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Radnor House Keywords And Curriculum Overview For Ks3 Music




Radnor House Keywords and Curriculum Overview for KS3 Music Year Group Year 7 Autumn Term         Elements of Music Dynamics Pitch Timbre Texture Tempo Structure Students will learn how to identify the above keywords through performance and listening. They will be able to use the seven Elements to create interest and contrast in performance Spring Term              Year 8       Blues 12 bar blues Blues scale Extended binary form (AAB) Call and response Syncopation Improvisation       Instruments of the Orchestra Strings Arco/Pizz Con sordino Woodwind Embouchure Brass Percussion Conductor Symphony Concerto Students identify the different sections of the orchestra and how they sound. They will be able to describe the role of the condutor. They will arrange their keyboard piece as an orchestral piece using Garageband. Ground Bass Ground bass Primary chords Secondary chords Variations Note durations Baroque Summer Term                   Fanfares Primary chords I, IV & V C major scale Texture Triads Chord sequence Dotted rhythms Brass Students will learn how to make primary chords from the scale of C major. They will develop their harmonic knowledge by composing a 4 chord sequence. They will learn how to used dotted rhythms effectively. They will compose their work on Garagaband. Compound Time Simple time Compound time Quaver beats Irish jig Tempo Ostinato          African Music Cyclic Polyrhythms Ostinato Call and response Homophonic Djembe drums Students will learn how to perform an African song with different textures They will identify and describe different types of musical structure used in songs They will develop their performance skills by singing a song in harmony.        Rock’n’Roll Primary chords Secondary chords Chord sequence AABA Ternary form Strophic       Primary chords Students will appreciate the cultural background of this genre. They will develop their knowledge of primary chords. They will learn how to improvise using the blues scale. They will be able to identify syncopated rhythms. They will compose a blues song in an AAB structure.       Year 9             Ragtime Conjunct Disjunct Question and answer Chromatic Semitones Sharps Flate Syncopation To understand the historical context of Ragtime To develop keyboard skills by performing ‘The Entertainer’ on the piano and recording it accurately on Garageband Develop understanding of semi-tones and tones and how chromaticism can impact music To be able to perform syncopated melodies over a            Cello/Harpsichord Students will appreciate the historical facts o the Baroque period They will be able to describe what a ground bass is concisely. They will develop their knowledge of chords by composed a 4 bar chord sequence. They will compose a simple ground bass and variations to go with the chord sequence. They will record their work on Garageband. Minimalism Motif Augmentation Diminution Phase Shifting Metamorphosis Looping Layering Cyclic Students will be able to recognise minimalist music through its use of motifs. They will be able to develop their compositional work by composing a minimalist piece using compositional devices appropriate for this style. They will develop their knowledge of Garageband by looping and editing their work effectively.                 Sequence Students will be able to identify simple and compound rhythm. They will be able to notate rhythms in compound time. They will compose a simple 2 bar jig and develop it using sequences, ostinatos and drones. They will compose and record their work on Garageband. They will learn how to edit and arrange their music electronically. Film Music Leitmotif Underscore Conventions Diminished 7th Sound effects Mickey mousing Students will be able to compose simple leitmotifs and underscore to a given clip of film. They will be able to record in time with the pictures on screen. They will be able to dictate the ‘feeling’ of the film through their music. They will be able to used mickey mousing and sound effects to related the music to the action.  Verse/Chorus Students will be able to perform Rok’n’Roll songs as a class  Some will be able to accompany the singers on guitars, drums and keyboards. They will be able identify the structure of successful Rock’n’Roll songs and perform them stylistically.  Reggae          Back beat Bass riff Hook Protest song Primary chords Students will be able to develop their performance work by singing/playing a reggae song They will identify the common musical features included in a reggae song They will compose a simple reggae song using 4 backbeat chords, a bass riff and a hook. They will record their song on Garageband for performance.  strict ‘vamping’ bass line To identify how the melodic structures is formed with conjunct and disjunct melody lines   They will compose and record their work on Garageband. They will exploit the sounds and loops on Garageband to create their music.