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Radio Digital Akai Apw10




AKAI MANUAL DE UTILIZARE Cititi cu atentie acest manual si pastrati-l pentru urmatoare consultari. 1 SEMNIFICATIA AFISAJELOR LCD 1. Indicator Timp/Frecventa 2. Indicator Bass (Frecvente Joase) 3. Indicator FM Stereo 4. Indicator intensitate semnal 5. Indicator functie timp alarama 6. Indicator timp pornire automata. 7. Indicator alimentare 8. Indicator timp oprire automata(sleep) 9. Semnul tasta blocare 10. Unitatea de frecventa SW(MHz) 11. Unitatea de frecventa MW(KHz) 12. Numarul adresei de salvare a frecventei postului. 13. Indicator banda SW 14. Indicator functie Snooze 15. Indicator frecventa MW 16. Indicator banda FM 17. Unitate frecventa FM(MHz) FOLOSIREA SURSEI EXTERNE DE ALIMENTARE 1. Cuplati adaptorul (neinclus) la reteaua de 220V si porniti alimentatorul. 2. Conectati adaptorul (neinclus) la mufa aparatului . 3. Porniti radio Nota: 1. La folosirea unei surse exterioare cu adaptor(neinclus) alimentarea de la baterii a aparatului va fi decuplata. 2. Inainte de a folosi adaptoul verificati polaritatea suresei externe pentru a elimina defectarea aparatului.Polaritatea sursei externe este aratata ca mai jos (minusul este in centru) 3. Tensiunea sursei externe poate fi selecata in domeniul 3V ~ 4,5 V. 2 4. Cand adaptorul nu este folosit ,va rugam opriti-l .La folosirea adaptorului o perioada mai mare de timp este indicat sa scoateti bateriile. INSTALAREA BATERIILOR 1. Deschideti compartimentul bateriilor de pe spatele aparatului. 2. Introduceti 2 baterii AA in compartiment respectand polaritatea. 3. Inchideti compartimentul bateriilor.  Daca nu se poate opri aparatul sau volumul este instabil in timpul receptiei ,bateriile sunt descarcate.Reduceti volumul sau inlocuiti bateriile.  Pentru a preveni pierderea datelor salvate ,dupa oprirea aparatului inlocuiti imediat bateriile.  Inlocuirea bateriilor 1. In modul oprit ,inlocuiti bateriile cat mai repede cu putinta. 2. Inlocuiti bateriile in maxim un minut .In caz contrara programarile ceasului si a posturilor din memorie se vor pierde.Timpul afisat va fi 0:00 si va trebui sa reprogramati aparatul. 3. Daca inlocuiti bateriile cu aparatul pornit se vor pierde toate datele din memorie.De aceea este indicat sa inlocuiti bateriile cu aparatul oprit. Sfaturi: 1. Nu amestecati bateriile noi cu cele vechi. 2. Saca nu folositi radio o perioada mare de timp scoate-ti bateriile pentru a evita curgerea si defectarea aparatului. INDICATORUL DE PUTERE Indicatorul de putere este indicat in 3 segmente: Baterii incarcate la maxim Baterii incarcate la minim Baterii descarcate, auto stingere dupa palpaire Sfaturi: 1. In cazul in care semnul de baterie la minim este afisat ,chiar si la volum mic sau pe ceas ,trebuie inlocuite bateriile pentru a preveni curgerea acestora.Daca aparatul se opreste automat dupa ce ati cautat posturile ,inseamna ca bateriile au nivel foarte scazut si deci trebuie inlocuite.Cand radio se opreste automat datorita bateriilor descarcate ,indicatorul de alimentare se stimge dar asta nu inseamna ca aveti baterii normale.Starea bateriilor trebuie judecata dupa afisajul de putere cand radio este pornit. 2. Pentru a avea o folosire mai indelungata folositi baterii alkaline. Corodarea.oxidarea ,curgerea bateriilor si oricare alta defectare graduala data de acid sau de acesta natura va anula garantia. VERIFICARI INAINTE DE FOLOSIRE. 1. Verificati Tasta Blocare.Cand semnul “ ” apare pe ecran dupa pornire ,inseamna ca radio este blocat in acest mod.Toatae celelalte taste cu exceptia Tastei Blocare,Stergere,Volum, Comutator Domeniu Lung/Scurt vor fi blocate si trebuie anulata tasta de blocare pentru alte operatii. Sfat: Cand aveti un radio AD-T506 este posibil ca ati atins din greseala comutatorul de pornire si veti decsrca bateriile,sau ati atins alte taste in timp ce asculatati radio si astfel perturbati postul asculatat. 3 Pentru a preveni acest lucru se poate folosi comutatorul special de blocare radio care blocheaza tastele pentru a pastra receptia postului.Apasarea mai lunga de 4 secunde a tastei “Input/Lock” poate bloca sau anula blocarea tastelor. 2. Verificarea Comutatorului Domeniu Lung/Scurt .Daca nu sunteti aproape de emitatorul postului ,alegeti Domeniu Lung al comutatorului pentru receptie mai buna. REAGLAJUL CEASULUI Aparatul este programat din fabrica in sistemul de ceas cu 24 ore .La pornire aparatul arata 0:00.Daca apasati scurt tasta mod cu aparatul oprit se poate comuta afisajul de la la timp curent.Daca apasati scurt tasta mod cu aparatul pornit ,se poate comuta timpul curent, timp , timp si frecventa post. REGLAJUL TIMPULUI 1. Comutati radio pe mod afisare. Daca radio este in mod pornit ,opriti radio pentru a putea intra in mod afisaj. 2. La apasarea scurta a tastei Memory/Clock in mod oprit ,numarul oreleor va palpaii de 5 ori.Introduceti timpul dorit cu tastele numerice 0-9 in timp ce acesta palpaie sau apasatia tastele “+” sau “_” pentru a creste sau reduce numarul. Apasati tasta Memory/Clock din nou si numarul minutelor va palpaii de 5 ori. Introduceti numarul dorit cu tastele numerice 0~9 sau cu tastele “+” sau “-“ pentru a creste sau descreste numarul. Nota: Prin apasarea scurta a tastei Memory/Clock in timp ce ceasul palpaie se confirma intrarea,sau intrarea va fi confirmata automat dupa ce ceasul a palpapiit de 5 ori. PORNIREA/OPRIREA RADIOULUI 1. Porniti radio prin apasarea butonulu “Power Switch” si radio va intra in modul receptie pe postul pe care a functionat inainte de oprire.Apasand din nou acelasi buton aparatul se opreste. Nu apasati acest buton frecvent.Lasati cel putin 3 secunde intre doua intaervale de apasare. 2. Porniti aparatul cu Functia Time Auto Power-on(pornit). Prin apasarea scurta a tastei Alarm/Snooze in modul oprit se poate porni timpul de functionare si radio va porni automat la timpul programat pentru pornire. Sfat: Pentru operarea selectarilor si anularea functiilor de pornire automata ,vedeti capitolul descries mai departe in acest manual. 3. Functionarea Opririi Automate pe Sleep cu functia oprire automata dupa timp ,se poate programa timpul de receptie radio prin alegerea domeniului intre 10 si 100 minute.Cand timpul de receptie atinge timpul programat ,radio se opreste automat pentru a preveni functionarea un timp indelungat dupa ce ati adormit si astfel sa consumati bateriile. Pasi: 1 Apasati tasta Sleep cu aparatul pornit si pe afisaj apare 100minute.Alegeti timpul de oprire in domeniul 10 ~ 100 minute ,de exemplu 90 minute. 2 Daca nu mai apasati nici-o tasta timp de 4 secunde ecranul revine la afisajul frecventei radio si semnul de timp sleep indica ca radioul este in mod oprire sleep si se va opri automat dupa 90 minute. Sfat: Cu timpul functiei oprire automata sleep se poate fixa timpul de oprire sleep duap ce radioul porneste automat. ALEGEREA TONULUI. Aparatul are posibilitatea de a alege dintre trei tonuri diferite.Selectarea adecvata a tonului va permite sa aveti cel mai bun efect al receptiei.Tonul poate fi ales cu tasta conversie ton in modul pornit al radioului.Mono este pentru receptia semnalelor slabe sau programelor lingvistice ale emitatoarelor FM cu o singura banda.Stereo este pentru receptia semnalelor puternice a programelor muzicale sau a emitatoarelor FM stereo.Bass-ul este tipul d e efect sonor pentru receptia posturilor stereo avnd afisat pe ecran in partea de sus a ecranului si prin apasare scurta a tastei ton se poate alege modul stereo sau mono.Printr-o apasare mai lunga de 2 secunde 4 se poate selecta sau anula modul Bass si cand se alege Bass ,semnul “BASS” va fi afisat pe ecran. Nota Speciala: Se poate sterge efectul sonor daca opriti Bass in timp ce ascultati la difuzoare. ALEGEREA BANDEI La pornirea radioului ,se poate selecta 5 banzi de programe radio incluzand FM1, FM2, MW, SW1,SW2 cu tasta selectorului de benzi cu afisajul corespunzator pe ecran. CAUTAREA POSTURILOR 1. Cautarea Manuala Cautarea Manuala poate fi facuta prin numeroase apasari scurte pe tasta de cautare frecventa “+” sau “-“ regland receptia pana la obtinerea unui semnal radio satisfacator. Sfat: Cautarea Manuala este decvata pentru posturile cu semnal slab. 2. Cautarea Automata Cautarea automata porneste de la frecventa postului ascultat ca punct de plecare sus sau jos si se opreste la receptia unui post cu semnal corespunzator. Pasi: 1. Tineti apasat tasta cautare frecventa “+” sau “-“ pentru mai mult de 0.5 secunde si cand frecventa radio afisata incepe sa se modifice eliberati tasta. 2. Cand radio receptioneaza un semnal clar ,cautarea automata se va opri si radio va receptiona postul gasit. Nota; - daca postul gasit nu este cel dorit, se pot repeta pasii de mai sus pana la obtinerea postului dorit. - Daca mentineti apasata tasta de cautare in timpul cautarii,cautarea automata va sari toate posturile in procesul de cautare. - Daca apasati din nou tasta cautare in timpul cautarii,se poate opri cautarea. Sfaturi: Cautarea automata este adecvata pentru cautarea posturilor cu semnal puternic. - Pentru a localiza rapid posturile cu semnal slab se poate face un compromis intre cautarea automata si cautarea manuala, prin cautarea rapida a posturilor cu semnal puternic mai intai si apoi facand acord fin cu cautare manuala la posturile cu semnal slab. - Daca viteza cu care se schimba digitii devine lenta pe ecran la cautarea automata,exista un post cu semnal slab in acea zona si se poate cauta manual aceasta statie. 3. Functia Salvare Cautare Automata. Porniti radioul ,alaegeti banda unde doriti sa cautati apasand scurt tasta banda si apoi apasati scurt tasta auto si aparatul va incepe cautarea automata a frecventelor posturilor si salvarea lor in ordinea de la frecventa cea mai joasa catre cea mai mare.Cautarea automata se opreste la cautarea si salvarea a 10 posturi sau la sfarsitul domeniului de frecventa si porneste redarea ultimelor posturi cautate si salvate.Apasand scurt pe alte taste ca “Light(lumina”,Mode(Mod)”,”Tone” si “Alarm/Snooze” se va opri si iesi din salvare cautare automata. Nota: Procesul de cautare si salvare acopera posturile originale salvate in memorie. 4. Receptia si Memorarea Posturilor Radio AD-TS06 poate avea memorie pentru 20 posturi FM ,60 posturi pentru pentru FM2,40 posturi pentru MW, 30 posturi pentru SW1,50 posturi pentru SW2,toate fiind 200 posturi. Se pot da numere si salva in memorie posturile favorite.Cand asculatati la radio ,se pot selecta adresele pentru a asculta posturile slavate. Nota: - Apasati tasta Band pentru a selecta banda dorita. - Apasati tastele numerice direct pentru a selecta una din adresele numere de 0 la 9 a oricarui post salvat in memorie. 5. Introducerea Frecventelor Posturilor Daca stiti exact frecventa postului dorit ,se poate receptioana postul introducand direct frecventa postului. - Alegeti banda dorita 5 - Apasati tasta Input/Lock.Ecranul se va sterge si aveti 8 secunde pentru introducerea frecventei. - Introduceti frecventa corect cu tastele numerice 0 ~ 9. - Apasati tasta Input/Lock din nou pentr a receptioana postul. EXEMPLE DE INTRODUCERE A FRECVENTELOR POSTURILOR. 1. Introducem frecventa FM 104,7 MHz. - Alegeti banda FM dupa ce ati pornit radio. - Apasati tasta Input/Lock pentru a avea un afisaj ca in imagine. - Introduceti cu tastele numerice apasand tasta Input/Lock in 8 secunde dupa introducerea frecventei si veti receptiona postul FM2 104,7MHz. 2. Introducerea frecventei MW567KHz - Alegeti banda MW dupa ce ati pornit radio. - Apasati tasta Input/Lock pentru a avea un afisaj ca in imagine. - Introduceti cu tastele numerice 5.6.7 apasand tasta Input/Lock in 8 secunde dupa introducerea frecventei si veti receptiona postul MW567KHz. 3. Introducerea frecventei SW6.125MHz - Alegeti banda SW dupa ce ati pornit radio. - Apasati tasta Input/Lock pentru a avea un afisaj ca in imagine. - Introduceti cu tastele numerice apasand tasta Input/Lock in 8 secunde dupa introducerea frecventei si veti receptiona postul SW6.125MHz. 4. Introducerea frecventei SW21.40MHz. - Alegeti banda SW2 dupa ce ati pornit radio. - Apasati tasta Input/Lock pentru a avea un afisaj ca in imagine. - Introduceti cu tastele numerice apasand tasta Input/Lock in 8 secunde dupa introducerea frecventei si veti receptiona postul SW21.40MHz. INDICATORUL BANDA METRICA SI CONVERSIA Posturile SW sunt concentrate cu si langa domeniul benzii metrice ,pentru receptie convenabila,aparatul are o tasta specila Band Meter care poate face conversia in domeniul banzii metrice SW1 si SW2 care sunt folosite constant.De toate sunt 12 benzi metrice receptionabile pe acest aparat, 5 benzi metrice in domeniul SW1 si 7 benzi metrice la SW2.Dupa pornirea aparatului ,pe SW1 sau SW2 ,se poate converti si selecta banda metrica prin apasarea scurta repetata a tastei si selecta frecventa benzii metrice si frecventa benzii metrice selectate va fi frecventa de start a benzii metrice. Se poate selecta postul dorit prin cautarea inainte sau inapoi manual sau au automat. SALVAREA POSTURILOR 6 Numerele adreselor de la 0 la 9 ale fiecarei benzi a ADT-S06 sunt folosite pentru a salva 10 posturi receptionate frecvent. 1. Cautati un post manual, automat sau introducand direct frecventa. 2. Apasati tasta Memory/Clock si semnul MEMORY apare pe afisaj si va palpaii. 3. Introduceti numarul adresei prin tastare pe tastele numerice si numarul adresei va fi afisat in dreapta jos pe ecran. 4. Apasati tasta Memory/Clock din nou pentru a salva postul si semnul Memory va dispare de pe ecran. PROGRAMAREA TIMPULUI DE PORNIRE AUTOMATA Intrati in - Timp de Pornire Automata “ mod programare apasand scurt tasta “mode” si cand semnul” “ palpaie ,apasati scurt tasta Memory /Clock astfel incat cifra orei sa palpaie de 5 ori. In timp ce aceasta cifra palpaie introduceti ora direct din tastele numerice 0 ~ 9 sau selectati ora apasand scurt tastele “+” sau “-“ si apoi apasati tasta Memory/Clock in timp ce ora palpaie.De aceasta data va palpaii cifra minutelor de 5 ori. Introduceti minutele cu tastele numerice de la 0 ~ 9 in timp ce minutele palpaie sau selectati minutele prin apasarea tastei “+” sau “-“. PROGRAMAREA TIMPULUI DE ALARMA Apasati repetat scurt tasta “Mode” pentru a intra in programare “ -Timp Alarma” si cand semnul “ “ palpaie de 5 ori ,apasati scurt tasta Memory/Clock astfel incat numarul ora va palpaii de 5 ori. In timp ce ora palpaie introduceti direct ora cu tastele numerice 0 ~ 9 sau selectati ora dorita prin apasarea tastelor “+” sau “-“ si apoi apasati din nou tasta Memory/Clock in timp ce ora palpaie.La fel pentru minute cand incep sa palpie de 5 ori ,introduceti minutele apasand tastele numerice ) ~ 9 sau tastele “+’ sau “-“. TIMPUL DE PORNIRE AUTOMATA SI TIMPUL DE START AL ALARMEI. Dupa programarea timpului de pornire automata in modul ceas apasati scurt tasta Alarm/Snooze pentru a porni functi timp de alarama.De exemplu pornit sau pornit sau ambele pornite. Pornit: Daca timpul ajunge la timpul programat ,radio va porni si va receptiona postul receptionat inainte de oprire. Apasati tasta Powe pentru oprire.Daca nu apasati tasta Power ,radio se va opri automat intr-o ora. Daca apasati tasta Alarm/Snooze in timp ce procesul este pornit ,radio va suna 5 minute inainte de pornire si daca apasati tasta Power in timpul snooze,va iesi din starea de snooze pornit .Daca timpul ajunge la timpul programat ,alarama va porni.Se poate apasa oricare tasta pentru oprirea alarmei sau se va opri automat intr-o ora. TIMPUL DE OPRIRE AUTOMATA SLEEP 1. Programarea Timpului de Oprire Automata Sleep. - Apasati tasta Sleep pentru a intra in modul timp automat de oprire sleep.Ecranul va afisa semnul sleep si timpul de oprire sleep din fabrica 100minute. - Apasati repetat tasta in timp de 4 secunde si ecranul va afisa urmatorii timpi in ciclu ca in imagine, in pasi de decsrestere de 10 minute la fiecare apasare. - Eliberati tasta la atingerea timpului de oprire automata dorit si ecranul va reveni la afisajul frecventei in 4 secunde ca in imagine si radio se va opri automat dupa trecerea timpului programat. 2. Anularea Timpului de oprire automata. - Daca doriti sa anulati programarea timpului sleep se poate apasa repetat tasta Sleep pna ce 7 - semnul dispare. Daca doriti sa anulati functia oprire automata in modul sleep se poate apasa tasta Sleep si - Semnul va dispare. SELECTAREA DOMENIULUI DE SENSIBILITATE LUNG/SCURT Pentru benzile SW si FM ,se poate regla sensibilitatea apasand butonul Domeniu Lung/Scurt. In mod normal se poate fixa butonul pe pozitia doemeniu lung.Dar daca veti receptiona un semnal puternic de la un post local ,veti avea interferente puternice si veti fi obligati sa treceti pe domeniu lung. REGLAJUL VOLUMULUI Se poate regla volumul rotind butonul de volum FOLOSIREA CASTILOR Daca asculatati radio cu casti ,difuzorul interior al radioului va fi deconectat. Cu difuzorul intern nu se poate asculta muzica decat mono.Daca doriti sa ascultati un post FM stereo ,trebuie folosite neaparat castile livrate impreuna cu radio. FOLOSIREA TASTEI STERGERE Radio AD-TS06 are un microprocesor CMOS de procesare a datelor incorporat,cand apar erori la inlocuirea bateriilor sau la schimbarea sursei externe, sau aparatul a fost expus la interferente puternice procesorul intern intra intr-un mod ciclic si nu mai raspunde la comenzile externe. 1 Cand radio nu raspunde la nici-o comanda fara ca semnul “ “ sa fie afisat pe ecran ,sau nu afiseaza nimic pe ecran,radio este intr-un fel mort.In acest caz se poate apasa tasta Reset cu un obiect subtire pentru a sterge programarile. 2 Cand radio este in receptie normala dar toate alte taste exceptand comutatorul power ,comutator de iluminare si tasta sus/jos sunt functionale ,radio este de asemenea intr-un fel mort deci va fi necesar sa sa-l resetati. FOLOSIREA LUMINII DE NOAPTE Pentru a folosi radio noaptea in locuri intunecoase AD-TS06 este echipat cu o lumina speciala de noapte. Cand aveti nevoie se poate apasa tasta Light(lumina).Lumina din partea de jos a aecranului si tastele se vor lumina timp de 8 secunde. Daca faceti oricare operatie in 8 secunde iluminarea tastelor continua inca 8 secunde dupa ultima actioanre. SFATURI PENTRU PROTECTIA RADIO 1 Daca doriti sa mentineti performantele aparatului timp indelungat evitati folosirea acestuia in locuri ca: - bai sau alte locuri umede - in lumina puternica a soarelui sau langa surse de caldura, - locuri murdare 2 Evitati lovirea sau bruscarea in oricare alt mod al aparatului. 3 In caz de probleme cititi cu atentie acest manual. Suport de sustinere Deschideti suportul din spatele radioului, trageti la 360° antena telescopica si lasati-l sa stea vertical, pastrati destul spatiu intre dumneavoastra si boxe. 8 Caracteristici tehnice Domeniile de frecventa FM 1: 76.0 – 87.0 MHz FM2 : 87.0 – 408.0 MHz MW : 522 – 1620 KHz SW1 :3.0 – 9.0 SW2: 9.0 – 26.10 MHz Putere consumata : 150 MW Putere consumata in standby : 125 MW Alimentare : 2 x UM3 „AA“ sau baterii echivalente DC 3V Difuzoare : Intern – D50mm 16 ohmi Casti – D3.5mm 32 ohm Dimensiuni 116x72 x 22mm Reciclarea ecipamentelor electrice si electronice uzate Acest simbol prezent pe produs sau pe ambalaj semnifica faptul ca produsul respectiv nu trebuie tratat ca un deseu menajer obisnuit .Nu aruncati aparatul la gunoiul menajer la sfarsitul duratei de f unctionare ,ci duceti-l la un centru de colectare autorizat pentru reciclare .In acest fel veti ajuta la protejarea mediului inconjurator si veti putea impidica eventualele consecinte negative pe care le-ar avea asupra mediului si sanatatii umane. Pentru a afla adresa celui mai apropiat centru de colectare : - Contactati autoritatile locale ; - Accesati pagina de internet - Solicitati informatii suplimentare de la magazinul de unde ati achizitionat produsul 9 PLL FM STEREO/ MW/ SW RECEIVER APW10 Operator's manual (GB) 1~17 ANTENNA LCD DISPLAY 0~9 NUMBER KEY POWER VOLUME LIGHT BAND SELECTOR FM SEARCH UP/ TIME + FM SEARCH DOWN/ TIME EARPHONE JACK MODE KEY EXTERNAL DC JACK AUTO SEARCH MEMORY METER BAND SLEEP ON/ OFF RESET INPUT/ LOCK KEY EXTERNAL ANTENNA JACK LONG/ SHORT RANGE SELECTOR BATTERY DOOR MEMORY/ TIME TONE SELECTOR ALARM/ SNOOZE SCRIPTION OF LCD DISPLAY 1. Frequency/ Time indication 2. Bass indication 3. FM Stereo indication 4. Signal intensity indication 5. Time alarm function indication 6. Time auto power on indication 7. Power indication 8. Sleep timing auto off indication 9. Key lock sign 10.SW frequeny unit (MHz) 11.MW frequency unit (KHz) 12.Saved station frequency address number 13.SW band indication 14.Snooze function indication 15.MW frequency indication 16.FM band indication 17.FM frequency unit (MHz) 1 4 3 2 5 6 7 BASS 8 9 1 17 16 15 14 MHz KHz MHz FM12 MW SW12 SNOOZE 10 11 MEMO 12 13 USING EXTERNAL POWER SOURCE 1. Plug adapter (not included) into 220V DC power socket and turn on the adapter switch. 2. Connect adapter (not included) to the power jack of the unit. 3. Turn on the radio. Note: 1. When using external power with adapter (not included), battery power in the radio will be automatically cut off. 2. Prior to use of the adapter, please check the polarity of the external power source to avoid damaging the unit. Polarity of the external power plug is shown as follows ( Negative pole is in the middle ). 3. Voltage of external power can be " " selected in the range 3V ~ 4.5V. 4. When the adapter is not in use, please turn off the switch. When using the adapter to supply power to the radio for a long time, batteries in the unit should be removed. BATTERY INSTALLATION 1. Open the battery compartment cover on the back of the radio. 2. Insert 2 AA batteries in the compartment with correct direction of the polarity. 3. Close the cover of the compartment. 2 • If you cannot turn of the radio or have unstable volume during reception, you may have low battery. Turn the volume down or replace the batteries in that case. • In order to prevent losing saved data after turning off the radio, please replace the batteries in time. • Replacing Batteries 1. At turn-off state of the radio, replace the batteries as soon as possible. 2. Replace the batteries within 1 minute. Otherwise, clock setting and station data in the memory will be lost with time display of 0:00, in which case, you have to reset the radio. 3. If you replace the batteries at turn-on state of the radio, you will lose all saved data in the memory. Therefore, replace batteries at turn-off state. Tips: 1. Do not use a new battery with an old one. 2. In case you do not use the radio for a long time, please take out the batteries so as to avoid leakage that may cause damage to the unit. 3. In case of leakage happened, please wipe away the electrolyte in the battery compartment with a piace of soft cloth prior to Flickering inserting new batteries. POWER INDICATION The unit has adopted 3-stage power indications of " " to show battery power state subject to indication at power on. BASS FM 1 2 MHz KHz MHz MW SW12 Full battery SNOOZE Low battery Very low battery in which the indication fllckers and then automatically goes off. MEMO Tips: 1. In case of low battery sign of " " displayed even at low volume 3 operation or at clock mode, you should replace the batteries at once to prevent battery leak. If the unit automatically turns off after turning it on, it means that battery is very low and you should replace batteries at once. When the radio automatically turns off due to very low battery, power indication will go up, but it does not mean that you have normal battery. Battery power should be judged according to power indication displayed when the radio is turned on. 2. To ensure the unit to work longer hours, we recommend alkali batteries. Corrosion, oxidation, battery-leakage and any other gradually acidic defect of this nature will invalidate the guarantee. CHECK PRIOR TO USE 1. Checking Key Lock Switch When " " sign appears on the screen after power on, it means that the radio is at lock state. All other keys except Key Lock, Reset, Volume, Long/ Short Range Switch will not respond and you have to cancel key lock in order to make other key operations. BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM12 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM12 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO Tip: When you carry AD-TS06 radio with you, you may touch the power switch unconsciously and turn on the radio, causing waste of battery power; or you may touch other keys while listening to the radio disturbing you current station. To prevent this, you can use the special key lock switch of the radio to lock keys so as to keep current state of reception. Long press of " Input/ Lock " for 4 seconds can select or cancel key lock. 2. Checking Long/ Short Range Selecting Switch If you are not close to radio transmission stations, please select Long Range of the Long/ Short Range Switch so that you can receive radio signals better. ADJUSTING CLOCK The unit has adopted 24-hour system and when power is on, default 4 time of the unit is 0:00. If you short press mode key at turn-off state, you can switch to display of " " time, " " time and current time in turn; If you short press mode key at turn-on state, you can switch to display of current time, " " time, " " time and station frequency in turn. Adjusting Time 1. Switch the radio to time display mode. If the radio is currently at turn-on state, please turn off the radio first to get into time display mode. 2. When short pressing Memory/ Clock key at turn-off state, hour number flickers for 5 times. Input desired hour with number keys of 0~9 while it is flickering or press " + " or " - " key to increase or reduce the number. Press Memory/ Clock key again and minute number flickers for 5 times. Input desired minute with number keys of 0~9 directly or press " + " or " - " key to increase or reduce the number. Note: By short pressing Memory/ Clock key while clock number flickers, you can confirm the input, or the input will be automatically confirmed after clock number flickers 5 times. TURNING ON/ OFF RADIO 1. Turning On with Power Switch Press power switch and the radio will turn on and get into reception mode to receive the station signal previously received before the radio turned off. Press the switch again and the radio will turn off. Do not press power switch frequently. Please leave at least 3 seconds of intervals between presser. 2. Turning On with Time Auto Power-on Function by short pressing Alarm/ Snooze key at turn-off state, you can turn on time auto power-on function. If you have already set time auto power-on time, just turn on time auto power-on function and the radio will automatically turn on at the preset time of time power-on time. BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE 5 MEMO Tip: For operations of selecting and canceling time auto power-on functions, please refer to detailed description of time auto power-on operation on Page 10. 3. Sleep Auto Power-off Operation with time auto power-off function, you can set reception time of the radio with selection range from 10 minutes to 100 minutes. When reception time reaches preset time, the radio will automatically turn off to prevent the radio working on for a long time after you sleep wasting battery power. Steps: 1. Press Sleep key at turn-on state and the screen will display 100 minutes. Select sleep time power-off time from the range of 10~100 minutes, 90 minutes for example. 2. If there is no key operation within 4 seconds after you select time, the screen will return to current radio frequency display and sleep time sign will be displayed on the screen indicating that the radio is at sleep time auto power-off state and the radio will turn off automatically after 90 minutes. BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE BASS MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO Tip: With sleep auto power-off function, you can also set sleep poweroff time after the radio automatically powers on. SELECTING TONE The unit has three tone choices for you to select from. Proper selection of the tone enables you to have the best effect of reception. Tone can be selected with tone converting key at turn-on state of the radio. Mono is for reception of weak signals or language programs of single sound track FM broadcasting; Stereo is for reception of strong signals of music programs or FM stereo broadcasting; Bass is a kind of sound effect for reception of stereo station signals with screen display of " " on top of the screen and by short pressing tone converting key, you can select stereo state or mono state. By 6 long pressing the key for 2 seconds, you can select or cancel Bass state and when you select Bass, " BASS " Stereo Stereo Bass sign will be displayed on the screen. BASS Special Note: You will have clearer sound effect if you turn off Bass while listening with the speaker. BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO SELECTING BAND When you turn on the radio, you can select 5 bands of radio programs including FM1, FM2, MW, SW1, SW2 with band selecting key with corresponding band display on the screen. SEARCHING FOR STATIONS 1. Manual Search Manual search can be made by numerous short presser of frequency searching key " + " or " - ", judging reception state until a satisfactory station signal is searched. Tip: Manual search is suitable for searching stations with weak signals. 2. Auto Search Auto search starts with current frequency as starting point to automatically search station signals up or down and stops searching when a station signals is searched. Steps: 1. Keep pressing frequency search key " + " or " - " for more than 0.5 second and when radio frequency display starts to change, release the key. 2. When the radio receives a comparatively clear signal, auto search will stop and the radio will receive the searched station. - If the searched station is not your desired one, you can repeat the above step to make auto search again. - If you keep on pressing search key during search, auto search will skip all of the stations during search process. - If you press search key again during search, you can stop auto search. 7 Tips:- Auto search is suitable for searching stations with strong signals - In order to quickly locate stations with weak signals, you can make use of the advantages of auto search and manual search by reaching a station quickly with auto search first and then making fine tuning with manual search. - If the speed of digit change slows down on the screen during auto search, there may be a station with weak signal around and you can use manual search to search for the station with weak signal. 3. Auto Search Saving Function Turn on the radio, select a band to be searched by short pressing band key and then short press auto key and the unit will automatically search for station frequencies and save them in sequence from low frequencies to high frequencies in the current band. Auto search stops when 10 stations are searched and saved or reaches the end of the frequency range of the band and starts receiving the last searched and saved station. Short press of other keys than " Light ", " Mode ", " Tone " and " Alarm/ Snooze " will stop and exit from auto search saving. Note: Search and saving process will cover the original stations saved in the memory. BAND BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO MEMO 4. Receiving and Memorizing Station AD-TS06 radio can provide memory space of 20 stations for FM, 60 stations for FM2, 40 stations for MW, 30 stations for SW1, 50 stations for SW2, all together 200 stations. You can number your favorite stations and save them in the memory. When you listen to the radio, you can select the address to listen to the saved stations. 1. Press Band key to select desired band. 2. Press number keys directly to select one of the address numbers from 0 to 9 select any one of the station frequencies saved in the address. BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE 8 MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO 5. Inputting Station Frequency If you remember the correct frequency of your desired station, you can receive the station by directly inputting the frequency of the station. a)Select desired band. b)Press Input/Lock key. Screen will be cleared and there is 8 seconds for you to input the frequency. c) Input the frequency correctly with number keys of 0~9. d)Press Input/ Lock key again to receive the station of the frequency. EXAMPLE OF INPUTTING STATION FREQUENCY 1. Inputting FM 104.7MHz a)Select FM band after turning on the raaio. b)Press Input/ Lock key for display as shown in the pictures on the left. c) Input with number keys, press Input/ Lock key again within 8 seconds after inputting the frequency and you can receive the station of FM2 104.7MHz. 2. Inputting MW567KHz a)Select MW band after turning on the radio. b)Press Input/ Lock key for display as shown in the pictures on the left. c) Input 5.6.7 with number keys, press Input/ Lock key again after inputting the frequency and you can receive the station of MW567KHz. 3. Inputting SW6.125MHz a)Select SW1 by short pressing Band after turning on the radio. b)Press Input/ Lock key for display as shown in the pictures on the left. c) Input with number keys, press Input/ Lock key again after inputting the frequency and you can receive the station of SW6.125MHz. BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE 9 BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO 4. Inputting SW21.40MHz a)Select SW2 by short pressing Band after turning on the radio. b)Press Input/ Lock key for display as shown in the pictures on the left. c) Input with number keys, press Input/ Lock key again after inputting the frequency and you can receive the station of SW21.40MHz. BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO Tip: At short wave state, as the unit has adopted advancing step length of 0.005MHz, so far as you input the third digit after decimal, the unit will automatically correct it to 5. On completion of correct input of short wave frequency, the unit will automatically adjust the input digits and display decimal form. In case input frequency is beyond the frequency range of the band (or an inkling input is judged to be beyond the frequency range) when you input a station frequency, there will be "Err" (error) displayed on the screen and the frequency input will be ineffective. In this case, please make sure of the band in which you desired station belongs and then try it again. METER BAND INDICATION AND CONVERSION As SW stations are mainly concentrated within and near meter band range, for convenient reception, the unit has a special Meter Band key that can make conversion within the range of meter bands of SW1 and SW2 that are constantly used. There are altogether 12 meter bands in the unit, 5 meter bands in the range of SW1 and 7 meter bands in the range of SW2. After turning on the radio, at the state of SW1 or SW2, you can convert and select meter band with repeated short presses on the key and the selected meter band frequency will be the starting frequency of the meter band. You can select your desired station by searching forward or backward manually or automatically. Note: If press the key at FM or MW, the unit will get into SW1. 10 SAVING STATIONS Address numbers of 0~9 of each band of ADT-S06 are used to save 10 stations that you constantly receive. 1. Search a desired station manually, automatically or directly inputting frequency. 2. Press Memory/ Clock key and MEMORY sign on the screen will start flickering. 3. Input address number with Flickering number key and the address number will be displayed at the bottom on the right of the screen. 4. Press Memory/ Clock key again to save the station and MEMORY sign will disappear. BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW1 2 SNOOZE MEMO Tips: 1. If you do not input an address number of 0~9 within the time while MEMORY is flickering for 4 times, MEMORY sign will disappear and your previous will be cancelled. 2. In case a station address is repeated, the original station in the address will be covered by the new station frequency. Therefore, please make sure that the current address does not already exist in the memory when you are saving stations in the memory. SETTING TIME AUTO POWER-ON Get into " -Time Auto Power-on" setting state by short pressing "Mode" key and when " " sign flickers, short press Memory/ C lock key so that hour digit will flicker for 5 times. While hour digit flickers, directly input hour digit with 0~9 number keys or select hour digit by short pressing " + " or " - " key and then press Memory/ Clock key while hour digit is flickering. This time, minute digit will flicker for 5 times. Input minute digit with 0~9 number keys while minute digit is flickering or select minute digit by pressing " + " or " - " key. BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO Note: Confirm input time by short pressing Memory/ Clock key while 11 clock digits are flickering or leave the digits flicker 5 times until the input time is automatically confirmed. SETTING TIME ALARM Repeatedly short press " Mode" key to get into " -Time Alarm" setting state and when " " sign flickers, short press Memory/ Clock key so that hour digit will flicker for 5 times. While hour digit flickers, directly input hour digit with 0~9 number keys or select hour digit by short pressing " + " or " - " key and then press Memory/ Clock key while hour digit is flickering. This time minute digit will flicker for 5 times. Input minute digit with 0~9 number keys while minute digit is flickering or select minute digit by pressing " + " or " - " key. Note: Confirm input time by short pressing Memory/ Clock key while clock digits are flickering or leave the digits flicker 5 times until the input time is automatically confirmed. TIME AUTO POWER-ON AND STARTING TIME ALARM After setting auto power-on time at clock state, short press Alarm/ Snooze key to start and select time auto power-on and time alarm functions. For example, " " on or " " on, or " " both on. Flickering " " On State: If time arrives at " " preset time, radio will turn on and receive the station you received before turning off the radio. Press Power key to turn it off. If you do not press Power key, the radio will automatically turn off in an hour. If you press Alarm/ Snooze key during " " power-on process, the radio will snooze for 5 minute before turning on and if you press Power key during snooze, it will exit from snooze. " " On State: If time arrives at " " preset time, alarm will start. You can press any key stop the alarm or it will automatically stop in an hour: BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO Note: " " has preference over " ". That is, if " 12 " time and " " time is close to each other (within 1 hour) and both are selected, when " " turns on the radio and when the radio is not turned off, " " will not start the alarm. In case " " time is set within 5 minutes after " " time and both are selected, if you press Alarm/ Snooze key when " " starts so as to get into snooze state, " " will be paused. When " " time arrives, it will exit from " " snooze state " " alarm will start. " sign and With repeated short press of Alarm. Snooze key until " " " sign disappear; you can exit from time power-on and time alarm modes. If you short press Alarm/ Snooze key repeated at power-on state, " " time and " " time will be displayed on the screen for about 1 seconds SLEEP TIME AUTO POWER-OFF 1. Setting Sleep Time Auto Power-off a)Press Sleep key to get into sleep time auto power-off mode. The screen will display sleep sign and default sleep power-on time of 100 minutes. b)Repeatedly press Sleep key for 4 seconds and the screen will display the following sleep time in cycle as shown in the picture, with 10 minutes decrease at each press. BASS MHz KHz MHz FM12 MW SW12 SNOOZE c) Release the key when desired time auto power-off time is selected and screen will return to frequency display mode in 4 seconds as shown in the picture on the right and the radio will automatically power off at the preset time. 2. Canceling Sleep Time Auto Power-off Function a)If you want to cancel sleep time setting, you can repeatedly press Sleep key until BASS BASS MHz KHz MHz FM12 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS 13 MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO BASS Press Sleep Key MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO MEMO MHz KHz MHz FM 1 2 MW SW12 SNOOZE MEMO " " sign disappears. b)If you want to cancel time auto power-off function at sleep time state, you can press Sleep key and the " " sign will disappear: Tips: 1. If you turn off the radio at sleep state, sleep time function will be automatically cancelled. 2. If you want to reset auto power-off time during radio reception, please cancel time auto power-off function as shown above and then reset sleep time auto power-off time. SELECTING LONG/ SHORT RANGE SENSITIVITY For SW and FM bands, you can property adjust reception sensitivity with Long/ Short Range push button. Normally, you can set the button at the long-range position. But when you receive a very strong signal of local station or when you have a strong interference, please push the button to the long-range position. Note: When the button is at short-range position, signals will be weakened signiflcantly so that strong signal can be still clear, but many weak signals will not be received. ADJUSTING VOLUME You can adjust radio volume by turning volume knob up or down. USING EARPHONE When you listen to the radio with the earphone, the built-in speaker will be automatically cut off. With built-in speaker, you can only listen to mono sound. If you want to achieve FM stereo sound effect, you can use the stereo earphone supplied with the radio. USING RESET KEY As AD-TS06 radio has adopted a microcomputer CMOS chip to process data, when error occurs while you replace batteries or change external power; or the unit is exposed to strong interference, 14 the chip inside may get into a dead cycle state and cannot respond to external command. 1. When the radio has no key response without lock sign of " " displayed on the screen, or there is no display at all on the screen, the radio may be at dead state. In this case, you can push the Reset key with pen point or similar object to reset the radio. 2. When the radio has normal reception but all other keys except power switch, light switch and up/ down search key, the radio may also be at dead state and you need to reset the radio for normal use. Tips: - When you press the reset key, all saved date in the memory will be lost. You have to save stations, adjust time, set time power-on time, etc, again. - Do not press Reset key when it is not necessary! USING NIGHT LIGHT For your convenience of using the radio at night or in dark places, AD-TS06 is equipped with special night light. When you need it, you can press Ligth key. The light at the bottom of the screen and keyboard backlight will turn on for 8 seconds. If you make other key operation within the 8 seconds, keyboard backlight will keep on until 8 seconds passes after the last key operation. Tip: Do not use the light for a long time, as it uses battery power very quickly! Note: When you use the light for a long time, battery power will be used up very quickly. In case of low battery, the light will be very dim but the radio can still work normally. In this case, you would better replace batteries in time to avoid losing saved date in the memory. 15 USING SUPPORTER Fix the supporting piece on the wristband to the back of the radio case to support the radio and pull out the 360˚, antenna vertically to keep the best position of the speaker to you. USING ANTENNA 1. Listening to MW Broadcasting Built-in magnetic antenna is adopted for reception of MW broadcasting. As the antenna is directional, you should change the direction of the radio until you have the best effect. 2. Listening to FM Broadcasting 360˚ Antenna is adopted for reception of FM broadcasting. Pull out the antenna and adjust the length and direction of it until you have the best receiving effect. 3. Listening to SW Bands 360˚ Antenna is adopted for reception of SW bands. Pull out the antenna and keep it vertical to have the best receiving effect. 4. Using External Antenna in case FM or SW signals are very weak, you can use external antenna supplied with the radio to increase effective length of the antenna and achieve better reception effect. If you want to use the external antenna, stretch it out of the box, keep is straight as possible, connect one end of it to the external antenna jack of the radio and the other end to the window frame. It will greatly improve reception effect of SW and FM bands Please do not use external antenna on thundering days! 16 ROUTINE PROTECTION OF RADIO 1. To keep good performance of the radio, please avoid placing or using the unit in the following places: - Bathrooms or other damp places. - Under strong sunshine or close to heat generating equipment. - Dusty places. 2. Avoid dropping or bumping into the radio when using it. 3. In case the unit is out of order; please read the manual and warranty card carefully or have it examined by our service department or service center: Do not alter or disassemble internal parts of the unit yourself. Specifications Frequency range: FM1: 76.0 - 87.0 MHz FM2: 87.0 - 108.0MHz MW: 522 - 1620 KHz SW1: 3.0 - 9.0 MHz SW2: 9.0 - 26.10 Mhz Power consumption: 150MW Standby power consumption: 125MW Power Supply: 2 x UM3 "AA" or equivalent batteries DC 3V Speaker: Built-in speaker - D50mm 16 ohm Earphone - D3.5mm 32 ohm Dimensions: 116 x 72 x 22mm Design and specifications subject to change without notice 17 NL Disposal of Used Electrical & Electronic Equipment The meaning of the symbol on the product, its accessory or packaging indicates that this product shall not be treated as household waste. Please, dispose of this equipment at your applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical & electronic equipments waste. In the European Union and Other European countries which there are separate collection systems for used electrical and electronic product. By ensuring the correct disposal of this product, you will help prevent potentially hazardous to the environment and to human health, which could otherwise be caused by unsuitable waste handling of this product. The recycling of materials will help conserve natural resources. Please do not therefore dispose of your old electrical and electronic equipment with your household waste. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. For more information and warranty conditions, please visit: