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Rac Maintenance




CON6761 Online Database Maintenance with No Impact to Applica:ons Carol Colrain Technical Lead for Client-Failover, RAC Development Troy Anthony Cloud Evangelist, RAC Development Takashi Ito Sr. SoLware Engineer, NEC CorporaOon Michael Timpanaro-PerroRa Senior Director Product Management, RAC Development Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Safe Harbor Statement The following is intended to outline our general product direcOon. It is intended for informaOon purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or funcOonality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and Oming of any features or funcOonality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discreOon of Oracle. Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 3 Announcing Oracle Database 12c Release 2 on Oracle Cloud •  Available now – Exadata Express Cloud Service •  Coming soon – Database Cloud Services – Exadata Cloud Machine Oracle is presenOng features for Oracle Database 12c Release 2 on Oracle Cloud. We will announce availability of the On-Prem release someOme aLer Open World. Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 4 Program Agenda 1 How do we schedule server maintenance? 2 Are the building blocks in place ? 3 Draining SoluOons 4 Older Style ApplicaOons 5 Set and Forget 6 NEC Success Story Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | ConfidenOal – Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 5 1 How do we schedule server maintenance ? Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 6 Users should see no errors during maintenance Preventable Situa:on There is no reason for users to see downOme during scheduled database maintenance –  Service is unavailable –  ApplicaOon owners unable to agree maintenance windows –  Long running jobs see errors –  DBA’s and engineers work off hours –  ApplicaOon and middleware components need to be restarted Family Holidays website is down "Our online transacOon services are currently unavailable. Our server may be temporarily down or we may be performing rouOne maintenance funcOons scheduled every Sunday from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time). We apologize for any inconvenience." Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 7 How do we solve for all your applicaOons? Move work to different instance/database with no errors reported to applicaOons Transparent to applicaOons and mid-Oers Support all server side maintenance patches, PSUs, repairs, changes, major release, unplug/plug, migraOon, expansion, h/w replacement Configure once, same for all commands Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 8 High Availability by Patch Type One- Off PSU/CPU Bundle Patch Patch Set 96% All Most No 98% All All No Online - Hot 82%* No No No GoldenGate All All All All RAC Rolling DG Standby First Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle ConfidenOal – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 9 2 Are your building blocks in place ? Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 10 Affinity and Draining Locally - Switchover across Sites ProducOon Site Fast ApplicaOon NoOficaOon ApplicaOon ConOnuity, TransacOon Guard –  Applica3on HA AcOve Data Guard Global Data Services RAC –  Online Rolling Maintenance –  Scalability –  Server HA –  Scheduled switchover –  Data Protec3on, DR –  Query Offload –  Cross Site Placement Data Guard RAC One –  Online Rolling Maintenance –  Server HA Replicas –  No3fy draining, failover, load balancing –  Scheduled switchover –  Data Protec3on, DR Drain within RAC Drain within RAC Switchover ADG or GG GoldenGate –  Scheduled switchover –  Ac3ve-ac3ve replica3on –  Heterogeneous Sharding –  Massive OLTP –  Scheduled switchover –  Ac3ve-ac3ve replica3on –  Heterogeneous Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 11 Oracle RAC One Node and Oracle RAC Drain services to another ac:ve instance gradually Oracle RAC: mul:ple instances per database running concurrently Oracle RAC One Node: one instance per database running at a Ome, both instances during maintenance “Always On” Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | “Always Running” 12 12cR2 Oracle Ac:ve Data Guard Con:nuous Service Availability Drain primary and switch Switchover to Data Guard Broker [wait] ADG sessions survive standby role change ApplicaOon ConOnuity recovers stragglers SWITCHOVER Site A RAC Primary Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Site B RAC Standby 13 12cR2 Oracle Mul:tenant Con:nuous Service Availability TNS COMMON LISTENER REGISTRATION TNS LISTENER Online PDB relocate Drain and cut over in under 10 seconds GL AP CDB1 PO OE OE OE Relocate and Drain Read service ahead CDB2 Final REDO Apply Applica:on Con:nuity moves stragglers Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 14 Use Services for Loca:on Transparency Services provide a “dial in number” for your applicaOon •  Regardless of locaOon, applicaOon keeps the name •  Moving, reshaping, prioriOzing controls how a service is offered •  Batch and OLTP separated RAC instance RAC instance Node 1 Node 2 •  DB and PDB names for admin only OLTP service Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Batch service 15 Are connec:ons properly configured? Automa:c Retries alias =(DESCRIPTION = (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=90) (RETRY_COUNT=20)(RETRY_DELAY=3) (TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=3) (ADDRESS_LIST = (LOAD_BALANCE=on) ( ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST=primary-scan)(PORT=1521))) (ADDRESS_LIST = No reliance on DNS (LOAD_BALANCE=on) Configure in One Place ( ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST=secondary-scan)(PORT=1521))) LDAP or TNS names (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME = gold-cloud))) ALWAYS use a service that is NOT DB/PDB name Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 16 Align the Timeouts NO interruption when Active/ Active RAC Application Timeout Ø Drain + Switch to DG DG Broker Switchover Stop or Relocate Service Drain Work Drain Work RAC Primary RAC Standby Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Switchover 17 3 You are now ready to drain the work Applica:ons should see no errors during maintenance. Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 18 Roll Maintenance - Drain work at safe places Move services in advance Replace connec:ons where applica:ons don’t no:ce Ø  ConnecOon pools Ø  ConnecOon tests Ø  TransacOon boundaries ConOnue on a new connecOon with states restored Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 19 DBA steps – Works Today Repeat for each service allowing Ome to drain •  Stop service (no –force) srvctl stop service –db .. -instance .. -service .. (omit service for all) •  or Relocate service (no –force) srvctl relocate service –db .. -service .. –oldinst .. –newinst srvctl relocate service –db .. -service .. –currentnode.. –targetnode •  Wait for sessions and transac:ons to drain •  For remaining sessions, stop transac:onal exec dbms_service.disconnect_session( ‘… your service ..‘, DBMS_SERVICE.POST_TRANSACTION); •  Stop the instances using your preferred tool; op:on to disable Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 20 Draining with Oracle ConnecOon Pools – Works Today Applica:ons using … Oracle – WebLogic Ac:ve GridLink, UCP, OCI, ODP.NET managed and unmanaged, OCI Session Pool, Tuxedo 3rd party App Servers using UCP: IBM WebSphere, Apache Tomcat, NEC WebOTX DBA Step srvctl [relocate|stop] service (no –force) Immediately new work is redirected Sessions Drain FAN Planned Pools drain sessions as work completes Gradually AcOve sessions are released when returned to pools Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 21 FAN with other Java-Based App Servers – Works Today Use UCP – a simple Data Source replacement IBM WebSphere Apache Tomcat NEC WebOTX See OTN. Pool Data Source Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 22 12c FAN: Standardized, Auto-Configured (HIDDEN) All Oracle use ONS Auto-Configured JDBC Universal ConnecOon Pool JDBC Thin Driver (12.2) OCI/OCCI driver ODP.NET Unmanaged Provider (OCI) DESCRIPTION = (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=90) (RETRY_COUNT=20)(RETRY_DELAY=3) (TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=3) (ADDRESS_LIST = ONS Node Set 1 ODP.NET Managed Provider (C#) (LOAD_BALANCE=on) OCI Session Pool ( ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=primary-scan) (PORT=1521))) WebLogic AcOve GridLink Tuxedo Listener (ADDRESS_LIST = ONS Node Set 2 = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (LOAD_BALANCE=on) ( ADDRESS (HOST=second-scan)(PORT=1521))) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=gold))) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 23 Keep it simple – Stagger draining services Use BATCH services Use OLTP services Seconds Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 24 Stagger Draining – Batch then Online Services •  Use at least two applicaOon services – online and batch/backend •  Start draining batch early •  Online drains in seconds First Instance Online Batch Online Shutdown Quiesce Batch for X hours… Quiesce OLTP for Y seconds Last Instance Online Complete Maintenance Online Batch Online Shutdown Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Online 25 Eliminate Logon Storms 12c Drains Gradually Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 26 12cR2 FAN Use FAN to Invoke Draining Supports 11.2, 12.1, and later databases All Applications On by Default, Auto-Configured Drivers detect, break-out, and drain rd Oracle & 3 Par:es Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 27 12cR2 FAN Enable Connec:on Tests to Drain Supports 11.2, 12.1, and later databases When asked, “ its not good”` •  isValid •  isUsable •  isClosed •  pingDatabase •  SQL Tests •  OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 28 Drain Applica:on Servers at Safe Places Applica:on Server Test Name Connec:on Test to DB Oracle WebLogic – Generic and Mul: data sources TestConnec:onsOnReserve TestConnec:onsOnCreate isUsable SQL – SELECT 1 FROM DUAL Oracle WebLogic Ac:ve GridLink embedded isUsable IBM WebSphere PreTest Connec:ons SQL - SELECT USER FROM DUAL RedHat JBoss check-valid-connec:on-sql SQL - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DUAL Apache TomCat TestonBorrow TestonRelease SQL - SELECT 1 FROM DUAL Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 29 Drain Applica:ons at Safe Places Applica:on Condi:on Connec:on Test to DB TestConnec:onsOnReserve with "BEGIN NULL; END;" eBusiness Suite Connec:on borrowed from Weblogic Fusion Applica:ons TestConnec:onsOnReserve Connec:on returned to WebLogic and C++ with isValid pools and checked OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS Siebel EAI (batch) checks status before star:ng OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS Customer Custom pool with Meta data table Checks status every 60s OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 30 Planned Draining Demonstra:on Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 31 4 DBA Opera:on’s Simplified Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 32 12cR2 One command for maintenance opera:ons Focus on user experience • Group opera:ons at pdb, instance, node and database for services • New service aRributes set once drain_:meout (seconds) stopop:on (immediate, transacOonal) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 33 5 Transac:onal Disconnect For your older style apps Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 34 Some ApplicaOons have Read-Only Failover Built-In Applica:on Set and Forget Siebel TNS + STOPOPTION = TransacOonal Drain_Timeout PeopleSou JD Edwards Informa:ca FAN on for unplanned Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 35 12cR2 TAF SELECT with TransacOon Guard Hides scheduled maintenance and unplanned for read-only apps that set state at start With stopopOon transacOonal, fails over, validates with TransacOon Guard, resets common states 1.  Database Request 6. Response 2. DB Calls 4. TAF: New session + Transac:on Guard + common states 5 DB calls con:nue 3. Disconnect Error 12c ORACLE Database Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 36 36 12cR2 Applica:on Con:nuity for Longer Running • Applications that borrow a connection and do not return until completed • Purges committed transactions as it goes • Stop option Transactional, Drain Timeout “n“ • Rules apply Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 37 ApplicaOon ConOnuity – Long Running Hides scheduled maintenance and unplanned for static applications At disconnect transacOonal, fails over, validates with TG, syncs states, replays 1.  Database Request 6. Response 2. DB Calls Appears to applicaOons 4. AC : New session + Transac:on Guard + as a delayed execuOon. Simple states + Replays 5 DB calls con:nue 3. Disconnect Error 12c ORACLE Database Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 38 6 Set and Forget Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 39 Lessons Learned •  For ConOnuous Service, use an acOve/acOve configuraOon •  Always use applicaOon services •  Focus on the user experience •  Allow applicaOon work to complete before progressing to scheduled maintenance •  Drain the work with no applica:on changes •  Disconnect older style applicaOons transacOonal at the service level •  12.2 Set your drain :me and stop op:on at the service level and you are done Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 40 Take Away 1. Does your environment support rolling? 2. Are connecOons properly configured? 3. Is the applicaOon well behaved? 4. What is your drain Omeout? Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 41 720 5GM H N MDHG 5TRUFS FRJ2 7 FG N MJI2 UJWF NTS 2 75 5TWUTWF NTS ) & )011 FUFSJ J R NSF NTSF UWT NIJW T NS TWRF NTS J MST TL #:C JW N J FSI UWTI Business activities in over 140 Countries and territories Europe, Middle East, and Africa North America 18 23 9 AsiaPacific Latin America 19 10 25 720 0H IH MDHG Greater China Billion dollar in FY2014 sales 4D MH P HA 720#8 C 720 G 8 E E EED G EED G D HGMDGNHN HO N M HA GMN P 2015 Zero error solution enhancement for cloud 2013 Zero error planned DB maintenance and unplanned DB outage solution 2012 ETS 9 TGF FW SJW 3 FWI2 6F FGF J () & (). 2008 2006 2005 2000 1997 1987 NEC high available Linux DB platform NEC’s RAC 11gR1 fast failover best practice NEC’s RAC 10gR2 fast failover best practice STA (Strategic Technology Alliance) started Development alliance for mission critical systems NEC and BEA alliance started NEC and Oracle OEM contract started(first in Japan) 720 0H IH MDHG M 2GOD HG §  §  §  §  §  GM WF J 64 ) A35 #BJW N J WF J N JSFS WF J EJG TLN BJW JW ) WF J 3 N J 6F F 9 FWI FOTW MT UN F FUU N F NTS 83 3UU N F NTS 5TS NS N 3 N J 9WNI NSP EJG TLN BJW JW GridLink DS1 GridLink DS2 A35 TIJ) 64) A35 TIJ 64 GridLink DS3 A35 TIJ+ 64+ 564 720 0H IH MDHG GridLink DS252 A35 TIJ A35 TIJ, 64) 64 6F F 9 FWI 64 A35 TIJ. 64+ 564 6464 M ) 64 JW N J TU A35 STIJ RFNS JSFS J A35 A35 N BJW N J TW 64) M EJG TLN 3 N J 9WNI NSP T :RUF N M BJW N J TW 64 83 N 91/ 91/ 91/ 91/ BJW N J TW 64) M EJG TLN 3 N J 9WNI NSP T :RUF 83 N BJW N J TW 64 M 6WFNS AJ T F J TSSJ NTS N 0ED GM AH G GM T :RUF D J F J N •  •  M M BJW N J TW 64 01/ N JSFS Gradual connection relocate Load Balance 720 0H IH MDHG 6WFNS AJ T F J TSSJ NTS 0ED GM AH G GM BJW N J TW 64) 91/ 91/ Maintenance Maintenance 0ED GM AH G GM 91/ N 0ED GM AH G GM T :RUF D J F J N •  •  •  M M BJW N J TW 64) BJW N J TW 64 01/ N JSFS Applying Patch Set Update Configuration change Hardware maintenance 91/ M + 6F F 5JS JW FNS JSFS J 6F F 5JS JW) EJG TLN 3 N J 9WNI NSP T :RUF N M N M , 91/ 91/ N M 0ED GM AH G GM EJG TLN 3 N J 9WNI NSP T :RUF A35 6F F 9 FWI 01/ 6WFNS AJ T F J TSSJ NTS 0ED GM AH G GM T :RUF D J F J •  N M N M N M N M Maintenance 91/ 83 M 91/ 91/ 91/ N M BJW N J TW 64) N M BJW N J TW 64 83 0ED GM AH G GM N M BJW N J TW 64) N M BJW N J TW 64 A35 01/ 91/ 6F F 5JS JW T :RUF D J F J 91/ N M N M BJW N J TW 64) •  •  •  BJW N J TW 64) A35 91/ 91/ 91/ 564) 6WFNS 8FN T JW TSSJ NTS 0ED GM AH G GM Data Center maintenance 720 0H IH MDHG 64 AJ T F J Maintenance 91/ N 64 RNLWF NTS G 91/ 64 WJ T F J DULWFIJ 564 Migration from on-premise to cloud Major version change Data center hardware replacement 0 6NEMDM G GM 0HGR GH D I 7H 6 DGM G G M MH ED GM 2 WJ J FSI WJ UTS J T :RUF DM MD /HMC 7H 8GEP 7H D E MC G /HMC 7H EJG TLN A35 A35 TIJ!) TIJ! 83 Drain Session ) + 720 0H IH MDHG B TU BJW N J 83 Maintenance B TU :S FS J AJ FW BJW N J 1 M 0 GM 0HGR 6 DGM G G GH D I N DGB 0 1 M 3N M MH ED GM 2 WJ J FSI WJ UTS J T :RUF 83 C B TSSJ NTS WJ W 83 EJG TLN DULWFIJ A35!) ) ( J B FSIG ) WNRFW B N MT JW A35! WNRFW 720 0H IH MDHG Drain Session FN B FW BJW N J Maintenance B FSIG 91/ 8GEDG EH 0HGR H GH M MH EE M G GM # UJS B FW BJW N J ED GM 3UU N F NTS 5TS NS N JSFG J ST JWWTW WJU F EJG TLN 564!) 564! MJW A76 64 S NSJ 5TU NLWF NTS 64 MJW 64 #) AJ T F J - 720 0H IH MDHG S WJ J FSI WJ UTS J The combinatorial solution with FAN, Application Continuity, Real Application Clusters, Data Guard, WebLogic Server Active GridLink and NEC hardware and middleware enables us to provide incredibly high available system for our Mission Critical customers. This solution will become our primary solution for cloud and big data areas. Yuki Moriyama Senior Manager, NEC Corporation Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 50 Safe Harbor Statement The preceding is intended to outline our general product direcOon. It is intended for informaOon purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or funcOonality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and Oming of any features or funcOonality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discreOon of Oracle. Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 51 Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | ConfidenOal – Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 52