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R Iit C Statistical Report On The Operation Of




C f TA1tSflC$ / FCANADk r IIt A STATISTICAL REPORT ON THE OPERATION OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT SEPTEMBER - 1950 'I PUBLICATION ~ -Y DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS Department of Trade and Commerce Vol. 9 No. STATISTICAL REPORT ON THE OPERATION OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT SEPTEMBER - 1950 (Compiled from material supplied by the Unemployment Insurance Commission) I'ublished by Authority of the Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Trade anti Commerce l'repared in the Unemployment Insurance Section, Labour and Prices Division, Dominion Bureau of StatistIcs, Ottawa. (904010 1100 - 30.10-50 IrI: ' () T A B L E OF CONIgN1S P age EXI'LANA'IORY T E X T ........................... 1 L I S T OF TABLES Toble 1. - Estimates of Insured Population ............... 2 Table A. - Number of Initial and Renewal Claim& Filed in the Local Offices in Each Prcvince ............ 3 Table B. - Persons on the Live Unemployment Register on the Last Working Day of the Month, by lype of Claim, Sex and Province .................... 3 Table C. - Persons on the Live Unemployment Register by Number of Days Continuously on the Register, Sex and Province .............................. 4 Table D. - Disposition of Initial and Renewal Claims and Claims Pending at the End of the Month ........ 5 Table E. - Claimants not Entitled to Benefit in Each Province with Chief Reasons for NonEntitlement ................................... 6 Table F. - Number of Persons Commencing the Receipt of Benefit on Initial and Renewal Claims, by Province ......................................7 Table G. - Number of Days and /mount of Benefit Paid byProvince ................................... 7 Table H. - Number of Persons Receiving Benefit; Number of Days and Amount of Benefit Paid by Province, for Week Ccntaining the Last 0ay of the Month ..............................S EXPLANATORY T E X T Initial and renewal claims for Unemployment Insurance tenefi.L during the month of Leptember amounted to 149,229. Compared to the previous month, when these c1:ims numbered 61,545, the current month shows a decline ci' about 20 per cent. For the same month last year initial and renewal claims amounted to 51,935. Ordinary claimnntE an the live unemployment register on the lat wcrking day of September totalled 79,263 (145,990 males and 33,273 females), as compared to 92,930 (64,378 maLes and 314,552 females) in August and 83,525 (59,567 males and 23,958 females) in September Last year. Of the 88,893 active claimants on the 1at day of the month, 74 per cent or 65,982 were registered for a period of 7 days or more. Iaat month 74,402 or 67 per cent of the 111,051, active claimants on the last day of the month were included in this category. A total of 63,959 initial and renewal claims were adjudicated during the month. Claims allowed numbered 50,9146, while 13,013 claims were disallcwed or disqualified. In addition, 3,518 revised claims were disqualified. A total of 5,345 claims were disallowed,due to insufficient contributions while in thsurshle employment. Included among the chief reasons for disqualification were the following "voluntarily left employment without just cause" 3,764 cases, "refusea an offer of work and neglected an opportunity to wcrk" 1,816 cases and "not unemployed" 1,799 cases. In addition, 1,365 disqualificetions were imposed on claimants who had lost their employment by reascn of a stoppage of work due to a labour dispute. The dispute in question was undoubtedly the nation-wide railway strtke which took place the latter part of Au gu t. There was a slight increase over August in the tctal of persons commencing the receipt of benefit on initial and renewal claims in September. Claimants who received initial payments of benefit during the mcnth tctalled 32,401 compared to 30,628 in August, and 34,414 in September 1949. During the month of September $3,843,797 were paic in respect of 1,633,140 compensated days of unemployment, while 4,412,992 were paid respecting 1,925,184 days in August, and ,671,773 for 1,611,461 days during September one year ago. -2For the week of September 30 to October 6, 61,578 persons 8128J4l for 352,188 days of proven unemployment, in comparison with 67,303 persons, $886,221, 387,366 days for the Aeek August 26 - September 1, and 65,413 perscns, $8 48,957 and 372,196 days for the week Sept. 10 - 16, 1919. the average duration of benefit for the week Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, was 5.7 days, while for the week August 26 Sept. 1, this average was 5.8. The average amounts of benefit pdd during these respective weeks were t13.20 and 13.17. received Table 1. - Estimates of the Insured Pcpulation under the Unempicyment Insurance Act. I I Beginning of the T01kL Employed C1aimants Month of I 19h9 - August Septem't'er Octcber Noveiher Decnher 2,621,000 2,637,000 2,626,000 2,625,000 2,678,000 2,541,100 2,556,200 2,512,500 2,519,100 2,525,700 79,900 80,800 83,500 105,900 152,300 1950 - .January February March April My June July August 2,667,000 2,659,000 2,644,000 2,715,000 2,659,000 2,690,000 2,733,000 2,735,000 2,144,900 2,361,800 2,357,800 2,449,600 2,449,100 2,543,500 2,623,600 2,642,500 222,100 297,200 286,200 265,1.00 209,900 11.6,500 109,1.00 92,500 Ordinary claimants signing the live Unemployment register on last working day of the preceding month. 'iab1e A. - Nwnher of Initial and Renewal Claims 2 Filed in the L ocal Offices in Each Province September 1919 1950 deptnber l'r vi ce Renewal ]otcl Initial Renewal Initial Total - - Newfoundland Prince Edward Island Ncva Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Tct1- 296 323 (518) 202 3,458 2,396 16,565 13,327 2,186 1,004 2,761 7,007 (435) 124 1,959 1,324 9,705 8,059 1,339 679 1,903 3,416 28,804 1 49,229 27 (83) 78 1,499 1,072 (,860 5,268 847 325 858 3,591 20,425 32 (1,667) 158 3,418 2,253 18,676 14,760 1,720 29 l,299) 93 1 1 893 1,218 1,963 1,626 8,547 9,334 1,051 521 L 1 221 4,558 51,935 31,881 745 3 (368) 65 1,525 1,035 6,713 5,426 669 224 405 3,989 20,054 Table B. - Persons on the Live Unemployment Insurance Register on the Last Working Dr of the Month, by lype of Claim, Sex and Province. Sep temt. er - 199 Eeptember-1950 Other Ordinary Other Prov. Ordinary Fems1e Fnde Male Faiicle Total Total Mdc Female Total Male Tot&1 Ma1e N. N. B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B. L. 507 482 25 (1,857) (1,727) (130) 167 417 250 5L40 4,248 1,192 4,647 3,392 1,255 29,1439 16,696 12,713 9,223 19,935 10,712 4,446 1,897 2,549 906 1,472 564 2,814 1,564 1,250 10,146 6,185 3,1 Tctal- 79,263 45,990 Nflci. 6 0;. - - - (-) (-) (-) - - - 100 7 770 1,051 4 3,107 827 8514 37 1,144 1,710 7 12 3,135 714 33,,73 9,630 7,643 1,987 954 44 1,914 2,761 ii 12 - 2 53 52 45 (,23) (4,10 8 ) 416 295 5,332 4,381 5,088 4,043 31,193 23,052 22,039 14,531 3,333 1,809 1,41.9 766 1,937 1,22 1,716 9,343 8 3,525 59,567 7 (127) 121 951 1,045 8,14.1. 7,508 1,524 633 655 3,313 23,958 - - (783) (783) 1 1 ,580 1,462 285 201 4,011 2,725 3,14613 2,652 6 3 2 1 1,450 1/350 771 622 11,570 9,116 - (-) 1 118 84 1,286 812 3 1 - 149 2,454 1. - In this i1 the fdlcwing tables figures in parentheses are for unemployment absistance in Newfoundland. These are not included in 2. - In addition, revised claims received numbered 8,776. -4Table C. - Persons on the Live Uneiuployuierit hegister by Number of Days Continucusly on the Register, Sex and Province, as of SEP1IAbEF4 29, 1 9 5 0. 4 9-72 25-48 13-24 Province and Sex TOTAL 6day days 1 / Y over days under I Newfoundland Male Female (Male) (Female) 537 14 82 25 (1,727 ) (130 ) 142 138 4 55 52 3 97 96 1 (14 09) (41) (31) (10) (89) (15) 95 91 4 (239) (17) 41 33 8 (224) (19) 52 7 5 (735) (28) 417 250 167 97 60 37 32 25 7 66 37 29 53 31 22 27 25 117 70 47 Nova Scotia Male E,394 Female 5,102 1,292 1,369 1,133 236 674 548 126 885 737 148 1,025 779 246 bil 662 149 1,30 1,243 387 New Brunswick Male Female 41691 3,429 1,262 967 375 252 277 98 565 420 145 821 614 207 592 457 135 1,371 946 425 31,353 12,8/40 13,513 6,833 /4 ,427 2,406 2,596 1,7l 1,025 3,704 2,196 1,508 5,020 2,730 2,290 3,480 1,793 1,687 9,720 5,123 4,597 22,696 12,422 10,274 6,285 4,019 2,26( 1,751 o)95 756 2,455 1,228 1,227 2,959 1,374 1,585 2,035 946 1,089 7,21i 3,860 3,351 Manitoba Male Female 4,457 1,904 2,553 ?6_1 357 510 318 126 192 494 216 278 800 253 547 437 176 J1 1,541 776 765 Saskatchewan Male Female 1,484 576 908 294 98 196 114 30 84 215 6/4 151 263 104 159 126 53 73 472 227 245 Alberta Male Female 5,921 4,669 1,252 3,468 3,183 285 321 205 11( 3)5 200 195 467 240 227 254 133 121 1,016 708 308 Female 2,589 1,611 975 1,u3 W- 6 85 1,733 1,247 486 1,628 932 696 972 Male 10,973 6,959 4,011 531 4/41 2,998 1,8(7 1,131 TOTAL MALE FE1AL L 88,893 53,633 35,260 2,911 15,744 7,167 7,289 4,597 2,692 10,609 6,441 4,168 13,131 7,148 5,983 8,800 4,811 3,989 46,153 14,892 11,261 Prince Edward Island Male Female Quebec Male Female Ontario Male Female British Cc1ui'uia 715 iIe L. Lin of mi ti i.eneva1 iJrnL E,ru i enJn the Mcnth. Adjudicated NoEkntitd to Prcv. Entitled to benefit l3enefi t pced henewJ. Initial 1enewa1 Initial Nfld. 1'.E.I. N. 5. N. B. ie. Ont. Man. 359 215 5,114 1 18,•')8 19,437 C. Alta. B.C. Nfld. 16 3,485 i,7 3 ,914 8&D9 N. B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B. C. Total- (276) Initial 32 167 3,422 1 2,285 19,163 11 157 142 847 642 190 50 II 73 39 799 471 3,087 2,987 1,035 998 315 2, 405 884 755 287 542 3388 1334 451 19,833 1 0,4 26 2,587 7,72 10,662 1 ,54 2 _LL3 6,1+02 5,116 September 6 3 (778) (269) 70 69 1,484 1,272 804 1,024 9,657 6,154 14,257 1,569 6,813 674 730 1,563 8,221 353 900 3,352 24,113 51,4091 9 (30) 16 1,577 1,049 87 2,5 1 1,199 3,959 (1,473) P.E.I. N. S. 194 - 1949 23 (419) 26 579 403 ,769 83 87 3,418 17,825 7,805 1,666 374 6 (514) 44 (79) 12 556 230 282 151. 1,231 717 102 37 79 2,535 1,957 236 i U 117 572 908 7,294 it 22 (71~4) 23 466 326 3,485 583 1,110 215 1 2,217 281 141 256 ' 54 472 73 21 33 341 4,755 511 1 Renewal 87 - (7) 2 tk;e enu of k- en uin g - S e p t em b e r- 19 50 31 125 (316) (62 et 2,818 274 136 265 11 611 3,17 3 (196) 6 368 160 1,374 908 121 24 47 1,228 661 9,043 3,672 I. - In dditon, 8,734 revised claims were disposed of. Of these, 417 were pecia1 requests not gr.nted, and 761 were appeals by claimants. There were 1,123 reviseu cl&ims pending at the end cf the month. Table E. - C1ainants 1 not Entitled to Benefit in Eich Province JAiring SEPTEMBER 1950 and 1949, with Chief Reasons for Non-Entit1nent. Chief Reasons for Non-Enti, tiement Year Insufficient Contribution while insurable employment 1950 1949 5,345 4,051 Not unemployed 1950 1949 1,799 307 Not capable of and 1950 not avBilable for 1949 work 1,247 782 cpw, Nfld. P. E. I N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Manj oaskI Alta b.c. 30 484 1' 376 287 283 1,579 1,310 896 287 121 133 64 353 151 76; 1,553 79. 48 13 478 63 674 161 232 4 37 1 52 3 198 43 49 26 31 23 429 2214 430 327 82 54 33 21 46 28 174. 76 Loss of work due to 1950 a labour dispute 1949 1,365 3 (5) 9 199 24 8 225 71 373 J 51 - 91 1 66 84 210' Refused offer of work and neglected 1950 opportunity to work 1949 1,81. 1 (-) - 40 15 11175 - (1) 1 42 9 745 458 497 73 338 67 59 51 55 331 19 190 140 200 Discharged for misconduct 1950 1949 500 659 Voluntarily left employ ment without just cmise 1949 1950 3,764 3,474 1950 1949 695 1,015 1950 1949 16,531 11,639 Other Reasons TOTAL 1. - T - )ute 113 (200) 16 (317) 1 () - () 2 (29) (8) - - 1 3 (8) (7) 7 1 36 40 13 23 263 352 1-2 7 (39) (36 1 10 253 175 148 113 1,496 1,165 13 2 (86) (62) 1 3 26 58 17 43 177 290 142 (375) 25 (435) 58 31 1,166 763 678 512 5,392 4,176 - - ) 3,518 revised c1ims, di5qutlified. 14 12 - 4 57? - 7 7 20 20 1,011 1'76 1,046 188 57 65 126 98 475 608 51 41 12 13 17 33 235 201 422 220 722 339 2 31 286 1,7? 19 331 4,554 1,111 3,350 487 -7r1e F. - Nuiiit'er of Per:cns Commencing the Beceipt of Benefit on Initial and IenewaJ. Claims,. by Province. Septnher 1950 On ienewJ Total n Initial Claims Claims rV. NflcJ. 1/9 (570) 1.L 3,491 1,739 10,521 7,279 1,895 657 1,9 3 7 //L7 P.E.I. N. . N. P. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. /lta. B. C. 129 (511) 71 1,96 73 5,610 3,32 857 1,150 2,025 Total, 20 (59) 45 1,795 956 4 1 911 3,447 1,038 324 787 .2,592 16 (91 4) 105 2,146 1,537 l2,6E9 9,686 1,054 438 909 5,834 _j ij t Lieptemher - 1919 in Initial On kenewa1 Clajnu. Claims 12 (706) 61 1,197 739 7,704 6,563 589 279 621 2,895 4 (208) 44 949 798 4,985 3,123 465 159 288 2,939 3/,L14 013,7 Table G. - Number of Days and Arncunt of Benefit Paid, by Province. Prov. N fir . September - 1950 Day is A m c u n t (in Do11ar) september - 1949 Amount (in Dollars) I I 5,871 14,992 ' 1,306 3,360 (.8,2o5) (133,342) (8(,898) (211,61) 7,585 15,945 9,219 16,820 113,/16 276,541 101,282 231,723 p. h.I. ?J ( 84,234 199,85 9,974 217,041 N. P. Que. 3 nt. man. C. s_"_o -. 1,428,354 602,705 1,359,6'/3 999,150 4.40,414 1,000,610 207,267 L1/,80 138,624 31,274 66,371 25,699 54,118 70,4EC) 17,720 42,180 99,528 230,202 548,76 1,371 9 j Alta. B. C. I 1,633,140 3,843,797 1,611,/f1 31671,773 -8katie H. - Number of Percns Feceiving }enefit; Number of Dy nd Amount of benefit i't:, by irovince, for Weekl Containing the La;t Lay of the Month. Prov. Percns 1 9 5 Dvys Vetter - 0 Am ount boilLl. }erscns 32 - 283 1,603 4, i (798) (7,617) (16,282) 407 2 2 265 1,, 6i4 42) 21506 5,114 N. E. 4,358 23,308 55,4.37 4,1+08 23,361 53,393 N. P. 3,134 18,976 1414) p94. 3,966 22,235 51,391 Que. 22,050 130,306 293,001 23,650 139,161 313,176 Ont. 16,231 92,672 215,050 18,407 101,846 234,253 Man. 3,4.4 19,837 43,947 2,609 14,832 31,351 Sask. 1,201 7,058 15,357 973 5,710 11,919 Al ta. 2,527 13,938 33,881 1,816 9,593 22,66 B. C. 7,603 42,225 102,471 9,153 52,743 125,1 E1,578 352,188 812,841 65,443 372,16 848,957 Nfld. F.E.I. 1 otal1. - For 1949, week ending with the third Friday in each month. (3,470) 209 (20,602) 520 (4.9,850) GOUVERNE1\IENT DU CANADA RAPPORT STATISTIQUE SUR L'APPLICATION DE LA LOl SUR L'ASSURANCE-CHOMAGE SEPTEMBRE — 1950 L66OSOoI. 111111111111111111111111 V(VNV) 3rlflL: SU IS -IririiI 1i]IH ASJVSHj 1 v:JN, sisi LINE Pu BL I CATION DU See other side for English 6F5 I •_ .cJ. . ••'4) , BUREAU FEDERAL DE LA STATISTIQUE Ministre du Commerce Vol. 9 No. 9 RAPPORT STATISTIQUE SUR [APPLICATION DE LA 101 SUR L'ASSURANCE.CHOMAGE SEPTEMBRE - 1950 (D'aprês les renseignements fournis par la Commission d'assurance-chômage) Publié par ordxe du trés hon. C. D. Howe, Ministre du Commerce Préparé par Ia section de 1'assurance-ch8mage, division du travail et des prix, Bureau fédéral de la statistique, Ottawa. 1904010 1100 - 30-10.50 Prix: 25 cents l'exempIaire TABLE D E S MAIIEhES Pt ge TEXT E E X P L I cia I F ............................. i L I S T E D E S TABLEAUX -Tableuu 1. - NomLre estirnatif de la pcpulation assuráe ... 2 Tableau A. - Nombre de rdclamatioris initiales at rnouve1s dipos6es aux bureaux iccaux dans chaque p rovince .................................... 3 Tableau B. - Perscnnes macrites au registre actif du chmag le dernier jour ouvrahle du mois, selon le genre, l e sexe et la province ...................... 3 Tableau C. - ['ersonnea .Lnscrites uu registre actif du ch&mage selon l€ imbre do jcurs d'inscription continue au registre, be sexe et Ia province .........4 Tableau D. - R'eglnent des rclamations initialea et renouvel6es et rclarnaticns pendantes a la fin du mois ........................................ 5 Tableau E. - hclamants n'ayant pea droit a la prestation dens chaque province, et principales raisons 6 Tableau F. - Nornhre de personnes qui commencent I recevoir des prestations sur rclaxnationa initiales et rencuvelüs .................................7 Tableau G. - Nombre de jours indetnnis65 et montant des p restations par province ....................7 Tableau H. - Nombre de prestataires, de jcurs indemnisés et montant des prestations, par province, seaine contenant le dernier jour du mois ... 8 TEXE EXPLICATIF Zclamationv intth1es et renouve1es de presttlons uie cbrnae we chlffrent pr 49,229 en septembre, scit une imthution d'envrcn 20 p.100 au regard du tctal de 61,545 le mois prctderit. Th.irnt le me mois l'an dernier, As rc1ainations initiales et renouveies st1evaient 'a 51,935. Les rc1Rrnants ordinaires inscrits au registre actif d'&ssurance-chrnage sent au nornbre de 79,263 (45,990 homnes et 33,273 feTnmes) Cu dernier jour cuvrahle de septembre, contre 98,930 (64378 hcmes et 34,552 femmes) en act eL 83,525 (59,567 hoinmes et 23,958 femmes) en septem1-re i'an dernier. ur les 88,93 rc1amaticns actives au dernier jcur du mcis, 74 p.100 (65,982) sent incrites pour une priode de 7 jours ou plus. Le mets precedent, 74,402 Cu. 67 p-I00 des 111,054 r€c1eniations nctives temhai.ent dans cette catgcrie au dernier jcur du meis. Un total de 63,959 rclamE1ticns initiales cu renouvel6es scnt scwntses 'a l'adjudication durant le mois. Les r6clamations conftrmes se chiffrent par 50,946, tandis que 13,013 rc1amations sont refuses ou juges inadmissibles. En eutre, 3,518 rdclamations revisées sent .ug3es invdmiEsibles. Un total de 5,45 rc1rnnaticns sont refuses par suite de centrftuticns nsuffisantes dans un emplot sssurchle. Ccmptent parmi les prncip1es rciscns d!inEdmisE3ihi1it : "ernploi quitt6 volontairement et snnc raison vatahle, 3,764 cas; "refus d'une offre de travailler et ngltgence de saisir irne occasion de travailler" 1,816 cas; et "non chrneiirs", 1 ,799 cas. En cutre, 1,365 cas sont jugs inadmissibles parce que les rc1amnts avaient perdu leur empici 'a cause d'un arrt de trav8il entrainc pr un conflit industriel. Ce conflit est sans doute l.a gr'eve nationale des employs de cheinin de fer durant is seconde partie d'.oiit. Le nembre de personnes qul comrnencent 'a recevoir des prestatioris pour des r6clamaticno initiales ou rencuvelées auginente 1g'erernent en septembre ccmparativement au moic prcdent, et s'6tablit 32,401 ccntre 30,628 en acit et 34,414 en septembre Pan derriier. En ceptembre, f 3,843,797 s ont verss pour 1,633,140 yours de ch8mge indernnis, tandis que t 4,412,992 sent pay6s pour 1,925,184 jours en acit et t3,671,773 coat verss pour 1,611,461 ,jours en septembre 1'n dernier. -2Durant 1& &emalne cu 30 septembre au 6 octobre, 61,578 personnes reçcivent t812,841 pour 352,188 jours de chmage 4tabii, er cornpartison de 67,303 perscnnes qui Leucherit 866,221 pour 387,366 jc'ur c]urant la semoine du 26 aot zu icr ceptembre et 65,443 personne uL reoivent 0 848,957 pour 372,196 jours durant La semaine du 10 u 16 eptemhre 1949. Lp dure rnoyenne de prestation est de 5.7 jours durant la semaine du 30 septembre au 6 octobre et de 5.8 jours dura.nt la semaine du 26 coat au ler septembre. La moyenne des prestations pyes durant les mêmes semainec eat repectivement cie 13.2O et 13.17. • Tableau I. - Nombres eatirnatifa de la population sure en vertu de Ia ici sur 1'a6urance-chmae. Dbu t du mois cle : 1949 - 1950 I I Avec emploi h6c1ernants CANADA Aoüt Septernbre Octcbre Novernbre D6cembre 2,621 0 000 2,637,000 2,626,000 2,625,000 2,678,000 2,541,100 2,556,200 2,542,500 2,519,100 2,525,700 79,900 80,800 83,500 105,,U0 152,300 Janvier Fvr1er Mnrs Avril 2,667,000 2,659,000 2,644,000 2,715,000 2,659,000 2,690,000 2,73,000 2 ,7359000 2,444,900 2,361,800 2,357,800 222,100 - Juin Juillet Aoüt 2,449,600 2,449,100 2,543,500 2,623,600 2,642,500 Lea r4clamant& ordinaires qui £igner le regiatre ectif au dernier jour ouvrable du mois prcdent. 297,200 286,200 265,400 209,900 146,500 109,400 07 ,500 2 '.1u 1 A. UE i• ' vAmALWL j j t i€. Ejt lencuMuCL daw chaque_prcvince. -eptenbre -1 9 5 0 Province lie du Prince Edouard Ncuvelle Ecce NouveFu 1runwick Qw1"ec 0ntric Knitc0i ackutchew.n Alberta Cclornhie Britannique Total- T. -N. I.P.E. N.E. N.B. Qu6. Ont. Man. 5E.k. A1t. C.B. 296 (35) 14 1,959 1,324 9,705 8,059 1,339 679 1,903 3,416 27 (83) 78 1,492 1,072 6,660 5,268 647 325 856 3,591 20,425 - 28,804 49,229 29 (1,299) 93 1,893 1,218 11,963 9,334 1,051 521 1,221 4,558 31,881 32 (1,667) 158 3,416 2,253 16,676 14,76o 1,720 714 5 1,626 8,547 51,935 3 (368) 65 1,525 1,035 6,713 5,426 669 224 405 3,989 20,0514 - j_,,_ -- . e1cn inscrite au regitre actli ce i urnce-cnomage je uerniei JCUr cuvjie uu 10 genre de rclamsticn, le Lexe et la province. epternbre - 1 9 4 9 Eepteribre - 1 9 5 0 Autrets I OruinalreE I Autres -_ 0IirJreE Fernmei Tota1 Hommen Femmw Total Hommen Fernme Total liommeE FemmeE Total Ucrnrnei lableEu 1-. - Perccrine 11 rc' 202 3,458 2,396 16,565 13,327 2,186 1,004 2,761 7,007 lccau>. beptenbre - 1 9 4 9 ktenouve1es ictal Initiale& hencuvelées Initiales 323 (518) Terre-Neuve UQC-,CL &UX 1U111X - - - 507 /,82 25 (130) (1,57) (1,727) lb'f 250 417 4,21.8 5,4/0 1,192 3,392 4,647 1,255 16,696 12,743 29,439 9,223 10,712 19,935 1,897 4/.46 2,549 908 1,472 564 1,250 2,614 1,564 3,961 6,185 10,146 A - 52 45 7 (4,235) (4,) - 954 44 1,914 2,761 11 12 3,107 827 =L_ - 854 37 1,144 1,710 7 12 3,105 774 41b - 100 7 770 1,051 4 - 2 53 412 401 5,332 5,088 4043 23,052 31493 22,039 14,531 1,809 3,333 786 1,419 1,282 1,937 12,7169,343 26 21 (783) '783) (-) i.i. 1 951 1,045 8,141 7,508 1,524 633 655 3,373 1,580 285 4,011 3,464 6 2 1,450 771 L: .1. - 1,462 201 2,725 2,652 3 1 1 4 50 622 118 84 1,286 812 3 1 - 149 2ir =z4 1. - Ici, et aux talleaux Euivant5, les chiffreE entre pernth'e&es ont trait au Eeccurs aux chmeura i 1erre-Neuve. Ceux-ci ne figurent pas dtn leE tb1eux. 2 - En p1u, r6c1mticnc revise requeE sent au ncinbre ae 8,776. 4 I-'ersonne$ inccritec cu regiLtre cct.ii uu chcncge Ielon le nombre de jcur d' iucriptn continue cu regitre, le cexe et la province, au 29 PT7tII3F8, 1 9 5 - Tableau C. - - PrcvLnce et sexe TOTAL Terre-Neuve Hormnes Femes (Hommes) (Femmes) 7 moir 142 507 1'3 25 (1,727) (130) 4. (409) (Li) 172 et jour ourc jcurs jcurs 1u' 55 52 3 97 96 (31) (10) (89) (15) 1 95 91 4 (23)) 41 33 8 (17) (19) (28) 52 7 117 70 47 /17 250 V7 97 60 37 32 25 7 66 37 29 53 31 22 25 Nouvelle 8ccsse Honnnes Famines 6,394 1,369 5,102 1,133 885 737 1,025 779 126 148 246 811 662 1,292 236 674 548 Nouveau BrunswIck Hoinrnes 4,691 967 715 252 375 277 98 565 821 420 145 2,596 3,704 2,196 lie Liu trLnce Eucuard Hommes Famines 3,429 5 149 1,630 1,243 387 614 207 592 457 135 1,371 946 425 5,020 2,730 2,290 3,480 1,793 1,687 9,720 4,959 2,035 7,211 3,860 Femmes 1,262 Mcmmes Feimnes 31,353 17,840 13,513 6,833 4,427 2,406 1,571 1,025 Ontarlc Hoinmes Femmes 22,696 12,422 10,274 6,285 1,751 4,019 2 1 266 995 2,455 1,228 756 1,227 1,374 1,585 946 1,089 Manitoba Hommes Fnmes 4,457 867 318 800 1,904 2,553 357 126 4944 216 510 192 278 253 547 437 176 261 1,541 776 765 Saskatchewan Hommes Femines 1,484 576 908 294 114 30 215 263 104 159 126 53 472 227 245 Alberta Hommes Femmes 467 1,016 4,669 1,252 240 Québec Colombie Bri'tannir4ue Homre& Fanmes TOTAL HOMMES FMES 98 196 1,508 64 84 151 321 205 395 200 73 5,123 4597 3,351 285 116 195 227 254 133 121 10,973 6,959 4,014 2,589 1,614 975 1,053 1,733 1,2447 4486 1,628 932 696 972 531 441 2,998 1,867 1,131 88,893 53,633 22,911 15,744 7,167 7,289 4,597 2,692 10,609 13,131 7,148 5,983 8,800 4,811 3,989 ;~6,13 14,8)2 11,c61 5,921 35,60 3,468 3,163 768 285 6,4441 4,168 708 308 i1eu L. - 1eg1ei'rit dez rc aii-n: initia1e et r uve14e. et rtcLarnuticn penuarte la fln du rnoi. Total des J u g 6 e s rcclama- - ------------en a n 4 a Prov. 1tion Aynt droit ii la N'ayant pa ciroit a la pretation pretation Initiales Rencuve1e Initlalea Renouvele'ef. Initialeb henouve1e5 S e p t e m b r e - 1 9 50 T.-N. 359 194 31 125 9 87 6 (684) , (276) (62) (316) (30) (51) (79) I.k.E. 215 87 73 39 16 9 44 12 N.E. 5,114 2,581 1,577 799 157 556 230 N.B. 3,161 1,499 1,049 471 142 282 154 1,231 0. 18,008 7,672 6,402 3,087 47 . 2,535 Oat. 19,407 : 10,662 5,116 2,987 642 1,957 717 Man. I ,1,85 1,542 998 755 190 236 102 Sask. 1,687 1,335 315 287 50 117 37 Alta. 3,914 2,405 E84 542 83 572 79 C.B. 8,639 3,436 3,388 1,334 451 908 611 Total 1 63,959 31,113 1,833 10,426 2,587 7,294 3,179 S e p temtre - 1 9 4 9 3 T.-N. 32 6 3 23 - (1,473) (776) (269) (419) (7) (744) (196) 167 70 69 26 2 23 6 579 87 466 368 3,422 1,484 1,272 N.e. 2,285 804 /03 4324 54 'I 326 160 N.B. 583 3,485 1,374 2,769 9,657 6 19,163 ,15/ C. : 2,816 908 2,217 472 14,257 6,813 4,755 Ont. 274 121 281 73 1,569 674 541 Man. 136 11+1 21 24 215 730 353 Sack. 265 256 1,563 900 774 33 47 Alta. 1 1,28 661 C.B. 8,221 3,352 3,148 1,110 341 j Total- 51,14 1. - ,113 17,25 [ 7,835 1,666 9,043 3,67 c1eTncnde p1U3, 8,734 r6c1mticn revicáes cnt ucnt 417 1 taient cie pci1e xejete, et 761 deL: ape1 de In prt aes r6c1amant. II y vait 1,123 r6c1amation revise'ec perdantes a lz fin c.iu rnois. ! T'i Tableau E. - Rc1amants1n'ayant pas droit a la prestation dans cheque province en S!PT4BItE 1950 et 1949, et priricipales raisons de 1 1 inadmis6ibi1it. I I I I I I R.i sons de T.-N. CANADA I.P.E. N.E. N.B. Qu4. Ont. Man. bak. Alta. G.B. Anne 1'inathniss1bL1it I I Contributions irisuffisantes dans Un npioi assurable 1950 1949 5,345 4,051 Non en chmage 1950 1949 1,799 307 1950 1949 1,247 782 1950 1949 1,365 176 Refuse une offre de traiii et laisse passer une 000asicn de travailler 1950 1949 1,816 1,175 Cong4di6 pour incoriduite 1950 1949 500 659 iip1oi quitté volontairetnent sans raison valable 1950 3,764 3474 Incapable de travailler et non dtspcnible Perte de travaU due 'a un djffrend cuvri er Autres raisons TO T AL ii (203) 16 (317) 1 - (8) () 30 114 - - 484 376 287 283 1,579 1,553 1,310 896 287 121 133 64 353 151 769 577 79 22 48 10 478 63 674 161 232 4 37 1 52 3 19 43 400 327 82 54 33 21 46 28 174 76 91 1 66 84 21 59 51 55 19 331 190 4 7 7 20 20 - - 2 (29) (8) 1 3 49 26 31 23 429 224 3 (5) 9 199 24 119 8 225 71 373 51 196 1 40 42 15 9 745 458 497 338 73 67 (8) (7) 7 1 36 40 13 23 263 352 140 200 14 12 (39) (36) 10 9 253 175 148 113 1/496 11165 1,011 1,046 176 188 57 65 126 98 425 608 10 (86) 2 (62) 142 (375) 25 (435) 1 3 58 31 26 58 1 2 166 7 63 17 177 149 290 331 43 678 5,392 4,554 5 124,1763,350 51 4]. 1,111 487 12 13 422 220 17 33 722 339 235 201 24286 1,736 - - 1949 1950 695 1949 1,015 1950 116, 531 1949 1 11,639 - - 1 - - - 12 7 () (i) - 1. - Comprensnt 3,518 rc1aniations revis6es, jugdes inadmiscible3. - - - C' irA Tableau F. - Nombre de ceux qui ccmrnencent 'a recevoir des prestations stir r6c1nmaticym initiales et renouvel6es, par province. Septembre - 1 9 5 0 Septembre - 1 9 4 9 ' Sur rc1a- Sur reds- Stir rCcla.Prey. Sur rcla Total mati ons mations Total mations mations initiales renouve1es initiales renouvelées 1.-N. 149 129 20 16 12 4 (570) (511) (59) (914) (706) (208) I.P.E. 116 71 45 105 61 44 N. E. 3,491 1,696 1,795 2,146 1,197 949 N. B. 1,739 783 956 1,537 739 798 e. 13,521 5,610 4,911 12,689 7,704 4,985 Ont. 7,279 3,232 3,447 9,686 6,563 3,123 Mnn. 1,895 857 1,038 1,054 589 465 Eask. 657 333 324 438 279 159 Alta. 1,937 1,150 787 909 621 288 C. B. 4,617 - 2,025 2,592 5,834 2,895 2,939 Total- 1 32,401 16,486 15,915 34,414 20,660 13,754 Tableau G. - Nonbre de jours et montant des prestations, par province. Septembre - 1 9 4 9 Prey. I.P.E. N. E. N. P. Qu6. 0t. Man. Sask. Alta. C. P. Tctl- Jours Montant (en dollars) I 5,871 (68,205) 7,585 113,446 84,234 632,264 404,972 93,663 31,274 70,460 189,371 14,992 (130,342) 15,945 276,541 199,858 1,428,354 999,150 207,267 68,371 174,720 458,599 1 1,633,140 3,843,797 1 Jours M o n t a n t (en dollars) 1,306 (86,898) 9,219 101,282 93,974 602,705 440,414 64,480 25,699 42,180 230,202 3,360 (211,261) 18,820 231,723 217,041 1,359,673 1,000,610 138,624 5,118 99,528 548,276 1,611,461 3,671,773 Tableau H. Prey. - Nornbre de prestataires, de jourz indemniss, et mcntnt des restaticns, pr province, pour la semaine 1 qui renferme le dernier jour du mcis. Semaine du 10 au 16 septembre' Senainedu30 septembresu 6 octobre, 1 9 50 1949 PersonnesjJourJM0tt Personnes _Jours Montant 283 1,603 4,159 (798) (7,647) (16,282) 407 2,265 41644 429 2,506 5,114 N. E. 4,358 23,306 55,437 4,408 23,361 53093 N. B. 3,434 1,976 14,894 3,966 22,235 51 1 391 qué. 22,050 130,306 23,650 139,161 313,176 16,231 92,672 215,050 l,40n/ L:1,846 234,253 Man. 3,4.84 19,837 J3,947 2,609 14,832 31,351 Sask. 1 1 201 7,058 15,357 973 5,710 11,919 Alta. 2,527 13,938 33,881 1,816 9,593 22,696 C. 7,603 42,225 102 ) 471 9,153 52,743 125,144 61,578 352,188 812841 65,443 372,196 848,957 T.-N. I.P.E. Total- Pour 1949, semaine terminant avec le troisime veiidredi de chaque mois. 32 (3,470) 209 (20,502) 520 (49,8u) -