Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
RPC-WR5441 Wireless 802.11b/g/n 150Mbps AP Router
Installation Guide
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
1. Check your package contents The following items should be found in your package: ¾
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router
Power adapter
Installation Guide
Please make sure that the package contains the above items, if any of the listed items is damaged or missing, please contact with your distributor.
2. Before you begin You must have the following at least: ¾
Broadband Internet Access Service(DSL/Cable/Ethernet)
10/100Base-T Ethernet card and TCP/IP protocol installed for each PC
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher for Web configuration
802.11n , 802.11g or 802.11b compliant wireless adapters (for wireless connection)
3. Hardware Installation
Attach one end of the Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connector to your computer’s Ethernet port, and the other end to one of the LAN ports of your router.
Connect the Ethernet cable attaching to your Cable/ADSL modem to the WAN port of your router.
Connect the single DC output connector of the power adapter to the power jack on the side of the router. Then plug the Power Adapter into an AC outlet.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
4. LED indicators
Function Power on CPU on WLAN ACT
Flashing On
Flashing On
WPS working (orange) WAN Connection normal Data transmitting LAN Connection normal Data transmitting
5. Login ¾
Open a web browser (Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.) on the computer you have just connected to the router, type in the address bar, and press enter
In the pop-up window, enter the user name guest and password guest and then click OK
Login successfully and the home page appears, the left navigation bar shows the main options to configure the system, the right screen is the summary information for viewing the configurations.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
6. System Setup 6.1. Internet connection setting ¾ Most connections utilize a dynamic IP (DHCP) and the default is already set to this. If you have another connection type (like static IP), you will need to click on ‘Convenient Setup’ in the menu and input information given you by your service provider and then click save.
¾ You may already be connected to the Internet. Click on ‘System Information’- ‘Internet access info’ to see if you have an IP, Gateway, etc (refer to the following picture). If not, your service provider probably requires you clone the MAC address of your computer to the router. To do so, click on ‘Internet Setup’ in the menu, then click on ‘Clone MAC Address’ button to get your computer's MAC address in according to your Internet connection type, and then click the ‘Save’ button below.
If you are still not connected, your modem may actually have the same IP as the router ( You will need to change the router's IP. Click on ‘LAN Setup’‘LAN IP Address’ and you will see this IP in the main interface. You may edit it to something different ( for example). After entering the new IP, click on ‘Save’ below, the router will reboot, and you will need to enter the user name and password again. Check your system status for IP again, and test connection. Note: You will need to enter the new IP in the browser to access the user interface for any future setting changes.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
Now you can enjoy your new network. If you have anything related to the questions below, please refer to the following part
6.2. Advanced setting 6.2.1.Restore to factory setting If the router ever freezes in a setting change process or if you can’t access it because you can’t remember the IP you have given it or other problem, you may have to utilize the default button on the back of the router to put it back to factory settings. You have to press this button for about 1-2 seconds with a pencil when it is working, then leave your hands, it will restore settings to the factory configuration.
6.2.2. Password modify You may wish to change the router's password. To do so, click on ‘System Management’‘Password setup’, enter a new password and then confirm it.
6.2.3. Firmware upgrade ‘Upgrade’ will give you the option to upgrade the router's firmware if you download a newer version in the future.
6.2.4. Wireless security setting To protect your wireless network from unauthorized user access, you need to encrypt your router. Click ‘Wireless management’- ‘Security’, it supplies “None”, “WEP”, “WPA-PSK”, “WPA2-PSK” and “WPA/WPA2-PSK” five different encryption modes. But WEP authentication mode is not recommended when WPS enabled. If you want to use WEP to encrypt, you can select ASCII characters (alphanumeric format) or Hexadecimal digits (‘A-F’, ‘a-f’ and ‘0-9’). 64-bit WEP: input 10 Hex values (in the ‘A-F’, ‘a-f’ and ‘0-9’ range) or 5 ASCII characters. 128-bit WEP: input 26 Hex values (in the ‘A-F’, ‘a-f’ and ‘0-9’ range) or 13 ASCII characters.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
Figure 6-4 If you want to use WPA/ WPA2/ WPA&WPA2 to encrypt, you can select ASCII characters (alphanumeric format) or Hexadecimal digits (‘A-F’, ‘a-f’ and ‘0-9’). No matter what type you select, input 64 Hex values (in the ‘A-F’, ‘a-f’ and ‘0-9’ range) or 8-63 ASCII characters.
You can also use WPS to encrypt your network. WPS can connect the wireless adapter and the router in a safe way. If you have a wireless network card which has WPS button, you may set up a safe network via the following methods
Note: The WPS PIN is on the bottom of the router Method 1: ¾
Push the WPS hardware button of the Router until the orange WPS LED flashes
Push the WPS button in the wireless network card for about 3-5 seconds
The safe connection will be established automatically, please wait
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
Method 2: ¾
Check ‘Input PIN from AP’ in the wireless adapter’s WI-FI protect setup page, PIN of the router, then click ‘PIN Input Config (PIN)’
Select this router in the pop-up window, then click ‘Select’
The connection will be established automatically.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
RPC-WR5441 Wireless 802.11b/g/n 150Mbps AP Router Ghid de instalare
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
1. Continutul Pachetului Inainte sa incepeti sa folositi routerul va rugam verificati daca lipseste ceva din pachet si daca da, va rugam contactati dealerul dumneavoastra pentru a reclama acest lucru. ¾
Broadband router ( 1 buc)
Ghid de instalare (1 buc)
CD-ROM (1 buc)
12V adaptor de putere (1 buc)
Cablu Ethernet (1 buc)
2. Inainte de a incepe Trebuie sa dispuneti de cel putin: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Acces in banda larga la internet Placa de retea 10/100 Internet Explorer 5.0 sau o versiune superioara pentru configurarile WEB Placa de retea wireless conforma standardelor 802.11n, 802.11g sau 802.11b (pentru conexiune fara fir)
3. Instalarea Hardware
¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Conectati cablul Ethernet pornind de la portul WAN al routerului la portul LAN al modemului. Conectati cablul Ethernet primit in cutie intr-un port LAN al routerului si in placa de retea a calculatorului. Verificati LED-ul LINK al routerului, sa fie aprins, pentru a confirma corectitudinea conectarii cablurilor. Se conecteaza la transformatorul de tensiune.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
4. Indicatori LED
Aprins Intermitent
Conexiune WAN normala Transmite date Conexiune LAN normala
Transmite date
5. Configurarea Routerului ¾
Deschideti un browser web (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, etc.) si introduceti in campul de adresa IP-ul routerului, apoi apasati „Enter”
Fereastra de login va aparea pe ecran. Introduceti “User Name” si “Password” si apoi click pe butonul “OK” pentru a a loga. User name-ul este “guest” si password (parola) este “guest”.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
Fereastra principala va fi afisata. In bara din stanga va aparea meniul pentru configurarea routerului, iar in partea dreapta a ecranului veti putea vizualiza setarile efectuate.
6. Setarea sistemului 6.1. Setari conexiune la internet ¾
Cele mai multe conexiuni utilizeaza IP-ul dinamic (DHCP) care este setat implicit. Daca aveti un alt tip de conexiune (static IP), trebuie sa apasati tasta “Convenient Setup” si sa introduceti setarile pe care le-ati primit de la furnizorul de internet apoi apasati tasta “save”.
Pentru a verifica daca sunteti deja conectat la internet apasati butonul “System Information” -> “Internet access info” si veti vedea daca aveti alocat IP, Gateway etc (a se vedea imaginea de mai jos). Daca nu, furnizorul de internet probabil necesita clonarea adresei MAC a computerului la router. Pentru a face acest lucru trebuie apasati “Internet Setup” apoi apasati “Clone Mac Address” si veti obtine adresa MAC a computerului, apoi apasati “Save” pentru a salva modificarile efectuate.
Daca router-ul nu este conectat la internet este posibil ca router-ul sa aiba acelasi IP cu modemul ( in acest caz trebuie modificat IP-ul router-ului. Apasati “Lan Setup”-> “Lan IP Address” si va aparea o interfata unde se va afisa IP-ul router-ului care se va modifica manual (ex. Dupa ce ati introdus noul IP apasati “Save”, routerul va reporni si va trebui sa introduceti din nou numele si parola. Verificati din nou daca este conectat la internet. Nota: Pentru a accesa meniul router-ului trebuie sa introduceti in Browser noul IP.
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
6.2. Setari avansate 6.2.1. Restabilirea setarilor initiale Daca router-ul se blocheaza in timp ce se efectueaza unele schimbari de setari sau nu va amintiti adresa IP pentru a accesa meniul router-ului puteti folosi butonul de resetare din spatele routerului. Tineti apasat acel buton pentru 2-3 secunde in timp ce router-ul este pornit si acesta va reveni la setarile din fabrica.
6.2.2. Modificarea parolei Daca doriti sa schimbati parola routeru-lui apasati “System Management”-> “Password setup” introduceti noua parola apoi confirmati.
6.2.3. Update de firma Butonul “Upgrade” va da optiunea de a face update la sistemul de operare a routerului, in cazul in care apare o versiune mai noua.
6.2.4. Securizarea retelei wireless In cazul care routerul dumneavoastra are si modul wireless este recomandat ca reteaua wireless pe care o creaza sa fie securizata. Daca nu faceti acest lucru, hackerii si utilizatori nedoriti pot accesa reteaua si datele, fara acordul dumneavoastra, iar acest lucru va crea probleme mari de securitate. Pentru a va proteja de accesari nedorite ale retelei trebuie sa securizati router-ul. Pentru a seta o parola apasati “Wireless management” -> “Security”. Aici veti intalni patru tipuri diferite de securitate “WEP”, “WPA-PSK”, “WPA2-PSK”, si “WPA/WPA2-PSK”. Atunci cand optiunea WPS este activata nu este recomandat sa folositi o encriptare de tipul WEP. Daca doriti sa folositi criptare de tipul WEP puteti selecta caractere ASCII (format alfa-numeric) sau Hexadecimal (“A-F”, “a-f”, “0-9”).
Wireless 11N 150Mbps Broadband Router Installation Guide
Selectati un tip de criptare WPA. Optiunile disponibile sunt: WPA (TKIP), WPA2 (AES), si WPA2 Mixed. Puteti selecta oricare dintre ele, dar trebuie sa va asigurati ca adaptorul wireless suporta criptarea respectiva.
Sau puteti selecta o criptare de tipul WPS. Daca aveti un adaptor wireless care foloseste buton WPS puteti seta o retea securizata folosind metoda urmatoare.
Nota: Pinul WPS este in partea de jos a router-ului
Metoda 1: ¾ ¾ ¾
Apasati butonul WPS care este situat pe router si asteptati ca led-ul sa devina intermitent Tineti apasat butonul WPS de pe cardul de retea timp 3-5 secunde Conexiunea se face automat, va rugam sa asteptati
Metoda 2: ¾
Bifati “Input PIN from AP” in setarile cardului de retea, introduceti pinul, apoi apasati “PIN Iput Config” (PIN)
¾ ¾
Selectati router-ul din fereastra afisata Conexiunea se va stabili automat