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Retek Retail Server 10.6




Retek® Retail Server™ 10.6 Installation Guide Retek Retail Server The software described in this documentation is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of Retek Inc., Retek on the Mall, 950 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403. Information in this documentation is subject to change without notice. Corporate Headquarters: Retek provides product documentation in a read-only-format to ensure content integrity. Retek Customer Support cannot support documentation that has been changed without Retek authorization. Retek Inc. Retek on the Mall 950 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403 888.61.RETEK (toll free US) +1 612 587 5000 European Headquarters: Retek® Retail Server™ is a trademark of Retek Inc. Retek and the Retek logo are registered trademarks of Retek Inc. This unpublished work is protected by confidentiality agreement, and by trade secret, copyright, and other laws. In the event of publication, the following notice shall apply: Retek ©2003 Retek Inc. All rights reserved. 110 Wigmore Street All other product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and should be treated as such. London W1U 3RW United Kingdom Printed in the United States of America. Switchboard: +44 (0)20 7563 4600 Sales Enquiries: +44 (0)20 7563 46 46 Fax: +44 (0)20 7563 46 10 Retek® Confidential Customer Support Customer Support hours: Customer Support is available 7x24x365 via e-mail, phone and Web access. Depending on the Support option chosen by a particular client (Standard, Plus, or Premium), the times that certain services are delivered may be restricted. Severity 1 (Critical) issues are addressed on a 7x24 basis and receive continuous attention until resolved, for all clients on active maintenance. Contact Method Contact Information Internet (ROCS) Retek’s secure client Web site to update and view issues E-mail [email protected] Phone US & Canada: 1-800-61-RETEK (1-800-617-3835) World: +1 612-587-5800 EMEA: 011 44 1223 703 444 Asia Pacific: 61 425 792 927 Mail Retek Customer Support Retek on the Mall 950 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403 When contacting Customer Support, please provide: • Product version and program/module name. • Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact). • Detailed step by step instructions to recreate. • Exact error message received. • Screen shots of each step you take. Contents i Contents Chapter 1 – Hardware and software requirements .............. 1 Database server........................................................................................................... 2 FTP server .................................................................................................................. 2 Application server ...................................................................................................... 2 Web browser and client requirements ........................................................................ 3 Chapter 2 – Database server installation instructions ........ 5 Getting started with Oracle ................................................................................. 5 Getting started with DB2..................................................................................... 7 Chapter 3 – FTP server instructions...................................... 9 Chapter 4 – Application server installation instructions ... 11 UNIX (Sun Solaris/HPUX/AIX)....................................................................... 11 Deploy RRS War file on WebSphere 5.0 ................................................................. 11 Configure RRS War file ........................................................................................... 12 Perform System Administration ............................................................................... 15 Appendix A – DB2 Sample Setup ........................................ 17 Chapter 1 – Hardware and software requirements 1 Chapter 1 – Hardware and software requirements Retek Retail Server is the foundation for the following products: Retek Design, Retek Webtrack, and Retek Integrator. If you are licensed for any combination of these products, you will be required to install Retek Retail Server. Before you install any Retek Retail Server products, you need to make sure that your information systems can adequately run the software that you are installing, as well as process the amount of data that you expect to manage. This section lists the suggested hardware and software requirements for Retek Retail Server products. The following are suggested hardware and software requirements: Supported Media – Retek Retail Server is available on CD-ROM only. Tape is not available. Database Server – database software requirements. Application Server – including operating system software and development tools, and a list of hardware choices. Web Browser – including the requirements that a Web browser must meet and a list of Web browsers and versions from which you can choose. The following table lists acceptable operating system versions and Web browser versions. Retek (Retail Server 10.6) Vendor Database Server Oracle RDBMS 9i – Enterprise Edition Release, 9.2 or IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition DB2 8.1 DDL (Tables, Indexes etc.) Data Scripts FTP Server Secure FTP deamon Application Server Client IBM WebSphere Application Server version Web Browser (IE 5.5+) Java War file Because you need to choose hardware that has sufficient random access memory (RAM) and program and data storage capacity for the products you choose, each section lists criteria you can use to “size” your hardware selections. The totals you discover after factoring in sizing issues are approximate. 2 Retek Retail Server Database server General Requirements for a database server capable of running Retail Server include: • UNIX (or UNIX variant) based OS certified with Oracle 9i or DB2 8.1 • Oracle RDBMS 9i Enterprise Edition • IBM DB2 Universal Database - Enterprise Server Edition DB2 8.1 Hardware/OS Options as used for development (see Oracle’s Website for certified platforms): • Sun/Solaris 2.8 • IBM/AIX 5.1 • Hewlett Packard/HP UX 11.11 FTP server General Requirements for a FTP server capable of running Retail Server include: • Secure FTP daemon Application server General Requirements for an application server capable of running Retail Server include: • UNIX (or UNIX variant) • IBM WebSphere Application Server version Sizing Factors and Other Suggestions to factor into your selection of an application server include: • CD-ROM drive • 1 Gbit network adapter • ~300 Mb Free disk space for RRS War file and java source code Hardware/OS Options as used for development: • Sun/Solaris 2.8 • IBM/AIX 5.1 • Hewlett Packard/HP UX 11.11 Chapter 1 – Hardware and software requirements 3 Web browser and client requirements General requirements and suggestions for client capable of running Retail Server include: Client PCs • Use Windows 98, 2000, XP or NT 4.0 with service pack 5 or higher • Set the resolution to 1024x768 pixels or higher Sizing factors and other suggestions to factor into your selection of a PC or network configuration include: • Bandwidth/Speed • PC Configuration (minimum 64 MB RAM, 200MHZ processor) Browser options to factor into your selection include: • Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher • MS or Sun Java must be enabled for WebHelp to function. Chapter 2 – Database server installation instructions 5 Chapter 2 – Database server installation instructions Getting started with Oracle Create a UNIX user account for Oracle Note: If using DB2 please proceed to page 6 1 Create the following UNIX groups: ƒ 2 dba Create the following UNIX user, using ksh as the default shell: ƒ Oracle - dba group (owns the Oracle RDBMS) Modify the init.ora file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory 1 Install Oracle 9i as the Oracle account. 2 Place the following in the init.ora: 3 ƒ nls_date_format = “DD-MON-RR” ƒ job_queue_processes = ƒ open_cursors=900 Create a 9i database. Verify the existence of Oracle packages The DBMS_SESSION, DBMS_RANDOM, DBMS_ALERT, DBMS_PIPE, and DBMS_JOB packages must be created in each database that RRS 10.6 will be run against. These Oracle packages are provided with the ORACLE software, and are normally created by the catproc.sql script as part of the Oracle installation process. 1 Log into the database and query the USER_OBJECTS view to verify whether or not the packages have been created, and that Oracle user sys owns these packages. Note: The source for these packages are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. 2 If necessary, re-create the packages by running the catproc.sql script while logged in as the Oracle user sys. 6 Retek Retail Server Create ORACLE tablespaces RRS 10.6 requires that a tablespace be created initially for the RRS installation. 1 Create the tablespace, retek_data. 2 The size of all of this tablespace will vary from client to client, depending on how much data the client intends on having in their environment. The recommended size is 4 Gig. The system tablespace should have at least 400MB free for each installation of the RRS 10.6 schema. Create RRS 10.6 Schema owner in Oracle Instance 1 Create the ORACLE user that will correspond to the IO environment a This user will be referred to as rrsdev10 in the rest of the install guide. b Log into SQLPLUS as the user system. c Enter the following commands, replacing the text in the brackets with the appropriate names: SQL> create user identified by default tablespace retek_data temporary tablespace ; 2 The ORACLE user will serve as the owner of the database objects and should be granted the following permissions. Additional Privleges must be granted to the RRS Schema Owner a Log in to SQLPLUS as the user system. b Enter the following command: SQL> GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, ALTER SESSION, ANALYZE ANY, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, SELECT ANY SEQUENCE, SELECT ANY TABLE TO Schema Owner> on retek_data / quota unlimited Chapter 2 – Database server installation instructions 7 Getting started with DB2 Create a UNIX user account 1 The Unix user that RRS will use to install and compile the Retek Retail Server 10.6 Database Server systems will be referred to as rrsdev. a rrsdev should have privileges to create objects in the db2 database DB2 Set up Note: An example of a db2 setup can be found in Appendix A 1 The DB2 database should have the following attributes a Implicit Schema creation b The pagesize should be 32k Chapter 3– FTP server instructions 9 Chapter 3 – FTP server instructions Create a username on the ftp server. This user will be used exclusively by Retail Server to get and put files. This is a private username for Retail Server and is different from the usernames given out to trading partners. This username must have write permissions on all subsequent ftp accounts created for trading partners. Note: This should be a secured ftp daemon. Chapter 4– Application server installation instructions 11 Chapter 4 – Application server installation instructions UNIX (Sun Solaris/HPUX/AIX) Note: JVM 1.3.x is a requirement for RRS. Note: If installing a different J2EE container you must also include the following jar files by adding them to the jre/lib/ext directory on the JVM (WebSphere 5.0 has the correct version of the JVM and these jar files already): - activation.jar from "JavaBeans Activation Framework" at - mail.jar from "JavaMail" at - jce1_2_2.jar and sunjce_provider.jar from "Java Cryptography Extension 1.2.2" at These files are bundled with a JVM of version 1.4 and later. Deploy RRS War file on WebSphere 5.0 RetailServer is packaged as a J2EE web archive (war) file. Install it on the application server according to the vendor's documentation. Here are typical steps for WebSphere: 1 Open the WebSphere Administration Console (browse to 2 Click on Applications->Install New Application 3 Under Preparing for the application install: a Click Server Path and set to the location of the war (eg /cdrom/RetailServer.war). b Choose a setting for "context root". For example, if you'd like the application to be available at URL "", then set context root to "/retailserver". Or, if you'd like the application to be available at URL "", then set context root to "/". c Click Next 4 Under Generate Default Bindings and Mappings, leave default settings and click Next 5 Under “Step 1: Provide options to perform the installation” a Set Application Name to "retailserver" b Leave all other default settings c Click Next 12 Retek Retail Server 6 Under “Step 2: Map virtual hosts for web modules”, leave default settings and click Next 7 Under “Step 3: Map modules to application servers”, leave default settings and click Next 8 Under “Step 4: Summary” 9 a Verify all information b Click Finish Click “Save to Master Configuration” 10 Click Save 11 Bounce (stop, then start) the application server 12 Create a directory on the application file system for use by Retail Server. We will refer to this directory as in this Install Guide a Create the following directories ƒ /config ƒ /data b Copy the license file from the CDROM to Configure RRS War file You will now run a setup page that will create the database objects and properties files. Note: Do not run the setup page on a Macintosh system. Note to DB2 users: Obtain the following JDBC drivers from IBM, and add the jar files to your application server CLASSPATH, or copy them to the WEBINF/lib directory of your deployed application before running the setup pages. - db2jcc.jar - db2jcc_license_cu.jar In WebSphere 5.0, the CLASSPATH can be modified in the Administration console under servers, application servers, server1, Process Definition, Java Virtual Machine. Add the full path to each jar file, seperated by a return (not a comma or semicolon), then save changes and bounce the application server. Chapter 4– Application server installation instructions 13 Browse to the system (eg or, use HTTP Transport Port when using WAS install with non-default ports and you will be directed to a setup page. Configure the following values on this page: 1 2 Directory Structure a Configuration Directory: ƒ /config b Data Directory: ƒ /data c Data Zip Directory: ƒ Leave blank unless directed by a Retek consultant Application Licensing: a /license.bin Note: The license file determines which applications are available to you. 3 Database Setup a Database type: ƒ Oracle or DB2 b Database name: ƒ Oracle SID ƒ DB2 database name c Username and password: ƒ Oracle schema owner and password ƒ DB2 UNIX user and password d Network host: ƒ IP address or name of the host where the database is running e Port Number: ƒ Port where the database is listening on the network host above. This may be omitted if the default port for the database is used (1521 for Oracle and 50000 for DB2). f Dump file name: ƒ Leave blank unless directed by a Retek consultant 14 Retek Retail Server 4 5 6 E-mail setup a External host name: ƒ b E-mail from address: ƒ [email protected] c SMTP mail server: ƒ hostname of SMTP mail server d E-mail test address: ƒ email address which can receive all email if this is a test system Integration a FTP Server: ƒ IP address or name of the ftp server b FTP user and password: ƒ Username created in Chapter 3 for Retail Server's exclusive use c Internal server name: ƒ Leave blank unless directed by a Retek consultant Security a Administrative hosts: ƒ Set to a comma-separated list of IP address/mask to select the clients which are allowed to log in to perform system administration b SSL available: ƒ Select if your server is configured for SSL (https) access c SSL certified: ƒ Select if your server certificate was obtained from a recognized Certificate Authority such as Versign. This setting determines whether SSL mode is enabled for Macintosh systems. Macintosh browsers do not recognize SSL certificates which are not from a recognized Certificate Authority. 7 Click Next 8 Confirm settings, click Back and correct or click Next 9 Review the Installation log 10 Bounce the web server Chapter 4– Application server installation instructions 15 Perform System Administration The system is now functional. Browse to or click the link shown in the browser used in the previous section to perform system administration. The default administrator username and password is admin/admin. Refer to the Retek Design Operations Guide and Retek Webtrack Operations Guide for more information on system administration. Appendix A – DB2 Sample Setup 17 Appendix A – DB2 Sample Setup db2 CREATE DATABASE [Database Name] on [Data Path] USING CODESET UTF-8 TERRITORY US COLLATE USING SYSTEM db2 connect to [Database Name] # This allows the size of the default bufferpool to be set in database configuration db2 alter bufferpool ibmdefaultbp size -1 db2 revoke bindadd, connect, createtab, implicit_schema on database from public db2 CREATE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP RTKGROUP ON ALL NODES db2 CREATE BUFFERPOOL "BUFFERPL32K" DATABASE PARTITION GROUP "IBMTEMPGROUP" SIZE 1000 PAGESIZE 32768 NOT EXTENDED STORAGE db2 ALTER BUFFERPOOL "BUFFERPL32K" "IBMDEFAULTGROUP" ADD DATABASE PARTITION GROUP db2 ALTER BUFFERPOOL "BUFFERPL32K" "IBMCATGROUP" ADD DATABASE PARTITION GROUP db2 ALTER BUFFERPOOL "BUFFERPL32K" "RTKGROUP" ADD DATABASE PARTITION GROUP db2 CREATE BUFFERPOOL "BUFFERPL8K" DATABASE PARTITION GROUP "IBMDEFAULTGROUP" SIZE 1000 PAGESIZE 8192 NOT EXTENDED STORAGE db2 CREATE REGULAR TABLESPACE USERSPACE2 IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMDEFAULTGROUP PAGESIZE 8192 MANAGED BY SYSTEM \ "USING ('[Data Path]/userspace20')" \ EXTENTSIZE 16 \ PREFETCHSIZE 16 \ BUFFERPOOL BUFFERPL8K 18 Retek Retail Server db2 CREATE REGULAR TABLESPACE USERSPACE3 IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMDEFAULTGROUP PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY SYSTEM \ "USING ('[Data Path]/userspace30')" \ EXTENTSIZE 16 \ PREFETCHSIZE 16 \ BUFFERPOOL BUFFERPL32K db2 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMPSPACE2 IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMTEMPGROUP PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY SYSTEM \ "USING ('[Data Path]/tempspace20')" \ EXTENTSIZE 16 \ PREFETCHSIZE 16 \ BUFFERPOOL BUFFERPL32K db2 ALTER TABLESPACE SYSCATSPACE \ PREFETCHSIZE 32 db2 ALTER TABLESPACE TEMPSPACE1 \ PREFETCHSIZE 32 db2 ALTER TABLESPACE USERSPACE1 \ PREFETCHSIZE 32 db2 grant connect, load, createtab on database to [USERNAME] db2 grant use of tablespace userspace1 to [USERNAME] db2 grant use of tablespace userspace2 to [USERNAME] db2 grant use of tablespace userspace3 to [USERNAME] db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ 512 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using APPLHEAPSZ 2560 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using BUFFPAGE 1000 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using CATALOGCACHE_SZ 512 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using CHNGPGS_THRESH 80 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using DBHEAP 8000 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using LOCKLIST 1024 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using LOGBUFSZ 512 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using LOGFILSIZ 1000 Appendix A – DB2 Sample Setup 19 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using LOGPRIMARY 5 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using LOGSECOND 5 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using NUM_IOCLEANERS 12 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using NUM_IOSERVERS 12 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using MAXAPPLS 100 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using MAXFILOP 250 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using SOFTMAX 300 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using SORTHEAP 1024 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using STMTHEAP 8192 db2 update db cfg for [Database Name] using APPGROUP_MEM_SZ 40000 db2 connect reset db2 force applications all db2stop db2start