into the Enter description of link field. Within the Address / URL field, enter the full URL address to the link you wish to add (ensure that you add http://www. to the beginning of your link or else it will not function). Once you have completed all the information regarding your new link click the Save Link button. How to edit an existing link ● Within the Select Link dropdown menu, select the link you wish to edit. Once selected, all the link’s information will be automatically populated into the appropriate fields. Editing an existing Link ● Edit these details as required and press the Save Link button to save any changes you have made. How to delete an existing link ● ● Within the Select Link dropdown menu, select the link you wish to edit. Once selected, all the link’s information will be automatically populated into the appropriate fields. Use the Delete Link button to delete the link you have selected. You will be asked to confirm your changes before the link is deleted. 134 Chapter Twenty Two: Multimedia Manager What is the Multimedia Manager? Through Jadu's Multimedia Manager you can add image, video and audio files to the multimedia repository within the CMS, allowing you to then embed multimedia files within content items such as pages, documents, homepages, adverts, news and event items as part of the publishing process. To access the Multimedia Manager select the Publishing option from the Open menu and then click on Multimedia Manager. The Multimedia Manager The multimedia item list view displays Item title, Media type (image, video or audio) and Filesize of the multimedia item. If the multimedia item is an image file, the list view also includes an Edit image link, which will open the image within the Jadu CMS Image Editor. Linked thumbnail Previews of multimedia items display the relevant item within a lightbox, with player controls if the file is video or audio format. The standard list view displays All multimedia items, but the list view can be narrowed to display only Image, Video or Audio files. You can search through files within the multimedia repository by clicking the Find a multimedia item link. This reveals search options where you can search for multimedia items by the file's Title, any Metadata associated with the item, or retrieving results from the Select time period dropdown list. Image, Video and Audio search 135 Uploading new files New files can be added to the multimedia repository in two different ways. Uploading a new multimedia file Individually, by clicking the Upload New Files button at the bottom of the file item list, allowing you to browse to locally stored files and select files for upload before clicking the Upload File button. In bulk, by dragging a group of files to the shaded Drop your files here area. A progress bar displays the Progress of the file upload, which is orange in colour during the upload process. Upon completion, the Progress of the file upload becomes green in colour and reports Complete. The multimedia file upload process From here, you can individually upload additional files or complete adding the file to the multimedia repository by clicking the Continue button and completing the relevant Item Details. If you choose to not immediately complete the file's Item Details, the relevant files will be stored under the Unprocessed items list, accessible from the Unprocessed items tab in the main Multimedia Manager item list page. Bulk upload multimedia files via WebDAV Within the Multimedia Manager interface, it is possible to bulk upload multiple files via WebDAV. Clicking the Bulk uploads tab takes you to a page that indicates whether there are any files for upload in your local WebDAV folder. Clicking the Bulk uploads tab automatically takes you to an entry listing for your own bulk upload dropbox. The Public uploads link takes you to an entry listing for a public folder that multiple contributors can access. Bulk uploads 136 Adding Item Details to recently uploaded multimedia files Adding item details to a multimedia file after upload ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Filename - the name of the file that was uploaded. Title (mandatory field to be completed by CMS user) - automatically populated based on the source file's title. Tags (non-mandatory). Alternative text (mandatory field to be completed by CMS user). Description (non-mandatory). Categories (mandatory field to be completed by the CMS user) - associates the multimedia file with a content type category within the CMS. Resize video - when a video file is uploaded it is possible to resize the video to a preset defined in the asset manager in the Utilities module. When a minimum of the mandatory fields have been populated, the file's Item details can be saved and the file will appear within the Items list within the Multimedia manager. 137 Chapter Twenty Three: Galleries What are Galleries? The Galleries interface enables you to create collections of related multimedia items (images, video, audio) and publish them to your website in a navigable, gallery format. To access Galleries, select the Publishing option from the Open menu and then click on Galleries. The Gallery item list view in the CMS includes the Gallery title, Number of items within the Gallery, Categories assigned to the Gallery, whether the Gallery is Live and Visible and who created the Gallery/who it is Owned by. Gallery list view Creating a new gallery To create a new gallery, click the Create A New Gallery button. This takes you to the Gallery Details page, where you need to add general information about the Gallery before adding relevant multimedia items from the Multimedia Manager. There are four mandatory fields for creating your gallery's details. ● ● ● ● ● Provide a Title for your Gallery (mandatory). Assign Categories from the Category Builder (mandatory). Assign Metadata (mandatory). Provide Summary text - this will appear on the Gallery's main page (mandatory). Provide any additional Page content for your Gallery (non-mandatory). Creating a new gallery After completing the mandatory Gallery Details, you can save your Gallery by clicking the SAVE button. 138 Adding multimedia items to a Gallery If you are creating a new Gallery, after saving the Gallery Details, the Gallery Overview page will display the message 'You have not added any multimedia files - Add some now'. Empty gallery notification Clicking the Add some now link opens the Multimedia Library within a lightbox, from where you can search, select and add multimedia items to your Gallery by clicking Use This Multimedia. Multimedia library Once you have begun to add multimedia items to the Gallery, the Gallery Overview page provides a list view of the multimedia items within the particular Gallery, along with the facility to include further multimedia items by clicking the Add Another Item button. Gallery overview 139 Managing the contents of a Gallery The Gallery Overview page displays the following details, and provides tools to manage the contents of the Gallery. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Item number - the position of a particular multimedia item within the Gallery list. Item title - the title of the relevant multimedia item. Media type - indicates whether the relevant multimedia item is an image, video or audio file. Filesize - the the file size of the particular multimedia item. Position - the ordering of the multimedia items within the Gallery. After more than one multimedia item has been added to the Gallery, Up/Down arrow icons appear, allowing you to change the ordering of where multimedia items will appear in the Gallery. Preview - linked thumbnails of multimedia items within the Gallery. Clicking the thumbnail opens a preview within a lightbox. If the multimedia item is video or audio, the preview includes player controls. Featured - enables a particular item to be the featured item for the Gallery. For example, on a page that lists several related Galleries, the Gallery's Title will be accompanied by the relevant Summary text and a thumbnail version of the Featured item. Featured items in a live Gallery list page ● Remove an item from the Gallery. When your Gallery is ready for publication it must be submitted for approval by clicking on the SUBMIT button. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the Gallery Overview that may be used to action specific tasks. The Gallery Overview Actions menu ● ● Track Changes will let you compare previous versions of the Gallery, and also allow you to Rollback to any previous version. View Live will display the latest approved and published version of the Gallery. 140 Chapter Twenty Four: Podcasts The Podcasts interface enables you to create collections of audio and video files and make them available for download by visitors to your website. To access the Podcasts select the Publishing option from the Open menu and then click on Podcasts. The Podcasts item list view in the CMS includes the Podcast title, Number of episodes within the Podcast, Categories assigned to the Podcast and who created the Podcast/who it is Owned by. Podcast list view Creating a new Podcast To create a new Podcast, click the Create A New Podcast button. This takes you to the Podcast Details page, where you need to add general information about the Podcast before creating specific Podcast Episodes. There are four mandatory fields for creating your Podcast's details. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Provide a Title for your Podcast (mandatory). Include a Podcast image - this will appear on the Podcast's main page (non-mandatory). Assign Categories from the Category Builder (mandatory). Assign Metadata (mandatory). Provide Summary text - this will appear on the Podcast's main page (mandatory). Allow download of episodes - specifies whether the individual files can be downloaded by visitors to the live website (non-mandatory). Provide any additional Page content for your Podcast (non-mandatory). Adding Podcast details 141 After completing the mandatory Podcast Details, you can save your Podcast by clicking the SAVE button. Adding episodes to a Podcast If you are creating a new Podcast, after saving the Podcast Details and returning to the Podcast Overview page you will see the message 'There are no episodes assigned to this podcast Create one now'. Empty Podcast notification Clicking the Create one now link opens the Podcast Episode Details page, where you can add an audio or video file to the Podcast Episode. Adding an episode to a Podcast To create a new Podcast Episode, you need to add general information about the Podcast Episode and add the relevant audio or video file from the Multimedia Manager. There are five mandatory fields for creating the Podcast Episode. ● ● ● Provide a Title for your Podcast Episode (mandatory). Include an Episode image - this will appear in relation to the relevant Podcast Episode details (non-mandatory). Multimedia item (mandatory). Clicking the Multimedia Library button opens the Multimedia Library, from where you can select the relevant audio or video file to be associated with the Podcast Episode. The Multimedia Library opens within a lightbox, from where you can search, select and add the relevant Podcast Episode file by clicking Use This Multimedia. Once you have selected a file from the Multimedia Library, the file's title will appear as a link in the Podcast Episode Details page. Clicking the link will preview the file within a lightbox. 142 ● Published date (mandatory). The date is automatically populated, but you can change the date by clicking the calendar icon, which opens up a calendar within a lightbox, from where you can amend the publication date. Adding a Podcast publication date ● ● ● Published time (mandatory). The time is automatically populated, but can be manually edited. Provide Summary text - this will appear amongst the relevant details for the Podcast Episode (mandatory). Provide any additional Page content for your Podcast Episode (non-mandatory). When the relevant Podcast Episode Details are complete you can submit it for approval by selecting Yes from the Submit for approval dropdown menu and then clicking on the SAVE button. Once you have begun to add Podcast Episodes to the overall Podcast, the Podcast Overview page provides a list view of the Podcast Episodes, along with the facility to include further episodes by clicking the Create a New Episode button. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the Podcast Episode Details page that may be used to action specific tasks. The Podcast Episode Details Actions menu ● ● Track Changes will let you compare previous versions of the episode, and also allow you to Rollback to any previous version. Delete will remove the episode from your CMS. 143 Managing the contents of a Podcast The Podcast Overview page displays the following details, and provides tools to manage the contents of the Podcast. Podcast Overview details ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Episode number - the number of the episode within the Podcast Episode list. Episodes are listed in reverse date order (i.e. most recent first). Episodes - linked titles of episodes within the overall Podcast. Clicking the linked title takes you to the relevant Podcast Episode Details page. Published - date on which the relevant Podcast Episode was published. Media type - whether a particular episode is an audio or video file. Filesize - the file size of the file associated with a particular Podcast Episode. Preview - linked thumbnails of audio or video files for each Podcast Episode. Clicking the thumbnail opens a preview within a lightbox with player controls. Remove an episode from the Podcast. Once your Podcast is ready for publication press the SUBMIT button to send it for approval. There is also an Actions menu to the top left of the Podcast Overview page that may be used to action specific tasks. The Podcast Overview Actions menu ● ● Create New Episode will let you quickly add a new episode to your Podcast. View Live will display the latest approved and published version of the Podcast. 144 Chapter Twenty Five: The approval process What is the approval process? We have mentioned in previous chapters within this manual that your Jadu Content Management System set up is completely customizable. Therefore, the approval process may vary from the example we describe in this chapter. It is essential that you understand the mechanics of the approval process. We therefore need to refer back to the example workflow structure set out earlier in this manual. We are going to use default CMS user set up, which consists of two levels of user: Administrator and Webmaster. (For detailed information on building your own custom workflows please refer to the Jadu CMS Utilities Manual.) Administrators will be given the least amount of control within your CMS. Their primary task will be to create and add content to your CMS, such as documents, downloads, etc. While they will be able to author and manage content, they will not be able to publish it to the website as all content requires publication approval by a Webmaster. Webmasters will be given richer access to the functions within your CMS, but their primary task will be to approve content created by the Administrators and to control what the end user will see on your website. ● ● ● ● ● ● An Administrator creates a piece of content for your organization’s website. They do not have enough access privileges to make that content live on your website, but they do have the ability to send their content to a Webmaster for approval. The Webmaster will be shown the content that has been sent for approval on their To Do List within the Task List section of your CMS. Within this To Do List, the Webmaster can click the title of the content to view the details of that content. Once the content has been reviewed the Webmaster has two options of what they can do next. They can send the content back to the Administrator for amendments or they can approve the content and make it live on your website. If the content in question has been sent back to the Administrator for amendments, then they can make the requested amendments and re-submit that content for approval. This process continues until the final content is approved by the Webmaster. What to look for when approving content There are a number of key things that you need to look for before approving an item of content, in order to ensure interesting and well presented content is added to your organization’s website. It’s important to ensure that the categories that have been assigned are appropriate for the subject of the content. In addition, check that the keywords and description have been added to the Metadata area. It is important that no punctuation or capital letters are included in the Metadata description and all keywords are comma separated. Scan through the content and check that there are no glaring formatting errors. Some important or obvious examples of poor formatting include: ● ● ● Large paragraphs of text. There should be a paragraph return after every other full stop or after every full stop if the paragraph is long. Extensive areas of text are hard to read on a computer screen. Make sure links are lines of text that accurately describe its target, rather than whole paragraph. Ensure there are no unformatted bullet points. 145 ● ● Check there is no incorrect formatting, e.g. paragraphs formatted as headings. Make sure any images that have been used are the correct size for the page and your site. Once you have made all the necessary checks, you must decide whether it is appropriate to make this content available on your organization’s website, or whether it needs to be returned to the Content Editor that created it for amendments. The Task List area Throughout the process of submitting and approving content, you will be required to use the Task List area of your CMS. The Task List area of your CMS can be viewed by clicking on your name within the main Jadu Control Center top navigation bar, and selecting My Tasks from the dropdown menu. Your Task List area consists of four main sections named the To Do List, the Awaiting Action, the Content Schedule and the Content Locks areas. The To Do List If you have been given access within your organization’s CMS to approve and make content live, this section will list all the items of content that are awaiting approval. This list will contain content that you have created and have submitted for approval along with content created and submitted from other users within your organization. How to approve or reject an item of content The default view of the Task List area is the To Do List. If you have visited another part of the Task List section you need to select the To Do List tab. The To Do List area The To Do List area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● At the top of the To Do List, there is a line of text that informs you of how many tasks you have awaiting completion. The To Do List area is split into seven columns. The first column is named No and numbers the amount of tasks that you have which are waiting to be completed. The second column is named Your task. This area informs you of what action needs to be taken for each item of content, e.g. Approve Documents or Approve News. The third column is named Title. This contains all the content titles that are awaiting action. The title of the content also works as a link to view the details of each content item. This is how you review the information of the content that has been submitted for approval. The fourth column is named Date created. This allows you to see when the particular content item was created. The fifth column is named Set by. This area will contain the name and email address of the person that has submitted each specific item of content for approval. The sixth column is named Comments. This area will contain information on what comments have been left, or amendments that need to be made if the content has already been rejected. 146 ● The seventh column contains a Reject button for each piece of content that is within the list. This button allows you to reject a piece of content without reviewing its specific details. How to reject content ● ● There are two methods of rejecting content. The first method is to use the Reject button within the seventh column on the To Do List area. Once pressed, the Reject window will open. The Reject Documents window ● ● ● ● ● Within this window you will be informed of the title of the content you are rejecting. You also have the ability to comment on why you are rejecting this content. Type your Comments on this rejected content within this area. For example, you may require a certain element of content to be removed or amended or that this content is not appropriate for your organization’s website. Once you have added all your comments, press the Reject button to register the rejection of that item of content and to submit your comments. To reject an item of content using the second method, click onto the title of the content you wish to reject. You will be taken to the content details area, where you can review every element of this content. Once you have reviewed the content, press the DECLINE button again. You will be presented with the Reject window, which will work as previously described. How to approve content ● Click the title of the content you wish to approve. You will be taken into the details area for that piece of content. Within this area you can review every element of this content. Decline options ● Approve and Once you have reviewed the content press the Approve button. Once pressed you may now have some additional options depending on the item of content you are approving. 147 Initial options for publication ● ● The Submit button allows you to re-submit the content for proofing again in case you have approved this content by mistake. The LIVE / TAKE OFFLINE switch allows you select whether the content in question is made live on your organization’s website. When MAKE LIVE is selected, a new option may appear dependent on the type of content that you are publishing. Making content visible in your navigation ● ● The Make Visible / Invisible switch allows you to select whether your visitors can find this item of content from your website’s main navigation or not. Make your selections from the relevant dropdown menus, allowing you to save these choices and approve the contents. Awaiting Action This area informs you if any content created by you is awaiting action, such as you have submitted a document for approval and is awaiting a Webmaster to approve it. Within this area you can view items of content that you have submitted for approval. You can also terminate an item of content which will remove it from the approval process and you will be informed if your content has been rejected and why it has been rejected. ● The default view of the Task List area is the To Do List to visit the Awaiting Action area click the Awaiting Action tab. 148 The Awaiting Action area ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● At the top of the Awaiting Action area there is a line of text that informs you of how many tasks you have created and are waiting to be completed. The Awaiting Action area is split into seven columns. The first column is named No and numbers the amount of tasks that you have created and are waiting to be completed. The second column is named Your task. This area informs you of what action needs to be taken for each item of content, e.g. Approve Documents or Approve News. The third column is named Title, and contains all your content titles that are awaiting action. The title of the content also works as a link to view the details of each content item. The fourth column is named Task creation date. This allows you to see when the task was created. The fifth column is named For attention of. This area will contain the name of the user your task is awaiting to be actioned by. The sixth column is named Comments. This area will contain information on what comments or amendments have been submitted if your content has been rejected. The seventh column contains a Terminate button for each piece of content that is within the list. This button allows you to remove a specific piece of content from the approval process. You will be asked to confirm your changes before your content is removed from the approval process. Content Schedule The Content Schedule area allows you to review an item of content you have created that you have also applied a content schedule to. This area and its functions are explained in detail in Chapter 6 of this manual. Content Locks The Content Locks area allows you to review any locks that have been applied to content based on your privilege level. This area and its functions are explained in detail in Chapter 6 of this manual. 149 Chapter Twenty Six: Further information Further reading For guidance on writing for the web and being a Content Editor or Webmaster, the following websites provide some good articles and guides. The Plain English Campaign The Plain English Campaign have a series of free guides which you can access from their website. Concise, SCANNABLE, and Objective: How to Write for the Web By John Morkes and Jakob Nielsen (1997) Applying Writing Guidelines to Web Pages By John Morkes and Jakob Nielsen Writing Well for the Web: Quick and Easy Tips for Non-writers By Catherine Titta 10 Tips for Good Web Writing By Jennifer Kyrnin Writing for a Web Audience By Constance J. Petersen 150 For guidance on embedding objects please refer to the following online resources: HTML Code Tutorial Using Embedded Objects A List Apart Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards HTML Goodies SSI: The Include Command Google Maps Google Maps API What is Content Management? This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article “Content management system”. What is Metadata? This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article “Metadata”. Calculate readability This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article “Gunning fog index”. 151 Feeds This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article “RSS File Format”. Jadu is not responsible for the content of the links listed above. 152 Jadu Publishing Manual Version 1.12 by Jadu® Limited. Copyright © 2012 Jadu® Limited, Universe House, 1 Merus Court, Leicester, LE19 1RJ, 0116 222 7242, [email protected], All rights reserved. Screenshots in this manual may show a different representation of the Jadu CMS depending on the exact build of your system. 153