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Technical Note [Type text] Integrate Revolabs FLX UC 1000/1500 VoIP Conference Phone with RingCentral Cloud-Based Hosted IP-PBX Service 1. Overview This article explains how to integrate Revolabs FLX UC 1000/1500 VoIP Conference Phone with RingCentral Cloud-Based Hosted IP-PBX Service. Compatibility test results are also included at the end of this article. 2. Registration of FLX UC 1000/1500 conference phone to RingCentral The registration takes three steps: a. Collect the phone provisioning data including i. Server ii. Proxy iii. User ID iv. Authorization Name v. Authorization Password b. Setup the Revolabs FLX UC 1000/1500 conference phone to match the information provided by service provider c. Check phone registration status on RingCentral user web portal 3. Configuration Map between RingCentral phone configuration and Revolabs FLX UC 1000/1500 phone configuration The following table and pictures demonstrate how to map the pertinent information between the RingCentral user web portal interface phone configuration and the web user interface on the Revolabs FLX UC 1000/1500 phone: Revolabs FLX phone web portal Registrar Enable “Use Proxy for registration” Outbound Proxy User ID Username OnSIP user web portal phone configuration SIP Domain N/A Outbound Proxy User Name Authorization ID [Type text] Password Disable “SIP traversal behind symmetric NAT” Technical Note Password N/A 4. Complete steps of integration procedure a. From the RingCentral user web portal, select the account setup for Revolabs FLX UC 1000/1500 conference phone, to do that: i. On any web browser, open page of, ii. Login with phone number and password iii. Select “Admin Portal” from drop-down list on top-right corner iv. Select tab “Phone System” v. Click “Phones & Devices” on the left panel vi. Select the phone in the middle panel vii. Click “Setup and Provision” in the right panel b. Select “Other Phone” from popping up window “Assisted provisioning – Step 1” and click “Next” [Type text] Technical Note c. Collect provisioning data from next window “Assisted Generic IP Phone / Adaptor Provisioning – Finish” [Type text] Technical Note d. Launch web portal of Revolabs FLX UC 1000/1500 and setup phone matching RingCentral’s provisioning data [Type text] Technical Note e. f. g. Verify the registration status on RingCentral user web portal Technical Note [Type text] 5. Compatibility Test Result The following table is compatibility test results from our lab, we registered testing UC1000/1500 conference phone to RingCentral service, and executed several basic call scenario testing cases, they all passed. Test Case Registration Result Pass Incoming call establishment Pass Outgoing call establishment Pass Place active call on hold and resume after Pass Transfer Pass Conference Pass If you require further technical assistance, please contact [email protected].